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What does the birthplace of the right shoulder mean. Magic signs (Moles, Rodibiy Spots)

Moles are given to us from birth or came to us with age. Few people know that these formations on our skin can be a sign that can characterize not only character, but also our fate.

In this article we will tell, which means the mole on the shoulder.

Many do not know that the mole on the shoulder - this is an excellent informant. The formation of moles on the shoulder is connected directly with karma owner. People who have a mole on shoulder, have a difficult fate. Problems last Life Pursuing a person and are transmitted from generation to generation. Mountain on his shoulder can tell a lot about his owner, his character, as well as the causes of failures, about the expected take-off and possible falls.

This may talk about any disease that occurs in your body, or be evidence of influence adverse factors on the body. Moles may arise with a long visit to the solarium, or in the sun is enough for a long time. If the moles do not bother you, no need to rush. If you want to calm yourself, go to the reception to the dermatologist. However, if any mole, changed its own, etc., urgently needed to. He will make the necessary and decide on the undesirable nevus.

The meaning of the mole on the shoulder

What does marding mean on the right and left shoulder?

People who have moles on shoulders are pretty strong personalities But they are difficult for them all that the rest are with ease, let's say, rejection of bad habits. For them, it is hard to call a couple of ads and get a job in a large company. Often they envy People who, not possessing sufficient abilities, arrange their lives better and gain happiness in their personal life.

Actual especially all of the foregoing for people with a mole on the left shoulder. They hardly recognize the authority of someone else, find an explanation by the abilities of people who surpass them. People with a mole on the left shoulder are terribly stubborn by their nature and often suffer because of their own inflexibility.

However, with a relationship with the opposite sex, people who have moles on shoulders show themselves from the best side. This behavior is especially subject to holders of Moles on the right shoulder. As a rule, they store loyalty that sometimes until self-denial. Also, people with a mole on the shoulder are unlikely, possess a huge reserve of patience.

Women with a mole on shoulders will constantly accompany luck. In women with a mole on the left shoulder, small financial difficulties may arise.

Men with a mole on shoulders as it were on their shoulders carry a heavy burden of fate.

People who have many moles on shoulders, do not recognize the authority of other peoplewho grew up next to them. Such people can be quite stubborn in all their principles, while suffering from their own inflexibility. But such people may be loyal to their chosen one. On the shoulder of the Mountain characterizes the laxity of its owner. These people can do the work that was chosen by "good-natured colleagues." Triangle from moles on the shoulder Granted only so happy peoplewhich is lucky from birth. Such moles bring a lot of happiness.

Ramibi stains and moles, signs on the body ... many of us are worried about such questions: Do the birthmarks and moles affect the life and fate of man? What is the meaning of the mole on the body for a person? Is it possible to remove the birthmarks? In this article, we will try to answer these issues from the point of view of not only knowledge of medicine, but also those secret knowledge that the time immemorial is transmitted by our distant ancestors from generation to generation. . ....

From a long time and at our time, people sacred believed that their birthmarks, moles are certain signs On the body that is directly or indirectly, but affect the fate of a person. So, for example, before choosing a new priest, on the Council of the Tribe African sorcerers, they thoroughly examined a new challenger for the presence of certain signs of body spots and moles, which determined whether this person is suitable for such an important position. Buddhist monks in the native spots, the location of the Moles find a baby, which, according to their faith, is the following rebirth of the Buddha. In turn, Orthodox Christianity, Orthodox Church denies the influence of moles on the fate of a person and believes that the birthmarks are nothing but genetically determined manifestations, education on the human body.


There is a certain direction in astrological teaching - Morphoscopy.
Morphoscopy He is engaged in interpretation of signs on the body, moles, various formations, birthplace spots, according to the influence of planets and constellations on the fate of a person. Possessing knowledge in the field of morphoscopy, you can find out what the person expects in the future is to pay attention to what to change in their lives, what mistakes to correct, for which sins will have to pay. After all, moles are given to us not only from birth, they can appear and disappear throughout life.

Often, if the conversation concerns the moles, we take into account only the aesthetic side of this question, wanting to get rid of them once and forever. But not everyone knows that the removal of moles and birthplace spots for their owners is fraught with irreversible consequences not only from a medical point of view, but maybe radically, and not best side Change the fate of a person.

From the depths of ages and to the present, African tribes considered and believe that each sign on the human body carries some information that directly affects his fate.

In these tribes, in order to become a student of the priest, the tribal sorcerers carefully examine the body of the applicant for the presence of certain signs, moles and birthplace, which should indicate that this person has been marked by the fate and in the future will be worthy of replacement for priest.

And now back to morphoscopy.

The system of knowledge about the finishes on the body is called morphoscopy. This is the most mysterious and least known area of \u200b\u200bknowledge. Moles, the birthmarks and other signs on the body make it possible to judge the various phenomena taking place in our lives, they sign up for future troubles or errors for which they will have to pay, they indicate the need to manifest themselves something to change or correct in current events. These signs should be responsible, follow their appearance and disappearance, and even for development. Anyone, only once sinning, acquires a print, and it will not disappear until the error is fixed.

Take a look into your future, deal with yourself, "reading" your body, as an astrologer reads a horoscope. If we assume that after all the spirit builds matter (body together with all moles and signs) in his image and likeness, then the appearance of a person definitely should give it to the spiritual essence. Let's try to check.

Yin and Jan.
So, the basis of this science, like any other occult discipline, lies in the eternal struggle and interconnectedness of the male began Yang and the female start yin. Our body is divided into two halves - male and female, and the separation line passes through the center of the forehead to the sacred place. Men's half is always the right side of the body, it is controlled by the sun. Female Half - left, managed by the moon. For men, a favorable, or "own", the parties are considered a male part, that is, the right. All marks appearing on the left side of the body in men, talk about the desired error that require correction. On the one hand, they threaten the troubles, on the other, indicate the presence of a potential requiring to eliminate these "sins".

Women have a favorable side is the left, and everything that the right side of the body is indicated on the internal possibilities of a person, which is not only possible with problems in life, but also need to fight.

Signs on "their" side say that a person is leading in certain areas, a volitional manifests the events, has patrovers. On the "strangers" - a person is drawn into events, against his will, he often does not know how to do, sometimes aggressively resists, sometimes "floats downstream", which is unacceptable.

By the way, the ancient believed that good for men, bad for women, and vice versa. Or remember people accept: If the left side of the body is drawn - women warn, be attentive, so as not to miss your happiness, the right side is waiting for trouble.
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Any note is important. Moles and birthmarks are their presence, an indication that a person will definitely encounter certain events.

All other noted: acne, warts, papillomas, pigment spots, bruises, bruises, wounds - indicate the events of a temporary nature that occur among their surroundings. On "his" side, they promise patrons, a prosperous permission of difficulties in a particular area. On "strangers" - obstacles that will repair the circumstances and rivals. The need to manifest will alone.

Diseases and operations at certain parts of the body will also be able to open the veil over many secrets of our future. If some part of the body is operated or injured - wait for changes in the sphere of life, for which this part of the body "answers".

Tattoo! The priests tattoo had an act of initiation. Each person was strictly defined, only intended to him. Before you decorate your body, learn the drawing area. It is advisable to make a drawing on a favorable side.

The intensity of the positive or negative impact of one or another sign depends on its size, brightness and defined. Small size The imprint - the event is a slight effect, and the opposite.

It is impossible to delete moles on the body. This is a great crime against your own destiny. That is why the removal often develops into malignant tumor. If the mole is growing - this is an indicator of human debt growth in front of his fate.

Ramibable spots always talk about the upcoming struggle in a particular area of \u200b\u200blife.

Square from Moles or a born spot in the form of a spider - it heavy cross Fate, eternal struggle.

Triangle or circle, oval proper form - Signal events positive characterhelping to achieve fame, well-being and success in life.

In the form of a constellation, a large bear is a sign of protection by the highest forces. A person is lucky in the area where moles are located. For example, on hand (twin zone) - a person is lucky with people, in communicating and in the twin profession.

Cross of five moles - a sign of humility, spent debt, the opportunity to get a revelation on the question of the area where they are.

On the "alien" side - these figures speak of eternal overcoming, on "their own" - indicate the patrons and "Hepping and".

Body division for twelve zones and interpretation of moles and birthmarks

The body is divided into twelve zones, which correspond to certain signs of the zodiac. The zone corresponding to your zodiac sign will play a special role for you, as it is more significant and as a whole talks about your fate.

Head - One of the most complex parts of the body for analysis, as there are all 12 zodiac signs on the head. The head is under the auspices of Aries. Ears should be studied separately, since only on the structure of the ear shell can be determined not only character, but also the entire subsequent fate and even previous Lives!

Mountain on the forehead - Tell your views on life, this is your ideology. On the "right" half says that a person is actively involved in public Lifewill be able to make a political career. On the "alien" side (since the forehead is symbolically represented by the ego of the human ego) will give out the arrogance, arrogance and selfishness of a person - these qualities bring the surrounding harm to others.
The pimples on the forehead gives an offshore (or uncommitted desire to be the leader). And also - excessive bustle, absolutely vain.

The chin - Will indicator, good or angry depending on which side of the sign. Volosses, sweeping the surrounding elbows, have any sign on the "wrong" side.

Cheeks and cheeks - zones telling about your relationship with people, about your intelligence, about diplomacy in relation to others. This zone denotes help and obstacle from others.

MouthAs well as the area around it is the world of your feelings, success or failures in love, but it is also a welfare indicator. In order to assert this, you need to study the zone of the Taurus, namely, the neck and the clavicle. See what signs are more, on which side, what kind of family they are.

Nose - Your energy, strength, pressure, and even aggressiveness. Ability to conquer and overcome. The pimple on the left side of the nose will tell the woman that she managed to conquer someone's sympathy, achieved his own. On the right - she is too intrusive.

Eyes and area around will tell about your creative potential creative implementation. On "his" side, this signpost of great work to which creative should be approached. Ability to achieve not small success in this direction. On the "alien" side - a man distortedly perceives creative promise, does not do his own business. For example, Dostoevsky had a mole over the right eye.
Neck and clavicle

This is a zone of Telta, indicator of money, willpower and health strength. Signs on the unfavorable side can issue a gallery, a hedge, lazy and loving. A person is unnecessarily immersed in the material problems loaning on earnings. Such a person is difficult to resist the pleasure. Signs on the good side will indicate a cute and charming person, on financial wealth (even with a small salary) and the ability to organize your own mode so as not to hurt. And also on excellent volitional qualities and a sign of success in the profession of artist.

Hands and shoulders

Twins zone. This is a relationship zone with the nearest environment and relatives. Many moles on "her" hand - a person contactor, tolerate, communicated, informative. He knows how to communicate, understand and adequately accept their relatives and friends. He is faithful to them, not capable of betrayal. But the moles on the "unfavorable" hand talk about difficulties in relationships with close people. About the reluctance to take them as they are. Bruises, wounds give out yesterday's conflict, inflexibility and disability in relations. Everything will be resolved when the injury will heal.

Elbow. Mountain on the left elbow will indicate a woman about the ability to combine the talent of communication and perseverance in achieving its goals. On the right - about obsessions and unpleasant for surrounding ambitions. Men on the contrary. Moles on the elbows talk about a strong desire to move, travel, constantly changing something in life.

Brushes. On the "his" hand skill to combine skill with intuition. Embrance and accuracy in affairs. On "strangers" - excessive hasty of hands, impulsiveness, not the ability to make thin work.

Cancer sign. Maternity zone, home contact and familyhood. Moles and other marks on the chest can identify a happy or unhappy childhood. They will talk about events in your own home.

Mountain in the center of the sternum is considered a sign that protects against misfortunes. But emphasizes impermanence in character.

On the left breast for a woman - she is happy in his house. The house and family mean a lot for her. Comfort and comfort she is able to give other people. Woman feminine and thought as mother.

For men - too soft character, in the walls of the native home can not stand up for himself. Women suppress him. He seeks to isolate from relatives to relax a little.

On the right breast for women - she does not limit their lives to the house. Often "pulls the strap" for a man, but everything has time. It can turn into a squirrel in a wheel, a home slave. It is social and independent, active and initiative.

For men - excellent husband and dad. Happy family head. Events occur mainly in the walls of the house where there are constantly many guests.

On the nipples - will indicate the impermanence and tendency to treason. Only here are notlaring on "their" nipples say that you all comes with hands.


It is under the influence of a lion sign. This is the zone of manifest leader's qualities. The ability to favorably file themselves to others, the desire to help people, the ability to love bright and devotionally. Many moles on the back - sincerity and openness in relation to other people. If most of the moles are on the "good" side - a person can become a wise teacher, a generous lover, a bright individualist.

The predominance of moles on the "strangers" side is a balovd of fate in a negative sense, a mortgagel life. This is an indicator of addiction to alcohol, bad pastime. A tendency to a rampant life, gambling. Acne on the back - a man wants to be bright, noticeable and beautiful, but he has difficulty in self-expression. Sometimes others and relatives create it problems. Push it like a person. Do not believe in his talents.
Top of belly

Virgin zone. She will tell you about how a person copes with his duties at work and at home. Signs on "their" side will be prompted by a person that he has established his life: his work does not like, he is very responsible to colleagues and family. Supporting your health. Such a person rarely sick chronic diseases, And if you get sick, knows how to heal.

On "Alien" - manners, capriciousness, tape. And also not restraint in food, chaos in mode, sometimes irresponsibility in work. It is possible that man to go to work as on a catguard. He may have a very difficult duty, for example, care for laying patients. If he is also unfavorable moles around the neck, he also does not foresee.

On the navel - great sign! High implementation of desires, patronage higher Forces.
Small of the back

This zone is associated with a sign of scales. She is responsible for human relations with the law, for his public performance And for relations with partners (business and personal).

