Repairs Design Furniture

Spacious wardrobe coupe into the bedroom. Built-in bedroom wardrobes. What to pay attention to

The wardrobe in the bedroom pesterly displaces the cabinet furniture and bulky wardrobes, becoming salvation for those who have no place for wardrobe. His indisputable advantage is the maximum functionality, since it allows you to optimally use each centimeter, the entire volume of the room, drawn under the closet - from the wall to the wall, from the floor to the ceiling. Thanks to the individual execution, the wardrobe can be organically "entered" in places previously considered oversized, for example, various niches.


The wardrobe in the bedroom can be both a highlight of the interior and a non-zeisted remnant of the Soviet past. In addition, it is necessary that he not only fit into the interior, but also was functional. To achieve such a combination, the choice of this subject should be prepared carefully and in advance.

Several factors speak in favor of the wardrobes:

  • Save space additionally, as a result - there are no "dead" zones reserved under the opening radius of doors
  • storage system - internally space can be organized under the exact requests for the owner, taking into account the features of stored things
  • - allow you to visually increase even very modest on the area

The spacious built-in wardrobe in the bedroom can play the role of even mini-dressing room.

However, on this advantage of such a cabinet design does not end. An important nuance is its substantial capacity. So, in it, it is easily possible to arrange things of different lengths, and numerous shelves will help freely place the hosiery, underwear, accessories and other little things.

From this, the following essential plus such a cabinet should be the lack of need for additional furniture subjects, such as dressers, mini-cabinets and their analogues. After all, you can fill the cabinet all the necessary shelves, sections and compartments that will perform many functions. At the same time, the space in it can be organized on your choice, but still it is preferable to leave the lower shelves for some household items if they did not find a place in other rooms. It can be: vacuum cleaner, iron, unnecessary dishes and even ironing board. However, it is not necessary to get involved in not turning a neat wardrobe in a sloppy attic for unnecessary utensils.

Disadvantages of a wardrobe: what to pay attention to

Despite these obvious advantages of the model before you decide on its installation, you should consider possible disadvantages of the wardrobe. These include the following:

  • insufficient strength of aluminum cabinet parts (if you choose on them). This is explained by the softness of metal, because of which such cabinets are short-lived;
  • the ability to fail the slip of sliding doors: they simply can jam. Causes can be a variety of: dust, small parts, pets of pets, hair, etc.;
  • lack of accurate geometry, despite all the preliminary measurements. This is explained by the fact that ready-made models are not perfectly even.

Be careful with the choice of the door extension mechanism - it should not be too noisy. After all, the bedroom zone of relaxation and comfort that nothing should break.

Wardrobe coupe in the bedroom: decor element

Thanks to the decorative facade, the wardrobe is easily integrated into any interior. On the one hand, if necessary, it will help literally dissolve the wardrobe in space, making it actually "invisible." On the other hand, the original drawing or unusual decoration of sliding doors will help to give a bedroom of paints and expressiveness.

The mirror is an important component of the decor. In addition, if from the outside, the mirror will be built into the wardrobe you selected, it will visually expand the space even a small room. You will also save space, as it is quite able to do without a separate mirror. From a decorative point of view, such a wardrobe will fit into most modern styles. There are several options for mirrors: matte, bronze, graphite, tonned and others.

Tip! Do not place a wardrobe with a mirror in dark rooms. Such cabinets are also poorly combined with aristocratic furniture made of carved wood, velvet and antiques.

If you chose a model without a mirror, you should take care so that its appearance is combined with the interior of the room in texture, color and style. In addition to aesthetic species, it will allow you to visually expand the space, as the wardrobe actually alters with the whole room without overloading it.

All this makes a wardrobe, an indispensable accessory in a small bedroom.

Due to the fact that the wardrobe looks like a wall, it is indispensable when interior design in some modern styles, such as, for example:

  • scandinavian (which does not provide for the presence of bulky cabinets in the interior);
  • high tech;
  • minimalism.

Color selection

When choosing a wardrobe, one of the primary values \u200b\u200bhas a competent selection of color. It all depends on your preferences. Also, the choice of color should be coordinated with the size of the room, its purpose and stylistic orientation. So, the cabinets of dark shades look extremely impressive. However, it should be remembered that such colors visually narrow the space, although gloss and levels this effect. Therefore, black and other dark cabinets are better to choose for large rooms. If you are equipping a children's bedroom, then your preference can be given to bright colored cabinets that will delight kids.

Tip! The red closet will certainly be a highlight of your interior and the subject of the pride of the hostess. However, it should be remembered that this is an aggressive color that looks inappropriate in the bedroom, as it can irritate the nervous system and even become the cause of insomnia.

