Repairs Design Furniture

Pellet boilers: the principle of operation and the choice. Calculation of the need for fuel granules for the winter period. Domestic or European

The article was prepared with the participation of DOZATECH specialists

Despite the fact that our country is one of the largest exporters of blue fuel, it is not necessary to talk about ubiquitous gasification. For many consumers and in Moscow, and in Siberia is the cheapest method of heating and now unattainable, and not the fact that will be available in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to look for alternative heating sources, good, the choice in this area is impressive. And B. last years range heating equipment Replenished with an interesting unit - a pellet boiler. Let us dwell on this type of equipment, for which we consider the following aspects:

  • What is a pellet boiler heating and on what fuel it works.
  • Aggregate device.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of a pellet boiler.
  • To pay attention to when choosing an aggregate.

What is a pellet boiler

In fact, this is a kind of solid fuel boiler, but designed for a certain type of fuel (pellets) and with the possibility of complete or partial automation of the workflow.

It is the ability to function in offline mode With minimal intervention of owners, pellet boilers are fundamentally different from conventional solid fuel.

They have a higher efficiency (coefficient useful action) - And due to the characteristics of Pellets, and due to the characteristics of the structure. Pellet boilers can be both narrowly special - intended only under pellets and combined (universal) - capable of working on firewood or coal, some models work almost on any biomass, as fuel you can use the husk, wood waste and similar.

Alexander DimterevRepresentative of the company DOZATECH, manufacturer of pellet boilers

With a certain design of the boiler, it can burn any biomass of very low calorie content - these are chips, bark, woodworking waste, agricultural goods, sunflower husk and more.

Pellets, or wood granules - ecologically neutral fuel, obtained, mainly from waste woodworking industries (chips, chips, bark), but they can be from the waste of crops. Pellets appeared in the thirties of the last century, when the first installation on the pressing of waste from local sawmills was invented in the state of the Idaho. Under a strong pressure, the raw material is heated, which provokes the formation of lignin, which binds the smallest particles into dense, smooth granules. This allows you to abandon the use of chemicals - pellets are completely natural, safe, in terms of ecology, fuel. The diameter of the granules varies within 6-8 mm, length - up to 50 mm. IN european countries Pellets belong to standardized fuels and are manufactured according to DIN Plus.

In our country, their production is not so developed and properly, the quality of the granules, which will depend on the efficiency of the boiler, and its performance, determine visually - white is better than gray. Unlike the wood, the granules have reduced humidity and increased density, in view of which it is distinguished when combustion large quantity Heat and minimum carbon dioxide. If you translate this property into the numbers, for comparison, the following ratio is obtained - when burning tons, the pellets will be separated as much heat as the burning of 1.6 tons of firewood. Solness will be only 0.5% of the burnt volume, and the allocated flue gases will be colorless.

The exemplary caller's calorism is 5 kW / hour from one kilogram, but how real efficiency will be close to theoretical data, depends on the quality of the pellets themselves, and on the boiler indicators in which they will be burned.

Device aggregate

The pellet boiler itself consists of three main nodes:

  • Equipment - equipped with a special burner (retort or torch) and two doors (control, cleaning).
  • Convective zone - it is a heat exchanger in it: it can be vertical, horizontal or combined, tubular or plate-type. In the convective zone, the coolant is heated in the heat exchanger with gases allocated in the process of burning pellets. Most of the aggregates are designed only for heating and have one contour, but in some models - two contours: heating and water heating.
  • Solnik - the burning waste (insignificant during normal survivors) is received, which are periodically removed through the cleaning door.

However, the listed nodes are although the main one, but only a part, for which the APT prefix is \u200b\u200bnecessary (automatic fuel supply). This prefix includes the following components:

  • The bunker is a capacitance for a pellet of a certain volume, from which the granules enter the flock can be built-in or outdoor.
  • Augene - portion of granules on the burner as needed, drives the gearbox.
  • The fan is necessary to maintain the combustion process, since the boiler device does not provide for the presence of natural traction.

Since the pellet boiler is automated systemThe device also includes a control unit with a display, which is displayed about the current state, and the main operating parameters are set through it. The controller regulates the burner ignition, the supply of granules and air, stop, as the desired temperature is achieved, supporting the heating mode selected by the owner.

Depending on the capacity of the bunker and the selected mode of one backfill, it may be enough for a few days and for a week and even more.

To make the heating process fully automatic, the boiler can be connected directly to the storage - the pneumatic room will be supplied to the granules in the bunker as it devoids.

Advantages and disadvantages of a pellet boiler

One of the main advantages of pellet boilers is economy, according to this indicator, they are inferior only to gas main heating. This is also associated with high efficiency of equipment, and with high pelet calf, and with their available cost. The second aspect that attracts the consumer is the automation of the process. Unlike other solid fuel boilers, pellet does not need constant control and regular manual fuel supply. In aggregates working on diesel fuel, he wins in terms of environmental friendliness - no smells and black smoke.

The main disadvantage of these aggregates is a solid price - these are the most expensive solids, the cost of the automated European production station is measured by hundreds of thousands, domestic is a little cheaper. Not every private owner by pocket such infringement in the heating system of your home. However, given the durability of the equipment, which is close to two decades today, this is a reasonable investment in the long run.

In addition to high cost, the minuses include energy dependence - the automation needs electricity, and if shutdown for several hours (on average up to 10) is permissible and does not beat the settings, then the smaller stops the boiler. The station must be equipped with an independent source of energy, which will also increase the cost of the system.

