Repair Design Furniture

Modern staircases in the interior. Staircase to the second floor in a private house, choosing a suitable project. Staircase in the hallway: design options

Beloved and cozy home is the very place where a person can calmly take a break from the work rhythm, which is why he should be as comfortable as possible, with a well-thought-out interior design. This is especially true for the stairs inside the house, because going up to the second floor or the attic should be not only convenient, but also safe for health. In addition, the design of a staircase in a private house should fit into the overall interior style, and, in general, please with its impeccable appearance. By the way, the space under the stairs can be quite exploitable, oh possible options we talked about the use of the under-ladder space in the article.

The mission of the stairs in the house.

Of course, the main mission of the presence of a staircase inside the house is to help it easily and comfortably move from the lower floor of the house to the upper one, and in the opposite direction. But the staircase can also be the queen of the interior, transforming the design of the room as a whole with its presence. In the second version, a detailed construction of the interior revolves around the staircase, here it is no longer the staircase that is matched to the style of the room, but the style of the room is matched to it. The arrangement of furniture depends on its location, and the design of its railings completely enslaves variations in the decoration of the walls, floor and ceiling.

Stairs in the house - options for interior styles.

  1. Classic interior loves the use of expensive and natural materials, in the case of a staircase, it can be natural wood with breathtakingly beautiful carvings or a chic metal frame.
  2. Minimalism style in the interior it does not tolerate unnecessary details at all, so the staircase should be as invisible as possible, transparent plexiglass railings are perfect here.
  3. High tech loves modern motives, which is why the stair railings can be made of chrome-plated tubes, and the steps are made of narrow planks, mounted in such a way that the effect of their floating is created from the side.
  4. Eco style requires the use of natural materials, so the staircase must be entirely made of wood.
  5. Ethno-style such as African or Moroccan will make great friends with a staircase made of wood, with carvings and patterns that are characteristic of a particular country.
  6. Chinese and Japanese style perfectly complement the staircase with bamboo handrails.
  7. Country Interior will look harmoniously with a roughly shaped wooden staircase.
  8. Provence interior ideally complement the white staircase with wrought iron elements.
  9. Chalet Style will look great with a staircase decorated with clinker tiles or artificial stone... A no-frills natural wood staircase is also suitable here.
  10. Shabby Chic Style Ideally accentuate a wooden or metal staircase, painted white with deliberately created scuffs.

Staircase design in a private house, photo.

Varieties of stairs for the home.

  • Screw or spiral.
  • On the bolts.
  • Marching.

Spiral staircases more often they are located in small rooms, where there is simply no place for a full-fledged staircase, in addition, this staircase structure looks incredibly beautiful and even fabulous. But its appearance is deceiving, since it is extremely inconvenient in operation, and due to its compact size it excludes the lifting of large-sized items to the upper floor. Such stairs are square, octagonal, round, etc. According to the material of manufacture, they are more often subdivided into wood and metal, less often into glass. The essence of the design is to mount the steps to a vertically positioned rack.

Marching stairs are considered the most convenient, and therefore common. They are installed in rooms with sufficient free space. They are called marching, since they consist of marches, there is a rule that each march should not exceed the number of 15 steps, if the structure is longer, then special platforms are mounted, from which the following marches depart. Such stairs are divided into open without risers and closed with risers.

Ladders on the bolts are a construction of steps which are attached to the wall with bolts or special pins. Such stairs look airy, weightless and visually do not clutter up the space. Moreover, despite the external unreliability of the structure, such a ladder can easily withstand a load of 1500 kg.

Spiral staircase.

Marching staircase.
Ladder on the bolts.

Staircase design in a private house, photo.

Modular staircase:

Staircase design in the house, photo:

Today we have shown you all kinds of stairs inside the house, each of which looks really stylish and impressive, but you just have to decide which of its design you prefer - spiral, marching or on bolts.

Functionality is not the only requirement for staircases in modern house... Even if the interior is made in a minimalist style, the design and decoration of the stairs must be carefully thought out in terms of architecture. Correctly selected design and arrangement can radically change the visual perception of a room, not only make movement on floors as comfortable and safe as possible. At the same time, a carelessly executed interfloor structure can cause a lot of annoying troubles and troubles in further operation. This article will focus on stairs in the interior of the house.

How to correctly design a staircase in a private house

  • It is worth deciding in advance on the choice of stairs for the house, making a sketch and choosing the necessary materials. It is not recommended to postpone these tasks until the last moment, since later it will be difficult to change anything without disrupting the layout of the entire building.

