Repairs Design Furniture

What floor is better than linoleum or laminate. Laminate against linoleum: who will win. Pleasant laminate or practical linoleum: what to choose

Before making the repair of the room, the floor covering in particular always the choice between the two coating options. Laminate or linoleum, which is better, cheaper, more economically, more practical, etc.? Let's try to answer this question in our article.

The cost of these types of coatings is almost one price segment. However, the type of laminate has many more sympathetic than linoleum. Buyers often doubt the durability of the laminate.

Choose laminate or linoleum - what is better to choose. To begin with, consider the structure of both materials

The linoleum is usually prejudice. He is considered the remnant of the past, the "Sovkom", the material is much worse than laminate, it is completely not an objective attitude! If your choice fell on linoleum, do not guide your emotions, come to business with mind, there are cases that this type of cover is most successful.

Features of linoleuma

The official name of the linoleum, which we often see in the store - "PVC coverage". The present linoleum is expensive outdoor coverage. It includes linseed oil, wood flour and resin, jut tissue, limestone powder, etc. This coating is difficult to find in the usual, construction store.

Flooring in kindergartens, educational institutions, clinics, office premises is 100% PVC coating.

PVC coating - It is absolutely artificial material. The people nicknamed his linoleum, after which the factors of building materials were assigned the same name.

Nowadays, linoleum consists of six layers:

  • Pouring.
  • Foamed bottom layer.
  • Carrying layer-glass canvas.
  • Top, foamed layer.
  • Figure, decorative layer.
  • Transparent layer that protects linoleum from damage.

Compare natural real linoleum and linoleum artificial incorrectly. These two materials are absolutely different, because under linoleum, in most cases, we mean the synthetic PVC coating.

Linoleum PVC has three types:

  1. Commercial linoleum. It is the most dense, it is usually used in such premises, where there is a big attendance of people. Such linoleum can be found in schools, medical state institutions, stores, as well as in other different public places. This linoleum is conceived a special coating so that there is no slipping and accidents. Plus this coating is resistant and safe.
  2. Household linoleum. Use it exclusively in residential premises. This material is not as reliable and durable as a commercial lineleum. But this linoleum has advocacy, you can not restrain my imagination with him! What color is not presented in stores - bright colors, a riot of color, an imitation of parquet, boards, bricks, tiles and others.
  3. Semi-commercial linoleum. It is something average, between domestic and commercial. Semi-commercial linoleum has an average strength, service life. It can be used everywhere: both at home (apartment) and in other various commercial public buildings. Semi-commercial linoleum is not suitable for warehouse, factory workshops.

The main advantages of linoleumum

  1. Low price segment, availability for any buyer.
  2. Big palette of colors, shades, drawings. You can choose a linoleum for any interior.
  3. To lay linoleum, you do not need to be a specialist. If you have strong hands, you can easily cope with yourself.
  4. The floors that are covered with linoleum are rarely cold. This material has low thermal conductivity.
  5. Linoleum does not deteriorate, it is made of synthetic materials.
  6. You will not disturb the noise from the heels - such floors provide not greater noise insulation. Therefore, in this case, the linoleum is better than laminate.
  7. Linoleum often has a coating against slip.
  8. Even if your linoleum did not apply anti-slip, it is very difficult to fall on it, it is not slippery.
  9. Linoleum service life is huge! Only imagine the Linoleum laying, you can not think about the state of the floor the next 25-60 years.

Disadvantages of PVC coverage (linoleum)

  1. Today it is very fashionable to use eco-friendly materials, but Linoleum is not so.
  2. Inferior to the beauty of the floor from the tree.
  3. Linoleum is under the severity of furniture. Your sofa is guaranteed will leave dents, and it is not very convenient if you think about the permutation
  4. Not expensive linoleum is rarely resistant to changing temperatures. At high, it is deformed, and with low crackle.
  5. Often, linoleum looks cheap. But today, the manufacturer offers us interesting drawings - imitation of any floor, whether it is wooden or tile.
  6. Linoleum is easy to cut through and scratch. If domestic animals live in your home, they will definitely leave their traces on the floor.

If you choose a high-quality, modern linoleum, then it will not differ at all from the laminate. Most people have all the negative attitude towards the linoleum "in the head", and nothing is not reasonable. Try various options for using linoleum in your home, believe me, your attitude to radically change, in good direction.

