Repair Design Furniture

And show toilets in the country how to build. Toilet for a summer residence. How to build a country toilet with your own hands. Chemical dry closet in the country

August 2, 2016
Specialization: professional in the field of construction and repair (full cycle of finishing works, both internal and external, from sewerage to electrics and finishing works), installation of window structures. Hobbies: see column "SPECIALIZATION AND SKILLS"

Warm toilet and sewerage country house- the dream of every summer resident. And this is quite understandable: if a person at least once in the rain ran out into a wooden structure standing near the fence, then he will definitely appreciate the benefits of the bathroom located in the house itself.

In principle, the arrangement of the toilet is not one of the most difficult tasks. Having studied the specialized literature and developed a suitable project, it is quite possible to implement it with your own hands. Of course, you will have to work hard, but in one season you will definitely cope.

Circuit diagrams: 2 options

At one time, thinking about how to build warm toilet in a private house, I analyzed several projects of such structures. By by and large, all of them boiled down to the embodiment of one of two options:

In terms of comfort - not the best solution

  1. We make a classic bathroom with a water supply, a toilet bowl and the removal of wastewater through a pipeline into a storage tank - a cesspool or. A variation of this option is to connect the waste circuit to centralized system sewerage, but in the private sector, where my house was located, there was no such blessing of civilization.

  1. We equip separate room in which we install a dry closet. In principle, for the operation of such a system, there is no need to lay a water pipe: it is enough to install a small washstand for hygiene procedures, and collect drains (there will be very few of them) in a container and pour them into a cesspool on the street.

By and large, the choice between these two options depends on the availability of water supply: if there is a water supply system, or we plan to do it, then we lay in the project a scheme with a toilet bowl and a drain through the sewer pipe. But for a small country house in which we do not spend much time, a dry closet would be a perfectly acceptable solution.

Since in my case the water supply was available, I chose the scheme with a septic tank. However, I also analyzed the options with a cesspool and dry closet in sufficient detail, so in the descriptions I will pay attention to the features of their implementation.

Place for drains


Before you make a comfortable bathroom in a wooden house, you need to make sure that we have where to remove the drains. There are two solutions here - one is simpler, the second is more convenient to use.

A simple solution is to arrange cesspool- a reservoir in which effluents accumulate until they are pumped out by a sewage plant. It is worth making a cesspool if you use the country house relatively infrequently: the smaller the volume of drains, the less often you will have to pump out, therefore, the financial costs will be less.

A cesspool is made very simply:

  1. We choose a place in the lowland, at a distance of at least 5 m from the wall of the house and at least 12 - 15 m from the water intake points (well or well).
  2. We remove the fertile soil layer to a depth of about 0.5 m and an area of ​​about 3-5 m2. The excavated earth can be used in the beds, or it can be returned to its place by covering the cover of the pit with turf.
  3. We dig a pit up to a depth of 2.5 m and an area of ​​2-3 m2.
  4. To avoid contamination of soil and groundwater with fecal masses, we seal the bottom of the pit. I would use a 20cm layer of clay laid over three layers of plastic sheeting.

If finances allow, or you want to achieve maximum reliability, then about 10 cm of concrete can be poured over the clay.

  1. The option with earthen walls is quite viable, but short-lived. To fix the structure, it is better to use a crate of tightly fitted boards (serves up to 10 years). Well, if possible, fold a box of old ceramic bricks: if you believe the experts, then such a pit will definitely serve for 20-25 years.
  2. From above, the structure is covered either with thick boards or concrete slabs. A hole must be made in the ceiling for a hatch through which pumping will be carried out.

septic tank

The obvious minus of the cesspool is its inevitable overflow. To avoid the need for frequent pumping, I equipped a two-chamber septic tank in my suburban area.

The instructions for making a septic tank may differ depending on its configuration, but since my task was to realize the maximum economical option, I did this:

  1. First, at a distance from the house and from the well with the installed pump, a pit was dug 2.5 m deep, 3 m long and 1.5 m wide. Since the volume of excavated soil was impressive, I had to involve two assistants in the work, otherwise the work would have been delayed.
  2. Then two adjacent chambers of ceramic bricks were built inside the pit. At the same time, the first chamber was folded "solid", and holes were made in the lower part of the second chamber.

In no case should you use silicate brick, which does not withstand prolonged contact with a liquid, especially one as aggressive as sewage. Monolithic concrete chambers, concrete rings for sewer wells and even tires from heavy vehicles can become an alternative to ceramic bricks.
The ideal option is generally to buy a plastic container for a septic tank, but here a rather high price stopped me.

  1. The bottom of the first chamber - a sump - was covered with clay with a layer of 15 cm, after which I concreted it for maximum tightness.
  2. In the bottom of the second chamber - the filtration well - I made about a dozen holes with a depth of 0.5 m using an old auger ice drill to improve drainage. Coarse gravel was poured into the holes, and the same gravel was laid on the bottom with a layer of about half a meter.

  1. An overflow pipe was installed between the chambers at a height of approximately 1.7 m from the bottom.
  2. In the sump at a distance of 50 cm from the ground level, I made a hole for a drain pipe.
  3. From above, the entire structure was blocked concrete slab with holes for two hatches. Separately, I had to drill a groove in concrete to install a pipe 1.5 m high.

The advantage of this solution, despite its complexity, was long time Autonomous operation: effluents, entering the sump, are divided into fractions, while the clarified liquid is poured into the second chamber, where it is gradually filtered into the ground.

Since I add special bacterial cultures to the septic tank and do not use the country sewerage so often, I have to pump out every three years. And then, to be honest, for prevention - according to my estimates, the system can work for a couple more years without compromising the quality of cleaning.

Pipe laying for the house

Installation in a private house of sewage in general and a toilet in particular involves the transportation of wastewater to a cesspool / septic tank / collector. To do this, we need to lay an underground pipe:

  1. We dig a trench at least 70 cm deep from the house to the tank. The deeper the pipe is located, the less risk that its contents will freeze in winter.
  2. We make the bottom of the trench with a slope of about 2.5 - 3 cm per 1 m.
  3. Under the pipes we lay a bed of sand. The optimal bedding thickness is 10-15 cm.
  4. We lay pipes (we use only products for outdoor work) and carefully seal all joints.

In my case, the pipe went in a straight line, but if you need to make a turn or lay a pipeline with a length of 15 m or more, then it is mandatory to equip at least one revision well. I became convinced of the usefulness of such a structure when I had to help in cleaning the sewers on neighboring area: it is much easier to remove the blockage if there is access to the problematic point of the pipe.

  1. We insulate the pipes with mineral wool or fiberglass, then fill them with soil and carefully ram it.

  1. We pass the pipe outlet into the hole that we left in the wall of the cesspool or septic tank.
  2. At the entrance to the house, we lead the pipe into the hole in the basement and attach it to the internal riser.

Toilet in a country house

Arrangement of the premises

Making a toilet in a wooden house with our own hands, we often encounter constant humidity in the selected room. You can solve the problem if you approach it as responsibly as possible:

  1. We choose the room itself in such a way that it is located at outer wall at home, as close as possible to the cesspool. So we will save on pipes, and we won’t have to pull communications through the rooms.
  2. If the bathroom was not originally laid out in the project of the country house, at the first stage we make a partition, separating it from other rooms with a frame wall with plywood or OSB sheathing. To make the toilet really warm, we lay heat-insulating material inside the frame.
  3. We install a door separating the bathroom with all its sounds and smells from other rooms. To ensure airflow between the lower edge of the door and the threshold, there must be a gap of at least 5 mm.
  4. We make holes in the walls and in the floor through which we enter the room water pipes and sewer pipe. We fix adapters / taps on the walls to connect the toilet bowl and washstand.

  1. The floor is either left wooden, covering it with several layers of a waterproofing composition with an antiseptic, or we revet with ceramic tiles.

  1. We also protect the walls from moisture by treating them with waterproofing or sheathing with plastic panels. In the second case, additional insulation can be carried out by laying foam plastic under the frame of the skin, mineral wool or foiled polymeric fabric.
  2. We must do it under the ceiling air vent. You can get by with a simple air vent, but I preferred to install a simple electric fan, and brought its power to a separate switch - this made forced ventilation of the bathroom much more convenient.

Option with toilet

As I noted above, it is best to make an ordinary toilet in a private house with a classic toilet and sink. Installation of equipment in a room with communications connected is a fairly simple task:

  1. First fix the toilet. To do this, we fix a thick board impregnated with a moisture-proof compound with anchors to the floor (wooden or tiled). We put the base of the toilet bowl on the board and fasten it with the fasteners included in the kit.
  2. We attach the toilet drain to the outlet of the sewer pipe coming out of the floor or wall using a rubber cuff. To seal this node, we use sanitary silicone.
  3. We install a tank on the base of the toilet bowl, to which we attach a hose for supplying water from the water supply. Connect the other end of the hose to the faucet at the end of the water pipe.

  1. We hang the sink on the wall in the chosen place. We attach the drain elbow of the sink to the pipe, which is then brought into the general sewer circuit.
  2. Either on the sink or on the wall above it, we install a mixer. We fasten hoses with hot (from the boiler) and cold water to the mixer outlets.

The whole system we have created will only work effectively if both the toilet and the sink are above the level of the drain. Otherwise, and also if you plan to use the sewer very actively, I would recommend installing an additional sewer pump in the system, which will ensure the forced removal of drains.

Option with dry closet

It is also possible to make a comfortable toilet in the country without a cesspool and internal plumbing. Naturally, this will also have to equip the premises, but the direct disposal of waste will be carried out using biological treatment systems.

To date, there are several types of dry closets suitable for use in private homes:

Device type Description
compost Partial waste disposal systems operate either on peat or on a mixture of peat and sawdust. When interacting with fecal masses, the material is effectively composted, and the following portions are poured into the container using an autosampler.

Total recycling systems work on a similar principle, but composting is more efficient, and we additionally get a fairly effective fertilizer as a result.

Separation In the waste disposal process, wastewater is separated into a liquid and solid fraction: solid feces are then removed for composting, and the liquid is filtered in a special unit.
Thermal The system requires about 5 kW of power to operate, so you can install a toilet only in houses with a good power supply. During disposal, the waste is burned to ash, and the moisture evaporates through a special condenser.
cryogenic The fecal masses that enter the dry closet are frozen, which allows you to destroy almost all microorganisms and get rid of bad smell. The downside is the dependence of the system on the presence of voltage in the network, therefore, for a private house, I would not recommend such a device.

Even if we limit ourselves to the simplest models that run on peat, you can provide yourself with a fairly high level of comfort. However, this system is unlikely to be compared with a full-fledged toilet bowl, therefore I would still advise considering the possibility of creating a full-fledged waste disposal system - albeit based on the simplest cesspool.

Reference materials for budgeting

Getting started, you need to draw up an estimate that takes into account all costs. Doing the basic operations with your own hands allows you to significantly optimize the budget, but you still have to buy materials. At this stage, a table containing indicative prices will help you.

Using the information given in it, you will be able to predict at least the order of the amount that you will need.

Material Unit/capacity Estimated cost, rubles
Sewer pipe for outdoor work 110 mm 1 m. 125 — 200
Sewer pipe for internal works 50 mm 1 m. 75 — 150
Metal-plastic water pipe 16 mm 1 m. 70 — 120
storage tank for septic tank 1 m3 18000
Septic tank TANK-1 1.2 m3 19500 — 22000
Impregnation waterproofing for wood 10 l 800 — 1500
Penetrating primer with antiseptic 5 l 250 — 500
Mastic waterproofing 5 kg 1200 — 1700
Tile adhesive CM 9 25 kg 220 — 400
Grout for tiles 5 kg 600 – 1200
Tile budget m2 45 — 90
Mid-Range Tiles m2 250 -500
PVC lining for wall cladding m2 150 -250
Wooden beam for the frame Panel 6 m 80 — 200
Galvanized steel profile Panel 3 m 150 — 350
Sink Rosa Standard PCS. 850 — 950
Toilet-compact Santek PCS. 3100 — 3500
Dry closet Thetford Porta Potti Qube 145 PCS. 4000 — 4500
Dry toilet Biolan (separation) PCS. 26500 and above.

Naturally, only some items of expenditure are taken into account here. To implement the project, you will need a lot more materials, including various mortars, sealants, fasteners, fittings, plumbing fittings, etc.


As practice shows, it is possible to make a warm toilet in a village house with your own hands. Of course, this is not a quick business, and it will require financial investments, but if you follow the advice I have given, and also carefully study the video in this article, then everything should work out.

In addition, questions that arise during the design process can be asked in the comments - I will answer you in the most detailed way.

August 2, 2016

If you want to express gratitude, add a clarification or objection, ask the author something - add a comment or say thanks!

Of fundamental importance in the construction of a toilet in a summer cottage is the choice of location, which is regulated by the provisions of the current regulatory documents.

In particular, the distance from the toilet to water sources (, well) is determined, which cannot be less than 25 m and must be located in a lowland.

Much depends on the occurrence of groundwater: the lower their level, the smaller the cesspool will have to be made.

A cesspool may generally be an unacceptable option in the event of a high occurrence of groundwater at the site chosen for the construction of the toilet. It is necessary to observe how the wind rose develops, to determine their main direction, so that specific smells do not create problems either in your or in neighboring areas.

The boundary distance is set strictly according to the current standards, which should be studied in advance, and construction should be carried out in full accordance with them. Otherwise, you may have to destroy the building and start over.

How to make a toilet in the country - the preparatory stage

After determining the location for the construction of an outdoor toilet, you can start selecting a design. There are recommendations regarding optimal sizes toilet, the height, width and depth of which, respectively, is 2.2 x 1 x 1.4 meters.

As for the form, everyone chooses their own option, among the most common yard toilet is a teremok, a house or a hut.

To perform the necessary work, materials and tools should be purchased if they are not available on the farm. You will need:

  1. shovel with a short handle;
  2. scrap, and preferably a solid puncher (in the presence of heavy soil);
  3. a barrel or other container of 200 liters for a cesspool; you can also use a standard well ring with a diameter of 1m;

A shovel with a short handle is useful for digging a hole in which it is not easy to turn around with a longer tool. Hard ground (limestone, heavy clay, gravel, etc.) will require a rock drill, crowbar or pickaxe. For an electric tool, prepare a connection to the power source.

You can, of course, buy a ready-made toilet, from among those offered by hardware stores, but it will be more interesting to do it on your own. First of all, you need to make a sketch and drawing, not forgetting about ventilation and insulation. Then you can independently build a simple structure from the materials left over from the construction of a summer house or house, or purchase sandwich panels.

Before starting the construction of the toilet, it is necessary to prepare a cesspool. Its dimensions in depth depend on the presence of groundwater and the level of their occurrence. The diameter is determined arbitrarily, there are no special recommendations in this regard.

