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Mini-house - Compact log house from the Forumhouse member. How to make a log cabbage with your own hands? How to build a log cabin

One of the oldest building structures is a wooden log house - now confidently returns to individual construction. The reason is not only in the prestigious appearance of chopped buildings: the chopped house breathes very well - in the summer it is not hot in it, in winter warm without additional insulation, the humidity is optimal in winter. Put a log house with your own hands the task is quite complicatedBut satisfying a hardworking and attentive newcomer, and cash savings at the same time relatively with a log cabin to order can be 2-3 multiple. But no less important is that the service life of the homemade log house can exceed 100 and even 200 years, whereas the normative for chopped building structures is 40 years; Really the best sample logs are 50-70 years old. Cause - to put a log house for several generations, you need to perform a mass of subtletieswhich this article is written; They will help to lengthen the service life of the schrub and make it more resistant. Good carpenters are most often known, but pay such a painstaking work on his pocket to any million. And with their own hands for itself it will cost only about a year of extra time: until the continuation of construction, the correct inequate log house should stand from heat to heat through the winter.


It is not yet that before the start of work - before all pondering about them, it is necessary to clearly assimilate certain rules and apply them to their own conditions. After that, the material is selected - wild log, rounded, bar - and actually construction technology.

Bar, cylinder or savage?

Measuring lumber on a wide sale arrive up to 12 m long. But the edged 3- or 4-cantherm can be spliced \u200b\u200bin length (see below), so the log house can be very large in the right on the left in the right on the left in Fig. below. It is worth a profile bar on a log house quite expensive, but sold ready-made sets for home, bath, etc. (see Fig. Right), which is often attached and a typical project. His statement takes place without problems, and the most shed remains only to collect on the attached instructions and let it stand on the weight shrinkage specified there. The real service life of the house from such a bar will be 60-70 years old, and with high-quality caisal and regular annual care (reproduction outside impregnation) - up to 100 years.

Reliable ways of compounds include round logs do not exist, so the maximum length of the house from the rounded log is 12 m on the outside. You can add a residential area at the same time at home and on the basis of the foundation with it (at the top of the right in Fig.), But taking into account all the restrictions on the word in the log cabin, the extension width is obtained by no more than 2/3 of the length of the wall to which it is adjacent. The maximum possible option of this type is a frame of 12x12 without solesoles, from each wall of which sticks out an extension of 6x6. The service life is the same as the brusade structure, because A rounded log is actually a kind of profile bar.

Fundamental rules

Wild loghouse from logs of self-procurement and training can stand over 200 years; Known logs from wild logs, which are more than 600. Wild logo not measuring material and can be prepared for more than 12 m long. But the grazing of a "savage" is so unique, that we will return to it a little further, but for now we will complete the analysis of common for all kinds Srub of construction rules (see fig. And the list below):

  • Fireproof of chopped buildings not higher than average. Impregnation with the best modern antipirens (impregnating materials for fire resistance) will pay off the burning rag falling on the floor and slow down the spread of the flame from strong fire so that people have been evacuated to be evacuated and perhaps partially render the property. But even if the fire will be repaid promptly, the remains of the house will have to break and build a new one.
  • The cost of the materials for the cheap wild grazing is at least twice as much as the frame or the panel house of the same useful volume.
  • The laboriousness of the cutting of the cut is very high. If you have without experience in the summer, it turns out to make a log house on 12 crowns (this is a ceiling of 2.5-2.7 m), and at the time you will have no more than 10% of the prepared material, then you are a carpenter.
  • Chainsaw, drill, and possibly stationary circular saw and the fugoval machine will help to reduce the time of the cutting of the cut, but the proportion of qualified handmade is still high. To assemble the log house, simply waffles to the bridges in the bones are not enough. It is necessary to work measurable, neatly, slowly, all the time using the eye meter, accuracy and smell.
  • Located from a wild log under the bath or non-residential house (country, country summer, hunting) can be built on a unlucky foundation on the soils up to the rapids.
  • The grazing assembly is made immediately entirely - at the same time with a chopped porch, a veranda, summer kitchen, hassia, a pre-tribades, etc. extensions. Technical ability to postpone the completion of the entire construction "For later", see Pos. 1 In fig., They are technically more acceptable: the duration and nature of the shrink shrink is essentially different from such other wooden building structures.

  • Corner cutting into an angle without residue (see below), noticeably saving material, will require the use of compounds that are asymmetrical relative to the longitudinal axis of the log or timber. In this case, the planing ends of the units of the material must move on one side of the angle to another on odd and even crowns, pos. 2. The template for marking of grooves and spikes can be used alone, but, placing the next crown, it needs not only turn, but also to turn over that the markup came out in the mirror reflection. For this side, the template is noted "H" (odd) and "h" (even).
  • Do not put a log cabin on the lining bars, pos. 3. Crubble does not need a bearing support, nor a damping pillow - he holds himself. The foundation is covered with waterproofing and a log house is collected directly on it. And the lining bars under the log cabin can be, and often turn out to be a loophole for rot and pests.
  • Installation of a church is made immediately in place, i.e. On the foundation of the structure, the blackhouse cavity is immediately made by the rotor (pos. 4); However, Collect logs for the sake of simplifying the work upside down next to the foundation and then shift the crown of the crown behind the crown - coarse halants suitable for temporary or completely unassuming buildings, for example. Taiga winter.
  • The floor in chopped buildings is made only floating, pos. 5. Insert the beams of the floor (lining bars) in the logs or the bars of the log cabin are not allowed!

Build from a log

The log cabin is suitable for all types of chopped buildings. It is the most racks, durable and can stand on an unlightened foundation on movable soils. So the analysis let's start in more detail.


In addition to the usual construction to the tree, the special tool, which was mentioned above is absolutely necessary to cut down a log house. To build a edged brusade, without it, you can do.

Topors will need at least 2: carpentry with a straight blade and carpentry with convex, on the left in Fig. If there is a chainsaw, the column is not needed - with it, on the old man, the logs are scattered and chopped out fees from them. A axis axis will also be very helpful with asymmetrically convex blade (at the top of the right in Fig.), And the set of Tessel (at the bottom right). It will be much better improve the quality of work and reduce the muscular efforts required on it. Wooden sledgehammer Barsik by 2-3.5 kg, on the insertion.

It is absolutely necessary to be a carpent tool feature. On sale under this name there are many similarity of the crown, but accurate marking is obtained only on the most expensive rounded logs. Real carpentry The tool is weighty, coarse, visible (see Fig. Right), allowing to be placed by manually dyeing wilderness. The line for marking the logs can be done yourself (see the drawing to the right below in the same rice.), And it will be more convenient to work: in the handwriting on the side of the axis, the longitudinal through hole is drilled under the guide pin, which is fixed with a screw or a clina. Such a feature is even quite green, but a neat newcomer will be able to properly place a very cored log, see below.