Also, the wardrobes can be classified depending on the parts and accessories. For example:

  • with the mezzanine, which can easily be placed suitcases and other necessary things that saves space;
  • with the presence of open shelves on which you can position the computer, TV, built-in fireplace and, of course, books.

Placement features

There are several varieties of classifications of the cabinets. We will analyze more significant of them in more detail - according to the features of the cabinet. According to this criterion, the models are divided into the following main categories:

  • built-in;
  • corpus
  • radius
  • angular;
  • diagonal;
  • diagonal corner.

Consider them in more detail. Built-in wardrobes will allow you to save not only the place in the room (which is already perfect in itself), but also your budget. After all, you will save on the back and upper walls of the cabinet. Cabinet (or half-boring) Cabinet is a full-fledged independent piece of furniture. It is adapted to move, has walls, ceiling, lower and top parts. Thus, it is a holistic model. Radius wardrobes can be entered into any room, as they have any form. They are most spitable and functional and there are several types: concave or convex, oval or asymmetric, etc.

  • Illumination. It is ideal for making an effect in the dark, helping to create a cozy atmosphere. For this, a special external illumination is suitable, which has a weak power. And in order to functionality, it is advisable to place the backlight inside the cabinet, to find it easier to find the necessary thing. In this case, it is preferable to stop your choice on more powerful light bulbs.
  • Special stickers. They are made under the order and interesting look at the mirrors for the wardrobe. The image can be chosen absolutely any, but it is better to take into account the stylistic orientation of the interior.
  • Exotic decorative materials, such as rattan, leather, bamboo. These elements will help you withstand the room in the style you need. For example, the rattan and bamboo are ideal for colonial, eco-friendly and oriental styles (see photo), and the skin will be appropriate in minimalism.

How to choose correctly

To begin with, decide on the form. What closet you will be more suitable - coruscular or built-in? You also need to take into account the door opening mechanism. Before you two options: monorail or roller. The first option is preferable because it is more reliable. But the price will be appropriate. Another option is to choose inexpensive closets with a roller mechanism. However, in this case, the door can quickly come into disrepair.

It should also be paid to the profile of the sliding system, and more specifically - on its material. It may mostly be either aluminum or steel. Systems with steel profiles are cheaper due to the fact that they produce a lot of noise. But if it does not bother you, then you can safely acquire such a wardrobe, as it is quite reliable. Aluminum designs look elegant and attract their almost silent mechanism. In addition, you get more options for the design of the door facade. At the same time, their service life is less than steel.

When purchasing or ordering furniture designs, it is rather difficult to make a choice from a large number of proposals, it is especially true of this moment as filling wardrobes coupe (Photos with dimensions offer numerous options), among which you need to make a competent choice. The banal question can grow into a problem, especially in the process of manufacturing furniture under the order, therefore, knowledge of the selection of cabinet furniture design is required for each of the premises or large apartments.

Proper filling: nuances

Specific standards of choice and production of filling does not exist. However, expert advice will not be inappropriate, on the contrary, will help you quickly make a definition with a choice of design. The choice depends on certain factors that are required in this case.

  • size wall parameters;
  • targeted designs;
  • number of personal belongings;
  • budget Customer Cabinet.

The simplest and most common types of layout can be found on the Internet. There you can also measure the length parameters and widths, as well as find out the cost of making structures, types of materials and forms of products. The wardrobe, and more precisely the planning of his "indoors" implies not only the placement of shelves, but also design, and other elements, so it is important to evaluate the product project in advance, even before a new piece of furniture appears.

Number of doors in the cabinet

There are several options. For example, for a small room, a wardrobe with two doors or one door will be the current option. It turns out that this option implies a minimum of two sections. In the moment design, the cabinet is divided into conditional niche.

  • Elements for the purpose of storing long things
  • Niche for the safety of clothing used every day (jeans, sweaters, T-shirts, tops),
  • Branch for storing linen accessories and devices,
  • Products for gloves, belts, ties and other accessories,
  • Boxes and shelvesfor care products for the objects of clothing.

An important role is played by the number of doors, compartments. One door, equipped with a guide particle, are small in size, but have a good inner ordering. The peculiarity lies in the constantly open state of one of the halves of such a product. This will allow the creation of a niche for storing other devices in an open place.

Width of structures

  • Outerwear sections - 80 cm,
  • for long things - 140 cm.

It's important to know! The location of the riglel is more convenient to choose on the basis of the width, thanks to this approach you can save a lot of free space inside.

