Repairs Design Furniture

Stylish little rooms. Ideas for the design of a small room (photo). Design Options according to the area of \u200b\u200bthe room

If you do not have a spacious apartment, then you probably think about how to equip a small room so that everything is compact, it is functionally and stood in your place. Today we will show photos of interesting ideas for small rooms. Of course, they are not used in the same interior, but you can borrow some of them when drawing up design for future repair.

Use wardrobes in full growth with mirror doors: they are spacious and occupy relatively little space. The wardrobe will allow you to fold all the necessary and unnecessary things. The main thing is to competently approach it: all shelves and hangers must be well thought out so that you compactly placed things. Recommendations for filling the cabinet coupe (see other):

Shelf location scheme in a wardrobe

More mirrors - another way to visually increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. But do not overdo it with glossy surfaces, they need to be very careful to use in a small space.

Use your free space under the bed, sofa, above the door and walls. There may fit a lot of things that just lying around the room. You can use wall shelves without visible fastening to arrange part of things with outdoor bedside tables. Do not overload space, this is the main rule: as many unnecessary things as possible.

Furniture for small bedrooms

Often the big bed takes everything free space in the room. Such a problem solve french hanging beds under the ceiling and beds in the closet, which in the day are completely removed and freeing the space. Examples of such bedrooms in the photo below:

Many generally refuse beds and use sofas for a small room as a bed.

If you have a small room - how to equip it for a few people? You can use bunk beds and attic beds, they allow you to competently distribute free space.


Perhaps one of the most important elements of any interior - harmoniously selected lighting. Forget about old plates and chandeliers - create multi-level lighting for different zones. It will allow you to regulate the light in the room at will: When you need - bright, and when you decide to watch the movie in the evening, there will be enough and soft luminescence at the wall.

Based to the embedding of directional lamps, single and tension ceilings are used. Also, think about the option, it passes without problems in any place and allows you to "soar in the air" with your designs.

The photo includes examples of successfully selected lighting in small rooms:


Zoning can be done using lighting, wall decoration, floor or ceiling. In the role of "borders" can be a wardrobe or transparent curtain, separating the workplace from the recreation area.

Usually, the bedroom is placed in the same room, the living room, and sometimes the kitchen.


A great solution for saving space and zoning room is a multifunctional podium. Upstairs can be spaced place, recreation area or workspace, and at the bottom roomy shelves or retractable bed.
Look at the photo of finished frame podiums - in one corner all the necessary things are assembled, isn't it functional?

In this article, we touched upon many techniques to increase the space and the functionality of the room. When you hold repair in a small room, remember our recommendations. Adapt ready-made solutions for your needs, modify ideas to get an unusual and practical small room design.

Useful advice

The biggest problem of small apartments is that with a great desire you will not get to post everything you want in it.

However, if you use some designerheathsti. You can place at least all the necessary things, and even save a bit of place.

Here are some useful ideas and tips, how to save place in a small apartment, as well as several beautiful examples of small European apartments with original design:

Save place in a small apartment

1. If you need only a laptop for work, you can put it on the shelf, instead of purchasing a whole desktop.

You can also use a shelf on which you can put not only a laptop, but also other necessary things, thereby saving a lot of space.

2. With the help of a curtain or screen, you can easily separate the kitchen from the rest of the room.

3. Separate the workplace from the bedroom you can with the help of conventional plywood or a small shelf.

4. Also separated the kitchen in a small apartment using the old window.

You can also order a "window" that is suitable in size and install it so that it is depicted the border between the kitchen and the rest.

How to equip a small apartment

5. The box or chest can play two roles at once - the role of a coffee table, and places where you can store various things.

6. If you lean the sofa or armchair to the bed, it will save you the place and will look beautiful.

Smart use of small space in the apartment

7. No room for the sofa, where can guests be located? Just use large pillows in a free place.

8. Here is such a folding table you can buy or make it yourself. It is attached to the wall, and it consists in order to save a lot of space.

9. In a small apartment you can put such a children's room with a sleeping place, a work desk and a wardrobe (he is the same secret room).

Registration of a small apartment

10. Picture that turns into a table.

11. The newsmeal, which can also be used as a hanger.

12. Chair and shelving 2 in 1.

13. Compact folding kitchen.

14. For a small room, this design is perfect, which combines the mirror, a wardrobe and ironing board.

15. Another example of a folding table, only now with a folding chair is perfect for a small kitchen.

16. Such a workplace occupies quite a bit of space, while being very convenient. Suitable for both a schoolboy and a student and an adult.

