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Step rafted a four-piece roof. The rapid system of the four-sheet roof. Advantages of a four-grade roof

A four-tight rafting roof is considered a rather complicated structure. The construction of such a design is recommended to entrust experienced professionals that will help correctly calculate the angle of inclination of beams and choose the optimal weight of roofing materials.

This design has both advantages and disadvantages. Before choosing such a roof for your home, it is recommended to thoroughly think about the positive and negative sides of the four-grade roof.

The main advantage of such a structure is aesthetic form of residential building. Due to this, the house acquires smooth and streamlined forms.

Varieties of a four-tight roof

Several types of similar designs are distinguished. Standard construction is an equifiable triangles that are connected in the center point.

Beginner builders are often confused by a four-sheet roof with ordinary tent roof. It consists of triangles, which are in the background from above the correct square.

If the plan shows a rectangle, then we are dealing with a hip structure. It received this name as a result of using special skates, which have an appearance of a forcepets - Valm.

The four-sheet roof is divided into the following types:

  • dutch;
  • half-haired dutch;
  • danish half-haul;
  • tent.

The Dutch roof is distinguished by its resistance to climatic cataclysms. Here are two trapezoidal skate. The upper parts have long correct triangles, and the side are presented in the form of shortened corners.

In this case, a rafter system is used in which four inclined beams are used with the required angle of the skate. The calculation of the four-page roof occurs on the basis of the area of \u200b\u200bconstruction.

Due to this, it is possible to correctly arrange inclined beams and the distance between them.

The half-haul Dutch roof can be made both double and four-tie rafting roofing. For the construction of such a design, it is recommended to carefully select building materials.

Bearing supports must be made of wood of dense tree species. This variety is distinguished by its durability and endurance towards natural cataclysms.

Advantages and disadvantages

What advantages and disadvantages have a four-tie roof? Experienced specialists allocate the following positive qualities of such a structure. These include:

  • lack of frontones. Due to this, it is possible to improve the roof aerodynamic indicators;
  • the minimum angle of inclination of roofing rods. In this case, the four-sheet roof system allows you to adjust the length of hanging lag. These elements help make an additional canopy for the veranda;
  • aesthetic type of residential building. The house acquires smooth and streamlined lines.

The following reasons include disadvantages:

  • complex installation. Make such a roof yourself, you can, if there are special skills;
  • high consumption of building materials. To create a hip roof, you need to make four slopes that require additional marking and deformation of roofing;
  • requires the construction of an attic space. If you neglect this requirement, the risk of partial collapse of the built-up structure increases.

Four-sheet roof with her own hands

How to make a four-tight roof with your own hands? We bring to your attention a detailed instruction that will help correctly underestimate this design.

It includes:

Calculation of a four-page roof. This manipulation allows you to correctly calculate the number of building material, the distance between the carriers of the lags and the roofing angle of the roofing coating. The roof area will be slightly larger than the width of the ceiling span.

Four-sheet roof drawings. Here are detailed calculations and additional elements for fastening the carriers of the lag.

Erect ceiling overlap. To do this, use dense wood, which is fixed at a distance of 50 cm from each other. Next, lay a layer of waterproofing, which will prevent the appearance of mold and excessive humidity in the room.

Metal fittings are installed on concrete walls. It will continue to mount the beams.

Now proceed to the construction of beam spans. They are fixed with metal corners and mortgage anchors. When installing, it is important to follow the angle of inclination. For the classic Dutch roof, 45-50 degrees must be observed.

Next, proceed to the manufacture of an attic space. It will be located in the center of the roofing design. For this make rectangles from a dense timber. For the roof of 50 m2, 4-5 elements will be needed;

The frame from the beam will be based on the upper boundaries of rectangular structures. Beams must form an angle in 45 o at the top point. All elements are fixed with anchors with plastic nozzles.

When the frame is completed, go to the roofing flooring. Here you can use a metal profile, or soft tile. The photo of the four-tie roof shows a workflow.

Photo of a four-tie roof

Four-sheet roof, provided that its competent construction is different, not only the presentable appearance, but also in high strength, which allows it to effectively resist the atmospheric precipitation and a strong wind. In this article, we will tell about what the device of the rafter system of a four-piece roof, consider the species of such frames, as well as describe a detailed plan of work on their construction.

Comparative characteristics of the framework of the frame: Tent and Valm

In the category of the roofs with four slots, there are 2 types of frame systems that look schematically like a square (tent construction) and a rectangular (hip roof) envelopes. In our country, the roof envelope is quite popular. The main feature of the four-tight roof is the absence of frontones. For the construction of a rafter system of a four-piece roof in both cases, hanging and sprinkled rafters are used. The methods of their assembly are standard for roofs with any number of skates.

Distinctive features of four-piece roofs of various designs:

  • In the case of a tent frame, the roof consists of four inaccessible triangles, which are in contact with the vertices at one point. In this case, the functions of the skate are assigned to the central support beam in the sleeve structures, or on the top point of the hanging rafter.
  • The roof of the Valm type assumes the presence of two triangular and two slopes in the form of a trapezium. In this case, the trapezoidal rods are adjacent to the skate beam with the upper ribs, and triangular-peaks. At the same time, all four slides come into contact with each other side ribs.

Studying the plan of the rafter system of the four-page roof, it can be concluded that the selection of the configuration of the four-page roof depends on the form of the structure. That is, square houses are overlapped with tent structures, and rectangular - hollow roofs. In this case, any roofing materials can be used, both rigid and soft.

When drawing up drawings of the rafter system of the four-tie roof, it is necessary to clearly designate a geometric shape, as well as specify the position of individual elements and the projection of the rods with precision sizes.

As a rule, the system of rafted holm and tent type is combined with traditional - single-sided, duplex and broken roofs within a single object.

For the support of the four-piece design, Maurylalat can be used, which is the upper strapping on concrete or brick walls, as well as the upper crown of the log cabin. The utilization technology is used in cases where it is possible to establish the upper and lower support for each rafter foot.

  • Maurylalat must be fixed with the amplification to withstand the driving efforts in the case of tight fixation of the rafter legs with wooden lining or metal corners.
  • If the upper part of the leg is fixed rigidly, and the lower ones on the hinge mount, it is possible to fix Mauerlalate in the usual way. In this case, when loading loads on the skeleton of the rafter will be able to slightly move.
  • The sawing load and pressure on Mauerlat will be leveled when using rigid attachments of the lower part of the rafter and hinged - on the upper heels.

Please note that the method of laying Maurolat and the entire rafter system should be foreseen at the building design. In the absence of inner bearing walls and the impossibility of placing the support elements for the central part of the roof, the technology of hanging rafters is applied. However, it is most often installed after all the inclined type of stable framework, provided in advance the presence of bearing structures.

With the construction of holmic and tent frames, such specific nodes of the rapid system of the four-page roof are used:

  • Diagonal legs from which ridges of the skates are performed. In the frames of the tent type, such savory legs combine the roof corners with its upper point. Walp frames suggest the docking of the consoles of the ski beam with corners by means of diagonal rafters.
  • Nonocents (middle) - elements mounted at an angle of 90 degrees to the eaves. Because they are joined with diagonal rafters and are located in parallel to each other, their length will be different. The roofs are created from such elements.

These same structural elements are used to create endands, with the only difference that the angles are made concave.

It is the installation of the emergency rafters represents the greatest complexity. Moreover, these elements will have an increased load, since they serve as a supporting element for fastening in the upper part of these people, that is, they perform the functions of the skate. Therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to calculate the rapid system of the four-page roof.

In general, the process of erection of the roof with four slots includes such steps:

  1. Laying Mauerlat on a wall of brick or concrete. In log houses, this element serves the upper crown.
  2. Installation of the central support beam under the tent frame or the assembly of support structures for a holm roof.
  3. Installation of removal rafting legs under one or another design.
  4. Fastening the diagonal rafalines, which combine the roof corners with the central vertex or ends of the skate.
  5. Marking and installation of these people.

If the suspension type of the rafter system is supposed, the first step of creating a tent structure will be the placement of a central farm in the form of a triangle. When creating a hip-type design at the start stage, several rafter farms are fixed.

Construction of a holm roof

Because in private construction, predominantly holmic roofs with spots rafters are used, consider the process of mounting a four-tie rafal system of such a design. Opporting for structures will serve overlap placed on Mauerlat.

Fixation by the word Will be performed only in the place of docking the skate with rafters, so Mauerlat can be installed on conventional mounts. In the building under consideration, the box of the house has dimensions of 8.4 × 10.8 m. The roof on the plan will exceed the size of the house by 40-50 cm on each side - this is the width of the cornese swell.

Plan of laying supports on Mauerlat

Depending on the material used for the construction of the walls of the building, the laying of Maurolat can be carried out in various ways.

  • In the upper part of the walls of gas-silicate or foam concrete blocks, it is necessary to pour a reinforced concrete belt in which to place anchors for subsequent fixation of Maurolat.
  • When building brick walls in the upper part of them, a side of 1-2 bricks is performed in such a way that in the center of the wall is a deepening for a wooden frame. As it masonry between bricks, wooden traffic jams are placed to which Mauerlat will be fixed with brackets.

For Mauerlat, you will need a timing of 100 × 150 or 150 × 150 mm. When planning the use of space under the roof, thicker beams should be applied. The frame elements are mixed with oblique writs, followed by amplification - nails, chophary or self-drawing, and in the corners - brackets.

Next, to Mauerlat, you need to place the elements of overlapping. They are made from bars with a cross section of 100 × 200 mm. The first is the central beam. If the lumber length is not enough, it is made of two pieces of timber. Moreover, the connection site should have to support the support element, for example, a carrier wall.

In this case, the beams are laid in a step of 60 cm. As a rule, the box has nonideal dimensions, so the step between the beams can be slightly corrected to smooth out the imperfections. An indentation from the walls of the house to the extreme beams located on both sides should be 90 cm. It is required for the installation of deposits.

Removers are attached to the end parts of the ceiling beams. For convenience, first, they are placed only in those places where the rafters will be installed. To the surface of the Maurolalate, the removal is mounted with nails, and to beams - anticipation, nails of large cross section, self-drawing, after which the fastening is enhanced by corners.

Assembling the ridge of a four-page roof

The central segment of the roof of the Valm type is nothing but a traditional two-tie design. Consequently, its assembly is performed using technology for pitched roofs. Although such a design usually provides for the presence of a Lengne, which contains supports under the horse, in this example, the function of such an element is assigned to the central beam of overlapping.

The ridge of the roof is performed as follows:

  • First collect the support structure under the rafter, which will be resting in the skate beam with upper heels. Konk himself will be supported by three supporting columns, of which the average is mounted directly on the central bar of the overlap. To properly install two extreme columns, undergoing overlap placed transverse bars, in length covering at least 5 beams. Slopes provide additional stability of the design. The support elements of the frame are made from a bar with a cross section of 100 × 150 mm, and the saws - from the boards of 50 × 150 mm.
  • So that all the rafters were the same, the template is made for their cutting. For this, the board of the desired length is trying on the place of installation, make marking of the marbles, after which it is performed by cutting all the rafaline.
  • The finished rafters refrigerate to the skate beam by the place of wrist, and the lower part is fixed on the removal.

Typically, the beams of overlaps are placed perpendicularly box, so that the stopper legs in the central part of the roof occurred on them. Since the example of the rafter is connected with the removal, the installation of additional supports is required. They are placed in such a way as to redistribute the load from rafters and supports on the walls.

At the end you need to install three rows of deposits on each side. After that, the beams of overlappings and deposits is strictly horizontally fastened by cornice, facilitating further work with the roof.