Features of using laminate

Laminate is often called parquet, but this is a delusion. Parquet is a material from a natural tree, but the laminate is a multi-layered, artificial material. (About laying laminate with their own hands)

The structure of the laminate consists of:

  1. Substrate. It protects the laminate from possible deformations, gives material stiffness.
  2. The main layer HDF. It is in it that the castle is cut out, which will fasten the boards among themselves.
  3. Decorative paper that gives laminate color.
  4. The upper polymer layer (acrylic, melamine resin), which coating protects against external, mechanical effects. This layer may be not alone. In this case, the quality of the floor will rise.

Laminate has different classes of wear resistance. And already depending on the class of wear resistance of the laminate, you can select a laminate for a certain room, be it a living or public.

The household class of laminate has number 21, 22, 23. Commercial - 31, 32, 33. The difference in them is the degree of load that can withstand the coating.

Laminate 21 grade is chosen, as a rule, for the bedroom, the 22nd classes are usually placed in a children's room or a living room, grade 23 for an entrance hall and kitchen. In the office, use the 32nd class, the 31 class will be appropriate in the conference. Laminate 33 class, which is designed for the largest loads, can be used in the store, cafe, gym.

Unfortunately, in Russia, the production of laminate 21, 22, 23 classes is not established. Because of this, the nuance has to acquire this coating at times more expensive.
But in Europe, laminate is used to decorate cheap hotels, and offices that are leased.

At home, due to the coating resistance, it will be appropriate to use laminate in the hallway. For the kitchen there is a special laminate. It has moisture-resistant properties, special impregnation is applied on top.

If you do not know that it is better to laminate or linoleum in terms of the choice of pattern and colors, then you should know - in the design solutions, the laminate is not inferior to the linoleum. It is manufactured with the imitation of a variety of materials and wood breeds. The top layer of laminate is matte, glossy, or structural.

Advantages of Laminate

  1. This building material has no high price compared to parquet.
  2. With the help of laminate, you can very successfully portray the wooden floor.
  3. Modern laminate can not be glued, it is placed by the "castle" method.

Cons and shortcomings of laminate

  1. If your room is wet, and you did not use moisture-proof laminate, then the floor will last relatively not long. Maximum, 5 years. Therefore, the laminate is better not to use in wet premises, it will be several times worse than linoleum.
  2. Laminate is inferior to a natural tree.
  3. If a heavy item falls on your floor from the laminate, it is possible that damage will remain.
  4. If you often wash the laminate, then it will remain not beautiful white spots.
  5. When dust and water fall into the seams between the masonry, the edge of the laminate is spoiled. The floor begins to creak.
  6. If you are flooded with neighbors, most likely the laminate will have to change. He is afraid of moisture! Therefore, in this case, the linoleum is better than laminate.
  7. An unexpected fact about laminate - this material attracts dust due to its staticness. Sometimes, he can even hit the current! There are special antistatic agents that do not solve this problem.

As you have time to notice, disadvantages and advantages have both types of flooring.

What do they unite them?

Laminate and Linoleum

  1. Available at the price.
  2. Both are not inferior to each other in beauty.
  3. Both do not have flavor properties.
  4. Both are not eco-friendly materials.
  5. Both coatings from the cheap segment of materials are not prestigious.
  6. Relatively stable.
  7. Easy mounted, do not require professional skills.

Differences of materials

  • The washing up. Of particular hassle, these types of coating will not bring. Linoleum is not whimsical. This building material is not afraid of moisture, it is possible to wash with water, it will not lose the same species. It will endure the linoleum and the test of household chemicals. Laminate should be washed carefully, well pressed with a rag. It is important not to use the means that the alkali is included. If there are spots from markers, varnish or lipstick on the laminate, use acetone, or another, soft solvent. (Read also - than)
  • Material service life. Linoleum clearly wins. Its term of use is minimum several times more, as a rule, linoleum is durable than laminate. This material, which can be bolded to name "bed and forgotten."
  • Fire hazard. Both material combustible, as they are made of synthetic (chemical) materials. True, linoleum is a little more fire hazardous than laminate.
  • Resistance to shoes on heels, claws and teeth of animals. Laminate is more stable, dents and defects remain on the linoleum. Scratches on the laminate, if desired, you can disguise with wax, special pencils.
  • If your apartment is flooded with neighbors on top. Laminate will have to change, linoleum should only wipe with a dry cloth.
  • The convenience of delivering material to the apartment. To put the linoleum roll in the apartment, you will need movers. Laminate can be delivered independently, put it in an apartment not in large parts.
  • The number of chemical elements in the material. Laminate is more ecological, linoleum may even cause an allergic reaction.
  • Noise isolation. Linoleum wins unambiguously in this fight!
  • To the touch. Linoleum is warm and quite pleasant to the touch. In the cold room, the laminate will seem even colder.
  • Price.
  • If your budget is limited, then this aspect will be decisive for you. Household linoleum is presented in a price store from 300 rubles. per square. Meter, commercial and semi-commercial options are not much more expensive - from 350 to 350 rubles per square meter. meter. The price of laminate is much higher. Prices start from 400 rubles per square meter.
  • Damage. Disadvantages on the surface of the linoleum will have to mask with rugs for legs or furniture. You can put a latch - but it will be stolen by joints and color. But in the laminate there is a secret - you can easily remove the spoiled section, and insert a new one.
  • In the nursery. Laminate in the nursery looks beautiful, but if you have little children, then not avoid financial and mental losses! Make a choice in favor of linoleum - kids leave the puddle, spill water, the laminate is deformed.

