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Glass gazebo projects. Glazed gazebos for giving. Soft glazing arbors

Favorite holiday destination in the garden is a gazebo. But if it suddenly will go raining or blends the wind, it is uncomfortable to stay in it, so there is an early spring or in the fall in it uncomfortable. But if there were glasses, then the gazebo would turn into a wonderful summer house with excellent panoramas views. And it is not so difficult to implement the venture as it seems. You can put a glass gazebo and do it yourselfThe main thing is to choose the view and shape of the gazebo, find the most beautiful place in the garden for it.

Glass Arbor - Garden Decoration at Dacha

The gazebo in the garden will not be just a place where you can spend time, without fear of wind and rain, if it is made of glass. Beautiful wooden building will decorate any landscape designBut it does not bear that functional utility, which one can give the structure of glass. Is it possible to imagine a cozy stay in the garden under torrential rain in a room without glazing. About the arbors for giving from metal will tell.

In such a gazebo, you can get a cup of coffee or read the book even in rainy weather, without having discomfort from annoying insects, and performing glazing in some contour will enjoy nature around.

Pros and cons of glass gazebo in the country:

A few words about the versions that can be used for the construction of a glass gazebo:

  1. Traditional frames with glasses installed on the lower tier;
  2. Frameless designs Large glasses, triplex compound;
  3. Use glass windows as bearing walls;
  4. Use the option of facade glazing, large French frames - until the floor.

Material Overview: Glass and Metal Types

As a material for a gazebo, a durable glass is selected: tempered, polycarbonate, decorated with laser patterns, matte, color - so you can make unique stained glass windows that will create a wonderful comfort inside the arbor. As a framework, the aluminum profile is best used - lightweight, malicious metal material.

The owner of the house will cope with the installation of such a profile with their own hands. In addition, the aluminum profile allows you to pretend the thermal store if the owner intends to make a gazebo warm. You can also do without frames without frames - Triplex allows you to mount the glass with a point method.

Review of structures

When choosing a project, it is first of all to dwell on all-glass facilities that have a number of advantages over framework options. In such arbors, much more light, it is easy to care for them, the frames do not need to regularly paint, completely lacks dust and dirt access. Projects differ significantly: the foundations of rectangular shape, round and oval are offered. Depending on the landscape design of the garden, it is worth choosing a project option. How to equip a mangal zone at the cottage, find out at.

Design with your own hands

Original options from the simplest glass bottles are the cheapest type of material. Collect such bottles in a very short period of time. Popular steel.

Glass pavilions with stained glass inserts are perfectly looking, with interesting inserts from ceramics - here for each owner a lot of options to express your artistic taste and show an outstanding talent.

You can find many ready-made projects glazed and choose what you like most to get it inexpensively, beautiful, firmly and cozy.

The advantages of glass buildings are obvious: a wonderful review of the garden opens, a glass gazebo looks like a transparent structure and does not seem to be heavy, even if it has enough impressive. You can put all the kitchenware to such a building so that rest in the gazebo become cute gatherings.

With a brazier or barbecue

Next to the arbor, it was not bad to install a brazier or barbecue, so that immediately, in the course of the readiness of the meat, it was possible to retire with disassembly under the roof and having fun there time with friends. About the drawing of the arbor sizes, find out.

The ancient samovar on coals does not hurt or - here it is no longer a luxury, but the need. Is it possible to imagine tea from an electric kettle in the garden. Just smelling tea in such glass wonderful buildings will have to be placed. You can find out how you can look from this article.

The thickness of the glass for such large buildings can be 8-10 mm - almost unbreakable, very reliable and durable, well holds back both cold and warmth.

If you still stop on a traditional gazebo with big panoramic windows, then try to edge to make a small one, so the whole gazebo will seem easy, even with a heavy roof.

Foundation for the summer option

To install a glass building a fairly columnar foundation. This is not a capital structure, in contrast to a more reliable design to make a ribbon foundation. However, given the fact that glass is a heavy material if there are no durable supporting structures, it is still worth pouring a tape narrow foundation.


