Repairs Design Furniture

Cornflower canopy: Mounting technology, features, schemes and recommendations. Canopy from the professional flooring with their own hands: Drawings attached to the house of single sheds, photos, how to make it yourself - video The better to cover the canopy attached to the house

Metal photographs so long ago and firmly entered our life, which is impossible to imagine a private courtyard without it: this is the roof of the house, and the fence is finally a canopy of the professional flooring - the thing is absolutely necessary in any private compound. What are the advantages of such a design, where she will show themselves from the best side, finally, how to make such a canopy, this article about it.

What is it better?

Today, the most popular modern materials for the roof are polycarbonate sheets and metal profile. Disputes about what is better, meaningless, both materials are suitable in their own cases and have advantages. Canopy from the professional flooring has its positive characteristics, including:

  • sheets made up the sheets as easy as polycarbonate sheets;
  • in contrast to polycarbonate, long years retains strength and reliability;
  • diverse in color palette, therefore will fit into different designs of the house territories;
  • the material is not a fuel, which makes it applicable almost for any purpose;
  • metal profile is available at a price, while the polymer coating makes it both wear-resistant, and attractive outwardly;
  • he stands up heavy loads, he is not afraid of a layer of snow in winter;
  • unlike polycarbonate does not create a greenhouse effect.

Restrictions on the use of corrugated

At the same time, a canopy from the professional flooring should be installed preferably on the bright side in order not to shade them without the northern part of the house. But for polycarbonate, the shadow parts of the site are suitable - this material absolutely does not grind sunlight, but only scatters it.
The second moment, which must be taken into account, is a few "industrial" type of metal-pylon roof. In this sense, the roof of polycarbonate has a larger scale for fantasy.

Perhaps these are the only ambiguous moments. Otherwise, the sheds of this type are good, comfortable, for a long time.

Where is the professional flooring applied?

Canopy from the professional flooring has almost unlimited use. It is used as a lounge as a lightweight gazebo, for organizing the place of storage and other household needs. Finally, the metal profile is a safe roof to create a territory under the barbecue and barbecue. At the same time, it is important that this material is easy to process, it is easy to make it with your own hands, while the construction will not take much time. And although, unlike polycarbonate, such a canopy is not so interesting in design, its "industrial" species can be leveled by using a variety of additional parts.

How to choose a form?

This material is truly universal, because it allows you to use it to create structures of any form. So, the most common canopy from the proflist in the form of a flat roof. This is a convenient standard view, it's easy to make it with your own hands.

It is not difficult to build a batch roof on a canopy and even make a canopy in the form of a tent roof. The only condition here is the correct calculation of materials and drawings. Design details.

The construct will be more difficult if you decide to make it with your own hands canopy arched. In this case, the problem will not be in metal products, but in order to correctly calculate the arc of the roof frame. But this form will significantly diversify and enrich the appearance of the house or the site, in any case, no worse than as if it was construction from polycarbonate.

Adjoint or separate construction?

Usually the classic canopy is trying to make with their own hands and closer to home or at all with the adjuncing to it. Thus, it is possible to significantly increase the useful area adjacent to the house, and protect the entrance group from precipitation, wind and other weather conditions. Or build a canopy near the stationary garage under the summer parking or in the form of a separate arbor or hozble. Consider the option when construction is carried out using one of the walls of the previously constructed structure. For example, building a carport to home.

Building a noodle

The adjacent canopy is quite simple, including with your own hands. It can be both installed on four supports and fixed on the wall. In this case, it is important to produce the correct calculation of additional load to the house.
Sheds are in the form of a visor, as well as shadow. We will look at the shadow, they require a large area and calculating the material.


As a rule, the shadow cannons are used at the house also to protect the car from the Sun. Based on the minimum parameters of the site necessary to place the machine, we plan materials.

The small car will require the land area somewhere 3.5 m per 2.5 m. Large cars need a larger area - it will be at least 6.6 m by 3.5 m. The height of the canopy should be laid, based on the height of the car itself, plus Possible luggage. At the same time, a too high structure does not make sense, since the canopy over 2.3 meters will notice the snow and turn the rain.

Important! When calculating the amount of metal products it should be borne in mind that the profile sheets must overlap the upper crossbars and hang a little to ensure normal water flow. It is also recommended to lay drainage grooves so that water does not flow from the roof to the house.