Staircase design in the house photo

  • The staircase, its location and configuration are discussed even during the design of the house, although it is installed only after all the finishing work of the room in which it will be located has been completed.
  • First, it is determined where the steps will begin and where they will end, at what angle to position the supporting beams and whether they will be at all. The width is calculated - it should be such as not to take away extra area, but at the same time it was comfortable enough to climb along it in a two-way direction. The minimum width for a full-fledged lifting complex in a residential area is one meter, the maximum is three.
  • Above your head and when cornering, there should also be space that does not impede free and safe movement when lifting and lowering. The side rails, the width and height of the steps are being considered. The optimal width is the length of an adult's foot plus three centimeters, and a height of at least 15 cm, but not more than 25 cm.
  • If the ceilings in the house are high, it is recommended to design a two-flight staircase. What is one flight or flight? This is a series of steps that is not interrupted. It is uncomfortable to overcome a march more than 10 steps long. Therefore, it is better to make two of them, if required, or even three. The staircase in the center of the living room or hallway looks very rich and solid, consisting of three flights: the lower one leads to the central platform, from which different sides the upper marches diverge, forming a gallery and a balcony on the second floor. This type is called palace type and is only suitable for spacious mansions, as it takes up a lot of space. V ordinary house or an apartment are more functional and appropriate quarter-turn or semi-side stairs with two or three flights.

At the design stage, the material from which the structure will be made is determined. It should be borne in mind that average weight concrete stairs about 2 tons. This is an additional burden on load-bearing floors buildings, they must withstand it without problems. Therefore, if necessary, they must be additionally strengthened.

Types of stairs in the house

Most people, when it comes to stairs, imagine it to be just a wooden one. And most developers offer to execute it according to a standard drawing in modular version... This is easier, more convenient for everyone, and in fact, almost always appropriate and advantageous. But boring. Therefore, if you want fresh and original ideas you need to consult a good designer. He will offer so many truly unusual combinations of shapes, materials and colors, such original approaches to execution and decoration that are difficult to come up with on your own.

If we talk about the design, then we can distinguish the following main types of stairs:

  • on a bowstring- when the supporting beams are located on the sides and the steps are attached between them;
  • on kosour- on load-bearing beams or beams that are angled. The same beams are the fastening for the steps;
  • on the bolts- when one end of the steps are attached to the wall, and from the other end, they are sequentially connected to each other by slats - bolts;
  • screw or semi-screw- depending on the area of ​​the room, you can make either one smooth turn at a soft angle, or two or three almost vertically.

Ladders are also classified by the type of steps - straight or run-in, by the way they are fastened, by the number of marches and turns, by the presence of intermediate platforms. The material from which the base of the staircase is made and with which it will be finished is also important.

Materials used for stairs in a private house

There are no fundamental restrictions here. The staircase can be made of one material - wood, steel, cast iron, glass, or combinations thereof. Most popular wooden stairs, which is explained by such factors:

  • environmental friendliness- wood is a natural, non-toxic material that can be safely used in the design of premises for children and allergy sufferers;
  • beautiful appearance... Wood always gives a room a special home comfort and naturalness;
  • availability- you can choose the most inexpensive species, for example, pine, and this will be much cheaper in terms of the cost of material and work than a forged or glass staircase;
  • versatility... A staircase made of wood will perfectly fit into any interior style, and a variety of finishes, especially if you use Additional materials, No limit.

In apartments with ultra-modern design, made in high-tech style, staircases made of stone or cement or glass look very appropriate. In the cottage, you can install a staircase on a cast iron frame and tiled with marble. Luxurious and beautiful staircases with wrought iron railings and balusters.

What else is worth paying attention to when choosing finishes and materials for it: how the stairs are located, from which side they are looking at it. If from the end, then the design of this particular side needs to be thought out with great care. Play on the contrast of colors, make carvings, emphasize the step of steps with inserts and elements from another, non-basic material, etc. If the main view is straight, you need to highlight the risers.

How to choose the right ladder

Choosing a staircase is actually not as easy as it might seem at first glance. The main difficulty is that later, upon completion of construction and finishing works, if you suddenly do not like something, it will be problematic to remake it. Therefore, you need to buy what really suits the first time. What aspects are important to take into account in the first place?

  • The dimensions of the room. How smaller house or an apartment, the more compact the staircase should be, so as not to take away a solid part of the already small usable space. Spiral staircases, or ordinary ones, made in two or three spans, take up the least space. V small houses the rational design of a hallway with a staircase looks especially advantageous.

  • Residents of a house or apartment... If there are small children, the elderly or sick people, you should not order a metal and glass staircase with sharp corners, it may be unsafe. Injuries can also be caused by devices without railings that are too steep steps or with steps where there is no inner plate. In this case, it would be reasonable to give preference to sloping staircases with reliable railings, wide balusters and frequent columns, it is desirable that the steps be sheathed with carpet.
  • Illumination. Using the stairs, you can make a darkened hall or hallway several times lighter if you place it against the background of a second-floor window or balcony. The design of the hall wins if the space under the stairs is decorated with backlit stained glass.

