Repairs Design Furniture

Ready visor over the porch with monolithic polycarbonate. How to make a canopy over the porch with your own hands? Types and types

In order not to mock in the rain and not languishing under the sun while opening the entrance doors, you need some kind of protection. Usually make a visor over the porch or only above the door. In some cases, the canopy can close the steps and even a path or part of it. How to make a similar design, from which materials and talk on.

Types and types

If we talk about the structure as a whole, a canopy or a visor over the porch consists of a frame and roofing material (cladding). There may also be support racks that support the outer edge of the canopy. They are an optional element. We need when there is no confidence that the design without additional support can keep the precipitation.

Under the precipitate basically implies snow. In the regions with a large number of snow, it is possible either a visor's slope to make cool - so that the snow is quickly converging, or install additional supports. It can be done both, as usual and come - the stock of reliability / strength soothes and instills confidence.

Materials framework and racks

Frame and trump supports over the entrance door make from:

The most popular material for making a carcass over the porch is a profiled tube. With equal size and thickness of the walls with a round tube (if you compare the diagonal and diameter), the profile has a greater rigidity. At the same time, it is a variety of sections - a square and a rectangle with different sides, it can be bent into the arc, it is easier in welding and fastening to the walls, it is perfectly combined with elements of traditional or cold forging, the durability is the same as other steel products. In general, it is the profiled tube today in Favor.

What makes a ven in the porch make

If we talk about the materials for facing the visor over the porch - here the choice is very wide. Very often a canopy over the entrance to the house makes the same material as the roof. And it is correct, as in this case, it turns out a harmonious design of the house. With this solution, any roofing material applies:

The second option is to use the material that is applied to the fence. In this case, the design of the decoration, and the decor elements should be recognizable. This will create a single ensemble with a plot. Here materials may be such:

  • slate (usually flat, but not fact);
  • professional flooring;
  • polycarbonate;
  • wooden plank.

And the third option to design a visor over the porch is to put the "neutral" style and the material canopy. This can be attributed:

Less frequently used glass. It is necessary to use strengthened views of the Triplex type, and they are not enough that roads are so also weighing solid, so that additional suspensions or powerful support columns are accurately required. And if you consider that a sheet polycarbonate or plastic in appearance is not much different from the glass, it becomes clear why the glass is unpopular.

Forms canopies

Forms of visors over the front door of more than a dozen. The easiest in the manufacture is a single carport. Requires minimal effort and materials, and it can look very good. His minus is that when snowing snow, a snowdrift will turn out to be in front of the door and it will urgently need to be eliminated. The same "illness" suffer from other models with skates tilted forward. These are excellent options for regions with minor winter, but with the hot sun - not quite for our latitudes. Although, if you do not frighten the need for urgent snow cleaning, you can make any of the options.

A little harder to make a double visor (which is a house) and a simple arch. They are good because the snowy snow turns out on the sides of the entrance and, even with its large number, there is no need to urgently remove it. So for regions with a large number of snow, these are the best models.

How to connect the visor over the porch and the wall of the house

One of the most difficult moments - to docile a visor coating above the porch so that water does not flow along the wall. Usually use standard roof docking methods - with the help of a jackhaft. This method is suitable for any roofing material, as well as for sheet metal and wood. It will only be necessary to choose the right color. There are two approaches: in tone with a wall or a tone with a roofing visor. Equipment options, so solve / choose to you.

Under the trap bar in the wall make a stroke (a depth of 5-7 mm). The root edge is inserted into the deepening, they are attached to it, the seam is close in moisture-resistant sealant for outdoor use. Another edge edge lies on the roofing material. When water runs along the wall, it flows on the bar, from it, bypassing the place of the junction, on the roofing material and further in or directly to the ground - who has done.

If you use metal tile, the sellers have a special wall profile. It can also be used with other materials - it is important to choose a color. The regular node includes rubber seals, which are put in a pair of centimeters from the outer edge. In this case, with strong wind, water and garbage do not fall under the bar.

If the visor over the entrance door and the porch makes from polycarbonate, glass or sheet plastic, the method described above is unacceptable - it looks too rude. In this case, there are two options:

There are no other good options. You can only combine both proposed for reliability.

How to fix if the wall is multi-layered

Recently, more and more buildings have multi-layered outer walls - ventilated facades, insulation ... The carrier part of the wall turns out to be a closed pair-triple layers of materials that have enough ability of which is enough. Nothing to attach them to them. All load should have a carriage wall.

