Repairs Design Furniture

Tree chairs: ideological intent and implementation of a creative project. Production of chairs to order which tree use when making chairs with their own hands

Chair in the interior is the simplest furniture model in the design, which is easy to choose and buy. However, if you wish to have something exclusive, original, and sometimes just as low as possible, the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking chairs from a tree in your own workshop appears. This article will discuss how to perform a conceived design, realize ideological idea and where to begin carpentry work to the Master-novice.

Chairs accompany people all their lives. They change with the interior, style, appointment and age of the owner, but are always present in the room. The idea to engage in a furniture project usually arises from those who saw photos from the tree on any resource and was inspired by its own experiment. If, for example, it often has to repair chairs from a tree, then all the nuances of the structure, the "weak" places of certain models are already familiar. Therefore, our own ideas about how to make a reliable and comfortable chair.

Already at the start stage, the novice furniture wizard evaluates the complexity of the work performed, its own practical skills in carpentry skills and creates a list of necessary tools. Newbies are never accepted for the production of complex products, realizing that the lack of experience can lead to an unsuccessful performance and in vain spent on the project of resources and time. However, experience appears only during the work. If we start making with simple models and use inexpensive materials, it is possible that very soon your own exclusive furniture will become the subject of personal pride.

Woodworking, if desired, easy to master. If the masters have little experience, it makes no sense to buy a complete set of tools, including their electrical analogs, or ascertained to woodworking machines. It will be enough to purchase the most necessary, and the rest of the inventory can be rented. Time will show whether the carpentry skill will be long-term hobbies or enthusiasm for the manufacture of furniture will disappear with the first layout of the chair.

What kind of tree use in the manufacture of chairs do it yourself

A tree is a very generalized name of the material for the manufacture of chairs. Not every breed of wood, which is used in the production of furniture, will be suitable here. The reason for strict selection is in the loads acting on the chair in different planes. It is they who dictate the resistance and safety parameters. If we consider the options for suitable wood, then you will get a considerable list to select:

  • soft breeds - pine, linden, cedar;
  • moderately soft varieties - aspen, birch, rowan;
  • moderately solid breeds - Walnut, beech, pear, cherry, oak, larch;
  • solid varieties - maple, ash, ram and many types of wood exotic breeds.

Helpful advice! Oak or beech are ideal for the manufacture of chairs, but cost expensive. For the first one's own furniture samples, it is better to purchase a dense wood, but financially less costly, for example, rowan.

The most durable products are made from durable wood breeds. However, such wooden chairs are not easy to collect, because for high-quality processing of the source material, machines will need. The price of raw materials from durable wood is never low. Soft breeds are easily processed by even manually, but the operating period of such products is not too long. Therefore, the chairs assembly are usually planned in a combined version to achieve the desired strength and reduce the product. For example, you can use a fan for seating or back.

As an undesirable material for the manufacture of chairs, experts indicate all coniferous rocks due to their all-layered structure. Ignoring cautions threatens frequent breakdowns, formation of chips and low product service life. The only use of coniferous wood in the chairs is a multilayer plywood for seats. In other cases, even the highest quality of blanks does not guarantee the durability and safety of furniture. At the same time, it is not necessary to exclude coniferous rocks from the lumber of lumber if the design of the toaster is planned. For such a simplest model, a pine or larch is suitable.

Joiner's skills are recommended to master on those materials that is in stock (remained from construction), and you can also use cutting on the trees. For high-quality products, for example, the remnants of the fence board will not suit, because the varieties of construction and joinery wood are different. However, unnecessary lumber or array may well come in handy for the first experience of the manufacture of chairs.

If wood for making is bought specifically, it is required to pay attention to such aspects:

  • tables and chairs from wood can combine several types of sawn timber in their design: array, logs, timber, boards;
  • bought boards or a timber must be without cracks, deformations, distortions, bitch;
  • the moisture content of sawn timber or blanks for chairs should not exceed 12%, i.e. the tree is chosen dry;
  • lumber thickness rule: board< 100 м < брус;
  • the presence of rot, mold, fungus, holes are unacceptable.

Helpful advice! Buy lumber with a small margin, because when making furniture items, it is likely to spoil or break any item due to insufficient craftsmanship and experience.

For chairs, the tree is selected without visible defects. All features of the cut, which can add textures in the manufacture of interior items, do not play any role for chairs. In the overwhelming majority, they may even be a hindrance and significantly reduce the strength and operational possibilities of furniture.

Wood color and drawing: Is it worth considering features

To make an apartment or for giving chairs from a tree, you need to take care of their organic entry into an already available interior of the room. If the main part of the furniture is made in dark colors, then light chairs or chairs will look in their background inappropriate item. Construction chemistry for wood processing allows you to achieve various shades. However, it is worth knowing that dark brown has a walnut, the wood of the cherry will be a reddish shade. Light brown base of oak, cedar, teak, alder, larch, and the brightest tones are characteristic of beech, pine, birch, maple, ash.

The color of the tree is not important if the chairs are supposed to be installed in the dining area, applying deep covers that close the entire framework of the product. Similarly, you can successfully hide small shortcomings in the processing or quality of the selected wood. However, not all interiors suggest the installation of chairs with covers, as if practical they were.

Well-selected wood color can be additionally emphasized by the expressiveness of its structure. Sometimes the interior needs to be bright or, on the contrary, a discreet drawing of a tree. Practically do not have a picture beech and alder. Tik will be able to stand out with a striped structure. Oak, maple, ash and cherries are clearly visible to the annual rings. There are various techniques for changing the drawing of wooden chairs, the photos of the results of these works can be easily found on the Internet and, if desired, do the same.

Chairs with your own trees: drawings, assembly, design options

Before making manufacturing, it is necessary to initially decide on the view of the planned product, and not pick up the material or search for instructions, how to make a chair. It is from this that all the following steps will depend on: the search for the drawings, the choice of wood, the acquisition of the tool, etc. You can make chairs from the tree with your own hands (stool,), with a soft or rigid seat, folding or Transformed design, with armrests or without them. It will be a comfortable chair or a modest wood stool, a regular chair for a dining area or an exotic product - such issues are solved first.

When it is finally determined how the product will look like, proceed to preliminary calculations, measurements and drawings. These actions are needed to calculate the material, the selection of the optimal size and comfortable design of chairs. To do this, it is necessary to determine the height and tilt of the back, the width of the seat, the height of the legs, etc. At the same stage it is worth thinking about which details should be reduced without loss of strength. For example, you can replace the boards plywood or cloth, perform inserts from cheaper raw materials.

If you have experience in the reconstruction of ready-made chairs or the desire to master the art of the thread, then you can try to create chairs for ancient. From the tree to implement such a plan, various breeds are chosen. When there are carved elements in the project, inserts are made of moderately soft rocks. Artificially "aged" a standard chair can be using special methods of painting and processing: crane technique, brash, patina, coloring and other ways. The product is extraordinary, and for a certain design of the interior, it can be one of the indoor accents.

Stool or Log Chair: Ideas on Smell Hand for beginners

The easiest view of the chair is the usual cut of the log, set up vertically. In the apartment, such furniture is not placed: because of the special strength and massiveness to her place at the cottage, in the garden, on the lawn. However, designers in pursuit of extravagant offer Eco-style lovers universal chairs from logs, which can serve as coasters, benches, magazine tables and other furniture attributes.

Instead of drawing for such models, it is enough to have good photo of chairs and perform a cut of a log of the length that will be convenient for seating. The selection of the logs also matters: the process of manufacture and design of the product depends on the diameter of the source material. Pretty thick log cabin can serve as a base for a chair with a back. Little diameter logs will require more cuts and other furniture styling.

The easiest version of the joinery with a log as the source material will look like this: take a log of a suitable diameter, measure the desired height of the seating and make the transverse cut in this place. Cut off the log is installed vertically, optionally processed by impregnation from rotting, polished, is covered with lacquer, etc. It turns out the usual stump stool. The base can be made in the form of a stool with a solid back.

Article on the topic:

Advantages of wood furniture. Species diversity of models, their structure and purpose. Selection in accordance with the style. Review manufacturers.

The number of stages of the processing of the log increases, and the requirements for the diameter of the source material increase:

  • from the edge of the log measured, as in the first case, the desired height of the seat, in this place is made cross-cut, and not completely, but approximately 2/3 of thickness;
  • the height of the chair's back is planned, the necessary part is completely cut off;
  • from the top end, the cut slicer is made vertical cut to the border where the seat is indicated.

Then it follows cosmetic processing and creative work on the product: alignment or recess of the back, grinding, firing, impregnation, etc.

Helpful advice! To create a stool with a sole log for sawing, a large diameter material is selected. Otherwise, a noncomfortable chair with a mediocre seat and an uncomfortable back will be released from a narrow log.

Huge logs from which a comfortable one-piece chair would have come out - it is rare. You can not search for wooden giants, but to take a narrower material to work, cut it along and design from several parts original chairs from the tree. How to make such models, it is recommended to look at the Internet in the photo of the chairs from the tree with their own hands. You can get inspiration from viewed video footage or make your own original sketch, based on the material, which is already available.

How to make a tree stool with your own hands: drawings, tools, assembly

The creative approach will be present in any projects involving the manufacture of products with their own hands. You can make a chair from the tree in templates and drawings from the Internet or on their database come up with your own interesting design. In any case, there are basic rules for production, wood processing and elements that must be observed.

For standard hard stools, you will need:

  • measuring tools - a ruler or a square, a tape measure, a special construction pencil for marking, level;
  • razing inventory - hacksaw, electric lobby, stublog;
  • tools for processing - chisels, plans, cizyanka;
  • fixtures for assembly - screwdriver, hammer, screws, joinery glue;
  • materials for finishing - sandpaper of different grainability, varnish or verse.

Initially, a search for the drawing for the stool of the identical design is conducted. You can make development based on your own measurements, however, with insufficient experience in carpentry, the likelihood of an error or significant shortcomings is great. On the Internet there are two main models of chairs - with a straight back or more ergonomic inclined part. The first option is easier to perform, but in the second case, it turns out a convenient and reliable product similar to the factory.

Helpful advice! In the workpiece of several symmetrical parts, the first sample is made according to the drawings, and the next - on the first sample (as in the template). Thus, it is possible to achieve exceptional identity of the details.

I will get acquainted with the step-by-step instruction of the manufacture of a standard chair with a back. First, it is necessary to carefully examine the finished drawing or think off your own. You need to prepare the bars of the required length for the front and rear legs of the chair. There are options when all 4 legs are the same in height or rear legs can be much longer by combining their own height with the back of the back. The legs are cut out from an even profile or bent - it all depends on the design.

Each blank for legs is required at the same height from the bottom to drill holes to set the base and the groove to fill horizontal jumpers. Next, the jumpers themselves are cut, observing the length specified in the drawing, plus be sure to add 2-3 cm from each end to the organization of mounting spikes. It should be closely related to the same sizes and perform connecting nodes as accurate as possible so that when assembling the design is not "walked."

The back of the chair is cut out of the edged board. On the inside of the rear legs under its fixing grooves are made. It is easier to fix the back of the self-drawing, while the fastener is not immediately carried out, and after the preliminary shallow drill, so that the timing is not split during the assembly.

The seat for the chair is made, as well as the back, of the edged board or furniture shield. In size, it should perform a little over the edge of the installation frame. Before mounting, the seating should additionally strengthen the frame of the chair with diagonal rails.

The finished parts of the chair are grinding sandpaper and covered with varnish until the final assembly. It should be carefully distributed to the lacquer so that it is not a sharpening in the grooves intended for the spikes, otherwise it is impossible to glue the items. When the varnish is dry, you can finally collect a chair.

Wooden chairs with soft seats, with armrests and armchairs

Increase the comfort of chairs created in your own workshop, in several ways:

  • complicate design and make wooden chairs with armrests;

  • slightly change the order of assembly and perform wooden chairs with a soft seat and back;
  • instead of a chair, you can make a chair with your own hands, just not a massive, but a lightweight model, which, for example, will be appropriate in the interior of Modern style.

Add to the design of the chair Armrests is easy. It is necessary that they fit into the overall design, were located at a convenient height and did not limit the seats' excessive space. Perhaps, when adding armrests, it will be necessary to review the fully assembly of the chair, radically change the drawings and think over a different kind of connection of all parts. However, armrests are worth paying proper attention in the design of the design of the chairs from the tree. The photo of the original finds and ideas that have already been implemented can inspire their own non-trivial projects or to show, in which direction should look for your own style.