For cold glazing, just an aluminum profile is needed, which will keep glass. When hardening Triplex, use point fasteners, as a frame, to which glass is mounted, you can use stainless steel pipes - the material choose yourself to your liking. For a simple removal, as in a residential building, use ordinary frames - the very beginning of the warming of the summer gazebos. About metallic, forged gazebos for giving read.

The process of building a glazed gazeboo on a bar foundation is presented in the following video:


The roofing of such a gazebo should be easy, the metal is best suited - it looks great, it is quickly installed, easy to care and durable. From it you can do excellent. And a couple of words about the doors: since a closed space is created, then it is necessary to put the same glass doors - the whole design will seem very whole, look beautiful and will keep warm.

You can glall the roof - The material is so durable that even withstands the weight of a fairly large mass of snow. Usually, such buildings have a durable metal frame, which is practically impaired - the gazebo simultaneously with unique strength, it turns out very light, air.


In order to indoors even in cold weather, it was cozy and warm, all the seams are desirable to all pass by seals from silicone - so inside the construction will always be dry and there will be no drafts. In addition to your arbor, a cozy atmosphere was created, should not overdo it with bright agricultural windows. The most preferred shades of glasses are green, gray, brown and bronze.

Such beautiful glasses with different levels of transparency are very decorated with building.

It is advisable to handle glass sandblasting to give them mattness, you can also make interesting images by etching glass.

Operating Rules

When using construction for cooking hot food, it is necessary to provide an outflow of air and ventilation, in such premises it is desirable to put furniture made of natural wood, and not plastic. It is necessary to regularly ventilate the room.

Glass gazebo has a huge amount of advantages over similar buildings in the garden, but there are also its cons - poor ventilation. All glass buildings are usually built quite hermetically, so that only the door serves as an opening for the inflow of fresh air. But you can also provide for the installation of opening windows by solving the problem.

Summing out: Glass construction in the center of your garden will be the best decoration. Being practically looking through the viewed, it will not waste the landscape, but on the contrary will give him fabulousness and unusualness. In such arbors, it is very pleasant to spend time, arrange gatherings. Fry meat - near so good or barbecue. And that is especially nice - this construction can be pretty quickly gathering with your own hands.

The presence of a glazed gazebo in the country is a reason for pride. The design decorates the site, allows you to relax in a hot day. In the article, consider all possible ways of glazing:

  • Soft, cold, facade, frame, frameless;
  • polycarbonate, aluminum profile.

Glazed gazebos for giving: Features

Dignityglazed arbors for giving:

  • variability of forms and models;
  • the design of glass will fit into any architecture of the plot;
  • not devoid of grace appearance;
  • heat and convenient without additional thermal insulation.


  • requires glass care;
  • design is subject to damage: Repair is not cheap and fast;
  • the construction costs non-sash.

Glazing and installation, despite the seeming difficulties, forces a novice. Exists two approaches to glazing: according to the method and material. Consider both options and analyze the correct ways of installation.

Glazing Classification

Before installing the design, decide with the method of glazing. There is a lot of glazing options for giving, everyone has its own characteristics. As part of the material, the following are considered:

  • facade;
  • with sliding walls.

Frameless glazing arbors

Attractive in terms of design, it is used for both the veranda and for gazebo with panoramic glazing. The glass repeats the contours of the facade - the windows are obtained large, which allows you to enjoy incredible panoramic views. Among the minuses, we note the unreliability of glass - to break it simply, and replacing it - troublesome, and there is a challenge, especially if you engage in frameless glazing with your own hands.

To apply the method in practice, use a special material - triplex, which is connected to each other using mounting brackets.

It is desirable to use not ordinary glass, but tempered - the probability of the long-term design will increase. The peculiarity lies and in the fact that when damaged, the likelihood of clapped with small, since the glass is scattered into rounded granules, and not on pointed fragments.

