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Heating plus a warm floor with their own hands. We make a warm floor from heating with your own hands. What outdoor coating is suitable for a warm floor

Owners of country houses do not always know how to make a warm floor from heating. On your own, install the system and its connection is very simple, if you know several nuances.

Principles of warm-aluminum connection technology to heating system

The installation of a warm floor from the existing heating system is carried out on the basis of the following principles:

  • to existing radiators, you need to connect a collector node;
  • the temperature of the coolant must be reduced at least to + 55 ° C;
  • the installed design should differ with regulatory pressure, which does not exceed 8-9 atm.

Also, the list of preparatory work includes the calculation of all operating parameters of warm water floors, which depend on the characteristics of the existing heating system. It can be a single-tube or two-pipe.

The last type is characterized by the presence of two pipelines. One is intended for the supply of hot liquid, and the other - to remove the cooled coolant back to the boiler for heating.

A single-tube heating system is distinguished by the presence of one pipeline, which circulates water. Therefore, the warm floor is connected to it on the principle of another radiator. It is installed after the heating device, which allows without additional devices to reduce the temperature of the coolant.

How to connect a warm floor to the heating system

It is also necessary to take into account - it is impossible to achieve the effective functioning of a warm floor in the presence of a gravitational principle of fluid movement. When moving the coolant from the large diameter pipeline to a smaller, the coolant will not be able to overcome the resulting hydraulic resistance.

Materials for the warm water floor

The warm floor of heating is installed using several important elements, to which high demands are presented.


To ensure the effective functioning of water heating floor, it is recommended to use pipes with a diameter of 2 cm. Preferred material - polyethylene or metal. When using the last variant for pipelines, a multilayer design is used, and the surface of the elements is covered with a special anti-corrosion layer.

Polyethylene as material is more preferable. It is not exposed to electrochemical corrosion that you will not say about the metal. Also, polyethylene pipes are easier to install. They are sold in large bays, which allows the installation of a whole water circuit by one element. The main material for fixing pipelines is plastic ties or special profiles that are installed using a dowel.

Installation of the circuit is made according to the selected scheme. If the material of the pipe is polyethylene, then the radius of the turn should not be less than five of its diameters. If the contour is too much, the elements are formed. In this place, the material is most susceptible to the destruction in the process of long-term operation.

Installation of Water Warm Floors Valtec


The collector is designed to adjust the operation of the warm water floor. When choosing a specific model, you need to pay attention to the presence of the required number of outputs to connect all the elements of the system.

The cheapest collector is equipped with shut-off valves. In such a model, it is not possible to adjust the operating parameters, which makes the warm floor not always effective.

More expensive options are equipped with additional valves. They allow you to adjust the operation of the warm floor when necessary.

There are also models that are equipped with servo drives and pre-mixers. The first additional element provides full automation, and the second - allows you to adjust the temperature of the coolant supplied to the warm floor.

The collector is mounted in a special box (the material is galvanized steel), which corresponds to its size. Its installation is made at a certain height so that all the necessary pipelines can be brought to it.

Heavy floor collector with his own hands

Heat insulating substrate

Laying pipelines occurs on a prepared base, which is formed using special thermal insulation substrates. Use such options:

  • with foil coating. This heat-insulating material is used as a foam. This substrate can be used when there is no need for high-quality overlap warming;

  • polystyrene foam plates. To increase durability, polymer material is used as a coating. They can be equipped with marking or special bolsters. In this case, laying of water heating pipelines will be carried out very easily and quickly;

  • mineral wool insulation. It is applied in cases when a unheated room or soil is placed under construction. This thermal insulation material must be established taking into account the normative requirements for the thickness and resistance to heat transfer.

Water Heat Connection Scheme Depending on the configuration of existing heating

Connecting a warm floor to heating instruments occurs in several ways, depending on the configuration of the existing system:

  • single-tube scheme. Connecting the supply of the circuit with circulating coolant occurs after the circulation pump, and the returns - after. Adjusting the system operation is carried out using the installed manifold or ball valve;

  • two-pipe scheme. When the water heating floor laying is made, it is connected to the feed and reverse pipeline of the existing heating. Management of work is carried out with two ball valves;

  • connection diagram without circulation pump. Installing this system is possible, but there is no guarantee of its normal functioning and efficiency. Given the difficulty of installation, much easier to use the first or second option. For the operation of the heating floor, the feed is connected at the beginning of the room, and the returns are at the end. It is also important to ensure the necessary level of slope when installing pipelines.

Warm floor connection schemes depending on structural features

The system of pipelines with circulating coolant connects to existing heating devices using the following schemes:

Advantages and disadvantages of warm floor from existing heating

The water warm floor device according to this scheme has several advantages:

The disadvantage of this constructive scheme is the impossibility of applying it in multi-storey houses with centralized heating. There may also be some difficulties during the installation of all elements. But if you take into account all the recommendations, it is not so difficult to do it.