Even if the outer layer is a finishing brick, it should not be attached to him. Masonry is usually conducted in Polkirpich. So it only looks durable. The mass of even the smallest and light canopy will not stand, and the support columns do not help.

Therefore, with any multi-layered wall in all finishing / insulation layers, holes are done, the structural elements are attached to the bearing wall.

Single visor: design features

An inclined or straight one-sided visor is the simplest thing that can be. We are rarely direct with us are rare - not too functional, but there are many single-table inclined inclined.

The inclined single visor is based on a rectangular triangle. The straight angle adjacent to the wall, and the length of the sides depends on the desired slope.

In the simplest case, you can cook three identical triangles from the profiled tube (as in the figure above), make holes in them under fasteners (at least three). These three elements can be combined into a single whole with the crate under the roofing material - as in the figure. And you can prigerate the crossbars from the same pipe (but smaller) or stripes, angle. This option is with metal jumpers - more suitable for a visor over a polycarbonate or plastic porch. It is good for a metal sheet - it will be convenient to weld or screw the screws.

There is another option with a changeable angle of inclination. This is a rectangular frame with jumpers of the crates to which the light roofing material is attached. This frame with the help of a used beam fixed on the wall is attached to the entrance (how to do the adjoining we told above).

Depending on the desired angle of inclination, the saws are made. They can be made of metal or wood. Fixed to the frame.

If you wish, this option can be made with an adjustable angle of inclination. Make the fastening of the frame and troops to the wall of mobile (on the hinges, for example), to make several holes in the frame. Rearming the soot into different holes, you can get a different angle of inclination. For doors, this feature is not too relevant - except for glass - to close too bright sun, and for windows it can be useful.

Frame of a double visor

There are at least two ways to assemble a visor with two slots: from two or more (depends on the length of the canopy) triangular rafters or two rectangular frames with the crate, fixed with the riglels. The second option is shown in the figure below, and the first will be a little further.

Canopy house - one of the most popular options

Fashion first

Two quadrangles are collected from the bar or a thick board, which are combined with a skateboard. The angle of inclination of the slopes is set on the skate, fixed by the riglels - the spacer wheel. Since the roofing material is laid from the skate down, the slats of the crates are stuffed in the opposite direction. Under the soft tile requires solid flooring. It may be moisture-resistant plywood or.

Also on Earth brackets are collected - the stops that will transmit the load from the visor to the large area of \u200b\u200bthe wall. Collect the design is better on Earth (without fastening the roofing material). In order to raise and secure the canopy, assistants or services of the manipulator will be required.

Method of the second

The second option is the assembly of individual rafting structures. Maybe this option will seem easier for you - all the row roofs are collected by this principle.

Here, too, a frame from a bar is going and need brackets. But the frame lies in the horizontal plane, leaning on the brackets. Two are collected - three triangles of rafters, which are based on the skate beam, and it rests on the rack, which is fixed on the frame with the second end. It turns out a mini-model of a conventional rafter system.

To improve the appearance, snaps are set near the rack. In the photo from above, they are curved, but this is not necessarily. You can simply do from the bar, stuffing it under the desired angle. Collect the system is also better on Earth - smoothly connect at the height will not work.


If the frame of the visor is from a metal pipe, everything is much easier. The pipe has a greater carrying capacity, so the support and auxiliary elements are much smaller.

Two identical triangles are boiled - according to the size of the future canopy. Connect them with jumpers, the length of which is determined by the "depth" of the visor. So that the facing does not begged, additional crossbars are welded.

The finished design of the canopy is complemented by the brackets - the stops. In the figure above, the visor over the porch has only focus without voids. For regions with a minor winter in winter, this is sufficient, and to keep the solid mass of the snow, you will need a shape or stand. And maybe both (as in the diagram below).

Decorative elements - optional part. There may be an ordinary triangle.

Arched visor over the porch: Production Features

Canopy over the entrance door in the form of the arch can not be called complex in the manufacture. It is more convenient to make this form from the steel pipe, and from the profile, rectangular section. With the help (manually, it is manually, but it is more complicated) make several arches of the same size. They are connected by jumpers, the length of which is determined by the desired size of the roofing part.

Arched construction - the easiest of the options

The first and last arches are connected by horizontal jumpers, the brackets are welded to the latter or, as in the figure above, the usual stops.

You can often see double arches with decorative and not very filling. They are characteristic of large-sized structures. Still, sailboat and snow load turns great and better rebuild, making a safety margin than to do everything in a new one.

