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Block clay-concrete wall: characteristics, pros and cons. Characteristics of ceramzite concrete blocks Ceramzite-concrete characteristics

Recently, the building materials market develop very intensively. All the construction technologies are improved and all new cheap materials are being introduced, which are easy to install. Another representative of such innovations can be concrete with a clay-sized basis. In addition to high heat and sound insulation characteristics, such a concrete is effective in use in seismic areas.
Environmentally friendly ceramzite, which was the basis of a new building material, has the structure of frozen foam. The initial material of the clay is foam clay, which is subsequently subjected to burning in special furnaces. The granules obtained in this method are capable of withstanding fairly significant loads. Having such properties, clamzit occupies a worthy place among inexpensive and effective foam aggregates. According to the properties, the ceramzite concrete is in one row with ordinary concrete, and in chemical and thermal insulating characteristics it is even leading.

Constructive features of a ceramzite concrete.

In terms of its properties, the ceramzitobetone allows you to use yourself in any climatic conditions. The strength of the ceramzite concrete is directly dependent on its density. The material is also universal also the possibility of building structures, both from blocks and in the form of monolithic fill.

The technological characteristics of the ceramzite concrete allow it to be separated by:

  • stamp strength: It varies from 35 to 100 kg / cm2;
  • density: And it varies from 700 to 1400 kg / cm3;
  • The CPD of thermal conductivity: also varies from 0.2 to 0.5 kcal / hour.
  • The presence in the material of the ceramisitis, by virtue of his porosity, slightly reduces the density of the ceramzite concrete by 10-20%.

Types of ceramzitobetone.

Ceramzit concrete brands are used in modern construction projects: from M100 to M300. Also, on the density of the granules of the ceramisitis, the ceramzite concrete is distinguished: dense, painted and harvested.
But the most popular from the builders is a harvested ceramzitobetone. It is used when pouring floors, the construction of walls in low-rise buildings and overlaps.
Much less frequently used painted ceramzitobetone. In turn, they are also divided into subspecies:

  • constructive: mainly used when erecting engineering structures (industrial buildings, bridges and others). Application in such structures of elements from the ceramzitobetone saves due to the replacement of reinforced concrete elements first.
  • heat insulation: This subspecies acts as an additional insulating material in the composition of enclosing structures and the facade finish.
  • - Heat insulating-structural: the representative of this subspecies is the painted ceramzite concrete, from which wall blocks and panels produce.

The most expensive of all types of ceramzite concrete is considered "dense". The high cost is due to the inclusion in its composition of expensive cement. Constructions from this type of ceramzitobetone have specific use: Basically, elements from this material are intended for the manufacture of structural elements withstanding heavy loads, direct-controlled and vibration character.

Application areas of ceramzite concrete.

The main place of use of ceramzite concrete is the construction of walls. In some countries, construction is carried out only from this material. Such a concrete can withstand loads up to 7 MPa, with a single-layer wall panel density in 1000 kg / m3.
Where high heat and sound insulation of the screed is required, perfectly proven itself a ceramzite concrete. The application for these works of the ceramzite concrete, heshes the construction process and reduces the speed of drying the screed and, thus, speeds up the construction schedule.
Architectural features of some buildings require the use of a dense ceramzite concrete. But, since, the ceramzite concrete itself, in fact, rather fragile material, be sure to use reinforcing components as part of the slabs of the ceiling.
The wide popularity of ceramzitobetone, as in the West, so now in Russia is associated with a number of expressive advantages of this material:

  • stability of material to temperature differences;
  • the ability to maintain a long period gave the properties manufacturer;
  • convenience in transportation;
  • corrosion resistance, aggressive media, to high humidity and to other unfavorable operating conditions.

Advantages of the use of ceramzite concrete.