Work should begin in good weather, when there is no rain. It is advisable to get to the bottom of the sand so that all liquid fractions can quickly be absorbed into it.

The pit must be well cleaned, leveled and compacted its bottom. Then a barrel made of any metal or plastic is directly installed, although it should be borne in mind that the service life of such a pit will not be very long.

Concrete rings for the cesspool look much more preferable. Of course, this is not possible without the use of a crane. No worse is the storage equipment by laying stone or brick, which is reinforced with reinforcement or reinforced mesh, followed by a waterproofing layer and plastering. The conditions for the future use of the toilet will prompt an acceptable option for a cesspool.

How to make a wooden country toilet - device process

The actual device of the toilet house begins with marking and drilling holes, where the posts will be located, which will act as supports.

Toilet foundation

In the case of using the toilet throughout the year, it is necessary to make a foundation, deepened below the point to which. The shape of a rectangle is usually used.

Toilet frame

In our case, it is mounted from wood, preferably from a bar, selected according to predetermined dimensions. The outer skin of the structure may not be enough, so it is necessary to strengthen the frame from the inside with braces or scarves.

Toilet seat for a country toilet

The cross bars are mounted at a height of about half a meter - they will be used as the base for the toilet seat.

Toilet roof

Since the toilet has small dimensions, it is therefore possible to lay a roof without using a log. For the roof, you can use materials with almost no restrictions. The only consideration that should be taken into account is that it is desirable to create a single architectural ensemble on the site. Then for the roof of the toilet you need to use the same material as for the house. The last remark concerns the tile covering, which requires the strengthening of the roof frame.

Wall cladding and flooring

For lining the toilet inside and out, an ordinary lining or any other available material is quite suitable. Next, the door is hung, and the floors are laid, which, to your taste, can be made of wood, followed by painting or laid on concrete base ceramic tiles.

Exhaust ventilation

Usually located on back wall buildings, ventilation tube must be raised above roof level. In the year-round toilet, today they even equip a small patch for heating.

Do not neglect the rules during the construction of a country toilet, even if it is a simple building, nevertheless, it is very important.

As practice shows, you can build a toilet in a summer cottage on your own, without resorting to outside help.

Construction of a country toilet (form - teremok)

One of the options on how to build a toilet-house for a summer residence on your own, step-by-step photos shared by a craftsman on the house and cottage forum.

Do-it-yourself country toilet - video

Step-by-step instructions for beginners without experience in construction.

Scheme and drawing of a country toilet

It does not matter the purpose - whether it is a summer residence, a garden or a residential one - no one has canceled natural natural needs. And the first thing that needs to be arranged on it is a restroom, even if it is not supposed to live on the site. Of course, at first glance it may seem that this is a fairly simple job, but upon closer examination of the issue, you can understand that there are quite a few nuances in it that you should pay attention to. That is why now we will figure out how to arrange for a summer residence with our own hands. This step by step guide should help.

Read in the article

Basic rules on how to make a toilet in the country with your own hands, without seeking help from specialists

The first thing to do is to decide what the restroom will be. This question does not refer to the choice of the structure, but to the reservoir into which the waste products will fall. It depends on many parameters.

For example, a very important aspect is the depth of groundwater. Indeed, on the site, usually, there is no centralized one, which means that the much-needed liquid will be taken from the well. One can imagine what will happen if sewage gets into this water. Is it necessary? Naturally not. After all, in addition to health problems, there is also the danger of fines from sanitary and epidemiological surveillance. This, of course, is not as life-threatening as drinking contaminated water, but at least unpleasant.

The same applies to soil containing shale. That is why it makes sense to preliminarily clarify all such nuances. And if it turns out that such a problem is present, then you will have to install a sealed box in the cesspool (usually from sheet iron of at least 3 mm or plastic). In this case, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of pumping sewage.

As for the shape of the building itself, the one here garden toilets for giving can be completely diverse - everything is limited only by the imagination and capabilities of the master.

What sanitary and epidemiological norms and rules you need to know when installing a country toilet

Particular attention should be paid to the already mentioned depth of groundwater. It is important that at the installation site it be more than 3.5 m, and during spring floods. Otherwise, only a sealed container will save. Of course, there are some secrets for such cases, but their implementation will be more financially costly. We will talk about this a little later.

It is also worth paying attention to the location of the restroom. According to SanPiN, the distance to the neighboring house must be at least 12 m, and to the well, if any, more than 8 m. Moreover, it does not matter whether special disinfection solutions are used. Even if it is a chemical toilet (why the people called it a dry closet is not clear). This rule must be strictly observed. Otherwise, there is a risk of communicating with neighbors in court. After all, it usually happens that among summer residents living nearby, there will definitely be a “guardian of laws”.

Important advice! In order to avoid future problems associated with the location of the country toilet, it makes sense to coordinate it with the local sanitary and epidemiological authorities and certify the installation location on the map. This kind of paper can be very useful.

Restroom inside the house or attached to it - features of this location

If you plan to live on the site all year round then it makes sense to make a toilet in the house. In the country with, of course, this will not be a problem at all, but in its absence, work will increase a little. In this case, it is better to arrange a restroom not indoors, but in the form. With this arrangement, having previously insulated the toilet cubicle, visiting this “institution” in winter will be quite comfortable.

And yet, if there is a desire to place a restroom inside the house, and there is no centralized sewage system, then with a little work this can be realized. This option will be especially successful for owners of small plots. We will analyze in detail how the work will be carried out.

First you need to dig a hole in the area, in which you need to place a sealed steel or plastic tank. It is important to understand that the sewage collection tank will have to be overlaid in order to exclude soil pressure on it. There should be 3 pipes coming out of the tank. One of them is from the end, located in the upper part - through it, sewage will flow from the home toilet into the box. The second, the length of which should be at least three meters, should come out from above - it will be natural ventilation. Well, the third one is also displayed from above, but in the tank it goes almost from the very bottom. Through this line, waste products will be pumped out by a special sewage machine. From above, a hatch is usually made, which must be tightly closed.

Well, when this work is done, it remains only to carry out a sewer pipe from the house to the tank. The main thing to remember is that the toilet bowl installed in the toilet at home must be installed above the drain pipe on the tank.

The toilet attached to the house, in fact, is done identically, with the only difference that sewer pipes do not need to be installed, because. it will be located on the edge of the cesspool. Although, if there is a desire to move the sewage tank away from the house, you can also use the option with a highway.

As you can understand, the device of a country toilet inside a residential building, although laborious, is quite a do-it-yourself process.

Related article:

The article tells how to make . Description of construction requirements is supplemented with reviews of effective technologies and finished models with characteristics and prices. This information will help to implement the project quickly, at a reasonable cost.

An ordinary cesspool or how to install a toilet for a summer residence on the street with your own hands

If the depth at which the groundwater is located allows the construction of a conventional, non-sealed toilet pit (i.e. more than 3.5 m), then the amount of work is significantly reduced. Many people reinforce the excavated recess with spacers in order to prevent the soil from crumbling, but usually a bar is simply laid on it, which serves as a support for the wooden booth. This is the most convenient and easy way how to build an outdoor toilet with your own hands.

The norms for the location of the toilet on the site, established by the Central State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service

Do not ignore the norms that are established by SanPiN, because they are based on research and are aimed only at maintaining the health of the population. The best option to find out where to place the toilet on the site is not only to make your own calculations, but also to apply for a certificate from the sanitary and epidemiological service.

What depth should be at the cesspool for a toilet in the country - are there any restrictions?

There are no strict restrictions on depth. The main thing is that the pit for the country toilet, or rather its bottom, be above the level at which the groundwater is located during the spring flood. Otherwise, wastewater may enter the drinking water, which threatens severe food poisoning, up to death.

How to make a toilet in the country comfortable and warm

Naturally, a person is always drawn to comfort. Therefore, the restroom, located on the street, must be well insulated. A good solution for this could be polystyrene foam, or in other words. This is a light and very well heat-retaining material, and by the fact that if the building is sheathed correctly from the outside, then a 100-watt incandescent lamp will be enough for heating inside.

Before you build a toilet in the country, you need to decide whether only the outer wall will be produced, or whether there will be a foam layer on the inside, which is preferable. In the second option, you need to think over the structure of a slightly larger size, given the thickness. Also, before you build a country toilet, you should take care of the safe supply of electricity to it.

It is also important which one will lead to the restroom - after all, in any case, it is not very pleasant to walk through the mud at night to the latrine, which, according to the rules, stands in the distance. Of course, all of the above does not apply to toilets built in the house - it will naturally be both warm and clean there. But lining the restroom attached to the house with a thermal insulator is also worth doing. In general, in the country, the construction of a toilet is gaining momentum, which is not surprising. After all, it is simply impossible to do without it.

The importance of drawing up drawings for a country toilet with your own hands

Although the restroom in the summer cottage is a small building, it is very important to first draw up a drawing with all dimensions, according to which the structure will be assembled later.

Important advice! The plan should be drawn up as carefully as possible, taking into account the area, so that the use of the much-needed building is as comfortable as possible.

Firstly, do-it-yourself country wooden toilet does not need to be made low. Inside is an adult man standing in full height, should not touch the ceiling with his head. Agree, it’s not very convenient to go into the restroom bent over “in three deaths”. This rule applies not only to the ceiling, but also to the front door. Usually the ceiling height is about half a meter above the top level of the door, which, in turn, is 1.7-1.8 m high. Someone will say that such an entrance will be somewhat high, but this is only at first glance. In general, it will be optimal (maybe a little narrower). After all, it is convenient to pass through such an opening? The same should apply to the restroom.

Secondly, a wooden toilet for the dacha should be made strong - you should not save material on this building. After all, even on the condition that sewage is not pumped out by a special machine, and it is planned to simply fill the cesspool with earth and move the toilet to another place, it will be more convenient to move a strong building than to disassemble a flimsy one and mount it on another. In addition, and appearance it should be aesthetic - after all, no one wants an unsightly building to spoil the appearance of the courtyard. This is especially true in the presence of a garden. It is not very pleasant when, in the midst of the beauty of flowering trees and bushes, a sloppy, lopsided structure of the restroom suddenly appears.

wooden toilet at the dacha can be like with gable roof, and with a lean-to - this is how you like it. It is during the construction of the restroom that you can practice the skills of a builder and designer. Of course, if the roof slope diverges in different sides, with a ridge in the middle, the building will look much more attractive. Shed roofs are well suited for latrines that are attached to the house. In this case, this will look natural, making up a single whole with the house. The roof of the restroom can be covered with a profile sheet, ordinary tin, slate or tiles. The main thing to keep in mind is roof waterproofing. After all, it is not very pleasant when rain water drips down the collar. Between the ceiling tree and the roofing felt, it is also necessary to lay a layer of foam. After all, the main heat rises up, and there it is needed more than anywhere else.

It is necessary to determine the size based on personal preferences and functionality that a wooden toilet for a summer residence will have. With your own hands, you can build a washbasin in it, put a sink. In this case, the internal area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe restroom needs to be made larger. Depending on the size of the pit, if it is large enough and has the ability to pump out sewage, you can even run plumbing for a washbasin into the toilet. The main thing in the production of such work is the insulation of pipes to exclude the possibility of water freezing in them in winter. Fortunately, these days, such work does not require welding skills, and making plumbing with plastic is not difficult and does not require any special skills. Even an amateur can cope with it (of course, with the right approach).

In general, building a wooden toilet with your own hands requires a careful approach, accuracy and compliance with various rules and regulations. Such work, although difficult, is more mental and creative than physical. If everything is properly thought out, then it will be much easier to bring it to life than to build a clumsy, ugly restroom on the site without any kind of drawings. That is why you should not spare time for preparatory work. Otherwise, it can be lost much more at the construction stage.

Rent for giving an odorless dry closet - myths and reality

In the absence of time or desire to install a solid toilet in a summer cottage, these days there are other opportunities to arrange your life. Now there are many companies that are engaged in the removal of waste products from cesspools. And most of them offer serviced toilet cubicles for rent. What are they, these mobile restrooms? Let's try to figure it out.

It looks like a plastic phone booth. At the base, under the floor, there is a sewage tank. Inside there is a kind of toilet bowl with a seat. Actually, if the operation of the toilet is planned only in the summer, this is a good option that does not require effort during installation. In addition, when making a lease, the company concludes an agreement on maintenance at certain intervals. It consists in the fact that on the days specified by the contract, employees of the company will arrive in a special car, pump out sewage and rinse the tank. After that, a certain amount of a special chemical solution will be poured into it, which kills bacteria that multiply in waste products, and also prevents the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

dry closet

The main myth is precisely in the name - because. the liquid is a chemical solution, the prefix "bio" does not fit in with such a toilet. Of course, there are also biological tank fillers, but their use by companies is not profitable due to their high cost and short term the action of the "live" solution in the drain pit.

Dry closet can be called the following restroom device. There is a bucket under the seat, into which dry peat is periodically poured. When the bucket is full, the contents are poured into compost pit, where sewage continues for some time to decompose into various substances. The result is a very good fertilizer for the garden or vegetable garden. Well, the chemical liquid for the toilet in the country does not have such properties and requires specialized processing. That is why such latrines would be more correctly called chemical toilets.

Liquid compositions can be divided into 3 categories:

  1. Formaldehyde- very effective, but at the same time very toxic solutions. They perfectly clean and disinfect the tank, but the toxic substances released by such a liquid do not allow the use of chemical toilets in the cabins, because. has a very harmful effect on the human body.
  2. Ammonium based- such liquids are most suitable for such toilets. In terms of properties, they are closer to biological ones, i.e. do not decompose waste products, but accelerate the processes of their natural decomposition, and also effectively disinfect the container.
  3. biological fluids- the principle of their action is based on the work of living bacteria that come into contact with the environment in sewage and decompose them into natural components. The main inconvenience in the use of such solutions is the short life of bacteria. Fluid needs to be changed or topped up frequently.

It is precisely because of the toxic effect that formaldehyde liquid for a toilet in the country is not applicable, and therefore it is best to opt for an ammonium solution.

Liquids and fillers for dry closets

Related article:

An excellent alternative to sewerage is mobile bathrooms. In this article, we will explore existing models devices, average prices, reviews and some recommendations to help you make the right choice.

An alternative version of a do-it-yourself summer toilet from corrugated board

In the case when there is no time for the construction of a solid restroom and, moreover, it is supposed to be used only in the summer, the option of making a country toilet booth from corrugated board may well be suitable. In this case, it will only be necessary to assemble a frame from a wooden beam or weld it from metal. You need to understand that you still have to do the floor of such a restroom, because the walls and the roof themselves are not a toilet cubicle. Therefore, it is necessary to decide what material it will be made of.

Important advice! The floors of the latrine should be ready before the wall cladding begins, because. otherwise, their installation will become quite problematic. Also, do not forget that the frame of the building is not only the wooden or metal ribs of the rectangle. They must also be connected with diagonal crossbars to give the future restroom the required rigidity.

A country toilet made of corrugated board is the simplest and relatively inexpensive structure, and therefore this type is common in gardens and kitchen gardens, where people do not live, but come periodically. For example, for planting seeds, weeding or harvesting.

How to build a toilet for a summer residence with your own hands: step by step instructions

In this chapter, we will try to summarize all the information received into one whole so that the installation of a garden toilet according to the drawing does not turn into a long-term construction. There is also a need for a photo report of such work to more clearly explain the algorithm of actions. Of course, someone can say that this is completely useless and that everything is clear even without a photo, but nevertheless, an illustrated instruction on how to build a toilet with your own hands in a country house, in a garden or in a personal courtyard will certainly be more understandable.

But first, let's summarize the material obtained according to the norms and rules for arranging a restroom on personal plot.

Drawing up drawings with the dimensions of country toilets with your own hands

The most important thing in the construction of a restroom on a personal plot is the preparation of a detailed, dimensional drawing, which will take into account everything related to the structure. It is desirable to indicate in it both the material of manufacture, and the depth at which groundwater passes, and everything else related to the general scheme of the device (the depth of the pit, its ventilation and pumping system). A separate drawing should be noted the structure itself with the exact dimensions in width, length and height.

Of course, you can do all the work without such a scheme, but it should be noted that a drawing of a toilet in a country house with dimensions can be useful not only for the construction of a structure, but also for coordinating the location and other standards with the sanitary and epidemiological service. After their permission and endorsement of such a scheme, it can become proof that everything was done according to the rules and norms of the law, even in court, if any of the neighbors do not like the toilet.

The dimensions of the toilet in the country with their own hands can be different and depend only on the owner himself and his preferences. Inside, you can place a washbasin, sink and even a shower room, dividing the room with a wall. But this will require a capital sealed container with the possibility of pumping out sewage, as well as the installation of a water supply system. Although, a metal or plastic barrel on the roof, which is desirable to be painted black, can also play its role. So the water in it will heat up faster from the sun. For example, a 200-liter container on a sunny day heats up to a comfortable temperature in 3-4 hours.

How to dig a hole for a toilet in the country with your own hands - rules and regulations

Before you start such work, you need to know the depth of the so-called. water horizon. The basic rule is that the bottom of the toilet pit should not be lower in level than the groundwater passes. This is fraught not only with fines from sanitary and epidemiological surveillance, but also with big health problems. The width is usually made according to the size of the building, of course, provided that we are talking about an ordinary street toilet. If sewage is drained through a sewer pipe, then there are no restrictions on this parameter. Well, if in simple words everything should be in moderation. After all, it would be completely inappropriate to dig a hole for a toilet in a country house in the garden floor in depth and width.

Important advice! Compiling detailed drawing it is better to show it to the employees of the sanitary and epidemiological service before digging a hole for a toilet in the country. Otherwise, a situation may arise in which you will have to change the location of the restroom and do double work, again digging a recess under the sewage.

Photo report on how to build a country toilet step by step - stages of work

Let's try to explain what steps need to be taken to install a wooden toilet with your own hands. step by step photo instruction.

Stage of work Description of required actions

Drawing up a detailed dimensional drawing

A drawing is drawn up, i.e. a detailed plan-scheme indicating the location, depth and communications of the latrine pit, the dimensions of the toilet building, etc. It is better to assure the location and depth scheme in the sanitary and epidemiological authorities in order to avoid trouble in the future.

Digging a pit and installing a caisson (tank) and ventilation

Having marked the required area, a pit is dug for sewage. Such work can be both manual and mechanized, using special equipment.

Pit toilet floor frame and installation

A metal or wooden frame is installed on top of the finished recess, which serves as the basis for the future floor. It is closed with boards even before the construction of a toilet on the street with their own hands begins.

Installation of racks for walls

Vertical posts are attached to the installed base according to the drawing. Initially, it is they who form the basis of the slope of the future roof. From above, these racks are also interconnected according to the scheme. It is very important that the connections are strong, not loose. It is also desirable to fix the racks diagonally with jumpers (from the top of one to the bottom of the other). This will give strength to the design of a wooden toilet.

Seat assembly

Inside, near the wall farthest from the entrance, it is necessary to mount an elevation in which, after it is sheathed with boards, you need to cut a hole, drawing along the inside plastic seat for the toilet.

Exterior wall cladding and door installation

After the work with the floor and seat is completed, you can sheathe the structure, close the roof and hang the door. Outside, the toilet can be sheathed with clapboard or plastic siding to give it a more attractive and aesthetic appearance.

Of course, building a toilet with your own hands in the country will require a lot of time and effort from the home master, not to mention funds. But still it's worth it. If you do everything right, i.e. go through all the stages of building a toilet to the dacha with your own hands step by step, as a result, you can get a very durable object that fits into the landscape of a personal or house plot.

Algorithm for building a toilet in the country with your own hands - video instruction

If there are still incomprehensible moments on the construction of a restroom on the site, then you can see something about the country toilet with your own hands. The video below may give a better idea of ​​this work.

Toilets made by the hands of home craftsmen for their personal plots:

1 of 6


If a person decides to purchase a suburban area for relaxing with friends or family, the question of how to make a toilet in the country will arise in the first place. A house for the administration of natural physiological needs is an obligatory attribute not only of any dwelling, but also of the backyard territory, where you will have to stay for more than one hour. It is quite logical that each owner will want to start and finish the construction of the toilet that everyone needs as soon as possible. And although at first glance it seems that this is a rather simple matter, you should not rush. Should be carefully studied dacha territory and decide on the choice of a place for a toilet house, taking into account a number of sanitary requirements. And 1 more important point is the choice of the type of restroom, because there are several of them. What kind of toilet is better to build on the territory suburban area?

How to choose the right place for the yard toilet?

Convenient and comfortable for residents of the cottage is the placement of the toilet inside the house. It's warm and dry here. No need to go outside at night or on a rainy day. But such a closet requires a long time for construction and is more expensive in terms of costs. If a person works in the beds, it is preferable to run to the yard toilet, not thinking that you can stain the floor in the dwelling with earth. Therefore, at first it will be easier and more correct to build a toilet on the street. Where should it be placed on the site? To do everything right, you should take into account the sanitary and hygienic requirements for the arrangement of street closets. This is especially true of latrines with cesspools.

Since the smell is the most unpleasant in them, it is usually customary to place latrines not in the immediate vicinity of the walls of a residential building, but at a distance of 8-10 m from them. Do not plant trees and shrubs near the toilet. The distance between them should be several meters. If there is a well in the country house, then a distance of 50 m should be observed between it and the latrine. If the country house does not stand on the outskirts, but is surrounded by neighbors' plots, you need to think about their comfort. You can’t build a yard closet right in front of their house, even if the plots are separated by a fence (the distance from the fence should be at least 1 m). It is better to place the closet so that the neighbors do not smell from it and do not see it directly in front of them. It is necessary to conduct observations of the wind, to establish in which direction it blows most often. And if there are no buildings nearby, you can arrange a latrine in this place.

An important circumstance is the relief of the suburban area and the presence of groundwater underground. If the suburban area has a slope, then the toilet should be located in a lowland so that the source of water intake is higher than it. In this case, dirty drains will not fall into clean water. It is good when groundwater flows at a depth of 2.5 m, i.e., far enough from the surface of the earth. This means that you can build a latrine with a cesspool on your site. And if the depth of the groundwater level is less than 2 m, types of toilets with containers for collecting sewage are suitable. Otherwise, the soil and water may become contaminated with harmful decay products.

The main types of yard latrines

Having decided on the place of the future toilet, it is worth thinking about its design. Currently, there are several types of latrines that are suitable for giving:

  • dry closet;
  • powder closet;
  • peat latrine;
  • chemical toilet;
  • latrine with a cesspool.

All of the above water closets, except for the last one, should preferably be installed in areas with groundwater close to the surface of the earth. A latrine with a cesspool is equipped only with a deep flow of groundwater. What are these toilet houses?

The simplest solution for a summer residence will be a dry closet. This is a booth that you can buy and install on your site without wasting time building. Inside the cabin there is a two-section container for collecting sewage. Special faeces splitters are poured here. They recycle them and eliminate the bad smell. After 7-8 days after the start of using the dry closet, it will need to be cleaned of sewage, draining them either into other containers or into the soil. This toilet is easy to maintain. But the disadvantage of such a restroom is its cost for some zealous owners.

A chemical water closet is almost no different from a dry closet. The difference lies only in the antiseptics poured into the tank. Chemical reagents that destroy sewage are harmful to environment, they can not fertilize the soil on the site. Therefore, such latrines are better suited for cities. They can be seen on construction sites or mass festive events.

Powder closet - a toilet structure without a cesspool. It is replaced by any volumetric container (barrel, tank) installed under the toilet seat. All impurities entering the container are immediately sprinkled with sawdust, peat or ash, as if powdered on top to eliminate an unpleasant odor. Hence the name of the closet. When the tank is filled to the top, it is emptied and the contents are used as fertilizer.

A variant of the powder closet is a peat toilet. IN cistern dry peat is poured, which enters the tank under the toilet seat and sprinkles sewage.

The most familiar to everyone, but labor-intensive in construction, is considered a restroom with a cesspool. A toilet house is installed above the pit. After filling the pit, the sewage is either removed manually, or sewage trucks are called to help.

How to build a house support for a restroom?

Any outbuilding begins with a drawing. The owner needs to decide on the size of the future closet before purchasing construction material. The following sizes of a country toilet are common:

  • height - 2 m;
  • side width of 1.5 m;
  • depth 1-1.2 m.

But you can adjust them as you wish: make the structure taller, more spacious.

To prevent the restroom from being blown away by the wind, it is necessary to provide support for it under the frame. As for the foundation, it is not necessary for a small building. There are several ways to build supports. In the first case, you can make a stable base of bricks or blocks. To do this, at the site of the future toilet, the soil is removed to a depth of 30 cm, then the earth is carefully tamped. The area around the perimeter is laid out with blocks or bricks. A toilet house is installed on top of the support. In the future, it can be easily moved to another location.

In the second case, asbestos pipes with wooden beams can be used as supports. Pipes with a diameter of at least 15 cm and a length of 100 cm will be stable and reliable. First, recesses of 50-80 cm are dug along the perimeter of the base in each of its 4 corners. Asbestos pipes are installed vertically in them, inside of which concrete mortar is poured 1/3. Then, wooden bars with a length of 2.3 m and a diameter of 5x5 cm are inserted into such supports. They will serve as vertical parts of the frame of the future toilet. The tree will be firmly fixed in the concrete solution, only when installing it is necessary to monitor the evenness of the bars so that they are strictly vertical. The rear bars should be 10-15 cm shorter than the front ones, since the roof of the house is usually sloping.

Fabrication of the frame of the closet and its sheathing

By installing vertical support bars and adjusting their height, you can tie the frame. The top screed is made at the level of the roof of the structure. Horizontal slats are nailed around the perimeter of all sides of the house. In front and behind, they should protrude 30 cm beyond the boundaries of the body. Since the roof is made with a small visor and drains rainwater from the restroom so that it does not flow directly onto the wall. The lower screed is performed at the level of the seat or toilet seat at a height of 35-40 cm from the floor of the restroom. The front wall is not touched, because there will be a door. To make the case even stronger, diagonal braces are stuffed on its side and rear walls. 2 more vertical supports are installed on the front wall of the toilet, their height is 190 cm. top line nail a horizontal jumper. The door will be inserted into this frame.

Now you should sheathe the structure with the selected material: wood or metal profiles. It is warmer and more comfortable to be inside a wooden toilet. It is better to take boards 1.5-2 cm thick for it. Measure the material in height and nail it vertically to the frame from 3 sides. Be sure to make sure that the boards fit snugly against each other, and there are no gaps between them. From the bottom on the back wall it will be necessary to make a small door from the same boards. Through it, a container filled with sewage will be delivered. To make this process easy, the door is made to the height of the toilet seat and the width of the back wall of the restroom. Hinges are used to fasten the door. The roof of the toilet house can be either slate or wood. To extend the service life wooden roof, from above it is covered with roofing material.

Arrangement of the toilet seat and door in the restroom

After all 3 walls of the closet are ready, you can start making the door and attaching it to the body of the structure. The dimensions of the door (width, height) must match the opening prepared for it. The boards are knocked together. 2 loops are screwed onto the toilet body and the door leaf with screws, and the door is hung on the wall. Screw the handle inside and out. Another important element of the door is the latch. It is attached to the door from 2 sides. You can close the door with an ordinary hook, a steel latch or a latch - this is already a personal choice for everyone. In order for the restroom to be light, it is advisable to make a small window above the door and glaze it. The window can also be cut out on the side wall of the toilet.

Now it remains to do the most desired part toilet - stool. As mentioned above, its height is usually no more than 40 cm. Too high a toilet seat is inconvenient, especially for children. The frame of the toilet seat has a width of 50 cm. It, like the walls of the restroom, is sheathed with boards and a hole is cut out in the top center for natural necessities. It shouldn't be too big or small. A container for sewage with a volume of 30-40 liters is placed under the finished toilet seat. The rest of the floor is covered with boards. The wooden toilet house needs to be painted or varnished. When the coating dries, the toilet is supplemented finishing touches. A container for sawdust or peat and a holder (bracket) for toilet paper are hung on the wall, and an urn is placed on the floor. Powder closet is ready!

How to make a cesspool?

Some owners prefer the good old pit latrines. How to equip such a restroom? First you need to dig the hole itself with a depth of 150 cm. The slope is made towards the back wall of the future closet. Then all the walls and bottom of the pit are tightly packed with a layer of clay (20-25 cm), you can lay them out with bricks. The toilet house, which is being built, like the powder closet, will be located above the front third of the pit. The base for the restroom is made of wooden beams. Boards are laid over the pit (outside the closet) and upholstered from below with roofing material. A hole is cut in the flooring and the cover is hung on hinges. This will be the hatch. From the pit upwards parallel to the back wall of the toilet, a ventilation pipe must be brought out. Its lower edge should fall 20 cm below the level of the toilet floor, and the upper edge should extend 80 cm above the roof of the closet. A wooden house is installed next to the pipe above the pit and the pipe is fixed to its back wall with clamps. Further, a concrete blind area (1 m wide) is poured around the outdoor toilet for a summer residence. It will not allow rainwater to enter the cesspool.

Which restroom to build on a suburban area, each owner will decide on his own, but any closet will take a little time and effort. There are pros and cons to building a country toilet with your own hands. But when the design is ready, the person will be proud that he made it himself.

Do-it-yourself construction of a country toilet does not require serious construction experience and professional equipment.

This article will help you decide on a suitable material for making a booth, learn about the main differences between sewers with and without a cesspool, and also provide complete instructions for the construction of a country toilet.

Sanitary and hygienic standards for a country toilet

Before the beginning installation work on independent construction toilet in the country, you should carefully study the regulations that govern the construction procedure. Exist certain requirements to be observed:

  • check that the toilet does not interfere with neighbors. Otherwise, they have the right to complain to the appropriate authority and there is a possibility that the building will need to be moved;
  • choose a location, taking into account all the standards and regulations for placement. If this is not done, the result will be a serious deterioration of the ecological situation in the area, pollution of the soil and nearby water bodies and water sources. The owner of the site will have to pay fines, health may also be impaired due to environmental pollution;
  • when designing, care must be taken to remove waste from the cesspool;
  • when choosing a suitable design, it is important to take into account the features of the site, in particular, the water horizon. If groundwater is located close to the surface, it is required to opt for a completely sealed system.

Attention! Following these requirements will prevent various operational problems in the future.

Choosing the location of the toilet

The main factor that you need to focus on when choosing a location is the type of building used. It is especially important whether there is a storage pit for waste, and whether the container where they will be stored will be completely sealed.

To make a toilet in the country with your own hands, it is important to know about some of the features of finding a suitable place:

  • be sure to take into account the depth of groundwater of the land. If the groundwater level is more than 2.5-3 meters, then the construction of a cesspool cannot be carried out. In such a situation, as a rule, powder is erected - a closet. This type involves the treatment of toilet waste special composition in powder form;
  • It is necessary to take into account the convenience of neighbors and residents of the house. In most cases, the toilet in the country is built away from other structures;
  • it is necessary to take into account sanitary and hygienic standards. For example, it is impossible to install closer than 12 meters from the house, 20 meters from drinking wells and other water sources, 1.5 meters from the fence that separates the plots;
  • when constructing a toilet drain pit it is important to immediately ensure the access of special sewage equipment;
  • it is desirable to take into account the terrain. During operation, at the lowest point of the site, the building will be flooded in spring and autumn. When erecting a country wooden toilet at the highest point, the person using the structure will be disturbed by constant winds and drafts.

Material selection

Another important point is the definition of the material that will be used for the outer part, as well as the type of booth itself. A do-it-yourself toilet in the country can be made from:

  • metal profile. The base is made of wood or profile pipes from metal, which are connected to each other by welding. Then the base is sewn with sheets of metal. This material is also covered with a special compound that protects the country toilet from the negative effects high humidity. The main advantage of using corrugated board is the possibility of quick construction;
  • brick. Such toilets are capable of being used for a long period, however, they require a rather laborious and expensive installation. The structure has a large mass and can only be installed on the foundation, so you need to make a tape or column base.
  • boards are the most common option for a toilet in the country. The main advantages are availability and low cost, the possibility of implementing various types of design, and mobility. The disadvantages include only the susceptibility of the boards negative impact moisture, but today there are many ways to minimize this deficiency. For example, the service life can be significantly increased by applying a primer and painting. If the owner does not want to spoil the natural look of the tree, then there are numerous transparent compounds that repel moisture.

Choosing a house for a toilet in the country

The next step is to choose the desired booth shape. The main types are:

  • "Starling house" - has a shed roof, is simple in design and economical. Best suited if the toilet is visited only in the summer;
  • "Hut" - has a complicated structure. It has the ability to retain heat even in winter, but involves a greater consumption of materials;
  • "Hut" - differs in the presence of protection from the winds, has a roof with two slopes;
  • "House" - this variety has high strength and can retain heat.

There are also sophisticated cubicles with a second shower compartment or extra space for other needs. Separately, it is possible to single out dry closets of an electric or chemical type, as well as those in which waste is processed using peat.

Dry closets are built when it is not possible to equip a waste pit or septic tank. The most suitable option in terms of affordability and practicality is wooden toilet with a cesspool and a birdhouse type cabin.

Watch the video

Cabin drawings with dimensions

In order to properly carry out the installation procedure, it is important to find and pre-examine the correct drawings with the dimensions of the future toilet in the country. The simplest variety is the Birdhouse, even a complete novice in construction can build it, so we will explain the installation process using this type as an example.

In the above drawing, the following elements are numbered:

  1. Strapping (for connecting several components).
  2. Rack.
  3. Door.
  4. Doorhandle.
  5. Door crossbar.
  6. Front wall.
  7. truss system roofs.
  8. Roofing.
  9. Ventilation.
  10. Deflector.
  11. Side wall.
  12. Top cover covering the drain hole.
  13. Support system (most often made of bricks).
  14. Back wall.

Advice! If the person producing the toilet in the country is experienced enough and has engineering knowledge, then he can draw up a drawing of the toilet for the country with his own hands. Otherwise, it is better for the master to use ready-made options.

We build a wooden toilet with a cesspool - step by step instructions

When the owner of the summer cottage has decided on the choice of a suitable place that meets all the requirements and rules, and has also chosen the necessary shape of the booth, you can begin to build a country toilet. This process includes several stages, first you need to prepare all the necessary materials.

To build a toilet, we need the following tools and materials:

  • 2 square meters roofing felt (for roofing and waterproofing);
  • sand;
  • cement block (4 pieces) or concrete curb (2 pieces, 2 meters long);
  • 40 pieces of lining;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • door with necessary accessories;
  • 4 things. edged board;
  • galvanized metal profile;
  • wooden beam;
  • nails, screws and other elements for fastening;
  • building level;
  • varnish or paint for finishing.

For additional insulation of the toilet, foam may be needed. Also, the list does not include materials for beautiful interior cladding.

Watch the video

Digging a pit for a hole

The depth of the cesspool should not be less than 2 meters. It can be built from various materials. The most popular are:

  • plastic;
  • brick;
  • concrete rings;
  • monolithic concrete.

Each variety has its own characteristics, as well as advantages and disadvantages. One of the most common options is a brick pit. It is able to serve for a long time, is not subject to the negative influence of the environment. For this, red brick is most often used; it is better not to use the silicate variety.

Instructions on how to make a brick pit for a country toilet yourself:

  1. Digging a square or rectangular hole with the help of special equipment or independently. When designing dimensions, it is important to take into account not only the width of the walls, but also the additional space between them and the pit. This gap will be required for additional waterproofing.
  2. A layer of sand is poured (thickness 150 mm), firmly compacted.
  3. The bottom is laid with bricks, a reinforcing mesh is placed on top (you can make it yourself by fastening several reinforcing bars together with a wire).
  4. Crushed stone is poured and a concrete screed is made (width 150 mm).
  5. For the construction of walls around the perimeter, a small foundation of cement and reinforcement is implemented.
  6. After 10 days, when the concrete has completely hardened, they lay out brick walls.
  7. On both sides of the walls, all joints must be treated with a special sealant, plastered.
  8. All this is covered with a concrete slab with a special hole for the hatch.

Building a toilet frame

The next step in the construction of a country toilet with your own hands is the installation of a ceiling from a concrete curb. It is installed no further than 20 cm from the boundaries of the cesspool. To do this, you need to dig 40-centimeter holes in the corners, cover the bottom with rubble and sand.

Then the curb will need to be dug in, the base should be about 15 cm above the surface, no more. Sometimes to create an overlap are used cement blocks that are placed in the corners.

When installing the foundation, it is important to monitor the even arrangement of the elements, the easiest way to do this is with building level. Then, on the created floor, it is required to lay the roofing material. This must be done in 3-5 layers to ensure the most reliable waterproofing.

Frame assembly

It is worth noting that before starting the assembly, wood elements should be treated with a special compound that will prevent the material from rotting and significantly increase its service life.

Step-by-step construction of the frame of a country toilet:

  1. From a bar we build a base in the shape of a rectangle. The connection can be carried out both end-to-end and “in the tree floor”. Be sure to strengthen the corners with self-tapping screws.
  2. We install vertical elements in the corners. They are also reinforced with screws or braces.
  3. We build the basis for the roof, for this the upper part uprights contacts.
  4. The front part of the country toilet is equipped with a door frame: 2 racks and a cross member are mounted on top.
  5. Let's make a window box, which will be located in the side or back wall of the toilet. To do this, fix 2 crossbars, mount 2 racks between them. It should be borne in mind that the distance between the vertical elements implies window width, and between the crossbars - the height.

Sheathing and roof construction

Basically, sheathing is carried out by means of boards or lining, which gives the structure a more aesthetic appearance.

The lining can be located vertically or horizontally, depending on the preference and convenience of the owner of the summer cottage, who builds the wooden toilet on his own.

To the frame base, the elements are attached with nails, screws or other fasteners.

As floor covering thick boards made of wood are used, which is characterized by increased strength. The allowable thickness must be at least 4 cm.

After completing the sheathing, you can proceed to the equipment of the roof:

  1. On the upper harness made in the previous step, a crate of boards or wooden slats is placed. If flexible tiles were used, then instead of the crate, it is imperative to fix sheets of plywood, which has increased resistance to moisture.
  2. A special film is installed on the crate, designed for waterproofing. It is fixed by means of rails or nails.
  3. The roof is being laid.

Roofing material can be any, depending on the financial possibilities and the required properties. In most cases, ceramic tiles are used.

It can be used for 75-100 years, it is resistant to the negative effects of the environment. Another advantage of ceramic tiles is the ease of installation and dismantling, as well as a wide variety of colors and shades.

We install doors

The size of the door is determined according to the drawing of the wooden toilet at the design stage. After installing and assembling the frame, you can begin installing the door block.

The procedure is quite simple. First of all, a rectangular frame is made from a bar based on the dimensions door frame. Then the door must be sheathed with clapboard or boards. In general, the process does not differ from the frame sheathing. The door is mounted on canopies.

Sometimes the owners want a small window in the door through which they can get inside the room. sunlight. This must be done before installing the door.

Quite often, this window is additionally glazed. This requires ordering or cutting glass right size, then install it in the door and secure it with slats (narrow glazing beads), which are located on both sides of the window.

Making a toilet seat

The last required step step by step construction country toilet is the erection of a toilet seat. This procedure is carried out quickly enough and does not require professional construction tools and equipment, except for a jigsaw.

How to make a toilet seat in a country toilet:

  1. For the device of the frame, it is necessary to place 2 crossbars on the left and right side. The length from the floor covering to the horizontal elements is the height of the future toilet seat.
  2. Racks are attached from below to the base and from above to the crossbars installed in the previous step.
  3. In the upper plane of the rack, it is necessary to connect it with a cross member, which should be located at right angles to the horizontal side racks.
  4. The constructed frame is sewn with boards.
  5. A board from the toilet is applied to the center of the upper surface, the dimensions of the toilet should be noted with a pencil.
  6. A small hole is drilled into which a jigsaw can pass. Then, according to the circled marks, a full hole is created with a jigsaw.
  7. The toilet board is fixed with screws or nails.

We suggest that you read the article on how to choose and install them.

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Exhaust ventilation

The final step to ensure the most comfortable operation of a self-built toilet is the arrangement ventilation system. It is necessary so that the stench from toilet waste does not spread throughout the territory.

Distinguish between natural and forced ventilation. Natural depends on the direction of air flow, internal and external pressure, as well as the location of the booth.

Such ventilation is provided by an unglazed window with a small canopy so that leaves and other debris do not get inside. The forced option certainly requires the installation of a specialized system. Some of them are powered by the mains, so you should foresee a way to provide power.

In most cases, dacha owners self construction wooden toilet, provide for ventilation. Its installation is a fairly simple procedure: you need to place one end of the pipe inside the room, and the other outside, placing it a meter above the roof of the house.

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Wooden toilet without a pit

Making a cesspool with your own hands is the simplest and most effective way sewer implementation. However, this cannot be done if the following conditions are met:

  • shale or limestone soil;
  • The water level in the ground is more than 3 meters;
  • visits the dacha a large number of people, therefore, a significant workload is planned.

In such a situation, the only way out will be the construction of a street country toilet without a drain pit. There are the following varieties of this type:

  • powder closet;
  • play closet;
  • dry closet.

Powder - closet in most cases is mounted when the site has a high level of groundwater. As a rule, the tank is located under the toilet bowl and has a small volume (up to 18-20 liters).

The basic principle of operation: drains are covered with a powdery composition (most often with peat mass), which prevents the appearance and spread of an unpleasant odor. After such treatment, sewage is moved to compost.

The main advantage of this type of outdoor toilet without a cesspool is the simplicity of the structure and low construction costs.

  1. Observation window.
  2. Chair cover.
  3. Toilet seat
  4. storage capacity.
  5. Entrance door
  6. Support joist lining
  7. cesspool
  8. ventilation window

The play closet is distinguished by a completely sealed container, where sewage and drain water are located. Drains in such a toilet do not enter the soil, therefore they are not capable of polluting the environment.

It will be necessary to provide periodic cleaning by calling special sewage equipment. The structure of the play closet suggests that the main storage tank can be located at some distance from the upper cabin, so such a toilet is often placed in a building.

The disadvantage is the inability to use the building in the winter, because. drains freeze and are difficult to pump out. The solution is to install a special heating system.

Dry closets are often installed in the country. Their principle of operation is similar to the work of powders - a closet, waste treatment is also carried out with peat. In some cases, biological preparations containing microorganisms are used that speed up processing, or chemicals.

When operating a chemical toilet, it is important to use only safe products.

Pros and cons of a cesspool

The advantages of building a pit toilet with your own hands:

  • the ability to create a filtration system that can independently get rid of effluents and sewage. Thanks to this, it is not necessary to regularly call a sewage truck and provide access to the pit;
  • you can operate a similar toilet all year round.


  • it takes more time to build and drain equipment;
  • installation and creation of a toilet pit is more expensive;
  • Possibility of soil contamination high level groundwater.

Advantages of a country toilet, built independently, without a drain pit:

  • mobility, which allows you to easily move the building, as well as place the tank at some distance from the booth;
  • the possibility of erection at a close location of groundwater to the surface;
  • simple installation;
  • less stringent requirements for the location on the site, in particular, for distances to water sources, because hermetic system does not lead to environmental pollution;
  • if necessary, the building can be easily disassembled or completely removed.

Disadvantages of such toilets:

  • the likelihood of spreading the stench. This does not apply to all types of toilets (if processing occurs using peat, this problem does not arise). Bad smell quickly appears due to the small volume of the tank where effluent and waste are stored. The solution to the problem is the construction of a forced ventilation system;
  • the need to regularly eliminate the filling of the tank. This is done by sewage equipment or complete processing and transfer of waste to compost is ensured;
  • inability to use in winter.

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Thus, the construction of a toilet is possible even for craftsmen who do not have experience in construction. However, it is important to study the instructions and recommendations in order to know how to build a toilet in the country correctly.

First of all, it is desirable to decide on the material and type of booth, then design the sewer. This will allow high-quality construction, as a result of which the toilet will last for decades.