Photo idea

Canopy over the porch is not only over the entrance door, but also above the terrace too

Wooden canopy over the entrance in the form of a house - Options with support pillars under Tiled

It is difficult to imagine that the porch at home was not protected from rain, snow and sun. Usually there is a canopy or a visor over it, which allows you to open the door, not standing on the porch with a torrential rain, eliminates the need to clean the snow and decorate the entrance to the private house. Such visors make from a variety of materials, including polycarbonate, known for its wide area of \u200b\u200bapplication. How to make a canopy over a porch of polycarbonate?

What polycarbonate to choose

Polycarbonate is widely used to create roofs, canopies, greenhouses, translucent structures. The advantages of this material include:

  • ease,
  • strength,
  • ease of installation, processing, care,
  • the ability is quite easy to be bent, arched structures can be built from this material,
  • corrosion resistance, damage to fungi and mold,
  • good thermal insulation properties
  • a variety of colors and painting durability.

For a visor suitable for both cellular and monolithic polycarbonate. Cellular is better to use for bent, arched structures, monolithic - for straight lines. Cellular polycarbonate should be a thickness of at least 0.6 cm.

The monolithic polycarbonate of the type resembles the glass, but more stronger it, the light-art transparent monolithic material is higher than that of plexiglas and plexiglas. It is easier glass, but heavier cellular polycarbonate. It can be used for various purposes.

Cellular polycarbonate looks like two or more polymer sheets, which are connected by ribs, which are formed inside the material. This kind is lighter thanks, well kept warm, varies with the form of cells. Cellular polycarbonate dispels light, especially matte options.

Important! If you want to make a canopy in the form of the arch, keep in mind that polycarbonate has a minimal bend radius. Sheers should not be flexing.

And that and other types of material are produced in different colors and with protection against ultraviolet. The toned material, as in the photo, will protect not only from precipitation, but also from the hot sun. There are also varieties with anti-abrasive protection, which are difficult to scratch. This is important, since a conventional polycarbonate has a coating that protects against UV rays is often damaged, for example, when cleaning snow.

Types of canopies

Visor and canopy - these are similar designs. Traditionally, the visor is called a variety that is attached to the wall and does not have additional supports, and the canopy is the one that is located on two or four supports. Sometimes these words are used as synonyms, so the canopy can be suspended as in the photo.

You can also make a canopy with supports attached to the wall. It may be a canopy over the porch of a private house in the form of a separate extension based on columns or pillars - this is an overhaul.

Maybe a canopy more than two supports, it is a durable and reliable design.

Sheds from polycarbonate over the porch for private houses can be:

  • single,
  • double,
  • single-sided with a porch,
  • arched
  • domeda
  • straight
  • concave
  • in the form of marquise.

The simplest form is a single or double canopy. It is easy to perform a semicircular visor for a polycarbonate porch on two supports, which is attached to the wall with two brackets. Next, you will see a photo with canopies of different shapes.


Certain requirements are presented to the canopy or visor: it must withstand its own weight, as well as the weight of the rainfall accumulating on it. Therefore, such a design cannot be done "on the eyes", it is necessary to calculate the permissible load on the basis of SNIPs and other standards. Only so canopy made of polycarbonate will be safe.

If you do not have experience in calculating attachments, you can use the finished project or contact the specialists. To calculate the canopies you can find calculators on the Internet.

Important! Take materials with a reserve by 15%. So you will cover possible errors in the calculations.

Under the canopy or visor should be placed all the porch. For this, they are made protruding over the borders of the porch by 30 cm on each side. The polycarbonate sheet must be beyond the frame limits of 10-20 cm from the sides and 20 cm on the side of the free edge. At the same time, consider the size of the sheet, they are standard - 2.1 per 6, 3 or 2 m. The guides are placed at a distance of no more than 70 cm, and the supports are no more than 200 cm.

It is necessary to consider the water removal system, for example, to install drainage gutters and pipes through which precipitation will fall into a storage capacity or sewer.


In addition to the practical function of protection against rain, snow, wind canopy for the porch performs aesthetic. The porch is the first thing that the person sees, coming to the private house, so his framing should be beautiful. Polycarbonate allows you to create complex forms as in the photo.

To do this, canopy from polycarbonate you need to do so that it does not get out of the overall style of the house. Polycarbonate is produced in various shades, so you can pick up as close to the color of the walls and contrasting. Both options are good. In the second case, it is better that the color fit to other parts of the house, for example, to the roof.

So that the canopy becomes an organic part of the house, the framework of the frame should be correctly selected. A wooden frame looks at the house from the log or bar, on the brick - metallic.

