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Products from plastic bottles with their own hands for the garden. Plastic bottle toys. Decorative garden crafts do it yourself

Of plastic bottles You can make a huge number of all sorts of crafts. They can be beautiful, helpful, unusual or all together.

Flight of fantasy and a little smelting - everything you need for the manufacture of good craft.

Such a material as a plastic bottle is, perhaps in every home, and therefore everyone can make a good cradle, so begin.

Crafts from a plastic bottle. Butterfly.

You will need:

Transparent plastic bottle (preferably light)

Stencil butterfly

Felt-tip or contour for stained glass


Glue (preferably "moment")

Paints on glass

Acrylic paints


1. Cut the part of the plastic bottle, put the stencil of the butterfly and circle it with a felt-tip pen.

2. Cut on the contour.

3. Decorate and decorate the butterfly.

4. Bend the wings of your plastic butterfly. It needs to be done so that the contour is from above.

6. Using paints on glass or acrylic paintsStart decorated butterfly.

7. Using the beads of different sizes, you can make a butterfly should be made, and you can make the mustache from the wire. The glue will help all this bore.

8. You can on top to decorate the butterfly with sparkles, rhinestones, beads, etc.

This gift can be decorate a gift packaging or put on the refrigerator door.

Plastic bottles. DIY DIY. Turtle with candy.

You will need:

Plastic bottle

Velvet paper


Clusters from tablets

White paper


Dense paper or cardboard

1. Cut low part Bottles - This item will be used as a shell.

2. We prepare the stencil of the turtle. Draw a silhouette on the cardboard and cut it out.

3. Use stencils to draw a turtle silhouette on green velvet paper. Cut it and glue with the cardboard part.

4. Making a plastic eye turtle. Prepare a cluster from tablets and clean it from a foil substrate. Next you need from the cluster cut 2 fragments for the eyes.

5. Prepare white paper and make a substrate from it, and the velvet paper of black color use to cut the moving eyes. Next, just glue the design.

6. We collect and glue all the details of the crafts. Use adhesive to attach eyes and mouth turtle. The bottom of the bottle fill with sweets and skotch tape it to the turtle.

Crafts from a plastic bottle (master class). Toy "Catch the ball".

You will need:


Ping Pong Ball


1. Prepare a flexik orange color And cut out the petals for the flower.

2. Using glue or double-sided adhesion, attach to the bottle of petals and thread.

3. Table tennis ball attach to another end of the thread.

That's all - play, trying to catch the ball into the flower.

How to make a craft from plastic bottles. Vane.

For those who want to know where the wind blows.

You will need:

Plastic bottle (preferably "Puzzled")


1. Prepare a clean bottle and with scissors, ride windows in it. It is desirable that they are roughly similar to the blade of the fluger.

2. Attach the fluger at a suitable place - on the balcony. This can be done using the Iron Six. Make a hole at the bottom of the bottle and put on her pole.

Now you will always know from what side the wind blows.

Crafts from plastic bottles for children. 3d glasses.

You will need:

Transparent plastic bottle

Unnecessary sunglasses

Colored markers


1. From the plastic bottle, cut two parts as shown in the image.

2. Remove glass glasses and outline them on the cut part of the plastic bottle.

3. Red marker coloring left glass on both sides.

4. Right glass Color to the marker in blue colour On the one hand and in green on the other.

5. Insert the glass back and enjoy 3D pictures.

Baby crafts from plastic bottles. Frog.

You will need:

2 Plastic Green Bottles (2 liters volume)

Scissors, knife

Santimeter tape


Needle and thread

Acrylic paint


Cork OT wine bottle

1. First you need to wrap plastic bottles with scotch top at an altitude of about 7 cm from the bottom. The higher you want to make a frog, the more you need to retreat from the bottom, thereby making the casket more specific, but not very proportional. Next, use scissors to cut off the bottoms along the upper border of the scotch.

2. Using a centimeter tape and a felt-tipset, make marks for the future seam. It is necessary to mark on both parts at a distance of 5-7 cm from the edge, while leaving 1 cm between the marks.

3. At the place of marks make a sequel hole. Try to pierce plastic through the napkin, having previously folded it, so the bottle will not slide that you will not give you to hurt. When the holes are done, remove the scotch.

4. Prepare the buttoned lightning and wrap it around one of the parts of the future craft. At a time, attach it to the housing.

Sweep the fastener stitches on the holes made by the seaw.

When you sewed a lightning in a circle, remove the scotch. Next, tie and consolidate the ends of the thread and cut everything too much.

Disseminate the zipper and the same way the second half.

5. The eyes of the frog can be made of a tube from a wine bottle. You can paint the plug in green color. When the eyes were glued with your frog-box, leave the glue drying.

Crafts from a plastic bottle (photo). Bracelets.

Crafts from plastic bottles (photo). Cherry flower.

Crafts from plastic bottles (instructions). Casket.

Palm from plastic bottles. Option 1.

You will need:

Plastic brown bottles (1.5-2 liters)

Plastic bottles of green (the greater the bottle, the magnificent leaves)

Fat rod (for the base of the trunk)

Shilo or drill


1. To make a bark of a tree, you need to prepare brown plastic bottles and cut them on the billet with a height of 10-15 cm.