In comparison with concrete, the ceramzitobeton has characteristic differences. So, the latter perfectly holds heat and therefore applies mainly in the cold regions.
Also, the ceramzite concrete can significantly save on the material. It, in comparison with concrete, is consumed in two less, gives a smaller shrinkage and significantly easier than the opponent.
Possessing porosity, the ceramzite concrete allows the walls from it to adjust the level of humidity in the rooms. The material is unpretentious in service and imagined most of the positive properties of bricks and wood.
If you compare a ceramzite concrete with a brick, it is appropriate to note that one block of the first replaces 7 bricks and twice as much easier to be combined. The rate of construction of a structure from a ceramzitobetone increases 4-5 times than from the brick. The cost of making a ceramzite concrete unit is significantly less for the manufacture of the volume of bricks.

The ceramzite concrete block - the material is popular, but most accept it as a stone for the construction of utility rooms: garages, sheds, warehouses, considering quite fragile to build at home. Many people are heard about the characteristics of this artificial stone, but few people deepen them. Yes, and the tradition of building "Squares" from this material is based on ordinary factors: many manufacturers, especially small private shops, do not comply with the production technology, and the appearance of the material does not correspond to the presentation of consumers about aesthetics, causes sad thoughts on the need for a large volume of plaster. Although actually everything is a little different.

What, what are these blocks made from? Composition, proportion

Source raw material and ready-made material

Ceramzite concrete blocks (CBB) are made from a mixture of sand, cement and grainsite itself. For the production of hollow CBB, the clamzite of the fraction 5-10 mm fraction is used, a fraction is 15-20 mm for full-scale blocks. This fact must be taken into account when low-rise construction. The technological process is simple: Molds with a mixture are installed on the vibration installation, future blocks are torn, then placed in the chamber, where the residues of moisture are evaporated and allowed to cool. Before use, it is desirable to withstand "fresh" blocks outdoors week-other. The characteristics of future ceramzite concrete blocks are highly dependent on compliance with production technology.

Ceramzit, Translated from Greek - burned clay

CBB is very easy to manufacture, so the producers are popular: products are familiar, low price, consumers in honor. Some not entirely responsible private manufacturers conscience allows you to violate the production technology of the CBB and to pour a clamzite of any fraction. Purchased on the remnants, often mixed with trash, large-phrase incorrect geometry or defective (and this happens during the production of filler) clayzite cheaper than high-quality sand clay or clay gravel. If a fraction over 20 mm is used in the manufacture of the CBB, then such a block will be distinguished by reduced strength - a two-storey house, as in the photo, we do not recommend building out of it, but you can use a bath or garage.

Warm and durable ceramzitoetone house

Making the CBB with their own hands possible, according to information on the network. But when writing this article, no message or reviews were found that someone did ceramzite concrete blocks. The total technology is simple, even there is a mention that someone made material with the help of vibration installation and without an oppurient chamber. Therefore, we do not advise experiment, since non-compliance with technology can lead to sad consequences. If you used to produce artificial stone, you can try, but there are no intelligent simple recommendations on the Internet on this topic and have to raise the reservoir of scientific literature for this work.

Ceramzite concrete blocks with facing as a placeholder for partitions are suitable, but it will not be strong. For example, an attempt to establish a mounted cabinet can be fruitless: the coarse grainsite is hollow and continuing, it is not able to keep a big load. But he is much "warmer" - a large fraction is better kept warm.

Today, CBB with additives are made. Often, foamed polystyrene granules are added to the blocks: this allows you to preserve the strength and reduce the thermal conductivity of the material.

In Europe, up to 40% of houses are built from ceramzite-concrete blocks. The main reason for using the material is its low thermal conductivity.

GOST on the CBB is. Dimensions for blocks should correspond to the size of conventional concrete blocks, the parameters of strength and frost resistance are the same. In order not to get on frankly low-quality products, it is desirable to explore the local market - this building material is produced locally, the implementation is designed for limited territories. In any city from 500 thousand people. Population You will definitely find high-quality ceramzite-concrete blocks. Below is a table of standard values \u200b\u200bfor the CBB according to GOST 6133-99.

The heat transfer resistance of ceramzite-concrete blocks is 1.5 times higher (at a minimum, so as not to the detriment of strength), which establishes the SNiP of the Russian Federation "Thermal Protection of Buildings". Coefficient of heat transfer resistance In the Russian Federation installed in the amount of 2.1 for walls of residential buildings, is measured in m² ° C / W. Manufacturers often indicate not this parameter, but the coefficient of thermal conductivity, which is measured in W / (m² ° С). (not to confuse "heat transfer resistance" - the values \u200b\u200bare inversely proportional).

