Repair Design Furniture

How to repaint a table in a different color. Do-it-yourself furniture painting is a boring design (22 photos). Necessary materials and tools

Painting will change appearance furniture, transform the interior. Old cabinets, tables, chests of drawers or bedside tables can be restored in this way. Even beginners can cope with painting. But how to paint furniture correctly? It is worth carefully familiarizing yourself with the features of the work, the necessary materials and tools.

How to paint furniture to get quality product which will last long years? The process is quite serious and has some peculiarities. The production uses a special painting equipment. You can buy it or make it yourself. In the latter case, you will need diagrams drawings for the spray booth.

In the case of self-painting furniture, you need to figure out what types of paints are and how they interact with different materials. Tools and materials needed for furniture painting:

  • putty knife;
  • sandpaper, a piece of bar (grinder or other alternatives);
  • dye;
  • brushes or roller;
  • masking tape;
  • putty;
  • primer.

In addition, you will need the product itself and protective equipment: gloves, clothing and glasses. To apply paint in a uniform layer, you can use a spray gun or spray gun. Such tools are mainly used when the surface area to be painted is very large. They will help speed up the process and save time and effort. For small products or their parts, it is recommended to take brushes or a roller. Paint is applied in one direction. One layer is often not enough, so the work is repeated 1-2 more times. Apply the second and subsequent layers only if the previous layer has dried well.

Preparatory stage

To paint furniture with your own hands, it is recommended to do this in separate room. The process can take several days, so it's best to keep the furniture in another room. Thus, it will be possible to protect the home from dust. During operation, it is also recommended to wear safety goggles, gloves and a gown.

To prepare furniture you will need:

  • putty on wood;
  • sandpaper;
  • rubber spatula;
  • acrylic primer;
  • brush (roller).

Furniture surface preparation is as follows:

  • the product is dismantled;
  • remove paint and varnish;
  • primed, puttied.

The first step is to replace or repair all mechanisms. To do this, the furniture is disassembled into individual elements, remove handles, attachments. Dismantling of interior items is also necessary in order to evenly and completely paint all the elements. It is impossible to do this while the furniture is assembled. When the restoration of the mechanisms is completed, you can begin to prepare the surface for painting.

If you disassemble and remove the decorative elements, the fittings are impossible; masking tape will help protect them from paint ingress. On products with a pattern and a picture, all decorating elements are also sealed with adhesive tape, and after painting the furniture, they are carefully removed.

Dismantling furniture before painting

Old paint must first be removed

Priming wood furniture


Cleaning and priming

Furniture must be cleaned of the old layer of varnish and paint. To remove old layers at home, you will need sandpaper with a large grain. She sanded the surface of interior items. The process is quite difficult, a grinder can make it easier. If there is none, you can wrap the sandpaper around the bar, and then walk it over the entire surface of the product.

In addition, you can remove old paint using other tools, among them:

  • building hair dryer - the tool heats up the old paint. Under the influence of hot air, it is quickly cleaned with a spatula;
  • flushing - you can buy funds in automotive stores. The wash is applied to the surface. After a while, the paint will begin to bubble. Now it can be easily removed with a spatula. When working with this tool, you must use protective equipment;
  • grinder with a metal brush. With such a tool, you need to carefully, without touching the wood, go through all the elements.

Building hair dryer

Old paint from furniture can be removed with a special remover

After cleaning the products with any tool, it is necessary to process the parts with sandpaper. Particular attention should be paid to the end parts and decorative elements. Then less hard processing is needed, so fine-grained sandpaper goes through all the details. When the work is finished, remove the dust with a vacuum cleaner. Thus, the dust will not scatter throughout the room.

Priming furniture is an important step in the preparation process. A special solution is applied to the surface, which ensures uniform distribution of paint, as well as better adhesion to the surface.

  • furniture is coated with an acrylic-based primer;
  • leave for some time to dry;
  • after that, the surface is degreased with vodka or alcohol.