Fastening the angular deposits of the rafter system

In the corners behind the cornice board it is necessary to establish angular deposits.

They are fixed like this:

  • From the angle to the place of conditional intersection of the beam of overlapping with extreme support of the frame stretch the lace.
  • By its contour, a bar is placed in the right place. On Bruke, it is necessary to note the places where it crosses the beam of overlapping and the corner bog of the cornice. On the markup, everything is superfluous.
  • Using the corners, the finished element is attached to the overlapping and Mauerlat.

The same actions are carried out with all the remaining deposits.

Sound rafters device - drawings

The diameter of the diagonal rafters coincides with the sizes of ordinary elements. Since in our example, the slope of the trapezoid rods and the valves is different, one of the savory legs is located somewhat higher than the other.

The process of creating and installing Nakoshov:

  • With the help of a lace, we plan extra lines for the markup, stretching it to the corners and the center of the skate from the top point of the skate beam.
  • Determine the angle between the upper part of the corner removal and the lace. It will be an angle for the lower poison (α). The upper washed (β) calculated by the formula: β \u003d 90º-α.
  • We take the cutting board and cut one edge in it at an angle β. Having attached a blank to the place of docking the upper parts, we combine her edge with a lace. Surplus mark and scream.
  • In another harvesting for the bottom heel, we saw the area at an angle α.
  • Using the resulting patterns, the first diagonal rafter is cut. If there is no whole board of the desired length, the element is collected from two pieces. They split them with an inch board, 1 m long, placing it from the outside of the rafted. The finished element can be installed.
  • Similarly, we make the second half of the diagonal rafters, without forgetting that it should be located somewhat lower than the first. The docking place of two half of the wind should not coincide with the separation of the splicing of boards in one detail.
  • The docking of the boards is made by nails at a distance of 40-50 cm.
  • Further on the lace on the rafter, it is necessary to read the line for the line so that it can be docked with the adjacent diagonal element.

The manufacture of the remaining 3 parts is performed in the same way. Under each of these rafalines in places where the beams with angular deposits are allowed, the supports are installed. Additional supports near the skate are needed if the length of the span exceeds 7.5 m.

Assembly and installation of hipper legs

On the stretched shoelace from the skate to the center of the skate, the lower angle γ measure and calculate the opposite angle δ \u003d 90º-γ. Just as with diagonal details, templates are made to the upper and lower heel of the element so that it is tightly engaged between the diagonal rafters. Having made the central raftered hip, it must be installed in the appropriate place.

Stiffness of construction and reliable fastening of the most short narigines is provided by installing short deposits between the eaves and corner deposits.

At the next stage, templates for narigines are made:

  • A piece of chalkboard is dug at an angle δ and try on the connection site with a diagonal foot.
  • There are unnecessary plots, then they are scolded. This template will be needed to create all these narons that will be installed with one side of the Walm. For the other half, it will be written on the workpiece will need to be made from the opposite side.
  • The lower heel of nurses is cut through the pattern, scaled at an angle γ. Such a blank is suitable for creating lower junctions on all acuse.

The manufacture of nigipers is made taking into account the calculated length of the elements and according to the templates made. They will fill the plane of the Walm and the main rods. The installation of these parts is performed so that the locations of the docks of naps with nigsions from opposite sides in one place, that is, the rotor. The fasteners for connecting narins with diagonal rafters serve as corners, and with removal and beams of overlapping - gear plates or corners - to whom more convenient.

The roof structure with the tent type of the frame is performed according to the same technologies as with Walm. The only difference lies in the absence of a skate in tent roofs. In this case, the installation of the rafter system of the tent roof begins with the docking of the diagonal rafters, and then - nurses. If the hanging rafters are used, first the installation of the central farm is performed.

Thus, a detailed study of the features of the construction of four-sheet roofs will allow you to proceed with the creation of a skeleton design with knowledge of cases.

The roof is an equally important element of the house than the foundation and walls. Its design sets the mood of the entire architectural ensemble, makes the building neat and attractive. The four-tailed roof has gained wide popularity due to high reliability and external attractiveness, but also due to the opportunity to equip additional facilities - attic and hearing windows, erkers, etc. despite the fact that the installation of such a roof is a bit more expensive and more complex , it is still easy to build it with your own hands.

Advantages of four-tight roofs in front of duplex structures

One of the main tasks that appears at the design of your own home is the choice of the type of roof. The presence of many options among the duplex and four-tight designs requires a response to the question of which roof is preferred. And at least the aesthetics of the structure plays not the last role, the criteria of reliability and practicality act on the foreground.

The bartal roof is a classic structure that form two opposite skate and a pair of vertical end parts, called the frontones. The spacious underpowering space allows you to equip the attic, residential premises or use the attic for domestic purposes.

A classic duplex roof is easy to find out a pair of rectangular slopes, which are adjacent to each other along the central axis of the building, and two triangular frontones from his ends.

The structures of this type due to its simplicity and practicality for a long time remained the most popular in individual construction. At the same time, the dependence of the geometry of the roof from the size of the structure, as well as the complication and appreciation of the structure during the arrangement of the attic forced to find other, more practical and functional options. And they were found in the form of a variety of four-tight roofs, which basically have a couple of triangular and two trapezoid skate. The latter are often called Valmami, and the roof itself is Walmova. When the design of this type is built, there is no need for the front and the ability to make the building more modern and original.

The skates of the simplest holm roof determine the surfaces in the form of two trapezoids and a pair of triangles

You can call a few advantages of hip roofs in front of traditional batch facilities:

  • the possibility of arrangement of attic windows right on the rods;
  • increased strength, reliability and stability of the rafter system;
  • increased resistance to weather factors;
  • the possibility of increasing the area of \u200b\u200bthe attic room by simply decreasing the width width;
  • a more uniform distribution of the roof weight;
  • improved temperature in the arrangement of the attic room.

Let you not be misled with the numerous advantages of a more stylish four-tailed roofing - it also has disadvantages. These include a more complex design, a slight decrease in the size of the attic room and the uneconomical spending of roofing material. As for the costs, the budget, which will be required to the construction of the other roof, is slightly different.

The four-tight roof is not a know-how in architecture - its design is known with deep antiquity

Classification of holm roofs

Differences in the form of buildings, as well as the requirements for the functionality and practicality of the traditional holmic roof, contributed to the emergence of many variations. If you do not consider the most exotic ones, you can select several basic types of four-tight roofs.

  1. The traditional hip roof, the side skates of which reach the level of the cornice. For the construction of its main surfaces, straight rafters are used, and Röbra Valm form bars, departing from the end of the skate. The developed design and distribution of the roof weight on the enlarged area allows not only to arrange the sinks on the same line, but also to increase their departure. Thanks to this, the facade of the building is reliably protected from rain even with severe wind gusts.

    In the skates of the classic holm roof, glazing elements are often built

  2. The tent roof can be installed on the house, which in the plan has a square shape. A feature of such a design is the skates of the same configuration. Their ribs converge into one point, and the Valves have the shape of an equally chained triangles.

    Tent roofs are widely used in modern individual construction.

  3. The semi-walled roofs received their name due to the shortened valves. Unlike the traditional roof, their length is reduced by 1.5-3 times compared with the size of the main rods.

    Side raids of half-range roofs have a shortened length, so do not get to the cornice line

  4. The Danish semi-haul roof has a small frontout under the skate and a short hip from the cornice side. Such a design allows you to install ventilation and lighting elements directly into the vertical end of the roof, thereby eliminating the need to install the attic windows.

    Danish project is good because it allows you to easily equip the attic rooms

  5. A semi-haul Dutch roof has a vertical eponton separating the hip for two short skate. The rafting system of "Dutch" although it has increased complexity, but it allows you to make a more spacious and practical attic room. In addition, this design is perfect for mounting vertical glazing in the attic.

    Built over the Dutch project, the roof is still rare in our area

  6. The broken four-tight roof has several slopes of different sizes on one slope. Thanks to their different inclination, it is possible to increase the volume of the undercase. Although the broken design and can not be called a simple, houses with such a roof are found very often. The reason for popularity is the ability to equip additional living rooms on the top tier. For this reason, the roof with broken rods is often called the attic.

    The broken roof is somewhat weighting the architecture of the building, but it allows you to equip several residential premises in the attic space.

There are also more complex facilities from a set of hips, as well as those in which the four-tight roof is combined with roofing systems of other types. Designing and installation of such a roof requires many years of experience and knowledge, so the construction of a surround roof is better to charge specialists.

Design of four-tight roofs

When developing a holm roof, all types of loads that will affect it are taken into account. For this, several important issues should be solved first:

  • the purpose of the attic;
  • roof material;
  • the degree of atmospheric influence in the construction region.

Based on these factors, the degree of inclination of the rods and the roof area are determined by the calculation of the loads and decide on the design and parameters of the soling system.

Geometric parameters of the skate

The angle of inclination of the skates depends on the snow and wind load, therefore varies in very wide range - from 5 to 60 degrees. In areas with rainy weather and high snow cover, roofs with a depreciation from 45 to 60 degrees are erected. If the region is distinguished by strong winds and a minimum amount of precipitation, the slope can be reduced until the minimum.

By determining the angular parameters of the roof, it is necessary to take into account what material it will be covered:

  • slate sheets, ondulin, roofing metal and rolled materials are laid on a slope with a slope from 14 to 60 degrees;
  • tiles are mounted on the surface with a degree of subtleness from 30 to 60 degrees;
  • rolled coating is used at run-down skates - from 5 to 18 degrees.

Deciding with the angle of inclination of the roof, it is absolutely difficult to calculate, at what height is a horse. To do this, use simple trigonometric formulas for a rectangular triangle.

Roof Square

Even the most complex hip roof consists of separate slopes that repeat the contours of the simplest geometric shapes, therefore, most often it is enough to know the linear size of the base and angles of inclination of the Valm.

To determine the roof quadrature, it is necessary to fold the area of \u200b\u200bthe skates, of which it consists

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe roof is calculated by summing the square of individual valves. Skates of complex configuration are separated into several simple surfaces, after which they carry out separate calculations for each of them.

The principles of calculating the geometric parameters of the four-tight roofs are based on calculations for simple surfaces.

Calculation of loads

Loads affecting a four-screen roof are divided into two types:

  • constant
  • periodic.

The first is the weight of roofing materials, rafters, dohes and other framework parts. The second is the efforts that are precipitation and wind power. In addition, when calculating, the payload should be taken into account in the form of a variety of engineering systems and communications attached to the elements of the solo system.

Focusing on SNiP, when designing the roof, it is necessary to take a snow load of 180 kg / sq. m. With the danger of snow accumulation on the roof, this parameter rises to 400-450 kg / kV. m. If the roof has an angle of inclination of the slopes of more than 60 degrees, then the snow load can not be taken into account - no precipitation is delayed on the surfaces with such a steep slopes.

The strength of the wind load is significantly less - up to 35 kg / kV. m. If the bias of the roof ranges from 5 to 30 degrees, then the impact that the wind is becoming neglected.

The above parameters of atmospheric influences are averaged values \u200b\u200btaken for the middle strip. Performing calculations should be used by the correction factors depending on the construction region.

Calculation of the rafter system

When calculating the rafter system, the rafters step and the maximum load that they can carry are determined. Based on these data, make a decision on the installation of separations that contribute to the redistribution of the load, and tightening, protecting the framework from loosening.

The main load of the holmic roof falls on diagonal rafters

The presence of a hip on four-paced roofs, besides the usual rafters, requires to install also diagonal (differently, covers) - those that are attached to the skate and are sent to the corners of the building. Their length is more transverse node elements of the roof. In addition, shortened elements are fastened to diagonal iron. Compared to conventional rafters, the covered legs are tested by 1.5-2 times the load, so their section is doubled, and to ensure a lot of widespread.