3. To make palm leaves, you need to cut off the bottom of the bottles of green. On one billet, you need to leave a rigid neck with a lid, as it will play the role of fastening.

4. Start cut leaves - you need to do it so that it remains about 5-7 cm to the edge.

5. Start collecting green blanks, putting them on the same billet with a neck. Wanging the lid, you will all be built, and you will get a crown of palm trees.

6. Now you need to make connecting holes. Their diameter must coincide with the diameter of the rod base. Such holes can be done using a drill or hot sewer. Make a hole so that Crane palm trees falls.

7. We start collecting palm. When you strengthened the rod, start planting the blanks from plastic brown bottles. The design of the green crown ends.

Thoughtful Dachnik wants to reflect their own the best way. Everyone wants to give the attractiveness of the attractive area, but at the same time not to spend great. To embody personal creative fantasies, many garden and garden lovers choose affordable and plastic raw materials - plastic bottles.

What can be made of plastic bottles with your own hands

Our grandmothers sought to reflect country cottage area, decorating plastic garden and garden paths. In our same days, crafts from plastic bottles for the garden and the creation interesting decoration Of these, few people will surprise, because with time, people understood that this plastic and cheap Material It is suitable to create more complex compositions. From plastic design full-fledged fences, decorative figures in the form of characters of fairy tales and animals, practical furniture, Pots for seedling, flowers, bells and much more.

To create another plastic product, only your limitless fantasy will be required and the required number of empty containers, which can be found everywhere, and will still need simple tools in the form of a knife and sewn. If the craft is created, for example, a flower, paint in suitable colorsthen he will be seen everyone who seen it. Homemade stuff from plastic will become a charming dacha decor, since from a plastic and wear-resistant waste material can easily make a gazebo.

Decorative garden crafts do it yourself

Plastic container is actively used to decorate the garden. Charming crafts for the garden and cottages decorate the landscape, raise the mood and die guests. Thanks to the available material, you can create a flower or other homemade in the form of a mushroom, tree, beast, a train, trains and other things. From plastic make a mass of sculptures, it is great for use in creating thematic compositions. Often in the neighboring dacha you can see a palm tree or a piglet made of plastic.

If you wish to give the cottage tropical mood and arrange the decor corner of the garden on the manner of the exotic area of \u200b\u200brecreation, it is worth considering a garden sculpture in the form of a palm tree:

  • Make a frame, the length of which will be equated to the height of the tree in finished video.
  • Take the plastic container of the same size, for example, one and a half. In a blank container, cut the bottom, tightly install them on each other.
  • At the top of the design, attach the leaves on the glue that pre-cut.
  • Finished palm trees in green paint or leave as it is.

DIY for the garden with their own hands is a variety of figures that perfectly decorate the garden, a garden or a playground. So, another idea to create homemade thing From plastic - cute pink piglet. To make it need:

  • five-liter bottle - 1 pc.;
  • sliced \u200b\u200bnecks from a bottle of 1.5 l (legs) - 4 pcs.;
  • dried in half upper parts from one and a half liter (ears) - 2 pcs.;
  • slice of wire (tail);
  • big beads (eyes) - 2 pcs.;
  • glue;
  • aerosol or oil paint Pink colour.

All items should be connected to the appropriate places, and the attachment points are fixed with glue - so more reliable. Ready pig paint. The design is preferably dried with sand so that it stood firmly on the plot and the wind did not take it. The figure can be built as mini-flowerba, cutting up the top, filling with the ground and disembarking plants into it. The flower pig is far from the only exercise of large plastic bottles with their own hands, you can still make a hare, cat, hedgehog or elephant from five-liters.

Economic crafts from bottles for garden

Things from empty plastic containers can serve not only as a garden decoration, but also get a practical function. It can be scoops, traps for pests, washbasins, containers for storing small items. Economic supplies from plastic bottles will always be careisred, because the unnecessary material of the required litter is in the country of each.

The farm will use containers for small items that can be made it from Tara:

  • Cut the neck - and the container in which you can store nails, screwdrivers, screws and seeds, ready.
  • Garden blade or scoop from plastic canister Long live long.
  • To make a washbasin, you need to cut off the bottom of the bottom, turn it over the top of your legs, make holes for fastening. You can wash your hands, unscrew a little plug to water water.
  • The trap for insects is plastic container, cut in half, on the bottom of which his favorite delicacy of pests is poured.

Agrotechnical DIY Bottles for Garden

Gardeners are often used in agrotechnic purposes crafts from plastic bottles for giving. Light, plastic, durable containers often serve as flower caspets, pots, seedlings containers, plant sprayers, greenhouses. Thanks to a large shelf life of plastic designs can be used long yearsAnd the affordable cost of such tanks provides the ability to make new containers every time.

Crafts from plastic bottles for the garden will easily serve as a functional auto peer for plants or fountain. You should cut a two-liter bottle, breaking the holes of the holes on the sides, the hose to shove into the neck of the tank, then put the product on the flowerbed or bed. Auto park will provide uniform moisturizing plants. Bottles with cut top will serve as wonderful tanks with drainage for planting seedlings, flower pots,

cachepo and greenhouses.