  • Interior style... In a wooden country cottage of modest size, a wide sloping staircase with massive stone or marble railings will look inappropriate and cumbersome. While an apartment in a minimalist style with an author's design will lose its originality if you equip it with a standard wooden staircase.
  • Often questions are overlooked, which then bring a lot of unnecessary trouble. One of these is the drift of furniture to the upper floors. It's good if the space in the house allows you to build a wide staircase with enough span to lift a double bed or wardrobe upstairs. But what about the spiral staircase, along which it is difficult and unsafe to insert a curbstone?
  • The color of the stairs is one of those things that rarely get a lot of attention. And in vain, even a wooden staircase can be chosen darker or lighter, thick burgundy and red or almost white. The color scheme of the room should not be disturbed in order to maintain coziness and attractiveness. The standard rule also works - a cramped space will visually expand white, black will look more bulky and even gloomy.
  • By repainting the stairs or experimenting with two or three colors, you can transform the whole room beyond recognition, giving it a completely new style and look.
  • Nowadays, the design of living rooms is very popular, where stairs are mounted without load-bearing beams and side rails, the steps screw directly into the wall and look like they are floating in the air. However, you need to understand that such a design is quite unsafe.

  • According to generally accepted standards, any staircase with more than three steps must have side rails. If we talk about the total number of steps, then it is desirable that it be odd - 3,5,7,9 and so on, but no more than 17 per march.
  • Do not place the stairs immediately outside the door. According to the same standards, the required distance from the threshold to the first step is at least one meter.

Staircase design in the house

Of course, the main purpose of the stairs is to connect floors. But if we discard the standard perception and look at this structure from a new point of view, creative and modern - what design and design options are possible?

  • Attraction ladder... Which of the children has never climbed down the stairs with their stomachs on the railing? Fun, breathtaking, for both toddlers and their parents watching them from the sidelines. You can do something for your own peace of mind and for the entertainment of children - equip the stairs with a slide, a gutter located along the outer edge of it. You will have to pay extra for an exclusive project, additional materials and work, but there will be no limit to the delight of the mischievous people.

  • Staircase as a source of illumination... Place the lighting under the steps or railings, on the walls in the niches along the stairs, this option will always look stylish and modern.
  • Ladder wardrobe. High railings can be designed as open shelves for books, CDs, various accessories. And if you make closable shelves, then it is convenient to store almost everything in them, this is an excellent alternative to a pantry or mezzanine. This is a great option for designing a corridor with a staircase.

  • For country houses With small area, but two floors or apartments under the attic, which do not allow building a full, dimensional staircase, there are also many options. For instance, steel pipe-axis ladder, on either side of which small steps are attached for different legs. Reminiscent of a ladder in a playground. A spiral staircase made of steel rods and thin metal or glass plates will also help save space.
  • Moth ladder- a great option to make even more original standard design classic model. For its construction, oblique winders, different in width from the right and left ends. But if in winder staircase narrow ends converge at one point on one side, then in the moth they are located alternately. This pattern is also called the "duck step". The moth staircase is very impressive, where the steps are made of wood or metal in contrasting colors.

  • Do you want to make the stairs as functional as possible? Then it follows rational use of space under it. It is appropriate to place a clothes hanger here, coffee table, armchair or canapé, wardrobe, storage space for a bicycle or baby carriage. For the living room, you can develop a project where a fireplace will be located under the stairs. Such a design will require very accurate and careful calculations, which it is better to entrust to professionals. The safety of residents in the house depends on the quality and literacy of development.

  • Depending on the location of the ladder, you can also zone a room- this technique is often used by designers. For example, a studio apartment is divided into a dining room and a living room if you place a staircase in the middle of a spacious room. But at the same time, the placement of windows is important, the staircase should not obscure one of the parts of the room.

Pay attention to the cover photo that we have selected for this article. It shows how a white staircase in the interior is combined with the surrounding space. Everything is done simply, but tastefully: the white walls are in interesting harmony with the laminate, and all this monotony is not striking, and does not resemble a hospital ward. How did you manage to achieve this effect, using mainly only one white shade?

This question cannot be answered right away, since a professional designer worked on the interior, who managed to correctly place all the accents. Today's article will be devoted to this issue. We will try to figure out how the stairs in the house are matched to the interior.

To begin with, let's find out what shapes and structures there are in general stairs in the interior of the house.

Marching stairs

Marshes are straight sections of the rise, set at an angle. It's not hard to guess that marching structures consist of them.

Marches can be one (single-march stairs) or several (multi-march). The type of construction is determined based on the height of the rise, the space available under the stairs, as well as the designer's idea.

Marching stairs are the most common type of construction.

They owe their popularity to the following advantages:

  • High degree of safety while moving up the stairs- when climbing, it is impossible to get entangled in the steps, as it often happens on spiral climbs and stairs, such as a duck step.
  • The greatest ease of use- if the staircase is built according to all the requirements, then the ascent will be gentle, and both adults and children will be able to move along it.
  • Simplicity of design- in order to calculate the project of a simple marching staircase and complete its installation, it is not at all necessary to graduate from an architectural school.

There is only one drawback of such structures - they take up too much space. But with the right approach, the space under the march can be used quite well in everyday life.

Most often, storage places for various utensils are organized there, but many do not stop there and implement in practice such interesting ideas, which not only create some functionality, but also unusually complement the interior.

What would you do if you were a fan of cycling, but there was not enough room for iron horses?

The owner of the house from the photograph came up with a very original way storage. We don’t think such a hanger is suitable for regular use, but it can be used to hang bicycles for storage for the winter.