It is better to choose a primer similar to the future paint in color. Thus, the layer will be more even, and it will also be possible to save on dyes.

You can cover up and paint over scratches on furniture with putty. A small amount of the product is distributed over the surface of the product with a rubberized spatula. If defects remain visible, you can go through the putty again.

Priming wood before painting saves paint


How to paint furniture? The first step is to decide what kind of paint you need to paint the furniture. Its appearance depends on the material from which chests of drawers, cabinets, tables are made. It is recommended to use the following types of paints:

  • Acrylic paints are the most popular in furniture painting. They have many advantages: they dry quickly, are easy to apply, unlike other types, they are considered more stable. The paint is diluted with water, which significantly saves material. Acrylic paint has a less pronounced odor and ventilates faster. Apply it with a roller or brush;
  • another commonly used type is spray paint. It applies very quickly. Spray paint is distributed evenly;
  • depending on which surface should be glossy or matte, the paint is chosen differently. For glossy products, you need enamel lacquer paint, and for matte surfaces, you need oil;
  • many people like the natural structure of wood. To preserve it, the products are covered with transparent paint. Construction stores sell a variety of colorful materials for this purpose. They can be mixed with each other and get the desired shade.

Is varnish required?

Lacquer is used not only to give furniture a spectacular look. It creates a more durable surface. Lacquer will help protect interior items from dirt, moisture and insect pests. Lacquer can be:

  • alcohol - used for the restoration of antique interior items;
  • acrylic - the most convenient type of varnish. It appeared not so long ago, but has already become popular. No pungent odor, suitable for outdoor and internal works. Acrylic varnish is diluted with water. Its properties are similar to alkyd varnish, but acrylic is much more economical;
  • alkyd - it is diluted with a solvent. The surface covered with alkyd varnish has a film resistant to abrasion;
  • nitrocellulose;
  • oily - the most economical option. Oil varnishes are used to paint the floor. They used to be very popular. Varnish is diluted with drying oil, it dries for a long time;
  • polyurethane - this type of varnish is used to treat ship parts, which indicates its increased wear resistance. A protective quick-drying film appears on wood treated with polyurethane varnish, thanks to which the furniture will be painted in the shortest possible time.




Currently, in stores you can find an infinite number of various cabinets, chests of drawers, shelving, hanging shelves, multifunctional boxes for clothes and personal belongings. But if you decide not to plunge into a long search, but to follow the thread of your imagination, then with the help of the following master classes you will learn how to update old wardrobe unrecognizable by hand.

After reading the article, you should not have any questions about how to paint lacquered, chipboard or wooden cabinet , what paint to paint and make it suit your own style, and you will also learn some of the intricacies of this work.

  1. Painting— This is the most reliable and capital method.
  2. Wallpaper, self-adhesive film and decoupage- choosing this method, remember that it is not durable!
  3. Covering with fabric and decor with carnations - also

Most best method to update any chipboard or wooden cabinet, of course, painting is not as expensive as it seems at first glance and is quite simple in execution.

Painting a wooden cabinet from chipboard

Paint selection

  • For processing wood and chipboard, you can use alkyd or acrylic,
  • spray or regular wood paint,
  • for deeper staining - varnishes, but most often preference is given acrylic paint m.

They are non-toxic and dry room temperature, which in our case and when painting home furniture very convenient, the stores are presented in the widest range, they can be colorful b, i.e. dilute with white paint, achieving the desired color. In addition, there is a choice of acrylic paints with a mother-of-pearl effect or, for example, metallic.

Aerosol acrylic paint adheres better than conventional paint to the surface, creating a smooth and evenly painted texture. It is easy to work with for both professionals and beginners.

  • Lacquers are mainly used to give antique furniture, but well-groomed appearance, noble and rich. In this case, the surface is painted over several times after each layer has completely dried.
  • Varnishes are also needed to fix the color and protect the surface from scratches and minor damage.
  • Lacquer will be needed even if you decide to paint the chest of drawers antique or in Provence style.

