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Konstantinovskiy industrial technical school of donetsk national technical university, kit donntu. Konstantinovskiy industrial technical school of the Donetsk national technical university Konstantinovskiy industrial technical school of the Donetsk national

a modern educational institution that allows its students to receive quality education in the field of industrial and technical disciplines and take a leading position in the labor market of the region and the country as a whole.

Educational institution address: st. Lomonosov, 168, Konstantinovka, Donetsk region

Departments :

Department of Chemical Technology;

Department of road transport;

Department of Energy and Production Technology;

Department of Economic Disciplines.

Accounting department Konstantinovsky Industrial College started its activity in 1994.

The impetus for the creation was the growing role of economic education and the demand for highly qualified specialists in the field of accounting.

Pupils of the accounting department work not only in Ukraine, but also in other countries. Many graduates of the department have become heads of financial and economic departments of consumer cooperation and other sectors of the national economy.

Since 2006, the cyclic commission began to prepare bachelors in the specialty "Accounting and Audit", and in 2010 a new specialty was opened - "Appraisal activity".

In 2014, economic disciplines were added to the cyclical accounting commission.

The purpose and content of the cyclical work is to form the economic thinking of future specialists, to reveal the essence of the objective economic laws of a market economy and the conditions for the growth of production, to prepare the basis for acquiring professional skills in accordance with the chosen specialty.

In their work, the teachers of the cyclic commission use modern teaching methods based on the latest pedagogical technologies. For disciplines of a professional and professional direction, teachers of the cyclic commission have developed lecture notes, cross-cutting situational tasks for conducting practical exercises, methodological instructions for independent work of students and the implementation of course projects, instruction cards with assignments for educational practice.

Great importance is attached to the practical training of specialists. In order to exchange experience, improve professional skills and improve the educational process, the teachers of the cyclic commission systematically conduct open classes of various forms and types.

Knowledge of trends in accounting, finance, analysis and control is complemented by knowledge of modern technologies for organizing accounting using computer technology.

The goal of student self-government is the participation of students in social life for the development of self-esteem and social competence, the need to form an active life position in young people, leadership qualities, to prepare them for participation in meaningful management of society.

Active life position of each student Konstantinovsky Industrial College in public life, the level of its democratic culture, participation in social life, the formation of leadership qualities and personal development is an essential condition for a democratic way of life.

Student self-government plays an important role in the organization of the educational process. The days of student self-government are systematically held, where students have the opportunity to show their leadership abilities by working in a specific area of ​​work.

It is the student council Konstantinovsky Industrial College is the initiator of many important and useful affairs that are carried out and organized in the college. These are traditional evenings of relaxation, celebration of Student's Day, New Year's holidays, sports competitions, organization of student subscriptions to the Izvestia newspaper, raids to check the hostel, the release of the student wall newspaper Molodoy Kooperator, a weekly radio newspaper that is broadcast on the internal radio network.

Cooperating with the teaching staff, students carry out interesting and non-standard measures - the championship in intellectual games "Erudite", KVN, college championship with computer games, mini-football tournaments among girls.

The traditional holiday is actively celebrated - Student's Day, which combines several meaningful and interesting contests - "Karaoke at Recess", "The Face of the College", "The Intellectual of the College", and the like.

The student government council and the dormitory educators attract students to active social work. They organize interesting leisure activities for students (evenings of rest, competitions, sports, sewing, embroidery), proper cleanliness and order are maintained, and a competition for the best room is held. Evenings for the holidays of Nikolai and Andrey have become traditional, participation in the action of the Izvestia newspaper - "Student wave" in every room of the hostel! "

The college is actively involved in circles (dance and vocal), and clubs, in particular, the club "WHAT? WHERE? WHEN?". Members of the student government held events to organize thematic exhibitions, charity events, evenings dedicated to the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland, the Ukrainian language and writing, and the like.

Konstantinovskiy Industrial College of the State Higher Educational Institution "Donetsk National Technical University" a modern educational institution for obtaining quality education in the Donetsk region.

Best regards, IC "KURSOVIKS"!

Created by a government decree in 1930, the technical school has remained the only educational institution of this level for decades, which trains specialists for the glass industry in Ukraine. Over the years of its existence, the educational institution has trained about 20 thousand specialists in the daytime, evening and correspondence departments.

The enterprises of the Konstantinovskaya group of glass factories, the collectives of glass factories and enterprises of the building materials industry in the cities of Popasnaya, Artemovsk, Lisichansk, Bucha, Gostomel, Belaya Krinitsa, Odessa, Kharkov, Sevastopol are largely staffed with graduates of the technical school.