The staircase shown has a teardrop-shaped niche. As you can see, kids chose her for their games. To complete the picture, it was worth putting small pillows there so that the children could also rest there.

Below is a row of lockers, where all shoes, tools, linen and other things can easily fit.

If your staircase is in a small living room, then the space under it can be used for the installation of electronics: TVs and acoustic systems... Among other things, for beauty, you can equip small niches with lighting, in which small decorative trinkets will be located.

Under the long marching staircase, it is quite possible to organize a full sleeping place or a recreation area. Children will be especially delighted with such a bed - we all remember how we loved secluded corners in childhood. The presence of a window and a lamp on the wall means enough light for reading.

Children will definitely be delighted with such a place for games. The interior can be upholstered in soft materials and lay mats. Play furniture is also encouraged.

Under the stairs in the presented photo there is a full-fledged workplace... The owner of this house saved himself from the need to occupy the space of the room with separate computer desk... The whole area is organized from modular furniture made to order. The rest of the space is filled with spacious wardrobes in which you can even store outerwear.

If there is enough natural lighting under the stairs, then why not equip such a multifunctional area. There is an armchair in which you can comfortably sit, immersed in the world of your favorite book stories, bedside tables, a mirror and several paintings on the wall.

Not only books or souvenirs can be stored on the shelves under the stairs. Here you can organize a real cellar and store your collection of wines.

As you can see, a disadvantage can easily be turned into an undeniable advantage. The options for using the space under the stairs are truly diverse, and you can even equip a VIP kennel for your pet.

Spiral staircases

The second type of structure, which can also be called the main one, is spiral staircases. In fact, this is a continuous turn with a simultaneous rise to a height.

They are installed when there is not enough free space in the rooms for a full-fledged marching structure, or if this is the idea of ​​a designer seeking to create a certain atmosphere or style.

Spiral staircases can be of different radii: small ones are installed in duplex apartments, small houses and townhouses, and large ones decorate palaces, mansions and cottages with their splendor.

Constructions of this type are very beautiful and graceful, but they have several significant disadvantages:

  1. The first is the potential hazard when lifting;
  2. The second is an inconvenience, since the treads on spiral staircases can be higher than that of marching ones;
  3. The third is the problem of delivery of bulky furniture and other goods to the upper floors.

Advice! For lifting, the owners of spiral staircases often have to use the services of lifting equipment, especially for non-separable dimensional upholstered furniture.

The interior of a room with a staircase in a two-level apartment is impossible to imagine without spiral staircases. Of course, if you wish, you can fit the marching structure, but in such a compact environment it is impractical.

Spiral staircases are more complex than the first option. For its manufacture, it will be necessary to perform complex calculations and even more complex assembly of frame parts, therefore, it is not always necessary to count on self-assembly. Usually, the price for the installation of such structures from the craftsmen is much higher than for others.

Advice! A spiral staircase on the Internet (using online constructors) is probably the easiest way to get a high-precision drawing of a future structure. Of course, this will not affect the complexity of the assembly, but having a competent drawing is already half the battle.

Combined stairs

It cannot be said with certainty that combined staircases can be attributed to a separate class of structures. There are simply options that cannot be attributed to the first two. Namely: huge radius staircases; combination in one design of flights and screw sections of the rise; stairs with a change in the direction of the bend, the slope of the height of the steps and other parameters.

For example, here are several options for such designs:

How to properly fit the staircase into the surrounding interior

Now let's discuss the main styles that can be found in the design of the stairs and the space around. Why only the main ones? Yes, because it is impossible to list them at once. The number of design methods is truly great, and it takes professionals years to learn all the subtleties.

Interior styles

So let's start with something modern.

High tech

Namely - Hi-tech style (high technology).

  • It originated in the era of postmodernism, but unlike the latter, its founders were only practitioners;
  • This direction is characterized by the use of straight shapes and lines;
  • Of the materials, preference is given to metal, glass and plastic;
  • Lighting must be decentralized to create the effect of spaciousness;

  • The use of silver-metallic shades is very popular;
  • In the environment, functionality is welcomed - preference is given to the external appearance of the interior, perhaps as an exception;

In general, this style is very pragmatic.


The country style has its origins in the vastness of North America, but today it has undergone major changes and has become a full-fledged modern style used throughout the world.

It is characterized by the following features:

  • Natural colors;
  • Modest finishes and natural materials such as wood, metal and textiles;
  • Bulky rectilinear furniture;
  • Handmade decorations;
  • Use in the decoration of large wooden parts: pillars, columns, beams.

  • For the original American style the following accessories are invariably available: fireplace, skins of killed animals, stuffed animals on the walls, leather furniture, massive dining tables in the dining room, patchwork pillows and rugs.

However, the country style has developed in other countries, acquiring a local flavor.

Loft style

Another representative of modern designs is the loft style. The word itself denotes the upper part of an industrial building that has been converted into a living space, office or workshop.