The conclusion is obvious - Linoleum wins in its characteristics.

How to choose a floor coating for a specific room

In the bedroom, living room and lobby is better to put laminate. It is less toxic and more stylish. His relief is pleasant for the legs.

The kitchen is better to lay a linoleum if there is no plans to change the floor every 3 - 5 years. However, this is a matter of taste and your financial opportunities.

For office as well, it is best to choose a linoleum. Laminate quickly loses the look and starts to creak if you choose it for the passing room. Each entrepreneur knows that a beautiful office is a company image. Laminate is very noisy, and the heel knock can distract employees from work, reducing company performance. For example, in American offices, carpet is often used for sex. In our country, it is practically not possible (because of the dirty streets).

Paul on the balcony - what to choose?

If you need to make the floor on the balcony or loggia, and you have a dilemma, better linoleum or laminate, then choose the first option. Laminate does not tolerate rain, it will deteriorate if you do not close the glazed window. Linoleum is warmer for legs. The only minus in this case - it can deteriorate from the Trescchego Frost.

What is better to choose on the floor to the balcony or loggia. It is desirable to choose a linoleum, since it is moisture-resistant and less susceptible to the temperature difference. Perhaps the best option will be a tile.

We hope we helped you in the right choice, you need to choose a building material with a special approach. It is better not to regret the time and money to choose a building material to the floor so that then do not regret the spent money and lost time. Do not save on quality, because the miser pays twice. It is better to pay more once, but to make truly high-quality and beautiful floors that wept to serve dozens of years. Boldly go to the store using the knowledge gained from this article.

Having bought a new housing with an unfinished repair or, repaired by the old one, the owner is thinking about outdoor coverage.

The construction market offers many coatings, but linoleum and laminate are considered the most demanded among the population.

You can make the right choice by comparing their specifications. It is important to know what is cheaper - or.

Immediately it is worth noting that natural linoleum is very expensive, so it's simply impossible to compare it with an unnatural laminate. You need to compare materials in the same categories. Take ordinary brands made of artificial raw materials.

Linoleum is divided into three types: household, semi-commercial and commercial. Household is the cheapest material that can be placed in all residential premises. Commercial - very durable and dense, they are covered with premises where many people walk: medical facilities, offices, retail space and educational institutions. Semi-commercial - it is better than domestic and serves longer.

It can be used in household and public buildings.

It has the following advantages:

  • low price
  • large selection of colors
  • not difficult installation, even a beginner will cope with it
  • he has low thermal conductivity, so it is always warm
  • linoleum is made of synthetics, so it does not rot and moisture is not afraid
  • linoleum has noise insulating property
  • good quality linoleum is not slippery
  • the coating can serve 30-50 years, if it is necessary to care for it

But this material also has disadvantages:

  • Synthetic material is not as environmentally friendly as a natural tree. He is inferior to him in quality.
  • Overall furniture leaves on it noted.
  • A poor-quality cheap linoleum is not able to withstand high temperatures, it is immediately deformed. Low temperatures leave cracked on it.
  • It is believed that the floor covered with linoleum looks cheaply. Modern technologies make it possible to produce material, imitating wood, laminate and expensive tile, which is difficult to distinguish from the original.

Pros and cons of laminate

- This is an artificial coating, is a multi-layer plate designed for finishing work with the floor. The layers consist of such raw materials, starting below the plate, respectively: the basis of chipboard or MDF; substrate; paper making color; polymer layer. To improve the quality and strength, other layers are sometimes applied.

