Repair Design Furniture

Fiberboard - its advantages and disadvantages. Fiberboard - material features and scope of application Thermal conductivity of fiberboard

  • Fiberboard is a building material that made itself known back in the late 20s of the last century.
    What is fibrolite?
    Fibrolit is an analogue of wood concrete. It is made from cement, water and wood shavings (tape) from half a meter or more long. With the help of the last component, high strength characteristics during bending and compression. Wood tape with mortar liquid glass or calcium chloride impregnated

    The resulting raw material is pressed into molds, dried and slabs are obtained, called fibrolite. The density of the material is on average from 0.25 to 0.5 t/m3.
    In accordance with the current standard GOST 8928-81 "fiberboard slabs on Portland cement. Specifications", manufactured fiberboards have standard geometric characteristics: length - 2400 and 3000 mm, width 600 and 1200 mm, thickness - 30; 50, 75, 100, 150 mm.
    Fiberboard slabs are divided into three grades according to the density of the material in a dry state.
    Ф - 300 as heat-insulating materials.
    Ф - 400, Ф - 500 as heat-insulating - structural and sound-proof materials.
    In construction, fiberboard slabs are used as heat-insulating, structural-heat-insulating and acoustic material. Fiberboard boards are allowed to be used in rooms with relative humidity not higher than 75%.
    Application of fiberboard.
    The most common use of fibrolite is fixed formwork in monolithic housing construction, for example, in the construction of private houses with low and high floors, as well as in the reconstruction or repair of buildings and structures. Application fixed formwork from fiber boards belongs to the simplest, fastest and economical ways construction of houses. When applied fiberboard slabs no lifting equipment is required. Standard sizes slabs and the low weight of the material make it very technologically advanced in the construction process. The processing of fiberboard boards is similar to that of wood. To create curvilinear structures of complex shape, slabs are cut. Using fibrolite as a fixed formwork, you can reduce the time and labor costs of construction by almost two.
    The use of fibrolite is possible with sufficient low temperatures. The high thermal insulation properties of the material make it possible to reduce the cost of continuous heating of concrete, as well as to pour concrete on the entire floor of the building in winter conditions.
    Fiberboard board has good sound insulation properties. For example, using fibrolite in the construction of floors, you can significantly improve the level of sound insulation up to 20 dB. The plate perfectly protects from noise of shock and air character. Unique properties fiberboard slabs makes it possible to use it as a substrate floor coverings from tiles to linoleum. Such a product does not creak, does not rot and does not collapse under the influence of moisture.
    The high level of moisture resistance of modern fiberboard allows it to be used in rooms with high humidity up to 75%. It is also possible to use fiberboard plates during the construction of frameless interior partitions.
    Fiberboard is also used for thermal protection of buildings and structures. In the case of using two - or three-layer options using polystyrene foam or mineral wool boards, the thermal resistance of this fence increases significantly.
    The use of a fiberboard slab in the construction of a roof will ensure the preparation of a plane for roofing materials, as well as heat and sound insulation of the roof as a whole. Fiberboard is used in the reconstruction of flat roofs 5 ... 9 storey typical houses. The high level of fire resistance of the product makes it possible for roofers to fuse rolled coatings onto the slab using an open flame. In addition, the material is easy to install, it can be mounted under a soft roof, regardless of the time of year.
    Advantages of fibrolite.
    So, let's bring all the advantages of building material into a single list:
    High degree of fire resistance;
    Fiberboards are classified as fire-retardant building materials;
    High moisture resistance of modern fibrolite boards;
    High biological stability;
    Sufficiently low thermal conductivity (thermal conductivity coefficient: 0.08 ... 0.1 W / m K);.
    Good soundproofing ability;
    Long service life (50…60 years);
    High bending strength (the use of fibrolite in the construction of interior partitions);
    Relatively low dead weight;
    Ease in material processing (it is easy to cut, process, nails are well hammered into the material, it can be plastered);
    High speed of installation of plates;
    Relatively low cost.
    Disadvantages of fiberboard
    Along with a number of numerous advantages, fiberboard has its drawbacks. In the event that the material is exposed to the temperature and humidity conditions of operation, it may collapse over time, and in this case, the thermal insulation properties will decrease. Periodic cycling of freezing and thawing negative processes will accelerate.
    Also, the material produced according to the old "Grandfather" technologies is susceptible to fungus, so the fiberboard should not be used in rooms with wet and wet operating conditions.
    Another not significant drawback is the weight of the material - it is 20% heavier than wood, but it is worth considering that it is still 4 times lighter than concrete and eliminates the use lifting mechanisms at the construction site.

    Sufficiently widespread use of fibrolite is determined by high, and sometimes unique, performance characteristics, among which special attention should be paid to such ones:

    • despite the fact that most of the board is wood shavings, this material is fireproof due to special impregnation with binders;
    • for the same reason, the material has a fairly good moisture resistance, able to withstand even constant exposure to a humid environment;
    • the ability of fiberboards to withstand various deformations and movements, thanks to the wood "wool" which in this case successfully copes with the function of a damper, and the cement sheath provides them with stability;
    • fiberboard plates are biologically inactive and are not subject to both decay and infection by microorganisms or insects;
    • low coefficient of thermal conductivity;
    • high soundproofing ability;
    • environmental friendliness;
    • frost resistance - withstands at least 50 cycles;
    • durability - service life of at least 50-70 years.

