Repairs Design Furniture

How to equip the bedroom and nursery in the same room: zoning options, interior design ideas. Bedroom with a crib: how to make a room cozy to perceive baby bedroom and children's in one room 16

The question is how to combine the bedroom and the children's bedroom worries many before the birth of a child and when he is already growing up. Afford to allocate for children separate room Can afford not all families.
More often, these two spaces have to be combined in the same room. How to make it with your own hands proposes to consider this article.

For combining bedroom and children there are a lot of options, it depends on:

  • Room area.
  • Age kid. A child who has less than two years old is not needed. At this age, he spends most of the time with his parents.
    Therefore, a fairly children's bed is located next to the parent. As the child grows, he will need its own space.
    If there is no separate room in the apartment, it is necessary to divide the space with zoning (see).

Some ideas for combining the bedroom and children are presented below:

  • Planning. To do this, the room is drawn on the paper, windows and doors are marked.
  • The room is divided into two parts. One of them will be a nursery, the other parent bedroom.

Tip: At half the window it is better to do a nursery.

  • It is planned to install the table of the table, so that the light on it falls on the left, there is a place for the bed.
  • The dimensions of the furniture are removed. At the planning stage, you need to adjust the location of the elements in such a way that everything is optimally fit into the interior of the room, based on the size.
  • The room is divided into a nursery and a bedroom. To do this, you can use the book rack.
    Better if it is with shelves-frames. In this case, the air design will not reduce the size of the room, and visually demarcates it to the bedroom and the nursery.
  • To the selected shelving bed can be put sideways. Sleeping can retain wardrobe installed between bed door.

Tip: You need to try so that the nursery is light, and the bedroom, on the contrary, is performed in muted, calm colors.

  • The room must necessarily combine the item. This feature can well perform a single carpet.

How to perform zoning room

The space is divided into a nursery and the bedroom helps the correct zoning.
To do this, you can use such items:

  • Decorative designs.
  • Partitions (see).
  • Curtains from fabrics.
  • Arches.
  • Different screens.
  • Cabinet furniture.

Effectively divides one room for two multi-level ceiling or central podium. In the design of the bedrooms that are combined with children in one room, translucent designs and light fabrics should prevail.
For children's independent lighting, they will allow to equip partitions or dense curtains separating it from the bedroom.

What features when combined in a one-room apartment of various zones

The most difficult to create a single harmonious space. This is due to the fact that the only room should be a nursery, a bedroom for adults is also a living room.
In this case:

  • The optimal solution will be the device bedroom parents on the podium, and next to the child's recreation area.
  • All the rest of the space should be easily transformed into the recreation area, in the gaming or reception area.
  • It is necessary to take into account that in the area of \u200b\u200bthe children's room you can not arrange a TV or a computer that have a negative impact on the health of the child.

How to make a place for the parent bed

When combining children's and bedrooms, first of all, it is necessary to determine the place of installation of an adult bed, and then look for a bed for a baby's bed.
The instruction manual offers:

  • Draw a room plan on paper. For this, the size of the room is measured and is transferred on scrap. Be sure to mark the location of the windows and the doorway.
  • The size of beds - adult and nursery are transferred on paper.

Tip: It is better to make flat furniture layouts. Now it is enough just to move paper beds according to the planned room plan.

When installing the bed, it is necessary:

  • Select this option to provide free access to the parent bed.
  • Create near any bedroom 70 centimeters of free space.
  • The bed is needed differently. The optimal option for narrow bedrooms is its installation across the room.
  • For large areas, you can try to install the bed along the room or diagonally.
  • An example of installation of beds is shown in the photo.

How to choose a place of installation of a crib

Features of choosing a place for a baby cot device are:

  • It is strictly forbidden to put a baby bed near the battery and other heating devices, which may be the cause of frequent baby disease. This is due to the fact that overheating is no less dangerous than supercooling.
  • In the design of the room, located with the nursery, there should be no wall carpets. Dust, accumulating on carpet, can cause allergies to the baby. This concerns books and soft toys.
  • It is categorically not recommended in the children's to put a computer and TV.
  • The most important condition is a child's bed must be in a safe place. There should be no sockets, paintings, decorations on the walls, which can harm the baby in the fall.

Main ways to accommodate a cot in the parent bedroom:

  • In the corner. This method is convenient to use when large sizes Rooms. As a rule, between the beds, the chest of drawers or the cabinet.
  • Opposite the head of the bed of parents. In this case, parents can always see a child.
  • Closely. For those who love a joint dream, it will be the perfect option.
    One side wall at a crib is removed and put on the parent. So the child sleeps with his parents, but in a separate bed.
    The disadvantage of this method will be difficult when changing bed linen And the absence of one bedroom free access.

How to make a decor room

When combining children's and bedrooms, it is necessary to thoroughly think about the design.
For finishing, it is better to take:

  • Environmentally friendly materials. In this case, paper or flieslinic wallpapers are suitable.
  • Colors need to choose neutral and calm. Great used blue, light-salad or cream shades.
  • Carefully need to go to the selection of curtains. They must be beautiful, approach the interior and perform certain functions.
    If the curtains are made of more dense material, the baby's sleep may be longer. They will protect it from the morning sunlight.

How to arrange a children's zone

More cozy will make the interior of the children's easy corner And unobtrusive zoning. One option may be the selection of a part of the wall, near which the baby cot is.
The price of this design is small, it is enough to use the wallpaper of a contrasting color.
You can decorate it with the decor using the following items:

  • Photos within.
  • Children's pictures.
  • From large beautiful letters lay out the name of the child.
  • Make blind legs or toddles, hang in the framework of his first booties.
  • Paper garlands.
  • Original night light.

Baldahin (see) or canopy can make a children's corner more cozy. In addition, they will protect the baby from bright light or draft.
How the combined bedroom is drawn up with the loggia is clearly visible on the video. This article provides recommendations for the design of the combined room of children's and bedrooms of parents, who will be convenient to care for their baby, they will be able to constantly observe how it grows and develops.

Typical apartment houses Built according to standard projects and often have not the best layout. This is especially seen when the need to zoning space arises. Rooms in Khrushchev rarely exceed 18 square meters. m, so the owners of such apartments are becoming a difficult task: to combine living rooms and children in one room of 18 square meters. m. Photos of such interiors can be seen on the Internet and try to repeat in your apartment.

Options for zoning one room

On 18 square meters there is a possibility of creating multiple options for dividing space on the living room and children. Consider actual solutions:


The border between the guest room and the child's room can be created using partitions. Partitions are movable and easily transferred to another place. They can be created in the form of designs from plasterboard or decorative blocks. In this case, the border will be stationary. She will divide big room Two full-fledged small rooms. In stationary partitions are mounted doors.


Children's zone can be separated by large furniture objects: sofas, racks, dressers.

High furniture will create an intimate zone, and the child during sleep will feel comfortable.


At the place of dividing room on the ceiling, the curtain eaves are strengthened, for which you can hang curtains. Textiles and eaves are selected to taste owners of housing. Plus such an option is to change the situation by changing textiles will not be expensive.

Focus on colors

The color zoning of space lies in the selection of different finishing materials in color. Another tone in this case has a furniture decoration.

Room division by different colors It will clearly reflect the boundary of the zone.


The conservation of the podium will visually highlight the sleeping zone of the kid. It is necessary to understand that the installation of high podium is dangerous for the health of a small family member: an incorrect step will be wrapped in a fall.

Tips for designing the interior of a joint room

The living room and children's room in one room of 18 sq. M involves the use of all available space: the photo on the Internet shows that the separated rooms become small and cramped. Your task to expand them visually. This is achieved due to the fact that in all space used small-sized furnitureMost of the accessories and bad items are cleaned. For separation, you can use the plasterboard partition with niches - this will save space.

If the partition will occupy half the width of the room, the remaining part of the room will remain light and looks spacious.

Separating the zone, consider that for normal growth and development requires constant flow of sunlight.

Therefore, place the children's room near the window. The living room in this case can remain in the shadow side, which will not affect the purpose of the room.

In the living room you can install mirrors and make accent on them with point lamps. This will expand the room, make it deep.

The minus will be the placement of the children's zone near the door. If the child is small, then the flue of the door or the permanent passage of adult family members past the baby's bedrooms, will not allow him to be fully saturated.

For a schoolchild, it is not necessary to buy a separate desk. It will be enough to transform the windowsill in the zone for the letter, adding the corners of the room with racks. They can store school supplies and other personal items.

Use rolled curtains or blinds. They will create a feeling of lightness in the interior.

Color decoration of the children's zone

If you decide to combine living room and children in the same room, keep in mind that the main factor in choosing the future interior will be psychological development kid.

There are several general rules color decoration in which the living room will get stylish designAnd the child will not be designed by the riot of paints. Consider them:


The green color in the children's and living area contributes to the calm and relaxing of the child and adults. It has a positive effect on heartbeat, contributes to the preservation of pressure within the normal range.

If the baby is calm, then green color It is not recommended to use, as it will act on the psyche of the kid oppressingly.


Blue color dispels attention, so if the separation of space is planned for a schoolboy child, such a color should be excluded. For the living room you can apply it if the child's room is isolated in a stationary partition.


Blue color relieves tension. Fully children's zone should not be made in this color: he suppresses the mood and turns into a despondency. The child of any age will feel uncomfortable in the dark space.


Such a color is applied if the girl lives in the children's zone. Using pink colour It has a positive effect on the child's health, reduces the level of anxiety, improves the mood. The use of pink color in the design of all 18 square meters is not recommended. The color is hard on the adults located in the living room.

White or beige

Universal color that does not affect the child's psyche positively: it calms and improves the child's well-being. Color is better to apply with bright accents, as in itself white color - Faceless, and does not carry a feeling of joy for a child. Beige color It has the same properties and applied in a diluted form.

When the question is about combining living room and children, first of all, the interests of the child are taken into account. Whatever color for registration you choose, remember that diluting it with white and applying the weakest shade bright colorYou can get a maximum emotion for relaxation. Therefore, it is recommended to give preference to light shades.

Important!Meet the children's psychologist, in order to understand in what color scheme your child will feel calm.

Furniture for children's zone

Use functional furniture on the entire combined space. If possible, it should have a small size so as not to create a feeling of location of the room. Design living room and children's in one room 18 sq. M can be copied with numerous photos in the Internet.

If you use a wardrobe for separating zones, make sure that it has two functionality, unless otherwise provided by the designer project. You can use racks or wardrobe.

To save space, remove bulky objects of technology. Plasma TV hang on the wall or in the plasterboard niches of the partition.

The corner sofa will release the central part of the living room. Free space can be used as a gaming zone for the baby.

Try to separate the children's zone so that in shape it was square: so space will look at organic. In the children's room, it is better to install a transforming furniture, which can vary depending on the growth and needs of the child.

Important!All furniture used in the corner of the child should be of an environmentally friendly material. Take only high-quality interior items and check product quality certificates.

Materials for the design of the children's zone

In the children's zone you need to use environmentally friendly materials. For outdoor coatings will suit laminate or parquet from natural tree. These materials are warm, safe, lungs in care. If the child is small, then good decision Will be a flooring floor carpet. Do not forget to use the materials for noise and sound insulation of the floor and the ceiling.

For wall decoration, use laminate or wallpaper. In the second case, exclude vinyl coating, giving preference to phlizelin or paper wallpaper.

Not recommended to use stretch ceiling In the children's zone. If you already have a stretch ceiling, then do not hurry to clean it: despite the protest of the specialists, the ceiling material is not harmful for children.

Decor in the children's and living area

Use children's room natural materials. Accessories must be safe, there must be no sharp corners, beating glass, toxic elements. Consider the options that you can apply in the corner of the child:

  1. Highlight one wall of the wall, and apply on it still paint. The kid can draw both independently and using numerous stencils that can be found on sale.
  2. Be sure to take care to sleeping place At night illuminated the night light. Night lights can be of various shapes and sizes: better if the owner of the room will choose him.
  3. Use the light-tight rolled curtains to make the morning light not interfered with the child to sleep. In the daytime, the window can decorate a lightweight curtain.
  4. Build a children's corner in sea style. The toy chest will help save space, and white-blue tones will act soothing.
  5. If multicolored curtains hang on the windows in the children's zone, stitching the same bedspread on the bed and place the pillow with this cloth. This will create a feeling of unity in a small nursery.
  6. The budget decor will be the decoration of the walls by posters, which depict the favorite heroes of the child.
  7. You can decorate the room with decorative letters of wood. Inscriptions can be different depending on family preferences. The standard letter decoration can be called the use of bulk letters from which the baby name is folded.

Style design for a combined living room

Try to the style of the living room not very different from the orphanage. In the case when the separation of zones occurs with the help of low furniture items, it is recommended to adhere to one design for the entire space.

Use for the decor in the living room and children's items different geometric shape. This will help your stay understand how to distinguish the shapes.

However, you should not forget about the needs of adults. Place in the room corner sofain which you can hide the deputies. So you will receive additional seats and can take more guests.

If you like plants, you can arrange them on horizontal surfaces located on an inaccessible height for a child. You can give preference big flower In the outdoor pot, but here you need to take care of the safety of the smallest family member. The flower should grow in a pot from the material, which in the case of a break does not form sharp edges.

Since the rest of the living room will be small size, then beware of symmetry in the location of the furniture. It is better if the interior items in such a small living room will contain minimum of smooth lines.

INjust!White floor in small rooms creates a sense of hospital chamber.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that not always the appearance of the baby in the family automatically adds square meters. Most often, young couples remain living in the same conditions and face the problem of squeezing the baby in a separate zone. Having one room, adults almost always have to neglect their desire to separate accommodation in favor of creating a children's corner. To combine the children's and living room you need after considering all the pros and cons of such a neighborhood. Proper furniture accommodation, as well as style design, will allow adults and children to live on one territory, without causing discomfort to each other.

Photo Gallery (69 photos)

If you have a studio apartment, then your bedroom, and the children will be on one territory. When you just born the baby, it is also more convenient to "pick up" him in the bedroom, even if the apartment area allows you to equip a nursery.

One way or another, you will use spectacular zoning techniques so that the space you created is comfortable and beautiful. And consider that playpen You will need a relatively long - very soon the baby will need another bed.

How to make a bedroom and nursery from one room?

Features Furnishing Combined Bedroom

When the parents' bedroom ceases to be their personal "property", the question of increasing the number of furniture. A crib, a suitcase, a changing table (True, the last two objects can be combined).

Beautiful interior combined with children's bedroom

The room should stay place for your items, for a bed or sofa, a cabinet and so on. And therefore, quite stringent requirements are presented to the choice of furniture items:

  • compactness;
  • functionality;
  • color, expanding space;
  • high quality.

Important comfortable Systems For storing children's things

A good option for a combined bedroom will be furnished with light facades - it will not be created dark spotsScrapping space. You can also choose the necessary transforming furniture - for example, a cabinet bed will not take place on the floor in the afternoon, and therefore the free area for active games with the child will appear on the "Your territory".

Important. When choosing furniture, do not forget about the principles of security - so, sharp corners it is advisable to avoid. If the furniture with rounded corners could not be chosen, then the angles are closed with special lining. As for the materials, it is preferable natural wood - It is environmentally friendly and hypoallergenne. If there is no opportunity to use a woody array, choose materials with hygienic compliance certificates.

How to locate children's and adult beds

Traditionally it is believed that the sleeping place of parents should occupy the central part of the room. Therefore, at first they find a place for him, and then - for a cot. This rule is considered logical, if you consider the dimensions of the furniture - so, a double-bedned couple will take almost 4 square meters, and the playpen compared to it will be a crumb - no more than 1.4 * 0.7 m, so that any corner is suitable for it.

Standard size of a crib 1.4 x 0.7 m.

Parents' Sleep Place is placed so that his headboard is located at the wall, and the mattress spoke to the middle of the room. If a we are talking About a narrow bedroom, then the bed in it is located along, but consider that so the place will remain only on the one hand. Sometimes there will be a good way out in the bed diagonally, but consider that the room will certainly be a place for the storage system (wardrobe), the chest for children's trifles or bedding, bedside tables, mirrors, table.

As for the location of the baby bed, here are the most demanded options:

  1. In a free corner. At the same time, the playpen can be divided with an adult bed with a chest or bedside table. When the playpen does not need, "settle" or a chair to organize a reading corner.
  2. Cot location in the corner of the room

  3. Opposite the bed of adults. So the crumble is constantly in the visibility zone of the parents. If the bedroom will not be used in the future and as a child, then instead of his playpen, a roomy checker or imitation of the fireplace can be delivered.
  4. Baby cot opposite parents

  5. Next to the bed, in bulk. As soon as the baby is born, he will be capricious without mother heat all the time. And if you put the baby's baby close to my, then you can organize a joint sleep. To do this, one of the side of the player is cleaned, and it is moved to an adult bed without intervals. It turns out that the child sleeps separately, but it always feels Mamino warmth.

    Location of the cradle near the parents of parents

    Yes, and it is much more convenient to feed it. True, the entire design of the bedroom now becomes a cumbersome, but this is a temporary solution, only until the crumb will grow up.

    How to zonate space in the shared bedroom

    At the location of the furniture, the location of the window and door openingsbecause the process of getting into the room fresh air Be sure to regulate. The ideal situation is if in the room 2 windows, and they can be easily divided between the two owners so that in each of the zones it turned out to be its source of natural light. But in any case, it will be necessary to abandon bulky porter and heavy tissues in favor of light tulle.

    Zoning with a cabinet

    As for zoning, partitions will be the most traditional solution. They can be made of drywall Go chips, in the form of open racks or nietary curtains. The main condition is that light from the window penetrate into one, and to another part of the room.

    Device small shirma

    Among the methods of zoning there are interesting, unusual and classic:

    Important. Different are also easily combined - for a children's better soft, a non-smoky lobby carpet, and more for an adult zone practical linoleum, parquet board or laminate.

If we are talking about a crumb of two years, then in such a situation it will be enough to simply put a cot in the room of adults. If the child of the oldest age is already necessary to take into account several nuances:

Basic ideas for competent alignment of two rooms

  1. Make a detailed plan of the future room, with a mark of windows, doors and furniture location.
  2. On the plan to conditionally divide the space into two parts, on an adult half and children. At the same time, for a child, it is better to highlight a part of the room in which there is a window.
  3. If the room is planned to install the table. The light on it should fall on the left.
  4. Think over - with which designer reception will be produced zoning: curtains, rack, wardrobe.
  5. Think color gamut For each half of the room: for the bedroom it is preferable to choose muted, pastel shadesAnd for the nursery - the most bright air.
  6. Thinking through the combining item so that the bedroom design does not look fragmented, but on the contrary - was a single, harmonious integer. For this purpose, the carpet turning from one zone to another is best suited.

Making repairs, it is with the help of selection of zones, several important tasks can be solved as efficiently as possible:

  • most functionally equip the room,
  • divide the room on the zone depending on the hobbies and preferences of each family member.

Zoning Bedrooms and Children - Designer Takes

For zoning room used various elements Interior:

  • decorative designs that can be completed to order and decorate the interior,
  • partitions. designed from drywall,
  • lightweight fabric curtains
  • arches,
  • shirma
  • furniture.

Alternatively, you can make exclusive repairs - decorate the interior two-level ceiling or podium in the central zone. Given that it is about the design of the bedroom with a nursery, you should choose light designs, light tones and translucent fabrics.

Design of combined bedroom and children's in one-bedroom apartment

Such an interior is the most difficult, despite small square. After all, in the same room it is necessary to provide several functional zones, in particular, a quiet place for the baby, the game zone and the bedroom for parents. Before starting repairs, consider some simple recommendations.

  1. The zone for parents can be organized on the podium, and next to arrange a nursery.
  2. It is impossible to install TV, computer equipment near the children's zone.
  3. All the rest of the space can be a seating area.

How to equip a place for the bed of parents

The main part of the interior in the room is the bed of parents. That is why, first of all, it is necessary to find a place for the bedroom of adults, then pick up the zone for the baby. In order to choose the most comfortable place, designers are advised to do as follows:

  • on paper, depict the room plan, observing the scale, specify windows and doors,
  • from paper make layouts of beds adult and nursery.

Now it is enough to move layouts on the plan, choosing optimal option Location of furniture. What you need to consider when installing beds:

  1. To bed it is necessary to leave free access.
  2. Near two beds, a period of at least 70 cm must be maintained.
  3. In narrow rooms, the interior looks the most harmonious when the bed is raised across the room.
  4. The design of a large room allows you to set the bed along or even diagonally the room.

How to equip a place for a crib

Choosing a bed place, you should be guided by certain rules.

  • It is impossible to install a children's bedtime in close proximity to heating systemsSince this can provoke frequent child's diseases, because overheating is dangerous at least hypothermia.
  • The design of the room where the baby will live, eliminates the presence of carpets on the walls, as this subject of the interior accumulates dust, which is the strongest allergen.
  • If possible, you should not put in a children's TV and a computer.
  • The design of the room must be thought out in such a way that there are no objects next to the crib representing the danger - paintings, sockets, electrical appliances.

Methods for accommodation Baby bed

  1. In the corner. This method is suitable for spacious rooms, where there is a chest of drawers or a bedside table between the beds of adults and the child.
  2. Opposite the headboard of the adult bedroom, so that parents can see the baby.
  3. For those parents who prefer a joint sleep with a child, you can put two beds closely. To do this, a baby cot is removed by one wall and moves to the bedroom of the parents. However, this method has several drawbacks: difficulties with the replacement of bed linen and the absence of free access to one of the beds.

Room decor and decor

Undoubtedly, the room wants to give a home atmosphere, comfort and comfort. This will be helped by photos, in the kid zone, children's pictures, castlers of clay handles and legs of a child, original sources of lighting. The color scheme should be bright, it is preferable to choose gas, blue, beige tones. Curtains should be melt dense to protect the child from morning sunlight.

In the children's zone above the bed you can hang a canopy. Which will give the corner of the baby comfort, tenderness and will protect it from drafts and bright light.


The most important thing is what you need to remember is the safety of the room. It is necessary not only when choosing a place where the baby's bed will be standing, but also when buying a crib, a table, lamps.

After all, safety is not only physical, but also emotional. And the task of the parents is the investigation of the child as much as possible. The crib should not stand at the bedroom window. Even if it is metal-plastic, it can still think. Add a cornice here, which hangs over the window, the curtains on which dust is going. Yes, and to hysteria not far. But the same applies to your Chad.

The door at the door is also not the most optimal. Draft, noise behind the door, floring doors - not the best kid's neighbors. If the cot is not placed in another, put a narrow closet in front of it - in furniture stores Such such elegant models. It is good on a hairdryer, since positive energy is not pulled out of the room.

6 useful Soviets By arrangement

  1. Fashionable to install a canopy over the bed - the bed looks like a fabulous one. If you like such a crib design, choose the fabrics that repulse dust, and regularly erase it with antistatic.
  2. If the door in the bedroom is located with the edge of the long wall, then the bed can stand in its far corner. So noise does not disturb the karapus.
  3. Furniture ends - number one problem. If there are no replacement of all furniture in the parent room, special lining on the corners will help. Yes, while another daughter or son do not go. But parents, carrying him on their hands, can hurt the corner of the table. And he is already safe because you were injured our recommendations.
  4. Cabinets should be opened so as not to hit the bed with the doors.
  5. The racks should stand away if there are books, statuettes on their shelves, the collection items - all that inadvertently can fall into the cradle of the baby.
  6. Light from the monitor or TV should not interfere with the chad. Even better if the shimmering screens will not be visible.

Video on the topic:Room for parents and baby! How to organize space?

Now separately about the choice of lighting:

  • Luminaires must be somewhat. Like the central chandelier - hang her. But invite the electrical to install a special switch controlling the brightness of light.
  • In addition to the top light, the bedroom needs nightlight (it does not go about the bedside lamps). The weak light does not annoy and sleep does not interfere, but at the same time the child, waking up, does not be afraid of darkness, and parents will be able to see if the baby is covered.
  • It should be secure all the outlets that this moment not used. Children grow quickly and for some reason they are very attracted.

About small and fighting items in a children's bedroom, which should not be available for the baby, to say too early. But it is possible to remove all the figurines, artificial flowers or drunks that are collecting dust.

How to zonail the bedroom with a crib

The bedroom is a common room for parents and a child. And often it is not divided into zones. But, if the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is large, you can visually separate the children's zone from the parent.

Cardinal ways of zoning.

  • Different design for walls: materials or color.
  • Another way is to separate the crib with a folding screen or partition (how to use it, we have already talked in an article about the zoning of the room with a variety of partitions), translucent curtain, which is attached to the ceiling.

Little bedroom design and zoning using decor. And if the apartment is located in Khrushchev and the bedroom is small? Cardinal receptions of zoning room no longer apply. There are other ways:

  • Lighting is also a way to zoning the room. Near the parent bed - desktop or outdoor lamps. On the wall at a crib - wall or ceiling spotlights, night light with a lampsur.
  • Over the crib hang photos mom and dad.
  • Make a screen painting in children's topics.
  • A canopy above the bed is also an option to separate the life of a newborn from what is happening in the bedroom (meaning noise, light, and not just what you thought about).


How to combine an adult bedroom with children's

The options for combining the bedroom and children's very much. It all depends on the room area. The age of the baby has an equally important role. So, for example, a child under two years old is not required. He still spends most of the time with his parents at this age.

And at first, it is enough to lay a cot next to the parent. When a child is growing up, he needs its own space. If parents have the opportunity to highlight a separate room for him, then it is wonderful. But many live in one-bedroom apartments.

In this case, it is necessary to divide the space by zoning. Thus, the child and parents will be their personal space.

Parents bed

First of all, when combining a bedroom with a nursery, it is necessary to determine the place for an adult bed. And after that, look for a place for a baby's bed. It is most convenient to draw a plan on paper. To do this, measure the size of the room and transfer them to paper.

Be sure to keep where you have a window and doorway. Then for convenience, you can transfer the size of an adult and children's bed to paper. Make a kind of furniture layouts in the plane. Now the place is enough just to find, just moving paper beds on the drawn room:

  • you need to choose such a placement of furniture so that the parent bed is free access,
  • it is desirable that there are 50 - 70 free spaces near each bed location,
  • try to locate the bed in different ways. For narrow bedrooms, the most optimal option is across the room,
  • if the area allows, try to locate the bed diagonally or along the room.

If the placement of a baby cot in the parent bedroom is temporary, then the choice of a convenient place for the parent bed is a first priority.

Video on the topic:How to equip a children's corner in one room with parents

Place for a cots

The choice of a place for a crib is no less important. It must be considered when choosing a place for the bed of parents. For example, it is categorically impossible to put a baby bed near the battery and other heating devices. This may cause frequent diseases and male toy.

Because overheating is not less dangerous than hypothermia. The design of the room combined with nursery should not have wall carpets. Dust, which accumulates them, can cause an allergic reaction. The same applies to soft toys, and books. In addition, in children's categorically it is not recommended to put a computer and TV.

Some doctors believe that children should sleep in silence. The conditions in which the child will sleep, of course depend on parents and their beliefs. But one must take into account under any circumstances - the baby's bed should stand in a safe place.

That is, next to it should not be sockets and decorations on the walls. For example, paintings. After all, falling they can harm the baby. You can position the baby cot in different ways. The main thing is that it is convenient not only to the baby, but also to parents. Basic ways to accommodate in the parent bedroom of a crib:

  1. in the corner. This method is applied if the size of the room allows. Between the adult and the children's bed, as a rule, have a chest of drawers or an end,
  2. opposite the head of the parent bed. This method is convenient because parents always see the child,
  3. closely. Perfect option For adherents of sharing sleep. At the crib one side wall is removed and it puts close to the parents bed. So the child sleeps with his parents, but in his crib. However, this method has some disadvantages. These are difficulties in changing bed linen on parents bed and lack of free access to one bedroom place.

Registration and decor

When combining the bedroom and the nursery should be thought out and design. It is better if the materials for decoration will be environmentally friendly. It can be flolymin or paper wallpaper. Colors It is advisable to choose calm and neutral.

The perfect option is blue, cream or light-salad shades. If the bedroom design was originally calm, then nothing will have to change. If you made a decision on combining the bedroom and children's, then you need to carefully approach the selection of curtains.

Often parents are guided only by taste and do not think about whether it is a hundred curtains should be functional. After all, if the curtains choose more dense, it can extend the sleep of the baby. They will defend him from the morning rays of the sun.

Registration of the children's zone

It will not be superfluous, thinking on the design of the combined room, select the corner of the baby. Light and unobtrusive zoning will make the interior more cozy. Alternatively, you can select part of the wall, near which a baby cot is. You can make it using the wallpaper of contrasting color.

If in the future the crib is planned to be transferred to another room, then the wall design is better not to change. It is better to decorate them with the Decor. For a children's wall, you can use the following items:

  • frames with photos (children's or family),
  • funny children's pictures
  • the name of the child from large colorful letters,
  • sleeps of the handles and the legs of the kid whether his first booties in the framework,
  • paper garlands
  • original night light.

You can try to add to the design of the children's corner of the canopy or canopy. In addition to aesthetic function, they will protect the child from draft or bright light. Creating a combined bedroom business is not difficult. The main thing is to approach him responsibly and with the soul.


Bedroom design with baby cot

If a separate room for children is noticed, there is no possibility or not time, then you need to make an effort as much as possible in order to create a small children's corner in the parent bedroom.

Organization designer work In the bedroom with a crib should be subordinated to the rules of convenience and functionality. Adults should relax and relax, while without losing sight of the baby and having the opportunity to quickly come to it. And the child must be in a quiet, cozy and clean roomin which mom is near and will be near him on the first "requirement."

Before purchasing furniture items, the necessary child: a crib, a changing table and a chest of drawers, you need to clearly define a place in the room that these things will occupy. The baby should have his own corner, its own zone, not too remote from the bed of parents. But here it is important to take into account several important points:

  • the newborn in the parents' bedroom is a temporary phenomenon while the baby will not grow up and it does not need a personal space. It should be understood that over time, the baby bed in the bedroom will not be relevant. Therefore, thinking through the interior, it is desirable to choose neutral styles and colors that after a certain time do not have to change much,
  • in the bedroom with a children's crib, the "adult" space should be determining and dominant, and the child's place to be only a fragment. If there is the opposite, the room will lose harmony, it will look like "too adult children's", i.e. - ridiculous,
  • to functionally separate the child's space from the parents' space, you can apply the reception of zoning. For example, put between the parent bed and the baby cot in the bedroom Shirm, which can be easily assembled and removed if necessary,
  • if there is a balcony in the bedroom, the baby's bed in no way should stand on the draft. Also undesirable to put the baby's cradle with the back side to the door, because the child will develop anxiety.

Video on the topic:Children's B. one-room apartment

Bedroom decoration

The central element in the bedroom should be the baby's parents bed. Only after it is installed on its permanent place, You can start a further layout of the room and look for a bed for a baby's bed. As a rule, children's cradles are compact enough: only 140 × 70 or 120 × 60 cm.

Therefore, they easily fit in any corner. But it is important that when installing a baby bed, both parents have at least 50 cm passing near the bed. Thus, neither the overall setting of the room nor individual interior items will violate their comfort zone. For the design of the bedroom this rule is one of the main.

It is necessary to consider in advance what other furniture items, except for an adult bed and a cot, will be present in the bedroom. It is best to think over several options for placing furniture and draw exemplary architectural plans of the room, among which then choose the best. It is also necessary to envisage heating zone for the baby and leave a small space for games when it will grow up and start walking.

Corner baby.The design of the child's corner needs to be paid special attention, because it is from his bed and a small space that surrounds it, the child begins to know the world.

The phrase "corner of the child" was chosen not in vain. It is preferable to put a crib in the corner, because from the back side, the baby will be completely closed and will feel protected, and on the other hand - will see his parents and everything that is happening.

It is imperative that the bed can be seen from the TV or computer monitor, as adults can watch programs and films are categorically prohibited for a children's psyche. Also, for safety reasons near the crib, there should be no cabinets, and above it - shelves or lamps.

Flowers, lamps and other small items that the child can get through the holes between the cribs, it is necessary to remove for some distance. Most often, the crib is located in the corner, separated from the parent bed of the chest or bedside tableIt is installed opposite the adult bed in the center so that the child always was in the visibility zone, closely adjacent to the adult bed, which is an unconditional plus in terms of closeness to the child's child, but is some discomfort regarding her approach to bed.

Pleasant trifles.Decor and accessories bring harmony bedroom in the interior. Making a room with a bed for a child, you need to follow so that it does not get out of the overall style and color selected design. On the contrary, it is possible to highlight the newborn zone contrastingly to the rest of the repair. But then it is worth thinking about how it will look like when the child matches and the crib will have to be removed.

You can decorate the toddler's cradle, which will protect it from bright light and drafts, and will also create a pleasant, gentle aura for his peaceful sleep.

Over the bedroom itself you can hang a few family photos, which depicts a pregnant mother or baby himself, posters with multiplique characters, panels from soft toys or volumetric letters With the name of the kid.

Conducting a bedroom design, in which, except parents, the baby will live, do not need to sacrifice anything. Of course, a small little man needs its space and its appropriate design, but it does not mean at all that it is necessary to organize it to the detriment of the comfort of adults. You can competently make the interior of the bedroom cozy and suitable for all family members.


Creating a cozy bedroom design with a crib

How to combine the bedroom and children's? Start by making the baby's bedroom combined with the parent. Mother will not want to sleep alone in the living room, without a newborn in the room. In the living room, outcourts children's place Wall of plasterboard, curtain or shirma. Here will spend time, sleep baby. For him so comfortable.

Video on the topic:Bedroom design and children's room Anara Koshanova
The partitions have their advantages, disadvantages. Plus, the little baby will be isolated from noise, other stimuli. He will sleep well in the afternoon, at night. The child is separated when he lives in a separate children's room, but the parent bedroom. Bad that the partition will visually reduce the place. The bedroom will become much smaller. If the children's little, limit the screen, which put between your bed, the crib of the child.

Think up design. The curtains look much better, prettily than a plasterboard partition or shirma. Everything is relative. Baby will comfortably sleep, being constantly with parents. He, when it is growing, is easier to adapt to the children's team, since with infancy gets used to his native, society. This is important for the comprehensive development of the baby.

Specialists recommend such a design in a combined room: hang curtains or put a screen, do not cut a special place for a child with a plasterboard partition. Parents will advise, they will decide how it is more convenient for them.

Preparation and design

Before going to supermarkets or before ordering furniture via the Internet, draw, pay the design, where it will be what is the object of the interior in the room? Put the baby bed at the bedroom bed. Consider such nuances: your baby will soon grow up and you will translate it into the nursery. Bedroom for kid - Temporary children's room. For several years, it is advisable to combine this kindergarten in the living room to be closer to mom.

Do not cheer global redevelopment. Bedroom for parents. Convenient place Baby harmoniously combine. The design is thinking over and creatively realizing the one that it likes. After several years, the baby translates the baby into his room. Even if you dream about another or more children, sometime they will grow up, you separate them. Stay with my spouse alone. The bed is not needed next to. Child or children will live separately.

Embody your design, make repairs. In order not to start repair and redevelopment annually, focus on what the design is important where the parentse zone is basic. Cot here is a bedroom temporarily. If the focus in the room is done on a children's bed, then its design will look disharmoniously, not enough.

Video on the topic:Children's zone in one-room apartment

Proper cottage bed placement:

  1. Do not put it at the battery, heater, other heating devices. For babes, it is harmful to overheat. Optimally, when the temperature in combined with the parents of the children's room from + 18 ° C to +22 ° C is a pleasant air temperature even for adults.
  2. Remove objects from the room that absorb dust. These are palaces with carpets, hanging the year curtains, cabinets that do not have doors, shelves, in which there are books for years. The baby can develop allergies to dust in such a room. Be careful. We often spend wet cleaning.
  3. Very well combine convenience, comfort, comfort, so that the first years of the baby spent in the room with a balcony. Wide open balcony door, windows, you will provide a permanent influx of fresh air. Especially since Spring to autumn - warm time of the year. Thus, you order a child to winter. It will be less hurting with colds. Baby will be tight, sleeping calmly. If you smoke, reclaim the harmful habit as soon as possible. Especially do not smoke on the balcony by the baby's bed.
  4. Put a bed in such a bedroom place so that there is no appliances nearby: TV or loudly playing music player.
  5. To avoid in the future accident, think over the design. Do not hang, remove the bookshelves from the bedroom, paintings, other decorations, fastened both to the wall and to the ceiling.
  6. Put away the crib away from the power out. And make outlets safe with a fuse. Dangerous - direct inclusion, replace.
  7. Remove the plants from the bedroom. Leave one favorite, definitely not poisonous. Knowing the name, read about it on the Internet or consult from the seller of plants. Geranium, ficus cleaned air. But even if you have these plants, put them away from the baby's bed.


Best accommodation option small-sized apartment It is an adult bedroom and a nursery in one room, as it will make it not only to organize an individual comfortable corner for the baby, but at the same time, to be a child in front of the parents. But how to share the room for a nursery and bedroom so that each family member it was convenient to relax in one space? All the intricacies of the arrangement of such rooms further and will be discussed.

Cults of the arrangement of a combined bedroom for adults with a nursery for a baby

There are many ways to distinguish between one room on various working sections, but in the case when a baby appeared in the family, zoning is better to produce either a visual method, in which everything happens by designing the room and laying furniture, or with the help of a conventional curtain. That is, in this situation, any "deaf" partitions will be completely inappropriate.

After all, without having heard a child crying through them, parents can not fall to his aid on time. As for the furniture, it is better in such a room to be present minimalism, because in a cluttered room will not be enough light and air.

Also when the bedroom is created + children's room in one room, then experts recommend adhere to the following advice:

  • In an adult zone, you can install a compact set of sleeping furniture that will allow saving useful Square. Children's corner, in addition to the bed, it will be necessary to equip a changing table, a comfortable small chair, on which mom will feed the baby, as well as a touch-in chest of storage of his things. Of course, if the total area of \u200b\u200bthe room is not large enough, then you will have to sacrifice any object of the interior.
  • Installing a crib near the windows and opposite the doors is extremely not recommended, since possible drafts may adversely affect the health of the baby. It is not worth it to put it and near the batteries, because in such a place there is a sharp temperature difference, which is far from good to newborn children.
  • Above the baby bed should not be hanging shelves, heavy paintings, wall televisions, because, accidentally falling on the child, these items may apply serious injury. In short, in this area it is better not to use a similar decor or any convenient wall structures, After all, the price of the child is worth the weights.

When planning a children's corner, it is necessary to take care of the bed to be free access. Also, the placement of all furniture needs to be thought out so that when opening the door of the cabinet or the chest, it does not hurt.

Room design.When the bedroom design is created and the children's room in one room for the newborn and his parents, in this case it is desirable to give preference to pastels, as well as light tones, as they do not tire and promote a relaxing rest.

It can be the following color solutions:

  • white-pink
  • white-blue
  • persikois Beige,
  • white-salad
  • cream with white or pink,
  • vanilla with blue.

Wall stickers can be used as a decor of a kindergarter. Also no less popular Baldakhins suspended above the bed. Such a device not only helps to decorate a space for sleep, but also a child from drafts, insects and daylight lights.

Thoughtless of the arrangement of a combined bedroom for adults with a nursery for a grown child

Optimal ways of distinguishing room and its layout.Road delineated with unusual plasterboard partitionwhich smoothly goes into a niche where the bed is located for a child. As the child is growing up, there will be more free space for its full development, so, planning a corner for a baby, you need to prepare in advance for the fact that in the future it will need to expand.

After all, in just 2-3 years in its zone, in addition to the bed, you will need to install a small table, high chairs, a wardrobe for storing things and toys, as well as shelves for books. When you assign a place for a children's corner and planning the location of the furniture, you should not forget to leave a place where the child can play.

It is possible to divide the room on the bedroom and the children's for a grown child not only with the help of the curtain and visual distinction. Already, on the contrary, either stationary or sliding partitions will be appropriate, which will allow the child to adhere to independence on their personal space and feel like a small owner of their lives, and parents - if necessary, hide from the look of a curious baby.

Combined with children parental Bedroom - This is a frequent phenomenon in one-room apartments. In addition, parents of newborns are often resorted to the combination of zones in order to always be close to their child. Despite the limited space, create a cozy and comfortable room for recreation and the activity of all family members is simple enough: you only need to follow some recommendations. What exactly - read in the article!

Combining in one room of places to relax and the main pastime of the parents and the child has its own characteristics: so so that in the room it was comfortable and conveniently located to all family members, combined with a children's bedroom should be skillfully divided into zones.

The most popular methods of zoning are:

  1. Installation of partitions and arches. Partitions can be made of drywall or chipboard. Installation of such elements can be performed independently.
  2. Racks. Section open cabinets will be able to effectively divide the space, while performing practical and stylish decision For storage of things. The rack can be done under any size and style of placing to order or buy in finished video In a furniture store.
  3. Shirma - available way The distinction, which, if necessary, can be easily removed. The most popular screen - wooden.

Choosing material for separation, take into account his practicality and safety: curtains and glass partitions Do not suit the zoning of children due to their instability and high trauma.

How to combine children's room and bedroom: room design

The main element of the design of the room, the zone of which had to combine into one common, the walls will be: besides decorative functionThey will allow competently zonate space.

The design of the common room for a child and an adult will depend on how old the baby and how long he will stay in the same room with his parents.

If the apartment is two-room and the baby will be with the parents just for several years, then make a separate zone for a child, doing the focus on his crib. Better, so that in a year or two I did not have to cross the wallpaper and engage in permutation, focus on the parents zone for recreation, and for the walls to choose colors corresponding to the stylist bedroom idea.

If the apartment is one-room, then it is necessary to immediately think about the organization for the child of the child's corner. For the children's zone, it will be possible to choose a wallpaper with repeating, simplified images of animals, plants. Original decision The decoration of the area around the baby cot with dark blue wallpaper with fluorescent stars, while for the common zone it will be possible to choose pastel shades of blue. But, it is worth considering that this option will look more appropriate if the children's and parental zones will be separated by partition or arch.

If the shared bedroom is not divided into zones using physical ways, then for the walls you need to choose a monophonic, neutral design that will help visually expand the room. In addition, the room will seem spacious and lighter if instead of heavy curtains choose light rolled or Roman curtains, fabric rollers, blinds blinds.

When choosing interior paint or wallpaper for a common, not zoned room, it is worth considering that the finish should be as light as possible: on tone or a few lighter facades of furniture.

In addition, choosing materials for decoration walls of a room for children, in obligatory Check whether their grade and environmental class is compatible.

Bedroom for adult and child: furniture features

Furniture for the common room should be practical, multifunctional. So, to solve the task of rational use of residential space will be able to the built-in elements of the fittings (beds-Murphy, folding chair beds and sofas, folding tables), A multifunctional furniture will save square meters (for example, beds with drawers save place for storing linen and things).

In order to make the room as spacious as possible, it is worth abandoning bulky cabinets, Tumbers and headsets in favor of a dressing room, which can be placed in a niche, pantry, corridor.

With regard to the location of the furniture, recommendations should be taken into account:

  1. A place to sleep and rest parents should be put so that his headboard was located at the wall.
  2. A bed for a newborn can be placed next to the parent, but a sleeping place for the baby preschool or school age will need to be taken separately, preferably in the opposite corner of the room.
  3. When furnished room, it is necessary to take into account the location of windows and doorways: the bed opposite the door in one-room apartment will be not the best solution, as it will "meet" guests, and place a sleeping place by the window can only be placed in the case of good heat and sound insulation, and the curtains night.

Parental bedrooms with nursery: We place a cot for a baby correctly

It is believed to determine the location of a child's sleeping room must have parent beds. But it's not entirely true, because, the location of the bed for the baby has its own nuances.

So, in order to create comfortable sleep conditions for crumbs need:

  1. Do not put a crib next to the heating radiator or electrical heater: Dry air and overheating is harmful to the child. Optimal will be maintained temperature mode In the room in the area of \u200b\u200b18-22 degrees of heat.
  2. Place the crib away from household appliances: noise and emission TV, computer and other household appliances It certainly does not benefit the newborn.
  3. Put a bed away from sockets.
  4. Do not place the crib next to the items that collect dust (carpets, curtains) and blooming indoor plants.
  5. Do not put a crib on a draft.

In addition, you should not put a playpen next to the window without curtains and curtains, an element with a low level of heat and noise insulation.

Combining children's and bedrooms in the same room (video)

Following these recommendations, you can do everything possible to create the most comfortable and safe microclimate for each family member. Draw ideas from the photo of the ready-made designs of combined bedrooms, and create a convenient and cozy interior Common with a child's room!