Graduates of the technical school, technologists of glass production, carried out special orders - ruby ​​glass for the Kremlin stars, facing marblite for the stations of the Moscow and Kiev subways, mirrors for the national palace "Ukraine" in Kiev.

Among the graduates of the technical school there are candidates and doctors of science, many talented production organizers, managers and leading specialists of glass industry enterprises in Ukraine; many of them are heads of small businesses and firms in the non-state sector of the economy. For 16 years, the technical school trained specialists for the glass industry in Cuba and Mongolia.

Ensuring the educational process

Now the Konstantinovsky Industrial College carries out educational activities at the level of a higher educational institution. The educational process is conducted according to educational qualification programs for training junior specialists. Students entering the technical school on the basis of grades 9 or 11 receive special training in the selected areas: "Production of refractory non-metallic and silicate materials and products" - the main specialty for which glass production technologists are trained; "Maintenance and repair of equipment for building materials enterprises".

Our graduates work as mechanics and adjusters, site foremen, as well as: in other jobs related to the repair and installation of production equipment for glass factories. We invite those young men and women who are interested in electrical engineering to study the specialty "Installation and operation of electrical equipment of enterprises and civil structures".

The Commerce specialty provides fundamental training in management and marketing that allows graduates to feel confident in the marketplace.

Since 1999, a new specialty "Finance" has been opened. Specialists acquire knowledge in accounting, auditing and control of financing and lending to enterprises. Thorough vocational training in the technical school can be obtained in the correspondence department.

Distance learning gives the skills of independent work, as well as: use the knowledge gained directly in practice. Since 1997, under the license of the Ministry of Education, the evening department has been retraining specialists with the provision of a second specialty in the direction of "Enterprise Economics" on the basis of special and higher education.

The technical school is also given the right to carry out training in basic areas of foreign citizens, pre-university preparation of applicants for admission to higher educational institutions, advanced training of workers of industrial enterprises.

The technical school today is a scientific and methodological center, in which highly qualified teachers, experienced specialists and production organizers work, who train specialists who are able to solve complex problems in production and get out of difficult situations with honor.

Theoretical studies at the technical school are combined with practical training, which takes place in production workshops equipped with modern devices and equipment. To conduct classes on the study of the equipment of the industry for all specialties, the technical school has an exhibition hall, where operating models of equipment made by students during course and diploma design are located.

Material and technical base

For the training of specialists, the educational and methodological base of general education, subject classrooms and laboratories are used.

The educational process is conducted according to the cabinet system. Modern requirements require new searches to improve the state of the material base of education. Now the technical school has its own television center, an office of "Fundamentals of Informatics" and a computer technology laboratory, computer classes are equipped with modern computer technology.

Reconstruction of most of the classrooms and laboratories has been carried out, provided for by educational and professional programs. At the disposal of students is a modern library with a rich fund of scientific, technical and fictional literature, as well as an electronic library. The everyday needs of the students have not been disregarded either.

There is a spacious dining room, students from other cities are provided with a hostel. Physical culture and sports help to improve health. At the disposal of students are magnificent sports and gymnasiums, a playground with non-standard equipment and playgrounds for volleyball and basketball.

The athletes of the technical school take part in various tournaments and competitions, where they win prizes. Much attention in the technical school is paid to aesthetic education, aimed at developing the creative abilities of students, their interests and inclinations in various fields of art. Those who like amateur art work have the opportunity to choose their favorite activity in the student club.

It has become a good tradition to hold Ukrainian parties, Day of Knowledge, a beauty contest, a competition for the teams of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club, Shevchenko Readings, the Festival Students for the Prosperity of Ukraine, etc. The technical school maintains close ties with many educational institutions of our state.

Cooperation with universities of the highest levels of accreditation

The improvement of the quality of training of specialists is facilitated by the entry of the technical school into the educational and scientific complex "Silikatnik", created on the basis of the Donetsk Technical University. The technical school is also a part of the educational-research-and-production complex "Glass" as part of the HTSM department of the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy.

During the implementation of diploma projects, students take part in research work in the only State Institute of Glass in Ukraine located in the city. Also, an agreement on cooperation was concluded between the technical school and the Donbass State Machine-Building Academy, at the technical school there is an advisory center of the academy.

Every year, many graduates of the technical school on preferential terms from the second or third year continue their studies in higher educational institutions of 3-4 levels of accreditation, institutes, academies, universities. The quality of training of specialists who have received a referral to production provides positive feedback from the base enterprises. This means that life goes on.

Having a proven creative potential, a modern material base, strong ties with production and good traditions in the training of young specialists, the staff of the technical school is confident in the future.