Ideas for a canopy over the porch of a private house you can take from the photo gallery on the video.

Selection of material for frame

The mounted frame frame can be built from metal or wood. For this purpose, aluminum or steel profiles are used, as well as forged parts. Forged road frame, but such a canopy will look very beautiful and original - see photos.

The base of the steel profile, a corner or pipe is durable and durable, but subject to corrosion protection. To do this, it is necessary to handle the framework of primer and paint. Details are connected, as a rule, using welding. Steel is good because of it you can make the structures of a complex shape.

The base of aluminum is good because this material is lightweight, durable, flexible, and also does not require painting and other coatings.

How to make a carport

To make it yourself canopy over the porch of polycarbonate, you will need:

  • metal corner or carcass pipes,
  • polycarbonate
  • face planks or special film,
  • welding machine,
  • drill,
  • electrolovik,
  • bulgarian,
  • fasteners (self-tapping screws, brackets, anchor bolts),
  • roulette,
  • level,
  • stepladder for work at height,
  • design drawing,
  • paint, primer and degreasing composition for metal parts,
  • if the canopy is on supports, you will additionally need cement mortar to secure them in the ground.

Important! Self-tapping screws should be special for fastening polycarbonate, have sealing thermoshabs.

Polycarbonate is easy to mount with their own hands. What is important to know about canopies, or visors, from polycarbonate?

To attach polycarbonate sheets, it is necessary to use only special self-tapping screws, twist them at right angles to the sheet and in no case do not tighten them too much, otherwise the sheet can crack. First, the holes are drilled in the sheet, and they must be diameter larger than the diameter of the fastener, and then twist the screws.

Sheets are mounted at a distance of 3-5 mm from each other so that with thermal expansion they are not deformed. Step between self-drawing do not more than 30 cm, and the distance between the guides is not more than 70 cm.

Cellular polycarbonate is easily beaten, thanks to which arched structures can be made. At the same time, it is desirable to be a bending in this direction so that the forming of the bend was parallel to the rigid ribs. It is best to bend polycarbonate along with the carcass detail to which it is attached.

An example of a simple single-sided canopy made of polycarbonate is presented below.

Canopy on supports

A canopy on two pillars, shown in the photo, more reliable than the suspension, while the installation does not represent a special complexity.

First dig two pits for a depth of a depth of about a meter and the size of 40 * 50 cm. Sand and crushed stone are poured in them.

Tip! Screw piles can be used as a support. Then they need to be twisted into the soil at least 1.2 m.

On the wall mark the place where the visor will be attached. This is done using a roulette and a level according to the drawing.

Then weld, the main part of the frame (the crate is installed after the concrete freeze.), Spinning the places of welding, paint and install. Then install its support poles in the holes. Then they are poured with concrete (cement) and give a solution to frozen. A part adjacent to the wall is attached to the anchors. Their type depends on the material of the wall:

  • metal - for concrete;
  • plastic - for blocks;
  • chemical - for foam concrete.

After pouring the concrete, the crate is mounted, and it is polycarbonate on it. If the canopy is arched form, then for it a metal profile must be bent.

To install polycarbonate in a metal profile, the holes are drilled by a diameter of a little more than the thickness of the self-press and attach the sheets with self-masses with thermoshabami. You can close the locations of the mounting plugs for tightness. Sheet ends are closed with special ribbons or plugs.

The video shows how to install a carport of polycarbonate with their own hands over the porch of the house.


Trump over the entrance door is used to protect the entrance from precipitation, the Sun and other natural factors. In addition, the visor is decorative function and serves to decorate the entrance to the house. Completed with her own hands, he is the subject of a special pride of the owners. It can be made of metal, tiles, plastic, wood, professional flooring, polycarbonate or other materials. In this article, consider the visor made of polycarbonate, its advantages, types and features.


The visor from such a material has a lot of advantages:

  • polycarbonate is easily mounted and has a small one weight;
  • it is durable and can be operated in a wide range of temperatures;
  • it misses the sunlight well - does not shadow the territory;
  • shockproof - can withstand a mechanical blow, including a strong hail;
  • stable to loads - withstands the weight of the snow mass;
  • not fuel;
  • easily tolerate bending, so it can take any form;
  • available in various color shades.

Did you know? Polycarbonate is used in the manufacture of lenses for points. Such lenses are 10 times more stronger than any other, and also considered the safest.

