Repairs Design Furniture

Rules of work with a medical autoclave. Principle of operation of a home autoclava: Instructions for use. The best solutions for sterilizers from the company "Fort"

We offer repair of sterilizers at competitive prices in Moscow and throughout Russia, providing an optimal combination of price and quality. We work with all kinds of sterilization equipment, including autoclaves of any class and volume, dry and dry cabinets, air and steam sterilizers, as well as chambers for storing sterile equipment. We carry out a disposable repair of the failed equipment and carry out subscription service of medical centers, laboratories and other enterprises using sterilization units.

The best solutions for sterilizers from the company "Fort"

Our company combines key benefits for successful repair and maintenance of sterilization equipment:

  • Its necessary for diagnosis and repair equipment
  • Combines competent professionals who have extensive experience with such a technique, we have been working in this area for 10 years and collected the best specialists.
  • It has direct access to suppliers of components of the most common stamps of sterilization installations.

As a result, we are ready to offer our customers the following advantages:

  • Accurate diagnosis of aggregates of any degree of complexity, detection of causes of malfunction and development of repair tactics.
  • Supply all necessary parts for repairs in the most compressed deadlines so that your institution does not stand up and have experienced difficulties during everyday work due to limited sterilization capabilities.
  • Carrying out the necessary repair work. Our masters serve all technical nodes, including electronics, heating elements, pumps, accessories, controls, etc.
  • Commissioning and verification of key parameters of its operation. We will give you an aggregate only after you are convinced that it fully fulfills its functions.

In addition to repair in case of faults, we also offer subscriber maintenance of sterilization equipment, which includes regular diagnostics, cleaning, checking the main technical components and minor repairs. Regular maintenance allows you to significantly extend the service life and reduce the risk of sudden failures.

Typical signs of damage to autoclaves and sterilizers

Since the sterility of medical or laboratory equipment and tools is a key task, it is necessary to especially carefully monitor the performance of sterilizers. Noticing the first signs of malfunction, it is necessary to immediately stop exploiting and call the wizard for repair. In particular, it is worth paying attention to the following signs:

  • Error indication by the device itself. If the machine is equipped with a self-diagnostic system, it is necessary to pay attention to the different error indication.
  • The appearance of extraneous noise, vibrations and sounds in the operation of the aggregate, which was not before.
  • Violations in the working cycle. For example, problems with drying equipment in an autoclave, etc.
  • Failure of controls. For example, to start the process or setting parameters, repeatedly press the buttons is required, or the device does not respond to controls.
  • Mechanical damage, loosening accessories.

In case of detection of such signs, it is necessary to understand that some technical components of the device have already failed, and the unit cannot provide a full performance of its function, and therefore should be repaid.

Favorable service of sterilizers

One of the key benefits of working with us are the favorable prices for all types of repair work. With us you get such economic advantages:

  • Discount up to 15% for repair work in the presence of a contract for regular service.
  • Favorable prices for all types of original spare parts achieved due to direct access to suppliers.
  • Fair prices for repair, optimal combination of price and quality. You get a restored sterilizer without overpayments.
  • Flexible tariffs for service maintenance of sterilizers that are selected depending on the scope of your organization.

Call right now to get advice on the repair and maintenance of sterilizers or order the departure of the specialist!

Sterilization of boiling.

Sterilization with boiling is produced in the sterilizer. Distilled water is poured into the sterilizer, since the water supply forms a scale. (Glass items are immersed in cold, metal items-in hot water with the addition of sodium bicarbonate). Sterilizable items are boiled on low heat for 30-60 minutes. The beginning of sterilization is the moment of boiling water in the sterilizer. At the end of boiling, the tools take sterile tweezers, which boil along with the rest of the items.

Sterilization with dry heat.

Sterilization of dry heat is made in the pasteur furnace. The material prepared for sterilization is put on the shelves so that it does not come into contact with the walls. The cabinet closes and then include heating. Duration of sterilization at a temperature of 150 ° C 2 h, at 165 ° C - 1 hour, at 180 ° C - 40 min, at 200 ° C - 10-15 minutes (at 170 ° C, paper and cotton wool are yellow, and at higher temperatures charred). The start of sterilization is the moment when the temperature in the furnace reaches the desired height. At the end of the sterilization period, the furnace is turned off, but the cabinet doors do not open until complete cooling, as the cold air entering the inside of the cabinet can cause the formation of cracks on hot dishes.

Sterilization by ferry under pressure.

Sterilization by ferry under pressure is produced in the autoclave. The autoclave consists of two boilers inserted one in another, casing and lid. The outer boiler is called a waterfoot chamber, an internal - sterilization chamber. In the waterfall boiler there is a steam formation. Sterilized material is placed in the inner boiler. At the top of the sterilization boiler there are small holes through which pairs from a waterfoot chamber passes. The autoclave lid is hermetically screwed to the casing. In addition to the listed main parts, the autoclave has a number of parts governing its operation: pressure gauge, water glass, safety valve, graduation, air and condensing cranes. The pressure gauge is used to determine the pressure creating in the sterilization chamber. Normal atmospheric pressure (760 mm Hg. Art.) It is accepted for zero, therefore, in a non-working autoclave, the pressure gauge arrow stands on zero. There is a certain dependence between the testimony of the pressure gauge and the temperature (Table 1).

A red feature on a pressure gauge scale determines the maximum working pressure that is allowed in the autoclave. Safety valve is used to protect against excessive pressure increase. It is installed on a given pressure, that is, the pressure in which it is necessary to sterilization, when switching the arrow of the pressure gauge, the autoclave valve automatically opens and produces extra steam, thereby slowing down the further pressure lift.

On the side wall of the autoclave there is a watering glass, showing water level in the waterfall boiler. Two horizontal features are applied on the tube of water-glass glass - the lower and top, indicating the respectively allowable lower and upper water level in the waterfall chamber. The air faucet is designed to remove air from sterilization and waterfall chambers at the beginning of sterilization, as the air, being a bad heat conductor, disrupts the sterilization mode. At the bottom of the autoclave there is a condensation crane for the release of a sterilization chamber from condensate formed during the heating period of the sterilizable material.

Rules of work with an autoclave.

Before starting work, the autoclave and instrumentation are examined. In autoclaves with automatic steam control on the electro-pump pressure gauge, the arrow is installed in accordance with the sterilization mode: the lower arrow is tagged with 0.1 atm. Below, upper on 0.1 atm. Above the working pressure, the waterfall chamber is filled with water to the top mark of the measuring glass. During the period of filling with water, the valve on the pipe, in which the pairs enters the chamber, hold open to the free output of air from the boiler. The autoclave sterilization chamber is loaded with a sterilizable material. After that, the lid (or door) of the autoclave is closed, firmly fixing the central shutter or bolts; To avoid skew, the bolts screw the cross will increase (in diameter). Then includes a heating source (electric current, steam), closing the valve on the pipe connecting the steam source with the sterilization chamber. With the beginning of the vaporization and the creation of pressure in the waterfall chamber produce purge (removal of air from the sterilization boiler). The method of air removal is determined by the construction of the autoclave. Initially, the air leaves individual portions, then a smooth continuous jet of steam appears, indicating that the air is completely displaced from the sterilization chamber. After removal of the air, the crane is closed, and a gradual increase in pressure begins in the sterilization chamber.

The beginning of sterilization is the moment when the pressure gauge arrow shows the specified pressure. After that, the heating intensity reduces that the pressure in the autoclave for the desired time remains at the same level. At the end of the time sterilization, heating is stopped. Close the valve in the pipeline serving steam into the sterilization chamber, and open the valve on the condensation (descendingable) pipe to reduce steam pressure in the chamber. After falling the pressure gauge arrows to zero slowly weaken the clamping devices and open the autoclave cover.

The temperature and duration of sterilization are determined by the quality of the sterilizable material and the properties of those microorganisms with which it is infected.

Temperature control in the sterilization chamber is carried out periodically using bacteriological tests. Biotestes are manufactured by bacteriological laboratories of the CSEN. In case of non-exposure data of tests, the autoclave technical condition is inspected.

The sterilization of the tool is the need for a medical sphere and cosmetology. This uses special equipment. The most common autoclaves. They can have different performance, design, technical features.
In cosmetology and medicine used autoclaves of three types:

  • columns;
  • horizontal;
  • vertical.

Each device is equipped with a heat exchanger (external or internal), a special stirring device. The latter can be mechanical, electromagnetic, pneumatic. Maintenance and repair of the autoclave is carried out by the master, taking into account its constructive, technical features.

Features of the use and repair of autoclaves

Definct requirements are presented to hardware for sterilization. First of all, it must be proper and effective. Autoclaves are used in spheres where the tool sterility means a lot. Accordingly, the state of sterilization equipment must be carefully monitored.

Maintenance and repair of autoclaves must be performed in scheduled mode. During that profile specialists, the state of sterilization equipment is estimated, hidden defects of parts are detected, the performance of nodes is diagnosed. If necessary, worn items are replaced with new ones. The planned component repair is also carried out.

Autoclave Repair - Problem for Professionals

Maintenance, modernization, restoration of sterilization equipment must be carried out by specialists of the corresponding profile. Works are carried out both at the facility of the technique in Moscow or other city with the departure of the master and in the service center.