Deciding with the playground, it should be planned to a horizontal level, tamper. Further carcass will be required. It usually makes it yourself from a wooden bar or metal pipe. The timber is pre-processed by the composition against fungal lesions and rotting, and the steel profile is chosen thoroughly, with a cross section of 4 cm by 6 cm or more, depending on the intended load. After assembling the frame, the roof is stacked. The support pillars of the frame can also be of asbestos concrete pipes.

Now step by step

  1. Installing a bar of support to the house on the bearing wall. An important point, the support is fastened to the house, so it should be firmly connected by anchors to the wall.
  2. 2. Installing vertical supports on the outer edge of the canopy. Supports are installed in the prepared pits and poured concrete. Bookmark the foundation under the reference pillars cannot be made below the depths of the soil freezing to avoid deformation of the entire canopy.
  3. External supports are connected by a transverse timber, which will then be fastened by metal. The beam is attached rafters with a connection with a beam-support on the bearing wall.
  4. Installing the crate across the rafter. It usually makes wooden boards or rails.
  5. Laying of metal profile on the crate and fastening it with special screws or bolts.
  6. Installation of the drainage plastic pipe (optional).

Sometimes shadow cannons are also made with a stitching end. For this, there are two reference timber on the wall and the rafters are fixed to one, and to the bottom - the strapping of the supporting tables, made on all four sides of the frame. Next, the resulting end sides are sewn with a tree or a metal profiler.

Important! You need to competently calculate the slope of the canopy. With a small slope, the snow will not go naturally, and a large angle will not be able to provide a proper width of the canopy. This may have some help to provide the knowledge of the peculiarities of the Itometalloprofil. So, for a small inclination, a material with a large bearing capacity should be searched and vice versa, such a material, such as Metal Pilot NS35, has a small carrying capacity, but it is strong and capable of withstanding heavy loads.

If you are going to make the arrangement of the local area, then you should choose the type of design. This is especially true when it comes to a canopy. There is no possibility and the desire to build a separate publication. Sometimes it is enough to install a canopy to ensure its practical use. With it, it will be possible to equip a place for a cozy rest, keep household items. The most responsible stage is the choice of material. The optimal decision will be a professional flooring, which is distinguished by durability and durability.


It is made of galvanized steel. Its thickness varies from 0.5 to 1 mm. In the process of manufacture, the material is covered with a protective layer of polymers. Standard sizes The following: width - from 80 cm to 1.1 m; Length - from 2 to 6 m, height - from 8 to 130 mm. The last parameter is the distance that connects two corrugations. What it is more, the volume looks like the product. If you decide to make a canopy from a professional flooring, it is better to choose a galvanized variety of material than polycarbonate. It has a higher rigidity. It is distinguished by stability to the load arising due to the pressure of the thickness of the snow. This fact acts as an important condition when designing such a design.

For reference

When the mounted single-table design is assembled, it is important to ensure the correct angle of inclination. Otherwise, the precipitation will linger, overloading a light frame.

Single device

On sale today you can find ready-made sets of canopies. The consumer will only need to assemble the design using the proposed drawings. In any case, the canopy will consist of a frame and coating. For the first element, you can use wooden bars of solid wood. They are treated with special solutions. Alternative solutions are steel profiles.

A vertical load will be affected on the support. Therefore, for its manufacture, you can use metal profiles 6 x 4 centimeters. If the design seems more dimensional, then for reliability it is necessary to apply a cross section 8 x 8 or 10 x 10 cm. The number of supports can be easily determined by calculating the gap between them, equal to 1 m. At the same time, the design that rests on the wall is not taken into account. Machining canopy from a professional flooring, you will need to purchase the material of the NS44 or NS35 brand, which will withstand heavy loads and ensure stock.

Calculation of the canopa

Calculate the parameters of the car can be calculated for the car, the dimensions of the machine and the parameters of the protective design. Thus, if the vehicle has dimensions of 1.6 x 4.3 m, then the sizes of the site should be 2.3 x 5.5 m. If we are talking about an SUV, then the parking area increases: 3.5 and 6.6 meters. As the optimal height of the canopy protesters, under which a car with a raised trunk can fit. However, if you do more than 2.3 m, it will rain and snow will fall under the canopy.

