Repair Design Furniture

Gazebos for summer cottages are simple, inexpensive and stylish do-it-yourself options (115 photos). How to decorate a gazebo: design options Design of a summer cottage with a gazebo

Many people like to spend time in the country, but at the same time they want the rest to resemble a trip to nature. To do this, you can make a gazebo on the site with your own hands.

If the design is selected and assembled correctly, then it will become not only a decoration of the landscape, but also a source of pride for the owner.

See what gazebos are like - the photo simply and beautifully demonstrates all the advantages of these summer cottages. Among the various designs, there is sure to be a suitable option.

The relevance of the construction of a gazebo in the country

With the onset warm days many want to get out of the city and move to where there is fresh air and nature.

Families go to the mountains or to natural reservoirs on weekends. And those who own their land outside the city, go to their dacha.

If there is only a residential building on the site, then in good weather there is a desire to leave it too. Those who do not like to go far build gazebos where you can enjoy the fresh air at any time.

Features of buildings

Not everyone likes summer cottages under the rays of the scorching sun, therefore, gazebos for summer cottages are equipped in such a way that their design serves as reliable protection from heavy rain and midday heat.

Structures have many advantages:

  • multifunctionality;
  • the construction of a gazebo does not cause inconvenience for those living in the house, which cannot be avoided if the veranda is completed;
  • gazebos are suitable for both day and night rest.

Types of structures

Structurally, there are barbecue facilities, living plan, open and closed.

The most popular option is an open structure

An open gazebo is a simple structure, it has a base in the form of pillars, to which a small canopy is attached. The budget building looks beautiful.

Among all its advantages, the main ones stand out:

  • A lightweight structure can be made by hand.
  • The structure protects well from precipitation or scorching sun rays.
  • This construction option allows you to enjoy the beautiful view of the surrounding nature, inhale the scent of flowers and listen to birdsong.

However, it was not without its drawbacks:

  • Strong gusts of wind can ruin your holiday.
  • The building is suitable for the warm season.
  • You will need to additionally protect yourself from mosquitoes and other insects.

Closed version of the design

These are small buildings in the form of houses or pavilions, surrounded by walls on four sides.

Among the advantages are the following:

  • The gazebo can be used regardless of the season and weather.
  • The structure provides protection from gusts of wind and annoying insects.

There are also disadvantages here:

  • The confined space does not provide an opportunity to fully enjoy the beauty of nature.
  • You cannot cook a shish kebab or barbecue if a special chimney is not installed for this purpose.

Live option

This building is a real work of natural art. Walls and canopy are not made with the usual building materials... Real plants are used for their construction.

Exemplary gazebos have no equal in terms of environmental friendliness or cleanliness. Lightweight designs look sleek and elegant. Their installation does not require significant investment.

Type "BBQ"

it necessary structure for those who like to cook barbecue or barbecue on their own. A barbecue is being built in the barbecue. It is usually open so that the smoke quickly disappears.

However, if the owner has installed a chimney, then this is already a closed type, which is perfect for barbecuing.

What materials to choose?

Before dealing with the question of how to build a gazebo for a summer residence with your own hands, you need to choose the materials for its construction. In terms of environmental friendliness and cleanliness, natural wood is in the lead.

The current option is the registration of the entire site in rustic style... The wood is easy to process and can be shaped in many different ways.

Wood combines perfectly with other materials. The roof of the building can be made of polycarbonate.

Which is better than brick or stone?

Both building materials are suitable for open or closed structures. In the first case, you will need to additionally build partitions. When erecting a closed structure, doors and windows are installed in the walls.

Metal gazebos

You can buy already finished goods... Forging decorative elements look noble, they will make the structure more graceful.

It is difficult to be in the sultry heat inside the structure: the metal is very hot, and it is very hot there.

Fabric constructions

Fabric products are sewn from tarpaulin - a material that does not get wet and does not accumulate water. The gazebos are equipped with mosquito nets to keep mosquitoes or dust out of the canopy.

Forms of arbors

Structures can take a variety of forms.


This shape fits perfectly into the landscape design with strict geometry. This option is suitable for summer cottages where large companies often gather.

To receive guests, it is enough to set up a large table.

Altanka - rounded shapes

Such structures with smooth shapes have small dimensions. If the owners of the dacha have few guests, then this is the best option.

An excellent choice would be round table for meals.


An alternative to the above-mentioned options is the polygonal shape.

Eight or hexagonal pavilions are split into separate segments. It is convenient to collect them yourself.


The owner of the gazebo has the right to decorate the building at his own discretion. He can choose between classic designs, oriental exoticism, woodland and country style.

It all depends on your own preferences.