Video: Installation of a single-tube heating system with warm floors

One of the most pressing issues in the winter is heating. Dozens have already been developed and even hundreds of various solutions and methods of installation of systems. Someone continues to use the furnace of heating due to the availability of fuel, others moved to solar collectors, since they live in the area where light days are enough. Most families in homes are mounted gas boilers and columns that provide warmth in frosts. Those who have hot water is served centrally, wondering how to connect water heat from central heating.

Implementation options

The warm floor is difficult to call a novelty on the market. But the structure and approach to the installation of warm sex continues to be improved and from year to year receives new and new solutions that are affected by their efficiency and simplicity of installation. You can allocate two types of warm floors by power source:

  • warm floor with power supply 220 V;
  • warm floor with circulating liquid.

The electric version of the warm floor is implemented in two versions:

  • heating cable;
  • infrared film.

Each of them has its own nuances, except strengths. They are much easier to install and maintain than water warm floor, which also has several heating methods:

  • solar collector;
  • electric boiler;
  • a closed loop with its own heating;
  • from the gas boiler;
  • from central heating.

Thanks to the use of a solar collector, the heating fee will be zero. All expenses will go on the installation of the main equipment. But if you live in those edges, where even in winter is very many sunny days, then why not use this option. Remember that the collector must be a vacuum, and the circulation fluid is antifreeze so that it does not freeze at night. You also need to make a disconnected circuit and a backup source for the night. The electric boiler can be installed once for a warm floor and for all heating. An example of a closed heat-cap circuit is the Daewoo X-L Pipe system. No need for any heating elements. Everything is already built into the tube. Enough to put them and connect them to electricity. What is worth we to weigh before making a decision on the installation of water warm floor?

Is it really so good

The heat from the heating devices is distributed by placing by convection. Its essence lies in the fact that the air, the temperature that was increased, rises upwards. On the way of lifting, part of it dissipates, it cools and goes down to the floor. This means that the higher the radiators or other products are raised, the more useless. Another thing, if they are omitted to the floor. Water warm floor has such advantages:

  • warming the entire territory;
  • the warm floor quickly goes to the operating temperature;
  • warm floor Beshum;
  • the warm floor has low-temperature mode;
  • big savings;
  • Efficiency is higher than that of radiators;
  • long term conservation of heat;
  • heat transfer by radiation;
  • the possibility of mounting for various coating;
  • expansion of the useful space due to the absence of radiators.

Risks are an integral part, so they should also be taken into account with respect to the warm floor:

  • significant expenses for materials and installation;
  • the complexity of the work;
  • high complexity of repair work;
  • when connected to central heating, special permissions are required;
  • increase in floor level;
  • the importance of constant wet cleaning with the disinfection.

Pipes of warm floor are murdered to the screed, which is why it is very problematic to repair any site. After all, until the leakage is found, the flooring can be damaged, as well as the ceiling at the neighbors below. Also, if the coating is placed in a single contour, you will have to make disassembly.

How to connect to central heating

You need to know several facts about how to make warm floors through water heating and whether it will be possible. The total length of the pipes that will be in the floor can exceed 100 meters. While the water passes throughout the contour, there will be large heat loss and the outlet temperature can be 15-20 ° at least. This may be a problem when cutting into the central heating system. In old houses there is a single-tube system of centralized wiring. This means that there may be several risers on the apartment. Some on the room. It is designed for the fact that water comes from below and will rise up, giving the temperature of one battery in each apartment room. With current, it is becoming colder. If you connect a warm floor in such a circuit, then the temperature of the water instead of the planned 70-80 ° will take up with a value of 50 °. And the higher, the situation will become worse. Therefore, with a single-mounted centralized system, it is unlikely to get a permit for the insertion of an additional heating device.

Note!The administration can make concessions if you live on the last floor, and the feed is carried out from below. Then the drop in temperature of the water will not be so critical.

In the houses that are built in compliance with modern standards have already been laid in the project conditions for connecting the circuit of the heated floor. For these purposes, another one is laid next to battery stand. It goes through through all the floors. His goal is to connect a warm floor. Usually, if it is, it does not need special permissions. But it is important to remember that payment for heat in this case will be significantly higher. There are still some drawbacks from connecting a warm floor to central heating:

  • water quality;
  • stability of pipes to corrosion;
  • excess temperature permissible.