Laminate is divided by wear resistance classes:

  • Class 21-23 - apply for flooring flooring in residential buildings.
  • Class 31-33 - fill in public places.
  • Wear-resistant - apply in offices, cafes, children's and educational institutions, gyms.
  • Moisture-resistant - successfully applies in the kitchen and other places with high humidity. Shakes in such tiles are treated with moisture resistant. Laminate is painted under natural wood, stone, metal or sand.

It has some advantages over other materials:

  • Much cheaper parquet.
  • It has numerous colors, it is very similar to the wooden floor.
  • Not complicated in the installation, the "Castle" method is used.

But the material has disadvantages:

  • It is impossible to use simple inexpensive laminate for the kitchen, it will last no more than 5 years.
  • With laminate-covered floors, it should be treated carefully, not to drop items on it, even a knife or plug capable of scratching it or make dents.
  • It is impossible to wash it often or use chemicals for cleansing. You can spoil the appearance, light spots are formed from improper care on the surface of the tile.
  • The seams between the plates are not sealed, so the dirt and moisture is assembled in them, so the floor is deformed and squeezed.
  • Laminate does not withstand the long exposure of moisture. If you were flooded or you did it yourself, then the replacement of floor covering can not be avoided.

The most popular materials laminate, linoleum - pros, cons, explicitly show that of them are better. But it is not necessary to rely only on it, it is necessary to compare their specifications and then only choose the best of them or completely refuse.

Comparative analysis of technical specifications

Both materials are quite popular in the construction market, as their value is not too high.

Therefore, numerous brands and all sorts of coloring coatings were thrown into the market. It is necessary to compare them for some criteria and find out which material is better:

  • Wear resistance. The high-quality high class is so durable that it does not react to claws of cats, dogs, high heels, rearrangements of furniture and household appliances. It does not have any traces. The linoleum does not tolerate such a relationship, traces in the form of dents and scratches remain on it. From getting hot, the places of refueling are visible.
  • Waterproof. Linoleum has better indicators here. Even a decent puddle will not harm any harm, dry without a trace. Coloring and appearance will remain unchanged. Laminate from a long exposure to liquid will go bubbles. It is impossible to repair the defect, only replace the coating.
  • Aesthetics. This criterion cannot be compared because both materials look great, they look like natural materials. The choice depends on the design planted in the room, and the taste of the owner.
  • Coating care. Linoleum can be washed with any detergent or simple water. Laminate care requires care of caution so that water and dirt are not going to the tile joints. They are required to periodically clean and wash the floor with special means.
  • Heat insulation. Linoleum has a small thermal conductivity and better retains heat indoors. Laminate has no such properties.
  • Installing floor. To get a smooth floor, it is necessary to prepare a flat base. In this case, the installation must be entrusted to those skilled in the art. Linoleum can put any special complexity in its placement is the presence of protrusions.
  • Cost. It must be said that the material for household needs is approximately the same. If you compare the quality quality linoleum and good laminate, then the price of them will be almost equal. The choice remains for the owner, and it depends on the category of the room and its taste.
  • Soundproofing. Both materials are mounted on a sound absorbing substrate. Even in this case, walking on laminate on heels will be too thick. You need to put a carpet to mute sounds, then it makes no sense to lower the laminate.
  • Smell. Here the first place occupies a laminate, because after the assembly it will smell with a tree, creating a pleasant atmosphere in the room. But Linoleum usually smells unpleasant, though the bad fragrance quickly disappears, but several unpleasant days will be provided.
  • Safety. May cause allergies, therefore people suffering from addiction, it is better to refuse it. All family members and even animals are taken into account. From the point of view of traumaticity, both surfaces that were not processed to create relief on the surface, if they got a liquid or oil become slippery and they will easily slip and fall on them.

By summing up, it can be seen that high-quality linoleum has more advantages than laminate. Choosing that it is better for the room, you need to know exactly, and what do you really want:

  • save the coating from sharp change temperatures and humidity
  • improve the thermal insulation of the room
  • make the surface of the floor perfectly smooth
  • create an interesting design
  • save money

As soon as you figure it out in this, you will understand what will be better.

How to make a choice of coating with the placement

Usually for residential rooms take a laminate, it is less toxic. Good material for living room, bedroom, corridor. It is more convenient to put in the kitchen, because the laminate from the big humidity will lose beauty and deform and should be replaced after 4-7 years.

