Repairs Design Furniture

Living room design 30 sq. M. Kitchen interior design - living room - photo and design projects. Stylish square meters

Tribute fashion, simple convenience or necessity - for no reason you have decided to combine the kitchen and living room, the result should be beautiful and functional.

In this article we will present the design options for a kitchen-living room area of \u200b\u200b30 sq.m. With examples of zoning, as well as clarify the nuances of planning in a private house and an apartment. We are confident that our photos real interiors inspire you fresh ideas, and designer tips will help not lose sight of important details and decide on the design style.

In a private house

Compared with residents apartment houses The owners of cottages are much more freedom of action. This allows you to favorably display in the interior of the preferences and tastes of the owners.

Choosing a suitable style

What style is it better to choose a kitchen-living room in 30 squares in a private house? Yes, in fact, what you want, but conventionally can be divided into the following.

Classic and Rustic Styles

Elegant and romantic simplicity will take you at another time and will help to plunge into the atmosphere, completely opposing urban.

The same effect will ensure simple, but not devoid of elegance Italian style.

Not essential design direction for the kitchen-living room - Rustic. It allows you to combine the latest technical achievements with the old objects made from natural materials.

The Hyugga style symbolizes the comfort, comfort and well-being from Denmark. Natural materials, soft textiles and cute hearts of the little things will make you seek a reason to linger in a country house longer.

Ergonomics, practicality, simplicity of forms and minimum decor is the motto of the style of Bauhauses, representing symbiosis of antiquity and modernity.

Combining brightness and unusualness, conciseness and asceticism, you can create your own unique direction, most associated with comfort.

And here's another idea that does not contradict the previous one - let the design will be radically different from the urban. If the apartment is framed in a traditional, close classic direction, let the interior of the house beyond the city will be completely opposite to the spirit. High-tech, futurism, modern, steam punk, lounge, contemporary is just a small part of styles that enable themselves to surround themselves with a modern setting.

Based on the design of the house

Do you still hesitate? In this case, select the style, pushing out from the house design. This is a practical approach that will help to reduce and speed up the repair.

Beam overlap or walls from log cabins make it possible to issue space in uncharacteristic to the city of stylistic directions. Alpine Chalet, grunge, country, bidermeyer, rustic, Hyugg and mediterranean style - In the urban apartment, many of them are simply inappropriate. For example - design kitchen-living room 30 sq.m., decorated in style.

Brick walls give more opportunities in terms of design. Leaving them in pristine form, you can easily create, industrial or brutalism.

Concrete walls - an excellent reason for interior design in grunge or techno styles.

Big influence on the interior design and stair structuresFrom which "dance" when laying up furniture and identify functional zones.

Wooden staircase with balustrade is characteristic of soft, classic directions. But the metal hints to you on modern style. However, the one who is ready to demolish the walls is easily modified and the staircase.

If the initial wall decoration does not suit you - this is changed. Beam floors can be hidden by suspended ceilings, walls - tinted with wood. The question is what is ready to go.

In whatever direction you stopped, one thing is important - the combined area must be framed in one style.

Harmonious kitchen interiors with a living room area of \u200b\u200b30 sq.m. Expect you in the photo below.


How much space does the kitchen zone take, and how much is a rest area? Will there be a separate dining area with a large dining table? Or are you limited to a small table on the kitchen itself? How to arrange household appliances and upholstered furniture?

The more questions you specify at the design stage, the closer you will be to creating an ideal layout with thoughtful zoning.

Let's talk about each of each zone in more detail.


So, among the options for planning a kitchen area in a kitchen-living room of 30 sq.m. You can select the following:

  • The two-line layout is also quite ergonomic and suitable for passing premises. Going into the kitchen from the next room, you will not get out of extra meters.
  • Mr. Kitchen is ideal for those who decided to divide the space diagonally.
  • Linear or single-row layout is considered the least comfortable. She is more suitable for who drinks little and does not need multiple working surfaces. There is a compactness of one-row placement of kitchen modules to fit on our 30 meters a full-fledged dining room. Another plus of such a layout is a small linear kitchen fit perfectly under the staircase.
  • In a private house, you can equip a kitchen island with a sink or the same peninsula, smoothly uniting the double-row kitchen.

Tip: prepare better (and economically) under natural lightingTherefore, consider the location of the working surface by the window.

By defining the ideal sizes of the kitchen, go to the following zones.

Living room and dining room

If you think that for two full-fledged areas of place is not enough, stop at one of them. What exactly - you will be prompted by family traditions and habits. Someone considers uncomfortable for meals a set of sofa and coffee table, and someone, on the contrary, somehow alone at the table.