Photo of gazebos for summer cottages

It is not enough to build a gazebo or a terrace in the country - it is important to decorate it beautifully. The attractiveness of this structure and how it will fit into the overall design of your site largely depends on the successful design of a garden gazebo or terrace. When decorating a terrace country house, as well as when decorating a summer cottage, you can show all your imagination and boldly embody the most creative ideas.

What is summer vacation associated with in the country? Swimming in the river, pond or outdoor pool, relaxing in the shade of trees or in a gazebo entwined with greenery, with morning tea on the terrace, with an evening spent with friends on fresh air... And all around is silence, fresh air with the smell of flowers and greenery, pleasant partial shade during the day or the crimson rays of the setting sun, or the joyful freshness of the early morning, the chirping of birds and the buzzing of insects, the spaciousness and beauty of summer.

In order to fully experience all this, you need to have on your site a terrace, a gazebo, or at least a shed, any summer facility that will provide you with some comfort or allow you to relax in seclusion. Such a structure, not necessarily large, will bring you many pleasant minutes and decorate your site.

The choice of a summer building depends on the size of the site and the house, on the needs and capabilities of the owners. The most important thing is that any structure must organically fit into the surrounding landscape. Before decorating the gazebo with your own hands, decide on the style in which summer structures can be built and decorated.

Styles of design of an open terrace and a gazebo in the country (with photo)

As you can see in the photo, the design of the gazebo in the classical style is characterized by the proportionality of the building as a whole, the severity of the lines, simplicity and restraint in the design.

Country style, or rustic style, involves the use of natural materials, for example, wood in a semi-finished form, that is, the use of various log cabins, logs, wicker shields and hedges.

In the design of plants, not only can be used, but also garden crops.

The oriental style is also common in the design of the terrace in the country house - it is quite interesting and implies the lightness, grace of the summer structure, the visual absence of sharp corners or their minimum, the smoothness of the lines. Before decorating the gazebo in the country oriental style, remember that such a design implies splendor and sophistication. Often, gazebos and terraces in the oriental style are partially glazed with frosted glass.

Look at the photo how to decorate a terrace in the most common, modern style, which includes minimalism, modernism, futurism, etc. The use of modern artificial materials, glass, concrete and metal provides ample opportunities for implementation various projects satisfying all needs and tastes.

But if you do not know how to design a gazebo in a strictly defined style, you cannot observe all of its canons - do not be upset. Lack of a specific style or mixing of elements different styles- also the style called "fuji". The main thing is that the design of the open terrace or gazebo should be liked by you, and the external and internal decoration should correspond to its purpose. If you do not know how to decorate a terrace or a gazebo in compliance with all the canons, just do as your imagination tells you, and then your family and friends will feel comfortable here.

Materials for decorating a summer gazebo in the country (with photo)

The whole process of creating a summer building can be divided into two parts: the actual construction and decoration with plants and flowers. Construction takes very little time compared to landscaping, which takes years and is certainly creativity. The beautiful design of the gazebo in the country house is no less important, since without rebuilding the structure, it allows you to change its appearance and give it novelty and freshness, and also, if necessary, help to hide the flaws of the buildings, decorate your site and make it original.

Pay attention to the photo: for decorating the terrace, you can use other materials in addition to plants: fabrics, colored glass, various artificial materials... They can be used during the construction of a structure. For example, the roof of the canopy can be made of polycarbonate, and in the gazebo, some openings can be closed with colored glass, making beautiful stained-glass windows.

You can use some materials, such as fabric, when you need to renovate or redesign an existing building.

For example, when decorating a gazebo in the garden, you can make original curtains that will also play the role of wind protection. Or, while the plants have not grown, throw an awning over the pergola made of a piece of bright cloth. It all depends on your taste and desires.

Making a summer cottage or garden gazebo with your own hands (with photo)

When making a gazebo with your own hands, you need to adhere to some simple rules. Plants decorating a building outside must blend in with the surrounding landscape and match the style of the building. Flowers and plants inside the building should be in harmony with the interior decoration of the room.

For example, if a small pergola is made in a rustic style, then inside its abundance of bright colorful flowering plants will not look entirely appropriate. But, entwined with garden grapes, with bunches hanging inward, such a pergola looks very cozy.

You have already noticed in the photo that decorating the gazebo with your own hands should not be excessive - moderation must be observed in everything. A completely overgrown gazebo looks shapeless and loses its architectural style and appeal. Therefore, the plants should be planted so that only part of the structure is hidden by them. The same applies to the interior decoration: you should not overload it with an abundance of objects. Even more small room to feel comfortable in it, it should be spacious. Simplicity and moderation are concepts that can characterize almost any style.