Landscape crafts for garden and garden

Useful things from liter bottles will decorate any plot. From color tanks, you can construct flower beds, borders and even garden tracks. Each element of curb, alleys or flower beds is a bottle inserted into the ground upside down. It is possible to use a solid or cut container depending on the parameters of the desired composition. Garden flower beds-sculptures are widespread. DIY for giving and garden in the image of domestic animals or wild animals are made from large bottles. Hedgehog's figurine with spiners from green decorative grass will decorate any lawn.

Video: What can be made of plastic bottles for the garden

Available and plastic material allows you to beautifully decorate the landscape almost free. Crafts from large plastic bottles with your own hands you will meet not only from acquaintances in summer cottages, but also in the form of a decor of playgrounds multi-storey houses in the town. Empty plastic container can embody any fantasy relatively beautiful crafts. The presented video will help you understand how you can make it possible to make it possible to make it possible to make your own hands from plastic bottles for the garden and other practical things.

How to use plastic bottles on the cottage for watering

Application of plastic bottles in the countryhouse

Decoration for garden and garden with their own hands

Photo: Plastic bottles garden design

Empty plastic bottles should not be thrown out, because they can always be applied to make beautiful sculptures. Even if you do not have a cottage, the charming product can be placed in the courtyard of high-rise buildings so that it decorates the playground. A selection of photos will help to decide on a craft, which is easy to make with your own hands - the figures are easy to manufacture.

Many owners of household plots and villas make a lot of effort not only to receive generous harvests of vegetables fruit, but also to improve the appearance of their "territory." Flowers, fences, garden tracks, alpine Gorki, sculptures of animals and fabulous characters - today on the shelves of specialized stores have a wide selection original elements Decor. Of course, B. skillful hands An experienced landscape designer your garden or garden will noticeably transformed, but professional services are not all for the pocket. In this case, you can use a lot of available materials and things that will be found in every home. So, on any dacha, empty plastic bottles of different "caliber" from under the water, beer or milk are performed - of them are excellent ornaments for the garden or garden. What crafts from plastic bottles can be made with their own hands? We picked up simple master classes For beginners S. step by step description, photo and video for the manufacture of original crafts from plastic bottles - I will be happy to share with you new designer ideas. In addition, this material is quite durable and durable, and therefore your plastic products Can stand for several years. So, we proceed to the creation of masterpieces that will give your garden or a garden unique "notch" of charm and creativity.

Original plastic bottles for garden and vegetable garden - master class with step-by-step description and photo

Plastic is an extremely convenient, affordable and elusive material from which you can create the most amazing products. So, today we will master a simple master class with a step-by-step description and a photo on the manufacture of original crafts from plastic milk bottles. With the help of such cute plastic "daisies" your garden or garden will acquire a beautiful "blooming" view and will be distinguished from neighboring "land tenures". Before starting work, empty bottles need to be carefully flushed and remove the labels.

Required materials for gardening gardens from plastic bottles:

  • plastic Bottles White and Green - 3 pcs.
  • covers - better yellow or orange
  • scissors
  • two-species wire - soft and firm
  • flomaster

Step-by-step description of the master class to create crafts from empty plastic bottles, with photo:

  1. With the help of scissors, cut off the bottom of the bottom - for work we will need only "top" with a neck.

  2. Then two bottles cut the neck.

  3. The core of our "chamomile" makes from an orange (yellow) cover, pre-removing from its surface all the date of manufacture and the shelf life of the "former" milk or kefir. Now, in a circle of each plastic workpiece, cut eight petals - to obtain the same smooth items, you can use a stencil or pattern.

  4. On the first billet with the neck alternately wear the second and third, and then tighten the lid. Petals reject to the sides, trying to give the flower the desired volume.

  5. In the lid-"core" a drill or a hot nail, two holes should be done, through which stretch the piece of soft wire. For the manufacture of "stem", it will take a rigid wire of the desired length - the finished "flower" is screwed to its end. Green "leaves" cut out of a plastic bottle and fix on the "stem", wrapped with a tape of the same color. All, our handicraft from multicolored plastic bottles is ready! For a similar principle, we make two more snow-white "daisies" and "land" them between the garden beds or in the cozy corner of your garden.

Unusual garden crafts from empty plastic bottles with their own hands step by step - master class with photos for beginners

Today, plastic containers is considered the most convenient and affordable packaging material for a variety of liquid food products. Sweet soda and cold tea mineral water, vegetable oil, milk and kefir - all these products and drinks are sold in plastic bottles of different shapes and sizes. Despite the obvious benefit of plastic, the problem of the "too" durable material is acute in the world, which is not even decomposed in the soil for hundreds of years. However, from empty plastic bottles, you can make the unusual elements of the decor for the household plot, a vegetable garden or playground. We bring to your attention a master class with a photo for beginners to create palm trees from plastic bottles. Such an evergreen tropical "guest" will delight the freshness of the paints even cold in winter and will become a real decoration of your incoming territory.