However, you can organize a dining area on the border between the kitchen and the living room. A small table can be mounted in a false wall or partition. For example, these photos are shown successful options Design kitchen-living room 30 sq.m. with dining room.

How do you imagine a rest area? With sofa or bags, with a TV, fireplace or and with the other? In this case, the pointer will serve your ideas about the convenience and style of the interior. How others see, presented below.

In the apartment

Combined with living room kitchen in 30 sq.m. - This is usually the result of uniting the spacious hall with a small kitchen in two- or three-bedroom apartments.

Yes, there are some restrictions related to safety and necessity to obtain resolution permits.

For example, it will be possible to change the kitchen in places with the living room only if you are under you non-residential premises. And location gas stove And the sinks are limited to certain zones indicated in the technical passport.

But let's talk more about how to create a practical, modern and cozy room on such a large apartment area.


Must meet your status, rhythm of life and ideas about beauty. For some it is the same vacation home, In which they just return daily after work, for someone - the addition of active, filled with new technologies of reality.

When choosing a style for a kitchen, combined with the living room, we would recommend combining two approaches: lyrical and practical.

The first means to do what has long been dreamed of, and the second is to repel from the parameters of the room, in particular, from the height of the ceilings. For example, Baroque, Venetian, Romanesque style, classicism, mannerism, Renaissance require sufficiently high ceilings, which allows them decorative finish stucco and moldings.

True, it all depends on how important for you the purity of the style is important, because you can always make a slight exception. It turns out that the kitchen combined from the living room can be decorated both in traditional and in modern style.


Lovers of chic palace style, right geometric shapes, symmetric and balanced compositions will find the necessary emotions in classic style.

If all you do not reject the innovation of technological progress, find a compromise by placing an interior in neoclassical style.

The refined, graceful and not deprived of the artistry rococo with characteristic curls and roundings differs from the classic style of fashionable asymmetry today.

Elevated and dreamy romanticism with smooth lines and openwork fabrics will fill the kitchen combined with the living room corresponding to its name atmosphere.

Shebbi-chic is a relatively new direction with elements of antiquity. He cannot be called traditional, but also modernity is felt in it. This style gives new life Old and favorite things, allows you to create stylish interior And, it is likely to save on repair.

Looking like a retro style with all submarines. Fine embodiment of the saying about the well-forgotten old and cyclicity of fashion.

Important: If you prefer a classic style (under which we also mean the whole family of tested time, old directions), modern household equipment will be better hidden by furniture facades.


Placing the room in the style of minimalism, you will create the illusion of space by direct facades and the absence of an unnecessary decor. So thanks to the setting you would find yourself in a large apartment.

An interesting symbiosis of bohemnory and industrialism - art deco - will be ideal for those who are endowed with a gift to harmoniously connect chic, rare and ultra-modern materials.

Natural materials, abundance of light, soft fabric and living decor ... guess? If you rarely manage to get out of nature, transfer it to your home. Actual Eco-style urban residents are a good solution for the kitchen combined with the living room.

Emotions, lack of rules, unpredictability, designer oxymifers or simply "You can all!" - So you can characterize the style of fusion.

Do you think the ethnic design is inexperienced in an urban apartment? And here is not! Even on the contrary - he will help you to be in any other country.

Directions are quite a lot, moreover, the eclecticism is considered very fashionable today - mixing styles, which allows combining absolutely different elements.


Since the leading party in our duet performs the kitchen, the planning is worth starting with it. Options are all the same:

  • linear;
  • double-row;
  • M-shaped;
  • peninsula;
  • island.

But small changes still have: from washing on kitchen island We'll have to refuse, because we will bring water communications problematic. However, it will work if the kitchen will be on the podium. Then another point occurs - a constant obstacle in the form of a step.

A good option is a cuisine by the peninsula, part of which will be a bar counter. Oddly enough, but this modern object has already managed to obtain classic modifications.
Breakfast for two, fast snack, extra working surface and zoning element - bar counter, agree, multifunctional.

Combined with living room kitchen linear location will look like a wardrobe standing at the wall. On the remaining space, you can organize a dining room and a guest zone.

If the room with two windows, located opposite each other, consider the possibility of M-sample planning. Thus, the kitchen and the dining room will be provided with natural lighting.

Zoning and association

The kitchen-living room is a combination of two completely different in the nature of the rooms that you need to simultaneously and combine and combine.

Visual division can be done using:

And in order to visually combine these two rooms, use:

  • color gamut in the decoration of walls, gender, ceiling;
  • the texture of surfaces - furniture facades, kitchen Apron, upholstery of upholstered furniture, curtains;
  • common ornaments or decorative elements;
  • lighting;
  • furniture;
  • textile.