The choice of brushes and roller

After choosing a paint, special attention should be paid to brushes and rollers. Why not save on painting supplies if you decide to update the chest of drawers with your own hands?

  • At right technology processing old surface and a good staining cabinet will be maintain its appearance for several years.
  • When using bad brushes, you will not save freshly painted furniture from sticking hairs or lint, which is almost impossible to fix imperceptibly.

If your task is to paint a large smooth surface, then for work suitable for both roller and aerosols.

ATTENTION: Do not leave the brushes dry during work, it is better to put them in a jar of water, otherwise they will quickly become unusable

Technologies and methods of painting

Do not forget about other important painting tools and materials, such as sandpaper or grinder, primer, putty, thinner and varnish. All this is necessary to comply with the technology of proper staining.


  1. Sandpaper different grit is needed for preliminary rubbing of the old layer of paint and surface polishing.
  2. Primer needed for sealing small cracks on the surface of wood or chipboard.
  3. Putty (you can take a car) and a spatula will come in handy if available deep scratches, chips.
  4. A solvent or white spirit is needed to degrease the surface before painting for better impregnation.
  5. Lak performs protective function and gives furniture shine.

In general, preparing a cabinet for painting consists of 5 short but very important steps.

  1. To start carefully remove the old paint and with medium-grain sanding paper(or machines) level the work surface.
  2. All dust must be brushed off, but without using wet rags, sponges etc. Otherwise old paint it will only absorb better, and the new one will lie badly.
  3. After processing with the finest grain degrease with white spirit(acetone) and apply a primer coat for better adhesion to the paint.
  4. If there are large chips, then pre-fill them with putty and rub them to a smooth state. After that, we apply one or two coats of primer.

When you know all the preparation steps, it's time to move on to the main step and figure out how to paint a wooden chest of drawers and chipboard.

Master class number 1. Painting under the stencil

Everything is mixed up in this closet - romanticism, Chinese motifs, and even something from Gzhel. Everyone sees something different in him. Let's learn painting techniques.

Materials and tools

  • Prepared cabinet;
  • white paint;
  • solvent;
  • spray paint blue;
  • gold paint;
  • stencil;
  • brushes.


Step 1.

  • We remove all fittings, locks, handles, etc. from the cabinet. Using familiar technology, we will prepare a wooden cabinet for painting.
  • On the working surface(on the floor) spread newspapers or big piece polyethylene, so as not to spoil other furniture.

Step 2

  1. We take white enamel and solvent. In a small plastic jar, dilute the paint and solvent according to the instructions on the paint jar.
  2. The paint consumption is also written on the bank, it is better to use this information and dilute immediately required amount. If you mix a little paint, then the second time you can get a different color.
  3. Making the background of the picture applying the first coat of paint. Leave until completely dry.

Step 3

  1. If the color is saturated and you like it, then take a stencil and put it on the cabinet. Gently glue on the front side and side walls so that there are no bubbles.
  2. Shake the spray paint well and spray it on the stencil. For an even color, one layer of blue paint will be enough, so we do everything the first time.

Step 4

While the blue paint dries paint accessories taken from the closet, in gold leaf. After the parts are dry, screw them into place.

We remove the stencil from the closet and place it in the most visible place in the room - because now it deserves special attention!

You can decorate the cabinet under the stencil, for example, with flowers.

Master class number 2. Updating the cabinet from chipboard

This closet looked very cheap as it was designed from chipboard. But we updated it with a beautiful ornament for the children's room, now it can even fit into the interior of high-tech or modern.

Materials and tools

  • Prepared cabinet;
  • white paint;
  • pencil;
  • building level;
  • sponge-brush;
  • masking tape;
  • additionally: protective paint(enamel).

decor process

Step 1.

  1. Prepare furniture by cleaning surfaces from roughness, chips, cracks with putty and primer.
  2. After use special means need to give dry surfaces completely.
  3. Take painter's tape and stick it on the front side of the dresser according to your individual idea.
  4. We make combinations of triangles along the upper and lower edges, rhombuses in the middle, rectangles in the upper and lower parts. We cut off the strips and make shapes out of them, as shown in the photo.

  • We make a rhombus by cutting strips of the same length and placing them perpendicular to each other.
  • To make rectangles, first stick the tape evenly, parallel to the cut of the chest of drawers, and using building level and a pencil, mark equal intervals. Cut through one.

TIP: Pay attention to the placement of the fittings (handles, locks) and the gaps between the drawers - let it be symmetrical rather than even.

Step 2

Step 5

The final stage is the application of protective enamel. It will extend the life of the chipboard cabinet and protect against small mechanical influences such as moisture and dust.

And now the stylish wardrobe is ready for active use!

Color options can also be as in the photo below.

Master class number 3. Painting a polished cabinet

Someone can’t believe that from an old polished cabinet you can make such a candy in vintage style, and without loss of functionality. And then it is told how to do it.

Materials and tools.

  • Old polished cabinet;
  • vintage paint (plain acrylic matte);
  • white spirit or acetone;
  • brushes;
  • sandpaper or grinder;
  • golden drawer handles.

Coloring process

Step 1.

Despite the fact that we create a vintage effect, the real shabby chest of drawers is useless. Therefore, we carefully prepare it for painting.

  1. To do this, remove all the old fittings and grinder we process the entire surface of the chest of drawers. First we use coarse sandpaper, then fine-grained sandpaper.
  2. Puttying and priming is not necessary, except for serious chips on the surface. Degrease the surface with white spirit or acetone, let it dry.

TIP: Since the paint will be applied in several layers, it is very important that it is well absorbed into the wood.

Step 2

  1. We cover with the first coat of paint. Very thin, you can not try too hard and leave unpainted places.
  2. We rub the first layer with fine-grained sandpaper. We clean from dust, but do not use wet rags, sponges, etc. in the process. Wash only with a dry cotton lint-free cloth.
  3. Next, apply a second coat of paint, also rubbing it. Let it dry and rub again a little.
  4. So repeat until the color becomes even, but a little rough. For this we used matte paint with a vintage effect. After a few days, it will completely absorb and dry out and begin to turn yellow (pay attention to the instructions on the can so that you do not have to repaint everything again later). To avoid this, you can try this staining method on a small and inconspicuous area. Proceed to full coloring when you are satisfied with the result.

If you bought new handles, check if they match your color and screw them into place. The white antique chest of drawers is matched by golden brass carved handles with patterns.

Check the chest of drawers for compliance with your requirements - it is still comfortable, beautiful, and here's the paradox - modern. Vintage is in fashion now!

Wallpaper or film

Applying a film or any other to update the cabinet paper cover, it should be remembered that we use the closet every day. And usually such a coating does not last long, but it is very simple in execution.

Cloth covered

This is the most painstaking way to update the cabinet, when the fabric is stretched over the entire plane. The method is quite outdated. But maybe someone will like it.

Dot painting for a polished cafe

Dot painting is perfect for a polished cabinet. In this case, it is not necessary to remove the varnish and grind the surface. The technique is simple:

  • Draw with a marker
  • The marker is painted with paint using dots. Details - here.

Ideas for updating the closet

In this article we will talk about the styles in which you can decorate an apartment, materials and suitable staining techniques.

You will find out what materials are typical for scandinavian style, what paint can be used to paint furniture, what accessories fit organically into a Provencal interior, and much more.

Styles and techniques

Preparing to repair an apartment and a house forces you to answer a number of questions, many of which can be confusing. Making choices and making important decisions is easier if you understand what to focus on, what you want to see in your home, and what absolutely will not work.

Minimalism and Scandinavian style

A lot of light and little detail, functional furniture and simple lines are the main features of these trends in interior design. Natural materials are used in the design: wood, stone, ceramics, glass - or their high-quality imitation.

Monochrome color combinations: pastel shades contrast with dark details.

What kind of paint to paint the furniture so that it fits in a minimalist setting depends on the color of the walls. Items from natural wood, and to protect their surface and give the desired shade, you can use varnish or wax. Available products from wood derivatives do not contradict the design concept. What paint can be used to paint chipboard furniture if it does not fit into color scheme? Select the desired shade in our catalog.

Boho and eclecticism

The complete opposite of the black and white minimalist interior is the boho style. Honored here bright colours, many details and accessories, diversity and freedom in the choice of materials. Boho style allows you to combine the incongruous, express yourself and create comfort from the little things. Vintage or aged interior items, an abundance of flowers, ethnic prints, ornaments and handmade gizmos - everything can be harmoniously combined in such an environment.

You can artistically age furniture, for example, using Shabby paint, and create spectacular gilding. Your own taste will tell you what paint to paint the furniture. We will tell you more about the choice of coating in the section “Techniques and materials”


Inspired by the decoration of houses in Greek and Italian coastal cities, mediterranean style tends to simplicity, natural colors and textures.

Calm light colors make up the main palette of colors: olive and lemon yellow in combination with terracotta, shades of blue and white. Multi-colored tiles and ornaments are often found, but do not visually overload the room. Semicircular doors and window openings, arches - distinctive features mediterranean style.

In such interiors, laconic and squat furniture of natural shades or stylized antique is used. What paint to repaint the furniture? Take the overall color scheme as a basis and select a few colors that will become the main ones in the design. You can create a vintage effect with Shabby paint, and a geometric pattern is more convenient with Perfect paint.

Moroccan exotic

The clash of cultures and traditions gave the world an eclectic Moroccan style. It harmoniously combines African, Arabic and Mediterranean motifs. Red-orange color scheme, heavy fabrics and carpets, niches, traditional ornaments and carved patterns, mosaics and forged details are the main elements of the Moroccan setting.

How and what paint to paint wooden furniture? You can use bright colors from the Perfect line, create layered textures with Shabby, or simulate inlay with effect paint.


Former factories and warehouses in New York were reborn into galleries and art spaces, thereby giving rise to different directions. industrial style, including lofts. Roughly machined, simply painted concrete and brick walls, high ceilings, a lot of light and space - the basis for the design of such premises.

Provence and Victorian

Provence style is the spirit of the old French province, a combination of sophistication and rustic simplicity. Specific traits the furnishings of a Provencal house are natural materials and soothing pastel colors. Surfaces and furniture seem to be slightly sun-bleached, aged over time, but not lost their former beauty.

Antique or specially aged furnishings also fit into a Victorian shabby chic setting. Nostalgia for a bygone era, delicate shades and light floral motifs, artistic negligence and an abundance of cute little details. What paint to paint the furniture in White color To make it fit into such an interior depends on your tasks: if you just need to change the color without any extra effort, the Perfect line will do, and it is more convenient to create a multi-layered texture and vintage effect with Shabby paint.

Techniques and materials

In this section, we will talk about the methods and techniques of staining, about which style this or that method is suitable for, what paint is best for painting wooden furniture, and what is suitable for other materials.

Instead of buying a new set, you can paint the furniture yourself, but with what paint. It is much cheaper, you can involve the whole family in repairs and create comfort in the house with your own hands.

What should be the ideal interior paint:


Materials for interior work should not be harmful either during painting or during the use of painted products. Paints and varnishes made on the basis of solvents and drying oil emit volatile organic substances, are toxic and flammable. It is better to refuse them when working indoors or strictly follow safety precautions, use protective equipment and thoroughly ventilate.

In our shop you can find paints and varnishes on water based which are made from natural ingredients. They are safe and environment They are odorless and do not cause allergies. They are suitable for painting children's furniture and toys, and can also be used by people with special sensitivities.


How opaque the paint is and is able to cover the previous color. When repainting furniture, this quality becomes very important, the consumption of materials and the final result depend on it.

Surface compatible

“What paint to paint the furniture from laminated chipboard?” - some surfaces are almost unpaintable, this is a real headache for those who decide to repair.

Our paint is designed for the most difficult materials, so it adheres to any surface: wood and its derivatives, glossy and lacquered surfaces, plastic and ceramics, stone, brick and many others.

Easy to use

Removing the old coating and preparing the product for painting is the most time-consuming and tedious part. painting works. Our materials in most cases do not require special pre-treatment of the surface. It is only necessary to clean and degrease it, and in the case of glossy ones, lightly sand it with sandpaper to remove the shine.


The coating must withstand mechanical stress and be resistant to water and detergents.

Leaves the possibility of repainting

It happens that the furniture is accidentally scratched or left a dent, or maybe the color is just tired and it's time for a change. It should always be possible to restore and renew coverage.

What paint to paint wooden furniture, and what - plastic

Paint based on milk casein fits perfectly on wood, both unpainted and on what has already been varnished or other coloring composition.

For painting for the first time, you will need to clean the product from household dirt and dry it. If you need to quickly and effortlessly update the color wooden product, then Perfect paint will do. It combines primer, rich color and durable top coat. If the goal is to create layered textures and vintage effects, then Shabby paint will do.

What paint to paint chipboard furniture

Particleboard, plywood and MDF are difficult to paint. The special formula of our materials adheres firmly to such surfaces and allows you not to remove the old coating. Effect paints can be used to create an original coloration with a pearly sheen or imitation of gold and silver.

What paint to paint veneered furniture

Materials and painting technology for veneer furniture is the same as for wood or chipboard. The varnished surface will need to be lightly sanded for better adhesion, then cleaned and degreased. Other products do not require any special treatment other than cleaning.


Paint for plastic furniture should be thick, so do not dilute it with water. Before painting, sand the product and then clean it. The first layer will be the primer.


The materials presented in our catalog are also suitable for painting wrought iron and metal furniture. The metal surface must be primed and then painted.

Staining techniques

vintage effects

Artistically aged pieces of furniture fit into the interior in Provencal style, look harmonious in a Mediterranean setting and, of course, fit boho and eclectic design.


  • First of all, remove the fittings and cover the parts that should not be painted.
  • Before applying each new layer of paint, the previous one must dry completely.
  • The easiest way to give furniture a vintage look is to paint it with matte paint, cover with dark wax and go over lightly with sandpaper to create scuffs.
  • You can use contrasting colors: first cover the product with a darker shade, and on top with a light one. sandpaper, with a dry brush or a damp sponge to make scuffs. They naturally look where they would have appeared from old age: around handles, on the corners and bends of furniture.
  • Wax or varnish is used as a top coat to protect the surface.

Ornaments and patterns

Mediterranean and Moroccan interiors are all about patterns and repetitive motifs, boho embraces whatever fits in well, and laconic graphic ornament complements a minimalist or industrial design.

Simple patterns, such as stripes, diamonds or zigzags, are made using masking tape. More complex patterns can be drawn and made on your own, or you can use ready-made stencils. Before decorating, make sure base layer completely dry.

You have something to focus on when updating an apartment, and you know what paint to paint furniture made of chipboard, wood and other materials.

Tired of faded tones, or do you want something new? Old furniture is made of natural wood, but has long lost its attractive appearance? In all these cases, a brush and paint will help out. Painting furniture with your own hands is not a very complicated process if you follow the technology.


  • Surface cleaning

First you need to wash off dirt and greasy deposits from all surfaces. For this purpose are used detergents and sponge. After the furniture is washed, it must be thoroughly dried with napkins.

Before you repaint the furniture, it must be disassembled, but this is not always advisable. complex design cabinets and shelving drawers, paneled facades must be dismantled in order to do a quality job. Also, do not forget to free the furniture from handles and all unnecessary equipment.

Furniture simple forms can be painted without disassembling. There is no need to disassemble the cabinets even if you are going to limit yourself to painting the facades.

Tip: before starting work, fittings that you do not plan to remove, as well as those parts of furniture that will not be painted, but are adjacent to the surfaces to be painted, can be sealed with masking tape.

  • Surface sanding

Sanding before repainting furniture - required process, especially if its surface is laminated. Modern coatings are made of polymer films, and the paint does not stick to them.

In order for the laminate to be painted evenly and the paint to hold well, it is necessary to strengthen the work of adhesion, that is, the adhesion force of the paint coating to the base, for which make it as rough as possible. To this end, all surfaces are carefully treated with a “zero” sandpaper.

Don't forget to wear a respirator: the work is very dusty and the resulting dust is harmful to health.

  • Surface primer

Before you start painting furniture with your own hands, you need to prime the surface. This is necessary so that the paint lays down evenly, and over time does not begin to peel off.

You will need a primer suitable for all surfaces, including glass and tiles. Such primers based on polyurethane are quite expensive, but this waste is justified: how well the primer will lay down depends on how well the paint will hold.

After application, the primer must dry for at least 12 hours.

  • Defects and cracks

Before repainting furniture, it is necessary to repair defects and cracks, even if they seem insignificant. This is done with putty, for example, based on latex or epoxy.

It is best to putty after the surface is primed - the primer will remove some of the small defects, and it will be clearly visible in which places you still need to work. After the dents and cracks are puttied, let the product dry, if necessary, go through the “zero” and prime the surface again. After the second primer, the furniture must be dried for at least 12 hours.

  • Paint selection

So that the result of repainting furniture does not disappoint, you need to choose the “right” materials, including the most suitable paint.

If the surface is laminated with a film, then you can choose from alkyd enamels and polyurethane-based paints. On the bank, look for the mark: “for furniture”, it meets all the requirements for paint and varnish products used indoors.

Epoxy paint will dry long time, and smell for a long time. Using special primers, you can use acrylic latex paints, but the result may not please.

  • Choice of painting tools

To paint furniture with your own hands, you need tools: spatulas (preferably rubber ones) for puttying, brushes for applying a primer, brushes or rollers for painting itself, or spray guns. In some cases, the effect of “uneven” paint application is required, with visible brush stains - for example, for Provence style furniture.

If you want to get a flat surface - use a velor roller. Foam rubber as a “fur coat” for a roller is not suitable when working with furniture. To work in corners and other places where the roller does not turn around, you will need a small brush with a beveled bristle cut.

How to repaint furniture professionally? Use an airbrush, its consumption should be from 20 to 200 g of paint per square meter. The calculation of the nozzle diameter and the required pressure can be done according to special tables, taking into account the viscosity of the paint used.

  • Finishing

Finishing repainted furniture is to cover it with varnish. It is better if it is a water-based varnish, it does not emit odorous and harmful substances into the air. Such a coating is especially important for those furniture that are often touched by hands, touched during the passage.

So, the doors of the storage system in the entrance area or kitchen furniture they can quickly lose their attractive appearance if they are not protected with a varnish layer, or even better - with two. Between the application of the first and second protective layers of varnish must pass at least 24 hours.

Is the wooden furniture getting old or are you tired of the color? easy way change the appearance of a piece of furniture - staining. Paint and varnish inhaled new life in furniture, eliminate the resulting scratches, give a sophisticated look. Varnishing will help hide imperfections in the wood, such as knots or cracks.

Paints and varnishes except decorative function perform also protective. They maintain the smoothness of the surface and protect the furniture from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, dampness, and insects.

How to paint wooden furniture

If you decide to paint furniture, then first of all you should choose a paint. To harmoniously fit the thing into the interior, use covering paints. In such cases, white is usually used. To preserve the natural color of wood, use varnishes, stain, enamel and impregnation.

What paints and varnishes are the most popular

For painting furniture, as a rule, use acrylic compounds. It is easy to apply, but the paint is washed off with water when it dries, so be careful. But after complete drying, the coating becomes durable, and the surface will withstand up to 500 washes without harming the appearance.

