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What does the constellation mean from the moles. Is it possible to remove large nurses from babies? Other figures from moles

Figures from the Moles are the signs of fate, but not everyone will be able to correctly interpret them. However, mastered the necessary knowledge, you will discover new horizons. You can read the future of a person, his fate, inclinations and even the purpose.

There is a special science - morphoscopy, which is engaged in interpreting signs on the human body. According to her, the whole body is divided into 2 parts - favorable and unfavorable. To correctly determine half, you need to mentally put a point in the middle of the forehead and spend the vertical line.

In women and men, these favorable and unfavorable parts are opposite. So, for men, the right half is considered positive, and the signs that there are located there are good events, while the left is negative, and the birthians foreshadow troubles and misfortunes. In women, everything is exactly the opposite, the left side carries positive information, and the right-hand promise unpleasant changes in life.

Ropied spots are also associated with astrology, since heavenly shine somehow, but have a significant impact on our lives. Depending on the color and shape, the moles belong to a particular planet.

So, black and convex specks are related to Saturn. The larger they are, the more inevitably the event they predict. They symbolize karma signs, from which it is impossible to escape. These stains can get to you as a reminder of last Life, About the actions that you then committed. They affect your present life. Also, these stains can be transmitted in the family from some kind of ancestor and you will need to redeem its sin. What symbolize these signs will come true sooner or later. Only a long work on oneself can change your destiny.

Red moles belong to Mars and Jupiter. They foreshadow the fateful events that happen in your life and change it forever. Perhaps you will discover religious doctrine or get acquainted with a person who will amaze you. In any case, the echoes of this event will be felt in future incarnations.

Light moles belong to Venus. They indicate us for a person's personal life. This can be as problems that prevent you from finding your happiness or vice versa, successful coincidences, opening you the road to the best life. The tone of signs depends on the location of the pent, as well as on which side of the body they are.

Another science associated with morphoscopy is considered to be numerology. Magic numbers can also enhance or reduce the value of the figures, or even change their value slightly.

The time of the birth of the mole also plays a role for the accuracy of predicted her. The most reliable are the births of a spubby, which appeared before the seven age. If they did not disappear in the future, their meaning is reliable. If you disappeared or only a white trail remained from them, then their value is not taken into account.

To find out which events will prevail in your life, are good or bad, you need to calculate the number of moles on the right and left side of the body. And depending on which side - a favorable or unfavorable - more signs, this will be the overall characteristics of your life.

But we should not forget that on the human body there are both positive and negative zones, regardless of side. Therefore, if two moles are observed on the stomach near the navel, it is a warning about future health problems. However, if there is a mole on a favorable side in a negative zone, this suggests that it is unpleasant to be safely allowed, and that not everything is so bad as it looks like.

Figures from Moles in the form of a triangle

Ramibable stains can form peculiar figures that have a special magic value. They are also divided into favorable and negative. The triangle is considered the most positive sign. He points to a mission in the life of the individual, which he must definitely fulfill. And if he appeared on a person's face, he is elected and his acts will have enormous consequences for the future generation.

If the top of the triangle is directed up, then you will soon get the right and important experience. If this figure is on a favorable side, the acquisition of knowledge will be easily and pleasant. If it is located on the unfavorable side, then you will be forced to gain them through pain and suffering.

In the case when the top of the triangle is directed down, then expect losses and failures, even if the sign is on the positive side. And in the case when the top of the triangle points to the right or left, it symbolizes your dependence on someone. You may not even notice this, but someone owns your thoughts and controls you.

The location of this sign also affects his interpretation. If a triangle from the Moles is on the stomach, on a favorable side, then this suggests that the work brings the owner of joy and self-realization, is a source of benefits. He quickly moves career stairsAnd is a fair, but strict chief. If the triangle is on the unfavorable side, this indicates a tedious and hard work. It also indicates a fairly big chance to get injured in production.

The triangle from the birthplace spots on the back on the favorable side is the sign that you love the simple joys of life. Nevertheless, the carnal joys do not drive you, and you are able to take yourself in hand and refuse them if necessary. If the symbol is located on the unfavorable side, the lowest passions are owned by you. You need to devote time and strength to the development of self-control.

The figure of three specks on the chest on a favorable side speaks of talent for business activities. It seems as if the Providence itself sends you to the right way, since you successfully come around all pitfalls and traps. If it is placed on the unfavorable side, the business is not for you. You can be an excellent specialist in your field, but you have no entrepreneurial veil.

The figure on the legs with an unfavorable side denotes anxiety, the attitude of the owner. They cannot calmly sit in place and forever dissatisfied with what they have. Always are in finding the best, but extremely rarely find what they are satisfied. If the birthplace is a triangle form are on a favorable side, then such a person loves everything to seek himself. He is also a restless and movable, but this foolness helps him in life, and does not interfere. Thanks to his penetrating nature, he will be able to achieve a lot.

The triangle on the hands speaks of the hostedness of the owner. He should not be engaged in work requiring nervous tension. As a rule, nothing good will end. It is best for them at home or in a well-known team, without december and bustle. Such people are good where the prishability and patience are needed.

Moles in the form of a triangle on the head are rare. Most often, this figure may appear on the cheek. On a favorable side, this is a symbol of the natural gifting of a person in some sphere. They may not develop their abilities, and still be talented those who do this. If they purposefully make it, they will make themselves a loud name in this area. On the unfavorable side, this sign promises failure and trouble. They literally roll on the owner without any visible reasons. Perhaps the reason for this is the sins of past life or a kind of sin. Maybe wine and strong curse at birth.

Very rarely there is a triangle from Moles on Makushka. This indicates a strong connection with the space and the great destination of this person. He may be a spiritual teacher, a preacher, the creator of a new teaching or even religion. In any case, his life will not be normal. This person will attract people to him, regardless of his desire. In the event that he does not accept his fate, he expects adversity, right up to death.

Figures from Moles in the form of constellations

In the event that the figure consists of seven notes and outlines resembles a big bear ladle, speaks of your strong energy. You are infrequently sick and quickly recover. People stretch to you attracted by your strength. Trust intuitions and develop the ability.

In the case when you have six specks located in the form of the Constellation of Orion, then you are a fighter by your nature. You do not like to give up or even make compromises, and this is your drawback. If you want to have a good relationship with people, you should learn to fall on your interests and show condescension to other people's weaknesses. You feel good danger and you can foresee important events.