What does the design kitchen-living room look like 30 sq.m. With the use of zoning and association, is presented below.


The choice of materials for the flooring, walls and ceiling is also directly related to the interior style. The question is that in the kitchen everything should resist moisture, fat and soot, and in the living room - to be soft and relaxing.

The harmonious ensemble is easy to create with the help of imitating materials - for example, tiles under brick or wood, waterproof venetian plasterLooking for marble.


As in the case of materials, the main feature of the kitchen furniture is functionality and ease of use. But the main thing in the living room is comfort and comfort, so it is difficult to imagine without upholstered furniture.

Puffs, pillows, sofa, chairs, bags - whatever you prefer, it should be as far as possible from the sink, so as not to absorb moisture.

Do you need to plant a dozen guests? Just for this came up with a G-and P-shaped sofa, which at the same time will become a berthorn or an additional storage area.

If the large dining area is not provided, organize a mini-island in the form little table on wheels. No less convenient optioncoffee Table Transformerincreasing the arrival of guests.

Will save the place and provide a mini-dining room suspended or folding table - True, for this you need a free segment of the wall.


In a private house, usually more windows, With a lack of natural light, you can always increase the window opening. Perhaps, on this difference in the issue of lighting is exhausted.

What should it be? Uniform over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room - thanks to point lamps or lED backlightreinforced by work zone Kitchens - the rotary lamps built into the headset, and the evening, creating a romantic atmosphere in the living room.

The latter is achieved different ways - For example, tension or suspended ceiling with backlit, original lampshade or wall brain. It looks interesting and outdoor lighting.

The view and material of the lighting devices depend on the style of the interior. Luxurious chandeliers will fill the room in the classic style of the game of light and shadow.

And connoisseurs of creativity in wooden country interiors Maybe the idea with a loser-wheel or a beautiful branch with LEDs.

The more levels of lighting and its colors you use, the more often you can drastically change the atmosphere of the room.

How to make a kitchen design - a living room of 30 square meters. M to make the room functional and beautiful? Despite the presence of a significant amount of free square meters, you need to make a preliminary project in order to rationally distribute the space.

Design kitchen - Living room 30 square meters. M is an interesting occupation. It is possible to pick up different design, given the taste preferences of the property owner, as well as its material opportunities. Among the main requirements should correspond to which the kitchen is a living room of 30 square meters. m, highlight the thinking of a single stylist composition.

An option of combined kitchen-living room 30 square meters. M.

In order to combine the two of these premises, you need to get a special permission to redecessing. Otherwise, the owner will be recognized as illegal, you will have to return the septum to the previous place, to pay a fine.

Tip! Interior specialists offer many techniques with which you can achieve visual expansion space indoors.

An interesting design of a living room of 30 square meters. m, photo, useful adviceAll this can be found in the offered video fragment

After combining the kitchen-living room, you will become the owner of a sufficient free space where you can carry out courageous design experiments.

The photo is a kitchen - a living room of 30 square meters. m. The design of this room interior professionals are recommended to be carried out according to a specific algorithm.

First of all, it is important to determine the material costs that will be required to purchase furniture, finishing materialsShopping textiles.

Kitchen-living room 30 square meters. m should become not only beautiful, but also functional roomwhere the hostess is equally comfortable, and guests.

Attention! Fans of different style directions should appreciate the relevance of different directions in one room.

There are certain nuances that it is important to take into account in the process of creating a designer project.

Tip! Before the start of repair and finishing work, it is important to develop a design project, armed computer programs, or enlisted with the support of an experienced specialist.

When choosing furniture for organizing a dining area, you need to take into account the style direction interior created. The kitchen-dining room allows the use of overall furniture, the shape and upholstery can be prepared taking into account the taste preferences.

Features of decorating dining room

In the spacious room you can use oval or round tables. If plans include focusing on the dining area, you can set the table in the center of the room. When choosing furniture, it is necessary to take into account the style direction in which the kitchen space is decorated. Otherwise, the kitchen will have an eclectic look.

To highlight the dining area, interior professionals are recommended to select low lamps. To achieve optimal zoning Dining room and kitchen, referred lighting.

Considering that 30 square meters. meters - sufficient area, you can highlight the place in the kitchen for comfortable holiday. In this zone, the light should be muffled, scattered, contribute to relaxation and confusion.

Allocation of two zones

The kitchen-living room should be comfortable and functional, so when it is thought-out of its layout, it is important to pay attention to the convenience of the available space. IN big kitchen You can use the P-shaped layout designed to arrange a spacious room.

