Repairs Design Furniture

Variety of options for winter arbors. A gazebo with a stove and a brazier with their own hands a gazebo with a grinding brick winter

A gazebo with a brazier turns the usual cooking process on your kitchen into culinary magic of cooking food on open fire. Not many dishes in our menu are also sincerely loved like kebabs cooked on the grill.

Let's see how to get more pleasure for everyone from participating in this unforgettable process.

Your gazebo with a mangal

Brick brand with her hands drawing

As it is not obvious, but if you have no mangaal yet - make it. You do not need special materials and super skills - a simple mangala drawing, a dozen bricks, an iron rod and iron sheet - and you will have an excellent result.

We raise the brickwork until the height of 70-75 cm and lay the solid slices of the iron rod, to which then put the iron sheet. Raising the laying above, lay in the side walls at 2 different heights ledges for the grille of the manga.

Your arbor with brazier: Important details

Today, the arbor with the brazier is more than just a place for kebab. Many of us want to have almost the same convenience in it to which we are accustomed to the house. In addition to mangal, the arbors may include smoking, spit, brazier, stoves. Of the variety of existing options, we will choose our own - practical, thinking that we will most often use and how adapted for our needs. Often a small gazebo, which has only the most needed, is much more comfortable and functional than a pathos, polished by the most different devices.

Add cooking zone next to the brazier

If you have a small arbor with a brazier, add the table and sink to it - it will turn your arbor into the real summer kitchen. For the table, do not forget to provide a well-purified countertop and a small shelf for frequently used kitchen accessories. If there is an opportunity, put a refrigerator in a gazebo - it will be convenient to store meat and drinks.

Practically use the space arbor

The dining table with benches is a traditional solution for the dining area of \u200b\u200bthe arbor with the mangal. But, if you need to save space, make these benches with challenging table, so you will have more space for cooking.


From the point of view of the use of materials, all the gazebo should be durable, well serve on the street and easy to clean. This means - processed from rotting tree, stone and metal.

Do not forget about the cook

There is nothing worse to cook for the whole company and hear only the explosions of laughter behind your back. Cooking and recreation areas must flow one to another, on the one hand, insulating guests from the hot zone, and on the other hand, providing the opportunity to the cook to become the center of the party. It is best to make a high bar rack raised from the other edge of the cooking zone. After all, watching a chef that prepares for you grilled meat is a great start to any feast.

Keep warm in the gazebo

In cool weather to maintain heat and protect against wind, you can use special PVC curtains in the gazebo. If the acquisition of such a curtain seems to you excessive luxury, you can do them yourself. You will need to buy PVC film, cut it in size of the opening of the gazebos, stack with a durable cloth and put the records on the edges. With the help of a cord, it is custom-made into the chammers can be attached to the camera in the gazebo.

Use additional heat sources in the gazebo - for example, infrared lamps, always a good idea. They can be placed near the zones of maximum functionality - dining or cooking zone.

If your barbell next to a gazebo, make a canopy over it

If your grill is without drawing, it should not be placed in the gazebo, but you can place next to it. Make a canopy over such a grill so that the sudden shower does not prevent his work.

Add open focus

Equipping near or on the edge of the arbor, open source, you can boil in it a kuleash and get an extra surface for cooking. So, on the main mangale, you cook meat, and on the hearth - put the grille and cook vegetables. And everything is preparing at you at the same time.

Add a recreation area next to a gazebo

It can be like just a powerful playground near the gazebo and an additional canopy, which is part of the arbor structure or simply an umbrella over the table on the street.

In the cool climate, the recreation area can even be a separate gazebo.

Comfortable woodnitsa

Ensure that there is a comfortable storage space next to the gazebo. It will save you from trips for a pair of lane in the dark to the other end of the garden.

Make the entrance to the cellar of the arbor

Convenient entrance to the arbor on the one hand, will save you from the need to install a refrigerator in a gazebo; On the other hand, make the entrance to the cellar more harmonious than the alone standing hilly in the corner of the garden.

Create a special lighting mood.

The combination of general lighting of the site with bright lighting of the gazebo will create the right balance between the functionality and the harmonious atmosphere. Moreover, the cooking zone in the gazebo should be brightly lit, and for the dining area and recreation zone it is better to make adjustable lighting - there must be somehow creating a special mood!

Arbor with brazier. Fire measures.

All electrical appliances in the gazebo must have grounding. Electrical wiring should be carried out by cable for street work. Wooden structures should be processed by fire impregnation.

Place the gazebo in a cozy garden corner.

While the placement of summer cuisine near the house has several advantages, there are their advantages in place a gazebo with a barbell in the far corner of the country area. Here, along with food cooked on an open fire, you give yourself a feeling of flight from the ordinary fuss: enjoy a luxurious view and silence garden.

Decorate a gazebo with a mangal

A gazebo with a brazier in your garden is an ideal place to use your taste in choosing a setting and decor elements. And the decor here, not only the decorations on the wall, it is curtains, and kitchenware and flowers on the table. Let the gazebo become your cozy shelter among everyday worries.

Use landscape design elements to highlight the area with a gazebo in the garden. The arbor architecture itself is an important element of the entire landscape design of the site.
Make interesting additions next to the gazebo to emphasize the special meaning of this zone in the garden. For example, break the kitchen garden with spicy herbs or a large flower bed next to the gazebo.

Simple projects arbors with mangal

Not all of us are available luxurious gazebos from the fire of the Siberian cedar or silver pine. We suggest you to get acquainted with simple and functional projects of arbors with a mangal. Made from ordinary materials, understandable and simple design - these projects are available to any dac.

Project 1. Arbor with mangal and bathroom

Perhaps there is no such person who would not like to eat kebabs in nature, relax, relax, to stay with his family or chat with friends. Own cottage plot is exactly the place where you want to rest. Proper to organize a recreation area is the first priority of any owner. A gazebo or summer kitchen with a furnace oven (Mangalom) for a barbecue will be an excellent option for a pleasant pastime in a family circle. This article presents drawings and descriptions of two such projects that you can easily build with your own hands.

Types of garden arbors

The built-up construction should not only fit well into the garden design, but also be functionally convenient for use. Create a garden gazebo with a brazier can be from many materials: from wood, brick or metal. Everyone has its advantages and disadvantages.


Wooden arbors are a universal addition to any garden plot. The following advantages can be noted:

  • does not require special financial costs and special tools;
  • quite reliable and durable;
  • easy and quick to build;
  • do not need a massive foundation.


The capital design of such a gazebo, as in the photo, will be hosted much more expensive than the wooden. Since the construction is heavy, then the foundation is needed for it. Benefits include:

  • fire resistance;
  • durability and durability, does not require annual repairs;
  • it protects well from rain, wind and snow. With the capital construction, lovers meet the New Year in nature will not freeze.


Forged gazebos, as a rule, are bought already in the finished form or are manufactured under the order. Its value depends on the magnitude and complexity of the model. Benefits:

  • durability, subject to the use of paints and primers;
  • fire resistance;
  • creates a special romantic atmosphere in your garden.

How to choose a brand

Mangals are a portable design or built-in. Make the selection follows at the stage of drawing up the drawing. The portable brand is good in that at any moment its location easily changes. However, embedded mangals perform more functions and are equipped with additional elements, for example, a rush for firewood, a shelf for storing dishes, a worktop. The massive design of the built-in mangala, assumes the presence of a solid foundation. Usually it is located on the northern side.

Do you know that in our time there are technologies, the use of which will allow you not to use solid fuel (coals or firewood) for cooking food and kebabs. Some braziers in mangals are equipped with stones of volcanic origin, which are heated by gas or electricity. The heat transfer from them is twice as much as from wood and coal. In addition, there is no soot or smoke. Three years later, the stones should be replaced.

To make the gazebo to the most functional, you should choose the location in advance and correctly. The choice should be made with the calculation of a convenient supply of communications: electricity, water, gas. The place for recreation is also preferably made away from the economic buildings, toilet, compost pits or tanned with animals.

Convenient gazebo, built near the house. You can use it not only for the preparation of kebabs and gatherings with friends. In the gazebo, it will be nice to sit in silence, watching nature.

Gazebo with mangal do it yourself

Before any construction, be it a gazebo or house, you should create a drawing. It is necessary in order to accurately determine the amount of construction and finishing material, designate all the components of the construction elements and choose the optimal shape of the roof.

Marking and building foundation

So, after the drawings are willing, proceed to the placement of the site and bookmark the foundation. The stage of markup is very important, because the whole future building will depend on its correctness and accuracy.

The foundation device is the next stage. Its size will depend on the massiveness of the arbor. When erecting light buildings, a column foundation is most often used. It is financially more economical. For heavy brick buildings, a tile foundation is often used, which will subsequently perform the function of the floor. There is still a ribbon foundation. It is optimal for both types of buildings.

In our example, a column foundation will be used in the photo. For its installation, dig the pits of the corresponding value, sort out the walls by the rubberoid, in the center, stick a few rods of reinforcement and pour the cement solution. As a result, you must leave the columns a bit protruding for the soil level.

Floor base structure

The next stage is a floor building. Its foundation can be made from a wooden bar. It will be fastened with the help of self-tapping and boards. When building an open arbor, the floor should be done with a slight tilt so that rainwater is not going.

Important! With the construction of the arbor, do not forget to soak the building materials intended to protect the means. They will remove the design from the negative impact of the environment and insects.

Construction of walls and roofs

The basis of the entire gazebo - carrier corner bars. Their installation should be paid special attention, because the roof will be held on them. Walls in a gazebo can be solid or lattice.

After the walls, the roof structure is followed. With the construction of the gazebos, with their own hands most often use the skate or single-sided inclined design. Ondulin or polycarbonate is used to cover the roof. It looks beautifully a gazebo with a carved roof braided with flowering plants. But you can't cook in it during the rain.

Installation of mangala

If you plan to provide a gazebo in the embedded mangal, then it should be installed before the exterior finish. It should be remembered that brick or stone structures suggest a good foundation. In light wooden arbors it is better to use portable mangals.

Make a durable brick brazier is not easy. It is necessary to know all the nuances and have a certain experience, so this work is better to entrust the specialist. For general information, you suggest you familiarize yourself with the classic scheme of its construction.

To solve which brazier will be equipped with a gazebo, you should still at the stage of creating a construction project, since when the main foundation is built, it is necessary to lay the foundation for the built-in mangala. The thickness of the base should not be less than 30 cm. After that, make two rows of solid brick masonry and a niche for solid fuel. The next stage is the manufacture of the outlook for cooking. This is usually 7 rows of bricks laid out with a solid wall. Then the brazier should be equipped with a chimney and a pipe. They are laid in a circle. A special roof is installed above the pipe so that there are no precipitation inside the mangala.

Building summer kitchen with stove

Any building begins with a competently compiled drawing, which will take into account all the subtleties of the construction of the frame and the nuances of accommodation of important, one can say "strategic" details (such as a stove, for example). The correct drawing will show you the future building from different angles of view.

Unlike the arbor, building a summer kitchen, such as in the photo is a more time-consuming and complex process. It can also be made both open and closed type.

Foundation arrangement and bookmark

Before laying the foundation, the surface of the selected place should be aligned and apply the markup of the future building. If your choice is inclined to an open summer kitchen, then for the foundation is not too shrouded, about 10-15 cm, playground. To make it remove the specified layer of land around the perimeter, the sand is covered in the resulting pit, everything is thoroughly tamped and aligned. Then the base is covered with paving tiles or bricks.

Durable, sufficiently heavy, brick design requires the construction of a complex foundation: slab, ribbon or columnar. It is plugged by 50-80 cm.

  1. The process of laying a durable foundation occurs in several stages:
  2. Removing the top layer of soil to a depth of at least 50 cm throughout the perimeter of the construction.
  3. Bookmark a sandy layer 15-20 cm.
  4. Construction of the foundation.
  5. Floor equipment. The crushed stone layer is laid on the laid and the raven sand. The concrete screed is made on top.

Important! Paul in summer kitchen Do not less than 5 cm levels. This will exclude sediments during rain or snow.

Celling of walls

For the construction of stone cuisine, you need a brickwork experience in one or pollipich. It's easier and faster to make walls from the bar. In this case, wooden frame is erected, the joints are fastened with screws. Corner beams are attached to the foundation using metal corners. The outer side of the finished frame is cut by boards, plasterboard sheets, clapboard or tiles.

Construction of the roof and installation of windows

If the summer kitchen room is planned to be used in winter, the roof design should be of a double type and covered with a layer of thermal insulation. The final stage will be the coating of the roof with slate, tiles or ondulin. Summer kitchen, having a view of an open area, must also be equipped with a canopy.

The room of a closed type involves the presence of window openings. I wonder the large windows from the polo to the ceiling. They skip much more light into the room. When installing windows, make sure that the box is tight in the opening. When installing, you can use special silicone gaskets.

Installing the stove

Financially economical wood stoves. They are most often used in summer kitchens. The furnace is made from a special chamotte or refractory brick. It is resistant to high temperatures, quickly heats up and keeps heat. Of course, with a solid fuel stove, the risk of fire is increased at times, therefore, at the kitchen room, we immediately consider the ventilation system.

Interior decoration

The surface of the floor in the summer kitchen can be laid with tiles, boards or linoleum. Most often make wooden floor, giving the kitchen special rural charm. So that it does not spoil, it is covered with varnish or enamel. Very rack to the external influence of ceramic tile, which is also popular and is often used for summer kitchens.

For decoration of ceilings, boards are used by a thickness of 20 mm or the sheets of water-repellent drywall. The boards before installation are usually covered with oil, and plasterboard after installation - paint.

To use the summer kitchen in winter, the walls are insulated with a glassic. For their finishing, wooden or plastic lining or plasterboard are used.


The gazebo with the mangal built by you will delight you, if the care for it is correct and regular:

  • paul and walls of an open arbor Clean from snow, ice and fallen leaves;
  • all wooden and metal arbor elements annually handle special protective equipment;
  • educated cracks in the wood regularly clean the putty;
  • open places in the gazebo for the winter. Close the film.

Construction Ideas Arbors with Barbecue or Mangal: Video

Country gazebo and summer kitchen: Photo

Winter arbors are not easy to build, but the work will pay off with pleasure - because you can taste kebabs in nature even in conditions of harsh winter. This is a full-fledged building where the brazier with a brazier asks. Let's see what gazebos are and how to make it with your own hands.

A winter type gazebo - something mean between a small garden house and an open-type construction. In such a paradise, you can retake all year round, regardless of the weather popsicles. As a rule, the construction is suitable with special care, which is why not only functional buildings are obtained, but also very beautiful, to convince this photo.

By combining a gazebo with a summer kitchen, or simply installing inside the stove, you can cook in the summer gazebo in the summer, which is especially convenient for the season of conservation. In addition, often inside is equipped with a greenhouse if the room is heated year-round. In general, you have full-fledged extra squares and you can use them at your own way.

There are two main options - separate buildings and combined. The first is a single building, inside it is everything that is necessary for rest. In fact, such winter arbors resemble small houses, only with a large number of windows, sometimes there are and completely glazed. With the onset of cold weather, this type is very convenient, but in the summer I still want to spend more time outdoors, and not in closed walls. True, glass can be removable or can be done so that the windows of the windows fall down by more than 120 ° or, on the contrary, rose upstairs.

The photo of the combined winter arbors with the brazier demonstrates us that these designs combine two types in themselves - a summer and closed gazebo (Moorish style). It is divided into zones, for example, in the center there is a warmed part for winter holidays, and around the perimeter is a canopy with benches. In principle, options are quite different, the choice is completely dependent on preferences and the material situation, and in the absence of designer experience or fantasy, you can choose the project from numerous photos on the Internet.

We still have to say a few words about design. The classics in this area of \u200b\u200bconstruction is "English" style, it is characterized by strict and weathered forms without unnecessary decorative elements and a four-eight-tone roof. Build such a gazebo is easy, and after installation in the center of the fireplace, the problem of heating is solved. It is possible to give a refinement site by building a structure set down in a "Chinese" spirit resembling Pagoda. Usually for its construction uses valuable wood species. By giving preference to Japanese style, you will get a place for privacy, because its main task is to fully isolate the room from the outside world, even glass windows in this case are stained glass windows.

Since you will have to get to the gazebo not only in the summer on green grass, but also overcome snowy drifts in winter, so it is desirable to build it closer to the house. It is desirable that she harmoniously fit into the courtyard design. The obtained room will be operated all year, so you should take care of the heating system. It is interesting to look a fireplace or a stand with a brazier, but then you should take care of good ventilation.

The value of construction is also important. It is popular with a tree, but it needs to be treated with special antiseptic and fire-fighting solutions, especially if you want a winter gazebo with a brazier. More expensive, but reliable will be brick. In principle, any building material can be used, the main thing is that it is environmentally friendly and harmful to humans. Especially relevant is a warning when using a chipboard type slabs, which, without proper insulation, with a burning brand will actively evaporate resin.

Of course, it will also be necessary to insulate the construction so that any bad weather affects the quality of your holiday, because such a gazebo claims the title of winter.

Construction with their own hands

The construction of an arbor of this type, of course, a more time-consuming case than the construction of summer options, however, is completely under power. Consider the same in more detail the stages of construction with your own hands.

How to build a winter gazebo with your own hands - a step-by-step scheme

Step 1: Filling the foundation

Make up your diagram or borrow a photo of the draft arbor on the Internet, make calculations, blank the material. We start with. As a base, monolithic plates, ribbon or column foundation are performed. The latter is most economical, so it is most often preferred to him. At first, a meter pits of a depth of 70 cm are digging. The sand pillow is covered on the bottom, and then you can also begin the construction of red brick columns. In the event that a wet or movable type of soil prevails, it is necessary to stop on the monolithic plate. From above, it is necessary to lay a rubberoid as a waterproofing.

Step 2: Frame

Now go to the frame. First of all, the lower strapping is made. For fixing the bars in the corners, the connection "spike" is used, and among themselves they are attached through metal corners and long screws. Next, vertical racks are installed, first in the corners, and then in the places of window and doorways.

Step 3: Paul and Walls

The next stage in the creation of the winter gazebo is your own hands is the installation of logs on the floor. They are fixed to vertical racks. If you plan to install a barbecue or use the brazier, then it is better to fill the foundation under them separately, while all fire safety measures are taken into account. Then, paying particular attention to the strengthening of the sinking, proceed to the upper strapping. It is advisable to make one wall that is the most revealed by the winds, deaf, the rest can have large windows or in general to be glass. On the floor it is more practical to put a special durable tile.

Step 4: Roofing

A two-piece design is perfect for a two-piece design, with your own hands for both options we describe well with the photo and in separate articles on the site. After that, the lamp is attached, on top of which the roofing material is stacked. Remember that all wooden elements are pre-treated with special solutions. And at the end, do not forget to insulate the room, mineral materials are perfectly suitable, can be isolated and roof.

Funny gatherings with family and friends in the fresh air, idle conversations and fragrant kebabs away from Smog and the incessant city's noise - any resident of the densely populated megalpolis will tell you that there is no better holiday in the world. But the climate in which we live, gives us this possibility only in the summer months, when the window around the clock is a plus temperature. But there is a solution: the winter countryside is becoming increasingly popular, and thousands of cars in the evening on Friday stretch in the direction of summer towns - where you can get along with the whole family in a closed gazebo with a brazier or a stove to enjoy clean air and cooked barbecue.

In contact with

The word "gazebo" is connected for many people with summer holidays, when a small canopy above the bench is protected from the scoring rays of the sun or dumbfounded raindrops, a brazier and a table for desktop chess or domino are often placed under this canopy. But indoor pavilions for country rest are made in winter performance. These are practically small household leisure houses in the fresh air with the ability to use them yearly. Depending on the needs, the owners of country houses are placed in such a gazebo not only a barbecue for kebabs, but also a Dutch type stove, sometimes smoking. The cutting table and sink will simplify cooking and washing dirty dishes. If the Pavilion Area allows you to install refrigeration chambers for products storage.

The most ascetic option provides a mandatory dining table for several persons and shops that can be installed for the cost-effective use of space.

Advantages of the gazebo of a closed type

In addition to the obvious advantage - excellent holidays outside the city - you can note a few more:

  • not only in winter, but also in the summer, during a strong wind or oblique shower, the comfort of a closed pavilion is nicer than the outdoor open canopy;
  • the warmed option can serve as not only to leisure area, but also as a guest house, in this case it is necessary to have a sofa or sofa;
  • the presence of a stove in a closed house will quickly warm it and make the departure of kebabs pleasant even in the laid harsh frosty months.

When choosing a material of a closed pavilion and a construction plan, it is important to take into account the landscape design on the plot so that the house is harmoniously fit into it.

Types of gazebo for country rest

According to the structural execution, the pavilions with a grill can be divided into three types:

  • closed - designed for use all year round;
  • open - seasonal use, for winter holidays are not suitable;
  • semi-closed - universal type with removable walls.

Cutting-type gazebos are capital buildings installed on the foundation.

What materials build

Before building a pavilion for year-round leisure, it is necessary to carefully compile a plan, choose and calculate the cost and number of materials.

Building material is advisable to choose from thermal insulation properties. The lowest thermal conductivity coefficients have aerated concrete, arbolit (opilk concrete), wooden bar, log cabin, brick. All these materials differ in price and have a different complexity and labor costs of them.

The smaller the heat loss coefficient, the longer you can exploit our leisure house without using additional heating.

Polycarbonate, removable double-glazed windows are used for the construction of semi-closed arbors.

The leader among building materials for a rustic pavilion with a barbecue is rightfully considered a chopped or rounded log. Chopped logs look most authentic, sending our associations to Old Russian architecture. A rounded log looks very neat and less brutal than chopped, reminding more alpine mountain hunting houses.

A tree is an environmentally friendly material that creates a special fragrance indoors, it's nice to touch him. The tree stores the energy of pristine wildlife.

The house assembly from the rounded log is much simpler, and it can be carried out independently, calling for the help of two or three strong partners, or entrust it to professional builders.

Brick buildings are characterized by greater structural strength and a large number of variations of planning solutions. The structure of brick is much longer than the wood.

There are and minus construction from this material is an increase in estimates due to additional costs of enhancing the foundation, still brick is much harder than a wooden log house.

Metal in the construction of indoor pavilions can serve as a framework in which double-glazed windows are built. The weight loss in such a gazebo will be large and for winter months, the presence of a stove.

Projects Building a closed gazebo with a barbecue

We suggest to consider several stylistic solutions to build a house with a mangal.

Construction arbor

It has both advantages and disadvantages on its own.

  • The first and most important is the budget savings. Ordering the construction of a country arbor in the construction company will be covered in the cost of materials. That is, it is two times more profitable to build.
  • The second advantage is quality control, no wonder we say: "Want to do well - do it yourself."

For disadvantages, no doubt, we will draw huge temporary costs. It is also not recommended for brickwork not recommended without skill, so this material in the absence of experience with it will be unavailable. In general, the main lack of construction on its own, as a rule, is a lack of experience, therefore, if we decided to build themselves, gather the maximum information on the Internet, talk to the neighbors who have already implemented their pavilion with Mangal.


Pay close attention to the foundation, its choice and depth of the mortgage are determined by the locality, as well as the magnitude and weight of the future building. Remember that when the furnace is erected for it, a separate reinforced concrete foundation is needed. The furnace is carbon dioxide and fire, think about the correct device of the chimney and ventilation. Fire safety is also a very important factor that cannot be neglected. Avoid insulation from expanded polystyrene, it is better to use the non-combustible mineral wool.


The closed gazebo will bring you a lot of happy minutes of relaxing from urban casual fuss, and fresh air is a guarantee of health. Do not save on health! And a good dacha weekend to you at any time of the year!

During the cold periods of the year, life in the courtyard freezes, and the long-lasting stay on the street is discomfort. Winter gazebos for giving is provided excellent opportunity to spend a lot of time in the fresh air. These structures closed from wind are usually equipped with foci, mangals or. Here you can also organize the preparation of kebabs or.

Represent architectural facilities of a light type. The main destinies are to leisure guests, reception, rest and observation of the surrounding natural landscape. The gazebo has a roof to protect against direct sunlight and atmospheric precipitation. For winter recreation, such a structure is equipped with windows and doors to create a more comfortable temperature regime.

Specialized companies are engaged in the design and construction of arbors. If there are skills, such a structure can be built independently and without attracting professional builders. In this case, the development of the project is carried out by the Contractor, taking into account its financial opportunities and skills of working with different materials. Arbors built with their own hands, are usually not distinguished by high difficulty design.

Exclusive buildings are designed and built by specialized architectural bureaus and construction companies. In such organizations, there is usually a large selection of finished options. The customer is invited to familiarize himself with them, and if nothing is suitable among the proposed, the development of an individual project is proposed. Accordingly, this option will cost more.

The process of developing this building includes a whole range of activities. The ultimate goal is to prepare a package of documents and drawings for builders. During the preliminary discussion of the project, the developer agrees with the Customer with common stylistic and volume and spatial solutions. Selection of materials for basic building structures.

Currently, winter arbors with a brazier and a table for cooking and feeding are extremely popular. Depending on the material used in the construction material for the walls, the hearth can be located either in the center or by the wall. Planning the room and placing furniture and equipment depends on many factors, and above all, from the total area. It can be placed only in the walls built from non-combustible materials.

The architectural and stylistic decision of the arbor should not be dissected with the general design decision of the country house and other buildings. The closed pavilion in the form of Chinese Pagoda will not fit into the registration of the Russian manor. Accordingly, the main materials for walls and roofs should be unless such as the main structure, it is certainly not to be embarrassed from the general range.

At the initial stage of designing the arbor, its main characteristics are determined:

  • geometric dimensions - length, width and height;
  • form of structure: round, square or polygonal, and combinations of different figures are possible;
  • power frame wall and roofing;
  • roof type;
  • building materials for basic structures;
  • ventilation system and extractor for the hearth.

The gazebo can be made in the form of a separate structure or attached to the wall of the house.

All of the above issues are discussed and consistent with the Customer at the stage of preparation for design and settlement measures by the organization by the Contractor. In the process of its work, the architectural bureaus are guided by the requirements of SNiP 31-02-2001 and SNiP 2.07.01-89.

In the case of the construction of this building on its own, without attracting professional builders, the project is drawn up in a simplified form. It is usually done and its individual designs on a specific scale. Based on these sketches, calculations are performed to determine the required number of building materials, as well as overall work planning.

Read also

Styles of landscape design

Materials for the arbor: selection criteria

A separate conversation requires the selection of materials for the walls and roof of the arbor. One of the most technological and easy-to-work is wood. It looks good looking closed-type gazebos, built of rounded logs or profiled timber. Timber who have passed special processing will make a warm and cozy pavilion, well-protected from wind, rain and snow.

This building material will harmoniously fit into the design of the site, the main building of which is built or decorated under the brick, natural stone or wood. The roof of the arbor, taking into account the supporting design, should be sufficiently easy. You can use: flexible tile, ondulin or professional flooring. The roof shape is usually quite complex with rods and beggars.

For such structures, the flexible tile will fit the best way. It possesses all the necessary properties. Considering the relatively small size of the structure and simplicity of the roof design, this material will allow minimizing the gaps between the elements. Thus, almost exclusively eliminate the possibility of the formation of drafts, and the room becomes cozy and comfortable even with a rather long stay.

Closed glazed wooden gazebo, on which the roof is covered with flexible tiles

Winter gazebo is mandatory to be glazed. The use of double-glazed windows for this case is justified entirely and completely. The windows made of metal-plastic profile can be ordered both deaf and swivel-folding. This will make it possible to use the construction and in the warm period of the year. Alternatively, you can envisage the possibility of removing windows for the summer. Such a combined gazebos will cost somewhat more expensive in the implementation.

Entrance doors in a closed-type gazebo must comply with the requirements of GOST 24698-81 for wood products and 31173-2003 - for metal. This protective design is subjected to constant exposure to the external environment. Many wood-based composite materials are unsuitable in this case. Cheaper all use ready steel doors that can be purchased in any construction supermarket or online.

The main stages of construction

By readiness of project documentation and specification, you can proceed to preparatory work. First you need to examine and prepare a platform for the construction of a winter gazebo. Usually, such structures are located in the garden or in the park, in the case of the absence of those in the depths of the site. Residential house and office buildings, therefore, reliably sneak gazebo to relax from bustle and road noise.

When placing an object, it is necessary to take into account the convenience of approaches to it and provide for laying tracks. It serves not only the place to prepare meat on the grille, but also receive guests. Moving on the lawn of a large number of people will quickly lead it into disrepair. Therefore, it is recommended to shift the modern paving slabs laid on the sand pillow.

A closed type gazebo is built on a predetermined basis, the device of which depends on the material of the walls. For brick or stone vertical building structures, a ribbon or slab type will be required. The platform melting involves applying marking lines showing the external borders of the structure.

The next step is carried out by earthworks on the excavation of the soil for the formation of a closed trench for the foundation. If planned arbor with fireplace , that, accordingly, under its base, the pit is broken. The section of the foundation of the arbor should be sufficient to ensure proper strength and sustainability of the entire structure. The most reliable is the reinforced concrete base, cast into the formwork directly on the site.

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