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Frameless glazing with your own hands. Frameless Finnish glazing to the main advantages of "climbing" can be attributed

Frameless glazing, invented in Finland in Lumon, still in the last century, came to us quite recently. Now you can see the balconies and loggias on our streets, whose glazing attracts attention to its unusualness and special elegance. The design, not burdened by the frame, becomes lightness and airiness. Such glazing can be performed with your own hands if you familiarize yourself with all the processes of the process that are set out in this article.

Such a type of glazing as a frameless, gives a lot of advantages and technical, and operational. This system is different:

  • high reliability;
  • wind resistance;
  • the ability to withstand large static loads;
  • simplicity in service;
  • durability.

The frameless system allows you to:

  • increase glass height up to 3.2 m, and width up to 0.9 m;
  • use tempered glass thickness from 6 to 10 mm;
  • increase the illumination of the room;
  • perform glazing balconies of non-standard form;
  • visually increase the space;
  • create the effect of a solid transparent wall;
  • if necessary, fully disclose a balcony or loggia;
  • easy wash glass. It is very essential if you are afraid of height. In this case, you do not have to stick out beyond the balcony;
  • because Voltages on the surface of the glass are uniformly distributed, even if it breaks, it is formed not fragments capable of wound, but small and safe cubes;
  • the appearance of the building where there is balconies or loggias with such glazing, looks very winning.

On the positive qualities of frameless glazing, it is described in the proposed video:

To choose from being fully conscious, it is necessary to stop at shortcomings. This system does not suit you if:

  • glazing You are considering not only as protection against winds, precipitation and dust, but also as a substantial barrier from the cold in winter and from the heat in the summer. Frameless glazing is just well performing a protective function, but the temperature on the balcony or loggia will not increase and does not downgrade significantly. She will not differ little from street;
  • choosing a fierce glazing, you hope that you will stop taking street noise at all. It is not: double-glazed windows in this sense 2 times more efficient than glass thickness of 0.6 cm;
  • you definitely need a mosquito net. The system is deprived of the ability to install it;
  • you want to save on glazing. This system is expensive.

Balcony glazing

If you chose this cold balcony glazing method, you can carry it in two ways:

  • you invite specialists and they equip your balcony with a frameless glazing system at the highest level. It will be distinguished by good tightness. The sash in it not only open and closes, but also fully folded. Advanced glasses having a low thermal conductivity will even slightly increase the temperature on the balcony. Mounting floating floors, you will get an extra room;
  • you yourself fulfill all the glazing glazed balcony.

Components of the frameless glazing

The system of frameless glazing consists of:

  • hardened glass cloths having a thickness of 0.6 to 1 cm;
  • upper and lower profiles. Most often they are made of aluminum;
  • carriers carrying with ball bearings;
  • platbands;
  • sings;
  • pads on the glass;
  • lamp castle;
  • retainer;
  • handles lock;
  • rubber or acrylic seals, which are dressed on the glass edge;
  • fixing ribbons. With it is fixed sash.

Fireless glazing technology

To avoid many problems and not disappointed in the selected method of glazing, it is necessary to install it qualitatively. The technology of frameless glazing consists of the following steps:

  • fastening top low tide;
  • joining the upper aluminum profile;
  • installation of the system of ball bearings serving to hold double rollers in the upper profile;
  • installations of the upper brush silicone seal with an insertion of the upper glass profile and a panel of tempered glass;
  • performing work on the installation of the glass profile, the sealing of the silicone and guide profile from the lower aluminum;
  • fastenings to the balcony parapet of the lower mound;
  • sealing gaps formed between glass and walls, sealant.

It should be noted that nails and screws are not used. The design is bonded specially designed for this glue. All these operations are easy to perform, but not to do it qualitatively for everyone. It is just necessary for jewelry accuracy, otherwise money and efforts to implement the ideas of frameless glazing with their own hands, will be wasted.