When the kitchen zone is highlighted, it is advisable to pay close attention on the quality of the working surface.

Attention! Between the stove and the working surface should be free to avoid overheating of furniture.

If you decide to redevelop in the apartment, in this case, remember that the kitchen should not be above the residential rooms.

Cabinets selected in the kitchen-living room must be spacious and functional, but not cumbersome.

Tip! Interesting decision For kitchen-living room, interior professionals consider the use of low tumb, podiums, chest.

Depending on how the style of the style is chosen to decorate the kitchen by the owner of the property, certain nuances should be taken into account.

Provence on a spacious kitchen-living room

Many hostesses prefer to design kitchen-tables in the style of Provence. First of all, they are attracted by the uniqueness of the atmosphere created in the kitchen-living room, authentic comfort, real home comfort.

Provence is characterized by the use of numerous accessories that will significantly simplify the work of the hostess. In addition, natural tones are welcome in this style, emphasizing the connection of a person with wildlife.

Selection of style for kitchen living room

Currently, interior specialists are offered different style directions for designing a combined kitchen-living room: classic, high-tech, scandinavian style, Provence.

Each of them has their own distinctive characteristicsthat must be taken into account when thinking out the project. If we are patient, it is quite possible to cope with the task - decorating the kitchen-living room in a certain style and without the help of a designer.

there is certain rulesTo be taken into account when thinking about the new image of the kitchen-living room. In addition to aesthetic preferences, professionals resemble kitchen owners about the importance of the convenience and quality of the design of the room.

Tip! In order for the repair to redeemed you for many years, and the kitchen retained its original aesthetic look, you need to choose high-quality materials.

Part of the interior styles implies an expensive finish, so before you begin to create a kitchen of your dreams, think if you have enough material resources for this.

It is advisable to choose such a project that would allow the possibility of making transformations into exterior appearance Kitchen-living room without additional costs. For example, with a bright background decoration of walls, pastune, textiles can be considered as transportable parts.

Professionals recommend to take a certain idea for the kitchen-living room. For example, choose colors for decorating walls and ceiling, and repel from them. Furniture, lighting elements in this case are already selected to the finished project.

Tips for professionals for decorating a kitchen-living room

When zoning the room, it is necessary to think through the location of all furniture elements. In this case, you will avoid the zoom of this room with an overpressure of furniture.

Tip! The ideal option will be the preliminary study of the project in the 3D version.

Interior specialists advise decorating the kitchen-living room in the same style solution, which is chosen for the whole apartment. For it to smooth the setting, you can purchase in the kitchen-living room kitchen techniquewhich is embedded in furniture facades.

The lighting in the decorated room should be uniform, distributed throughout the kitchen.

In order for the living room in the kitchen, it is comfortable and convenient, the technique is desirable to pick up with minimum quantity noise. Since there is no partitions between the kitchen and the living room, extraneous noises will be negatively affected by the psyche, the discomfort of the apartment inhabitants will cause discomfort.

Tip! The ideal option is to place the washing on the wall opposite to the living room area.

If possible, it is possible to consider the use of the refrigerator as a means of separating the sink from the rest of the room as an interesting admission to interior specialists.

In order to be comfortable to cook lunch or dinner, it is important to pay attention to the lighting in the working area. One ceiling chandelier in the kitchen-living room will be clearly not enough, additional spotlights.

Considering that various household appliances will be used in the living room, pay attention to the quantity. electric sockets In this room.

Attention! The sink in the kitchen-living room must be away from electrical outlets to avoid electric shock injuries.


In order for the kitchen-living room, the size of which is 30 square meters, has become a functional convenient for all the inhabitants of the apartment, it is necessary to thoroughly think over all the basic elements that will be located here.

With the help of zoning, you can allocate in the kitchen-living room for the preparation of delicious and useful food, receiving guests, as well as a corner for recreation after a difficult day.

The decorative wall, to make in the kitchen-living room you can with the help of racks, add built-in point lamps, will help avoid penetration of odors to the recreation area. Of course, to eliminate this problem, a powerful work area is installed in the working area. kitchen exhaust. While working in the kitchen-living room, the hostess can also use portable shirms, removing them for the period of food intake. The win-win option in the interior world is considered to be the implementation of zoning in the kitchen-living room outdoor coating.

At first glance, it may seem to develop a design. big room 30 sq m quite easily. However, there are their subtleties in matters proper use space. In this article, we will consider the development of the design of the kitchen-living room of 30 sq. M.