Notin "on his" side - pretty sign that with the law you have everything in order. You are charming and attractive to partners, know how to find with them. mutual language. True, sometimes to achieve its apply flattery and self-deception. Your performance from the scene will listen, hopping breathing.

"On someone else's" - you do not show sincerity, and others feel it. Often compete, express intrusive self. Not discusses, not bending and do not know how to listen to others. Lack of diplomacy is a source of trouble.
Low belly, groin

Scorpion zone. No wonder this part is hidden from the view of the strangers, she tells about the intimate life of a person. Molenia in the inguinal region will indicate a predisposition to sexually transmitted diseases. It is also an indication of the desires of a person to walk "on the edge of the abyss", "on the blade of the knife." Many moles in this area - life is extreme. There is an accident. A man vampires, provoking the words and actions of the situation to get a portion of adrenaline, update emotions.

Signs on the good side of the groin make a person the object of sexual desires, even if it is not too beautiful. It easily controls powerful sexual streams, can finely manipulate people.

An unfavorable side - also make a person the object of sexual desires, but this will already be a habituality. He will not want those who are sympathetic to him.

Buttocks and upper legs

Sagittarius is responsible for this part of the body. Mallasts in these places will tell about the upcoming travels. Not only abroad, but also in the direction of new knowledge. They will tell you when there is a big move, will you enter the Academy that expect from distant relatives. Mixed on the buttocks often indicate the religious problems of a person, and how he overcomes them.

Notin on "his" side foreshadows the long-distance moving to new house. An indicator of a successful trip abroad and foreshadows a happy life outside the Motherland. Indicates admission to the university from the first time, to the desire to learn. On the wealth achieved at the expense good education.

On the "strangers" side - a person has the same desires, but constantly stumps on the difficulties that it eager to overcome. Sometimes his hands are lowered and he "floats downstream." Then again begins to resist. It seems to him that he is underestimated by others. Large ambitions do not give rest.

Knees and area around them

Capricorn ownership. This area will tell you about career and successes in achieving life goals. Any footprint on the foot, near the knees, gives a greater or lesser degree a complex of inferiority regarding self-realization. Only on the "alien" side of the desire for insurmountability, on "their own" - only experience and patience is required.

Signs on a favorable side - you are on the right path to success. Sooner or later, but you will achieve everything. In the character, inflexibility and disadvantage feels in moderation, there is a huge patience to everything.

Molenia is a dark brown or black education on the body. They are big and small, noticeable on the body or hidden under clothing, with some we are already born and live, and some of them get throughout life. Sometimes, they are located in the same locations as our parents, and we consider it a sign of fate.

Perhaps now we do not pay much importance to our babes, some of them even destroy the laser, however, esoterics are confident that according to notes one can judge the predisposition of a person to extrasensory abilities. At the same time, the Molenia, depending on the location of the location, can tell about the nature of man and predict his fate.

It is important not only the place on the body, but also the shape of the spot, its drawing. Our progenitors did not doubt that the mole is a sign indicating how its owner's life will be. Moreover, the darker the birthmark on the body, the unhapping of his fate.

They cursed that man whose mole is located on a visible place of place, and has wrong shape. Such a spot was considered to be a devilish markup. If the hair stuck out of the spot, it was believed that a person has very little money. But if the owner of the "bad" moles lived a happy life, it meant that he changed his fate, making good things in the life.

As already mentioned, Moles were considered not to be noted by the devil, so in the Middle Ages, a woman with rivable spots in certain places could be given the most real Witch, and for it they burned on a fire.

Psychics, esoterics and sorcerers believe that some celebrates really talk about the talent of a person in magic.

So, there are three places on the human body, the birthmarks on which they speak about the extrasensory abilities of a person. Mole on temple It suggests that he has a very developed intuition. The owner of such notlarms recommend to listen more often to themselves and their feelings, trust the thoughts or the idea that came spontaneously to him. Such thought will be the most faithful.

It is possible that people with a mole on the temple can predict events that still have to happen. In addition, such people are able to distinguish the truth from lying and understand what kind of person in front of them.

This magician may be a person whose mole is located a little above the knee. Such people have a connection with the other world, and in dreams, the deceased relatives come to them to report important behavior.

Something to convince and even hypnotize easily people with a mole above the upper lip. Inside them there is something that attracts people like a magnet. However, a person with a marked over the upper lip must constantly monitor each uttered word, because their statements can come into practice.

Anyone under the influence of emotions can say an offensive phrase or wish a bad, but it is especially dangerous to do this to people whose mole is located above the upper lip. They can truly join a person whose address was pronounced by bad things, and at best to spoil him the mood not all day.

On the face of women

In the parent spots on the face of a woman, a woman can be said about the nature, abilities of a person and his talents, so people who are interested in esoterica take into account sacred value Moles on the body.

If right above the nubble The woman has a mole, her owner has deep intuition, endowed with intelligence, always seeks to learn something new and correctly uses new knowledge in life. Women (and men, too) with the "third eye" on the forehead can be clairvoyed, communicate with the other world, however, often owners of such homeland consider not from this world, a little crazy.

People with Mountain on the forehead We prophes a big future, they can solve the fate of the peoples, but they can go over to the stick.

Woman with Mountain in the right corner of the eye Very jealous, suspicious, can arrange scandals on an empty place, her passion and hysterics to the surrounding people will barely suffer.

Women with Mountain on the right century - Real panickers. Any trouble can easily drive them into stress. At the same time, women with so stain smart and talented. May be poets, but because of the habit of panicing, Muse often leaves such a young lady.

Woman with notged under the right eye Very faithful and the case, and a man. Such a woman can worry deep feelings, and if I loved, then forever. Women with a mole under the right eye of kind, gentle, charming. Often, this is a sign of noble blood both women and men.

Never know what women want with their mole under the right eye near the nose. Their opinion is changing several times a day, they are very quick-tempered and unnecessarily emotional. Such women are burner, but short novels.

Very love to travel women with a gothic spot in the middle of the nose. This is a creative nature, restless, easy to communicate, quickly come to contact.

Jealous without reason and find out the relationship loves a woman with a mole under the left eye near the nose. Everything in the world should spin around it. Mountain under the left eye, but further from the nose talks about sensuality. If notice is next to the ear, it says that its owner can sacrifice many for other people.

Constantly criticizing himself a woman with a mole in the left corner of the eye. because of internal problems She often enters the conflict with others, especially with his beloved man. Being in a relationship, such a woman tends to blame himself in everything that happens inside the pair, quarrels arise on this basis.

Birthmark on the left century Women talk about her abilities quickly and for a long time to memorize information. The young lady with such a mole change men like gloves, but it is always sincere, being influenced by feelings.

Women with Mountain at the tip of the nose They love to joke, and I must say that they have funny jokes are really funny, they are pleasant in communication and love to violate the rules. They are literally attracting everything for free. IN love relationship They are very frivolous, often behave in childish and even funny, so no one is angry with them for them. Such women are looking for their place in life for a very long time, changing universities and work.

