Repairs Design Furniture

Functional bedroom with a cub in the parent room. How to combine the bedroom and nursery in the same room? The ideas of zoning room on the bedroom and children's

One-room apartment in which family lives with children can also become comfortable space for each. The room, which will be both the parent bedroom, and the children, should be carefully planned and divided into zones. While the child is still completely small, everything he needs is a baby cot and a chest or rack for developing toys and care accessories. The crib of the newborn can stand right next to the bed of parents. But as a child grows, he needs more and more places and its territory.

Where to locate the children's zone?

The room must be divided into a child's zone and the parents zone. Children better arrange closer to the window and farther from the door. There are two reasons for this: parents lie later, but they get up earlier than the child, so the location of the children's bed in a more peaceful and quiet area of \u200b\u200bthe room is quite logical. And the proximity of the window is important because the child is needed for the writing desk with daylight, when the bedroom's parents can only be a holiday location.

An interesting option is the location of the children's zone - the second tier. Suitable only for apartments with very high ceilings. To do this, the platform with a children's bed and a place for games is mounted under the ceiling. Take care of security - install the fence so that it is impossible to fall from above.

How to zonail the room?

The territory of the child needs to be visually separated from adult. In the first three years of life, such a delimiter can serve as a crib rug and a cute decor over it, or light curtain. After three years, children's better zoning more serious methods.

The most solid boundary can be elevated from drywall. It turns out two separate rooms, only with the arch instead of the door. If you are ready to sacrifice almost all natural light in the adult bedroom, perhaps this option will suit you. The partition can be made partial or with decorative holes, then zoning will look more easily.

Very good zoning method - sliding partitions. So on the night you can divide the room for two, and in the daytime to unite. If the partition is from matte glass Or glass blocks, you decide and the problem of lighting.

Very functional partition - rack. This is an additional storage place, very valuable in small spaces, and a good zone separator.

Easy I. mobile decision There will be dense curtains and light shots that can be quickly removed to make the space more open and light.

How to save place?

It is difficult to fit in one room a breakdown for two adults, a bed for a child (or even several children), a desk, a children's zone for games and sufficient storage spaces. What to do?

The simplest thing is to give up a full-fledged double bed and replace it with a comfortable sofa. This will allow the bedroom to play the role of the living room day. From the baby bed, it is not necessary to refuse because it takes not so much space.

If a a large bed It is important for you, and there are very few places, then the baby cot can be installed over it the second tier.

Directly for the children's zone, a bed on the second tier will always be an excellent way to save space - you can place a desk or zone for games. Bed nursery or adult, afternoon rising to the wall or stabbed under the podium, is an excellent alternative solution.

To save space, use a common closet for an adult and a child. Use the entire height of the room, and even better build a wardrobe in a niche - so he will visually select less space. Cabinet in the podium Another good reception.

As they say, in cramped, yes no offense. Follow these tips when planning a room, and such a close neighbor will make your family only more friendly and coarse!

Digest Quartblog

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Photos:,,, Triya.Ru

If parents plan to live in the same room with a child, then all owners will need a personal space. Split the room without prejudice to useful Square And interior design will help competently thoughtful zoning. The article discusses successful techniques and features.

If you are at the stage of planning the planning and development of housing design, then analyze the pros and cons associations of the children's and bedrooms of the parents.


  • The kid is always under the supervision, what is relevant, if the child is small, active and curious.
  • At night, with frequent awakening, you do not need to go to another room, you can soothe the child without getting up with bed.
  • The young resident is always calm, feels the presence of Mom and Pope, is under protection and thanks to this resides in a stable emotional and psychological state.
  • Finding a nearby parents minimizes the development of children's fears.
  • In two or there will be free space, which can be equipped with a living room, a home office or recreation area.

  • The lack of parental privacy and organization of a full-fledged personal space for a child.
  • If the room is small, three tenants in it will be closely and uncomfortable.
  • It is not easy, taking into account the preferences of all the owners of the room, especially if the child is quite an adult and has its own tastes and opinion.
  • The baby can get used to the permanent society of parents and heavily move the separation and relocation when equipped with a separate children's equipment.
  • Permanent control and care of parents negatively affect the development of the child, do not exercise independence.