Light kitchen-living room with dark wallpaper in the form of an accent

How to choose style

The main task of the interior designers is to form a harmonious combination of all elements. For a single composition, every item is important: furniture, kitchenware, textiles, etc. The thoughtful interior of the kitchen-living room of 30 square meters must be responsible for several basic rules:

  • The combination of convenience and taste. In addition to aesthetic preferences, it is worth paying attention to the convenience of the future room. Repair is done for a long time, while the aesthetic component over time will go to the background;
  • Price. Some directions will require an expensive finish, defined materials or services of expensive masters;
  • Functionality. The studio must comply with its destination;
  • Ability to change style. Overhaul Change the appearance of the room for several years, however, using textiles or other small accessories, you can slightly update the room. If the design assumes such manipulations - boldly implement the project;
  • Space. For the full implementation of the conceived idea should be enough space;
  • Mixing styles. Without it, it is not necessary if people with different taste preferences and characters live in the apartment. It is important to make a mix as smooth and unobtrusive as possible.

The kitchen-living room should be comfortable and multifunctional

Combination of light and dark tones in the kitchen-living room

Cozy interior in the kitchen-living room

Multi-level ceilings in the design of the kitchen-living room

Development of idea

Today there are many areas of interior design, which can be arranged a kitchen-living room. The question arises: how of all the variety of styles choose the most suitable? Experts recommend to take the basis of a certain idea. For example, you can present vanilla ice cream and repel from its colors, picking up the appropriate furniture furniture and materials. A similar method is used in designing design for national motives, for example, ancient Egyptian or Indian.

Zoning with a decorative wall

Zoning the kitchen-living room with different shades

The first thing should be zoning the room, but it is important to approach this issue as weighted as possible. Otherwise, the apartment can turn into an ordinary journey of the furniture. Better decision It will first develop a design project in 3D to evaluate the resulting setting on the monitor screen. It is desirable that the kitchen and living room are not too different in style design and were a logical continuation of each other.

Also experts offer a number useful ideas For the design of the kitchen-living room 30 sq m:

  1. To smooth out the setting elements, use household equipment that can be embedded in the facade of the interior;
  2. Lighting should go even across the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room;
  3. Choose a technique with a minimum noise level. Since the living room and kitchen do not have partitions, too noisy devices will become a source of discomfort for residents;
  4. The sink is better to arrange away from the furniture to eliminate the destructive impact of moisture. Perfect option - Place it with the opposite wall from the living room. If possible, delinite the sink and the rest of the room with the help of a refrigerator.

Design kitchen living room with built-in equipment

Using orange color in the design of the kitchen-living room

Using blue shades in the interior of the kitchen-living room

Functional zones

When the living room is a single whole with a kitchen, it is necessary to separately divide them.


For kitchen zone important good lighting. In addition to the top light, long lamps will be required or point lamps. You can arrange them on the walls or under the cabinets. The kitchen should have enough sockets, because for numerous household appliances Requires connection K. electrical network. The sink is better to put away from the furniture and the bar counter, to once again not splash the interior items.

Interior of the kitchen-living room, which includes a dining area

Separation of the kitchen living room with fixtures and decorative wall

From the plate there is a lot of steam, different smells and fat splashes. During cooking, the smells will necessarily apply to the kitchen and living room. Decide this problem Helps a powerful hood. Also kitchen zone You can close at the time of cooking with special sliding shirms. Calculate enough space to accommodate household appliances and kitchenware. The working surface also requires sufficient area, otherwise you will have to prepare food in cramped conditions. When laying wet, as well as hot zones, follow the safety technique.

The kitchen area is accommodated next to the communications, so the residential premises should not be located below. For apartments, this requirement imposes its limitations. However, residents of the first floors or owners of private houses have complete freedom in this regard. Before planning, it is especially important to take into account the issue of gasification, otherwise you will have to buy electric stoves.

Living room

This room is intended for receiving guests, so there should be enough seating. An excellent solution will use transformable furniture to use it as necessary. bedroom. The interior of the living room also assumes the presence of a TV. Put it in the most convenient space for a comfortable view. The living room will need a sufficient number of storage cabinets and books. You can equip compartments in the podiums or purchase dressers with low stands. It will be good to additionally place in the living room racks and shelves, based on the volume and number of things.

The photo below shows the design of a 30 sq m living room with two windows. Pretty much light penetrates into the room, so the interior should be made under dark colors.

Two windows in the kitchen-living room

White kitchen-living room with two windows in the interior

Tip!In the living room with two windows, the sofa can be positioned immediately before one of the window openings.

When placing furniture, pay attention to the color gamut of materials so that all interior items look harmoniously. However, do not forget about the functional component. IN this issue You should find a balance between aesthetics and practicality. As a creative land look a photo successful design Living room 30 squares.


Zoning is used to dilute the space and give the setting a certain structure. Experts use the following methods:

  • floor location at two different levels;
  • application different materials when finished;
  • game with color and lighting;
  • placing furniture for a specific plan.

Separation of the room on the guest and dining area with a small decorative wall

Kitchen podium

Floor location different level Clearly distinguishes the living room and kitchen. Usually, the kitchens are located on the podium, which is towering about 20 cm - for the studio of 30 squares, such a design becomes non-standard and stylish. A small minus - the volume of space is slightly reduced.

Decoration Materials

The use of finishing materials gives greater freedom of fantasy. Elements of the kitchen setting can vary in forms or texture. For example, you can decorate the kitchen structured stucco and ceramic tiles, And the dining area to make up wallpaper.

The most win-win option is zoning on floor covering. The kitchen floor can be put on tiles, and use laminate or carpet in the living room. Design options for the kitchen living room of 30 sq. M are presented in the photo with zoning.

Using a podium for zoning a kitchen-living room

Podium for the separation of the kitchen and living room on the zone

Light and color zoning

Pretty original design solution. The kitchen is equipped with directional lighting for convenience in the cooking process. In the dining area and the living room, on the contrary, try to illuminate the space as a whole. However, light zoning cannot be considered as the only means. His role is exclusively auxiliary.

A good solution will be experimenting with color. For example, you can save the room with contrasting wallpaper, which will give design originality. A successful combination of shades can transform the kitchen living room 30 sq m, however proper selection Coloring must be possessing an extraordinary artistic taste.

Competent use of dark and bright shades in the interior


Here are even more options. Designers can develop a universal layout, where the furniture will harmoniously separate the space and at the same time meet practical reasons. With zoning, the furniture can act as a solid barrier or slightly emphasize the separation of the kitchen-living room into separate parts.

Bar stand

The most style in the design of the room adds a bar counter. Judging by the photo, the design of the living room of 30 square meters with her looks pretty modern and practical. Bar rack can be placed at the wall or put on the border of the kitchen and living room. This element is multifunctional and is used not only for separation. The rack has a good dinner, rest or put things on it.

Original Bar Stand in the living room interior

Dining area and soft corner

The dining area is often combined with upholstered furniture. The sofa is well placed in the form of the island so that it stands the back to the kitchen, while at the same time separating the space on the zone. Such a practical solution will save square meters Square and create original designWhat can be seen in the photo below.


Another common way to divide the kitchen and the living room is to put the rack. From the side of the living room, it can serve as an interior decoration. From the side of the kitchen, the rack performs a purely practical goal - they put the dishes on it, so as not to clutch kitchen set. In the kitchens of the large size, the rack splits the spaces well, giving the room with the necessary coziness.

Original rack between living room and kitchen

Important! There are other methods for separating the kitchen and living room. For example, with the help of a chair or an outdoor aquarium. Look at the photo below with the interior design of the kitchen-living room of 30 m, on which many harmonious solutions are shown.

Rest zone

If desired, the kitchen can be located a full-fledged recreation area, and not only a classic soft corner. The space allows you to install a full-fledged sofa, which will serve as an additional sleeping place.

For this room, any kind of furniture will be suitable: various corner sofas, Ottoman or chairs. Usually near the furniture dinner tableHowever, there are options when the recreation area is separately. In terms of lighting, unobtrusive diffused light is suitable here.

Large seating area and kitchen

The optimal solution will highlight the recreation area with a certain color or finish. The easiest way to achieve with contrasting wallpaper.


Develop the harmonious design of the kitchen-living room in 30 square meters quite not easy, but interesting. Following the basic rules and showing a creative veil, you can organize not only cozy, but also a multifunctional room that will delight the inhabitants of the house for many years.

Photo Gallery (47 photos)

About thirty square meters, not limited narrow corridors And giving the will of interior fantasy, many dreams. However, those whose dream of a non-standard room was carried out, not always able to competently organize space, make the room at the same time convenient, functional and stylish.

Emptiness formation, not holding a single style - the most frequent errors With an ill-conceived design of the combined living room, because of which the precious meters are unoccupied, and the interior loses its stylist. Therefore, it is important for initial stage Clearly decide on the future layout, which will help the algorithm below.

Examine the existing Square

The spacious living room has a number of features that need to be considered when thinking of design:

  • The presence of alcohol or deep niches can be a great place to arrange embedded cabinets or heads;
  • The absence of chulans and corridors talk about the need to include in the interior of special areas for storage and long-term storage of things;
  • If the apartment is one-room, then 30 square meters it is necessary to combine the kitchen, hall, bedroom and dining room;
  • If you need to create a kitchen-living room, you should take care of a powerful hood, silent household appliances and easily cleaned materials.

The main thing is that the large square makes it possible to embody the most large-scale ideas: a spacious dining table, a kitchen "islet", a spacious guest area and a lot.

Zonail space

Living room design for 30 square meters. m. always includes zoning and planning to visually divide the large area without creating extensive voids. Depending on the number of rooms in an apartment or house, one of several options is chosen: combining the hall with a kitchen, a dining room, a library, an office, game, children's or arrangement of the living-studio.

If zoning usually combines two rooms, then in the living room studio it is possible to find a place immediately for several zones. By competently planning the "studio" room, you can accommodate both a working corner and a playground, and a mini-library on one area.

It is important not to clutter the space of large and massive furniture, use light tones, withstand a single style, not overdo it with small decor and use modern technologies (so-called attic, embedded models transformable furniture).

Functional areas are divided according to the general principles of zoning.

There are many ways to divide zones:

  • podiums
  • multi-tiered ceilings
  • cross-cutting racks
  • shelves
  • arches,
  • columns
  • bar rack,
  • angular,
  • color contrast and other.

Most often zoning of the living room of 30 m2 involves the selection of the area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen and dining room. Unlike separate room For cooking, the combined option pleases a much larger space, embedding all the necessary, as well as the opportunity to disappear in the process of cooking from communicating with households.

  • Place the kitchen zone is better in the far corner, and the guest - near the exit;
  • Bar rack, dining table, kitchen "island" are popular as dividers;
  • Style, textures, textiles are chosen single, and the color scheme may be different;
  • Washing, tile and "working" surface is placed as far away from the upholstered furniture;
  • Protect furnishings from splashes, Special Shirma will help stains;
  • The floor of the dining area is laid out with tiles, and the living room is a parquet, carpet or linoleum of a suitable shade.

Use any shades

Another advantage of the spacious room is the ability to use any palette, choosing both dark and light tones. In this case, different zones can be accommodated in various, sometimes contrasting paints.

Multi-color and contrast of the interior of a living room of 30 square meters. m. It is important to bring under a single denominator: common with stylistic direction, echoing accents and similar textures.

It is also worth remembering that during the dominance of dark tones, it is necessary to take care of sufficient lighting so as not to make the design too gloomy and depressing.

Pick functional furniture

The main thing in the house is furniture, so it is necessary to come to her selection as much as possible. As a rule, the layout of the thirty meter living room is performed on for a long timeTherefore, it is better to immediately think over all the nuances of the future interior.

First, it is worth paying attention to the functionality of the sofas. If necessary, there are plotting options that provide additional sleeping places. It is also desirable to preserve storage compartments. bed linen, towels and other things.

Thirdly, there is big choice Among special furniture sets performed in one style. The ideal (but expensive) decision will be the fulfillment of all furniture to order by individual wishes. In any case, it is important to competently pick up sofas, chairs, tables, headsets so as to avoid chaoticness and scattering.

Fourth, when choosing materials, keep the most practical, repulsive dirt and smell, easily cleaning surfaces and upholstery.

Do not forget about lighting

Not always the windows are enough, and large spaces need sufficient lighting. First of all, it concerns the workspace in the computer corner, the mini-library or kitchen zone.

Use point lights, built-in backlight, not forgetting that glass and mirror surfaces Capably reflect and add light.

Individual zoning will allow to make the most convenient comfortable and functional even the largest area, however, before proceeding with the repair, it is recommended to explore the photos of a variety of 30 square meters in the network. m.

Only reviewed many options by assessing their capabilities and finances, you can proceed to layout and create your own universe.

Photo of a living room of 30 square meters. m.

Combine the kitchen with the living room - it perfect solution for small apartmentswhich visually expands the space of 30 mq 2 and increase the functionality of both rooms. But how to make it so that after combining these premises, they looked harmoniously, but at the same time you have saved every purpose? Designers advise to follow several uncomplicated rules, and then the kitchen-living room will become the center of the apartment and the beloved place of the whole family.

Style - the base of harmony

This is true, because the correctly selected stylistic solution is the basis on which the entire remaining design concept will be built. In order to decide on the direction, you need to answer a few simple questions:

  1. What is more important than beauty or convenience? All specialists in one voice argue that when creating a project, it is necessary to take into account the convenience and practical moments. About the aesthetic side of the issue is also not forgotten, but repair is done on for a long timeAnd if the family members in the united room will be uncomfortable, then no beauty and personnel of the decor elements will save the situation.
  2. Will the room preserve their functionality after 30 m2 arrangements and design in the selected style? Here you should consider several factors at once. The number of family members - if for two 30-meter cuisine-living room in the Renaissance style, which involves the use large number decorative elementsThis is quite acceptable, the family of 4-5 people here will be closely. When in the house often going big companyIt is unlikely to fit the design in the style of minimalism.
  3. Is there enough space to implement a stylistic solution? There are directions that cannot be applied 30 meters from sq.
  4. Have you ever established the wishes of all family members? The selected design should not be a stumbling block for loved ones.

Professionals advise, when developing a project, laid into it the possibility of changing style and interior without significant financial costs, for example, changing furniture facades or textiles in the premises. This will benefit in any case, because with time tastes can change, the fashion will change, in the end of the ends, the selected style can just get bored.

The main thing is the right idea

The most successful design solutions And projects are built on the idea. It is able to combine space, make it a holistic, harmonious, practical, even if it is 30 m.kv.

Based on the idea, the color solution is chosen, furniture, accessories, dishes, textiles are selected. For example, if you take as a basis the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a design in the style of the ancient Egyptian palaces, then all in these rooms should be completely subordinated to this area. Folk motifs Says and the common room suggest, and the Japanese design allows you to burn the kitchen with shirms and decorative fences.

In the photo: kitchen-living room 30 square meters. m. black and white

If the idea is already chosen, it is worth looking at it really and, remembering that there is a 30 -36 m square for its implementation, whether it looks worthy, if it turns out simply, it is worth thinking about changing the concept.

Separation of space on functional zones

In the photo: kitchen-living room 30 square meters. m. zonated with sliding doors

The kitchen combined with the living room is very convenient if all the features of these rooms are clearly saved and take into account, despite a small number of square meters.


In the photo: kitchen living room 30 sq.m. With gas stove

This is a place that in any apartment becomes a source of smells, moisture, pollution in the form of splashes of fat and other troubles. These nuances should be considered when creating a kitchen uniting project with a living room and thoughtfully place working areas and recreation and reception areas, when there are only 35-40 square meters. In the kitchen you need:

  • a large number of outlets for connecting all household appliances;
  • the concentration of the necessary communications;
  • gas source.

Therefore B. apartment housewhere the United Kitchen-living rooms are mostly located, it is unlikely to move the kitchen zone to another place, since security rules require that there are no residential rooms under it. This is possible only if the apartment is located on the first floor.

Living room

In the photo: kitchen-living room 30 square meters. m. with a TV

This is not only a place where the family receives guests. In this room, evenings are held in front of the TV. Books, discs, photo albums, tableware for celebrations and many other things are stored, so it is important to take into account such interior details to preserve the functionality of this room :

  • quantity seating For the whole family and the opportunity to put additional chairs for the arrival of guests;
  • lockers, cabinets, dressers, mezzanine, drawers in podiums - any furniture items in sufficient quantities to store all necessary;
  • the TV should be placed in such a way that it is convenient to look from the sofa, chairs and because of the bar rack, if it serves as a kitchenette;
  • it is desirable that there was an opportunity in the living room to set at least one bed.

In the photo: kitchen-living room 30 sq.m with bookshelves

These are the foundations of full functionality that must be taken into account when creating interior design and combining these two rooms on an area of \u200b\u200b30-40 m square.

Proper zoning will expand the space

In the photo: zoning the kitchen-living room with a bright screen

It does not matter how many meters apartment will be located the kitchen-living room - 30, 35, 40, the main thing is to highlight the kitchen areas, relaxing, receiving guests, meals.

Most often for this use all sorts of screen, decorative and textile partitions, furniture, but the ranked far from all solutions that can help in this.

For zoning it is very convenient to use the wallpaper. Wall covering different colors And the textures visually very clearly divides the interior on the parts that strictly correspond to their purpose. It is very good to use different carpets on the shape, tile on the floor or carpet tracks to enhance the effect of the isolation.

Often interior designers are used for zoning different types Lighting. The kitchen space should always have the maximum amount of light, for convenience and safety. In the recreation area there are enough several points, lamps or sconces. At the reception site, it is advisable to include the upper light.

In the photo: zoning kitchen living room with parquet and lighting

The interior design of the combined 30-40 m square of the living room and kitchen is a very subtle business that is worth a thorough job. It is these premises that combine the family, here all its members meet, talk, eat, so comfort and comfort are the main criteria in the interior of the kitchen-living room.

Video - Lace Kitchen Living Room