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Translate kg to meters square calculator. How to translate kilograms into cubic meters. How to translate kilograms in cubic meters

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1 kilogram-power meter square. Second [kgf · m · c²] \u003d 9,80664999978773 kilogram square. Meter [kg · m²]

Source value

Transformed value

kilogram square meter kilogram square. Santimeter kilogram square. Millimeter gram square. Sitamer gram square. Millimeter kilogram-power meter square. second oz ounces inch oz ounce-power inch sq. second pound sq. foot pound-power foot sq. second pound sq. inch pound power in. second sv. foot

Magnethodoving force

Read more about Inertia


The moment of inertia is the body property to resist the change in the speed of rotation. The moment the inertia is higher - the more this confrontation. The moment of inertia is often compared with the concept of mass for the straight movement, as the mass determines how much the body resists such a movement. The mass distribution by body volume does not affect the straight movement, but is of great importance when rotating, since the moment of inertia depends on it.

Determine the moment of inertia for the bodies of a simple geometric shape and with a constant density can be using generally accepted formulas. For bodies of more complex forms use mathematical analysis. Depending on how weight is distributed inside bodies, two bodies with the same mass can have a different moment of inertia. For example, the moment of inertia I. For a homogeneous ball, with the same density, found according to the formula:

I. = 2mr.² / 5.

Here m. - this is the mass of the ball, and r. - His radius. If you take two balls of the same mass, with a radius of the first twice the second radius, the moment of the inertia of the larger ball will be 2² \u003d 4 times the first. In this formula, the radius is the distance from the center of rotation to the point most distant from this center, for which the moment of inertia is measured. If you take a cylinder with a mass m.which is equal to the mass of one of the balls above and with distance L. from the center of rotation to the remote point, so that this value is equal to the radius of this ball, the moment of the inertia of the cylinder I. will be equal to:

I. = mr.² / 3.

in case the cylinder revolves around its base. The moment of inertia will be equal to:

I. = mr.² / 12.

if the cylinder rotates around the axis passing through its center in length. With such a rotation, the cylinder becomes like a propeller. The second formula is easily obtained from the first: the radius from the center of rotation to the most remote point is equal to half the length of the cylinder, but since this radius is erected into the square, then 1/2 L. (or r.) It becomes 1/4. L.² (or r.²). In any case, looking at these formulas, it is easy to see that the shape of the body and even simply shifting the center of rotation significantly affect the moment of inertia. The moment of inertia plays an important role in sports and in mechanics, and it is regulated by changing the mass or shape of objects and even the body of an athlete.

In sports

Often, reducing or increasing the moment of inertia, you can improve the figures in sports. The high moment of inertia supports the constant speed of rotation or helps to maintain the equilibrium, even if the speed is zero. If the speed is zero, then the person or the object simply does not rotate. Small moment of inertia, on the contrary, makes it easy to change the speed of rotation. That is, a decrease in the moment of inertia reduces the amount of energy required in order to increase or decrease the speed of rotation. The moment of inertia is so important in sports that some researchers believe that for exercises that use several shells or sports equipment of the same weight, but different configurations, shells and inventory at a close moment of inertia should be selected. This is practiced, for example, in a golf: Some believe that if you use the sticks with the same moment of inertia, it will help the athlete to improve the swing, that is, the bulk of the ball. In other sports, athletes are sometimes, on the contrary, choose inventory with different moment inertia, depending on what effect they want to achieve, for example, how quickly they need to hit the ball with a stick, or bat. Some use a sports inventory with a high inertia to increase the strength and endurance of the muscles without adding weight to the projectile. So, for example, the moment of inertia baseball bits affects what speed it will give the ball.

High moment inertia

In some cases, it is necessary that the rotational movement continued and not stopped, despite the fact that the forces acting on the body are opposed to this movement. For example, gymnasts, dancers, divers or figure skaters, which are spinning or turning over to ice or in the air, it is necessary to continue this movement for a certain time. To do this, they can increase the moment of inertia by increasing body weight. You can achieve this, keeping loads during rotation, which then released or discarded when such a large moment of inertia is no longer needed. It is not always appropriate and can even be dangerous if the load departs not to the other side and damage or injury. Two people can also take hands while rotating, connecting their weight, and then release each other when they do not need to spin more. This technique is often used in figure skating.

Instead of mass, you can also increase the radius from the center of rotation to the point, the most remote from it. To do this, you can pull your arms or legs to the side of the body, or take a long pole into the hands.

An athlete, such as a diver, may be needed to increase the moment of inertia before it enters the water. When it spins in the air and takes the right direction, it straightens to stop the rotation, and at the same time increase the radius and, accordingly, the moment of inertia. Thus, its zero speed of rotation is harder to change, and the athlete enters the water at the right angle. Such a reception is also used dancers, gymnasts and skaters in the time of dancing and exercises, so that after rotation in the air, carefully land.

As we just saw, the higher the moment of inertia - the easier it is to maintain a constant speed of rotation, even if it is zero, that is, the body is at rest. It is necessary as in order to maintain rotation, as well as to maintain equilibrium in the absence of rotation. For example, not to fall, acrobats that go through the rope are often held in the hands of a long pole, thereby increasing the radius from the center of rotation to the point remote from it.

The moment of inertia is often used in weightlifting. The weight of the discs is distributed over the rod to ensure safety during the exercises to raise the rod. If instead of the rod raise the subject of smaller size, but the equal weight of the weight, such as a bag with sand or girc, then even a very small offset of an angle of lifting can be dangerous. If the athlete pushes a gyr up, but at an angle, then she can start rotating around its axis. Large weight and small radius of weights means that, compared to the bar of the same weight, it is much easier to start rotating. Therefore, if it starts rotating around its axis, it is very difficult to stop it. The athlete is easy to lose control of the Gary and drop it. This is especially dangerous if the athlete raises the gircling above his head standing, or above the breast. Even if the weight is not falling, the athlete can damage the hands of the hands, trying to prevent rotation and fall. The same can happen when exercising with a particularly heavy barbell, therefore the fastening of the drives at the rod, designed for exercises with a very large weight - moving. Disks scroll around their axis during the rod rise, and the rod itself remains fixed. Rods intended for the Olympic Games, which are called the Olympic Rods, have exactly such a design.

To ensure safety during training with weights, the center of rotation is usually shown as follows from the center of Giri. Most often, the new rotation center is on the body athlete, for example, in the shoulder area. That is, usually the weight does not rotate with the help of a hand of hand or around the elbow joint. Her, on the contrary, swing from side to side or up and down around the body, otherwise work is dangerous with it.

Low moment inertia

In sports, it often happens to increase or decrease the speed of rotation using as little energy as possible. For this, the athletes choose shells and inventory with a small torque of inertia, or reduce the moment of inertia of their body.

In some cases, the total inertia of the body of an athlete is important. In this situation, the athletes press their arms and legs to the body to reduce the moment of inertia during rotation. This allows them to speed up movement and rotate faster. This technique is used in figure skating, diving, gymnastics and dance. In order to experience this effect, it is not necessary to deal with one of these sports, it is enough just to sit in an office chair, unwind sit, putting hands and feet, and then press your arms and legs to the body. In this case, the speed of rotation will increase.

In other sports, not the whole body of the athlete rotates, but only its part, for example, a hand bat or golf key. In this case, the weight is distributed by bit or stick so as to increase the moment of inertia. It is also important for swords, both real and wooden swords for training in eastern martial arts, and for any other shells that athletes are twisted or rotated, including bowling balls. The moment of inertia also affects how heavy it seems to be inventory during its use and how much energy is spent on changing its speed of rotation. The smaller the moment of inertia - the usually the inventory seems easier, and the faster it can be rotated. This allows the athlete more time to watch the opponent before starting the movement. Sometimes this extra time gives an advantage in sports games, as the athlete may respond faster to the movements of the enemy. For these additional seconds it becomes easier to predict the trajectory of the enemy movement, or the ball, for example, tennis and baseball, and make a more accurate blow.

It should be remembered that at the same speed of rotation of the bits, the one that has a higher moment of inertia, when you hit a large speed, the ball, although it is necessary to rotate this bit with the considerable amount of energy. Therefore, the shell at a low moment of inertia is not necessarily better - in some cases athletes, on the contrary, give preference to projectiles with a high moment of inertia. Such shells develop muscles, which helps, in turn, speed up the reaction.

On the golf clubs and tennis rackets, information about their moment of inertia is usually indicated, and on baseball bits it is most often not written. Why this is so is unknown, although it is probably due to marketing in sports. In any case, if there is no information about the moment of inertia of the sports projectile, then it is necessary to try this projectile before buying well, and compare with several others to determine whether it is suitable for your purposes.

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When it is not available at hand of the reference book, but you need to make the appropriate calculations of the metal mass in length, diameter, sizes of the cross section of steel blanks, then we will teach you to do it. If there is only a tape measure for measurements Mm, cm, m, and the calculator on the android phone, all calculations can be made by itself, and simple geometric formulas will not be an obstacle to the calculation of weight independently. In the calculations of the tonnage of the base value there will be an average density of steel 7,850 kg / m3 (specific gravity) multiplied by the volume of metal structures. This simple formula for calculating the mass through the density and volume from the textbook on physics for grade 7 everyone knows. How to calculate the volume of metal, learn to remember the school geometry (several formulas are presented in the table below). For example, a surface area is calculated for sheet metal and multiply on the sheet thickness. It is difficult to get accurate results with such arsenal, but to approximately determine the weight of some metal products - quite real. When there is access to the Internet, then the calculations of the mass of the metal will not make any difficulty. You can use the metal calculator in online or download it to the computer.

Weight calculation of metal rolling

The universal metal weight calculator allows you to quickly and accurately calculate the weight of metal rolls in size (diameter according to GOST, DSTU, Method in length, metal area, volume), i.e. Find out how to translate the meters of the route in kilograms of steel (m - kg, m - ton). The mass of the rolling profile has become determined by the size and shape of its cross-section, and for this you do not need to know how much the meter of metal rolling. In our metal varietal metal calculator, the following types of rolling steel according to GOST are calculated: round, square, strip, leafy and fittings: metal pancakes, steel balls and other complex forms of items. Here you can find out the weight of the subject, make the calculation of the mass of the steel sheet, plate, circle, rod steel, cylinder, rod, steel strip, wire, perform the calculation of the mass of the metal corner, steel pipe, channel, beams and determine how many meters in a ton of steel rolled steel.

How to determine the weight of the metal in size?

Unlike the program "Metallurgical calculator", you do not need to download the metal definition program according to GOST. The calculation of the mass sizes is carried out automatically online. Translation of mass (kg, tons) in length (meters robbed) or the translating of metal weight into the area (m2 for sheet steel) is performed synchronously in real time, and you do not need to search for the transfer tables of the specific grade to recalculate the metal-ton meters. And, if you know how much the meter weighs the rolled meter, you can independently calculate the price for the meter of metal rolling on a simple calculator, moving the mass of the route for the cost of kg steel. Or vice versa, transfer the price per meter in the price of a ton of metal.

Metal Calculator online

Metal Calculator

In the best metal button online, the weight of the steel structural, alloy steel, stainless steel (stainless steel of various brands), galvanized steel, waste of non-ferrous metals and the calculation of tonnage of metal rolls from other metals and alloys is performed. Take advantage of the steel calculator when you need to count how many meters in a ton of reinforcement, a corner, a profile pipe, how many meters in a ton of round tubes, hot-rolled sewller, an intercourse, calculate the number of meters in a ton of corner, metal circle, hexagon, square, metal stripes, steel ribbons Sheet rolled steel. All calculations of metal products are carried out for free and without registration, and you do not need to download the metal calculator to your computer and install the program that is very convenient in use. For each type of material, a plurality of its varieties was introduced into the database (stools and rolled types), which significantly increases the scope of the metal weight calculator online and makes it easier to work with it.

In the list of the range of rolled products, which considers a metal-caller there is a pipe (recalculation of meters-tons), a corner, metal sheet, tape, a circle, wire, a channel, beam, hexagon, square, profile pipe, and with conventional accuracy, you can count the valve. Metal-roll translator will help to find out the exact amount of the required metal, for this you need to enter several values \u200b\u200bof the dimensions that determine the cross section of the profile, and in a few seconds you can calculate the mass of metal products in length or the conversion of the metal weight in the rowing meters. In addition, with the help of our metal translator, it is possible to compare the tabletoms of metal mass in the steel sorting and the calculated weight calculated online. In the formula for calculating the weight of the metal in size, the theoretical weight of metal rolling according to GOST is used (the specific weight of the steel or the transferable coefficient in kg), the size of the profile cross section and the length of the rolled (for the calculation of the volume of the metal). The product of the metal density on the volume gives us the desired weight (kilogram, tons) of the rolled for a given length

(Straight meters).

Rules for calculating metal by weight and length

1. We choose the type of metal: "Steel" stands by default (suitable for calculating both black and stainless steel). Electronic calculator can count copper, aluminum and other non-ferrous metals.
2. Select the steel brand according to GOST (for example, AISI 304 / 304L, AISI 316 / 316L) or non-ferrous metal (duralumin, lead, copper, brass, gold).
3. In the left part of the metal calculator, we choose the type of metal (profile pipe, metal sheet, steel corner, etc.). By default, there is a pipe metal-caller (round tubes seamless, Pipes of VGP, electric pipe pipes).
4. Indicate the parameters of rolling steel in millimeters (pipe diameter, chaserler size, height of beam, wall thickness, corner shelf size, etc.)
5. We indicate the length of the rolled (for calculating the weight of the metal in size, i.e. transfer from meters to kilograms, meters in tons) or a mass of metal products (for calculating the length of the metal metal, i.e. translation of the metal from kg to meters, tons in Square meters).
6. Press the "Calculate" button to "calculate" and obtain the weight of the product in kilograms or the length of metal products in meters (when translated on the contrary).

Each Internet user has moments when it is necessary to calculate some nuances to work and determine how much metal need for the manufacture of metal products, calculate its price, knowing the total weight. For example, transfer the mass of metal in length (area M2), translation of meters in tons of metal, when it is required to make the mass of metal structures, to find a mass of steel parts or translate a mass into the surface area of \u200b\u200bpainting. And it does not matter, you are going to house or invest in metal, you will need to calculate the cost of metal rolling online, then our website-directory will come to your aid. All that you need from you is to choose the appropriate brand of metal and enter the desired values \u200b\u200bof the parameters, and our online calculator will solve any task of your adversity or, on the contrary, joys.

How to find a lot without weights, calculate the weight of the formula?

For example, we need to find the weight of the metal structures, calculate the mass of the metal farm, the iron door, the gate of the sheet metal, the stainless barrel or other products from non-ferrous metal. For this, the metal structure is divided into composite elements of the workpieces and the weight of the metal is calculated by the formula (see examples of the area of \u200b\u200bthe area and the volume of simple bodies) or on the Calculator program. The mass of metal structures consists of weight of all elements of structures and mass of the weld metal (1.5%). Having determined the weight of the product and knowing the price of a ton of manufacture, it is possible to calculate the cost of the product from the metal to order.

Transfer of metal from meters to tons is necessary when buying a rolled product. Sale of metal products in Ukraine every year is an increasingly popular service, today it is possible to purchase rolled products through the Internet. But to acquire products of metallurgical plants is not always simple in terms of its technical data and other characteristics. The main task of the metallurgical calculator is to help the buyer to make a truly correct calculation of the volume of the metal order in Ukraine, to accommodate the applications of metal rolling on metal bonds and metal warehouses.

Metallurgical Calculator Metal Racate Calculator allows you to significantly facilitate the work of the supply and manufacturers of metal products. The calculation of the length and weight of the products of the metallurgical industry of Ukraine on the metal calculator is carried out in accordance with the completed parameters of the profile of the varietal rolling steel. Special program "Metal Calculator Online" allows you to quickly and easily determine the length and weight of metal products. The calculation is carried out for the necessary names of metal products from black steel, stainless steel, non-ferrous metal. Here you can download the profile tube metalcollar (rectangular tube, square), steel reinforcement (circle), a meter-tape-and-caller (beam), a sheet metal (bands), steel corner, bent a chaserler and a hot-rolled, square and a hexagon of non-ferrous metal. On the calculator of the rolled online mass calculates how much the pipe, the mass of the circle, is running on an online translation of meters in a kg of metal corner, the transfer of mass into the area of \u200b\u200bthe steel sheet, the calculation of the mass of the chapellery, the weight of the metal of another profile cross section. If you did not find the necessary profile of steel in the calculator, or you want to know the proportion of the rental (i.e., how much weighs 1 time meter), then use the weighing tables of the weight of metal rolls from tons to meters, the conversion tables from meters to kilograms presented on our website In metal sorting tables. Be with us, and we will help determine the weight of the metal, the meters of the required rental!

Almost every person necessarily heard the expression "Ramating Meter". For many, this definition remains quite complicated, as it is absolutely not clear what the difference between the sq. m. from ordinary. What is the conversation?

One running meter is equal to the usual length of one meter.It is used to measure goods having a certain width, for example, linoleum. Make the calculation of the cost of the goods, taking the route meters, much easier than calculating the cost of square.

For example, you need to purchase a carpet coating, 2.5 and a certain length in the store. Make a calculation of 1 m2, such a segment is not very convenient. To do this, it is necessary to determine the area of \u200b\u200bgoods. Then divide it into squares. In other words, it is necessary to perform difficult mathematical calculations.

It is much easier to take the calculations based on the robust. To determine the cost of goods, it will be necessary to multiply the length of the carpet segment by the number of meters.

There is a sufficiently large list of goods in which the calculation of the cost is conducted by the number of route meters. These include.

  • Fabrics.
  • Linoleum.
  • Carpet.
  • Finishing film.
  • Rolled polyethylene.
  • Electric wires.
  • All sorts of pipes.
  • Various fences.
  • Fences.

Furniture calculation

A lot of consumers believe that the calculation of the route meters only applies to rolled materials. However, this opinion is not entirely true. Buying goods, we often encounter a certain roll width. Rays very often determine the cost of furniture.

To be clear, turn to the next example.

Furniture manufacturer made approximate calculation. To fully fill the three-meter kitchen, considering all the details of the furniture, it will need 30000 rubles. Consequently, the cost of 1 m of furniture will be 10,000 rubles. In other words, this cost will correspond to the price of one route meter. Based on such, fairly simple mathematical calculations, the manufacturer of furniture can inform the customer which costs of the furniture set of the corresponding sample will be.

However, it is necessary to take into account one important nuance. When calculating the price price m, only the cost of cheap fittings and material was taken into account. Sometimes the cost of accessories is not included in the calculation.

Therefore, if you have done a very tempting proposal, you must know what material the goods are made which accessories are installed on it. In this way, quite often attract new buyers.

How many mm in the route meter

As already mentioned one mongrel meter is equal to one standard meter. From here it turns out that in the 1store meter 1000 mm.

Square table

So, to make it easier to deal with units of measurement, they can be reduced into one table, in which their relationship will be seen, and it will be quite easy to translate some units to others.

What does the term "square meter" mean

This unit is intended for calculating the square of the square, which each side will be 1 meter. To determine the size of the area, it is necessary to multiply the height and the length of the goods. A brief form is used to designate. m.

Today, this unit is found in our lives almost everywhere. The most illustrative example can be called dimensional dimensions. In other words, if we are talking about an apartment in 16 m2, it means that the area of \u200b\u200bthe floor is equal to this value.

The square meter is most often found in the construction industry. To determine the area of \u200b\u200bthe wall, 6 m long and a height 4, you just need to multiply six to four. It turns out that the wall area is equal to 24 m2.

If you need to learn the weight of the pipe meter of pipes, fittings or other rolled products, then the most convenient and simple solution is our metal calculator.

First you choose the nomenclature that you want to calculate meters in tons.

Next you choose the size of products.

For ease of use of the calculator, we have developed an interactive search string that will facilitate the choice of product size.

If it is round rental, then the diameters are presented in the list (10.12 reinforcement, etc., circle).

If you want to learn the weight of the pipe, then pay attention to the wall thickness.

To find out the weight of the sheet, you need to choose a thickness, and then the mass calculation will occur on square meters.

Then data in meters or tons are made to one of the fields.

If you enter the values \u200b\u200bin the "Meters" field ("sq. Meters" to find out the weight of the sheet), then you will learn the total mass of the entire length (for example, the weight of the reinforcement).

If you are interested in the calculation of the weight of the mass, then the data entry must be produced in the "tons" field.

You can record and print the results obtained.

Our calculator allows you to record the calculations in a special field so that you can easily see your last calculations. To do this, you need to click on the "Record" button, and the result of your calculations will appear in the special field.

Also, after you calculated all the necessary data, you can click on the "Print" button and in a convenient form to obtain a printout of the results obtained.

You can compare prices for selected positions in all suppliers.

To do this, write your calculations. Please note that the positions that are interesting to you are interesting in the field with recorded results. Next, click "Calculate the entire online application", and the system will transfer you to the page where the results of processing of suppliers will be shown.