  • The content of the product should be located at an altitude, which is convenient enough to ensure the convenient hit of the owner inward. The size of the opening in this case should be about 35-40 cm.
  • If you need to select dimensions for short clothes, the opening on the shoulder is 80 cm, for long clothes - 150 cm. The rods are calculated by adding to the value of 20 cm.
  • Andresol in the cabinet is traditionally used to store the storage of large size, which are currently not used by the owners.
  • Socks and elements of the underwear are recommended to be stored in the corner cabinets -cup. Some models have triangular forms, as well as trapezoid and diagonal models. If you have decided to make a product of the corner, it will be more difficult to fill it, because it will be necessary to take care of providing convenient access to things located in the corner. If you want to rationally use the space, you can install several rods for the hangers in the center. In the corners, the open-type shelves are traditionally manufactured to accommodate souvenirs. Filling the corner wardrobes, the photo with dimensions suggest a large number of options, is a complex process, however, with due attention you can achieve good results.

    Filling cabinets for built-in wardrobes

    If you have decided to take on the assembly of the built-in design, you can pick up current and practical solutions, especially if you learn how to mostly correctly and practically use free space - from and to. It is important to ensure competently filling with empty niches. In the bedroom, if such structures are used, many people seek to create a place for or television. Another thoughtful option is to create an open module. Some owners of apartments and houses are adamant in their solutions to create a practical design, therefore use truly practical solutions, creating.


    Thus, planning the constructions, you must realize the fact that this will have the dependence of the lion's share of your comfort and convenience, as well as the rationality of space indoors. As a base planning element, the cabinet installation site is directly. For

In any room, the bedroom is one of the main rooms in which a person is crushed a large amount of time. A comfortable atmosphere and calm can form a good design and the corresponding furnishings. But the problem is that it is not always possible to combine these two components into a single stylistic ensemble. Therefore, to create impeccable and harmonious design, often preference is given to the built-in wardrobe.

Sliding wardrobes, due to their functionality and diversity of facades, it is much easier to adapt to the already existing design design.

Professional Masters Designers say that in the bedroom, except the bed, the cabinet is an equally important accent. But the interior does not tolerate clutter. Even with attempts to save space, the bedroom is constantly being forced by the chest, then the Chiffonier or bedside tables. This is the main problem for the inhabitants of small apartments, where there is no place to store various elements of the wardrobe.

Allow the tasks of the combination of good functionality, beauty and compactness can only competently selected wardrobe coupe.

For this type of furniture, a variety of advantages can be distinguished. However, there are some disadvantages that should be considered when choosing.


  1. Rational use of space.

Due to the wardrobe, the space can be used rationally and with maximum benefit.

Its indisputable advantage is the maximum functionality, since it allows you to optimally use each centimeter.

  1. Aesthetic beauty.

This furniture is attractive aesthetically, since it has a modern attractive design, often decorated with painting and whole paintings.

A variety of design solutions in the design of this type of furniture simply amazes.

  1. Reliability and long service life.

The wardrobes are quite reliable, serve for a long time, especially if they are not subject to transportation.

A spacious wardrobe on the entire wall in a large bedroom - almost a full replacement for a separate dressing room.

  1. High functionality.

Sliding wardrobes are multifunctional, that is, they are completely capable of carrying out a considerable number of functions. This is especially true for those who have a separate dressing room or a large bedroom square.

In this case, this type of furniture is able to accommodate the maximum number of items and things.

  1. Large selection of color solutions.

A variety of color scheme makes it possible to select furniture for various interior style.

Bright multicolored wardrobe in a modern bedroom.

  1. The possibility of individual planning.

When installing this type of furniture in the bedroom, you can vary with the space and design of the cabinet, using both corner and separate options.

Corner cabinets will perfectly fit into a small bedroom, helping to save space even more.

  1. The possibility of correcting unsuccessful design or repair lights.

The integrated compartment cabinet system is of various shapes and configurations, so the well-selected form can help hide various flaws of unsuccessful repairs or shortcomings of planning.

Built-in wardrobe, specially designed for the attic bedroom.

  1. Spreading doors.

Also one of the positive sides is the sliding doors system, which significantly saves space.

Since the doors are simply moved to the sides, it does not occur in the additional space to move the door leaf.

  1. Good capacity.

Competent design of racks perfectly contains clothes, bed linen, bedspreads, shoes, etc. If it turns out to mount the shelves or hangers of various dimensions, you can accommodate even more things or clothes.

The best and economical view is the built-in wardrobe with an angular placement, which seems to be very relevant today.

  1. Universality.

These cabinets have not only shelves for clothes and hangers for clothes. But in many models there are shelves for shoes and a place for hangers and other fit things.

It is necessary to select a wardrobe, taking into account the needs of the family.

  1. Easy care.

Since the facades of modern furniture are made mainly of materials with a universal lacquer or matte coating, it is quite simple to care for her. It is necessary to wipe the dust with a wet cloth or microfiber, you can also use the furniture care agent.

Behind the mirror surfaces should be care for as an ordinary mirror.

Discharge wardrobes

Of the disadvantages, only their large-size and non-transportability can be called. Therefore, the best wardrobe wardrobes are in disassembled form, and with great care, you should handle the mirror doors and facades.

Competently selected built-in lockers flawlessly "fit" in the design and structure of the room.

Any client can choose furnishings to their taste, taking into account the following characteristics: dimensions, internal device, facade material, location and so on.

Types of design cabinets

Lockers should be selected by taking into account the characteristics and scale of the room. The coupe can be placed in angle or along the wall. In addition, you can choose options with additional built-in components. This is a built-in table or TV, built-in bed or lighting device.

Such solutions are very relevant for small premises.

  1. Rectangular cabinets.

Direct integrated systems have the only species from the ceiling to the floor and along the wall or part of it.

Such cabinets are relevant for medium rooms.

  1. Corner.

Corner cabinets have a number of varieties:

  • Mr., where 2 halves of furniture are placed along the walls, in contact in the middle at an angle;
  • Triangular, which are characterized by a common facade, direct and without fubs;
  • Trapezoidal, have different modifications, very spacious, but more suitable for medium or large rooms;
  • Various modifications of concave, convex or zigzagovoid designs.

Such cabinets look stylish and presentable.

Selection of facade material

The selection of the material is a very serious task, since the problem of combining acceptable cost, quality and durability is solved.After designing the placement of the cabinet, you should resort to the choice of materials from which furniture will be produced. The following materials are more common and frequently used.

  1. Lining or genuine wood.

Natural tree occasionally applied to make cabinets, since it is considered too expensive. However, there are secured buyers who choose only natural materials that guarantee an impeccable environment in the room.

The timber array is considered too impractical and bulky material.

  1. Chipboard.

Laminated chipboard- a rather durable, cheap and convenient material, presented by a variety of decorative colors.

It is easy by weight, easy to process and leaving, long-term in operation.

The most popular material, since it perfectly combines beauty, and durability, and low cost.

This material is traditionally more expensive than chipboard.

  1. Plasterboard.

It is not a very popular material for furniture, since it cannot "boast" their longevity.

But it is easy, cheap and environmental.

Preference is most often given to MDF and chipboard.

Features of the selection of a wardrobe

When buying a wardrobe in the store should pay special attention to some nuances. Before focusing on a specific modification of the wardrobe, the following rules must be observed.

For the classic interior style, light pastel colors are best suitable, in combination with matte or patterned mirrors. But for High-tech it is better to choose progressive curved or angular versions.

For the Baroque style, the best option will be dark colors and strict forms.

  1. Take into account the possibility of an option with a partition. In the presence of free space, you can resort to the principle of "golden section", when the height and length of the cabinet are adjusted by the coefficient of 1.60 to 600.

Features of the wardrobes and adaptation to the interior

The inner device of the cabinet must correspond to the requests of its owners. Competent placement of racks ensures their strength and functionality. When choosing a closet, first of all it is necessary to consider the following.

  1. Nish size and zone location:

  1. The number of clothes and its types.

With a large family, it is important to consider the personal needs of everyone. For example, girls need much more space than boys.

  1. Affordable and best price.

Choosing a wardrobe for your family, you should consider the cost of purchase. It should not be purchased a highly cheap product, since it will definitely be poor and quickly fail. It is not always necessary to buy and very expensive things, since they often do not justify their value.

Middle cost furniture is quite accessible to the ordinary consumer and acceptable in quality.

Variety of Designer Solutions Sliding Coupe

The most practical types of cabinets can be spacked directly from manufacturers.An interesting idea may be additional components and additional structures in the wardrobes. For example, specialized holders for belts or ties, retractable baskets- Practical, stylish and convenient solution for any furniture, additional hooks for children, small boxes for small things or jewelry, etc.

The photo of the cabinets or the scheme of their location can be chosen in magazines and visually decide on the choice of the desired design.

Buy wardrobe coupe in the bedroom today you can various configurations, colors or materials. However, the main one remains selection of the color palette of furniture facades.

  1. Beautifully and presentably looks in the furniture of dark colors. It forms a special atmosphere. But dark color always reduces space.

    This option is suitable only for a large bedroom.

  2. Coloring tones are suitable for a progressive interior, but they will not always be harmoniously combined with the interior.

    Therefore, this kind of variation is excluded almost all consumers.

  3. The lockers of the reddated tone coupe - the version is exceptional. In the bedroom, it is capable of negatively affect sleep.

    Red activates human nervous system.

  4. Almost all designers advise to acquire light tone furniture: beige, coffee.

    This kind of options look consigned with the interior and form a comfortable environment.

  5. An interesting idea will be the choice of the coloring of the cabinet under items and components of the bedroom, such as bedspreads, curtains, beds, decor items, etc.

    The most important thing is that all the details are harmoniously fitted in color and texture.

The bedroom for each person is a seating area in which he can relax, coming from work, to get together and fully restore its ability to work. Of course, many want to have a bedroom to be spacious and comfortable, comfortable and comfortable.

Modern wardrobes, competently adapted to the interior of the room, will solve this problem.

Video: embodiments of built-in wardrobes in the bedroom.

  • Choose a suitable form of design (hull, built-in, halfway).
  • Choose a mechanism for opening the door coupe. It can be sliding (moves along the guides using roller mechanisms), suspended (no lower guides, the door-coupe moves only at the expense of the top rollers), mounted (the guide system is hidden in the housing).
  • For a narrow and long room, it is necessary to select a single-handed set or a product, supplemented with wide glass doors or a tinted facade.
  • Do not save on components, mechanisms and illumination.
  • When placing a jewelry cabinet in the children's, the most acceptable option is built-in or semicircular models that do not possess sharp corners and protrusions. Such designs are mostly equipped with spacious shelves, drawers and high sections, perfectly suitable for toys and clothes.
  • In the bedroom, the child is not desirable to install products with mirrors, the best solution will be a wardrobe having open side walls with shelves.
  • The sleeping room of a teenager can be made a small angular model.
  • Sometimes the bedroom can be located on an attic that features several levels of ceiling. In this case, the non-standard design is made under the order, which allows it to fit perfectly into space and put it even greater originality.

Interior Filling Cabinet for Bedroom

When selecting a jewelry cabinet, it is primarily planning its filing, taking into account the characteristics of all items that are inside. Such models are equipped with simple shelves for clothes and linen and several spacious sections for hangers. Andresol is perfect for storing hats or rarely used things, and the lower tier will provide a place for shoes and heavy items.

On the photo of a wrapping cabinet in the interior of the bedroom.

Some products are distinguished by the presence of a chest, which involves the placement of small items, clothing and other things. In order for the wardrobe to accommodate all the necessary things, it is very important to think over the inside in advance.

Cabinet color

The ideal solution is a bright jewelry model of a white, milk or beige shade, it harmoniously complements any bedroom design, empowering exceptional elegance, airiness, ease and turns into a stylish and actual interior element.

In the photo interior of the bedroom and a wardrobe with a matte facade of a brown shade.

No less favorably look at designs in gray, brown or chocolate colors, they are a classic interior idea and fit perfectly into a modern bedroom. You can put the space with bright colors using turquoise shades, adding the design of some romanticity, lilac and coral tones will allow, and yellow, orange or lettuce, significantly transform the bedroom and bring freshness to it.

On the photo a glossy dual-door wardrobe of a lilac color in the bedroom interior.

A calmer and deep design is achieved with the use of dark blue. Also quite often use the classic black and white satellite solution, which is a perfect contrast duet.

Forms and sizes

Especially the original view has corner check-in structures, they may have a triangular, trapezoidal and any other form. Such products occupy the minimum number of areas, while the accomplishment of quite a lot of things.

Special attention deserve radius cabinets, which, by distorting smooth lines, look less volumetric and cumbersome. Data Rounded models are more accomplished, functional and differ in various design, for example, convex, concave, oval or asymmetric.

In the spacious bedroom, large spacious four-dimensional headsets are often installed, which are easily turning into a mini-dressing room, and for small-sized rooms in Khrushchev, choose narrow structures equipped with compact shelves and drawers. Perfectly suitable for any room size, model to ceiling, providing the opportunity to rationally use the entire height of the space.

On the photo of a white corner wardrobe M-shaped in the bedroom interior.

The most practical option is the headset, made by the letter-r, consisting of two cabinets, which are located at right angles.

In the photo of the bedroom with a four-door cabinet of a black color, made in the form of a letter-g.

How to locate in the bedroom?

For easy access to things, the jiggle model is installed near or opposite the bed, which is the best option. Also, the design can be placed by the window, but in this case it should not brave the opening and interfere with the penetration of natural lighting.

In the photo, the jewelry cabinet in white-beige colors, located in a niche in the interior of the bedroom.

If the layout of the bedroom assumes a niche, then the rational solution will be established the product in the recess. Thus, it will get the most effectively to use all the space.

In the photo of the attic bedroom with a three-door wardrobe with the location of the wall.

Design cabinets

Due to the design of the facade, which may be catchy or vice versa more concise, it turns out to drastically change the appearance of the bedroom and turn the wardrobe to the main interior element.

With a mirror on the facade

The mirror facade, due to the reflective effect, visually expands and increases the space. This design may have a silver or blue shade, possess bronze or emerald color. Quite often, the surface is decorated with screen patterns, sandblasting patterns in combination with matted glass or apply etching equipment.

In the photo of a wardrobe with a mirror facade, decorated drawings in the technique of sandblast.

Doors with a carved mirror, such a graceful design, are particularly unusual, gives furniture to a truly luxurious appearance and empowering expressiveness, making the interior beautiful and more finished.

With glossy facades

The gloss is distinguished by an attractive appearance and has the most diverse color gamut. Cooking cabinets with such a coating look very presentable and due to the ability to reflect the light stream, give the room of additional lighting and space.

In the photo interior of the bedroom and a wardrobe with a glossy facade with a coating lacobe.

With photo printing

It is a truly spectacular and creative solution that undoubtedly becomes the main decoration of the bedroom. With the help of an interesting realistic photo printer, the situation is significantly refreshing and acquires a certain attitude.

In the photo built-in wardrobe, decorated with photo printing with the image of a city in the interior of a modern bedroom.

With backlit

Thanks to a special external illumination with weak power, it turns out to achieve a rather unusual effect and a very cozy atmosphere, especially in the evening day. In addition, it will also be appropriate to equip the backlight inside the design, which will provide a more convenient search for the necessary things.

With functional additions

Coupling models can have a functional addition in the form of a built-in television door, a mounted couch or an open side shelf under TV. Such equipment provides a comfortable stay for watching favorite programs.

In the photo, a bedroom with a shopping cabinet equipped with a TV.

Also, this design is often equipped with a built-in, folding and roll-out desktop or toilet table.

With original door trim

The unusual finish of the facade of the skin will give the interior with conciseness, individuality and give the room of moderate rigor, and the combined decor with rattan will fill the space with mysterious oriental notes and cause associations with the tropical sun.

In the photo of a wardrobe with doors, decorated skin in the bedroom interior.

How does the wardrobe look in different styles?

For the classic interior, brighter cabinets are characterized, decorated with columns or frescoes. As a decor, borders, mosaic, carved or forged elements, which give the designs of special grace and, at the same time, are often used.

Provence suggests the model from the wood array or its budget analogue, MDF and chipboard. Sliding wardrobes are mainly performed in beige, gentle turquoise or white tones, the door surface decorate with obvious losses and other stylistic attributes.

In the photo of a bedroom in a classic style with a light cabinet with a mirror.

In modern design, the use of glass, mirror surfaces, acryline facades and gloss is appropriate. Doors are sometimes performed from plastic and are decorated with fantasy drawings.

For the free direction of Loft, more massive models with mirrors or opaque glasses are selected, and the Japanese style is complemented by products with various drawings in ethnic topics or designs with doors, decorated with lattices or rattan and bamboo.

On the photo of a wardrobe with a mirror facade in the interior of a small bedroom in the style of Loft.

The Scandinavian interior is distinguished by simple and minimalist jiggle models, in the manufacture of which, natural wood, glass or chipboard are used. The color palette is most often limited to white, gray and brown shades, the facade has a laconic, sometimes a little rude decoration.

Variants zoning with a wardrobe

If it is necessary to separate space into several functional zones, it is also possible to apply this design. For example, in the form of a partition with a sliding door-compartment, characterized by special compactness and a light view or a double-sided cabinet with doors placed on the facial and invalid side. Such a product perfectly replaces the wall and at the same time performs its basic functions. Thanks to this element of zoning, it turns out to achieve a very interesting design of the premises, without performing redevelopment.

In the photo, the option of zoning the bedroom with a wardrobe.

Photo Gallery

The wardrobe is the most optimal and widespread solution for the bedroom. It allows you to organize a storage system for things of any size and thereby adding the room amenities and styles.

Places for storage of things and household appliances are usually organized in the living room and bedroom. For these purposes, shelves, cabinets, racks, dressers, but more practical furniture are used than the cabinets have not yet come up with. They are spacious and allow you to store both things and books, equipment, household trivia. All cabinets are conventionally divided into two categories:

  • Coupe;
  • Swing.

The second slowly pass positions and are used in the interiors imitating the situation of a certain era. But the wardrobes became a real discovery: practical and comfortable. Let's talk more about the advantages of their designs, the variety of forms and color solutions.


The wardrobe is not just modern, popular furniture. It has several advantages that help to significantly get outdated outdated models in the race of universality and practicality.