If a woman has a birthmark on the cheek under the eyeSo it always prevails feelings over the mind, it makes a problem from love, it is capable of confusing everything, turning his life in the series.

Woman with Mountain on the cheek on the right He loves to receive pleasure from life, adores comfort, and if you quarrel with someone, it's not for long.

Very interesting fate in women and men with a mole under the nose. Such people are in all mystical and often better than others know how to do so that everything is successful. They can be asked for help in solving deadlocks - they will give a good advice. They can trust the secret and do not regret it.

Women with Mountain right under the nose Independent, they adore travel and enjoy life. But women with marked above the lip, on the contrary, choose homemade And calm, but if a child is born in the family, he loves a woman more than her husband.

Women whose mole is located on the left side of the nose, love to seduce and provoke. They are often shocked by their extravagant behavior. By the way, they treat marriage very seriously, and think a hundred times before marrying.

If Molenia is located in a woman over the upper lip on the rightThis suggests that her owner loves to weave intrigue and sometimes it can be cruel. Over the man, she always dominates, wanting to dive to themselves, at the same time takes away the chosen one for any provinces, and the resentment does not forgive at all. Such a hard woman is very valued at work, it allows it to very quickly take over the career staircase and achieve brilliant results.

Always strive for the real and the only love of a woman with a mole that is under the corner of the bottom lip, At the same time, these women are very jealous.

But moles on Gubach They talk about too soft. Such women do not know how to respond to their actions, can't take it for a long time, they are lynching.

Mole on the left cheek next to the ear - A sign of complex character. A woman with such a marked silence, sullen, is inclined to depressions.

Rodin on the left cheek It is often possible to see people creative: writers, artists, poets. The talent of these people is marked and encouraged. A woman with such a notged talented is literally in everything, for anything will take, and especially in love: it is adorable from nature, the chairs can leave for anyone, so the young lady with a mole on the left cheek often confuses itself in love threads, so escapes often End depressions.

Woman with Mountain in the corner of lips It is incredibly attractive, sexy, desirable many, but loyalty, unfortunately - not her character trait.

Keeping people, to achieve their goals, constantly grow in any areas, are capable of women with a mole on cheek. These leadership qualities are especially manifested in women whose mole is on the right cheek.

Not really good health and a subtle psyche at the owner of the mole under the bottom lip. Such a woman always want to protect and defend.

Mole on chin - Power sign. Externally, cute and soft women with marked on the chin, possess the character of character, inflexible spirit. If you note on the chin on right, then the woman of the relevant, having fun, always believes in their strength, tactical and wise. What if left, So, has a lot bad habits, Capripan and selfish.

If she is in the center of the chin, then her owner is very stubborn, it is absolutely useless to argue with her, at home she cites households, literally entrusts them with their soldiers. Not lucky and workers if their director has a robe accurately in the middle of the chin. Believing in good intentions, such a boss will destroy a favorable climate in any team.

Very original in the perception of the world of women with a mole on ear. They often boast due to their inner insecurity - this is their way of protection. They seek to fight with their complexes and eventually win.

On the face of men

Male with Mountain on the cheek Very unordinarians, strong in spirit, his lively character.

Mole under the nose, Speaks about mystical potential. This rare sign Moves a man to predict the fate of the stars, decipher the dreams, be a real wizard.

If Molenia is located under the corner of the bottom lip, Her owner of jealous and lazy. At the same time often fights unsuccessfully with harmful habits, I can never refuse yourself in a desire to possess a particular woman that may end the mental disorders of the sexual plan.

Man with notged on chin Despotic and aggressive, knows how to achieve its goals, and among them the most important is to create an irritable family with its own and traditions.

If Molenia is located on the chin on the right, then its owner Rough and Zhadalad, very inflexible in a relationship, is not able to stand in place of another, look at the situation from the side. If a left, then a man knows what he wants from life and constantly self-improvement.

If a mole of a man is located in the center of Luba, he loves freedom very much, and the location is notlaring closer to the left side says that he will be a wonderful husband and father.


Opinions about the moles that are located on the body in the form of a triangle are different. It can simultaneously be both kind and unfinished. And there is no single opinion, and the triangle can only be considered identical to the size and shape of the mole on the body.

Some believe that the triangle strengthens the energy characteristics, according to others, a person with a triangle on the body is able to communicate with the Universe, and knowing about her riddles - to predict the future.

In general, people with such notmer have rare features inaccessible to others. If the moles in the form of a triangle are located on palm, then their owner is perfectly converged with people. This scientist may be a person whose triangle is on his head.

Moles on her arms

Any Motherland on female hand It indicates that in her personal life it will be in order. She very successfully marries: the only time and forever.

If the birthmark is staining on the right forearmthen his owner was very successful in his career, she managed to establish own businessBy making it from nothing.

But Molenia on the left forearm It suggests that a woman is ready to go for all the sake of family happiness, often such women will marry early and give birth to many kids.

Women with Mountain on elbow - Real masters who can sew, knit, embroider and make money on their hobby. If the mole is on the left hand below elbow, then such women are real cheat.

As for men, then a large number of Martin on their hands says that the man is faithful and will be excellent family man. If there is a triangle from the Moles in his hands, it is worthwhile: there are always women around the owner of such a figure from Moles, and he doubts the choice.

If a man has marks at the forearmSo he will live longer his wife, but seven will never need money. And if the forearm of the man is a large birthmark, then he will be a real rich.

Mole on the right hand suggests that its owner is a real leader, and on the left - A sign of the fight against external circumstances.

Mole on the palms - The phenomenon is rare, but they will tell about the fate of men and women. People with moles on the palms are considered special. Both men and women love to stay in the shade, often being alone - they are so comfortable and more convenient to communicate with themselves. They can make pets, but do not seek to marry or marry. So, alone, and live to old age. Such people live a long and healthy life.

If the birthmark is there on the palm of the right handThis is talking about human hardworking. Such people succeed in career.

People with Mountains on the left palm They are considered hermites, they have a close connection with nature, so they live in private houses and hate noisy cities.

If a woman has a mole between fingers handsSo it will marry the oligarch. The mole between the men's fingers indicates that he will have to solve a lot of problems in life, but he will cope with everyone.

If we talk about moles on your fingers, it is important here, on what hand they are located and on what specifically finger. So noting on the finger on his left hand says that a person will be something very disappointed. It can be a break of relationships or a betrayal of a friend. Moles on the fingers are present in people whom parents threw back in childhood.

The presence of moles on big finger Speaks about different things. If the black mole has a man, it means that he should think about his health and go to the doctor. If a young man With such a mole, it will be possible to defeat the disease, he will live a joyful life, having a lot of money. Women with a mole on a thumb successfully married, give birth to healthy children, but not in youth, and after thirty years. If Molenia is on the big finger of the right hand, then its owner is an invaluable cook.

