Repair Design Furniture

Fastening rafters to the Mauerlat of a hipped roof. How to make a hipped roof. II. Slanted legs

truss system- this is a combination of all the supporting elements that form the frame on which the roofing pie lies. The ability of the roof to withstand the wind depends on the strength and reliability of this foundation. snow load, protect interior spaces from water and cold. In order not to resort to the expensive services of companies that perform roofing work professionally, we will tell you what the truss system consists of, what materials will be required for its manufacture and how to assemble it.

Types of hipped roofs

The name "four-pitched" combines several types of roofs, consisting of four planes, slopes:

Despite external differences, truss systems hipped roof are made up of the same elements, guided by the same rules.

Types of truss systems

The roof truss system of a four-slope type takes on a different look, depending on the initial conditions: the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe overlapped house and interior layout. There are three types:

Which type of rafter system is suitable for a particular house is determined during the design period, making calculations and drawing up drawings.

Calculation of the slope of the slopes and the height of the ridge

The drafting of the truss system of a hipped roof begins with calculations that determine the geometry of the future structure:

To facilitate the process of designing a gable roof truss system, special computer calculator programs can be used, which require only the entry of initial data: the size of the house, the number of slopes.

Load calculation

The next design stage is the determination of the composition of the elements of the truss system and their section. To do this, perform the calculation of the loads to which the four-slope structure is subjected. They are divided into three types:

Summing up the values ​​of all loads, determine the total, which, depending on the roofing material used, can reach 180-250 kg per square meter. Based on this figure, the number of elements of the truss system and their cross section are determined, referring to the reference table. It is more convenient to calculate more complex systems in special programs, the result of which is a finished scheme of a four-pitched roof truss system.

Essential elements

The truss system of a hipped roof consists of many constituent parts, mandatory and auxiliary:

  1. Mauerlat. A beam with a section of 100x100 mm or 150x150 mm, evenly distributing the load along the perimeter of the bearing walls. The difference between a hipped roof is that its installation requires four Mauerlats, and not two, as for a gable roof.
  2. Sill. A beam that serves as a support for racks, which is used in a layered truss system. He, like the Mauerlat, distributes the weight of the roof, but is located on the inner load-bearing wall.
  3. Rafter legs. Elements from boards with a section of 50x150 mm or 100x150 mm, which carry the roofing pie and set the geometry of the slopes. In the construction of four pitched roofs use ordinary, layered and outdoor rafters. Privates are located in pairs along the ridge run, forming trapezoidal slopes. Skew, diverging from the ridge to the two corners of the house, form end triangular slopes. And the outdoor rafters rest with their upper part on the layered ones and have different lengths.
  4. Skate ride. A beam resting on vertical posts to which rafters are attached. This is the highest point of the roof.
  5. Racks. Vertical supports that are installed on the bed. They support the ridge run or the middle of the rafter leg.
  6. Struts. Bars that are installed at an angle to the rafter legs to prevent their deflection.
  7. Drawbar and bolt. Horizontal lintels made of wood or metal connecting pairs of rafter legs, reducing the bursting load on the walls. The crossbar is installed at the top of the rafters, in the puff at the bottom, often used as floor beams.
  8. Sprengel farms. Sprengel - vertical riser for slanted rafters. If there is nothing to rest against, set a puff between two adjacent sides of the house and with the help metal corners attach the sprengel.
  9. Crate. The basis for a flooring of roofing material. If the boards are nailed without gaps, the construction of the crate is called solid. And if the boards alternate with a small gap - trellised. The scheme of the lathing depends on the type of roofing material.
  10. Eaves. Part of the rafters, which protrudes 40-50 cm beyond the perimeter of the house, protecting it from moisture.

Assembling the truss system

Having a drawing of the truss system in hand, you can begin assembly work. Since the material is mainly used natural wood, it will not be superfluous to treat it with a deep penetration antiseptic to protect it from moisture and bacteria. Roofing craftsmen pay attention to a number of features that should be considered when installing a hipped roof truss system:

A well-designed and high-quality assembled truss system is the basis for the long-term operation of a hipped roof, which will become reliable protection from bad weather, whether it is tent or hip!

Video instruction

In private housing construction, in addition to common gable roofs more durable and rigid four-slope structures are often used. They are distinguished by the absence of pediments, which replace the triangular slopes that cut off the ends of the ridge ridge. This configuration makes four-pitched roofs very attractive and economical, even though their construction increases the length of the cornice overhangs, the number of downpipes and gutters. Therefore, they deserve the closest attention.

Varieties of truss systems for hipped roofs

The device of the truss system depends on the shape of the hipped roof. The following configurations are the most common today.

  1. Hip structure. All four slopes occupy the area from the ridge to the cornice overhang, while two side slopes are trapezoid in shape, and two end slopes (hips) are triangular. A feature of the truss hip frame is the presence of two pairs of diagonally installed layered rafters that extend from the edge of the ridge and serve as supports for sprenels and sprengels.

    The hip four-slope design is characterized by the fact that the slopes occupy the entire area of ​​​​the roof - from the ridge to the cornices

  2. Dutch half hip. A device with truncated end slopes that do not reach the eaves. As a rule, they are 2-3 times smaller than trapezoidal ones. The advantage of such a structure of a four-slope roof is the possibility of installing an ordinary window at the ends of the house, as well as the absence of a sharp protrusion typical of gable roofs, which greatly increases the wind resistance of the structure.

    The Dutch half-hipped roof has truncated triangular slopes and part of the pediment, in which you can install the usual vertical window

  3. Danish half hip. It is characterized by the presence in the triangular slopes of the pediment at the ridge, which allows for full natural lighting of the under-roof space without installing skylights.
  4. Tent construction. It is installed on houses with a square frame. All four slopes of a hipped roof are identical isosceles triangles connected at one point. When building such a roof, an important aspect is the observance of symmetry.

    The structure of the four-slope truss system depends on the chosen roof configuration

Features of the supporting frame of the hipped roof

We note right away that the truss system of a four-pitched roof will be more complex than traditional gable roof structures for two reasons.

  1. Due to the increase in the number of inclined planes and their docking with each other. At its core, the connection of the slopes is the intersection lines running at a certain angle to the horizon. The joints that form an angle protruding above the surface of the slopes are called roof ribs. From them, water flows down the slopes and accumulates in the grooves (valleys) - the lines of intersection with the inner corner. If all planes have the same slope, then the ribs and valleys divide the base angle at the junction of adjacent slopes in two and create a slope of 45 ° to the perimeter of the building.

    Four-pitched truss systems are distinguished by the absence of full gables, instead of which there are two triangular end slopes, as well as the presence of two lateral trapezoidal inclined planes, grooves and ribs

  2. Due to the fact that the runs in the four-slope structure form a closed loop, where the hip (diagonal) rafter legs are located along the lines of the ribs and valleys. They are longer than ordinary beams, which are installed longitudinally to the slopes at a distance between the intersections of the hip rafters in the upper harness. But between the lower parts of the diagonal legs, short rafters, called sprigs, are mounted. A distinctive feature of the four-pitched roof frame is the presence of sprengels - wooden struts under the hip rafters.

    Support runs in four-pitched structures have a closed contour, where diagonal rafter legs are located along the lines of valleys and ribs

The main structural elements of the truss system of a hipped roof are:

Thus, the number of elements of the truss system of a hipped roof is much greater than, for example, that of a gable roof, and this, of course, increases the cost of its construction. However, in general, as we noted above, the arrangement of a hipped roof will cost a little more due to savings on laying roofing cake, since the waste of insulating materials and covering flooring when cutting into a multi-pitched structure will be much less.

Despite the fact that the truss system of the four-slope structure is more complex and expensive, the construction of the entire roof is more profitable due to savings on the arrangement of the roofing pie.

In addition, the four-slope design:

Video: gable or four-pitched roof - what to choose

How to calculate the truss system of a four-pitched roof

The supporting structure of a four-pitched roof can be layered if the building has solid internal walls, or hanging when intermediate supports are not provided in the building. With a hanging device, the rafters rest on the walls of the house and exert a bursting force on them. To relieve the load on the walls in such cases, a puff is mounted at the base of the rafter legs, connecting the rafters to each other.

The use of a layered structure makes the frame lighter and more economical due to the fact that less lumber is required for its arrangement. Because of this, the layered truss system is used much more often in the construction of multi-pitched roofs. But regardless of the type of rafters used, only correct calculation load-bearing frame and accurate marking will increase the economic effect of the construction of a four-slope structure.

Marking and calculation of the supporting frame of a hipped roof

When calculating the truss system, you must adhere to the following rules.

To determine the installation location of the rafters and find their length, you will need a template.

Using a template will make it much easier to measure and calculate the truss frame of a four-pitched roof

The length of the rafter leg can be determined by its laying (horizontal projection). For this, there is a special table of coefficients, presented below. The length of the rafter is determined by the size of its projection, multiplied by a coefficient corresponding to the slope of the slope.

Table: the ratio between the length and laying of the rafters

Roof slopeCoefficient for calculating the length of intermediate raftersCoefficient for calculating the length of the corner rafters
3:12 1,031 1,016
4:12 1,054 1,027
5:12 1,083 1,043
6:12 1,118 1,061
7:12 1,158 1,082
8:12 1,202 1,106
9:12 1,25 1,131
10:12 1,302 1,161
11:12 1,357 1,192
12:12 1,414 1,225
Note: when erecting a roof frame, for which there are no data in the table (for non-standard slopes of slopes), the parameters should be calculated using the Pythagorean theorem or a mathematical proportion should be used.

Consider an example: a private house is being built in Yekaterinburg with a size of 7.5x12 m with a planned height of a hip roof made of metal tiles of 2.7 m.

  1. First of all, we draw a drawing or a sketch of the roof.

    Before calculating the truss system, it is necessary to make a sketch of the building and apply all the initial data to it

  2. We find the angle of inclination of the slopes using the formula: the tangent of the angle of inclination is equal to the ratio of the height of the roof to half the length of the span, in our case, to half of the end side L = 7.5 / 2 = 3.75. Thus, tg α = 2.7 / 3.75 = 0.72. According to the reference tables, we determine: α = 36 °, which corresponds to the standards providing for a roof slope for metal tiles of at least 14 °, and the climatic conditions of Yekaterinburg.

    The tangent of the angle of inclination of the slopes is determined by the well-known formula for calculating the sides of a right triangle as the ratio of the opposite leg to the adjacent

  3. We determine the position and edge of the ridge ridge, for which we apply the template at an angle of 36 ° in the middle of the upper trim of the end (the installation site of the first central intermediate rafter) to a height of 2.7 m and project the outline onto the sketch.
  4. From the axial (key) line we retreat ½ thickness ridge beam and set the end of the measuring rail at this point. At the other end of the rail, we make marks for the outer and inner contours of the side wall, as well as the overhang. We turn the rail to the side and from the inner corner of the outer trim we mark the laying of the intermediate rafter at the mark of the inner contour, thus determining the installation location of the second intermediate central rafter.

    When arranging the truss frame of a four-pitched roof, the position of the central rafter legs is initially determined using a template and a measuring rail

  5. We carry out similar actions at all corners, determining the edges of the ridge ridge and the location of all central rafter legs.
  6. After planning the intermediate rafters, we determine their length from the table. In our example, the slope angle is 36°, its tangent is 0.72, which corresponds to a ratio of 8.64:12. There is no such value in the table, so we calculate the coefficient relative to the line with the parameter 8:12 - 8.64/ 8 = 1.08. Hence, the desired coefficient is 1.202 1.08 = 1.298.
  7. Multiplying the depth of the intermediate rafters by the calculated coefficient, we find their length. Let's take into account the laying depth of 3 m, then L str \u003d 3 1.298 \u003d 3.89 m.

    The length of ordinary and central intermediate rafters depends on the angle of inclination of the roof and the depth of their laying

  8. Similarly, we determine the length of the diagonal rafters, having previously calculated the laying equal to the distance from the angle of connection of the side and end slopes to the first intermediate central rafter. According to the initial data, the laying of the corner rafters is 7.5 / 2 = 3.75 m. Then the estimated length of the corner rafters will be 3.75 1.298 = 4.87 m.

    Corner rafters differ from intermediate undercuts with a double bevel in the ridge area, a deeper laying and a longer undercut for the supporting part

  9. We calculate the overhang according to the Pythagorean theorem according to the markings made, or simply add the desired size to the length of the rafters, for example, 0.6 m plus at least 0.3 m for arranging an external drain.

    To calculate the length of the overhang, you need to multiply its placement by the coefficient for an intermediate or corner rafter, or add the planned length of the overhang and at least 0.3 m to the estimated length of the rafters to organize an external drainage system

  10. Having marked all the elements of the truss frame, we determine the length of the ridge ridge, which is equal to the difference in the length of the side and twice the value of laying the intermediate rafters: 12 - 2 3 = 6 m. It is at this distance that ordinary rafters will be installed. If you take a step of 1 m, then you need 5 ordinary rafters, equal in length to the central ones. In addition, at the site of laying the intermediate central rafters, having a length of 3 m, two short rafters will be installed from one and the other edge of the side.
  11. Since the short rafters (rafters) are attached to the diagonal ones, it means that two rafters on the left and right will also be installed on the end sides between the corner and central intermediate rafters.

Let's summarize the preliminary result - for the truss frame of a four-pitched roof you will need:

  • two pairs of hip (corner) rafters with a length of 4.87 + 0.6 + 0.3 = 5.77 m;
  • three pairs of intermediate central rafters 3.89 + 0.6 + 0.3 = 4.79 m long;
  • five pairs of ordinary rafters 4.79 m long.

Only ten pairs of rafters, the total length of which will be approximately 100 running meters. We add here 6 m for the ridge beam, as well as a ten percent margin, and we get that approximately 117 linear meters of lumber are needed to make a simple hip truss frame with struts, struts, crossbars, trusses and fillies. But if racks and a bed are provided in the design, then they will have to be calculated separately or a larger percentage of the stock should be added.

Video: four-pitched roof truss system, installation technology

The measuring rail makes the work very easy and helps to avoid grossest mistakes during measurements. It is most often made independently from plywood 50 mm wide.

A few words need to be said about short rafters. They are calculated in the same way as the intermediate ones: the laying multiplied by the coefficient for the intermediate rafters from the table. However, the task can be facilitated and the length of the sprigs can not be calculated specifically, since the percentage of the stock is taken sufficient, and the trimming of the boards will be needed for the manufacture of structural reinforcing elements - struts, struts, crossbars, etc.

The length of short rafters (spiders) can not be calculated, since lumber trimmings are useful for the manufacture of reinforcing structural elements

Video: hip roof truss frame, element marking and assembly

Calculation of the section of lumber

After marking the position of the components of the truss frame, it is necessary to select suitable lumber, i.e., determine their allowable cross section. For calculations, you will need a regionalized map of snow and wind loads and thermal resistance, as well as auxiliary tables based on regulations - SNiP II-3–79, SP 64.13330.2011, SNiP 2.01.07–85 and SP 20.13330.2011.

The device of a hipped roof includes the determination of the required section of lumber, which is performed on the basis of an analysis of the loads on the truss structure during operation

The load from the snow cover is determined by the formula S = S g µ, where S is the desired snow load (kg / m²); S g - standard load for real terrain, indicated in the map, µ - correction factor depending on the slope of the roof. Since our tilt angle is in the range from 30 to 60 °, we calculate µ using the formula 0.033 * (60 - 36) = 0.792 (see note to the table below). Then S \u003d 168 0.792 \u003d 133 kg / m² (Ekaterinburg is located in the fourth climatic region, where S g \u003d 168 kg / m 2).

Table: determination of the µ index depending on the slope of the roof

Determining the angle of the roof
Tangent valueAngle α°
0,27 15
0,36 20
0,47 25
0,58 30
0,7 35
0,84 40
1 45
1,2 50
1,4 55
1,73 60
2,14 65
if the slope angle (α) ≤ 30°, then the coefficient µ is taken as 1;
if the angle α ≥ 60°, then µ = 0;
if 30°< α < 60°, µ высчитывают по формуле µ = 0,033 · (60 - α).

Table: normative snow loads by region

S g, kg / m 256 84 126 168 224 280 336 393

The wind load is calculated by the formula W = W o k c, where W o is the standard indicator on the map, k is the tabular index, c is the aerodynamic drag coefficient, which varies from -1.8 to +0.8 and depends on the slope of the slopes . If the angle of inclination is more than 30°, then according to SNiP 2.01.07–85 p. 6.6, the maximum positive value aerodynamic index equal to 0.8.

Yekaterinburg belongs to the first zone in terms of wind load, the house is being built in one of the districts of the city, the height of the building with the roof is 8.7 m (zone "B" in the table below), which means W o = 32 kg / m², k = 0 .65 and c = 0.8. Then W \u003d 32 0.65 0.8 \u003d 16.64 ≈ 17 kg / m². In other words, it is with this force that the wind at a height of 8.7 m presses on the roof.

Table: k value for different types of terrain

Building height Z, mk coefficient for terrain types
≤ 5 0,75 0,5 0,4
10 1,0 0,65 0,4
20 1,25 0,85 0,55
40 1,5 1,1 0,8
60 1,7 1,3 1,0
80 1,85 1,45 1,15
100 2,0 1,6 1,25
150 2,25 1,9 1,55
200 2,45 2,1 1,8
250 2,65 2,3 2,0
300 2,75 2,5 2,2
350 2,75 2,75 2,35
≥480 2,75 2,75 2,75
"A" - open coasts of the seas, lakes and reservoirs, as well as deserts, steppes, forest-steppes, tundra;
"B" - urban areas, forests and other areas evenly covered with obstacles more than 10 m high;
"C" - urban areas with buildings over 25 m high.

Table: standard wind load by region

W o , kg / m 224 32 42 53 67 84 100 120

Now we calculate the load on the supporting frame from the weight of the roof. To do this, add up the weight of all layers of the roofing cake laid on top of the rafters. We leave the rafters exposed to achieve a decorative effect, which means we lay all the layers on top of the rafters. The load of the roof on the elements of the truss system will be equal to the sum of the weights of the metal tile, lathing and counter lathing, insulating films, insulation, additional lathing and ventilation rails, solid base plywood and facing material roof space.

When determining the load on the supporting frame from the weight of the roof, the weights of all layers of the roofing pie laid on top of the rafters are summed up

The mass of each layer can be found in the manufacturer's instructions by selecting the highest density value. The thickness of the heat insulator is calculated from the map of thermal resistance for a certain area. We find it by the formula T = R λ P, where:

  • T is the thickness of the heat insulator;
  • R is the standard of thermal resistance for a particular area, according to the map enclosed in SNiP II-3–79, in our case 5.2 m 2 °C / W;
  • λ is the thermal conductivity of the insulation, which for low-rise construction taken equal to 0.04;
  • P is the highest density value thermal insulation material. We will use Rocklight basalt insulation, for which P = 40 kg / m².

So, T \u003d 5.2 0.04 40 \u003d 8.32 ≈ 9 kg / m². Thus, the total load of the roof will be equal to 5 (metal tile) + 4 (solid flooring) + 23 (basic lathing, additional and counter lathing) + 0.3 2 (insulating films) + 9 (insulation) + 3 (cladding) = 44 ,6 ≈ 45 kg/m².

Having received all the necessary intermediate values, we determine the total load on the supporting frame of the hipped roof: Q \u003d 133 + 17 + 45 \u003d 195 kg / m².

The allowable cross-section of lumber is calculated by the formulas:

  • H ≥ 9.5 L max √ if angle α > 30°;
  • H ≥ 8.6 L max √ if α< 30°.

The following notation is used here:

  • H - board width (cm);
  • L max - the maximum working length of the rafters (m). Since the layered rafter legs are connected in the ridge area, the entire length is considered to be working and L max = 4.79 m;
  • R izg - an indicator of the resistance of wood to bending (kg / cm). According to the set of rules 64.13330.2011 for wood grade II R izg = 130 kg/cm;
  • B is the thickness of the board, taken arbitrarily. Suppose B = 5 cm;
  • Q r - load per linear meter of one rafter leg (kg / m). Qr \u003d A Q, where A is the pitch of the rafters, which in our case is 1 m. Therefore, Q r \u003d 195 kg / m.

Substitute the numerical values ​​into the formula → H ≥ 9.5 4.79 √ = 9.5 4.79 0.55 = 25.03 cm ≈ 250 mm.

