Repairs Design Furniture

How to make a children's slide with your own hands - instructions for homemade craftsmen. Children's slide with her own hands on the summer area. Drawing of a roller coaster from a tree with dimensions

The arrangement of the playground is impossible without a slide. But it is necessary to choose the design very carefully and take into account all the nuances. This is safety, and comfort, and simplicity of manufacture with your own hands.


Speaking about the types of children's slides, you must first allocate two types: a garden and placed in the house. Most often, homemade structures are put in the bedroom. You can make them from arbitrarily selected materials, even plywood or chipboard. It is unacceptable on the street - unfavorable meteorological effects are too strong. But the main approaches to the design of the design remain unchanged.

The difference may be related to the materials from which the slide is manufactured. For her apply:

  • wood;
  • metal.
  • ease of assembly;
  • minimum occupied territory;
  • the possibility of obtaining a variety of forms;
  • convenience and safety;
  • seasonal versatility.

Plastic allows you to make rods in the form of a spiral, pipes or waves. The excellent heat capacity of the plastic slide allows it to not overheat in the summer, as well as maintain a comfortable temperature in winter. Works are performed very simply, you only need to collect details in accordance with the instructions. However, plastic is detrimental to fragility, especially if we talk about cheap Chinese samples. It is not enough long.

Often on the site near the apartment buildings you can see the slides of the metal. They are very durable and serve for a long time. Even with active operation, the attraction will work enough for them to take advantage of several generations. You can make a design with different heights and with an unequal descent length.

However, before you choose such a structure for your yard, it is necessary to take into account his weaknesses.

Metal is warm too well. It is very heated in the heat, and when the cold occurs, rolling easily freeze. This may turn into poor health effects, even if they do not notice them in the heat of the game. You still need to remember that the metal requires care. And if the scat is made of steel, it can be corrosion.

Tree is attractive for many reasons. It is safe in environmental and sanitary plan. Wooden designs are relatively easy and can be delivered in an arbitrary place. Weather conditions do not interfere with their use. But you need to understand that Even the best wood can be deformed from dampness and temperature drops.

Special processing is performed to protect. However, it complicates and lends the construction process. In addition, it is necessary to carefully select the compositions for impregnation, since not all are safe enough. But the wooden slide can be easily renovated with their own hands. And at the construction stage, you will not need to use the welding machine.

A large area occupied by a slide (especially with descent) requires approaching the organization of this element of the playground more thoughtfully. It is impossible to limit ourselves to the choice of suitable material. Often the slide complements the house. It not only becomes another place for games, but also helps to hide from the rain in the summer months. It should also be mentioned that the types of slides differ in both the presence of a house and in the size of the structure.

Drawings and sizes

To properly build a slide for children in the country area, it is necessary to draw up drawings and schemes. If the web profile found on the Internet does not suit the slope, it is required to rotate it clockwise (to enlarge) or counterclockwise (to reduce) the angle. The steely tilt, the more nice to children. In addition, such a design will take less space, which is especially important in the country.

But with the slope of the slide slide, more than 40 degrees need to be carefully calculated so that the deceleration site is not excessively long.

Usually profiles are drawn on a single scale, bottom to up. At the same time try to match the distances between the initial points. After that, vertical sectional lines are prepared, between which the identical distance should also be. The angle of the skate is determined how much free space.

If there will be a wall, swimming pool, or other dangerous places in the yard of the house near the descent, it is necessary to plan the construction of the most steep slide.

By drawing up the drawings, it is required to take into account not only the affordable territory, but also the age of children. So, if the design is calculated for a category for 3-7 years, you can make a game surface at a height of over 2 m. But at the same time, there will be a metal barriers, the height of which will be at least 0.7 m. If you take advantage of the slide, children of any age, fence openings can May be a maximum of 0.5 m. At the same time, the height of the free fall must be limited to 2 m.