In office premises, the commercial laminate of high strength is usually placed so that with time it does not lose the strength of the connection and did not creak. But in this case, there is one problem when a lot of people move on the office, then a big noise interferes with work is being created.

More expensive, does not mean better, you need to choose, given a lot of criteria, as well as the room that is subject to a new flooring.

What to choose: Linoleum or Laminate - On Video:

Selecting the flooring for the floor is a difficult task, because you need to take into account many parameters and characteristics of the formation of the choice between laminate or linoleum is very difficult, as it is necessary to compare what kind of coating is more durable and more suitable for the apartment. Before making choices, it is necessary to find out all the characteristics and laminate, and linoleum, and choose which coating is suitable in a particular case, and what advantages it has, as well as the different one from the other.

Pros and Cons Flooring: Linoleum or Laminate

Linoleum is a natural coating, however, it can be found in a construction store and the cost is very high. In the market of building materials, an artificial linoleum is represented in large quantities, the basis of which is polyvinyl chloride.

Laminate and linoleum have several density classes and thickness

There are 3 types of linoleum:

  1. Commercial - The floors are covered in public areas, has an anti-slip coating, safer, very solid, more durable.
  2. Domestic - Suitable for apartments, less dense, has a very diverse color coating. For example, under stone, parquet, tile or monophonic.
  3. Semi-commercial - This is an alternative, suitable for all types of rooms especially for the corridor in an apartment with a large load, however, it is better to use commercial for the workst floor.
  4. Bulk - The liquid form is poured on the floor.

Laminate consists of their MDF, chipboard, paper, polymer layer. Layers can be diverse and added, increasing the density and cost of laminate. In Khrushchev, the design of floors with the use of laminate looks rich. There are the following types - wear-resistant, for a more passable room, vinyl based on vinyl plates (less wear-resistant for apartments) and moisture resistant (impregnated with moisture-repellent composition).

The choice of what is better to put in the house: laminate or linoleum

For each room, the features of its use are characteristic, accordingly, it is advisable to consider such indicators when choosing a floor covering so as not to be revealed.

Features such as humidity, permeability, temperature differences are taken into account.

In the living rooms, for example, in the living room, it is better to choose a laminate, which is much eco-friendly linoleum. By laminate you can walk bare feet. The modern interior involves the presence of laminate, and it is very popular. The design looks very fashionable and modern.

Article on the topic: Combining the kitchen and loggia do it yourself

Indoors with high humidity or a large temperature drop is better to lay linoleum

The main advantages of linoleuma and laminate:

  • Diverse price selection;
  • A variety of color coatings, pick up any interior;
  • Ease of installation;
  • Surface warmer;
  • The synthetic composition allows not to deter material;
  • Absorbs sounds;
  • Increased strength;
  • More expensive laminate variants have more useful properties, you can also choose the material cheaper;
  • The laminated floor imitates the tree, ceramics, sand, etc., easily stacked, does not require special skills and tools.

The floor in the kitchen in the house is recommended to cover with linoleum. Such a coating can be washed very often, it is moisture-resistant and the image on the surface is not erased. In the kitchen, the laminate will not serve for a long time unlike linoleum. The linoleum is recommended to the room with a large attendance, which will absorb sounds. When laminate operation, symptops often occur, and the drawing is erased over time, additional repair may be required. Linoleum will be very appropriate for the loggia. With temperature drop and frost, the laminate will deteriorate. The cheaper coating, the less its strength and wear resistance. The more expensive material, the greater the service life.

Laminate or Linoleum: Selection of what is cheaper

Before choosing a coating, it is necessary to compare all for both the laminate and linoleum. In the building materials market, a varied range of products of various quality, and accordingly, and pricing policies. For many, there is an acute question not only as a material, but also in its price. Before buying, many are only oriented on the price.

The value of the material is highly dependent on the environmental friendliness and class of wear resistance.

Main cons:

  • Linoleum is less eco-friendly, compared with natural materials;
  • Jobs under heavy furniture;
  • The most budget version, unstable to temperature drops;
  • Allergies may arise;
  • When laying a laminate in the kitchen, the service life is reduced to 5 years;
  • Less eco-friendly than wooden floor;
  • The surface is subject to mechanical damage;
  • From frequent washing with the use of aggressive cleaning agents, white spots appear;
  • The junctions between the panels are dirt and dust; The edge from this will deteriorate and the service life is significantly reduced;
  • If a large volume of water gets, it is necessary to completely change the coating.

