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Stripping polypropylene pipes with internal arising aluminum. Sheer for stripping polypropylene pipes with her own hands. Why do you need stripping reinforced part

The use of pipes in the composite metal structures is very profitable: the pipes give the compounds increased strength and rigidity, at the same time reducing the mass of the node. However, the pairing of pipes with each other is laborious, and requires special training of ends. This work can be facilitated using special fixtures - tubes for pipes.

Principle of action of the energone for metal pipes

The task of the tube transporter is minimizing the gaps that are inevitably obtained when the ends are fitted manually, as well as to give a welded compound sufficient aesthetics.

It is known that when the steel pipes are connected and the insertion, depending on the corner of their mutual inclination and the diameter, the mutual conjugation curve can be parabola, arc or even straight. Therefore, the analytical calculation to perform a successful conjugation is very difficult. The problem can be solved by spatial 3D-modeling using well-known compass programs or AutoCAD, but in practice they come differently.

In mass production, the tubes are produced using a milling machine equipped with a dividing head. The method is accurate, however, it requires the availability of appropriate equipment that is not always available to the home wizard. At the same time, having a powerful metal drill (from 1000 W) and a crown cutter, you can quickly complicate the end of any pipe.

Industrial options for such devices in special literature are referred to in Tube Notcher (groove cutters, although curvilinear contours are capable of performing.

The pipe carrier includes:

  1. The shaft, at one of the ends of which there is a seat under the cartridge drill, and on the second - the seat under the crown mill.
  2. Bearing node, rotating in which the shaft receives the necessary rigidity.
  3. Corps, sometimes - with vice for clamping tubular blank.
  4. Swivel device, with which the workpiece can be placed under the required angle.
  5. Adjusting screw.

With the help of the transporters under consideration, it is possible to compile pipes with a diameter of 6 ... 75 mm, which in most cases is quite enough. The range of changes in the conjugation angles is from 45 to 210 0. It should be noted that the crown cutter is not included in the device kit.

For the processing of long pipes, manual tubes with a chain clamp are used, and for short products, the reference and guide parts of the device are combined in one node. Safety of work is ensured by the presence of locking rings that limit the longitudinal movement of the shaft.

The shaft is the most structurally complex element of the carrier. First, it should receive a longitudinal movement as the cutter is introduced into the metal pipe. Secondly, vibrations are created during milling, which are caused by a sharp fluctuation of the torque of the base power tool. Therefore, the shaft is made polished, has a sliding landing of high qualitate accuracy, and the used bearing - needle-type, which allow axial and radial loads compensation.

The price of such devices from 8,000 to 50,000 rubles. At the same time, all coalizers for pipes of the dimension line TT are quite compact devices that are fixed in the cartridge of the lathe. Similarly, the electric drill is fixed. When processing pipes of a small diameter, the device can be leaving right in the floor of the workshop.

Tube Tube with your own hands

With the mass production of shaped profiled pipes (for example, in sports car and motor, or on plumbing repair areas), the hand-made pipes can be made independently. For this, the source scheme of the carrier, which is shown in the figure, is done under the available homemaster of the workpiece.

The design consists of the following details:

  1. The bases in which milling grooves are performed to install the clamping device. In turn, the base form can be adapted to the existing workbench, the desktop, etc.
  2. L-shaped bracket with three longitudinal grooves, the presence of which allows you to fix in the fixture of a pipe of different diameters.
  3. Rolls with adjusting and clamping screw.
  4. Replaceable presser foot.
  5. Staples that presses the foot to the slider.
  6. Bearing node.
  7. Rotary lever, which serves as a supporting surface for the bearing node.
  8. Shaft, structurally not different from the similar detail of industrial coaliers.

For the manufacture of the shaft, you can use the front rack of the passenger car shock absorber (for example, the VAZ - it is easier to get them in the car service). In addition, the brand has become a shock absorber rack according to its strength and operational characteristics, it fully complies with the requirements of the rigidity for high-quality steel (and, even more - aluminum) pipes. For the direction of the shaft, the guides of the rack itself are suitable: they have a surface wear-resistant coating based on antifriction alloys. The ends of the rack are naturally subject to additional processing - under the fastening in the cartridge drill, and under the installation of the crown cutter.

Needle bearings should be selected into the guides, the size of which is selected by the gaps of the guides. Two bearing mounted in the cylinder guide of the recovered hydropress stroke will provide the desired rigidity and parallelism of the main operating unit of the carrier. Bearings are installed simultaneously with both ends of the housing.

The existing advice regarding the installation of fluoroplastic guides should be skeptical because the bearing capacity of fluoroplast is significantly lower than bearings.

For the manufacture of other elements of the homemade trailer for pipes, it is possible to use profile rental - corners or chapels of the appropriate size. Profiling and manufacturing the grooves is best done on the coordinate milling machine, thereby ensuring their accuracy and parallelism. It will not be difficult to make a clamping device, for which a new clamp is suitable with a necessary diameter and length.

The swivel lever must have sufficient hardness, so it is necessary to use a thickness strip with a thickness of at least 12 ... 16 mm. On that part of the case where the rotary lever is installed, it is worth applying angular risks for which it is easier to position the pipe.

Polypropylene pipe

The need for the processing of end elements of such pipes is due to the following:

  • Low durability of reinforced polypropylene pipes, especially with significant temperature differences;
  • Providing a stronger connection of the reinforced pipe with fittings, for which it is necessary to remove part of the aluminum foil;
  • For fiberglass pipes, where the reinforcing aluminum is always located in the middle of the pipe wall.

A carrier for polypropylene pipes that have reinforcement includes:

  1. Two couplings with dimensions that allow you to clean the ends of the pipes of different diameters (usually from 16 to 120 mm).
  2. Replaceable steel knives.
  3. A couple of swivel handles.
  4. Aluminium case.
  5. Nozzle on the electric drill (Sheer).

Sheer is necessary for external tube transportation. It consists of two parts - a guide that is made of durable duralumin of the brand D16T and the hardwly, cutting part. When introducing into the pipe, the latter rests on the guide, after which the drill is turned on (the perforator can also be used) and cut parts of the reinforcing pipe layer. Since the shaver has a certain length, the carriage for different pipes is always performed on the same length, which facilitates their subsequent connection.

The price of the carrier-nozzle for polypropylene pipes depends on the diameter, and is 400 ... 2000 rubles. Manual type coals Cheaper: from 250 to 800 rubles.

Metal in household communications gradually replace various materials from polymers. Especially attractive to the consumer properties of polypropylene, allowing you to use it for all household communications.

Polypropylene is resistant to corrosion and sediments, does not change properties under the influence of aggressive chemistry. Water transported through systems from this material does not lose its properties. It is important for a large bandwidth, due to a completely smooth inner surface.

Types of reinforcement

The non-reinforced polypropylene is characterized by low thermal conductivity and resistance to high temperature. Over time, he changes the form. This property is called fluidity, which requires the installation of fasteners every 50 cm of the pipeline.

Especially bright fluidity is manifested at elevated internal medium. The main purpose of reinforcement is to reduce this particular quality. After the reinforcement, the polypropylene material becomes more rigid, it helps less when laying in a horizontal position, which makes the system more stable.

Aluminum tape reduces linear expansion coefficient to a level that comparable to this indicator of metal products. In addition, aluminum contributes to a decrease in the conductivity of oxygen. Even better quality when fiberglass reinforcement. This material makes the installation easier than the aluminum tape, as it disappears the need for stripping before soldering. It is also important that products with fiberglass cheaper than products with aluminum ribbon.

In reinforcement, a solid or perforated aluminum foil can be used. It can be located near the outer shell or in the middle of the wall. The solid foil is connected to the polypropylene with a thermoclaus. The use in the production of poor-quality raw materials entails separation during operation.

This phenomenon is impossible if the reinforce is used perforated aluminum. The foil holes make it possible to create a monolithic compound of plastic with aluminum without using glue.

When choosing products from polypropylene, it should be borne in mind that some manufacturers in order to reduce costs use low-quality raw materials and make too thin walls from pipes. It entails separation and instability to internal pressure. According to external signs, it is quite difficult to distinguish a high-quality product from poor quality. It is necessary to purchase a material with the most thick walls (that is, the one that has a heavier running meter).

Recently, polypropylene tubes reinforced with fiberglass appeared on the market. Sometimes they are called fiberglass. If the product reinforced with aluminum, in essence, consists of five layers, the use of fiberglass makes it possible to obtain a material with a monolithic structure, since the average layer is the same polypropylene, but mixed with fiberglass. All three layers are not glued, and welded, which completely eliminates the bundle.

However, one disadvantage of fiberglass reinforced products is still - their linear extension by 6% more than when using aluminum. Why do you need stripping for polypropylene pipes before soldering. Some reinforced products before soldering must be cleaned to remove the outer layer of polypropylene and aluminum foil, which prevents the creation of a durable compound with the fitting.

The stripping of reinforced polypropylene pipes is always required when aluminum is used for reinforcement, and, regardless of where the foil is located. Difference only in the tool used. If aluminum is located in the middle of the wall, the carrier is used. Material reinforced with fiberglass, stripping does not require, as it consists of polypropylene.

Tool for stripping

The enrollment tool for polypropylene pipes makes it possible to work with products with a diameter of 16 to 110 mm. For diameters up to 63 mm, double-sided couplings are performed, which allows you to clean the ends with two different diameters if the aluminum layer is located at the outer surface. Knives of this tool are made of inoperative steel.

If the foil is located in the middle of the wall, a carrier for polypropylene tubes is needed, equipped with regulated knives, which makes it possible to adjust the tool for any diameter. Just like the coupling, the carrier has a bilateral design (under two different diameters).

Torching of polypropylene pipes is the cutting of foil from the end to the depth of welding. If this procedure is carried out incorrectly, aluminum will prevent a reliable connection between the elements of the system, that is, the welding seam will not be high enough. During operation of the system, water will interact with aluminum, which can lead to leak and formation of rust in heating devices.

Another way to solve the problem "How to clean the polypropylene tube" is the nozzle on the drill (Shaiver). This method is used with a large amount of work for stripping the outer layer of polypropylene and removing the reinforcing aluminum layer, if it is located at the outer surface. The case of the shawl is made of aluminum, knives from instrumental steel.

Thanks to the seventur, the stripping for polypropylene pipes is automated, alleviating and accelerating installation with a large amount of work.

Cleaning and reinforcement of polypropylene pipes are not the most difficult tasks, but they have many nuances. This will be discussed in the article.

One of the advantages of polypropylene pipes is a long service life. They can be used at times longer products made of metal. But the service life largely depends on the quality of the installation work. It is possible to maximize it in the event that a cleaning of reinforced polypropylene pipes was performed correctly.

It plays such a high role due to the fact that the presence of various irregularities and burrs will prevent a reliable connection. Even during the planning of the installation of the polypropylene pipeline, it is necessary to delve into what is required by this procedure. It is also worth dealing with which existing tools for stripping polypropylene pipes (read: ""). Separate attention should be paid to products with a reinforcing layer.

Features of the reinforcement of polypropylene pipes

The high performance properties of polypropylene pipes are achieved due to their coating with a protective layer. If we are talking about products intended for household use, then its thickness is usually no more than 0.1 mm.

Advantages of reinforced pipes:

  1. Reducing the impact of high temperatures on the product. The usual polypropylene tube is designed to operate under conditions when the temperature does not exceed 95 degrees. This is usually enough to install heating systems or domestic water pipes. However, in certain situations, for example, emergency, the temperature of the transported fluid may exceed the maximum allowable value. Such a mode of operation leads to the fact that the pipelines are deformed or completely fail. Reinforcement reduces the effect of high temperatures on the product, preventing the system breaking.
  2. Increased resistance to temperature differences. One of the main mines of conventional polypropylene pipes is the exposure to temperature differences. The result becomes their sharp expansion and narrowing. The product does not tolerate such deformations, gradually losing their initial properties. Over time, the pipes simply fail. To avoid such a situation, they are additionally reinforced.

However, reinforcement has one essential disadvantage. It complicates the welding of polypropylene connections to some extent. For this reason, it is predetermined for pipes. The procedure is extremely simple: removal of the upper thin layer of aluminum from the product. If this is not done, the quality of welding will decrease, which will lead to a decrease in the life of the entire pipeline.

It is important to perform work carefully, understanding the general principle. To better figure it out, study the technological process, as well as blank the necessary tools. Detailed information on these issues will be set forth later in the article.

Stripping polypropylene tubes

There are several ways of stripping, each of them is intended for a specific reinforcing layer.

Outer layer. If the reinforcement is applied as the top layer of the polypropylene tube, it will be an interference when the design with the fitting is connected. Then the pipe part of the pipe melts during the installation. If you fail, the melted aluminum will not be able to rest on the molten polymer. In this case, nothing will ensure the tightness of the connection. It will break immediately after starting the system.

Inner layer. Despite the fact that aluminum is not used between polypropylene layers, it is not used when welding, it still needs high-quality stripping. It is necessary in order to prevent the interaction of aluminum and water. If the pipeline occurs in the pipeline of potentials, that is, the risk of electrochemical processes. They can completely destroy the aluminum layer.

Prompt! It is possible to impose a reinforcing layer of aluminum or with holes. If there is a choice, the second option is much more preferable. The perforated aluminum layer is characterized by a good clutch, also does not need glue for it. In addition, stripping pipes with perforated aluminum is produced much faster.

Reinforcement fiberglass. In this option, cleaning for polypropylene pipes do it yourself. A thin wall of fiberglass is located between the polypropylene layers. It does not contact with the fitting, also does not experience the effect of fluid. One of the advantages of this method is that reliable fastening of pipes is achieved without additional work. But hence the following drawbacks - on such products, sharp temperature differences have a greater impact than the options with aluminum reinforcement.

Tools for stripping

There are manual and mechanical enrollment tools for polypropylene pipes. Manual devices are excellent for performing work at home. If a more voluminous task is to be needed, then mechanical tools will be required.

Tools for stripping tools:

  1. Stripping for the outer layer. To remove the outer aluminum layer, special coupling applies, in the middle of which blades are placed. In such devices there are handles (removable and non-removable), significantly simplifying workflow.
  2. Torkers. In such an instrument, the blade is located on the coupling's inner end, and not outside. The carrier is in a pipe, then you need to do several complete revolutions. This allows you to get the perfect cut. Then you can move to the welding of products. Such pipe stripping tools are also used for other species, and not just polypropylene. Even those that without a reinforcing layer are suitable.
  3. Shaiver. This is a special nozzle for a drill, used for stripping both the inner and outer pipe layer. There are shavers intended for different types of reinforcement. They differ in diameter.

An important nuance! It is worth understanding the difference between the cleaning of pipes before welding with the cleaning of metal products. These are two different types of work. For each of them, various equipment applies. In addition, they have different technological processes, which should also be taken into account.

Also, for stripping polymer pipes, you will need: a roulette, the desired enrollment tool, a building pencil for applying marks, a soldering iron, and scissors, pipe cutters or hacksaw. These are in-demand tools, they can be found in almost every home.

To get the perfect cut of the pipe, you should use high-alloy steel tools. It is preferable to choose bilateral solutions. Such a tool is effective when working with products of different diameters.

Perform sweep for polypropylene pipes is not particularly difficult. One person can cope with the task, no special knowledge for this. Also not required expensive tools. Simple machines will completely cope. Even with their help, the sweep will be able to produce quite well and neatly. It is enough just to prepare everything in advance, carefully studying the technological process of this task.

Popularity in the modern plastic pipe market is difficult to challenge. They are found in every second apartment or house. Housing owners with plastic pipes can be understood. This material is durable, reliable, but at the same time very mobile, has low weight, cost and easily processed.

Of particular popularity of the four plastic pipelines have. They are additionally processed for even greater efficiency.

However, there are some nuances that relate to interaction with polypropylene tubes. In particular, for plastic products of this type, it is necessary to buy several additional tools that carry out the transportation. Without transporting, certain classes of polypropylene pipes cannot be soldered with each other.

What is it and why is it required? Now we learn more.

Building articles

Features of the material

Polypropylene, as well as any other building plastic is a special polymer with a specific set of properties.

You can list them for a long time, all the most basic:

  • strength;
  • ease;
  • simplicity in service;
  • the ability to manipulate segments at its discretion;
  • lack of reaction to corrosion;
  • low price;

It is thanks to these items that they won such mad popularity in the market.

But there are plastic products and disadvantages. Before buying them, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of weaknesses of a particular material. In particular, it is almost the biggest plastic problem - its vulnerable reaction to temperature differences.

Plastic does not like too high temperatures. If you pour water into such a pipe with a temperature above 100 degrees, that is, boiling water, then plastic, as they speak in the people - swimming. It will become soft, pliable. In such a state it is easy to deform, and here it is not far to breakdown.

Actually, nothing extraordinary in this behavior is not. Almost any plastic behaves the same way. But it floats not only in the case of extremely high temperatures.

Even just hot water affects polypropylene in a certain way. We are talking about the coefficient of expansion of the pipe. In plastic, this indicator is quite high, the same and other metals have become extremely low.

Low temperatures are also not all right. If polypropylene softening from hot water, then with extremely low temperatures, especially when the water is freezing, it bursts. And burst unexpectedly. In general, as you know, when contacting low temperatures, the case also takes an unpleasant turn.

It is for such purposes that the reinforcement of plastic products came up with.

Reinforced polypropylene

The reinforcement is expressed by the construction language - this is the process of introducing inside the carrier structure of the strengthening and supporting frame, which prevents the destruction of the working material, and also improves its opposition to the bending bending and compression.

But you should not immediately be afraid. Nobody in polypropylene pipes steel frames do not spoil. In our case, the load is rather low, and the goal of manufacturers remains all the same - to create a lightweight and durable material with a low price. Therefore, two materials use as a layer of reinforcement:

  • fiberglass;
  • aluminum foil.

Fiberglass stronger, but much more expensive. It is indicated inside the polypropylene tube strip definitely colors. Red - durable fiberglass.

Green or blue - weaker samples with average indicators. Although everything here depends on the manufacturer. Therefore, before you buy a pipe of a sample, you should contact a consultant.

Reinforcement of aluminum foils are common in our edges much more serious. In fact, in some stores to buy polypropylene fired fiberglass will be quite problematic, while the products with foil reinforcement are found everywhere.

The machine is used to form a layer of reinforcement. The machine wounds foil on the workpiece from the pipe, then sticks to the second workpiece.

At the output, the same polypropylene tube is obtained, but with a much more adequate reaction to temperature differences.

Why do you need stripping?

The reinforcement has its advantages, but there are also cons. Cons relate to complicating works with polypropylene.

The fact is that stripping for polypropylene pipes, if we are talking about reinforced samples - just necessary.

Without it, it is impossible to glue with pipes with each other or with fittings. Rather, you can try at any time, only the result will not please you. The foil layer will constantly interfere. He either will not allow normal fastening at all, either grab very weakly.

The stripping is just needed so that the edge of round or profile pipes can first be released from the reinforcement layer, and then safely and quickly copold as you like.

Note that only pipes with foil reinforcement need in stripper. Fiberglass samples with similar restrictions do not face. Actually, because they cost more.

Tools for stripping

Naked hands do not clean the pipe: the tool for stripping must be pre-selected and buy.

In addition, the tool for polypropylene pipes differs depending on which tasks in front of it are.

So, in our time, the wizard is used:

  • shaiver;
  • shooter.

Sheer is a tool that strongly resembles a coupling with holes and overhead handles. Its task is to external cleaning the pipe from the plastic layer, and then removal and reinforcement.

After processing, the Shawer leaves clean polypropylene without reinforcement, sowing and other disappointments.

Inside the shaver is equipped with instrumental knives. Outside its housing is made of light metals. It works just like a pencil sharpener. Only cutting knives are smoother, and is designed for a solid polypropylene structure. It is also necessary to work with him as well as with a sharpener.

They planted, made several turns (as a rule no more than 5) and ready. Seer Shawer at a price of up to 10 dollars per unit.

The carrier is a similar sample tool. If the shaver is intended for the external stripping of reinforcement, the carrier is used for internal stripping.

It is already reminiscent of modified. Only in contrast to the tap does not cut the thread, and it cuts off the polypropylene chips along with the reinforcement.

The carrier makes sense to use when the pipes are supposed to solder through the machine with heating along the inside of the pipe. The cost of the manual carrier is equal to 5-8 dollars. There are more expensive models.

There are also mechanized nozzles. They are mounted on a drill or machine. The details under consideration demonstrate amazing efficiency.

The machine cleans a single pipe literally per second, while the quality of stripping is just perfect. But not everyone has access to such equipment. When repairing or building in domestic conditions, the machine will completely replace the hand shaver and the carrier.

Review and interaction with polypropylene tubes (video)

Stripping and sleeping

The workflow is element and easily done manually. All you need to do is clean the pipe, and then bore it with another segment or by heating.

Stages of work:

  1. We prepare the tool and material.
  2. We clean it with a shaver or a carrier.
  3. If necessary, remove the surplus or bursavar.
  4. Saw segments.

It is advisable not to remake with stripping. From three to five turns, a good tool is quite enough. If you wear more, then the polypropylene layer in the pipe hitch will become too thin, and this is already fraught with the weakening of the whole structure.

Pipe cleaning is done in order to get rid of the polymer layer and the protective coating, which is necessary for subsequent welding. It is taken into account that the material is cut into the thickness that is needed for fitting nozzle.

To do this, you will need a special device. Such devices are small, they are perfect for home use in a bathroom or toilet room. There are large - for processing large-scale pipelines, which are usually used in the construction of multi-storey houses.

Many probably wanted to know how to clean the polypropylene tube to the Ipeer need careful stripping of the ends of polypropylene pipes, despite the fact that they would seem, and without that rather smooth.

In order to avoid damage and unwanted consequences, the polypropylene tube is protected.

Note! Do not rely only on the coating reinforcement. Pipe attachment sites may contain irregularities and temperatures close to 100 ° C can lead to softening the place of the joint of the pipeline, which will lead to leakage. That is why it takes a stripping of the ends in places of pipe connection.

How to remove the reinforced layer

Polypropylene pipes can be cleaned with the following methods. In the case of the armed layer location, a foil from the inner cavity should be removed from the inside.

Note! Aluminum should not be contacted with water, which will easily enter with it into an electrochemical reaction, which will cause the destruction of the entire reinforced layer.

If you are dealing with fiberglass protecting the polypropylene layer, the stripping is not required at all, in view of the fact that the mesh part of the fiberglass is located on the inside of the pipeline, it will not be inserted with the fittings, and the water is not terrible. That is why it is often preferable to choose polypropylene in the composition with fiberglass. Preparation does not take a long time, the installation of pipes and the attachment of the joints are made easily, the welding of polypropylene pipes is carried out without stripping.

Stripping outdoor layer. In this case, the aluminum tread layer is located outside. This foil should be removed due to the fact that during cooking the location of aluminum and plastic junctions is extremely unreliable. With the help of special equipment, the reinforcement is removed to the depth, which is required for the fitting nozzle and connecting other parts.

With such works, the most frequently applies the technical carrier, an electric drill, manual stripper is possible without a special tool. Manual tools have a comfortable removable handle for greater comfort. When working with a drill, special nozzles are used, which are mounted instead of a bora.

The sweeping of the outer reinforced part begins with the fact that a special coupling is satisfied with the end part of the material. Then the coupling should be checked by 1-2 turns, after which you get a perfectly smooth slice at the output. The whole process is extremely simple and will not take more than two minutes.

The carrier cuts off the intermediate layer, the island is mounted from the inside. The work is as follows: the carrier is satisfied with the tip of the pipe, a pair of revolutions are produced, upon completion of what can be searched for welding work.

Working with electrician

Special nozzles for the electric drill make it possible to remove the internal and external layers at once. When working with a drill, attention should be addressed to the number of turns of the device. Select the nozzle should be individually depending on the type of reinforcement.

The cleaning of polypropylene tubes is possible in cases where you need to quickly remove the polymer layer and the reinforced part, and the desired device is not at hand. At the same time, the layer is cut off with a conventional technical knife, on the same depth items that is required for mounting fitting. You can perform work with the use of special tools and without them. The process itself is very simple, does not require special skills and does not take more than five minutes.


This roller shows the process of removing the reinforced layer of polypropylene pipes without special tools: