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Pini Kay fuel briquettes. Pini Kay Fuel Briquette Overview with Custom Reviews. Fuel Briquettes Pini Kay

Fuel briquettes Pini Kay today is very often used to breed fire in the fireplace, furnaces and for the furnace of wood heating boilers. They are good for the country house, and for a bath, and for the manga and even for the fire. When burning briquettes do not give sparks, practically do not crack, do not "shoot", do not smoke almost at all. In contrast to ordinary firewood, Pini Kay do not need to be dried, they flared quickly. It is very important that there are no chemical additives and glue. The form they are obtained using the pressure of the screw press, in which the natural bonding substance lignin is distinguished from the sawdust. Thanks to this manufacturing technology, briquette density reaches 1.4 kg / dm 3. During the burning of this type of fuel, you do not feel any eating outsiders, the surrounding air is not filled with harmful chemical compounds.

Pini Kay is a solid multi-faceted cylinder with a through hole in the center. It creates an additional air craving through the briquette, which helps it easily and quickly delay the fire and maintain it even with a very strong pull in the oven.

This type of fuel is made from dry sawdust, which are compressed under high pressure, and at the end slightly burned outside. The result is the lamps of very high density. Polyethylene packaging - 12 cylinders in each, as well as the hardness of the briquette allow them to be folded for all winter simply under a canopy to the street. Also, they are very convenient to label for storage or transportation. Due to the fact that briquettes are packed - garbage from them there is no, unlike firewood.

Pini Kay is one of the most dense (more denser than RUF) modern fuel briquettes. Therefore, they have the longest burning, which is very convenient - do not often throw them into the oven. The ash content of Pini Kay is very low, which allows you to clean the chimney, compared to conventional firewood.

Buy Eurodova Pini Kay means that your heating costs will significantly reduce!

Beautiful replacement of fossil types of fuel: coal, gas, fuel oil, etc.

The name happened from the company from Austria, which produced presses for the manufacture of briquettes.

The price of Pini Kay in Moscow we have one of the lowest!

Locked and dry. The majority did not hear about alternative sources. But for example, in Europe, most of the population has moved to alternative types of fuel: pellets and briquettes. Today I want to tell you about fuel briquettes, show their pros and cons.

Fuel briquettes, or EuroDrov - solid biofuels, make it made of recycled trees, including chips and sawdust. Motherland Evrora is Germany, where briquettes have been used since 1984.

Briquettes are produced according to the following technology: sawdust is heated to high temperature and pressed on a special press. Due to the high density of 1.1 kg / dm3 and a special lignin glue, fuel briquettes are not collapsed and can be stored for quite a long time in any conditions. At the same time, they occupy a little space, and heat is given in a little more conventional wood or birch firewood.

Since briquette has a high density, it burns for quite a while. The caloriness of the raw - 1800 kilocalories per kilogram, a dry - 3600, and the fuel briquette - about 5000. If 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bof firewood burns for half an hour, then the same number of euro - for 2-4 hours.

If the production of briquettes are used as raw materials of deciduous trees, then briquettes have low ash content. And if used as raw materials coniferous rocks, then high ash content. When combining a briquette, there is practically no waste.

With firewood or coal, a small fuel volume during combustion turns into a soot, which subsequently clogs the chimney. If a few years not to clean the pipes with aspen firewood or special means it can lead to a fire. With fuel briquettes of hardwood, such a problem does not occur - non-aggravated particles remain no more than 7%, and consumers do not need to clean the equipment every time.

The quality of fuel briquettes depends on several factors:

  • Density, it should be higher than 1 kg dm3.
  • Lack of dirt, impurities and laying raw materials.
  • Quality equipment
  • Proper technological process

The fact that the briquette is made of high-quality raw materials and compliance with technological standards, it says its natural color and absence of odors, except the smell of wood.

For example, a birch briquette, for example, should be white, of pine and other coniferous rocks - light yellow.

There are three recognized Briquette Standards - RUF, Nestro and Pini & Kay. RUF fuel briquettes, in the form of bricks, appeared on the market first. They are made of birch, needles and oak.

The Nestro fuel briquette is a cylinder, as well as other species, almost do not smoke when burning, and the coal remains after combustion.

The PINI & KAY standard is thermal processing and thanks to this, the maximum resistant to mechanical effects. It is perfect for fireplate firebox, and attracts consumers an unusual form of a polyhedron with a hole inside. All types of fuel briquettes are compact and occupy several times less than the firewood. You can store fuel briquettes in any room, provided that they will be protected from moisture.

Not only have obvious advantages for the consumer, but also save natural resources. The transition to Eurodova is a concern for ecology, that is, about our health. After logging, the production of paper remains mountains of sawdust and wood dust. They are dangerous to burn due to the threat of fires and it is impossible to stored infinitely in the enterprise. Thus, the manufacture of fuel briquettes is the solution of the urgent problem, and stop the unnecessary cutting of the forest on firewood, and convenience.

In Sweden, where the state does everything, to improve the standard of living of the population, eurodes enjoy in most villages. In our fuel briquettes, there are few people in about fuel briquettes, but slowly progress goes, and some people begin to stay fuel briquettes.