As you can see in the photo of the design of the gazebo in the country, the plants should be healthy, strong, well-groomed. Avoid planting a wide variety of plants and then not providing them with proper care. Stunted, diseased, or withered flowers give the unpleasant impression of abandonment and decay. It is better to have very few ornamental plants, but fresh and beautiful.

When decorating a summer gazebo, be guided by your taste and desires, do not be afraid to experiment and combine seemingly incongruous. The garden, arranged according to all the rules, looks boring, it has no feeling, no life, it can delight, but not please. Your home and garden is an area where your rules and your tastes reign.

How to decorate a gazebo and a terrace in the country with your own hands

Most often, before you arrange a gazebo in the country or open terrace Set up a pergola with a bench. On one side (usually from the south or south-west) set wooden boxes with the land where the flowers are planted. Since they are located on the terrace, it is better to take annual fast-growing climbing plants for planting, for example sweet pea or morning glory, which should be planted along the trellis fixed on the pergola, closer to the edge of the box that faces it.

In the second row, closer to the outer edge of the box, that is, in the foreground, low, curb plants, such as alissum, are planted. This is a rather unpretentious culture up to 15 cm tall, has a long flowering and a pleasant honey smell of flowers. There are many varieties of this plant and, therefore, the possibility of choosing the one that suits you.

In order to decorate the gazebo with your own hands, the plant boxes need to be made wide enough. And a small flower garden on the terrace can be made three-row, adding, for example, a row of asters between climbing and curb plants. On top of the pergola, you can stretch an awning made of fabric of the same color as the border flowers. Such a pergola will decorate the terrace and create a cozy and shady corner for relaxing during the day.

An alternative to the pergola is a small canopy installed on the terrace and covered with mats. Such a canopy is convenient in that it allows you to easily remove part or all of the roof, regulating the flow of sunlight. It will be possible to quickly change the roof by replacing one or all of the mats.

Such a structure is usually covered with two or three mats, depending on its size. Attaching the mats makes it easy to change the roof. They are attached to the longitudinal rails using steel wire studs. Moreover, one end of each mat is fastened with brackets to the side beam, and this fastening is not removable, and the sides of the mats and the other end are fastened with long studs that are inserted into pre-drilled holes of the required diameter. It is important that the studs are easy to remove, but not "dangling" in their holes.

If your terrace is covered, then as protection from the wind you can use perennial plants such as hops or girlish grapes, which are planted - usually on one of the sides of the terrace - from where the winds blow predominantly. On the terrace itself, you can install a flowerpot or hang a basket.

Design ideas: how to decorate a gazebo and a terrace in the country

Partial glazing of the terrace or windscreens can also be used as wind protection. Stained-glass windows are a great idea for decorating a gazebo and a terrace. The use of colored glass also provides protection from the sun, creating a light, multi-colored shade. Before decorating a terrace or a gazebo with stained-glass windows, you should choose the colors in which the stained-glass drawing will be solved, make a sketch, taking into account the fact that under different lighting conditions, depending on the time of day, the stained-glass window will look different. You should also take into account that different colors can have a significant impact on the emotional state of a person, his mood.

There are several ways to create stained glass windows. One of them assumes that on the whole sheet ordinary glass a drawing of colored glass is laid out, another ordinary sheet is superimposed on top.

Also, colored glass can be fixed on ordinary glass using a special synthetic film. Before decorating a terrace in the country with stained-glass windows, decide on the color of the glass.

The white color prevailing in the stained-glass window creates a feeling of celebration and visually enlarges the space, sets off other colors very well, gives the entire stained-glass window pattern austerity and completeness.

Red color has an exciting effect, with short-term exposure increases efficiency, but its more prolonged action causes first irritation, and then fatigue. Red is traditionally present in stained-glass windows, but it should be applied in moderation and its darker shades are better.

Orange color causes a feeling of cheerfulness and improves mood, increases efficiency and has a positive effect on a person. Therefore, it is recommended to use it in stained glass windows for children.

Yellow pleasing to the eye, soothes nervous system, improves mood, improves appetite and human well-being. Yellow color must be present in stained glass windows.

Green color, even with prolonged exposure, has a positive effect on the psyche, normalizes the emotional state, raises mood, and increases efficiency. Green combined with yellow and brown flowers has a beneficial effect on a person.

The color blue is very beautiful in stained glass, creates magical lighting and has a calming effect. It creates a feeling of coolness and freshness, disposes to dreaminess, stimulates the imagination.

The blue color also creates a feeling of coolness, reduces emotional stress but may impair performance and cause feelings of sadness.

