Repairs Design Furniture

Adjusting the seal of the balcony door. Adjusting plastic door. Features of plastic entrance doors

As a rule, metal-plastic doors have increased reliability and stability, they do not require regular adjustment, however, the annual inspection of the specialist once a year will be worth it. Therefore, even if you do not see the visible reasons for calling a wizard, once a year should be done in proper order.

Example of frontal adjustment plastic door

Most frequent malfunctions

When operating plastic doors, the following malfunctions can often occur, which deliver a lot of unpleasant sensations during operation:

The faults that are indicated above can be corrected on their own, without even resorting to the help of a specialist. This will require a small set of tools and a desire to fix the balcony door or the input group.

To adjust the metal plastic door, the hex key of 4 mm is required.

Existing options for adjusting metal plastic doors

As a rule, all manufacturers of door loops and other fittings are focused on these sizes for ease of operation.

You can independently adjust the plastic sash, subject to the following procedure:

Thus, you can answer a simple question, how to adjust the metal-plastic balcony or entrance door. The video shows how to adjust the plastic door.

Door Adjustment Information

To save yourself from saving the door, some moments should be taken into account regarding the information about the adjustment, namely:

Given all this information, you can perform the procedure for adjusting the structure independently without resorting to the help of specialists.

Work on the vertical

The most popular fault of plastic interroom and input doors is hidden in their weight and appropriate sagging, in which case it is necessary to perform correctly vertical adjustment:

Instructions for adjusting the hinge vertical

It is worth noting that for the best effect, the same procedure should be done with a balcony door, in other words, when attracting sash to the vertical rack, it is desirable to maintain the load on the loop with additional adjustment from the bottom.

If there are problems with the clamp of the door, it is impossible to get rid of such problems with vertical adjustment. To do this, turn the screws on the retaliatory bar and shift it somewhat deeper, relative to the present position.

Scheme for setting of clamping

Adjusting the clamp is performed using a screw located on the middle of the response plate with the opposite door from the door hinges. In this case, the adjustment of the door loop is optional, since it does not have direct impact on the clamp of the frame.

Plastic doors rapidly broke into the domestic market. They attracted buyers with their appearance, relatively democratic cost and a huge number of functionality. But, like any mechanism, the plastic doors may have certain failures.

The most common problems

Due to the fact that the number of possessors of plastic doors is steadily growing, respectively, there are statistics of appeals to the repair department. Thus, the following picture of the main problems is drawn:

  • Most often, customers complain that the door skelts. Especially often such cases are found in those rooms, where the door most of the day is in an open state. The lower part of the door leaf begins to raise the threshold or the floor, there are difficulties with closing. Products of small sizes are less susceptible to such an attack. Especially need to be attentive to those people who have protected alarm sensors. At the time of the door sagging, the likelihood that put an object will be impossible to put an object.

  • The second most popular defect is called creak. The door creaks at the moment when its opening occurs. This is especially cuts if there are small children in the family who can wake any noise.
  • At the door, mounted in the balcony block, may be separated by the seal. In this regard, the situation arises, especially in the winter, when the cold air freely penetrates the residential premises.
  • Cheap castleat the input groups in the cold and can rush at all. In this case, getting inside will only after the arrival of specialists. Such a situation may also occur if the mechanism of opening the handle will be in disrepair.
  • Less often arise problems with the work of the closer, blockers and several people note that with a swinging opening system of the opening arises backlash. The backlash is a free course, thanks to which the door rattling is heard.

The greater the product of the mechanisms, the higher the chance that something fails. It is not an exception and the door from the metalplastic.

All problems are eliminated in a few minutes with a small number of tools that exist in almost every family.

Required tools

First of all, you should make sure that the warranty period really ended. In recent years, some companies discharge the fitness guarantee for several years. Every year, it is possible to call a specialist for preventive work, if this item is in the contract. If prevention is carried out regularly, then all the problems are eliminated in a timely manner.

But if the warranty period has already approached the end, and there is no desire to contact a third-party specialist, then the crusades (or screwdriver) and hexagon keys should be prepared. In some cases, pliers and ordinary machine oil will be needed.


The main thing in the plastic door is not a profile, but its metal "filling".