If the birthmarks are similar to the constellation of the pyramids are located near the navel or in the navel itself, then this means that you have the ability of the healer. You are attentive to others and notice the changes in them before they themselves. Therefore, you are difficult to deceive. Usually you are patient and cake, but you can stand up for yourself if necessary. And yet, sometimes you think too much about others, and little about yourself. Exhale your health is also very important.

Other figures from moles

The birthmarks in the form of a heart will told about relations with the opposite sex. Much depends on the harmony of the figure. If the parts of the heart are equal, and there are no sharp zigzags and corners, then love will be smooth and calm, without passionate experiences, but without betrayal. If the figure is ribbon or broken, then you will have stormy novels, but you will know and disappointment, and loss.

If you have four babies on your body, form a rhombus, and even one in the middle is one more, then this is a crossroad sign. It predicts you a difficult choice that will forever change your life. When you have three and more spinners make up a straight line, it means that your fate is already defined, and the key events are predicted. If it is located on top, then you have a purpose in the life you have to execute. And when it is in a horizontal position, then you have a chance to change the course of events.

Notin in the form of a star speaks of an extremely developed intuition and the gift of foresight. It also symbolizes the connection with the ancestors. But you have difficulties in dealing with people. You should overcome your shysteriness, and we gradually open the world.

If the birthmarks on your body form a zigzag, then it predicts freedom, the opening of new horizons, fateful acquaintances - in the case when they are on the favorable side of the body. In the opposite case, wait for changes to the worse, chaos and destruction.

Thus, reading this article, you have gained basic knowledge on this subject. Continue to improve your skill and you will have a secret advantage.

Figures from Moles - Read your fate on the body - all secrets to the site

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Figures from the Moles are the signs of fate, but not everyone will be able to correctly explain them. But, mastering suitable knowledge, you will discover new horizons. You can read the future of a person, his fate, inclinations and even the appointment.

Moles color and other distinctive signs

There is a special science - morphoscopy.. which is engaged in interpreting symbols on the human body. According to her, the whole body is divided into 2 parts - suitable and unfavorable. So that it is right to find half, you need to put a point in the middle of the forehead at the level of thoughts and spend the vertical line.

In the ladies and guys, these suitable and unfavorable parts are reverse. So, for guys, the right half is considered positive, and the signs that are placed there are great actions, while the left is negative, and the moles predict failures and misfortune. I will give everything exactly the opposite, the left side carries positive information within himself, and the right-handed promise opposite changes in life.

Ropied spots are also associated with astrology, because the heavenly shine is either different, but they have a significant impact on our lives. Depending on the color and shape, moles belong to that or another planet.

So, black and convex specks are doing to Saturn. The larger they are size, the more inventive the event they foreshadow. They symbolize the signs of karma, from which to escape unreal. These stains can get to you as a reminder of the past life, about the actions that you did then. They also affect your present life. Also, these stains can be transmitted in the family from some kind of ancestor and for you it will be necessary to redeem its sin. What symbolize these signs is implemented at some point. Only a long work on yourself can change your destiny.

Reddines belong to Mars and Jupiter. They predict fateful actions that happen in your life and change it forever. Maybe you will discover a religious doctrine or get acquainted with a person who will amaze you. In any case, the echoes of this action will be felt in future incarnations.

Light moles belong to Venus. They indicate us for a person's personal life. It can be as tasks that impede for you to gain your happiness or on the contrary, successful coincidences that open the way for you to the best life. The symbol tone is depending on the location of the plated spots, also on which side of the body they are.

Another science associated with morphoscopy is considered to be numerology. Magic numbers can also enhance or reduce the value of the figures, or even change their value.

The time of the occurrence of the mole also plays a role for the accuracy of predicted her. More reliable is the birthmarks that appeared before the seven age. If they are not lost in the future, their meaning is reliable. If only a snow-white trail remained from them, then their value is not taken into account.

To find out what actions will prevail in your life, are excellent or bad, for you it is necessary to calculate the number of moles on the right and left side of the body. And looking at which side - suitable or unfavorable - more characters, such will be the overall trait of your life.

But do not forget that on the human body there are both positive and bad zones, regardless of side. Therefore, if two moles are observed in the tummy near the navel, this is a warning about future health dilemmas. But, if there is a mole in the negative zone on the right side, it says that it is unpleasant to be safely allowed, and that not everything is so bad as it looks.

Figures from Moles in the form of a triangle

Ropied spots can create typical figures that have a special magical value. They are also divided into favorable and negative. The triangle is considered a more positive sign. It shows the target in the life of the individual, which he must complete. And if he appeared on a person's face, he is elected and his acts will have great consequences for the upcoming generation.

If the top of the triangle is oriented, then soon you will get a suitable and principled experience. If this figure is on the appropriate side, the acquisition of knowledge will be easy and nice. If it is placed on the unfavorable side, then you will be obliged to gain them through pain and torment.

In the case when the top of the triangle is focused down, then wait loss and failures, even if the character is on the positive side. And in this case, when the top of the triangle shows the right either on the left, then it symbolizes your dependence on someone. Maybe you don't even notice this, but someone has your ideas and manage you.

The position of this sign also affects its interpretation. If the triangle from the Moles is on the tummy, on the right side, then it says that the work brings satisfaction and self-realization to the owner, is a source of benefits. He is rapidly moving through the career staircase, and is a fair, but serious boss. If the triangle is on the unfavorable side, this indicates a tedious and heavy work. It also shows a fairly big chance to get injured in production.

The triangle from the birthplace spots on the right side is a sign that you love the ordinary joy of life very much. Yet carnal joys do not manage you, and you are able to take yourself in your hands and donate them, if necessary. If the sign is placed on the unfavorable side, then low passions have you. For you it is necessary to give time and strength on the development of self-control.

The figure of 3 specks on the chest on the right side reads about talent for business activities. It seems as if the Providence itself sends you to the right way, because you successfully come around all underwater pebbles and traps. If it is located on the unfavorable side, then the business is not you. You can be a beautiful special in your own area, but you have no businessman veil.

The figure on the legs with the unfavorable parties means anxiety, the imperidity of the owner. They can not be quiet in place and forever dissatisfied with what they have. Always are in the search for the best, but very occasionally find what they are satisfied. If the babies in the form of a triangle are on a suitable side, then such a person loves everything to seek himself. He is also an extreme and movable, but this breediness helps him in life, and does not interfere. Thanks to its own penetrating nature, it will be able to achieve a lot.

The triangle in the hands is about vulnerability of the owner. He should not be engaged in work requiring nervous tension. Usually, nothing is good. They work perfectly at home or in a great familiar team, without decens and bustle. Such people are not bad where the perishability and patience are needed.