With prolonged exposure, purple reduces performance, depressing, can cause a decrease in mood, but in small quantities it stimulates the imagination and promotes the manifestation of creativity.

The brown color has a calming effect and normalizes the mood, but it is poorly tolerated in large quantities by cheerful and active people. Traditionally used in stained glass windows.

After the pattern and colors are determined, it is necessary to calculate the amount necessary materials and determine the location of the windscreen in relation to the cardinal points and the local wind rose.

Windscreens can be of a wide variety, the most common are wood, with cloth or paper reinforced on them. Their size, shape and design depend on the general style of the building and its interior, as well as on the purpose, taste and wishes of the owner.

If the terrace is located on a high foundation, then outside along its perimeter you can plant ornamental shrub and trim it high enough to cover the foundation, creating a nice green frame.

Terrace decoration: how to decorate a terrace with your own hands

A great idea of ​​how to decorate a terrace with your own hands is to make a beautiful covered walkway connecting the free-standing terrace with the house. A covered walkway can be a canopy in the same style as the house and the terrace. Moreover, wood, metal and plastic can be used for its construction.

Modern materials make it possible to implement almost any project. When decorating a terrace, the roof for the canopy can be made of homemade plastic, which is obtained by impregnating a dense fabric with a light-colored floor varnish. For this, special additives are used that accelerate the polymerization of the varnish. The impregnated fabric is dried on supports made of metal bar or pipes. The shape of the canopy, its size (of course, in reasonable aisles), color and texture are determined by the fabric and the pattern from it, as well as the chosen finish.

The covered walkway can be decorated in a classic style - with arches or a pergola entwined with roses or clematis.

Making a gazebo in the garden with your own hands

Open gazebos in a classic or rustic style are best decorated outside with curly ornamental plants and flowers. Since the gazebos are almost always open, that is, they have no walls, but only a small fence, the plants planted around the gazebo are also an element of it. interior design... Since the space inside the gazebo is usually not very large, and often it is not enough, it is better to use it rationally. With a similar arrangement of benches and such a table shape, even in a very small gazebo, there will be some free space, which is necessary for a comfortable stay in the room.

Interior decoration open arbors made of wood are usually not carried out, since the tree itself is very decorative. As protection of wood from adverse external influences, painting or coating with two or three layers of varnish is performed. Open, small in area and low gazebos are often installed in playgrounds, which are arranged in the courtyard or in the garden of a country house.

Such playgrounds are mostly small, they are often very small, so it is important to place various structures on them so as to make the best use of the space, leaving enough space for the free movement of children. You can paint the gazebo on the site bright colors or paint with funny drawings.

Gazebos with a fireplace or hearth are very interesting. They can also be used in cold enough weather, especially if they are glazed.

It's nice to sit by the fire on a cool evening, admiring the flames. The fireplace makes the room very cozy.

We decorate the gazebo: tips and photos on how to decorate the gazebo with your own hands

In gazebos with walls and glazed frames, the shape and size of the latter can also play an important role in the design of the entire structure. Together with glass or other materials that can be used in this quality, they will give the summer structure a certain style and originality.

Pay attention above to the photo "We decorate the gazebo with our own hands": - there are many opportunities here, it all depends on the chosen project and the tastes of the owner.

Glass for decoration is used ordinary or frosted, colored or printed, and there may be several types of glass. Frosted glass with a pattern applied to it imitates paper well and is used as such to give summer building oriental flavor. The interior decoration of such gazebos is made using the same materials that are used for the decoration of residential premises. There are also many possibilities here to create a stylish atmosphere and sufficient comfort to suit the purpose of the room.

Openwork metal gazebos, especially if they are decorated with forged drawings, should not be covered with climbing plants, they are beautiful and elegant in themselves.

A beautiful garden gazebo is suitable not only for relaxation, but also for various celebrations, be it a birthday or a wedding. The most beautiful gazebos are those that are decorated with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself openwork gazebo

The openwork gazebo gives the impression of a light and airy structure. How to make such a gazebo? The gazebo is made of wood and has a simple design. Walls in the form of a wooden lattice can be decorated with climbing plants, and then the gazebo will resemble a live green screen. A feature of the gazebo will be a hexagonal table placed in the center and a bench built around it.

How to build an openwork gazebo?