For housing construction in different regions, this indicator must be taken into account in different ways, depending on the annual temperature difference on your latitude. Remember one thing: the lighter the CBB is the less durable, but more "warm"; The harder, higher the density, the more stronger and approaches the indicators to the slagoblock, i.e. Less keeps heat. In any case, the ceramzite concrete stone is warmer than slag block. In thermal conductivity, it is similar, but has better properties on water-repellent properties.

Simplified selection of the minimum wall thickness of ceramzite-concrete blocks (according to the recommendations of Table I from the catalog "Low-rise houses from cellular concrete", L., State Communications Architecture, Lenzniyep - 1989.)

Good material, and if she also put himself in the wall ...

Ceramzit concrete blocks can be stored in the open air under various weather conditions

The lightness of clay-concrete blocks gives a number of advantages during construction.

  • savings on delivery (more than once you can bring more material)
  • reduces cost costs and reduces the construction time of the house: CBB is easier concrete and slag concrete blocks almost half, which allows you to increase the volume of wall masonry and use less subbands, reduces the cost of paying for work
  • savings of building materials, low cost and increase consumer characteristics: 1 block replaces 7 bricks, and the wall thickness is up to 60 cm. From the ceramzitoblocks corresponds to the thermal conductivity of the brick wall in 80-120 cm
  • does not require special storage conditions

These qualities, how much is the ceramzite-concrete block, as well as low moisture permeability and environmental indicators of the material, allow the use of material in residential construction and construction of household buildings. The material is good to use for construction in zones with a variable climate: the buildings of it are distinguished by unpretentiousness and durability.

Cerass concrete blocks can be used as a material for all types of walls and for the device of foundations in low-rise construction, since it is easy to put them. Manufacturers offer blocks in a width of 100-300 mm with a standard height of 185 mm and a length of 490 mm. The weight of the so-called Euroblocks (size 400x200x200) is a bit different, and differs from the hotels domestic to the smaller side. This fact must be taken into account when designing and purchasing material.

Laying walls with their own hands

Types of ceramic blocks
1. Light partitioner three-sided
2. Partitioned duplex
3. Wall eight-sided besser
4. Wall double color color
5. Two-dollar bessel

Blocks when building walls are stacked, as well as conventional blocks, the seam thickness is standard 1-1.5 cm. Reinforcement - every 5 rows. Ceramzite protruding on the surface well hits with any mixtures for plaster. The material has a low temperature expansion, but on large volumes of masonry may crack (depends on the quality of the production of blocks, the composition of the raw materials, which includes and the degree of reinforcement). The wonderful qualities of the CBB also need to add a high degree of sound insulation and excellent refractory.

Separately, we note the high moisture resistance and frost resistance of ceramzite-concrete blocks. In closed micropores, water does not fall, and in large outdoor - it is not delayed. The coolerity of the material eliminates the large monolithic growth of ice on the surface, while maintaining the surface from the destruction expanding at low ice temperatures. The last property allows you to store, transport blocks under different conditions at any time of the year, unworthy walls can be safely left to winter.

A spoon of tar in your wall. Disadvantages of ceramzite concrete blocks.

  • High porosity, the base for the conservation of heat, but reduces the strength of the material. For loaded walls, the material is absolutely not suitable.
  • When used in the foundation, it is not necessary to build even two floors - it is very easy to guess the quality of blocks that you do not define "on the eye". For use in foundations, use only certified factory production products or imported CBB. But he is more expensive. It is also required to conduct serious calculations - a prerequisite, then not to observe how your foundation is cracking first, and behind it is the whole building.

In preparing the material on this topic, many reviews for ceramzite-concrete blocks and their use in construction were studied. This study showed that the artificial stone from the ceramisite people perceives as a material more for garages and sheds. Reviews do not shine technical characteristics and knowledge of the question. Advertising - a lot, suggestions - a lot, real reviews - the cat has been cutting. The reason is visible in one: our people are afraid to build houses from this material, and the reason is the quality, appearance and lack of knowledge.