Types of polycarbonate canvas

Consider the main types of polycarbonate canvas:

Polycarbonate sheets can also be transparent and opaque. Opaque sheets are used to create partitions, wall cladding, hinged ceilings, wall decorations. Mosaics of polycarbonate stained glass windows look very beautiful. Polycarbonate sheets have long retain their color, resistant to scratches and mechanical damage.

Varieties forms of Visrats

All visors consist of a frame, supporting elements and coatings. Frame and supports are made of metal. The coating is made of polycarbonate sheet.

Important! The width of the canopy must be at least 0.8 m, the length is 0.5 m or a little more input door width.

In the form of visor there are such:

Important! If the length of the canopy exceeds 2 m, the design may fall, so additional pillars are put under the central support.


Most often, the frame is made of aluminum or steel. Aluminum is light in work, plastic material. Not subject to corrosion. Before mounting it is covered with varnish to ensure protection against environmental exposure.

A wood frame is usually used for visors from the same material. This is due to the fact that the tree is not plastic and exposed to the aggressive external environment. In addition, the tree is short-lived.

The forged metal frame looks best. It can be performed in any decorative form and decorated with an ornament. Great decorates both the front door and the wall around it.

Did you know? The first door visors began to use in Chinese architecture. And the henchman can be considered a Pagoda in which each tier is decorated with a peak-visor.

How to carry out a visor

To install a visor, you will need such tools:

  • welding machine;
  • bulgarian;
  • the conclusive drill + drill set;
  • perforator for installing the finished product;
  • screwdriver with a nozzle for self-tapping screws;
  • paint brush for primer and painting of the finished product.

Mounting materials:
  • metal pipe for framework parts;
  • polycarbonate for the coating of the visor;
  • metal primer;
  • metal paint;
  • decorative selflessness;
  • fasteners for the finished product.

The procedure for performing work is as follows:

  1. Placement work. We define the shape and size of the future canopy. If you order the manufacture of a forged frame or aluminum, then it is necessary to determine the size of the future product at the frame order stage.
  2. Cutting pipes. If you make a frame for yourself - cut the metal pipe of the desired size. Remember that when cutting pipes should make an additional point of the bending pipe length. The chopped pipe is wound into the form you need.
  3. Welding Connect the framework details.
  4. Cut the sheet of polycarbonate on parts of the desired size and forms.
  5. Fastening on the wall. Ground metal and painted in the right color. Further work is carried out after full drying of paint. Fresh frame anchors. With the help of self-tapping screws, the polycarbonate coating is secured.
Run the installation of the visor with your own hands is not so difficult. Be careful when performing measurements, and you will facilitate your work with the lack of need for additional alterations.

Video: How to make a visor from polycarbonate

The visor is an important element of the decoration of the porch, which finalizes its appearance, but the main thing is such a necessary protection against bad weather. Let's look at how to choose it, to pay attention to, and at the end, how to make a visor over the porch with your own hands.

The main functions of the visor above the door

  1. Protection against the negative impact of precipitation and ultraviolet doors and a porch.
  2. The opportunity for a person to hide from snow and rain to quietly open or close the door.
  3. Aesthetic attractiveness and completeness of the facade.

Requirements for visors and canopies

For a visor to serve not one season and fully fulfilled its functions, it must meet the following requirements:

  • Frame and material must withstand snow and sleep.
  • Material must be durable and resistant to negative weather conditions.
  • It is not bad to equip a visor with a water removal system with grooves.
  • It is important to protect the canopy not only the entrance door, but also a porch.
  • The appearance of the visor should fit into the overall interior of the building.

Types of visors over the porch

The visor over the porch can be made with your own hands in a fairly short time. The main thing is to calculate your strength and choose the shape of a frame, which is easy to make yourself. The following types of visors distinguish:

1. Single visor. The most accessible option is a construction designed for the unobstructed snow and water. A single visor can be straight, concave or with a pylon.

2. Double visor. A simple and reliable option with two inclined planes.

3. Arch. A visor with a semicircular design. Simple performed and has an attractive appearance.

4. Tent. Other varieties of a ball visor: marquise and dome. Sufficiently complex in operation with many curved parts.

Materials for visor over the porch and door

For the visor you can use the following materials, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.


  • Transparency. The area is not shaded under the canopy, while the destructive UV radiation is delayed.
  • Fire resistance. The material meets high fire safety requirements.
  • Resistance to biological lesions, mold and corrosion.
  • Flexibility. The material is fine, allowing you to create visors of a variety of forms.
  • High mechanical strength. Polycarbonate is resistant to stress generated by snow and wind.
  • The ability to withstand a wide range of temperatures.
  • External attractiveness and rich selection from material thickness to color scheme.