    In addition, you should pay attention to the following points:

      relatively small weight of fiberboards, which greatly facilitates its transportation and installation, which does not even require the involvement of special equipment;

      ease and pliability for processing with traditional tools, the same as for wood;

      high speed installation, due to the large size of the products.

    Also, one indisputable advantage of fiberboard is its lower price compared to similar materials, which it often surpasses in many ways.

    It should be noted that modern fiberboard wall panels are somewhat different from those that were used even a few decades ago. Many of their shortcomings, thanks to the advent of modern technology and the use of more effective binders, have been overcome.

    For example, this concerns moisture resistance, which was quite low, which led to a deterioration in the quality of the material and subsequent destruction, in which various pathogenic microorganisms played their role.

    Fiberboard composition.

    Similar plates appeared in the late 1920s. Fiberboard is usually made from special wood chips (fibers) and an inorganic binder. Wood fiber is obtained on special machines in the form of thin and narrow strips, that is, it is not chips, but long narrow chips. Portland cement is used as a binder, less often magnesia binder.

    It is an analogue of arbolite.

    Wood fiber is first mineralized with a solution of calcium chloride or water glass or alumina sulfide. The wood fiber is then mixed with cement and water. Building boards are molded using a pressure of 0.5 MPa. After molding, they are placed in curing chambers for curing. The hardened boards are dried to a moisture content of no more than 20%.

    According to GOST, the plates should have a length of 240 and 300 cm, a width of 60 and 120 cm, a thickness of 3-15 cm. Sometimes blocks are made instead of plates.

    Fiberboard has a wide range of applications, is an innovative replacement for traditional board materials: OSB, DSP, STsP, GVL, chipboard, LSU, PPS, plywood, etc.

    By density - they are divided into grades F-300 (heat-insulating fiberboard) and F-400, F-500 (heat-insulating-constructive fiberboard). Thermal conductivity - 0.08-0.1 W / (mK).

    Fiberboard does not burn with an open flame. Easily processed: it can be sawn, drilled and nailed into it. Water absorption of cement fiberboard - no more than 35-45%.

    At humidity above 35%, it can be affected by house fungus, so it must be protected from moisture - in particular, by plastering. The rough surface of the fiberboard promotes good adhesion to the plaster.

    They are made without special mineralization, since caustic magnesite is mixed with aqueous solutions of magnesia salts, which bind the water-soluble substances contained in the wood. Its strength is somewhat higher than that of cement. This is due to the fact that the salts that crystallize during drying in the wood cells prevent its shrinkage, and this has a positive effect on the adhesion of the magnesian stone to the fibers. Magnesia fibrolite has, in comparison with cement, less water resistance and greater hygroscopicity.

    It is used for insulation of walls and coatings, structural - for partitions, frame walls and ceilings only in dry conditions.

    Currently, the main use of fibrolite is the installation of fixed formwork in construction. Fiberboard slabs are not removed, like some other types of formwork, but remain a structural part of either the wall or any ceiling.

    • Fiber
    • Fibrolite // Ulyanovsk - Frankfort. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1977. - (: / editor-in-chief A. M. Prokhorov; 1969-1978, vol. 27).

    Fiberboard material is a combination of wood fiber and cement. The latter was used as a binder in the very 1920s. This worked for the popularity, demand for the material. For cement in fiberboard, it is about 40%. The composition and properties of the material are regulated by GOST 8928-81. Accordingly, fiberboard is often called cement-bonded particle board in stores.


    Wood fiber makes up approximately 60% of fiberboard. Otherwise, the filler is called wool, since the fiber is thin and long. Unlike ordinary chips, the material in diameter does not exceed half a millimeter, and it can be extended by 5 centimeters. A special machine twists the “threads”, giving out a semblance of yarn.

    Wood wool is decorative, so it often decorates shop windows, chests with expensive wine, gift baskets with fragile items in them. In the mass of cement, wood wool gives a rough surface. In addition to cement, wood wool in fibrolite is bound with calcium chloride. It's a mineralizer. Liquid glass can be added as an additional binder and strengthener.

    There is a material related to fibrolite - wood concrete. Its composition is the same. Hence the confusion of concepts. However, the ratio of components in wood concrete and the characteristics of the components are different. Cement accounts for no more than 20%, and often 10%. Chips in wood concrete can be used small and a 10% admixture of crushed bark is acceptable. wood material for wood concrete - crushed slab and other scraps of healthy, round wood. Fiberboard is made just from the latter.

    Fiberboard (fiberboard) is a hard and dense material, for the creation of which two main components are used:

    Video Fiberboard slab - an indispensable insulation and fixed formwork!

    Fiberboard installation. Timber frame structures

    Why fibrolite?

    Fiberboard is a good heat-insulating material that has sufficient bearing capacity. Fibrolit is used in buildings with wooden frames for wall cladding, partitions, ceilings as a constructive, heat and sound insulating material. The frame is being built general principles design and construction wooden structures. In the construction of walls and partitions, fiberboard slabs are used with thermal insulation materials such as wood fiber wadding, ecowool or mineral wool. The construction of the structure is possible at any time of the year.


    • low volume weight 280-520 kg/m3
    • good vapor permeability, vapor permeability index μ 2/5;
    • good thermal insulation λcl \u003d 0.065 W / (m . K);
    • high specific heat 2100 J /kg.K;
    • biologically stable, environmentally friendly, harmless to people and the environment, made from special wood fiber and Portland cement;
    • slow-burning - smolders when exposed to fire;
    • long service life, proven in operation in Western Europe 90 years, in Latvia 40 years.


