Repairs Design Furniture

In the wooden house rotted the bottom log. Replacing the crown in a wooden house - all subtleties from professionals. With disassembling wall of a wooden house

The growth of the popularity of wooden log cabins as warm and eco-friendly housing has its own "pitfalls", which you need to remember, deciding on the construction of such a house.

The wooden construction market often offers low-quality material, harvested and dried incorrectly, and a brigade with a low level of knowledge and practical experience is taken for work. As a result, the owner after 5-6 years have to face the problem of rotting the lower crowns of the cut and urgently look for methods for its solution.

The house built from the Winter Forest, a qualitatively dried and antiseptic, the wall in which is reliably protected from rain and snow with wide overhauls of the roof, not less than 50 years old does not require major repairs.

We will consider the case when, as a result of weak waterproofing the foundation and winding of the walls, the lower crowns were rotted and their urgent substitution is required.

Immediately, we note that this work refers to the category of labor-intensive and complex, so it is not always possible to perform it with your own hands without attracting experienced masters.

Methods and technologies for replacing rotten lower crowns

Cosmetic method - The easiest and most affordable homeowners. It does not require the use of special equipment and large financial costs. Its essence consists in cutting out the rotational lower sections of the walls and replacing them to new elements of the weft design.

If the rotation process did not affect the entire lower belt of the logs, this method can be considered a real output from the position. However, the disadvantage of this technology is the violation of the integrity of the church and, as a result, the loss of their part of its rigidity.

In addition, after such a repair, new joints appear through which heat loss occurs.

On another method of replacement of the rotten crowns of a wooden house It is made after full disassembly of the walls. This is the most expensive and long, but also the most effective way to repair a church.

After such works, the building again becomes durable and reliable. An additional advantage of this method of repair is the ability to replace the upper crowns of walls, which are also in contact with moisture and are subjected to rotting.

The third repair technology involves disassembling the top of the foundation and replacement of the lower fallen crowns. After that, the foundation layer was restored and waterproof.

The disadvantage of this method is a violation of the foundation structure, which can further affect its durability and bearing ability.

It is inexpensive with your own hands and pretty quickly replace the lower crown of the log wall on the brickwork. For this, small sections of the rotting crown are consistently cut out and in their place are put on a solution red brick.

Last common repair method It lies in the rise of the walls of the church by jacks and the disassembly and replacement of the wet designs of the lower rows. This is the most economical and qualitative way to restore walls.

With its competent execution, the storage strength is not reduced and its geometry is not disturbed. Simultaneously with the replacement of the crowns, you can repair the foundation and strengthen its waterproofing. However, this method requires the use of a special snap, good knowledge of each stage and a common sequence of work production.

Consider in more detail how the replacement of the lower crowns at home is domain. Before starting work, it is assessed with the possibility of lifting a church on the jacks. The main criterion here is the dining condition of the corners - the main elements, on which the preservation of the geometry and storage strength depends.

If the bandage is in good condition, the log house will endure the rise on the jacks. If its integrity is broken by the process of rotting, you will have to use a stationary support frame.

On one wall, depending on the size of the house, it may be necessary to be taken from two to four jacks. In the walls of the cut for the installation of the supporting parts of the jacks with a chain saw, part of the rotten crowns are cut.

In order to change the lower crowns by jacks Slowly and evenly lifted one wall. The rise is finished at a height sufficient to freely extract the fired crown and its replacement. A new log in the wall is inserted by three parts. Two shorts are installed in the corners, and the longest put in the interval between the jacks.

Having lowered the log house and removing the jacks, the openings from them fill in pieces of logs, precisely fitted under their size. The jokes close up pacles or another high-quality seal.

Even before the start of work on the lifting of the cut should be decidedThan to treat the lower crown so that in the foreseeable future did not have to repeat this operation. Options using bitumen or spent mineral engine oil for this purpose today are considered only with extreme limited means.

However, even in this case, it is better to make additional costs and acquire a remedy from a wide range of branded drugs for wood antiseptation. They do not have an unpleasant smell, they are well protecting the crowns of the cut from rotting and do not spoil the appearance of the outer wall.