Before moving to ways to solve certain problems, you should consider which accessories are available from the PVC profile. What part of the detail will have to deal with. It can be:

  • Closer.This is a device designed for smooth door running. In some rooms, thanks to him, the plastic door fits tightly to the jamb, due to this, heat in the room is preserved.
  • A pen.Depending on the design, it may be with an embedded lock or without it.

  • Lock. Most often occurs in the entrance doors of both street and office type. His main purpose is known to everyone - it is locking the door.
  • Loops. The well-known fact is that their main task is to fix the door leaf in the box. But when they are assisted, the door is opening and closing. Unlike loops in iron doors, directly loops in plastic doors are equipped with an adjusting mechanism.

  • Pins and other remaining mechanism.All this is located all over the perimeter of the door flap. The response part is located on the frame. Directly the troughs are designed to adjust the strength of the adjustment - clamping. The longest metal part of the door leaf functions with a handle. When opening or closing the knobs are given in actions all additional parts responsible for fixing or behind the plastic door.

  • Separately I would like to mention the seal. Over time, the glue can move to which it is attached, and, it means that it will need to be replaced. The seal prevents the penetration of noise and cold. Most often is made of rubber or silicone. It does not crack in the cold, not afraid of high temperatures and ultraviolet.

These were called the most visible components, but the other small steel parts are very much, together they are responsible for the coordinated operation of the plastic door.

How to adjust: Instruction

Ideally, any man should have knowledge of adjusting the door. And it does not matter what door it is about input, interroom or balcony. And even more so the principle of her work is not important, be the opening system of the usual or swivel-folding.

In some cases, the griffel from a simple pencil or under the hinge is placed a small piece of graphite under the hinge. It helps such a way if the outsider of the noise is published by the loops themselves.

But most often the problem inside the door canvase. To eliminate it will have to lubricate the loop with machine oil, it is easier to produce this operation with fully open doors. Probably does not make sense to describe in detail the procedure for applying engine oil. Anyone or lubricated them himself someday, or saw others. Even if there is no experience in this matter, everything is understandable at an intuitive level.

Of course, the installers of products from metalplastic do not go to the object with machine or any other oil. In a professional environment, the WD-40 can be used for these purposes, called in a male environment as "Wader". Any car owner is familiar with him.

In all other cases, without tools do not do, but any adult can do this work independently.

Do not postpone the repair of metal-plastic doors for the winter. It is not enough that in the winter period, some details can be broken from mechanical effort at all, and at low temperatures you can frowst the fingers, especially if it comes to the street doors. And when it comes to repair a balcony door, the result may be the same.

Adjusting plastic doors starts with a hex key. The hex key is inserted into the hole, which are either on the loop of the product, or in the top or in the central part of the door. In some structures, you can get to it after pre-removing from the canopy plastic lid. Adjustment can be both horizontal and vertical.

In the lower and upper loops there are two adjusting holes. The hardest to reach is the hole located in the corner of the lower loops. If the loops are tightly adjacent to the door jam, then it will have to be pretty much to get to it.

It makes sense to perform actions with lower loops when the door begins to touch the threshold. When turning the hex key to one of the sides, either raising or, on the contrary, lowering the door. By the way, these recommendations will fit and in cases where the sealant appears dents.

In cases where the door has already saved, a horizontal setting is suitable. Most often, this is due to the action of its own severity of metalplastic. Only this time all works must be carried out at the top of the web.

Previously, it is necessary to unscrew the screws in the upper loops, and remove the decorative plastic if it is provided by the design. After that, it is possible to detect a metal component with a screw, responsible for the possibility of adjusting the door to the left or right. When turning the hexagon clockwise or counterclockwise, the product is moved. You can align it exactly to the millimeter.

If difficulties arise with the alignment of the skew, they should relax horizontal screws and adjust them. In this case, to align the door in height will be easier, and the time spent will not exceed ten minutes.

Many remember from the school program that at high temperatures plastic expands. By the way, it certainly affects plastic doors. In particular, experts recommend to relax clamp in the summer, and in the winter, do not forget to strengthen it. This contributes to solving tasks with the appearance of drafts.