Consider a number of advantages that make a wardrobe, an indispensable interior object in the bedroom design:

  • Features of the design of doors. In ordinary cabinets, they open "on themselves", and require a separate platform for the "stock". Accordingly, this zone is no longer used to use that sometimes it hits the space in small rooms. The doors opened by the type of coupe smoothly ride the miniature wheels in special grooves in the furniture itself.
  • Capacity. Despite the seemingly small size of the model, a whole needle of things can fit inside. The product range offers various divisions on the sections, so it will not be difficult to choose the option.
  • Long service life. Doors do not break out and you do not have to change or lubricate loops. All that will be needed is to periodically check the smoothness of the "stroke" of the wheels in the grooves.
  • Modern materials and design. The product range is rich and allows you to choose a model for any style of design. Durable materials will not only increase the life of the product, but also have a pleasant aesthetic appearance.

Some built-in models are originally zonied space. One of the doors of such a cabinet fake, and will perform the role of a full partition between the bedroom and the living room.

When choosing, pay attention to the quality of the chain chariots. In cheaper models, they are made of plastic. This material will not last long. Prefer steel or all the same plastics, but with teflon coating, which will add durability.


The wardrobes are classified in two characteristics: designs and shape. According to the first variety criterion, only two:

  • Corps. They are an ordinary cabinet with a standard set of necessary surfaces: pallet, walls and top cover. This model is mobile, it is free to rearrange it into another place or transported with you when moving.
  • Embedded. More modern model. In essence, it is a panel of traveling doors, which is mounted in the wall. An optional option in the presence of niches in bedrooms of complex and non-standard forms. Built-in wardrobes are manufactured, as a rule, to order and customized under each specific wall. In some cases, there are floors or walls in their designs, if the customer requires. Unfortunately, such a model establishes "tight". The owners of the apartment will not be able to move it when permuting or take to another housing.

Varieties of forms of mass. They allow you to literally squeeze the cabinet in the most meager space, while not disturbing the design of the room. By the forms of the coupe divide on:

  • Straight. Standard model of rectangular or square shape.
  • Radius. New years old. Their front wall with doors can be convex, concave or wave-like, as if repeating smooth circular line. It looks such models effectively and extraordinary. There are also absolutely round options that are suitable only for central placement in the room. A kind of stylish core in the midst of the interior composition is a very bold designer solution. Harls. Ideal for small rooms, as we will significantly save space without prejudice to the capacity. Such cabinets can be a triangular (diagonal), M-shaped, trapezoidal form. There are also five-wall structures. They are a combination of a M-shaped model with a triangular or trapezoidal.

The range of structures will allow you to choose a unique option that is suitable for your room, whether it is a spacious room or a tiny, but cozy bedroom.
It's important to know. Built-in models can not be attached to plasterboard walls. They simply will not stand the gravity of the design.

Options of facades

Standardly deaf walls are performed from a chipboard, which consists of woodworking waste (chips) and binders. The first component is completely safe for humans. Toxicity depends on the gluing substance. The more qualitative and eco-friendly this non-amineral glue, the more expensive the chipboard plate, and, accordingly, the furniture from it is manufactured. In more expensive models, solid wood, characterized by increased strength.

Door facades are performed from various materials, which more actually act as a decorative component than a functional unit. Among popular options are distinguished:

  • Mirrors. The most popular surface type. It looks elegant and stylish, and with competent lighting reflects the light and visually increases the space. Mirror surfaces are universal and suitable for any style of design.
  • Lacobe. Durable glass, on the surface of which is painted composition. Doors are obtained opaque. The assortment of shades is rich, which allows you to choose a tone for the general decoration of the room.
  • Plastic. A relatively inexpensive option with rich colors, but fragile and mechanical exposure.
  • Decorative acrylic. The original material that only enters the fashion. Between the two fine plates acrylic placed various natural elements, most often the stalk, leaves, blades or twigs.
  • Photo printing. It is applied on paper, which is glued with a root side of the glass surface.
  • Leather (natural and artificial). Suitable for stylish and luxurious interiors. The skin is glued to a wooden basis. It is often combined with mirror surfaces.
  • Lacomat. Glass, which from the inside is processed with acid. As a result of the chemical reaction, the effect of a matte surface is obtained.
  • Bamboo. Lightweight and beautiful material of natural origin. "Wood" (or rather the stem pulp of this fast-growing grass) from the center of the stem of darker shades than the outer layer.
  • Rattan. Tropical liana, which allows you to create a unique braided pattern.
  • Other types of "usual" wood: oak, cherry, maple or pine. It looks pretty boring and trivially, unless of course their surface do not decorate carved patterns.

Quite often there are options for wardrobes with combined door facades. According to the design options, they are classified for the following types:

There are other complex compositions that combine the elements of the above types. Such facades are usually drawn up to order on the individual design of the designer.

Mirror or glass surfaces are also decorated with various drawings. Sandblasting machines are applied in painting composition on the surface or etching frozen images from the inside.