Forest materials and tools for master class "Crafts from plastic bottles with their own hands":

  • plastic bottles - green and brown
  • stationery knife
  • scissors
  • strong scotch
  • plastic tube or metal rod
  • thick rope or wire in braid

Crafts from plastic bottles with their own hands - how to make step-by-step, photo:

  1. Before starting work, all bottles need to rinse and remove labels. At this stage, we proceed to the manufacture of the leaves of plastic "palm trees" - in green bottles cut off the lower parts with the bottoms. These elements can be postponed.

  2. The upper part of the bottle is cut by "noodle" - thin vertical stripes (as in the photo). It should be borne in mind that the magnitude of the "leaves" depends on the diameter of the plastic container, so that this moment is better to think over in advance.

  3. Alternatively, each "top" of the bottles are cut into four parts in the form of "petals", which then cut off the "cloth" - an alternative method of manufacturing palm leaves.

  4. Finished blanks for leaves need to be riveted on the rope or wire in the braid - alternately, tightly stacking to each other. To the first blank, we screw the lid, which will be needed by a little later to consolidate the "Cherry".

  5. To get beautiful and lush crown It will take at least 5 - 7 leaves - they manufacture them according to the indicated instructions.

  6. Now we will deal with the "woody" barrel - we take a plastic bottle of brown and cut off the bottom (as in the photo).

  7. Then make several cuts from the bottom-up, slightly not reaching the neck of the bottle. As a result, the "petals" should turn out the same width.

  8. The finished billet-fragment of the "Palm" trunk in the unfolded form resembles a flower with petals.

  9. We proceed to the assembly of the "trunk" from a plurality of brown blanks - on the principle of collecting leaves. To impart the design of the necessary stiffness inside the plastic "trunk", we place a metal rod or tube.

  10. We start collecting "Palm" into one of the different elements. So, the "leaves" is attached to the top of the "trunk" with glue or scotch - in the form of an empty crown.

    List of materials for master class "Garden swan from plastic bottles":

    • large plastic bottle - capacity5 l
    • dairy and kefir bottles - each 300 ml
    • hose
    • robed wire
    • scissors
    • black marker
    • lighter
    • paints

    Phased instructions for a master class for making crafts from plastic bottles, photo:

    Original crafts for gardening of plastic bottles, master class on video

    Multicolored bright flower beds - the constant decoration of each country area. On the video you will find detailed master class By manufacture sadroom flower beds From ordinary plastic bottles.

    How to make crafts from plastic bottles for the garden - a step-by-step description of the master class, video

    It is quite easy to create a parade corner on your household plot - it is enough to "settle" in the garden of the fairy-tale "peacock" made with their own hands from plastic bottles. With the help of our master class on video, you can easily master all the subtleties of the fascinating process of manufacturing "birds" with a luxurious plumage.

    What to do for garden and garden? We picked up simple master classes with a step-by-step description for beginners, photos and videos to create your own hands of original crafts from empty plastic bottles of different shapes and volume. Let our ideas help you realize all creative ideas and dreams!

Plastic bottles In the life of everyone, they firmly occupied place as disposable containers and their use is only in the form of containers, but we can extract much more benefit without throwing them away. For most people, a bottle is a useless thing, but, showing a mixture you can find a lot of ways to ease your life and save money with bottles. From a plastic bottle can be madealmost all, the bottles themselves are needed and a little fantasy.

The rod for the garden.

One of the simplest ways is useful. apply a bottle in the garden or garden - Make it rope of Ogork, It's easier to make it easier. We attach a plastic container to the garden hose and make some small holes, then tightly tighten the hose with a neck. In this way, we made a waterwall for the garden.

Council.For convenience, use a square tank or secure a round sweaty item.

Often the case, the wiring of the charger lacks from the outlet to the place Where can I put mobile phone, everything can be fixed by making top holder for your mobile phone. It is necessary to cut a bottle diagonally, take the bottom and cut into the top of the round hole under the outlet. Now the phone will lie in the bottom with the help of a socket.

Council.Bottle is better cut as close as possible to the top, it will allow the phone more reliable.

You lose every time stationeryyou have to look for them, you need to make a simple in the manufacture stand. In addition, the bottle will need a bolt with a nut. You need to cut off the top and bottom after driving a hole in the traffic jam and bottom and connect the bolt with the nut. To use this will be convenient because it turns out 2 departments. In the upper part, they will fit the handles and pencils, and in the lower paper clips, buttons, and you will not have to get the handles due to the smallest detail.

Council.Tighten the bolt with the nut, then the top can scroll.

Empty canister with manual it is not necessary to throw away, it can benefit, if you don't need it or got into disrepair from it scoop. It is necessary to place the canister marker as in the photo and cut.

Council.For convenience, the nasal part of the scoop make square.

Laminating glass cans.

We use glass cans for different purposes and falls in all ways to marry them, but the glass is badly held on the glass, and the glued papers quickly come into disrepair, and laminate No opportunity. With the presence of an industrial hair dryer, this problem is solved forever, while the strength of the dishes will increase. If you disarm it you will not have to collect fragments and cut your hands. Showing a fantasy to the bank can be well decorated. Make easily, you need one bottle, suitable in size and color and paper with an inscription or a pattern that we want to attach. However, there is a way to do without an industrial hair dryer.

Method first.

I cut off the bottle and put on the bottom of the plug up, then put on a plug with the jar with the inscription we put on the gloves and begin to heat the industrial ace. When a hairdryer can be started to start gently heat the jar in a circle without lingering in one place. It is necessary to take stock, plastic will settle both in width and height. When the bank is tightly tightened with plastic, we cut up too much and again heated the angular parts, if all parts have become smooth bank ready.

Council.Heating plastic start the bottom, gradually lifting.

The method of the second.

Cut the top of the bottle and put on the bottom of the jar with a glued inscription. To heat the plastic in this case, we will need a high saucepan with water and kitchen stove. The saucepan should not be complete, otherwise the water splashes on the stove. When everything is ready and water boils down the bottle in boiling water and begin to slowly turn, holding the tongs for the neck of a glass jar.

Council.Holding a jar at an angle, the effect will be achieved faster.

You are tired tangula thread, confusing among themselves and stuck in the nodes, the output is simple - from bottles of any size make a device for holding threads in one place. At the same time, the tangles will be smaller, confused and stuck. You can make a holder with mount on a chair or chair. The bottle is cut closer to the neck. Leaving a part that needs to be cut into the form of a rectangle to the bottom, after which we make a hole in the resulting tail in the size of the cover and put on.

Council.The device can be suspended by doing the holes at opposite edges and traveled threads in them.

With the onset of cold weather in each house all turn on possible species heaters and at the same time air indoors becomes dryAnd we begin to experience discomfort. Headache, problems with skin, irritation of the mucous membrane and other inconveniences can be avoided by making a silent, simple, comfortable and reliable humidifier for rooms. To do this, you will need:

  • Adhesive tape
  • Scissors or knife
  • Fabric strip, or lace
  • Two-liter bottle
  • gauze fabric

Council.Blind in capacity essential oils, we get air freshener.


  1. In the side of the bottle we make a slot 5 × 10 centimeters, permissible errors.
  2. Strips or cords hang the resulting bottle on a straight top pipe included in the battery with a hole up and firmly fasten the scotch even so that the bottle did not jump out and spinning.
  3. Grow gauze several times to get a rectangle 10 centimeters width and a length meter.
  4. In the hole we place the interlaced fabric, and the ends wrap on the battery pipe.
  5. We pour water into the resulting container and wet the wound gauze, this is the maintenance of the device.

Trap for mosquitoes

From a two-liter bottle Make a trap for mosquitoes. The trap will attract small insect the results of fermentation processes, namely carbon dioxide. For the manufacture you will need:

  • 1 gram of bakery yeast
  • two-liter bottle
  • dark fabric
  • 50 grams of sugar
  • 200 ml of water temperature no more than 40 degrees

The manufacture is starting from cutting so that the neck in the turned tightly entered the bottle and lacked to the water. Now that the capacity is ready to be saturated with sugar, yeast and poured with forty-graduate water, it should not be warmer or hot. If the liquid is too hot, fermentation will not begin due to the death of the yeast bacteria. Water is pouring slowly and move the mixture. Now I am inserting the neck into a bottle into a funnel manner. So that the mosquitoes came across, the trap must be covered with a dense tissue that does not transmit light or paper. Once in such a trap, mosquitoes will not get out. Insects will come across such a trap until we change the mixture.

Council.After cooking the mixture, put it in a warm place.

From several and a half liter bottles we make a simple and extremely durable broom. Such a broom is conveniently selected by the floor and dilated surfaces. The stiffness of the broom depends on the number of sliced \u200b\u200bflap.


To begin with, we make the workpiece. Cut from the neck and the bottom, we dissolve the interlocks to the forehead to the middle, not wider than two centimeters. These will need 4 pieces, and one more left the top with the neck. Now we collect everything together, and cut off the top from the next bottle, we put it on what happened and squeeze. We take a sturdy wire and do through all the bottles around the edges. We wear everything on a cutting through a plug and secure wire. For reliability, driven a nail through the neck in a stalk.

Council.Use copper stranded wire.

If we did not have in nature circles You can easily make it from the bottle. To begin with, we cut off the top, then with the help of a knife or scissors, cut the square, retreating 2-3 centimeters from the top slice. Cut out exactly and calculating the fact that the width of the remaining jumper will be a handle. The upper ring is turned inside out and go down the bottom. Now we got a mug that can help us in nature.

Council.Do not cut out a large square, you can roll up the middle part and put on her cork ring.

Create flower Pot with Watering Self We simply cut off the top of the bottle first, then the middle part so that the upper part is entering without touching the bottom. After carefully we do a hole in the traffic jam and make a thread into it. The thread should go to 5 centimeters from both sides of the cork. Now that everything is ready to pour water and insert the upper part similar to the funnel. Now we fall asleep ground, not forgetting it to wet it. The plant will absorb the right amount of fluid, it will simplify the care of plants.

Council.Fertilizers can be added to the tank.

Arriving, in nature you forgot cutlery nothing to note them. To save the situation, there will be enough bottles, knives, and lighters. Cut out one of five parts of the bottom and a little top in one piece after burning the edge of the lighter. This spoon can eat and cook food.

Council.After burning, rinse the device.

Not in all refrigerators are provided vegetable cells And there are vegetables in a variety of form, while the products are fighting, scratching and riding all over the refrigerator. For convenience, use five-liter eggplants. Cut the upper part and fill with vegetables or fruits. In this form, products will not spine and free space in the refrigerator will become significantly more.

Council.Keep vegetables and fruits in separate containers.

In the process of cooking, dishes required separately protein or yolk eggs. But they are not easy to divide, the yolks are very fragile and the punctures it is mixed with a protein. Using the bottle, you can smear. Egg split on a plate, squeeze the bottle and bring to the yolk. Splitting, we accrete yolk in it without damaging. The method is suitable for cooking, in the recipe of which includes many eggs, for example, a common French dessert from meringue "Merenga".

Council.Rinse the bottle before use.

The trend of the rational use of household waste has been becoming increasingly popular, especially for plastic containers. From plastic bottles you can make your own hands almost all country interior and not only. One of the main advantages of such a material is long term Services, besides, it is very elastic. Do not forget that plastic bottles - affordable Materialwhich is always available in each owner or hostess.

Cheap and angry - make flower beds from bottles

Plastic container is an ideal option for, as it has a great advantage over wood and even metal. Wooden fence On flower beds or flowerbeds over time, it dissolves or rotates under the influence of moisture and the sun. Even metal borders are subject to corrosion and require periodic care, such as regular staining.

And what about plastic? For a long time, it does not lose its form and does not destroy. This means that such a flowerba will serve not one season and not even one year, besides, absolutely does not require care. Even if the "breakdown" occurs, the desired "element" can always be found in the storeroom and easily replace, without resorting to long tiring shops in stores in order to search for a suitable fragment.

So, what can be made of plastic bottles with your own hands?

Bottle borders

If the flower garden needs to be protected, the plastic package of a different volume will perfectly cope with it. This not only limits the space and will not allow expanding perennial plants, but still will keep moisture and prevent the appearance of weeds.

The shape and dimensions of the flowers depend only on the fantasy of the dacket: it can be both equilateral and in the form of some animal or plants. Also bottles can be divided into the segments of the Klumba itself.

Even a child will be able to build a bottle border (with adults, of course):

  1. The first thing on the site should be drawn by a sharp object or pour out the sands of the flower beds.
  2. Bottles free from labels, wash, pour sand in them and spin the lid. If there is no one, you can use conventional land or water. This is necessary for stability, since empty packaging quickly falls out of the fence.
  3. According to the outlined contour, dig a groove in such a way that the bottle can be deepened in approximately 1/3.
  4. Install the filled bottles into the groove of the neck down, as close as possible to each other, and fall asleep the earth.

For visual effect, you can use bottles of different color Plastic (green, white, brown).

Some daches cost and without batting. For example, bottles without a pedestal are simply inserted into each other, forming a circle. Ready design can be "put on" on or take into the ring rOCK Tree. To secure the border, it should be tightly pressing the earth with arcs.

Multi-tier club

If you really want to have a flower garden, and the places are catastrophically, you can make it yourself from plastic bottles. The principle is the same as when building a border, only after the laying of the first tier, it is necessary to fill it with its feeding soil, and then upload the next floor.

When planting plants for the lower tier, it is better to choose moisture-loving copies, because when watering the water will flock down.


Beautiful and helpful crafts for giving can be made of 5-liter plastic bottles. They will serve miniature and pretty clubs, for example, in the form of all favorite piglets.

There are no less effectively group compositions in the form of steam parts with flowers.

And if instead of colors sow lawn grassThe big bottle turns into a cute hedgehog with green spines. It remains only to attach eyes and spout.

Those who are not afraid of small rodents will enjoy cutie-mouse from small (liter) bottles. They are good to plant petunias.

Flower pots and kashpo

Showing a little fantasy, plastic bottles are easy to transform into small decorative pots for flowers or spicy greens. You can make them smooth or trimmed under the marker in the form of a face. Such van supplies will wonder not only in the garden gazebo, but also in the house on the windowsill.

But if you wear a fabric case on the cropped bottle and attach ropes, it turns out elegant porridge for the summer veranda.

The easiest option to make outboard pots - it is cut on both sides of the bottle fragments of the walls, and under the neck, fasten the harness for hanging. In such vases you can plant compact low-spirited plants.

Make a beautiful garden track

Special popularity for dachniks enjoy tracks from plastic containers. The strength of such a path depends on the method of laying and how much of the plastic container serves as a building material:

The tracks from plastic bottles in the winter become very slippery.

Merry playground - decorate a place for children's games

Thoughtful parents always seek to take away their children at the cottage place for games, where children could pass time while adults are in the garden. Of course, it should be not only safe, but also colorful to enjoy the kids. With the help of plastic bottles, it is easy to decorate the playground, smearing a variety of plants and animals. Provide brightness will help them.

In the shade under the palm

What is the playground without sandbox? And where there is sand, must "grow" palm. For tropicals, you will need green and brown bottles for the trunk and leaves, respectively.

Before embarking, it is necessary to take care of a solid basis. For example, consolidate in concrete screed Metal pin, and it should be quite long so that the tree is high, and the children could walk freely under it.