Soft glazing arbors

The essence of soft glazing arbors to use instead of ordinary glass of flexible PVC film - option profitable in terms of price and quality. Hurt the film more difficult than glass. Protects from bad weather with the same success, and it is possible to approach the film with the originality using multi-colored palettes.

Essential minus Soft glazing is non-environmental material - not everyone likes to breathe PVC, being in nature. On the other hand, it is impossible not to evaluate the budget - soft windows can be made independently. Buildings are obtained by cozy and warm.

To glazed the frame of a soft film, you, in addition to the film itself, you will need special belts with zipper - they are attracted to the frame.

Cold glazing gazebo

It is unlikely that the glazed designs will enjoy the rest of the cold winter, but for summer evenings, let both rainy, it will completely come down. Apply aluminum profile or frameless designs - your choice. From uncompromising plus - Perhaps make a gazebo with your own hands. It is possible to make windows removable - threaded studs are screwed into the frame.

Cold glazing is not suitable if you are planning to relax in the cold season (the room temperature will be 5-8 degrees more than on the street). If you want to create something like a heated house, buy warm windows.

Facade glazing

Facade glazing will have to see lovers of illuminated panoramic facilities. The design feature is a glazed roof - the light penetrates into the gazebo in fact from each corner. As in a frameless glazing, we are talking about the use of tempered glass - otherwise there is a risk of seeing its construction destroyed in a few weeks of operation.

As a roof with facade glazing, the gazebo uses polycarbonate - it is most reliable. The tightness of the arbor from the glass roof can be viewed as a plus, and as a minus: on the one hand, it will be able to use it as a winter house, on the other - in the summer inside it is hot, and to ventilate the room with the premises in the roof.

Gazes with sliding glass walls

The construction allows you to rationally use the space. Used when installing metalplastic structures, because inside is always cool in summer and heat in winter. Differs in panoramic. Buy designs with glass doors and windows - their installation is less problematic.

Video: Project with sliding walls

Glazing options by material

Prices for materials are distinguished, the budget of the construction depends on your choice: polycarbonate or aluminum.

Double-glazed windows: - Modern and two-chamber

Option of warm glazing. Installing double-glazed windows is an expensive task, it is difficult to perform it with your own hands. Gazons with double-glazed windows provide excellent sealing and sound insulation of the room. If you put in the premises of an IR heater, it turns out to be in the house and winter.

Double-glazed windows are single-chamber and two-chamber. The camera is the cavity between glasses filled with neutral gas, which prevents the weight loss. Pergolas made of fiberglass can be equipped with special double-glazed windows, gas in which responds to sunlight. It provides protection against sunlight, but count on the fact that such products are not suiced.

Glazing gazebo polycarbonate

Polycarbonate has its advantages:

  • high impact resistance: Material a few hundred times fast glass;
  • when installing light panels, solid support structures are required;
  • resistance to low and high temperatures;
  • strength: Depends on sheet thickness;
  • universality of use: suitable for the construction of walls and roofing works.

Among minuses Note the waller of the material: if you sit in the construction during the rain, then the sound of the drops at some point will start taking. Polycarbonate facilities belong to the warm type of glazing (used in winter), but in the summer inside it will be hot if the roof is transparent. We recommend cutting into the roof small windows so that if you want to air the room.

Glazing of the gazebos polycarbonate with their own hands is possible. It is recommended to work with the material to create an open type of buildings - it shows somewhat better shows how the roofing material than the material for the walls is.

Glazing Arbor Aluminum Profile

The method is considered the most popular among the options for the improvement of small architectural forms. Despite the fact that the glazing of the arbor aluminum profile refers to the cold, installed inside the brazier or the fireplace is able to warm the room by making it suitable for finding in winter.

In an open gazebo, it is always nice to spend time, but it is not very comfortable in cool weather. In order not to deny yourself the pleasure to be in nature even in a cool evening, glazed gazebos are installed for giving.

Such structures can be the most diverse in shape, and are made of any material. In addition, they differ in the variety of glazing species that are used during installation. In this article, we will fully cover the topic regarding glazed arbors and give photo examples of such buildings.

Shapes and Material Glazed Arbor

Arbors with glazing for a country area or cottage can have the most diverse shape and design features. The most common is considered:

The combination of glass is possible with any building material. With a tree, glazing looks very organic, and there is no difference from the log or bar of the gazebo. You can meet such wooden glazed designs that are made of boards and plywood, but it is rather an exception.

A brick gazebo with glazing is quite founded in order to be used as a summer kitchen and usually assumes the mantal installation. But such structures are much more expensive than wooden, due to the need to install a good foundation not only under the walls, but also under the oven.

Metal frames in combination with glass can be called a classic solution, as they are most harmonious look with each other. Here is the option of glazing not only walls, but also the roofs.

Glazing options

The glazing is convenient if the size of the gazebo is small - it will not make its internal area even less and, at the same time, reliably protects from external influences. In addition, with the help of glass, the space is visually increasing and the boundaries of the walls will be erased.

Types of glazing arbors are several. It is traditional glazing, installation of double-glazed windows, glazing without the use of frames, glazing facade. Consider each type separately.

Traditional glazing

This is the most common and cheap type of glazing. It lies in the installation of wooden frames in the openings and fixing them with the help of a pipital. All work can be made with your own hands. You can glanize only the design of summer type, which is not so important to have complete tightness. But this process is more often not used, as simpler and efficient methods have appeared to perform glasses gazebos.

Installation of double-barakers

Glass packas are now very common - they are installed in apartments and houses, in industrial buildings and public institutions. Such a type is quite expensive and carrying out work requires a certain experience and knowledge. It is possible to select the number of cameras in double-glazed windows, for example, for a gazebo, which is used only in the summer, it will be sufficient one, but for the winter it is suitable models with two, or even three cameras. Aluminum glazing of the arbors is considered cold and can be done with their own hands. In this case, the glasses will not be cameras. The most important advantage is the complete tightness of the glazing obtained, as well as noise insulation in a closed form.

Important! If an infrared heater is installed inside the gazebos, then such glazing will be the most appropriate.

In the gazebo, it is best to put windows that are moving out or swing up to allow the need to put inside the fresh air.

Glazing of frameless type

This is the best type of glazing. He will make a gazebo as open as possible, but to the detriment of hermetic. For such works, only glass tempered type is used, as it has greater strength and reliability. Glasses for this option should be width from 50 to 70 cm and they are installed only from top to bottom.

There are such structural types, glass in which can be collected in one direction, thereby convenient to air the gazebo.

Glazing of facade view

A variety of frameless. Such a gazebo will also open the maximum viewing of the surrounding landscape. But the gloa-glazed arbor is completely sealed, as it does not have opening windows. It can be impractical with hot summer, when so I want fresh air, which can only be taken inside through the door. But for the correction of the situation, the ventilation gap can be performed under the roof, which will ensure the correct air exchange and make the microclimate more comfortable.

Such glazing, like any other, in addition to the standard solution with wooden frames, will cost the owner in a fairly large amount. That is why it is necessary to move your desires with the budget in advance. The cheapest is glazing on aluminum frame.

Alternative options for glazed arbors

In addition to these options, there are such arbors, in the design of which other materials used instead of glass.

PVC films arbors

Such glazing at high speed is gaining popularity. The cost of soft glasses for arbors is relatively small, but they are not less practical and reliable than glass. Arbors, glazed in this way, look very successfully and fits perfectly into the surrounding landscape. The film is attached by a special way to rotate brackets through the champs.

Important! It is better to stop your choice on PVC film, the density of which is at least 630 g / sq. m. They are more durable and serve longer.

This material has one disadvantage - this is accuracy of the treatment of it, since the film will not even withstand a minor puncture or cut.

Polycarbonate double glazed windows

Such a glazing material is more expensive than the previously presented film, but also will serve much longer, and it has resistance to mechanical effects.

It is possible instead of conventional double-glazed polycarbonate to put a roller shutter from the same material. They consist of transparent lamellae, which can be shifted as needed.