When it is likely to fall from the top platform, it is necessary when designing to provide the calculation of the absorbent coating blows. Figures often do not indicate supporting structures. And there may be no other bullion elements. The form must be as simple as possible, since building a sophisticated configuration structure is hard. The drawing of the slide for the street should be made with such a focus so that the descent is not directed towards the roadway.


At an early age, children's imagination itself makes the main work. It can "paint" like an unsuccessful element on the site, present it as a fabulous space. But it is quite appropriate to help the imagination of adults, push it into a strictly defined side. And if the slot is difficult to diversify, then the lifting can be presented much more interesting than a simple staircase. Excellent solutions of this kind can be:

  • slide in the form of a "tractor";
  • a house on a tree;
  • "Varosik".

How to make your own hands?

On the Internet it is easy to find quite a few schemes for the arrangement of a children's slide. But seriously pay attention is only on such drawings and drawings, where the barriers are shown in detail. Children of all ages play selflessly and lose a sense of reality. Therefore, fences, and the railing must be necessarily. Separate attention should be paid to the materials from which the slide is built as a whole and even the secondary parts of it.

Basic requirements Two: sanitary security and minimum risk of fire. All wooden and metal structures need to be seized to minimize the danger of injuries. Thinking up the future structure and remove it, you need to exclude any slotted partitions and gaps. Playing, children do not follow where they stick your fingers and even their heads. It is useful to present the hill through the eyes of the child, and then it will become clear where dangers can hide.

Step-by-step decoration of the sports projectile begins with the preparation of descent. It is made from the boards coinciding in length and width. The tree is neatly grinding to ensure descent safety. For connecting boards, bars are applied to the bottom. The next step is to attach to the descent of the lateral parts of the structure.

In order not to calculate the scrupulously all proportions, you can simply repeat the standard sizes of the factory slide. This is 1.3 m in height with a slope of 55 degrees. The boards of the side parts are selected and put so that the ends turn out to be at the top of the site. They fulfill the function of the handrails for which you can stay before the descent. The sidewalls are fixed on both sides on the self-tapping screw to keep them for the bottom of the descent.

Important: Side parts should be thoroughly handled. All sharp corners are cut and even grind the sandpaper. To spend less time and strength, you can simply take a grinder with a grinding disk. Next you need to mark up. At this point, the bur for garden works.

Recesses in the ground, obtained with it, are needed to install a bar. To note: the bottom of this timber should be lubricated by mastic. Now places where it was put, concrete. Only such a solution ensures reliability and stability of the structure. It is recommended to mix the solution on the M500 cement in standard proportions.

In the upper part of the bars saws the grooves cut through. They are needed to put the straps of strapping. The connection of parts is made by self-drawing. Planks solve 2 tasks at once: increase the rigidity and ensure the safety of children. Now you need to attach a pair of wooden crossbars to the frame.

They are fixed by the ladder on the one hand and prepared descent - on the other. When this work is performed, you need to build a wooden floor. When it is made, they put the boards, attaching them with self-draws.

Important: Boards can not be placed closely. The gaps should be so that the danger is excluded to get injury, but water loose freely.

If the maximum strength is needed, the joints of the wooden parts are strengthened with steel corners. It is recommended to make the slide twice as long as the height. Choosing a plot, you have to watch it not to be in the lowland. When the protracted rains go, "swamp" is formed there. All wooden and plastic parts should be impregnated with antipirens.

But the construction of a wooden slide can occur and otherwise. The alternative scheme implies that they will first remove all the soil and crushed the recess. It is necessary if there is a fertile land - then it will not be empty and will benefit somewhere else. Further, the platform falls asleep with sand and after a while when it will fall, the whole territory is trambed. This time is not worth spending in vain, you can:

  • blank wood;
  • dry it;
  • write according to the drawing;
  • okrot;
  • impustrate protective components.

Stairs, handrails, railing and boards, which will be needed for the construction of the "tunnel", twice paint enamel. In the interval between staining they need to grind. This prepares stage ends. It is time to build a foundation: in the holes prepared using the Garden Bura, put the reinforcement. It is certainly untouched by the construction level.

When the armature is placed, it is immediately concreted, and the corners weld on top. Poles that will be delivered at the base must be cut in certain places. These excavations will allow fixing the bar on the corners by self-drawing. Next, the pillars are associated with the help of Ukusin. The staircase is done like this: the boosters are fixed, and then stuffed on top of them.

But the staircase cannot be fine if it is not complemented by the launch site. When this work is completed, you need to prepare the basis of the descent (it is made from the bar). It is placed a steel curved profile for the skate. Over the base under the skate, there is a shield from plywood. The iron sheet is nourished on this shield.

The outer edges of the sheet bend and fix on the profile. Otherwise, injuries are inevitable. Now you can cut out the gaps in the boards and wrap the edge of the sheet there. Under the skate prepares a boardwalk. The sidewalls are trimmed by plywood. Now you can:

  • put on board;
  • complement the railway staircase;
  • build a four-tight roof, cover it on top of plywood.
  • plastic sheet;
  • linoleum;
  • galvanized steel 0.05 cm thick.

Laminate for rods to use it is impractical. Under constant load or simply when in contact with water, it is easily deformed. And here are some more recommendations:

  • you can increase the protection of the tree from moisture by polishing the wax;
  • to cover the wooden slide, oil paint is much worse than acrylic compositions and varnish;
  • it is impossible to put a slide near the poisonous plants and honeycomb;
  • we must immediately look so that there are no pipes and electrical appliances nearby;
  • you can not orient the skate towards the roadway, fence or capital wall.

Beautiful examples

List the rules of the coating of the slides and study the nuances for a long time. But it is much better to take the initiative and focus on ready-made formulative ideas. The photo below shows a simple light slide, built almost completely made of wood. Only the surface of the skate is lined with sheet gland. At the same time, protective boards are completely wooden. With the fears of part of the people, this decision does not look dull.

Parents who have small children often have to visit the playgrounds so that the child shook on the swing, played in the sandbox, rode from the slide. But not always adults enough time for such events, especially if the site is far away. Having your site, you can make such entertainment to the child at home. This will solve many parents' problems, and the child will always play under the supervision. Today we will talk about how a children's slide is done with their own hands from the girlfriend.

Metal slide is a common structure from the Soviet times. It was installed on the playground along with the sandbox. Metal is the most durable and durable material. But under the influence of external negative factors, it is subject to corrosion, so it is better to use a stainless steel or galvanized metal for making slides. With an independent manufacture of a hill at home, it is necessary to have a drawing at hand.

From materials and tools you will need:

  • metal pipes with a diameter of 15-25 mm, rods;
  • corners with a cross section of 50x50 mm, 20x20 mm;
  • sheet iron with galvanized coating;
  • multicolored paints, cement, crushed stone;
  • welding machine, grinding machine, scrap, hammer.

Prepare the necessary materials on the place of the future installation, you start making the design according to the drawing:

  1. Manufacture Start from the frame. For the top platform from the corner, weld the square with a size of 1.5 x 1.5 m. Inside it, place the cross-crossroad ribs. From above square to corners weld a metal sheet with a thickness of at least 1 mm of the same size. If possible, use corrugated iron, it will give sustainability, and the child will not slip on the site.
  2. Finished pad weld to racks. For their manufacture, it will take a pipe with a diameter of 25 mm and a length of 3 m. To the ends of the racks, the lower part of which will be concreted, breed the heel from any metal trimming.
  3. Under the welded frame, mark and dig 4 pits with a depth of about 1 m. Dno flows with small stones or rubble. Frack racks lower in the pit, aligning the design on a plumb. Mix the cement mortar with rubble and pour the holes. About a week later, the solution will completely freeze and you can continue the construction.
  4. Of the 20 mm pipes for stability, weld the cross will increase the cutting of the frame between the racks. From the edge of the site down to the ground at an angle of 45 about the breed parallel to each other, the descent of 2-corners with a cross section of 50x50 mm. Across the corners weld at a distance of 20 cm from each other slats for steps from the corner cross section 20x20 mm. Stage plane Sweese with wooden boards or corrugated iron.
  5. On both sides of the step descent, weld the handrail from 15 mm pipe. Operactions between the handrails and the descent of the metal mesh or subtle rods.
  6. The trigger is manufactured from 2 pipes with a diameter of 20 mm. The bottom of the pipes bend the pipe-bend or with the help of warming up the cutter. You must have a construction of a steep descent that smoothly turns into a horizontal plane. The top of the trench is welded to another edge of the site. Between the trumpets of the gutter fix the ribs. Top welding galvanized sheet metal with a thickness of at least 1 mm. If it is impossible to make a descent of solid galvanizing, then smaller sheets weld the brass in the course of the descent.
  7. Firefare fence gutters will increase from 15 mm pipe. They need to be welded parallel to the bottom at a height of 30 cm, and the sides to sew galvanized sheet metal. In several places, weld from any residues of pipe support pipes.
  8. Metal design is ready. It remains to handle its grinding machine to eliminate all sharp protrusions. The design can be frowning with multi-colored paints so that it becomes attractive for the child. The bottom of the descent is not necessary, otherwise the coating will reduce the slip.

Hill from wood

The wooden slides of the house is easier to make independently, it does not need welding. Wooden designs are less durable than metal, but from the tree you can make a beautiful playground with a sandbox, a house, rope stairs and other equipment. For construction, it is better to use wood of coniferous rocks. From materials and tools you will need:

  • 4 beams with a cross section of 100 x 100 mm, a timing with a cross section of 50 x 50 mm, edged board with a cross section of 25 x 150 mm;
  • galvanized iron 1 mm thick or linoleum;
  • self-tapping screws, nails, antiseptic, varnish or multicolored paints;
  • cement, crushed stone;
  • electrolake, grinding machine, screwdriver, hammer, sandpaper.

Works, as always start with the preparation of the design drawing. Decide, there will be a hill with a house or without it, and draw it a scheme. This will give the opportunity to calculate the consumption of the material, as well as facilitate further construction.

Everything is ready, you can proceed to carpentry work:

From the remnants of the material, make a wooden shop or sandbox near the slide. They will decorate the playground, bringing joy to children.

Plastic Gorki

It is not possible to make a plastic design yourself, it is only bought in the store. Such slides produce whole and collapsible. The owner remains only to install the slide on the site. For summer cottages, folding models are better suitable. It is convenient to disassemble them in the winter. This will prevent the embezzlement and vandalism at the time when the dachas remain unattended.

In plastic models, various gutters are used, which is very like to children. They are screw, tubular, straight and other forms. If the child still wants an unusual descent, and the funds of the parents are not enough to buy, you can make a combined slide version for the cottage or home. The fact is that the gutter is sold separately. They also make any form under the order. You will only have to make a metal or wooden frame and attach a plastic descent to it.

Lounged independently for giving or house, the playground will decorate the courtyard, will provide children to entertainment in the summer.

In contact with

If you have children and the country area, then it is necessary to build a slide on it. While parents will be engaged in the garden or cooking kebab guys have fun at the mini playground. About how to plan and make a slide, read with our own hands, applying photo and video instructions in practice.

The slide on the site should be primarily safe for children of different ages. So, for kids up to 2 years, the slide height is only 1.5 meters, for children from 2 to 7 years old, a height of about 2.5 m is selected, and for teens 3-3.5 meters. Steps on the stairs slides must be wide, and the crossbars are located close to each other. Further, the design of the staircase should be equipped with handrails of any type: after lifting a slide, the child must have something to finish.

Tip! In order for the slide to serve not to one generation of children and was safe on the stairs and stacked the anti-slip coating around it. The coating protects children from injuries when lifting during rain, snow or after bathing in the pool.