  1. Mark the territory and draw a hexagon on the ground. At the corners of the hexagon, it is necessary to dig holes for support, for this we pour sand into the holes of 12 cm and tamp it. The pillow is used for concrete blocks, on which roofing material must be laid, and then wooden beams.
  2. You need to lay the floor on the wooden beams, which must be assembled from the planks. We install and fix the corner posts on the finished floor. On top of each pillar, it is necessary to lay the beams of the upper harness, which will support the roof.
  3. An openwork structure can be given using wooden lattices. The grille must be assembled from wooden frames filled with interlaced slats. Reiki stuffed in a certain way creates a beautiful decorative ligature. The grille must be installed between the guardrail posts.
  4. The back walls can be made deaf. This will not affect the appearance of the gazebo, but vacationers will be protected from drafts.
  5. The roof can be made of soft tiles. At the entrance to the gazebo, you can put a box of rails where you can plant flowers.

The photo shows an openwork gazebo.

Wedding gazebo

A wedding is the most beautiful and solemn event. In order to create a festive atmosphere, you need to decorate not only the house, but also the gazebo and the surrounding area. A beautiful gazebo, decorated with your own hands, is perfect for a romantic photo shoot.

There are many design options, a gazebo decorated with fabric, balloons or flowers will look good. You can choose one item or combine several.

The exterior of the gazebo will look festive if you decorate it with ornamental plants, shrubs, flowers. Floral decoration is the use of hanging or floor boxes, with annual flowers. In front of the gazebo, you can put a fountain, which can also be decorated with decorative ribbons. In the evening, you can add a few light accents to the gazebo, it can be multi-colored bulbs, lighting or romantic candle lighting.

In order to give the gazebo individuality, you can decorate it with the names of the newlyweds or their initials. A master class on making volumetric letters from woolen threads will help you to make such beauty.

For work we need:

  • printed letters of the required size;
  • woolen threads;
  • scissors;
  • thermal gun;
  • beads, rhinestones or other decorative items.

Manufacturing principle

  1. Trace the printed letter around the outline on thick cardboard.
  2. Next, you need to cut out a cardboard blank and fix an even layer of cotton wool on it with a heat gun.
  3. Wrap the letter woolen threads, make sure that the threads are not snug against the workpiece, but also do not dangle.
  4. The resulting letter can be decorated with flowers, beads, rhinestones or ribbons.

From such voluminous letters, you can lay out any inscription and attach it, for example, above the entrance to the gazebo.

What color? Color wishes completely depend on your taste, the general style of the wedding. Choose bright or delicate colors, the main thing is that they emphasize the beauty of the gazebo and fit in style. The gazebo should repeat the wedding theme.

The photo shows a volumetric monogram.

A gazebo made of sweets will help to give the gazebo a wedding style. This composition is very simple:

  • the dome and base are made of foam, which is then pasted over with paper;
  • six knitting needles, pasted over with paper and connect the dome and base;
  • small pipes are used as columns;
  • gazebos are decorated with paper flowers, sweets and candy wrappers. Can be used modern elements decor: rhinestones, beads, colored glass, etc.

Arbor design

To receive you need to beautiful gazebo for the holiday, you can contact a special agency or decorate the building with your own hands. The main thing is to follow common princes and not be afraid to experiment.

The design of the gazebo can be divided into several stages:

  1. External decoration - decoration of the entrance, gazebo roof and fences. The gazebo can be painted with silicone paints, or temporarily decorated decorative elements.
  2. Internal - interior decoration of the gazebo. This can be decoration with dishes, textiles, furniture, curtains and lamps.
  3. Decoration of the adjacent territory: organization of additional places for recreation, decoration of the path, landscaping of the territory, outdoor lighting.

How to decorate a gazebo?

Interesting ideas for decorating gazebos can be seen on the Internet, we have selected the most interesting of them. The gazebo decorated with balls looks very modern. Aerodesign, as this type of decor is correctly called, will not leave anyone indifferent. Whole compositions and figures are created from multi-colored balls, it all looks very festive and beautiful.

With your own hands, you can decorate the gazebo with amazingly beautiful and festive balls. For this we need:

  • Balloons;
  • cotton threads;
  • half a cup of cornstarch;
  • PVA glue, scissors.
  1. Cornstarch should be soaked in a quarter of a glass of water, adding PVA glue there. If you want to get multi-colored balls, just add the desired shades of paint to the composition.
  2. Inflate the balls, they can be of different sizes, so it will be even more interesting.
  3. Dip cotton threads in a mixture of starch and glue, carefully wrap the ball.
  4. The product should dry well, after which the ball must burst and carefully remove.

Feel like a real florist and decorate the gazebo with flowers. Compositions of natural and artificial flowers will transform any gazebo. A unique background for a wedding will be created by decorating the gazebo with a cloth. Light fabrics are used for decoration, which in color and texture will be suitable for general style celebrations.

The photo shows a beautiful gazebo.