What to pay attention to the selection of the aggregate

Despite the relative "youth" of this type of solid fifters, in the market big choice Foreign boilers I. domestic production. To choose the optimal unit for its conditions, it is worth paying attention to several of the most important parameters.

Power - Every manufacturer has a wide enough the lineup, comprising both household and industrial aggregates. As with any heating equipment, power is measured in kilowatts (kW), the power of household models begins from 15 kW. Since heating of rooms with medium heat lines is needed about 1 kW per 10 m², such a boiler is able to warm the house in 150 m². However, it is worth considering that the boiler is needed with a slight margin.

Pellet boilers This is another attempt by developers of heat engineering equipment to automate the process of burning solid fuel, as close as possible to it to the technology of burning coal in the furnaces of industrial boiler rooms.

The basic principle used at the same time, consists in giving fuel to the shape, convenient for transportation and dosed feed to the burning area.

To do this, pre-training fuel is made, and pellets are manufactured, also called fuel granules.

Let's talk about Pelleta

Pellets are the type of biological fuel obtained from wood waste, sawdust, peat and waste. agriculture. With their production, no adhesive compositions and chemicals are used.

The technological process is extremely simple: wood waste is ground to a homogeneous state, and then pressed. In this case, lignin is distinguished, which is part of the wood and having adhesive ability. The resulting granules are sufficiently strong, retain their form during transportation, and have a high calorific value of 4500 kcal / kg.

High quality granules are resistant to moisture. However, storing pellets should be in a dry room: in a wet state, they lose their calorific value and are badly burning. To the undoubted advantages of pellets should be attributed to them long term Storage without a limit, which allows you to make fuel reserves of any volume. By the way, to say, stock in large quantities of gas or fuel oil is much more complicated: they need special tanks and special storage conditions.

The diameter of the granules ranges from 5 to 10 mm, and their length varies from 10 to 30 mm, which allows me to mechanize and automate the fuel supply process into the boiler. It should be noted that one cubic meter Pellet weighs approximately 1500kg and it is enough to work with a capacity of 20 kW for 7 days, which will allow continuously and without human participation, to dump the house in the area of \u200b\u200b200m2 for a whole week.

Pellet boilers are relatively the new kind Heat engineering equipment, in which pellets are used as fuel, also called fuel granules.

Where are the pellet boilers?

Pellet boilers were widespread in Europe. At the same time, the fuel for them is mainly purchased in our country. The main reason for their so wide popularity is to reliability, safety, fuel availability and high level automation that allows you to maximize the boilers of this type of gas equipment.

It should be noted that among solid fuel boilers, only pellet boilers can work during the week without human participation. Pellet boilers are the key to the so-called "fuel independence", which allows you to be confident in the possibility of obtaining heat with a shortcoming or absence of supplies natural Gas, so significant for European states.

Gradually, interest in pellet boilers wakes up in our country, especially since now for the manufacture of fuel granules is used coalThat will increase the duration of the boiler on one fuel boot.

Constructive features

Pellet boilers can be divided into several parts:

  • Burner
  • Heat Exchanger
  • Pellet Transporter
  • Pellet storage bunker

This design greatly simplifies the transportation of the boiler

INpellet boilers use the granular bulk burner, designed specifically for burning fuel granules. The burner ensures the most complete combustion of fuel and high boiler efficiency. Loading the pellets in the burner can be made from below.

If it is necessary to burn any other type of solid fuel, the burner needs to be covered with a metal sheet, and then stir the boiler with conventional firewood, peat or coal.

To ensure the supply of fuel granules, the boilers are equipped with special bunkers, the volume of which depends on their power. If necessary, the fuel supply can be carried out from the adjacent room with the boiler, re-equiping it under the bunker.

Boilers have multi-way heat exchangers that allow the most used heat generated and reduce the temperature of the flue gases to 100-200 C. Some boilers have a hot water circuit.

The feeding of the granules to the burner is performed using a screw conveyor, divided into two parts: if in the first, close to the boiler, the feeder, the granules end, turn on the second conveyor and fills it with pellets. Control over the presence of granules in the feeder is performed using a photo seensor.

Such a separation of fuel supply is necessary to increase the safety level of the boiler: if when loading fuel granules, the flame breaks out of the burner, the fire can occur only on the first conveyor

At the beginning of work at startup after idle, pellets are loaded into the auger manually. Then the automatic control system is activated, the boiler is ignition, and the granule feed begins in automatic mode. When the heat carrier is heated to a predetermined temperature, the pellets stops. When the temperature of the coolant coolant is reduced, the pellet feed is resumed and an automatic burner ignition is performed.

The ignition of the boiler is performed using an electric spiral built into the burner, or with a jet of hot air supplied by the fan heater. Pellet feed speed is automatically selected.

When the heat carrier is heated to a given temperature, the conveyor stops, the feed pellet stops, and the fuel remaining in the boiler. When the temperature of the coolant is reduced, the conveyor starts to work, renewing the feed of the pellets in the burner. If the combustion process is not over in it, the new fuel batch is flammified. If the fuel is burned, the boiler is ignition in automatic mode.

Pledge successful work Pellet boilers is high quality Automatic control systems.

  • Disadvantages of pellet boilers heating

Pellet boiler heating cumbersome. In his design in obligatory The conveyor and the bunker turns on. At the same time, the conveyor must have at least 2 moves, which allows you to cut off the fuel from the burner at a random emission of the jet of the flame.