Another important stage in creating a safe slide is the calculation of the weight of children who will ride on it:

Hill height depends on the age of children
  1. The slide is fixed on the base or supports that easily withstand the weight of 2-3 children.
  2. A smooth chute is responsible for saving when descending, it is good to make on sides of the sides, preventing the child's loss.
  3. All bolts, chips, chips or sharp corners on a hill for children are excluded. The tree is grouped so that the kid does not drive the opposition.

Tip! Under the chute, by which the child is descended, placed soft flaps - this is a lawn grass, sand mound or a soft coating.

Children's choice

The slide is placed in the place where a good review opens on it from any point of the site. But make sure that the place for games has not been under the sun. In the case of this location, it is worth thinking about the construction of a canopy.

Tip! A canopy is made of polycarbonate, and an ordinary beach umbrella is suitable for a low slide.

Wood slide

The hill from a natural tree will differ in its environmental friendliness and simplicity of installation, it consists of such elements:

  1. Base.
  2. Staircase with railings.
  3. Descent.
  4. Top pad and protective parts.

Such a slide can be supplemented with a whole gaming complex of labyrinths, bars, sandboxes or mini rooms with outputs. Building a slide of wood lies in the selection of high-quality raw materials and its normal processing.

Wooden hill

Skat is made from plywood, pre-coated with varnish to hide the errors of grinding. The support structure is made from the bar, and the steps from strong boards.

Important! Today, there are various skates made of durable plastic, fiberglass or wood. The minimum price of the skate is 1.5-2 thousand rubles. The optimal option is to create a carrier structure for a slide with a subsequent installation of a smooth or screw slide.

The wooden hill everyone is good, but located in the open space in 3-5 years, it can disappear, be damaged by insects or mold. From the rain, the tree rotates, and the situation can be saved, covering each element of the structure with a thick layer of varnish. But after the winter and hot summer, the slide should be inspected, detecting wheeled or cracked items.

Metal slide

Previously, the slides from the metal stood in every yard, differing in their strength and durability. Such designs are more reliable, because they are not afraid of no hot sun, no rain, nor frost.

The construction of such a slide is carried out in several stages:

  1. The most primitive foundation is flooded, you can immediately pour 4 support pipes, as is done when installing fences.
  2. Further, on 2 pipes on one side welded the staircase and railings, 2 the remaining pipes are used to attach the gutter.
  3. The platform is welded on all pipes.

Important! The chute is 2 metal pipes to which the curved metal sheet is welded. After assembling the slide, all welded seams are definitely polished, for these purposes, Bulgarian applies.

After the construction of the construction of the design, the slide can be painted with a monophonic paint or paint it. The metal is very hot under the sun, so on hot days a slide is to close the umbrella for the beach so that the children do not burn the skin.

Game complex with slide and swings

Interesting ideas for children's slides

A simple slide can be descended from the house, which also erect with their own hands, applying a timber or remnants of building materials:

  1. In 4 old car tires, concrete piles are mounted and, which are installed vertically bars of the necessary height. Brux is fixed with construction corners.
  2. On the perimeter of the racks, a frame for a house is installed, with holes for the entrance through the stairs, and departure through the hill.
  3. After that, mute, but durable ladder, gutter for descent, floor and walls of the future house. Elements are fastened with self-tapping screws, and the whole wooden design should be missed by an antiseptic.
  4. In places of jacks of timber, holes are drilled, tightening the design bolts 120 mm.
  5. Next, the rafal elements from the roof timber are stacked. The final coating of the roof is performed from the corrugated floor. A decorative tile is often used, made of conventional painted foam.

The last stage consists in covering the entire design of the layer of varnish.

How much is a ready slide?

In order not to suffer with the manufacture, you can just get a hill:

  • Inflatable slide for the smallest. Such a slide is an ideal solution for young children, because it can be equipped with a shallow pool, mini trampoline or educational elements. The cost of an inflatable slide starts from 4 thousand rubles, usually it has a height of more than 1.4 m. Benefits of the slide in its mobility, resistance to temperature drops, and after the child grows up an inflatable center can be beneficial to sell.