Lovers' gazebo

The gazebo is the most romantic place for a date. The gazebo decorated with balloons will delight your loved one and give a feeling of celebration. Perhaps the romantic dinner in the gazebo will be the most memorable.

$ Price:

  • balloon - 30 rubles;
  • balloon with helium - 70 rubles;
  • decorating the gazebo with balls - from 2500 rubles;
  • luminous helium balloon- 70 rubles;
  • figures and compositions of balls - 500-1500 per figure.

The photo shows a gazebo decorated with flowers.

The gazebo is perfect for celebrations. A gazebo decorated with your own hands will look beautiful and gentle, many decorative elements can be made from scrap materials.

A garden gazebo can be a real decoration. The new survey collected the most successful examples of such. We would like to draw your attention to several fundamentally new options for how you can organize this kind of site.

1. Uncomplicated design

A frame made of wooden beams and dense curtains is perhaps the simplest and most attractive way to create a garden gazebo. This design will harmoniously fit simple furniture from pallets, and bright covers and decorative pillows will add coziness and style to the gazebo. The only disadvantage of such a building is that the fabric roof will not protect against rain and will quickly lose its appearance in conditions of frequent bad weather.

2. Wooden house

An original and modern gazebo with two round doorways will become a cozy place to relax and a real decoration of the backyard. However, the construction of such a structure will require considerable building skills.

3. Hemisphere

Fantastic hemispherical gazebo made of metal rods and polycarbonate - non-standard and very beautiful solution for suburban area... Such a charming design with soft armchairs and plants in tubs will turn the garden into a paradise.

4. Hut

A similar gazebo can be made from the remains of building materials. The advantage of this design is its reliability and strength of building materials, which will allow you to stay there even in the rain.

5. Summer house

A luxurious garden house on supports, where both children and adults will be happy to spend time. The main materials for construction are wooden beams, boards and corrugated board. When erecting such a house, special attention should be paid to the strength and reliability of the structure.

6. Oriental style

A beautiful brick gazebo with an original wide doorway and comfortable furniture will become a cozy place to relax in any weather. Brick gazebos are quite durable, but their construction will require special skills.

7. Natural materials

A covered gazebo with decorative elements, built exclusively from natural light wood, is a great idea for lovers of natural materials.

8. Tropical corner

Charming gazebo with thatched roof that will transform your backyard into a tropical resort. To erect such a structure, you will need tall wooden logs, boards and straw. To make the roof waterproof, cover the straw with a piece of plastic or polycarbonate.

9. Ecodesign

A creative gazebo, similar to a hut, with a live green roof, will become a unique decoration of the summer cottage and a cozy place to relax.

10. Firebird cage

An elegant wrought-iron gazebo decorated with dense climbing plants is a great place for a comfortable outdoor recreation. The disadvantages of this design are the lack of a roof and insects living in dense vegetation.

11. Stone hut

A reliable gazebo made of stone and polycarbonate is a great place to relax in any weather. Stone walls will keep you cool even on the hottest days, which is an indisputable advantage of a summer gazebo.

12. Teremok

Charming gazebo with a frame made of wooden beam and thick curtains instead of walls. This design of the gazebo will create a feeling of intimacy, but at the same time will not interfere with natural circulation air.

13. Mini house

A magnificent construction made of wood and glass, which will become not only a wonderful place to relax, but also an exquisite decoration of the summer cottage. Of course, the construction of such a gazebo will require considerable material costs, but the coziness and comfort that this structure will bring with it is worth the money.

14. Safe haven

Cozy gazebo closed type, sheathed in plastic, looks modern and attractive. The closed type of construction of such a gazebo is good in that even pouring rain will not darken the rest in it, and a large number of windows will provide excellent air circulation in a small space.

15. Behind the glass

A charming snow-white gazebo, which consists of durable custom-made windows and a reliable triangular roof. Unusual building will become worthy decoration any area, and its transparent design will allow you to observe everything that happens outside.

16. A secluded spot

Charming gazebo from carved wood with one blank wall and many shelves that create a unique and cozy atmosphere inside.

17. Romantic atmosphere

The gazebo, which consists of timber frame and a tarpaulin awning - a simple and stylish design that any man can create. Candles and Christmas garlands can be used as lighting for such a gazebo.

Gazebos for summer cottages, photo examples different types buildings are presented in the gallery, this is not just a place to relax, but also a bright, colorful element of the personal plot. The choice of small architectural forms is very diverse, today you can buy a ready-made prefabricated structure and install it yourself, or choose a typical project, and specialists in short time they will erect it on your site, but still, most often, a gazebo is built in the country with their own hands.

