Repair Design Furniture

How to caulk the corners of a wooden house. What is the best way to caulk a wooden house from round logs? Necessary tools and work process

The technology of building a house from a bar requires insulation of wall joints. Even if you don't plan to interior work and sheathe the walls outside additional materials, caulk log house is a mandatory procedure. In this article, we will analyze in detail how to caulk a log house and why it is necessary.

Why do you need a caulk at home

Caulker log house responsible for the performance of the building. Perform it in order to exclude:

  • the cold that forms between the crowns of the timber and creates drafts blows the heat out of the house and makes life uncomfortable;
  • drafts that may appear in the cracks of the beam due to shrinkage of the structure;
  • penetration of moisture between the slots of the timber, thereby increasing the strength of the material and its service life.

Caulking provides benefits such as:

Caulking material

The material for caulking walls can be any, most importantly, it must have the following qualities:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • be resistant to temperature changes, humidity and wind;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • be resistant to mold and mildew;
  • have long term service (minimum 20 years);
  • be breathable;
  • be hygroscopic, i.e. able to give moisture and absorb it at the right time;
  • have a similar structure to a tree.

The most popular materials for work are:

  • tow;
  • jute;
  • hemp hemp.

Material characteristic

Consider complete description each material.

Moss. Moss treatment of cracks is considered one of the effective methods. Its main advantages include:

  • environmental friendliness of the material, it is perfect for both home and human health;
  • durability, when dismantling old structures, it was revealed that the logs underwent a rotting process, and the moss at the joints did not change its appearance and remained intact;
  • moss has high antibacterial and antiseptic properties;
  • high hygroscopicity.

Among the disadvantages of moss can be noted:

  • in the absence of understanding of the technology for performing work, difficulties may arise;
  • after laying the moss, seal it, because. sometimes the bird pulls it out.

Tow. A fairly popular material and easy to work with. For work, tow is treated with resin to increase its resistance to moisture and service life. After caulking, it is also necessary to seal the seams.

Jute. This material has the same properties as moss. The composition of jute resembles the structure of a bar. It is produced in the form of a tape, which greatly facilitates and speeds up the process of work.

Hemp hemp in its composition resembles tow. This material perfectly tolerates any temperature changes and humidity levels, for this reason it is used in areas with high humidity. It contains lignin polymers, due to which, when wet, the hemp does not lose its properties and does not undergo the process of decay.

From modern materials Linen felt is also used, made from flax fibers. It is produced in the form of needle-punched material. And another material, flax-jute felt, has excellent characteristics, fits well and evenly.

Expert advice! Moss is used in houses built from non-profiled timber.

When to caulk a house

The process of caulking at home is divided into several stages of work. This is due to the fact that the beam does not dry out immediately, but gradually and shrinks. A large shrinkage of the structure occurs in the first year of operation of the structure, and in subsequent years it is much less. According to experts, shrinkage of the house stops after 6 years of operation. The process looks like this:

  • 1 caulking is carried out immediately after the construction of the house. When laying the timber, a layer of insulation is laid between its crowns, and at the end, the insulation is also placed in the cracks.
  • Stage 2 is carried out after 18 months. The caulk is laid tightly so that the insulation cannot come out of the cracks.
  • Stage 3 of work is carried out if you have not insulated the timber from the outside with siding, blockhouse or mineral wool.

Caulking methods at home

There are several ways to caulk a house. The method depends on the width of the slots of the timber. There are two methods for caulking timber houses:

  • Stretch method. The bottom line is that the insulation is placed in the grooves, pushed inward, and the remaining edges are folded and clogged. Such actions are performed until the gap is completely filled.
  • Set method. In this case, caulking occurs by filling wide voids. To do this, the sealant is knocked into strands (thickness 20 mm) and wound into a ball. Filling voids starts from the upper edge, moving to its lower part. In order to check the filling of the cracks, use an ordinary knife, sticking it between the crowns of the timber. If the knife entered at a distance of 1.5 cm, then this place no longer needs to be caulked.

After caulking, the house, as a rule, is loaded and, if possible, exploited. V winter period in the cracks check the presence of "hares". These are places where frost forms on the outside of the house. If you find frost, then there is a heat leak in this place, mark it with chalk. In the process of the next caulking, these places will need to be additionally insulated.

Internal insulation of the house

After carrying out external work, you should perform internal caulking of the walls. To perform the work, follow a simple recommendation: you need to caulk the grooves clearly following the perimeter of the wall.

Expert advice! Cut off the remaining insulation to the edge of the grooves. This is necessary because At the end of all work, final finishing will be carried out.

The walls of the house should have an attractive appearance, so be responsible in choosing the material for the caulk. To avoid violation interior design, close all grooves carefully. It is necessary to check the insulation every three years, in the future, the check can be carried out as needed.

Important! Internal and exterior finishes the structure is carried out only after the second caulking.

If you decide to caulk the house with your own hands, get ready for the fact that the work will be laborious and meticulous. To obtain the desired result, you should prepare the necessary tool and material. The recommendations of experts will help to complete the work without errors.

  • Skew formation. To avoid warping the building, it is necessary to process each wall in turn. The work is carried out in a circle, around the entire perimeter of the walls, starting from the top and ending at the bottom.
  • Increasing the height of the house. By doing quality work, your house will increase in size, i.e. will become higher by about 10 cm. This nuance should be taken into account at the design stage.
  • Insulation lining. In the process of building a house and laying a bar, insulation is laid between its rows. To carry out the finishing caulking, a small gap of 3-4 cm should be left before the wall cut.

Expert advice! For quality styling insulation and sealing all gaps, use a road builder.

As you can see, the caulking process is not complicated, but it requires a lot of attention. You can caulk a house without involving specialists, the main thing is to select the material and do all the work slowly.

You were told that it is not necessary to caulk a house from a bar, they say, everything is perfectly fitted there anyway? Feel free to send such “woe” specialists home and invite real professionals in construction wooden houses. Like any other, the technology of building houses from a bar has its own stages and design features, which invariably include the caulk of a log house, even if you are going to do external and internal decoration with insulation in the future. Do not try to save time and money so as not to overpay in the future. If you don’t want drafts to constantly walk in your house, curtains flutter even in calm weather, and over time, wet and rotten places in the wood appear, it’s better to do all the caulking work at home on time.

Do I need to caulk a log house and why

In some sources you can find information that a log house can not be caulked. And the builders building your house can say the same thing. They explain this by the fact that, unlike timber in log houses shrinkage and displacement of wood is stronger and more intense, cracks and leaks appear, so it is necessary to caulk the structure. But houses built from profiled timber practically do not shrink, as the wood undergoes pre-treatment. Let's see how it actually happens when building a house from a bar with your own hands.

bar natural humidity - a relatively cheap building material, for which it is popular in the construction of economy class houses with subsequent insulation and siding. Even if you invite the best architect, he will not be able to build a house from such a bar without gaps between the crowns and gaps. Moreover, when the beam begins to dry out, and this is inevitable, additional gaps will appear, wider, the beam will decrease in size, it will begin to “twist”. As a result, such cracks will appear, due to which the wooden wall will lose its thermal insulation abilities. To avoid such a sad end, the walls must be caulked at least 3 times and carefully insulated.

It was invented precisely in order to reduce costs and time for construction. wooden house. It undergoes special processing in production, due to which it practically does not dry out during operation, and its tenon-groove joints are perfectly aligned to the nearest millimeter. The beam adjoins each other as tightly as possible, and a 5 mm insulation is placed between the crowns, which is located between the engaging parts. Despite the assurances of the seller, the house made of profiled timber still shrinks, as the timber finally falls into place under the weight of the structure. In addition, the properties of wood are highly dependent on the region of growth, climatic conditions and storage conditions. No one can guarantee that absolutely all the timber that you have purchased is the same High Quality. As a result of the movement of the building, the beam may slightly shift, the insulation may be wrinkled. Even if no gaps appear after shrinkage, and this option is possible, all the same, those gaps that are in the interventional space outside and inside the house accumulate moisture, and since the place itself is very secluded and vulnerable, mold and rot can form in it.

The caulking of a log house is necessary in order to isolate wooden walls, completely filling with natural insulation and sealing the gaps and cracks between the timber and in the corner joints. This guarantees tightness, no heat leakage through the walls, drafts and icing of the timber outside the building, which occurs when warm steam escapes through the cracks and settles as wet frost on the surface.

How to caulk a log house

To summarize, the material that can be used to caulk a house must meet the following requirements:

  • Have low thermal conductivity.
  • Be immune to temperature and humidity fluctuations, as well as easily withstand the wind.
  • So that insects and pathogenic fungi (mold) do not start in it.
  • To be absolutely environmentally friendly material, otherwise the whole point in building a wooden house is lost.
  • Be relatively durable (do not lose properties for at least 20 years).
  • Be breathable.
  • Be hygroscopic, i.e. when it is necessary to absorb moisture, when it is necessary - to give.
  • And most importantly - to be similar in properties to wood.

Due to the fact that our ancestors caulked their houses for hundreds of generations on their own, materials that have been tested and tested by thousands of years of successful practice have come down to our days. They can be called traditional materials.

Moss- most best material even today for caulking wooden buildings. This is sphagnum moss - a swamp plant that can be red, white or brown. Subsequently, peat is formed from it. None of the modern materials can compare with moss, it is so durable and environmentally friendly. You can drive around the old abandoned villages, look at the houses: the logs are already almost rotted, and the moss is still in excellent condition. As an interventional sealant, moss is simply indispensable: it has antiseptic, antibacterial and healing properties. Clamped between wood, it inhibits the development of putrefactive bacteria and mold fungi, due to which the wood lasts longer. Moss easily passes air through it, which, passing through it, is saturated with healing vapors, so the atmosphere inside the house becomes healing. Moss is hygroscopic, which means it smooths out moisture fluctuations. In general, moss has no drawbacks, except for one thing - it’s not so easy for them to caulk, otherwise no one would invent or look for anything new.

Linen tow it is used as a sealant and sealant everywhere, but for caulking - mainly in flax growing regions and where there are no swamps where you could stock up on moss. No one produces tow on purpose, it is waste from the production of ropes, ropes and linen, or waste and tow after cleaning flax fibers. Tow has some antiseptic and bactericidal properties, but to a lesser extent than moss. Therefore, in some cases, tow is treated with resins to increase resistance to high humidity. These resins may be natural, ie. tree resins, then this material can still be called environmentally friendly, but oil products are also used for impregnation, then tow has nothing to do with natural materials. Tow contains a large number of fires that will shake out during the first years of operation of the house, so the caulking will need to be repeated several times.

It is very similar to tow, only its fibers are coarser, so they are sometimes confused. Hemp is not afraid of temperature changes and high humidity, so it can be used even in very humid regions. Such properties are due to the high content of the lignin polymer, which is also found in any wood for bonding cellulose fibers. Hemp does not lose its properties even after getting wet, therefore it is resistant to decay.

Among the modern materials for caulking, the following can be distinguished:

A foreign product, it is imported to us from China, India, Egypt and other countries with a tropical climate or heavy rainfall. Produced from the shoots of the jute plant of the Malvaceae family. Jute fiber is very durable, it is not affected by mold, putrefactive bacteria, it is not interesting for insects and birds, it is hygroscopic, i.e. easily accumulates and releases moisture, passes air. Jute contains about the same amount of lignin as wood, so their properties are similar and together they are a perfect match.

Jute is available in both fibers and ribbons in various widths. Tape jute insulation it is very convenient to use for laying between the crowns of a timber house. In addition, pure jute compacts evenly. These advantages more than cover the price of this material.

In addition to materials made of fibers for caulking, felt heaters (interventional felt) are also used:

Jute interventional insulation 90% jute and 10% linen. But it is better to follow this ratio, since jute felt is found, consisting of 70% jute and 30% flax, which significantly worsens its properties.

Linen felt also called eurolen or lnovatin. It is a needle-punched material made from highly refined linen.

Flax jute felt consists of jute and flax in the ratio 1:1.

Full jute modern heaters are considered the best, as they ideally interact with wood and shrink evenly, and other materials with the addition of flax worsen the properties of the insulation. The more flax, the worse the properties.

When to caulk a log house

Caulking at home is carried out in several stages, this is due to the fact that the beam dries out gradually, the house sags under its own weight. The largest shrinkage occurs in the first year and a half after construction, and every year it is less and less. Experts say that after 5 - 6 years, shrinkage practically stops.

First time a log house is caulked immediately after construction. During the construction process, a heater is laid between the crowns, and after the whole house has been erected, the gaps between the bars are filled with caulking material, but not too tightly.

Second caulk produced a year and a half after the completion of the construction of the house. The house will already sit down, so it is necessary to caulk tightly, leaving no gaps and hanging material.

Third time work on caulking will have to be done again in 5 - 6 years, carefully filling all the newly formed gaps and crevices and adding material where it accidentally spilled out or was pulled out by birds.

If the log house is planned to be sheathed with siding from the outside, then the third caulk is not made, but the first two must be completed without fail. Do not rush and save on something for which you will later have to pay much more.

Do-it-yourself caulk of a log house

Caulking is a very responsible and time-consuming process, despite a certain monotony of the operations performed. not many construction teams agree to work on caulking, they just don’t know how to do it and are afraid to spoil it, which is why they recommend not caulking at all. We have already discussed why they should not be listened to.

But there are teams and entire organizations that deal with caulking professionally. For a caulk of a timber house, the price depends on the stage of work and amounts to a certain amount per 1 linear meter of each crown. The average cost of a caulk is 50 - 60 rubles. for 1 r.m. A caulk corner connections can reach up to 200 rubles. for 1 r.m. At a separate rate, caulking will be carried out with a decorative rope (rope) that adorns appearance caulked walls and prevents birds from pulling out the material. By the way, it is customary to pay for the material separately. If you are offered to perform freckled work for 25 rubles. m.p., you should not agree, as the work will be performed out of the ordinary badly.

If you want to do all the work yourself, then be patient, material, tool and subsequent information.

How to caulk a log house with jute

Jute, as a material for warming a log house, is gaining wild popularity. It is often used in the construction of the house itself.

Before you caulk a timber house, you first need to properly lay and secure the timber. A heater is always laid in the interventional space with a layer of at least 5 mm. Even if the beam is profiled, jute is necessarily laid between the spike and the groove. But its width depends on the shape of the tenon-groove system. The simplest option is when the lower beam has a convex crescent surface, and the upper one has the same recess (somewhat reminiscent of the connection of logs), in which case the space between the crowns is completely filled with insulation, and its edges remain hanging 4 - 5 cm on each side. A more complex version of a profiled beam, when it is impossible to lay the insulation with a continuous carpet, then it is laid only in the middle, and the outer and inner slots are then caulked separately.

If the house of their timber is of natural humidity, then the thickness of the interventional insulation should be 10 - 15 mm.

Important! Caulking is necessarily made from top to bottom. In this case, first one crown is caulked completely outside, then inside, and only then they move on to the second crown. It is better if the work will be done by 4 people at the same time on 4 walls. This is necessary so that the house does not warp. After all, after the completion of the caulking, it will rise a few centimeters, from 5 to 15 cm.

Consider the option when the insulation hangs between the bars by 4 - 5 cm. The caulking technology is very well shown in the video example. With the help of a caulk (tool), the jute is tucked under the bottom and slightly pushed into the slot. Then gently, but already more strongly pushed in the upper part, and finally - in the middle. To push the material into the slot, a rubber or wooden hammer(mallet), with which they gently hit the caulk.

If after the work done, loosely clogged slots are still observed, then additional caulking is performed.

Consider the option when the gaps between the crowns are not filled (the insulation is located somewhere in the middle of the beam). The work will be exactly the same as with an additional caulk.

Usually, the gaps between the beams are quite narrow, so this method of caulking is used: a rope as thick as a gap is twisted from jute fiber and hammered into the gap with a mallet.

There is another way - "stretching". Individual fibers of jute are laid with fibers across the beam and pushed inward with a spatula or caulk until the gap is completely filled. We leave the remaining ends of the material hanging down, it should turn out about 5 - 6 cm. Next, a little more jute is taken, twisted into a ball (roller), which is wrapped in these hanging ends and pushed into the gap.

Important! How can you check whether it is enough to push the insulation already or do you still need to add a little more? If it enters the gap between the crowns kitchen knife by 15 mm or less, then the caulking was completed successfully. If the knife goes further, then the material should be added.

When large gaps are formed, the “in-set” caulking method is used. Long strands are twisted from jute and rolled into a ball. Then loops are drawn from the ball and pushed into the slots until they are filled.

After completion of all caulking work, the house is loaded and, if possible, operated for a whole year. In winter, it will be possible to check for cracks by the so-called "hares". These are pockets of frost on outside walls. If you find them, mark the place, it means that there is a leak warm air from home. A year and a half after the first caulk, a second one is made, the house is carefully inspected, insulation is added to those places from where it has spilled out or frayed, where the cracks have increased, where the beam has warped, and also in places of “hares”.

Only after repeated caulking, you can proceed to the external and interior decoration Houses. Even if it assumes 100 mm mineral wool and ventilated façade.

You can also caulk a log house with other materials. But there are some exceptions. For example, only a house made of non-profiled timber can be caulked with moss, since this material fits and fills the interventional space completely, which is absolutely impossible if the timber has a thorn-groove system. The work on caulking at home is complex and painstaking, although it seems painfully simple from the outside. If you are not confident in your abilities, invite a specialist.

Log house caulk: video - example

Caulking log cabin provides reliable insulation of the house for the entire period of its operation. This operation is no less responsible than the construction of a log house, if taken formally, you can get a cold, uncomfortable and ventilated house.

Unlike brick and concrete, wood is special. building material, the tree is sensitive to the conditions in which it is located. Properly caulk wooden house- this means creating normal conditions for building wood, and ensuring durability for the structure. In addition to solving the problems of insulation, caulk protects wood from excess moisture and dampness, decay, damage by microorganisms and insects.

Wooden houses are traditionally caulked with a material of natural origin, one of the most popular is insulation made from fibers of a jute plant. In wooden housing construction, insulation from this plant, which is exotic for Europe and America, surely displaces other materials; jute is widely used by Canadian and Scandinavian builders.

The reason for the popularity of jute fibers was low price and good performance, Russian market jute competes with traditional Russian flax. If the question arises: how to caulk a house from a bar, preference is increasingly given. Cottages are insulated with jute, residential buildings economy class, baths and outbuildings.

In the countries of South Asia, three "harvests" of jute per year are obtained from one site with a yield of about 2 tons per hectare, Asian producers are able to fully meet the needs of the world market for this product, the advantages of jute material include:

  • Environmentally friendly, the fibers do not split and do not form dispersed dust,
  • The fibrous mass is homogeneous, does not cake,
  • The jute tape is compressed to 1-2 mm without breaking the geometry,
  • Jute insulation is hygroscopic, protects the log house from excess moisture,
  • Jute can be used to caulk houses from logs, timber carriage, profiled and edged timber.

As a disadvantage, it is noted that the wet jute mass can create a favorable environment for microorganisms and insects. To eliminate this drawback, manufacturers use preservative and antiseptic impregnations, you need to pay attention to this when buying material.

Depending on the density, jute insulation is divided into tow tape, batting and felt. The material is rigid and elastic, tends to retain its original shape, which requires attention and certain skills when using it.

How to properly caulk a log house with jute

The house is made of caulk in two stages: during the construction of the log house and after its shrinkage, the first operation is called the primary caulking, the second is the finishing operation. Primary caulking is done in two steps: a jute tape is laid between the crowns during the construction of the log house, after the walls are erected, the seams are processed clean. When laying gaps between logs or timber with jute tape, the following rules must be observed:

  • The surfaces of the crown in front of the caulk are cleaned of adhering dirt, chips and sawdust, the jute tape is rolled out on one side of the wall, fixed with a construction stapler every meter. When laying in parts, the edges are joined end-to-end,
  • The tape is cut along the side edge of the beam, in log cabin- along the line of the laying groove,
  • The pins are driven through the jute tape through and through, at the puncture site an incision is made crosswise,
  • Operations are repeated on the next crown.

They start the primary finishing caulking after laying the walls and installing the roof, they start caulking with lower crown. The material is driven into the interventional joints to a state of elasticity using a special tool, after completion of work on the first crown, they move to the second. The operation is time-consuming, requires diligence and considerable effort. According to the prices of builders, the cost of this work is up to 100 rubles per meter.

After completion of work on outside, the operation is repeated from the inside of the house, the technology for insulating a house from a bar from the outside and from the inside does not differ. Time spent on caulking one-story house 8x8 can be 5-7 days.

It is important. If you caulk each wall separately, you may encounter the following trouble: each processed seam increases the interventional distance by 3-4 mm; corner connections.

Caulking methods

When caulking cleanly, interventionists drive jute-batting into the slots, the operation is performed in two ways:

  • “Into the stretch” - a twist-pigtail of jute-batting with a diameter of 20-25 mm is driven into the gap, in this way seams with large gaps are caulked,
  • “In the set” - the slots are caulked with tape insulation 5-7 mm wide, the edges of the tape are alternately hammered into the slot, then the middle part is sunk.

Masters recommend: between the crowns, lay the jute tape with an overlap of up to 60-70 mm, wrap the free edge, knock it into the slot and caulk it “into a set”. V difficult cases the insulation is clogged in a stretch, the seam is completely processed “in a set”.

After keeping the house under shrinkage, the previously laid layer of insulation is deformed, the interventional cracks open, at this stage of caulking the log house, the work must actually be done again. In the process of shrinkage in the body of the beam, deep longitudinal sinus cracks will be delighted, such cracks caulk linen tow and sealed with sealant, for individual cracks, thermal insulation with linen material is more effective.

How to caulk the corners of a log house with jute

When caulking a log house, special attention is paid to the corners, it largely depends on whether the house will be warm or not. The easiest way to work with corners,. In this case, the oblo is part of a log or beam, the jute tape is laid on common surface, as a result, each seam of the corner lock receives its own layer of insulation.

When cutting into a paw, the elements of the castle caulk differently, in general case the principle is observed: each joint must be caulked.

Fine caulking is performed in order, simultaneously with crowns.

How to choose jute tape

Jute insulation is selected by density, thickness and width. A high-density jute tape is laid between the crowns, when shrinking, a low-density insulation is more caked, the width is chosen according to the size of the beam, for a rounded log - according to the size of the laying groove. Masters recommend:

  • Lay the edged timber with a jute tape 20-25 mm thick, under oppression its thickness will be no more than 4 mm;
  • For dry planed timber, use a tape 10-12 mm thick, which compresses to 2 mm.

The interventional seams are caulked with a material of lower density; jute-batting with a density of 500-600 grams per square meter is used to fill the cracks.

Caulking tools

The toolbox includes:

  • A type-setting caulk with a blunt blade for working “in a set”, it is better to have a tool of two types: with a 10 cm blade for caulking crowns and a 2 cm blade for slots;
  • Roader for laying twists "in stretch", has a wide blade thickened towards the bottom. A semicircular notch is made along the entire length of the blade;
  • A caulk with a wedge-shaped blade is hammered into the slots to widen them.

The tool is made of hardwood or soft metal, has a handle that is comfortable to work with. A mallet is used as a percussion instrument - a hammer with a wooden or rubber striker.

Caulker with jute rope

  1. The walls of a house made of edged timber do not always have an attractive appearance, it is almost impossible to lay a heater between the crowns without irregularities, so it will not be possible to caulk a log house “by a thread”. You can decorate the facade with the help of a jute rope, which is applied over a layer of interventional insulation, the rope is fixed with clapboard nails.
  2. After finishing caulking, it is advisable to treat the interventional cracks with an antiseptic, effective tool is the domestic drug "Neomid". The agent provides long-term protection of insulation from natural material from rot, fungus and insects. It has a liquid consistency and is applied with a brush.
  3. If the log house is subjected to grinding after shrinkage, the finishing caulk is carried out last - after the completion of the grinding of the walls.


Despite mass production synthetic materials, houses continue to be caulked with natural fibers that have excellent thermal insulation properties. Linen and jute interventional heaters have specific advantages and disadvantages, all best qualities combined in the increasingly popular combined material "len-jute".

What material to caulk Vacation home or a bath, each developer decides independently, depending on the design of the house, the local climate and other conditions.

Caulking of a log house is the filling of gaps between the logs of the crowns and in the cuts of the corners during the construction of the building and after its complete shrinkage. Competent performance of such work allows you to avoid deformation of the walls of the house, insulate it and protect the living space from external negative influences(wind, precipitation, low temperatures etc.).

Caulking at home can be performed using various materials and working tools. However, such work should only be carried out by experienced professionals. Qualified craftsmen will be able not only to caulk a log house at the most affordable price for everyone, but also to ensure the maximum quality of this work.

When is the caulking of the log house carried out?

Timber caulking is a mandatory process before any finishing works. The work is carried out in two stages. At first, filling the grooves between the logs is required to be carried out directly during the assembly of the walls. Next, caulking at home should be done after the log house has completely shrunk. As a rule, it takes from one to two years for the walls to fully shrink. The price of a log cabin caulk depends on:

  • the height of the walls and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house;
  • material used to seal the gaps between the frame;
  • the quality of the wood from which the walls are built.

Wanting to caulk a log house, the price of which is quite affordable by the standards of the modern construction market, it is best to trust real professionals who are able to perform work of any complexity on highest level.

Materials for caulking a log house

Log cabin caulking, the price of which is determined by the craftsmen immediately after inspecting the scope of work, must be carried out from the outside and inside of the walls. This approach to work will provide maximum moisture and wind protection of residential premises. For caulking timber can be used various materials. So, the most in demand is tape and interventional linen, jute sealant. With its use, you can easily caulk houses of any size.

Caulking, the price of which also depends on the quality of the sealant and the ease of working with it, can significantly increase the service life of the building and the quality of life in it. If you want to caulk a house, it is best to turn to professionals. Experienced craftsmen will be able to perform rather monotonous and time-consuming work with the highest quality. The price of a caulk in this case will be your investment in the durability of a wooden house.

Caulking is the final stage in the construction of walls of wooden houses. This process is necessary to prevent the penetration of moisture between the elements of the log house, since the trapped moisture leads to rotting of the logs.

After building a house, the final stage is caulking. It is necessary to prevent moisture from entering between the logs and acts as a heater.

Before you caulk a house from a log, you need to decide on the material with which the insulation is produced. Today's manufacturer offers new materials - jute and lnovatin. They replaced the old ones, such as moss and tow.

Caulking is carried out one year after the construction of the log house, regardless of whether the insulation was laid during felling. This time is necessary for shrinkage wooden structure at home, so that the elements of a beam or log fall into place and take shape during shrinkage. After another year, it is necessary to re-caulk, since with complete shrinkage, additional gaps may form, which should also be caulked. In carrying out this work, they pursue the following goals:

  • to achieve tightness of the log house;
  • provide good thermal insulation;
  • prevent wood from rotting;
  • protect the material from condensation.

Whatever wooden material the house is built from, caulking is made according to the same principle. The main thing is to tightly hammer the material between the crowns. In some places, where the wood has dried out a lot, too much big gaps, in this case they are subjected to caulking with jute or hemp cords.

Materials for caulking at home

When choosing a material, the following requirements must be taken into account:

When choosing a material for caulking a log house, it is necessary to be guided by the fact that the material is non-toxic, does not have unpleasant odors and had low thermal conductivity.

  • it must have low thermal conductivity;
  • must not contain harmful substances that can be harmful to health;
  • exclude the environment for the development of mold and fungal formations, reproduction of insects;
  • be impact resistant natural factors, temperature extremes and high humidity;
  • should not contain unpleasant odors;
  • do not lose their heat-shielding and sealing qualities for many years.

Moss. It is an environmentally friendly natural material that has the ability to absorb moisture and give it away. When using moss, wood is not subject to decay, as it has an antibacterial property. Thanks to him natural origin the room is saturated with a healthy favorable atmosphere. But when working with moss, some difficulties arise due to the fact that it is difficult to fit. To simplify the work, it is combined with tow. And even despite its minor flaws, this material is the best option.

Tow. Is also natural material. But, unlike moss, this secondary product after processing flax and hemp. Has the same positive qualities, which is moss.

Lnovatin is made from flax fiber and is absolutely safe and environmentally friendly.

Lnovatin. It is made from pure linen fiber. It is not harmful to health, as it is environmentally friendly. Provides excellent thermal insulation. He also has the inherent quality of absorbing water at high humidity, and at low humidity - to give it away. Due to these properties, wood is resistant to decay and the formation of mold and fungus. The material has the form of a tape, which is available in various thicknesses. It is laid by stretching method.

Jute fibre. This is the result of processing plants from the Malvaceae family, which grow in Central Asia, India and China. It is used in the manufacture of ropes and bags. It is also in great demand for caulking houses from wooden beam and logs. In terms of its insulating properties, it is similar to tow, but its laying is carried out in a set.

Jute. For its manufacture, jute fiber is used, it is produced in rolls of different thicknesses. It is mainly used in buildings where increased thermal insulation is required. Possesses excellent heat-insulating qualities, is steady against the damp environment. The ability not to absorb moisture allows laying directly on damp logs.

Methods and features of caulking

There are two ways:

  • stretching;
  • into a set.

Scheme of caulking methods.

With the caulking method, strands are twisted from the material, which are subsequently wound into a ball for ease of use. Loops are knitted from the obtained threads and hammered into the resulting gaps and crevices. The number of loops depends on the size of the cleft. The material for caulking is first hammered into the upper edges, and then the lower ones. To give the seam a neat look, the tow is trimmed with the flattened end of a small nail puller.

Much attention should be paid to the corners, as they are caulked with special care. When closing up the walls, the ends of the tow should be let out at corners of 10-15 cm.

If the caulk fits into finished house, the height of the log house increases to 15 cm, in this regard, in order not to damage chimney, it must be freed from lubricating solutions for the duration of the work.

But the laying of the material by the method in the set is mainly used for the second caulking. This method has found its application in sealing large gaps and crevices. For work, a fiber roller is used, which was prepared in advance. Since the seams are the same width, the thickness of the bead must be the same. However, if in some places the gaps are larger, then the roller must be rolled up several times to get a kind of loop. This method got its name "in a set" because of the set of thickness by twisting the cord.

The material is clogged with a special caulk and a wooden mallet.

Caulker at home from a log

Every year it is necessary to inspect the house for the presence of cracks and gaps. When found, they must be immediately caulked.

The device for caulking log houses differs little from the insulation of other log cabins, if you do not take into account the fact that the gaps in the log cabins are much smaller and experience is needed during work so as not to overfill the interventional insulation. But when caulking with jute, special attention should be paid to the joints between the logs, as they are the weakest point.

When performing poor-quality work in the cold season, in small, at first glance, cracks and corner joints, the wind will walk, which helps to lower the temperature in the house. Since these places are almost impossible to identify, you will have to redo the caulk, which will lead to overspending of material and funds.

Therefore, it is necessary to caulk houses from logs with special care. If even the smallest gaps and cracks are found, they need to be filled with material as densely and efficiently as possible, caulking must be done both outside and inside the house.

For a log cabin, it would be most advisable to use the roller method, since due to the rigidity of the roller, its quality and efficiency are significantly increased.