The first time the ceramzite concrete blocks began to apply about six decid years ago in the construction sphere. In those days, the objects of various purposes were erected. Since then, a large number of new materials have been created, for this reason the ceramzitoblock gradually began to forget. But in our time he is recruiting popularity, and there are certain reasons for this. It is believed that blocks represent a good alternative to concrete. They differ in terms of strength and resistance to temperature drops as brick material. Dimensions, low weight and low thermal conductivity, ceramzite concrete blocks are similar to foam and aerated concrete material.

What is it

Ceramzite is considered a bulk filler obtained by burning global clay. This component is the basis of the blocks. The types of raw materials are added to the composition of proportional relationships give the final material different properties.

The block production method determines the purpose and main characteristics of the final products. The material containing the grainsite is greater than the cement composition, has a slight weight and excellent thermal insulation abilities.

Ceramzite-concrete blocks made of small-phrase or crushed ceramisite have increased levels of strength, but in the form of the insulation layer should not be applied.


In the manufacture of claying concrete for blocks, the material is used in the following proportions:

  • keramzit - in the amount of 60% of the entire mass of raw materials;
  • cement material - no more than 10%;
  • sand quartz - up to 30%.

In addition, water will need water. Some wizards add plasticizer additives or special air-flow components, one example of which is washed wood resin.

The size of the ceramzite concrete is from five to ten millimeters. The smaller the fraction, the higher the strength of the finished blocks and their mass. For this reason, such material is classified not only in terms of strength, but also on thermal conductivity.


1. Dimensions stipulated by standards.

  • wall - 188 x 190 x 390 mm;
  • partitions - 18.8 x 9 x 39 cm.

In addition, blocks are very popular, the size of which is 390 x 240 x 188 mm, 400 x 400 x 200 mm, 390 x 390 x 188 mm. The width of the ceramzite concrete block has an effect on the size of the walls.

At the same time, deviations in 1 - 2 cm are allowed from the indicated dimensions.

2. According to the qualitative state of the surface of the faces, the blocks are divided into two groups - ordinary and facial. The first is intended for the construction of walls, which are further protected by finishing material. But the blocks of ceramzite concrete with face finish make it possible to build a building without unnecessary costs. There is another important detail - emptiness. Such blocks have end-to-end or vertical emptiness. From this the mass of the stone is reduced, energy-saving properties are improved. But the full-scale blocks are distinguished by strength and weight. Of these, the walls of capital type are erected, perceiving high load efforts.

3. Indicators of density and strength. Some of the most important characteristics, as the density affects energy-saving and sound insulation qualities, and the strength of the material guarantees the reliability of the object. The density value depends on the size of the filling material, it can vary in a large range from 500 to 1,800 kg per cubic meter. Strength can be in3.5 - B20, which according to statistical load means 35-250 kg per square centimeter. The mass of the stone varies from 10 to 23 kg, the operating period is six decades.

4. Energy saving. Another important parameter of any material. It is believed that the heat-conductivity of the material depends on its density.

5. Frost resistance and resistance to the exposure to open flame. From the ability to carry out temperature differences depends on the operating period and the bearing wall capabilities.

6. Parputness. An important environmental sign, today carefully studied by the builders. Ceramzitobeton is a breathable material, on this basis it is better than bricks twice, can be compared with wood material and plasterboard. The blocks absorb excess moisture, under reduced level transmit it to the room. Because of this, the house constantly supports a comfortable microclimate.

The optimality in the ratio of thermal conductivity and strength of the material is achieved by using suitable clay and cement material M500.

Types of ceramzite concrete blocks

According to external features and structural buildings, the following types of ceramzite-concrete blocks are distinguished:

  • facial - for the device of the outdoor walls. The material is characterized by a good sighted view, in subsequent finish does not need;
  • ordinary - such blocks need treatment and coating with decorative materials;
  • full-time - used in the construction of multi-storey objects. In blocks of this group, fasteners are perfectly held, the material is considered an ideal solution for the arrangement of the ventilated facade;
  • hollow - blocks are convenient in the installation, differ in light weight and low thermal conductivity. Apply them is recommended for low-rise construction.