    • there is no need for expensive construction mechanisms;
    • design "breathes";
    • retains heat for a long time;
    • provides good sound insulation;
    • characteristic of wooden buildings microclimate;
    • increased fire resistance;
    • ease of installation and processing;
    • does not give in to rotting and is not exposed to destruction by rodents.

    The range of heaters is constantly updated with new insulators that have excellent performance and physical properties. However, the most popular are environmentally friendly materials that provide a comfortable microclimate in the home, representing absolute safety for the health of all family members. One of these - fiberboard, will be discussed in the article.

    Properties and characteristics of fibrolite

    Fibrolite belongs to the group of board materials made on the basis of wood-shaving raw materials by pressing. Thanks to the addition of cement and a natural mineralizer, the material becomes resistant to moisture and temperature changes.

    Fiberboard sheets are used not only as insulation, they are suitable for sheathing buildings, instead of wall panels, formwork structures, etc. The range is developed on the basis of different brands cement. For example, to obtain an insulating plate, M-300 is added, which makes it possible to obtain a material with a low thermal conductivity. Grades M-400, 500 are used for the manufacture of sheathing sheets, the ability of products to retain heat loses to the first option.

    The peculiarity of fibrolite from other wood materials lies in the main raw material, or rather its parameters. Chip sizes are carefully controlled:

    Width - from 1 to 8 mm;

    Thickness - from 0.1 to 0.4 mm;

    Length - from 250 to 500 mm.


    Release form - plates;

    Sheet parameters - length 2; 2.4; 3m; width 0.5; 0.55; 1.15 m; thickness 2.4; 3.5; five; 7.5; 10 cm;

    Thermal conductivity - 0.063 W / m * K;

    Elasticity - 300 MPa;

    Hygroscopicity - 45%;

    Vapor permeability - 0.13 mg / m * h * Pa.

    Advantages and disadvantages of fiberboard boards

    Fiberboard has gained popularity in the construction market in a short period of time due to the following advantages:

    Environmentally friendly composition, the material is safe for human health, no emission of harmful substances is observed during operation;


    Relatively light weight, despite the presence of cement;

    Low thermal conductivity, which will help protect the home from heat loss;

    Soundproof properties, during installation it is not necessary to use sound-absorbing material;

    Simple slab laying technology;

    High vapor permeability, which does not interfere with the exercise natural circulation air (walls breathe);

    Long operational period;

    fire safety;

    democratic prices.

    Before using fiberboard, it is worth considering the shortcomings of the material. First of all, it is a weak moisture resistance. This fact indicates the impossibility of mounting the insulation in rooms with a high level of humidity. After absorbing excess moisture, the material loses its properties, which means that it will no longer be able to perform the function of a heater.

    Poorly tolerates fibrolite and temperature changes. Moisture inside the board sub-zero temperature turns to ice. It contributes to the destruction of the structure, as a result of which the insulation must be changed.

    Important! similar material has already been produced earlier, but during its operation cases of fungus development inside the plate were noted. Modern technology production eliminates this problem.

    Mounting Features

    As already noted, fiberboard plates are easy to install. They can be easily drilled, cut, attached to the base or frame.

    Installation rules:

    The surface sheathed with fibrolite is preliminarily prepared by sealing cracks, holes and cracks; in the presence of a fungus, the wall must be treated with an antiseptic solution;

    For fixing the insulation, a frame is assembled from metal profiles or wooden bars, which also need to be treated with an antiseptic;

    In order to prevent deformation of the insulating structure under the influence of moisture or other external factors, it is recommended to lay a reinforcing metal mesh between the frame and the slabs, and it is fixed to the fibrolite using building brackets;

    When arranging insulation in the bathroom, it is necessary to lay a waterproofing film on top of the slabs, it will prevent water from penetrating to the wood-cement slab;

    On top of the fiberboard, you can make a counter crate for the purpose of cladding with a finishing material or apply a plaster mix directly on the slabs, having previously processed working area primer.

    Insulation sheets are laid from the bottom up, forming rows with an offset (according to the type brickwork). You can fix the fiberboard on the frame and directly on the walls using a special adhesive composition. Glue is distributed notched trowel evenly on both surfaces (wall and slab). After installation, the insulation is additionally fixed with several dowels.

    There are many ideas with the use of fiberboard, you just have to show a creative approach to work and talent.

    Fiberboard or csp. Concept definition

    At present, many materials based on wood and binders are used in construction practice. Wood-cement materials are a type of lightweight concrete in which wood acts as an aggregate. Depending on the form of the aggregate (chips, chips, wood wool), as well as the ratio of the parts of cement and aggregate, the physical and specifications material. Often, wood-cement materials are combined under one name - fibrolite, which is not true. There are five types of wood-cement materials.

    Cement particle boards- pressed boards based on compressed wood chips (crushed wood chips, forestry waste) treated with a binder (cement).

    Chip-cement slabs are slabs consisting of 95% mineralized wood chips and cement. This category includes materials of the Velox brand of the Volgodonsk plant of wood-based panels and other manufacturers.

    Cement fiberboard (WWCB) of the trademarks "Fibrolit", "Heraklit" (Austria) and "Zidarit" (Bulgaria) is a heat-insulating building material obtained by forming boards from a mixture of so-called wood wool, a binder (Portland cement, white cement) and a neutralizer ( liquid glass).

    Boards made of wood strands and high-density cement EltoBoard (Latvia).