Often, the hip roofs have a complicated rafter system, which, unlike a simple four-tone design, has an additional load in the places of installation of vertical supports. This feature should be taken into account when calculating the strength of the wooden frame of the roof.

The laying distance of the rafter is called a step and are determined based on the length of the rafter foot and the cross section of the sawn timber used. To determine this parameter is most convenient for special tables, one of which is given below.

Table: The dependence of the section and step rafters from their length

Manual calculations are quite laborious. To reduce the design time, you can use one of the online calculators to determine the parameters of the hip roofs. With it, it is possible to determine not only geometric parameters, but also a lot of other equally important factors:

  • the amount of moisture and thermal insulation taking into account the adolescents;
  • the number of roofing material, including forming waste;
  • the volume of sawn timber required for the arrangement of the rafter system;
  • the length of the soles, etc.

Video: Using a construction calculator to calculate the roof

What materials will be needed to build a rafter system

For the construction of a holm roof, a bar and a plaque from larch, pine and other wood conifers are best suited. Choosing material for construction, it is necessary to carefully rebel defective boards. Damage to the fungus, knots and cracks reduce the strength of the boards and affect the durability of the roof. With wood moisture, more than 22% of lumber are stacking outdoors and dried. It should be understood that non-seamless boards may vary, and this, in turn, will lead to a violation of the geometry of the roof with possible damage to the finish coating.

To assemble a wooden frame, a rectangular beam is used by a cross section from 80x80 mm to 150x150 mm - the exact parameters are determined by the calculated way or using the table above. As an alternative, you can use the board with a cross section of 50x100 mm or 50x200 mm. If there is a need to strengthen the rafting foot, then use paired boards.

For reliable fastening, as well as an increase in the rigidity of the wooden frame, steel brackets and other metal elements are used. Often, unloaded skate runs are installed not wooden, and steel supports. Combined frames have increased strength and reliability.

Features of the rafter system

In order to properly design and install four-minded roofs, it is necessary to deal with it in detail with its design, as well as the features of the recovery of the hip roofs of the most common species.

The device of the rafter system in the details

A buckle roof frame consists of most of the same parts as a double, but more complex rafter system requires installation of additional elements. With a detailed consideration, it is possible to detect such components:

All these elements can be found in a four-screen roof of any type. The exception is only the tent roof, which side rafters and the skate timber does not have.

In wooden and frame houses, the rafter system is mounted without Mauerlat. In the first case, its functions take on the extreme crowns, and in the second - the upper strapping.

Varieties of rafter systems of hip roofs

Since the basis of the rafter system of the holmic roof is the axial rafters, when installing the roofing frame, you must follow the following rules:

  1. In constructions, where the covered legs experience an increased load, a double thickness bar is used for their manufacture.
  2. The splicing of individual parts of the diagonal rafters is performed in places with a maximum load (most often in the upper part of them) and are strengthened using subposses and vertical racks installed at an angle of 90 ° to rapid legs.
  3. In the manufacture of the savory rafters, it is necessary to provide a margin on trimming at the place, so the calculated length of the bar is increased by 5-10%.
  4. Responsible nodes of the compound of the hosted rafter feet must be enhanced by metal mounting elements - brackets, twists or perforated construction stripes.

When choosing a rafter system, it is necessary to take into account the size of the building and the presence of internal supports or capital congestions. Based on specific conditions, choose a scheme with hanging or sprinkling rafters.

System with hanging rafyles

Roofing design with hanging rafters does not have a support in the midline, so the main weight falls on the walls of the external perimeter. This feature manifests itself in the redistribution of internal efforts - the rafter system is subjected to compressive and bending loads. As for the walls, there are significant driving efforts on them. To eliminate this factor, each pair of rafters is connected to each other so-called tightening - jumpers from a wooden bar or metal.

The tightening can be located both at the base of the rafter legs and above. In the first case, the jumper will also perform the role of the transverse beam, which is a successful option in the construction of an attic roof. If the tightening is installed in the midline area or higher, it will only perform the functions of the fixing link. It should be noted that it seemed that there would seem a minor moment as the height of the installation of the fumes, the cost of the rafter system depends. The higher the transverse jumpers will be located, the greater the cross section of all components of the wooden frame.

Walp roofs with rolling and hanging rafters have differences between the supporting elements of the structure

Construction with sleeve rafters

The holmic rafted roof is suitable only for those houses whose internal space is divided into two equal parts by the overhaul or installed to support the overlap by supporting columns. In this case, the lower edge of the rafter legs rests on Mauerlat, and the middle part is to the carrier of common. The presence of additional points of the support allows you to unload the elements of the rafter system, removing from them, as well as from the walls of the building, the alternate horizontal effort. Like roofing beams, the rafters begin to work only on bending. The cutting rafter frame becomes more rigid and durable compared to the design in which rafters of a non-absorbable type are used. And this is despite the fact that in the first case you can use a smaller bar. And this helps to reduce the weight of the wooden structure and reduces the cost of purchasing lumber.

Installation of a four-grade roof

The assembly of the rafter system must be performed in a strictly defined order. This is necessary in order to properly install and secure all the structural elements of the roof.

  1. For the redistribution of the load, which roofing, wind and precipitate are on the walls, Maurylalat is laid on the outer walls. In individual construction for these purposes, a timing is used by a cross section of at least 100x150 mm. Anchor studs are used for attaching longitudinal beams. They must be put in the upper rows of masonry at the stage of the construction of the walls. Waterproofing Mauerlat is performed using two layers of runneroid, which is placed on top of the bearing walls.

    Mauerlat to the bearing wall is fixed using bolts or anchors

  2. If it is necessary to install vertical supports, litters are placed on the bearing simpleness. Wooden lining is used for horizontal alignment of the elements of the rafter system. In the future, this will significantly simplify the installation of racks and runs. If the capital partitions of the building plan are not provided, then the vertical supports are mounted on the beams of overlaps. For this, they are enhanced, splicing two boards 50x200 mm or using one bar 100x200 mm.

    The support of vertical racks on the beams is allowed only if the design will rest on the capital congestion

  3. Exhibit support racks. For their alignment, we use a plumb or laser level, after which the temporary supports are installed. For fastening the vertical support to a litter or horizontal beam, metal corners and plates are used.
  4. On top of the racks are stacked. The traditional hip roof needs to be installed one run, which, in fact, forms a horse. Tent structures need to install four runs. As with the installation of racks, the mount is performed using metal corners and screws.

    The ski run can be mounted as directly to the rafter foot and through wooden linings.

  5. Preparation of rafters. Side rafal legs of simple four-tight roofs are mounted in the same way as the rolling roofs. First make a template. To do this, from the side of the extreme support to the skate, the board is applied as the same width as rafters. Its thickness should not exceed 25 mm - the template must be light. On this board, they note the released for reliable support and accurate fit of the rafter foot to the skate bruse, as well as the cutout, corresponding to the place of docking with Mauerlat. The marked seats are cut down and further used to quickly prepare the rafter feet.

    Making a template will be able to reduce the time of preparation rafters to the installation

  6. Applying the made sample to the run bruster, it is necessary to check whether the exact fit of the rafter is needed. In the presence of gaps, the shot in the rafter is carried out taking into account the amendments. After all the support legs are ready, they are exposed to 50-150 cm increments and attached to Mauerlat and the skate. For the installation, it is best to fit brackets, but you can also take a powerful metal corner.
  7. As already mentioned, the diagonal rafters are made of scrambled boards or a larger cross section. To install them, you will also need a template that is prepared in full compliance with the method described above. Since the covered rafters of one side are adjacent to the corner of the Mauerlalate, and the other is based on the rack, it washed at an angle of 45 ° to the plane.

    The layout of rafters and narigines on a holm roof are performed by a template

  8. In the intervals between the offshore rafters fasten these fasteners. Their step corresponds to the distance between the rafters, and the plots of supports protrude diagonal legs and Maurylalat. The load, which other people experience, do not compare with the weight that falls on rafters, so the first can be built from the boards with a thickness of 30-50 mm. To speed up the installation, you will need a template with a diagonal rafter and Mauerlat, but cutouts on half of these nurses need to be done in a mirror image.

    The use of metal mounting elements makes a truly rigid and stable system

  9. If there is a need, the kills are fixed to rafters and narins. The ends of the rafter elements are cut through the cord.

    Mounting rafters to Mauerlat can be performed in several ways.

  10. Strengthen the covered and side rafters. In the first case, vertical shprengels are used, and in the second - installed at an angle of 45 °. They are based on the ice or beams.
  11. After the rafting system is collected, roofing pie is installed on top of it.

    The rafting system is prepared for the installation of roofing materials

Dooming and insulation

Before starting the installation of the root, on top of the rafter stacked vaporizolation, and, if necessary, rolled insulation. From above, the insulation layer is closed with waterproofing film, which is mounted with an adhesive width of 10-20 mm and fasten to Brusa with a construction stapler. After that, the rakes are nauseated to the rafyles. If the roofing pie is mounted without insulation, then the vaporizolation is not required - there will be a layer of moisture-resistant material. Of course, no additional rails will not be needed, since the boards supporting the boards will be attached directly to these people and rafting legs.

Depending on the type of roofing material, one of two kinds of dohes are used on the hollow roofs:

  • solid;
  • rewrked.

The first most often is placed under the soft roof and only in some cases - for the arrangement of the attic room. The makeup of this type is made of a width of 100 to 200 mm wide and a thickness of at least 20-25 mm. Installation is performed without gaps. In addition, the use of plywood sheets and OSB plates is allowed. Their dignity is an extremely smooth surface that allows you to lay roofing material with minimal spending time and strength.

Under the soft roof it is equipped with a solid peel from OSB, plywood or boards stuffed without gap

For rarefied dohes, the same boards are used, as in the first case, however, they are mounted with a gap. Since this type of base is used to lay slate, professional flooring, metal tiles and roofing iron, the distance between the individual boards should take into account the peculiarities of the roofing material.

The fastening of the roasters is performed by nails, the length of which is equal to the tripled thickness of the boards. If screws are used for fixation, you can use a shorter threaded fastening with a length corresponding to the dual thickness of the sawn timber.

For fastening the slate, ondulin and other sheet materials use a rarefied incracing

The wooden base of the roofing pie is mounted from the bottom up, while the first board of each slope is displayed parallel to Mauerlat. First, the shap is stuffed on the charms, after which they cut the protruding edges with a knob with diagonal ribs. Next, begin to fasten the lumber on the main rods, the release of the edges of the boards for the covered rafters. After that, the ends of the boards are poisoned similarly to the first case.

Video: Construct the Walm Roof with your own hands

Typical project of a hip roof

During the construction of a simple holm roof, you can use a typical project that specialists developed. Project documentation includes:

  • technological map;
  • roof plan;
  • schemes of the rafter system;
  • drawings of cuts and corner adjoins;
  • the statement and the specification with the full list of materials used.

As a sample, the following is a documentation for a typical project of a holmic roof for a house of 155 square meters. m.

Gallery: Drawings and Four-Screw Roof Schemes

The drawing indicates the exact dimensions of all elements of the roof at the base of the rafter farm lie triangles of the trapezoidal slot triangles are based on the long carrying walls of the tightening walls are installed at the base of the rafter and perform the role of overlap beams when creating a project must be taken into account the length of the rafter, their step, the recommended section of the timer or the board for Mounting rafters are applied wooden and metal fastening products allow you to transfer the load from one system element to another

Despite the seeming complexity of the four-tight roof, it is harder to build it with their own hands than a bantal design. It is only important to carefully deal with the appointment of individual elements and the principles of building a rafter system. Otherwise, the reliability and durability of the roof will still depend on the observance of technology and accuracy of the installation. As for additional difficulties and costs, they will pay on full satisfaction from work, which will make the construction more brighter and attractive.