Moles in the form of a triangle on the head occurred occasionally. In most cases, this figure may appear on the cheek. On the right side, this is a sign of the natural darity of a person in any sphere. They may not develop their capabilities, and still be talented those who do this. If they deliberately do it, they will make a sonorous name in this area. On the unfavorable side, this symbol is promoting troubles and failures. They almost lure on the owner of without any visible circumstances. Maybe the prerequisite for this is the sins of past life or their own kind. It may be wine and a strong curse at birth.

Very occasionally there is a triangle from the moles on the poppy. This states about strong communication with space and the magnifies of the appointment of this person. He may be a spiritual teacher, a preacher, the creator of a new teaching or even religion. In any case, his life will not be ordinary. This person will lure people for himself, regardless of his desire. In the event that he does not accept his own destiny, he is waiting for adversity, right to the deadly finals.

Figures from Moles in the form of constellations

In this case, when the figure consists of 7 notes and the outlines recalls the bucket of a large bear, says about your powerful energy. You infrequently sick and rapidly recover. People stretch to for you, tipped by your strength. Trust intuition, and develop opportunities.

In the case when you have 6 specks located in the form of the Constellation of Orion, then you are a fighter for your own nature. You do not like to give up or even make compromises, and in this consists of your defects. If you wish to have excellent cases with people, you should learn to fall on your interests and show condescension to other helplessness. You feel great danger and can predict fundamental activities.

If the birthplace is a pyrical, similar to the constellation of the pyramids are near the navel either in the navel itself, then this means that you have the capabilities of the healer. You are attentive to others and notice the configuration in their earlier than themselves. Therefore you are difficult to fool. Usually you are patient and cakes, but you can stand up for yourself if necessary. And yet, from time to time you think a lot about others, and not enough - oh for myself. Exhale your health is also very fundamentally.

Other figures from moles

The birthmarks in the form of a heart will tell about cases with reverse gender. Almost everything depends on the harmony of the figure. If the parts of the heart are equal, and the sharp zigzags and the angles are not observed, then love will be roveling and measured, without passionate experiences, and without betrayal. If the figure is torn or broken, then you will have stormy novels, but you will know and disorders, and loss.

If you have four babies on your body, they create a rhombus, and even one in the center is one more, then this is a crossroad symbol. It foreshadows you a difficult choice that will forever change your life. When you have three and more, the speck make up a straight line, it means that your fate is already defined, and the main actions are predicted. If it is placed on top down, then you have a destination in the life you have to execute. And when it is in a horizontal position, then you have a chance to change the course of events.

Nothing in the form of a star reads about very developed intuition and the gift of foresight. It also symbolizes communication with the forefathers. But you have difficulty conversation with people. It is worth overcome to you, and we gradually open the world.

If the birthmarks on your body create a zigzag, it foreshadows the freedom, the opening of new horizons, fateful acquaintances - in the case when they are on the right side of the body. In the opposite case, expect configurations for the worse, chaos and destruction.

So Makar, after reading this article, you gained basic knowledge on this topic. Continue to improve your skill and you will have a hidden advantage.

Ramibi stains and moles, signs on the body ... many of us are worried about such questions: Do the birthmarks and moles affect the life and fate of man? What is the meaning of the mole on the body for a person? Is it possible to remove the birthmarks? In this article, we will try to answer these issues from the point of view of not only knowledge of medicine, but also those secret knowledge that the time immemorial is transmitted by our distant ancestors from generation to generation.

From a long time and at our time, people sacred believed that their birthmarks, moles are certain signs On the body that is directly or indirectly, but affect the fate of a person. So, for example, before choosing a new priest, on the Council of the Tribe African sorcerers, they thoroughly examined a new challenger for the presence of certain signs of body spots and moles, which determined whether this person is suitable for such an important position. Buddhist monks in the native spots, the location of the Moles find a baby, which, according to their faith, is the following rebirth of the Buddha. In turn, Orthodox Christianity, the Orthodox Church denies the influence of the moles on the fate of the person and believes that the birthmarks are nothing more than the genetically determined manifestations, education on the human body.


There is a certain direction in astrological teaching - Morphoscopy.
Morphoscopy. He is engaged in interpretation of signs on the body, moles, various formations, birthplace spots, according to the influence of planets and constellations on the fate of a person. Possessing knowledge in the field of morphoscopy, you can find out what the person expects in the future is to pay attention to what to change in their lives, what mistakes to correct, for which sins will have to pay. After all, moles are given to us not only from birth, they can appear and disappear throughout life.

Often, if the conversation concerns the moles, we take into account only the aesthetic side of this question, wanting to get rid of them once and forever. But not everyone knows that the removal of moles and birthplace spots for their owners is fraught with irreversible consequences not only from a medical point of view, but maybe radically, and not best side Change the fate of a person.

From the depths of ages and to the present, African tribes considered and believe that each sign on the human body carries some information that directly affects his fate.

In these tribes, in order to become a student of the priest, the tribal sorcerers carefully examine the body of the applicant for the presence of certain signs, moles and birthplace, which should indicate that this person has been marked by the fate and in the future will be worthy of replacement for priest.

And now back to morphoscopy.

The system of knowledge about the finishes on the body is called morphoscopy. This is the most mysterious and least known area of \u200b\u200bknowledge. Moles, the birthmarks and other signs on the body make it possible to judge the various phenomena taking place in our lives, they sign up for future troubles or errors for which they will have to pay, they indicate the need to manifest themselves something to change or correct in current events. These signs should be responsible, follow their appearance and disappearance, and even for development. Anyone, only once sinning, acquires a print, and it will not disappear until the error is fixed.

Take a look into your future, deal with yourself, "reading" your body, as an astrologer reads a horoscope. If we assume that after all the spirit builds matter (body together with all moles and signs) in his image and likeness, then the appearance of a person definitely should give it to the spiritual essence. Let's try to check.

Yin and Jan.
So, the basis of this science, like any other occult discipline, lies in the eternal struggle and interconnectedness of the male began Yang and the female start yin. Our body is divided into two halves - male and female, and the separation line passes through the center of the forehead to the sacred place. Men's half is always the right side of the body, it is controlled by the sun. Female Half - left, managed by the moon. For men, a favorable, or "own", the parties are considered a male part, that is, the right. All marks appearing on the left side of the body in men, talk about the desired error that require correction. On the one hand, they threaten the troubles, on the other, indicate the presence of a potential requiring to eliminate these "sins".

Women have a favorable side is the left, and everything that the right side of the body is indicated on the internal possibilities of a person, which is not only possible with problems in life, but also need to fight.

