Repairs Design Furniture

Curtains in the interior. Final barcode in the interior - decor the windows of the color solutions and decor

No room is impossible to imagine without Gardin.

They ask the design and style of the room. It depends on them whether it will be cozy and comfortable.

How to choose curtains in the living room?

Cardins should emphasize the taste and nature of the room owner. When choosing a curtain, you need to consider:

  • window opening dimensions - is required to determine with textile width;
  • the height of the room is required to determine the length of the material;
  • dimensions and color gamma-decoration of the room;

We offer to study the big catalog curtains For modern interior.

  • on which side the windows come out - for the North side, light fabrics should be chosen, and for south - dense;
  • the style in which the design of the curtain design depends on it.

If the lounge is small, then give preference to the garbandes of bright and light fabrics. To visually increase the height of the walls, install the ceiling cornice.

For living rooms with a balcony, choose rolled curtains, as they do not have to create obstacles when opening and closing the door.

Type of curtain

To date, a large range of Gardin is represented, which allows you to choose to any style and interior.

Many make a choice in favor of classic curtains that are attached to the hooks etern. However, due to the manifold of beautiful curtains, you can experiment and create real masterpieces.

The design of modern curtains is diverse with structures, fastening methods.

Short Gardins

Such curtains in the hall are suitable if there are no external batteries. If there is a sofa and a table next to the window, then short curtains will be an excellent option. Short curtains are divided:

  • french;
  • rolled;
  • austrian;
  • roman.

With lambrequins

The decorative part that is attached over the tulle length is 1/5 or 1/7 from the length of the main web.

Mostly used in Renaissance styles, Ampir, Modern, Baroque also in a modern style - minimalism. Such an element creates a feeling of wealth and grace.

Labreken closes part of the wall and cornice. It is usually made of soft textiles and has a variety of forms.

With drapery

Beautiful curtains in a drape hall look elegant if the main curtains are made of light textiles and do not have a bright color solution.

The most popular fabrics are taffeta, organza, velvet. Types of drapets:

  • lambrequins;
  • swagi, gowns - fix on both sides;
  • cascades - the fabric flows the waves.

On lover rings

The models on the chammeits are suitable if only Tulle weighs in the hall. The rings are sewn already in textiles and just dress on the cornice.

The design of the curtains in the hall of this type is very much and suits all styles and designs.

Fashion curtains in the room on the Erker

Erker - element of the room, which is ahead from the facade. Often this area is entirely glazed or has several windows.

The owners fundamentally understand whether the curtains will be hung on each or one canvas on all windows. Design varieties mass.

Choosing style

Required when choosing an idea for curtains in the hall, take into account the overall style of the room. Curtains in the 2017 Hall must comply with the specified style solving room.

Any modern curtains in the hall can be supplemented with elements created by yourself. From this they will become unique and unique.


At the same time, the style is used often - the porter, since the fabric is dense and the rich looks. Cardina perfectly protect against bright sunlight, create comfort and comfort.

Classic style is used not only in the design of the living rooms is also suitable for the bedroom. If the windows come out on the south, then light curtains of cold shades are used, and if on the north side, then warm colors.

You can use additional brush or pickup elements.


This wide vertical stripes are attached to the wall or ceiling with the help of a special mechanism.

Cardins are used in the style of minimalism, where there is a rigor in the interior. Japanese curtains are made from natural materials.


Curtains with horizontal planks from fabric. Such curtains are calculated only on the window opening.

Sleep up to the windowsill, with the help of a special mechanism. Roman curtains are used in the halls where protection against sunlight is required. Used in Ethno, Country, Japanese, minimalism.


For people who want to surround themselves with luxury. After watching the photo, you will understand that these curtains were used in the palaces of kings.

The fabric at the same distance is adjusted with cords that are tightened and get draped. French curtains produce from silk, tulle, organza, batista.

The stores have a large assortment of the photo of the curtains in the hall for every taste and color. When choosing, focus on the specified living room design. Consider the dimensions and the location of the room.

Stick up with stylistic rules for design, as it should be cozy and harmonious to the room.

If you want individuality, then the curtains are degraded yourself, then the room is home to home comfortable.

Stock Foto Novelty curtains for hall

Modern fashion curtains are those that are made in the style of Shebbi chic. It implies a combination of old and lustful material.

The unusual solution was the curtains that look like the artists painted them.

How to make it fashionable to place windows in 2017? See photo fashionable curtains and follow the following advice:

Tell me there is no simplicity. This year, multilayer curtains are at the peak of popularity. But do not overdo it in combination of different materials. For example, you can combine two curtains, one of which will be bright tones with flowers, and the other is a bright tone.

Prerequisite - accessory on curtains

Try to place the room with curtains that are visually similar to Art Deco and Glamor. Fashion Curtains 2017 for Sleeping Rooms is uniquely floral prints in watercolor style, the background of which will serve as light material.

An example of fashionable curtains in the hall - dark shades with large floral prints.

If you are a fan of environmental materials, then choose fabrics that are decorated with strange oval forms. In 2017, vertical stripes still look stylishly.

Eclecticism is one of the options for fashion trends in 2017. It implies a combination of various styles.

If you have decided on Shebbi Chic, then react with attention to the cornices. They must be decorated with flowers on the tips that look "old".

Top Popular Interior Elements

The most fashionable curtains are not only curtains that match a certain style. But those that are decorated with unique decorative elements.

Framing. If the edging does not harmonize with the Gardin style, then you will not be able to make a fashionable interior. Do not overdo it with saturation, gentle and light tones much more pleasant to the eye.

Drapery. You can arrange curtains with folds that are formed using special devices.

Embroidery and drawings. For decoration of the kitchen window, buy curtains that are made of lightweight fabrics with patterned embroidery.

Stylish Materials Curtains: What are they?

Fashionable curtains become dependent on the material used. This year the main emphasis is on naturalness.

Use flax, cotton, wool as a material, and your curtains will look stylish. You can also consider the option with bamboo curtains.

Color solution curtains

Fashionable design curtains - this is when the color of the material is perfectly selected. For example, in this goal the best tint is the one that is similar to the color of the gemstone.

You might think about saturated colors. For example, use bright curtains in the kitchen, and in the living room - black and white shades.

Think about blurred colors that look like just that the artist wrote a picture of watercolor. This can be an ideal solution for the work room. For the kitchen - the mandatory combination of burgundy and red shades.

Gray is also among the popular shades. Instead, you can think about beige tone. The ideal option implies a combination of dark trendy tunes and a curtain made of bright shades.

Have you ever thought about the curtains that are similar to chocolate? Not? Then this is the right time to buy curtains and place the room.

But do not dare to make them monophonic. Use chocolate tint as an ornament or pattern, and let the main curtains be in bright colors.

If your curtains are decorated with ethno-prints, then in this case pick up natural shades. Glamor here will definitely be superfluous.

Fashion style: why is it useful to make a stylish room?

Curtains may seem a non-essential element of the interior, however, they are created in the room comfort and give it warm.

Making the room with fashionable curtains, you can turn the usual room into a stylish and modern. The owner of the room will not remain aside: his taste will be assessed by merit.

Photo of fashion curtains 2017!

The design of the curtains is a completely special area of \u200b\u200bactivity. It combines accurate mathematical calculation and artistic skills, professional knowledge and. The design of the curtain starts from the moment when the wizard first sees the window with which to work. He needs to take into account absolutely everything: the shape and size of the window, the degree of illumination, the area and the height of the ceilings, the color of the floor and furniture. Correcting the existing conditions, it begins to create, creating new ideas and embodying them in life.

The faithful assistants of the designer are practical experience, eyened eyes and attentiveness. Only specialists know all the secrets and subtleties of work. , correctly pick up the fabric, come up with a beautiful and interesting model - these necessary and important tasks will be solved. All his knowledge and experience he directs that in your home, the apartment or office was decorated with beautiful and modern.

The design of the curtain is an individual work requiring a creative approach to each order. Sometimes some one is enough so that the product "began to play", has become more expressive. Here you need a certain sensitivity, the ability to capture the overall picture and connect all the elements together. Also, in this case it is not without a careful attitude towards the customer. After all, the curtains are created for people, and do not forget about it. All things that surround us in everyday life must be not only beautiful, but also with the relevant our own tastes and preferences. Only in this case can fully enjoy their attractive species.

Currently, the interest in the design of the curtain is growing rapidly. This is connected immediately with several factors: improving the standard of living, the active construction of housing, the appearance of new materials and etc. Many young people wish to make the design of the curtains of their profession. But neprocessions are happy to study the magazines for the design of a curtain, getting acquainted with new directions and trends in this area.

The design of the curtains is a very exciting deal, allowing you to feel like a real creator and the artist. It is closely intertwined with other domains of knowledge. So, wanting to order the curtains in or, you yourself will not notice how to pass on art historian scientists or the history of the culture of any country.

If you are interested in the design of the curtains, and you wish to arrange your windows in the best way - it means you have fallen by the right address. Here you can not only learn a lot of new, but at any time to order the design of the curtains. And whatever the weather outside the window, they will decorate your home and give real joy.

Modern cozy house without window design will not have a complete view. However, window textiles performs not only decorative, but also functional load. Beautiful, light curtains will help to hide from sunlight and curious eyes. With their help, the interior of the room is completely transformed. Our article is devoted to modern fashionable curtains and topical trends in the field of window decor.

Popular models

Fashion affects all spheres of our being: clothes, shoes, hats, furniture, dishes. The curtains were not left without attention. Every season we offer a huge selection of new products - a variety of color recommendations, unusual types of fabrics, accessories.

And here you do not need to rush and follow the fashion trends in everything. Contact advice to specialists. They will help effectively transform the interior of your home with the help of fashionable products.


Regardless of time, the curtains in the classical style always remain in demand and do not lose their relevance.

A special role is given to noble textiles and luxurious accessories:

  • lambrequins;
  • various braid (for decorating curtains);
  • harness.

Classic curtains, curtains, curtains have a length to the floor.


The Curtains Austrian differ from other types of conjunction of traditional features of French curtains and Roman curtains. This is an original combination of lush folds from French fashion lawmakers and a laconic Roman mechanism, which allows you to collect the chart in the horizontal plane. The curtain decor serves heavy cords with beautiful tassels.


In the reign of Louis XIV, the French curtains survived his Creator during the reign of Louis. Today they are at the peak of fashion - solemn, luxurious, sophisticated. In addition to restaurants, theaters and similar institutions, they are successfully used in the interior of houses. From other products, they differ in the structure (rising by cascades) and the same dimensions of the dimensions, which are interconnected. Folded in smooth semicircular bends in every festo fabric curtains brings elevated touches into the surrounding environment.


Frank "epigons" of classical Roman curtains are London curtains. The modern look is almost identical to those products that were in fashion in London salons several centuries ago. Today they are also in demand. These products are a variety of lifting curtains. Their distinguishing feature is the presence of two types of drepes on one canvas - horizontal and vertical (festonny and bunk). Such a cool curtain gives her restrained coquetry.


This year, one of the most popular species are Italian curtains. Today they are appropriate in any style of the decoration of the rooms. However, noble and the luxurious all they look in classic interiors. Two vertical canvases, of which the Italian curtain consists, do not completely move away. Thanks to the pickups located above the windowsill level and locking these panels, the two parts are rising diagonally.

These curtains are easy to operate: their cloths do not need to move or move. In the afternoon, they are in the tied state, they are blown up for the night, thereby closing the window.


Today, fashion legislators are increasingly rushing towards the country of the rising sun. Japanese interior style attracts designers with its conciseness, naturalness and air industry. Japanese curtains attach to the environment fine sophistication, immediacy and pleasant originality. Japanese screens have only one disadvantage - a form. Such curtains are only rectangular.

Their advantages are much larger:

  • ease of care;
  • curtains, in contrast to curtains with folds, practically do not collect dust;
  • layout design allows you to quickly change the atmosphere in the room.


The advantages of other curtains have Chinese products than and deserved the attention of lovers of beautiful design windows. The ability to adjust the length, it is easy to care for them, as well as strength and high quality made these curtains to the trend of this year. The design of this style is distinguished by the lack of luxury, but at the same time for these curtains are used expensive, and sometimes collectible translucent materials.


The windows in which the sun rays fall throughout the day, need an additional cover. Curtains decorated peculiar crossed drapery will create a cozy twilight in the room. And today, this kind of curtain is very fashionable and relevant.

Methods for drapeting curtains quite a lot:

  • the attractive version of the "harmonica", allowing to create a narrow vertical fold on the curtain, but has a small minus - the fabric needs a lot;
  • the Pinch version, which is a fan fold, is complicated in manufacturing and requires scrupulous attention to various details (accurate calculation of the width of each individual fold and distances between them);
  • drapery in the form of a glass, etc.


This year brought laconicism and sophistication to the area of \u200b\u200bwindow decoration. Therefore, the curtain screen (curtain with a narrow narrow strip for braid) is quite in demand today. A special design of such curtains makes a simple and unique room at the same time.


The best designers this year offer their customers Roman curtains. The main advantage of this type of blinds, which brought them into the top of excellent products, is the atmosphere of homemade coit. They are an excellent alternative to the curtains of the classic type. But you should not forget that these curtains perform more decorative function, rather than protection against penetration of solar bright light. The design of these products is simple: smooth, divided into the same section of the section, canvas. You can adjust it (close or open) manually and using remote control. For these curtains, any fabrics are suitable. They are compact and convenient to use.


Everyone wants to see his home not only cozy and beautiful, but also reliably protected. Fabric roll curtains, fashionable this year, perfectly cope with diverse functionality - the day is protected from heat and bright light, in the evening - from the view from the street. In addition, they look perfectly on the window.


Fashionable products of this year were curtains from a natural and environmentally friendly bamboo. A popular trend today is increasingly used by designers, creating a spectacular and unique interior. Adherents of a healthy lifestyle prefer to see the curtains from bamboo on their windows, especially since Fengshuya's experts also recommend it. In their opinion, such curtains are able to neutralize unfavorable, negative energy. There is such a curtain with a cord of the control. It is possible to mount it to the ceiling, in the window opening or to the wall.


The new direction in the field of window curtains today is Curtain-Plears. These products are made of material safe for the health and have different density and fabric textures. Color range is extensive, the design is diverse. Such structures are installed both on ordinary windows and ceiling, French and others. Developed models of curtains, transmitting light, but not heat.


The blinds have long been successful in the window of the window curtains for a private house, apartments or office. And if they recently performed a purely protective function, today their value has changed. Fashionable products steel thanks to a variety of materials from which they are produced, as well as unusual, peculiar decorations.


We complete the list of fashionable models of rope curtains this year. In some sources, they are called curtains-threads. They came from the east, they rapidly occupied a leading place in the textile industry and became a fashionable element in decorating windows. Hundreds of threads reincarnate the interior, thanks to the unique game of light and shadow, the variety of color palette and structure.


It is also worth mentioning that now in fashion curtains-grid. This is a universal, stylish and practical option that will fit perfectly, for example, in the young man's room. Not bad, such a model will look at the balcony, and in any other room. This year is rich in the styles of the curtains. There is from what to choose, with what to combine, what to give preference. Not last place in the window design takes color products.

Here, designers stopped at three versions:

  • curtains are desirable to use lighter than the founding color of the room;
  • the second choice is exactly the opposite of the first, that is, the shade of the curtains may be darker the color of the room;
  • the color spot is the curtains of a bright shade, which is almost not in the interior.

Use in the interior

Each room in the house is endowed with certain functions, so much attention is paid to the design. And the windows are no exception.

Living room

This room is significantly different from the rest. Here they receive guests, meet with friends, celebrate important events. That is why the hall must combine the practical side and design in all details. Today, the so-called 3D curtains appeared in the decoration of the windows. It is fashionable, original, unusual. The living room is the most suitable room for this type of window design.

Specialized stores offer a huge selection of similar products. Curtains, decorated with colored print, fruit, berries, scenery, enjoy great success in consumers. Such a bright focus deserves attention. If the hall is finished with wallpaper with a pattern, use one-picture curtains. If the walls are monophonic, then the curtains are desirable to choose with an ornament.

The advantage of such curtains is simple and easy care. Cleaning products - dry, but they can be erased. With proper care, they will serve for quite a long time, remaining luxurious, without losing their original form.


The kitchen is a place where the real culinary works of art are being prepared. Without unexpected splashes, stains can not do. Therefore, the curtain of the curtain on the kitchen window is given a special meaning. It's not less forgotten about beauty.

The best option for the kitchen this year is the Roman curtains. They are fashionable, practical, elegant, they are easy and easy to care for them. If preference gives dry cleaning, use the vacuum cleaner. If a wet is a washing machine. What kind of cleansing to choose - find out from information about the material from which the curtains are made.

Curtains occupy a far from a secondary place in the design of the interior of our dwelling. When it comes to a detailed study of windows, so many options pop up that it can discourage. The selection of curtains becomes even more confusing due to the variety of forms and titles.

Many simple people, and even interior decorators - use the words "curtains" and "curtains" interchangeably among themselves. Also mixed into one "rolled curtains" and "blinds", as if they were synonyms.

In fact, there are four types of basic types of curtains. At the same time, all four working hours can be mixed and used with many styles, and decorations. Depending on the room in the house, each of them has its own distinctive characteristics.

It is interesting to understand if you are interested that it is distinguished by a curtain from drapery or rolled curtains we will try in our review. If we miss something, we suggest you to review your review at the end of the article. Here is our brief explanation of each type of curtains.

1. Curtains

Modern bedroom with chevron curtains.

Curtains are tissue panels that are most often sold in pairs. You will find curtains in a wide range of different lengths and widths. Very variety of fabrics, colors and patterns. Curtains are very versatile and popular, suitable for almost every room in the house.

Even for bathrooms and kitchens (short curtains that cover only the lower half of the window over the kitchen sink, or chosen at the top of the window, the so-called curtains for a cafe.)

In the bedroom, you will most likely want to use the design more dense than traditional curtains, perhaps Roman or rolled curtains, also blinds. Classic curtains are made of light fabrics - some of them are very completely transparent and unable to delay the light completely.

This means that the curtains will not be able to keep your at the bedroom in a dark condition during dawn. Take care of the delightful morning weekends when you want to sleep late, you will have to be different.

Classic curtains hang from Gardina to the floor, Gardin can be hidden by a decorative element. There are quite a few suspension options: the most common metal bushings, metal or tissue rings, or tissue sleeve on top or back panels.

Use colorful curtains to add contrast to your bedroom or use the interesting picture to revive the space. Clean curtains of light tones will add softness and femininity into your room.

Curtains are one of the most common types of scenery of windows used in homes. They are most popular in the kitchen, although they are found in the bedroom. Curtains are available in a numerous variety of styles, colors and patterns, which makes them in a simple way to bring bright color and drawing into the room.

As a rule, curtains are made of lighter fabric than dense curtains, and sold in packs containing two parts. Curtains are usually just hanging from eaves, or curtains that are installed slightly above the window frame, a few inches below the ceiling line.

Since the curtains are of different sizes - to match the basic windows parameters, there are several ways to beautifully hang. Often it is "pudding" hanging curtain on the floor; View "Tie" with the main length of the right or left; Beautifully straighten the element of cascade performance.

Curtain variety - classic curtains

As it follows from the name, the curtains are light curtains made of pure translucent tissue. They add a large dose of elegant charm to the bedroom, but do not provide privacy and almost do not block light. As a rule, the curtains are mounted on top of rolled curtains or Roman blinds.

Curtains are an excellent choice for a small bedroom, as their airiness gives the room open, spatial feeling. Curtains are popular in both apartment buildings and country cottages.

2. Curtains

Curtains in a magnificent orange - white bedroom.

Like the curtains, the curtains are tissue panels and are usually sold in pairs. But unlike the curtains, the draping forms many elegant folds, sometimes together with a cloth heavy enough to completely block all the external light, this particular makes them ideal for use in the bedroom.

Drapery (collected by folds curtain) is long enough, starts with the top of the window and reaches the floor, sometimes even slightly selected under the window. Heavy, somewhat hard fabrics are the usual norm for curtains, there are luxurious materials, such as velvet, Damascus - Eastern luxury or Chinese silk.

As a rule, the curtains are represented in a huge range of styles and colors, they are most often solid, without obsessive patterns. The upper tight drapery is often pleasing, and there are several different styles of folding.

These folds, along with heavy tissue, contribute to the formal appearance of the popularity of similar window decoration. Like the curtains, the curtains hang from the rod on the rings, hooks, sleeves or tissue sleeve at the top or on the rear panel.

In the bedroom, the most popular drapets are the styles of "dimming", which keep the room enough dark enough for deep sleep. A particularly good choice for those who need to sleep during the day, for example, after a night shift.

The curtain blanks are similar to the curtains - are sold as a canvas from a tissue of different lengths, colors and patterns, but usually made of more dense tissue. A heavy porter with pleated and hangs on a rope with a rope or rod, due to gravity they are not easy to open or close. Curtains are more formal than curtains, and used in many rooms at home, including bedroom, living room and dining room.

Problems with sleep, because your room is too bright? Choose the curtain curtains - they have a heavy lining that blocks all the light, this is an excellent solution not only to concealing daylight, but also delays in draft designer

3. Roman curtains

Roman curtains in the room of a patriotic boy.

The Roman curtain is a soft fabric that is attached to the rod or frame on the top edge of the window. More often is made individually for a specific size. Roman curtains are supplied in a wide range of lengths, widths, colors and materials and have a numerous variety of dimensions corresponding to the size of the window frame.

Unlike curtains or porter, which hang below the windowsill is made, taking into account the length of the window sash. To illuminate the room or see outdoor beauty, you need to raise the Roman corter using either cord on the video, or use a special lifting mechanism.

As the Roman Curtain rises, it either folds into the folds, or in the modern version it hits around the rod. Simplified version of Romanesque Curtains, nothing but rolled curtains. Depending on the material of the fabric, Roman curtains have a variety of window decoration styles. Simple curtains are usually the most inexpensive finish option.

Another thing is popular species of Roman curtains, they can be pulled out in deep folds; Balloons, harmonica and binding curtains. Due to the set of styles, you can find the Roman cloth for your window that complements any decorative topic from random to formally precision.

Despite the fact that Roman curtains for windows can be quite expensive, they are in demand. Many housewives sew them independently with their own hands. Many people love to use them in right curtains or crowned with valence.

As in the case of curtains, you can use Roman curtains to add color, drawing or texture part. A variety and receiver of Roman curtains are rightfully considered

4. Blinds

Window blinds in neutral bedroom tones.

Blinds are managed using a cord or lifting mechanism. They arerise or lowered, like rolled curtains, but differ in that they are not a solid cloth. Blinds made of wooden, bamboo, aluminum or vinyl planks (also called lamellas), which are open when tilting to illuminate the room, or close to create privacy.

Blinds - the word came to us from France and translated as:. Jalousie - "Jealousy". Obviously there is some kind of reference to history. In the east, women used such strips on their windows while remaining in daylight, but not allowing the penetration of male views.

There are three standard depths for the louvred slats: ½ inches or 1 inches, which are called mini-blinds. Two-inch - full-fledged louvers for the living room. Length and width of the sizes of blinds, as a rule, correspond to the size of the window frame.

Blinds are of different colors and are often manufactured with notes of wooden tones, usually do not have patterned patterns. Because blinds block the light is very effective, it is an excellent choice for the bedroom. Complementing them with straight curtains or soft folds, the curtains can significantly mitigate their hard look, originally which is not entirely soft.

While blinds with horizontal blinds are the most common option, blinds with suspended vertical slats also find their consumer. They are commonly used at the sliding door of the courtyard or in large sliding windows.

Traditional aluminum shutters

Blinds are a simple modern window design. Blinds are great for bedrooms, because they provide privacy and well block sunlight. Blinds are made of solid materials, such as wood, metal or vinyl.

Blinds can also be raised or omitted. Horizontal blinds usually hang over small windows. The cleaner above the sliding glass door or a very large window.

Curtains Plisse

This kind of curtain came from Germany. Often they are called blinds pliers. Indeed, plize blinds look like traditional horizontal blinds. The main difference is that strips - lamellas, are missing as such. In the curtains, pliers use dense fabric with corrugated folds. Plears curtains are an excellent option that is combined with the decoration of the windows of non-standard form.

Plot Pliste Pluts in factory we are subject to protective processing, the special composition contributes to the hold of the shape and prevents the rapid burnout from the Sun.Fabrics for curtains Plisse mayconsist of two types of tissues, with different density and coloring. Different texture helps to regulate the degree of light passing with greater accuracy. Provide protection from the Sun or the creation of confidentiality. Curtains are on sale Curtains made using ordinary paper.

Blinds pliers

Plears curtains - rightly considered one of the most popular types of window decorations around the house. Thanks to the almost endless range of styles, colors and patterns, as well as the fact that they are well combined with any decoration style. Curtain Plistes is basically the usual fabric fabric or similar material, cut over the width of the window and attached to the rod or directly to the frame, which allows you to raise and raise the shadow using the pulleys or rollers.

Paper curtains plizes

There are many varieties of curtains Plistes, including bamboo, cellular fabrics (translucent), Roman style, pleated (shown here). Plears curtains are motorized, and roller (most basic type).

Types of Plears

Designer work to choose the perfect version of Pliste, you will be able to control his proposal to rash in typical decoration features.

1. Classic blinds pliers. The simplest and most popular way to decorate your windows. Whatever option you choose: paper or fabric in the structure, vertical or horizontal arrangement of corrugated fabric. You can always be sure - Plistes will perfectly protect the room from light.

2. Blinds of pliers for inclined windows. With difficulty it will turn out to find the best option to decorate the window, if it is located on the ceiling. Designed for a similar type of fasteners and a special assembly system prevent sagging.

It remains not only lightweight paper, but also enough dense tissue corrugated panels. It did not remain without attention and hard-to-accessibility - usually the blinds of the plight on the ceiling are equipped with mechanisms with the ability to control the remote control.