In private housekeeping, in addition to distributed duplex roofs, more durable and hard four-grade structures are often used. They differ in the absence of frontones that replace the triangular shapes that cut the ends of the skate ridge. Such a configuration makes four-tight roofs very attractive and economical, despite the fact that during their construction the length of the cornese swells, the amount of drain pipes and gutters increases. Therefore, they deserve closest attention.

Varieties of rafter systems for four-tight roofs

The device of the rafter system depends on the form of a four-tone roof. The most common configurations are most common.

  1. Walm structure. All four slides occupy the area from the skate to the eaves, the two side people have a trapezoidal form, and two end (hollows) are triangular. A feature of the rafter holm frame is the presence of two pairs of installed diagonally sprinkled rafters, which come from the edge of the skate and serve as supports for nurses and shprengels.

    Walm four-tight design is characterized by the fact that the rods occupy the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe roof - from the skate to the eaves

  2. Dutch half-haired. A device with truncated end slots that do not get to the cornice. As a rule, they are less trapezoids 2-3 times. The advantage of such a structure of the four-grade roof is the possibility of installing in the ends of the house of a conventional window, as well as the absence of a typical for the bantal roofs of acute protrusion, which repeatedly increases the wind resistance of the structure.

    The Dutch semi-haired roof has truncated triangular rocks and part of the fronton, in which you can set the usual vertical window

  3. Danish semi-degrees. It is characterized by the presence in the triangular rods of the front of the skate, which allows you to provide full-fledged natural lighting of the underfloor space without installing attic windows.
  4. Tent construction. Installed at homes having a square frame. All four slopes of the tent roof are the same inaccessible triangles connected at one point. When erecting such a roof, an important aspect is observance of symmetry.

    The structure of the four-paced rafter system depends on the selected roof configuration

Features of the carrier frame of a four-page roof

Immediately, we note that the rapid system of the four-tight roof will be more complex compared to traditional dupled structures for two reasons.

  1. Due to increasing the number of inclined planes and their docks with each other. In essentially, the connection of the skates is the intersection lines going under a certain angle to the horizon. The joints that make the angle protruding above the surface are called roof ribs. From them water flows across the skates and accumulates in the rash-bodies (endowes) - intersection lines with an inner angle. If all planes have the same slope, then the ribs and endands make the angle of the base at the site of the docking of adjacent rods and create a slope to the perimeter of a 45 ° building.

    Four-tight rafting systems are distinguished by the lack of complete frontones, instead of which there are two triangular end skate, as well as the presence of two lateral trapezoidal inclined planes, rabble and edge

  2. Due to the fact that the runs in the four-scale design form a closed circuit, where the ridges (diagonal) lifting legs are located along the Röbeer lines. They are longer than ordinary beams that are installed longitudinally skates at a distance between the intersections of the Walm rafters in the upper strapping. But between the lower parts of the diagonal legs are mounted short rafters, called nasha. A distinctive feature of the frame of a four-tight roof is the presence of springs - wooden struts for hollow rafters.

    Supported runs in four-paced structures have a closed circuit, where the diagonal rafting legs are located along the Enda lines and Ryoebers.

The main structural elements of the rafter system of the four-tone roof are:

Thus, the number of elements of the rafter system of the four-tone roof is significantly larger than, for example, in a double design, and this naturally increases its construction. However, in general, as we have already noted above, the arrangement of the four-tight roof will cost a little more expensive at the expense of savings on the laying of roofing pie, since the waste of insulating materials and the underfloor flooring with a string for a multi-communion design will be significantly less.

Despite the fact that the rafter system of the four-tone design is more complex and expensive, the construction of the whole roof is more profitable at the expense of savings on the arrangement of roofing cake

In addition, the four-tan design:

Video: Dux or four-tight roof - what to choose

How to calculate the rafal system of the four-tight roof

The carrier design of the four-grade roof can be a change, if the structure has capital inner walls, or hanging when intermediate supports are not provided in the structure. With a hanging device, the rafter is based on the walls of the house and have a painting effort on them. To remove the load on the walls in such cases, at the base of the rafting legs, the tightening connects the rafters with each other.

Using the utilization design makes the frame of more easy and economical due to the fact that it takes less lumber to its arrangement. Because of this, the revolving rafter system is used in the construction of multicate roofs much more often. But regardless of the type of rafters used, only the correct calculation of the carrier frame and the exact markup will increase the economic effect of the construction of the four-tan design.

Marking and calculation of a carrier frame of a four-grade roof

When calculating the rafting system, you must follow the following rules.

To determine the installation location, the rafter and find their length will take a template.

The use of the template will make it much easier for measurements and calculation of the rafter frame of the four-tight roof

The length of the rafter foot can be determined by its downstream (horizontal projection). For this, there is a special chart of the coefficients below. The length of the rafter is determined by the size of its projection multiplied by the coefficient corresponding to the slope of the skate.

Table: The ratio between the length and the running

Roof slide slopeCoefficient for calculating the length of intermediate raftersThe coefficient for calculating the length of the corner rafters
3:12 1,031 1,016
4:12 1,054 1,027
5:12 1,083 1,043
6:12 1,118 1,061
7:12 1,158 1,082
8:12 1,202 1,106
9:12 1,25 1,131
10:12 1,302 1,161
11:12 1,357 1,192
12:12 1,414 1,225
Note: When the roof frame is erected, the data on which the table is missing (for non-standard slopes), the parameters should be calculated using the Pythagore theorem or use a mathematical proportion.

Consider an example: a private house in Yekaterinburg is built with a size of 7.5x12 m with a planned height of a holmic roof from a metal tile of 2.7 m.

  1. First of all draw a drawing or sketch of the roof.

    Before calculating the rafter system, it is necessary to make a sketch of the building and apply all the source data on it.

  2. We find the angle of inclination of the slopes using the formula: tangent angle of inclination is equal to the ratio of the height of the roof to half the length of the span, in our case - to half the end side L \u003d 7.5 / 2 \u003d 3.75. Thus, Tg α \u003d 2.7 / 3.75 \u003d 0.72. According to reference tables, we determine: α \u003d 36 °, which corresponds to the standards involving the roof slope for metal tiles of at least 14 °, and the climatic conditions of Yekaterinburg.

    Tangent angle of slope of the slopes is determined by the well-known formula for calculating the sides of the rectangular triangle as the attitude of the opposite category to the adjacent

  3. We determine the position and edge of the skate ridge, for which we apply the template at an angle of 36 ° in the middle of the upper strapping of the end (the installation site of the first central intermediate line) to a height of 2.7 m and design the outline on the sketch.
  4. From the axial (key) line retreating ½ the thickness of the skate bar and install the end of the measuring rail at this point. At the other end of the rail, we make markers of the outdoor and inner contour of the side wall, as well as sinks. Turn the rail to the side and from the inner angle of external strapping, we note the mint of the intermediate rafter at the mark of the internal circuit, thus determining the installation site of the second intermediate central rafter.

    With the arrangement of the timing frame of the four-tight roof, initially determine the position of the central rafting legs using a template and a measuring rail

  5. Such actions are carried out at all angles, determining the edges of the skate ridge and the location of all central rafting legs.
  6. After laying intermediate rafters, we define their length on the table. In our example, the angle of inclination is 36 °, its tangent is 0.72, which corresponds to the ratio of 8.64: 12. There is no such value in the table, so we calculate the coefficient relative to the string with parameter 8:12 - 8.64 / 8 \u003d 1.08. So, the desired coefficient is 1.202 · 1.08 \u003d 1.298.
  7. Multipling the depth of the intermediate rafters on the calculated coefficient, we find their length. We accept the depth of 3 m, then l pp \u003d 3 · 1.298 \u003d 3.89 m.

    The length of the ordinary and central intermediate rafters depends on the angle of inclination of the roof and the depths of their attachment

  8. Similarly, we determine the length of the diagonal rafters, after having calculated the mold equal to the distance from the angle of connecting side and end rods to the first intermediate central rafyled. On the initial data, the pinning of the angular rafters is 7.5 / 2 \u003d 3.75 m. Then the calculated length of the angular rafters will be 3.75 · 1.298 \u003d 4.87 m.

    Corner rafters differ from the intermediate device with a double boss in the zone of the skate, a deeper attachment and a larger length of sub-sized part

  9. We calculate the Sve on the Pythagore theorem according to the marked marks or simply add to the length of the rafter the desired size, for example, 0.6 m plus at least 0.3 m for the arrangement of the outer drain.

    To calculate the length of the sink, you need to multiply its locking on the coefficient for the intermediate or angular rafter or to the calculated length of the rafter add the planned sweep length and a minimum of 0.3 m to organize an external drainage system

  10. Making the labeling of all elements of the rafter frame, determine the length of the skate ridge, which is equal to the difference in the length of the side and twice the embezzlement of the intermediate rafters: 12 - 2 · 3 \u003d 6 m. At this distance, ordinary rafters will be installed. If you take a step in 1 m, then you will need 5 ordinary rafters equal to the length of the central one. In addition, on the section of the embedding of intermediate central rafters, which has a length of 3 m, will be installed two short rafters from one and the other edge of the side.
  11. Since short rafters (narigines) are attached to diagonal, it means that two narigin on the left and right will also be installed on the end sides between the angular and central intermediate rafters.

We will bring a preliminary result - for the rafter frame of the four-grade roof, you will need:

  • two pairs of holm (angular) rafters with a length of 4.87 + 0.6 + 0.3 \u003d 5.77 m;
  • three pairs of intermediate central rafters with a length of 3.89 + 0.6 + 0.3 \u003d 4.79 m;
  • five pairs of ordinary rafters with a length of 4.79 m.

There are only ten pairs of rafters, the total length of which is approximately 100 rowing meters. We add 6 m to the ski bar here, as well as a decade-free stock and we obtain that approximately 117 lumber meters are necessary for the manufacture of a simple hip truck frame with pins, struts, riglels, shprengels and shafts. But if the design provides racks and litter, they will have to be checked separately or add a larger reserve percentage.

Video: Stropil system of the four-tone roof, installation technology\u003dn_yr2qb3dim

The measuring rail greatly facilitates work and helps to avoid gross mistakes when measurements. It is most often made on their own from plywood width of 50 mm.

A few words should be said about short rafters. They are calculated in the same way as intermediate: the locking multiplied by the coefficient for intermediate rafters from the table. However, the task can be facilitated and not to calculate specially the length of these people, since the percentage of the stock is adequate, and the cutting of the boards will be needed for the manufacture of the structures of elements - ducts, struts, riglels, etc.

You can not count the length of short rafters (narunaries), since raising sawn timber will be useful for the manufacture of reinforcing structural elements

Video: Slinged Walm Roof Frame, Elements Marking and Assembly

Calculation of the section of sawn timber

After marking the position of the components of the rafter frame, it is necessary to choose suitable lumber, i.e. to determine their permissible section. For calculations you will need a zoned map of snow and wind loads and thermal resistance, as well as auxiliary tables based on regulatory acts - SNiP II-3-79, SP 64.13330.2011, SNiP 2.01.07-85 and SP 20.13330.2011.