Gorka can be bought, but it will be more expensive than independent construction
  • Plastic gaming complexes, in some cases are combined with wood. This kind of city is more expensive, and the minimum cost begins with a mark of 4.5 thousand rubles for the most primitive model. But the plastic slides can combine swings that develop muscle corset baques, basketball basket and much more. Thanks to the mounting system, the height of the gutter can be adjusted, adjusting it to the age and growth of the child.

The creation of a children's slide is a creative process, and for a full-fledged game zone, swing, sandbox and even a football gate are required. But these elements of the children's corner are much cheaper independently, because the purchase of a finished product requires 60% more material means.

Children always loved and love to ride a carousel, swing. Now these children's facilities are manufactured on an industrial scale. They can be purchased in many outlets. But some of them can be built with their own. In this article we will look at how to make a children's slide.

Requirements for the construction

The territory of the country house is a great place to install a children's slide. Make it for children is not very difficult if you adhere to certain rules:

  • At all, it does not affect the age of children on the fact that such mandatory elements such as fences and railing should be provided in the design. During the game, the child becomes inattentive and can fall from the height, and these elements will help him hold the equilibrium.
  • For building construction, it is necessary to use only environmentally friendly materials that will be harmless to children's health. It is forbidden to use structural elements that are easily flammable.
  • During the construction of a children's roller coaster, wooden materials are preferred. Metal structures in general are no worse from wooden, but have some drawbacks. No need to forget that for children the most active period of the year is summer with burning sunny rays. So that children do not bother about a strongly heated metal, the design of this material will have to be put on the shaded area. The wooden design can be put in any convenient location. There are still plastic slides, but their material is not very durable and at any moment can give a crack. In addition, such structures are widely represented in stores, so they do not make sense independently.

The slide must have such a design so that it first is safe for children. In the children's construction there should be no slot partitions and dangerous gaps, as the children in the heat of the game can shove any part of the body into an existing hole and when descending heavily drunk. All items must be calculated to the smallest detail, otherwise unforeseen troubles can happen.

Process manufacturing

  • To build a children's slide, the first thing you need to build a descent. It is made from several boards, which should be the same in width and length. The wooden base should be necessarily grounded in order for children to be comfortably and safely descending. The boards between themselves are connected to several bars from the bottom.
  • After the descent is constructed, it comes to connect to it lateral structures. In the course of work, it is necessary to determine the height of the structure to which the children and the angle of the congress will be climbed. Factory production slides have standard dimensions: 1.3 m - height, 55º - angle of inclination. Such parameters must be adhered to and during the construction of a homemade design. Sideboards should be such a length so that their ends come out the top of the site and served as a kind of handrails for clamping before descent. Side boards are attached from two sides to the bottom of the descent with the use of self-use. The sidewalks, as well as the descent, should be well ground, sharp corners are cut and knewged with sandpaper or grinding grinding. These security measures will not allow children to be injured during the game.
  • After the descent is ready, make marking for a children's structure. A bore for garden work in the ground is made holes in which the bars are installed, the ends of which from the bottom side are affected by mastic. It will not allow the tree to quickly burn. After that, the installation site of BRUSIV poured concrete.
  • In the upper part of the bars, the grooves of such depth and width are cut with a saw, so that in the rack you can easily insert the strapping strips. These wooden elements are connected to the bars using self-tapping screws. Refrigeration planks will perform 2 functions at the same time. First, they will make the design of the children's roller coaster and more stable. Secondly, they will play the role of protective fence. Children will feel safe at the site.
  • Two wooden crossbars are attached to the resulting frame structure. On the one hand, the staircase will be attached, with the second - already ready descent. Then there comes a wooden floor device, which is built from boards using self-tapping screws. Between the floorboats left small cracks, so that water leaves them during and after precipitation. For greater strength, the location of the wooden structures is fastened with metal corners.

Children's slide is made, and children will now be able to spend their free time with pleasure.