Mountain on pointed finger Indicates talent. People with such a notmer - bright personality. And what it is brighter, the stronger the talent is shown. Among people with red marks, composers, artists can often be met on the indicator finger. Among such people there are beautiful architects, designers, artists. If the mole on the index finger appeared during the lifetime, it means that it was time for bright changes.

Mountain on middle finger suggests that her owner will create sturdy seven, and children born in such a family will also be happy. Motina on the Mizinza right hand is a symbol of financial well-being.

Mountain on female unnamed finchik - bad mark. It is said that she will not marry. If she appeared after the wedding, it means that the woman managed to bypass the fate, but it is better to hide his speck under wedding ring. This also applies to those who have not yet went to the crown: the mole can be toned with cream, and the bad sign will not work.

Mountain on mizinze - Sign of birth of healthy and happy kids. However, in personal life not to avoid problems. Motina on the left Mizinza men suggests that he will have to divorce much, and in the end, to stay alone.

Despite the whole family idyll described above, often the owners of the moles on the little sighs there are lovers and mistresses.

Mountain on the neck

A woman with a marked neck and charming, often repeats the fate of the mother, and men with moles on her neck are considered thinkers and philosophers, very calm and rarely reach heights in the material plan. The absence of finance can tell the Mountain, located behind. Such people should not risk and get involved in gambling, constantly count money in the wallet and think about tomorrow.

The real rich can be that person whose march is located on the neck in front. In such people, money is attracted, like a magnet, but the coming money is better to invest in business.

Women and men with moles on the neck on the right Very realistic. And a man with such a label is capable of collapse and cope with the most difficult situations.

If Molenia is located behind hair, then its owner is a modest and shy person to which you need to find an approach. The man who managed to do this will not regret, discovering an interesting interlocutor with a rich inner world.

Woman whose mole is located right in the center of the neck, loves yourself and beautiful things. She can marry her far relative. Molenia in this place can talk about the egoism of the man.

If she is located on the neck left, then its owner is kind, prettifying, patient, he is able to help people and does it with pleasure.

Moles on the chest

If a woman has moles on the left side of the chestit means that she can count on strong love from the side of the man. Such women are very passionate, but not constant. Long ago, such noted were considered bad signs, they said that the owner noted on the left side of the chest is waiting for problems in personal life.

Moles on the right side of the chest They say that the woman will work out wonderful Life With family and children. This woman is devoted, constant, and in old age will be surrounded by the care of grandchildren, children loving her husband.

Moles on the female chest It is suggested that their owner will become an excellent mother, her profession will be associated with children.

But moles on the nipples - Symbol of the disease. The specks on the left nipple predict heart disease, and on the right - an accident.

If there is a lot of moles under the right nipple in a manThis indicates his weak spirit, such a man can not be trusted, for he can change and betray. But if it is only one or two, then a man can make a lot for his beloved person.

Men with moles under the left neighbor Very brave, courageous, romantic. Of these, wonderful husbands are obtained.

Mole on the right side of the chest Says about the thrust to alcohol and women.

Mark on the left side of the chest Speaks about prudence, good luck in affairs, which is achieved by hard work. If a man noticed a label from the left side of the chest, know that he is a good lover.

Moles on the back

It turns out that they are marked on the back in women - this is a karmic sign: the specks appear because of the offense in past lives, and the people were offended by people. Women with moles on his back should be communicated with the surrounding carefully, do not trust people completely in order not to make a mistake again.

If Molenia is located on female shoulder, then she loves sports and in general everything is associated with health.

If a lot of births are stains in the top of the female backThe woman accompany physical ailments and psychological problems.

And Molenia in the left part of the female back It suggests that her owner is endowed with an excellent sense of humor.

Non-easy life path predicts slightly above the blades. But this does not mean that women will not cope with problems.

Mark in the middle of the back of a man It suggests that he is a very kind person, while smart and reliable.

If a man formed on his back the triangle from the Moles, it means that he was born very successful in life if the oval was waiting for his good fate, but the cross from the Moles foreshadows the bad relationship with relatives and even betrayal on their part.

Moles on his stomach

Women with celebrations on the stomach are very difficult to control emotions, they are worn by passions that boil inside and break out. Such women love to eat delicious, constantly sit on diets, but often get drunk and not losing weight. It happens that they fall into extremes and begin to live and eat right.

Girls with major moles in the abdomen often shift their affairs on the shoulders of other people.

Men and women with labels on her belly are very beautiful.

Moles on the belly of men talk about his sexuality and thirst to dominate the partner.

A woman with a marked in the navel of talented in the choice of men, she will be happy in marriage, love and take care of their children. A man whose march lives in a navel, will be rich and lucky in creating a family. Men and women with a mole in a navel is very selfish.

Mountain on the shoulder

People with moles on the shoulders - the nature is strong, but on their own life path There are more problems than everyone else, so the holders of spots on the shoulders are jealous of others, considering that they all easily go.

If the mole is located on the right shoulderIt means that this person is very calm and intellectually developed, so luck will be in affairs. But the desire to keep everything under control and analyze interferes with such people to arrange a personal life.

People with moles on the left shoulder Also successful in work, luck does not bypass them and in personal life. Such people can be considered real debaters who defend their position in life.

Moles on the head

If the Molenia hid in his hair and has a cross, it speaks of major troubles.

Mole under the hair There is a different form that its owner is able to manipulate people. From this often suffer from close people. If such a person had unsuccessful experience in romantic relationship, he will carry personal failures throughout life. Sad experience will interfere with love and in friendship.

All people whose moles are hidden behind hair, very smart, successful, there are excellent teachers, write books, often fond of religion and esoteric, which can be completely dismissed from the real world.

Moles at whiskey They say about that. That their owners are very sensitive people. If it is located on the right temple, then its owner can thoroughly hide its sentimentality.

Man with notged on the left temple Talented, but his head can often hurt, so he has a bad memory and loving speech.

Owner of moles on the right temple May wait heavy life.

Moles under the mouse

Women with the Mountain left under the arm, never need you, successfully marry the rich. In the career, they, too, everything is fine! Such women always meet decent men. A woman with a very good character is very good, but sometimes she does not need to be soft.

Men with a mole in this place are soft, but are excellent husbands and fathers, they are well managed by money, always help friends. But they are not lazy to say their openness and inability to say "no", turning the life of a man in trouble.

Woman with notged right under the mouse Very powerful, it scares the worms, and therefore is not too happy in his personal life. If still a man is, then it turns out to be too beautiful and not very smart. If a woman still decides to get married, it will be unhappy in marriage. They can attract a rich man to themselves, and they themselves are rarely financially secured: very quickly spend all the money and do not have accumulations.

Men with a mole on the right under the arm are very stubborn, smart, bold, are consistent, but in family life Rarely happy: the wife will not tolerate strong pressure on the part of a man, their life will turn into one big scandal.

Moles on Pope

If Molenia is located on the right side of women's priests, its owner is very frivolous, but incredibly cheerful and sociability. Looking for buddies for their own interests, rarely finds real friends.