Table: nominal dimensions of softwood edged boards

Board thickness, mmWidth (H) of boards, mm
16 75 100 125 150 - - - - -
19 75 100 125 150 175 - - - -
22 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 - -
25 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
32 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
40 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
44 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
60 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
75 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
100 - 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
125 - - 125 150 175 200 225 250 -
150 - - - 150 175 200 225 250 -
175 - - - - 175 200 225 250 -
200 - - - - - 200 225 250 -
250 - - - - - - - 250 -

From the table, the thickness of the board with a width of 250 mm can vary from 25 to 250 mm. The table of dependence of the section on the pitch and length of the rafters will help to determine more specifically. The length of the intermediate rafters is 4.79 m, the step is 1.0 m - we look at the table and select the appropriate section. It is equal to 75X250 mm.

Table: section of lumber depending on the length and pitch of the rafters

Rafter pitch, cmRafter length, m
3,0 3,5 4,0 4,5 5,0 5,5 6,0
215 100X150100X175100X200100X200100X200100X250-
175 75X15075X20075X200100X200100X200100X200100X250
140 75X12575X17575X20075X20075X200100X200100X200
110 75X15075X15075X17575X17575X20075X200100X200
90 50X15050X17550X20075X17575X17575X25075X200
60 40X15040X17550X15050X15050X17550X20050X200

Here is another table for those who will use hardwood lumber.

Table: limit deviations from the nominal dimensions of boards

We check the correctness of the calculations by substituting the numerical parameters in the following inequality / ≤ 1. We get (3.125 195 x 4.79³) / (7.5 x 25³) = 0.57 - the section is chosen accurately and with a good margin. Let's check less powerful beams with a section of 50x250 mm. Substitute the values ​​again: (3.125 195 x 4.79³) / (5 x 25³) = 0.86. The inequality is again fulfilled, so a 50x250 mm beam is quite suitable for our roof.

Video: calculation of the hip roof truss system

After all the intermediate calculations, we summarize: for the construction of the roof, we need 117 running meters of edged boards with a section of 50X250 mm. This is approximately 1.5 m³. Since it was initially agreed that for a four-pitched hip structure it is desirable to use lumber of the same section, then for the Mauerlat you should purchase the same timber in an amount equal to the perimeter of the house - 7.5 2 + 12 2 = 39 running meters. m. Taking into account a margin of 10% for cutting and marriage, we get 43 linear meters or approximately 0.54 m³. Thus, we need approximately 2 m³ of lumber with a section of 50X250 mm.

The length of the rafters is the gap from the undercut for the supporting part to the undercut for the ridge beam.

Video: an example of calculating the roof on an online calculator

Rafter system installation technology

The arrangement of a four-slope structure has its own characteristics, which must be taken into account:

Manufactured and assembled in compliance with all the rules, a truss frame of a layered type for a four-pitched roof will be a non-expanding structure. It is possible to prevent the appearance of spacers if, in the places of support on the Mauerlat, the planes of the rafters are made horizontal.

In most cases, two schemes are used to support the rafter legs.

In four-slope hip structures, the length of the corner legs is often greater than the typical length of lumber. Therefore, the timber and boards are spliced, trying to place the joints at a distance of 0.15 of the span length (L) from the center of the supports, which is approximately equivalent to the interval between the support points. The rafters are connected using the oblique cut method, tightening the joints with bolts Ø12–14 mm. Wash down is recommended to be done on the rafters, and not on the support beam, so that the cut does not weaken the supports.

Since the standard length of most lumber does not exceed 6 m, the diagonal rafters are increased in length using the oblique cut and connected with bolts when using timber or with nails and clamps if boards are spliced.

Table: position of supports for corner rafters

Span length, mSupport typesLocation of supports
less than 7.5stand or braceat the top of the rafters
less than 9.0stand or braceat the top of the rafters
sprengel or rackat the bottom of the rafters - 1/4L pr
over 9.0stand or braceat the top of the rafters at the bottom of the rafters - 1/4L pr
sprengel or rackin the center of the rafters
rackin the center of the rafters
Note: Lpr - the length of the span, which is covered by rafters.

To join the sprigs with the rafters, the top of the half-rafters is ground down, keeping it in the same plane with the corner legs, and fixed with nails. When placing the rafters on the rafters, they strictly monitor that they do not converge in one place. If you use not a cut, but cranial bars 50X50 mm, stuffed in the lower zone of the rafters on both sides, when installing the sprigs, then the rigidity of the rafter legs will be higher, which means that their bearing capacity will increase.

To increase the rigidity of the rafter frame, it is recommended to use cranial bars, stuffed on both sides at the bottom of the rafter legs, when installing sprigs.

Do-it-yourself installation of a truss structure

The construction of the four-pitched roof frame is carried out in several stages.

  1. The materials are laid out and calculated, after which the roofing material is laid as a waterproofing around the entire perimeter of the building. A support for racks and a Mauerlat are laid on top of it, fixing it to the walls, fixing it especially well in the corners.

    Mauerlat in four-slope structures is laid around the entire perimeter and is well fixed to the walls, especially at the corners, to create a strong knot for attaching diagonal rafters

  2. They install a frame for the ridge run and lay the run itself, rigidly maintaining the height and spatial arrangement of the ridge, since the strength and reliability of the entire truss structure directly depends on this.
  3. Support posts are placed using a water level for leveling and secured under the ridge with inclined supports. The arrangement of the racks is done based on the configuration of the roof - in the hip structure, the racks are installed in one row with an interval of no more than two meters, and in a hipped roof - diagonally at the same interval from the corner.
  4. Mount the central intermediate rafters, and then ordinary ones, filling the middle of the side slopes.
  5. According to the markup, corner rafters are installed, preferably made with reinforcement, resting them with their lower part on the corner of the Mauerlat, and with the upper fragment on the rack. Here they make a bookmark of the cornice overhang and drain.
  6. Next, half-rafters (springs) are placed, strengthening the lower part of the diagonal legs with trusses, which will partially unload the corner rafters, and sheathe the roof with a wind board around the perimeter of the roof.

    Sprengel grating is used for steep roofs and relatively large spans in order to avoid deflection of the diagonal rafters

  7. After the installation of the rafter system, the roofing pie is laid, the cornice overhangs and the drainage system are equipped.

    When installing the truss system of a four-pitched roof, you need to carefully consider the joining of the diagonal rafters, the central rafter from the side of the end of the building, as well as the ridge beam

Video: hipped roof on nails and a stool

Self erection a hipped roof is, of course, not an easy process. But if you have measuring instruments, as well as necessary tools, you will succeed. The main thing is the desire to assemble the structure with your own hands and the desire to adhere to general principles. And in order for the roof to last as long as possible and retain its amazingly beautiful appearance, try not to save on the elements of the truss frame and use modern reliable metal fasteners for wood to fix them.

Roof of four slopes - what is it good for? The numerous operational advantages of this type certainly outweigh the disadvantages. Is the truss system of a hipped roof as simple as many beginners in the construction business think? You will definitely find out soon! We will describe the important nuances and features of the stages of the construction of a hip roof in this article.

What you need to know about four-pitched truss systems?

There are two variants of four-slope roofs: hip and tent. The first type has the shape of a rectangular envelope, consisting of two main trapezoidal slopes and a ridge, and two gable (side) slopes - triangles:

A hipped roof is four identical isosceles triangles connected at one upper point (reminiscent of a tent):

Both options provide for the installation of both layered and hanging rafters which are installed using standard technologies.

How to choose the type of truss system for a 4-pitched roof?

In the absence of a central roof support, the choice is made in favor of a hanging truss system. If for each rafter you can find the upper and lower supports, then you should choose a layered structure. This option is easier and more affordable for non-professional craftsmen. It is only necessary to remember two main conditions: with a rigid fastening of the bottom and top of the stop, a reinforced Mauerlat is needed, since the thrust is transferred to it; with a hinged or semi-rigid connection (for example, the top is hinged and the bottom is rigid or vice versa), the Mauerlat does not need to be reinforced:

Selecting one of the types hipped roof must be determined by the shape of the house itself. Hip rafters are erected for square houses, hip rafters for rectangular houses. Also, you can find complex multi-pitched roofs of a combined type, which contain both hip and tent elements.

Both hip and tent structures retain the main functions of a gable roof (for example, the possibility of arranging an attic) and look very aesthetically pleasing:

Why is a four-pitched roof more popular than a two-pitched one?

“Why the extra headache and complexity?”, You ask: “After all, you can build a simple gable roof much faster and cheaper. Here, the masters emphasize some important points in favor of choosing exactly four slopes for the roof:

  1. High wind resistance. The four-pitched roof has no gables, all its planes are inclined towards the ridge. This design minimizes the impact strong wind and reduces to "0" possible destructive consequences.
  2. The most successful load distribution. A multi-pitched roof withstands the maximum amount of precipitation, since gentle slopes take part of the main load. Therefore, sagging, deformation and destruction of the truss system, in this case, have a minimal probability.
  3. The availability of a choice of any method of roof insulation. Straight gables require a special approach when choosing the type of roof insulation, as they are located vertically and are subject to wind blowing. The gentle slopes of hip and tent systems allow you to evenly insulate the roof with any available material.

In addition to the listed "pluses", a roof with four slopes saves heat well, can be lined with any roofing material and always has a neat appearance.

The device of the four-slope truss system

The four-pitched rafter structure consists of the following elements: Mauerlat, ridge beam, central and hip rafters, slanting legs, as well as beds, racks, crossbars, struts and other reinforcing parts. Let's look at the most basic elements.

I. Mauerlat

Mauerlat is the most important detail of the structure, since the entire truss system rests on it. It is a powerful wooden beam 100x200, 100x250, 100x100, 150x250, 200x200 cm. quality wood predominantly conifers. The rafter system of a hip roof, like any multi-pitched roof, requires a solid fastening of the base bar. The order of installation of the Mauerlat in this case: the formation monolithic foundation at the end of load-bearing walls with the installation of spiers; laying waterproofing; processing and installation of Mauerlat around the perimeter of the whole house; reinforcement with anchors and other fasteners for maximum reliability of the base.

Mauerlat can be laid on the edge of the wall, or in the pocket provided for when laying bricks on the inside of the bearing walls.

II. Slanted legs

Slanted legs are called four corner rafters, which rest on the edges of the ridge and the corners of the Mauerlat. They are the longest among all the rafter legs of the system, therefore they must have a section of at least 100x150 mm for maximum rigidity.