Article on the topic: How to eliminate leak radiator

Before going to the construction store, it is desirable to calculate the required amount of material, and also determine how much the floor is able to spend on the floor covering. Focusing on wear resistance, laminate or linoleum is selected. If the sexual coating is often used, selecting greater wear resistance. The price of the material will directly depend on the strength, the higher the wear resistance, the price will be more. More expensive material will be practical.

Pleasant laminate or practical linoleum: what to choose

When choosing, it is necessary to navigate the stability of the material to environmental impacts. It is necessary to handle the laminate, if it should be kept into the kitchen, since it cannot be often washed with a very wet rag using chemical detergents, as well as in the fall of objects, the surface can be very damaged.

In the bedrooms and children's preference is better to give laminate

For example, a fallen blade of a blade on linoleum damages the surface through, which significantly spoils the appearance and the resulting damage increases over time.

However, the advantage of the linoleum is that it is not afraid of wet cleaning, it is strictly forbidden to pour water under the surface, which threatens the formation of mold, bugro or waves.

When performing repair work, it is possible to significantly increase the thermal conductivity by using a special layer.


  1. Using additional insulation substrates, the floors will be significantly warmer with any coating.
  2. Linoleum, thanks to a wide color palette, you can pick up for any interior.
  3. Some colors of linoleum imitate more expensive materials, the interior looks expensive and comes even for a rich design.
  4. If the floor has minor irregularities, then the laminate is suitable, as well as during the damage to one board, it can be easily replaced with a new one.
  5. Linoleum will have to be changed completely, the only thing that can be done is to lay and fasten with cold welding a patch, however, the aesthetics will deteriorate greatly.
  6. Laminate has greater thermal conductivity than linoleum.

Have you thought about it too? So, we are with you - colleagues. No wonder they say that the problem of choice makes man unhappy. For several days, I broke my head over this question, calculated, I cut out, looking for, where cheaper. As a result - bought a laminate. In truth, initially I was inclined to linoleum. There were several reasons for that. But, having weighing everything "for" and "against", considering all expenses, taking into account the advantages and disadvantages, came to the conclusion that the laminate suits me more. In this review, I'm going to tell why it came precisely to such a decision. At the same time show how best to choose laminateWhat to pay attention to what is generally necessary to the home master in order to wake the coating yourself. Believe me, unlike, which is better to entrust professionals, any person who has hands, legs and, naturally, will cope with the laminate flooring.

To confess, at first I wanted to store the floors in my linoleum. At that time it seemed to me that such a coating would get cheaper, would last longer, and it was somewhat easier and faster than the laminate. However, over time, I have ever more and more convinced that the latter has a lot of advantages that are absent from Linoleum.

Let's try to compare these two coatings on the main characteristics.

Thermal conductivity

If we put a thin linoleum on a concrete base, then for this floor, it will not be very comfortable to walk barefoot. Cold. Stone - even artificial - there is a stone. Yes, and playing sitting on the floor with a child would also be very problematic. Look, not the cheapest linoleum has a thickness of only 2-3 millimeters:

If you put it directly on the concrete tie, then walking on the floor barefoot it will be cold even in the summer, not to mention the winter. Of course, even among inexpensive options, there are instances with a thicker substrate. The fattest linoleum that managed to find in the Obi store, had a thickness of 4.2 mm

However, even such a layer will not be a panacea. In addition, the cost of this particular linoleum is 799 rubles per square meter:

Mentally multiplying it by 103 square meters, which had to be stuck, adding about 15% on trimming, which inevitably remain when installing, I received the amount of about 95 thousand rubles.

But even these considerable expenses stopped me from buying. In the end, the coating is not bought for one year, you can spend and spend. The case was completely different.

I was not sure that putting such a linoleum on a concrete base, it would be possible to walk on the floor barefoot - as we were all used to. Of course, you can put a coating on a porous thermal insulating substrate, but in this case, when walking on the floor, there will be a feeling that you go on the swamp, slightly falling on every step. Especially this will be felt first time until the substrate is inflicted. And what will the floor look like in those places where the feet of furniture put on it? Imagine?

You can also first set the floor with some wooden plywood layer, and linoleum is put on it. But this option was immediately refacing, because, on the one hand, it would have to reinstall the doors, on the other, there were some more expenses somehow not included in my plans.