    Separately, it is worth mentioning the magnesian fibrolite (manufacturer - NPK "FIBROLIT", Satka, Chelyabinsk). This material is made on the basis of a magnesia binder without special mineralization, since caustic magnesite is mixed with aqueous solutions of magnesia salts, which bind the water-soluble substances contained in the wood.

    Our review is devoted to cement fiberboard, which can be used on the roof as a heat-insulating and structural material.

    Acoustic ceiling tiles contribute to comfortable
    sound atmosphere in the library building

    Fiberboard as a building material has been known to builders for over 100 years and is widely produced in many countries. Western Europe under various brands: Heraklith/Knauf Fibralith (Germany, Austria, France, Netherlands), Troldtekt (Denmark), Celenit (Italy).

    The production of fibrolite in the USSR began in the years of the first five-year plans, however, the technology that was used at that time did not provide good quality produced material. This circumstance was the reason that while the world demand for fiberboard was growing, in the Soviet Union there was a decline in the production of this material.

    Eltomation has a solid track record of Russian market− back in the 1990s, Paul van Elten personally installed the equipment of cement-bonded particle board (CSP) plants in the cities of Sterlitamak and Omsk (these enterprises are still in working condition).

    Since 2009, LLC Stroitelnye innovatsii (Kolchuginsky district of the Vladimir region) has been successfully operating in the Russian Federation using Eltomation equipment, which is known on the Russian market as a supplier of Green Board fiberboard materials.

    The composition of fibrolite is based on the most common natural materials- wood in the form of thin chips, also called wood wool, cement and water. These raw materials determine the properties of fiberboard products such as excellent fire and moisture resistance, thermal and sound insulation, ease of processing and durability.

    Eltomation researched different types coniferous and deciduous trees in many countries and has developed an original mixture recipe for industrial production cement fiberboard. Of particular interest to Russian loggers and wood consumers should be the fact that Eltomation has proven the ability to industrial applications along with non-commercial coniferous wood (spruce, pine) with a diameter of 10–27 cm of hardwood (aspen, poplar), the reserves of which in the forest fund of Russia are almost unlimited.

    Actual question in modern construction- how to insulate the room. There are many ways, as well as types of heaters. But the most chosen option for insulation is ecowool.

    Ecowool is a cellulose insulation (whence its name comes from). The production of ecowool is based on the processing of waste paper. Therefore, being made from fluffy waste paper, it has a loose texture.

    Thanks to this, it is possible to blow ecowool with air into the cavity, after which it is moistened and sprayed onto the surface. This method of use makes this material suitable for both insulation and insulation.

    Some of its properties allowed her to achieve high popularity:

      Little breathability. The movement of air during insulation with ecowool is reduced due to its structure - the small size of the wood fibers that make up the composition;

      Moisture resistance. Due to its structure, ecowool does not accumulate liquid and does not require a vapor barrier layer, since condensation does not occur;

      Soundproofing. The quality of sound insulation when using ecowool is very high, because due to the absence of voids in the material, it can be laid in a continuous layer;

      Hypoallergenic. The likelihood of an allergy to this material tends to a minimum;

      Fire safety. Ecowool is a material that itself resists fire due to its characteristics and composition.

      A nice bonus, among other things, is that mice do not live in ecowool. Thanks to the antiseptic included in the composition, living in ecowool becomes extremely unattractive for rodents.

  • Fiberboard created in Australia in 1910. Initially, the material was called Heraclides, in honor of the strongman of ancient Greek myths. It was implied that fibrolite - material just as persistent, "invincible." However, he truly became such in 1920. Why?

    What is fibrolite

    Fiberboard material- a combination of wood fiber and cement. The latter was used as a binder in the very 1920s. This worked for the popularity, demand for the material. For cement in fiberboard, it is about 40%. The composition and properties of the material are regulated by GOST 8928-81. Accordingly, in stores, fibrolite is often called cement-shaving.


    Wood fiber makes up approximately 60% of fiberboard. Otherwise, the filler is called wool, since the fiber is thin and long. Unlike ordinary chips, the material in diameter does not exceed half a millimeter, and it can be extended by 5 centimeters. A special machine twists the “threads”, giving out a semblance of yarn.

    Wood wool is decorative, so it often decorates shop windows, chests with expensive wine, gift baskets with fragile items in them. In the mass of cement, wood wool gives a rough surface. In addition to cement, wood wool in fibrolite is bound with calcium chloride. It's a mineralizer. Liquid glass can be added as an additional binder and strengthener.

    There is a material related to fibrolite -. Its composition is the same. Hence the confusion of concepts. However, the ratio of components in wood concrete and the characteristics of the components are different. Cement accounts for no more than 20%, and often 10%. Chips in wood concrete can be used small and a 10% admixture of crushed bark is acceptable. Wood material for wood concrete - crushed slab and other scraps of healthy, round wood. Fiberboard is made just from the latter.

    Properties and characteristics of the material

    Enveloping cellulose together with cement, calcium chloride makes it non-combustible and prevents decay. At the same time, wood wool makes the building material light. Air remains between the fibers. He, like any gaseous medium, poorly conducts heat and sound waves. Therefore, "petrified wood chips» is not only strong, but also prevents buildings from freezing, protects from noise. When laid in a floor screed, the fibrolite captures, for example, 20 dB.