There is simply no single standard for sizes of the cabinet compartment. The reason for the versatility of the design and a variety of its forms. Before you visit the store or contact the customer are measured. The height, width and length will be required. For embedded structures, the error in a millimeter can already become a disaster. Also consider the placement of sockets, switches, windows and doors. As for the depth, it, as a rule, does not exceed 0.5-, 0.6 m. But if the built-in model opens the door to the dressing room, its dimensions depend on the possibilities of premises and the wishes of the owners. As for internal filling, there are a number of rules here, which is simply dangerous for the design and user:

  • The width of the shelves should not exceed 1 m. Otherwise, they will turn or completely broken in half. Depending on which gravity you will store there, their width can be even less.
  • The width of the drawers should not exceed 0.5 m. Standard plywood from which pallets are performed also will not withstand the load. As a compromise, it is replaced with a durable chipboard or MDF.
  • The maximum allowable rod width for the hangers is 1m. Even if it is made of metal, heavy loads in the form of cumbersome outerwear, be able to not disrupt its integrity, but to drive.

These general rules apply to all cabinets not only a piece of coupe.

If you have chosen the design on the legs, which are met less and declared outdated, then definitely include their height in the overall indicator.


Competently developed filling of the cabinet is the key to its high capacity. After all, the furniture is not only an interior object, and also a functional unit, solving the task of storing things, household appliances, books and other economic trifles. You can purchase a ready-made model in special stores or learn ideas for organizing the internal spacecraft space from your fantasy, and order the embodiment of the project. Among the filling elements are distinguished:

  • Rods for hangers.
  • Retractable boxes.
  • Open shelves.
  • Special shoe storage nets.

Combinations of their location mass. Before purchasing a specific model, think about what you have more: shoes, things on hangers or trifles that are comfortable to hide in drawers and shelves. Depending on the wardrobe, the filling is chosen where the advantage of the one or another element of the organization of space is given.

Determine the color

The design of the cabinet coupe into the bedroom provides not only the choice of shape and design, but also a color solution. In the interior it plays one of the main roles. Some prefer to choose monophonic models of calm shades (cream, coffee, gray, peach). They soothe and create an extra comfort in the bedroom, but also slightly deleasing it. But for experiments with a palette, four basic theses of the combination of shades take into account:

  • Contrast combinations. Based on the choice of two colors located on different sides of the color spectrum. Are not suitable for small bedrooms, as space can eat.
  • Monochrome combination. It implies the use of one color and its two shades: light and dark.
  • Accented combination. It is based on the use of monochrome and fourth color, which is contrasting to the main one.
  • Combination based on analogy. It features three colors: the main and two additional, which are close to it on the spectrum, but are not shades. Thus, the wardrobe is drawn up either in warm or in the cold range.

If the interior composition is allowed, the facades can be decorated with drawings, ornaments or panoramic images (photo wallpapers). Naturally, they must organically fit into the design and correspond to the principle of the unity of the style.

Location in the bedroom

The wardrobe in the bedroom, which imitates the adjacent wall, becomes not the most indicative object of the interior. Built-in structures are "merged" with the design. The most common option to install the cabinet - on the side of the bed, because it is she - the conditional center of the room. Door facades are made up with mirror surfaces, which allows this component of the interior is not too noteworthy, but comfortable. Also popular with the location of the cabinet at the wall opposite the bed. Usually their width is selected approximately equal to the sensation of symmetry and the leakage of one furniture from the other. In addition, this option visually extends the bedroom.

When placing the cabinet, consider the following nuances:

  • Distance from doorways and windows should be at least 20-30 cm.
  • In panel cabinets, the minimum allowable gap between the upper lid and the ceiling is 15 cm.
  • Install the cabinets away from the batteries. The tree can refuse and erupt.
  • Take into account the location of the switches and sockets, they must remain in the access area.

All these simple tips will help determine the placement of furniture and create not only the comfort, but also the convenience of interior decoration.

Dressing room inside the cabinet

The built-in wardrobe is already in itself a mini-dressing room. The option is suitable for those who dreamed of a separate room for things, but the opportunity to allocate a full-fledged room under this idea never appeared. In fact, the facade of the built-in cabinet is a partition that zones the bedroom into two different areas. The depth of such a model can be up to 0.5-0.6 m, which corresponds to standard dimensions. In some cases, it is artificially increased to in the closet, it was possible to go entirely, and even carry out fittings. For these purposes, corner and trapezoid constructions are suitable, which hide more space behind the doors than it may seem at first glance. Built the wardrobe is certainly more expensive than to purchase a ready-made product, but for solid repair, which will select the desire to rearrange the furniture for the coming years, the ideal option. The wardrobe in this model will look organically and nontrivially, and the dream of a bedroom hostess in for once will come true.