Competent layout: What to take into account

It is carried out taking into account the characteristics of the room and its owners. First, consider the age of the young resident. The baby needs only a sleeping place and the presence of free space for games. The schoolboy takes place for study and creativity, and the teenager will want to find a personal isolated space.

Secondly, take into account the shape of the room. It is convenient and easy to zonate a rectangular room: you can divide it into two parts: parent and children. Remote sites will not intersect, which will ensure comfort to all residents. In a square room, use corners and zoning diagonally.

Thirdly, . Capital or lightweight partitions will fit spacious. If the area is small, additional walls will reduce it even more. In this case, conditional zoning, mobile and lungs separating the design space applies.

Fourth, the number of rooms is important. The bedroom must fit in one-bedroom apartment workplace, Living room, recreation area and game. If the room is small, think what areas are necessary, and from which you can refuse without prejudice to the comfort of tenants.

What zones are allocated?

Before dividing space, decide which zones are needed.

The list may include:

  1. Bedroom parents. If the baby recently was born, it is advisable to place the mother and dad's bed close to the beds and the dad's bed to have access to the crumb, as well as feed and rock it without getting up. In the case of an acute lack of space in the bedroom, put the folding sofa, which will combine the place for sleep and the site for joint pastime and rest.
  2. Child's bedroom zone. If his age is older than 3-4 years, then sleep will be more comfortable in a separate zone that does not intersect with the parent. Mom and dad, this option will also be arranged, because they will get the opportunity for privacy and calm sleep.
  3. The zone of the shared bedroom. If parents and child are comfortable to sleep together, you can place two separate beds in one site. The remaining free part will be used at discretion.
  4. The workplace will need a schoolboy to perform homework. If one parent works at home, then he needs an office, let the miniature. But to fit all this in a small room is problematic.
  5. The recreation area is necessary for joint pastime, family games, watching TV, conversations, reception. It is possible to organize it with a spacious sofa and located on the wall of the flat TV. Addition - coffee Table Transformer For feasts.
  6. A small child in the children's part of the room is needed a gaming zone.
  7. A boy of school or teenage age will appreciate a sports corner. Parents will also be able to play sports here to maintain physical form and health.
  8. For a versatile developed and constantly improving family, a corner for creativity is useful, in which everyone will be able to engage in love.

Tip! If there is a shortage of free space, it is possible to combine some having a similar zone destination. So, the spacious table with a comfortable chair will serve as a workplace and a corner for creativity. Functional sofa will suit To improve the bedroom of parents and recreation areas of the whole family.

Methods of zoning

If the desired zones are defined, it remains to distinguish them and allocate in space. Zoning can be isolated and conditional. In the first case, the plots are fully separated, isolated and completely or partially closed. The option is appropriate if you need to create a quiet relaxing situation in a common room, allocating personal space.

Isolated zoning methods:

  • Stationary partitions. Usually they are made of practical and easy to operate drywall. The material is durable and reliable, and optimal thickness Sheets provide good sound insulation and does not reduce the area. But partitions are made from other materials: wood, brick, glass. Brick design It will take a lot of space, glass will be dangerous for the child, wooden will require special processing and protection against high humidity.
  • Sliding partitions and doors. The sash moves in one plane on the guides, they can be adopted and moved. But careless operation will entail the breakdown and can lead to injuries.
  • Furniture. The border functions can perform a wardrobe or rack. Puting a piece of furniture perpendicular to the wall, you will share a room into two isolated plots. But in an elongated close room, the passage may be narrow. And in the small room, the cabinet will take a lot of space. Therefore, the option is applicable with medium or large area.
  • Curtains and screen. Sounds they do not delay, but visual insulation and hiding area from prying eyes will be achieved. Foldable shirma mobile: you can close her sleeping space overnight and clean the accessory in the morning. Curtain is fixed by ceiling karnis And protects the plot not only from unwanted views, but also from sunlight (if the window is outside the separated section).

Conditional zoning eliminates partitions and walls: zones remain open, but visually differ from each other, delimited. It is appropriate if the common room is small, and on the account every square centimeter of the square.

Conditionally zoning the premises belonging to the child and parents with the following methods:

  • Color spectrum. Divide the space using different tones. The parent zone may be neutral and calm, and for children, use more fresh, lively and bright colors.
  • Finish. Combine decoration Materialsusing different colors and textures. Share the floor is optional, but with the walls you can experiment, connecting different wallpapers, painting with wallpaper, brick masonry with stucco. Different materials may be present on different Walls Or divide one side.
  • Different ceiling levels. Suspended structures allow you to use this technique. The step, which goes in the center of the room, conventionally denotes its separation. The protrusion can be straight or rounded, waving.
  • Different levels of gender. Parents bed can be put on the podium. But if the child is small, or give up the idea, or make a step low, or raise the plot as much as possible and equip the folding or folding staircase, or close the podium with the fence. There may also be a workplace or a gaming zone on the elevation, but the latter is desirable to protect the baby to avoid random drops.
  • Niche in the wall. With a sufficient thickness, you can make a deepening in it and place a bed, sofa, work desk in it.

When choosing a zoning method, remember comfort and child safety. For instance, small child can stumble and fall when different levels Floor. Unstable shirma or unreliable fixed curtain raises the risks of injury. Furniture with corners in the center of the room will interfere with crumbling freely and safely move, unhindered to study the whole territory.

Thoughtful furnishing

So that the children's and parental zones were comfortable and practical, correctly pick and place the furniture. In the bedroom, moms and dad must be a sleeping place. If the area allows you to pick a double bed. When the place is lacking, replace it with a folding sofa, but with quite rigid or orthopedic Mattress. Nearby you can put a compact standard for storing things that should always be at hand and in sight: glasses, alarm clock, mobile phone, favorite book.

In the bedroom, the kid will fit a cot. An older child is better to buy a comfortable single bed. Save the useful space will help the model-attic with a free place at the bottom or transformer, combining a sleeping place and a desktop with shelves.

The room for the child and parents should have a storage area. Kid enough chest: then fit linens and clothes. Parents should buy spacious wardrobe. An old-hour child can also be purchased a small locker, but if the room is close, equip the overall storage area.

To improve the workplace, use the table with the chair. The object of furniture, equipped with shelves and individual compartments, will solve the problem of storing books, technicians, documents.

Tip! Collect furniture is better along the walls or in the corners, so as not to occupy the center.

Stylistic design

The photo contains rooms decorated in different styles, and it is better to consider a single design and withstand the interior in one direction so that there is no feeling of overload and imbalance.

Pick up the style that the parents and the young resident likes are not easy, so consider neutral directions or combining different features:

  • Minimalism is only the necessary interior elements and a minimum of details. The free space and the lack of extra components is a good solution for a joint bedroom.
  • Eco-style involves the use of natural or imitating their materials, natural shades. For a young family with a baby is a good option.
  • Classic - discreet design, symmetry, clear lines and simple forms.
  • Eclecticism is a mixture different styles And the combination of them in common features. Creative family will appreciate this direction.
  • Pop Art is a modern, youth and bright style that is suitable for a teenager and "advanced" dads and moms.
  • Provence - a romantic direction involving the use of white and lilac flowers, painting in one layer, light textiles, colors for decor.


When illuminating lighting, you need to pay attention to both the parent and children's zone. The natural source (window) must be accessible to everyone, but not to be near the beds: bright rays will interfere with sleep.

Artificial lighting should be scattered and affect all the space. The devices can be used for additional zoning, placing them in one or groups above the workplace, the bedroom area, a rest area. A good solution is to embed halogen or LED lamps in the suspended ceiling. Ceiling appliances complement the walls: over the parent bed hang the sconce, next to the baby bed, turn the night light.

Combining space for a child and parents in one room, consider zoning. Now you know all the ways and tricks that will help create a comfortable and stylish design.