When the base is fixed, you can start "cultivation" of palm trees:

  • cut off half the bottle (the top with the neck does not need) and form a gear edge;
  • in the center of the bottom to make a hole, ride the blanks on the pin-base, bending the cloves to the side for a more natural type;
  • a green bottle cut off the bottom and make straight cuts over the entire contour before the place where the wall goes into the neck (with a branch desire, you can make figured - cut into 4 parts and each to issue teeth);
  • fragments of the branch ride on the basis;
  • firmly attaching ready-made branches to the top of the stem (welding or construction harnesses).

If there are still many green bottles after assembling the palm tree, of which you can make a small (or large) Christmas tree. At the bottle, remove the dyshko and cut it on the long narrow stripes upside the same neck. The edges of the strips are figurine to cut to resemble spines. Strip leaves on the basis.

Such a Christmas tree will be perfectly looking at the winter platform, especially under the snow, and will also help new Year's Eve Those who in a hurry did not have time to buy a living tree.

Guests from a fairy tale - Merry beasts

And of course, there must be toys for sure. Often, children are put on the street of their old pets. With the help of plastic bottles, you can easily diversify the "zoo", creating real masterpieces - from a fabulous princess frog and goldfish to modern cartoon heroes.

Take at least a handsome cat painted with black and white paint. And you can use brown bottles from under beer, and it turns out a brown cat, also beautiful.

Of the two bottoms from the bottle to form a head (combine them), while the bends on the bottoms and they really look like a real head. On one of them, white paint draw eyes, broval and mustache, and the red is a neat tongue. Insert carved small ears from above. For the body, the same circumcised briefly rods ride the basis, the last to close the torso. Edges of the bottom to melt. On the melted circuit of the ears and fragments of the torso, walk the white paint, and on the front donkey make a white spot on the breast.

Glue the head and legs - for them there are already upper parts from bottles with an elongated neck. Cut them to the place where the bottle is expanding, cutting the edges with sharp teeth and build the legs of 4-5 parts, putting them on the wire. To tighten the tubes on the top neck, they stick to the body. To take a long wire and ride it the most narrow pieces of the neck, but without traffic jams. To the tail turned out to be fluffy, edges cut into thin stripes.

Beautiful animals are also obtained from large 5 liter tanks. With the correct combination of bottles of different volumes and using a bright coloring on the site, you can settle zebra, horse, cow, donkey, and even giraffe.

Flowers for daughter

In the sandbox, children are not only culberry. Little girls love flowers very much and often collect dandelions on the lawn (or at Mom on the flowerbed) to put them in their sandy vegetable garden. But from bottles you can make a whole greenhouse colors, while the girls will gladly take part in the manufacture of the most simple options. Chamomile, cornflowers and tulips will decorate the sandbox, especially since young flowers will be able to repeatedly "transplant" them from beds to bed without harm for plants and mother's nerves.

For colors you will need:

  • wire for stem;
  • smooth pieces of bottles for cutting leaves;
  • torn or bottoms for the very inflorescence;
  • paint.

More complex options can make adults. Plastic roses or poppies will decorate not only the playground, but also flower beds.

Plastic garden design

Plastic bottles have an extensive area of \u200b\u200bapplication. So, if small animals and birds appropriately look at the flower beds and playgrounds, then the beasts of a larger scale can be placed in the garden, among trees and shrubs. They will give the garden a unique appearance and revive him.

Amazing garden sculptures

Representatives of large feathered, made of plastic look almost alive. With help multicolored paints You can achieve a stunning realistic effect. For their manufacture, it is necessary to simply master the technique of cutting feathers from the sideways of bottles and prepare the framework on which they will be fixed.

Very spectacular in the garden will look like:

In the garden you can settle the sculptures not only birds, but also animals enough large sizeSo that they are not lost against the background of high trees.

Among the greenery, the bright spot will be a white sheep, which is quite easy to make, if bottles of 2 liters and a few 1.5 l were lying in the storage room.

  1. Crop the neck in two bottles with a capacity of 2 liters and put them on each other - it will be an elongated head. From the third bottle, cut long ears, minimize them with a tube and attach to the head in the appropriate places with wire (or glue). Eye can draw or glue two corks.
  2. For the body into a cut-off bottle insert a whole neck inside. Make more 3 such workpieces and attach them to the first on the sides and from above, attaching, thus, sheep the desired volume of the "waist".
  3. The neck will serve a whole two-liter bottle, which should be strengthened on the torso at an angle of about 120 degrees so that the plug is from above.
  4. To the neck (on the plug) set the head.
  5. For foot, cut the top part from a two-liter bottle and insert a whole bottle of smaller volume into it (1.5 liters). Make three more such blanks and attach legs to the body to the body upward.
  6. From the cropped donyshek two-liter bottles, make a mano, bonding them between themselves, and put on the torso. Under the stomach edge of the fur coat.
  7. Color white paint lamb and draw black eyes.

Caring for birds

You can apply plastic bottles not only in decorative purposes, but also with the benefit for the garden. After all, there are always small assistants of the villagers - a variety of birds, collecting pests from trees. In warm summertime, they have something to eat, but in winter it becomes harder to extract food. That's where the feeders walked around the garden will be useful. And if you bring the process to the process, it turns out double use: children - interesting occupation and pleasure, and birds - cozy house With grains.