You can make wooden chairs with your own hands as comfortable furniture with a soft seat and back. As the basis, the phaneer is 4-6 mm with a thickness of 4-6 mm. For a softening layer, a furniture foam, felt, polyurethane foam, latex and more: 4-6 cm of general thickness will be enough, density - 30-50 kg / m³. Singypron and batting as a filler are better not to consider at all, since these materials are quickly fitted. Cutting packages are performed according to the drawings of the chair and make an indent in all cutting edges up to 20 mm in the direction of the decrease. The product lining can be bright and decorative or perform a purely practical function. Special furniture fabrics, dermatin, eco-leave, or genuine leather are used as upholstery.

Combining a soft seat and design with armrests, you can make a computer chair with your own hands. The novice master will not be able to perform a product with an adjustable back, but convenience, stability and reliability are quite achievable.

Helpful advice! The assembly of all parts of the chair is pre-collected dry. Only after careful fitting, the glue is applied and the final installation is made.

Chairs from the wood array: reliably and thoroughly

Make your own hands a chair from the wood massif financially more profitable than from sawn timber. The array is cheaper, but it is necessary to take into account that products from it are obtained bulky and rude. For the dacha interior, such furniture will become a good choice. In the apartment it can also be placed, but only in the reduced version - for children. Ecology material and stable design are the primary characteristics of children's furniture. Wooden array is perfect for these requirements.

Children's tables and chairs made of moderately soft rocks are made. Usually try to use birch. The choice of material is due to the fact that all the corners of the furniture must be rounded for the safety of the child, and with the tree of wood, militant to the processing, do it quite easily without specialized machines. Often some elements of the array are replaced by plywood. It allows you to reduce the cost of furniture, make a product easier by weight and add designer parts that will be interested in a child.

Increased requirements are exhibited to all surfaces of children's furniture. They are particularly thoroughly grinding and treated with varnishes without toxic smells on a water basis. Similarly (in accordance with the high level of safety), paints are taken. Ideas and drawings, how to assemble a wooden highchair with your own hands, you can learn on the construction and other thematic sites on the Internet.

How to make a folding wooden chair yourself

Folding chair - second after a tobabere in practicality and convenience device for seating. It can be used at home, in the country, take with you on a picnic or fishing. The product is easy to transport, just keep. Pluses in the application is enough, however, the manufacture of the folding chair can cause the fear that the wrong calculations will not allow the structures to transform correctly.

Putting folding chairs from wood or plywood. An array for such products is not purchased, since, due to its heavyweight, advantages are lost in ease and mobility. Drawings folding chairs with their own hands very popular on the Internet. If you wish, you can watch the video showing the manufacturing process, and choose a model with a back of various shapes or without it. To assemble one of the popular samples, it is necessary to prepare:

  • legs 4 pcs. from a bar or board (40x20 mm) 470 mm long;
  • crossbars for seating 4 pcs. from a bar or board (40x20 mm) with a length of 320 mm;
  • prices 2 pcs. - cuts are the same as crossbars for seating (40x20x320 mm);
  • boards for seating 2 pcs. (90x20 mm) + 2 pcs. 60x20 mm dimensions, the length of all 4 billets is the same - 350 mm;
  • fastening tool - 6 pcs. bolts (6x40 mm), 28-50 mm self-tapping screws.

The assembly of the chair begins with the processing of all parts and rounding of the ends. Then crucifably join the legs of the chair with bolts. The connection point is 60-100 mm above the middle of the parts so that the design is more stable. It is necessary to pay attention to the symmetry so that both rear legs are external, and the front is internal. Hats bolts and nuts blend. The seats crossbar bolts are fasten to the collected crosses: to external details - outside, to the inner - from the inside.

At the level of 100 mm from the lower edge of the legs, they are fixed with transverse planets (prodes), fastening with self-draws on each side. The seat is formed from the boards, which are stacked in such a sequence: Wide, narrow, narrow, wide. Distance between boards - 15-20 mm. At the final stage, the varnish or painting of the product is performed.

Helpful advice! To ensure the correctness of the drawing and calculations, make a preliminary layout of the cardboard stool.

Several useful ideas for folding chairs designs

Folding chair can be made with their own hands as a chair. To do this, you need to find a suitable design and choose from several models more comfortable. It will be a seat and a back not with mild filling, but the question of comfort is quite solving additional pillows and small mattresses.

You can collect the original garden chair chair from the tree with your own hands. The drawings of the folding model are very simple. Materials will require a timing of the same cross section (45x30 mm), durable galvanized wire and brackets for its fastening. It is required to neatly cut the blanks of a given length, withstanding symmetry:

  • seat - 6 pcs. 375 mm + 2 pcs. 875 mm long for the rear legs of the chair;

  • dividers - 9 pcs. 228 mm long for creating a transition site from the seat to the back;
  • back - 4 pcs. 787 mm long + 2 pcs. 745 mm + 2 pcs. 1050 mm for the front legs.

The assembly of the chair consists of combining parts according to the scheme in a checker order. To secure all the workpieces into a single design, the holes in the same distance from the edge are dried in which the wire is tracked. Her free ends are fixed on the outer part of the chair with metal brackets.

The frame of the folding chair from the tree is always performed, which contributes to the reliability and stability of the furniture. For the back and seats are possible options for combining materials. Most often used very dense fabric. The result is an ergonomic light chair like a deck chair.

There are other options when along the guide backs are made at the same distance of the opening. They have a durable twine, and the free space for the back is filled with weaving from this twine.

Make yourself a wooden chair, without having no carpentry experience. Modern tools, ready-made drawings and instructions allow you to perform work quite accurately. Over time, skills will increase, which means that more refined and exclusive models will be obtained.

By offering its customers the manufacture of chairs and other furniture, we, above all, we think about your comfort. The work carried out in our studio is not only a guarantee of quality, but also efficiency. You will be pleasantly surprised by the high level of service and reasonable prices, and the most important thing is the extraordinary beauty of new products. After all, we work only highly qualified masters with great experience!

How good that now for the creation of a truly luxurious, stylish and modern dining room is not worth spending a lot of time for shopping. We offer you the manufacture of tables, chairs from wood and other furniture in our studio. With the help of such a service, you might have to come up with the design of the necessary furniture, so that it turned out not only beautiful, but also a unique place to relax! Each manufacture of chairs in our atelier is a painstaking and neat work that our specialists are performed brilliantly.

Offering the manufacture of chairs to order in our salon, we use only high-quality materials from the best manufacturers, which guarantees the durability of products.

Samples of work

Service Price Unit Note
Departure / Evaluation (Moscow) 500 rub.
Departure / assessment (Moscow region) 1000 rub. Free at the conclusion of the contract
Material Price Unit Note
the cloth From 1000 rubles. m / P. Width 140 cm.
Leather From 2800 rubles. m / kv. skura s \u003d 5m.kv, waste 30-50%
Vinyl-skin From 600 rubles. m / P. Width 140 cm
Porolon From 300 rubles. m / P. sheet: 100 cm * 200cm b
Syntheton 110 rub. m / P. Width 140 cm
Aeroform 250 rubles. m / P. Width 140 cm
Spanbond 100 rubles. m / P. Width 140 cm
Eco-skin new from 1450 rubles.
Nano leather new on request
Tight down buttons new from 100 rubles. pC.

Factory "Sedie & Tavoli". More than a brand, producing tables and chairs. This is a big team that is developing with love and creates its products for you!
Furniture that is in the range is perfect for home interior, it will be perfectly fitted in the interior of any restaurant, and also helps create a cozy atmosphere in coffee areas in stores and offices.
Only high-quality materials are used in the production of tables and chairs, so the factory products will delight you for many years!
Production is based on the most modern technologies. The factory responsibly approaches its work and carefully controls the quality of products, thanks to which the furniture is comparable in durability, practicality and the aesthetic style with leading manufacturers of both Russia and Europe.

  • Furniture Mark

    Literally for several years, a factory from a small furniture workshop has become a rather large enterprise, with its sales network and serial production.
    Factory products have become in demand not only in our region, but other neighboring areas have shown interest in this type of furniture.

  • Classic decor

    Factory "Decor Classic" is a manufacturer since 2004, which has more than 5000 sq.m. production facilities, European equipment and more than 100 personnel. During the existence on the domestic furniture market, the factory has constantly developed its infrastructure, expanding and improving the quality of its products. In 2010, the department began work on the production of furniture from the massif Enterprise oriented to the manufacture of high-quality soft and dining furniture.

  • TechnoPro.

    The TechnkomPro company is the largest manufacturer of tables and chairs from valuable trees of trees - will change your idea of \u200b\u200bthe Russian furniture premium segment. Our furniture is a high-profile synthesis of global trends in the furniture production, perfect Italian design, high-quality domestic materials and many years of work experience. She will add respectfulness to any restaurant / cafe, emphasizes the status of office space, will give a comfortable luxury of the apartment of any element, will complement the interior of the country house, ensuring comfort. We are proud of our products and consciously emphasize its quality. All furniture is performed on unique equipment using only high-profile paints and finishing materials.

  • Quinta-furniture

    Furniture made of array beech The main direction of the company. Furniture factory Kwint is a powerful production base that produces furniture of the dining group.
    Specialists of the enterprise made a large contribution to the production of chairs from a natural massive. They developed new dining furniture models: dining tables, dining tables with stone, transformer tables, transformers with stone.
    For them, it was a tradition to use the latest materials that correspond to European standards. The use of environmentally friendly materials is the main principle that they strictly observe.
    You can easily pick up chairs from an array with a soft back, chairs from a rigid back, chairs made of solid solid.
    The seats and the backs of the chairs are covered with a beautiful imported cloth, from well-known manufacturers. When finishing wood, a multilayer paint and varnish coating of the Italian company Milesi is applied.

  • LNG furniture

    Enterprise LNA furniture is a high-tech production with great developmental potential. The company specializes in the manufacture of wooden furniture from the array of beech - tables and chairs.
    LNA furniture produces more than 30 types of tables and chairs from a natural array and veneer of valuable breeds. The product range is regularly updated and updated. In the production of tables and chairs, accessories of European manufacturers are used. All products are covered with Italian polyurethane varnishes on a water basis. All materials of European suppliers correspond to the strictest environmental standards and are certified by the European Commission.

  • Galvanic

    OJSC "Factory Galvanic" is the largest in the north-west of Russia by an enterprise producing metal furniture with a galvanic coating (nickel-chromium), tables based on laminated chipboard.

  • Armos.

    Mark "Armos" managed to gain popularity among the buyers of orthopedic products. A serious approach to the quality of the supplied products and its compliance with the needs of customers allowed the company in the shortest possible time to obtain a leading position in the Russian market.
    Mattresses "Armos" are manufactured using modern high-tech equipment, which is purchased from leading manufacturers. For the manufacture, materials that correspond to the highest quality standard and environmental friendliness are applied. Special attention is paid to the process of multi-stage control of the entire production line, as well as testing the finished product. A wide selection of mattresses and mattresses "Armos" allows you to choose the most appropriate model of the mattress, as well as a cover for it that can give a feeling of additional comfort.

  • Domotek

    Domotek is one of the leading manufacturers of kitchen tables and chairs in the Russian market, starting its history back in 1989. Currently, the factory successfully produces and sells wholesale kitchen tables and chairs for more than 15 years.

  • Production of chairs in Russia - ordering furniture with delivery

    Specialists of the Shheffilton trade brand cheaply make chairs to order on individual sizes. You get the opportunity to purchase furniture corresponding to your color scheme to harmoniously complement the interior of the apartment, houses, cottages, as well as public institutions - offices, restaurants, cafes. There are ready-made models in the catalog, as well as a constructor that allows you to create an original chair for the interior. Choose any seating model, then frame and your chair is ready!

    Own production of chairs allows us to control all stages of the manufacture of furniture, from the choice of raw materials and accessories to packaging of finished products. The cost of the chair depends on the model and the selected color, approximate prices can be obtained from our consultants. We are responsible for making chairs: soft, office, kitchen, metal, wooden, plastic, on metal frame. Our furniture is durable, durable, beautiful. Look in the portfolio of examples of our work to make sure that.

    By ordering the manufacture of metal chairs and other furniture with us, you save time and money, and get reliable furniture that will last long enough to recoup the costs. Commercial and household furniture should be safe, practical and, of course, beautiful. We appreciate, as we not only know that, but we are implementing in our products. Call to clarify the prices and deadlines for the manufacture of furniture to order.

    Making chairs and tables under the order in any color from 50 pieces with a minimum order amount of 50 000r.

    The chair is a furniture product for the seating of one person, with a solid back and a solid seat, with a height of the seat, functionally convenient with the ratio of its table height.

    The main parts of the chair is the seat and back. In a typical chair, the seat is based on four legs, sometimes the design includes armrests. The back can have a replenished gap to the seat or performed for the entire height, without a gap. Also, the gap between the back and the seat can be filled with a decorative element.

    Technology of production chairs + video

    The production of chairs at the initial stage depends on the design. Compared to soft chairs, carpentry made without a seat frame, and panel panels are laid out at a quarter, and fix the book with special bins using screws or glue. The materials include wood solid solid rocks that have a high level of strength. In order to facilitate the production of chairs in production conditions of the joining of pronosek, bars of the back and the CARG, can be designing with plastics, and the seats themselves. Also, additional technological processes include the term of furniture drying. The process of soft furniture is the same, it begins with the fact that a strong base in order to achieve the necessary level of softness, it is necessary to pave a layer of filling material with a certain height. Only after this seat can be covered with upholstery materials. For this, most often use panels made from the panel, or can be replaced by a flexible base made of ribbons, springs in the form of snake and rubber tapes that are attached to the kings.

    The production of chairs begins with the following process, take composite details that make natural wood array, eat and subjected to ferry processing. Most often use special chemicals. In order for the tree to become more elastic, and that the blanks obtained the necessary form, first of all, they are carefully dried and collected in the design.

    If we consider all the details from which the production of chairs are carried out, have a good processed view. In addition to the details, manufacturers are drawn assembly units that are linked with the planned assembly technology. In order for the design is much easier, you can create a assembly general drawing, where the main dimensions of the finished final stool are displayed. Modern chairs that are made for domestic and imported bars can be classified by such signs: materials, scope of application, design features and style.

    The production of chairs of a classic type is made on the basis of furniture samples that used earlier. Differences are displayed only in the selection of material and design. For the last period of time, more modern technologies began to use, namely, during the production of classic options, the designers began to use the skin, a tree during the use of metal elements, and covered their brass or copper. For expensive interiors began to make chairs with a crocodile skin upholstery.

    To the modern direction can be attributed a few varieties, modern, high-tech and avant-garde. In the course of the manufacture of modern chairs, most often used fabric, leather, plastic and wood. Color choose more walnut or cherry. Such chairs look perfectly in modern interiors. In addition, you can also buy woven options that make on metal legs, with backs and wicker seats. Haytetech style implies the use of high technologies, but there is no point in carrying out the production of chairs with control panels, therefore, stylistic signs will be saved only in the design itself. Here you need to use as few decorations as possible, additional items, and as many modern materials as possible. In this style, plastic are used, the skin is metal, and white, matte and silver chromium are selected to the colors.

    Avant-garde variants of chairs are made of plastic, and the design itself is quite peculiar and requires the corresponding interior. For their finishes, contrasting bright colors are used, very often there are chairs that have seats made of fur, or resemble the shape of a blots, palm. The following characteristic include the design that is divided into 2 standards: low and high designs. Many chairs are divided into public operation and for household health. If we consider structures for public places, such structures can withstand heavy loads, and the design is the most durable and rigid. The high level of load is achieved at the expense of additional elements, and through the use of more durable materials. Not only the seats and legs are attributed to high demands, but also the choice of material, coating and upholstery.

    Recently, the development of the furniture industry has become a quick pace. The production stage uses new technologies and materials. And the design most often occurs anger, which means mixing styles. Pretty elegant looks chairs with a wooden frame, which are tinted under the current array of wenge, and the microfiber and the skin began to use in the role of upholstery.

    Video how do:

    Another overview of automated production:

    For the manufacture of carpentry chairs, wood hard solid wood is used, which have a high level of strength. Such structures are obtained by low-strength and bulky. In order to replace structural elements that do not belong to the carrier, other wood rocks are provided. Many details that are necessary for the production of bent furniture are carried out by bending and hydrothermal treatment.