It will help to better imagine this video of frameless glazing:

Note: Sometimes instead of tempered glass use monolithic polycarbonate. Dear guide profiles Folk crafts replace the corresponding details from the wardrobes, but in this case high quality And there can be no speech.

If the difficulties did not scare you, and you are ready to experience them on yourself, then ordering finished elements Systems of frameless glazing, prefer reliable manufacturers.

The best manufacturers of frameless glazing systems of balconies and loggias

Pay attention to the Finnish Elegant system. She makes her company LUMON. It stands out:

  • aesthetic species;
  • simplicity;
  • easy to use. You can control the system by means of a special handle by turning which you will open or close the sash;
  • the presence of a patented ventilation mechanism. With its help, the glass takes a steady position in a proprietary state;
  • the presence of a 5-year warranty.

Systems differ in good quality panoramic glazing From the manufacturer from Germany Stakuzit. Panorama's frameless glazing system has been used for many years and it has earned excellent recommendations:

  • it is used for isolation from the streets of balconies, as well as to create terraces of country houses;
  • the object configuration may be any;
  • it is convenient that all the flaps move and fold, if you wish, you can fully open space, harmonica;
  • the gap between the glasses is immeasured, because It is only 3 mm.

Domestic no worse than imported

Domestic manufacturers, namely, the technological bureau with its Estel Project production also learned how to produce good frameless glazing systems, such as Estel system (ESTEL):

  • specialists respond about the elements of this system even better than foreign;
  • the cost is lower than approximately 3 times;
  • different from the elegant system by the fact that the glass canvas is attached to the profile not only below, but also at the top, and therefore the points of the support more;
  • glasses are moving not only in a straight line, but also overcome any angles. So, whatever configuration is a loggia, at least oval, even a round, possibly its full opening;
  • it is possible to use this system and other similar domestic - STS to create light partitions both in the apartment and in the office or another place;
  • the cost of the domestic system of frameless glazing is almost 3 times less than imported, although it is still expensive - from 100 cu

Of course, you can save, buying locks and rollers at a very low price, but then:

  • get ready for the fact that every time, opening the flaps, you will hear an unpleasant grinding;
  • in addition, the internal structures are quickly extended due to scratches, which leave poor-quality, but cheap rollers on the glass.

Frameless glazing terrace

Especially responsible should be approached by the choice of the terrace of frameless glazing:

  1. Check out this details with its work and device.
  2. Choose an option when the sash opens well.
  3. Glass panel thickness - 10 mm.
  4. Width of sash - from 06 to 0.6 cm.
  5. Height - 3 m.
  6. Usually, the system of frameless glazing the terraces looks like a wall of glass, where the first sash turns. It is equipped with a handle and a locking device, so it can be removed the role of the door. There is no threshold.
  7. If instead of the glass you decide to apply polycarbonate, then:
  • apply a special film to the upper cut;
  • along the bottom cut, make holes so that water goes freely. Otherwise the material will become muddy;
  • while mounting sheets, use thermoshabs. They are needed to prevent linear expansion of polycarbonate at high temperatures;
  • side edges of the cloth protect with rubber overlays;
  • if you want a completely transparent terrace, then the roof also perform from polycarbonate. It can be both a single and deployed, but the radius should not exceed 6 degrees.

Such a terrace will be hidden, but the beauty and constructions of the design are worth.

Notice: If you buy glass on the market, then they have a protective film. It is better to clean her after all mounting work.

Now you know about the advantages and disadvantages of such a glazing option. This is definitely beautiful and fashionable. Considering the photo of the frameless glazing, you once again make sure. But the choice still should proceed from your priorities and financial opportunities.

The cost of frameless glazing "turnkey" - from 13 500 rubles / sq.m

The growth of the popularity of frameless systems invariably causes a lot of questions about it. modern method glazing. Most people who want to glaze, or blonde, are interested in what makes up.