The birth of a child is the happiest moment in his life of his parents. But when passion about this is calm, the problem of accommodating the baby's bed, his things and toys arise. Well, if the living space allows you to highlight the child separate roomwhich can not be prepared in advance, but to do it as Chad adults.

But after all, most families cannot afford such luxury, and they have to live in the same room with the baby. In this case, the arrangement of the room should be thought out in advance and very carefully so that all its tenants are comfortable and most spacious.

How to delimit

Separate the bedroom area from children's extremely important. It will help the child get used to sleep alone, and his parents - relax along with each other. Therefore, you should not be afraid that set design Make a room less or less cozy. The result of such zoning can only be a calm and strong sleep of the bedroom inhabitants.

How to combine a sleeping place for parents and children's territory in the same room will tell a specialist:

Competently and beautifully distinguish between the bedroom and the children's childhood using:

  • cabinet furniture;
  • ready screen;
  • montaja plasterboard design in the form of a wall with an arch;
  • curtains or curtains;
  • or decorative false walls.

A small, colorful, through partition not only distinguishes the zones in the room, but also come in handy for folding books and other little things.

If the construction of such structures seems too cardinal, then split the sleeping and children's zones by finishing. For example, often set multi-level dropped ceilings Or make the podium on the floor.

Different color and texture wallpapers on the walls (or any other finish) will also help visually smash the room into two parts.

The way of separating the room into two zones depends largely on the allocated budget. The birth of a baby is a costly case, it is necessary to buy a lot, organize, etc. Therefore, quite some of the money can remain for the repair. It is not worth a despair - expensive designs may wait, and you can separate the space using a curtain or screen, which will cost completely inexpensive.

Where is the zone

When the zoning method of the room is selected and approved by the hosts, it is necessary to determine where to organize a children's part, and in what a bedroom for adults. To facilitate the process, you can draw the room plan and designate not only future zones, but also the approximate location of the furniture.

It is important to consider proper lighting for different zones of the room.

Located with the position children's site In the room, such aspects should be taken into account:

When the kid will grow up such a compact gaming zone will be the perfect way out for parents

The decoration of the room after separation will require slightly more moral and material costs and effort than before, as two independent zones should be issued. It all depends on the wishes of the parents. But it is necessary to remember that wallpapers, flooring and other elements of finishing with a children's pattern will soon have to change to more relaxed and restrained options.

The optimal option can be photographic. The range of the image is incredibly wide, so you can pick up wallpapers for both children's and adult zone.

Materials are desirable to apply natural, especially in the kid's room.

The color scheme should be calm and restrained so that the child, looking at the room, calmed down, and not excited. The best colors are pistachio, lavender, beige and other pastel shades.

Gentle and pleasant mint-blue trim of the children's zone in the bedroom - a pledge of a quiet sleep baby

Business for furniture

As soon as the separation and decoration of the room are ready, you can proceed to the choice of furniture. Chief Principle In this case, minimalism. This is especially true if the room does not have large sizes.

What you need to put in a children's mini room:

  • the playpen of the child (to save the places, the changing table is better to replace the changing board, which is installed directly on the bed and can easily be rearranged into another place);
  • chest or cabinet for storing children's things (you can both, if there is where).

Furniture in the children's room of white does not climb the space and gives the room lightness and airiness

In principle, the newborn is nothing more. But in a year, the kid will already be actively developing, which means it will be needed small children's table For drawing and other classes, an empty place on the floor with a warm and cozy rug for a variety of games. Subsequently, it will be possible to install a small Swedish wall to attach the baby to the sport.

It is also necessary to take into account that a sofa or a bed and a journey table for a grudge child will require a slightly more space than before.

Selecting furniture in both the bedroom and in the nursery, it is desirable to follow the following rules:

The atmosphere in the room of adults is their personal matter. For those who love space, it is better to stay on folding sofaAnd if a comfortable sleep is in the first place, you can choose a comfortable bed.

A small child requires constant attention and care, so the bedroom of young parents quickly turns into a tandem bedroom and children. While the freight will not turn 3-4 years, this option is the most rational, convenient and useful for the baby. True, by this time he may have a brother or sister (sometimes two), and therefore the issue of planning one room becomes particularly acute. But with due diligence, it can be equipped so that family members spend time together and minimize each other.