Tirdo-fuel boilers are actively used for the heating of residential buildings. They allow them to do without a gas highway and expensive electricity, highlighting thermal energy from the combustion chamber of firewood. Fuel briquettes are often used for extracts. A typical example is pini-kei briquettes. They are characterized by a high level of calibration and provide residential premises with plenty of heat.

Disadvantages of traditional solid fuel

Pini Kay fuel briquettes are designed in Germany, but today they are shipped by many manufacturers. They are nothing but pressed wood waste. This fuel is supplied in the form of neat bars with the inner hole. In this form, it is sent to the furnaces of solid fuel boilers and wood stoves.

Traditional firewood has a number of shortcomings. To begin with, we note their imperfect form - it creates problems in the storage of fuel. Separate bars differ in size from other bars, some of them contain knots, which prevents them with accurate storage. Thus, using firewood in the boiler or ovens, it is necessary to take care of buying neat flights - usually they cost more.

Also note the low heat carrier - this indicator depends on both the variety of wood and the level of humidity. And the higher the level of humidity, the worse the firewood and less than the amount of heat released. The indicative of calorific value at a moisture content of about 10-15% is 3800-4000 kcal. In the case of pin-kei briquettes, this figure is much higher.

What are pini-kei briquettes

Blicts on pallets comes, you can use any suitable place for storage - a neat rectangular shape does not create problems when storing the fuel.

Wood briquettes Pini Kay is a product of wood waste processing. It uses dust and chips. They shrink under great pressure, turning into small scrabble with a hole in the middle. This hole is necessary to improve the combustion of pini-kei in the depths of boilers and furnaces.

By its structure, the briquettes made of wood Pini-Kay remind the pencils enlarged in the sizes - as if he was taken out of the griffel. This form was not randomly created, it facilitates the spokeshage of fuel and its further active burning.

Imagine other advantages of pini-kei in the form of a list:

  • Excellent characteristics - judge by yourself, the calorific value reaches 5000-5200 kcal, which is 20-25% higher than that of ordinary bores.
  • Environmental purity - when producing briquettes, adhesive basics and chemical additives are not used.
  • Almost complete combustion - Pini Kay fuel briquettes form the minimum amount of ash. It should also be noted the minimum amount of resin released, which reduces the frequency of cleaning the furnaces, fireplaces and boilers.
  • Smooth burning - pini-kei briquettes do not "shoot", do not scatter the burning coal, provide a uniform flame.
  • The possibility of processing - if necessary, briquetted fuel can be seeded (if not placed in the furnace).

The internal humidity is about 4%.

There are disadvantages:

  • For pre-ignition, it will take a bit of firewood - EuroDrov (they are also pini-kei briquettes) are well incubated only if there is extras.
  • When storing the Eurodrov, it is necessary to pay attention to the humidity indicator - it is recommended to store them in a heated room (no placement on the street is allowed).
  • Higher cost compared to traditional firewood - everything depends on the manufacturer of pini-kei fuel briquettes and the manufacturer's pricing.

Nevertheless, this fuel is popular with consumers.

How to do and where to buy briquettes Pini Kay

We have already said that the basis for this fuel is environmentally friendly wood waste. Often, sunflower and rice husks, straw, grassy perennial plant called Tyrs and many other components are used here.

The production of pini-kei briquettes is carried out by compressing the initial raw materials under high pressure and high temperature. As a result, all plant and wood components are combined into small lamps. The link is not the glue here, but Lignin is a natural natural component contained in vegetation. It is distinguished from plant cells when heated and exposed to pressure.

You can purchase briquettes Pini-Kay you can have specialized suppliers. The price of one packaging of wood products is from 80-90 rubles (the weight of the packaging is about 10-11 kg). Luzi briquettes Sunflower and other plant components cost 15-20% cheaper. We recommend finding a regional supplier of briquetted fuel.

Ownership reviews

Briquettes made of extruded wood or vegetable waste Pini-kei is a relative novelty. Therefore, the domestic consumer relates to them with some distrust. And this is quite understandable, because the heating of home ownership is a serious task that can lead to increased expenses. Let's see what the reviews about Briquettes Pini-Kay say.

I bought a plot in the Leningrad region, there is no gas, neighbors drowned the house of electricity. As it turned out, many of it simply steal, by those or other ways to undertaken. I decided not to indulge the lawlessness and installed a solid fuel boiler. The first year hung up with firewood, as a result, threw his back, he was treated for a long time. On the Internet randomly stumbled upon Pini-Kay briquettes and decided to try. They cost more expensive, but also heat transfer from them above - the boiler is already buzzing during work. Heat they give incommensurable more than ordinary lamps.Yes, and it is convenient to storage - I bought a few pallets, posted them in the fitting room adjacent to home, away from dampness.

The modern market of materials for heating is very wide and shot by proposals for the purchase of different types of fuel, some of them can be harvested in the energy efficiency. In turn, in this article you will find information about the fuel briquettes of manufacturers who are currently considered to be brands and leaders in their field. It will be about the features of fuel briquettes firms Ruf, Pini Key, Nevator and Nilson.