Signs on "their" side say that a person is leading in certain areas, a volitional manifests the events, has patrovers. On the "strangers" - a person is drawn into events, against his will, he often does not know how to do, sometimes aggressively resists, sometimes "floats downstream", which is unacceptable.

By the way, the ancient believed that good for men, bad for women, and vice versa. Or remember the people will notice: if the left side of the body - women warn, be attentive, so as not to miss off their happiness, the right side is waiting for trouble.

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Any note is important. Moles and birthmarks are their presence, an indication that a person will definitely encounter certain events.

All other noted: acne, warts, papillomas, pigment spots, bruises, bruises, wounds - indicate the events of a temporary nature that occur among their surroundings. On "his" side, they promise patrons, a prosperous permission of difficulties in a particular area. On "strangers" - obstacles that will repair the circumstances and rivals. The need to manifest will alone.

Diseases and operations at certain parts of the body will also be able to open the veil over many secrets of our future. If some part of the body is operated or injured - wait for changes in the sphere of life, for which this part of the body "answers".

Tattoo! The priests tattoo had an act of initiation. Each person was strictly defined, only intended to him. Before you decorate your body, learn the drawing area. It is advisable to make a drawing on a favorable side.

The intensity of the positive or negative impact of one or another sign depends on its size, brightness and defined. Small size The imprint - the event is a slight effect, and the opposite.

It is impossible to delete moles on the body. This is a great crime against your own destiny. That is why the removal often develops into malignant tumor. If the mole is growing - this is an indicator of human debt growth in front of his fate.

Ramibable spots always talk about the upcoming struggle in a particular area of \u200b\u200blife.

Square from Moles or birthmark In the form of a spider - it heavy cross Fate, eternal struggle.

Triangle or circle, oval the right form - iconic events positive characterhelping to achieve fame, well-being and success in life.

In the form of a constellation, a large bear is a sign of protection by the highest forces. A person is lucky in the area where moles are located. For example, on hand (twin zone) - a person is lucky with people, in communicating and in the twin profession.

Cross of five moles - a sign of humility, spent debt, the opportunity to get a revelation on the question of the area where they are.

On the "alien" side - these figures speak of eternal overcoming, on "their own" - indicate the patrons and "Hepping and".

Body division for twelve zones and interpretation of moles and birthmarks

The body is divided into twelve zones, which correspond to certain signs of the zodiac. The zone corresponding to your zodiac sign will play a special role for you, as it is more significant and as a whole talks about your fate.

Head - One of the most complex parts of the body for analysis, as there are all 12 zodiac signs on the head. The head is under the auspices of Aries. Ears should be studied separately, since only in the structure of the ear shell can be determined not only character, but also the entire subsequent fate and even the previous lives!

Mountain on the forehead - Tell your views on life, this is your ideology. On the "right" half says that a person is actively involved in public Lifewill be able to make a political career. On the "alien" side (since the forehead is symbolically represented by the ego of the human ego) will give out the arrogance, arrogance and selfishness of a person - these qualities bring the surrounding harm to others.
The pimples on the forehead gives an offshore (or uncommitted desire to be the leader). And also - excessive bustle, absolutely vain.

The chin - Will indicator, good or angry depending on which side of the sign. Volosses, sweeping the surrounding elbows, have any sign on the "wrong" side.

Cheeks and cheeks - zones telling about your relationship with people, about your intelligence, about diplomacy in relation to others. This zone denotes help and obstacle from others.

MouthAs well as the area around it is the world of your feelings, success or failures in love, but it is also a welfare indicator. In order to assert this, you need to study the zone of the Taurus, namely, the neck and the clavicle. See what signs are more, on which side, what kind of family they are.

Nose - Your energy, strength, pressure, and even aggressiveness. Ability to conquer and overcome. The pimple on the left side of the nose will tell the woman that she managed to conquer someone's sympathy, achieved his own. On the right - she is too intrusive.

Eyes and area around will tell about your creative potential, about creative implementation. On "his" side, this signpost of great work to which creative should be approached. Ability to achieve not small success in this direction. On the "alien" side - a man distortedly perceives creative promise, does not do his own business. For example, Dostoevsky had a mole over the right eye.

Neck and clavicle

This is a Taurus zone, an indicator of money, willpower and health strength. Signs on the unfavorable side can issue a gallery, a hedge, lazy and loving. A person is unnecessarily immersed in the material problems loaning on earnings. Such a person is difficult to resist the pleasure. Signs on the good side will indicate a cute and charming person, on financial wealth (even with a small salary) and the ability to organize your own mode so as not to hurt. And also on excellent volitional qualities and a sign of success in the profession of artist.

Hands and shoulders

Twins zone. This is a relationship zone with the nearest environment and relatives. Many moles on "her" hand - a person contactor, tolerate, communicated, informative. He knows how to communicate, understand and adequately accept their relatives and friends. He is faithful to them, not capable of betrayal. But the moles on the "unfavorable" hand talk about difficulties in relationships with close people. About the reluctance to take them as they are. Bruises, wounds give out yesterday's conflict, inflexibility and disability in relations. Everything will be resolved when the injury will heal.

Elbow. Mountain on the left elbow will indicate a woman about the ability to combine the talent of communication and perseverance in achieving its goals. On the right - about obsessions and unpleasant for surrounding ambitions. Men on the contrary. Moles on the elbows talk about a strong desire to move, travel, constantly changing something in life.

Brushes. On the "his" hand skill to combine skill with intuition. Embrance and accuracy in affairs. On the "strangers" - excessive hasty of hands, impulsiveness, not the ability to make a subtle work.

Cancer sign. Maternity zone, home contact and familyhood. Moles and other marks on the chest can identify a happy or unhappy childhood. They will tell about events in your own home.

Mountain in the center of the sternum is considered a sign that protects against misfortunes. But emphasizes impermanence in character.

On the left breast for a woman - she is happy in his house. The house and family mean a lot for her. Comfort and comfort she is able to give other people. Woman feminine and thought as mother.

For men, it is unnecessarily mild, in the walls of the native home can not stand up for himself. Women suppress him. He seeks to isolate from relatives to relax a little.

On the right breast for women - she does not limit their lives to the house. Often "pulls the strap" for a man, but everything has time. It can turn into a squirrel in a wheel, a home slave. It is social and independent, active and initiative.

For men - excellent husband and dad. Happy family head. Events occur mainly in the walls of the house where there are constantly many guests.

On the nipples - will indicate the impermanence and tendency to treason. Only here are notlaring on "their" nipples say that you all comes with hands.