Preparation of instruments

In order to make a canopy of a corrugated floor, you need to prepare tools: construction level, roulette, hacksaw, screwdriver, welding machine, galvanized screws, hammer, screwdriver, drill, set of wrench, bolts and fasteners.

Installation technology adjoining canopy

Regardless of what kind of design, you choose, it will be considered a quick-scale structure. You can perform such work independently without resorting to assistance. For the manufacture of a single-table design that adjoins the house, it will be necessary to prepare and calculate the territory for construction. At the next stage, the playground is spilled. After that, the soil is touched, and the pits are digging around the perimeter. It is necessary to arrange the recesses in two rows, each of which will be 3 elements. Schematic you should get a rectangle.

When a canopy is made from the corrugated floor, in the next step it will be necessary to install the racks. They must deepen below the primer of the soil. In the hollow space is poured cement mortar, after which it is necessary to wait for its complete drying. With the help of and screws, transverse beams are strengthened to racks. The angle of inclination should be adjusted due to the difference between the length of the opposite supports.

The frame is covered with primer. It is necessary to wait for it drying, and after apply the paint layer. Next, the sheets are stacked, while the outlet of one wave should be observed. Sheets are strengthened with self-drawing to transverse beams. It will take about 7 galvanized screws and a rubber gasket to a square meter, which will eliminate damage to the protective coating.

Recommendations for the manufacture of an alternative version of the adjoining canopy

Single carport seals that are adjacent to the wall can be manufactured in a simplified scheme. At the same time, you will have to ensure the presence of several basic elements, among them:

  • support;
  • external columns;
  • vertical racks;
  • doom;
  • framework;
  • drainage.

Bar will be supported. It is connected to the bearing wall with anchors. The support is the main element. Therefore, it involves a reliable fastening. External columns are vertical supports to which the overall load will be distributed. They can be made from the profile or sometimes used a square sections. For each such rack, it will be necessary to build a foundation in the form of a concrete base. In all cases, it is important to remember that it should not be closed above the depth of the soil. Otherwise, no avoiding deformation of the frame.

That material that has a polymer coating is easier to install, has a longer service life. In addition, it is more resistant to vibration and atmospheric precipitation. When canopies are made from a professional flooring in the courtyard of a private house according to such technology, sheets must be installed with fasteners with rubber gaskets. Fall in this case can range from 4 to 6 cm. If we are talking about single-table structures, it can be equal to 4 cm. Parking car canopies are usually strengthened. This is especially true in the case when the wall flooring is used instead of universal.


Sheds from the professional flooring, the price of which is calculated according to the materials used and the size of the structure, can bypass the consumer in 1500 rubles. per square meter. When ordering such a structure, specialists can not limit themselves in the form of overlap. The design may be arched, single or two-screw, adjacent to the wall or separately worth it. If you want a canopy from the professional flooring, the adjacent served longer, it is best to abandon the wooden frame, replacing it with a metal. But even this material is subject to corrosion in case of improper care. Therefore, you should ask how the company's specialists produce prepare supports and pillars, as well as the components of the roof elements.

If you yourself want to make such a design, then as a support, you can choose pipes, the diameter of which should be 8 cm. Do not use those, the length of which exceeds 3 m. It is important to choose the right product correctly depending on the thickness of the pipe walls. The larger the alleged load on the canopy, the greater the present parameter should be. You can make a canopy from the professional flooring with deaf side walls. This will allow you to use the design not only for the car, but also for summer gatherings during the rain.

Most people have their country sites or private houses within the city, and the diversity of building materials and availability makes it possible to embody any ideas. It is no secret that any extension at the house gives him a kind of appearance, and also plays the role of auxiliary area. The adjacent home will become a convenient space that will be protected from the effects of precipitation and will save from the scorching sun. In such a place, you can arrange a summer kitchen, living room, make a recreation area, game and even to equip a place under the car. In some cases, the canopy can be used in economic purposes for storing lumber or firewood. The advantage of such a building is the simplicity of the design, which allows you to make it with your own hands and minimize financial investments. In addition, the profile sheet for is the most suitable option, since the standard skate length is 3 meters, and the maximum size of the sheet is 6 meters. The market offers ready-made sheets of different lengths of 1.5, 2, 3, 3.5 meters, which reduces labor costs and allows you to maximally and simply fasten the profile on the roofing clamp.

What is a canopy

By its design, the extension has a single way of execution - these are single sheds. But the execution of such a building can be different, it all depends on the purpose of the space under the roof at the house, material and fancy of the host. There are several construction methods depending on the material used. Supports (drains) can be made of metal or wood. In the same ways there is a roofing lamp. The universality of the professional flooring lies in the fact that there is no need to customize the overlap under fastening, because the sheet of the ribs are quite close and this is enough to secure the iron canvas. The trim around the perimeter is also different. Canopy can be open, covered with a blackboard with windows, polycarbonate, in the form of a terrace, etc.

What must be taken into account before the construction starts

On all the will of the owner, but the wizard depends on the functionality and desire of the wishes, which will be carved from the professional flooring, adjacent to the house. The calculation in this case is one of the basic requirements for determining the required amount of material and the accurate assembly at the site of the construction site. If construction assumes an independent installation, then it is necessary to approach this item.

Do not forget about the fundamental part of the canopy, because no matter how single canopies are in their design with light, additional load is snow cover, which in the winter can harm the canopy by destroying it with its weight. Also, do not forget about the groundwater and the movement of the earthen part with a decrease in temperature, which will also affect the entire design.

General designs of the sowne

Canopy from a professional flooring adjacent to the house can be made in two ways. This applies to the difference in the fastening of elements, which in the end will keep the roofing part. Do not forget about calculations and load. If you plan to make a visor from the professional flooring over the entrance (porch) or to protect firewood near the house, you can use the Kosouras. This design is when the focus is not on the ground, but on the walls of the main structure. Kosomers are triangles, i.e., work on the principle of deduction

The length of the visor is not more than 1.5 meters, and this is enough to ensure that the design of the cosomrov is reliable. Snow or wind exposure is not terrible here, while compliance with the rules for creating reliable fastening will be for a long time to serve its goals. When the attached canopy should play the role of a full-fledged structure and have a sweep length more than 2-2.5 meters, then the support beams are necessary to put perpendicular to the ground with the creation of a durable stop. In this case, there are several ways and methods of facilities.

Applied Material and Foundation

If it is planned to make a carport from the professional flooring with their own hands using metal racks, then the best option will be their concreting directly into the ground. You can buy a round or square metal rolling. Under the racks, holes are made to a depth of at least 80 cm. To do this, you can use a shovel, manual use or gasoline manual installation for drilling holes. It is desirable to strengthen the solid rock of the stone, such as rubble, so that the rack from the weight does not go deep. It is enough to use a metal with a diameter of 50-80 mm, and place at a distance of no more than 1.5-2 meters. It is necessary to make a drawing of a carport from a professional flooring in advance, calculate the load, features of the design, taking into account the skin or applying a different scenery to impart the appearance. After installation, the grade assembly is made to ensure that the structures are predicted. After the wells are concreted and left for grasp.

Use sawn timber for carport

If a canopy of a professional flooring, adjacent to the house, will have a wooden rack, then you can use two installation options. The first provides mealing, that is, the end of the bar or logs are adjusted under the metal tube, which will enter the ground. Thus, it can be saved on the device of the fundamental part. It is important to consider that the pipe should stick out of the ground by no less than 15 cm, which will allow wood in contact with the Earth, to preserve its strength longer. The second design option involves the device of small pyataks to which the racks will be installed. For this, the layer of vegetation is cut and a small deepening is made in the area of \u200b\u200beach rack. Next is the linkage, and the small square of the folded brick or monolithic fill is mounted on top. In this case, it is necessary to rely on the presence of material, abilities and skills. Further order, as in the metallic design, the same. Subsequent actions attached profile sheet to the crate.

Installation of the rafter system

The constructive part of the crate can be performed from metal or wood in different ways. Metal execution requires the presence of a welding machine and skills, so not everyone will go data. But it should be borne in mind that metal reliable wood, and therefore will retain its initial characteristics longer. Do not forget that the canopy is open in essence of the structure, which means the environmental impact is evident. Wood will require constant processing, and the connection site will weaken over time. At the same time, you should not resort to the attachment of the metal parts of the crate with bolts and corners, and the welding is reliable in this case. Regardless of the material, the connection of the elements of the rafting system is the same, but has some nuances.