How the price is formed on frameless glazing

  • A significant part of the cost of any frameless design is accounted for a variety of furniture: roller mechanisms, locks, fixing collected flaps, aluminum guides, handles.
  • Also the cost affects number of panels and places intended for their fixation in the assembled form. The fact is that with a large area of \u200b\u200bglazing it is impossible to collect all the sash in one "book", so the need for additional places for their collection arises.
  • Initially, aluminum profiles are painted in white color. However, at the request of the customer you can make them tolder One of the more than one and a half hundred shades according to the RAL catalog, which will also affect the final price of frameless design.
  • Self glass It may not only be transparent, but also focused on mass or even mirror - and, accordingly, more expensive.
  • The price is dependent and glass thicknesswhich can be from 6 to 12 mm. The glass itself is selected based on the height on which "climbing" is mounted. The higher the floor, the more significant the wind loads on the design - therefore, the glass thickness should increase as height increases.
  • Construction complexity - An important component of the cost. With the same glazing area, the cost of rectilinear design and design with complex geometry will differ significantly. This happens not only because of the increase in the complexity of the installation, but also due to more expense components.
  • Since the frameless design does not close an apartment or a house from prying eyes, at the request of the customer can be mounted jalousieWhat will also increase the cost.
  • In addition, if we are talking about glazing gazebos throughout the perimeter, you will need to install a door, the cost of which is higher than that of the ordinary sash.

Call us and we will help you decide on best design Frameless glazing!

The buildings do not deteriorate. Glasses in frameless design can move freely on special plastic rollers. Balcony or loggia can be discovered completely by shifting the glasses in the direction of the canvas, folding them with the "book" or turning to the wall.

Thanks to the sliding glass flaps of a frameless design, a beautiful panorama of the window is ensured, its appearance is upgraded.

In the system of frameless glazing, tempered glass is used, having a thickness of from 6 to 8 mm. Such glass is safe: if even for any reason it breaks, it will neatly crumble and turn into small cubes, and not split into sharp dangerous fragments. However, it is quite difficult to break it, if only it is purposeful, knocking on it with the force of the hammer. Random and daily loads, tempered glass is incredibly stable, because it has high resistance to breaking.

Balcony or loggia with frameless glazing is reliably protected from atmospheric precipitation and noise. Window flaps occupy a little space and firmly fixed, they do not break even with very strong wind. At the same time, for closing and opening the glasses is not required to make efforts. And since they add up, they are comfortable enough to wash with the inner, and from the outside.

Currently on russian market There are several types of frameless glazing systems. One of them is the imported system of Finnish production "Elegant". In addition, on sale you can find two domestic systems - "Estelle" and "STS". One of the advantages of frameless structures domestic production - This is quite affordable price. The inexpensive cost of frameless glazing, its convenience, strength and quality makes this design of popular and fairly profitable acquisition.

Disadvantages of frameless glazing balconies and loggias

Unfortunately, the flax glazing technology of balconies also has negative sides. First, glazing is a window design of a fender type, and therefore does not save heat. Temperature on the street and is only a few degrees. In this case, an additional artificial insulation of a balcony or loggia is simply useless. So, it will be glazed can only be used seasonally - in the warm season.

The next lack of frameless glazing is a kind of continuation of the dignity of such a design: it is ideal transparency. Everything that will happen on the balcony will become perfectly visible to passersby or neighbors, especially if we are talking about the lower floors. That is, to hide from curious views, you have to hang tight curtains or set the blinds.

In addition, with frameless glazing of balconies and loggias, installation is not provided mosquito netsSince it is technically impossible. To protect yourself from annoying insects, you will have to use other methods. The features of the state of modern ecology of the metropolis and the Russian climate lead to a fairly fast pollution of glasses.

To maintain the aesthetics and purity of glasses of frameless design at the proper level, they will need to be washed quite often.

In addition, the balconies do not provide complete tightness. In this indicator, it loses the modern glass package, because This design protects against noise 3 times less (double-glazed windows absorbs up to 30 decibels, frameless systems - up to 10).