Bedroom combined with nursery: pros and cons (table)

Photo Gallery: Interior bedrooms with children's corners

A good option planning if the child goes to kindergarten Light tones and classic accents make this bedroom especially a cozy low locker helped create a solitary prune for parents. Color accents can concentrate only in the children's zone in big bedroom not only the beds, but also a rest is convenient that the children's zone is visually separated, but not physically
Best furniture For a couple with a baby if there is a little place in the room, the child can be located above the parents an extra dying bed will help save in the children's area It takes very little space. In such a spacious room, you can create an extensive zone for games Chocolate-cream interior with blue accents Great for all ages Shirma-Divide - the most spectacular element of this interior

The smaller the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, the more modest decor.

Bedroom and children's bedroom: Secrets of the right planning

In the bedroom it is necessary to provide areas for the beds of parents, the beds of each child, the storage area, the table (toilet, school, children's for classes and board games). Their location varies depending on the size of the room, age and the number of children.

Kid up to the 4th years: easier than a simple

There is no strong need for such a small child in its own space, he willingly play any part of the apartment and prefers to be near mom. Parents infants will not need to make significant changes in the familiar bedroom layout. It is enough to put a crawler near the parent bed and a chest of drawers for children's things and toys.

After the child turns 1.5-2 years old, his crib should be moved further from the bed of parents, but no partitions do not need. In a separate corner, the baby may be afraid and refuses to sleep in his zone. The baby will also need a table for modeling and drawing, but it can be very small and mobile.

Furniture in the kid's room should be safe.

Parents of small weather-weather (with a difference of 1-2 years) can also be acting just as to put babes babies closer towards each other. After the youngest turns 1-1.5 years, such children become very friendly, they are glad to play together and are not afraid to stay only together. Therefore, their corner can be separated by a mobile partition that gives parents some isolation. The table for classes and chest of chest can be common, and for clothes they still do not need separate cabinets, only the shelves in the parent.

Baby and schoolboy: the situation becomes more complicated

As soon as a schoolboy appears in the room, the need for zoning arises. On the one hand, the child is already psychologically necessary for its own space, on the other hand, it becomes uncomfortable to be constantly in front of him. When children are two, the baby is better to leave not far from the parents, and the schoolboy is to highlight a separate corner with a rack or beautiful curtains. If you plan to use narrow stellage, be sure to attach it to the floor and wall / ceiling, because junior child Be sure to try to climb him and can turn the furniture.

Schoolchildren in the same room with parents

Children of almost the same age will be logical together, in a separate children's zone. This rule is held even when children are in different ways, since the joint residence of brother and sisters creates less inconvenience than the accommodation of one of them with parents. And it is almost impossible to divide the average bedroom into three separate zones.

To save space, they often make a common zone for classes and put a double bed. it good optionSince it makes it possible to free up a small corner for games or a compact sports complex. But if you can do together, children can not, it is necessary to share the children's zone into two mirror halves.

Schoolboy and Teen: Action Plan

The room of a teenager and bedroom of parents in the same room is a very unwanted phenomenon. If the apartment has a living room, it is best to equip a separate space for him exactly there. After all, children of 13-17 years often spend time with friends and invite each other to visit. Therefore, living in the living room teenager is much more comfortable than parents.

Of course, if the guests often come to parents, such a neighborhood will be unpleasant for a teenager. In this case, parents best sacrifice the bedroom and move to the living room. And in the new children will need to divide the space for two children.

In the case when the free room is simply no, place in the same room an adult pair, a junior chamber and a teenager, it becomes very difficult. To preserve the free space, you should use the possibility of transforming furniture to the maximum. For example, a double bed can be placed on the podium, and under it - the pair of mobile rolls for children is stored. Then the room will place for the overall training area and the cabinet.

When it is possible, the storage area is placed in the corridor or storage room, and only the stands for the most necessary and attached bookshelves remain in the bedroom.

Zoning Rooms for Parents and Child

Proper zoning is dictated not only by the age of children, but also the room parameters. If there is an erker or deep niche indoors, it is there it is there to equip a separate space for kids, or for the parent bed, if the children have grown to school age.

The separation of parents and children is more priority than the division of the girl and the boy. Exception is allowed only if one of the children's baby.

In the room with high ceilings (3.2-3.5 m) you need to actively use two-tier structures. For example, make mezzano with a separate bedroom for parents, and to give the entire lower zone to the power of kids. So the children will have more space for classes and active games, they will be better developed and stronger to sleep. Bunk Baby Beds will also be by the way.

If one child lives with her parents older than three years, it is possible to buy a set of children's furniture with a bed at the top and zone for study / games below, as well own cabinet (When the room is allowed).

In new buildings there are rooms with two windows. This is a great option for the capital separation of the placement on the adult and the children's zone. Here you can make a reliable wall of plasterboard or concrete foam blocks, creating two separate spaces. If there is no opportunity or desire to do at the entrance of a small tambour, you can not bring the wall to the end, and leave the portal in it. In this case, one zone will inevitably get through the passage, but it is much more convenient than accommodation in the overall open space.

But most often the room is narrow and long with the only window in the end. In this case, it should be zoning across. According to the rules of ergonomics, the storage area is best arranged at the entrance, in a place with minimal access to natural light. Similarly, the training zone should be closer to the window, you can put separate tables under it, or equip total table Along the whole wall. On the sides of the window placed cabinets or shelves for books, notebooks and office. Baby beds put parallel to the opposite walls or headboard to one, depending on the length of the room and the preferences of children.

The adult bed is placed in the passing zone closer to the door, headboard to the long wall (if the TV will hang on the opposite) or to the window (so parents are not visible to the children's zone and there is a sense of privacy, but the TV will be needed to be located in the storage area).

We should not change the adult and children's zones. This, of course, will create privacy for parents, but children will have to play and do homework when artificial lightWhat can badly affect their health.

In the bedroom of parents and children, each functional zone is equipped with independent adjustment lamps.

How to divide the room into two zones for children and adult: types of partitions

Recall that real partitions are best to do when the kid will grow up, up to the 3rd years it is better to limit ourselves to changing the color of the battle or outdoor coating In one of the zones. Sixolet's parents can already use:

  • Curtains - the simplest and cheap zoning method. You can use both ordinary curtains made of tight fabric and Japanese panels and even blinds, depending on the selected way of the interiors. Fabric partitions are usually closed only at night, and in the afternoon they are assembled under the wall. It is important to pick up here reliable mechanismSo that the suspensions easily slide and do not spoil due to daily use. Curtains can be selected as a stationary partition. They do not provide good insulation, but good for visual separation of space.
  • Glass partitions are allowed only after the child is 6-7 years old. Before that, the kids do not comply with the power of their environmental impact and often manage to destroy the tempered glass. Even if the manufacturer has provided protection against sharp fragments and no one will suffer, the inhabited partition in such a regrettable case will still have to be changed. If the children / child are already 9-10, the glass panels will become very good decisionbecause, most likely, for a long time will be closed. Then even in the completely fenced out space without the window will flow natural light. The glass is best to choose a matte, with a drop of droplets or pattern.
  • Zoning cabinets - famous but convenient. These are usually narrow children's wardrobes that provide convenient storage Of the things of the child and do not too much much space. So that such a separation was harmonious, the cabinets need to be built built-in and height to the ceiling itself, then from the side of the "back" the cabinet looks ordinary wall. If it is important to completely extinguish the portal in the formed cabinets, you can also hang the speed.
  • Plasterboard partitions today are used infrequently, since blocking light access and occupy more space than glass or tissue. Designers use two types of drywall of drywall: narrow to create anfilac and wide central, which brave the room, leaving only narrow passages on the sides. In the first embodiment, visual zoning is ensured with the maximum preservation of free space. The second method allows you to cut off the children's zone under the window from the parent bedroom, without having deprived the last sunlight.

If you are fans eastern style, You can zone a room and traditional folding shirms. But it is important to select models with a very reliable and smooth mechanism, otherwise they will quickly turn into the decor and stop performing the basic function.

Choose style

In the multifunctional rooms, designers recommend applying laconic decorative techniques, unobtrusive textures and bright main tones.


At first it may seem that this style is too strict and discreet for children, but in everyday life it is very convenient. In addition, in the room with children in prominent places inevitably turns out stuffed ToysEducational mats, colorful books and other typical children's attributes. They make the room with a brighter and "alive", smoothing the impression of cold rigor.


Modern classic will remain relevant not yet one decade, so young parents are often chosen for the bedroom. When the kid appears in the room, it is not necessary to change the style dramatically: pick it up for it a wooden bed in your tone and try to save the symmetry in the interior. To maintain the style, it is also better to choose not too bright bedspread, and for toys to provide convenient storage space for the child (so there will not be many bright spots). In order not to bring dissonance to the room, give up traditionally children's furniture from plywood and chipboard in favor of a classic wooden. Now manufacturers create children's collections and there is always the opportunity to order a table or chairs individually.

So that the neoclassical interior looks harmoniously, it is necessary to carefully maintain order, but the ability to put toys in their place will only benefit the toys.


Scandinavian interior - perfect solution For a small shared bedroom. Since the walls in this style should be white, it is best to make them smooth and paint the washing paint on water based. It will be most safe and practical as possible, since the works of novice artists are easily frightened with it.

Put out bright accents You can in scanda using your favorite tones of all residents of the room. So that the composition looks harmoniously, choose the colors of the same saturation.

Pop Art

This style is best suited for young parents with completely tiny kids or teenage children. Bright colors, contrasting combinations and traditional drawings for comics are guaranteed to enjoy all the inhabitants of the room. Of course, it is not worth making an abnormal interior in the common bedroom, but it is quite possible to paint a part of the wall in yellow or turquoise, and the remaining color accents will be made at the expense of textiles and posters.


Designers recommend to avoid in the common bedroom of such styles like Provence, Baroque, Art Deco, Classic, Loft, since the standard techniques for them will be very strongly climbing the room, make it small and uncomfortable. But if you really like one of the similar styles, take advantage of eclectic capabilities. Sometimes it is enough to bring only 1-2 accents to set the desired interior stylist for example:

  • To set a lightweight provence, take neoclassic as a lavender or gas tone in it. Textiles with roses and ruffles can afford in the form of several decorative pillows. On the desktop of the schoolchildren there will be a relevant stand for pencils in the form of a bucket, and on an open shelf you can put 2-3 elegant porcelain figurines. Latest stroke It can be a picture with a lavender bouquet, or a composition from a photo in white slightly patched frames.
  • Add to room a drop of palace chic can be due to a beautiful carved frame of the picture or a mirror. If the TV hangs on the wall, it can be framed by a decorative foam baguette with an interesting pattern. An additional gloss in the room will give velvet textiles in bedspreads and lambrene, it is better to refuse from the porter. If you wish, you can use photo wallpaper with a baroque interior.
  • Those who prefer Loft, you will have to see the "brick" wall painted in white. You can also use traditional loft luminaires, only in the children's zone they must be colored, not black. Other attic accents in a combined bedroom will look too rude.

Ask the signs of your chosen style and try to use accents that do not break the harmony of the children's zone.

Photo Gallery: Beautiful Family Bedrooms

The built-in zone for sleep completely does not climb the space translucent curtains - great tool For zoning, pay attention to competent lighting: When the kid will grow at the place of the bed successfully will accommodate the recreation area Non-standard option The zoning of the common bedroom: Sleeping zones of parents and children are combined, and the area of \u200b\u200bclasses is a separate one more way to accommodate a children's bed over adult + when the kid will go to school the Cabinet area will easily turn into a study by children's toys Bedroom acquired the features of African ethno

Designers of interiors are confident that the more difficult task, the better the result is. Therefore, even if you share the bedroom with triples of school age, your room can be really cozy, comfortable and spectacular.

If you have one bedroom apartment, then your bedroom, and the children will be on one territory. When you just born the baby, it is also more convenient to "pick up" him in the bedroom, even if the apartment area allows you to equip a nursery.