Metal obsechtka

Performed by the method of welding products among themselves.

It is necessary to stick to a predetermined drawing in order to prevent the incorrect connection and dimensions. The case is a cell whose cells are not recommended to exceed more than 50x50 cm. Used mostly 20x40 mm, but with a large length of the sink, the indicators must be increased. The main rafylans are perpendicular to the walls of the house and fit along the sink. Short segments connect long parts with each other. Thus, the rigidity of the entire structure is attached. It will also be worth treating the surface of the metal by anti-corrosion coating and paint paint. It is better to do it up to be able to protect on all sections of the crate.

Wooden frame

This technology can be executed in two ways. If the outlet length is small and amounts to no more than 2.5 meters, then connecting (short) segments set no need. It is enough to use the main guide that is attached to the edge perpendicular to the wall of the house in the direction of the sink. The board is used in size with a width of 45-50 mm, 80-100-20 mm high. Indicators are specified relative to the load calculations on the canopy, the length of the sink and the width of the span. If a canopy of a professional flooring, adjacent to the house, exceeds 2.5 meters, then the jumpers between the main guides will be mandatory. Their compound can be performed by using metal corners or the method of drinking seats and connections to each other.

The desired result with the least effort

Summing up, it can be noted that the described material is not difficult to reach, expensive, and therefore make a canopy to your home can any "hand" owner. It is only necessary to disregard the preliminary calculations, where you can use a special method for setting the load. For this, it is not necessary to study SNiP, it suffices to refer to the special literature, where tables and exemplary calculations have already been compiled on all regions of the country (example - in the photo below).

If there are any doubts, the result of the load can be multiplied by 1.5 and be completely confident in its errorlessness.

In addition, the manufactured professional flooring has all sorts of gamut shades, which will not allow the canopy to ruin the overall appearance of the entire house, but, on the contrary, will give the owner the opportunity to give a kind of appearance to his dwelling. The main thing is not to neglect the general requirements of working with wooden and metal products and comply with the elementary safety regulations.

A private house. The scorching sun sometimes does not allow to go out into the courtyard in the hot summer days, and the drifts falling asleep inlet door and the area in winter are not at all inspired to spend half a day to clearing snow. Is it worth talking about the rain that suddenly begins during friendly sitting on the street?

To protect a part of the yard from precipitation and ultraviolet rays, you can build a canopy from the professional flooring with your own hands. An independent builded structure is a plot near the house, closed on top of the metal. The supports of the canopy are derived from the ground to a certain height, which depends on the method of operation of the construction site. Adjunction to the house involves the fastening of one side of the corrugated floor to the carrier wall of the residential building.

You can use a canopy in different purposes. The plot of a large area is covered with a professional flooring of a large area easily to make a spacious parking space if the entrance to the courtyard allows you to drive a car under it. Convenience is explained by several factors at once:

  • Since the carport for the car will be tortured to the house only one side, it is obvious that there are no 3 walls at once. Unlike the garage, it reduces the risk to randomly damage the car, carelessly opening the door or without coping with parking control. Proms to this convenience are the illumination of the place on three sides and a wide review.
  • Parking cannow from the professional flooring can be both a permanent and temporary storage location in the yard. If you make a separate equipped garage, then the indoor metal is useful for the day when rush leaves, things and care do not leave so much time so that every time it is for parking a car to mock and clog the garage. In the event that the capital structure is absent, canopy from the professional flooring can replace it at night.
  • Closed from the Sun and precipitation The territory in the yard is real asylum of the car in sun and rainy days. Non-missing light and moisture professional flooring hides the equipment from the scorching ultraviolet, which becomes the cause of burning paint by car, as well as from ice rains that can damage the coating. The temperature in the cabin of the car is supported on a favorable level.
  • Parking in the form of a canopy for the car is comfortable during the loading of things, which also distinguishes this construction from the garage. The approach from all sides and the sufficient floor height allows you to quickly and compactly put the saczozh in the car, and in any weather.
  • Close to home location of the parking lot, while on its own fenced plot, wins in front of a street parking for the wicket. The risk of possible hijacking is reduced to virtually zero: to lead the car from a private yard will be extremely difficult. It is convenient to watch the machine from the window.

Canopy from a professional flooring attached to the house, except for parking for cars, you can make a wonderful veranda or terrace. Locate in the fresh air table with seats - the dream of any owner.

