Repair Design Furniture

Toilet design: we develop the design ourselves. Modern toilet design Bathroom 2 sqm design without toilet

Making one of the smallest rooms in the apartment - the toilet - is far from the easiest task. Even the most small area optimally, placing, if possible, also small sink. At the same time, the design of the toilet consists not only of the choice finishing material, but also the design of walls, floors, ceilings, lighting.

Finishing materials

Since the toilet is a room that requires frequent cleaning using detergents, the requirements for finishing materials are high. They should wash well, not be afraid of water, not absorb odors, have long term operation and long time do not change color. There are not many such materials. Most often it is ceramic, marble tiles or porcelain stoneware.

Porcelain tile in the toilet - for those who do not want ceramic tiles, a great way out

Separately, it is worth highlighting the mosaic. These small squares look completely different. At the right combination with tiles of normal formats, you can get many interesting options.

There is another material that appeared a few years ago. These are decorative plasters. They are different types with different characteristics. They are also water-repellent, and many of them can be washed many times with brushes. They look modern and last for years. They are applied to the leveled walls with special spatulas / spatulas made of plastic. The disadvantage of this type of finish for the toilet is the high price. Another unpleasant moment: there are few specialists who can lay decorative plasters for enough high level. It seems that there is nothing complicated, but without experience there are many “jambs” - visible seams, poorly ground components, irregularities, etc.

There is a more budget option - finishing with plastic panels. Of course, it is not as durable as tile, but it also costs much less, and it is much easier and faster to install. If you're looking for an inexpensive option, this is it.

Wall plastic panels— economical version of the design of the toilet on the left — wall PVC panels in combination with washable wallpaper, on the right - an unusual color

One more cheap way toilet finishing - pasting the walls with washable wallpaper. But the durability of such a coating is relatively small, and the prices cannot be said to be so low. In that case there is good way- combine plastic panels and wallpaper: finish the lower part with plastic - to a height of about 1.5 m, and paste over the rest of the space with wallpaper.

Color choice and design

When choosing a color scheme for finishing the toilet, one must proceed from the general design of the apartment. In principle, the design of the toilet should not fall out of general concept. But every time you change the tiles in the toilet after the wallpaper has been re-pasted, no one will definitely. Therefore, neutral tones are often used - white, beige gray. They are diluted with accessories to match the basic design of the apartment. It turns out a universal option.

Toilet design in neutral colors is the best choice

When choosing a tone - light-dark - they first of all look at the size of the room. In most apartments, the toilet is small - 2 square meters. m, maximum - 3 sq. m. This does not complicate the situation too much - a similar situation occurs often, solutions are known and worked out.

For a small toilet, light tiles or a combination are more suitable. It is desirable to do the combination like this: dark bottom, light top. Such a division is not fashionable, but it visually makes the room much wider and more spacious. Look at the photo. The red and white toilet seems much wider than in beige colors although they are actually the same.

Horizontal division gives another effect: a clear line, as it were, “falls apart” the walls to the sides, lowering the ceiling. In a narrow and high room, this is the desired effect. If you don't like this toilet design - with a clear division - at all, do something similar, modifying the idea. For example, as in the photo below.

Black and beige toilet design

Same idea, different execution. The combination of black and beige is not as bright as with white, but it is more pleasant for the eyes. The separation is also horizontal, but it is not on the same level, besides, the zebra-like tiles on the sides distract attention, also optically “pushing” the walls to the sides.

Two more photo examples. In the right picture, the wall farthest from the entrance has a dark color and a dark stripe runs along the sides. Visually, the strip pushes the walls apart, but the dark distant wall becomes, as it were, even further. In this case, not the most correct solution. It will look better if this wall is lighter than the side ones.

The design of the toilet in the standard apartment in the photo on the left was made using several techniques. The first is the horizontal division of the far wall, which visually brings it closer. Second - vertical stripes on the side walls, which serve the same purpose: to make the room more square, at least visually.

Another way to visually make the room not so high is to lay several rows of tiles on the walls that were used on the floor. It looks good, creating the illusion of lower ceilings.

Interesting vertical stripes. Manufacturers of ceramic tiles also began to produce it in collections (as well as wallpaper), to make it easier to combine. All their elements are well combined with each other, you just need to decide how much different types you will use - two, three or four. Some options for finishing the toilet ceramic tiles can be seen in the photo.