Note! For external work, it is necessary to acquire sheets with a special protective film from ultraviolet rays. Such a material will not lose its characteristics for a very long time. The sheet without a coating can only be operated inside the room, it will serve not more than 3-4 years.


An excellent option for a canopy, which is comparable to popularity with polycarbonate due to the following positive properties:
bilateral polymer layer protecting from moisture and corrosion;

  • convenience in processing and installation;
  • variety of color scheme;
  • durability.

By cons of the material include:

  • lack of light-resistant;
  • thin variants of the professional flooring are easy enough to damage and scratch, for example, at a strong hay;
  • strong noise during the rain;
  • paint appearance.

Metal tile.

A canopy of metal tiles is distinguished by aesthetic and high strength. Especially organically, such a visor looks in combination with the same roof of the building. In this case, trimming, remaining from the construction of the roof, will be suitable for the arrangement of the canopy.

The main pluses of metal tiles include:

  • presentable appearance;
  • large service life;
  • high mechanical strength;
  • low weight;
  • resistance to critical temperatures.

Minus Metal tile - strong noise accompaniment during a hail or rain. Instead of metal tiles, you can use flexible or bitumen tile - it is distinguished by high aesthetic parameters and well muffles the sounds of precipitation.

Other options for canopies

  1. PVC. Canopies are often manufactured from PVC plates specially designed for external work. The characteristics of PVC plates are similar to polycarbonate, the only PVC costs less polycarbonate sheets and is easier by weight.
  2. Steel. A good option can become a visor of galvanized steel, which has corrosion protection. In other cases, the processing of primer compositions will be necessary. Steel sheets are durable and durable, a lack of weight can be attributed to a lack of weight.
  3. Glass. Stylish and beautiful option. Tempered glass - durable and reliable venge material. The cost of glass canopies are high enough and requires the involvement of specialists.

Materials used for frame visor

  1. Metallic profile. The design of the circular and square section profiles is durable and available at a price. The frame assembly is carried out using welding.
  2. Worn frame. Reliable durable and very beautiful forged details can serve as the basis for the frame and as additional decor elements. Hand forging has the appropriate checked cost.
  3. Wooden base. If the house is made of a log or bar, a harmonious framework from a natural tree will look. As a coating, it is good to use materials similar to the roofing flooring: metal tile, slate, flexible tile, professional flooring. Polycarbonate or plastic in this case will not look too organically.

Visor over the porch with your hands from polycarbonate

Work on the device visor over the porch begins with creating a schematic drawing with an indication of the design size.

The scheme indicates such parameters:

  • shed length;
  • width;
  • tilt angle;

Important! For the best protection of the porch and door, the canopy should be made with a reserve in length and width. The corner of the roof of the roof must be arranged so that the snow and rain will be easily restricted and did not delay in a canopy.

Required materials and tools:

  1. Polycarbonate panels;
  2. Metal profile for frame;
  3. Level;
  4. Bulgarian;
  5. Drill and screwdriver;
  6. Apparatus for welding;
  7. Self-tapping screws with thermoshairs.

Build and mounting frame

  1. Marking wall under place for supporting elements.
  2. Production of a frame from the profile pipe.
  3. Welding framework parts.
  4. The welding of additional elements for the stiffness of the structure depending on the severity and length of the canopy.
  5. Fastening the frame to the facade.
  6. Processing with anti-corrosion compositions and painting of a metal frame.

Polycarbonate fastening

  1. Slicing of polycarbonate sheets in size with a grinder.
  2. The material is applied to the collected design and fixes on the thermoshaba.
  3. The junction between the wall and the visor is sealed so that the water does not flow along the wall on the door and the porch.

When attaching polycarbonate, the following nuances should be taken into account:

  • On the ends of the sheet of cellular polycarbonate paste a special tape, which ensures the tightness of the internal voids of the material.
  • Polycarbonate has a tendency to thermal expansion, so there should be technological gaps between the sheets during installation.
  • For installation, specialized connecting profiles for polycarbonate are used.
  • Installation is carried out without removing the protective film. After fixing the panels, it can be removed.

Options for arranging visor over the porch set, the method using polycarbonate is the most affordable and easily performed with your own hands.

Visor over the porch - Photo

That's all, we hope this article - a visor over the porch with your own hands, it was useful to you.