The most simple can be made of large 5 liter plastic bottles, just cutting out large holes on both sides in the form of the arch.

So that the birds persistent paws sharp edge Bottles, they must be pre-migrated or saked with a tape.

For those who are rare in the summer in the summer, the feeder is useful, filling automatically.

You can make it from the bottle and two wooden spoons:

  • to make two holes in a bottle against each other, while the second should be slightly lower;
  • deploy a bottle and with back side repeat the procedure;
  • insert the crosswise crosswise in the holes.

After the bottle is filled with food, it will be poured through the holes in spoon as they are devastated.

Cozy place to relax from undergrades

Not only birds, but the owners themselves must have their own secluded corner among greens, where warm summer evenings can be happy to drink a cup of tea, breathing the flavors of nature. Many prefer to put in the garden. They are very beautiful, do not argue with that, however require certain financial investments. But from plastic cheap and angry make not only a rest area, but also to fully equip it.

Alcove? Easily!

Gazebo - one of their most large-scale crafts for giving plastic bottles. But plastic gazebo Has two big advantages:

  • it is easily going;
  • it will last more than one year without damaging the material.

Perhaps the only minus of the construction is large number Bottles that need to store somewhere during the collection.

What a gazebo will look, depends only on the desire of the owner, well, and, accordingly, from the presence of "building materials":

Practical curtains in a gazebo

IN summer arbors Many fresh air, but still, unfortunately, dust. Ordinary tulle requires frequent styrics, while the plastic curtain does not collect so much dust, and it can not even be removed - just to quote the water from the hose (of course, if such a curtain hangs in the house).

For dreamy and romantic hostesses, gentle curtains from dyshk plastic bottles are suitable for the basis.

Energetic people who love bright colors, Cork curtains collected on the same principle will be more suitable.

garden furniture

The table, the dock, the chair and even the sofa in the gazebo can also be made of plastic bottles. Old of the house will also completely come to relax on fresh airBut she, like curtains, will eventually become a dust assembly. In addition, to make a wooden sofa to the street is difficult enough, because such furniture is quite cumbersome and heavy. But rearrange the plastic chair will not work.

Collect furniture is easy - bottles just need to exhibit tightly and combine scotch, giving fit form. For the docks to tie or sew a cape - no one is guessed from the outside, from which they are actually made.

For a sofa, Dermatin covers will be more suitable.

Unbreakable chandeliers for the garden

If there is an evening tea party, it is necessary to spend in the gazebo. To enjoy the light bulb, you can cut a bottle into two parts and from the top half make a simple plastic and paint it or caught a colored thread.

IN plastic chandeliers It is better to use budget light bulbs - they are not so hot, and they will not melt the material.

In more complex variants, the chandeliers are collected from fragments of leaves or colors cut from multi-colored bottles.

Garden Supplies to work in the garden

In order for the country area to look beautiful and neat, it is necessary to care for it all the time - weeds to gour out, collect the fallen foliage and small garbage. To do this, you will need tools. Of course, to make a chip or rake from plastic will not work, but more simple copies are quite possible.

Folk craftsmen have long known how to use plastic bottles with benefit for themselves and with savings for family budget. After all, if a scoop suddenly broke, no longer need to run to the store for a new one. From domestic waste, which is in every home, it turns out a lot of useful things without excess costs:

Garden Cares

From plastic bottles you can make useful things not only for the garden, but also for the garden. It can be like small crafts in the form and more large-scale buildings such as greenhouses.

Greenhouses for seedlings

Most dachas grow seedlings gardening crops Alone. Some do it in the apartment conditions, but more high-quality seedlings are obtained from greenhouses - there and heat, and light enough.

You can no longer talk about the cost, but it concerns the strength - from plastic bottles will definitely preserve longer than film shelters or glass structures.

To increase the life of the greenhouses from plastic bottles, it is advisable to put on the foundation, and use metal products for the frame.

The easiest option of the greenhouse provides for the construction of walls from the whole bottles that wear on top of each other.

A little longer will have to tinker with a greenhouse from the plates, but it will turn out warmer. In this case, it is necessary to cut the smooth parts from the bottles and cut (sew) them in the form of a canvas. From the finished canvases to mount the greenhouse.

Watering "Systems"

For gardens, watering is not less actual questionthan the presence of greenhouses. Instead of finished watering systems in the garden, you can use. They must either hang over a bush, having done a pre-hole in the lower part, or insert into the ground.

In addition, a good sprayer turns out of the bottle - you just need to make small holes in it and connect to the watering hose.

Get rid of pests

Plastic bottle repeller helps to drive from the site worst enemy dacnis -. He not only praises the beds, the roe of his tunnels, but also damages the root system of plants, depriving garlfriends of the future harvest.

If you wear the side walls in the bottle, bend them and put the container on the steel rod, with the wind gusts, the bottle will ripe and noise. The sound through the rod will go to the ground and deprivates the clock of the desire to shop in this noisy place.

A list of what can be made from a plastic bottle with your own hands is quite long. These are just a few crafts that facilitate the life of dacnis. Agree - it is better to extract the maximum benefit from bottles than to pollute environment. Take care of nature and work with pleasure!

21 Idea of \u200b\u200busing plastic bottles - video