Diagnosis, expertise, autoclave repair requires special equipment and tools, specific knowledge, skills. Trust the implementation of diagnostic and repair work is necessary to professionals.

Engineers and Technical Specialists "Glory Med Service" will fulfill the entire complex of necessary service with a guarantee of the result of the result. We carry out the autoclave maintenance of all common brands and models. Cooperation with clients is carried out on the contractual conditions.

We also carry out testing, commissioning of sterilization techniques in the modernization of the material and technical base in a medical facility, a cosmetology desk.

Question answer

Question # 260.

Santa Aldar Nikolayevich asked a question on the topic: repair of autoclava

Good afternoon, please tell me how much autoclave repair will cost in the city of Tomsk? Together with all costs? We need to diagnose, disassembly, repair of the pressure gauge, the maintenance of the switchgear, the repair of the emergency valve, cleaning the expansion barrel, cleaning the hydraulic tubes, the autoclave assembly and the testing of the autoclave operation. Can you please throw off a commercial offer, to pay for your services, to resolve the price with the bosses?

On the question #260 answered GLARIMEDESTETIK Sergey Nikolaevich, leading engineer

Good day. We have a service center only in Moscow. You can send it to us for diagnosis and repair. Accurate price can only be said after diagnosis.

Maxim continued the question on the topic: repair of autoclava

Autoclaves are designed for sterilization by water ferry of surgical instruments, dressings and bottled liquids. Large capacity autoclaves are used to sterilize overalls, barothermal processing of coarse feeds in order to increase their eternity and nutritionality.

Autoclaves operating under pressure from nonividrigated, light and unbeliving media at a wall temperature not higher than 200 ° C, in which the pressure of pressure on pressure does not exceed 980,665 Pa O M3, as well as autoclaves, working under the pressure of caustic, poisonous and explosive media at the same The temperature in which this product is not more than 49,033 Pa O M3, it is not necessary to register in the government agencies.

Autoclaves register in a special book of accounting and examination of autoclaves stored by the person responsible for the good condition and the safe effect of autoclaves.

The work on the autoclave allows those who have reached the age of 18, who have passed a medical examination and recognized suitable for this type of work, specially trained and certified by the Qualification Commission. Checking the knowledge of autocalammer is carried out at least once every six years, but repeatedly briefing - once every 3 months.

Autoclaves are installed in separate rooms, on the area satisfying the requirements of construction standards and rules. Such a room should have natural lighting, fraamuga or vents, as well as the supply and exhaust ventilation. The door of the autoclave should only open and not close on the key during operation. It is forbidden to use glazed doors. The floor in the autoclave must be made of a toxconducting material.

The autoclave is set at a distance of at least 0.8 m from the wall and securely ground. Autoclaves must be equipped:

a manometer located on the fitting of the case or on the pipeline to the shut-off reinforcement or on the control panel;

a safety valve installed on the pipe or pipeline of water directly attached to the autoclave;

shut-off reinforcement on pipelines, applying and removing water from autoclave, and on pipelines applied to the autoclave pairs;

device (valve, crane) to check the absence of pressure in the autoclave before opening it;

the thermometer installed on the nozzle directly attached to the autoclave, or on the control panel;

automatic adjusting device on the supply pipe with a pressure gauge and a safety valve on the smaller pressure side after the reducing device; The manometer must also be installed before the reducing device.

In violation of the rules of operation of autoclaves, an explosion may occur, the reasons for which can be:

malfunction of the pressure gauge or safety valve, entailing the excess of the pressure of the steam above the maximum permissible;

coating walls with rust or thick layer of scale;

fat getting into nutrient water (Wednesday);

the work of the untrained personnel or leaving the autoclave without supervision.

It is forbidden to include an autoclave to work if the grounding device is faulty, a safety valve or a pressure gauge; The autoclave shirt has cracks, passes pairs or not filled with water to the required level.

At the end of sterilization, the autoclave is disconnected and open on the cover of a steam-age crane. After the pressure decreases to zero (determined by the pressure gauge), the cross will weaken the cross-bolts. Then carefully raise the lid of the autoclave, not allowing thermal burns of hands and face, the sources of which are heated surfaces and steam. Scrap bolts screw. It is forbidden to leave an autoclave without supervision while working and lift the pair pressure over the permissible. The examination of the autoclave by the enterprise should be carried out every 60 loads, but at least once every 4 months. The results are entered into the autoclave operation. The operation of the dual safety valve is checked at least once a month, the safety valve is at least once every 6 months, and the pressure gauges - annually.