It is under the influence of a lion sign. This is a zone of manifestation of its leadership qualities. The ability to favorably file themselves to others, the desire to help people, the ability to love bright and devotionally. Many moles on the back - sincerity and openness in relation to other people. If most of the moles are on the "good" side - a person can become a wise teacher, a generous lover, a bright individualist.

The predominance of moles on the "strangers" side is a balovd of fate in a negative sense, a mortgagel life. This is an indicator of addiction to alcohol, bad pastime. A tendency to a rampant life, gambling. Acne on the back - a man wants to be bright, noticeable and beautiful, but he has difficulty in self-expression. Sometimes others and relatives create it problems. Push it like a person. Do not believe in his talents.
Top of belly

Virgin zone. She will tell you about how a person copes with his duties at work and at home. Signs on "their" side will be prompted by a person that he has established his life: his work does not like, he is very responsible to colleagues and family. Supporting your health. Such a person rarely sick chronic diseases, and if it gets sick, knows how to heal.

On "Alien" - manners, capriciousness, tape. And also not restraint in food, chaos in mode, sometimes irresponsibility in work. It is possible that man to go to work as on a catguard. He may have a very difficult duty, for example, care for laying patients. If he is also unfavorable moles around the neck, he also does not foresee.

On the navel - great sign! High realization of desires, patronage of higher strength.

Small of the back

This zone is associated with a sign of scales. She is responsible for human relations with the law, for his public performance And for relations with partners (business and personal).

Notin "on his" side - pretty sign that with the law you have everything in order. You are charming and attractive to partners, know how to find with them. mutual language. True, sometimes to achieve its apply flattery and self-deception. Your performance from the scene will listen, hopping breathing.

"On someone else's" - you do not show sincerity, and others feel it. Often compete, express intrusive self. Not discusses, not bending and do not know how to listen to others. Lack of diplomacy is a source of trouble.

Low belly, groin

Scorpion zone. No wonder this part is hidden from the view of the strangers, she tells about the intimate life of a person. Molenia in the inguinal region will indicate a predisposition to sexually transmitted diseases. It is also an indication of the desires of a person to walk "on the edge of the abyss", "on the blade of the knife." Many moles in this area - life is extreme. There is an accident. A man vampires, provoking the words and actions of the situation to get a portion of adrenaline, update emotions.

Signs on the good side of the groin make a person the object of sexual desires, even if it is not too beautiful. It easily controls powerful sexual streams, can finely manipulate people.

An unfavorable side - also make a person the object of sexual desires, but this will already be a habituality. He will not want those who are sympathetic to him.

Buttocks and upper legs

Sagittarius is responsible for this part of the body. Mallasts in these places will tell about the upcoming travels. Not only abroad, but also in the direction of new knowledge. They will tell you when there is a big move, will you enter the Academy that expect from distant relatives. Mixed on the buttocks often indicate the religious problems of a person, and how he overcomes them.

Notin on "his" side foreshadows the long-distance moving to new house. A successful trip abroad and foreshadows happy life Outside the Motherland. Indicates admission to the university from the first time, to the desire to learn. On the wealth achieved at the expense of good education.

On the "strangers" side - a person has the same desires, but constantly stumps on the difficulties that it eager to overcome. Sometimes his hands are lowered and he "floats downstream." Then again begins to resist. It seems to him that he is underestimated by others. Large ambitions do not give rest.

Knees and area around them

Capricorn ownership. This area will tell you about career and successes in achieving life goals. Any footprint on the foot, near the knees, gives a greater or lesser degree a complex of inferiority regarding self-realization. Only on the "alien" side of the desire for insurmountability, on "their own" - only experience and patience is required.

Signs on a favorable side - you are on the right path to success. Sooner or later, but you will achieve everything. In the character, inflexibility and disadvantage feels in moderation, there is a huge patience to everything.

And now more details about the sign of a big bear for all those who are located.

The ladle in the form of a bucket is a big bear means that a person has a top zodiac sign. The upper zodiac is manifested exclusively at the junction between the two any signs of our 12-riche zodiac. People who manifest the upper zodiac will be people not from this world. To some extent, our world will be even alien to them. Yes, such people will be very rare, but they can be. Such a figure should be read. The perfect location - in the center - on the back, abdomen, forehead, lower back, etc. Moreover, moles must be about the same. And they should not be red or convex. The figure should be as we see it in the sky. If it is reflected mirror, then it is a distortion, trap. If the moles on the body are generally not enough, then you have no print, you are free. Ahuta there is a charizma sign - then this is a sign of the presence of the guardian angel. The presence of the seal of the sign of the zodiac says that you have some talent, marking. You were given him, and you are responsible for him. If you lose this responsibility, treat it infantilically or consciously, with the help of this gift given to you, serve the forces of darkness, (and maybe you yourself don't even know about it), - then you can manifest a sign " Anti-hvarni, or printing accessories to a completely different world. They manifest themselves in the form of deformation, ugliness, deviations from the norm. These are traveling, mission, distribution worldwide, wisdom in eternal knowledge, good profession, the ability to make many things right away, to fulfill your divine debt in all directions. Personalia. A multidimensionality, the brightest fountain of abilities and talents is associated with a large bear. These are lights pointing to the other.

In one of the comments, I already wrote that such a sign is also on my left forearm, so this topic I was very interested in me and in the end I found the answer to my question, why should I have this sign. Once a single woman told me that this is a security sign. And I even understood in what area. I am always lucky in human rights activities. What I mean by the word "lucky". How many times officials different levels They tried to attract me to criminal liability, eventually fell under the article. How does the invisible hand take away from me evil people. In addition, I suddenly meet a person I need, who leads me to the goal. In addition, I constantly send signs as in a dream and on Java. I don't just feel, I see in all situations that they are not only protected, but also lead through all obstacles. I will give one example from your life. In order to protect against the attacks of judges, suddenly on my life path The assistant deputy of the Verkhovna Rada, which helps me to get out not only on the parliamentarians you need, but also introduces the closest who would you think, the President of Russia. And we came to help directly from Russia. Then there was not only I shocked. Our people immediately thought that I ranked some post, just carefully hiding it. And there were many such cases in my life, starting with school bench. Now I understand that this is due to this sign, which is given to me, is not clear for what purpose. Another moment noticed. Many will think that this is a pride manifestation, but very often it happens to me, which can not give visible explanations. Where I begin to work, all the troubles seek through these institutions by the party. But it is only someone worth anyone, namely, from the leadership biased to me, as a result, I leave these organizations, as they roll on all sides of trouble. It seems that inspectors were waiting for this moment when I leave. At the same time, the evil does not hold anyone, as a person I quickly move away and quickly forget about all the insults. And I already began to think about it, why it happens to me. I already began to say that I would have been like their guardian angel. Apparently people with such notmer have their own definite task in this world, since such people have already met with similar signs. Therefore, I ask to respond to people in our group that have similar signs. It seems to me that here I am not alone.