If the canopy is built with an adjuncing to the sunny side of the building, it is recommended that the coating is recommended to use precisely, because, unlike polycarbonate, it does not miss the light at all.

The territory under the roof can be the best storage destination in the yard. In particular, the canopies are built to protect gas cylinders, building materials, cottage inventory and technology.

The roofing material is called the roofing material, which is the sheets of cold-rolled steel with a protective coating. From the point of view of the appearance, such canopies are less attractive than polycarbonate, glass, tile, however, the use of metal is justified by its technological properties:

  • Ensuring the coating of the profile ribbed shape (wave, trapezoidal, etc.) gives metal stiffness.
  • The flooring is able to withstand higher loads than polycarbonate and glass. Steel has high strength.
  • Profile is an opaque material.
  • Convenience of metal styling is explained by low weight: Sheets easily served as height. Fastening is carried out in a simple way: on the bolts or screws to the carrier frame. A small mass allows you to pretend the default on the supports of a smaller cross section.
  • During the production, the professional flooring is covered with a zinc, paint and varnish or polymer layer for protection against corrosion.
  • Metal does not support burning.

The benefits of the professional flooring include low cost. Despite its narrow designer variability (for example, it is difficult to bend the roof of the canopy in an unusual form), it is possible to choose the metal of any color.

The durability of the canopy from the professional flooring depends on the quality of the frame assembly. Support material is different: wood, metal, brick, etc. Bar is used very often. Wood is durable, easily processed and is relatively inexpensive, however, the number of disadvantages includes exposure to rotting and the actions of insect pests.

After the construction, such a canopy from the professional flooring is recommended to be treated with antiseptic and fire fighting agents. For the frame of the profile pipe, the supports of a smaller cross section are needed than for woody. This is explained by the higher strength of the material. Brick supports for canopy from corrugated floor are common: the frame is more expensive and does not justify the attachments.

The cross section of the coopers is selected at the calculation of the total load. Only the mass of professional flooring is constant. Since the steel sheet is easy, external conditions deserve more attention. A canopy, adjacent to the house, must withstand winds observed in the construction area, snow loads and flood.

Professional flooring is difficult to deform in designer purposes, so the canopy is better to make a single or double. It is possible to create an arcuate roof of the canopy, but the bend will take place in parallel profiling, which will serve as precipitation.

The simplified structure of the structure is presented in the drawing. The design of the carport from the professional flooring consists of the following main elements:

  • Support under the number 1 is a bar attached by anchors (7) to the bearing wall of the house. It is main and requires reliable fastening.
  • External columns (3) are vertical supports, elevated from the ground to the height of the edge of the canopy. They also apply to the overall load of the professional flooring. The columns are recommended from asbestos-cement or profile pipe, as well as a bar 100x, a strong strengthening of the supports in the ground is provided by the foundation poured under each rack. The concrete base (4) should lay down not higher than the depth of the soil freezing in order to avoid the deformation of the frame.
  • Maurylalat (5) is placed on the outer vertical pipes or racks. It serves as a support for rafters (6), attached to the beam at the wall.
  • Across the lamp (2) is mounted - thin rails or boards.
  • Profile stacked on top and connects with a frame with bolts or screws.
  • The plastic pipe bridge is mounted as needed. If the lower edges of the canopy come out above the lawn or soil and do not create inconvenience, the stock is optional.

The time of performance depends solely on the quality of its organization. Pre-acquired building materials, preliminary calculation of the scheme and clearing place in the yard - the key to quick installation and a reliable carport from the professional flooring.

Sheds in front of the house are an additional, functional space, which allows the most useful as possible to use the site, and comfortably relax in the fresh air in heat and in bad weather. The construction should be ergonomic, reliable, aesthetic and should not clutter the facade of the building.

Next, we will review the original and practical ideas, we will tell about the design features of the attacks, which materials are better to use for their manufacture, and give detailed instructions, how to make a carport to the house with your own hands.

Constructive and functional

A canopy in front of the house should be delicately fit into the general architectural ensemble, emphasize the advantages of the exterior and hide its shortcomings, harmoniously combined with the landscape design of the site, to be convenient, practical during operation, fully respond to the needs of the owners.