Claim concrete blocks are manufactured in many enterprises. As follows from expert reviews, materials from Aleksina, Minskzhelez concrete, Vinzille, Tuymazy, Shakhovskaya, Shakshu are popular with popularity. Particularly valued ceramzite concrete blocks corresponding to German quality.

The technological process of manufacturing material at each enterprise is different. Different proportions of the feedstock are used, some manufacturers use plasticizer additives affecting the final cost. Because of this, the mixture acquires better mobility, it is better filled with forms, almost not leaving hopeless places. Experienced specialists instead of plasticizers add liquid soap or glue composition, increasing the plasticity and reducing the amount of water.

The production process can be divided into three main stages:

Prepare clay-concrete blocks yourself easily easily, the process of complexity does not cause. But if you explore the reviews of the owners of the houses, it turns out that it is profitable to purchase a ready-made material than to make manufacturing on the site.

Use area

Block material from the ceramzite concrete is full and hollow. Construction of ceramzite concrete blocks is popular. The first group is more durable, due to the existing "groove-ridge" system, it is used in the construction of a bearing wallpaper. Use the puzzle material and with the construction of the foundation grounds.

The second group is characterized by good thermal insulation features, is used to lower heat losses and improving noise insulation. In the void plots of blocks, if such a need arises, elements of additional reinforcements can be placed to improve the strength of the construction.

Both types of blocks are used with multi-storey construction, for the construction of hozpostroops, garage rooms, baths. They fill the frame bases of monolithic objects, used in high-altitude construction. Of the colored ceramicit concrete blocks, beautiful facades of objects are obtained.

It has already been said that in the manufacture of ceramzitoblocks, toxic materials are not used.

Considering the pros and cons of ceramzite-concrete blocks, the following positive qualities should be highlighted:

  • long service life;
  • high strength;
  • low weight, minimum labor costs when erecting masonry;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • availability for use in the form of an additional insulating layer of main walls;
  • resistance to the exposure to open flame;

  • excellent combination of masonry with various finishing materials;
  • the surface of the finishing ceramzite concrete blocks saves on additional materials;
  • beautiful facades are obtained from color ceramzitoblocks;
  • ceramzit concrete blocks, even if they are with a decorative coating, differ in acceptable cost.

Of the shortcomings, it is possible to note the poor stability of the material to dynamic and shock loads. In addition, high abrasive properties make it difficult to cut blocks. Deciding to build walls from clay-concrete blocks, you do not have to weigh a long time "for" and "against" this material.

Ceramzit concrete blocks that have long conquered the Western construction market, find adherents and in our country. Popularity is due to the fact that the starting material for the manufacture of blocks has many advantages compared to brick, gas and foam concrete. The ratio of components in the ceramzitobetone directly affects its density and operational qualities.

Ceramzite concrete - porous composite, which is used in block or monolithic construction. Compared to other concrete, the material has a special composition. In addition to cement and sand, the mixture includes clayjit - foamed cable foam. In appearance, the filler resembles crushed stone, gravel or sand - it depends on the size of the fraction. Read more about the characteristics of ceramzitoblocks and developers read.

Here are the main properties of the composite:

  • resistance to low and high temperatures;
  • anti-corrosion properties;
  • resistance to chemically aggressive media;
  • small share.

Thanks to the universal qualities, the scope of application is quite wide. The peculiarity of the material is the ability to adjust the composition of the ceramzite concrete mixture, depending on the required density of the finished blocks, panels or overlaps.

1. Erecting the walls of low-rise.

From light concrete, blocks, panels are poured into the formwork. At a density of 1000 kg / cube withstands the load of at least 7 MPa. To make a cubic meter of wall blocks, we need the following composition of the ceramzite-concrete mixture: Portland cement (Mark 400) - 0.43 tons; Sand - 0.32 tons; clamzite fractions from 5 to 10 mm - 0.8 m3; Water - 250-400 l. More durable material is obtained when using river or quartz sand. If part of it is replaced with ceramzite (particle size up to 5 mm), the strength is somewhat reduced, but the walls will be better accumulated and retaining heat. So that the ceramzite-concrete blocks had a density of 950 kg / m3, the brand of clay (bulk density) should be not lower than the M400-M500.