In the frameless glazing the most important - high-quality installation. It is the errors when performing installation work are able to cause problems in operation. For example, the rollers with which they are moving window sashmay begin to eat or creak. It is also important to the quality of the accessories, because with a frameless glazing, the sash should have to be folded without effort and move, the handles are free to rotate, and the wheels are easily riding.

What conclusions can be made?

Let's try to summarize the information obtained:
- Frameless glazing - the design is fashionable and stylish, but still on an amateur;
- with a frameless glazing of a warmed loggia will not work, but it will be a pleasant coolness in the summer heat;
- ordering frameless glazing, it is important to choose a firm guaranteeing quality mounting and providing certified products.

One thing that can be said with confidence: the frameless glazing systems perfectly perform exactly the functions they intended - fender and aesthetic. Choosing an all-glass window design, you will make your balcony and loggia with modern and beautiful, isolated among the total weight of the same type of glazing.

Everyone familiar familiar picture: passing by houses, you can endlessly wonder the manifold different types glazing. Facades often does not decorate at all. They look like a pest, uniformity is missing, the architectural integrity of the design is lost.

An even more depressingly looks like a picture with balconies.

Most of the owners of apartments have long been convinced that the best way - Use a balcony or loggia for its intended purpose, not to turn unnecessary things into the warehouse.

There you can relax, relax, sit with a book or a cup of coffee, enjoying the opening panorama. All this creates additional comfort and gives positive emotions.

Finnish glazing makes rest on the balcony, loggia or veranda perfect. Seamless design looks spectacular, does not spoil the view from the window. It is convenient to operate and allows you to evaluate all the advantages of a real comfortable balcony.

Solid frameless glazing - what is it?

New technology provided high level Quality of seamless glazing. This is a solid design, completely transparent and surprisingly aesthetic. The glazed loggia is glazed, the balcony will fit perfectly in any design, they will become decent decoration Facade of the building.

Looks like a restless glazing very catchy. It creates a complete illusion that the design of the air, lightning, it only sparkles with glasses and does not "take away" the facade. The domestic market is now popular with LUMON designs, in demand and systems of other manufacturers.

we will call you back

Wrameless glazing is definitely thought out in detail, guarantees safety, both the owners of the apartment and the people passing under the balconies. The system is reliable and durable, all sheets of glass are perfectly fixed, they cannot fall when opening the sash.

Frame base - aluminum profile. Only not at all as they got used to see. It is completely not noticeable to the eye, does not spoil the view from the window or the design of the facade.

Two guide profiles are fixed on the floor and ceiling or ceiling and parapet. Glass cloths of increased strength are already inserted into them. The functional system of the rollers allows you to easily open the flaps, completely shift them, opening the balcony.

Seamless glazing is suitable for arbors, veranda, terraces. It becomes optimal decision For registration country cottagesDacha. Of course, such a design and in Moscow is appropriate: stylish glazing will give comfort, transform the loggia and balcony.

Benefits of frameless glazing

The advantages of the frameless Finnish glazing have already rated all those owners who decided to try out the novelty. Systems began to establish relatively recently, but the number of enthusiastic reviews is large enough.

  • Frameless glazing perfectly copes with a mass of negative factors. It will protect from dust, dirt, wind, protects from street noise. On the balcony, the veranda or loggia will be created as comfortable as possible.
  • The system is durable and durable, it prevents the penetration of intruders, glass closes on a special lock. It is impossible to push the sash outside, it is extremely difficult to break the tempered glass - you have to hit it very much, many times what is guaranteed to attract attention.
  • In cases emergency situations, hurricanes or explosions, tempered glass will not harm. It will fly into safe "cubes", without sharp cutting angles.
  • Frameless glazing will suit almost all types of balconies, loggias. Any non-standard platform can be easily protected using a frameless system. Excellent solutions offer LUMON, COVER, METROPOL. In structures modern manufacturers Glass canvases are easily shifted at any angle.
  • The opening system has its advantages. First you need to remove the locking "lock", pulling the special lace. Only after this sash can be discovered. Small child It will not be able to independently open such a system. The flaps are fixed in the specified position, do not fight each other.