Recently, closed-type summer cottages have become very popular. As a rule, these are houses made of wood or brick, with windows and even doors. Inside such winter gazebo equip with everything necessary for a comfortable stay not only in the warm season, but also in cold weather. Usually a fireplace, stove or barbecue is installed there, they equip kitchen area and a place to relax, the most zealous owners spend everything engineering Communication.

Winter summer cottages made of wood, photo of insulated and glazed buildings

But in addition to full-fledged holiday houses, indoor ones are also very popular, glazed gazebos for summer cottages - these are light structures made of wood, metal or brick; to protect against the vagaries of nature, a cold one is provided in the openings frameless glazing, or aluminum sliding systems.

Another option for gazebos of a closed type are canopies, sewn up with polycarbonate - pavilions, such a solution allows you to organize a comfortable rest, both in strong winds and in rain.

Covered summer cottage made of polycarbonate with cold glazing

Semi-closed summer gazebos for a summer residence, perhaps, the most popular models of a small architectural form for arranging a personal plot. These include classic wooden gazebos and wrought-iron structures. It should be noted that in order to protect against the effects of an aggressive external environment, such buildings are equipped with soft windows PVC, but most often limited to just curtains.

An example of how to decorate a wooden gazebo in the Russian style

Shape and size

Modern construction technologies I allow you to build a summer cottage of any configuration, but, despite the diversity, several basic forms can be distinguished:

  • rectangular simple constructions, as a rule, these are polycarbonate sheds on a welded or forged metal frame and buildings made of brick or wood;
  • a polygonal building, most often, is a classic semi-closed wrought-iron or wooden arbor, at the base of which there is a 6 or 8 gon.
  • round - these are classic rotundas on pillars with a light roof and ultramodern structures made of plastic and polycarbonate, sometimes round shape there are also stylized classic gazebos, for example, woven from willow twigs or reeds;
  • combined buildings consisting of several spaces different shapes, these can be closed houses with an easy attached canopy, or classic gazebos with a barbecue area, sometimes two-story buildings.

Original suburban combined gazebo made of logs and beams

Photo of metal gazebos in the country, mini-structure made of profile and polycarbonate

If the dimensions of the summer cottage allow, then the most practical thing is to make a classic gazebo of a multifaceted shape 3 * 3 m, or rectangular, with an area of ​​6-12 m 2. In such a building, you can install a stationary barbecue, and freely place a small company.

Countryside gazebo

Advice: It is believed that for a comfortable stay for 1 person, you need 1.5-2 m 2 of the gazebo area. The optimal height of the building to the lower edge of the roof slope is 2-2.2 m.

An interesting idea for a summer cottage with a fireplace

When deciding on the size of the gazebo in the country, it is important not to forget about the proportional ratio of the entire architectural group on the site. So in a small garden, it is advisable to install small, light, elegant structures so that they do not overload the space. Usually these are forged or openwork wooden buildings, or almost weightless frame structures, sheathed with polycarbonate.

And on a large territory you can afford different sizes gazebos, a huge building with a stove and a kitchen, or several medium ones, located in different parts of the garden. The most relevant here are massive summer cottages made of timber, logs, brick and stone buildings.

Functional features

Another important criterion for choosing is the functionality of the room. In the photo of the gazebos for summer cottages, it can be clearly seen that if this is just a place for gatherings, then enough small canopy or a classic building, in which benches and a table in the center are installed in a circle.

Do-it-yourself wrought-iron summer cottages, drawings of typical designs can be modified independently

Gazebos for summer cottages with barbecue are usually built of brick or stone, as this fire-fighting materials... In this case, a kitchen-working area is attached directly to the stove. The place for feasts should be located at least 3 m from the hearth, therefore such buildings have a large area.

It is better to lay out the pillars from facing brick, so you will save on finishing

There are other options for organizing a barbecue gazebo. For example, you can install a classic building, and next to lay out a platform with a canopy, on which the oven will be installed.

Semi-open gazebo with barbecue

A do-it-yourself gazebo in the country does not have to be of a stationary type. It can be a prefabricated frame structure covered with a special awning.Such a lightweight tent can be quickly installed as needed anywhere garden plot... The average area of ​​the tent is about 9 m 2, so comfortable wicker furniture can be freely placed in it for a comfortable stay.

Choose a tent for a summer cottage not only with canopies, but also with a mosquito net

A summer garden structure made of a light metal or wooden frame, entwined with weaving plants, will decorate any garden. This is a great area for relaxation in good weather, and besides, the construction of such a gazebo requires practically no financial costs.