Fuel briquettes

Fuel Briquettes Ruth

Ruf is a manufacturer of fuel briquettes consisting of sawdust and waste of good wood solid and soft rocks. With all, there are no bark and other non-liquid materials of the wood industry.

Fuel briquettes Ruf do not have in the composition of chemicals based on glue. And this is their main advantage. This is due to the technology of manufacturing briquettes on a special complex of techniques.

As for the production technology, the RUF briquettes are made in two stages:

  1. Drying, which is necessary to reduce the percentage of the moisture of the chips of the tree and sawdust.
  2. Hydraulic press, which produces forest formation in briquettes.

Briquettes are obtained at the output, in appearance resembling bricks.

Fuel Briquettes Ruth

Specifications of fuel briquettes RUF.

It is unlikely that these indicators will be informative for an ordinary person. For example, we give the parameters of other types of fuel for some of the characteristics.

Such information is enough to understand that RUF fuel briquettes are quite effective. This is confirmed by the reviews of the owners of country houses.


Online you can find many reviews about the fuel briquettes of this manufacturer. And mostly good. Users noted the following positive fuel quality RF:

  1. Lack of characteristic crackling, as well as departure of sparks.
  2. High thermal return with long burning.
  3. Good resistance to moisture.
  4. Practicality in application.
  5. You can increase the return of heat of the boiler if briquettes and lamps in the flue chamber put evenly. To all, fuel consumption will decrease by an average trip.
  6. The fuel briquettes RUF from birch dust do not leave on the walls of the hug of Nagar and the scale of the game, which in turn makes the boiler maintenance much easier.
  7. Manufacturer's briquettes do not require a lot of storage space. In addition, the purity in the warehouse will always be.

Fuel Briquettes Pini Kay

Fuel briquettes of this manufacturer are popular at the expense of their unique characteristics, and have many positive user feedback.

It is worth saying that Fuel Briquettes Pini Kay should be kept isolated from other materials and substances. When complying with the following conditions, it can be a very long time:

  • it is required to store briquettes in the covered warehouse at temperatures from plus 5 to plus 40 ° C;
  • relative humidity should vary in the range of 30-80%;
  • briquettes should not be contacted with water and aggressive media;
  • to extend their shelf life, it is better to remove the products from the sun.

Fuel Briquettes Pini Kay

Technical characteristics of fuel briquettes Pini Kay.


Reviews about fuel briquettes of this manufacturer are mostly positive and are as follows:

  1. Pini Key Fuel Briquettes do not pollute the surface coming into contact with them at the time of transportation and storage.
  2. Universal shape and small sizes that allow tightly laying briquettes for pallets.
  3. Small ash content of 3%.
  4. High density exceeding wood parameters 2.5 times.
  5. High bulk density. This parameter is interested in many customers. They compare the indicator with 300 kg / m³.

Nestro fuel briquettes

The production of Nestro fuel briquettes is carried out on hydraulic presses with the creation of back pressure of the Canguy. These products can be in diameter from 50 to 90 mm, and in length - from 50 to 100 mm. Packed in bags.

Since the fuel briquette is not extremely pressed fuel, then it takes little storage space for it. In addition, high density eliminates moisture penetration inside and subsequent rotting, so it is possible to store them for a long time.

For the ignition of Evrohrov, very little raucion or liquid is required. For the fireplace, there are usually enough pairs of briquettes. After the ignition, they burn with a flat flame and spread the woody smell, and after combustion, beautiful coals remain, retaining the heat for a long time.

Fuel Briquette Non-Terry

- EuroDrova Pini Kay does not need to be dried and cook, they do not need special furnaces and equipment. Piny & Key hard and extremely resistant to mechanical effects.

High calorificness

The caloriness of fuel briquettes Pini Key is 4900-5100 kcal / kg, which significantly exceeds not only the calorific value of ordinary firewood, but also RUF fuel briquettes. More heat, with a smaller amount of firewood;

Big Duration of Burning

The combustion time and subsequent decline, higher than the "ordinary" firewood. The duration of burning of wood briquettes is up to 3 hours (in the furnaces with adjustable air supply). High burning duration increases the time interval between the fuel tab into the oven, which significantly improves the usability. Comfortable temperature with a smaller amount of fuel laying.

Light Rizhag

The ignition of fuel briquettes does not differ from the ignition of ordinary firewood. However, Eurorova can be found with the help of special liquids (for example, those used to ignite charcoal) or gel for ignition. Due to low humidity, briquettes are quickly flared. Pini Kay fuel briquettes are light spare and fast heating of the room;

High density

- From all kinds of fuel briquettes, Pini Kay has the highest density.


The combustion of fuel briquettes, in contrast to the classic firewood of various wood, is accompanied by the allocation of the minimum amount of smoke, do not spark and do not "shoot". High safety at high calorific value.


Due to the low humidity, briquettes are mined less soot and smallest chimneys. The cake of the fuel briquettes of Pini Kay is about 0.3%.

Convenient storage

Due to smooth proportions and high density, fuel briquettes can be stored in several rows, which allows you to store substantially more fuel on a unit area, in comparison with conventional firewood. Wood fuel briquettes are convenient for storage and transportation