The main color is light beige and two variants of tiles with patterns - one is pronounced, the other is slightly noticeable A rather complicated version of the combined tile in the toilet - three colors, and even inserts with patterns ... Such a design of the toilet must be drawn in design programs, otherwise it may turn out something strange Different combinations - easier and harder

As you understand, it is impossible to imagine all toilet design options. There are too many options and variations, but we have outlined the main trends and methods.

Location of plumbing

As you have seen, in many toilets, even small ones, they try to put a small washbasin. Fortunately, there is a plumbing different forms and sizes. For toilets, so-called mini-options are used. Their depth can be - 20-30 cm, there are straight and angular ones, so, if desired, you can find an option for a variety of conditions.

Consider the most typical ways the location of the sink in the toilet. If the doors are arranged so that one of the walls is a little larger, you can put the sink on this wall. The toilet in this case is traditionally located - closer to the opposite wall.

With the same layout, you can choose another option - put a toilet (if desired and possible, and a bidet) along a long wall, and place a mini-sink in the corner.

Another option for the location of plumbing is along a long wall with a toilet and bidet, a sink is in the corner

Just keep in mind that the width of the passage must be at least 60 cm. Otherwise, it will be very inconvenient. This means that such an option for the location of plumbing can be implemented if the width toilet room at least 1.2 m.

You can pick up plumbing for a very narrow and small toilet, with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than 2 square meters. m. There are models of toilet bowls that can be placed in a corner. It can be perfectly combined with a corner sink.

Corner toilet - exit for a small toilet

Color and type

In most cases, plumbing is chosen white color. But maybe she different colors: red, black, pink, etc. Another thing is that colored toilet bowls or sinks are supplied mainly on order, and you have to wait several weeks for them. But you can buy any color.

If possible, it is better to install a console toilet in a small toilet. Due to the fact that it rests on the wall, and not on the floor, it does not look so massive, it is also more convenient for cleaning. Its disadvantage is the high price. For its installation, a sufficiently powerful base is required, which is hidden behind a bezel. This wall can be made

Installing a console toilet - video

The principle of installing a console toilet is shown in the video. The sequence of actions is clearly and understandably described.

Lighting in the toilet

Traditionally in the toilet do ceiling lighting- one light bulb, and not very powerful, enough for a small space. But lighting is also one of the ways in which you can play with even simple tiles creating interesting lighting effects.

You should not refuse the light source at the top, you can just add a few lamps in the interior. If you have shelves, make them backlit. For this purpose, it is more convenient to use It, although it does not have a noticeable effect on the degree of illumination, it looks good (in the photo on the left). Another option is to install lights in the wall. These can be ordinary built-in models, but they look very unusual on the wall (in the photo on the right).

There is another option - to mount the backlight on the bottom of the wall. It will be easier to do if you can find fixtures that match the size of the tiles and calculate their position so that they become completely. If it doesn’t work out, it doesn’t matter, but the tile will have to be cut.

Backlighting from below is an interesting option

Technical requirements for lighting fixtures for the toilet are standard - there should not be high humidity here, so you can buy any model.

Photo of toilets in an unusual design apartment

Let's start with the practical part. In many apartments, the technical rooms are so small that there is room for washing machine very difficult to find. First of all, this applies to Khrushchevs, but other typical high-rise buildings rarely indulge in open spaces. If this is the case for you, you can try to install a washing machine in the toilet. There are two options - find a special machine - as in the photo on the left, or install it in a specially made niche that covers the pipes. Only the base is required a strong base, and the machine with a minimum level of vibration.

Now let's move on to design delights. Let's start with the floor. IN last years have become fashionable, and they can be made with a 3D effect.

The image on the floor can be anything, without restrictions. This expanse is for lovers non-standard solutions and extreme ... even if in the toilet.


Photo printing can be done on the walls. Images with photographic accuracy are transferred to ceramics. As a result, you can feel like you are on top of a mountain before the start of a ski competition, for example…

Feel like a skier...

There are quite strange collections of tiles. For example, in the form of windows of high-rise buildings. It looks interesting, but how comfortable you can feel in such a place is the question ...

And if desired, even ordinary finishing materials can be arranged in such a way that you get a masterpiece design of the toilet.

The whole throne...