This style originated in the 40s of the twentieth century in New York, and contributed to this a large jump in real estate prices within the city. As a result, industrialists were forced to move to the outskirts and outside the city, and the vacated premises were looked after by the local bohemia, for spaciousness and good lighting.

What is characteristic of this style?

  • First of all, this is an emphasis on the heritage that remained from the factory style past: rough metal stairs (although wood is also allowed), open brickwork, all kinds of pipes and other production devices.
  • Separately, I would like to note the windows, which should be high and wide in order to provide the maximum intensity of natural light. They are not hung with curtains, tulle or curtains.
  • For lighting such interiors, it is best to use hanging chandeliers.
  • The colors used in the interior are mostly cold. Blue and metallic are very popular.

Decorating the interior country house stairs in the "loft" style, you can highlight the adjacent walls by painting them in a metallic color.

Classic style

Classic is at the same time luxury, simplicity and sophisticated appearance. For interiors and stairs decorated in this style, any materials can be used: concrete, wood, metal. An exception is, perhaps, plastic, the presence of which is allowed only in technology and electronics.

Whatever the staircase is made of, it is sheathed on top with wood, which is subsequently painted. Dark wood of noble shades are popular, as well as snow-white paint, which covers both the steps and the walls around.

Confusion often arises in terms of classicism and neoclassicism. The second style is characterized by the use of expressive forging in the fencing of stairs and surrounding interior items (chandeliers, furniture), cone-shaped details (balusters), as well as refined elements carved from wood. The use of glass with openwork patterns on its surface is encouraged.

Art deco style

Art Deco stands for decorative arts and interiors in this style should live up to the name. TO distinctive features include the severity of the pattern, the use of national patterns, unusual geometric shapes and the absence of variegated tones in the design.

The use of a combination of wood and metal is very popular. Often in such designs are ivory, reptile skin, expensive modern materials... The staircase should look graceful, emphasizing the high status of its owner.

Victorian style

For this style, wood is predominantly used. It is used both in decorating the staircase itself and in the space around it. The lower parts of the walls are closing in wood paneling with textured carving.

Carved balusters are an essential attribute of such a staircase. Very often they use a spherical shape - these can be knobs of the support pillars of the stairs or massive shades of chandeliers.

Decor elements are distinguished by extraordinary pomp and patterns of large sizes. Massive stucco molding is very often used in the design of ceilings.

The colors are used predominantly dark in combination with neutral light shades of pastel tones.


Modern (modern) is art style in design and architecture. It became most widespread in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

This style has many names: the French called it Art Nouveau, the Germans called it Jugent style, the Austrians and Poles called it Secession, the Scots called it Glasgow style. The list of names is far from complete, but the essence is the same - it is something related to modern and youthful views in the design of that time.

The main feature of the Art Nouveau style is the rejection of straight lines, and preference is given to more natural, natural. Applied art and the use of new technologies in decoration are popular.

National styles

Separately, I would like to talk about national interiors. All of them are interesting and stand out for their special charm and flavor. Here are some of them:

  • French Provence are stairs made of wood and stone, which are rich in light shades, outwardly simple, but light and charming. Business card is a monotonous balustrade. This style is very suitable for calm and confident people.

  • American style is an unusually light and simple staircase. It is free of unnecessary details - the space around is not cluttered. These structures are characterized by massive support pillars with straight lines. A regular rail is used as balusters. The color scheme is most often white with the use of contrasting steps, varnished.

  • Everything connected with the interior of huts and towers is inherent in the Russian style. The presence of a large number of threads and massive cylindrical logs is invariable. Stairs can be very massive, like the decor items that surround them.

  • Scandinavian style - it is characterized by scope, bulkiness, contrasting shades, simplicity of forms and high structural strength. The predominance of white in the interior is invariably combined with light wood.

Decorating stairs and their surroundings

As you understand, the instructions on how to properly fit the stairs into the interior are fantastic. There are many representatives of pure styles, as well as many variations of their combinations. Additionally, he will introduce you to the variety of video styles in this article.

Finally, we would like to talk about various techniques that can be used in the design of stairs and the interior of a room, and we will show simply interesting stairs that modern designers create to surprise their clients. It's not about finishing materials type of tile, stone or wood, as this is an extensive topic for other articles, of which there are a lot on our site.

Wallpaper is widely used in the interior of the stairs. They are pasted over adjoining walls, lateral closed sides and even steps.

Naturally, the wallpaper cannot be glued on the tread - the places where a person steps when climbing, but no one forbids gluing the risers. If you use imagination, you can achieve a very interesting and original appearance.

Wall murals will look great. With their help, you can emphasize this or that atmosphere much more convincingly. In the picture shown, the openwork forging and Mediterranean scenes on the wall create the feeling of a fairy tale.

Probably the oldest and most beautiful thing for decorating stairs is a carpet runner. It has not lost its relevance today. On sale you can find carpets for every taste and budget: from natural and expensive wool and silk to affordable viscose options. Carpeted stairs are beautiful, comfortable and elegant.

Ordinary paint, with a skillful approach, will help create such bright and unusual surfaces. Such coloring is loved by active, impulsive people who want to constantly act. This approach will help to open up creative nature the owner of the house.