    Building a house from fiberboard

    Other properties of fibrolite include:

    1. Fire resistance. Fiberboard resists fires like a stone.
    2. Optimal grip with top coat, for example, plaster. Excellent adhesion, that is, the penetration of one material into another, is ensured by the rough surface of the fibrolite. Penetrating into its pores, the plaster is fixed "tightly".
    3. Ease. Fiber cast slabs weigh about 4 times less than cement ones.
    4. Density in the range of 250-500 tons of kilograms per cubic meter. The exact figure depends on the brand of fibrolite.
    5. Ease of processing. Panels of their fiberboard easily drilled, sawn, pierced with nails. Pleased with the strength of fastening in fiber cast dowel plates.
    6. Moisture resistance. Fibrolit can be used in rooms with a humidity of about 70%. In most city apartments, for example, air vapor saturation rarely exceeds 30%.

    The standard sizes of fiberboard are 2.4 by 0.6 and 3.0 by 1.2 meters. Less commonly, plates are produced 3 meters long and 60 centimeters wide. Options are also possible: 2.7 by 1.25, 3.2 by 1.25 and 3.6 by 1.2 meters. The thickness of the fibrolite is 3 m, 5, 7.5, 10 or 15 centimeters. These are plate options. Sometimes the material is produced in the form of blocks with a thickness of 40, 50, 60 centimeters.

    Types of fibrolite

    There are two related classifications of fibrolite. The first divides the plates into grades F300, F400 and F500. The number is an indicator of density. It is measured in kilograms per cubic meter.

    The second classification takes into account not only the density, but also the strength of the fibrolite. There are already 6 brands:

    • GB-1 - low density
    • GB-2 - medium density and equally medium strength
    • GB-3 - high density and strength
    • GB-4 is a combined slab in which loose and dense layers alternate
    • GB1L - minimum density
    • GB3F - maximum density, with a decorative coating

    Decorative fibrolite can be without coating. Colored Portland cement can be used to hold the chips together. Due to it, the plates are pinkish, gray-lilac, blue, beige.

    Fiberboard production

    Fiberboard production starts with getting chips. We need not only long and thin, but also exclusively from coniferous wood. Hardwood material is saturated with sugars. They prevent the setting of the cement mass. Bars of coniferous wood are selected with a rectilinear arrangement of fibers, even. Such material is in short supply. This is the case with coniferous wood in general. This stops the development of fiberboard production.

    "Cut" wood on machines with forward-return motion. The knives are fixed in the caliper. It consists of a tool holder, sled. The resulting wood wool is mixed with cement mortar and pour into molds. The mass in them is compacted by vibration. It remains to remove the plates from the molds. This is done 30 hours after pouring. In order to gain strength characteristics, the fibrolite lies in the workshops for another 7 days. Then the blocks can be sent for sale.

    In Soviet times, when softwood was not in short supply, fibrolite was produced in the amount of about 3 thousand cubic meters in year. Modern production is at least 6 times more modest. Workshops are still located at woodworking enterprises, but less often.

    Material Application

    Fiberboard is a versatile building material. It is used like:

    1. Structural, that is, being a structural element. can be folded fiberboard house. For this, concrete blocks are used. Plates are often used to make fixed formwork for foundations and walls.
    2. Acoustic. In this case, the emphasis is on the soundproofing properties of chip concrete. It is used as a substrate for finishing floors, for the construction of interior partitions and sound studios.
    3. Heat insulating. Fiberboard plate suitable for insulation of facades, roofs. In the latter case, the chipped concrete is covered from above with a soft roofing such as Andulin. Acrylic or metal panels are mounted on the facades over the insulation. You can just plaster.

    As a heat-insulating material, the most loose fibrolite F300 is used. If it is required to make heat-structural or noise-insulating elements, F400 chip concrete is used.

    Fiberboard is easy to saw and process

    The 500th fiberboard is more structural than noise-absorbing and heat-saving. Fiberboard insulation F500 is low-power, since it is minimally saturated with internal voids.

    Pros and cons of fibrolite

    cement fiberboard has disadvantages, "following" from the pros. Thus, the porosity of the material not only provides maximum adhesion to the plaster, but also allows the plates to absorb water. Once in the pores of the fibrolite, it can freeze. This expands the moisture. Ice literally breaks the structure of the fibrolite from the inside. Therefore, in freezing rooms and with outdoor decoration buildings, the material must be closed with waterproof "shields".

    High fiberboard density grades F400 and F500 serves as a guarantor of the strength of the plates, but makes them more frozen and reduces sound insulation. The ease of processing fiberboard implies an equally simple mechanical damage to the material. Easily sawn and drilled blocks can also “easily” split when dropped, lose their corners when struck during transportation.

    The moisture resistance of fiberboard is also questionable. Small enterprises can produce chip concrete according to Soviet GOSTs. In this case, the plates are susceptible to infection by the fungus. True, this often happens with wood concrete, in which the proportion of cement is minimal. In addition to a large percentage of the latter, fibrolite liquid thread contains. It's about molten glass.

    The most common sizes of fiberboard plates

    An undoubted advantage is the service life of the fibrolite. If production standards are met, the material retains performance characteristics within 60-110 years. The last indicator is “boasting”, for example, Green Board plates. European manufacturer. Therefore, the cost of production is higher than that of domestic counterparts.


    Fiberboard price depends on the size of the slabs, thickness, decorativeness, percentage in the composition of cement. The lower bar - 200 rubles. Maximum - 1100 per plate. So much is asked for a multilayer fiberboard of maximum width. If fiber cast are purchased, the price is set per cubic meter. It usually costs about 2500 rubles. For some manufacturers, the price is negotiable, partly depends on the volume of purchases. You can also purchase a used fiberboard. In this case, the cost of a standard plate starts from 50 rubles.

    Fiberboard this building material, which declared itself in the late 20s of the last century.