The construction of a visor over the porch opens up in front of the home owner a lot of advantages, among which, above all, the protection of the entrance part of the building from the effects of atmospheric precipitation and ultraviolet radiation. The choice of polycarbonate, as a material, for the factor of the porch allows you to make a presentable visor of any form and configuration. We will talk about the peculiarities of the manufacture of this building element of the building.

Advantages of using polycarbonate for a visor building

Polycarbonate, first of all, will allow you to dissipate solar radiation, thereby without shading design. In addition, the passage of ultraviolet allows you to quickly dry the visor, after precipitation.

Polycarbonate is an inorganic material that joins interaction with the environment, does not lose its properties.

Polycarbonate products are quite practical and durable. They are stable before mechanical influences, including hail. Well tolerate temperature differences, fireproof and practically not marked.

Another significant advantage of polycarbonate is its flexibility with which the visor will acquire any necessary form and configuration.

Polycarbonate is not able to carry out heat and air, and therefore it will ensure reliable protection against wind.

In addition, when choosing polycarbonate, there is a huge variety of colors and shades that will harmoniously fit in almost any exterior. This material is not capable of burning into the sun, since the technology of applying a color pigment involves its staining directly in the process of soliding the material.

Among the advantages of using polycarbonate should be noted:

  • fire safety and resistance before fire;
  • high level of flexibility;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • good thermal insulation characteristics;
  • variety of colors;
  • resistance before burning;
  • resistance to corrosion, rotting, mold and fungus;
  • ease of processing.

Visor requirements over polycarbonate porch

Before making a visor, you must first of all identify the basic functions that it will perform. Among the minimum number of requirements, we note:

  • the ability to withstand not only its own weight, but also loads from snow, rain, wind, etc.;
  • since moisture falls on the roof, you should take care of the presence of a cumulative container or a livnesium system;
  • preferably, if the visor will provide protection not only input door, but also the whole porch;
  • the visor should be harmonized with a common view of the whole building.

Functions and registration visor over the porch

The arrangement of the input zone in the building requires a visor that protects the door from the effects of moisture, the sun or wind. In addition, the canopy over the porch performs aesthetic function, thereby giving the finished and attractive appearance of the input zone.

There are a huge number of porch design options, which differ in form, configurations and materials used in the process of their structure.

Before familiar with them, we suggest to consider the main functions that are imposed on the visor over the porch:

  • providing protection - as already said earlier, the visor protects the entrance part of the house from moisture, wind and solar radiation;
  • giving the building and warmth - in the winter season, it is more convenient to open the door on which there is a canopy, since it protects a person who comes out or part of the house from the cold;
  • supplement of the design and general exterior of the visits is another important function of the canopy.

The construction of a visor for the entrance door is not a complex procedure, since this element is sold both in the finished form and in the form of materials, for its structure.

The main thing is to take into account the wishes of all residents of the house and compare the visor with the individual characteristics of the building itself. In addition, the properties of durability and the practical purpose of acquiring this element of the exterior should be taken into account.

It is from the design of a visor depends on the appearance and beauty of the whole house. In order for the visor to really become a decoration of the building, it follows, choosing materials, for its manufacture, compare it with a common exterior. For example, when arranging a visor for a wooden house, it is better to give preference to a tree in combination with other environmentally friendly materials, if you plan to install a visor in a brick house, then metal with polycarbonate is perfectly suitable for the manufacture of a visor.

The roof of the visor and the whole building should also be harmonized among themselves. In the choice of colors of the visor should be guided by two rules:

  • the shade must fully coincide with one of the main colors of the building;
  • the visor's color should contrast with a common exterior.

Visor over the porch photo and varieties

Some of the most popular are visors made by special order. In this case, the customer receives a high-quality and practical coating, ready to operate. In addition, besides material investments, you do not need to spend time and strength to make this exterior element.

Among the most popular visor structures, in a ratio with the material from which they are made should be allocated:

1. Polycarbonate visor forms.

This type of visors has a mass gain, among whom - quality, practicality, power, reliability, durability. In addition, polycarbonate has a fairly presentable appearance, it is well combined with other materials, has a huge color palette. In addition, it is quite simple to make a visor from polycarbonate, this procedure does not take much time.

2. Steel visors.

More simpler in appearance, but at the same time, an available option, the manufacture of a visor above the porch of steel. To perform this procedure, you will need the presence of a welding machine and certain skills to work with it. Although steel design and has a certain reliability and durability, it requires careful care from its owner, and above all, processing with the help of anti-corrosion compositions.

3. Using a professional flooring for the manufacture of a visor.

If this finishing material is used in the arrangement of the roof, fence or gate, then its use in this case is quite appropriate. The disadvantages of this visor include its instability before mechanical damage.