Properly selected lighting plays a very important role in the appearance of the entire interior and the staircase itself. For these purposes, they most often use a muffled, not straining sight, diffused light, and a large role is assigned to the type lighting fixtures, since the color perception of the surrounding space depends on this.

For lighting staircases use: chandeliers; Spotlights that can be mounted in risers; LED strips, with the help of which the stairs and handrails themselves are illuminated; various wall sconces and lamps.

The shape and dimensions of the stairs play a huge role in the organization of space and its visual perception. Look at the presented photo. It depicts a weightless light staircase leading to the second light of the house.

On the right, on the wall, there are paintings that play the role of an accent spot, and the whole structure is crowned with a weightless glass fence. Believe it or not, if you replace or remove at least one detail from this composition, the room will change beyond recognition.

And, of course, the combination of the colors used is also important. In the right interior, there must be contrasting details that will attract the viewer's attention, eliminating the feeling of monotony.

Remember the first photo where the piano and a bouquet of flowers took on this role. It is also worth choosing contrasts wisely. Either a specialist or a study of the Internet will help to understand this issue, with viewing thousands of photos with interiors from around the world.

Well, we will summarize. The staircase in the interior of the house is not only a functional unit of the room, but also important detail in its interior. Interesting solutions and correct selection style, corresponding to the character of the owner, will make the house cozy and comfortable, and you always want to return to such a house as soon as possible after work in the evening.

According to a widespread legend, the idea of ​​creating stairs was thrown to people by animals. Goat trails, which had improvised steps, became the prototype of this design. The oldest staircase was found in a salt mine. It was made of wood, but retained its appearance due to the "preserving" effect of salt. The first technical requirements the stairs were made up by the ancient Egyptians. Their writing speaks of the savvy of the architects of those times. The stairs in the interiors of Egyptians' houses were rarely decorated. They were given a sacred meaning in the pyramids. Indeed, in fact, this man-made burial mound symbolized the four-way road to heaven to the god Ra. Even now, in buildings with more than one floor, stairs are indispensable. Over time, they began to be replaced by more comfortable elevators, but every home still retains an "outdated" option as an alternative.

This structural element provides a vertical connection between floors. Staircase design became more complex in the Middle Ages. Those outside were decorated with carvings and weaving plants, which made them important element exterior of the house. The internal staircases were given more and more complex shapes, and the railings and balusters were made of metal with intricate forged patterns. Now this element emphasizes the stylistic solution of home decoration. Let's talk about the types of stairs and the materials from which they are made.

Types and design features of stairs

In spite of a large number of types and models of stairs, the basic set of each includes the same elements:

  • Steps. Horizontal surfaces that a person steps on when descending / ascending.
  • Bowstrings and stringers. The main supporting parts, which are usually located on the sides of the steps.
  • Fences. Represented by handrails, balusters, posts and handrails along the adjacent wall.
  • Beams, bolts and columns. These are vertical support legs.

According to the types of structures, stairs are divided into three main types:

  • Screw. They represent a twisting spiral and are installed in rooms where there is little space. Everyone has seen examples of spiral staircases in historical films, where the ascents to the high turrets of old palaces were demonstrated.
  • Pain relief. In the design of such ladders, a frame made of fasteners for each individual step and type-setting racks are used. The main load is transferred to the ceiling and floor.
  • Marching. The most common option, which uses either stringers (closed models) or bowstrings (open models).

The latter type, in turn, is classified into subspecies depending on the shape of the stairs:

  • Straight. The most primitive option, when the element has no turns and takes up a lot of space.
  • L-shaped or simple two-level. In them, two flights (sections of stairs) are placed in relation to each other at an angle of 90 degrees.
  • U-shaped. A more complex design assumes the presence of two parallel marches, between which there is either an inter-storey or storey area (span)
  • Rounded or radial. The design vaguely resembles a spiral staircase, and the number of turns is not limited, but the exit from the march in the direction must coincide with the entrance.
  • Three-section. A complex model, which is a double L-shaped staircase.
  • Trapezoidal. The most intricate option, which has no restrictions on the choice of the angle between marches. This creative model is ideal for rooms with non-standard shapes, as it can be customized.

How to properly design a staircase

Ladders are needed not only for the owners of country houses, but also for the owners of two-story apartments. Even from the street, a small ladder usually leads to the house, which compensates for the fundamental difference between the height of the threshold and the level of the ground. The standard layout of an average summer cottage includes a kitchen and living room on the first floor and bedrooms on the second. It is most convenient to place the lift in the hallway. Building a staircase with your own hands is only half the battle, much more time will be spent on its project.

First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with generally accepted standards. So, the optimal step is considered to be the width of a step of 30 cm. This value is recognized as ideal for the average person and does not allow him to go astray when going up or down. The slope should be 45 degrees. This will not be too steep or too shallow. The minimum clearance according to the design canons is 2 m. However, if the owners are tall or plan to constantly drag the cabinets to the second floor, then it can be increased.