The toilet room in the apartment can be of two types: together with a bathroom and made separate room. In both the first and second cases, there are many ways to help transform the toilet and create original design this room. This article will focus on the design of a 2 sq.m. toilet without a bathroom.

Toilet design with pvc panels

A small toilet is not a big problem, on the contrary, the more complex the room, the more interesting it is to work with it and come up with a design. If your toilet only has 2 square meters, then you can finish it in several ways. The photo shows modern ideas in the interior.

PVC panels - bathrooms are often finished, but a toilet of 2-3 sq.m can also be decorated with them. In fact, you can make two rooms next to each other in the same style. Finishing PVC panels is an budget option which is a big plus. In order to use the panels in the toilet, it is worth checking the walls, they must be perfectly smooth and even.

If the walls in the toilet have bumps, cracks or any other defects, then you should first bring them into perfect condition. If you neglect this rule, then you can get a different result than you originally intended.

PVC panels are easy to care for and are subjected to normal wet cleaning and do not be afraid of cleaning or detergents. In addition, the panels have many colors and can satisfy even the most sophisticated customer.

Another plus is their variety, not only in color, but also in design. They can imitate wood or tiles, have different patterns and different size. If you decide to decorate the toilet with panels, then you should think about the floor and ceiling.

Finishing a toilet of 2 square meters with panels of the same style is not recommended, otherwise you will feel like in a box. Being in the toilet will be uncomfortable. When decorating walls with PVC panels, the ceiling can be left simply white. The floor is most often tiled. The tile is in perfect harmony with the panels on the walls, and if you also choose a similar pattern, the result can exceed all your expectations.

Toilet tiles

Wall tiling implies not only the bathroom, but also acceptable in the toilet. Big choice tiles will help everyone to create cozy design in the toilet. When laying tiles in the toilet, it is worth considering its size. Large tile will not harmonize very well with the small footage of the room. Therefore, use small tiles when decorating walls.

There are subtleties when laying tiles and often professionals manage this process. It is better to turn to those people who often encounter this and have work experience. After all, smooth and beautiful wall is the key to harmony and comfort in the toilet.

The ceiling can be left just white, its painting or whitewashing will do. In addition, you can use panels on the ceiling. But you should not lay the ceiling with tiles, a single decoration of the room will not be beneficial, the view will not be impressive.

It is permissible to lay the floor and walls with tiles, but it is better to finish the ceiling with a different type of material.

Tiles, as well as PVC panels, are easy to clean and are not afraid of detergents and cleaners. The exception is tiles that have some kind of coating, for example, gold.

It is not recommended to handle it with hard brushes and powders, it is better to simply wipe these surfaces with a damp cloth. The tile will always be popular, so the design of the toilet of 2 square meters for her will be an excellent choice.

Wallpaper in the interior of the toilet

The design of the toilet with wallpaper is perhaps the earliest and most common way. They can create any design and, sometimes, even combine several types and color schemes. This method is a budget option.

The pluses include the fact that after a few years you can redo the design and not think about big expenses on the redecorating. The walls under the wallpaper must be smooth, pre-cleaned and sanded.

Sometimes the wallpaper in the toilet is made with sides, which is original solution, which will dilute the usual foundation of gluing. If you decide to cover the walls with wallpaper, then you can use tiles on the floor and paint the ceiling.

Whatever method you use, keep in mind that the ceiling will look best in white, without any frills. If you have pets, then the wallpaper will not last long. Many install the animal's toilet in the common toilet room, cats love to sharpen their claws on the walls covered with wallpaper. Keep this fact in mind.

There are a number of other ways to finish a toilet of 2 square meters, one of them is to use. They look very original in the toilet and are easy to apply, and, among other things, are not subject to turning the claws of animals. These wallpapers will serve you for a very long time, the only difficulty will be in applying, they will need to be properly coated with glue and pressed well against the wall.

The toilet room is the smallest room in the apartment, but this does not mean that its design does not require careful preparation. Like any layout, the toilet requires a serious approach to the choice of finishing material, color accompaniment and lighting.

You should not finish the toilet with one material, that is, if you make walls with panels, then try to make the floor and walls with another material. If you are decorating the walls with wallpaper, then the principle of the floor and ceiling should be identical.

Panels with a mirror reflection will look beautiful, they will slightly enlarge the room and create unusual design. Do not be afraid to experiment with colors, but it is not recommended to use more than three colors in the design of the toilet. When using wallpaper, it is permissible to decorate the walls with small paintings.