III. ridge beam

The ridge run is a horizontal beam that connects all the rafters, the top of the rafter system. The beam must be strengthened with racks and struts. The ridge must be strictly parallel to the plane attic floor and perpendicular to the posts.

IV. rafters

Rafters for a hipped roof are divided into: central (attached to the Mauerlat and ridge); main hip (mounted on the axis of the ridge and Mauerlat); intermediate and shortened (installed on sloping legs and Mauerlat, connect the corners of the slopes).

V. Strengthening elements

Additional reinforcing elements include racks for ridge beams, crossbars or floor beams, struts of rafter legs, wind beams, etc.

Do-it-yourself rafter system for a hipped roof

Consider step by step process erection of a truss structure. For clarity, we have chosen the most popular option - a hip roof. The hip roof truss system, the diagram of which, step by step, is presented to your attention below:

Step I: Create a project

To depict your version of the hip roof in the drawing, it is necessary to calculate the height, length, slopes of the slopes and the roof area. This is necessary for the clear and high-quality implementation of the project and the selection of the required amount of consumables:

Calculations should begin with the choice of the angle of the roof slopes. The optimal slope is considered to be an angle of 20-450. The slope value should correspond to the climatic features of the region. So, in particularly windy areas, the slope should be made minimal, and for areas where precipitation is frequent and abundant, the steepest slope angle is necessary. In addition to the weather, you need to consider the roofing material that you plan to use. For a soft roof, the degree of inclination should be less, for a hard one - more.

And another small but important nuance on this issue - it is better to make the slope angle the same for all four slopes. So the load will be distributed evenly, and the structure will be as stable as possible, and the aesthetic appeal will remain “on top”.

Now that we know the slope and width of the house, we can use some simple math to calculate the height of the ridge, the length of the rafters, the posts, and other details of the truss system. When calculating the length of the rafters, do not forget to take into account the cornice overhang (as a rule, its length is 40-50 cm).

The roof area for the purchase of the required amount of roofing material is calculated as the sum of the areas of all the slopes of the structure.

How to draw up a roof drawing?

  • We select the scale of the drawing and transfer the dimensions of the house on a scale to a sheet of paper;
  • Next, we transfer the selected dimensions of our roof to the diagram: the height of the ridge, its length, the number and size of the rafter legs, struts, racks and all the details, in accordance with the calculations made earlier;
  • Now you can count all the necessary materials and start looking for them.

Step II: Getting Ready

To build a roof frame, you will need standard tools and equipment: drills, a screwdriver, jigsaws, hammers, chisels, and more. We already know the required amount of materials for the truss system, so we can make their purchase. The lumber for the frame must be solid, free of cracks, wormholes, a light shade, no gray or yellow plaque smell like fresh wood. Wet forest should not be laid on the roof immediately, it must be dried, treated with an antiseptic solution and dried again. Wood moisture should not exceed 20%.

Step III: Mounting the Mauerlat

Mauerlat is the basic part of the entire truss system. It transfers thrust loads to bearing walls Houses. Installing a Mauerlat for a hipped roof is no different from similar structures with two or one slope. This process is described in as much detail as possible in our previous articles.

The base beam, the parameters of which are described above, is placed on the armored belt and high-quality waterproofing. If it is necessary to connect the Mauerlat, then the bars are cut into half the section and overlapped using strong fasteners.

Step IV: Laying the decks or floor beams

If there are load-bearing walls inside the house, then it is necessary to install beds on their ends - the basis for the supporting racks of the roofing system. If bearing floors there is no more in the house, then the attic floor is covered with reinforced beams, on which supports for the roof are subsequently installed, and after that the attic floor pie is laid.

Beams must have a cross section of at least 100x200 mm. The step between them is 60 cm. You can slightly adjust this figure, depending on the features of your home. The distance between the extreme beams and the Mauerlat should not be less than 90 cm. This distance is used for mounting the semi-beams of the cornice overhang (removal). The extensions are attached to the two extreme beams with the help of strong anchors and reinforced metal corners.

Step V: Installation of support posts, purlins and ridge

Racks are an important detail for maintaining the structure, they redistribute the weight of the truss system to the beds or floor beams. Racks are installed strictly perpendicular to the plane of the beds. V four-slope systems supports are installed under a ridge beam (hip roof) or under corner rafters ( hipped roof):

Racks must be securely attached to the base with metal plates and reinforced corners. Runs are installed as an additional support for racks. In a hipped roof, the girders are rectangular in shape, and for the hips, these are ordinary ridge girders.

After we have made sure that the supports are installed correctly (with the help of a meter and a level), we can fix the upper ridge beam. It is mounted on vertical racks and reinforced with reliable metal fasteners (plates, corners, anchors and self-tapping screws). Now we take on the corner offsets:

Step VI: Mounting the rafters

First you need to install the side rafters, which are based on the ridge beam and the Mauerlat (or are fixed with the extension). To do this, you need to make a template rafter with the appropriate cuts. Apply rafter leg to the ridge, mark the place washed down with a pencil, then mark the place where the rafters were washed down for docking with the Mauerlat and make gashes. Attach the rafter to the supports again to make sure that the docking is correct and correct the shortcomings. Now this sample can be used for the manufacture of all side rafters. Installation of the rafter legs of the main slopes is carried out according to the general rules described in the device of the gable truss system (see article and video).

The diagonal (corner) rafters are mounted next. Their upper edge mounted on a rack and joined with the edge of the ridge beam. Before this, measurements are taken and the corresponding cuts of the rafter legs are made. The lower end of the diagonals is fixed in the corners of the Mauerlat:

Since the diagonal rafters are longer than all the other legs, they require additional support. This function is performed by sprengel - support beams that are installed under each diagonal leg, in its lower quarter (this is where the greatest load occurs). Sprengel, as well as ridge racks, are installed on the supporting corner beams located in the plane of the floor beams.

Between the corner ribs, the space is filled with auxiliary rafter legs - sprigs. Their lower part rests on the Mauerlat, and the upper part rests on the diagonal rafter leg. The step between the sprigs should be equal to the step between the side rafters (50-150 cm).

Step VII: Lathing

It remains to complete the final stage of the formation of the roofing skeleton - the installation of the crate. These are boards or bars 50x50 mm, which are attached to the rafters parallel to the ridge run and the Mauerlat. The step of the boards of the crate is 50-60 cm. This is quite enough for laying the roofing pie. When soft roof, the crate is laid in 2 layers (counter-crate and crate).

Finally, a few videos:

So, we have described the installation of the hipped roof truss system, its basic principles, and even delved a little into some of the nuances. Hip and tent structures - although not the easiest, but quite feasible option for every novice master. Especially if he has good assistants. We wish you success in your work!

The final structural element of the building should not only reliably protect against precipitation, retain heat, but also emphasize the architectural merits. The form is classified according to: angle of inclination (flat, pitched); the presence of vaults, domes; the number of external and internal ribs; the number of planes (slopes). The more complex the system, the more likely it is that you will have to hire construction team. It is necessary to choose not the easiest option, but interesting in terms of design. A hipped roof is the perfect solution.

Execution types:

  • Hip - consists of two triangular slopes, the tops resting on the ends of the ridge. The other two planes are trapezoids.
  • Half hip - differs from the first version in that part of the inclined surface is occupied by the pediment. The roof on one or two planes has a shortened appearance. Experiences less wind and snow loads. Another plus is the possibility of installing full-fledged windows or balconies in the gable area in the attic.
  • Hipped - triangular slopes converge at one point. The use of such a solution is advisable for a house with the same dimensions of external walls.

Features of hipped roofs:

  • More even distribution of the load on the foundation, around the entire perimeter.
  • Volume reduction attic space- reduction of heat consumption for heating, the complexity of the organization of the attic space.
  • Good resistance to wind and snow loads.
  • Higher structural rigidity by increasing the number of external ribs.

The nuances of a hipped roof:

  1. At the ends of the ridge beam, the central intermediate and diagonal rafters converge. The organization of the site is quite complex.
  2. Outdoor rafters are attached to the corners.
  3. It is necessary to maintain the angle of inclination of the elements to create a plane for the installation of the roof.
  4. The slope of the corner rafter is always less than that of the central and intermediate ones. This is the longest element.
  5. The support is the Mauerlat and the ridge run.

Instructions for choosing and calculating the truss system

The construction of a house begins with the design of the project. Self-development of a drawing is impossible without:

  • study of construction technology;
  • farm calculation.

Factors influencing the choice:

  • slope angle;
  • hip roof material;
  • the weight of the "roofing cake";
  • wind and snow loads;
  • seismic hazard;
  • overall dimensions of the house box, the presence of internal load-bearing partitions, columns;
  • planning the organization of the attic space.

The slope of the slopes will be determined not only for aesthetic reasons. It is important to find a middle ground between a positive visual perception and maintaining the reliability and functionality of the structure. The value of the angle is closely related to almost all of the above factors:

  • The use of all types of roofing materials is limited by the range of this parameter.
  • How less angle slope, the smaller the effect of the wind load.
  • An increase to 45-60 ° guarantees an independent gathering of precipitation. The impact of snow cover is minimized.
  • By reducing the angle of inclination, we obtain a reduction in area and weight of the entire system. The consumption of thermal energy for warming up the attic space is falling.
  • The organization of the attic floor is unlikely with a small slope.

Types of roof trusses

1. Sloping - the design of the hip roof is based on:

  • external walls (Mauerlat);
  • run (ridge);
  • on internal load-bearing partitions, columns inside the house through the bed.

The distribution of the load occurs due to the installation of additional racks under the ridge beam. The bed shares the pressure over the entire surface of the internal baffle (column).

2. Hanging - used for buildings with maximum size foundation up to 6 ~ 7 meters. The rafters rest on the walls. Distribution of the load with the help of racks, puffs, crossbars, struts. For hip roofs, this type is rarely used.

Instructions for calculating the truss system

It is impossible to make a drawing of a hipped roof without performing mathematical calculations.

1. The size of the run - is determined based on the dimensions of the house. Standard solution: length minus width. The middle of the ridge beam is located clearly above the intersection of the diagonals of the base. The run line is parallel to the front walls.

2. Skate height: H = b x tgα. b - half the length of the end walls of the house, α - the slope of the slopes. The numerical value of the tangent is determined from the Bradis table.