About wild logs

It is the wild log house that hundreds of years are able to surrender, gradually losing in a kind of monolith. The house or bath is from the wild log breathe in full force. If the Finnish bath can still be built from a rolling log or bar, then the original Russian bath is cut only by "savage". How to put a wild log house for a bath, see eg video

Video: Spa Bani from wild log

To understand the secrets of a wild log, let's look at the structure of it, see fig. on right. The wild log is arranged by hand along, not rotating in the submool; Therefore, it is necessary to buy a wild forest for a log in the stovers, and the sellers are only angry. When manually incite the logs, Cambius is preserved - layers of wood special structure. In the living tree, it is Cambier who gives the trunk in the thickness and the formation of layers underly under it. And in the Siruba - the best breathing of the tree; In the Russian bath - the optimal ability of the walls to take and give heat. Hand cramming (s) logs is a time-consuming case, but if you want your descendants to be surprised: "I built it in the great-grandfather!", Then it is worth it, see Roller:

Video: Removing the bark with logs (outdoor)

Note: Cambies are most developed in the ancient contemporaries of dinosaurs - coniferous trees. In flower bipartal, he is thinner and another structure, and in monocoons of wood (eg palm) is not at all.

Logging Wild Forest for self-delivery sells a cup of all freshly or, sometimes, last year, otherwise it makes no sense to give a discount (and considerable). Purchased by the Wild Forests on the log house and, taking into account the payment of the Forest Razovoz, it will cost much cheaper even sustained on the leaped log. Which is also looking for - here merchants are more profitable to give a sackage for processing and split a decorated sawn timber. Those., Purchased wild forest will need to lear in his stack, see the plot:

Video: Drying of the building forest for a log

What to buy?

Huge importance for the durability and durability of the cutting time of wood harvesting. A number of specialists believe that the best wood on Credited chilled in the second half of summer and at the beginning of autumn. At this time (after the ripening of the seed), the human moisture is the smallest. Natural moisture in the tree is not just water, but juices with nutrients, attractive for pests. Closer to winter, the tree again gains juice for wintering: it sleeps in winter, but lives, but supports its life with the stocks of juices. Indeed, the Mediterranean peoples struggle driving a ship in autumnal equinox, but in the edges with harsh winter this argument is illegal.

In the northern countries, the best forest for the log was always considered winter. The point is not that in the old days, the forest fell out selectively - wooded in the quarters in a rich tree, countries practiced in a century before the appearance of the Gulag and Zekov; NKVD used the exhaust methodology of forestry. And it is not that the log from the forest to take out lighter on the sleigh than on the cart: loading capacity, permeability and maneuverability of equestrian sleds outside the nailed road worse than the breakdown cart.

The point is in the ways that the tree is protected from the freezing of moisture in the vessels. If the juices of the tree are frozen, it will die and not being damaged by frost. Higher plants "I was catching" to use one of the abnormal properties of water - in capillaries the temperature of its freezing falls; In nanotubes, it is possible to maintain the water viscous, but still liquid at -130 Celsius (!). Conifers very ancient plants, their vascular system is not so perfect, so they add more resinous substances into the juices; It is this juice that flows in the spring when the coniferous slope is for the zhivitsa. From the searched in winter wood, water is evaporated with drying, and the resin remains. In a loaded construction, it is still squeezed to the open ends of the vessels, there is quickly bituminized and blocks the path to pests, and only occasionally their single very rare species are capable of turning or leaving disputes through dry cambiums.

Note: As a result, the highest quality forest for log cabins is harvested in regions with high humidity, abundant snow and sufficiently low winter temperatures. In the Russian Federation - from Karelia Strip south to the Pskov region.

Selection of Brunen

Non-measured timber for treatment for processing are rejected by geometry very roughly, and the dimensional are calibrated, as far as the properties of wood allow: 1% in length. Those., The curvature of the log, and that we are even more important, the difference in the crossmen of the comluk and vertex parts of the Oryasins (Komlu and the vertices of the raw business log) is allowed 1 cm / m. If you throw the logs into the log house as you have to, then the battery skew 3x4 m out of 10 crowns of 30 cm logs can take a half-meter. Therefore, the logs are harvested on the log house, it is still necessary to paint into drying, disassembled the sides of the structure, and mark which in which crown of which wall and in which direction will be lying.

If the log house was collecting, it will turn out to be like the left in Fig. below. Not only does not take the regulatory period - on 12-west, due to the need to pose every crown, will leave more on 4 logs. Which are considerable money. After 5-10 years, the log house was split off, it climbs from it, and hespiered or affected by the bug. But the log house collected from the logs, Comley and the tops of which from the crown to the crown are oriented from the oppositely (right in Fig.), Over time it is only adjusted and dials the fortress.

In the Siruba from the rounded logs of Comley with the tops, it is also desirable to focus the opposite; This increases the actual life of its service 1.5-2 times against the calculated one. In the other case, except for the calculation of the calculation, the direction of convergence of the annual layers plays the role. Smoliy balsam is extruded more than a komble, and in a properly folded log cabin, however help each other resist external influences. To determine the direction of convergence of the layers on the texture of the rounded log, and it is often impossible for a spruce and larch, but the "tails" of the bitch serve as an excellent pointer: they must be multidimulated in the height of the wedges, compare the left and right in Fig.

Note: Sorting the logs on the log house, postpone the ones that thickening on the crowns, which is lower. Up the thickness of the logs should decrease. Beer bottle How can it cost - on the bottom or on the neck? Logged out of the magnitude of the magnitude of the magnitude of the height of the height will be a normative period at best.

What to chop?

Srub in the angle one advantage: a significantly lower consumption of material. The correct protrusion of the region is from 1 feet, i.e. More than 30.5 cm. Now they give a range of 20-25 cm, but this reduces the maximum possible service life of a chub from this log also 1.5-2 times. A short o'clock makes sense only in a firebox sruba. I estimate: a log house in the range of 6x9 of 12 crowns. Total 96 sticking ends of 30 cm - 28.8 m logs! On the area left or nearly 5 short logs, or more than 3 long. For money - it hurts. In the same way - in terms of strength, stiffness, durability, appearance - log cabin inferior to a cut with a residue. Especially - in durability: None of the log cabins, which are exactly more than 100 years old, is not conceded into the angle. The areas serve as a kind of bituminized traffic jams that are not allowed into the pesting tree, and the groove grooves (see below) are closed. Ends log logs into corner more open external influences.

Broasting Venets

The groin is the lowest and most responsible crown of a church. From the quality of its assembly, much depends on the quality of the entire cut in general. The conditional plane covering the bustling crown should be horizontal, so the logs are selected for it and prepare especially carefully.

Not only in RuNet, but in many old print guides for carpenters, one important point of bookmarks of a bold crown: how to deal with the gap between it and the foundation formed on the 2nd sides, if the busting crown is made as the rest (shown by the red arrows on the poses . 1 and 2 Fig.)

Lay the board or broom? Gate for malicious living creatures, rot and mold: Cambia on sawn timber. Lay a foundation with ledge (pos 3)? And where what about such such with incisions is said? Crane during sediment. Properly bustling crown of a church, especially a log cabin, is collected using a split-off log (pos. 4):

  1. On the short sides of the log cabin 1 (one) is the thick log, the least converging to the top; Ideally - cylindrical.
  2. On the long sides, 2 logs are selected possibly more equal thickness and also less converging in the tops.
  3. With long logs, kanta for laying on the foundation so that the heights of the cross sections are logs from the plane of Kant to the top of the cut D were equal along the entire length, see below.
  4. The log on the short sides is broken differently or cut out of it (it is still useful) so that the height of the resulting hill t was along the entire length equal to half D.
  5. Mountains are laid on the foundation.
  6. On the hill are put long log cabins down and the tops in the opposite sides.
  7. The feature is placed on long logs cutting down the grooves under the assembly in the chop (inverted bowl, see below).
  8. Long logs remove and choose the grooves in them.
  9. Long logs are put on places - they will be speaking half over short horses.
  10. Learn a further grade assembly in accordance with everyday manuals (see below).

Note: Do not forget here and everywhere further when sampling grooves to give an allowance of 5-7 mm to punck! And how to make a carriage to a chainsaw for longitudinal sawing logs, see the video below.

Video: Carriage for longitudinal cutting logs for logging

How to remove Cant.

Removing Kant with long logs (by the way, in a bustling crown is called liters, and short horses - boys) under the stacking on the foundation, the case is also responsible. Being along the faded chainsaw will not work, you will have to work with your hands. Returning a club in a lying, as shown on the insertion at the top on the left in fig. Below can experienced carpenter, and even that rushing. The fact is that the ax under its weight will turn the blade down, and the tactile (muscular) sense of a person has a sensitivity threshold. Newbie Without developed muscular skills will feel the care of the ax when it is already sprinkled below the marbles (see below), automatically turns it up, and the entire Cant will turn out to hump. The correct Kant with a liter is removed by an ax on weight (see also Fig. Below):

  • From a pair of layer, they choose more subtle, put it with a vertex (!) On the support (preferably in the groove on it) and temporarily fix the brackets, pos. 1 in fig.
  • The plumbing is planned axial (central) line, they make a seat on it on the support, and marked the sheer line corresponding to the width of the Kant in half the diameter of the log (forming edge). Farmes the height of Lenzny at the top d, pos. 4, pos. 2 and 3.
  • Put the Lena Komle on the support. On the plumb to exhibit vertically axes on the top. On Komle, D, and on the marks on Kolle and the top of the cooled cord, chopped the contour of Kant, pos. 4. It will turn out a bit divergent, but when laying a liter, its top line will be horizontal.
  • Repeat operations with another Legene, postponing on it and the top of the resulting value of D.
  • Putting a bed to boys, placed on them bowls and collect a bustling crown, as described above.

Longitudinal grooves

Before continuing to work, decide what will be the longitudinal grooves in the logs of a log cabin, or logs with what grooves to buy. Resistance and durability of the cut depend on this greater than on the ways of writing, because It is the longitudinal grooves that keep pungent, and if they are incorrectly performed, represent the most convenient place to start the charge and / or the introduction of rot and pests.

Corner groove (pos. 1 in Fig.) You can cut off by any ax, incl. hiking. But caracks need a lot to it, and when the wings of the groove diverges the wings and shrink, opening the layers of wood without Cambia, less resistant to external influences. Waste material large. It is used for self-sufficient non-residential buildings on an ambulance hand from thrust or darm materials, for example. Taiga huts made of trees.

Lunar groove (pos. 2) is often called Canadian, and the corner Russian, which is wrong. Both of these grooves are Russians, because Traditions and techniques of wooden architecture brought to Canada and in general the Russian pioneers of Alaska in America. The lunar groove during shrinkage / drying does not open (pos. 3). To cut it out (see below) a carpentry ax, or, better, sequir, or, even better - Tesl. The disadvantage - cavokati need quite a lot of black (in the tightening), and it is a quality finishing (in the set).

If the log cabin cuts out of a wild log, then that the stuffing crack goes as it should, and the groove make a shallow, 2-3 cm, the longitudinal pioneer was rented (marked bright green for pos. 2). If a log cabin of a rolled or glued log with a lunar groove, then he has already passed its own dermole and shrinkage, and only weights remain in the design. Then deep, through the whole swamp to the kernel, the pioneer was done on the log on the log, pos. 4a. Under the weight load, the grooves will not be self, to disperse, and compress the housing log.

Note: Over time, the cracks will appear on the outer surface of the log, but they are not dangerous - the strength of the design does not violate and occur when the log core turns into a clean lignin, for the settlement of pests unsuitable.

Select ready-made logs with lunar groove (and Finnish, see below), you need very carefully. The grooves should be sitting on the bottom log wings in a small, up to 7 mm, gap inside, pos. 4a. If the top log sits on the lower, slightly softening professional jargon, "booze to letters", pos. 4B, i.e. The clearance is "squeezed out" on the wings of the groove, this is an unacceptable marriage - hemp from such a groove will close immediately, and the loghouse from such logs is unlikely to have more than 10-15 years.

Finnish groove, pos. 5, it is also performed without topped with wild logs (pos. 5a) and with a marking on rounded and glued, pos. 5 B. MCH, suitable for the cutting of the cut, the less than north, and Len, hemp (on the pass) and, especially the Jute in Finland do not grow. Therefore, the Finnish groove requires a minimum of draft cavokati and does not require clean. However, it is possible to choose it only on the forest processing plant or, manually, the special reasanced is a very experienced carpenter. About this case, we give the drawing of the Finnish groove for the most divided log with a diameter of 260 mm (see Fig. Right); Required accuracy - 0.25 mm.

Credo in Oblom

Depending on the local conditions and the type of foundation, the log house in the region can be collected in various ways. From the wild forest from the branch, it will come out and not excessively expensive.

Wide log logs into the bowl, see fig. Below., Or Russian (but - see above) is the easiest: The markup of the bowl and the longitudinal groove is performed at the top log, which is not processed by deferred, see fig. on right. The top log is placed at the place, the mark is placed on the lower crown. The top log is removed, the groove is chosen, the top log is put back. The accuracy of the markup is the maximum possible: a good log house in the bowl can be folded from the values \u200b\u200bof the knotted logs. But the stubbornness of the cut into the bowl is low, even if it is from the selected winter savage - in the bowl and longitudinal grooves water. In the bowl, the temporary and non-residential buildings are crushed; Sometimes - log cabins. They are collected aside from the foundation upside down (from the upper crowns to the bottom) and then the crown behind the crown is shifted to the foundation, see above. This is a bad way, because Either, with a draft assembly, the log house will not come out for sure, or if not allowed to punka, it will be done initially with a slit.

Build a log in Oblop, i.e. In the inverted bowl ("Canada", and once again - see above!) Requires careful markup and sampling of grooves (see below), because They are also placed at the place, but separately, and the top log after marking is processed separately aside. But all to a single log house, which for 100 are collected exclusively in the chop.

The grooves in the upper log for a log in the chill there are several varieties, see on the right in Fig. above. The word in the hodge is also called Russian castle, and from this point of view, it "even more" - choose a flat-bottomed groove a lot easier than the circular (semicircular). It is used for non-residential buildings (baths, etc.) without internal supporting partitions; If on an unlunned foundation, then on stable well-carriers (from 0.7 kgf / sq. cm) non-empty and weakly bunched soils.

Word in the chop into the comb (sometimes they write - to a joined comb) produced for the same buildings, on the contrary, on movable soils in areas where the tree is not subject to rotting. A little common way, because Water flies into the longitudinal groove, and the top log is needed to shoot and process the groove and process. Word in the hid of the finish (edging) of the ends decorative - so they put the logs, the external and internal surfaces of the walls of which are fed to the decoration. In the Oblop with Kurdyuk, there are logs for residential buildings in the edges, where the tree is susceptible to rotting, on movable soils, and in the hug with Kurdjuk and the ridge - on them, but in places of the village and where the pests are not so common.

Marking logs for cutting

Marking of grooves on logs for log cabins in the region and angle is performed in various ways, but in both cases requires the master of utmost accuracy. And therefore is considered in the same section.

When marking a log log in the rubbish in Oblop, bowls are placed first (on the left in rice; there are estimated ratios for both grooves), but not yet cut down. ATTENTION: If you put a log cabin of a wild log, then the diameter D for the markup of the bowl must be taken from the lower, already laid in the log house, transversely new, logs!

The longitudinal groove is also placed in place and on the bottom, but now the longitudinal log, i.e. Lying for new, pos. 1 Right in Fig. It is extremely important not to skew the line (pos. 2), so the hammer or put on to handle, or supply the guide pin (see above); This technique does not work and experienced carpenters, inwarding primarily about the quality of work, and not about the show.

After marking, the longitudinal groove is first soaked. Chainsaw (pos. 3) This is not so simple: you need, without seeing the end of the canvas with a chain, to spend it exactly on the arc of the circumference, so many masters still prefer the groove not to drag, but to cut sequirs or, in the extreme case, carpent ax. In any case, the pressure / scubries are made evenly in length so that the grooves turns to be as if smashed into squares. After that, the groove is cut down by diagonal blows by a carpentry ax (pos. 4) or, better, secircuits. If the log house is from a wild log, this is enough - the logs will be bothering on top of each other tight. If the groove on the rounded log, then it is not chosen to the end to the end, but it is triggered by Toll. Now you can choose the groove bowl, it is necessary to cut it with roughing and laying a log in place.

Note 6: Sampling of grooves and laying logs to the seats are pairwise - two short, two long. After assembling each crown, its horizontal is checked and, if necessary, pose. And do not forget about the allowances of 5-7 mm on the pantop!

Log cabins in the angle (angular) are harvested almost exclusively in the paw. Applying methods for connecting BRUSEV (see below) on the length of the material up to 12 m No need: the round log is a lot of stronger and tougher bar of the rectangular cross section of that transverse area.

How to place logs for a log cabin, shown in Fig. The paw with the gym is used if any of the sides of the cut is longer than 4.5 m. After the draft ships (cutting), the vaccines (additional spike, enhancing) and the groove under it are being finalized.

It is intended to put a log house in the paw, be sure to consider the following: the first, due to the transition of the spike and the groove under it on one side of the angle to another on the odd and even crowns (see above), the markup must be made, respectively, direct or mirror. The second - when assembling from a wild log for the base size for breaking on 8 stakes in height (see Fig.) Take the smallest of the diameters of the previously folded crown. The case comes out troublesome, so often with logs for a log cabin in the paw remove the upper and lower edges to get a seascurring bar of the same height. Then the same template is suitable for marking, the loghouse will come out stronger, warmer, and more suitable for the bath. True, it will cost 4 extra logs by 3-5 crowns, so ultimately the log house from the logs in the paw turns out to be saved by the material only in length, and its consumption in cubic meters may be even more than not chopped in the region.

On the reinforcement of Srub

When disassembling old, but still quite suitable for use on the purpose of the log cabbage with either side of 14 feet (4.27 m), it turns out that almost all of them are additionally fastened with oak or beech ducks, see Fig. on right. The strength of the log house from the wild logs on the wanks over time acquires an extraordinary: it can be disrupted with the foundation of jacks without flaws, immersed with a crane in the body of a truck and transport the museum to the museum. And if you still have to break, it was sometimes necessary to use a ball-sabobile, otherwise the disassembly turned into an unbearable pulliomotin.

The diameter of the wrenches for fastening the cut - 40-60 mm. Length - 100-130 mm. The deaf holes for the wanks are drilled by 1.5-2 mm after marking, processing fitting at the place of all logs of another crown. In the draft cavropathy, the vaccines are cut at the place of the hole, on the contrary, 3-5 mm wider. The specks are carefully clogged into the lower log Barsik. Then the top log is placed and placed in place with a heavy trimmer of a deck with a handle, the same as a wooden traam.

Cutter from Bruus.

The brusade frame is predominantly "home" - it gives, besides the possibility of increasing the size of the structure (see above), the walls breathing is freer than the log, which is more suitable for residential premises. The bath from the bar is best obtained Finnish or Russian light family, see video:

Video: log house from a bar with his own hands on the example of a bath

Compound neighbor

The ability to build bars for a log in length is so significant that it should be stopped first: if the BRUSEV joke will disappear, then the best that will follow - difficult repairs. And in the worst version - a temporary eviction from the house and the bulkhead of the cut.

The connection in a straight lock (left in Fig.) The most reliably mechanically and simply technologically, but winds. It is recommended to apply if it goes under an additional finish protecting, for example. Singing siding. The connection in the oblique lock does not delay moisture, but it is harder to perform it less firmly. The junction of BRUSEV in oblique lock should be supported by anticipation of the crowns (see below), 0.6 m on both sides.

The connections in the hardwood are direct and oblique (on the right in Fig.) With bellows in the junction in the Siruba, absolutely unreliable: operational stresses can simply cut off, and the timber will suddenly turn out of the cut; Especially if the butt is oblique. The author of these lines in the days of his pretty preoccupative youth was witnessing, as the "fired" from the church of the bar killed the sabashnik. Literally brains splash splashes. The case and so painful, and here there is still an investigation - the corpse is still. Local district stood up to work, but an investigator on particularly important cases came from the region. And this Stalinsky follower with a circular follower from the cap on the brain instead of all the convolutions was tightly stitched where people have thoughts: nothing without a culprit is happening. Accident - Trotsky-bourgeois fiction. As it turned out, not at all out of ideological considerations: to be removed on the excuses of this, I apologize, the garbage of the counselor, the brigade had to forgive almost half of the summer earnings. There was no longer anything else. As the men discussed this incident among themselves, both boatswain from the Fleet Fleet of Peter the Great was heard. But enough black lyrics, back to the topic.

Corner connection

Located from Brous can also be assembled in the edge and angle without a residue. Brusade logs in the region are not so rarely: they still look more or less, they still look, but most often the brusade logs are collected in the angle: savings on the material here it turns out not relative.

Methods for assembling a log of a bar in the region are shown on the left in Fig. Connecting dragged the simplest and least durable. It is used for non-residential buildings of small size (up to 4x6 m) without carrying partitions. In the chop to put such a log house or there is no big difference in the bowl, because Pages with flat bottom and sheer walls. Connection to Kurdyuk is used if the log house is made of components along the length of the bars; In the hid - for the log cabins of residential buildings from a whole timber. Most of the selling sets of timber for log cabins are prepared for connecting to the hid.

Connections of the corners of the brusade logs are shown at the top. The jack of high-quality bars is noticeably saved by the material, but in definitely. The assembly on the plug-in spike for angles is rarely used, and for only buildings, no more somewhere is 3.5x5 m. More often, the connection on the plug-in spike is used as an additional when the carrying partitions are installed.

If the bug on the plug-in spike is connected to the corner of the cut, then the pair (more precisely, the top) of the spike-groove (s) is very desirable to apply the type of swallow tail, see fig. The whip is made of solid finely layer deciduous wood, resistant to external influences, for example. Oak. The mirror template for marking the tail of the tail is not needed, it is enough to alternate the lifting bars adjacent to the height of the crowns.

The connection in the paw applies most often in the cuts of baths and non-residential buildings; On it we will focus more. Connection of the indigenous spike jack (see Fig.) Technologically most difficult, but firmly suitable for residential buildings and has the most worthwhile quality: allows you to use a defective borocated timber to build a log cabin. After a year old excerpt on the shrinkage, it is aligned, and if you remove it from the log, it will not be worse than conditioned. However, at least 4-6 high-quality bars should be put in each of the walls of the cut between the "screw", i.e. Purchased on a logged on a cheap non-the note: the connection in the indigenous allows you to just put into a case a marriage in a party; In the groin crown, it is impossible to put a defective timber!

When assembling a log, a boxed timber is gradually tightened to the place of waist, along the rectification, fastening with already laid molecules, see fig. on right. When it comes to a spike, it is cut to enter into the groove, score to the place Barsik and jammed, bringing the very end of the boxed timber to the bottom. Now we need a lapel in work for 2-3 days, so that the strongest internal stresses diverged in the violent bar.

Connecting in trunk on the plug-in spike is rarely used, because Requires the selected perfectly smooth natural drying bar (not in the thermocamera or microwave). More used when installing partitions. Connection on a plug-in Shype Jack, see Fig.:

Note: For angular compounds of a log of a bar, see also a video review below.

Video: About corner connections of timber

Partitions in brusade srub

Another important advantage of the brusade log house is much easier than the log, it is worked out inside both carriers and simple planning bulkheads. Methods of the rugs of partitions in the brusade frame are shown below in fig. Above with bar compounds.

The assembly of a plug-in spike is used to install light bulkheads: it does not weaken the cruel, and the bulleting of the bulkhead may not be in the size of such in a litter. Cutting semi-fertility (so to speak, on the lasty "half-route") is most suitable for carrying partitions of a residential building, because It practically does not weaken the chopped box, but, on the contrary, it enhances it and herself adhesion with her. The semi-core spikes must be made mirror from the crown to the crown (shown by the red arrow).

The blocking of a single partition with a frying (swallow tail) weakens the log house, but will strengthen it if it is joined by a well-holding load of a box design: chopped sydenses, a summer kitchen, a bath with a house, and other chopped extension on a common basis. On a 2-sided indigenous spike, partitions are cut, subject to periodic operational loads; Preim. thermal. For example, chopping kitchen, cold sense, bathroom or near the house oven. At the same time, the ripples on the indigenous spire of the crown, starting from the 2nd, should be alternate with the junction connections on the plug-in spike (shown by the red arrow), otherwise the cruel is overly weakened.

Installation of brusade sruba

The main challenges of a cut from a bar are cross-shifts of bars because of the warping and extrusion of cavalt. Brous profiles for log cabins, designed to avoid both, developed a lot (NE. Samples, see Fig.), But the methods put the brusade log house without reinforcement by it with bellows (through pin-cutters) not yet.

How to install a log in a paw from a bar is shown on the trail. Fig. On the example of a bar of 150 mm. Marking for other sizes (at the top of the left) is carried out similarly: from above - square; On the side of the SCOS for half the thickness. The conjugation of grooves must alternate the mirror from the crown to the crown at the bottom left. Heat from the solid should be included in the lower bar on 1/3 of its height; Based on this, the drilling depth limiter 5 is displayed on the right in Fig. Plus the allowance of 5-7 mm on punck, do not forget! The diameter of the valve - 30-40 mm; The diameter of the holes are 1.5-2 mm less. To score better than Barsik, so expensive oak or buckwheel curlers in the departure goes much less. From the edge of any opening to the nearest brace must be at least 120 cm.

Brux for a log imitating a log

Sometimes for imitation (however, it is not particularly convincing and for a non-specialist) a brusade log under log, a 3-cannten edged bar or selected from the lamellas of the same profile. It is so popular that the 3-catering bar is on sale under the "smart" name D-log. D-logs are often sold with already ready-made spikes and grooves to connect the jack (in the angle) or in the edge. Buying such, keep in mind that they are "mirror" and for sale go like "Ruralopile" and "flatokrogen", see fig. on right. From those and others, opposite walls are collected in pairs (if the bars of the same length) or adjacent vendors around the height, if the length of BRUSEV is different.

Operactions in Siruba

The log house without windows and doors was placed only in the old days as a cruel measure of punishment for dangerous criminals, riskers and disadvantageous authorities. If they were given a choice, then a lot of convicts preferred the death penalty to the celestialness of the chapter or over the hanging of the plant in the fender. So, the openings for windows and doors in the sruba will have to do any.

The opening in the Srub do a lot easier than in any other wall: it is simply cut, see Fig.:

You need to perform only 3 conditions: at the top and bottom of the opening should remain at least 1.5 logs or at least 2.5 bars; In the upper and lower logs / bars, the opening is crashed on half of their height, and from the edges of the opening to the neighboring, corner, partitions, or the nearest brace must be at least 1.2 m. Flows to assemble door and window jambs not necessarily cut down or cut from logs; In all respects, it will be better to make them from ordinary edged boards. So work - put a log house with your own hands - consists not from the difficulties only.