With the help of a hex key, you should tighten or, on the contrary, weaken the special mechanism - the axle. When you need to weaken - you should turn the notch on yourself, in the opposite case - on the contrary.

If the design of the plastic door does not provide for the ability to adjust the hexagon pin, then you can adjust the clamp using a pliers or a wrench. With parallel arrangement of the pin, the clamp will be weak. If you put a perpendicular position of the adhesive action will be strong.

To close the door well, it is enough to customize the operation of the mechanism. Judging by the previously outlined, tighten the hinges itself only, having a hex key and a few minutes of free time.

The breakdowns of the latch, knobs or lock are most often not eliminated. It's easier to buy a new mechanism and replace. More information about this is provided in the special section.

About how to adjust the plastic door with your own hands, you can learn from this video.

Installation scheme do it yourself

To replace the lock, the presence of a screwdriver or cross screwdriver. If you need to fix the balcony plastic door, then in such structures most often the lock is embedded in the handle, it turns out that the replacement of the handle will lead to the performance of the lock.

The handle is replaced in a few steps:

  • Move the decorative plastic. Self-tapping screws are hidden under it that fasten the handle to the door canvase.
  • Taking advantage of a screwdriver or screwdriver, unscrew the screws and take out the handle.
  • We establish a new mechanism, pre-acquired in a construction store.
  • It remains only to spin the screws and return the decorative plastic to its original position.

Castle replacement

First of all, it is necessary to figure out which type of lock is installed. To date, two options received widespread - with a latch and without. Most often, the lock with the latch is ordered in cases where there is a need to fix the door in the closed position.

Castles are two species - dispatch and multiple. Single locks, unlike multiple, have only one point of locking. As a result, the door canvas does not fit tightly to the surface. Multipurposses have much more reliable protection, because "stuck" into the door frame from three sides.

By the way, and latches, depending on the way to open the door, there are different types - either Faley or roller. Falche is used when opening the door by pressing the handle, and the roller, when the handle in the open position stretches on itself.

But back to the replacement of the castle. Initially, it should be removed a metal plate that protects the product from unauthorized intervention. If a certain detail was out of order, for example, a lock cylinder, then it is replaced. Replacing other details, of course, do not need. In more launched cases, a similar procedure will be required as with the replacement of the handle described above.

Rally rarely fail. Their design, made of metal alloys, is so reliable that it serves, not knowing the repair, for several decades. It may be necessary only if the defective product initially came out from the plant. Or, if the weight of the door canvase does not correspond to the characteristics.

Absolutely no matter, replace the hinge on a wooden door or loop on plastic. The procedure may differ only in detail. Metalplastic first needs to remove decorative caps. They play not only aesthetic role, but also protect the metal from moisture.

  • Knock out the axial mechanism. To do this, take a hammer or a painting. This work is done very carefully, the door must be ajar.
  • After the appearance of a small metal part, it should be captured by pliers (or use passatasi) and pull down.
  • Tilting the door to himself and slightly lifting it (literally to the height of the pin), remove it from the loops.
  • We unscrew the old loops and, using the instructions, install new ones.

It remains only to return the door to the usual state. It is advisable to produce this operation together, remember that the plastic door weighs a lot.

It is easy and the process of replacing overhead closers. An old mechanism is removed and its exact copy is set. Initially, the box is mounted, and after - lever. By connecting the housing with the lever, you can start adjusting the closer. Relaxing or, on the contrary, spinning screws located in the end of the housing. Thus, the closing speed and presser is regulated. Outdoor and hidden closers today have not been widely used, so it does not make sense in more detail.

If the plastic door seal is replaced, then before shipping to the construction store it will be useful to remove the old with a flat screwdriver. The seal holds on the glue in the appropriate groove, so difficulties should not occur.

Having a sample on the hands, you can be guaranteed to purchase the desired option. It will only be left to clean the surface from the excess glue, apply a new layer along the entire length and fix the seal. At the same time, it should not be saved and stretched.

Out of door leaf

It would seem that people were lucky, some ordered the installation of plastic doors a few years ago, the other became the happy owners of new square meters, where metalplastic doors were already installed. But years of passing, a desire to make not cosmetic, and overhaul of one of the rooms appears. And at this very moment awareness appears that it would not be superfluous to outweigh the door on the one hand to another. Quite often, this problem concerns the door for the balcony.