The operation of the boiler requires special security measures. In particular, it is necessary to establish it in the room, excluding the use of materials in the finishing capable of maintaining the burning. The pellet storage bunker must also cut off from accidental open fire with an open flame emission from the boiler.

In the market of heat engineering equipment, you can find pellet boilers of the following brands:

  • Kunzel (Germany),
  • Attack (Slovakia),
  • Jaspi (Finland),
  • Verner (Czech Republic),
  • Biomaster,
  • D "Alessandro,
  • FACI
  • Ferroli,
  • SIME (Italy),
  • ATMOS,
  • Kalvis,
  • OPOP,
  • ViaDrus.
  • Alt-A, (Russia)
  • Staffoconstruction (Russia)
  • Automatic Forest (Russia)

The only drawback of the pellet boiler is its high cost.

The laundry owner during the summer heat is already being prepared for winter cold, since the competent reconnaissance of heating is the pledge of comfort and comfort in the home and is always important. Every person dreams of warmth in the house, but not everyone agrees to pay for this big money.
There are no problems with heating in those houses where you can install gas heating devices. But, and where it is not available to use the gas, and if they sound with the help of electrical devices, there is a way out. This is the establishment of pellet boilers that are becoming increasingly popular lately.

Pellet boiler

This equipment is a solid fuel boiler, for which it is used. special view Fuel, called pellets. This heating material is produced in the form of small granules, which are manufactured by pressing waste woodworking enterprises. Pellet boilers are heated by buildings, as well as hot water supply. Boilers have different power, starting with 15 and finishing 100 kW.

Use fuel pellets for heating boilers.

Heating boilers exist three types:

  1. Intended for use in the form of fuel exclusively pellets.
  2. Using backup fuels in the form of briquettes or firewood. However, applying backup fuel, the boiler will work only for several hours.
  3. Combined, in which there are several combustion chambers. Such equipment works not only on pellet, you can use firewood or coal.

The pellet boiler is a heating device in the form of a design made of sheet steel. In the equipment, several mechanisms are combined at the same time:

  1. A boiler having a special pellet burner.
  2. The conveyor in which the granules are fed into the combustion chamber.
  3. The bunker in which the fuel is stored.

The principle of operation of the equipment is as follows:

Pellets are loaded into the tank, which then fall into the furnace, where they burn. When combustion, the granules are isolated by a loop, warming coolants, which are highly warm throughout the room, which is heated.

Features of the operation of pellet boilers heating.

Due to the special design of the combustion chamber, which represents something like a nozzle, it turns out a high efficiency of a pellet boiler, reaching about 96% of the equipment belonging to the premium class.

For the manufacture of heat exchanger boilers, cast iron or steel are used. Cast iron has excellent resistance to corrosion processes, however, is rather fragile and unable to withstand hydroydars. Steel is not afraid high pressureBut it must be treated with special substances that are protected from the appearance of rust.

The pellet boiler has automatic control controlling the fuel supply and the maintenance temperature to which the coolant is programmed. It is easy to maintain the equipment. The granules in the bunker are falling asleep once in 2-14 days (the flow rate depends on how the volume has a container).

True, it is necessary to carry out regular cleaning of smoke channels and removal of ash from the coil box provided in the design. Devices have different operating deadlines, which affect the class of equipment. On average, pellet boilers serve within 10-50 years.

What is the difference between a pellet boiler?

Users of pellery boilers it is easy to name a large number of advantages and advantages that these devices possess. The most significant advantages of the equipment are listed below. It:

Efficiency of fuel consumption. The extruded tree has a distinctive feature - burn without residue. Therefore, the equipment consumes not a large number of pellets. The creation of exact numbers is impossible, because it depends on which composition and quality pellets. But on average, if we take into account the weight of fuel, firewood for heating separate room It will take two times more than the pellets.

Distinctive characteristics of pellet boilers heating.

Non-volatility equipment. Pellet boilers do not depend on electrical Energy. True, there are several models that are equipped electrical devicesbecause of which they depend on electricity.

Simple maintenance.

Economy of boilers. Pellets are less than firewood, coal or others fuel briquettes. In addition, the cost of boilers is less than the cost of similar devices that work with gas or electricity.

Environmental purity is another major advantage of a pellet boiler. Working, this equipment does not allocate harmful substances that are able to pollute the environment.

Due to the fact that fuels in these types of heating equipment - pellets, which are compressable waste of the woodworking industry, toxic substances are not formed on their burning.

In order to correctly choose a pellet boiler, you need to know the following factors that affect the equipment and its performance.

How to choose a pellet boiler heating.

The type of burner pellet boilers

This equipment has two different types Burners that can be:

  1. Retort. These burners are distinguished by the release of the flame horizontally up. They are not very sensitive to the quality of pellet granules, and also do not need frequent cleaning.
  2. Stroken. Such burners produce a flame vertically. They make great requirements for the quality of the granules. For them, preferably the use of exclusively low-rise varieties pellets. These burners are quickly clogged, therefore it is often necessary to clean.

If these heating devices are not safely and properly maintained, they will simply stop working. Therefore, the most convenient use of retort burners, which are recommended by specialists.

Automation of pellet boilers

Pellet boilers are equipped with the latest "pisch" of modern automation. There are some models of boilers that have sufficient complexity of integrated automation, which for some time even function autonomously - people should not be involved in this.

Automation of pellet boilers. Halp.

This equipment has a feature that makes it possible to control the instrument of SMS messages. For this B. automatic system Enter the phone number of the user, which, then, through SMS messages, controls the operation of the heating boiler: turns off and includes it, adjusts the temperature and performs other actions. This feature is very convenient, because if an emergency or critical situation occurs, the boiler will immediately inform this to the owner by sending him an SMS message.

Variety of screws feeding pellets

Pellet boilers have two types of augers that can be:

Rigid. Distinctive features These augers are simplicity of construction and a small cost, as well as the ability without interruptions to deliver heating granules into the burning area. Hard auger is equipped with a simple mount - this is a guarantee of the reliability of its end items. There is a rigid node and a disadvantage that is expressed in the fact that it is limited in length.

The shne's length does not exceed 1.5-2 meters. With a larger length, pellets will be converted by a device in sawdust. Another drawback is a rigid bunker bunker to the burner - because of this, it cannot accept another position - the use of space is irrational.

This problem can be solved by using an additional screw. It can be connected via a special module. The necessary system for preventing the emergence of the back fire in the hard screw is intended to use a fire extinguisher or install a second auger and an additional air chamberDue to which the system is significantly complicated.

Flexible, which are deprived of such flaws. They allow you to install the bins of various sizes at a distance of 12 meters and perform feed lines in any geometry. But flexible augers are not devastated - they have a complex fastening system.

Most simple option Fuel supply is considered to use a rigid auger. It features high reliability and low cost. But it is not used everywhere, because it has a limit on length and rigid binding to the burner.

Design features of the heat exchanger

There are heat exchangers used in pellet boilers, various types. They are:

  1. Horizontal or vertical.
  2. Flat or tubular.
  3. Having a different number of turns and moves.
  4. Having exhaust gases, so-called turbulizers and not having those.

According to experts, great effects in vertical heat exchangers having turbulizers, with two or three strokes. The use of such devices significantly reduces the temperature of the flue gas. If the gas temperature is 800-900 degrees, then at the output it will only be 110-120 degrees above zero.

Consequently, thermal energy, mainly heats the coolant. In addition, thanks to vertical design, on the walls of the heat exchanger can not settle the ash - the gravity of the ash crept down.

Do not neglect the following advice when choosing pellet heating boilers:

  1. If the equipment has equal characteristics, it is preferable to choose a company that produces boilers operated in your region. Buying a new model, you risk to face big challenges.
  2. Be sure to check whether all the spare parts are included, without leaving the warehouse, because they will become necessary at any time.
  3. Service heating device Must undergoing certification service specialist.

Pellet boilers manufacturers

Heating boilers working on pellet granules are becoming increasingly popular, so currently sold decent models Domestic manufacturers:

"NKC Biyskenergoproekt" produces pellet heating boilerswhich despite their simplicity reliable and have electronic control. They are easy to program, so that they are capable of maintaining the specified temperatures a long period of time. In addition, boilers have a high efficiency, giving up to 93% and relatively low cost.

The "Start" devices manufactured by the Kirov manufacturers are equipped with import burners that provide maximum efficiency. In the designs of the boilers, a horizontal fuel supply conveyor is provided, due to which the requirements for the forms and size of the fuel fraction are reduced. The heating boiler works with pellets granules, and can also use sawdust and chip. At the same time above the burner, a grate grid is installed, which is included in the boiler. The transition from one to another type of fuel is quite simple and fast.

Manufacturers of pellet boilers heating.

The Russian company "Elephant" produces heating boilers, which are distinguished by the fact that they have a special horizontal winter-tube system with two aisles, which is a heat exchanger. The water shirt has walls and ceiling of the combustion chamber, as well as it is located under the roller - it increases the efficiency of the efficiency of 97%.

Pellet boilers produced by foreign manufacturers can also be purchased. Biotech, Buderus, Gilles, Bosch, which produce high-quality products at a higher price have been best proven.

Heating pellet boilers are becoming increasingly popular, due to their economy, unpretentiousness in care, high efficiency and environmental cleanliness. This equipment is a serious competitor to traditional heating devices.

Pellets - wood and other waste of woodworking or agricultural enterprises, which are small pressed cylindrical granules. They are used as fuel for pellet boilers. Pellet boilers, like any other varieties of solid fuel heating equipment, is one of the few reasonable solutions in the absence of a house connection to the gas pipeline.

Device and principle of operation

A complex of such equipment consists of several parts: a boiler, a bunker for loading fuel and conveyor for its feed to the furnace. The boiler has a burner, a fan that blows the air into the burning zone, all sorts of sensors to control the feed of the pellets and cleaning equipment from ash, as well as the control system responsible for consistency in the operation of all heating equipment. Schematically, the device of pellet boilers is shown in the figure below.

It works all about as follows:

  1. the fuel loaded in the bunker Self and the Schneck is transferred to the furnace;
  2. in the furnace is the burner with electrical system ignition, which flammifies pellets, providing burning granules. To increase the efficiency of combustion, air is supplied to the fan under pressure under pressure;
  3. the heated air passes through the heat exchanger, increasing the temperature of the coolant circulating in the heating system;
  4. the spent gases are removed from the smoke system. By the way about the chimney - in modern boilers, the fuel combines almost completely, and the furnace gases almost completely consist of carbon dioxide and water vapor

Schematically and very brief technological processes Listed in the figure below.