17. If you decide to make a staircase, you can embed a lot of storage boxes in various things.

Storing things in a small apartment

18. Narrow shelves will save place, while they will be very comfortable, both in the kitchen and in the rest of the apartment or at home.

If you attach some of them at the right height, then under the shelf you can put a stool so that it does not occupy an excess space.

19. Here is another example, as you can share the kitchen from the bedroom.

A small wall of plywood, does not share the space completely, and looks pretty beautiful.

20. This bathroom, though small, but very effective.

Small apartments (photo)

21. This apartment has an area of \u200b\u200b44 square meters. meter. But it fit all the most needed, including a bedroom, a kitchen, a living room and a balcony.

Light tones visually expand the space and make an apartment lighter - the sun rays are reflected from the light walls, well lighting the apartment.

22. Little apartment in Paris.

Stylish interior of a small apartment

23. Smart design in a Swedish apartment with an area of \u200b\u200b21 square meters. meter.

24. Competent use of space in a small apartment with high ceilings.

Little apartment design

25. Smart design in a small apartment in Barcelona.

26. Little apartment in Stockholm.

Little Apartment Design Studio

27. Cute little apartment with thoughtful design.

28. Cozy design in a small apartment.

Modern small apartments

29. Smart design in the Paris apartment of 23 square meters. meter.

30. Amazing use of space in a small one-room apartment.

The design of the residential room is the responsible thing. If the corridor (entrance hall), a bathroom and a kitchen are more "auxiliary" rooms, then the bedroom or living room is the main. After all, it is in them the most time (not counting the workshops of each mistress in the kitchen). When planning the design of the bedroom, I want to take into account many moments at once, sometimes contradictory. How to do it, we will try to tell in this article. The first chapter will be affected by the design features of each room at home (apartments), the remaining chapters will be devoted to the residential rooms.

Room design depending on its purpose

Living room

This is the case when you can talk about fantasy. After all, this is usually the largest room in the apartment, you can embody a lot of your desires in reality. But, if we talk about a certain standard, then the Council is: Choose a classic style or modern style. He did not "eat long for a long time", will not be irritated by obsessive elements of more bold styles (only for a minute, imagine Loft style - how long will it please you?). It is necessary to repel from the value of the room name - the living room. This is the heart of the house, it is wherever you, for example, lead guests.


The first and most important rule is to focus on the floor, the nature and addiction (hobbies) of the owner. It is unlikely that the personal room of a guy-athlete will be similar to the design of a woman's bedroom leading a secular lifestyle.

Matching the tenant is the main criterion for choosing a room design.


It all depends primarily on the size. If the bathroom is very small - the competent location of the elements necessary in it comes to the fore. Maximum use each square centimeter. Perhaps you have to abandon the installation of a washing machine (it can be put in the kitchen) and order (buy) a high narrow locker. It does not "eat" square meters of the floor, but will accommodate everything you need.


It is clear that the tastes of an adult and a child can vary greatly. And the fact that parents seem to be the most appropriate option may not please them with their chad. Therefore, for a start, try to figure out what the child itself sees the room. Discuss a common idea and details, sketch the project.

Corridor (entrance hall)

The most important landmark is the size. It is from him that what design you can afford to implement in this room. If it is a modest few meters, then you will have to choose first of all from the most necessary (cabinet, keyboard, headwear shelf). The general should be simple and unobtrusive. It is better to abandon the motley wallpaper and open shelves - this "snaps" the room. It is also worth considering good lighting. A successful light solution will help "push the walls or visually lift.

A large corridor (entrance hall) gives more opportunities when planning design. In addition to the most necessary, you can afford additional elements of comfort and decor of the room (the sofa at the entrance, a large floor vase).

Choose style

So, the fundamental question is - the choice of style for the residential room. Consider some of the most common options.


Undoubtedly - this style, how no other will look current and modern (respectively, the name). So that the view of the room is not tired, you can use some tricks. For example, focus on those details of the interior, which are easy to replace if desired (curtains, chandeliers, pictures on the walls, various decorative trivia). Having something and adding a new "highlight", you can easily give the room a new mood without resorting to global changes.


The style is suitable for those who like solidity and unstasive options in the design. That's the good classics - it is always relevant.

Choosing a classic style for sleeping room or living room, remember - the classic does not tolerate low cost! All, ranging from furniture and ending with the most imperceptible part of the interior, should "breathe" by solidity.

High tech

Excellent option for minimalism lovers in the interior. Clear lines, strict functionality of objects, free atmosphere in the room, clear colors - that's what you need to navigate, choosing a High-tech style.