Not everyone can boast of a large bathroom. A lot of people huddle in old houses, and there all the technical rooms are frankly small. Therefore, it is difficult to make a 2-meter bathroom design: you need to install all the necessary plumbing and furniture, and all this should be comfortable and beautiful.

The main thing is color and light

When designing a bathroom with an area of ​​​​2-3 square meters, it is worth starting with choosing a color palette and developing a lighting scheme. After all, it is color and lighting that greatly affect our perception. To small room it seemed larger, it should be decorated in light colors. The color can be anything, but the shade is very light.

Most commonly used warm shades white - creamy, creamy, etc. A very interesting effect is given by a tile with a metallic coating. The mother-of-pearl surface creates additional volume.

So that the bathroom does not look too sterile, light color diluted with bright elements. There are several options - a border of darker tiles, dark Bottom part walls (approximately the lower third). If the lower part of the wall is dark, the floor is made in the same color or very close if it is not possible to find a tile of the same tone.

More modern version- accents. You can make one wall dark, several vertical stripes different widths, and they are distributed unevenly over the area, creating asymmetry. This technique will help straighten the non-ideal geometry, if any.

To further push the boundaries, there must be a lot of light. Following the latest trends, these are usually built-in ceiling lights. For such an area, according to the norms, one light bulb of medium power is required, but it is better to put two or even more, and also a backlight near the mirror.

The choice of plumbing and its placement

In a two-square-meter bathroom, non-standard and / or small-sized plumbing is usually installed. If there is room for furniture, then it is usually made according to custom order. The sizes are very modest, and ready-made specimens cannot be found.

shower cabin

First of all, you need to decide whether you need to design a 2-meter bathroom with a bath or shower. If you rarely take a bath, it is worth installing or making a shower cabin. In this case, it is better to do it, since the finished ones, even the smallest ones, are too bulky and take up most of the available space. A homemade shower cabin is either tiled (mosaic) or made of acrylic or steel, to which doors or just a shower curtain are attached.

Shower doors are hard to install. When closed, they take up almost no space. You can also install glass retractable, but this is an expensive option with complex installation. Glass hinged ones will cost less, but you need to calculate the dimensions well - so that they do not touch the walls and it is convenient to use them.

If you decide to install a finished shower cabin, then only a small corner one will fit into such a room. In the remaining free space, you can install only a small sink.


If you can't do without a bath, there are several options. The first is to place the tub opposite the entrance, choosing a wall-to-wall dimension. There will be some free space in front of the bathroom. In this space, you can fit a small sink. Moreover, it can be installed so that it is completely or partially above the bath. If the sink is placed in the area where it is installed,

Bath from wall to wall, in the remaining place - a sink

If the bathroom door is located asymmetrically - closer to one wall, you can find a bathroom of a non-standard shape and size that will fit into a wide wall. It can be narrower on one side and wider on the other. So the area will be rationally used without compromising the convenience of using the bathroom. With this arrangement, the sink and mirror are located opposite the door, which visually makes the room more spacious.

Another option is to install a sitz bath. They will not be able to stretch to their full height, but relaxation with a sitting position is also not bad. In this case, you can find a place to install a small washing machine- under the sink.


The design of a 2 meter bathroom with a toilet is an even more extreme exercise. After all, you need to find a place to install another item, which is difficult on such an area. It is desirable that they do not look so cumbersome, although the installation is somewhat more complicated and the price is higher. But they take up less space, which in this case is a priority.

One of the solutions in the photo above is to move the sink towards the bathtub, put a sanitary bowl in the vacant place. This option is suitable for narrow and long rooms. If the walls are about equal length, in the corner they still put a small corner bath or a shower cabin, and on the consolidated areas on the walls - a sink and a toilet bowl.

There are few options at all - just move from one corner to another and swap places, which is understandable with such dimensions.

Washing machine - looking for a place to install

We can no longer do without a washing machine, because in any, even very small apartment looking for a place for her. Sometimes there is only one way out - to put in the bathroom, even if it is so small. For such purposes, there is even. Many are even sold in pairs so that you do not have to look for and select sizes.

Only in this embodiment, it is possible to fit both a typewriter, a toilet bowl, a bathtub with a sink into two squares of the area. Is it possible to find a model that is hung on the wall above the toilet, but this is an expensive exotic.