2. Making a screed.

The composition of the housings for residential buildings is approximately as follows: 2 pieces of clay plus 3 sand pieces plus 1 cement on 1 water. Such proportions provide sufficient strength of the concrete layer and its rapid hardening.

3. Production of overlap slabs.

The casting method is obtained by lightweight products that are resistant to moisture, durable, well retaining heat. The only minus is the fragility of the material. It can be minimized by reinforcing, increasing the share of cement, reduce the size of the clay fraction. The ratio of components in the solution is chosen in this way: 1 part of the cement M400, 3-4 - sand, 4-5 - ceramzit, 1.5 - water, plasticizing additives - according to the instructions.

In the context of production, adjust the proportions of the ceramzite concrete is due to the use of different fractions of the filler (gravel or rubble). If the composition is correct, the same brand of the ceramzite concrete can be obtained, despite the different proportions of the ingredients. At the same time, the ratio of cement and water can vary in the range from ½ to 1/1.

Types and brands of ceramzitobetone

Among the main characteristics - MARK M (strength, kg / cm2) and density D (kg / m3). These are comprehensive indicators depending on the composition of the ceramzite concrete blocks (and other products) and the fractionality of the source materials. Each brand is applied by appointment:

  • M50 - for pouring bearing walls of domestic partitions in residential buildings;
  • M75 - for making supporting structures in residential and industrial buildings on monolithic technology;
  • M100 - for pouring screeds;
  • M150 - for the production of blocks;
  • M200 - for blocks and light overlaps;
  • M300 - for road surfaces and bridges.

Depending on the density, 3 groups of ceramzite concrete are distinguished.

1. Fireless (large). To get it, mix gravel, portland cement and water. The sand is not included. Plus this material is a low price, it is used to form walls, floors, overlap in low-rise construction.

2. Personal. For the manufacture of blocks, it is distinguished 3 subspecies with different levels of density:

  • thermal insulation - D400-600, is used for an additional layer of wall insulation;
  • heat-insulating-structural - from D700 to D1400, it is used as insulation or for masonry internal seals;
  • wall (construction) - D1400-2000, for various engineering structures.

3. Tight. It is distinguished by a high content of cement and combines the characteristics of the hype and priced options. The cost of a dense ceramzite concrete is high, it is rare in private construction.

There is another classification of composite material - in terms of volumetric mass. Based on this criterion, such varieties of ceramzite concrete are distinguished:

  • heavy: its bulk mass - 1200-1400 kg / m3, strength - 25 MPa;
  • lightweight: the cubic meter weighs 800-1000 kg / m3, the composition of the lightweight ceramzite concrete is introduced natural grainzit with a small specific gravity;
  • especially light: cube weighs from 600 to 1800 kg / m3, strength - from 7.5 to 40 MPa; As fillers, artificially sintered grainsite, aglopeoritis, ash gravel, slag pimeta are used for it.

Pros and cons

Developers are often solved to acquire clay-concrete blocks, seeking to reduce the overall cost of construction. But does the quality of the construction, taking into account the long-term perspective deteriorate? It is time to briefly list the advantages and disadvantages of the material under consideration. In addition to the available prices for ceramzitobetone, its advantages include:

  • good television saving characteristics - due to this, it is possible to reduce the calculated wall thickness (compared to the brick) and reduce the pressure on the foundation (overlap);
  • parry permeability - due to it in the premises, the level of humidity is regulated;
  • high sound insulation and noise absorption;
  • sufficient level of strength - walls made of ceramzitobetone are not experiencing deformations, shrinkage is minimal;
  • increased construction rates - If you buy light bulk blocks, it will help significantly speed up the masonry process;
  • ecology.