3. The size of the central and intermediate rafters of the slope: Ltr.str.slope \u003d √ (H² + b²).

4. The length of the central rafter leg of the hip: Lctr.str.hip = √ (H² + b²). With a non-standard choice of the size of the ridge, the value of b is determined as half the difference in the lengths of the house and the run.

5. The size of the diagonal elements: Ldgn.str. \u003d √ (L tr. str. hip² + b²).

6. Calculation of the lengths of the sprigs - the property of similar triangles is used. If the angles are equal, on one of the sides the proportion of lengths is fulfilled, then the ratio of the remaining components of the figure will be observed: D = 3/4 C, which means: Lext = Ltr.str.hip x 3/4.

7. The distance between the rafters depends on the choice:

  • Section dimensions, wood quality. The weaker the material, the smaller the step should be.
  • The presence, type of heat-insulating layer - is determined by the convenience of installing insulation (60-120 cm).
  • Roofing material, its weight and geometry. The greater the total mass, the smaller the step. As with thermal insulation, the dimensions of the sheet are taken into account.

The minimum step between farms is 60 cm, the maximum is 2 meters.

8. The formation and calculation of overhangs depend on the preferences of the residents and the height of the house. The minimum size for a 1-storey building is 500 mm. The task is to protect the walls from atmospheric precipitation.

Construction of a hip truss system

Mauerlat - a timber or an upper crown, a strapping of a house, to which rafters are attached. Provides uniform load distribution on external walls. Section: 10x10 cm ~15*15 cm. Armopoyas - concrete reinforced structure along the upper perimeter of the walls. Its task is to strengthen the base under the Mauerlat, to ensure reliable adhesion to the roof.

Mauerlat installation options:

  • On a reinforced concrete belt using embedded studs, anchors.
  • Anchors in the body of the wall - brick one-story houses with a slight slope of the hip roof.
  • On the last crown a wooden frame or the upper trim of a frame structure.
  • Installation on studs embedded in brickwork.
  • Staples hammered into wooden liners inside the brick wall and the body of the Mauerlat.
  • Non-hardened steel wire, laid at the time of facade erection.
  • On studs fixed in the wall with a chemical anchor - a two-component composition. Glue is added to drilled holes in the masonry of the house, drying, securely holds the element.


  • The number of studs, brackets, anchors must be more or equal to the number rafter legs.
  • Roofing material is laid under the beam or bituminous mastic is applied to the base.

Installation guide:

  • Marking holes for studs, anchors is carried out by laying rails on fasteners, followed by a blow to the surface of the tree. Drilling is performed along the notches. The beam is put on studs, fixed with a washer and nut.
  • Wire connection - the ends are passed over the planks, twisted.
  • Extension schemes for long sections:

  • Floor beams are laid either on the same level with the Mauerlat, or on a bar attached to the wall. Step - 0.6-1 meter.
  • Mauerlat screed with slats, to which the racks for the run will be fixed in the future.
  • After completion, on the surface of the Mauerlat, the layout of the rafters is marked.

Installation of runs

The ridge beam experiences significant loads, it is installed on racks. The correctness of the work depends on:

  • Symmetry of a design, uniformity of distribution of weight.
  • Reliability of a hipped roof under maximum wind and snow loads.

Brief installation instructions:

  • The scheme (hanging, hinged) depends on the presence of internal load-bearing partitions. Racks can be fastened to screeds or ceilings.
  • In houses with large dimensions, the structure must be reinforced with struts to ensure load resistance.
  • The material for the ridge and supports is chosen of the same section, at least 100x100 mm.
  • Before work, carefully measure and determine the central and extreme fixation points of the racks. Their number is affected by the length of the run. Step - no more than 1 meter.

Do-it-yourself installation of rafters

There are two workflows:

  • First the central rafters, then the diagonal ones. The guards are installed last.
  • Installation of diagonal elements, after that - central ones.

The first method is considered to be simpler. The second allows for initial stage work to check the symmetry.

Mauerlat mounting options:

  • Rigid - in the rafters they wash down, the depth of which is no more than 1/3 of the beam width. Recesses (saddle) can be cut according to the template.
  • Sliding - used for structures that shrink. For fixing to the Mauerlat, special fasteners are used, floating supports for rafters. With this method, the connection of the legs above the ridge is performed in a hinged way.
  • Layered - the end of the rafter rests on the Mauerlat. The overhangs of the hip roof are formed by extending the legs with additional slats (fillies) of a smaller section. This method saves on material.

Design of the ridge knot of the central, intermediate opposite rafters:

  • Butt - connection with cutting the ends of the legs at an angle. Perform cross sections. The assembly is fastened with nails. Additional fixation will be provided by a metal plate or a wooden slip.
  • Overlapping - the rafters overlap each other with side surfaces. Fastening - hinged (bolt), nails.
  • To the ridge beam - joining the section of the rafter with the side surface of the run.

Features of mounting diagonal legs:

  • Placement of the upper node with an emphasis on the cut of the rafter in side surface central elements systems.
  • To strengthen the diagonal legs, which are experiencing the greatest load, the installation of trussed trusses and racks is required.

The installation of the sprigs to the diagonal rafter is carried out by sawing and docking with its side surface, fixing with nails.

Upon completion of work, it is necessary to check the equality of the angles of inclination and the lengths of the opposite rafters, compliance with the plane of the slopes and hips.

Nuances and possible errors

1. When purchasing lumber, you need to make sure that:

  • The moisture content of the tree does not exceed 20%. When drying, the board changes its geometry, which will lead to a change in length, straightness. Violation of proportions entails leakage, a decrease in resistance to wind and snow loads. Most the best quality from wood harvested in winter period in cold climate regions. Before making a purchase, contact the seller to request a humidity measurement.
  • There are no cracks, ingrown knots, traces of insect activity in the body.
  • When purchasing glued laminated timber, make sure the seller, manufacturer is honest. The use of low-quality products will lead to a violation of strength.

2. Elements of the truss system can be ordered from enterprises specializing in the construction and manufacture of turnkey houses.

3. Wood is treated with antiseptics and flame retardants before starting installation work.

4. The length of the purchased rail sometimes does not correspond to the calculated size. Extension technology:

  • Oblique cut with maximum adjustment of mating planes. A bolt or stud is inserted into the through hole with an interference fit, without play; tighten the nut.

  • Overlapping more than 100 cm. Carried out with nails, bolts, studs in a checkerboard pattern.

  • Butt on the section - drank at 90 °. The place of docking on opposite sides is covered with overlays. Fastening - as in the previous method.

5. Knots are additionally fixed with metal fasteners: corners, plates and others. Each of these elements has holes for hardware. It is advisable to use products with oval slots that allow slight displacement of the mating surfaces. In the process of shrinkage, the impact of loads can break the rigid connection.

  • Lack of calculation of loads, weight. Exceeding the permissible values ​​entails the destruction of the foundation, the roof frame. The necessary calculations can be performed independently or using online calculators. Hiring a professional is the best solution.
  • Pitch Exceeds design value. Saving on materials, the master will get a lot of problems.
  • The control of the plane of the slopes and hips with a cord is not performed. Deviations will cause sagging of the roof, violate the tightness and reliability of the roof, up to its deformation.

Building a frame for a roof with four slopes is a difficult process with characteristic technological features. During the construction, their own structural components are used, the sequence of work is different. But the result will amaze with its spectacular shape and durability when repelling atmospheric attacks. And the home master will be able to be proud of his personal achievements in the field of the roofer. However, before deciding on a device of a similar design, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the algorithm according to which the truss system of a hipped roof is being built and with the specifics of its device.

The hipped roof class combines two types of structures that resemble a square and rectangular envelope in plan. The first variety is called tent, the second - hip. Against the background of their pitched counterparts, they are distinguished by the absence of gables, called tongs in roofing. In the construction of both variants of four-pitched structures, layered and hanging rafters are used, the installation of which is carried out in accordance with standard technologies for the construction of pitched truss systems.

Characteristic differences within the four-slope class:

  • At the hipped roof, all four slopes are in the form of isosceles triangles, the tops of which converge at one highest point. There is no ridge as such in the tent construction; its function is performed by the central support in layered systems or the top of the hanging truss.
  • At the hip roof, a pair of main slopes has a trapezoidal configuration, and the second pair is triangular. The hip design differs from the tented counterpart in the obligatory presence of a ridge, to which the trapezoid adjoins the upper bases. Triangular slopes, they are also hips, adjoin the ridge top, and their sides are docked with the inclined sides of the trapezoid.

Based on the configuration of the roofs in the plan, it is clear that it is customary to erect tent structures over square buildings, and hip structures over rectangular houses. Both soft and hard roofing materials are suitable as a coating. The characteristic square or rectangular shape is repeated by the drawings of the four-pitched roof truss system with a clearly marked arrangement of elements in the plan and vertical projections of the slopes.

Often, hip and hip systems are used together in the construction of one object or effectively complement gable, single-pitched, broken and other roofs.

Constructions with four slopes can be based directly on the upper crown wooden house or on the Mauerlat, which serves as the upper strapping of brick or concrete walls. If you can find upper and lower supports for each rafter, the roof frame is constructed using layered technology.

Installing rafter legs is easier and more affordable for the inexperienced home roofer who needs to consider that:

  • With rigid fastening of the upper and lower heels of the rafters with metal corners or with the help of a support wooden lining would need reinforced fastening Mauerlat, because the thrust will be transferred to it.
  • With a rigid fixation of the upper heel and a hinged fastening of the bottom of the rafter, it is not necessary to strengthen the fastening of the Mauerlate, because. when the load on the roof is exceeded, the hinged mount, for example, on sliders, will allow the rafter to move slightly without creating pressure on the Mauerlat.
  • With a hinged fastening of the top of the rafters and a rigid fixation of the bottom, the spacer and pressure on the Mauerlat are also excluded.

The issues of fastening the Mauerlat and the method of installing the rafter legs, which are closely related to it, according to the rules, are resolved at the design stage of the house. If the building does not have an internal load-bearing wall or it is not possible to build reliable supports under the central part of the roof, nothing will work except for the hanging assembly scheme of the truss system. True, in most cases, a layered method of construction is used, for the implementation of which it is necessary to foresee the bearing support inside the building in advance.

In the construction of truss systems for tent and hip hipped roofs, specific structural elements are used, these are:

  • Diagonal rafter legs forming the ridge joints of the slopes. In hip structures, diagonals, they are also rafters, connect the consoles of the ridge run to the corners of the roof. In tent systems, slanted legs connect the top to the corners.
  • Narozhniki, or truss semi-legs, installed perpendicular to the cornices. They rely on diagonal rafters, are located parallel to each other, therefore they differ in different lengths. Narozhniki form the planes of tent and hip slopes.