This procedure begins with the removal of the handles and the door leaf with the loops.

This procedure has been described earlier, so immediately go to the following points:

  • Remove the remaining accessories from the door canvase, including the downstream hinges. To do this, use screwdrivers or screwdriver. There should be no particular difficulties. The main thing is to remember that the details shot are best lay out the same way as they have been installed. And it is especially important not to break plastic locksters, otherwise they will have to arrive.

It is useful to know that the fittings will differ depending on the manufacturer, and each manufacturer has various series.

  • Almost all the details are symmetrical, it follows from this that their mirror permutation is possible. In addition to the detail, which is called scissors on the frame, it will have to buy it. It is installed in the top of the door. Maybe either left or right. Its purpose is to fold the plastic product.
  • After all the fittings are removed, we rearrange it a mirror in the same way. The main thing is to correct the position of the lower loops. At the same time, do not forget about the handle, which also will change its location.
  • To drive the hole for the handle, you will need multi-tools with a special nozzle. With it, you can cut a neat rectangular hole, without damaging the remaining part of the door canvase. The replacement of the multi-instrument may be an ordinary chisel, but the processing of plastic will take more time.
  • For proper compatibility of fittings, it is necessary to set the trough strictly in the center. It save and time, and nerves. You should use instructions and schemes from the manufacturer of accessories.

  • The connection of scissors on the frame with scissors on the sash is possible due to the polls that are inserted into the guides. The second locking mechanism is special holes that are superimposed on the plastic sleeve.
  • With a rotary-folding system of opening the door there is a mechanism responsible for blocking. By changing the position of the tongue, it becomes possible to install it when you outweigh the door.
  • When the door canvas is ready, you should transfer accessories and on the door frame. Observing the position of the details up to a millimeter, otherwise nothing will work.
  • The bar, which is responsible for keeping the door with a swivel-folding system, can be symmetric and asymmetric. Symmetric bar is suitable for the right and left location. When transferring it, you should carefully examine the item.

  • Alignment of the plastic door is possible using a hex key. This procedure is discussed in more detail in previous sections.
  • Formed on the site of the former arrangement of the opening handle, you can reap the special plastic insert, which is called the socket.
  • And the holes from the loops should be smeared with white liquid nails or pour liquid plastic.

This process will take a certain amount of time.The easiest way to translate the door with the usual opening system, because many parts that are provided in the design of the door canvase during the swivel-folding system, in which case are absent.

Mirror outweighage of the balcony block

Although quite quite, people are rarely resorted to the extension of the door canvase, but still such examples are found. By analogy, the mirror location of the balcony block is altered. But remember that this may need permission because the part of the wall is to dismantle, which is located under the window.

Remove the plastic door with the loops and window designs using the previously described method. Using an ordinary screwdriver, carefully remove the slopes, corners and the door frame that keeps on the mounting foam.

Having permission in the hands, we remove part of the wall. The brickwork is easiest to be removed, with a reinforced concrete slab will have to tinker a little. As a result, it should be rectangular opening.

Since the broken part of the wall of small sizes, it is advisable to use bricks to build a new part. After performing all the measurements in advance, we obtain an absolutely equal symmetric version of the balcony block. The impost is the plastic part of the door frame, reminds the designer and is transferred to two accounts.

It will only be left to the door and paste the window. The procedure for action is already familiar. After that, we return the slopes and corners to the previous place, and with the help of the sealant and the pure cloth smear the slit.

The described transformations may seem very complex to someone. Yes, and such a need arises far from everyone. But to equip the door canvas with the mechanism of the swivel-fold opening wishes a huge number of people.

Modernization of the doorstone

Most of the year lasts the heating season, and it is quite natural that in the period of spring thaws there is a desire to ventilating the room. Most often, the door design allows only to open it only to the ladder or leaving the door slightly ajar. In this case, the cold air enters the room evenly, including at the bottom. Otherwise, things are dealing while opening the door in the swivel-folding system. It opens only in the top and cold air remains in the upper layers.

To change the design of the opening, the metal plastic will have to take off again the door with the loops. Having studied the top of the fittings or documents on the product, you can go to the construction store. It is enough to know the size of the fitness groove or the name of the fittings itself. Consultants without any problems will be offered the desired option.

Taking advantage of the screwdriver, remove the top elements of the fittings from the door, which we will no longer need. Starting with the upper loops and extension cords.

Having understood with the sash, go to the frame, where it is necessary to dismantle the middle clamp and the upper loop. Instead of an old loop, a new specially intended for a rotary-folding opening system is attached.

On the sash, the average constipation should be installed and the cladding part of the scissors. You should periodically access the schemes and instructions that are equipped with accessories. Even specialists often look at them, there is nothing reprehensible in this: because the mechanism is quite complex.

The next step will be the installation of scissors on the frame and the opposite part at the bottom of the door box. Depending on the height of the plastic door, additional response planks are installed. This completes the installation of the system, only its adjustment will remain with the hex key.

In conclusion I would like to note that the plastic door begins with the measurement. If the measurer made the right dimensions, and the plant did not have a marriage, and the installers performed their work qualitatively, then she will serve faithfully for more than a dozen years. Of course, with proper operation. But if someday any item still fails, replacing it or raise the storing door will not be much difficult.

Before adjusting the plastic balcony door, you should get acquainted with useful recommendations. They will enable a positive result.

Before adjusting the glazing balcony door, it is necessary to establish the cause of the fault. There may be the following options:

  • The bottom end of the sash hurts the threshold. This means that I asked the balcony plastic door under its own weight. The design has an impressive mass, so as a result of constant physical impact, accessories (especially loops) begins to deform.
  • Fold scars in the middle of the frame. Most often it is associated with lateral displacement. It can be caused by temperature or physical deformation.
  • The balcony door is poorly closed, and the slots appear. This is due to bad fixation of the sash with the seal.
  • The handle is walking and badly "sits" in the grooves. In this case, the problem is solved by adjustment.

To adjust the clamping of the plastic balcony door, it is necessary as less as possible, you must adhere to some sensitive recommendations from specialists.

  • Before buying special attention to choose the choice of fittings. Its technical characteristics must fully fit the weight of the structure.

Tip: The lion's share of modern mechanisms is designed for a mass of 100-120 kg and this is sufficient in most cases. However, if you have a particularly heavy design (for example, 3-4 chamber windows, then more powerful models should be purchased).

  1. Use the savings compensator (it is also called microlift). This is a small and cheap mechanism that will prevent the sewn savings under their own weight. Its use is justified fully.
  2. Adjusting the Balcony Glass Balloker from PVC will be required much less likely if you use the opening limiter.
  3. When operating, avoid sharp movements or applications too strong effort. Often, problems with the mechanisms arise precisely because of not too careful use.

Instructions for proper configuration

In order to adjust the balcony door, you will need a set of hexagons. So, consider various options for setting.

Eliminating the problems with the handle

In most cases, the problem is alone - the knob itself is loosened in the grooves. It is very simple to fix it and for this you need a standard cross screwdriver. Make the following:

  1. Pick up a plastic lining with something sharp, for example, a knife.
  2. Rotate it clockwise 90 degrees.
  3. Spin the available bolts until you stop, but not too much.
  4. Put the lining in place.

If this procedure does not help, the backlash remains, most likely, the handle is defective and its replacement is required. To do this, it is enough to unscrew the bolts and pull out the handle and insert a new one.

Fight a bad clamp

To check whether the setup is required or not, you can conduct an easy procedure:

  • Place the paper sheet on the frame of the open flap.
  • We close it and try to launch a sheet.
  • Such a procedure is carried out throughout the perimeter.
  • If he pulls out with great difficulty, everything is in order. Otherwise, it will be necessary to adjust the balcony door to the presser about what and talk further.

So, the sequence of actions looks like:

  1. We inspect the general condition of the design (we pay special attention to the seal).
  2. You also need to make sure that the handle closes to the end.
  3. If there are problems with the door of the door, they can be eliminated by adjusting the screws in the hinges (in most cases 3).
  4. Open the manner, unscrew the screws and remove it from the loops.
  5. As a result, we will see a long screw, located horizontally. It must be twisted and return the design to the place.
  6. If the operation did not help, we produce the twisting of the eccentrics - these are mechanisms located on the end of the sash. They are responsible for the level of her clips. Usually they have the shape of the hexagon.