The average height of the riser should not exceed 20 cm. The optimal width of the stairs is 1 m, but if there is free, "ownerless" space, this value can be increased. It is not recommended to reduce it, since the simultaneous descent / ascent of two people along such a narrow passage will already cause difficulties. Of course, the matter will not be limited to some basic values. The project begins with planning the placement and choosing a location. Then they make a detailed drawing, choose materials and style.

You can come up with an individual design of an element yourself or use ready-made ideas from professionals.

Choice of design and style

Each style has a number of features that are not bypassed by the stairs. For the classic direction, wooden marching structures are ideal. They are considered the most reliable. Valuable wood species are chosen as the main material, among which oak is in the lead. Fences are made of polished wooden elements of soft shapes, varnished. V rustic style stairs made of timber with rough handling... Railings and decorative elements are created from ordinary rounded logs. Combined materials are used in modern interiors. For example wooden steps in harmony with the tempered glass railings.

Wooden stairs are combined with Provence style decoration. After installation, they are painted in the traditional white color for this style. The steps are made in darker shades, since this part of the structure is the most easily soiled. In minimalism, staircase creativity is welcomed in the form of "bare" steps that are built into the wall or located between the "curtain" of the thinnest vertical supports resembling strings. The loft style uses a luxurious combination of wood and wrought metal. This technique once again emphasizes the sophistication of the direction.

The staircase can become a link between rooms, which are decorated in different styles... With the help of decorative elements, this transition can be made smooth and unobtrusive. Regardless of the location and area of ​​the room, the staircase will always act as its main decoration. Due to its massiveness, this structure simply cannot be pushed as a background. Therefore, the choice of a stylistic solution is very important, especially in those country houses, where the staircase "head-on" meets guests from the threshold.

Spiral staircases are ideal for destinations with a touch of romance. They are graceful and airy, and fit easily into small spaces. The main thing is not to overdo it with the number of turns, so as not to get dizzy.

Location of the stairs

Most often, stairs are installed in the hallway or hallway, thereby allowing you to immediately go up to the desired floor from the threshold without a long walk through extra rooms. There are also options with side corridors, similar to typical high-rise buildings, but this arrangement model is more suitable for large cottages with many interiors.

By location in the room, there are only two types of stairs:

  1. Central. They are installed in the middle of the room, thereby turning them into a luxurious element of the interior, which will definitely be the focus of attention.
  2. Wall mounted. Such ladders save space and are compactly located "to the side".

Models with windows in the spans look original. When decorating, they are designed in the same style and the opening becomes part of the interior composition.

Materials used

Wood remains the most popular material. For the stairs, a high-quality tree must be chosen, since the safety of the structure directly depends on this. Of the types of wood, they note:

  • Pine. A budget, affordable option that has a beautiful natural pattern. However, pine will quickly turn yellow and have a short lifespan, but it is easy to process.
  • Beech. Durable but moody material. Even after processing special means, beech can easily deform when temperature or humidity changes. Not suitable for seasonal private homes that the hosts visit from time to time and do not support temperature regime throughout the year.
  • Birch. An accessible type of wood with a pleasant pattern. It is easier to process than pine. Boasts a long service life.
  • Ash. A durable material that, due to its hardness, is difficult to process. Ash texture is not to everyone's taste.
  • Oak. A kind of tree that has no equal among domestic "competitors". Strong, durable, reliable. You will have to pay well for the quality.

Also, stairs are made of concrete, heavy-duty glass and metal. There are also combined options. Concrete staircases are notable for their monumentality. It is these structures that are located in multi-storey buildings... Make no mistake about the unprepossessing appearance. concrete stairs... If you fill in such a structure in a private house, then it can be given an original shape, and the additional decor will completely eliminate the resemblance to a similar "government" element. Metal stairs good because they are combined with any other materials. Glass constructions are considered "not for everybody", as they are suitable only for a narrow range modern styles led by hi-tech.

Railing types according to the material of execution

Railings are considered the final touch in the design of the stairs. They are classified according to shape, material and design. Although their main function is protective, they all add decorative greater importance... By material, the railings are divided into:

  • Wooden;
  • Metallic;
  • Glass;
  • Polyurethane;
  • Combined.

Each material has its own advantages and fits strictly to certain styles.


Metal railings are made of steel, iron, aluminum, brass, bronze and cast iron. The latter material is relevant for outdoor stairs. Stainless steel and iron are station wagons that can successfully withstand the effects of rain and frost, as well as a room climate. Bronze and brass are capricious in their care, therefore they are used only in classical styles, where refined shine emphasizes the elegance of the environment. Soft, malleable aluminum is used only inside the house, but provides the ability to tint in any shade at the request of the owners. Any of these materials are characterized by:

  • Strength and durability. Metal is not afraid of moisture or temperature extremes.
  • Easy to clean (except for bronze and brass). The only enemy of metal is rust. Periodic application of a layer of anti-corrosion paint will help to save from it.
  • High fire safety.