I warn you in advance that all comments that will be offensive in nature, relevant to me, or other participants of our group, will simply be deleted. We have come here not to piano, but to share opinions. I explain to those who most of all here shakes the right that the rules are installed here by the group administrators. If someone does not like the style of presentation of articles, there are two options, or do not read such articles at all, or look for yourself a group of interests. No one here is forcibly holding anyone, but to plug the author here inappropriate. All the same, I hope for your tolerance, patience and tact in relation to other people, regardless of whether they like them or not. This applies to some of our participants who have manifested themselves extremely negative in the topic "The Secret Book of John".

And also, please everyone who writes me in a personal pointing your email address so that I can answer, because for technical reasons I can not respond to your questions and requests, since the buttons are not activated.

They always interested people. Their location, sizes and shape carry a certain meaning. Some education on the human body are fateful and predetermine the fate of their carrier, and also testify to the turbulent and diverse life of a person. Moles in the form of constellations - What do these characters mean?

Moles in the form of constellations - what do they mean?

Motherland in the form of a constellation of a large bears means that its owner is protected by the highest forces and is particularly lucky to him in the area in which Molenia is located. For example, if such a mole is on hand - a person is lucky in communicating with people, if on his chest - especially lucky in amur affairs, if on the forehead - then people are luck in mental activity and so on.

Molenia in the form of the constellation Gemini says that such people have an incredible gift to communicate with other people. They know how to find contact and common topics with both people with them, and with the people of the opposite sex. And for women who are carriers of the mole in the form of such a constellation, it characterizes as a good mistress and needlewoman.

Mountain in the form of a constellation of weights means that the owners of this sign are attractive to the opposite sex, and such people are well understood in political and legal affairs. They are good speakers, politicians and talented lawyers.

Mountain in the form of the Constellation of Aquarius indicates the energeticness of its host and greater potential in any form of activity.

Molenia in the form of the Constellation of the Virgin is with its owners the patronage of the Higher Forces. That is why such people are lucky in everything. They have good work and sturdy seven, never suffer from chronic diseases, and all their desires are almost always embodied in reality.

A person who has a mole in the form of a lion constellation, has leadership qualities and are able to unite other people around them. They are capable of big and strong feelings.

Mountain in the form of the constellation of Aries brings great creative successes and ideas. Such people are geniuses in the field of art, literature, ballet and so on.

People endowed with the Mountain in the form of the Constellation Orion are carriers of a certain mission on Earth. Such a birthmark says about belonging to the Atlantic or Red Rose.

Molenta in the form of the constellation of cancer promises its owner happiness. Especially the happiness of such people is family life. Such people can be characterized as gentle and capable of large and sincere feelings.

Molenta in the form of the constellation of Capricorn promises its owner a big and successful career. Such people go to the goal and reach it by any paths.

People with a mole in the form of the constellation of Scorpio are extreme life and love to walk around the edge of the abyss. They are very in love and expressive. They are worthwhile.

Molenia in the form of the constellation Sagittari says that his master is a great traveler and has a strong craving for new adventures and unknown countries.

Need to say that earlier people who have moles in the form of constellations considered belonging to unclean power. Therefore, such signs people carefully hidden from an extraneous eye.

If for most people, small moles practically do not represent reasons for concern, then large are of interest not only from their carriers, but also from doctors.

Therefore, consider whether big moles are dangerous, and what you need to know about this kind of formation.

In order to have a complete picture of the big nevists, you need to well understand the nature of their appearance, the reasons that contribute to the reincarnation, risk factors and much more.

  • All information on the site is familiarized and is not a guide to action!
  • Put an accurate diagnosis you may only a doctor!
  • I convincingly ask you not to engage in self-medication, but sign up for a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

Only specific knowledge will help constantly control large moles on your body, and constantly monitor the dynamics of their growth or constant condition, so that it is possible to contact a specialist if necessary.

Types of Neviov

On the human body, Moles can have various forms, colors and locations of localization.

therefore modern medicine Classified them in the following types of more often found in the world, which are presented below:

  • nevus Satton. It is a pigment formation on the surface of the skin, surrounded by non-painted rings of the skin. These are the most specific formations on the skin, which are rarely taken for their moles;
  • network settone. It can be localized on the skin in the form of painted either bleached spots. Their number from the moment of the appearance of multiple, they appear by clusters on a specific section of the body, the size of each formation usually does not exceed one centimeter;
  • nestus Becker. It refers to one of the most uncomfortable formations, as it usually appears during puberty in the form of dark warts, which throughout the lifetime will grow to the parties and acquire the outline in the incorrect figure of more than 20 centimeters. After a fifteen years of age, such neutres are more often hairy. Usually the appearance of a nevus of Becker is celebrated in men. This type of skin formations is never manifested from birth. Nesus is localized more often on his chest, back, in the pelvis area, shin;
  • unmanned. It occurs in the form of closely arranged multiple round spots of white or pinkish color, which usually have clearly distinguishable boundaries. Such educations are able to manifest themselves in childhood and over time do not disappear;
  • It is a congenital education, but also may appear in children early age. The fact that warts of non-time has become more, is the norm, so they grow rapidly. Many parents are interested in whether to remove such moles. Up to 2 years of age, this should not be done, but later this procedure is simply necessary, since Nevel will constantly grow;
  • sebaceous. Usually appears in breast-age children on the scalp: viscov, near the neck, on the border with the forehead. But there were cases of localization of a sown nevus on the face and other parts of the body. This species Calculate to dangerous, as such a mole is usually convex. Therefore, their removal is recommended in childhood before the start of hormonal changes;
  • nesus Unnune or stork bite. The neuly shape resembles a triangular bird beak, and the place of its localization is the occipital or frontal part of the head. Education occurs in a child in the first days of life and is usually self-made in the first few years of life;
  • fiery. As in the previous case, there is a baby in the first days of the life of the baby, but over time, education is only growing and becomes more distinct. Usually arises on the head in babies;
  • It appears when subcutaneous vessels are pathologically grow and form red, crimson or cherry education. If they arose in infancy, that is, the probability of their complete disappearance to the seven years of the child's life. At an older age, such neutuses recommend to remove a laser;
  • new milk. The people are called native spots, which can disappear over time. Flat formation is capable of growing in size, but in melanoma is reborn extremely rarely;
  • Usually appears on the face, buttocks or leg and has several varieties, none of which belongs to melanomastic;
  • In the form rounded, evenly painted, usually flat and has right shape. The new mole of this type may appear both in childhood and during the periods of mature and pregnancy in a woman. If such a quantity on the body appeared on the body more than fifteen - there is a reason to think about the urgent campaign to the doctor, as such non-neutres are referred to melanomastic;
  • It is non-green and having a burglar form. Throughout life, it grows quite slowly, but the dynamics are still traced. Often arise on the heads under the hair. In large quantities they can accumulate on the neck, but already in smaller sizes;
  • fibroepithelial neust. Posted by elevation above the skin of brown, red or pink. Usually they are convex on the body and face.