Correctly eliminate savings

If the adjustment of the balcony plastic door is necessary due to its sagging, it will be necessary to produce the following manipulations:

  • Open the sash.

Please note: some fitness models will require the "asterisk" key.

  • With the help of a 4 mm hexagon, we turn the screw in the door of the door (usually it is located next to the top loop). We make several revolutions clockwise.
  • Return the sash to the place (close).
  • Remove plastic lining from the lower loops. This will allow you to get to the adjusting screws.
  • We twist the screw located on top. As a result, we ride our sash, giving her the right position.
  • Carefully check the course. If problems are still observed, we repeat the operation until they are eradicated.

To ensure the most comfortable operation, we recommend regularly lubricating loops and other moving elements. For this, the WD-40 universal means is perfect.

We solve the problem with hiding in the middle of the frame

This malfunction is eliminated much easier. Our task is to shift the sash closer to hinges. This is done as follows:

  • We assign the shutter to the bottom loop. To do this, we twist the side adjustment screw. As a result, she must take.
  • We repeat the procedure for the upper loop.

In most cases, these manipulations are sufficient. If they did not allow to get rid of the problem, most likely, the replacement of fittings is necessary.


For the winter you need not only to warm the windows and walls, but also think about the doors, whether they are input or even just balcony. The article contains instructions, as without a wizard, determine the problems of the plastic design and independently perform the desired adjustment.

Main problems of balcony doors and their causes

As soon as experts set the door from plastic, they immediately regulate it. To make sure the masters did their job on conscience, pay attention to such moments:

  1. The door frame is tight pressed to the box in all places.
  2. The door opens without effort and also closes. If it creaks - it means, the work is made poorly.
  3. The design is not shifted vertically. You can check it with a building level.
  4. Door does not sag. Check it will help an easy test. Taking a pencil, circle a closed cloth over the entire area, and then compare the resulting lines with the frame. If they are parallel - the setup works were carried out qualitatively.
  5. If the door open by half remains still - it means that it is adjusted correctly.

Attention! Make sure that during this check in the room there was no draft, from which even a well-established door closes by itself.

Over time, the design is wearing, and then you need to make additional correction. Most often it is required in such cases:

  1. A part of the bottom of the novel hurt the threshold - a sign that the door has saved under its weight. The main mass is accounted for on the glass, so if it is double, then the loops become more weak, and the sash - shifts.
  2. Door handle coats. It is easier to eliminate this problem. Rotate the punch with the knob and twist the screws using a screwdriver.
  3. The sash hurts the frame in the center - this suggests that its lateral side is shifted. This sometimes happens because of frequent temperature differences. Especially the influence of weather conditions are subject to doors that lead to a not glazed balcony.
  4. Weakened door door.

Council. If the door requires additional regulation, contact the firm that was engaged in installing the door. Independently work only if the warranty period has expired on a plastic design.

How to diagnose a weak clamping density

As required, such signs are evidenced by:

  • The canvas is pressed against the frame is not very carefully. It feels that air goes from under the sealer.
  • The door closes tight enough, you need to apply more effort than usual.

Attention! If you do not eliminate this defect, then the in the winter will walk drafts.

To determine the need for regulation will help such an experiment:

  1. Take a paper sheet.
  2. Place it between the frame and the door box.
  3. Close the door tightly.
  4. Pull the sheet per edge, remembering, whether it is easy with you.
  5. Repeat the procedure at all construction sites.
If every time you have to apply approximately the same effort - it means everything is in order. If it was more difficult to pull out the paper somewhere, and somewhere - easier, take up by setting up.

Council. For self-establishment of a plastic door mechanism, we pour into several types of screwdriver, the keys of different diameters with 6th edges, pliers and a set of pads.

Adjustment Instructions

  1. Correct the door fit density by rotating the key and pliers special details - eccentrics. They are located in the end of the canvas, usually in 3 places: at the top, in the center and below. You can see how these parts of the mechanism on the video or photo look like.
  2. Rotate the little one eccentric, checking how much the clamp has changed. So you will pick up the optimal option and adjust the density, but only in the area of \u200b\u200bthe door handle.
  3. To ensure complete tightness of the plastic structure, make the setup and the loops. For this and at the top, and at the bottom turn each third adjusting screw. It is convenient to use a hexagon key for this purpose.