Railing technology is divided into four types:

  • Prefabricated or modular, that is, consisting of individual elements, which are interconnected during installation at the installation site using fasteners. Are light in weight.
  • Welded models are assembled "tightly", which ensures the safety of the structure. Only weakness- seams from welding. From rust, it will have to be treated with special care.
  • In the casting process, structures are created by filling special molds with molten material. Cast railings are distinguished by sophistication of forms.
  • Forging allows you to create unique, graceful patterns and ornaments to fill the railings. Handmade forged products are of high cost.

Any of the above design options can be easily combined with other materials. For example, forging organically looks with wood, and practical and modern model designs gravitate towards glass and polyurethane.

Natural wood

Wood is a material out of fashion and timeless. It will always remain relevant. Wooden railings will organically blend into the style of a chalet, loft, ethnicity and classics. The only drawback of the material is sensitivity to moisture and temperature extremes. To extend the life, any wood needs to be impregnated special formulations... Of the species, preference is given to oak, beech and birch. In expensive apartments, valuable exotic breeds are used, which will cost a pretty penny. By the way, for the railing of spiral staircases, a high-quality imitation of a tree made of polyvinyl chloride is used. Its top layer faithfully reproduces the unique natural pattern of the material.

Glass railings

Glass railings are subconsciously anxious, as the material is associated with fragility and the risk of cuts. These fears are completely unfounded. In fact, the glass used for railings has nothing in common (except perhaps for transparency) with the material for making dishes and bottles. It is covered with a special protective film, which, in the event of a strong impact, prevents the fragments from shattering. The glass of cars has a similar effect, which in a collision is decorated with a mesh of cracks. The material is strong, environmentally friendly and durable. Its edges are carefully processed, excluding the possibility of cuts.

If desired, the glass can be tinted in any color or decorated with pictures, panoramas, matte patterns by etching the pattern on the surface.


Combined options are varied, but always aimed at achieving the main goal - increasing strength. The optimal tandem is considered to be wooden railings in combination with metal posts. This combination is versatile and suitable for both classic and modern styles. The trio of glass filling looks luxurious, metal frame and wooden railing... Such splendor will cost a lot, but the aesthetic appearance of the structure is worth it.

An integral part of any cottage is a staircase. It occupies a significant part of the room and its appearance should correspond to the style of the interior. It can be used to climb to the top floor, attic, attic, as well as to descend into the basement of a country cottage. Decorating it is an excellent way to add personality and appeal to your home.

Types of structures

In the cottages, it is possible to install stairs from different materials and they may differ in color and shape. Today there are the following types of structures:

  1. Marching ones are based on bowstrings (attached from below) and stringers (from below and from the sides). They are installed in the house where there is a large area or high ceilings. When designing U- and L-shaped flight stairs, the free space under them can be equipped with a pantry, shelves or cabinets. The use of such constructions is the most widespread and traditional.
  2. Screws are suitable for rooms with little free space. They look great anywhere in the home. It consists of a central support pillar, placed around it steps and railings. Sometimes beautiful additional racks are used to strengthen the structure. But they are not always convenient for periodically moving around them, especially for children and elderly people. In some cases, screw screws can be used as part of the interior, and not for their intended purpose. The various designs can be seen in the photo.
  3. Bobbin stairs are a structure in which steps with handrails are attached directly to the wall with reliable rods. This allows you to design the most varied and fanciful designs, as well as combine them with marching and screw designs. For the installation of such a structure, a strong load-bearing wall must be used.

Material used

Various building materials can be used for manufacturing. Wooden ones are especially popular, because they have a low cost compared to others. In addition, the material is natural and environmentally friendly. Different types of wood are taken for production: oak, solid pine, larch, mahogany and others. Wooden structures can be decorated with hand-made artistic carvings - this will make the decoration of the room more comfortable, rich and warm. Samples can be seen in the photo.

V Lately the demand for staircases with wrought iron railings has greatly increased. This is a real work of art - artistic openwork forging gives lightness and airiness. They look especially interesting on wooden spiral (screw) structures. The ornament can be made in the form beautiful flowers or leaves, twigs, or a variety of fanciful patterns. It is mainly used in the manufacture of handrails.

An unusual solution is the production of glass stairs. Installation of such a structure in a country cottage is very daring design solution... However, it gives the interior a unique look, creates a feeling of airiness and weightlessness, from this effect the decoration of the room becomes especially beautiful. For the formation of uniqueness and originality, you can equip them with multi-colored illumination. To create them, a special three-layer laminated glass (triplex) is used, which has shockproof properties. If suddenly it cracks or breaks, then the pieces of glass remain on the film, so its use can be considered safe.

Ladders made of metal are especially reliable. Made from this material, they are least susceptible to various damages and have very long term exploitation. Most often it is combined with other beautiful possible materials: wood, artificial or natural stone, glass, laminate. The photo shows different options execution.

The principles of choosing staircase structures for the house

You should choose a staircase even before the construction of a country cottage begins, in addition, you cannot simply limit yourself to a mark on the plan of the house. If you plan to install it near a wall, then it is best to choose a design on the bolts. Screw is best suited for installation in small areas, if there is sufficient footage, you should pay attention to marching wooden stairs.