The production of a log is not easy, but a fascinating process. This manual for the construction of a church will give full information and will answer most of the questions that may arise when working. Here you can find a parse from all stages of construction, nuances and small tricks. The instruction will tell you what tools will be needed, you will familiarize yourself with carpenter terminology.

Preparatory work

What instrument should be taken to build a log house with your own hands?

  1. Carpentry ax. It must be comfortable, not very heavy, but not easy.
  2. Corolnic
  3. Chisel.
  4. Roulette.
  5. Marker or simple pencil.
  6. Plumb.
  7. Hacksaw.
  8. Bracket.
  9. Shovel.
  10. Negazeing cord.
  11. Level.
  12. The trait is a special marking tool, similar to the circula.
  13. Baba - birch chock with two brackets on the sides, is used as a spacer.
  14. Chainsaw is not obligatory, but will significantly facilitate labor and time costs.

Carpenters use specific expressions in construction - professional language. Main carpenter terminology:

  1. The log house is built of logs, without floors and roofs, the base part of the house, its height depends on the number of crowns.
  2. The crown is part of the Siruba, consisting of logs that form a square or a rectangle. In the corners, they are connected by "locks". The crown is divided into 3 types: bottomroom, window, supro. From the name is clear where they are posted.
  3. The busting crown is the 1st crown of the cut. Protects lower strapping from posting.
  4. Lower strapping - the 2nd crown in the Srub, which is the main one. Lags are put in it.
  5. Lags - carriers for the floor. They strengthen the lower strapping.
  6. The closing crown is the first Nadokon Crown.
  7. Top strapping is a design that is the basis for the roof. It consists of rafters and upper paddles.
  8. Coller is a part of the trunk in Srub, which is located at the bottom of the tree. The opposite part is called the top.

The classic form is a log house. This is a logging on top. The log house requires great professionalism, it is easier to handle a log house on Earth, and for installation in the desired place to use forests. Forests need to be done strong and comfortable. Working with the log cabin is dangerous, so you should not neglect the rules of security. In this instruction, we will use the way of cutting with subsequent shock. It is much safer and more convenient, no need to work at the height. The only drawback is an increase in the construction time. The frame structure will be made in stages and parts: the base, the middle and the upper part.

It should be understood that the ideal logs do not happen. They change their diameter along the entire length of the trunk. Therefore, it is necessary to change the peaks and komley. In the manufacture of Kant, one crown will better lay down to another. The edge of the decks are shy from one and the other side - as a result, a plane is obtained.

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"Lastochkin Tail" and "Lapa" - the basic part of the castle

One of the first to be taken to take is a forest harvesting.

Depending on the size, width, length and height, you will need a different number of logs.

Scheme of the connection "Swallow tail".

Basically use pine, spruce and other conifers. You should never use birch, it quickly rotates and has great difficulties in processing. After selecting the forest, you need to get rid of the bark and dry the forest.

It is necessary to select a place where construction will go, while considering that it should be enough for all parts of the construction. It is necessary to make a marking using an unsengiving cord.

Then you need to make a non-permanent foundation - lining. Their dimensions are 1 m long and 1/3 m in diameter. We set them near the corners of the building, which will ensure the most uniform load on them. Installing lining is needed by level, with an accuracy of up to 5 cm.

The next stage is the manufacture of Kant. To do this, you need to choose where the future kant will be. This side should be placed up and secured the log using the bracket. With the help of a plumb, we draw vertical lines, which will become edges of Kant. With the help of sewing it is necessary to pull the cord from one edge of the log to another. Thus, the edge of Kant will be drawn. After that, it is necessary to fix in a log in the future Cant up and, making a chance, start giving a log, getting a boilers. Then you need to mark the marking of the Kant on the opposite side of the log and similarly make another Kant. An alternative to challenges can be washed with chainsaw.

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Srub manufacturing process

Take a log for a bustling crown and make a Cant, about 10 cm wide. Crate he will go to the lining. Further cut down "boobs" 60-75% of the log thickness, the length of which will be constantly the same and will not exceed the maximum log diameter. In the face of the nerd, we put the point and draw the line "Paws" with an expansion of the house. After that, we put the "boobs" on the "paws" of the transverse log runs, fix the design of the brackets and check if the size of the log cabin was disturbed.

Scheme of the connection "Lap with a gaze".

And only after re-checking, finally fix the brackets. Then we make the transfer of the interface lines on the top log from the lower. It is necessary to do this by observing parallelism. On runs, it is necessary to cut down the average nerd by the same principle of lines.

Next in the queue "Lower strapping". Produce "Doodle" on the logs of this strapping. You need to do so that there is a plane of the upper runs, with the help of lining and the level of achieving their horizontality. The error should not exceed 3 cm.

The next step will be the selection of the groove. To do this, we make notches across the groove, crosswise with the help of an ax. Along the groove we make the cut of the ax, as a result we get a groove. I cut down the "paws" according to the scheme described above, and lay the log on the basis. Check the density of fitting, if necessary, remove and finish. When the log house is suitable, evenly decompress the path on the lower log and mounted in the log on top. We make and mount 3 transverse decks into the lower logs and make lags. We mount the lags using the "Babo".

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Installation of the 1st subcast crown

Let's start with the applying of the doorway. With the help of the wizard, the logs are fixed, pre-applying markup. With the help of the chisels, choose a lyuza for the wad, delving 1 cm deeper than the duck yourself. It is necessary to check the vertical of the angles with the help of plumbers. The finishing of the windows log must be planted for 2 ducts and not lay the pass under it. In the smoke, it is necessary to observe the equivalence of diagonals.

We carry out the laying of window crowns. The height of the window openings from 110 to 130 cm. "Courtshis" window crowns by tossing the wrenches. By analogy, we do work. In order not to get confused when shutting down, you need to draw a line on the corner of the cut.

We manufacture a "hat" cut. We remove the top sweeping crown and begin to make the upper strapping. The design includes two runs and drifts. At the end of the runs, do the nerds, in the middle it is necessary to make cheeks instead of boobs. Using lining and brackets, you need to achieve the horizontal of the top of these runs. Transverse runs should be built, those in the middle, you need to equip a "swallow tail", others - "paw".

We make substropylans. We take the logs with a thickness of at least 15 cm and we take 2 kant on each (they must be parallel), except one. Unprocessed rafying cut into a deck with the help of this mount, as a result, its top should be horizontal. We cut the rafyroids into the upper run, but not more than 25% of the diameter of the log. The cord should be hooked around the edges of the last rafalle and align all the others. With the help of the chisel to make the legs of the lobe under the rafter legs.