The device of the four-circuit roof includes the definition of the required secting of lumber, which is performed on the basis of the analysis of loads on the lifting construction during operation

The load from the snow cover is determined by the formula S \u003d S G · μ, where S is the desired snow load (kg / m²); S G is a regulatory load for real locality, indicated in the map, μ is a correction coefficient depending on the inclination of the roof. Since the angle of inclination in us is in the range from 30 to 60 °, μ are calculated by formula 0.033 · (60 - 36) \u003d 0.792 (see note to the table below). Then S \u003d 168 · 0.792 \u003d 133 kg / m² (Yekaterinburg is located in the fourth climatic region, where S g \u003d 168 kg / m 2).

Table: Definition of the indicator μ depending on the roof slope

Determination of the angle of inclination of the roof
Tangent's valueAngle α °
0,27 15
0,36 20
0,47 25
0,58 30
0,7 35
0,84 40
1 45
1,2 50
1,4 55
1,73 60
2,14 65
If the subtlety angle (α) ≤ 30 °, then the coefficient μ is taken for 1;
If the angle α ≥ 60 °, then μ \u003d 0;
If 30 °< α < 60°, µ высчитывают по формуле µ = 0,033 · (60 - α).

Table: Regulatory snow loads by region

S G, kg / m 256 84 126 168 224 280 336 393

The wind load is calculated by the formula W \u003d W O · k · C, where W o is the normative indicator on the map, K is a table index, C - the coefficient of aerodynamic resistance, variable from -1.8 to +0.8 and a linker-dependent slope . If the angle of inclination is more than 30 °, then according to SNiP 2.01.07-85 p. 6.6, the maximum positive value of the aerodynamic indicator is taken into calculation, equal to 0.8.

Ekaterinburg refers to the first wind load zone, the house is built in one of the areas of the city, the height of the building together with the roof is 8.7 m (zone "B" on the table below), it means that W o \u003d 32 kg / m², k \u003d 0 , 65 and c \u003d 0.8. Then w \u003d 32 · 0.65 · 0.8 \u003d 16.64 ≈ 17 kg / m². In other words, it is with such a force that the wind at an altitude of 8.7 m gives a roof.

Table: The value of the indicator K for different types of terrain

Building height z, mCoefficient k for types of terrain
≤ 5 0,75 0,5 0,4
10 1,0 0,65 0,4
20 1,25 0,85 0,55
40 1,5 1,1 0,8
60 1,7 1,3 1,0
80 1,85 1,45 1,15
100 2,0 1,6 1,25
150 2,25 1,9 1,55
200 2,45 2,1 1,8
250 2,65 2,3 2,0
300 2,75 2,5 2,2
350 2,75 2,75 2,35
≥480 2,75 2,75 2,75
"A" - the open coasts of the seas, lakes and reservoirs, as well as deserts, steppes, forest-steppe, tundra;
"B" - city territories, forest arrays and other terrain, evenly coated with obstacles with a height of more than 10 m;
"C" - city districts with building buildings with a height of more than 25 m.

Table: Regulatory Load Load

W o, kg / m 224 32 42 53 67 84 100 120

Now we calculate the load on the carrier frame from the weight of the roof. To do this, lay the weight of all the layers of roofing pie, laid on top of the rafter. We leave rafters open to achieve a decorative effect, which means that we put all the layers over the rafter. The roof load on the elements of the rafter system will be equal to the sum of the scales of metal tiles, doomles and controls, insulating films, insulation, additional doomle and ventilation plates, continuous base from plywood and facing material under the scenery.

When determining the load on the carrier frame from the weight of the roof, the weights of all layers of roofing pie, laid on top of the rafter

The mass of each layer can be found in the manufacturer's instructions by choosing the highest density value. The thickness of the heat insulator is calculated by heat resistance map for a specific area. It is found according to the formula T \u003d R · λ · p, where:

  • T - the thickness of the heat insulator;
  • R is the heat resistance standard for a particular area, according to the nested in SNIP II-3-79 card, in our case 5.2 m 2 · ° C / W;
  • λ is the thermal conductivity coefficient of the insulation, which for low-rise construction is taken equal to 0.04;
  • P is the highest density of thermal insulation material. We will use the basalt insulation "Rocklayt" for which P \u003d 40 kg / m².

So, T \u003d 5.2 · 0.04 · 40 \u003d 8.32 ≈ 9 kg / m². Thus, the overall load of the roof will be equal to 5 (metal tile) + 4 (solid flooring) + 23 (basic, additional and controlling) + 0.3 · 2 (insulating films) + 9 (insulation) + 3 (cladding) \u003d 44 , 6 ≈ 45 kg / m².

Having obtained all the necessary intermediate values, we determine the full load on the carrier frame of the four-grade roof: Q \u003d 133 + 17 + 45 \u003d 195 kg / m².

The permissible lumber cross-section is calculated by formulas:

  • H ≥ 9.5 · L MAX · √ if the angle α\u003e 30 °;
  • H ≥ 8,6 · L MAX · √ if α< 30°.

Here are the following notation:

  • N - width of the board (cm);
  • L MAX - Maximum working length of the rafted (m). Since the sleeve rafting legs are connected in the skate area, the whole length is considered working and L max \u003d 4.79 m;
  • R is from the resistance of wood to bend (kg / cm). According to the Time of Rules 64.13330.2011 for Wood II grade RZ \u003d 130 kg / cm;
  • B - the thickness of the board, taken arbitrarily. Suppose b \u003d 5 cm;
  • Q R is the load on the temporal meter of one rafter (kg / m). QR \u003d A · Q, where a is a step of a rafter, which in our case is 1 m. Therefore, Q r \u003d 195 kg / m.

We substitute numeric values \u200b\u200bin the formula → H ≥ 9.5 · 4.79 · √ \u003d 9.5 · 4.79 · 0.55 \u003d 25.03 cm ≈ 250 mm.

Table: Nominal size of coniferous cutting boards

Board thickness, mmWidth (H) boards, mm
16 75 100 125 150 - - - - -
19 75 100 125 150 175 - - - -
22 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 - -
25 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
32 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
40 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
44 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
60 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
75 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
100 - 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
125 - - 125 150 175 200 225 250 -
150 - - - 150 175 200 225 250 -
175 - - - - 175 200 225 250 -
200 - - - - - 200 225 250 -
250 - - - - - - - 250 -

From the table, the thickness of the board with a width of 250 mm can vary from 25 to 250 mm. The table of dependence of the cross section from the step and the length of the rafter will determine the specific way. The length of the intermediate rafted is 4.79 m, step 1.0 m - we look into the table and select a suitable section. It is 75x250 mm.

Table: Surface of lumber depending on the length and step of the rafter

Step rafters, seeLength rafted, m
3,0 3,5 4,0 4,5 5,0 5,5 6,0
215 100x150100x175100x200100x200100x200100x250.-
175 75x15075x20075x200100x200100x200100x200100x250.
140 75x12575x17575x20075x20075x200100x200100x200
110 75x15075x15075x17575x17575x20075x200100x200
90 50x15050x17550x200.75x17575x17575x25075x200
60 40x15040x17550x15050x15050x17550x200.50x200.

We give another table for those who will use lumbering sawn timber.

Table: Limit deviations from the nominal size of boards

We check the correctness of the calculations, substituting the numeric parameters into the following inequality / ≤ 1. We obtain (3,125 · 195 x 4,79 ³) / (7.5 x 25³) \u003d 0.57 - the section is selected accurately and with a good stock. Check less powerful beams with a cross section of 50x250 mm. Again substitute the values: (3,125 · 195 x 4,79 ³) / (5 x 25³) \u003d 0.86. The inequality is again performed, so for our roof it is quite suitable for a timing of 50x250 mm.

Video: Calculation of the rafting bucket system

After all intermediate calculations we summarize: To build the roof, we will need 117 ending board meters by cross section 50x250 mm. This is about 1.5 m³. Since it was originally stated that for a four-tight hip design, it is desirable to use lumber of one section, then for Mauerlala, the same bar should be purchased in an amount equal to the perimeter of the house - 7.5 · 2 + 12 · 2 \u003d 39 p. m. Taking into account the reserve of 10% on the cutting and marriage we obtain 43 rose meters or about 0.54 m³. Thus, we will need about 2 m³ of sawn timber with a cross section of 50x250 mm.

The length of the rafter is a gap from the subsidement for the supporting part to the subsidement for the skate bar.

Video: An example of calculating the roof on an online calculator

Mounting technology of the rafter system

The arrangement of the four-screen design has its own characteristics that need to be considered:

Made and assembled with observance of all rules of the rafter frame of a weak type for a four-tone roof will be a fearless design. You can prevent the appearance of the triggers if in places of support on the Mauerlat plane rafters make horizontal.

In most cases, two schemes use two schemes for support of the rafter feet.

In four-tight hip structures, the length of the angular legs is often the length of the lifetime of lumber. Therefore, the timber and boards are spliced, trying to place the joints at a distance of 0.15 of the length of the span (L) from the center of the supports, which is approximately equivalent to the interval between the points of the support. Connect rafters by the method of oblique gear, tightening the joints of the joints with bolts Ø12-14 mm. It was recommended to do on rafters, and not on the support bar, so that the cut did not weaken the supports.

Since the standard length of most sawn timber does not exceed 6 m, the diagonal rafters are increasing along the length of the oblique tape by the bolts when using a bar or nails and clamps, if the boards are spliced

Table: Position of supports for angular rafters

Length of flights, mTypes of supportLocation support
less than 7.5rack or troopat the top of the rafter
less than 9.0.rack or troopat the top of the rafter
shpregel or Standat the bottom of the rafted - 1 / 4l
over 9.0rack or troopat the top of the rafter at the bottom of the rafted - 1 / 4l
shpregel or Standin the center of Slinge
rackin the center of Slinge
Note: LPR - the length of the span, which overlaps with rafters.

For docking acute people with rafters, the top of the cooler sharply is heard, withsting in the same plane with corner legs, and fixed with nails. Placing these people on the rafye, strictly follows that they do not converge in one place. If you are not used when installing these aurities, no word, and the cranial bars 50x50 mm, stuffed in the lower zone of rafters on both sides, then the rigidity of the rafter legs will be higher, which means that their carrying ability will increase.

To increase the rigidity of the rafter frame, it is recommended when installing akin to use cranial bars stuffed on both sides at the bottom of the rafter

Installation of a rafter design with your own hands

The construction of a frame of a four-grade roof is made in several stages.

  1. Materials are placed and calculated, after which they are packeroid as waterproofing throughout the perimeter of the building. On top of it laid the support for racks and Maurylalat, fixing to the walls, especially well fixing in the corners.

    Mauerlat in four-grade structures is stacked throughout the perimeter and fastens well to the walls, especially in the corners to create a durable knot for fastening diagonal rafters

  2. Install the frame for the skate run and put the run itself, harshly withstand the height and spatial arrangement of the skate, since the strength and reliability of the entire rafter design directly depends on this.
  3. Place reference racks using a water level for alignment and fastened under the skate by inclined backups. The layout of the racks are made based on the roof configuration - in the holm construction, the racks are installed in one row with an interval of no more than two meters, and in the tent roof - diagonally at the same interval from the angle.
  4. Mount the central intermediate rafters, and then ordinary, filling the middle of the side skates.
  5. According to the markup, the angular rafters are installed, preferably made with the amplification, laying them by the bottom to the angle of the Maurolalate, and the top fragment on the rack. Here they make a laying of the cornese swelling and drainage.
  6. Followed by half-strokes (narunaries), strengthening the lower part of the diagonal feet with shprengels, which partially evoke the angular rafters, and are squeezed around the perimeter of the roof of the wind board.

    A shpregel grille is used with steep roofing and relatively large flights in order to avoid the deflection of diagonal rafters.

  7. After making the installation of the rafting system, roofing cake is placed, equipped the cornese swelling and the drainage system.

    When installing the rafter system of the four-grade roof, you need to carefully take on the docking of the diagonal rafters, the central rafter from the end of the building, as well as the skate bar

Video: Four-tight roof on nails and stool

An independent erection of a four-grade roof is, of course, a difficult process. But if you have measuring instruments, as well as the necessary tools, you will succeed. The main thing is the desire to assemble the design with your own hands and the desire to adhere to the general principles. And so that the roof serves as long as possible and retained its amazingly beautiful appearance, try not to save on the elements of the rafter frame and use modern reliable metal fasteners for their fixation.

The construction of the roof frame with four slots is a difficult process with characteristic technological features. When erected, their own structural components are used, a sequence of work production is distinguished. But the result will affect the spectacular form and resistance when refilling atmospheric attacks. And the home master will be able to be proud of personal achievements in the field of the roofer. However, before deciding to the device of such a design, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the algorithm, according to which the rafter system of the four-tie roof and the specifics of its device is constructed.

The class of four-tight roofs combines two types of structures resembling a square and rectangular envelope. The first variety is called the tent, the second - Walmova. Against the background of scanty analogues, they highlight them the absence of frontones, referred to in the roofing case with forceps. In the construction of both variants of four-tie structures, sleeve and hanging rafters are used, the installation of which is carried out in accordance with the standard technologies of the fabrication of scanty rafting systems.

Characteristic differences within the four-page class:

  • At the tent roof, all four slides have the shape of an equally chained triangles whose vertices converge in one highest point. There is no skate as such in the tent construction, its function performs a central support in the sleeve systems or the peak of the hanging farm.
  • The holm roof a pair of basic rods has a trapezoid configuration, and the second pair is triangular. From the tent assemblement, the hip design is characterized by a mandatory presence of a skate, to which trapezoids with upper bases. Triangular rocks, they are hips, adjacent to the skate of the vertex, and their parties are docked with the inclined sides of the trapezium.

Based on the configuration of the roofs in the plan, it is clear that the tent structures are taken to hoister over square buildings, and the holm over rectangular houses. As a coating, both soft and rigid roofing materials are suitable. A characteristic square or rectangular form repeat the drawings of the rafter system of the four-tie roof with a clearly designated arrangement of elements in terms and vertical projections of the skates.

Often, the hip and tent systems are associated with the construction of a single object or effectively complement the duplex, single, broken and other roofs.

Relying the designs with four slots can directly on the upper crown of a wooden house or on Mauerlat, which serves as the upper strapping of brick or concrete walls. If you can find the upper and lower supports under each ralfiline, the roofing frame is constructed on the sleeve technology.

Installation of removal rafting legs is easier and more affordable for inexperienced home roofer, which needs to be taken into account.

  • With a hard fastening of the upper and lower heel of Stropilin with metal corners or with a support wooden lining, a reinforced mount of Mauerlat will be required, because it will be passed on to it.
  • With the tight fixation of the upper heel and the hinge attachment of the line of the rafter, the Mauerlat is not needed, because If the load is exceeded on the roof, the hinge mount, for example, in the slider, will allow the rafter to shift slightly, without creating pressure on Maurylalat.
  • With a hinge fastening of the top of the stringlin and hard fixation of the Niza, the retriverest and pressure on Maurylalat is also excluded.

Mounting Muerolat and closely related method of installing rafting legs according to the rules are solved at the design stage of the house. If the structure does not have an inner carrier wall or there is no possibility to build reliable supports under the central part of the roof, in addition to the hanging scheme of the assembly of the rafter system, nothing is suitable. True, in most cases, the utilization method of the structure is applied, to implement which it is necessary to provide a carrying support in advance.

Specific structural elements are used in the device of rafter systems for tent and holmic four-tight roofs, this is:

  • Diagonal rafting legs forming ridge connections of skates. In the hip structures, diagonally, they are the same rafters, connect the skate run consoles with roof corners. In tent systems, the savory legs connect the vertex with corners.
  • Nonocents, or rafting midnights installed perpendicular to the eaves. They are based on diagonal rafylics, are located parallel to each other, therefore they differ in a multiple length. Nonocents form planes of tents and holmic rods.

Diagonal rafylics and narigines are also used to build funds, then the concave roof corners are suitable, and not convex as holm.

The whole complexity of the structure of frames for the roofs with four slopes is to install diagonal rafalines, which determine the result of the formation of the structure. In addition, the shorts are required to keep the load in one and a half times greater than ordinary rafting legs of the pitched roofs. Because they are part-time working as a skate, i.e. Support for the top heel of nurses.

If you briefly describe the procedure for the construction of a changeable frame for a four-page roof, then you can put in several stages:

  • Device Mauerlat on brick or concrete walls. The process of the device of Mauerlat on the walls of a log or timber can be abolished, because It can successfully replace the upper crown.
  • Installing the central support for tent construction or support frame of the main part of the holm roof.
  • Installation of conventional sling lines: pairs for a tent roof and a certain design solution of a row for a hip structure.
  • Installing diagonal rafting legs connecting the angles of systems with a top of the support or extreme dots of the skate.
  • Production in size and fastening of narigines.

In the case of a hanging frame scheme, the start of construction of the tent frame will be the installation of a triangular rafting farm in the center. The beginning of the installation of a four-tie hipper system will be the setting of a number of rafting farms.

Construction of a hipper system

We will analyze one of the common examples of the device of a holmic roof with urban rapid legs. It will be relying on the beams of overlaps, laid on top of Mauerlat. The rigid fastening of the word will be used only for fixing the top of the rafter legs at the skate run, so that there is no need for Mauerlas in strengthening. Dimensions of the box provided in an example of a house of 8.4 × 10.8m. The real sizes of the roof in the plan will increase with each of the sides by the magnitude of the cornese swell, by 40-50cm.

Mauerlat base device

Maurylalat is an element is purely individual, the method of its installation depends on the material of the walls and architectural features of the construction. The method of laying Mauerlat is planned according to the rules during the design period, because for reliable fixation, Mauerlat is recommended:

  • Light foam concrete, gas silicate and similar walls to equip the reinforced railway belt, filled around the perimeter, with anchors installed during the fill with anchors for mounting Maurolat.
  • Brick walls finish with a side of one or two bricks along the outer edge so that a leakage of a wooden frame was formed along the inside edge. During masonry between bricks, wooden tubes are laid for mounting Maurolalat brackets to the wall.

Mauelalat from a bar of 150 × 150 or 100 × 150mm is made. If the operation is assumed to operate the piercing space, it is desirable to take the bars. In a single frame, the timber is connected by oblique wrist. Then, the compound areas are enhanced by self-draws, ordinary nails or chophary, and the corners are strengthened with brackets.

On top of the Mauerlat, built optimal in the horizon for a particular building, laying overlapping beams. Used timing segment 100 × 200mm. The first thing is stacked by the beam, passing precisely along the central axis of the construction. In the example of the length of the bar for the construction of solid beams, there is not enough, so they are going out of two bars. The plot of dusts should be located above a reliable support. In the example, the inner bearing wall is used.

Step between the beams of overlapping 60cm. If the core box does not differ in perfect parameters, as it happens in most situations, the distance between the beams can be changed a bit. Such an adjustment allows you to slightly "to rod" construction of construction. Between the extreme beams on both sides and the walls of the house, the lumen of the 90cm wide, which is necessary to set the removal.

Because Overlapping beams will independently be able to form only two cornese swells, the short semi-bits of overlapping are attached to their ends. They establish them first only in the area of \u200b\u200bthe main part of the holm roof, exactly where the rafter legs will have to be mounted. To Mauerlata, the removal is nailed with nails, they are attached to the beam with screws, large-caliber nails, copulings, enhance fasteners.

Construction of the skate part

The central part of the holm roof is an ordinary batch design. The solry system for it is arranged according to the rules that dictate the technology of building the pitched roofs. In the example, there are some deviations from the classic interpretation of the scoop principle: the pregnant is not used, which is installed by the traditions for the skate run. Lenzny work will have to perform a central overlap beam.

In order to build the skate part of the rafter system of the hip roof:

  • Build a support frame for rafting legs, the top of which will rely on the ski run. Run to rely on three supports, the central of which is installed directly on the central beam of overlapping. To install the two extreme supports, two transverse bars are first stacked, overlapping at least five beams of overlapping. Stability is increased by two subposses. For the manufacture of horizontal and vertical parts of the support frame, a bar bit of 100 × 150mm was used, the saws are made from a 50 × 150mm board.
  • Make the rafter legs for which you first need to make a template. The board of suitable sizes is applied to the place of installation, the lines of future marks are stuck on it. It will be a template for streaming production of rafaline.
  • Set the rafting legs, the tops of them on the ski run, and the lower heel on the removal located opposite.

If the beams of the overlap were stacked across the box, the rafters of the main part of the roof would relieve the overlap beams, which is much reliable. However, in the example, they rely on the removal, because they need additional mini-supports to be arranged. These supports should be positioned so that the load from them and the stringly located above is transmitted to the walls.

Then mounted three rows of deposits from each of the four sides. For the convenience of the implementation of further actions, the roof circuit is drawn up by a cornice board. To nourish overlapping and ending it, it needs to be strictly horizontally.

Installing angular deposits

In a limited cornice board, the space remained corner areas, unfilled by the details of the rafter system. Here will require angular deposits, for mounting which is carried out as follows:

  • In order to designate the installation direction, we pull the lace. We stretch from the point of conditional intersection of the extreme support of the frame with the beam of overlapping to the corner.
  • Top on the lace we apply a bar on the place put it. Holding the bar, from the bottom to the outline of the sleeve line at the place of intersection of the Bar of the beam overlap and the angular connection of the cornice boards.
  • A finished removal with scaled surplus is attached to Mauerlat and to the beam overlap.

The remaining three angular deposits are similar and mounted.

Installation of diagonal rafaline

The diagonal, they are the same, the rafter legs are made of two cross-shrinkable boards with a cross section of equal size of ordinary rafaline. In the example, one of the boards will be held by the stop above the second due to the difference in the corners of the valves and trapezoid rods.

Sequence of work on the manufacture and installation of nosov:

  • From the highest point of the skate, we stretch the shoelace to the corners and to the central point of the skate. These are auxiliary lines for which we will celebrate the upcoming drums.
  • A carpentry tilter - a small measurement the angle between the cord and the upper side of the corner takeaway. So the angle of the bottom washed. Suppose it is equal to α. The angle of the top was calculated by calculating the formula β \u003d 90º - α.
  • At the angle β spire one edge of an arbitrary cutting board. We apply it to the site of the upper attachment, together with the edge of this billet with a lace. Delaying the surplus that interfere with a dense installation. On the outlined lines you need to cut again.
  • At the angle α, we cut down the bottom heel on another trimming of the board.
  • We make the first half of the diagonal rafylic, using the upper and lower support patterns. If the whole board is not enough in length, you can smack two segments. It is possible to combine them planted on a self-tapping screw to a metering piece of inch, it should be arranged from the outside of the constructed covered leg. Install the finished first part.
  • We make the second part of the emergency rafter, but we take into account that it should be slightly lower than its first half. The area of \u200b\u200bconnecting boards to one element should not coincide with the splicing site of the first half of the wind.
  • We sew two boards with nails in the dispersion with a step of 40-50 cm.
  • On a lace, stretched to the center of the skate, blacksuate the line, which will need to be adjusted to be removed to dock it with an adjacent hostess rafylic.

Following the described algorithm, you need to install three more diagonal legs. Under each of them should be installed in the place of attachment of angular deposits to beams. If the span is more than 7.5 m, another support is installed closer to the skate in diagonal.

Production and installation of hip rafters

Lace between the top of the skate and the center of the skate is already stretched. She served asses to outlining the marbles, and now it needs to measure the angle γ and calculate the angle Δ \u003d 90º - γ. Not retreating from the proven path, we harm the templates for the upper and lower support. The upper trim apply to the place intended for him and mark the lines of the marbles for the dense entry between the diagonal rafylic. According to the billets, we make a central foot of the Walm and fix it, where it is relying.

In the space between the angular deposits and the cornice board, we establish short removal to impart the stiffness of the design and to ensure strong fixation of the extreme, shortest nurses. Next, it should be done by the manufacture of templates for the nashelnikov:

  • The cutting of the board was stored at an angle δ and put it on the place of attachment to the diagonal rafylic.
  • Delayed by the fact that the surplus you need to cut again. The resulting pattern is used in the manufacture of all nigsions, such as the right side of the hip. For the left side, the upper pattern will be squeezed from the opposite side.
  • As a template for the bottom heel of narigines, we use the cutting of the board, sipped at an angle γ. If all previous steps were performed correctly, then this template is used to manufacture the lower nodes of fastening all other nurses.

In accordance with the actual length and "testimony" of templates, these are manufactured by narcents necessary to form the planes with hollow and unfilled by ordinary rapid feet parts of the main rods. They establish them so that the upper nodes of fastening of narins to the diagonal rafalines were located in the dispersion, i.e. The upper connecting nodes of adjacent skates should not be converged in one place. Noncentas are attached to the covered rafter legs with corners, to the beams of overlapping and removal, as reasonable and more convenient: corners or metal gear plates.

Based on the technology of the tent roof device, already familiar hip principles are laid. True, the skunk part of the rafter system in their design is not. A construction starts with the installation of a central support, to which the covered rafylics are joined, and narrows are already narrowed. If the envelope is used in the roof of the roof, then the finished rafter farm is installed.

We invite you to take advantage of our free online calculator for calculating the building material when the Walm Roof device is moving here and follow the instructions.

Useful video instructions

Briefly with the sequence and rules for mounting the rapid system of the four-tie roof of the tent and holm categories will introduce the video:

After reviewing the specifics of the device and having learned the details of the installation of the roofs with four slots, we can safely begin to implement plans for its construction.

The rafting system is a combination of all supporting elements forming the frame on which the roofing pie is lying. The ability of the roof is depends on the strength and reliability of this base to withstand wind, snow load, protect the indoor indoors from water and cold. In order not to resort to expensive services of firms that perform roofing work professionally, we will tell you from what the rafter system of the four-grade roof is consisting of which materials will be required for its manufacture and how to build it.

Types of four-tight roofs

The name "Four Sheet" combines several types of roofs consisting of four planes, skates:

Despite the external differences, the rafter systems of the four-sheet roof are made up of the same elements, guided by the same rules.

Types of rafter systems

The lines of the fourth-type roof system takes a different look, depending on the source conditions: the area of \u200b\u200bthe overlapping home and internal planning. Three types are distinguished:

The crocke of the rafter system is suitable for a particular home, determined during the design period, producing calculations and constituting the drawings.

Calculation of slope and the height of the skate

The compilation of the project of the rafter system of the four-page roof is beginning with the calculations that determine the geometry of the future design:

To facilitate the process of designing a rafter system of a four-page roof can special computer-based calculators, which require only the root of the source data: the size of the house, the number of rods.

Load calculation

The next stage design is the determination of the composition of the elements of the rafting system and their cross section. For this, the calculation of the loads to which the four-page design is exposed. They are divided into three types:

Summing up the values \u200b\u200bof all loads, the general, which, depending on the roofing material used, can reach 180-250 kg per square meter. Based on this number, the number of elements of the rafter system and their cross-section are determined by referring to the reference table. More complex systems are more convenient to calculate in special programs, the result of which is the finished circuit of the rapid roof system of the four-page type.

Main elements

The rapid system of the four-grade roof consists of a plurality of component parts, mandatory and auxiliary:

  1. Maurylalat. Brew with a cross section of 100x100 mm or 150x150 mm, evenly distributing the load around the perimeter of bearing walls. The difference between the four-tie roof is that it requires four mauelalat for its installation, and not two, as for a two-tie.
  2. Sill. Bar serving support for racks that is used in a sling soling system. He, like Mauerlat, distributes the weight of the roof, but is located on the inner bearing wall.
  3. Stropile legs. Elements from the board with a cross section of 50x150 mm or 100x150 mm, which carry roofing pie and set the geometry of the skates. In the construction of four-page roofs, private, urban and narcent rafters are used. Private spaces are placed in pairs along the skate run, forming trapezoidal skates. The covers, breaking from the skate to the two corners of the house, form end triangular rods. And ninorous rafters are based on the upper part of the weak and have different lengths.
  4. Ski run. Bar based on vertical racks to which rafters are attached. This is the highest point of the roof.
  5. Racks. Vertical backups that are installed on a litter. They support the ski run or middle of the rapid leg.
  6. Truck. Bruks that are installed at an angle to rafting legs to prevent their deflection.
  7. Tightening and rigleel. Horizontal jumpers from wood or metal, connecting pairs of rafting legs, reducing the sawing load on the walls. Rigel is installed in the upper part of the rafter, in the tightening in the bottom, often using the ceiling beams.
  8. Shpregel farms. Shprengel is a vertical riser for the covered rafters. If it does not stop it, they set the tightening between the two adjacent sides of the house and with the help of metal corners, shprengel is attached.
  9. Obsek. The base for flooring roofing material. If the boards are tapped without gaps, the design of the crates is called solid. And if the boards alternate with a small lumen - lattice. The scheme of the crate depends on the type of roofing material.
  10. Eaves. The part of the rafter, which is 40-50 cm stands for the perimeter of the house, protecting it from moisture.

Assembling a rafter system

Having in the hands of the drawing of the rafter system, you can start the work on the assembly. Since the material is used mainly natural wood, it will not be superfluous to treat it with an antiseptic of deep penetration to protect against humidity and bacteria. Roofing masters add on a number of features that should be considered when mounting the rafter system of the four-page roof:

A competently calculated and qualitatively assembled rafting system is the basis of a long exploitation of a four-tie roof, which will be a reliable protection against bad weather, in independence of the tent it or a hip!

Video instruction

Scope roofs are quite popular in private country construction, and therefore many of the most interest causes a rapid system of a four-piece roof, which has some constructive features.

It is this type of roof that is a preferred option for a country cottage and a gazebo, erected in the adjacent territory.

It should be noted that the four-tight roof gives the structure a fairly attractive appearance, and also allows you to get an additional attic room of a large area.

The rapid system of the four-sheet roof has a complex device and its installation should be carried out only by the pre-carried out calculation, the result of which the scheme should be.

Calculation of such a roof, both for home and for a gazebo, you can spend your own hands if you use a special program developed specifically for these purposes.

Its rafter system allows several different options. The four-tight roofs include a half-haired, as well as the tent, and each of them has its own specific features and differences.

Some types of such types of rafter systems, the installation of which can be made with their own hands, are presented in the photo below.

Features and types of fetal type roof

The device and design of the rafter system in the roof of a four-page type, first of all, depends on the configuration.

Currently the most common is the hip, tent, as well as the semi-haul structures of the rafter system, which can be used both for a private house and for a gazebo.

Each of them has both advantages and disadvantages.

In any case, the rafter system of the four-page roof assumes the calculation that is performed depending on the type selected.

It is quite popular in the private construction of the hip type of the rafter system. Its design is sufficiently resistant to various external influences and assumes the device and installation of trapezoidal type skates.

As a rule, its installation is carried out using several separate rafters that go from two top points. This type of rafter system can also be used to build a gazebo.

Valvoy roofing options can be seen in the photo placed below.

Also, a semi-haul roof is often found, the design of which remotely resembles a two-tie.

The advantage of this type of rafter system is the opportunity to equip the vertical window in the area of \u200b\u200bthe upper attic.

Its device involves the absence of acute protrusion, which makes it perfectly to withstand sufficiently strong wind loads.

In addition, in some cases, a semi-haul rafting system makes it possible to equip the full glazing of the upper space.

The fetal roof also includes a tent roof, however, it is necessary for its arrangement so that the structure of the structure has a design in the form of a square.

The device of this type of roof implies due to a certain structure of the rod formation of a triangle with equal parties. Very often, the tent roof is installed on the arbors.

Any species of this type of rafter system implies an accurate calculation based on which the installation is carried out with their own hands.

Design features

Four-sheet roofing, regardless of its type, mandatoryly has a framework, the design of which involves the presence of a sufficiently large amount of various elements.

Each of them has a specific purpose and must comply with its functional requirements.

In order for such a roof to withstand all possible loads in the process of its operation, it is necessary to accurately calculate the capabilities of each component element.

This calculation is quite complex calculations that can not be made with their own hands.

It is best to entrust the calculation of the four-tie roof to qualified specialists who have professional training.

Calculation can be made independently, however, for this will have to be used by a special program.

It is easier to produce such a calculation for the arbor, as its design has a simpler form and implies use less than the number of elements.

Making the calculation of the roof frame, it is important to prevent critical errors, as this may lead to serious consequences upon subsequent operation.

In the event that errors will be made, their correction can lead to serious cash investments and the rise in price of all construction.

First of all, making the calculation of the roof frame, it is important to determine the angle of inclination of its skates. Calculations show that the higher the angle of inclination will be, the more building materials will be required.

Also, producing the calculation of the roof, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the lower the angle of its tilt, the more powerful the design of the carcass itself should be.

The correct calculation will make it possible to make a solo system better and more powerful.

The semi-haul, hip or tent roof of a four-page type is presented in the photo placed above.

Types and features of rafter systems

The device of any type of frame of a four-tight type roof may differ not only to the erker, but also the presence of certain components.

Thus, its installation implies the arrangement of Mauerlat, the run, as well as the supporting board. In addition, the roof carcass should include tightening, rims, and directly, rafters themselves.

The installation of a four-piece roof requires the arrangement of the crate, as well as some other mandatory elements.

A little simpler frame of the roof in the gazebo and is connected, above all, with its constructive features. Installation of a four-page roof is presented on the video placed below.

In any case, in order to make the installation of the roof of the house or gazebos, it is necessary to develop a plan of a rafter system and make it follows as accurately as possible.

Both a semi-degrees and any other four-sheet roof consists directly from the frame and the very rapid system, which will subsequently rely on the roofing pie.

An important point with the arrangement of this type of roof is the uniform distribution of the intended load along the entire surface of its design and on the walls and directly on the foundation of the structure.

It makes it possible to achieve this not only the correct design of the roof frame, but also its installation. For this, rafting systems of various types can be used.

Their choice mainly depends on the size of the house under construction. In this case, the presence of internal bearing walls or additional supports is taken into account.

In any case, the installation of the roof can be carried out using hanging or sprinkling rafters, as described in detail on the video placed below.

Constructions of rafter systems

It is often used by the rafter systems of a hanging type. This type of construction implies the arrangement of two independent supports that do not imply any intermediate support.

Such systems rafters work like bending and compression. Also, the suspension type of construction of the rafter system creates a horizontal force, which is respectively transmitted to all carrier walls.

It is possible to reduce this type of load due to the use of special tensions, which are jumpers made of wood or metal connecting all wooden legs among themselves.

When erecting an attic or an attic roof, such tensions are installed at the base of the legs. If such a tightening is attached above the base of the rafted, then its basic function is only fixing.

It should be noted that the higher the tightening is installed, the more durable there must be all the components of the rafter structures.

In those buildings in which the carrying average wall is provided, or special supports are installed, as a rule, a rafter system is equipped, which provides for the arrangement of the sprinkle rafters.

Such rolling rafters with their lower parts are based on Mauerlat, which must be laid throughout the surface of the outer walls of the house. In addition, in such a rafter system, the middle part is additionally strengthened in the middle part of the house.

The design of the system rafters system works on bending and has a smaller weight than hanging rafters, and therefore, a smaller number of building materials are used for its device.

In addition, the rafter system, which is made using the sleeve rafters, has a higher strength, and, accordingly, stiffness.

Some features of mounting

Any fourth roof, even if the device is developed for the gazebo, assumes the presence of a complex design, despite that they can be equipped with an erker of various shapes.

Based on such types of roofs, a triangle lies, which causes their high rigidity and stability.

The main elements of such a roof that is carrying the main burden, are the rafting legs, the design and installation of which should be paid to special attention.

By installing such a roof with their own hands, it is recommended to comply with the maximum accuracy to comply with the rules and construction technology.

In addition, only high-quality building materials that have the necessary strength and reliability should be used.

When erecting a four-tight type roof, special attention should be paid to all the angular elements that experience the maximum number of loads.

If necessary, perform a fragment of some framework elements, they should be additionally reinforced with appropriate racks and pins that give the ability to reduce the overall load.

In general, the four-sheet roof is a structural element of the house, which must be completed in accordance with all the requirements.

Roofing of four slopes - how is she good? The numerous operational advantages of this species will certainly exceed the disadvantages. Is there a simple rafting system of a four-page roof, as many newcomers are thinking? Soon you will definitely learn! Important nuances and features of the stages of the construction of a holmic roof we describe in this article.

What you need to know about four-page rafting systems?

There are two options for fourth roofs: hip and tent. The first type has a form of a rectangular envelope consisting of two main trapezoidal skates and a skate, and two frontal (side) rods - triangles:

Tent roof - these are four identical isceived triangles connected at the same top point (reminds the tent):

Both options include the installation, both urban and hanging rafters, which are installed using standard technologies.

How to choose a type of rafter system for a 4-stranded roof?

In the absence of a central roof support, the choice is made in favor of the hanging of the rafter system. If you can find the upper and lower supports for each rafter, then you should choose a sleeve design. This option is easier and more affordable for non-professional masters. It is only necessary to remember the two main conditions: with hard attachment of the Niza and the top of the stopil, a strengthened Mauerlat is needed, since it is passed on to it; With a hinge fastening or semi-rigid connections (for example, the top of the hinge, and the bottom is hard or vice versa), Mauerlat does not need to increase:

The choice of one of the types of four-page roofs should be due to the form of the house itself. For square houses, tent rafters are erected, for rectangular - hip. Also, you can find complex multicate roofs of the combined view, which contain both hip and tent elements.

And the hip and tent structures retain the main functions of the bartal roof (for example, the possibility of arrangement of the attic) and look very aesthetic:

Why is the four-tight roof more popular than two-tie?

"Why is the depriving headache and complexity?", "You ask:" After all, you can build a simple bartal roofing much faster and cheaper. " Here, the masters emphasize some important points in favor of the choice of four slopes for the roof:

  1. High wind resistance. Four-sheet roof does not have frontones, all its planes are tilted to the skate. Such a structure minimizes the impact of strong wind and reduces the possible destructive consequences to "0".
  2. The most successful load distribution. The multi-sinking roof maintains the maximum amount of precipitation, since the colors take part of the main load. Therefore, the sagging, deformation and destruction of the rafter system, in this case, have a minimal probability.
  3. Availability of the choice of any way of insulation of the roof. Straight frontones require a special approach when choosing a type of roof insulation, as it is located vertically and exposed to blow out wind. The fields of hip and tent rolling systems allow you to evenly insulate the roof by any available material.

In addition to the listed "advantages", the roof with four slots is well saved to heat, it can be lined with any roofing material and always has a neat look.

Four-page solving system

The rapid four-tight design consists of such elements: Maurylalat, skatear, central and hollow rafters, emergency legs, as well as, ice, racks, riglels, pier and other firming parts. Consider the most basic elements.

I. Mauerlat

Mauerlat is the most important part of the design, as the entire rafter system holds on it. It is a powerful wooden timber 100x200, 100x250, 100x100, 150x250, 200x200 cm. Mauelalat made of solid high-quality wood, mainly coniferous breeds. The rafting hip roof system, as well as any multi-sighted roof, requires a solid fastening of the base bar. Mounting procedure Mauerlat in this case: the formation of a monolithic foundation in the end of the bearing walls with the installation of spiers; Laying waterproofing; Processing and installation of Maurolalat around the perimeter of the whole house; Enhancing by anchors and other fasteners for maximum basic reliability.

Maurylalat can be laid on the edge of the wall, or in the pocket of the bricks provided for the brickwork from the inside of the bearing walls.

II. Sound legs

The cable legs are called four angular rafters, which are based on the edges of the skate and the corners of Mauerlat. They are the longest among all the sropling legs of the system, so they must have a cross section of at least 100x150 mm for maximum stiffness.

III. Sking bar

The ski run is a horizontal beam that connects all the rafters, the top of the rafter system. The bar must be strengthened with racks and pins. Konk should be located strictly parallel to the plane of the attic overlap and perpendicular to the racks.

IV. Rafyla

Rafters for a four-piece roof are divided into: central (attached to Mauerlat and Konk); Basic hollow (attached to the axis of the skate and Mauerlat); Intermediate and shortened (installed on the savory legs and Maurylalat, connect the corners of the rods).

V. Strengthening elements

Additional reinforcing elements include racks for skating timber, riglels or overlap beams, rapid legs, wind beams, etc.

System rafters for a four-page roof with your own hands

Consider a phased process of building a rafter design. We have chosen for clarity the most popular option - a hip roof. The rafting system of the holm roof of the scheme of which step by step is presented to your attention below:

Step I: Project Creating

To portray your version of the holmic roof in the drawing, it is necessary to calculate the height, length, slope slopes and roof area. It is necessary for a clear and high-quality project implementation and selection of the desired amount of consumables:

Calculations should be started from choosing an angle of the roof rods. An angle of 20-450 is considered an optimal bias. The magnitude of the slope must comply with the climatic characteristics of the region. So, in particularly windy areas, the slope should be made minimal, and precipitation often falls out and abundantly, you need the highest angle of the skate. In addition to the weather environment, it is necessary to take into account the roofing material that is planned to be used. For the soft roof, the degree of inclination should be less for solid - more.

And one more small, but an important nuance on this issue - the angle of the slope is better to do the same for all four slopes. So the load will be distributed evenly, and the design will be maximum sustainable, and the aesthetic appeal will remain "at the height".

Now, knowing the angle of tilt and the width of the house, we can take advantage of a simple mathematics to calculate the height of the skate, the length of the rafter legs, racks and other parts of the solo system. When calculating the length of Stropilin, do not forget to take into account the nearest sinks (as a rule, its length is 40-50 cm).

The area of \u200b\u200bthe roof for purchasing the desired amount of roofing material is calculated as the sum of the area of \u200b\u200ball rods of the design.

How to make a drawing of the roof?

  • Select the scale of the drawing and carry the size of the house on the scale of the paper sheet;
  • Next, we transfer the selected sizes of our roof on the scheme: the height of the skate, its length, the number and size of the rafter legs, so-in, racks, and all parts, in accordance with the calculations made earlier;
  • Now you can calculate all the necessary materials and search them.

Step II: Preparation for work

To build a roofing frame, you will need standard tools and equipment: drills, screwdriver, jigsaws, hammers, chisels and so on. We already know the required amount of materials for the rafter system, so we can make them purchased. The lumber for the frame must be solid, not to have cracks, wormochin, have a bright shade, without gray or yellow plaque, smell fresh wood. The wet forest should not be laid on the roof immediately, it must be dried, to handle with antiseptic solution and dry again. The moisture content of the tree should not exceed 20%.

Step III: Mounting Mauerlat

Mauerlat is the basic part of the entire rafter system. It transmits the spacer on the bearing walls of the house. Installing the Mauerlalate for a four-piece roof is no different from similar designs with two or one skate. This process is as described in the most detailed in our previous articles.

The base base, the parameters of which are described above, is placed on the armpoca and high-quality waterproofing. If you need to connect Mauerlat, then the bars are cut into half the cross section and combine the brackets with strong fasteners.

Step iv: Laying of Lenhing or Bay Overlapping

If inside the house there are bearing walls, then their ends need to be installed - the basis for the reference racks of the roofing system. If the bearing overlaps in the house is no longer, the attic floor is overlapped with reinforced beams, for which the roofs are subsequently installed, and after - the cake of the thoughtful overlap is stacked.

Beams must have a cross section of at least 100x200 mm. The step between them is 60 cm. You can correct this figure a bit, depending on the features of your home. The distance between the extreme beams and Mauerlatt should not be less than 90 cm. This distance is used to mount the semi-bullies of the cornese swelling (removal). Movers are attached to two extreme beams with strong anchors and reinforced metal corners.

Step V: Setting support racks, runs and skates

Racks are an important detail to maintain the design, they redistribute the weight of the rafter system on the ice or overlap beams. Stands are installed strictly perpendicular to the layer plane. In four-page systems, the supports are mounted under the ski bar (hip roof) or under the angular rafters (tent roof):

Racks must be securely attached to the base with metal plates and reinforced corners. Ramans are installed as an additional support for racks. In the tent roof, the runs have a form of a rectangle, and for the Valm is ordinary skate runs.

After we were convinced of the correctness of the installed supports (using meter and level), you can mount the upper skiing bar. It is mounted on vertical racks and is enhanced by reliable metal fasteners (plates, corners, anchors and self-drawing). Now we take care of the corner deposits:

Step VI: Installation of Stropilin

The first it is necessary to install side rafters, which are based on the ski bar and Maurylalat (or fixed with the removal). To do this, make a template rafylic with appropriate cuts. We apply a rafter foot to the skate, we celebrate the place was drinking with a pencil, then we celebrate the place of the rafter for docking with Mauerlat and we make a pressure. Once again, attach rapid to the supports to make sure that the dock is true and to correct the shortcomings. Now this sample can be used for the manufacture of all side rafalines. The installation of the rafter feet of the main skates is carried out according to the general rules described in the device of the two-tie rafaling system (see article and video).

The following are mounted diagonal (angular) rafters. Their upper edge is installed on the rack and docks with the edge of the skate bar. Before that, measurements and the corresponding marble of the rafter feet are made. The lower end of the diagonals is fixed in the corners of Mauerlat:

Since diagonal rafters are longer than all other legs, they require an additional support. This feature is performed by Sprengel - support beams, which are installed under each diagonal foot, in its lower quarters (it is here that the greatest load is happening). Shprengel, as well as skate racks, are installed on the support corner beams located in the ceiling beam plane.

Between the corner ribs, the space is filled with auxiliary rapid legs - naturines. The lower part of them is based on Maurylalat, and the upper one is on the diagonal rafter. The step between these fourths should be equal to the step between the side rafters (50-150 cm).

Step VII: Dome

It remains to complete the final stage of the formation of a roofing skeleton - the installation of the crate. These are boards or bars of 50x50 mm, which are attached to rafters parallel to the skate run and Mauerlat. Step shape boards - 50-60 cm. This is quite enough to lay roofing pie. When a soft roof is envisaged, the lamp is placed in 2 layers (a control and a doomle).

Finally, several video materials:

So, we described the installation of a rapid system of a four-page roof, its basic principles, and even deepened a little in some nuances. Walm and tent structures - although not the easiest, but quite feasible option for each novice master. Especially if he has good helpers. We wish you success in your work!