It should be noted that the effectiveness of the protection of the lower crowns of the church It depends not only on the quality of impregnation, but also on the degree of waterproofing the foundation. Therefore, it is not necessary to use cheap types of regularity for these purposes, but it is better to lay the EuroBeroid layer on the foundation 2. This material is made from an elastic modified bitumen and rejected by glass chickens, so dozens of years do not lose its strength and tightness.

In addition to using antiseptic solutions, the protection of the lower crown of the cut requires the installation of metal visors above the lower crown, which will take rainwater from the logs.

The total cost of the work on the replacement of the lower crowns of the church depends on its size. For a standard log-to-one-storey house (6 by 8 meters), it is in the range from 15 to 20 thousand rubles without the cost of material. The logs for this work will cost from 8 to 12 thousand rubles for one crown.

Useful video

Typical technological map

Replacing the lower wands of a wooden house



Typical technological card (TTK) is compiled to replace the lower crowns of a wooden house.

TTK is designed to familiarize workers and engineering and technical workers with the rules for the production of works, as well as for the purpose of using construction projects, construction projects, other organizational and technological documentation.

2. General provisions

The method of repairing the lower crown of a wooden house will depend on the features of the construction:

- Is there a stove and chimney;

- size of the house;

- are there additional extensions having a common roof with a house;

- states of the lower crowns;

- type of base;

- availability of free space around the walls of the building.

The most common way to update is the help of a jack (Fig. 1).

Fig.1. Domkrat setting scheme

Before starting repair, it is necessary to assess the destruction of the lower crowns. In the event of a submission with your own hands, you need to sharpen a brica with an ax. The deaf sound will testify to the rotten log. To accurately determine the size and depth of the rotten section, the chisel is cleaned with a log edge (Fig. 2).

Fig.2. Evaluation of the degree of destruction of the lower crowns

The next step is to assess the possibility of lifting the structure on jacks. The main point is the dining condition of the corners, since they retain the strength and geometry of the cut. If the bandage has rotted, you will have to apply a stationary support frame.

Good crowns that are not subject to replacement are bonded from the inside of the house and outside with special boards with a thickness of about 40 centimeters: they nourish them in an upright position in a half-meter from the corner of the structure.

Before the rise in the rise, it is necessary to determine which antiseptic tool will be applied to process the new lower crown.

3. Organization and technology for performing work

Preparatory activities

The house from the cut must be carefully prepared for raising, namely:

Fig.3. Preparation for the rise of the house

Remove the furniture, household appliances from the house. In general, the house needs to be released as much as possible;

- From the windows of removing the sash and frame, remove the doors and door boxes. This will facilitate the design and will save the windows / doors from damage and possible skew (Fig. 3).

Wooden floor disconnect from walls. At the same time it is necessary to take into account:

- the floor embedded above the mortgage crown, which is not planned to be changed, can not be removed;

- Lugi embedded into the mortgage crown, you need to disassemble, set the support pillars for lags, and then separate them from the lower crown.

The fireplace or furnace in the house is usually installed on a separate foundation. If this rate is not met, then raising the house without damage to thermal equipment is impossible.

Chimney of the furnace / fireplace separated from the roof and overlap.

Non-damped crowns of the house must be fixed and copped. The boards with a thickness of 40 cm are nourished vertically around the perimeter of the construction, the mounting step is 50 cm. The boards are nailed with both external and the inner side of the house. The lower end of the board is fixed to the bottom remaining crown, and the upper, respectively, to the upper crown. This measure will save the house from the deformation during the lifting process.

Srub lifting order: column and belt foundation

Lifting the house on the Foundation Status:

1. Mark the location of the jacks and cut areas in the lower crowns. Niches must correspond to the dimensions of the lifting device.

2. Measure the height of the jack with an elevated / recessed rod and compare this amount with a distance from the log to the ground.

3. If necessary, make a subcople to place the jack.

4. Establish a support for the installation of a jack. As a platform, a concrete block or a shield from the boards (Fig.4).