Diagonal rafters and joists are also used for the construction of valleys, only then concave roof corners are arranged, and not convex like hip ones.

The whole complexity of building frames for roofs with four slopes lies in the installation of diagonal rafters, which determine the result of the formation of the structure. In addition, the slopes are required to steadfastly hold a load one and a half times greater than ordinary truss legs of pitched roofs. Because they work part-time as a hobby, i.e. support for the upper heel of the sprigs.

If you briefly describe the procedure for building a layered frame for a hipped roof, then you can meet the following steps:

  • Mauerlat device on brick or concrete walls. The process of installing a Mauerlat on walls made of logs or timber can be abolished, because. it can be successfully replaced by the upper crown.
  • Installation of a central support for a hipped structure or a supporting frame for the main part of a hip roof.
  • Installation of ordinary layered rafters: a pair for a hipped roof and a row defined by the design solution for a hip structure.
  • Installation of diagonal rafter legs connecting the corners of the systems with the top of the support or the extreme points of the ridge.
  • Production by size and fastening of sprigs.

In the case of using a hanging frame scheme, the start of the construction of a tent frame will be the installation of a triangular roof truss in the center. The installation of a series of truss trusses will be the beginning of the installation of a four-pitched hip truss system.

Construction of a hip truss system

Let's take a look at one of the common examples of a hip roof device with layered rafter legs. They will have to rely on floor beams laid on top of the Mauerlat. Rigid fastening with a notch will only be used to fix the top of the rafter legs on the ridge run, so there is no need to strengthen the Mauerlat fasteners. The dimensions of the box of the house shown in the example are 8.4 × 10.8 m. The actual dimensions of the roof in the plan will increase on each side by the amount of the cornice overhang, by 40-50 cm.

Mauerlat base device

Mauerlat is a purely individual element, the method of its installation depends on the material of the walls and architectural features the buildings. The method of laying the Mauerlat is planned according to the rules during the design period, because for reliable fixation of the Mauerlat it is recommended:

  • Lightweight foam concrete, gas silicate and similar walls should be equipped with a reinforced reinforced concrete belt, poured around the perimeter, with anchors installed during the pouring period for attaching the Mauerlat.
  • Brick walls should be edged with a side in one or two bricks along the outer edge so that a ledge for laying is formed along the inner edge wooden frame. During masonry, wooden plugs are laid between the bricks for attaching the mauerlat with brackets to the wall.

A Mauerlat is made from a bar measuring 150 × 150 or 100 × 150 mm. If the operation of the under-roof space is supposed, it is advisable to take the bars thicker. The timber is connected into a single frame with oblique cuts. Then the joints are reinforced with self-tapping screws, ordinary nails or capercaillie, and the corners are reinforced with brackets.

On top of the Mauerlat aligned to the horizon, constructed in the best way for a particular building, floor beams are laid. A bar with a section of 100 × 200 mm is used. First of all, a beam is laid, passing exactly along the central axis of the building. In the example, the length of the beam for the construction of solid beams is not enough, because they are assembled from two beams. The docking point should be located above a reliable support. In the example, the support is an internal load-bearing wall.

The step between the floor beams is 60 cm. If the customizable box is not different ideal parameters, as is the case in most situations, the distance between the beams can be changed slightly. Such an adjustment allows you to slightly "make up" the flaws in the construction. Between the extreme beams on both sides and the walls of the house there should be a gap of 90 cm wide, necessary for the installation of extensions.

Because floor beams can independently form only two cornice overhangs, short half-beams of floor - extension are attached to their ends. They are first installed only in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe main part of the hip roof, exactly where the rafter legs are to be mounted. They are nailed to the mauerlat with nails, fastened to the beam with screws, large-caliber nails, dowels, reinforce the fasteners with corners.

The construction of the ridge

The central part of the hip roof is an ordinary gable structure. The truss system for it is arranged according to the rules dictated by the construction technology of pitched roofs. In the example, there are some deviations from the classical interpretation of the pitched principle: the bed is not used, on which, traditionally, supports for the ridge run are installed. The work of the bed will have to be performed by the central floor beam.

In order to build the ridge part of the hip roof truss system, you need:

  • Build a support frame for the rafter legs, the top of which will rest on the ridge run. The run will be based on three supports, the central of which is installed directly on central beam overlap. To install the two extreme supports, first two transverse bars are laid, overlapping at least five floor beams. Stability is enhanced with two struts. For the manufacture of horizontal and vertical parts of the support frame, a bar with a section of 100 × 150 mm was used, the struts were made from a board of 50 × 150 mm.
  • Make rafter legs, for which you must first make a template. A board of suitable dimensions is applied to the installation site, lines of future cuts are drawn on it. She will be the template for the in-line production of rafters.
  • Install the rafter legs, resting them with a notch on the ridge run, and with the lower heel on the take-out located opposite.

If the floor beams were laid across the box, then the rafters of the main part of the roof would rest on the floor beams, which is much more reliable. However, in the example, they rely on the removal, therefore, additional mini-supports must be arranged under them. These supports should be positioned so that the load from them and the rafters located above is transferred to the walls.

Then three rows of extensions are mounted on each of the four sides. For the convenience of implementing further actions, the contour of the roof is drawn up with a cornice board. It must be nailed to the floor beams and extensions strictly horizontally.

Installation of corner offsets

In the space limited by the cornice board, there were corner sections left unfilled with details of the truss system. Here you will need corner offsets, for the installation of which is carried out as follows:

  • In order to indicate the direction of installation, we pull the cord. We stretch from the point of conditional intersection of the extreme support of the frame with the floor beam to the corner.
  • From above, along the lace, we apply a bar to its place. Holding the bar, from below we outline the lines of saw cuts at the point where the bar intersects the floor beam and corner connection cornice boards.
  • We attach the finished takeaway with sawn off excess to the Mauerlat and to the floor beam with corners.

The remaining three corner extensions are manufactured and mounted in the same way.

Installation of diagonal rafters

Diagonal, they are also slanting, rafter legs are made of two boards sewn together with a cross section equal to the size of ordinary rafters. In the example, one of the boards will be slightly higher than the second due to the difference in the angles of the hips and trapezoidal slopes.

The sequence of works for the manufacture and installation of the braids:

  • From the highest point of the ridge, we stretch the lace to the corners and to the central point of the slope. These are auxiliary lines along which we will mark the upcoming cuts.
  • With a carpenter's goniometer - we measure the angle between the lace and the upper side of the angular offset with a small one. This determines the angle of the lower cut. Suppose it is equal to α. The angle of the upper gash is calculated by the formula β = 90º - α.
  • At an angle β, we cut down one edge of an arbitrary trimming of the board. We apply it to the place of the upper attachment, aligning the edge of this blank with the cord. We outline the excess that interferes with a tight installation. You need to cut again along the marked lines.
  • At an angle α, we saw off the lower heel on another piece of board.
  • We make the first half of the diagonal rafter using the patterns of the upper and lower support. If a solid board is not enough in length, two pieces can be spliced. You can splice them with a meter-long piece of an inch planted on self-tapping screws, it should be positioned with outer side constructed oblique leg. We install the finished first part.
  • We do the second part of the rafter in the same way, but we take into account that it should be slightly lower than its first half. The area where the boards are connected into one element should not coincide with the area where the boards are joined in the first half of the sloping.
  • We sew two boards with nails in a run-up with a step of 40-50 cm.
  • On a lace stretched to the center of the slope, we draw a line along which it will be necessary to adjust the cut to join it with the adjacent rafter.

Following the described algorithm, it is necessary to install three more diagonal legs. Under each of them, supports should be installed at the point of attachment of the corner offsets to the beams. If the span is more than 7.5 m, another support is installed diagonally closer to the ridge.

Manufacturing and installation of hip rafters

The lace between the top of the skate and the center of the slope is already stretched. It served as an axis for outlining the cuts, and now you need to measure the angle γ along it and calculate the angle δ \u003d 90º - γ. Without deviating from the proven path, we prepare templates for the upper and lower support. We apply the upper trim to the place intended for it and mark the cut lines on it for a tight fit between the diagonal rafters. According to the blanks, we make the central leg of the hip and fix it where it is supposed to.

In the space between the corner outriggers and the cornice board, we install short extensions to stiffen the structure and to ensure a strong fixation of the shortest, shortest outriggers. Next, you should start making templates for the sparrows themselves:

  • We cut the board cut at an angle δ and attach it to the place of attachment to the diagonal rafter.
  • In fact, we outline the surplus that needs to be cut down again. The resulting template is used in the manufacture of all sprigs, for example, the right side of the hip. For the left side, the upper template will be filed from the opposite side.
  • As a template for the lower heel of the sprigs, we use a piece of board sawn off at an angle γ. If all the previous steps were performed correctly, then this template is used to make the lower attachment points for all other sprigs.

In accordance with the actual length and "indications" of the templates, sprigs are made, which are necessary for the formation of the hip planes and the parts of the main slopes that are not filled with ordinary rafter legs. They are installed so that the upper attachment points of the sprigs to the diagonal rafters are located in a run, i.e. the upper connecting nodes of adjacent slopes should not converge in one place. The sprigs are attached to the sloping rafter leg with corners, to floor beams and extensions in a way that is more reasonable and convenient: corners or metal gear plates.

The hipped roof technology is based on already familiar hip principles. True, there is no ridge part of the truss system in their design. The construction begins with the installation of a central support, to which the sloping rafters are attached, and then the slats. If hanging technology is used in the construction of the roof with an envelope, then the finished truss truss is installed first.

We invite you to take advantage of our free online calculator for calculations of building materials when installing a hip roof - go here and follow the instructions.

Helpful Video Instructions

Briefly with the sequence and rules for installing the truss system of a hipped roof of hip and hip categories, the video will acquaint you:

Having familiarized yourself with the specifics of the device and having mastered the intricacies of installing roofs with four slopes, you can safely proceed to the implementation of plans for its construction.

The rafter system is a combination of all the supporting elements that form the frame on which the roofing pie lies. The ability of the roof to withstand wind and snow loads, to protect the interior from water and cold depends on the strength and reliability of this foundation. In order not to resort to the expensive services of companies that perform roofing work professionally, we will tell you what the four-pitched roof truss system consists of, what materials will be required for its manufacture and how to assemble it.

Types of hipped roofs

The name "four-pitched" combines several types of roofs, consisting of four planes, slopes:

Despite external differences, the truss systems of a hipped roof are made up of the same elements, guided by the same rules.

Types of truss systems

The roof truss system of a four-slope type takes on a different look, depending on the initial conditions: the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house to be covered and the internal layout. There are three types:

Which type of rafter system is suitable for a particular house is determined during the design period, making calculations and drawing up drawings.

Calculation of the slope of the slopes and the height of the ridge

The drafting of the truss system of a hipped roof begins with calculations that determine the geometry of the future structure:

To facilitate the process of designing a gable roof truss system, special computer calculator programs can be used, which require only the entry of initial data: the size of the house, the number of slopes.

Load calculation

The next design stage is the determination of the composition of the elements of the truss system and their section. To do this, perform the calculation of the loads to which the four-slope structure is subjected. They are divided into three types:

Summing up the values ​​of all loads, determine the total, which, depending on the roofing material used, can reach 180-250 kg per square meter. Based on this figure, the number of elements of the truss system and their cross section are determined, referring to the reference table. It is more convenient to calculate more complex systems in special programs, the result of which is a finished scheme of a four-pitched roof truss system.

Essential elements

The truss system of a four-pitched roof consists of many components, mandatory and auxiliary:

  1. Mauerlat. A beam with a section of 100x100 mm or 150x150 mm, evenly distributing the load along the perimeter of the bearing walls. The difference between a hipped roof is that its installation requires four Mauerlats, and not two, as for a gable roof.
  2. Sill. A beam that serves as a support for racks, which is used in a layered truss system. He, like the Mauerlat, distributes the weight of the roof, but is located on the inner load-bearing wall.
  3. Rafter legs. Elements from boards with a section of 50x150 mm or 100x150 mm, which carry the roofing pie and set the geometry of the slopes. In the construction of hipped roofs, ordinary, layered and outdoor rafters are used. Privates are located in pairs along the ridge run, forming trapezoidal slopes. Skew, diverging from the ridge to the two corners of the house, form end triangular slopes. And the outdoor rafters rest with their upper part on the layered ones and have different lengths.
  4. Skate ride. A beam resting on vertical posts to which rafters are attached. This is the highest point of the roof.
  5. Racks. Vertical supports that are installed on the bed. They support the ridge run or the middle of the rafter leg.
  6. Struts. Bars that are installed at an angle to the rafter legs to prevent their deflection.
  7. Drawbar and bolt. Horizontal lintels made of wood or metal connecting pairs of rafter legs, reducing the bursting load on the walls. The crossbar is installed at the top of the rafters, in the puff at the bottom, often used as floor beams.
  8. Sprengel farms. Sprengel - vertical riser for slanted rafters. If there is nothing to rest against, a puff is installed between two adjacent sides of the house and a sprengel is attached using metal corners.
  9. Crate. The basis for a flooring of roofing material. If the boards are nailed without gaps, the construction of the crate is called solid. And if the boards alternate with a small gap - trellised. The scheme of the lathing depends on the type of roofing material.
  10. Eaves. Part of the rafters, which protrudes 40-50 cm beyond the perimeter of the house, protecting it from moisture.

Assembling the truss system

Having a drawing of the truss system in hand, you can begin assembly work. Since mainly natural wood is used as the material, it will not be superfluous to treat it with a deep penetration antiseptic to protect it from moisture and bacteria. Roofing craftsmen pay attention to a number of features that should be considered when installing a hipped roof truss system:

A well-designed and high-quality assembled truss system is the basis for the long-term operation of a four-slope roof, which will become a reliable protection from the weather, whether it is hip or hip!

Video instruction

Pitched roofs are quite popular in private suburban construction, and therefore, for many, the truss roof system, which has some design features, is of great interest.

It is this type of roof that is the preferred option for both country cottage, and for the gazebo erected on the adjacent territory.

It should be noted that the hipped roof gives the building a rather attractive appearance, and also allows you to get an additional attic room of a large area.

The truss system of a hipped roof has a complex device and its installation should be carried out only according to a preliminary calculation, the result of which should be a diagram.

The calculation of such a roof, both for the house and for the gazebo, can be done by hand, if you use a special program designed specifically for these purposes.

Its rafter system allows for several different options. The four-slope roofs include half-hipped, as well as hipped, and each of them has its own specific features and differences.

Some types of these types of truss systems, the installation of which can be done by hand, are shown in the photo below.

Features and types of four-pitched roofing

The device and design of the truss system at the roof of the hipped type, first of all, depends on the configuration.

Currently, the hip, tent, and half-hip structures of the truss system are considered the most common, which can be used both for a private house and for a gazebo.

Each of them has both advantages and disadvantages.

In any case, the hip roof truss system involves a calculation that is made depending on the type chosen.

The hip type of the truss system is quite popular in private construction. Its design is quite resistant to various external influences and involves the installation and installation of trapezoidal-type slopes.

As a rule, its installation is carried out using several separate rafters that come from the top two points. This type of truss system can also be used to build a gazebo.

Hip roof options can be seen in the photo below.

Also quite common is a half-hipped roof, the design of which vaguely resembles a gable roof.

The advantage of this type of rafter system is the ability to equip a vertical window in the upper attic area.

Its device assumes the absence of a sharp protrusion, which allows it to withstand fairly strong wind loads.

In addition, in some cases, a half-hip truss system makes it possible to equip a full-fledged glazing of the upper space.

A hipped roof also belongs to the hipped roof, however, for its arrangement it is necessary that the structure near the walls of the building be made in the form of a square.

The device of this type of roof implies the formation of a triangle with equal sides due to a certain design of the slopes. Very often, a hipped roof is installed on gazebos.

Any of the types of this type of truss system implies an accurate calculation, on the basis of which the installation is carried out by one's own hands.

Design features

Four-pitched roof, regardless of its type in without fail has a frame, the design of which implies the presence of a sufficiently large number of various elements.

Each of them has a specific purpose and must meet its functional requirements.

In order for such a roof to withstand all possible loads during its operation, it is necessary to accurately calculate the capabilities of each of its constituent elements.

Such a calculation is a rather complex calculation that is not always possible to do it yourself.

It is best to entrust the calculation of a hipped roof to qualified specialists who have professional training.

The calculation can be made independently, but for this you will have to use a special program.

The easiest way to make such a calculation is for a gazebo, since its design has a simpler form and involves the use of fewer elements.

When calculating the roof frame, it is important to avoid critical errors, as this can lead to serious consequences during its subsequent operation.

In the event that mistakes are made, their correction can lead to serious financial investments and an increase in the cost of the entire construction.

First of all, when calculating the roof frame, it is important to determine the angle of inclination of its slopes. Calculations show that the higher the angle of inclination, the more building materials will be required.

Also, when calculating the roof, it is imperative to take into account the fact that the lower the angle of its inclination, the more powerful the structure of the frame itself should be.

Correctly made calculation will make the truss system better and more powerful.

A half-hip, hip or hipped roof of a hipped type is shown in the photo above.

Types and features of truss systems

The device of any type of roof frame of a hipped type can differ not only in a bay window, but also in the presence of certain constituent elements.

So, its installation involves the arrangement of the Mauerlat, run, as well as support board. In addition, the structure of the roof frame should include puffs, caps, and directly, the rafters themselves.

The installation of a hipped roof requires the arrangement of a crate, as well as some other mandatory elements.

A little simpler is the roof frame at the gazebo and this is connected, first of all, with its design features. Installation of a hipped roof is shown in the video below.

In any case, in order to install the roof frame of a house or gazebo, it is necessary to develop a plan for the truss system and this should be done as accurately as possible.

Both a half-hipped and any other four-pitched roof consists directly of the frame and the rafter system itself, on which the roofing pie will subsequently be based.

An important point in arranging this type of roofing with your own hands is the uniform distribution of the expected load over the entire surface of its structure and then on the walls and directly on the foundation of the building.

This can be achieved not only by the correct design of the roof frame, but also by its installation. For this, truss systems of the most different types.

Their choice mainly depends on the size of the house under construction. In addition, the presence of internal walls bearing type or additional supports.

In any case, the installation of the roof can be carried out using hanging or layered rafters, as detailed in the video below.

Structures of truss systems

Quite often, hanging-type truss systems are used. This type of construction involves the arrangement of two independent supports, which do not imply any intermediate support.

Such rafter systems work both in bending and in compression. Also, the hanging type of construction of the truss system creates a horizontal force, which is accordingly transmitted to all load-bearing walls.

This type of load can be reduced by using special puffs, which are jumpers made of wood or metal connecting all wooden legs.

When erecting a mansard or attic roof, such puffs are installed at the base of the legs. If such a puff is attached above the base of the rafters, then its main function is only fixing.

It should be noted that the higher such a puff is set, the more durable all the constituent elements of the truss structure should be.

In those buildings in which a load-bearing middle wall is provided, or special supports are additionally installed, as a rule, a rafter system is equipped, which provides for the arrangement of layered rafters.

Such layered rafters with their lower parts rest directly on the Mauerlat, which must be laid over the entire surface of the outer walls of the house. In addition, in such a rafter system, the middle part is additionally strengthened in the middle part of the house.

The design of the layered rafter system works on bending and has less weight than hanging rafters, which means that fewer building materials are used for its construction.

In addition, the rafter system, which is made using layered rafters, has a higher strength, and, accordingly, rigidity.

Some installation features

Any hipped roof, even if the device is designed for a gazebo, requires a complex structure, despite the fact that they can be equipped with a bay window of various shapes.

At the base of these types of roofs lies a triangle, which determines their high rigidity and stability.

The main elements of such a roof, which bear the main load, are the rafter legs, the design and installation of which should be given special attention.

When installing such a roof with your own hands, it is recommended to follow the rules and construction technology with maximum accuracy.

In addition, you should use only high-quality building materials that have the necessary strength and reliability.

When erecting a four-pitched roof, special attention should be paid to all its corner elements that experience the maximum number of loads.

If it is necessary to splice some elements of the frame, they should be additionally reinforced with appropriate racks and struts, which make it possible to reduce the overall load.

In general, a hipped roof is a structurally complex element of the house, which must be made in accordance with all requirements.

Roof of four slopes - what is it good for? The numerous operational advantages of this type certainly outweigh the disadvantages. Is the truss system of a hipped roof as simple as many beginners in the construction business think? You will definitely find out soon! We will describe the important nuances and features of the stages of the construction of a hip roof in this article.

What you need to know about four-pitched truss systems?

There are two variants of four-slope roofs: hip and tent. The first type has the shape of a rectangular envelope, consisting of two main trapezoidal slopes and a ridge, and two gable (side) slopes - triangles:

A hipped roof is four identical isosceles triangles connected at one upper point (reminiscent of a tent):

Both options provide for the installation of both layered and hanging rafters, which are installed using standard technologies.

How to choose the type of truss system for a 4-pitched roof?

In the absence of a central roof support, the choice is made in favor of a hanging truss system. If for each rafter you can find the upper and lower supports, then you should choose a layered structure. This option is easier and more affordable for non-professional craftsmen. It is only necessary to remember two main conditions: with a rigid fastening of the bottom and top of the stop, a reinforced Mauerlat is needed, since the thrust is transferred to it; with a hinged or semi-rigid connection (for example, the top is hinged and the bottom is rigid or vice versa), the Mauerlat does not need to be reinforced:

The choice of one of the types of hipped roof should be determined by the shape of the house itself. Hip rafters are erected for square houses, hip rafters for rectangular houses. Also, you can find complex multi-pitched roofs of a combined type, which contain both hip and tent elements.

Both hip and tent structures retain the main functions of a gable roof (for example, the possibility of arranging an attic) and look very aesthetically pleasing:

Why is a four-pitched roof more popular than a two-pitched one?

“Why the extra headache and complexity?” You ask: “After all, you can build a simple gable roof much faster and cheaper.” Here, the masters emphasize some important points in favor of choosing exactly four slopes for the roof:

  1. High wind resistance. The four-pitched roof has no gables, all its planes are inclined towards the ridge. Such a structure minimizes the impact of strong winds and reduces to "0" possible destructive consequences.
  2. The most successful load distribution. A multi-pitched roof withstands the maximum amount of precipitation, since gentle slopes take part of the main load. Therefore, sagging, deformation and destruction of the truss system, in this case, have a minimal probability.
  3. The availability of a choice of any method of roof insulation. Straight gables require a special approach when choosing the type of roof insulation, as they are located vertically and are subject to wind blowing. The gentle slopes of hip and tent systems allow you to evenly insulate the roof with any available material.

In addition to the listed "pluses", a roof with four slopes saves heat well, can be lined with any roofing material and always has a neat appearance.

The device of the four-slope truss system

The four-pitched rafter structure consists of the following elements: Mauerlat, ridge beam, central and hip rafters, slanting legs, as well as beds, racks, crossbars, struts and other reinforcing parts. Let's look at the most basic elements.

I. Mauerlat

Mauerlat is the most important detail of the structure, since the entire truss system rests on it. It is a powerful wooden beam 100x200, 100x250, 100x100, 150x250, 200x200 cm. Mauerlat is made from solid high-quality wood, mainly conifers. The rafter system of a hip roof, like any multi-pitched roof, requires a solid fastening of the base bar. The order of installation of the Mauerlat in this case: the formation of a monolithic foundation at the end of the bearing walls with the installation of spiers; laying waterproofing; processing and installation of Mauerlat around the perimeter of the whole house; reinforcement with anchors and other fasteners for maximum reliability of the base.

Mauerlat can be laid on the edge of the wall, or in the pocket provided for when laying bricks on the inside of the bearing walls.

II. Slanted legs

Slanted legs are called four corner rafters, which rest on the edges of the ridge and the corners of the Mauerlat. They are the longest among all the rafter legs of the system, therefore they must have a section of at least 100x150 mm for maximum rigidity.

III. ridge beam

The ridge run is a horizontal beam that connects all the rafters, the top of the rafter system. The beam must be strengthened with racks and struts. The ridge should be located strictly parallel to the plane of the attic floor and perpendicular to the uprights.

IV. rafters

Rafters for a hipped roof are divided into: central (attached to the Mauerlat and ridge); main hip (mounted on the axis of the ridge and Mauerlat); intermediate and shortened (installed on sloping legs and Mauerlat, connect the corners of the slopes).

V. Strengthening elements

Additional reinforcing elements include racks for ridge beams, crossbars or floor beams, struts of rafter legs, wind beams, etc.

Do-it-yourself rafter system for a hipped roof

Consider the phased process of erecting a truss structure. For clarity, we have chosen the most popular option - a hip roof. The hip roof truss system, the diagram of which, step by step, is presented to your attention below:

Step I: Create a project

To depict your version of the hip roof in the drawing, it is necessary to calculate the height, length, slopes of the slopes and the roof area. This is necessary for the clear and high-quality implementation of the project and the selection of the required amount of consumables:

Calculations should begin with the choice of the angle of the roof slopes. The optimal slope is considered to be an angle of 20-450. The slope value should correspond to the climatic features of the region. So, in particularly windy areas, the slope should be made minimal, and for areas where precipitation is frequent and abundant, the steepest slope angle is necessary. In addition to the weather, you need to consider the roofing material that you plan to use. For a soft roof, the degree of inclination should be less, for a hard one - more.

And one more small but important nuance on this issue - it is better to make the slope angle the same for all four slopes. So the load will be distributed evenly, and the structure will be as stable as possible, and the aesthetic appeal will remain “on top”.

Now that we know the slope and width of the house, we can use some simple math to calculate the height of the ridge, the length of the rafters, the posts, and other details of the truss system. When calculating the length of the rafters, do not forget to take into account the cornice overhang (as a rule, its length is 40-50 cm).

The roof area for the purchase of the required amount of roofing material is calculated as the sum of the areas of all the slopes of the structure.

How to draw up a roof drawing?

  • We select the scale of the drawing and transfer the dimensions of the house on a scale to a sheet of paper;
  • Next, we transfer the selected dimensions of our roof to the diagram: the height of the ridge, its length, the number and size of the rafter legs, struts, racks and all the details, in accordance with the calculations made earlier;
  • Now you can count all the necessary materials and start looking for them.

Step II: Getting Ready

To build a roof frame, you will need standard tools and equipment: drills, a screwdriver, jigsaws, hammers, chisels, and more. We already know the required amount of materials for the truss system, so we can make their purchase. Lumber for the frame should be solid, not have cracks, wormholes, have a light shade, no gray or yellow bloom, smell like fresh wood. Wet forest should not be laid on the roof immediately, it must be dried, treated with an antiseptic solution and dried again. Wood moisture should not exceed 20%.

Step III: Mounting the Mauerlat

Mauerlat is the basic part of the entire truss system. It transfers spacer loads to the load-bearing walls of the house. Installing a Mauerlat for a hipped roof is no different from similar structures with two or one slope. This process is described in as much detail as possible in our previous articles.

The base beam, the parameters of which are described above, is placed on the armored belt and high-quality waterproofing. If it is necessary to connect the Mauerlat, then the bars are cut into half the section and overlapped using strong fasteners.

Step IV: Laying the decks or floor beams

If there are load-bearing walls inside the house, then it is necessary to install beds on their ends - the basis for the supporting racks of the roofing system. If there are no more load-bearing floors in the house, then the attic floor is covered with reinforced beams, on which the supports for the roof are subsequently installed, and then the attic floor pie is laid.

Beams must have a cross section of at least 100x200 mm. The step between them is 60 cm. You can slightly adjust this figure, depending on the features of your home. The distance between the extreme beams and the Mauerlat should not be less than 90 cm. This distance is used for mounting the semi-beams of the cornice overhang (removal). The extensions are attached to the two extreme beams with the help of strong anchors and reinforced metal corners.

Step V: Installation of support posts, purlins and ridge

Racks are an important detail for maintaining the structure, they redistribute the weight of the truss system to the beds or floor beams. Racks are installed strictly perpendicular to the plane of the beds. In four-pitched systems, supports are installed under a ridge beam (hip roof) or under corner rafters (hip roof):

Racks must be securely attached to the base with metal plates and reinforced corners. Runs are installed as an additional support for racks. In a hipped roof, the girders are rectangular in shape, and for the hips, these are ordinary ridge girders.

After we have made sure that the supports are installed correctly (with the help of a meter and a level), we can fix the upper ridge beam. It is mounted on vertical racks and reinforced with reliable metal fasteners (plates, corners, anchors and self-tapping screws). Now we take on the corner offsets:

Step VI: Mounting the rafters

First you need to install the side rafters, which are based on the ridge beam and the Mauerlat (or are fixed with the extension). To do this, you need to make a template rafter with the appropriate cuts. We attach the rafter leg to the ridge, mark the place washed down with a pencil, then mark the place where the rafters washed down for docking with the Mauerlat and make gashes. Attach the rafter to the supports again to make sure that the docking is correct and correct the shortcomings. Now this sample can be used for the manufacture of all side rafters. Installation of the rafter legs of the main slopes is carried out according to the general rules described in the device of the gable truss system (see article and video).

The diagonal (corner) rafters are mounted next. Their upper edge is mounted on a rack and joined with the edge of the ridge beam. Before this, measurements are taken and the corresponding cuts of the rafter legs are made. The lower end of the diagonals is fixed in the corners of the Mauerlat:

Since the diagonal rafters are longer than all the other legs, they require additional support. This function is performed by sprengel - support beams that are installed under each diagonal leg, in its lower quarter (this is where the greatest load occurs). Sprengel, as well as ridge racks, are installed on the supporting corner beams located in the plane of the floor beams.

Between the corner ribs, the space is filled with auxiliary rafter legs - sprigs. Their lower part rests on the Mauerlat, and the upper part rests on the diagonal rafter leg. The step between the sprigs should be equal to the step between the side rafters (50-150 cm).

Step VII: Lathing

It remains to complete the final stage of the formation of the roofing skeleton - the installation of the crate. These are boards or bars 50x50 mm, which are attached to the rafters parallel to the ridge run and the Mauerlat. The step of the boards of the crate is 50-60 cm. This is quite enough for laying the roofing pie. When a soft roof is provided, the crate is laid in 2 layers (counter-crate and crate).

Finally, a few videos:

So, we have described the installation of the hipped roof truss system, its basic principles, and even delved a little into some of the nuances. Hip and tent structures - although not the easiest, but quite feasible option for every novice master. Especially if he has good assistants. We wish you success in your work!