Functional features

Sheds attached to the house, photo examples, see the gallery, can be used for different economic needs, from the basic functions to highlight common:

  • An extension above the input group serve as protection for the porch and the inlet door from precipitation.
  • Terraces and verandas are a place to relax outdoors.
  • Covered galleries, more often from metal and polycarbonate, provide a comfortable entrance to the house, are at the same time the parking lot for the car.

Large canopies attached to home, photos of practical, arched construction

  • Sheds over the windows, usually marquises, protect against the bright sun.
  • Nozpostroy for storing firewood and other household utensils, delivered from the back of the house, sometimes, with due fantasy, these are original, exclusive design, adorning the facade of the building.

Sheds attached to home made of professional flooring, photos of the houses for firewood

Types of carports to the house

Sheds near the house are divided into a method of supporting the main building:

  • Console - small visors on mencols or mortgage elements.
  • Suspended - roofs on metal cables.
  • Reference - on vertical columns around the perimeter;
  • The beam - the edge located closer to the house, relies on the beam tied to the wall, which helps to distribute the load over the entire surface of the carrier structure, and the opposite - on the poles.

Features of structures

Sheds for a private house and public buildings are usually:

  • Open - a roof that protects against precipitation: an entrance group, a terrace, a parking lot for the machine, a housekeeping.
  • Semi-closed - from the bottom of 900-1200 mm, a deaf parapet is provided, and the openings are closed with dense curtains, soft glass, grid, wearing plants, grapes: terraces, arbors.
  • Covered - glazed buildings of different types, usually these are verandas attached corridors, greenhouses.
Good to know: To preserve heat, it is better to glare with plastic or wooden windows with a double-triple glass, with a rotary-folding opening mechanism. If the room for a warm period, then the ideal option - sliding aluminum systems, easily open, do not clutter the overview, if necessary, freamuga can be removed or shifted in one direction. Light canopies-galleries can be seen by polycarbonate.

Canopies attached to the house from polycarbonate, photo of the original design, echoing in shape with steps


Buildings adjacent to the house may have a different rafter system. The easiest way to make a single-piece roof, at an angle of 15-25 o, protects against precipitation, but does not save from the impulse of wind and dust. The bartal roof is practical, although it looks more cumbersome. It is often suitable if the main structure has a roof of the same form.

Polycarbonate canopy, attached to the house, photo of an open terrace for recreation

Recently, arched structures are relevant, usually, it is a canopy of polycarbonate attached to the house, on a metal frame. The buildings acquired popularity due to low prices, ease of installation and some elegance due to materials. They do not clutter the architectural ensemble and are practical, reliable protection against atmospheric surprises.


Before making a carport to the house, you should carefully choose materials for the construction. In fact, it is a frame and a roof, we will analyze from what is better to do every element of the design.


The basis for a canopy to home is traditionally made from wood, metal, stone, concrete, bricks. The choice depends on the design of the main structure, financial capabilities and the preferences of the owners.

The simplest in the manufacture - wooden canopies, the material is easily processed by household instruments, work with it does not require professional skills. For support, a rounded log or a bar 100 * 100, 150 * 150 mm is used, you can buy ready-made threads, curly columns and balasins, openwork grille. Wooden buildings look beautiful and noble, but poorly tolerate moisture and biological impacts, fear of fire. To keep the aesthetics of the carport to the house, ensure fire safety and avoid damage to the carrying structures in the insects, rodents, fungi, all elements need to be carefully soaked with protective compositions.

Corner canopies for home, project functional extension with an additional balcony zone

Metal canopies to the house - the most popular and diverse type of structures:

  • ready, prefab aluminum products, often under the tent roof;
  • welded structures made of metal products or a round tube;
  • stainless steel welded extensions;
  • forged canopies to the house.

To work with the metal, equipment and ability to work on it are required, but such buildings are most durable and durable relative to wooden, the cost of products is approximately equal. A serious enemy of a metal frame - rust, all the details must be cleaned, brew and paint. Another minus - the material quickly heats up and cools, so if the parapet is provided to the canopy, then the railing is better made by wooden.

An example, how to make a beautiful canopy to the house from metal products with your own hands, to arrange an extension can be finished forged elements.

Helpful advice: To decorate the welded canopy to the house, use the finished stamped forging.