Metal frame pergola

Design and construction stages

When you have decided on the shape, functionality, location and size of the gazebo, you need to carefully consider on what foundation it will be built:

  • columnar base, suitable for almost all types of soil, and its construction does not require large costs;
  • pile, if there is swampy soil or uneven terrain on the site, and the building will be located on a slope, the arrangement of such a foundation will help to avoid time-consuming earthwork;
  • stove - for small gazebos on level ground, it will also serve as a floor;
  • shallow tape is suitable for large combined structures with barbecue, closed buildings and for Finnish grill houses.

For large summer cottages, it is better to fill in the strip foundation.

Important: For the construction of summer cottages, located between trees, which have developed root system, it is recommended to lay an unburied columnar foundation, or simply place rubble flat stones under the corners of the building.

Idea for a summer cottage on pile foundation, for sections with big amount trees

Next, you need to draw a plan of the suburban area, designate all the buildings on it, and schematically mark the location of the building. The next step is to complete a drawing of the gazebo.

Original gazebo made of sculpted concrete

The easiest way is to use ready-made standard projects gazebos for summer cottages, and adapt to your conditions. But if standard designs you are not satisfied, then you can complete the drawing yourself:

  1. Mark the building site on the plan.
  2. Outline the outline of the structure, try to locate the entrance from the leeward side.
  3. Indicate where the pillars for the base will be located, if the foundation is tape, be sure to check the entire perimeter on the ground so as not to encounter problems when digging a trench.
  4. Draw a separate design project for the gazebo. At this stage, it is important to decide on the materials for the construction.

For a summer cottage building with your own hands, choose simple design projects

Design and materials

The design of the gazebo in the country should combine the idea and content. Idea includes: material, shape, style, decoration. The content should be responsible for functionality, comfort, practicality: utilities, furniture, textiles, lighting.

Simple suburban gazebo in Japanese style

It should be said that in most cases wooden gazebos are built for summer cottages. Firstly, this material lends itself well to processing and does not require any additional equipment.

Rustic gazebo

And secondly, with the help of wood, you can recreate almost any style, the most popular, without a doubt, country:

  • Russian: logs, beams, wooden lace.
  • Chalet: massive edged board, timber, for a more pronounced effect, the tree is thrown.
  • Provence: timber racks, wooden lattice, lining, a shining example is the rotunda on white concrete pillars, the interior is complemented by elegant light furniture.

Country gazebo in Provencal style

  • Japanese: vertical posts made of solid timber, pitched roof with a powerful rafter system made of a board of 100 * 50 mm, sometimes the openings are sewn up wooden lattice with straight cells.
  • Italian classic style It implies an elegant design, curly pillars, a parapet made of carved balusters, and chiseled wooden furniture.
  • Rustic: tree trunks, stumps, driftwood, possibly in combination with rubble stone.

Light country gazebo in Mediterranean style

  • Mediterranean: simple shapes, more often rectangular structures made of sandstone, beams and boards, painted in the colors of the sky and sand, all this splendor is complemented by sail curtains.

the roof is made of polycarbonate, then a dome-shaped or single-pitched one is started rafter system... To give a classic style to a summer cottage welded gazebo, the roof should be made hip or domed with bituminous tiles.

Welded suburban gazebo in the Art Nouveau style


But it is not enough to know how to build a gazebo for a summer residence, it is equally important to correctly equip and decorate the room.

Competent lighting will decorate even a simple building

Huge aesthetic and practical role lighting plays that subtly emphasize the design and give the gazebo a mysterious, fabulous look.For open buildings and outdoor lighting, outdoor pendant lights with a forged base are ideal interior decoration- diode tape and garlands. The halogen illumination of plants also looks spectacular.

Lush vegetation will create shade and help blend the gazebo with landscaping

Vegetation should be given special attention. Before entering, break up flower beds, and it is better to plant loaches or grapes around the perimeter. You can put flowers in pots near the porch, and hang pots with ampelous plants under the roof.

For creating country building in oriental style textiles play a huge role

Don't forget curtains, stools, and pillows. It is better to use textiles waterproof, covers are removable so that it is convenient to wash them.

The original sculpture will transform the look of a summer cottage

Deserves special attention garden sculpture, which should overlap with the design of the summer cottage. So, for a building in a rustic style, fairy-tale characters painted in bright colors, animal figures are suitable. To highlight the mediterranean style, you should choose statues of ancient gods, but for Provence graceful flowerpots and figurines are typical.

In the gallery, we have selected for you photos of hand-made summer cottages, in them you will find interesting ideas for building on your site. Do not be afraid to show your creativity, it is important not only to decorate the gazebo, but also to think over the landscape design near the building: small pond, beautiful original paths, flower beds of an unusual shape and many flowers - all this will undoubtedly decorate the site and cause genuine delight among your guests.