One way or another, you will use spectacular zoning techniques so that the space you created is comfortable and beautiful. And consider that the children's playpen will be needed by you relatively long - very soon the baby will need another bed.

How to make a bedroom and nursery from one room?

Features Furnishing Combined Bedroom

When the parents' bedroom ceases to be their personal "property", the question of increasing the number of furniture. A crib, a suitcase, a changing table (True, the last two objects can be combined).

Beautiful interior combined with children's bedroom

The room should stay place for your items, for a bed or sofa, a cabinet and so on. And therefore, quite stringent requirements are presented to the choice of furniture items:

  • compactness;
  • functionality;
  • color, expanding space;
  • high quality.

Important comfortable Systems For storing children's things

A good option for a combined bedroom will be furnished with light facades - it will not be created dark spotsScrapping space. You can also choose the necessary transforming furniture - for example, a cabinet bed will not take place on the floor in the afternoon, and therefore the free area for active games with the child will appear on the "Your territory".

Important. When choosing furniture, do not forget about the principles of security - so, sharp corners it is advisable to avoid. If the furniture with rounded corners could not be chosen, then the angles are closed with special lining. As for the materials, it is preferable natural wood - It is environmentally friendly and hypoallergenne. If there is no opportunity to use a woody array, choose materials with hygienic compliance certificates.

How to locate children's and adult beds

Traditionally it is believed that the sleeping place of parents should occupy the central part of the room. Therefore, at first they find a place for him, and then - for a cot. This rule is considered logical, if you consider the dimensions of the furniture - so, the double bed of the bed will take almost 4 square metersAnd the playpen compared to it will be a crumb - no more than 1.4 * 0.7 m, so that any corner will suit it.

Standard size of a crib 1.4 x 0.7 m.

Parents' Sleep Place is placed so that his headboard is located at the wall, and the mattress spoke to the middle of the room. If a we are talking About a narrow bedroom, then the bed in it is located along, but consider that so the place will remain only on the one hand. Sometimes there will be a good way out in the bed diagonally, but consider that the room will certainly be a place for the storage system (wardrobe), a chest for children's trifles or bedrooms, bedside Tumbers, Mirrors, Table.

As for the location of the baby bed, here are the most demanded options:

  1. In a free corner. At the same time, the playpen can be divided with an adult bed with a chest or bedside table. When the playpen does not need, "settle" or a chair to organize a reading corner.
  2. Cot location in the corner of the room

  3. Opposite the bed of adults. So the crumble is constantly in the visibility zone of the parents. If the bedroom will not be used in the future and as a child, then instead of his playpen, a roomy checker or imitation of the fireplace can be delivered.
  4. Baby cot opposite parents

  5. Next to the bed, in bulk. As soon as the baby is born, he will be capricious without mother heat all the time. And if you put the baby's baby close to my, then you can organize a joint sleep. To do this, one of the side of the player is cleaned, and it is moved to an adult bed without intervals. It turns out that the child sleeps separately, but it always feels Mamino warmth.

    Location of the cradle near the parents of parents

    Yes, and it is much more convenient to feed it. True, the whole design bedroom Now it becomes cumbersome, but this is a temporary solution, only until the crumb will grow up.

    How to zonate space in the shared bedroom

    At the location of the furniture, the location of the window and door openingsbecause the process of getting into the room fresh air Be sure to regulate. The ideal situation is if in the room 2 windows, and they can be easily divided between the two owners so that in each of the zones it turned out to be its source of natural light. But in any case, it will be necessary to abandon bulky porter and heavy tissues in favor of light tulle.

    Zoning with a cabinet

    As for zoning, partitions will be the most traditional solution. They can be made from drywall Go chips, in the form of open racks or a filament curtains. The main condition is that light from the window penetrate into one, and to another part of the room.

    Device small shirma

    Among the methods of zoning there are interesting, unusual and classic:

    Important. Different are also easily combined - for a children's better soft, a non-smoky lobby carpet, and more for an adult zone practical linoleum, parquet board or laminate.