    What is fibrolite?

    Fibrolite is an analogue of wood concrete. It is made from cement, water and wood shavings (tape) from half a meter or more long. With the help of the last component, high strength characteristics are achieved in bending and compression. Wood tapes are impregnated with a solution of liquid glass or calcium chloride. The resulting raw material is pressed into molds, dried and slabs are obtained, called fibrolite. The density of the material is on average from 0.25 to 0.5 t/m 3 .

    In accordance with the current standard GOST 8928-81 “Fibrolite slabs on Portland cement. Specifications”, manufactured fiberboards have standard geometric characteristics: length - 2400 and 3000 mm, width 600 and 1200 mm, thickness - 30; 50, 75, 100, 150 mm.

    Fiberboard slabs are divided according to the density of the material in a dry state into three grades

    Table 1

    In construction, fiberboard slabs are used as heat-insulating, structural-heat-insulating and acoustic materials. Fiberboard boards are allowed to be used in rooms with relative humidity not higher than 75%.

    Application of fibrolite

    The most common use of fibrolite is fixed formwork in monolithic housing construction, for example, in the construction of private houses with low and high floors, as well as in the reconstruction or repair of buildings and structures. The use of fixed formwork made of fiber boards is one of the simplest, fastest and most economical ways to build houses. When using fiberboard plates, no lifting equipment is required. The standard dimensions of the slabs and the low weight of the material make it very technologically advanced in the construction process. The processing of fiberboards is similar to that of wood. To create curvilinear structures of complex shape, slabs are cut. Using fibrolite as a fixed formwork, you can reduce the time and labor costs of construction by almost two.

    The use of fibrolite is possible at sufficiently low temperatures. The high thermal insulation properties of the material make it possible to reduce the cost of continuous heating of concrete, as well as to pour concrete on the entire floor of the building in winter conditions.

    Fiberboard board has good sound insulation properties. For example, using fibrolite in the construction of floors, you can significantly improve the level of sound insulation up to 20dB. The plate perfectly protects from noise of shock and air character. The unique properties of the fiberboard board make it possible to use it as a sub-base for floor coverings from tiles to linoleum. Such a product does not creak, does not rot and does not collapse under the influence of moisture.

    The high level of moisture resistance of modern fiberboard allows it to be used in rooms with high humidity up to 75%. It is also possible to use fiberboard plates in the construction of frameless interior partitions.

    Fiberboard is also used for thermal protection of buildings and structures. In the case of using two- or three-layer options using polystyrene foam or mineral wool boards, the thermal resistance of this fence increases significantly.

    The use of a fiberboard slab in the construction of a roof will ensure the preparation of a plane for roofing materials, as well as heat and sound insulation of the roof as a whole. Fiberboard is used in the reconstruction of flat roofs of 5 ... 9 storey standard houses. The high level of fire resistance of the product makes it possible for roofers to fuse rolled coatings onto the slab using an open flame. In addition, the material is easy to install, it can be mounted under a soft roof, regardless of the time of year.

    Advantages of fibrolite

    So, let's bring all the advantages of building material into a single list:

    • high degree of fire resistance;
    • fiberboard slabs belong to the class of slow-burning building materials;
    • high moisture resistance of modern fibrolite boards;
    • high biological stability;
    • sufficiently low thermal conductivity (thermal conductivity coefficient: 0.08 ... 0.1 W / m K);
    • good soundproofing ability;
    • long service life (50 ... 60 years);
    • high bending strength (the use of fibrolite in the construction of interior partitions);
    • relatively small own weight;
    • ease of processing the material (it is easy to cut, process, nails are well hammered into the material, it can be plastered);
    • high speed of installation of plates;
    • relatively low cost.

    Fiberboard Disadvantages

    1. Along with a number of numerous advantages, fiberboard has its drawbacks. If the material is exposed to the temperature and humidity conditions of operation, it may collapse over time, and the thermal insulation properties will decrease. Periodic cycling of freezing and thawing will accelerate negative processes.
    2. Also, the material produced according to the old "grandfather" technologies is susceptible to fungus, so the fiberboard should not be used in rooms with wet and wet operating conditions.
    3. Another not significant drawback is the weight of the material - it is 20% heavier than wood, but it is worth considering that it is still 4 times lighter than concrete and eliminates the use of lifting mechanisms at a construction site.

    You were advised by an expert

    Nechaev Kirill Vladimirovich

    1. Composition
    2. Specifications
    3. Advantages
    4. Fiberboard Disadvantages
    5. Main Applications
    6. The cost of fiberboard
    7. Fiberblocks

    Fiberboard (FB) - a building material used in the construction of fixed formwork, monolithic foundations, walls. Fiberboard panels are also used for insulation of facades, ceilings, etc. The main features of the material are low weight, good heat and sound insulation properties.


    Fiberboard has been used in construction since the late 1920s. The composition of the product is similar to wood concrete. The difference lies in the size of the chips. In wood concrete wood waste ground into fine crumbs. The fiberboard contains, as a binder filler, shavings in the form of ribbons more than 350 mm long and 5–10 mm wide.

    Plate manufacturing is a simple technological process. Wood material is processed potassium chloride. Liquid glass and sulphurous alumina are used as a mineralizer. Then the chips are mixed with cement mortar, pressed in special forms. After thermal exposure, drying to a moisture level of 20%, finished products are obtained.