Acrylic compounds are harmless and odorless. They contribute to the rapid exchange of air, which will protect natural material from insects and mold.

Alkyd compounds - the second in demand paints and varnishes. They are similar in quality and cost to acrylic, but they are based on an organic solvent. This contributes to the release of toxic substances during the drying process.

Alkyd is suitable for use in wet areas. They can paint furniture for the dressing room, steam room and washing room, tables and benches in the yard or gazebo. Alkyd enamel to achieve a glossy effect.

For a long time the best option were oil paints. However, now they have been replaced by alkyd and acrylic compounds, which are better suited for furniture surface treatment.

Transparent paints, varnish, drying oil and glaze are suitable for furniture made of expensive wood, a premium material.

How to paint wooden furniture with your own hands

Painting wood furniture yourself is not as difficult as it seems. First of all, prepare the items:

  • Disassemble furniture, remove fittings and locks. If it is difficult to dismantle the parts, wrap them in foil;
  • Remove the old cover.

To repaint varnished furniture, you need an emery cloth. To remove the coating from flat surface use a grinder. In places that are difficult to reach, the varnish will have to be removed by hand.

Simple ways - the use of metal brushes, building hair dryer or chemically active mixtures. The latter option is only suitable for well-ventilated or non-residential premises;

  • Level the surface with fine sandpaper. Remove dust with a vacuum cleaner or dry brush;
  • In the presence of cracks or chips, it is necessary to putty defects with a composition that is suitable for the selected type of paint. After filling, sand the surface again with a fine emery cloth and remove dust.

To paint wood furniture, use standard flat brushes or a low-nap roller. Before painting, be sure to cover the surface with primer. Soil choose depending on the type of paint.

Apply acrylic on slightly damp soil, alkyd composition - only on a dry surface.

Paint at least twice. Layers of paint are applied only on a dry surface. Apply the top last layer in the direction of the wood fibers.

Coloring Tips

How to paint furniture white

White color will harmoniously fit into the interior of the apartment or country house. When applying the composition, add a little paint to the primer. The base will get the desired shade, you do not need to apply many layers.

How to paint furniture with varnish

Apply varnish in thin layers 2-3 times over the entire surface area. Before applying a new layer, let each previous one harden. This will help avoid smudges and bumps.

To varnish wooden furniture quickly, use water-based solutions. They dry faster, but the quality is worse than that of alkyd formulations.

How to paint old furniture

Items of old furniture are made of chipboard. This is a comfortable and lightweight material that can be refreshed and strengthened with dyeing.

To color old furniture from chipboard, use acrylic paints in spray cans. This will increase the speed of work and make the surface smooth and even. To clean the surface, use chemical compositions or building hair dryer.

How to choose the right materials for painting furniture

Choose varnish, paint, primer and putty from the same manufacturer. This ensures that they will be compatible with each other.

How not to damage the paint layer

Masking tape - rational way protect dried surfaces from paint. Do not use solvent, it will damage the layer!

How to process and impregnate wooden furniture

In addition to staining, there is another way to process wood furniture - impregnation. It will protect the tree from the effects of negative factors. Distinguish oil impregnation, antiseptic, impregnation-lacquer and others.

Impregnation linseed oil- available and effective method protection against decay and insects, dirt and plaque. Oil treatment preserves the structure and texture of wood, gives the coating a soft sheen.

Oil is better than lacquer lacquered surface exposed to cracks and scratches. However, oil impregnation takes longer than varnish.

Drying can be accelerated by replacing the oil with drying oil. This is a boiled oil, which includes metal oxides.

For bath furniture, impregnation and coloring are required. This will save the wood from the appearance of rot, mold and pests.
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We work without intermediaries and independently produce linden furniture. This is an excellent raw material that holds heat, tolerates temperature changes and is resistant to moisture. Linden is easy to process and color.

varnish coating, acrylic paint or oil will protect lime products from rotting and insects, increase the service life, give an aesthetic and finished look.