Girls whose moles are in the top of the buttocks, tend to silent money, and their stormy novels rarely end with a wedding. Mixed at the bottom of the right buttocks speak of laziness, greed, egoism. It will be very difficult to recognize the danger, because the owners of such marks skillfully hide their shortcomings, issuing themselves for the lovely states inclined to self-sacrifice.

Good sign if the mole is located on top on the left side of the female ass. These ladies are true, hardworking, kind, heart. Of these, excellent wives are obtained.

Women, whose moles are in the lower part of the left buttock are very smart. In his personal life, this is not lucky, but the career is their horse. Although, if they stop demanding from men more than what they can offer, then there is a chance to gain personal happiness.

If Molenia is in the upper the right side of men's priestsHe can be considered a lazy, sly, an unreliable husband. Such men have a big risk of entering prison. A label at the bottom of the right buttock signals that its owner is a very nice man, a caring husband, an excellent friend.

Just ideal can be considered a man if the mole is located on the left buttocks. Such a male attracts all people to him. Possessing powerful charisma, he fascinates people. Such a man knows how to earn and be wonderful spouses.

Moles on the leg

If Molenia is located above the knee Front, then this suggests that men with such notmer are the personalities of creative, smart, but if it is not a small one, then such men can be alcoholics. Women tagged above the knees carry a riddle, very silent, like men. They need to follow their psychological state.

If the mole on the leg is located closer to groin, these people are very hardworking, they love stability, and therefore fuse money and think about tomorrow.

People with notged on the hip. Rearly are very lucky and cheerful, and if there are many of them on the hips, it says about the scattering, which interferes in life.

Mark on the left stop Right speaks about the mind of a man and fun, as well as the impermanence of a woman. Men with a mole on the left stop on the left of the rich and wise, and women are sad and serious.

Label on the right foot Speaks about loyalty and care from a woman and the resourcefulness of a man.

Moles on the fingers of the legs Talk about health problems.

Relying on predictions of fate with the help of moles, remember that everything is in your hands! If you notice that you have new moles or olds began to change the shape and color, then set aside for the time of fortune telling, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

Ramibi stains and moles, signs on the body ... many of us are worried about such questions: Do the birthmarks and moles affect the life and fate of man? What is the meaning of the mole on the body for a person? Is it possible to remove the birthmarks? In this article, we will try to answer these issues from the point of view of not only knowledge of medicine, but also those secret knowledge that the time immemorial is transmitted by our distant ancestors from generation to generation.

From ancient times, at our time, people sacred believed that their birthmarks, moles are certain signs on the body, which are directly or indirectly, but affect the fate of a person. So, for example, before choosing a new priest, on the Council of the Tribe African sorcerers, they thoroughly examined a new challenger for the presence of certain signs of body spots and moles, which determined whether this person is suitable for such an important position. Buddhist monks in the native spots, the location of the Moles find a baby, which, according to their faith, is the following rebirth of the Buddha. In turn, Orthodox Christianity, the Orthodox Church denies the influence of the moles on the fate of the person and believes that the birthmarks are nothing more than the genetically determined manifestations, education on the human body.


There is a certain direction in astrological teaching - Morphoscopy.
Morphoscopy He is engaged in interpretation of signs on the body, moles, various formations, birthplace spots, according to the influence of planets and constellations on the fate of a person. Possessing knowledge in the field of morphoscopy, you can find out what the person expects in the future is to pay attention to what to change in their lives, what mistakes to correct, for which sins will have to pay. After all, moles are given to us not only from birth, they can appear and disappear throughout life.

Often, if the conversation concerns the moles, we take into account only the aesthetic side of this question, wanting to get rid of them once and forever. But not everyone knows that the removal of moles and birthmarks for their owners is fraught with irreversible consequences not only from a medical point of view, but maybe radically, and not for the better to change the fate of a person.

From the depths of ages and to the present, African tribes considered and believe that each sign on the human body carries some information that directly affects his fate.

In these tribes, in order to become a student of the priest, the tribal sorcerers carefully examine the body of the applicant for the presence of certain signs, moles and birthplace, which should indicate that this person has been marked by the fate and in the future will be worthy of replacement for priest.

And now back to morphoscopy.

The system of knowledge about the finishes on the body is called morphoscopy. This is the most mysterious and least known area of \u200b\u200bknowledge. Moles, the birthmarks and other signs on the body make it possible to judge the various phenomena taking place in our lives, they sign up for future troubles or errors for which they will have to pay, they indicate the need to manifest themselves something to change or correct in current events. These signs should be responsible, follow their appearance and disappearance, and even for development. Anyone, only once sinning, acquires a print, and it will not disappear until the error is fixed.

Take a look into your future, deal with yourself, "reading" your body, as an astrologer reads a horoscope. If we assume that after all the spirit builds matter (body together with all moles and signs) in his image and likeness, then the appearance of a person definitely should give it to the spiritual essence. Let's try to check.

Yin and Jan.
So, the basis of this science, like any other occult discipline, lies in the eternal struggle and interconnectedness of the male began Yang and the female start yin. Our body is divided into two halves - male and female, and the separation line passes through the center of the forehead to the sacred place. Men's half is always the right side of the body, it is controlled by the sun. Women's half - left, managed by the moon. For men, a favorable, or "own", the parties are considered a male part, that is, the right. All marks appearing on the left side of the body in men, talk about the desired error that require correction. On the one hand, they threaten the troubles, on the other, indicate the presence of a potential requiring to eliminate these "sins".

Women have a favorable side is the left, and everything that the right side of the body is indicated on the internal possibilities of a person, which is not only possible with problems in life, but also need to fight.

Signs on "their" side say that a person is leading in certain areas, a volitional manifests the events, has patrovers. On the "strangers" - a person is drawn into events, against his will, he often does not know how to do, sometimes aggressively resists, sometimes "floats downstream", which is unacceptable.

By the way, the ancient believed that good for men, bad for women, and vice versa. Or remember the people will notice: if the left side of the body - women warn, be attentive, so as not to miss off their happiness, the right side is waiting for trouble.

Variety of Markets
Any note is important. Moles and birthmarks are their presence, an indication that a person will definitely encounter certain events.

All other noted: acne, warts, papillomas, pigment spots, bruises, bruises, wounds - indicate the events of a temporary nature that occur among their surroundings. On "his" side, they promise patrons, a prosperous permission of difficulties in a particular area. On "strangers" - obstacles that will repair the circumstances and rivals. The need to manifest will alone.

Diseases and operations at certain parts of the body will also be able to open the veil over many secrets of our future. If some part of the body is operated or injured - wait for changes in the sphere of life, for which this part of the body "answers".

Tattoo! The priests tattoo had an act of initiation. Each person was strictly defined, only intended to him. Before you decorate your body, learn the drawing area. It is advisable to make a drawing on a favorable side.

The intensity of the positive or negative impact of one or another sign depends on its size, brightness and defined. Little imprint size is a small event for the power of influence, and vice versa.

It is impossible to delete moles on the body. This is a great crime against your own destiny. That is why it often dismisses the malignant tumor. If the mole is growing - this is an indicator of human debt growth in front of his fate.

Ramibable spots always talk about the upcoming struggle in a particular area of \u200b\u200blife.

Square from the moles or a born spot in the form of a spider is a heavy cross of fate, an eternal struggle.

The triangle or circle, oval the right form - the icon events of a positive character, helping to achieve the glory, well-being and success in life.

In the form of a constellation, a large bear is a sign of protection by the highest forces. A person is lucky in the area where moles are located. For example, on hand (twin zone) - a person is lucky with people, in communicating and in the twin profession.

Cross of five moles - a sign of humility, spent debt, the opportunity to get a revelation on the question of the area where they are.

On the "alien" side - these figures speak of eternal overcoming, on "their own" - indicate the patrons and "Hepping and".

Body division for twelve zones and interpretation of moles and birthmarks

The body is divided into twelve zones, which correspond to certain signs of the zodiac. The zone corresponding to your zodiac sign will play a special role for you, as it is more significant and as a whole talks about your fate.


One of the most complex parts of the body for analysis, as there are all 12 zodiac signs on the head. The head is under the auspices of Aries. Ears should be studied separately, since only in the structure of the ear shell can be determined not only character, but also the entire subsequent fate and even the previous lives!

Mountain on the forehead - Tell your views on life, this is your ideology. On the "right" half says that a person is actively involved in public life, will be able to make himself a political career. On the "alien" side (since the forehead is symbolically represented by the ego of the human ego) will give out the arrogance, arrogance and selfishness of a person - these qualities bring the surrounding harm to others.
The pimples on the forehead gives an offshore (or uncommitted desire to be the leader). And also - excessive bustle, absolutely vain.

The chin - Will indicator, good or angry depending on which side of the sign. Volosses, sweeping the surrounding elbows, have any sign on the "wrong" side.

Cheeks and cheeks - zones telling about your relationship with people, about your intelligence, about diplomacy in relation to others. This zone denotes help and obstacle from others.

MouthAs well as the area around it is the world of your feelings, success or failures in love, but it is also a welfare indicator. In order to assert this, you need to study the zone of the Taurus, namely, the neck and the clavicle. See what signs are more, on which side, what kind of family they are.

Nose - Your energy, strength, pressure, and even aggressiveness. Ability to conquer and overcome. The pimple on the left side of the nose will tell the woman that she managed to conquer someone's sympathy, achieved his own. On the right - she is too intrusive.

Eyes and area around Tell about your creative potential, creative implementation. On "his" side, this signpost of great work to which creative should be approached. Ability to achieve not small success in this direction. On the "alien" side - a man distortedly perceives creative promise, does not do his own business. For example, Dostoevsky had a mole over the right eye.

Neck and clavicle

This is a zone of Telta, indicator of money, willpower and health strength. Signs on the unfavorable side can issue a gallery, a hedge, lazy and loving. A person is unnecessarily immersed in the material problems loaning on earnings. Such a person is difficult to resist the pleasure. Signs on the good side will indicate a cute and charming personality, on financial wealth (even with a small salary) and the ability to organize your own mode so as not to hurt. And also on excellent volitional qualities and a sign of success in the profession of artist.

Hands and shoulders

Twins zone. This is a relationship zone with the nearest environment and relatives. Many moles on "her" hand - a person contactor, tolerate, communicated, informative. He knows how to communicate, understand and adequately accept their relatives and friends. He is faithful to them, not capable of betrayal. But the moles on the "unfavorable" hand talk about difficulties in relationships with close people. About the reluctance to take them as they are. Bruises, wounds give out yesterday's conflict, inflexibility and disability in relations. Everything will be resolved when the injury will heal.

Elbow. Mountain on the left elbow will indicate a woman about the ability to combine the talent of communication and perseverance in achieving its goals. On the right - about obsessions and unpleasant for surrounding ambitions. Men on the contrary. Moles on the elbows talk about a strong desire to move, travel, constantly changing something in life.

Brushes. On the "his" hand skill to combine skill with intuition. Embrance and accuracy in affairs. On the "strangers" - excessive hasty of hands, impulsiveness, not the ability to make a subtle work.


Cancer sign. Maternity zone, home contact and familyhood. Moles and other marks on the chest can identify a happy or unhappy childhood. They will tell about events in your own home.

Mountain in the center of the sternum is considered a sign that protects against misfortunes. But emphasizes impermanence in character.

On the left breast for a woman - she is happy in his house. The house and family mean a lot for her. Comfort and comfort she is able to give other people. Woman feminine and thought as mother.

For men, it is unnecessarily mild, in the walls of the native home can not stand up for himself. Women suppress him. He seeks to isolate from relatives to relax a little.

On the right breast for women - she does not limit their lives to the house. Often "pulls the strap" for a man, but everything has time. It can turn into a squirrel in a wheel, a home slave. It is social and independent, active and initiative.

For men - excellent husband and dad. Happy family head. Events occur mainly in the walls of the house where there are constantly many guests.

On the nipples - will indicate the impermanence and tendency to treason. Only here are notlaring on "their" nipples say that you all comes with hands.


It is under the influence of a lion sign. This is a zone of manifestation of its leadership qualities. The ability to favorably file themselves to others, the desire to help people, the ability to love bright and devotionally. Many moles on the back - sincerity and openness in relation to other people. If most of the moles are on the "good" side - a person can become a wise teacher, a generous lover, a bright individualist.

The predominance of moles on the "strangers" side is a balovd of fate in a negative sense, a mortgagel life. This is an indicator of addiction to alcohol, bad pastime. A tendency to a rampant life, gambling. Acne on the back - a man wants to be bright, noticeable and beautiful, but he has difficulty in self-expression. Sometimes others and relatives create it problems. Push it like a person. Do not believe in his talents.

Top of belly

Virgin zone. She will tell you about how a person copes with his duties at work and at home. Signs on "their" side will be prompted by a person that he has established his life: his work does not like, he is very responsible to colleagues and family. Supporting your health. Such a person rarely sick chronic diseases, and if it gets sick, knows how to heal.

On "Alien" - manners, capriciousness, tape. And also not restraint in food, chaos in mode, sometimes irresponsibility in work. It is possible that man to go to work as on a catguard. He may have a very difficult duty, for example, care for laying patients. If he is also unfavorable moles around the neck, he also does not foresee.

On the navel - an excellent sign! High realization of desires, patronage of higher strength.

Small of the back

This zone is associated with a sign of scales. She is responsible for human relations with the law, for his public speeches and for relations with partners (business and personal).

I will notice "on my" side - the right sign that you have everything in order with the law. You are charming and attractive to partners, know how to find a common language with them. True, sometimes to achieve its apply flattery and self-deception. Your performance from the scene will listen, hopping breathing.

"On someone else's" - you do not show sincerity, and others feel it. Often compete, express intrusive self. Not discusses, not bending and do not know how to listen to others. Lack of diplomacy is a source of trouble.

Low belly, groin

Scorpion zone. No wonder this part is hidden from the view of the strangers, she tells about the intimate life of a person. Molenia in the inguinal region will indicate a predisposition to sexually transmitted diseases. It is also an indication of the desires of a person to walk "on the edge of the abyss", "on the blade of the knife." Many moles in this area - life is extreme. There is an accident. A man vampires, provoking the words and actions of the situation to get a portion of adrenaline, update emotions.

Signs on the good side of the groin make a person the object of sexual desires, even if it is not too beautiful. It easily controls powerful sexual streams, can finely manipulate people.

An unfavorable side - also make a person the object of sexual desires, but this will already be a habituality. He will not want those who are sympathetic to him.

Buttocks and upper legs

Sagittarius is responsible for this part of the body. Mallasts in these places will tell about the upcoming travels. Not only abroad, but also in the direction of new knowledge. They will tell you when there is a big move, will you enter the Academy that expect from distant relatives. Mixed on the buttocks often indicate the religious problems of a person, and how he overcomes them.

I will notice on the "my" side foreshadowed a long-distance moving to a new home. An indicator of a successful trip abroad and foreshadows a happy life outside the Motherland. Indicates admission to the university from the first time, to the desire to learn. On the wealth achieved at the expense of good education.

On the "strangers" side - a person has the same desires, but constantly stumps on the difficulties that it eager to overcome. Sometimes his hands are lowered and he "floats downstream." Then again begins to resist. It seems to him that he is underestimated by others. Large ambitions do not give rest.

Knees and area around them

Capricorn ownership. This area will tell you about career and successes in achieving life goals. Any footprint on the foot, near the knees, gives a greater or lesser degree a complex of inferiority regarding self-realization. Only on the "alien" side of the desire for insurmountability, on "their own" - only experience and patience is required.

Signs on a favorable side - you are on the right path to success. Sooner or later, but you will achieve everything. In the character, inflexibility and disadvantage feels in moderation, there is a huge patience to everything.

What means moles on their hands - this question often ask people who have many pigment spots located in unusual places. Our ancestors had long yearsTo identify various patterns, so now it is possible to say with confidence that the birthmarks have a certain impact on human life.

In the article:

What do moles mean on hand

If you are interested, which means moles in your hands, everything has its explanation. For example, for women they mean happy marriage And luck in personal life. They always get married pretty early.

Many moles on the hands of a man - to happy life. As a rule, he is an optimist and with confidence looking into the future. Such men know how to provide a family, you can count on a happy marriage. Two moles on the hand in a man - a sign.

Moles on hand and body can vary outwardly with a person's life. If a stain decreases with a negative value, then you are perfectly coping with the development of karmic problems. If new moles appear, you need to interpret their value and make the appropriate conclusions.

Mountain on the shoulder and other places

All the birthmarks are considered karma signs that may indicate what problems will be accompanied by a person throughout his life. But the mole on the shoulder is considered a particularly accurate pointer to unclean karma. It is always associated with some problems with karmic causes. If you have such a "label", this is an occasion to think about unresolved problems. Perhaps this is your karma, and maybe you have to pay for the sins of the ancestors. In any case, the fate will not be easy.

People with a mole on the right shoulder lack determination. This quality needs to be developed. We will also have to work on arrogance and envy. Learn to treat people as they relate to you. You have the power of the will, but any cases will be given not as easy as the rest of the people. It will be especially difficult to get rid of bad habits.

If such moles are on the left hand, the value is the same. Their owners also do not know how to recognize the authority, do not like people who know how to better them. These are stubborn and inflexible people who often suffer because of their own character. The frequent phenomenon for them is the precariousness of the material situation and non-rursing in cash.

People with moles on the shoulders are lucky in love. They keep loyalty and create happy families. Lottenity and patience helps to avoid quarrels with the second half. This is especially true if there is a lot of moles in your hands. These are faithful husbands and wives, however, their stubbornness often upsets the soul mate. Very happy sign - on the shoulder. He brings happiness.

Meaning of Moles in other places - forearm and elbows

Ramibable stains on the forearm are interpreted depending on the location on the left or right hand. So, in the first case it is not good, and in the second - promises success. Such moles talk about a pleasant character and some unpreparedness for life. People with stains on the left forearm often face financial problems and do not have stable income. They also often conclude early marriages, in love and ranks.

A men have a mole at the forearm is considered a widow sign. Most likely, he will have to go through the spouse. Big Mountain In the middle of the forearm in a man means that it will accumulate a solid state, but during the crisis or other economic catastrophe, all savings will disappear.

Woman with a stain on the right forearm is an active and energetic careerist, which is on the shoulder any complexity. Left forearm issues a woman who wishes to devote his life to family happiness.

Birthmark on the wrist - a sign happy man. If it is on the inside of the wrist - it speaks of vulnerability and sensitivity.

Is there a mole on the right elbow? Most likely, it is difficult to agree with you, you do not know how to compromise and know how to distinguish a lie from the truth. For men, there is an additional value - you have to fight on the battlefield, you may be a military. Love for travel, tendency to arts and optional.

The sign on the left elbow means the work that will bring good income. But gaining welfare will be obtained only if there is care of a loved one. There is a tendency to artistism, attracting attention, as well as self-realization. Typical representatives of this species are artists and other creative personalities. They are not prone to perseverance and exposure, after 40 years begin to take positions. Women with such a mole are most often housewives married to a successful person.

Separately, it is worth noting the value - a separate article is devoted to such cases on our site.

What does the mole of the right hand mean

If a man has a birthplace at any place right hand, it will bring him happiness. A woman with such a burning spot will also be happy in marriage, can build a career. These people usually know how to combine personal life with work, seeking good success in any business.

Among what mole means on his right hand, little negative. If it is dark, it foreshadows the luck throughout life, the achievement of success, the lack of complex trials on the life path. Such people often get to the tops career staircase, Create happy families, rarely sick, have a stable income.

What else means a birthmark on his right hand? This is a tendency to work with the help of hands and honest work. Hardworking - distinctive trait such people. But they choose different professions - from the surgeon to the worker at the factory. The main thing for them is to bring real benefits People. If this condition is observed, people with large quantity Moles in the hands are achieving good income.

Follow people with such a sign on hand difficult. They rarely become victims of dubious sentences and risky ideas, know how to bypass the hazard.

Moles on the left hand - values

The value of moles on the left hand is rarely positive. They are considered bad signswho promise poverty. People with rimpheam spots on left hands are constantly experiencing material difficulties. They always lack money, even if the income is above average.

People with ribbon spots on the left hand are prone to deception. It may be thieves, magicians, illusionists. They are talented, but money comes to such people only in a dishonest way, and talent rarely saves justice. These people can be corrupt officials, the MUK conscience from bribery they do not experience. They eat envy and the desire to achieve more, but on the way new obstacles are constantly growing.

Sometimes moles on the left hand talk about the opportunity to build a sports career. Fit and work, which involves manual labor. She will help to fix bad karma and achieve welfare.