The main minus of the picked composite is low moisture resistance, which requires an arrangement of waterproofing. The outer walls, posted or cast from the ceramzite concrete, cannot be left for a long time without a facing layer, otherwise the service life will decrease. The material has other disadvantages:

  • the need for thermal insulation - if it is neglected, the cold bridges are formed, through which heat leakage is underway;
  • the impossibility of using the foundation, base, garden tracks;
  • the walls require laying of a powerful belt foundation - despite the relatively small proportion, the ceramzite concrete is heavier than similar building composites.


The cost for one cube ceramzite concrete depends on the material brand, density, product execution (they are full and hollow). Buy blocks wholesale from the manufacturer will be cheaper than a small amount through an intermediary. To purchase a quality product, it is advisable to get acquainted with the certificate of conformity (it confirms that the manufacturing technology is observed), and then learn what is the cost.

Brand / density Class Price, rub / m3
M50 / D800. At 3.5 3100
M75 / D1000. In 5.0 3150
M100 / D1200. At 7.5. 3200
M150 / D1400. At 12.5. 3400
M200 / D1600. At 15.0. 3500

Blocks made of ceramzite concrete is something mean between bricks and blocks of foam and aerated concrete. They look like a brick at the expense of their strength and frost resistance. From light concrete, they inherited dimensions, low thermal conductivity and relatively low weight.

Ceramzit concrete blocks have excellent technical characteristics, durability and other positive parameters. Of these, durable, durable and warm houses are obtained.


For the production of ceramzite concrete stones, three main components are used:, cement and sand. Depending on the place of use, blocks can be:

  1. wall - width from 150 mm;
  2. partitions - up to 150 mm.

Also, depending on the destination, the walls are divided into:

  1. facial - for masonry of exterior walls (without decoration);
  2. private - for the inner walls (followed by decoration);
  3. corner;
  4. dressing.

The facial, as dependen on the use of the application, are manufactured from one (side) or two (side and end) personal parties. The facial surface may be smooth or corrugated, painted with pigments or colored cement.

Video: Test of the ceramzite concrete blocks "AStek" in the laboratory of Polytech.

From the end, blocks can be flat or with grooves, as well as spool and comb. Corners are made straight or rounded. The surface can be flat or with longitudinal grooves, which are located at a distance of 20 mm from the side surface.

In addition, clay-concrete stones are produced by full and hollow. Poppy blocks, empties are made non-serrated and through. The number of uniformly distributed voids is up to 10.

Hollow products are characterized by lower thermal conductivity, good sound insulation, and due to the fact that the consumption of material is less on them, then the cost below. However, empties reduce the strength of the product.


Below, consider in more detail the main characteristics of the ceramzite-concrete blocks in order to understand their capabilities in detail, as well as understand which material there are advantages and cons.


Let's start with the very, probably interesting - from size. The standard block size of the ceramzitobetone is registered in and corresponds to the following values:

  • 390 × 190 × 188 mm - walls;
  • 390 × 90 × 188 mm - partitioned.

The manufacturer can make stones on an individual order, this is due to the fact that it may require products of the most different size and shape in construction. The table below shows the nominal sizes of the blocks, in accordance with the construction standards:

View of the blockDimensions (mm)
Wall288 288 138
288 138 138
390 190 188
290 (288) 190 188
190 190 188
90 190 188
For partitions590 90 188
390 90 188
190 90 188

A deviation is allowed from standard dimensions to a maximum of 10 - 20 mm.

Density and durability

These two parameters are the most important indicators, since thermal conductivity and soundproofing properties depends on the material density, and the safety of the walls depends. The density of the ceramzitobetone depends on the fraction of the filler (the size of the clay), can vary from 500 to 1800 kg / m³.

The strength of the blocks is denoted by B3.5 - B20, which ranges from 35 to 250 kg / cm². The weight is in the range from 10 to 23 kg. The durability of such a material reaches 60 years.

Thermal conductivity

Another parameter, important for any wall material - energy saving. The thermal conductivity of the ceramzite concrete unit directly depends on the density. The table shows the main thermal conductivity indicators depending on the density:

Frost resistance, fire resistance

Frost resistance Products from concrete affects durability and bearing wall ability. Frost resistance brands for ceramzite-concrete blocks are as prescribed in GUT and meets the following indicators: F200, F150, F100, F50, F35, F25, F15. The digital value corresponds to the number of frost cycles and thawing the block soaked with water, which it can withstand without loss of quality.