Why is it worth considering the purchase of a pellet boiler as an alternative to any other equipment using gas in cylinders, coal or kerosene as fuel? There are several reasons:

  • the cost of fuel. It is relatively inexpensive, and every year more and more enterprises launches fuel pellet production lines, which makes them even more accessible to the Russian consumer. So, the price of them varies from 4,000 to 7000 rubles. per ton. On average, the heating of the house in 200 squares is necessary up to 10 tons of fuel. It is easy to calculate that heating costs for 7 months will be approximately 40-60 thousand rubles. At least as long as the value of the pellet is their advantage - it is not known what will happen when the demand for such fuel will increase;
  • ecology. Using wood granules The problem of waste disposal is solved - you minimize the damage to nature, while listening to your home. Not in vain pellets are counted to the category of biofuels;
  • automation of the boiler operation process. Granulated fuel has the necessary flowability for the portion feed of the screws and under the action of gravity. You can download a spacious bunker for the equipment during the week;
  • minor waste. Low fuel ash content (about 1%) minimize the complexity of the boiler maintenance

Immediately alleged that one of the most significant "shortcomings" of heating equipment, the fuel for which pellets serve is its high price. Of course, it can vary in the widest limits, based on the power of the boiler, its efficiency, reliability, functionality and other characteristics. But the cost of even the most accessible models begins in the region of 200 thousand rubles. Also, the disadvantages should be attributed to the dependence of the operation of the system from the power supply.

The first thing to pay attention to when choosing is the power of the boiler. It should exceed a rated value by 10%. Increased power directly affects the volume of the bunker, the size of the complex, as well as the cost of equipment. When it changes temperature conditions The system performance is easily adjustable. Pellet consumption depends on the boiler model and its settings.

To find out what approximately the power of the boiler is needed in your case, we propose to use our convenient calculator. I want to believe that its use will not be associated with any difficulties, and the results obtained will facilitate your search.

Internal room temperature, with (usually 20 or 21 s)

The air temperature is the coldest five days, with (by SNiP 23-01-99 "Construction climatology") the meaning to enter with the sign "-"

Number of floors

Ceiling height, m

Overlapping below

Foundation Wooden floors above the basement Previous floor

Overlapping above

Attic floors next floor

Exterior walls

Brick wall In 1 brick (25 cm) Brick wall 1.5 bricks (38 cm) Brick wall in 2 bricks (51 cm) Brick wall 2.5 bricks (64 cm) Brick wall in 3 bricks (76 cm) Credit from a bar thickness 10 cm logboat from a bar thickness of 15 cm logboat from a bar with a thickness of 20 cm Logged from logs d \u003d 20 cm Logged from logs D \u003d 25 cm frame (board + minvat + board) -20 cm foam concrete 20 cm foam concrete 30 cm aerated concrete D400 thickness 15 cm aerated concrete D400 thickness 20 cm aerated concrete D400 thickness 25 cm aerated concrete D400 thickness 30 cm aerated concrete 30 cm thick + 0.5 bricks aerated concrete D400 thickness 37.5 cm aerated concrete D400 thickness 40 cm aerated concrete D500 thickness 32 cm Ceramzit concrete blocks (40 cm) + 1 brick (12 cm) thermoblocks thick 25 cm Ceramic blocks Supertermo, 57 cm Ursa Pureone 34 RN, 10 cm

Width, M.

Number of exterior walls

Length 1 Wall, m

Length 2 walls, m

Length 3 Walls, M

Length 4 Walls, m

The number of windows of this type

Window width, m

Window height, m

Add a new window type?

The usual window with double frame frames (glass thickness is 4 mm) - 4-16-4 double-glazed windows (glass thickness 4 mm) - 4-AR16-4 double-glazed windows (glass thickness 4 mm) - 4-16-4K double-glazed windows (glass thickness 4 mm ) - 4-AR16-4K Two-chamber glass windows - 4-6-4-6-4 two-chamber double-glazed windows - 4-AR6-4-AR6-4 Two-chamber double-glazed windows - 4-6-4-6-4K Two-chamber double-glazed windows - 4-AR6- 4-AR6-4K Two-chamber double-glazed windows - 4-8-4-8-4 Two-chamber double-glazed windows - 4-AR8-4-AR8-4 Two-chamber double-glazed windows - 4-8-4-8-4K Two-chamber double-glazed windows - 4-AR8-4 AR8-4K two-chamber glass windows - 4-10-4-10-4 two-chamber double-glazed windows - 4-AR10-4-AR10-4 two-chamber glass windows - 4-10-4-10-4K two-chamber double-glazed windows - 4-AR10-4-AR10 4K two-chamber glass windows - 4-12-4-12-4 two-chamber double-glazed windows - 4-AR12-4-AR12-4 two-chamber double-glazed windows - 4-12-4-12-4K two-chamber double-glazed windows - 4-AR12-4-AR12-4K two-chamber Double-glazed glass - 4-16-4-16-4 Two-chamber double-glazed windows - 4-AR16-4-AR16-4 Two-chamber glass windows - 4-16-4-16-4K two-chamber glass Ket - 4-AR16-4-AR16-4K

The number of windows of this type

Window width, m

Window height, m

Add a new window type?

The usual window with double frame frames (glass thickness is 4 mm) - 4-16-4 double-glazed windows (glass thickness 4 mm) - 4-AR16-4 double-glazed windows (glass thickness 4 mm) - 4-16-4K double-glazed windows (glass thickness 4 mm ) - 4-AR16-4K Two-chamber glass windows - 4-6-4-6-4 two-chamber double-glazed windows - 4-AR6-4-AR6-4 Two-chamber double-glazed windows - 4-6-4-6-4K Two-chamber double-glazed windows - 4-AR6- 4-AR6-4K Two-chamber double-glazed windows - 4-8-4-8-4 Two-chamber double-glazed windows - 4-AR8-4-AR8-4 Two-chamber double-glazed windows - 4-8-4-8-4K Two-chamber double-glazed windows - 4-AR8-4 AR8-4K two-chamber glass windows - 4-10-4-10-4 two-chamber double-glazed windows - 4-AR10-4-AR10-4 two-chamber glass windows - 4-10-4-10-4K two-chamber double-glazed windows - 4-AR10-4-AR10 4K two-chamber glass windows - 4-12-4-12-4 two-chamber double-glazed windows - 4-AR12-4-AR12-4 two-chamber double-glazed windows - 4-12-4-12-4K two-chamber double-glazed windows - 4-AR12-4-AR12-4K two-chamber Double-glazed glass - 4-16-4-16-4 Two-chamber double-glazed windows - 4-AR16-4-AR16-4 Two-chamber glass windows - 4-16-4-16-4K two-chamber glass Ket - 4-AR16-4-AR16-4K

The number of windows of this type

Window width, m

Window height, m

The need for GVS.


About the flow of Pellet.

The minimum flow of pellets for low-power models, for example, at 15 kW is about 1.1-1.3 kg / h. Such values \u200b\u200boccur during when heat is not directed to heating boiler (not included with hot water), the house is insulated and heat losses Through its structural elements are insignificant. In the usual case, they are talking about the averaged nominal flow rate of fuel, which for equipment at 15 kW is approximately 3.3-3.7 kg / h. It is worth navigating when choosing a boiler. As power increases, the burner is growing and appetite. Dependency is close to a straight line, the nominal flow of pellets is approximately:

- for 15 kW of the boiler - 3.3-3.7 kg / h;
- for 25 kW of the boiler - 5.2-6.0 kg / h;
- for 50 kW of the boiler - 10.7-11.6 kg / h;
- for 75 kW of the boiler - 16.5-17.7 kg / h;
- for 100 kW of the boiler - 21,4-23.3 kg / h

The most fuel is spent at the stage of the outlet of the boiler to the mode of operation, when the first portions of the pellets and the heating of the boiler are up to the operating temperature. Modern models It is easily programmed, so you can always set a smaller temperature for the night or in the absence of residents at home.

A screw that serves fuel from the bunker in the firebox may be tough and flexible. The first option is more reliable and inexpensive. A flexible auger allows you to effectively use the area of \u200b\u200bthe boiler room, its length can vary in wider limits (up to 10 m and more).

About the types of burners and not only

Important attention should be paid to the type of burner. The principle of operation of the burner is due to the difference in supply of fuel: in the combustion zone from above (flare type) or bottom (retort type). It is believed that for the device in private houses, the installation of boilers with a retort burner is more suitable, because In this case, it is possible to clean the boiler from ash. The burners are movable (for bad fuel) and fixed (for better fuel). As in the appearance of the bunker and the boiler, determine what technology does the burner work for? Everything is pretty prose: if you see a flexible plastic corrugation connecting the hopper and the burner at an angle of about 45?, Then we are talking About the boiler with a torch burner. In all other cases, it is likely that you have a retort burner before you (with a lower fuel supply).

It is also necessary to take into account the volume of the bunker. It depends on how often you have to visit the boiler room in order to replenish the fuel reserve. Normally, when it has to do 1-2 times a week. However, today manufacturers offer solutions involving the use of pneumatic transport to replenish the bunker directly from the warehouse. In such cases, in the fall, you can download the bunker in the storage room, and the boiler visit only to remove the container with ash. The only nuance is such automation costs serious money.

You need to think carefully about how the boiler will be used: for heating, for water heating or both. If it is needed only for heating, you can safely save - single-mount boilers All other characteristics are usually cheaper than double-circuit. If the water is also expected to heating for household purposes, then it is worth thinking about the volume of the boiler - based on the consumption hot water in family.

I would also like to pay attention to the ignition system. It is usually electrical and highly energy intensive. You can safely save if you disconnect this system and you will independently start the boiler: it is enough to pour in the burner pellets, pour them with liquid for ignition and light. Either use autonomous gas burner.which is initiated by ignition when necessary.

Well, of course, much depends on the manufacturer. Below we consider the features of the most popular models of pellet boilers.

Popular patterns of boilers

As alternative source Heat abroad pellets already use two decades. This causes the fact that almost every serious manufacturer of boiler equipment has several models of pellet boilers. The most popular names that may come across you when searching for heating equipment: Katurami, Kostrzhev and Virbel.

Name of undercarriage import models of pellet boilers
Manufacturer Mark Kotla Approximate prices
Kiturami (Kituri), South Korea KRP. 20A. 24 kW / 300 m2 from 170,000 rubles.
50A. 58.5 kW / 580 m2 from 275,000 rubles.
Kostrzewa (Kostrzheva), Poland Pellets Fuzzy Logic 2 15 15 kW / 150 m2 from 230000 rubles.
25 25 kW / 250 m2 from 240000 rubles.
40 40 kW / 400 m2 from 300,000 rubles.
50 50 kW / 500 m2 from 330000 rubles.
75 75 kW / 750 m2 from 460000 rubles.
100 100 kW / 1000 m2 from 570000 rubles.
Compact Bio. 10 10 kW / 100 m2 from 210000 rubles.
16 16 kW / 160 m2 from 220000 rubles.
24 24 kW / 240 m2 from 235,000 rubles.
Pellets 100. 16 16 kW / 160 m2 from 190,000 rubles.
24 24 kW / 240 m2 from 200,000 rubles.
32 32 kW / 320 m2 from 220000 rubles.
40 40 kW / 400 m2 from 240000 rubles.
Wirbel, Austria EKO 3 Pellet 20 20 kW / 250 m2 from 190,000 rubles.
30 30 kW / 300 m2 from 215,000 rubles.
50 50 kW / 520 m2 from 295000 rubles.
90 100 kW / 1000 m2 from 430000 rubles.
EKO CK Pellet Set 20 20 kW / 180 m2 from 240000 rubles.
25 25 kW / 230 m2 from 245000 rubles.
30 30 kW / 270 m2 from 250000 rubles.
35 35 kW / 330 m2 from 256,000 rubles.
40 40 kW / 360 m2 from 280,000 rubles.
50 50 kW / 450 m2 from 290000 rubles.
70 70 kW / 600 m2 from 505000 rubles.
90 90 kW / 800 m2 from 520000 rubles.
EKO CK Pellet Plus 25 25 kW / 240 m2 from 380000 rubles.
35 35 kW / 340 m2 from 400000 rubles.
50 50 kW / 490 m2 from 500,000 rubles.

At the same time, today you have the opportunity to support the domestic manufacturer. Many models of Russian equipment can compete with foreign counterparts. Moreover, their cost is more than competitive.

Pellet boilers of Russian production
Manufacturer Mark Kotla Maximum power / heated area Approximate prices
Zota Pellet 15A. 15 kW / 150 m2 from 150,000 rubles.
25A. 25 kW / 250 m2 from 190,000 rubles.
40A. 40 kW / 400 m2 from 220000 rubles.
63a 60 kW / 650 m2 from 250000 rubles.
100A. 100 kW / 1000 m2 from 370000 rubles.
General Peresvet. 10m (MA) 10 kW / 100 m2 from 130,000 rubles.
16m (MA) 16 kW / 160 m2 from 140,000 rubles.
20m (MA) 20 kW / 200 m2 from 150,000 rubles.
30m (MA) 30 kW / 300 m2 from 160,000 rubles.
Valdai 15ma 15 kW / 150 m2 from 110000 rubles.
22 Ma 22 kW / 200 m2 from 120000 rubles.
33 Ma 33 kW / 300 m2 from 140,000 rubles.
50 Ma 50 kW / 500 m2 from 166,000 rubles.
Pelletron Pelletron 20t 28 kW / 400 m2 from 70,000 rubles.
40T 48 kW / 700 m2 from 100,000 rubles.
Teplodar Cooper OK15 15 kW / 150 m2 from 70,000 rubles.
OK30. 30 kW / 300 m2 from 80,000 rubles.


If you order the installation of a pellet boiler in a specialized company, then such services will cost no less than 13,000 rubles. You can save and try to install the system with your own hands. This article will help you spend everything. necessary work: It sketches in it, how to install a pellet boiler and configure it correctly.

Preparation of the room

When installing a pellet boiler, first of all, it is necessary to properly prepare the room where the heating generator will be. It is better to use the zone remote from the housing (cellars are well suitable, carbind extensions, garages, sometimes boilers put in attics).

If the room with the boiler will be as close to residential roomsIt is better to take care of a dense hermetic door and flooring and doors with washing materials (woody dust, ash will constantly settle on them). The best option for cladding is standard tile.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe room under the boiler with a capacity of 15-18 kW should not be less than 2.5-3 square meters. m., otherwise it violates the rules fire safety. The room temperature was not lower than +10 degrees to achieve this wall and ceiling can be insulated with foam (sufficient layer in 10 centimeters). There is no need for radiators.

Humidity above 40% is not welcome, as it will reduce the operational term of the system - if water from the roof falls from the roof or through the walls, it will have to do in the perimeter with a waterproofing membrane material.

Some more important conditions in the preparation of the premises:

  1. Availability supply ventilation. Such a hole with a diameter of 12-15 centimeters. No particularly complex air conditioning systems are required. You can make an extract so that in the room it was comfortable.
  2. Availability of access to chimney or organization of new. For pellet boilers, only chimney type "Sandwich" is suitable (with the presence of a layer of insulation). The height of the pipe should be at least 5 meters. Recommended the device collection of condensate so that the accumulation of moisture does not violate the work of the furnace.
  3. Premises power supply. Pellet boilers for automation of work require electricity. It is also recommended to conduct light into the room, which will greatly facilitate the work on the maintenance of the furnace.

General scheme, but read more details below

Choosing a place to install

After the room for the heating system is prepared, it is necessary to determine the place where to install the boiler. Here are some requirements:

  • The floor where the boiler is put, should be even. Only strictly vertical position of the device is allowed without any slopes.
  • The area under the boiler should be durable to withstand the weight of a sufficiently heavy device (some models weigh over 200 kg).
  • You can only put the boiler on the fireproof surface. Tile or concrete is best suited. Installation is allowed to raised heat insulating base.
  • From the front wall of the pellet generator to the wall of the room should be at least 1.5 meters.
  • Paul under the boiler should not be very quickly cooling when the device is turned off so that condensate or sleep is not formed.

In order to further use the system as convenient as possible, the installation of a pellet boiler must be carried out with the calculation that it will be necessary to continue to it. Before the front wall of the boiler requires at least 1.5 m of free space (in order to throw fuel, follow the flame and the burden, carry out cleaning). If this is not taken into account, then it will be necessary to disassemble the device sooner or later.

Necessary materials and tools

If you plan to install, and then connect the pellet boiler on your own, without attracting a specialist, then you must first take care of the presence of essential materials and tools. In the work you will need:

  • The device itself is a pellet boiler and fuel bunker.
  • Metal pipes, distribution tank, circulation pump, air vent valves and shut-off valves for system strapping.
  • Heat meter, pressure gauges, safety valves, flowmeters (these devices are not necessarily installed, but they make the use of a boiler easier and safe)

Phased design description

Specialists do not advise the installation and strapping of pellet boilers of heating on schemes from the Internet for newcomers, never before that did not matter with heating and plumbing systems. But knowing how the installation is carried out and what nuances is important to follow in work, will allow you to control the work of contractors.

Installation of the system is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Installation of main equipment:
  • Installing the boiler in a lounge.
  • Installing the fuel hopper away from the boiler.
  • Installation in the bunker of screw pellets.
  • Fixing Pipe Pellet Pellet Clamps.
  • Installation of the burner, receiving pipe and hose.
  1. Pellet boiler strapping.
  2. Filling the system in accordance with the specified operating pressure.
  3. Connection to chimney. The chimney cross section must correspond to the cross section of the smoother of the boiler. Natural traction must be at least 12 pa.
  4. Installation additional elements like safety valves (They are not mandatory, but improve the convenience and safety of use).
  5. Connecting to the power grid. With an increased risk of regular electricity outages, it is recommended to supplement the system with a suitable UPS model.

ATTENTION: The article presents a general installation scheme. Details of the installation may differ depending on the particular specific model. More detailed scheme It is given in the instructions that must be issued when buying a boiler.

Sample illustrations on the topic:

Installation of the base of the boiler, fuel bunker

Two options connecting to chimney

Scheme of strapping with photos

The process of connecting the device to hot water supply and distribution networks is carried out in stages, in compliance with a number of rules. Pellet boiler strapping circuit for each model may differ slightly. Below is given general instructions (The strapping is done after installing the main design and burner connection):

  • Installation of the boiler and expansion tank.
  • Wiring pipes.
  • Installation of a system of reverse streaming devices (two taps-pressure gauge, circulation pump, thermal head).
  • Installation and regulation of water recirculation system (for this is put three-way valves and hydraulic).
  • Installation of air vent valves. It is recommended to install several such valves, on an equal distance from each other.
  • Installing collectors (i.e. pipe segments with removal). They are connected to "consumers" objects, which can be radiators in rooms, coils in bathrooms, warm floors.
  • Installation additional equipment: Pressure gauges, safety valves, flow meters.


Option 1

Connecting the boiler to the heating system

Installing a pellet boiler with an indirect heating boiler

Example of strokes in the photo

Connection and configuration

After installing the boiler is completed, you can perform test inclusion and verification. To do this, do the following steps:

  • Connect the power cable to power.
  • Place manually pellets in the fuel compartment (bunker).
  • Turn on the boiler, load pellets from the bunker in the burner (this is done by pressing the appropriate keys on the dashboard).
  • Check on the panel that all indicators tanned: turn on the device, run the burner, the presence of the flame, the installation of the timer, the operation of the auger, the inner fan, the pump.
  • Ensure that there are normal thrust and sealing of all connecting elements of the boiler.

Default turns on automatic factory setting Pellet boilers. Specialists do not advise on them to hope and when you first connect, check all the parameters. They are all displayed on the display. You can also adjust and change the modes.

If necessary, you can adjust the pellet boiler under your requirements: change fuel consumption, operation time, equipment power. It is important to adjust the feeding of the pellets Schneck from the bunker (it must constantly be at the level top edge or just below).

Typical errors

If you neglect the installation rules, then when you first start the device, problems will arise. The most common installation errors are:

  • Narca appears too quickly, the boiler does good heat, although all the settings on the panel are set correctly. Cause: When installing ignored the installation of the control system for heating level reverse water. it serious errorwhich may soon lead to the release of the heating system.
  • There is too much condensate. The reason may be that the room temperature is below +10 degrees. This creates sharp temperature differences when the device is turned on-off. If condensate is formed under the boiler, it means that it was put on the wrong base (the situation will fix the heat insulation of the floor).
  • Pyrolysis gases leak occurs. Reason: When installing, the sealing of the boiler, the fuel hopper, chimney was not provided.
  • The boiler smokes, in the kolnik, remain unlawful to the end of pellets. Cause: incorrect settings are set, re-commissioning the system.
  • The burner regularly goes out. Reason: In the room there is not an influencing vent hole, the device lacks oxygen.


Installing a pellet boiler - the process is complex and requires great care. The performance and safety of the device depends on the installation and configuration. That is why in the absence of the desired work skills with the connection of heating and plumbing system, it is better to trust this business to specialists.