5. Place a jack - putting a metal plate between the jack head and the lower log.

Fig.4. Arrangement of support for the installation of a jack

To raise the house you will need at least 4 jacks. They are installed two from the opposite sides of the house - choose the wide part of the construction. The distance to the corner of the house is about 1 m.

Lifting a log on a tape foundation:

1. In the damaged crowns, cut the niches under the lever (fell, jack or log). The lever must freely enter the underground at home, so the floor must be disassembled in advance.

Jacks are located outside the building near the foundation.

In a niche, put the lever, and under his inner end put a support - a stack of boards or a concrete block.

The outer edge of the lever is placed on the jack (Fig. 5).

Jack raise the lever. When the house starts raising, it is necessary to put wedges on the foundation.

Fig.5. Lift Log:

1 - the bottom log of the crown; 2 - lever support; 3 - wooden wedges; 4 - top walle logo; 5 - lever (Schwell); 6 - tape foundation; 7 - Domkrat

Using the combination of lever jack, you can raise the sides of the house in turn. In addition, after replacing the crowns, it is necessary to close the gap through which the lever was driven through.

Wooden House Replacement Algorithm

The next stage is the immediate replacement of the crowns. Any crown consists of lower and upper logs connected in the corners. Jacks are installed with focus on the upper logs, and the lower easily can be removed. In their place, it is necessary to put temporary supports supporting the upper crown.

Further work:

1. The jacks gently lower together with the top crown. Dressing logs to remove.

2. Prepare two logs to replace the upper elements of the lower crown. The tree must be carefully processing and pinpoint, so that the adjacent is dense.

3. Put the top log on the jacks, and on top to cover with a coincidence material.

4. The jack raise until it stops - the new log should be tightly sniffed to the response top log.

5. Raise jack together with the house and remove temporary supports from other walls.

6. Replace the bottom log of strapping in the same manner as the top (Fig.6).

Fig.6. Replacement of the lower logs strapping

7. Repair the foundation, improve its waterproofing and lowering the house.

4. Requirements for the quality of work

4.1. For the waterproofing of the foundation, it is not recommended to choose the runneroid. The term of his service in conditions of high humidity - up to 4 years. It is advisable to purchase "EuroBeroid" - the material is a bit more expensive, but the order is stronger.

4.2. The lower crowns in front of the bookmark must be treated with chemicals that prevent rotting processes.

4.3. On the roof of the house, metal visors should be installed, cutting snow / rain on the walls of the house.

Replacing the lower crowns of a wooden house, as a rule, is not needed, but only under the condition of construction from highly dried sawn timber and the use of proper technology. By completing these conditions, the replacement of the lower crowns may be required after fifty years and above. Winter cutting forest, past drying and antiseptation, house roof construction, having wide roofing rains for protecting walls from climb during rain and snow, a device for reliable waterproofing of the foundation and cut-off, cutting corners and a sample of longitudinal grooves according to the rules of technology, all these and many other rules Better to observe. But if there is a need for a complete and partial replacement of the lower crowns, such techniques are available. These works are considered extremely laborious and complex and require knowledge and experience.

Methods for replacing and restoration of rotted lower crowns

At the very beginning of the "process", when the owner discovers that the lower belts of the logs begin to rot, and the logs are not damaged to a greater depth or damaged by the length of the crowns only partially, repairs are possible.

Cosmetic repair of the lower crowns

This method will not solve the problem of dozens of years. In addition, when cutting and replacing part of the crowns, a large number of new joints and capets of the cold will appear inevitably, and disorders of the integrity of the reference crowns of the cut will lead to the fact that the entire sredden will lose part of its strength, rigidity and stability. Nevertheless, this method is although temporary, but exit from the position. In order to cut the rotten parts of the walls of the walls, and replace them with new ones, there will be no special equipment and large financial investments. This method is quite simple and accessible to do it yourself.

Partial display of brick masonry

The available method of repairing the lower crowns of log walls is possible in the case of local damage to the crowns. If you need to replace a small plot, then it is replaced with brick masonry, sequentially. Cutting the rotten areas in parts, instead of them remove masonry from ceramic bricks on cement-sandy solution.

Replacing the lower vents

Another method of solving the problem of losing the bearing ability of the lower crowns as a result of rotting is a cardinal, high-cost and long, comparable with new construction. Although fully effective. They produce a complete disassembly of the walls of the house, replaced the rotten elements, partially, if possible, restore horizontal waterproofing of the foundation. An additional plus of this method is possible to replace not only the bottom, but also the upper wints of the house, if necessary.

The third method of reconstruction requires disassembly of the upper part of the foundation, after which they replace the lower faded parts of the crowns and restore the structures and waterproofing of the foundation. A serious minus of this technique is any violation of the established structure of the foundation, the equilibrium and joint work of the foundation and soils of the foundation, as a rule, is extremely negatively affected by the bearing ability of the foundation and at home, and as a result, on the service life.

Replacing the lower crowns with lifting jacks

The most reliable and qualitative method of repairing wooden houses, as well as the most economical, consider the replacement of the lower bones of a cut with lifting jacks. Together with the replaceable crowns, it is possible to repair the foundation, in whole or in part, and make an increase in waterproofing.

When performing a lifting and repair technology, the geometric dimensions of the house do not change, the strength and stability of the structures is not reduced. What technology to apply depends on the state of the cut. If the walls are in good preservation, all the crowns are reliable, then it is possible to lift the house using jacks. With violation of the dressings and integrity of the walls by the processes of rotting, there is a need to apply stationary support frames.

The required amount of jacks - two, four or more, is calculated depending on the length of the walls of the house. To establish the support parts of the jacks, in the lower parts of the walls with the help of a chain saw cut through areas with damaged rotten crowns.

After installing jacks, the walls are lifted, as uniform, very slowly. Raise so much so that it may be free to extract and replace the drowned crown. Elements of amplification from new logs in the walls are installed in parts - short segments are hardened and mounted from the corners, and the average, the largest lengths are installed in the gap between the jacks.

After the log house is lowered and the jacks are removed, the holes remaining after their installation are tightly close the logs, with insulation and sealing of the joints with flax, jute fiber or pack.

When repaired, it is necessary to carry out antiseptic processing, as high quality as possible, using modern wood protection agents. The old methods of bituminization or lubrication logs do not give a sufficient long effect, and sometimes harm the wood, they are for the blockage of the wood. Currently, there is a large selection of antiseptics and drugs for biozochildren of wood, not smell, harmless to health and non-portable facade of the house, with excellent antiseptic properties. The quality of impregnation directly affects the durability of a church.

To perform a cut-off from the capillary supply of moisture, or horizontal waterproofing, it is recommended to apply not runneroid on the bitumen, but more modern materials, for example, an EuroBeroid in two layers. The material reinforced by the layer of glass cholester, elastic, is made on the basis of bitumen and serves as one dozen years, providing sealing. The application of the runneroid will lead to the fact that the violation of the foundation waterproofing will create conditions for rotting and damage to the replaced crowns.

For the protection of the lower belt, a wooden house visors are used. Installing visors above the bottom belts of logs working in the most difficult conditions, guarantees the leading of atmospheric water from the crowns and an increase in their service.

The house from the tree is undoubtedly a reliable and structure, but even he has weaknesses. Several lower wandes of the house, and especially the mortgage crown with a holding time come into a dilapidative state. This is due to various errors in the construction and operation. The wetting of the lower crown comes from wax and rainwater due to poor qualityly performed waterproofing of the foundation. In addition, today you can still find a large number of old wooden houses in which the foundation is generally absent.

The replacement of the lower crowns of a wooden house requires quite serious financial costs, and the works themselves are complex and laborious. Often, simple calculations show that new construction on the site of the old house will be cheaper than repairs. However, in some situations, the crowns will be replaced more expedient. This situation may occur when the house is an architectural monument or just roads, as a memory of ancestors.

Several ways to replace the lower crowns at home

To replace the crowns at home is only with the invitation of specialists or at least with their supervision. After all, mistakes in technology can lead to the destruction of the whole house, its roof, overlap or chimneys. When carrying out such work, you need to know some nuances that we set out further.

Before the start of work, it is worth understanding that the technology of repairing a wooden house depends on the set of conditions: the size of the house, the technical condition of the foundation and the crowns themselves, the adequacy of the free space near the structure, the presence of a coating attachment under one roof with the house, the presence of chimney and many other factors.

Replacing the rotten part of the crown without raising the house

Often such situations occur when only a small part of the log needs to be replaced, as it is not all rotted. In this case, there is no need to replace the entire log. This is especially shown when staying at home on a belt foundation, from which it is very difficult to raise the house without destroying the foundation.

  • First of all, we determine where the most damaged area is determined.
  • After that, with the help of the chisel, we investigate how much I was introduced into the log. We calculate in both directions from damage. Most often, with the help of the chisel, it is revealed that the area of \u200b\u200bdamage is much larger than that that is noticeably naked eye.
  • From the edges of the damaged area, we retreat 50 cm in both directions and install wooden screeds on a height of 2 - 3 crowns. For this purpose, you can use 40 mm thick boards that need to be knit from the outside and from the inside. In the first and last crown, we drill holes in which we insert through the hairpins, having a diameter of about 12 mm.

  • The damaged section of the log drinking a chainsaw and remove it.
  • In the reserved crown of the groove the grooves width 20 cm for the reliability of the connection with the new insert.
  • Of the logs of the same diameter, we cut the insert equal to the length of the drank area with the same marked at the ends.
  • We set the insert to the location of the damaged area. A sledgehammer comes to the rescue here, to hit which you need through the bar
  • In place of the wrist on the edges of the inserted logs, we drill three holes in the edges and insert the wooden braids to fasten the old and new logs.
  • In the process of work, you must not forget to proceed all the slots moss, jute or packs.

In this way, not only one damaged area can be replaced, but also the entire lower crown, including angles. It is worth understanding that such a crown will not be quite reliable, unlike the whole, so the use of this technology of complete replacement of the crown is only in extreme cases or as a temporary measure.

Full replacement of all the lower crowns at home

The full replacement of the crowns is a rather laborious thing, as it assumes to sort out the entire log house. For this you need, so that no one has lived in the house, for example, in the case of the restoration of the old abandoned house, a bath or even a new cut. Often, it is resorted to this method when replacing the upper subframe crowns of the church, which suffered from excess moisture.

Replacing a damaged crown of brick masonry

Take a brick masonry under a wooden house possible, both with a lift of the structure and without it. It depends on the type of base of the house, from its age and on the size of the funds you want to invest in its repair. In the case when the house has no foundation at all, and it lies on Earth, you can do without lifting. For this, damaged areas are cut off, and the resulting openings are filled with brick masonry, the top surface of which should be lying into solid logs of the upper crown.

In this way, it is gradually able to change the entire lower crown, alternately removing its parts and replacing them with bricks. In this case, work should be started with the corners, providing in these places a more reliable support. The advantages of brick masonry are well manifested in case of inclined position of the house. In this case, at the lowest section of the masonry can be replaced by several crowns, and high location only place.

If there is a foundation at the house, it needs to be lifted with several jacks. Suitable both screw and hydraulic, although the second is preferable. Initially, the lift is carried out from the corners, gradually resting supports under them. When the house is raised at the required height, the surface of the foundation is cleaned and lay a brickwork on it. When carrying out such a procedure, doors and windows need to be removed, so as not to damage them.

Partial dismantling of the belt foundation

The above method with a lifting of the house it is possible to apply only if there is a column foundation. If he is a ribbon, then it will not be possible to raise the house without partial destruction, since the jacks have nowhere to install. In this case, 70 cm from each angle should be hollowed in the monolith of niches, such that the jacks can enter them. The jacks should be leaving in good crowns, so the bottom must be cut into the installation places of the jacks. It is worth noting that instead of a jack, you can sometimes use a long tube as a lever. However, this is acceptable for construction with a slight weight, such as a bath or a small country house.

The log house is lifted by 7 - 10 cm, after which the old rotten logs are removed, which are replaced with new ones. After that, the destroyed areas of the foundation are repaired. The disadvantage of this method is the need to destroy the foundation, whose strength after repair is significantly reduced.

Raising the house of the Dankrats and hanging on special devices

In order to produce full repair of the crowns and the fundamental foundation, it is necessary to fully raise the house on jacks. Well, if the house is located on the foundation column. This makes it possible to do without destruction. Between the columns simply install a durable base under the jack, which can be made from the concrete block.

All also first of all you need to cut a piece of an old log or a few logs. For example, when replacing the three lowest crowns, you need to cut three logs, put a jack and rub it in a solid log in the fourth crown. This method is considered the most reliable and applied most often.

Sometimes it is advisable to post a house on metal-made metal structures specially made for this purpose. They are made specifically for a particular home in size. This option is required with high-quality repair of a wooden house or a complete replacement of the foundation.

The design is made of metal chawls and hardened under the log house. Initially, the log houses on several jacks, after which they lower the chawls on a reliable support. It is noteworthy that the points of the support of such a design are deposited beyond the limits of the log, which is more convenient and helps to leave the house in a suspended state until the concrete is completely dried.

Detailed instructions for raising the house to replace the crowns

Since the rise of the house on the jacks to replace the crowns is the most common option, then consider it in more detail. It is necessary to take into account that the process is quite complex and time-consuming, so it is better to hire a brigade of professional builders to produce these works. The costs of completion of work in this case should be advised to expenditures on materials.

Before lifting the house you need to carefully prepare:

  • We remove the frame and door canvases and even the boxes.
  • We take all the furniture from the house.
  • In the case of partitions, the floor in the mortgage crown must be completely dismantled or installed on the columns, separating from the crown. If the lags are attached to the walls above, then dismantling will not need.
  • The furnaces in the house must be installed on independent foundations. Otherwise, the house does not raise without dismantling stoves.
  • Chimneys need to be separated from the roof and ceiling floors.
  • The remaining crowns of the house bond with a thickness of 40 mm thick, which 50 cm from the corner of the house nourishes to a cut vertically. The boards must be placed from the inner and external side of the church. The upper and lower ends of the boards are fixing through through beggages, in order to avoid the deformation of the walls when picked up.

After the completion of the preparatory work, we need to clear the place near the house for the convenience of work. The roof of the attachment to the house must be separated from the main building so that it does not collapse. Further work is performed depending on the type of foundation.

When the foundation is column

Raise a house that stands on a bar foundation is much easier and more convenient.

  • We are preparing a niche for the jack, for which it will have to sometimes make a subpople.
  • Under the jack is a strong support.
  • The jack head we rest in the lower "healthy" log through the metal gasket.

You need to take 4 jacks one for each side. They are installed at a distance of 80 - 100 cm from the corners of the house.

With tape foundation

There is an opportunity even in this case to do without the destruction of the foundation, but for this you will have to make a lot of effort:

  • In the replaceable crowns, drink the windows, which could be started a lever log.
  • Inside the house floor should be disassembled so that the lever is freely entered underground.
  • As such a lever, you can apply a log, a channel or a flag.
  • Jacks put the house outside the house closer to the foundation.
  • The lever is inserted into the window and a solid support from the concrete block or a boiler board is installed under its inner edge.
  • The outer end of the lever is placed on the jack.
  • Next, the jack rises the lever, and behind it and the whole house. At this time, it is necessary to put the wedges between the surface of the foundation and hung at home.

After raising the house, we replace the rotten logs of the crown. Please note that the levers can only be raised by all parties in turn. Also, after the end of the work, you will have to close a technological niche, through which the lever started.

Replacing logs crown

After the house is posted on jacks, you can begin to replace the crowns. Each crown consists of the upper and lower logs associated in the corners. The jacks must rest in the upper logs, which frees the lower logs that can be easily removed. Instead, it is worth putting temporary supports, resting in the next crown.

  • Now the jacks should be omitted, together with which the top log dressing. It must also be deleted.
  • Instead of the top ligation logs, you set new ones that need to be customized on the place.
  • The top log is installed on the jacks and is isolated with caulk material.
  • Next, the jack must be lifted together with a log, which is pressed to the log of the next crown.
  • Raising the jack just above, along with the house, you need to remove temporary supports on all walls.
  • Now we need to insert the bottom log of the strapping, which is tedious to exit and fit under the opposite log.
  • Then it is put on jacks and with a cauldron material and raise, pressing to the reversal log.

At this time, the liberated jacks on the adjacent walls need to be omitted. Before this is required to repair and waterproof the entire surface of the foundation for the prevention of wood damage in the future.

Thus, the replacement of the crowns in a wooden house is a case quite laborious, but when compliance with all technologists is quite sat.

All Ban owners know: the lower crowns is a very vulnerable place. In contrast to other elements of the bathroom design, it is most susceptible to the destructive effect of moisture. But the worst is easily by posting, he immediately begins to spread the rot on the upper logs, which invariably leads to the destruction of the whole structure. To prevent such a development of the situation, you need to immediately, at the first signs of rotting, replace the lower crown or partially or completely. Otherwise, it will be necessary to start building a new bath.

If you immediately respond to the situation, you can save yourself from extra monetary and labor costs and replace only some damaged parts of the lower crown.

Replace technology

The essence of this procedure is to remove the fired plot and the installation in its place "patch" from wood, brick or other materials.

  1. From the rotten-affected area, the external trim is separated;
  2. Determine the boundaries of rotten wood, outlawing them with a chisel or knife;
  3. To prevent damage to the entire structure, during the removal of rotten wood, the screeds are set at a distance of 40 cm from the outlined boundaries. Screeds are a height of 2-3 crowns and 40 cm thick. Total use 4 bars, attaching them on the sides of the rotten area from two sides of the wall. You need to use ties in case of removal of a large sector of the crown, if a small area is damaged - you can not use the screed;
  4. A damaged part of the log is removed by electrical or chainsaw. To do this, you first need to make a cross-cutter from two sides. The dropped area must be removed;
  5. In the resulting space you need to place insert. In order that it fits tightly, they make the edges of the resulting opening of the word (width of 20 cm);
  6. The lower part of the second crown is purified, aligned with the chisel to a flat state. In order to protect wood from insects, moisture, mold, rotting and fire, handle the lateral walls of the obtained opening and the lower part of the second crown of the antiseptic;
  7. The foundation will rip the rubberoid in 2-3 layers;
  8. Made insert. From the logs cut a part of exactly the same diameter as the damaged logs. The insertion length should be less than the size of the opening by 1-2 cm. It is treated with an antiseptic, and then installed in the opening. If problems arise with this, you can use a sledgehammer. For the manufacture of inserts instead of wooden bars, you can use bricks. For this, the openings formed after cutting out the rotational part, bricks are placed on a concrete solution. Thus, the brickwork will replace the entire lower crown;
  9. The slots between the insert and the log cabin are closed with fibrous materials, such as palable, jute or moss

Replacement of the lower crowns completely

The replacement of the entire lower crown can be carried out according to the above scheme. For this, high time and strength costs will be required, as it will be necessary to gradually cut off all damaged areas, replacing them with new ones. But there is a big advantage - no longer need to raise a log house on jacks.

It will be much stronger if the new lower crown is not made of pieces, but from whole logs. To do this, it is necessary to shift the entire design of the bathroom, raising it with jacks.

Replace technology

1. Preparatory stage:

  • So that the windows and doors do not cracked during the lift of the cut them out;
  • The log house should remain empty, and therefore all heavy items should be taken out of the bath;
  • Floor lags embedded in the lower crown, you need to disassemble. Lags, laid above the lower crown, do not disassemble;
  • To avoid damage to the ceiling overlaps and the roof of the heavy tube of the chimney, it must be separated;
  • Not damaged log wakes need to fix. This is done like this: from the inner and outer sides of each wall at a distance of 0.5 meters from the corners of the cut, vertically boards or bars (4 cm thick) are nourished. Their lower edges should end exactly there, where and the logs of the unsolving replacement of the crown (the second bottom), and the top is attached to the logs of the uppermost crown. For fixing intact sections, 16 boards are used, which are from the bottom and on top should be fixed by through brackets. This is done in order to raise a log on the jacks, it does not led his walls.

Once all of the above works are completed - you can proceed to the repair procedure of the lower crown.
2. Basic works

The process of replacing the lower crown of the cut depends on the type of foundation.

Ribbon foundation

  1. The burning of the church consists of the upper and lower logs, which are connected and are connected in the corner. It is very important to accurately determine which logs in the supervised vents of the top, since jacks will be installed under them;
  2. In the replaceable chub, at a distance of 0.7-1 m from the corner of the house, they are knocked out in the foundation of a width of 0.4 m wide. From the log of a lower crown, located opposite the formed opening, cut out part so that the overall height of the niche allowed to accommodate the jack there. According to such a scheme, they make exactly the same niches on two opposite walls. The distance from the corners should be the same;
  3. Now you need to install jacks (2-4 pieces). A very important point is the choice of jacks. To do this, you need to choose a mechanism with a lifting capacity of at least 10 tons. Depending on the size of the bath, the lifting capacity of the jack can reach 25 tons. The error at this stage can lead to the formation of breakdowns and breaks the logs. The number of jacks depends on how the log house is climbing: all immediately or each wall separately. But if you raise the walls alternately, it can lead to the occurrence of distortions, so the best option will raise the entire log house together. To do this, you need to install 2 jack under the opposite walls so that they resist into the upper logs of the crown dressing;
  4. Jacks lift the log house for 7-10 cm and remove the lower ligation logs;
  5. Under the bottom logs of the second crown, there are reliable temporary supports, such as bricks, concrete blocks, logs, boards, bars. The main thing is that they sustain the weight of the entire cut;
  6. The jacks, together with the upper logs of the crown of the crown, are lowered, and instead they immediately install new and pressed by jacks. Everyone installed under the bottom logs of the second crown of supports take away. The top logs are lubricated on the lower, and the lower logs are placed on the foundation. Very slowly and synchronously lowered the jack;
  7. At the last stage, core is carried out - the slots formed when connecting new logs with the second crown of the church are sealing. For this, fibrous materials (pass, moss and jute) are used, which are clogged into the resulting seams.

Foundation columnal

Perform the replacement of the crown crowns on this type of foundation is quite simple.

  1. It is necessary to install 4 jack between the foundations columns that are connected to the upper logs of the bottom crown. Place them 2 on each wall. It is necessary to install these jacks on a very durable basis, such as a shield from boards, 50x50 samples. Finding into the log head of the jack rod should only through a metal plate;
  2. Jacks raised synchronously. Further actions are exactly the same as when replacing the lower crown of a frame of a ribbon foundation.

The difference between the replacements of the harvesting crowns with a ribbon and bar foundation consists only during the installation of jacks. The first option is more laborious, since the foundation needs to be partially destroyed. For a column foundation it is not necessary to do this, since there is a lot of space in its structure to install jacks.

How to protect the lower crowns from rotting?

The process of replacing damaged logs can last infinitely, repeating every 2-3 years. The reason for this lies in the incorrect waterproofing.
Protection measures:

  • The lower crowns of the church need to make out of little decodes of the trees - oak or larch. It is not necessary to take whole brica, for these purposes, larch boards are fulfilled, which must be subsequent under the lower crown. Thus, a protective layer is formed between the foundation and crown, which is not amenable to fungi;
  • To protect your logs from rotting them, they need to be covered with an antiseptic (hydrophobizer) of such brands, like "Pinotex", "Sezhes Firebio", "Sadolin". You can also carry out "machine work", but in this case the long period will be felt by a sharp smell;
  • The base of the bath also need to be covered with a hydrophobizer;
  • Between the crown and the foundation for waterproofing the joint, several layers of rubberoid must be used;
  • The lower crowns from the outer moisture must be protected by visors from the zinc.

Following all of the above methods, you can forever solve the problem of rotting the lower crowns of a church, which has been removing themselves from unforeseen cash costs.