The gazebo on the household plot is a traditional element of improvement. If the place for the arbor is chosen correctly, soon it becomes a favorite holiday destination. Modern building technologies allow you to extend the use of this light facilities and at the cold season, for this use glazing in various versions. We will get acquainted with the most popular designs.



A classic glazed gazebo has some difference from the usual summer construction. This structure already refers to the Capital class, requires the presence of a foundation designed for the weight of double-glazed and roofing. The presence of a reinforced foundation will provide high performance of the object. Traditionally, for this, point supports under the bearing racks are erected. For heavy structural solutions, it is closed with bricks or foam blocks, a ribbon foundation is laid.

Material for the construction of gazebo with glazing is used, depending on the functional purpose and seasonality of use.

  • The most popular material is a wooden bar for supports and structures of a rafted roofing, and the simpleness is sewn with a clapboard or a circulating edged board. This material provides sufficient isolation from wind and small frosts. Log cabin has excellent aesthetic and operational properties for using the arbor all year round.

  • Brickwork will allow you to establish the desired temperature indoor temperature, it has high decorativeness. Provides reliable fire safety, which allows you to place an inside a mangon for kebabs or a summer kitchen stove. In winter, the fireplace quickly hesitates a small room if it competently arrange the thermal insulation of the walls and roofs.

  • The metal design of the arbor - the common option in the country areas. The ease of structural elements allows the aesthetic value of the structure. The use of adhesive or stained parts can turn the arbor into the work of art. Metal structures have a long service life. They should be regularly handled by anti-corrosion tools to preserve the integrity of the material.

The glazed gazebo for all-season use is equipped with capital roofs using thermal insulation. If the object is located in the courtyard zone, then the roofing material is better to use the same as on a residential building. This will include a gazebo into a single architectural ensemble. Remote location allows roofing in any style and from any materials corresponding to the inquiries of the hosts. This garden corner is decorated in traditional rural or in an ultra-edge style.

The shape of the country gazebo can be any. The most common is rectangular, hexagon and eight-marched model. Round, triangular, complex articulations of different geometric frames of the frame require advice of professional architects. These road objects and are complex. They require the production of details by individual order, the specifics of delivery and installation will entail additional costs, but the area will decorate the unique design.

An important point for choosing a place is the presence of a beautiful view from the windows.Before proceeding with the construction, stand up in the center of the future indoor holiday platform, look back and carefully inspect the surrounding landscape. If a neighbor's shed or sanitary buildings hit the visibility zone, or the gaze rests on the deaf fence, it is worth noting another place for a recreation area. The presence of a number of economic yard for the content of animals is undesirable due to a specific smell. Visual panorama is the main goal of creating an open area for recreation.


You picked up a suitable place with a beautiful view, decided on the framework of the frame. At the next stage there is a task to create a project for further incarnation. You can contact the architectural workshop where you will provide complete design and estimate documentation of the future facilities. When choosing the standard form of structures, it is not necessary to invite a designer or architect. It is enough to choose a suitable project on building sites, where there are enough detailed plans and decoration schemes.

Further, seasonality is determined: Only for warm season, as protection against rain and wind or the all-season option. The issue of heating, the presence of a stove or mangal is solved, the need for a chimney device, summing up communications. Selection of glazing designs depends on these factors. Manufacturers offer a wide range of cold and warm glazing from various materials. Glass is the most common construction finishing material.

A special requirement is made to glazing the arbors - the possibility of simple modeling of space. The optimal option for these purposes serve windows on PVC profile. The profile can be seamless from metal, and from a natural tree. PVC has the advantage in the fact that on decorative qualities is not inferior to natural materials, can be laminized under any texture and color. And according to the functional properties, superior wood and metal, since it is not amenable to temperature drops, it is not destroyed and does not rot on the impact of moisture.

Windows have swing, sliding and folding structuresSupplied with double glazed windows from several glass layers. For spring-summer use is enough glass. Capital buildings with a fireplace or heating system will require a three-layer glass glass. The windows with sliding structures are the optimal option for the arbor, the profile system is supplied with rollers and suspended or floor rails. Swing windows are less convenient, as they occupy a lot of space inside a small room and from a strong wind slam on the drafts.

The entrance design is also performed from the same profile glazing with sliding doors, it creates a good overview. If necessary, part of the arbor remains closed from the windward side, and the front part is fully opened. It provides a good influx of fresh air and adds space. Finding inside is quite comfortable. A sense of integration into the surrounding live nature is created.

The easier option using double-glazed windows is a profile of aluminum.These designs have a light weight, which allows them to be installed in the gazebo in the country. Aluminum doors and windows can have a different degree of thermal insulation, however, their use is limited to the warmth time of the year. The temperature difference inside and outside is about 5-10 degrees. Such window and door frames allow you to create gazebo with panoramic glazing.

The beautiful effect of the absence of walls is of frameless glass designs. Optimally use in parallel sliding frames. Another option provides for the fastening of glasses at the top and bottom with special rollers, which allows them to develop the harmonica. Such glazing is considered cold due to the inability to isolate joints, so the use of such a gazebo in the winter is not practiced. Decorative and operational qualities put forward such glazing into leaders among similar design options.

Finally, very simple and easy transparent shelter is performed from polycarbonate and PVC films. These materials allow you to protect against bad weather, and due to its flexibility are used not only in rectangular openings, but also in frame semicircular or other original forms of buildings. The polycarbonate is drawn up into light aluminum frames, and flexible glazing from the film is fixed due to special clamps. Materials inexpensive, can be used for several years, have a rich color palette, a good choice for an indoor cottage canopy.

For the device of the capital all-season gazebo, brick, timber, log and warm patterns of frames with double-glazed windows are used. The floor is mounted with a waterproofing system, sometimes "warm floor" is made. The furnace-fireplace is installed at the brick wall or in the center of the room. For the island location of the Mangala, there is enough space to accommodate places of recreation and free passage, so the size of the arbor must be at least 4x4 meters. The log cabin is perfectly retaining heat in winter, cooling in summer and is a decoration of the household plot.


The brazier in the country has ceased to be luxury, and is an integral part of the evening gatherings in a family circle in the summer. Modern glazed gazebos allow you to build a brazier under a canopy to protect against bad weather. Transparent walls open a scenery, wind and rain do not interfere with rest and cooking dinner on a fire with a smoke.

To implement this task, it is necessary to comply with a number of conditions.

  • Over the hearth should be equipped with chimney with thermal insulation from the roof ignition. Chimney can become an internal design element. The use of various finishing materials will turn the usual tube into a creative decor.
  • Glazing will make the interior of the arbor, will allow integrating the inner decoration into the surrounding space. You can arrange a barbell in the middle, then the whole company will be able to admire the flame game.
  • The brazier can be stylized under modern industrial styles. Simple rectangular designs, minimum decor, a lot of light are distinctive features of Loft or High-tech architecture. Fashionable minimalism prefers stone, concrete, metal, glass. A gazebo with a brazier, made under the conditions of the design of these directions in art, will become a stylish decoration of the site.

Winter gazebo with a fireplace or a Russian stove will make rest after the ski walk to the memorable. The traditional log house is warm, living material, the open fire focus quickly heats the air. The optimal temperature will be saved long enough. The snowy landscape outside the window creates a truly fabulous atmosphere.

One of the best options for arbor - at the reservoir.Panoramic glazing will open a view of the water surface and protect against mosquitoes. The pleasure of contemplation of water will be affordable and late in the fall, and early spring. For heating, cool evenings should establish a fireplace operating on solid fuel, gas or electricity. The reservoir can be artificial and present, from this aesthetic value will not decrease.

The undoubted aesthetic effect has gazebo with panoramic glazing and a glass roof. Groove the roof of the arbor is a relatively new design approach. The roof may have arch or flat rises. The gazebo can play the function of the winter garden when connecting to the thermal network of the house. In the greenest version, the glass dome will allow you to admire the starry sky or listen to the beats of the rain on the roof.

  • Of great importance for visual perception has a good location of the object. It is necessary to study the possibilities for the use of the relief of the household site. Arbor is preferable to erect on natural hills and hills. Beautiful panoramic views are opening with elevated points. The construction is well ventilated, the building material does not destroy from high humidity.

Sometimes they are resorted to the construction of piles to create an illusion of hills.

The practical owner always thinks about how to make his arbor even better. One of these ways is to perform its glazing. Even in cold, windy weather you can fry kebabs and drink tea with friends. Canopy becomes much more cozy.

The secret of the popularity of glazed arbors

Someone glazed gazebos for giving may seem too cumbersome. However, consistently high demand for them once again proves the fact that the glass gazebo continues to remain popular. The main advantages of the structures that make a project from double-glazed windows are so popular:

  1. Warm summer evenings will no longer annoy mosquitoes.
  2. Now satisfying with friends can be arranged in any weather. Strong wind? Protractable shower? They definitely do not prevent you.
  3. Naturally, you want to use the barbecue and brazier. In a glazed gazebo, they are easy to install - you can prepare delicious food at the restaurant level.
  4. Acceptable cost. There is nothing here, which would make girks from glass expensive: traditional brick and stone, a little bar, iron, actually glass. The owner of the cottage will be able to buy them for a gazebo at a very adequate price.

What designs for glazing use

The basis, that is, the frame of such a gazebo can be made of wood, metal and bricks. Let us consider in more detail each of these materials and find out what advantages and minuses they possess.

Metal base

What associations cause you the word "metal"? This is definitely something durable and stable, durable, not afraid of fire. And if such a frame will also be forged, even against the background of thick green thickets, he will look more than elegant.

To simplify the installation before glazed with a metal gazebo, it is pre-trimmed with a tree or plastic.

Metal gazebo

Wooden frame

Glass gazebos, based on the tree, will not be late in a sultry summer day. And when frosts come, they will not be so cold as an equivalent of metal.

At the same time, the wooden frame requires special care. Once a year it needs to be treated with an antiseptic so that neither rodents nor insects could enjoy your gazebo for breakfast.

By the way, Another plus tree is that it cozy will fit into any landscape of the garden. Building and subsequent insulation elementary, make most of the work you can independently. If we compare wood with other materials, it is quite easy to process.

Wooden gazebo.

The base of bricks

Glazed gazebos should be durable and reliable. So considers most gardeners and summer houses, which instead of a tree and even metal choose a brick. Want a durable building? This is the optimal option that retains warmly even in the cold season.

Brick is not a film, and the cost of such a design will be an order of magnitude higher. However, it's more advantages more:

  • Special care and regular processing, as in the case of a tree, do not need.
  • Fire resistance. Your dream is a glazed gazebo with a mangal? So make a choice in favor of brick. Inside such a gazebo, not only the BBQ is easily installed, but also the stove, barbecue.
  • Comfort, regardless of the year.

Brick base for gazebo

5 glazing options

Warm glazing (video)

To implement the system of warm glazing, structures made of aluminum, with a warm profile and a special thermal survey. The windows can be swivel, sliding. Thanks to warm glazing, in the coldest weather, your building will resemble a cozy fireplace room.

Cold glazing

The method is good because it does not require solid financial investments. You and your family are reliably protected from wind, rain. The gazebo for the cottage maintains a temperature of 5-6 degrees higher than on the street. Elementary designs, consist of an aluminum profile or do not have a framework. There are folding, sliding, swivels.

The sliding mechanism is the most acceptable option if you want to save space. Not all the arbors are impressive with a scope and big sizes, so the sliding design will make the stay more cozy.

Sliding mechanism of windows


If you develop a draft arbor with an aluminum system, we obtain a solid, aesthetic and multifunctional design. It is especially suitable for you if the gabble is glass, has large sizes and complex architecture. The opening system may be any. The sash itself is glazed with a single glass, a warm double-glazed glass or even tinted glass, polycarbonate.

As for painting, the frame is painted in any color that you like most. It is possible to imitate a profile under wood (more than twenty breeds), bicolorno - one color is taken for the inner coloration, for the outer - completely different.

It looks very effectively a profile having a galvanic coating under silver, bronze, stainless steel.

Aluminum profile gazebo

Frameless framework (video)

It is considered one of the modern and most attractive design options. Used for designs of any architecture. Frameless glazed frame - the only way to build a structure without any racks, but with excellent preservation of the panorama. You can easily open the glass outlook in a quiet, sunny day, and then close it in case of bad weather.
Frameless glazing something like a solid glass of glass. Lack of frames only on the hand to the owners, because nothing will limit the landscape and everything that happens outside the gazebo.

One important point. Such glazing is impossible without high quality, reliable glass. It is better to take a cool, thickness from 8 mm. It can be transparent like a film, or tinted. Due to technological gaps, thermal insulation on sliding, swing doors may decrease slightly.

Combined design

Combined glazing will help strengthen the design. To strengthen door blocks, aluminum window stained glass windows are used. Such arbors with the brazier or barbecue are connected immediately several positive qualities of both all-glass and aluminum systems. You will have a stunning panoramic view, and the construction itself will delight tightness and air industry.

Combined glazing

What else can be closed

In addition to the methods listed above, there are alternative methods for finishing country houses. Instead of Eurocon, roller shutters, polycarbonate double-glazed windows, PVC films are used. Last time glazing with polyvinyl chloride films has recently used. The curtains from this material will great protect your company and from the wind, and from the rain.

The cost of soft windows for arbors is an order of magnitude less than glass. However, such a flexible frame copes with its tasks no worse. "Glazed" so buildings look great. The fastening of the film is carried out with the help of special plastic champs.

The only minus of flexible windows is that it is necessary to handle them very carefully. Polyvinyl chloride is not very resistant to cuts and punctures. And if you put pressure on it with a sharp subject, you will have to repair almost half of the gazebo. Otherwise - only the pros. You can fry a barbecue, and in the rain flowing the droplets from the outside of the glass will cause the most pleasant, unforgettable emotions.

Soft windows PVC

A few words about rolling shutters and stained glass windows. Roller shutters are a variant of polycarbonate "glazing" with translucent lamellas. It is just a gorgeous option for a gazebo! Stained glass windows have an aluminum profile. They are easy and quickly mounted - just as classic glass windows. True, the cost of one stained glass is an order of magnitude more expensive.

Roller shutters for arbor

There is one small trick. If there is no money on expensive stained glass windows, you can do much easier. Buy stained glass, glue it on the glass. It turns out as beautiful, but at times cheaper the installation of the original stained glass window.

Security Question in Glazed Arbors

In structures with stained glass and triplexes it is imperative to consider the safety of operation. To avoid cuts and injuries, dackets choose modern tempered glass. This is the safest glazing method. Frame Stalinite is subjected to heat treatment. It can be compared with steel hardening.

  1. Heated glass up to a temperature of 500 degrees.
  2. Cooling.

Calo glass is a guarantee that you can fry barbecue, install a brand or even a stove. The glass will not burst, like a film, can withstand an increased bending load. However, measurements need to be performed with maximum accuracy. Because neither cut, nor drill such material.

Calem glass (Stalinitis) is the basis for triplex. Three shuttle sheets glued so that the film can withstand strong mechanical loads. If you split triplex, all fragments will remain inside. They will not get squeal, and a person who is nearby cannot hurt himself or others.


The dacha option is glazed, a closed gazebo is considered to be one of the most popular garden attacks in the country. Of course, you can order a project from professionals, and building - entity to specialists. But much more interesting and more pleasant to make such works on their own.

To do this, you need to choose one of the options that I liked the most, decide on the form, sizes and materials. Then make a drawing and proceed to construction. The recommendations that you received in the article will help to realize a conceived project.