In addition, the store simply did not have a suitable linoleum version with the roll width of it - 3.5 meters. Those that were available, I did not like. That is too bright, then with a pronounced pattern, selected which when connecting individual pieces, for example, in doorways, it is a long history and excessive material waste.

In a word, swinging in the department of linoleum, I realized that it was not suitable for me. I don't know how you, but I do not want to see at the next 5-10 years to see such a drawing under your feet:

As in some kind of regional clinic :).

With laminate, the situation is somewhat different. It is based on the so-called organitis. If it is easier to speak, it is woody dust bound by a resin and compressable when exposed to high temperature. The thermal conductivity of the material is very low. Laminate itself is a good heat insulator, insulation.

In addition, it is the thickness of the linoleum on average twice. The usual thickness of the laminated plank is 8mm. There is a slightly thinner (6-7 mm) and thicker - (9-11 mm). But, as you see, even the thinnest laminate thicker of the thick linoleum. In addition, the laminate is placed on a substrate with a thickness of 3 mm. Even if over time it will inflict, it will become thinner, you still will have a thicker coating with an additional thermal insulation layer.

Thus, the thermal conductivity of the laminate looks more attractive.

As for the price, on average, budget varieties of laminate cost about 400-600 rubles per square. This is approximately comparable to the linoleum of a thickness of about 3 - 3.5 mm. The benefit of laminate - there is obvious.

Moisture insulation

If the linoleum is properly spread and do without superfluous joints, then such a floor will be perfectly "keeping water". This means that it can be washed with a conventional mop with water without fear that the fluid penetrates into the substrate and some unpleasant processes will begin there. In addition, if accidentally pour water from the kettle, then it will also remain on the surface. You can collect it without much difficulty.

Of course, all this works until we have endowed holes in linoleum. Not specifically, of course. For example, the knife dropped - a small hole, but it turned out. Moved a bad hard wardrobe - extended a larger hole. They woven the sneakers for the joint of two pieces in the doorway - you know what happened. There is no talk about moisture insulation. Gradually, in such places, the focal accumulation of mold can be formed, and this is not very nice.

Photo from the Internet

If you "protrud" the room in all the rules, in the sense, so that the water was plenty and slippers floated on the surface at the level of the windowsill, then the linoleum will have to "raise", turn over and dry. In principle, nothing impracticable in this is not, but it is still with a piece of outdoor coverage with an area of \u200b\u200b20-30 square meters, and even alone will not be very comfortable. Especially if you consider that it will be necessary to go to the time for a while.

Thus, the convenience of linoleum in terms of deterrence of fluid does not cause doubt only if it is new. Over time, the coating loses its wonderful properties and at some point is subject to replacement.

If we are talking about laminate, its waterproofability does not withstand any criticism at all. Spilled water quite quickly finds gaps between individual plates and penetrates down where the substrate meets. If the latter is fixed correctly, the water remains on its surface and then it gradually dries. If this happened once and the water is quickly removed at least from the surface of the coating, then nothing terrible will happen. With regular exposure, moisture laminate begins to swell with all the ensuing consequences.

Partly the problem is solved by a special gel, which impregnate joints, but it is still not a panacea.

On the other hand, the laminate has one undeniable advantage: all the coating consists of individual dors. If some specific elements of the coating swelling or turned out to be scratched, it is easy to replace them with new ones. The main thing is to have a certain emergency stock. In the case of linoleum, you will have to change the entire coating entirely or arrange a beautiful patch.


If we talk about inexpensive single-layer variants of linoleum, then their sound insulation is almost equal to zero. In thicker multi-layer variants, especially in the presence of a darous or porous layer, the sounds are partially muted.

Laminate, laid directly on the concrete floor, has even worst performance. But usually it is placed on the substrate, which slightly improves the situation. Anyway, the laminate is quite noisy material. Try to wake up something small on it, for example, the details from Lego's children's designer, and immediately understand what I mean.

In other words, in terms of sound insulation, linoleum looks like a more successful choice.

How much is laminate

This is an important question. In part, we have already discussed it and found out that if you don't chase supercase, do not wade into imported materials, the cost of laminate can fluctuate in the range of 400-600 rubles (for 2017).

Of course, there are more expensive, good and beautiful ski. For example, this German laminate that imitates the structure of the stone (in the middle in the picture). Its surface is cold and embossed:

Or here is such a creative option:

In the end, if there is money, why not buy a real parquet?