What contributes to the appearance

In most cases, big moles appear on the human body from birth or in the first years of his life, so their appearance is laid genetically.

Many of their varieties for the period of puberty can independently disappear, not leaving the trace place on the old place.

The emergence of formations large sizes In infants, experts often associate with congenital pathologies for the development of the dermis, therefore such neules are not hazardous to the health of the baby and can only deliver aesthetic discomfort.

But still needed to track during life, why the mole becomes more, darker, or other changes appear.

Specific types of major nevids can manifest themselves in the period of growing teenager, that is, at the moment when the hormonal background jump occurs.

Such moles more often have a flat form, non-melanomasted.

Causes of appearance

Consider the main causes of nonsense.

Big red

Red Moles of large sizes appear on the body due to pathologically developed vessels, which over time increased in the amount and reached upper layers epithelium.

Healthy blood vessels can provoke this kind of neust, which during their development intensively smasted in a certain area.

The number of red moles on the body can be large enough, it will depend on the development of the cells of the dermis and vessels that can differ pathologically both on one body site and in several places.

One of the medical theories of the emergence of large red nevids is a violation of proper functioning:

  • lipid metabolism;
  • tolstoy intestine;
  • pancreas.

This approval is true in cases where the number of red moles on the body is quite large.

Large hanging

The emergence of this kind of nonsense is associated with activation in the human body of Papillomovirus, who provokes the growth of large hanging moles.

They are also called moles on leg.

In such cases, it is worth treating not only the education itself, but also the virus itself.

Are big moles are always dangerous

Many believe that large moles (more than 6 mm) are considered more dangerous than small education.

In fact, in its structure, they do not differ: the roots of Neust does not have a difference only in the amount of melanin cells.

But all the same, such education should be under constant control.

Photo: a birthmark with rising hair

Consider the surface of the mole: if it is with hair, it is not worth worrying. Such a form of nonsense is the most harmless.

Usually, large moles are not dangerous, especially if there are no dynamics of their growth or it is very slow.

But still need to be shown by a specialist to determine the type of nevus, which will help determine the danger or security of the education under consideration.

Why reborn

  • An annoying factor must be present for the rebirth of both small and large moles. In this case, the rebirth can provoke large doses of solar irradiation, as a result of which the existing mole will begin to be modified and. The critical dose of ultraviolet for each person is determined individually, but a lot of time spent in the sun, always adversely affects the immunity of the skin.
  • Especially carefully you need to take the tanning pregnant. If there are large moles on their body, there is a high risk of their rebirth, as the hormonal background is not stable at this time.
  • The occurrence of skin cancer can provoke the injuries of the mole of any character. In this regard, it is very careful about convexing moles. For example, a mole under the breast of a woman will be constantly injured by a bra. Therefore, there is no such formations better decisionHow to get rid of them with a laser.


It is worth alert if Molenka:

  • began to grow intensely, became convex, its localization area is growing rapidly;
  • itchies, zudit or hurts, while pain may occur both when pressing and involuntarily;
  • started bleeding;
  • changed the color (it became red, black, brown);
  • acquired uneven color;
  • the skin around her inflamed or turned pale;
  • cracked;
  • began to brighten or acquired a more rich color;
  • the knots of black appeared on the nurse itself or around it;
  • there are black splashes;
  • acquired blurred edgesThe contour is not traced.

Video: "Hemangioma in children"


To begin with, I would like to make a reservation, to which doctor to go, if you suspected the rebirth of the mole.

An oncodermatologist is engaged in such issues, which not only with a prophylactic goal can check the state of the existing moles, but also to investigate suspicious education for cancer cells.

So, the diagnosis of non-discharges includes the following stages:

  1. The conversation with the patient in order to clarify such moments as the time of the birth of the moles, the pace of its growth, previously conducted diagnostic measures, etc.
  2. External examination of education, when an oncodermatologist assesses its shape, color, size, inclusion, the presence of hairs, etc. At this stage, it is also determined by the type of non-removal for the selection of the most appropriate methods for its research and further treatment.

If necessary, additional diagnostic techniques are carried out:

  • smear from the surface of the mole. It is investigated in the laboratory under the microscope. Such a procedure will allow to determine the accurate nature of education and determine all possible risks for the patient. The minus of such a diagnosis is considered the nevus microtraum;
  • luminescent microscopy. It is distinguished by the fact that the cells of the moles are also investigated under a microscope, but the entire procedure is carried out directly on the human body without direct contact with Nevus;
  • Allows you to capture the image of the mole in a digital version and compare it with an extensive medical database, which will help determine all risk factors and choose the necessary treatment. The minus procedures note the high cost.
  • laboratory study. Allows you to establish the fact of moving the nevus in melanoma. In the laboratory conditions, the patient makes the test for oncomarkers. When identifying a certain type of molecules, you can make the diagnosis of rebirth in melanoma with maximum accuracy.

How to distinguish melanoma

In medical practice to determine the reborn melanoma, 5 main factors are taken into account, which for simplicity combined into one word: Akord.

  • Asymmetry. It is assumed that the axis held in the middle of the healthy moles should divide it into 2 equal halves. In other cases there is a question about rebirth.
  • The edge of the nevus. Helanoma has a ribbon, blurred either toothed.
  • Tint.May be inhomogeneous.
  • The size.When reborn, it increases significantly.
  • Dynamics. Accompanied by unusual changes for your moles: color, thickness, size, dry crusts, blood or other discharge from the nevus.


Treatment of moles implies their complete removal through the methods currently available.

There are some types of non-loves that can be cured with hormone therapy, but they are too rarely found in humans.

  • Surgical method. The recommended method of treating moles (especially for large sizes) is a surgical excision with a subsequent histological study of the material obtained. Netus cells are investigated and in suspected of a melanoma patient again cause a clinic to carry out a more thorough inspection.
  • Cryodestruction. Allows you to remove a mole, which is killing the moles' cloths and it turns into a crust, which first will protect the wound from external infections.
  • Electro-generation. This is the removal of the nevus. After such a procedure, there is the possibility of histological examination of the resulting tissues.
  • Radiosurgical method. The excision of the relatives with a special radio room, which does not damage healthy tissues. The device simultaneously removes the formation, disinfects the wound and stops bleeding.
  • Laser excision. Considered the most popular and effective way Removing moles, since after such a procedure after small moles there is no trace. At the time of the procedure, the blood vessels are migrated and not bleed, which prevents the proliferation of tumor cells on the circulatory system.

Many are interested is it possible to remove a laser networks of large sizes.

If the skin remains at least a small part of the mole, it will grow even faster. After removing a laser of large formations in their place remains an unmanned stain of white.

In other cases, it is not necessary to excort the moles. Even people with the number of moles more than 50 do not fall into a risk group, so the removal of moles is usually carried out only on medical reasons.


In order to prevent the rebirth of Moles in Melanoma, it is necessary to adhere to the following instructions:

  1. To limit the minutes of visiting a solarium and to avoid it at all, people under 28 years of age, which have large nurses on the body.
  2. Limit stay in the sun from 11.00 to 16.30 pm.
  3. Wear hats with wide fields.
  4. Avoid strong tan to people who have on the body 200 and more non-love.
  5. Prevent from a strong tan part of the body where large moles are located.
  6. Protect the skin of clothing: wearing long pants, skirts, long sleeves shirts of dense dark fabric. Of course, in the summer it is difficult to do it, therefore modern manufacturers Began to produce clothes with the note of UPF on the label, which means increased protection from solar radiation. You need to choose clothes with the UPF indicator above 50.
  7. When washing clothes, enjoy special powders, which create a protective layer from ultraviolet on clothes, without changing the characteristics of the tissue.
  8. Using tanning creams with high SPF factor (from 30 and above), as well as protective lip balm. The cream is applied to the whole body in large quantities, not forgetting such sections like ears and heads.
  9. Wear sunglasses with UV labels and UV-B, which means the maximum protection of the eyes and skin around them from UV rays.
  10. Constantly self-examination on the body of the mole. And even a person with the largest number of educational formations should always follow the dynamics of each of them.
  11. Know the main changes to the moles and understand what they are dangerous.

Questions and answers

Consider popular questions about big moles and give them clear answers.

Is it worth removing ?

The removal of large moles is difficult, as it is not always possible to completely exchem the nevus fabrics.

Therefore, if there is no medical contraindications, the moles are better not to delete.

What if driving a convex big mole?

The appearance of a dry crust may indicate the rebirth of the nevus, so it is better to go to a specialist with such a symptom.

What if I sorted a big neust?

Such a situation may be dangerous both in terms of injury to education and due to the possible infection in the wound.

Therefore, it is necessary to urgently turn to the oncologist-dermatologist for further removal of the remaining tissues and disinfection of the wound.

How to delete ?

To determine how to remove the neust large size, it is necessary to undergo a study on the definition of the form of education to choose the optimal method of excision.

Do I need to remove convex education on the neck?

Yes, such neutres are better cut, so they will be constantly climbing and there is a risk of their rebirth.

Can I remove them at home?

Any mole must be carefully examined before removal.

Is it possible to remove large nurses from babies?

What can be closed on a child's handle a big birthmark?

For children with such formations from an early age, it is recommended to protect clothing from sun rays.

Are brown nevys dangerous on sex lips?

In fact, such formations are dangerous in terms of possible injury, so it is better to delete them.


It is believed that the location of the Moles in certain places is of a certain meaning and can talk about the nature of a person, his fate and a tendency to certain diseases:

  • mountain on the thumb right hand promises good luck in all endeavors;
  • on the big finger of the left hand - the troubles in family life;
  • between the index and middle fingers - a happy fate;
  • the appearance on the basis of the finger hand means wealth;
  • based on the finger of the left hand - infractiveness;
  • the appearance of any mole on his right hand can be attributed to a good sign;
  • moles on the left hand may mean unpleasant surprises of fate;
  • on the right finger - to financial well-being;
  • on the finger of the left hand, the opposite value is the collapse in cash;
  • from the inside on the finger - developed intelligence;
  • in the form of a bear on his hand is treated as the domineering character of the owner;
  • the bear from the moles on his hand symbolizes good luck in the affairs;
  • in the form of the constellation of the bear on the face - a difficult fate;
  • on the big finger right leg - good health;
  • on the big finger of the left leg - generosity;
  • on the finger, the value: more often the long road;
  • on the other fingers, the legs talk about a changeable psyche;
  • nesus on the back means the demanding of both to himself and to people;
  • the cluster of moles in the form of a bear on his back means the presence of a special talent;
  • on the shoulder means good luck;
  • in groin - a sign of good fertility;
  • often, the neutres appear on the neck, which means variability in tastes;
  • molenia on the forehead is considered happy marked;
  • on the nose - a sign of frivolity;
  • if the Molenia appeared on the lower back, then this means man dedication;
  • if we got out convex on the sexual lip, then such a woman is attractive for men;
  • molenia behind the right ear - a sign of wealth;
  • necess on the Pope - irritability;
  • on the cheek - charm, attractiveness;
  • under the arm - business.

Many can see moles in a dream, both of themselves and not existing ones.

Dream Interpretation describes that in a dream Nesus means fast troubles, problems.

  • If during pregnancy, the Molenka often began to dream, then a woman is waiting for complex labor.
  • To see the constellation of the Medoli from Moles can mean a gift of fate. The value in the form of a bear has long been considered a particular sign over.
  • If the birthmark of the right hand is dreamed of the right hand, the value is interpreted as hidden talents of a person.
  • What does the Mountain Dreaming on the Finger meaning at night? The value of such sleep is the long road.
  • What dreams of the removal of the nevus? Be foreseen adding in the family.
  • If a non-existent mole is dreamed, long relatives will come soon.
  • What dreams on the back? It is said that often after such dreams occurs inflammation of the lungs.
  • What is the dream, where do you see a big mole? More often, he warns about the ambulance of one of the parents.

It should be understood that large moles are dangerous no more than small formations on the skin.

Therefore, there must be permanent control over the dynamics of their growth, state and any other changes.

Video: "The meaning of the moles on the human body"