Remember that this style is good for those who really like it. By choosing it for the design of a bedroom or living room as an experiment, you risk quickly tired of an unusual view of the room.


Style, in something similar with the style of High-tech. Furnished - only the necessary and functional components. The general focus of the design should be observed in the main elements (wallpapers, furniture, curtains), avoiding small details of the interior.

Design Options according to the area of \u200b\u200bthe room

Room 5 sq m

The size of such a room allows not so much. It is worth refraining from a variety of furniture items and leave the most necessary, according to the purpose of the premises. Bed, a small wardrobe - maybe it will be the decoration of such a small room. Otherwise, the bedroom will turn into a "Chinese box" filled with the things of its owner. Guided by the principle of minimalism in the design of such a room, remember - better one big (but shallow) cabinet than individual shelves, etc.

Room 8-9 sq m

This size of the residential room is undoubtedly more convenient. There is an opportunity to place more necessary things. Yes, and design options can be "bolder." In the room with such a size, if desired, you can arrange both useful furniture items (, bookshelves, bedside tables) and "secondary" (small aquarium, a TV on a wall, a soft pouf or a couch).

Room 12-15 square meters. M.

In this case, you can choose a specific style and stick it to it. The size of the room will allow you to observe all the subtleties of the style and embody the selected orientation in everything, without saving on the space.

Nuances of the room for a girl and a young man

It is clear that the difference in the design of the young men and the girl is. It is important not to go into extremes and patterns, making up a personal room. Below are the main criteria that you should stick to, planning the design of the bedroom.

Bedroom of a young girl inherent:

  • Light (most often pastel) colors
  • Easy and elegance of furniture
  • Abundance of decorative elements

The room of a young man is usually different:

  • Some asceticism (minimalism)
  • Strict "male" flowers
  • Furniture functionality

It is clear that every person is individual. And the girl's room is not something template-predictably "Girl". Surely, the bedroom of the athlete will be very different from the Boudar young. Also with the choice of room design for a young man - variants set. It all depends on personal preferences and lifestyle lifestyle room.

How to choose the right wallpaper for the room

It would seem that wallpaper is just the background of the room in essence. And you need to choose, focusing primarily on color. However, the modern range expands the range of criteria for which you need to rely on your choice. First of all, the purpose of the room is influenced. After all, the wallpaper for the kitchen will differ significantly from the wallpaper in a nursery or living room! Yes, and the process varies depending on the type of wallpaper selected.

Bedroom wallpapers

Whatever the style of the room, the bedroom wallpaper is better to choose neutral tones. After all, the first and most important destination of the room is a holiday. From this and it is worth repelled, thinking on "clothes" for walls. Choosing the wallpaper of bright specific colors or with a very expressive drawing - think on the end. Will you not get tired of these wallpapers in just a couple of months, do not want a calmer option? If you want bright accents - let them become a framework for photos, unusual vases, other accessories. Replace them with new easier than changing wallpapers on the walls. If the style of the bedroom involves "expensive" decoration, wallpapers can be selected fabric seamless. By the way, they will be perfectly cope with the task of additional sound insulation.

Wallpaper for the living room

Curtains for living room and bedrooms: selection features

Usually, when designing a room design, practically last time. Although this detail of the interior can be in itself no less than the stylistic load than, for example, furniture or wallpaper! Curtains - as a business card of the room. They can make the room boring and inexpressive, and with a successful choice, revitalize the most concise room design.

There are rules for choosing a curtain, which should always be taken into account in order not to disappoint the result.

  • Curtains must be combined primarily with the color and texture of the textile of the room.
  • Upholstery of upholstered furniture and curtains should be harmonized!
  • Wallpaper drawings, curtains and textiles rooms should not "interrupt each other, creating chaos. In if the wallpaper drawing is clear and pronounced, it is better to stop your choice on the curtains in one color, without a picture.
  • Using the contrast effect to correct the disadvantages of the room (vertical strips on the curtains perfectly fit the room with low ceilings, and the transverse strips will visually expand it). You should also not forget about the size and shape of the window (windows), the size of the room, the height of the ceiling and the other features of the room.

By selection of curtains for the living room, it is important not to rearrange! Excessive curtain strife, abundance of parts and a complex cut, I can serve a bad service and make all the other design elements look inexpressive.

Ceiling design in the room

Determining with the living room, you need to be guided by many criteria. This moment is important as determining the amount of financial costs. After all, the ceiling can be both "budget" (simple whitewashing or painting of the surface) and more expensive (here are the options set).


Options for finishing the ceiling and their features

Ceiling cover plasterboard

Perhaps this is the most common option to design the ceiling in our time. After all, he has a lot of indisputable advantages:

The possibility of creating complex original designs. The ceiling can be the main designer solution in the design of the room!

Additional sound insulation.

Saving heat and adjustment of the microclimate of the room.

One of the fastest and easy way to repair the ceiling. If you want a special, unique design, then the stretch ceilings can be combined with elements of plasterboard.

The disadvantages include its price (most often it is significantly higher than other possible options).

Fabric clothA very specific option applied only in an individual designed design of the room.

The design makes our life cozy. How great that with the help of the right design of the room, many problems associated with the size of the room and its functionality can be solved. You are offered options for the best design of small rooms. It's not just flawless selection of flowers, but also a harmonious connection of lines and the right combination of parts.

Inspire by these examples of the design of small rooms - perhaps you will want to arrange a similar beauty at home. Remember that your mood and a state depends largely on what setting you are constantly.

Little Room Design

  1. The design of the room in the crimson tones is a good option for those who combine the workbook and the bedroom. Red color stimulates brain activity.
  2. A gentle color and a lot of shelves make a room very feminine.

  3. Option for registration rooms teenager. Special focus on a compact sofa.

  4. Minimalism - style for all times.
  5. Salad color creates a vigorous atmosphere.
  6. Great room for twins!
  7. The bunk room performs two functions at once. From above - bedroom, bottom - office.
  8. The secret room is exactly the way it should look.
  9. Very smart solution ...

  10. Freshness, purity, nothing superfluous. Ideal both for work and for recreation.

  11. Would you like to have such a room?

  12. Yellow color adds space.

  13. Design in the style of high-tech.
  14. A room in which nothing hurts to focus.

  15. Incredibly cute ... I want such a chair!

  16. Purple room.

  17. And the table, and the sofa by the window is a dream!

  18. The best option for travel lovers.

  19. Room of a real girl.

  20. That's how much time can be placed on a completely small space.

  21. Natural colors and materials are very soothered.

  22. Improgrammed room under the ceiling.

  23. Business-style room.

  24. Pink color can also be elegant.

  25. This is what the child needs! Wonderful functional bed.

  26. Stunning design. Cabinet and bed connected together, save a huge amount of space.

  27. Corner for reading. In such a place you need teach children read!
  28. Madly beautifully executed project. The absolute harmony is inherent in this room.

  29. On the second floor - extra.
  30. Virtuoso room decor for an athlete.

  31. Cabinet business partners.
  32. The perfect separation of space for room neighbors.
  33. A room in ascetic style for a student.
  34. Room of a creative person. Artistic approach to architectural tasks.
  35. Athlete is a lifestyle ...
  36. The bedroom, which you always dreamed.
  37. Room with a bright mood. The light in the design of the room is very important.
  38. House on wheels.

Designers tried to fame by developing so interesting interiors. What is the option of making a small room most like you? So immediately you will not choose - they are all extremely successful. Let the house always reign in your house, comfort and beauty. Tell about these design Examples Small rooms to their friends, it deserves their attention.

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In the houses of modern buildings, the bedroom is less than 15 sq.m, or the living room is less than 25-30 squares, are accepted for small ones. And for many residents of the old buildings, the dimensions of a small-sized apartment are considered the norm. Thus, what room is considered small - the question is open. As a rule, to create an interesting design of a small room, you need to solve two main questions: the maximum functionality of the room and the visual increase in the area.

Design Ideas for Little Room

For functional accommodation in such a small room of a small-sized apartment of all necessary interior items, it is necessary to thoroughly calculate each centimeter of space. Therefore, the most suitable design is suitable here, where there are clear lines, simplicity of geometric forms with a lack of a lush decor. It may be:

  • minimalism;
  • high tech;
  • constructivism, and some others.

In the interior of a small square room, it is necessary to unusually interesting and unstantively arrange furniture and other interior items. For example, when you need to place two beds in such a small space, you can install them at different levels. One bed is a little higher than another, why the space will become more comfortable. There are more options for changing the design of a small room beyond recognition, but if you doubt that you can embody them with your own hands, you can always resort to the help of specialists.

Color palette of the interior

The most optimal solution, when choosing shades for a small square room, there will be a combination of two or three colors. Basic color in the interior, the most basic, will be the brightest. This is the color of the walls, the ceiling that is not necessarily white. It can be pastel shades of blue, lilac, salad, olive for room light, with large windows. For the room darling, warm shades of pale yellow, beige, pink are suitable.

In the photo: Design of a small living room in bright colors

Additional will be the second color: a brighter shade of the base color or contrasting with it. This color can be painted one of the walls or part of it, as well as in this color you can pick up large furniture. Using the second color helps to give the room a depth, shaking the base color in detail. Such a combination of shades makes a small space volumetric space.

In the photo: Little Living Room Design with Bright Pillows

The third color is bright stains in the interior design. It may be dark or bright accents in small details: frames of patterns or photographs, bright pillows, mats and other little things. These are peculiar strokes in general design, attracting attention to the glance. And here is the most important thing, do not overdo it in their quantity or improper placement. It is important to comply with the principle of the location of large items in the depths of the room, and small - at the entrance, side.

Ideas for selection of lighting

In the photo: Multi-level lighting in a small bedroom

There are several proven ways to organize lighting in such a way that the space of a small-sized square room is greater than. Here are some ideas:

  1. An increase in window openings: on the windowsill, arrange a niche in the form of a soft corner. The perfect solution for a small living room.
  2. Using mirrors: placed opposite the window, the mirror will double the amount of light. As well as the ideas of using mirror shelves or mirror design of cabinets, will also help in creating an illusion of spatial increase.
  3. Multi-level zonal lighting: Spotlights installed in a row except good lighting will serve as a visual increase in space. The lamps installed above the sofa, armchair, bookshelves and other places in the room will highlight one or another zone, giving the volume space.
  4. Stylish and concise design of modern lamps and lamps, allows you to achieve a maximum effect in a game of light in the space of small sizes.

Ideas using glass doors and furniture items selected depending on the functional purpose of a small square room will create an addictive game of light.

It is also necessary to avoid in a small design room with a ceiling trim in several levels, which will take the already necessary space, as well as staining it into a dark, absorbing light. The ceiling is better to be painted in one tone with the walls, which will give the space integrity and visually increase the size of the room.

In the photo: Wallpaper with vertical stripes in a small bedroom

One of the options for the implementation of this idea is vertical stripes, but not frequent and bright. This will curtain the curtains in a strip or alternation of strips on the wallpaper.

Furniture and Little Room Interior Textiles

In the photo: angular sofa in a small living room

To avoid climbing the already small space, when choosing furniture, you need to be guided by some simple tricks:

  • Multifunctionality: mandatory requirement for furniture - its transformation: sofa and sleeping place. Be sure to have laundry storage boxes and everything you need. Or a version of the module, where there is a chest of drawers, a table, comfortable shelves and a staircase leading to the bed located at the level above. If you do not pick up in stores, you can always order or make it yourself.
  • Simplicity: no excessive curves and decorations. Furniture can be in the form of an outstanding, but as simple as possible. The furniture lifting can be bright or contrasting, if it is located in the depths of the room, it should not have to attach all the attention.
  • Using pillows and palmings: you can use them instead of sofas and chairs. Dense fabrics of the original colors, bright inserts of the patterns on them will bring part of the eastern theme in the interior of a small room, giving it a special personality and a highlight. Decorate them under your interior, adding all sorts of pompons and ribbons from the atlas, you can always be with your own hands.
  • Fill out each angle: use angular furniture: shelves, lockers, cabinets that save space and make a lot of things.
  • The main focus on natural materials: along with an increase in space, you need to take care of the air in it. That is why preference should be given to natural materials: wood furniture with natural fabrics, glass and metal items. As far as possible to resort to plastic, synthetics and other artificial materials.

Textiles in the interior of a small square room is aimed to make it cozy and cute, which means that the minimum of accessories and decorations, moderation in choosing shades. Curtains choose preferably light tones, direct, translucent, flowing texture. Great option - Roman or Chinese curtains: laconic, simple, they fit into almost any interior.

In the photo: Roman curtains for a small room

If the carpet in a small square room is intended for creating a special coziness and heat, then the choice is ambiguous. It is necessary to approach his choice: the original form, texture and design so that it is harmoniously combined with a common interior. This may be a small mat of a square shape of a light shade, with a small pattern or without it, or a striped rug located with its stripes perpendicular to the wall.

In the photo: Carpet in a small living room

As for small items, it is better to highlight a special niche for them, avoiding scattering throughout the room. Instead of a variety of photo frames, it is better to make one original with your own hands, and place the most favorite photos in it. It is necessary to avoid climbing the space as much as possible, adhere to the order in the location of all things.

Observing all these uncomplicated ideas and designer tricks, the interior design of even a small square apartment can be easily made luxurious and unique, turning the room into the most favorite place for the pastime.

Video - Repair of a small bedroom in style minimalism