    A standard plate has a length of 240 or 300 cm, a width of 60 or 120 cm, a thickness of 3–15 cm. Many manufacturers produce plates in other sizes: 3000 × 600, 2700 × 1250, 3200 × 1250 or 3600 × 1200 mm, thickness 10, 25 , 50 mm.

    In stores, fiberboard products are sold under the name "Cement particle board (DSP)." Depending on the density of the material in dry form, they are divided into several grades. The characteristics of the FB are presented in the table.


    Advantages of fiberboard building materials:

    • FB is not subject to open burning;
    • plates can be easily sawn, drilled, punched with nails;
    • dowels are firmly fixed in the FB array;
    • rough surface provides high adhesion to plaster;
    • light weight;
    • the use of FB as a fixed formwork for foundations and walls significantly reduces construction time and labor costs;
    • high thermal insulation properties;
    • in winter, it is possible to pour the formwork of the floor with concrete at a time, without the need for additional heating of the monolith;
    • laying slabs on the floors of the building as the basis of flooring reduces the noise level by 20 dB;
    • laying FB allows you to cover the floor various materials: from linoleum to laminated parquet. The base does not creak, is not subject to decay, the appearance of fungal and bacterial formations;
    • moisture resistance of products makes it possible to use them in rooms with a sufficiently high level of humidity;
    • the strength characteristics of the plates make it possible to build interior partitions from them;
    • fiberboard, together with polystyrene foam or mineral wool panels, is successfully used for thermal insulation of external fences of buildings;
    • material service life - more than 60 years;
    • fibrolite is installed under the soft roofing in any season;
    • ease of installation of fencing cladding ensures quick work.

    Fiberboard Disadvantages

    Cons of using the material:

    • despite moisture and bioresistance, installation of boards in conditions high humidity;
    • cycles of freezing and thawing significantly reduce the life of the material;
    • FB is 20% heavier than dry wood, 4 times lighter than monolithic concrete.

    Main Applications

    Cement particle boards are used for insulation of foundations, walls, ceilings and roofs of buildings.

    Fixed foundation formwork

    When erecting monolithic foundations, a shield formwork is first installed. After the concrete has hardened, it is dismantled. Then the foundation is insulated. The work is expensive and takes a lot of time. The installation of enclosing structures made of fiberboard panels solves these problems.

    The thickness of the DSP is determined by calculation. The technology of erecting formwork from fiberboard does not cause any particular difficulties. The work is carried out in several stages:

    1. Inside the trenches, DSPs are placed in two rows on a cement-sand cushion. The distance between the plates is equal to the calculated width of the monolithic tape.
    2. Reinforcement is placed inside the panels.
    3. At the top, the fibrolite is fixed with segments wooden beam, which is nailed to the slabs.
    4. In the case of thick walls, spacer metal studs are placed in the middle of the height of the DSP.
    5. The foundation is poured with concrete with a layer-by-layer rammer.
    6. The outer surfaces of the formwork are treated with liquid bitumen or covered with other waterproofing.
    7. After 28–30 days, the insulated base of the building is ready for further construction.

    Floor insulation

    Concrete floors are insulated mainly over unheated basements, on the attic floors. It happens like this:

    1. For clean, dry concrete base lay fiberboard.
    2. The seams between the sheets are sealed with cement.
    3. On top of the insulation, a screed is made of a cement-sand mortar. Its thickness usually ranges from 30 to 50 mm.
    4. After gaining strength with a screed, the floor covering is laid: linoleum, laminate or tile.

    Wall insulation

    The walls are insulated with fiberboard, most often from the inside of the building. Sometimes this is done on the front of the house. Do this work like this:

    1. For insulation use a perforator, saw and hammer. If the facade is insulated, then scaffolding or scaffolding is installed.
    2. Pre-cut FB sheets are attached to the walls with dowels-fungi. To do this, drill panels and walls with a perforator. Dowels are hammered into the holes with a hammer.
    3. Plastering the walls. On the facade - a solution with moisture-resistant additives.
    4. After the layer has dried, proceed to finishing fences.

    Roof insulation

    The pitched roof is insulated from the inside. Work is performed in the following order:

    1. In order to avoid the formation of cracks, the rafters are sheathed with edged boards.
    2. Fiberboard panels are prepared by cutting them with a saw.
    3. Sheathe wood cladding with 10 mm thick slabs. Fasten the FB to the boards with screws.
    4. Finishing is done with fiberboard sheets or other material.

    The cost of fiberboard

    Prices for standard sizes of fiberboard sheets are indicated in the table.

    Fiberboard dimensions, mm

    Price for 1 piece, rub.







    Fiberboard slabs are a heater used in the construction of buildings and structures, as well as in interior decoration. This wood-based material has become very popular in recent years, which was made possible thanks to enough low prices on products and numerous advantages. In the article we will take a closer look at where you can use such a heater, learn about it key features, forcing consumers to make a choice in favor of fiberboard.

    Fiberboard slabs - general information about the material

    Fiberboard - what is it? Along with modern artificial materials suddenly appeared new material for warming the room. In fact, this insulation has been known for a long time, because more than a century ago people used similar plates, creating them manually from clay, straw and bricks. We can safely say that fiberboard is an ideal confirmation of the phrase that everything new is a well-forgotten old.

    The name of the product has its origins in Latin. Literally, the word "fibrolite" can be translated as "fibrous stone". It is unlikely that it will be possible to more accurately describe a plate made of fiberboard. It is environmentally friendly and safe material, the production of which is carried out from several main components - high-grade Portland cement, liquid glass and natural wood shavings. Easy to manufacture and use, as well as very practical, the panel is gradually conquering the construction market, because the material has many advantages, while its price pleasantly surprises.