As an option, arrange a shelf on powerful holders above the same toilet bowl and install equipment on it. Save space, but you will need a model with good stabilization - so that it does not jump during the spin cycle.

The design of the bathroom is 2 meters without a toilet, but with a washing machine it is not particularly different: a bath or a shower, a washbasin and a typewriter on the free patches. Well, at least the technique is of different formats: narrow and high or shallow depth. In general, you can choose the size that you need.


No matter how small the bathroom is, there is still at least some furniture in it: you need to store creams, shampoos, household chemicals somewhere. The most common option is a cabinet under the sink and a mirror with shelves on the sides. Often such a kit is enough to arrange everything you need.

There are other options. If you have found a place for a toilet or a washing machine, a good piece of space “walks” above them. It can be occupied by making a locker in size.

Another idea is shelves under the ceiling. They can be open or closed (with doors). You can store supplies of household chemicals, towels, etc. there.

Under the shelves, you can use even the smallest free spaces. There are never too many of them - anyway, there is something to put.

Design Tricks

When designing a 2 meter bathroom, you can apply some tricks that will visually make the room larger. You already know two principles - the abundance of light and the prevailing light shades.

The tile comes with two types of surface - matte and glossy. Glossy, due to the play of glare, makes the room lighter and more spacious, but may resemble an operating room. A room decorated with matte tiles or other materials looks more comfortable. Also don't choose . Medium or small is better in this case, since large fragments will only emphasize small dimensions. In this regard, a mosaic with a shiny surface is ideal. Due to its texture, it looks very good.

Mosaic is a great choice

You can visually increase the volume through the use of mirrors. It is advisable to place it opposite the door and stretch it over the entire or almost the entire wall. Then the effect will be maximum. Often it is from this that they are repelled when planning the interior of the bathroom: the mirror should be opposite the entrance, and then they arrange and select everything else.

If you decide to make shelves or install partitions enclosing a bath or shower, make them from tempered glass. They are almost invisible, but they perform their functions. Any other shelves and partitions will "load" the interior, turning small room in a box.

Another way to “unload” the interior and give it a twist is to use a glass sink. It does not create the impression of massiveness, although they are the same size as porcelain and earthenware, and sometimes even larger.

Photos of interiors for inspiration

Sometimes in my head I can’t get a picture of how, in what color everything can be arranged. Because of small area bathroom design 2 meters even more difficult- fewer options correct an error in some miscalculation. Only visualization can help in this "woe" - a visual image.

Perfect selection of tiles and sanitary ware. This is a 2.7 square bathroom.

If the partitions are made of glass or transparent polycarbonate

An example of the layout and layout of tiles in modern style- a combination of several types in one color scheme

Economy option - shower curtains. The walls, by the way, can be

Black and white always wins, but the style is very different: vertical stripes visually “raise” the ceilings

Scientists say that we spend a third of our lives in the bedroom. These beginner marmots are either resting or getting ready to fall asleep. Then, I will take the liberty of asserting that we spend another significant part of life (well, if not a third, then a lot of time) in the toilet. Let's not shake our heads negatively, make surprised eyes and shout “Who, me? Never!” Then let's count together.

As a rule, in most apartments, the bathroom is combined, so we add the time spent in the bathroom to the time spent in the toilet. And this is neither more nor less than thirty minutes in the morning, an hour in the evening. Five minutes throughout the day. And if you are a man, then your five-minute sessions drag on longer (you have an interesting newspaper, then you can’t tear yourself away from the book).

It goes without saying that the renovation and design of the room where we spend so much time needs special attention.

In this article, we will consider, using the example of a photo, how to make the interior of the toilet not only comfortable, but also practical.

Toilet bowl and nothing else

If your bathroom is not combined with a toilet, then you should pay attention to the minimalist style. In such a room, as a rule, there is only room for a toilet, sink, and sometimes a bidet. Water meter, wires, pipes, it is most logical to “hide in the wall”. At the same time, you should not completely “sew up” them, because if some kind of breakdown occurs, you will have to disassemble the entire wall.

How to choose the right design for a separate toilet so that it does not look too “cold and uncomfortable”? When we talk about the minimalist style, you should not draw a cold floor, uncomfortable walls and metallic light in your head. Minimalism, just a minimum of things. At the same time, no one forbids you to do decorative plaster, or hang a panel of dried flowers over the toilet.

A fluffy rug, matched to match the walls, an interesting tile, maybe original lamp- all this will favorably emphasize the interior of a small toilet room.

Also, when designing a separate toilet, think about how it completes the bathroom interior. To do this, you can paste over these rooms with the same wallpaper, or put identical little things here and there. For example, holders for towels and toilet paper, the same rugs.

Here are examples of the design of a standard, separate toilet.

As you can see, the design of such a toilet can be both standard and creatively original, it all depends on your wishes and preferences.

Well, a very small bathroom!

Whatever you say, not everyone can boast of a toilet room with dimensions of 8-9 meters. Most have to be content with small toilet rooms. Now let's talk about how to properly design a toilet of 1 sq. M.

So, the main trick is the visual expansion of space. Of course, mirrors are not suitable here (few people like to contemplate themselves in the pose of the Thinker). Therefore, we will manage the walls in light colors. We will put the door that opens outward, and remove all kinds of paper holders and newspaper stands - they take the extra 20 cm.

And wow, your little room looks a little bigger. As they say, a trifle, but nice!

Toilet design 2 sq. m.

If you are a happy owner of a toilet room a little larger than the one described above. Here are some design tips for you.

Here you can already roam fantasies - use hanging furniture or plumbing. You can add textiles to the interior - for example, hide sewer pipes behind a pretty curtain. In order not to be unfounded, we recommend that you look at a selection of photos on how to equip a toilet with an area of ​​​​2 square meters. m.

This is a set of mini-furniture for a small toilet room. Here is an example of suspended plumbing and furniture.

Toilet design 3 sq. m.

It is clear that not all happy owners of a toilet room of such a footage, but still, if the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour toilet room is from 3 square meters, then here are our tips for its design:

  • avoid large furniture sharp edges, give preference to furniture with smooth, rounded shapes.
  • when choosing a tile - stop at a small one. A very large tile will look rough.
  • a great solution for such a toilet - glossy ceiling. It is both durable and visually makes the room larger.

Photo - 40 Interior of a combined bathroom in an apartment of 3 square meters

In general, when making repairs in the toilet, do it the way you want, because you spend time there. Finally, I would like to give advice on the interior of the toilet. It doesn’t matter if you are making the interior of a toilet of 2 sq.m., or are arranging a nine-square room - use auxiliary little things: towel and toilet paper holders, brushes, shelves, rugs, and more. They will create a cosiness, and will harmoniously fit into your interior.

Use of a shower or bathtub bowl, washbasin, toilet bowl, washing machine, etc. should be comfortable and thoughtful. Combining the toilet and bathroom will allow you to win some space and a small two-square room will become quite functional. In Khrushchev, very little space is allocated for the bathroom, no more than 2 sq.m. Quite common are the sizes of 1.5, * 1.3 square meters. m. and 1 * 2 sq. m. with a height of 2.5 meters.

On an area of ​​​​2 square meters you can’t turn around much, so you need to select all plumbing fixtures small size. If the owners do not plan to take baths, then it is best to install a shower cabin, which will save space and allow you to enjoy water procedures to your heart's content.

Geometry: rectangle, square, redevelopment

In terms of area, bathrooms can be 2 square meters, but geometric shapes divided into square and rectangular. Quite often, the owners of small-sized bathrooms try to think over a design that, in their opinion, should radically change the situation.

Redevelopment may consist of combining a toilet and a bathroom or separating them. In the first case, the owner really gets a spatial increase and the ability to move around the bathroom. In the second case, 2 independent rooms are obtained. And the advantage can be considered the possibility of visiting, for example, the toilet, regardless of the fact that someone has taken the bathroom. Therefore, it is not advisable for lovers of privacy to combine bathrooms in the same room.

Typical Common Bathroom Design Projects

We propose to consider typical design projects for a room size of 2 square meters, which will combine comfort and practicality.

Bathroom layout option No. 1

The drawing shows a plan for the placement of plumbing in a combined bathroom. As you can see, everything necessary accessories fit and this is considered the main advantage of the proposed plan.

But as a disadvantage of such a design, one can single out a small space around the toilet and the ability to place a shower cabin with a shallow depth, despite the fact that the length will be quite large.