Manufacturing rafters. Here you need a special accuracy, the strength of the roof depends on the rafter. The length of the roof depends on the length of the rafted. The presence of a large number of bitch in the rafyroid is not allowed. At the base, rafters drink a spike and put them on pairs. Customize spikes and lousy. We begin the smoothing of the rafter, while you must remember the package.

Our ancestors were preferred to build houses in Russia from the tree, and in our time this building material did not lose its relevance. This is determined by the fact that wood is a unique, natural and environmentally friendly material. Most wooden buildings are erected by Russian architectures without the use of nails with chuck in the bowl. This type of name received, since the brica is connected into a single design. The principle of such a log is that in the log, which is located below, cut out the recess having a semicircular shape in the form of a bowl. This cup stacked the top log in such a way that the corner is straight. The log house, built according to this principle, it turns out not only durable and warm, but also beautiful.

Construction methods

Two types of cutting cutting by the Bowl are used.

  1. "IN OBLE" - Other name Russian cutting. The bowl is cut in the lower crown. In most cases, it is smooth, but sometimes in the bowl left a small protrusion in the form of a spike to prevent possible offset. This method was used in the construction of most architectural monuments, preserved to the present day.
  2. "In Chief"or Siberian cut. In this case, the bowl is cut down at the bottom of the upper log, which is stacked on the bottom log. Thus, the construction process occurs.

Experts recommend using Siberian logging in the construction of houses. They explain this by the fact that it is more reliable and better protects the log house from moisture and cold. But the use of modern types of heat and waterproofing, as well as the competent heat engineering calculation makes it possible to minimize this drawback.

Learn to hack with your own hands to the Canadian cup is completely simple, if you follow the recommendations of specialists. The article presents a step-by-step instruction, how to make a log house, its correct size, for example, 6x6 cm, work technology and technique, how to entertain design material.

The advantages of the construction of a church by the method in the bowl.

  • It turns out a very durable nodal fastening. As a result, the design is very stable.
  • Such houses have a high degree of thermal insulation, as the angles are unspexed.
  • Houses built in this way, environmentally friendly.
  • The result is a beautiful and majestic building from the tree.
  • No additional finishes are required, as the tree in itself is a beautiful material.
  • The stability of the design allows the construction of several floors.

If we compare the method of construction in the paw and in the bowl, it is better to use the second way of construction, since he has established itself from the best side, and it is this method that our ancestors were built at home.

It is worth noting the disadvantages of the method.

  • Only professionals will be able to build at home as this method, since this is a rather complicated work requiring professional skills.
  • Difficulties occur with the external finishing of the cut, since the angles perform at a considerable distance.
  • The useful length of the crowns is significantly reduced due to the presence of protruding corners, which leads to a significant increase in the cost of a church. This drawback acts as the main one when choosing the construction method in the paw or in the bowl. But the house cut down by the method in the paw requires additional thermal insulation, so it will not be possible to save significantly on this. In addition, the log house built in the paw is not sufficient.

Selection of material for construction

As a building material, when erecting a cut, methods from conifers are used by method in the bowl. In most cases, for construction chosen pinewhich has a smooth trunk, the same in thickness, a small amount of defects, as well as endurance to rotting. Preference is given to the material prepared in the winter season in northern latitudes. This is due to the fact that in winter the tree contains a small amount of juice, so the blanks are less cracking while drying.

Building material must have approximately equal dimensions.

The workpieces are subject to careful processing, for this they are squeaked and are easy. In order for the log house to be resistant to climatic conditions, the material is trying to orient the annual rings. The material that has thin rings is located outside, and having thick rings inside.

Thus, the prepared material is dried, strengthened it from atmospheric precipitation. Dry material requires at least six months.

Ways to apply markup

An important role in the construction of a church has the correct markup. Experts for marking use a tool called the line. This tool has a handle and two rigid plates, whose ends are pointed. The distance between the plates is changing. Using the feature you can spend two parallel lines.

To perform marking, two logs are placed on the ground, observing the parallelism between them. It is necessary that the edge of the third log, which is stacked by parallel logs, was located so that the distance from the edge of the log to the bowl is at least 25 cm. Check the correctness of all log in the crown. To facilitate markup, all logs are connected by braces among themselves. In the event that the bowl is cut into the upper log, the trait is moved so that the distance between its plates is equal to half the thickness of the lower log.

When working on the markup, they are trying to have one plate of the feature on the upper log, and the second - relied on the bottom log. In order to outline the contour of the bowl, one leg of the tool concerns the log arc located below, while the other leg is on the log located on top, a parallel line. Thus, the contour of the future bowl will turn out. Place a special semicircular groove along the log so that the bric is tightly in touch with each other.

In the event that the bowl is cut into the log located below, one plate of the feature is delineated by the lower part of the log located on top, and the second plate outlines the bottom item. Between the tool plates, the distance equal to the thickness of the log is selected, located on top.

An experience is required to work with a feature, so sometimes traditional markup tools are used.

The grab assembly process using the bottom-bowl method.

  • To assemble the structure, first of all it is necessary to prepare the foundation. Waterproofing is placed on the top surface of the foundation.
  • The waterproofing material produces laying of larch boards. These boards are submitted to the antiseptic solution. Then control the horizontal of the laid boards using a level.
  • Make the installation of logs on the boards along the parties under construction at home. It is monitored that the distance between them was the same and equal length of the transverse log. The length is measured using a roulette, and the horizontality is determined using a level.
  • After checking the design using a level on it, two transverse logs are placed.

  • Marking logs with a carpentry feature.
  • Start the cutting of the bowl. They cut the excavation with a saw and modify with an ax or chisel. Processing the bottom of the recess in such a way that it is as smooth as possible to, when the upper element was laid, the gaps were minimal.
  • Check the degree of log pairing, after which the top log is cleaned. Then in the lower log cut down a semicircular longitudinal groove of a small depth. This work is performed using a rounded ax.
  • After the lower crown is worked out, proceed to work on the second crown. They produce stacking bircaws and withstand their horizontality.

  • Work is carried out on the next crown. Produce laying insulation into a longitudinal groove. Currently, jute or linen tapes are used as insulation. In the past, our ancestors used moss for these purposes. For a more dense fit of the upper log on it tapping a wooden chock. When laying the crowns carefully monitor their horizontal and verticality.
  • Using special locks, in checkers, the laid crowns are fixed. Clamps are driven into the prepared holes with a sledgehammer. As retainers, the power "force" nodes are used.
  • After the work on the assembly is over, they produce a pant of all seams, and remove excess insulation. After about six months, this operation is repeated.
  • When all works are completed, all the wooden structural elements are exposed to antiseptation. This procedure is repeated twice.

  • Often, the log house is first built on bare ground, and the horizontal position is checked using a construction level. It is necessary to ensure the horizontal position of the logs laid down at the bottom of the cut, applying the boards of the desired thickness.
  • If the building material is a rounded log diameter, then it will be convenient to use a template made of tin, which simulates the top log when working on cutting down the bowl in the lower log. This pattern will allow not to raise repeatedly heavy brices in the construction of a church.

In this article, consider the most common way of building a log cabin - this is a hand cut in the bowl . Also, our ancestors were successfully used, since it is the least laborious and does not require any special tools. It is enough to have an ax and a pair of skillful hands.

Tool for logging into the bowl

Now we will not dwell on the entire process of cutting the cut Bani, and let's talk only about how to cut down a bowl and a longitudinal groove in the log. To begin with, you need to stock up the following basic tool (we are modern people):

  1. Carpentry ax.
  2. Chainsaw (or electric saw).
  3. Chisel on a tree.
  4. Damage carpenter (or homemade).
  5. A hammer.

If it is not possible to get a carpentry line, you can make it yourself. It is necessary to take a square wooden bar with a side of 25-30 mm and a length of 150-200 mm, rounded sharp edges and go through it with an abrasive eye.

Then two steel strips with a thickness of 3 mm, 20 mm width and a length of 200-300 mm (length depends on the diameter of the log and sizes of the bowl). With the help of a hacksaw for metal and a file (better than Nazny), you focus on one end on both stripes. Scotch and fix the uncontamous ends of the strips (80-100 mm) to a wooden bar (handle) on opposite longitudinal faces.

Flexing strips on the desired size, we will post contours under the bowl and longitudinal grooves. In order for the strips during operation, they can be fixed, they can be fixed with screws or threaded hairpins M8 with four nuts and washers (2 pieces per strip). To do this, we make on both stripes on one oval hole and bring the heap with nuts in them. Adjustment we produce twisted and tightening nuts. Thus, you can get a rigid and reliable homemade "hell."

Note : You can apply the welded option. Instead of a wooden bar, take a steel pipe and weld strips to it.

Marking and cutting into a bowl for a bathroom

First of all, it is necessary to put the logs so that it is convenient to work with them. The processed log is stacked crosswise towards the lower logs. To give it sustainability, it can be fixed by braces - then the log will not spin around its axis.

Take the "hell" and draw the contours of the bowl and longitudinal grooves, following the following rules:



Example for d \u003d 200 mm

A. R / 2.max
B. No less D / 2.
R. D / 2.

We looked at how the markup and cutting into the bowl are made. For the construction of the bath manual logging, you will also need to learn how to build a log house with the method of "in the paw". But this is already in the article about manual.

More articles on how to build a bath with your own hands.

Conditions of rounded - a classic solution used in the construction of centuries. Round forests are chosen as a material for houses and baths, with the help of log cabins, country houses and household buildings are erected. Brica has high thermal insulation qualities, while maintaining all the advantages of natural material. Building the right log house from rounding with your own hands, but it is quite possible, but it is important to deal with all the peculiarities of a wooden house.

Features of houses from log

Frams from round forest do not lose their popularity, since this material allows us to provide natural exchange and has very low thermal conductivity. In such houses there will be a comfortable temperature and at the same time a light pleasant atmosphere with a fragrance of a tree, which has liked many. However, due to the round shape, the junctions are required between them. It will be necessary to warm up. The house of the round of the round can be a very long time, the best samples of wooden architecture cost hundreds of years. For construction, several variants are used, and you need to decide on the most profitable one:
  • A sterling log is a wood trunk, from which only the top layer of the crust is removed, the bitch and various irregularities are removed. At the same time, natural protective layers of wood are preserved, so the material will be more durable and durable. However, the skyr's log always has different thickness at the base (comalele) and the top, so when laying them will need to alternate.
  • A rounded log is a type of round forest, which has passed special processing. Several layers of wood is removed, only the most dense middle part remains. In addition, the log acquires a smooth cylindrical shape, so it will be easier to use.
  • Sometimes the calibrated log is released additionally. Skar trunks are selected strictly in diameter (caliber), due to which the construction will be easier, and the walls will be more even.

Whatever option you choose, the log house will become the most beautiful solution: the houses from the login have excellent aesthetic qualities, their appearance resembles Russian fairy tales. The surface of the walls will have to be protecting the surface, but it will save the natural color and texture of the tree, so the building will look great.

Preparatory work before construction

How to make a log house? Construction begins with the choice of suitable material and project preparation. The most popular in Russia remains at home from pine: it is inexpensive, grows in almost all regions, it is easy to process. It will require additional protection, but it can serve a long time. A more expensive solution is a house of larch logs: this type of wood does not rot, and the moisture is only stronger. It is difficult to draw up a project, especially if there is no experience in building the drawings. However, you can find ready-made typical solutions and modify them in accordance with personal preferences. You can contact a specialized company, where professional architect will develop a project that is most suitable for all requests.

Stages of building a log cabin

When all preparatory work is completed, you can begin to assembling a log in the area. The owner must decide on the basis of the base of the house: if the capital two-story building is erected, the best solution will be the ribbon small-breeding foundation, and for a light small building, a bar base is suitable. The site is placed by pegs, between which ropes are stretched, after which it is possible to lay the base strictly according to the resulting lines.

The ribbon foundation is a monolithic concrete band that is poured throughout the perimeter of the building. Concrete is enhanced by the reinforcement frame, so the ribbon base remains one of the most durable and reliable.

After filling the foundation, he needs to dry, it takes several weeks. Only then can be disassembled to the formwork and move to the scraping of the log cabin. The fence requires careful waterproofing: it is placed on it in several layers. The log house is collected in several stages:

  • The first crown is going out of the thick, durable and reliable logs, which will have to withstand the weight of the house. From the bottom side, they are sublighted so that it can be smoothly put on the foundation.
Typically, the cutting type "in the bowl" is used for log cabins: semicircular deepents are selected in the logs, with the help of which the corners of the loggle are fastened. It is important that the bowls are as smooth as possible, then the wall will be reliable.
  • Before laying the next crown, the rolled insulation is placed on the log on the log. Its use will help to avoid constant cacopa: linen or jute fiber, moss or other materials will not produce heat outward, and from the side of the interventic insulation is almost impaired.
  • The crowns of the log lay down one on another, not forgetting about the doors for doors and windows according to the project. Usually professionals work on the assembly takes only a few days, the beginning of the master will have to carefully customize brica to each other, it will take time.
  • The last crown serves as Mauerlat - the roof rafters will be relying. For log cabins, a classic double roof with a large bias is usually used so that snow is not delayed on it. When the last crown is laid, ceiling beams are cut into it, and you can move to the installation of rafted the selected way.
  • When the sack of a bath from a rounder is assembled, he needs to give to stand at least six months, so that the shrinkage processes completed, and the wood dried as much as possible. Before it, it must be treated with an antiseptic so that the rot is not started.
Only when the finished log house dries, you can move to insulation, external and interior decoration. Be sure to warm the draft floor, the roof, the attic, less often use additional wall insulation.