    Each component from which fiberboards are made deserves a more detailed explanation:

    1. 1. Portland cement - in this context, cement plays the role of a binder. In percentage terms, it accounts for exactly one third. Cement is necessary here to give the plates such important properties as strength, strength, reliability, wear resistance. The material must not only serve for a long service life, but also retain all its qualities during delivery, transportation, and storage.
    2. 2. Wood chips or wool - the basis of the plate. Its share is almost two thirds of the total volume of the plate. In production this insulation leading companies use natural wood shavings up to 5 cm long and 3-4 mm thick. The use of wood chips is necessary to increase the level of thermal conductivity of the coating.
    3. 3. Liquid glass is a kind of diluted clerical glue, which is scientifically called low concentration sodium silicate. The main task of liquid glass is to isolate wood shavings from moisture. As a result, fiberboard can cope with increased levels of humidity. True, only for a short period of time. Prolonged use of the insulation in conditions of high humidity can lead to its destruction.

    Fiberboard - the main types and scope

    Today, fiberboard insulation is widely used in various fields of construction. However, most often this material can be found in fixed formwork in monolithic housing construction. Repair and reconstruction of buildings and structures, as well as construction multi-storey buildings rarely does without fiberboard plates.

    The reason is that fixed formwork made of fiberboard is the most economical, fastest and in a simple way building construction. The small weight of the plate, as well as their standard dimensions, allow you to work even without the use of additional lifting equipment. Among other things, it is very simple to work with plates; even a person inexperienced in the art of building can finish the room with fiberboard.

    Processing is almost the same as processing ordinary tree, the same applies to the necessary tools in the work. As practice shows, the use of wood-chip insulation with the addition of cement as a fixed formwork allows several times to reduce labor costs and time for the construction of structures.

    Fiberboard is often used for the construction of fixed formwork.

    Note that depending on the scope of application, fibrolite boards may differ in the density of the material structure, as well as in size. The following are the most popular brands of goods that are widely used by modern craftsmen:

    • Fiberboard with low density (570 kg/m3) is an excellent insulation that can be used as a sound insulator when finishing interior spaces in a private house or apartment
    • Medium-density material (800 kg / m3) - such a product is more often used as enclosing structural elements, although it is also perfect for sound insulation
    • Plates with high density(from 1400 kg/m3) have found application in complex protective structures, where a high bearing density of the material is required.

    Fiberboard board can be used in construction even at low temperatures, which is due to the excellent performance of the product in terms of thermal insulation. This also makes it possible to significantly reduce the costs associated with heating concrete during construction during cold periods. In addition to thermal insulation, the plate is distinguished by soundproofing qualities. The use of the material as an insulator allows you to improve the level of sound insulation in any room of your apartment. Fiberboard does not creak and does not deform under heavy loads, even for a long time, due to which it is very often used as a base for floor coverings for linoleum and even ceramic tiles.

    Modern fibrolite boards boast excellent moisture resistance, due to which they can be used in rooms and premises with humidity up to 75%. Unfortunately, not all grades of fibrolite differ in similar indicators, moreover, the cost of moisture-resistant material is an order of magnitude higher than conventional goods.

    Why fiberboard has become popular - the advantages and disadvantages of the product

    Despite the fact that the insulation produced on the basis of wood shavings, cement and liquid glass has only recently appeared on the construction market, it has already managed to become one of the most popular and sought-after heaters and insulators. This is facilitated by a large number good points, the most important of which are:

    • Environmental safety of products - two-thirds of the fibrolite consists of natural wood which already says a lot. Cement, like glass, does not emit harmful and toxic substances during operation, so you can safely finish the premises in the apartment without the risk of harming your family and friends.
    • Durability - long service life is ensured by optimal combination impact-resistant cement and elastically deformable wood shavings. The market for synthetic building materials will no longer be able to offer similar products with the same performance.
    • Resistance to deformation and movement - again, everything is provided by the right ratio of cement and wood, where cement gives the product the necessary strength, while wood wool plays the role of a kind of damper.
    • Sound and thermal insulation– standard fiberboard plates of the required thickness will allow you to completely drown out noisy neighbors while creating a comfortable temperature in the room.

    This is not all the advantages of the material, because one can also note such important qualities as the ease and convenience of laying plates, a small coefficient of expansion of the plate, and much more. It is not surprising that consumers are trying to purchase fiberboard insulation, since with a huge number of advantages, the product has very affordable prices.

    However, there are also some disadvantages that cannot be ignored:

    1. 1. As already noted, the plates do not cope very well with high humidity, since wood is present in the composition. In addition, constant temperature fluctuations can adversely affect the quality of the product, accelerating the deformation of the plate, which in the future can lead to its complete destruction.
    2. 2. Another problem arising from the presence of wood in the composition is the susceptibility to mold and other fungi. During the initial laying, it is necessary to thoroughly dry the surface on which the slab will lie. The fibrolite itself can be treated with various antiseptic compounds, which will increase the service life of the material.
    3. 3. Weight of fiberboard panels - this factor can be considered from different points of view. For example, ordinary wood-based panels have a slightly lower weight, but compared to other building materials, including with concrete, fiberboard is approximately 4 times lighter. This eliminates the use of various special equipment to work with heavy loads at a construction site.

    So feel free to buy fiberboard insulation. It will please you with a long service life, as well as many positive qualities that completely outweigh some negative sides. In addition, the price is very low compared to other materials, which is an absolute plus.