When creating this type of placement, you should pay attention to the dimensions of the shower cabin. As a rule, only a protective door made of plastic or glass is installed. The pallet is either installed or made flush with the floors in the room. In this case, the drain is made directly in the floor, and the mixers are mounted in the wall.

Bathroom layout option No. 2

As a rule, it is the washbasin that is the most beautiful and designer item in the bathroom. On the presented plan, the first thing that catches your eye is the washbasin and toilet. This arrangement will keep the toilet dry and prevent splashing if the shower cubicle is not equipped with a protective door or curtain. The dimensions of the shower cabin can be the entire length of the right wall.

The disadvantage of this design is the location of heated towel rails, which are installed at a considerable distance from the shower. Not only that, towels hanging near the door will constantly be touched when entering the room.

Bathroom layout option No. 3

Perfect location for all essentials. A shower cabin with such dimensions is enough to take a shower. Thanks to sliding system, the spray will remain inside the cabin and will not flood the bathroom floor. In the combined bathroom, the toilet is located on the side of front door, so it is not conspicuous when entering. The dryer is installed near the shower, allowing you to easily reach the towel.

The disadvantage of this design can be considered a small space in front of the washbasin, but if the toilet and washbasin are swapped, then the layout becomes flawless. If you install a built-in installation for the toilet, then this one will allow you to hide all communications, and allocate space above it for shelves with storage of household items.

Bathroom layout option No. 4

In the presented plan, the arrangement of all elements of plumbing, as independent units, is successful, but as a complement to each other, the option is not very successful. The remote location of the heated towel rail makes it difficult to grab a towel after taking a shower. The close location of the washbasin and toilet to the shower cabin involves the use of a special sliding door system, which is worth considering when buying.

Designer secrets to visually expand the size of the bathroom

Designers have a lot of secrets and tricks that will help not only make the interior beautiful, but also functional, as well as visually expanded. The most common in design are the use of various color solutions, textures, lighting, as well as hiding sewers.

Color design solutions

One of the most successful and inexpensive ways to visually increase the space is to use different color schemes. It is light shades that are welcome for use in small areas. The implementation of zoning will be advantageous, which will allow you to profitably divide the space.


In order to make the interior attractive and complete, it is enough to correctly install the lighting in the room. It is best to choose a light that is not bright, as it will irritate the eyesight. The ideal ratio is 200lx=200lm/m2. In the area of ​​​​the mirror, be sure to install Spotlights to brighten up the face.

Particular attention should be paid to the safety of fastening lamps, since the room is always high humidity. Experts advise installing hygrostats that run fans to dry the room as soon as possible.

Finishing the bathroom

Owners of a bathroom with an area of ​​​​two square meters are best to use glossy surfaces that reflect light well, creating the illusion of space. The tile in this regard will become great helper. If you hang mirrors on the walls, then the room will only benefit from this. If there is no desire to hang mirrors, then you can use it in design mirror tiles. Exactly mirror surface copes successfully with visual extension area.

A fairly common option in design is the use of tiles as a finish. It is beautiful, functional and able to withstand temperature extremes and high humidity. Often islands of mold can form on the seams, but they are easily washed out.

An equally popular way to decorate a bathroom and protect walls from water is plastic panels. This is one of the most inexpensive options finishes. However, there is a high possibility of mold in the space between the wall and the panel, as these places are poorly ventilated.

Wall painting is the fastest and economical solution because it requires minimal intervention work force. At the same time, when you decide to make repairs again, you can simply repaint the walls. A wide palette of waterproof paint will allow you to create a unique design in the bathroom. It should be noted that color zoning with paint is done quickly and easily.

sewer connection

Designers agree that all sewer pipes and other communications should be hidden behind false walls. The peculiarity of this method is to remove all objects that clutter up the viewing area and attract attention. Even despite the fact that the area of ​​​​the room will be less than two square meters. meters., but visually this will not be noticeable.

The choice of plumbing and its placement

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of sanitary ware, because its placement and, accordingly, the comfort of the owners will depend on this.


On the market are various models bathtubs, up to small-sized and angular. The latter should be given special attention, as they are very convenient and functional, while they fit compactly in almost any room.

It is not necessary to put a full-size bath where you can fit lying down. For a room of 2 square meters, it is enough to purchase a container with dimensions of 120x60 cm and a volume of 210 liters. If the length of the room allows, then ideal option can become a bath with a volume of up to 290 liters. and dimensions 150x50 cm.

Modern bathtubs are made of acrylic, cast iron, steel and quartz, which is particularly durable.

shower cubicle design

Installing a shower stall is suitable for those who do not plan to take a bath, but are content with a quick shower. Alternatively, you can install the tray on a small hill or, if there is no desire to zone the shower, then make a drain right in the floor. The dimensions of the cabins can be different and depend only on the preferences of the owners and the possibilities of the room. The most common pallet sizes are 90x90 cm.

2 square meter bathroom toilet

This important subject the bathroom can be presented not only in various forms, but also in colors, as well as in the method of fastening.


  • floor;
  • Suspended;
  • Baby;
  • Corner.

Most common in Lately received hinged toilets, which, thanks to communications hidden in the wall, have a compact appearance. When installing plumbing, attention should be paid to convenience during use. Those. it is important to calculate the height of the attachment so as not to experience discomfort later.

Wash basin/sink

It is difficult to imagine the variety of shapes and designs of this necessary element. Big and small, round and square, white and colored - all of them are created not only to fulfill their direct function, but also to decorate the bathroom. If there is nowhere to store household chemicals, then it is possible to install a washbasin with a cabinet that will reliably hide from prying eyes unnecessary things. For bathrooms up to 2 square meters, the most suitable washbasin size is up to 60 cm.

Washing machine (under the sink, on the wall, in a niche) for a bathroom of 2 square meters

As a rule, the bathroom is chosen as the installation site of the washing machine, less often the kitchen. Both options have their merits. Installing a washing machine in the bathroom has its advantages:

  • Dirty laundry does not spoil the overall impression;
  • It is convenient to soak clothes before washing;
  • The washing machine is quite noisy, so it is more expedient to use it where it does not interfere;
  • Not everyone is pleased to watch a picture of spinning laundry during lunch.


When installing a boiler in a bathroom measuring 2 square meters, consider the following nuances:

  • The distance from the boiler to the faucet should be kept as short as possible.
  • In order to qualitatively establish the flow of water from pipes to the boiler, the latter must be placed close to the system.
  • Provide free space around the boiler for technical work.
  • A load-bearing wall is always selected for fixing the boiler.

Boilers of various shapes are presented on the market: square, rectangular, round and oval.

Towel dryers

A convenient element of the bathroom for two squares, which you can do without, but do not need. There are many options, but in small room with an area of ​​two sq.m. do not install a dryer. The functionality of the coil, as the dryer is also called, is diverse and, first of all, they are used to dry clothes. Besides, in winter period they act as a battery, helping to dry the room faster.

Distinguish between electric and water, but the latter are very popular, because they are connected to a centralized hot water supply system.

Furniture and storage accessories

On two square meters allocated for a bathroom, it is difficult to place something else besides the main plumbing, but nothing is impossible for a good designer. Consider the options:

Bedside tables

A mandatory attribute of a bathroom, even two square meters in size, are cabinets that allow you to store a lot of jars and bottles. In a room where there is a bath on one square and a toilet with a washbasin on the other, it is difficult to figure out where to put a cabinet for household items. But if we consider the option of a washbasin with a built-in cabinet, it becomes possible to compactly hide all detergents.

Wall cabinets, shelves, hangers for a bathroom of 2 square meters

It is advisable to use hanging cabinets and shelves for storing detergents, which are mounted on the wall to save space. As a rule, the installation of a toilet bowl can allow you to hide not only all communications, but also make a mini warehouse. The placement of shelves and cabinets will depend on their size, shape, usability, and the design of the room.

The use of mirrors in a two square meter bathroom has a double function. Firstly, it is an opportunity to visually expand the space, and secondly, it is a necessary attribute of the morning toilet. The choice of mirrors is very wide, depending on their location, size, color scheme, shape and design of the room. Basically, mirrors are hung over the washbasin.

Outlet placement

The placement of sockets should be thought out at the planning stage long before the start of repairs, because after finishing the walls it will be inconvenient to install sockets. One should be located near the mirror, where it will be possible to connect various devices such as curling irons, hair dryers, razors, etc. The second is for a washing machine, which may have to be placed in the bathroom. Two sockets for a room with an area of ​​two square meters is enough.

Photos of interiors for inspiration