Repairs Design Furniture

How to hang the caustic china over the baby bed. Versions of the place of fastening of the Baldakhin. Canopy from fabric

Important I. pleasant chores Young parents are the arrangement of the room for the baby. Of course, the center of the children's bedroom will be a crib, and one of the important elements will be beautifully dropping canopy . Not all parents choose this product for children, considering it unnecessary and superfluous. And perfectly in vain, because Baldahin performs several important functions. First, it creates a cozy space for a child, because many newborns are frightened by open spaces, because quite recently baby was still in a close mother's tummy. Secondly, protect your child from insects and dust. And from bright light and drafts! In addition, the Baldahin, chosen in the style of the interior, will become an excellent stylish decoration of the children.

Often, the Baldakhins are sold along with holders for them, but if you have acquired these goods separately, it often arises the question of how to wear cavalo on the holder.

The holder for the canopy is metal ring On a "high leg" with a fixing device for a crib. The product is made of durable and safe metal and is adjustable in height.

You can attach the holder to the side back or the crib lattice. There are two types of holders for the canopy. The first is with a detachable ring, and the second is not enough, that is, a sealed ring. For these holders, various types of canopy are needed. In order to put on the caustichene on the holder of the first type, a special ride is designed on the cauldane, that is, a fabric, a fitted and started by a strip so that the ring can be returned. Blind the ring, bowing it in the scene, and ready!

By the way, consolidate the holder for the Baldakhin on a cot must be needed before hanging the canopy, and not after that!

Put on the Baldahin on the Holder with a Lapper, helper or special clasps will help you, allow you to attach fabric to a metal ring.

Unfortunately, in inexperienced young parents there are such incidents when Baldahin is purchased with a Kuliska, and the holder with a delicate ring. Then they break their head for a long time, how to docile these two subjects. We offer two options: you go to the store to change one of the items - a canopy or holder. The second option is needlewoman: you can manually sew velcro or beautiful ribbons to the tone of the fabric, on which it will be attached to the holder with a solid ring. Hopeless situations can not be. But, of course, it is better to be attentive when buying and choosing the products corresponding to each other.


Baldachins are elegant structures that perform not only aesthetic, but also practical functions. A child has long been closed with curtains or curtains to give him a feeling of comfort and safety.

Lace, linen, pastel and bright shades- They are different. They protect against bright light, noise and dust. But so that they reliably held the baby during his sleep, you need to purchase special holders.

Varieties of fasteners

Option 1. clings to the widest back. Sufficiently sustainable. The main thing is to locate exactly in the middle and reliably. Suitable for newborns.

Option 2. On the headboard. The canvas will not close the entire cradle, which means that the baby can be taken out of the crib, not risking in tissue.

Option 3. On the entire perimeter of the bed. This option is perfect for beds without sideboards. Then the holders will need four (for each corner of the bed).

Option 4. Floor fasteners. It is tightly attached to the floor, and a very long tissue hangs on it. The lack of such an option - the stroller moves badly. When you begin to move it, she will stop close the crib.

Option 5. On the ceiling. More suitable for adult and teenage options, especially if the tissue is heavy.

Option 6. Fastening on the wall is more versatile, but it will be necessary to drill holes in the wall, and move the crib problematic (holes will remain in the wall).

All these varieties are equally suitable for adults, and for kids. Moreover, it is not necessary to think that the Baldakhins are most suitable for girls because of their lightness and airiness.

With it, you can make a wonderful tent or bedroom Princess for girls, but for boys, the locks are simulated in the same way, balloons and space ships.

Carefully make the design project of the whole room and determine the position of the bed. Stationary more reliable, but they limit the possibility of rearrangement of furniture.

How to Install: Instructions

1. Be sure to check the entire design for strength. It should easily withstand the cloth and not bend. Usually attached to the product detailed instructions And all the necessary details.

2. Screw all fixings as reliably as possible.


It all depends on how the bed will be located. If it costs the wall with its length, then the fastenings for the canopy are located on the same back side. But if the cot is located in a narrow side to the wall, then, of course, the option will be more preferable at which the rack for the canchine is attached to the rear back. Both ways of design look beautiful and make the "nest" of the baby very cozy. Traditionally, the flights of pink tones are usually chosen, and for, respectively, blue shades. Although light beige, yellow, pale orange and lightweight colors look at least refined.

The fastening for the canopy is a metal hollow tube (rack) and a metal rod, bent by oval and having a curved "mustache" that are inserted into the opening of the rack. The rack is screwed to the upper crossbar using screws. However, practice shows that better drill Make holes through which tightly attach the basis for the Baldakhin. Otherwise, the omnipresent smaller, pulling the edge of the edge, risks getting injuries with torn metal rods.

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Helpful advice

Fastening for canopy is preferably fixed tightly


  • cottage

The bed is a place in which the baby spends most of the time. Therefore, it is necessary to make it the most comfortable, comfortable and safe. Currently in stores huge selection Bedding sets. And in many kits included canopy. This baby cot decoration causes many disputes among parents. Opponents canopyob call it a "dust collector" and "non-functional thing." However, most parents do not refuse to use this kind of decoration of a cot.

You will need

  • Baby Cot, Baldahin


Baldakhins Add a room with a coziness, enveloping the bed and create a romantic mood. The most difficult when construeding is the framework. Of course, you can buy a ready-made frame or entrust it to making specialists. If you are planning to make a frame yourself, boldly make it possible.


The technology of fasteners is the same as in the construction. The hollow metal tube gently bent into a small circle, attach the ends to the wall and hang on the rings tube. To these rings and will be fastened by the Baldahin. It will look original if you find the Baldakhina in the upper part of it at an equal distance from each other ribbons in the number of rings. Grind ribbons in the rings and make a strong bows.

Another way to build a frame - a canopy, which is attached to the wall or when the bed is located. To do this, come to the wall wooden railAnd at the ends of this rail at right angles for greater reliability - two wooden rods. When installing such a frame, the lightweight Baldakhin fabric is simply pounced on the rods in such a way that its part hangs. It is important to perform all fastenings without flambers and inaccuracies so that the framework will serve you for a long time and was safe.

A variety of canopy for children is very large. As a rule, you can immediately purchase complete, soft, pillow, linens And the player with the bracket. But if there is no such possibility, you can sew cavity to your taste and build a frame. To do this, bend the metal rod into the ring.

Press the rod through the scene in the Baldakhin and fold the cropped ends of the rod together. Tightly tie them. Score a wooden rail to or to the wall, if the bed location allows. To mount a metal rod with a canopy, use a clip on the bolts, when you screw it with reliable fixation.

Video on the topic

Baldahin for a crib is not only very beautiful and cozy, but also functional accessory. With the help of it, you can close the crib from unnecessary light and even protect the crumb from mosquitoes. You can buy in any children's store or sale of textile products, where they are sold in sets with soft sideboards, blanket and pad, and can be done.


In order to fix the cavalo on the crib, you need to purchase a special tripod - the holder for him. The tripod consists of three parts: a straight tube, a curved tube and a loop, on which the canopy is put on. Two fasteners are also included with the tripod.

Before proceeding with the consolidation of the Baldakhin, collect a tripod in full length and count on what height you would like to secure it. To do this, insert the curved tube into the straight, put on the top of the loop for the cavalry and attach a tripod to one of the sides of the bed. Usually, the Baldahin is presented to one of the long sides of the bed - so if necessary, you can cover the whole bed completely. If you fix this accessory in the headboard, then it will close only a piece of the crib. Trial of the length, secure the bottom straight tube on the crib using the mount, and remove the curved tube and the loop.

Consider a loop for the Baldakhina - it has a small gum. Remove it to turn the loop to Baldahin.

Now take the baldahin himself and look carefully on his upper part. It has two "sleeves", in one of which and you need to turn the loop. If you sell a loop to the bottom of the "sleeves", then beautiful rumble is formed on top of the canopy, and if we sell to the top - there will be no ruffles. I traveled a loop to one of the "sleeves" of the Baldakhina, secure the ends of the loop with a rubber band and distribute the folds of the upper frills. Then insert the loop into the curved tube, thread through its bottom the second mount and put it on the straight tube. Now firmly tighten the mount and spread the floors of the canopy. Canopy for your baby ready.
If you are all done correctly, then the canopy will hold onto the crib and will not fall, even if the baby is trying to pull it out. With a Baldakhin, a cot will look very smart and cute, although some parents believe that he doesn't need a baby at all.

Consolidate canopy Over the baby bed is easy. To do this, you can use a universal frame or self-made frame from thick wire. The fabric is fixed with the help of rings, hooks or beautiful ribbons.

You will need

  • - thick wire;
  • - Baldahin;
  • - rings or hooks;
  • - pliers;
  • - Tools and fittings for hanging a frame over a cot.


Making metal carcass for canopybut. To do this, bend a thick smooth wire in the form of the letter n either in a semir.

Put on the frame of the rings or hooks to which the fabric will be attached canopybut.

Suspend the frame over the center of the baby bed.

Secure in rings or on hooks frame fabric canopybut. Gently straighte the folds of the fabric.


Fasten the frame over a baby cot with a special care. Otherwise, the frame may fall on the child and injure it.

Helpful advice

Baldahin performs not only decorative function, bringing comfort to the interior of the children's room. The fabric hides with an extraneous eye a crib, creates protection against bright sunlightWhat provides, in turn, the rest of the child during day sleep. In addition, Baldahin delays dust, not allowing her to get to the kid.

To avoid whipping a cake with hooks or rings and drop it on the baby, use a more perfect way to fasten the fabric. To do this, from the inside of the canvas, the wide wider fabric strips. Schedule in the resulting pockets of beautiful colored ribbons, after which we entertain these colorful elements on the frame.

Distribute nodes evenly, and ribbon straighten. This will give the aesthetics and reliability of the design.

You can use the ready brackets to fasten the canopy. The instructions for fixing them tissue, as a rule, attached to the product. Similar brackets are universal, suitable for any baby bed. They are attached on the back, side grill or upper / lower strap of a cot.


  • Tips for arrangement bedroom For kid

Canopy is not only the subject of luxury. It carries a practical burden. Helps to highlight the space of privacy, coziness and peace. It also contributes to the protection of sleeping from dust, drafts, insects and other inconveniences.

You will need

  • Wire, Metal Ring, Wrap or Metal Ring big diameter, ceiling hook, tone fabric, cavalry


Divide the circumference of the hoop circle to 4 (or 6, depending on the diameter of the circle) parts. Make holes in the hoop tube on the markups made. In the resulting openings, secure the wire of the desired length.

The remaining ends of the wire fasten each other, attaching them to a small metal ring. On this wire, the hoop will be attached to the ceiling by means of a small metal ring.

Before fastening the free edges of the wire on a small metal ring, a wire can be decorated with a cloth. To do this, cut out of the tissue, selected in the tone of the canopy, strips equal to the length of the wire harness plus 2 centimeters. The number of strips corresponds to the number of wire harnesses.

Collapse on sewing machine Through the long edge folded by the front side of the strip. Turn them on the front side. Take them on wire harnesses. Manually handle the edges of decorative strips. You can be copper with glue. And you can lock the lower edges on the hoop, wrapped it. Top sewed among themselves in the place of fastening the ends of the wire.

Directly to the hoop itself will be fastened by the Baldahin. Mounting methods can be chosen different. For example, you can earn the hoop with a special sewing ribbon already with finished loops (the distance between the hinges is up to 1 centimeter). Then, on the upper edge of the canchine, sew a curtain tape and sweep the cavities until the width of the upper edge is equal to the length of the circle of the hoop. Then with the help of curtain hooks attach the canopy to the hoop.

In the right place on the ceiling attach the ceiling hook. On this hook hang a small metal ring with the prepared construction of the fastening of the Baldakhin. Baldahin can pre-evenly place around the circumference of the hoop. And you can hang it on the design attached to the ceiling, given the location of the vertical edges of the Baldakhin.

Canopy Over the bed gives a bedroom sophisticated look and at the same time makes it cozy and protected. This will probably enjoy your children who will feel at the Bedalchine as in the fabulous Eastern Palace. To build it above the bed under the power of parents.


Choose a cloth for canopy. For children's bedrooms just fit natural materials calm color. The width of the tissue should be about 1.2-1.5 meters. To cut the length, measure the perimeter of the bed. The length of the fabric for the Baldakhina should be in the press times more.

The bottom edge of the fabric is subject to one and a half centimeters and place. Top edge supply with records. To do this, buy ready-made rings (at the rate of 1 ring for 15 cm fabric). The top edge of the Baldakhina is so that the strip width exceeds the diameter of the champs by 2 cm. Between the layers of the wrapped strip, put the lubricant tape and secure it with an iron. Make a pencil or felt-tip pen the same segments of 15 cm: At this distance, the rings will be located apart. Cut out the circles from the cloth under the lover (the hole must be a pair of millimeters wider than the lover) and insert the mounts by clicking on them until it is clicking, which means that halves of the champs are fixed.

Frame Baldakhina Make a metal rod bent into the circle suitable diameter. Also, the P-shaped metal or wood frame, attached to the wall at the cub headboard. Attach the design for the canopy with metal furniture fasteners to or wall.

If you prefer the frame fixed on the wall and equal to the perimeter of the bed, you have a fabric of a half-meter width, which will reach the mattress level. In the case of the selection of the suspension ceiling cave in the form of a circle, take care that the lengths of falling drapery is enough to stretch it to the corners of the bed and fasten, tied with ribbons to the legs.

Canopy - This is a very elegant canopy, a canopy that is attached above the bed on the metal or wooden poles. It performs a purely aesthetic function, makes a highlight to the bedroom of your baby. Baldahin is used to protect the sleeping from annoying insects or dust, from solar and lunar light.


To hang it out, you will need a framework. Take the metal barbell and bend it so that the letter P.

After that, on the bar, it is necessary to attach pre-cooked rings.

Secure the resulting design of its wall.

Determine the required length of the bracket. To do this collect bracket on maximum length And attach it to the children's bed. Adjust the bracket according to your wishes.

Lock the bottom direct part of the bracket on the crib using the clamping bracket and the fastening screw. Remove the top of the bracket along with the ring. The design of the ring is usually supplemented by a bent up "the toasts" closed with rubber band. Remove the elastic band in order to dress the beholder on the bracket loop.

In the old days, the Baldahin was widely used when decoring a bed. He was considered a sign of luxury, so most often met in families with high adell. Today, this device is much less used, but interesting and original models are still found. To make a cavalry over the bed with their own hands, it is enough to purchase materials, prepare the tools and follow step by step management.

Baldahin is considered not only a beautiful accessory on the bed, first of all it carries out a practical function. Such an adaptation is able to protect the bed from prying eyes, as well as add a bedroom of a special coziness. To make the canopy yourself, it is necessary first to determine its design.

Baldachins above the bed are classic, round, arbitrary shape: the choice depends on the size and shape of the bed.

Before you start work, you need to prepare all the materials and tools. Below is a list of materials necessary to create a classic canopy:

  • textiles - it is better to choose not very heavy, transparent fabric. Most the best choice - Organza or veil. For a children's bed, you can buy silk, flax or sitherium;
  • materials for frame. Often, hollow metal pipes are used for this. Previously, the foundation for the canopy was made of wood, today such a design is less popular;
  • fasteners - It is worth using only high-quality steel bolts that will allow structures to withstand the weight of the fabric and save stability over the bed.

From the tools you will use a drill, screwdriver, screwdriver, roulette, simple pencil, Bulgarian for working with metal. For sewing the cape itself will be required sewing machine, Threads, needles, Oracle.

How to sew

In order to independently sew a canopy on the bed, it is important to decide on the size of the fabric. They are calculated by the formula, where the perimeter of the bed is first calculated, after which it is added from each side of the rectangle that the amount of tissue that will be beautifully hanging on the sides. Many seamstances recommend to make the width of the fabric to the canopy to the floor: in the future, extra textiles can be tied with pickups for curtains.

To make a canopy with your own hands on an adult bed, you need to perform the following steps:

  • carve fabric on a pre-selected sketch;
  • flash the entire perimeter with a reliable line for a typewriter;
  • create loops by upper edge Products - they will be needed to fasten the canopy on the frame;
  • decorate finished products In any way as desired: add lace, ribbons, diverse decor.

If a shortened version of the canchine is chosen, then the tissues must be taken less. The calculation of the material is true: the width of the cape is equal to the width of the bed, altitude from the ceiling to the bed and another 20 cm on each side to hide the mattress.

Fastening options

Tailoring of the Baldakhin usually does not take much time and does not require certain skills. With this task, any woman having elementary sewing skills will perfectly cope with this task. The process of fastening the frame can create some difficulties, so it is worth considering the common fixation options.

It is better to choose the type of fastening that will be most appropriate in the bedroom. Do not chase for fashion trends: If the bedroom is small - give preference to arcuate fastening. If there is a large space, you can install the classic canal at the perimeter.

Around perimeter


On a straight trumpet

Assembly process

Regardless of which design was chosen a bed with a canopy, the method of its assembly will be the same. The only difference is that the framework creation method changes. For example, when choosing a circular fastening, you first need to bend the metal pipe in fit form: The same you need to do with an arcuate attachment - then bend the base is needed by a semicircle.

To fix the design above the bed, you should adhere to the following tips:

  • the frame of the frame is attached to the ceiling using reliable suspensions: if the design is too big, it is worth choosing high-quality fasteners withsting high loads;
  • the framework of the frame is attached to the walls with dowels and screws: first the hole under the dowel is made, after which the frame itself is screwed;
  • to fix the tissue polar cavity, rings or loops for curtains will be required: they must be put on the pipes in advance before installing;
  • the finished product is attached to the hinges manually, evenly distributing the canopy around the bed perimeter.

It is worth remembering that in the course of operation, especially during sleep, a person easily can stick for the fabric. In order not to happen trouble, the whole cloth must be securely fixed on the frame. It is necessary to take care of greater strength, if the baths are made for a cot.

The process of creating various types of design

The curtain over the bed creates the atmosphere of comfort and security - this is especially necessary for children, as well as adults after a busy working day. In the process of using cavities, you can be tape or fully straighted. Beautifully spaced cavities contribute to calm and rest.

Do not choose too heavy and dense tissue for canopy, for example, velvet. Such options will make dust daily dust in the room, which will not only worsen the appearance of the product, but will also cause sleep disorder. Several variants step-by-step creation different types Designs are considered below.

Classic on four supports

Making a Baldakhina with their own hands on an adult bed consists of several stages: the calculation of the fabric and other materials, sewing capes, assembly of the frame, fastening the frame and fixation of the Bedalchina itself. Classic option It is considered the most common, but not easily accessible in the manufacture. Several nuances homemade creation Fixtures:

  • for work, it will take 4 racks in the height of the ceiling, blanks for frame frame, fasteners, carpentry, ducts, cloth, and decor to hide corners;
  • details of the frame and racks are connected on the principle of ride in the grooves;
  • if the design of the tree is covered with protective varnish;
  • when installing the product, the racks should come into contact with the corners of the bed;
  • fabrics throw over the crossbars and are beautifully draped.

Baldahin can be sewed solid and fix over the entire frame frame, as well as to make separate: sew a separate cape for each side of the frame.

On horizontal rod

This method of fastening is considered one of the simplest, because only one segment is taken as the basis metal pipe. It is fixed in the center of the bed horizontally so that through the bar you can turn a wide tissue band. The simplicity of the design does not reduce its aesthetic and practical indicators. Several rules for the manufacture of such a canopy:

  • at an altitude of 2 meters from the bed at the ceiling in the wall screw the bar - it must be fixed with reliable fasteners: screws, suspensions or screws with dowels;
  • the cut of the bar must be equal to the width of the bed;
  • on the free edges of the bar, decorative tips are placed: this is done not only for the decoration, but also so that the curtain does not slip out from the pipe;
  • stretching the cord through the bar, the length of two wide bands is measured. After that, calculations are made: 5 cm are added to the resulting length, as well as 3 cm on the scene;
  • the width of the strip must be twice the width of the rod to create a beautiful draper;
  • two bands are stitched into one and stretch over a horizontal barbell or hang on her loops.

The restricter of the curtain in the bed will serve the headboard and part of the furniture at the feet.

For fastening the Baldakhina to the ceiling will need special hooks

Marking ceiling

Loop garter

Measure the necessary length of the fabric is the easiest way using the carrier frame of the frame

So as not to be mistaken from the width of the pocket better to sew it with the inside the plank

Planks with a cloth are suspended on hanging from the ceiling loop

Ready Baldahin

Dome on the ring

Made by her own Baldahin brings not only comfort to the bedroom, but also adds mysteriousness and transfers the person to another world - the atmosphere of relaxation, calm and relaxes. Another option to make a frame for the Baldakhina - the dome on the ring. For its foundation, you can take the following materials:

  • metal sport hoop;
  • bent the circular metal pipe;
  • if the product is intended for children's cradle - you can use the hoops for embroidery.

The manufacturing process is simple: light fabric is hanging on a circle with loops. It is fixed on the bed with small supports and neatly the dome hangs over the bedroom. Special charm cause transparent white tissue tip. Fabrics for the canopy should be taken twice the perimeter of the bed.

On the ceiling karnis

Plastic ceiling cornices Today, it is widely used not only for fixing the curtains in those places where the window cornice is not appropriate. They found their use in the manufacture of a frame of a semicircular type. Thanks to the flexibility of the product, it is actually bent into any form: you can also purchase the eaves of the desired silhouette.

The principle of operation of such a cornice is hidden mounting Peltlek: At first glance, it is not at all visible exactly exactly how the fabric is attached. This option is appropriate to be used for the design of the Baldakhin by the type of semicircle at the head of the bed:

  • the cornice is attached to the wall near the bed;
  • the fabric is fixed on the loops in the inner rails of the eaves;
  • at the edges of the design, stoppers are installed;
  • the fabric is beautifully draped on the beds of the bed.

Calculation of textiles is made according to calculations: the perimeter of the bed, divided by 2. To this indicator adds allowances to the seams and decor. The length of the bands must correspond to the required length of the canopy: to be to the floor or close the mattress.

Other options

Separately, it is worth highlighting the construction of a design for sleeping baby, because the child requires a special comfort and every item in his room should calm the baby. All that will need is to purchase special holder For Baldakhina round shapewhich is attached to the center of the baby bed on the ceiling.

Cape fabrics are better to choose bright: calm tones will contribute to the relaxation of the baby. If the holder failed to find in stores, you can make it yourself from the thick wire. Its form does not need to be round: this indicator varies - oval, square or just a horizontal rod.

The first months of their life kid adapts in our world, adapting to new conditions. After the limited space of the mother's tummy, the child scares large spaces and too much space. Most of the crumb time is sleeping, so you should choose with a special care so that everything tune the baby to strong and healthy sleep. Special coziness is the first children's bedroom at the Beddahin. It limits the space of the children's room to the size of the crib, does not miss dust and too bright light. However, it is not enough to purchase this remarkable device, it still needs to be correctly fixed. How to install cavalo on a crib? And how to assemble the mount for the Baldakhina? Read more!

What are the options for fastening the Baldakhina on a crib

There are several options for fastening for the Baldakhina to a crib:

  1. Wall. With the help of a special fixture, the canopy is attached straight to the wall above the bed. The advantage of this option is the ability to choose a color of any length, and the disadvantage of the difficulty of further moving the crib to a new place.
  2. Outdoor. The design is mounted and installed on the floor. The advantage can be called the possibility of transferring fastening to any place, and the disadvantage - the relative slicedness of the structure.
  3. Ceiling. It looks very nice, but if necessary, it is difficult to relieve it to a new place.
  4. Bed. Most optimal option, such a fastening for the Baldakhin is very convenient to mount, and if necessary, moving the crib to a new place does not cause any additional problems.

Options for how can I install the cings on the bed

Designers and children's experts distinguish the three main options of how you can install the canopy:

  1. In length. The mount is installed in the center of the length of the baby bed, near the wall. Thanks to this, the product coarsely covers all the sleeping place, while the kid is completely protected from dust and light. The child with this option is very convenient to take on hand.
  2. In width. In this case, the canopy is attached to the headboard of a cot. This option is excellent for older children when they are very interested in what is happening outside their bedroom. Despite the fact that the Baldahin closes only a quarter bed with this option, this design looks very pretty.
  3. Around the perimeter. The most rare option when a special frame is attached to four racks equal to the size of the crib parameters, then the canopy is installed. Such a fastening is convenient for infants who have to get and put in the crib.

In any case, the child will be much more comfortable and calmer to sleep much more and calmly, because it will be fenced from many stimuli.

What is the fastening for the Baldakhin

The holder for the canopyhin consists of a solid or disconnecting loop, a tripod and a variety of cogs - fasteners. Depending on whether it is possible to disconnect the loop depend on the option of fastening the canopy to the bracket. If possible, the fabric is simply rolling on the wire ring. If there is no special velcro or ribbons. If necessary, they can be easily sewn independently, and the ring is decorated with ribbons and bows.

If the ring can be separated and rolling the cloth, then after that it is inserted into the special tube of the bracket. It can be solid or consist of several parts that are inserted one to another. After that, the tripod is attached to the siblings with special clamps or bolts, which are then decorated with special protective plugs.

How to install Baldahin: Step-by-step instructions

For first, to collect the fastening for the Baldakhina, you should decide on the place of its installation. Then everything is performed in such a sequence:

Baldahin for a crib - a great device that will create a relaxed atmosphere and will allow the baby to quietly sleep until the morning, but for him right mounting You should know how to install the caustic chin on the crib quickly, simple and reliable! In addition, it is very important correctly for it - the posture and the health of the baby in the future depends on it.