Concrete, stone and brick canopies to the house look massively and thoroughly. As a rule, they are planned at the project development stage and are built together with the house, under a single roof. If the extension is done later, here you should consider the foundation and binding to the house, professionals do not recommend making a rigid coupling of two buildings, because due to the difference in the weight of buildings and beads of the soil can go cracks, faults, destruction.

To properly make a canopy to the house, projects are better to take online and correct under your own sizes

Roofing material

Designers advise to cover the roofing material with the same roofing material as the main house, but it is not always appropriate, especially if the extension is small and is done later. Today, the best solution is a cellular polycarbonate with a thickness of 6-8 mm - quickly, practical, inexpensive, you can pick up a color, looks easily, suitable for frames from any materials and for all rafter systems, indispensable for arched structures.

For single and double roofs, a professionalist, metal tile, ondulin, rubberoid, slate are often used. For a soft roof, a solid doomle made of moisture-resistant plywood, OSB, bars, rails or edged board.

Canopy to a house from polycarbonate, on the photo Balo-supporting design

How to make a canopy to the house do it yourself

We will make a wooden canopy to the house with your own hands, stand along the wall, the roof is a single, foundation - tape.

Preparation of the site and the fill of the foundation

We calculate the pad near the house, removes the fertile layer of soil, drive the pegs, along the perimeter and in the locations of the bearing elements, stretch the rope, check the geometry. On the markup, dig a trench, a depth of 700 mm, on the bottom of the crushed stone of 100 mm, sand is 100 mm, a pillow's trambrelb.

The tape height of the foundation for a canopy must be necessarily more width

On the pillow knit reinforcing frame from corrugated rods with a cross section of 8-10 mm. In the corners, they score 3-4 rods directly to the ground, rigid horizontal fittings, we use knitting wire for fixing.

The reinforcing frame for canopy can be made from polypropylene reinforcement and tie by harnesses

We make a cutting board or plywood, impregnated with machinery, strengthen the shakes, check the level. Fill the foundation of a canopy to house concrete.

Tape should be filled simultaneously so that the seams are not formed

After 28 days, after the complete becoming of the concrete, we remove the crate and drain the bottom geotextile, can be replaced with a rubberoid. The joints of the Vanity 100-250 mm.

Geotextile will protect the tree from the accumulation of dampness from the Earth

Important: A carport must have its own foundation to the house. Tie 2 bases for a rigid hitch is not recommended.


On the ribbon, where wooden beams will be held, we put the rubberoid sheets. The timing of 150 * 150 mm is processed by antiseptics, refractory composition, laid on the foundation, secure lags among themselves on galvanized corners.

Outdoor, visible part of the foundation we look with an artificial stone, on top of the lags we settle the ruberoid.

For finishing the base, you can use any natural material or decorative plaster

Flooring the floor cutting board, 50 * 150 mm, along the edges of the chamfer 2-3 mm, fastened on special studs, gap between the canvas 2 mm. Near the wall at home and on the outer side of the canopy, we set vertical poles, the ram 150 * 150 mm, fix the anchor bolts.

Natural board floor can be replaced with Decing

We make the strapping with the same bar on the upper heads of the supports. Krepim on the anchor house, the horizontal beam will help distribute the load throughout the bearing wall.

The truss system of wood can be replaced with a metal farm from metal products 40 * 40 mm

We put the rafter timber, tying a pairs of external and internal pole, strengthen the joints of the shares. The inner edge of the rafter leg with a beam, external - should go for a strapping of 300 mm. Breeping on a sled or corner.

For the strength of the canopy to the house, double fastening

For the manufacture of the rafter system, you can take a cutting board 150 * 40 mm. After assembly, you must check the level and plumb vertical and horizontal frame.

Optimal distance between lags 1000-1500 mm

From the bar, an edge of 50 * 50, 60 * 60 mm make a transverse crate. Fix with nails or screws. Frame skeleton, covered with varnish or colored oil.

The frequency of the crate depends on the roofing material and from snow and wind loads in the region

We put polycarbonate from above, we connect sheets through special planks, pull to the bruster to the thermoshaba.

Polycarbonate canopy attached to the house, on the photo glazed veranda

If necessary, we are experiencing openings with monolithically cast polycarbonate or glass. You can arrange a canopy to the house with decorative openwork lattices or carvings.