On the other pole is inexpensive and quite simple laminate, having a thickness of only 6 mm:

But the closest attention should be paid to those types of laminate that are sold at a discount on the action. Their ordinary price indicates that this is not the worst representative in its class, and a discount up to 30-50% makes the purchase much more pleasant:

Of course, its thickness is 7 millimeters, but since the floor at home is aligned as it should, it will be quite enough. It would be possible to put "six", but I'm not yet ready for such expensive experiments.

Based on the value of the laminate for the action, the total cost of covering an area of \u200b\u200b103 meters was approximately 42 thousand rubles, taking into account 10% of the reserves.

In addition to the coating itself, it is necessary to purchase a substrate. Depending on taste and wallet, you can choose or simple material - a blue porilex (a roll of 50 square meters costs 885 rubles), or more dense expensive polymers (gray and pink, 15 square meters at a price of 600 rubles. With kopecks), or even Cork (10 square meters, thickness 1.5 mm, cost 1055 rub.):

Still need a scotch to glue the substrate. You can use a special, metallized, which prevents the penetration of water between the substrate sheets and, allegedly, has thermal insulation properties. But the usual or even greater tape is quite suitable. They are cheaper, and the result is almost the same.

Still needed milk for. The Ob store has two options for cloths. One thing was suitable, and the other was categorically not suitable. Take a look at these canvases:

Their teeth are directed down. It is right.

And now let's look at this option:

Teeth are directed up. They will pull out pieces of skis, spoil the surface. Of course, the muted edges usually put on the wall under the plinth, but still much more pleasant to work with cloths with teeth directed down.

Pay attention to a special gel for grouting gaps between shoes. He is especially appropriate where there is a risk of water covering. For example, in the kitchen, in the hallway, at the entrance to the bathroom, etc. The cost of such packaging is 299 rubles. It is enough about 5 square meters of surface. We put in the basket the desired number of tubes.

Finally, the OBS stores offer a special French plank - a plank stubborn for the "sweeping" of the already laid parts of the coating. Such a plank is needed not to knock on a wooden or rubber hammer along the ribs of the masses themselves. They can be easily deformed. But if you put the French bar, then it becomes much more convenient to work, the risk of deformation of the coating elements is reduced.

It costs this miracle of everything: 379 rubles. Because - France!

Well, of course! Nowhere to be closer to such woods just do not get. We must certainly carry from abroad. On the other hand, you can buy it, and then throw in front of friends that when laying a laminate, the latest technologies on the European standard were used.

By the way, the same plank, but with a set of wedges, it is already more than 500 rubles. Because - France!

The most recent thing that can be useful is a film that you will close the underlined laminate, so that you can immediately flood it with your dirty suites :)

Important feature: how to choose a laminate

I have not been a big specialist in working with these coverage, I first looked after myself several options based on the thickness and pattern.

But my familiar seller came and said that the samples of "not very" samples chosen by me. I was, I began to object, but just one argument he bowed me to his side.

Look at this photo. Here I, as I managed, tried to show such an important part of the plank, like a castle:

See the side of the right? So! On the other side of the table, there is also a protrusion of the appropriate form. If you correctly connect the neighboring planks, they will tightly hold on with each other. If you try to divide them, making efforts only in the horizontal plane, you most likely will not come out (if you are not strong).

Now let's look at this option:

Although it is a more expensive version of the laminate, there is almost no sides. It's not very good. Over time, with careless movement, you can easily arrange a slot in an outdoor coating. For example, they went somewhere on the floor and sharply slowed down.

Laminate locks appeared relatively recently. Previously, they were not and the smell was attached to each other with the help of glue. It is believed that the castle is a more convenient thing, since it allows you to quickly quickly perform the installation of the coating and, if necessary, also quickly remove the damaged plate, replacing it with a new one.

Yes, you guessed correctly - for this you have to disassemble half of the floor. However, this does not make much difficulty even a person who has never touched the laminate before. They simply disassembled, replaced the problem element, collected back, screwed the plinths into place. EVERYTHING!

If the plank were glued together ... I don't even want to think what kind of long and "creative" process would be.

So, choosing a laminate, pay attention to the locks. What they are growing, the calmer you will walk on the floor.


Following the practical advice of my friend from Obi, I bought a laminate for the action. He had a good price, excellent locks, and a thickness of 7 mm. In my particular case was quite appropriate.

In total, the 103-meter house took 40 packs with a total weighing of 600 kilograms. I had to order delivery - my car sorry.

In the next article, I will show you the process of laying a laminate. To see, everything will be very simple ... if you know how :)