Council. Engage in adjusting the clamp twice a year, making it in the summer and for the winter. When it is cold on the street, make the fit density is stronger, and at warm time weaken it. Leave "Winter" setting for the summer is not recommended, since the seal, and the mechanism of the door block is much faster.

Door adjustment if it saves

To eliminate this defect, you can not remove the door leaf with the loops:

  1. Opening the doors, find the screw on the top canopy, which opens with a hex key or a special - "asterisk" (depends on the model of the plastic structure itself).
  2. Turn the screw to a couple of revolutions to the right.
  3. If the sash still hits the threshold, remove the protective cap from the bottom loop.
  4. Find the adjusting screw and also turn to the right.

If the door hits the frame in the middle, follow these steps:

  1. Turn the lower screw to the regulation, which is located on the side, from the inside. Enough 2-3 turnover. So you move the sash to the loop.
  2. If the door is badly closed, repeat the procedure, but already on the top canopy.

Horizontal adjustment. Step by step description

Sometimes there is a need to adjust the position of the door, for example, to shift it slightly to the right or left. For this:

  1. Open the door and unscrew the screws from the upper canopies. Use a screwdriver with 6 faces.
  2. By closing the door, remove the lining, which are hidden screws for debugging the mechanism.
  3. Twink them: in the upper loop is stronger, in the bottom - just weaker. So you will not allow the skew of the design.
  4. If you need to evenly move the door to the canopies or, on the contrary, from them, remove the lining from the bottom loop.
  5. Tighten it and loosen all the screws that are located in the canopy horizontally.

Attention! Turning the screws clockwise, you will shift the door to the hinges, making rotation counterclockwise, slightly move the web in the opposite direction. So you can adjust the design of the design within 2 mm.

Vertical adjustment. Instrupture

If the door needs to be slightly omitted or lift - make a vertical debugging of the mechanism.

  1. Find the screw to regulate at the bottom of the end of the carport. It is located along the loop axis. Sometimes a screw is hidden by a stub that needs to be removed.
  2. Rotate the adjusting screw to the right if the door must be lifted, and left - if you lower. To do this, the hex screwdriver is suitable again, and the height of the lifting height is also possible up to 2 mm.

Council. To engage in adjusting the door I had to do not so often, set it the opening and microlift limiter, which supports the web when it is closed, and does not allow sagging.

Adjusting the balcony door: video

Sections Articles:

Adjusting plastic doors is a process that is designed to eliminate all sorts of problems that appeared during the use of the design. It doesn't matter how the door is the door and its components, the items break always, the more frequently used.

Most often requires the setting of doors, for the reason that the loops can weaken and fall out. As a result, the door stands unevenly, and draft ships blows from the opened slots. The root cause of the breakdown is to wear individual parts, but their quality play a considerable role. That is why it is not necessary to save on the quality so that in the future I did not have to think about adjusting the plastic door.

If you have problems with a plastic door, but you don't want to refer to the masters, you can fix the breakdown yourself. But for this you need to prepare and find out the answers to the following questions:

  • In the same place the doors are details for adjustment;
  • What problems can arise at all with plastic doors and how to solve them;
  • How exactly the adjustment of the plastic door.

What is responsible for adjustment

To configure the door, you will need a hexagon with a diameter of a 4 millimeter (most often), sometimes there will be no clients.

The first adjustment knot can be found on the bottom door loop, scrolling it with a hexagon you can lift or lower the door, depending on the direction of the twist.

Required tool.

Here you can find a node that shifts the bottom of the door to the right or left. Sometimes adjusting screws are honeclined by protective caps that are easy to find and remove. To move to the left or right, the top of the door must be twisted the screw, located at the top loop.

The pressure power of the door to the door box is regulated by the eccentrics, which can be found throughout the body of the door. Twist them, it is possible to achieve accurate adjustment of plastic doors and their tightness, by changing the clips in separate areas. In the doorway with a swivel-folding principle of work there is a way to adjust the clips of the entire top. To do this, scroll the screw located at the top of the door.