The quality of water, which is located in the central heating system leaves much to be desired. This is due to the fact that it passes through the boilers, which were built for a very long time. In the course of the current, it collects all the growths and waste, which means that it falls into the apartment with various impurities. This may pour out in the blockage of the circuit of the warm floor. In another case, this can lead to corrosion of pipes, which implies repair with dismantling of the floor covering. Another nuance is to exceed the permissible temperature. Usually pipes that are developed for laying the warm floor are designed for normal operation at a temperature of 50-60 °. But so that it reached 15 or 20 floors, it is originally it should be higher, especially if several heat-mall circuits are mounted on each previous floor. Given this, you will need to take care of more expensive conductors or additional equipment with the thermostat.

Tip! After analyzing the above moments, it is worth thinking about whether it really is an embezzlement. Alternatively, it is possible to secure a separate instrument that will be responsible for heating the circuit of the warm floor. Then it will be possible to avoid trouble.

Required material

Having decided to acquire warm floors, it is important to know which material and tools will be required for installation work. This will give an opportunity to roughly calculate the total cost of the project. The list of materials includes:

  • insulation;
  • collector;
  • trumpet;
  • connecting fittings;
  • mixtures for screed;
  • facing material;
  • fixing equipment;
  • waterproofing;
  • reinforcement grid;
  • dampfer tape.

As a heater for such a project, extruded polystyrene foam is commonly used. This is due to the fact that it has sufficient strength and density that prevent its deformation during operation. Also, it perfectly transfers the impact of moisture, which will be present when pouring the screed. It is more convenient to take ready-made sheets with bobers. The latter are small protrusions for which it is easier to fix the pipe and give it the desired form.

As a pipe for a heated floor, in no case are the usual metal. Although they have excellent heat transfer, but such products are simply dangerous, and they are easily subject to corrosion. Consider stitched polyethylene, metal-plastic pipes or copper pipes. Copper pipes require a special approach when performing installation work. Although they are not corrosion as iron, but their cost is very high. Metal plastic represent a pipe, the main shell of which is several types of plastic. It also has a stabilizing aluminum foil layer. They have a long service life and good stamina. The inner walls are smooth, so they do not form any growths.

Note! In the case when the choice falls on the metal-plastic pipe, then it is worth taking the so-called seamless. In its design, the metal layer is in one continuous reservoir, which increases strength and eliminates the likelihood of seam discrepancy when hesitation, which would inevitably lead to leaks.

The best choice for the warm floor was and remained a tube of cross-linked polyethylene. Their production method implies treatment of polyethylene at the molecular level. The structure is obtained so dense that it withstands physical impacts when installing, elastic and durable. Excellent products from the firm Reheau. When installing, metal plastic and cross-linked polyethylene cannot be used threaded fittings, only crimping. With them the smaller chance of leakage.

As a waterproofing for a warm floor, a construction film or a special membrane can be used. In the event of the latter, when laying it is worth being attentive to arrange it with the required side. Otherwise, the moisture will not go away. The reinforcement grid can be taken ready metallic or fiberglass. If the pipe will be attached to it, depending on the rotation radius, the pipe will be required with a 10 or 15 cm pilot.

Note! Another argument regarding why it is impossible to use threaded fittings for a warm floor is to reduce the diameter of the passage. The fact is that the walls of the part that goes into the pipe has a large diameter, so the water current slows down.

Estimated work

Drawing up a plan before buying components of a warm floor and styling will save a significant amount of money. First of all, you need to take a piece of paper and draw the room plan, where the contour will be laid. Plots with furniture are applied on it. It is important to be noted, because under the cabinets, beds and sofas, the warm floor is not needed. This will not only save the budget, but also will prolong the life of the furniture. The fact is that in the process of heating, the air will dry and dries objects around. Wooden products will simply refuse and fail.

If the room is dwelling, and there are constantly people in it, then the pipe will be laid in increments of 10 or 15 cm. For a pipe with a diameter of 16 mm, this means that 1 m 2 will leave 10 or 6.7 meters. It should be remembered that the length of such a pipe in one closed circuit should not exceed 100 meters. This is due to pneumohydraulic losses. The consequences will be poor pressure and permeability. For a pipe in 20 mm, the length of one circuit for a warm floor is increased by 20 m. If there is a need to cover a large territory, then laying several contours. At the same time, the difference in the length between them should not be more than 15 m. If this does not comply, then there may be significant temperature differences in separate parts of the room.

Tip! The general formula for the coarse determination of the amount of the heated floor pipe is to find a private or divide the useful area, to the pitch, translated into meters and add the length of the bends, as well as the length of the conductors to the collector. But the final digit should include another 10% of the pipes that will be sick.

Based on which area will be covered, it is already possible to determine the amount of bulk mixtures, insulation and reinforcing base, as well as the finish coating. Be sure to make a small supply for each group of materials. In the process of installing a warm floor, something can be damaged or somewhere can be allowed in the calculations. In this case, it is not necessary to spend money for delivery or an independent trip for the missing components for mounting a warm floor.

Montage of wet water floor

Wet flooring of the warm floor involves the need to fill the screed. For the whole process, you will need such a tool:

  • mixer or concrete mixer;
  • perforator;
  • fastener for insulation;
  • in some cases, a jackhammer;
  • rule;
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • pipe bender;
  • laser level;
  • scotch.

To implement water heating in the floor, the first step is to assess the existing coating. If it is a tile, linoleum, parquet, laminate or other cladding, then it is all dismantled. The next step will check the quality of the draft screed. Attention should be paid to cracks and chips. With the probability of its further destruction, the problem areas are knocked down by a jackhammer or perforator. With its satisfactory quality, the plane of the floor plane is measured. To do this, you will need a laser level or water level. Each wall is the mark on the same height. Or measurement is made from a well-based floor line. The difference between measurements is calculated. If it exceeds 1 cm, then you will need additional alignment before laying the warm floor.

With the value of the difference, up to 3 cm use self-leveling mixtures. Clearly follow the recommended proportions. In the case when things are very bad, then you will need a new black screed. For this, the old completely dismantled. A new one can make a smaller thickness to strongly do not overestimate the overall floor level after laying a warm circuit. Before the fill with the level of the lighthouses are exhibited. In the role of the latter can perform a metal profile or pipes. They are fixed on tile glue or solution. After that, the solution is poured between them and tightened by the rule.

Note! The rough screed must dial full strength before further laying of a warm floor. It may take up to three weeks.

After preparation of a flat surface for a warm floor, waterproofing is made. The widths and lengths of the material may not be enough for the entire area. Therefore, you can use several parts of the film or membrane for a warm floor. In this case, its size should be such that the wall on the walls was 10 cm above the finish tie of the warm floor. Between the composite parts, the transition must be 15 cm. To combine them with each other can be used. On the entire perimeter of the room along the wall, the damper tape is stacked with the same adhesive on the walls as the film. To the surface of it can be fixed by double scotch. There are products that are already immediately going with him.

Note! The presence of damper tape is required. It is a soft material from foamed polyethylene. Its function is to compensate for the oscillations of the screed when the temperature drops. The warm floor will constantly warm it up, because it will expand. In the warm period of the year, everything will be the opposite. If you do not take into account thermoses for a warm floor, then the screed is deformed and cracks.

The insulation for a warm floor is placed on the finished area. Neighboring sheets should be located in such a way that the seams formed dressing. This will exclude a deflection when laying a pipe for a warm floor and the fill of the finish tie. If it is expanded polystyrene with bobbs, then at this stage is completed. If the usual smooth polystyrene is used, then another layer of waterproofing is stacked on it. With umbrellas, it is fixed to the draft screed. Then the reinforcing grid is stacked to which the pipe will be recorded.

Note! The thickness of the insulation for water floor should not be less than 30 mm, better if it is 50 mm. Otherwise, the heat loss from the contour will be significant, especially if under the floor, a basement or arched span.

Pipe laying for a warm floor. About the selected step was mentioned above. The most effective drawing of the pipe laying for a warm floor is considered "snail". This is due to the fact that the pipe with a colder liquid is near hot, which guarantees smaller losses. It is worth remembering that starting to start from the outer wall. Such an approach is important that the walls are better to warm up and the dew point displacement. On the insulation with bobbies, the laying of a pipe for a warm floor occurs at times easier. If this is done on a reinforced grid for a warm floor, then special brackets or wires for fixing are used.

Note!If there are laying of several heat-mall circuits, then the collector installation will necessarily need. It is carried out at the very beginning. And it will be required for leveling pressure and temperature in various contours.

After the pipe for the warm floor is laid, you should not hurry to pour the finish tie. It will be necessary to make crimping. To do this, you will need a special pump or compressor. The entire circuit of the warm sex is filled with air with a pressure of 2-3 atmospheres more than one that is planned in the finished version of the warm floor. In this form, everything remains for a day. After that, the pressure drop is checked. If it is significantly, then on some of the junctions of the leak. If nothing has changed, then you can move on.

The pouring of the finish screed is carried out on the pipes for the warm floor, which still should be under pressure. This is important to identify damage in a timely manner, which can occur during the level of surface leveling. After filling the screed, you can fill the circuit of the warm floor and its inclusion on heating. The temperature should be adjusted so that it does not exceed 30 °, then the concrete will not crack. Some nuances about how the warm floor is mounted in the video:

Montage of dry water floor

When installing a warm floor, you can avoid a large increase in level due to the absence of the finishing screed. The dry-floor dry floor circuit is quite simple, so even the one who does not have much experience will cope with it. To do this, you will need a special type of insulation with grooves under the pipe, which are made at the factory. Preparation of the draft screed and the requirements for its distribution are the same as in the previous case. Next, laying of polystyrene foam plates with the location of the grooves according to the selected pattern of the heat-mall circuit. They are inserted into the sheets of molded metal, which increase the area of \u200b\u200bwarming up and heat transfer. Lastly, the pipe is laid. The shape of the groove is already selected in such a way as to well fix the pipe for a warm floor. The finish coating may be laminate. It stacked immediately on top to the substrate. More about how the dry warm floor is mounted, see the video.

In the premises, the heating of which was made using the technology of the warm floor, the sensation is much more comfortable than with a traditional radiator system. When heating the floor, the temperature is distributed optimally: the warmer with all the legs, and at the head level is already cool. Ways of heating two: water and electric. Water is more expensive in the installation, but cheaper in operation, so it is more often done. A little to reduce costs when installing can be if you make a water warm floor with your own hands. The technology is not the simplest, but also does not require encyclopedic knowledge.

Device and principle of operation

For water heating of the warm floor, the pipe system is used for which the coolant circulates. Most often, the pipes are poured into the screed, but there are dry installation systems - wooden or polystyrene. In any case, there is a large number of pipes of a small cross section laid under the flooring.

Where you can mount

Due to the large number of pipes, water heating is made mainly in private houses. The fact is that the heating system of high-rise buildings is not designed for this method of heating. It is possible to make a warm floor from heating, but the likelihood is that or you will be too cold or from the neighbors from above or below, depending on the type of system washing. Sometimes the entire riser becomes cold: the hydraulic resistance of water floors is several times higher than the radiator heating system and it can block the movement of the coolant. For this reason, it is very difficult for this reason to achieve a management company for the installation of warm sex (installation without permission is an administrative offense).

Good news is that two systems began to do in new buildings: one for radiator heating, the second - for water heating floor. In such houses and permits, it is not required: the corresponding system was developed, taking into account the higher hydraulic resistance.

Principles of organization

To understand what you need to make a water warm floor with your own hands, you need to figure out what the system consists of and how it works.

Adjusting the temperature of the coolant

In order for the legs on the floor to be comfortable, the temperature of the coolant should not exceed 40-45 ° C. Then the floor heats up to comfortable values \u200b\u200b- about 28 ° C. Most of the heating equipment will not produce such a temperature: at least 60-65 ° C. Exception - condensing gas boilers. They show the maximum efficiency at low temperatures. From their output to feed the heated coolant can be directly in the pipes of a warm floor.

When using a boiler of any other type, a substrate node is required. It adds a coolant from the return pipeline to hot water from the boiler. The composition of this Uza you see on the heat-mall connection scheme to the boiler.

The principle of work is next. The heated coolant comes from the boiler. It enters the thermostatic valve, which, if the threshold temperature is exceeded, opens the heating of water from the return pipeline. In the photo before the circulation pump there is a jumper. It establishes a two-way or three-way valve. Opening it and mix the cooled heat carrier.

The mixed flow through the circulation pump falls on the thermostat, which manages the operation of the thermostatic valve. When the specified temperature is reached, the feed supply is stopped, when exceeding it opens again. This is where the temperature of the heat carrier heat carrier is adjustable.

Distribution by contours

Next, the coolant falls on the distribution comb. If the water heated floor is made in one small room (bathroom, for example), in which only one loop of pipes is laid, this node may not be. If there are several loops, then between them it is necessary to somehow distribute the coolant, and then it is somehow assembled and sent to the return pipe. This task and performs a camshaft or, as elsewhere called, a heap collector. In fact, these are two pipes - on the feed and return to which the inputs and outputs of all heat-mall circuits are connected. This is the easiest option.

If the warm floor is made in several rooms, it is better to set a collector with the possibility of adjusting the temperature. First, in different rooms, different temperatures are required: someone prefers in the bedroom + 18 ° C, someone needs + 25 ° C. Secondly, most often, the contours have different lengths, and there can be different amounts of heat. Thirdly, there are indoors "internal" - in which one wall comes out, and there are angular - with two or even three outer walls. Naturally, the amount of heat in them should be different. Provide this comb with thermostats. The equipment is not cheap, the scheme is more complicated, but this installation allows you to maintain the specified room temperature.

Thermostators are different. Some control the air temperature in the room, the second is the temperature of the floor. Type choose yourself. Regardless of this, they control the servomotors installed on the feed comb. Servomotors depending on the command increase or reduce the flow cross section, adjusting the intensity of the coolant flow.

Theoretically (and practically happens) there may be situations when the feed on all contours is blocked. In this case, the circulation will stop, the boiler can boil and fail. That this does not happen, they necessarily make bypass, through which part of the coolant passes. With this construction of the security boiler system.

You can see one system options in the video.

Laying warm water floors

One of the key components of the system is pipes and the system of fixing them. There are two technologies:

Both systems are imperfect, but cheaper is laying pipes in the screed. Although it has a lot of minuses, it is she who is more popular for a reason for lower cost.

What system to choose

According to the cost of the dry system, they are expensive: their components (if you take ready-made, factory) are more. But they weigh much less and are put into operation faster. There are several reasons why you should use them.

First: big weight screed. Not all the foundations and overlappings of houses are able to carry out the load created by the water warm floor in the concrete screed. Above the surface of the pipes must be a layer of concrete at least 3 cm. If we consider that the outer diameter of the pipe is also of the order of 3 cm, then the total thickness of the screed 6 cm. Weight turns out more than significant. And on top Often there is still a tile on the layer of glue. Well, if the foundation is calculated with the reserve - it will endure, and if not, problems will begin. If there is a suspicion that the overlap or foundation will not carry out loads, it is better to make a wooden or polystyrene system.

Second: Low maintainability of the system in the screed. Although when laying a heated floor circuits, it is recommended to lay only one-piece bays of pipes without compounds, periodically pipes are damaged. Or when repaired, got a drill, or burst due to marriage. The place of damage can be determined by the wet spot, but it is difficult to repair: you have to break the screed. At the same time, it is possible to damage the neighboring loops, because of which the damage zone becomes more. Even if you managed to do neatly, you have to do two seams, namely they are potential places of next damage.

Third: Commissioning of the warm floor in the screed is possible only after the concrete will drop a 100% strength resource. It takes at least 28 days. Prior to this period, it is impossible to turn on the warm floor.

Fourth: You have a wooden floor. By itself, the bay on the wooden floor is not the best idea, but also a screed with an elevated temperature. Wood will quickly collapse, the whole system will collapse.

Causes are serious. Therefore, in some cases, it is more appropriate to use dry technologies. Moreover, the wooden water warm floor is not so expensive. The most expensive component is metal plates, but they can also be made of thin sheet metal and better - aluminum. It is important to be bending, the dumps for pipes.

The variant of the polystyrene system of the warm floor without a screed is demonstrated in the video.

Warm water floor materials

Most often make water warm floor in the screed. About its structure and necessary materials and will be discussed. The diagram of warm water floor is presented in the photo below.

All work begins with alignment of the base: without insulation, heating costs will be too high, and you can only lay the insulation on a flat surface. Therefore, the first thing is preparing the foundation - make a rough screed. Next, we describe the turn of work and the materials used in the process:

  • On the perimeter of the room rolled up and damping tape. This is a band of heat-insulating material, no more than 1 cm thick. It prevents heat loss on the heating of the walls. The second task is to compensate for the temperature expansion that occurs during the heating of the materials. The tape can be special, and you can also put a thin foam (thickness of no more than 1 cm) or another insulation of the same thickness.
  • A layer of heat insulating materials is placed on the black screed. For a warm floor device, the best choice is polystyrene foam. Best is the extruded. Its density should be at least 35kg / m 2. It is sufficiently dense to withstand the weight of the screed and operational loads, has excellent performance and a long time operating time. His drawback is the roads. Other, cheaper materials (foam, mineral wool, ceramzit), have a lot of flaws. If you have the opportunity - use expanded polystyrene. The thickness of thermal insulation depends on many parameters - from the region, characteristics of the material of the foundation and insulation, the method of the organization of the draft floor. Therefore, it must be calculated in relation to each case.

  • Further, we often put a reinforcing grid in a step of 5 cm. It also ties pipes with wire or plastic clamps. If expanded polystyrene was used, it is possible to do without reinforcement - it is possible to mount with special plastic brackets that drive into the material. For other insulation, the reinforcing grid is required.
  • On top set lighthouses, after which they pour the screed. Its thickness is less than 3 cm above the pipe level.
  • Further, the finishing floor covering is stacked. Any suitable for use in the heated floors.

These are all the basic layers that need to be put when you do a water warm floor with your own hands.

Pipes for a warm floor and laying scheme

The main element of the system is the pipe. Most often polymer - from stitched polyethylene or metal-plastic. They are well bent, have a long service life. The only obvious drawback is not too high thermal conductivity. This minus has no recently corrugated stainless steel pipes. They are better, it is not more expensive, but because of a small fame, it is rarely used.

The diameter of the pipes for the warm floor depends on the material, but usually it is 16-20 mm. They are stacked in several schemes. The most common - spiral and snake, there are several modifications that take into account some features of the premises.

Laying the snake is the most simple, but passing through the pipes the coolant gradually cools up and the end of the contour reaches the much colder, which was at first. Therefore, the zone where the coolant comes will be warm. This feature is used - the laying starts from the coldest zone - along the outer walls or under the window.

This lack is almost deprived of a double snake and a spiral, but they are more difficult in laying - it is necessary to draw a scheme on paper in order not to get confused when laying.


It can be used to fill the water warm floor. An ordinary cement-sandy solution based on portland cement. Portland cement brand should be high - M-400, and better M-500. - not lower than M-350.

But ordinary "wet" ties are typing their design strength for at least 28 days. All this time, turn on the warm floor is impossible: cracks will go, which can even break the pipes. Therefore, it is increasingly used by the so-called semiflue ties - with additives that increase the plasticity of the solution, significantly reducing the amount of water and time to "aging". They can be added independently or seek dry mixes with the corresponding properties. They are more expensive, but the carrots are less: according to the instructions add the required amount of water and stirred.

Water warm floor do it yourself actually, but it will take a decent period of time and considerable means.

Standard heating schemes with the use of traditional radiators for many years were considered the only possible and most convenient source of heat. The appearance on the market of heat-resistant and durable plastic pipes made it possible to create warm water floors in the heating circuits, which first played the role of an additional heat source. It is not known who the first one decided to radically modernize the heating system and the created warm floor of water with their own hands make the main heating of the dwelling. But in our time this method of heating is very popular.

To the question - where to start, how to make a water warm floor with your own hands, the answer is unequivocal. You need to start with thermal calculations and creating a detailed laying scheme of pipelines to use the system as the main heating. Initially, the calculations of thermal losses of the premises and the required power of water heating of the floors are carried out. In the absence of experience and knowledge, it is strongly recommended to entrust this difficult work to professionals in order to avoid disappointments and significant material losses in the future.

For thermal calculations, you can apply specialized computer programs or use the calculator calculating the warm water floor.
The practice of using warm floors, the received statistical data and experience allowed to systematize recommendations - how to make warm floors from water heating in the house.

Making thermal calculations, it is necessary to take into account first:

Having baseline data can be easily drawn with a common scheme, which is noted the main highways and the location of the collector node. A special (three-way or two-way) valve is usually set to the collector for warm water floors) for adjusting the temperature of the coolant by mixing. The contours have a significant extent (up to 80 meters), so the system is supplied. For large areas of premises, you should not simplify the system, it is better to make several heating circuits with long pipelines for no more than 100 meters.

Designers and heating specialists provide a number of recommendations, in particular, before making water warm floor itself, you need to comply with certain rules for the installation of the contour as the main method of housing heating.

The essence of these rules is as follows:

These recommendations need to be accurately carried out and take into account when creating a sketch project, which on a sheet of paper will reflect the device of water warm floor with their own hands and prevents possible errors when installing the circuit.

The main elements of the heating system "Warm floors"

The housing heating system in which water warm floors are the basis, works on a simple principle. Under the floor are stacked through which a hot heat carrier moves through the circulator from the distribution manifold. He gives his warm floor, which evenly heats the room. It should be noted that the interior of the room changes beyond recognition, because there are no heating batteries, reversal pipes and filing, which allows you to create unusual design solutions for housing arrangement.

The main elements of the system and what is needed for warm water floors in the house:

Requirements for the main elements of the heating system "Warm floors"

As for any heating scheme, the main element on which the efficiency depends, and the reliability of the heating system is the boiler heating water or another heat carrier in the system. Another element that is necessary for such a heating system is assembled, installed and connected. The third element for the creation of a warm floor - pipes for connecting and laying the heating contours.

Properties of the main elements of this method of heating Read more:

Laying water floors indoors

In the practice of installing warm floors systems, two main methods of laying circuits of heating - concreting and the floor laying method are used. But before starting the laying of the contour, you need to make some preparatory work. The efficiency of heating will largely depend on their correct conduct.

Works requiring increased attention when preparing for installation:

Creating a warm floor with concreting

Before you do, i.e, start laying the pipes and create a heating circuit, you need to install a collector to the place that was defined when creating a project. Then the installation of a damper tape is made to compensate for the temperature fluctuations of the screed. Pipes or to the reinforcement grid or to special heat insulation for warm floors, in which there are grooves and fastenings for the contour pipes.

Laying is made in several ways: snake, loops, spiral or laying type "snail". These are the main mounting schemes of warm water floors in an apartment or in a private house. Stacking step for different regions and external conditions is different, from 10 to 40 centimeters. The distance from the wall of the room to the nearest contour pipe is at least 8 centimeters.

After careful and neat styling, tests are needed during the day of the mounted circuit. A water under pressure is supplied in the circuit 5 - 6 bar and it remains under pressure at least 24 hours. Then everything is carefully and carefully checked for defects or leaks. Only after a successful test of the circuit begins the fill of the warm water floor with their own hands, and with filled with water pipes under working pressure. In no case cannot be dried by a concrete screed heating from the heating boiler due to possible cracking. The screed must harden in vivo in 28 days.

The thickness of the concrete layer above the contour puffed pipes depends on the type of floor coating applied.

If warm water floors are planned under the tile with their own hands, then in this case the thickness of the screed must be from 3 to 5 centimeters, and the distance between the contour pipes from 10 to 40 centimeters. In the same case, if laminate for warm water floor is applied, the screed thickness to a reasonable minimum should be reduced, and for the strength on top of the contour pipes to lay the reinforcing grid. The grid will give rigidity, will strengthen the design and reduce the thermal resistance of the screed.

File laying of pipes

If there is wooden floors in the house, the warm water flooring is produced by the so-called oven. This method involves laying pipes into a specially prepared flooring.

There are many plastic modules with seating plates and fasteners under pipes already prepared in them.

Tree blocks with longitudinal channels and fasteners are available. In this case, the laying method to reduce heat losses on the prepared base is set to a special substrate under a warm water floor, which has high waterproofing and thermal insulation properties.

Soviets and recommendations, even step-by-step instructions for creating warm water floors with their own hands on the Internet. This topic is popular, despite the presence of other warm floors, and the ceilings - infrared and electrical (laying a special cable in the screed). Price per square meter of warm water floor among all existing smallest. But it should be borne in mind that this is a very difficult and responsible work requiring knowledge, skills and skills.

In recent years, warm floors are simply unprecedented demand. It is associated with such an increase in demand for technology not only because of the peculiarities of the domestic climate (we have been cold in the country for almost six months), but also due to the unsatisfactory work of utilities (often, heat from batteries is simply not enough for a comfortable stay).

Durable and reliable, productive and inexpensive heating system in the form of a warm floor will help to warm up any room, eliminating the need for additional installation of individual elements and some repair work.

Warm floor and its heating connection

Today, there are extremely many variants of warm sex systems, but those who work on a liquid coolant (most often) are most popular. At the same time, "feed on" such warm floors from heating or a specially created autonomous contour.

Of course, due to some features (availability and simplicity, in particular), the option is most often used when the warm floor is connected to the centralized heating system.

The warm floor in the apartment from central heating allows you to achieve the highest productivity and heat transfer efficiency, reducing the accompanying costs almost an order of magnitude. In addition, if you come to the organization of the process with the mind, then all preparatory and installation work can be performed in the shortest possible time.

What you need to know before starting work

Before organizing a warm water field from central heating, it is necessary to take into account some nuances:

Before starting any installation work, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the water heated floor from the central heating creates an additional load on the entire system. Naturally, heat loss is rising, and therefore without coordination with specialized bodies just can not do.

Yes, and utilities can easily force the newly minted owner to establish a special consumption counter of warmth.

Installation of warm water floor: options and main stages

Instructions for warm floors connected to the central heating system implies laying all pipes in several main ways:

  • Spiral (Bifilar);
  • Spiral with a displaced center;
  • Meander (snake);
  • Laying double zigzag.

It should be noted that each existing option has its own positive and negative sides - the choice should be based only on their own preferences, as well as on the basis of some other factors. In particular, in those places where doorways, window openings and walls are located in the room, the coolant must have a higher temperature.

Council. If it is difficult to decide on the laying of a heap pipeline, it is best to choose a snake.
This is a universal version, thanks to which you can provide the most optimal heat transfer, eliminate breakdowns and other troubles.

The process of organizing the work of the modern heating system itself consists of several stages that have features of execution, which should be given considerable attention:

  1. Preparation. Do with your own hands it is necessary to clear the basis for which the pipes will be laid,
    Also, it is necessary to divide the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room on the functional areas - small areas, which will further help increase the efficiency of the process, reduce the cost of time.

At the preparation stage, there is also laying of thermal insulation materials. Due to this layer of isolation, it is possible to reduce the loss of heat, eliminate extra financial costs;

Council. When laying thermal insulation, it is necessary to smoke the edge of the materials using a special elevation ribbon. Thus, it is excluded to shift the materials when they are installed, and work is simplified.

Council. Sandobeton M-300 can be used as a solution.
Such a concrete has the most optimal combination of price and quality, and its thermal conductivity and operational characteristics allow you to obtain a more efficient and productive system of heating.

  1. Laying outdoor coating. Before installation, it is important to wait at least a pair of day - during this time, the concrete will fully acquire its qualities, "matures".
    At the same time, the choice of material for flooring can be the most diverse (and it can be seen in many photos and video of apartments with warm floors), for example, parquet, linoleum, laminate;
  2. First launch and testing of the installed warm floor. Best of all, if representatives of utility services are present on the launch - in case of any faults, it will be possible to quickly overlap the flow of the coolant in the apartment.