Parp permeability

In terms of vapor permeability, ceramzite concrete products are twice as a brick. Thus, it can be said that it is breathable material, which vapor permeability is practically not inferior to wood and plasterboard. The table shows the parameters of vapor permeability:

In addition, the ceramzite concrete is characterized by the ability to absorb the surplus of moisture from the air, and at low humidity gives it. Thus, in the room built of such blocks is always the optimal and comfortable microclimate.


The marking of the ceramzite concrete block will tell you about the most important technical parameters of the product. The first letter "K" in the marking indicates the artificial origin of the stone. The second and third letters, respectively, are talking about the scope of application and appointment:

  • "C" - wall;
  • "P" is a partition;
  • "L" - facial;
  • "P" - ordinary.

The following two letters show the purpose of the block in the masonry:

  • "UG" - corner;
  • "Pr" - december;
  • "PZ" - for dressing.

The presence in marking the value "PS" means that we have a hollow block. Then in the labeling is the length of the block, the stupidity, frost resistance and density. Thus, you can read all important information about the material.

So for example: take a block with the "KSL-PR PS-39-75-F20-1200" marking. This means that we have a stone wall, facial, deorative, hollow, length of 39 cm, its compressive strength corresponds to 75 kg / cm², an indicator of frost resistance 20 cycles, and a density of 1200 kg / m³.


Since the clamzite itself is a porous and lightweight material, then the weight of the blocks is obtained relatively light. The mass of the ceramzite block directly depends on its size and density. The weight of the standard block, the size of 390 × 190 × 188 mm is 14.7 kg.

If you compare with a brick even hollow, the mass of which is 2.6 kg, then the difference will be tangible. The fact is that one block replaces 7 bricks, multiply 2.6 × 7 \u003d 18.2 kg. The difference is about 4 kg, with large volumes, it turns out significant.

The table shows the main indicators of the size and weight of products:

View of the ceramzite concrete blockvendor codeSize (mm)Weight, kg)
Two emptySKC-1R390 × 190 × 18814,7
Two emptySKC-1L.390 × 190 × 18817,5
Seven slutSKTS-1RG 01 / 01C390 × 190 × 18812,2
Seven slutSKC-1RG390 × 190 × 18816,8
PartitionSKTS-3R 01 / 01C390 × 90 × 1885,1
PartitionSKC-3R390 × 90 × 1889,7
Partition (80 mm)SKC-3P-80 01 / 01C390 × 80 × 1885,1
Partition (80 mm)SKC-3P-80390 × 80 × 1888,4
Ordinary smoothSKTS-14R-80 01 / 01C390 × 188/196 × 1407
Ordinary smoothSKTS-14R390 × 188/196 × 14010,9
4th hollow pillarsSKC-1S.390 × 390 × 18834,3
ForthotySKC-1PRP 01 / 01C390 × 190 × 18816,9
ForthotySKC-1PR390 × 190 × 18826
ForthotySKC-25R250 × 188 × 1209,9
ForthotySKC-25L.250 × 188 × 12012,8

Advantages and disadvantages

Now we can sum up and determine what pluses and minuses have ceramzite-concrete blocks. Of the advantages it should be noted:

  1. strength and durability;
  2. low thermal conductivity;
  3. frost resistance;
  4. good vapor permeability;
  5. low weight;
  6. efficiency;
  7. affordable price;
  8. environmental friendliness;
  9. combination with different types of facing material.

Of the minuses, the following are distinguished:

  1. poor tolerate dynamic and shock loads.
  2. it is difficult to split, sawing off or cut off the part of the required size, while uneven edges and cracks are formed.

However, if you compare the number of advantages and minuses of ceramzite-concrete blocks, it becomes clear that they have more advantages than flaws. Yes, and reviews of those who have already used this building material mainly positive.

Comparison with other blocks

In conclusion, we try blocks: from a ceramzite and aerated concrete. The table below shows the characteristics of these materials.

Video: blocks of ceramzitobetone. Features of the material