It is not easy to get to this screw, you need to put the door immediately and in the ventilation mode and in the "Naraspa" mode. From such a opening protects the built-in mechanism that can be circumvented. Just open the door, align the plate, which is located at the door of the door at the handle (parallel to the seal rubber) and rotate the door handle to the ventilation mode. This is a rather complicated procedure, so in order to know exactly how to adjust the plastic door in this mode, we advise you to get acquainted with the video.

Methods for adjustment with different problems

To correct the flaws, you need to know which screw for what is responsible, and under what problems to turn it.

This is due to the complexity of the design of the door and the abundance of all sorts of screws, the incorrect twist of which can lead to a complete disorder of the mechanism.

On request, the adjustment of plastic doors can be found many videos from professional masters, which will help in work.


Over time, the input protection saves under its own weight, and due to the fact that is mounted in the air. This is one of the most common problems and at the same time unpleasant, since in this case the lower profile is running about the frame, and in case of complex cases, the door becomes not easy to close. In this case, we will definitely have to take care of the adjustment of the plastic door until the position was aggravated.

Skot and sagging doors.

To fix this problem, you need to raise the door up. This can be done using a special opening in the middle of the bottom loop. By inserting and tugging the hexagon clockwise, we raise the door higher. If you need to lower the door, you will have to twist counterclockwise.

In the case when the frame is tiled only by the opposite door from the loop, the horizontal regulation of the upper loop will help. By inserting the tool into the hole and turn clockwise, we draw the upper door of the door closer to the frame.

Adjusting the upper loop.

Adjusting plastic doors from sagging can be carried out and independently, but instructions from the manufacturer are required for the purpose of destination of all screws and connectors.


If, when you close the opening, the door turns about the box, you need to know how to adjust the mechanism, shifting plastic doors to the left or right. First we take the lower part by scrolling the hex key in the slot in the bottom loop, and then we do the same trick from the top.

Bad presser

If there is a drafts from your door, then most likely we will slightly press the door to the box. This is corrected by adjusting the plastic door, namely, the eccentrics. The mechanism of their work is that when closing the eccentric climbs behind the clamping plate.

Eccentric plastic doors.

From this it follows that it is necessary to check each of the connectors to be checked completely equally equally. It is not necessary to believe that the stronger the twist - the more reliably the clamp, with an extremal fit, the sealer can disappear and stop performing its work. Masters recommend weakening clamping in the summer to give a sealing gum a little freedom and provide a small additional ventilation in the house.

Complex closure

Another common problem of plastic doors is to close them, it is necessary to apply force. Most often, power is required to apply when turning the handle.

Such symptoms indicate winter mode of eccentrics, and to facilitate closing you need to weaken the screws.

Before adjusting plastic doors, you need to view a learning video to know the required tightening level.

Another reason for the difficult closure can be a door mechanism zoom. In easy cases you can do with complete lubrication, in difficult situations you will have to disassemble the door and clean the system.

If the door is used for quite a long time, the handle can break. To correct this problem, turn the top plate of the handle base, and tighten the bolts under it.

Adjusting the doors from the GreenEQ loop

If the door has a lot of weight (more than 40 kg) and is often used, it is in most cases equipped with loops of the GreenEQ type. Adjusting plastic doors, and especially independently, it may become a problem, so before starting work it is recommended to view the video of the process. You can regulate in three planes:

  • Vertical;
  • Horizontal;
  • Click to the box.

To access the hinges, it is necessary to remove plastic protection from them, which is quite easy to do. To raise or lowering such a door, insert the hexagon into the connector located at the bottom of the loop and tapping into one of the sides adjust. Remember that the adjustment of plastic doors begins with the bottom loop, and then the average and the top can be adjusted below it, which can be made independently.

To shift the doors to the left-right, you should screw or unscrew the screw located in each loop under the decorative disguise.

Insert the hex key from the end from the end of the hinge, and change the position of each of them in a circle. Now you know how to properly adjust the plastic doors mixed or weakened, using your own hands.

So, the adjustment of the doors from PVC is a simple process, but requiring care and perseverance when implementing with your own hands. Now you know how to adjust the plastic door, without causing specialists to the house.