4. Construction of a visor from plastic.

This option has the same advantages as the visor from polycarbonate, but only if the plastic chosen is high quality and is intended for the external decoration of buildings. The frame for plastic installation is performed from any materials in the form of a tree, iron, the same plastic, etc. Among the positive qualities of this material, its strength, durability and ease of construction are noted.

5. Metal tile for the facility visor.

This type of visors has a rather heavy weight, it is established if the roof is also finished with metal tile.

6. Using forging - an extraordinary solution.

This type of visor has a presentable, luxurious appearance. Although its cost and high enough, but it will really become a real decoration of the building.

A variant use of forging with other types of materials, such as cellular polycarbonate, bituminous tile, plastic. Since the design has a rather large weight, its installation should be made high quality.

7. Wooden visors over the porch.

This embodiment of the porch has a wooden frame, which is covered with any type of roofing or finishing materials in the form of tiles, polycarbonate, plastic, etc. This type of visor, most often installed in houses from glued timber or log cab.

Visor over a porch of polycarbonate: types and device

The main components of any visor act:

  • the framework is the main part that accepts and distributes the entire load;
  • external coating - roofing or finishing material.

In the ratio with the method of editing, visors are:

  • reference - differ in massiveness, for fixing require steel pipes or wooden supports;
  • suspended - a more simplified version, differ in a small size and are attached to the wall of the building.

In the form with the form, the visors are:

  • arched;
  • tents;
  • two- and single one.

In addition, there is an option to build an open design that has no walls. A closed visor is a canopy having a wall from two sides. The selection of this or that type of visor depends entirely on the individual features of the building and the functions that are assigned to this element.

In a ratio with a framework option, visors are:

  • wooden;
  • metal.

The first option has a lower cost. It is simpler in work, but has a short service life.

Steel structures will serve longer, but for their construction requires experience and special equipment.

Pretty common in the manufacture of a visor, the use of metal rolling. To assemble the main part, a welding machine or bolts are used. Before installing the product, it passes the sump, applying the soil and further color.

Note that the steel design has a higher weight than wooden. To facilitate the load on the building use aluminum.

Visor over the porch with your own hands: manufacturing technology

Before building a visor over the porch, it is necessary to make a drawing and a project of a future design. Thus, it will be possible to calculate the future view of the visor, the required amount of materials that will be required in operation.

Note that too narrow design is not able to ensure reliable protection of the inlet door from the atmospheric impact. The minimum visor length is 800 mm. The design width should be larger than 500 mm input doors. In order to avoid cluster on the surface of the roof of garbage or snow, a visor with a slope should be made.

Tip: The carrying construction is constructed separately, and then installed in the finished form.

In order to build a durable visor above the porch of polycarbonate, it will be necessary:

  • cellular polycarbonate sheets, the thickness of which is more than one centimeter, therefore, it will be possible to give roof stability;
  • steel profile pipes;
  • welding machine;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • electric drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • measuring tape measure;
  • construction level;
  • pencil.

Tip: To fix the cellular polycarbonate on the surface, requires the presence of special self-tapping screws that have thermoshabs that ensure reliable mounting.

Instructions for installing a visor from polycarbonate:

1. Make markup on the wall of the house, on which we mark the place of fastening of the reference design for the visor. For these purposes, use a roulette, level and pencil.

2. Use profile pipes for making frame frame. It is better to choose pipes with a triangular cross section, use welding to connect them. In the absence of experience with the welding machine, it is better to trust a professional, since the strength of the fastening and reliability of the structure directly depends on the quality of welding.

3. Note that the number of jumpers increasing the rigidity of the structure depends on the frame length.

Tip: To improve the appearance of the visor, all seams formed in the process of welding are treated with sandpaper.

4. Using a drill and nozzle designed to work with metal objects, make holes for installing bolts and fastening the design on the wall. Minimum number of holes - 4.

5. To install the visor, you will need at least two people, as its weight, will not allow one person to carry out its installation and fixation.

7. The next step is to install polycarbonate. The end areas of the product are subject to the installation of a special sealing ribbon, which is given to the profile.

8. Note that sheets are not attached to each other in principle, there are several millimeters of space between them, which will allow to compensate for the thermal expansion of the material.

9. In places connected a canopy with a wall, a sealant is applied to all joints. Thus, moisture will not fall at the entrance door.

10. To replace the sealant, use the metal plate.

How to make a visor over the porch, video: