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Is it worth buying a house in the city. Should I buy a house. What time will "get up" ready-made house

Many residents of megacities are dreaming of a living place of habitat. The market presents thousands of offers ready-made houses for sale in which you can enter immediately after purchase.

However, the proposals are "turnkey", in addition to obvious advantages, there are significant drawbacks. It is important to carefully understand which stages of construction exist, which of them are most profitable to make a purchase.

The popularity of housing in the format "Come and Live" is growing every year. People realized how troublesome and expensive repair, preferring to save their money and time. The developers took into account this trend - and are building more and more LCD and settlements with houses with the already completed finish. And, judging by forecasts, with time the demand will continue its height.

No matter how tempting was not immediately entering the finished cottage, there are a number of details that are better to know when choosing between it and an uncomplicated house. We will tell about this in this article.

Ready houses. Options and Stages of Finishing

In the modern market there are offers of houses for sale at different stages:

  • « Full construction"- In this version, the repair has already been made, there is a plumbing, there are necessary furniture: built-in wardrobes and a kitchen with embedded technique. In this situation there are two types of conditions. The first - the developer offers the buyer options for the mercy. So, you can choose a project in which the design of the premises will be drawn up, discuss disassembly, the construction of new partitions. The second - without allegations with the buyer, rent at home, where people immediately settle down, with a built-in kitchen and a bathroom;
  • Purple - In this case, walls, floors and ceilings are aligned and laid in the premises. Buyers remains to bring "cosmetics" to their taste and color;
  • Chernovaya - Here is the maximum, what you have to be content with the installed double-glazed windows and radiators. All the rest of the repair falls on you;
  • Without decoration - In fact, acquire a concrete box. The price of such a proposal will pleasantly surprise you, but it is not known what kind of investment will be required for it. If you like the building and place, but in any case you are planning a total redevelopment and make repairs for yourself, it makes sense to consider this option. Plus, you will save on the dismantling and export of garbage.

Finished Cottages with Finish

In such proposals it is worth highlighting the following features:

  • Firstly, price. It is initially higher. But it is worth considering that in this case, the owner will not threaten the additional costs to bring the construction to the mind. In addition, many experts agree that if we compare the cost of the house in a state "come in and live" with a concrete box and bringing it to the proper form, the amounts are the same;
  • Clear costs. Buying an object of real estate in the "turnkey" state is more profitable because you calculate how much you pay for its arrangement in the future is quite problematic. The final estimate can significantly exceed your expectations: you can calculate the purchase of building materials and a salary of workers, but there are always unforeseen expenses at the construction site. Materials may be poor-quality, unprofessional brigade, already in the process can be used alterations and changes in the project - all this will lead to large expenditures;
  • Time. Given all the above, you will save not only tools, but also time with nerves. Construction and repair - a troublesome process that requires constant control. With its absence, as a rule, quality suffers. Ask yourself questions: Are you ready to spend all your free time at the facility? Or decide urgently force majeure situations including during working hours?;
  • Liquidity. It may seem controversial, but if you collect real estate with standard finish from the developer, then sell it faster for the desired amount. But if you have a specific taste (all the walls are painted under Gzhel, "gold-plated" plumbing, exclusive interior of ITP), selling such housing from the hands is extremely difficult. This is especially noticeable in the segment of elite real estate, where buyers are not ready to overpay for the tastes of the former owner. Therefore, take into account this option.

The main disadvantages and problems of buying turnkey houses

Pick up the country real estate, repair and inner view of which would fully satisfy your tastes, it may be a rather difficult task. It's one thing if you need to cross the wallpaper and overrably laminate or linoleum. Other - if the question arises about the full replacement and redevelopment.

If you are not a repair specialist, then you will be very difficult to check how and what materials were used when finished, how high-quality them, how work was performed how goodbye. Yes, and for experts, this is a difficult task, as there may be hidden defects. And it is possible that in a few years you will be forced to reap for repair and repair inside the house.

In addition, under the decorative layer it is almost impossible to see, in what condition is the building itself. It is possible that the hosts have hidden problems before selling, and in the future, the purchase may threaten the roof or incredible drafts. In any case, when inspected, it is better to invite a specialist with you (if you understand this badly), the expert will tell you what to pay attention to and will help set the right questions to the developer.

To buy, you need to be absolutely confident in the honesty and reputation of the construction company - you will have to break a lot of feedback and characteristics to find an option that you will not regret. If you take a house from a private person, it is important to understand all the risks.

If buying a house without repair

The optimal solution for experienced real estate buyers, who already understands what high-quality finish and design, all processes and know what he wants. Another positive moment is that you can repair in stages, stretching costs. But you need to understand what we may encounter such a solution with the following problems:

  • If this house is the only place of residence, for the time of work, you will have to think about removable accommodation. Calculate how much rent, moving and "decoration" will cost. Consider that the process can delay indefinitely, depending on your financial and temporary capabilities: in practice, this is at least 5-6 months, although it happens that the repair lasts years.
  • Well, if you buy materials and do everything you will independently - this is a guarantee of absolute confidence that the cottage will be equipped with high quality and repair will last not one dozen years (provided that you really understand it). If necessary, hire builders brigade, you will have to spend a pretty amount of time and strength to find those who really work for conscience.

When choosing a contractor to perform internal repair work, experts are offered to work on a specific algorithm:

  1. Prepare a competent TK (technical task) with a list of all works, which the brigade will have to hold (consider only those that you can pay);
  2. Show paper with several construction companies or brigades. You will immediately notice the variation of prices. Those companies that will ask for overestimated prices, strike out from the list.
  3. We are familiar with the remaining contractors closer: we look at the company's reputation on the Internet, we meet and communicate with the leadership, we learn from customer feedback. Offer together to see the estimate, do not hesitate to ask questions about the cost of each stage of work.

Important!If you decide to learn the rates for repairs on the phone, and you voiced the amount, without having familiarized with the plan and your desires, it is not recommended to hire such a brigade. Combating professionals will not call prices "from the ceiling."

Hiring incompetent masters have a risk to face the following problems:

  • The high probability that the services of this company will cost more than those named at the beginning of the amount;
  • Contractors will not fit in time, can delay the processes (sometimes specifically);
  • Possible low-quality repair, the presence of subsequent cracks, divorces, detachments, the rapid loss of operational properties;
  • The risk of significant damage to the elements of the finishing in the drops of temperature, humidity, non-judgment or strong wind.

If you are not sure to deal with the interior, hire an independent prolage or a designer who can take into account your wishes.

Approximate cost of finishing

If you do not even closely imagine, how much the basic works can do, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the average prices in this table:

Description of work

Cottage frame-panel, 100 square meters. M.

TO outflow is gas-concrete, 100kV. M.

Electrician wiring

50 - 80 thousand rubles.

60 -80 thousand rubles.

Wiring plumbing

50 - 130 thousand rubles.

50 - 130 thousand rubles.

Ventilation system

130 thousand RUB.

130 thousand RUB.

Wall plastered, ceiling (materials included)

180 thousand rubles.

180 thousand rubles.

Laying of laminate - (materials included)

60 thousand rubles.

60 thousand rubles.

What time will "get up" a ready-made house?

In the suburbs to buy a cottage with a finished internal repair of 180 square meters. m. It is possible for 4.5 - 5 million rubles, the size of 130 square meters. m. - For 3 million rubles.

How much is the house without finishing?

Built box of 190 square meters. m. without finishing will cost 3 - 3.5 million rubles.


All options for the acquisition of suburban real estate, both with finishing and without, there are advantages and cons. It is important to determine the goals.

If housing is needed, in which you can move right away, it is better to overpay for a turnkey cottage. In subsequent years, if necessary, make a simple repair will not make problems.

If you want the acquisition object of real estate to be finished to your taste, it is easier to buy a house with a draft or finishing, which then change the layout and break everything.

Do not forget that work will require a lot of time and money. It will be necessary to monitor the process, buy materials, choose a reliable brigade of repairmen and control their work. It can delay for several years, especially if you do not pay everything at once, but you plan to do it parts.

Before buying a cottage in the stage of unfinished construction, count carefully and think about how much repair it will cost, determine for yourself if you can pull it.

If there is no sufficient amount to finish now, consider that if it is impossible to carry out some work immediately and stretching the terms of repair, the quality and strength of individual elements and parts of the construction will be violated under the influence of rains, snow, wind and time. It is possible that they will have to restore or build anew. Consult with experts on how to prevent this, otherwise the construction will delay in many years.

Buying a house is always a joyful event. The main thing in this business is not to pay paramount attention to the appearance of the building and understand all the intricacies, so that it is not to regret the costly purchase. What to pay attention to when buying a house? What secrets there are and necessarily attract a specialist to assess the state of the acquired property?

What should be paid attention to first?

When only a person decided to buy separate accommodation, he immediately appears a lot of questions. And here it does not matter, what kind of deal will be accomplished: the acquisition of a stone structure or buying a wooden house. What do you need to pay attention first?

Experts first recommend deciding on the purpose of which this property will be purchased. This may be an ordinary country house, in which the owners will only spend a few days a week in summer, and maybe a house in which the family will live constantly. Naturally, the requirements for these buildings differ greatly.

If the buyer is looking for a house for housing, then a building area is very important. It is worth considering the distance from the city to the house, the availability of infrastructure, gasification. By the way, the presence or absence of these nuances affects the cost of property.

And if the purchase of a country house is performed? What do you pay attention to in this case?

Well, if the structure is located somewhere near the forest and reservoir. Then the future owners guaranteed fresh air and always clean water.

Little things that should be considered

When new housing is purchased, buyers immediately suggest a small cosmetic repair "under themselves". But at this point can be safely saved. To do this, you need to pay attention when buying a private house on the quality of the roof and overlap from the tree. After all, the replacement of boards or tiles significantly devastates the wallets of future owners.

It is not recommended to buy real estate, which is located in close proximity to industrial facilities or harmful production. Emissions are harmful to health. Their presence can not be noticed in windy weather, but when it will be simply impossible to be in the house in the house.

It is also highly recommended before buying to communicate with neighbors. They will tell the pros and cons of life in this area, and may also be telling any facts about the purchased property that the seller wants to hide.

Check home on own forces

Many buyers when purchasing a private house look at the structure of the structure, architecture, location and other not so important factors. This is the main mistake that is accomplished by future owners. And if the purchase of a unfinished house is made? What to pay attention in this case?

In fact, the verification of a completed and unfinished building is not different. It is important to pay attention to the technical side of the structure and the state of its communications. Need to watch:

  • easy and silently open windows and doors in the house;
  • in good condition there is a wiring, a system of heating and water supply;
  • if a boiler is installed in the house, then you can ask the seller a document in which there are marks on maintenance;
  • how smooth walls and gender, as well as, does not make squeak coating;
  • sewer. If the sewage is not central, and the house has only a cesspool, then its walls must be laid by brick.

Attraction for specialist check

After the future owner of the house independently appreciated the state of the structure and became interested in buying, it's time to resort to the help of a specialist. He knows exactly what to pay attention to when buying a house. You should not be afraid of the great value of the examination, because the reworking of rotten floors, roofs, walls and floors will cost much more than the conclusion.

To assess the state of the house, experts use various devices, such as thermal imagers, and already on the basis of measurements are concluding. In conclusion, the level of humidity in the room, the state of overlapping, the state of the heating system, water supply, ventilation and other conditions should be specified.

Paper to check when buying a house

Checking the status of the structure itself is not the only important detail when the transaction is performed. What else to watch when you buy a house: to pay attention to the documents that the seller provides on the correctness of their compilation.

Need to see:

  • permission to build;
  • certificate not only for real estate, but also to the site;
  • certificate of the number of people prescribed in the house;
  • if the house is in a share, then you need to pay attention to the presence of a permit for the sale of co-owner;
  • the act that gives the right to operate the premises.

It is worth noting that many more fraudulent actions have been performed in recently with such transactions. To fully protect yourself from possible problems, and to save your money, it is better to ask for help to a lawyer.

Documents to provide a buyer

Package of papers from the seller is not the only necessary documents. What to pay attention to when buying a home yet?

For the deal to be "clean," the buyer must also collect all the necessary documentation, namely:

  • their passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, whose validity period should not be expired;
  • his Inn and the Inn of those who are going to participate in the transaction (co-owners);
  • if the buyer has a spouse or spouse, then you need to provide a copy of the marriage certificate.

It is desirable to hire a lawyer for the entire property purchase procedure, which will make sure that the transaction takes place by law.

Possible pitfalls

Sellers of houses, and especially realtors, know many tricks with which you can deceive an inexperienced buyer. Their goal is to sell more expensive and get the maximum profit. What to pay attention to when buying a house, so that you are not regretting the acquisition for a long time?

So, on no compulsory need to check:

  • the presence of two contracts for sale (separately to the house and separately to the land plot);
  • compare the declared area of \u200b\u200bthe site with the actual;
  • make sure that previous owners did not do (this paper can be obtained from Specialists of BTI);
  • make sure that there are no conflicts between the neighbors relative to the land selling;
  • check the design documents for a residential building.

If at least one point from the buyer has questions, then it is recommended to refuse such a transaction.

The desire to have their housing is laid in us genetically. Little children, barely learned to walk, immediately begin to build a house from undergraded materials. At adulthood, the choice of housing becomes a decisive factor in further life. This article is aimed at considering the possible reasons for real estate purchases, consideration of all positive and negative parties.

Cause of purchase

The fact that in the city is harmful, everyone knows. The traditionally environmental problems of the city: water pollution, air, epidemiological component, modern realities added an increased electromagnetic background, threats of terrorist attacks, psycho-emotional load. Problems with noisy neighbors, parking, lack of her piece of land, even for walking dogs, pushing to the need to solve these tasks. By the desire to escape from the insurmountable wall of the problems dictated the desire for shopping at home away from the city.

Dreams in pink glasses

Listening at 3 o'clock in the night of the neighbors, the married couple dreams of a cozy nest on the shore of a friendly river, where it will be cozy to all - adults and children, dog and car. After estimating the cost of the apartment, the cost of the cottage new building, according to the advertising booklets, the price of village houses, inspired future new seals go to search for their dreams.

Friendly managers offer a house without decoration and communications, promising for the missing amount inexpensive loan, "... and the way you will pave yourself, it is inexpensive." No less smiling owners of houses of the 70s of the construction of the last century swear broadcasting about the soon speeding gas to this street, "... And the pig farm will be closed soon."

Criterion of choice, main thing - finance. Remove pink glasses

When finding a house, the main criteria - financial capabilities and not to believe anyone. Consider the most frequent misconceptions.

Communications - "There would be walls, the rest of the decision," the most important error. Often offered boxes of houses without communications - roads, gas, water, power supply, etc. At the same time, prices are just funny. Do not become a laughing, these funny prices are already laid out by the previous owner. Gasket gas and electricity - the fundamental factors of a comfortable stay in their home. The problem of sole gasket is not solved. If the problem of roads can be solved, and very conditionally, buying an SUV, then heating and power supply do not solve the purchase of the generator and run into the boiler room, throwing coal.

Often managers are argued by the cheapness of the lack of communications now, "when will be submitted, it will be more expensive." Will be more expensive, only when? If you sell an apartment, where and how you will live - in mother-in-law, or removing the apartment. Cases of sales of luxury apartments in the city center, shopping of the house boxes with empty promises. And the return purchase of apartments with loss of square, health, money.

Suppose you bought a house without problems, and you have enough money. Are you ready to spend a minimum of $ 200 monthly on the maintenance of the house? This is not a team of text - this is the minimum cost. Now all the buildings and the house area on the balance sheet are not at the Jekt, and you have a basement, water supply, sewage, heating, walls, roof, glazing, garbage collection and cleaning of the territory. Add to this dog content and, as a rule, the need to restore the road and the sidewalk near the house. Recall the snowy winters and the readiness of the owners to pay any money, just to leave the yard.

Changing the usual lifestyle to which no one pays attention to. Are you ready to get up 2 hours earlier and go to the city of 30 km? How delays will affect work, school, institute with possible transport problems. And will the family budget withstand such everyday trips?


There is a technique for determining the need for a particular action - put on the scales "for", and "against", in our case - buying a house.


  • Pure ecology;
  • Its territory that allows you to freely place the car, garage, bath, receive guests, etc.
  • Your home, according to needs;
  • Improving the status as a homeowner, improving the image when locating in an elite village.


  • Significant financial investments that require the sale of apartments, receiving loans, etc., which arises at the same time to remain without housing;
  • Unforeseen adverse factors: deterioration of the environmental situation, problem neighbors, interruptions in power supply, etc. depreciate the house;
  • Significant operating costs of home maintenance;
  • Changes in the usual lifestyle, transport problems.

For and against it is impossible to calculate to the end, buying a house is very individual. Sometimes the desire to leave the aspiolent district of the city is so highly that it is overlapped by any cost.

We hope this article will help you make the right choice.

Good afternoon seed! I am for advice! I want to buy a house for yourself with my husband. In finance, we do not particularly have. Therefore, choose from what is. The choice fell on one house, it confuses the masonry brick. The thing is that my husband and I do not understand the quality of the red brick. We ask you to help us. Please see the photo, what can you say about quality? How much trouble is waiting for us and is it worth "contacting" with such a house. Thank you in advance for your response!

Natalia, Mogilev.

Hi, Natalia from Mogilev!

Ungrateful this occupation is to give advice.

You give a good advice, then no one will remember. And you give a bad advice, then the entire shoulders can take, remember every time that the Council was bad.

If you judge the selected photos, then the house is in a more or less deign state. Some angles are somewhat embarrassed. In particular, the dock between the roof of the main house and the roof of the extension-veranda. It should be pretty looking, whether there are leaks in this place. Docking apron is not visible and this may, in the case of snow, lead to its melting and water leaks into the room.

In addition, the roof of the house does not see the drainage chutes and the scene on the ground, as a result, the bottom of the base looks great. Not to mention rust on a metal box-cabinet (I understand that it is intended for storing gas cylinders?)

Slate looks very older, that is, it will have to be changed if not the next year, then no later than in five years.

The porch somewhat glanced, which indicates a small blockage of the foundation under it.

The condition of brickwork should be considered in more detail. That is, look closely on bricks and seams between them. If there are no noticeable surface details of the bricks, then the state is satisfactory. If this surface has signs of detachments and ships of the red crumb down, then this is not good. This can talk about the poor quality of the brick, the presence of microcracks and voids in which atmospheric water penetrates. It freezes in minus temperatures and split bricks.

/ To avoid this, it is either plastering the walls, or cover them with siding for the beauty of the appearance. Both are money. /

And the overall impression that no one lives in this house for a long time. And as you know, a non-residential house is destroyed faster than the one in which they live.

That is, if you buy a house, then invest money in it for one or another repair will be necessary. Although they will need more to buy new or construction.

People who lived all their lives in the city apartment, do not quite well imagine their existence in a private house. Caring for its content is abuse. I do not know how much it applies to your family.

A large plus of such houses (if they are, of course, are in environmentally friendly places), then this is an opportunity to have a nursery. Provided that you will plant your vegetables and greens. Yes, and the presence of a garage and other business buildings is never excess. If the spouse (yes and you) hands on the spot and love to work, then it will do what.

In addition, real estate most often tends to increase their value, unlike the candy, "bunnies" and other paper money.

But in any case, it will not hurt to invite a person who lived in a private house for many years, he will immediately be able to indicate the problematic sites of the house. And then, taking into account his comments, you can play a decrease in price.

Summary? Weigh all for and against. After that, make a decision. I can not add another.

Ask a question Seeds (author's author)

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