Repair Design Furniture

The choice of facing bricks, their size and types. Which brick is better for cladding Facial brick is good

Such a building material as facing brick is universal. It is endowed with strength, moisture resistance and durability.

The main characteristics that you should pay attention to are its frost resistance, water absorption and geometry. We give preference to the brick, the characteristics of which have the best performance.

Features of the front brick

Unlike the usual one, the finishing one has its significant advantages. Its smooth surface and artistic features allow to give brick houses beautiful appearance. What is facing brick? This is a building material that has the following characteristics, namely:

  • the absence of all kinds of flaws on the surface, including shells, cracks, etc.;
  • precise geometry of corners and edges;
  • texture and color variety within even one type.

For example, the color of a ceramic brick, depending on the color of the clay, is orange, yellow, brown, but when a dye is added to the initial raw material, it is possible to achieve the desired shade for the product.

Brick for facing the house should protect the structure from natural factors that affect him negatively are:

  • temperature fluctuations;
  • wind;
  • rainfall, etc.

If you veneer a building with a good quality product, then it will look simply amazing. The corners of this building material are:

  • straight and even;
  • bevelled;
  • rounded.

Products differ in structure. There is a full-bodied material and a hollow one, more often called effective slotted material.

Varieties of facing bricks

Before choosing a facing brick, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with its varieties. All this variety has its advantages and a certain purpose. They are classified by:

  • method of production manual production and with the use of equipment;
  • technologies - hollow and full-bodied;
  • colors;
  • surface features, etc.

The surface of bricks for finishing can be different: smooth, matte or for all kinds of textures - wood or stone. Thanks to special technologies, the entire mixture or a certain side is colored.

The process in which only the front part is stained is called engobing. The front side of the glazed bricks is covered with a special glaze, thanks to which ready product glitters. This brick is used for interior decoration, for example, with its help, designers create mosaics, panels.

Today, the combined product is the most popular. It combines the features of several types of material. For example, brick for interior decoration may have a chocolate color with an oak texture. Interest in this finishing material is caused by:

  • originality;
  • refinement;
  • the possibility of forming individual decoration.

The main thing is that the brick for interior decoration should be used carefully and correctly. Its features are:

  • fortress;
  • durability;
  • resistance to fire, all kinds of aggressive conditions.

many kinds facing brick keep cool in the summer months and warm in the winter. They are distinguished by increased aesthetic properties and resistance to abrasion.

Brick for interior decoration is used for decoration:

  • canteens;
  • bathrooms;
  • bedrooms
  • kitchen rooms;
  • offices;
  • hallways.

The stoves and fireplaces lined with it look very elegant. For finishing houses there are different kinds these building materials:

  • silicate;
  • ceramic;
  • hyperpressed;
  • clinker.

Which brick is better for facing a house can be determined only by getting acquainted with their characteristics. The point is that they different composition raw materials, manufacturing technology and cost.

Brick sizes

Brick dimensions are very important when finishing works. This primarily applies to cases where it is necessary to implement a certain architectural idea, which requires the use of various textures and colors. If the size of the facing brick is different, then the completed work does not look very nice. In the presence of uniform values, it is possible to combine different textures and colors in the decoration.

To date, there are possible sizes of modern material. Linear dimensions products are divided into three types:

  • single;
  • one and a half;
  • double.

Gradually, this series is replenished with the fourth type - eurobrick, which is somewhat smaller in width than a single one.

As a rule, the size of facing bricks is standard. The length and width of all products is 250x120 mm. They only have a different thickness, which is:

  • standard single facing brick is 65;
  • one and a half - 88 mm;
  • double - 138 mm.

The weight of a brick depends on:

  • the material used;
  • appointments;
  • forms;
  • size.

silicate brick

Silicate facade brick consists of:

  • purified quartz sand;
  • moisture;
  • lime.

The last two components make up approximately 10% of the total mass. In order for the product to turn out to be of high quality, there is a main condition, namely, the solution must be prepared from components purified from:

  • manganese;
  • clay;
  • organic impurities.

Lime, which must not be burnt, should not contain a large number of calcium oxide. The production process of the silicate product is carried out under high pressure. Its characteristics are as follows:

  • high coefficient of moisture absorption;
  • weak frost resistance;
  • significant weight.

The thermal conductivity of a brick is average. It is noted that under adverse operating conditions, it quickly becomes unusable. Its weight varies depending on the type used. One and a half facing weighs from 3.7 kg to 4.2, double view - from 5 to 5.8 kg.

Ceramic products

To obtain ceramic bricks, the solution is prepared from clay High Quality without sulfates and marl. After molding the product, it is left to dry, and then the mixture is sent for firing. If underburning or overburning is allowed during the production process, this will adversely affect the quality.

In the overburned state, it will acquire a black tint, and if underburned, it will look light. He considers it good if the surface is semi-matt. When choosing a ceramic material, you need to know that its structure is porous at a break and makes a ringing sound when struck. Facing ceramic one and a half can weigh from 1.32 to 1.6 kg, and double 2.7-3.2 kg.

Hyperpressed brick

The solution for obtaining this type of product includes all kinds of screenings:

  • dolomite;
  • shell rock;
  • marble;
  • lime rocks.

The solution is made with the obligatory addition of high quality Portland cement, which is an astringent component. Then the solution is brought to the state of the mixture, which is subjected to pressing and steaming. As a result of the fact that there is little water in the raw material, there are no cavities in the product even after firing. Such types can be faced with the walls of buildings. They have a smooth surface or one that is called "torn stone".

Hyper-pressed products in their properties are close to natural stone, and therefore they are quite massive. Before using, you need to find out how much one product for the facade of the house weighs. Facing weight:

  • standard single - 4.2 kg;
  • half block - 2 kg;
  • shortened "under the stone" - 4 kg.

Clinker models

In the manufacture of clinker facing bricks, special clay is used. Firing is carried out at a high temperature, giving the final product different shades.

Characteristics of the clinker material:

  • increased strength;
  • frost resistance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • heat resistance;
  • ease of maintenance.

If you choose a full-bodied clinker facade material, then you must take into account that sufficient strength and density increase its weight. Strength is determined by weight. Certain dimensions must correspond to the specific weight of the brick. This type of building material is available in various configurations and colors.

It must be borne in mind that, regardless of the manufacturing technology, all facing bricks and its types: clinker, ceramic and others are mainly produced hollow. Due to this, they become lighter, less thermally conductive and inexpensive.

Solid material is produced in the form of a parallelepiped, and may also have a non-standard configuration, which is called shaped or curly. For facing bricks, the dimensions and geometry can be completely different. The most popular are:

  • semicircular;
  • trapezoidal;
  • twisted;
  • wedge-shaped.

Judging by customer reviews, the highest rating belongs to the clinker building product.

Variety by color

Facing brick for the facade is available in various colors. The most common:

  • Red;
  • yellow;
  • White.

Brick red owes its color to the iron contained in the clay. This universal building material, as a result of firing at a high temperature, becomes:

  • reliable;
  • durable;
  • durable.

Basically, clinker and ceramic bricks have this color.

For the manufacture of building products white color lime and sand are taken. Such a brick for interior decoration has excellent aesthetic qualities and performance:

  • high strength;
  • frost and water resistance;
  • resistance to temperature changes.

For interior wall decoration, you can use decorative types that copy natural stone. For these cases, silicate species of various colors are chosen. The facade of the house, finished with a special type of such a building material, the texture of which resembles a chipped stone, takes on a delightful appearance.

For those who love colored walls, manufacturers are ready to offer a smooth, hollow face brick, painted in different colours. The pigment used in silicate products is very resistant. Therefore, for facing bricks, the sun's rays are not terrible.

Full-bodied and hollow types

The brick front unary corpulent is applied to facing of walls of buildings, socles, fences. The thermal characteristics of buildings will improve significantly if the construction work is carried out using a hollow building product.

Facial hollow single brick endowed with thermal insulation qualities and good technical properties. The front hollow single material, having perfect lines and internal cavities, will lighten the weight of the structure.

If the further operation of the material is associated with a high load, it is necessary to use a full-bodied one. It will give the design greater reliability and safety. The full-bodied has no voids and cracks. This material is characterized by strength, the indicators of which may be different.

The walls of buildings laid out using a single cladding product will make the building warmer and more beautiful. Decorating buildings like this building products emphasizes style features home and gives it architectural expressiveness.

Few people know how to choose a facing brick for a house, therefore, when they come to the store, they get lost in an abundance of options. The appearance of the house is the "business card" of the owner, because the exterior cladding and the quality of the finishing material can tell a lot about the owner. For example, about his financial capabilities and taste preferences. A beautiful and well-maintained house is the ultimate dream of every owner, and in order to fulfill the dream, modern hardware stores offer huge selection facing bricks and other materials for exterior decoration. But how not to get lost in this diversity? Today we will consider together which facing brick is better to choose for exterior decoration.

A house built from faceless building materials can be decorated with facing bricks.

What is the difference between facing bricks?

Facing brick is significantly different from the usual version, and has several advantages over it. The first of these benefits is the pleasantly smooth texture that coats the ceramic surface. It is the appearance of such a brick that creates an attractive appearance of the house.

In addition to aesthetic appeal, ceramic bricks for house cladding have a number of positive performance characteristics, such as frost resistance, resistance to temperature extremes, resistance to atmospheric phenomena and ultraviolet radiation.

Before choosing a brick for facing your house, you need to familiarize yourself with the varieties of this building material. For all its similarity, the brick with which you can veneer the house has several varieties.

High-quality brick for cladding can be classified according to the following features:

  • production technology;
  • preparation method;
  • type of finish;
  • color and other surface features.

According to the production technology, the brick is divided into hollow and solid. The hollow version has thermal insulation properties, and the full-bodied one is better to choose for big houses, where a significant load on the foundation is implied. It is the solid type material that is able to provide high technical stability and safety of the structure.

Ceramic brick can be smooth, matte, or have the texture of wood or metal. It can be subject to glazing and engobing. Ceramic brick is also self made, it costs much more simple options, but at the same time, its appearance is impressive. You can even choose a quality handmade brick of a non-standard shape, color or size, but only European companies are engaged in the production of such building materials.

Different brick colors are obtained by adding certain ingredients during the manufacturing process. Red is obtained due to the high content of iron in clay, white requires sand and lime, yellow requires a certain amount of cement, oxide and lime.

As for the dimensions, the brick has standard dimensions, with the exception of facing options self made.

Varieties of brick for cladding

Facing bricks are clinker, ceramic, silicate and hyper-pressed. Each type has its own characteristics and scope.

Ceramic bricks have long been used to decorate facades. It is produced by firing a special type of clay with the addition of different kind dyes.

This type of material does not change its appearance, has high strength, environmental friendliness, it is little affected by the external environment.

Silicate is cheaper than the previous version. It is produced by pressing quartz sand with the addition of lime.

A feature of this type of building material is its soundproofing properties. Among the disadvantages are low frost resistance and a high percentage of moisture absorption.

Hyperpressed is obtained, as the name implies, by enormous pressure on the components of the mixture. A feature of this type of brick for decoration is that in its appearance it is very similar to natural stone, although it is much inferior to it in performance.

Purchase of facing bricks

Facing brick is considered the best choice for exterior decoration of the house.

In order to choose it, you first of all should decide how much you are willing to spend on facing material and, starting from your financial capabilities, start “casting”.

To find out which brick has good quality, you need to pay attention to its appearance. If its middle has more bright color than the case itself and when tapped, it makes a characteristic ringing, which means that the quality is good. If there is a lack of quality, when struck, the brick will make a dull sound, and its color will be mustard. This shade indicates that the material has not been fired enough and may crack during installation. Unburnt options have a certain “fear of moisture” and low frost resistance.

The best facing brick must have correct form: if you notice that it seems to be bursting from the middle, this indicates that there is a burnout. Burnt products also acquire a black tint and characteristic spots.

Bricks that have not lost their shape, but have a black middle, have good strength. If you have a shortage of funds and at the same time you need durable material for a large building, buying this option will be justified.

The fact is that the burnt brick of this type acquires greater strength, it becomes as if iron and perfectly withstands heavy loads.


Efflorescence is a big disadvantage of facing bricks. If a person chooses such material, then after laying, white stains will appear on the surface, which are very problematic to remove. In order not to fall for such a low-quality option, ask the sellers before buying what water absorption brick has. It should have the lowest possible water absorption.

When laying bricks, try to use only cement that was made in the summer, and also use only freshly prepared mortar. A good facing material can stand for many years, as it does not rot, rust, does not burn and withstands any temperature fluctuations.

Color fastness is another important selection criterion. Over time, most low-quality facing bricks are exposed to sunlight fades and loses its brilliance, brightness.


With the right choice facing material and with reasonable laying it on the facade, it will serve you for a long time, while not losing its aesthetic appeal and performance characteristics. Having bought a good quality brick, you can confidently declare that your house is your fortress.

Dacha, cottage, internal partitions, foundation, chimney, stove - all this can be built of brick. This material has already become traditional and, despite the availability of alternatives, continues to be popular. Accordingly, many are faced with the question - which brick is better? We will share a few simple rules that will help you choose a really good brick.

1. Learn the main types of bricks

Brick is different, and all of it is quite good. It's just that each type must be used wisely, taking into account the pros and cons.

The most popular types of bricks:

  • silicate (white);
  • ceramic (red);
  • hyperpressed;
  • clinker;
  • fireclay.

Within some species there is also a division. For example, ceramic red brick can be solid and hollow, and ceramic porous blocks are also made from the same material. Now let's talk about each type separately.

2. White sand-lime brick is an affordable option for walls

Silicate brick is made from a mixture of quartz sand and lime, as well as additional additives. This option is mainly used for building walls.


  • affordable price;
  • environmental Safety;
  • convenient shape of a parallelepiped, smooth edges, clear corners;
  • good sound insulation;
  • frost resistance.

The disadvantages of bricks are also many:

  • big weight;
  • fragility;
  • poor thermal insulation;
  • unstable to high temperatures - cannot be used for stoves and chimneys;
  • breaks down quickly in wet conditions.

However, if you need a good brick for walls at an affordable price, the silicate option is fine.

3. Red ceramic brick - a versatile option

Red brick is made from clay, which is then fired. Classic variant has a red color and a characteristic ringing sound when struck. If you do not want to think about which brick to choose, for most types suitable for construction red option.


  • universality;
  • durability;
  • good heat and sound insulation;
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • acceptable price;
  • ease of installation;
  • variety of options (solid, hollow, facing, etc.).

If we talk about the shortcomings, then possible defects are most often associated with production violations, which is why it is better to buy a good brick from trusted manufacturers.

4. Chamotte refractory brick - for furnaces and chimneys

If you need to lay down a stove, chimney or fireplace, the choice is simple - fireclay refractory bricks. Only it is adequately reliable at high temperatures. It is based on burnt chamotte clay. Classic ceramic brick also withstands heat up to 800 degrees, but fireclay is more reliable.

5. Clinker brick - reliability and durability

Clinker bricks are another type of clay building materials. It is made from refractory grades and fired at very high temperatures. The result is a good brick, in which there are practically no voids. It can be used anywhere, but most often it is chosen to form the foundation and plinth, where it is necessary to withstand heavy loads. However, it is also unusually good as a lining, since it forms a strong, beautiful masonry. Disadvantages - high cost and the need for additional thermal insulation.

6. - for decorative cladding

This type of brick is made from limestone with the addition of binding components. The result is a material that looks like fake diamond, and in its properties comparable to other good bricks. It comes in a variety of natural colors and is used primarily for decorative purposes. This perfect material for facade cladding, interior decoration and even for decorating fireplaces. As for the disadvantages, this is a high price, high weight and thermal conductivity. If you think about which brick is better to choose for beautiful finishes- hyperpressed option is suitable ideally.

7. Building and facing bricks

If we talk about the types of bricks for their intended purpose, then it can be divided into building and facing. The first option is distinguished by the most accurate geometry, but does not always respond well to moisture and frost. Accordingly, when using it, you need to take care of an additional protective finish. For this purpose, it is quite possible to choose facing grades of bricks.

These include:

  • hyperpressed;
  • clinker;
  • ceramic facing.

Often, such bricks are not only highly resistant to external influences, but also have decorative surface, for example, imitating the look of natural stone.

8. Solid and hollow brick

Depending on the presence of holes in the brick, it can be solid and hollow. The full-bodied version does not have holes or their number does not exceed 13% of the volume. It is characterized by high weight, high strength, but loses heat very quickly. This best option for load-bearing structures and foundation.

Hollow brick has holes of various shapes. Due to the presence of such air chambers he gets the ability to retain heat well. In addition, the low weight greatly simplifies laying. This is a good brick internal partitions and facade cladding for their insulation. It cannot be used for load-bearing structures, as well as for furnaces.

9. Ceramic porous blocks - for fast wall construction

Ceramic porous blocks are no longer quite a brick, although they are identical in composition to the red ceramic version. They are rather large blocks with voids inside and often ribbed side faces.

They are great for walls because they have a number of advantages:

  • masonry speed due to large size;
  • saving masonry mixture due to the presence of grooves and ridges (the mixture is not needed in the side seams);
  • thermal insulation due to air chambers is not required.

10. The main properties of bricks - what to look for?

Now that we have figured out the main types of materials, it is worth listing their properties that you need to pay attention to when choosing a good brick for a particular masonry in order to know which brick is better.

These are the options:

  • density(the higher it is, the more reliable and resistant the material will be, but it will also keep heat worse);
  • strength(this parameter shows the resistance of the brick to the load, it is especially important when choosing a material for load-bearing structures), denoted by the letter M and a number after it;
  • porosity(the more pores and voids, the better material keeps warm)
  • thermal conductivity(the ability to maintain the temperature inside the room);
  • frost resistance(ability to withstand freeze and thaw cycles without loss of properties), denoted by the letter F and a number indicating minimal amount cycles;
  • refractoriness(the ability to withstand high temperatures is important when choosing a good brick for a stove, fireplace, chimney);
  • moisture resistance(the higher it is, the less moisture the material absorbs, it is important when choosing a brick to be used outdoors).

Comparative table of properties of bricks

Type of brick Brand Average density, kg / m 3 Thermal conductivity, W / (m * C) Water absorption, % Frost resistance cycles
Silicate M75-M300 1000-2200 0,5-1,3 12 15-50
Ceramic solid M200-M300 2100 0,72 8 50-75
Ceramic hollow (42-45%) M125, M150 1100-1150 0,2-0,26 6-8 35
Ceramic porous block M125, M150 890-940 0,16-0,18 6,5-9 35
hyperpressed M50-M300 2200 0,9-1 6-7 25-200
Clinker M400-M1000 1900-2100 1,16 6 50-100
Shimotny M75-M500 1700-1900 0,6 15-30 15-50

These properties differ for each type of brick. A handy table will help you compare different types with each other. The data are given in the average form. Now you know which brick is best for a particular task.

A rather difficult situation arises when it is necessary to decide which brick to choose for facing the house. The fact is that such a facade material includes several types that differ in composition and characteristics. That is why it is necessary to take into account many factors so that the final result matches the desired one.

facade brick also called facing or front, which explains the main purpose of the material - the external design of the walls in order to give the house a more presentable look.

Although the decorative component is considered the main parameter of the product, we must not forget that it must provide reliable protection buildings from any impact. Such factors include preventing the penetration of moisture (parts must have a small percentage of moisture absorption) and protecting the structure from wind and temperature extremes. The material must be strong and durable, the detrimental effects should not reduce the visual appeal.

Choosing suitable option, take into account that a simple building brick, the facade variety differs from such products in external parameters. The front material is often divided into two groups: shaped (with complex geometry) and textured (having a relief side).

The choice of facing blocks is now quite large.

Varieties of facing bricks

All types of facing bricks differ from each other in production technology and the components that make up the composition. This is what affects the final result, determining the properties of the material and its appearance.

The following types of bricks are found on the construction market:

  • silicate;
  • ceramic;
  • clinker;
  • hyperpressed.
Thermal conductivity for any exterior cladding material is considered one of the main parameters

Each option has its pros and cons.

On a note! Silicate and ceramic products are divided into two categories: for the construction of houses and for cladding.

silicate brick

This variety is often used for exterior decoration, since the price of the material is considered one of the most affordable. The production technology lies in the fact that a mixture of quartz sand, lime and special components is subjected to dry pressing with a gradual increase in temperature.

The standard color for this option is white, but with the addition of color it is possible to obtain a more diverse decorative component.

V Lately diversity and the lineup silicate blocks have grown significantly

Material advantages:

  1. Frost resistance. The product is able to withstand many cycles of freezing and thawing.
  2. Safety. The composition and method of manufacture do not affect the environmental friendliness, so the products do not negative impact on health.
  3. Availability. This is the most cheap option from existing ones.
  4. acceptable strength. The resulting surface withstands various weather influences, provided that it is properly installed.

We can not exclude from the attention and disadvantages:

  • Significant weight. Because of this, the load on the foundation increases, therefore, in order to veneer the surface with a silicate variety, the structure must be carefully strengthened.
  • Low visual component. The coating has no texture, and even tinting does not give the desired effect.
  • Thermal conductivity. This indicator is high for this option, therefore, under difficult climatic conditions, additional insulation is necessary.

The silicate finish can be spectacular, but the brick itself is cold and heavy.

On a note! Silicate decorative brick is suitable for front finishing only if the base is made of a more reliable material, otherwise it will quickly become unusable.

ceramic brick

This option is the main competitor of the previous one, so the question often arises which brick is better: silicate or ceramic. Of course, the production of ceramics is a more complex process, the difficulty lies in choosing the right raw materials. For work, only high-quality clay with minor impurities of other substances is used. Since the shade of the material is often red, the final product has this color, although other varieties are also found. If necessary, the source material can be tinted.

ceramic blocks have the widest range of curly elements

The manufacturing technology lies in the fact that the mass is molded, after which it is sent to a well-heated furnace. The final quality of the product depends on the correct preparation of the composition and its firing.

The material should have a rich red color with a brownish tint, and with a slight impact, a characteristic ringing should be heard. It should be borne in mind that even minimal violations of the process lead to marriage. Such shortcomings can be identified by appearance. If the parts have burned areas, then they have been kept at high temperatures for too long, they will be brittle. At a low temperature and insufficient firing time, the fragments turn out to be faded, have a large moisture absorption, and there is no ringing upon impact.

Classical ceramics has good thermal insulation and is able to retain its original appearance for decades.

This decorative brick has the following advantages:

  1. Appearance. Ceramic material includes varieties that differ in color, size and shape. This provides scope for the implementation of design solutions.
  2. Durability. The service life of a surface made from such products is calculated in tens of years.
  3. Heat and sound insulation. Products well protect the house from heat loss, cold penetration and extraneous noise.

The only significant drawback may be a violation of production technology. Therefore, when purchasing products, it is necessary to pay great attention to this factor.

If the facing brick is sold too cheap, then there is a high probability of buying a fake that will crack and crumble in a couple of seasons.

Hyper pressed brick

Such a decorative brick has a surface that is closest to natural stone. Fraction is used for production natural materials, shell rock, cement and mineral pigments. The mixture is pressed and exposed to high temperatures.

Hyper-pressed blocks are close to good granite in their characteristics, but the material is heavy and quite expensive.

The hyper-pressed facade facing brick has a large number of advantages. Among the main ones stand out strength and durability, the coating perfectly withstands many cycles of temperature changes. But due to the large weight and high price, the products are not widely used.

Clinker view

This finishing material is a bit similar to the ceramic version, but for its production a more refractory grade of clay is used, and firing takes place at very high temperatures. Due to this, the details acquire excellent protective and decorative qualities. But this also affects the final cost: it becomes too high. So exterior finish often performed using brick-like tiles, which are much easier and cheaper to veneer the surface.

Clinker finish belongs to the elite types and, according to most experts, is the highest quality and durable.

Which is better?

When choosing a facing brick for a facade, it should be remembered that the main competitors are silicate and ceramic types. Both options are quite popular, but the second stands out most favorably. This is due to its advantages:

  • Technical specifications. The material has high strength and low moisture absorption. Perfectly withstands more than 130 cycles of defrosting and freezing, the lined house acquires durability.
  • thermal insulation characteristics. Ceramics not only retains heat and keeps cold out, but also contributes to the creation of a comfortable microclimate inside the building.
  • If you choose the appropriate option, it minimizes the impact on the structure.
  • High decorative. Many varieties are produced that differ in color, shape and texture.

Choosing between silicate and ceramic cladding it is better to give preference to good ceramics

Silicate brick has only one advantage over ceramic - more low price. If the budget is limited, it will the best solution. And the desired visual effect can be achieved by painting the surface.

The walls of any building need protection from the weather, the harmful effects of heat and frost, and mechanical stress. The role of such protection is performed by the outer lining. And since in our country it is most often made of brick, a legitimate question arises: which facing brick is better to use for this?

Regardless of what the house itself is built from, it can be faced with brick. The masonry construction technology will differ slightly depending on the material of the main walls, but this does not affect the choice of brick.

Differences between ordinary and facing bricks

Made from the same raw material, facing and ordinary building bricks have many differences.

  • Structure - unlike a full-bodied ordinary artificial stone, the front one is hollow, with several cavities. They make it lighter, simplifying transportation and the work of builders, and also increase the thermal insulation properties of the cladding.
  • Frost resistance and moisture resistance of facing bricks are higher. This is important, since he has to withstand the constant negative impact of the external environment.
  • Appearance. Color, shape, texture of the surface of facing bricks can be any. This allows you to implement any exterior solutions, harmoniously fitting the building into the surrounding landscape.
  • The price of such a brick is higher. The cost of cladding will also be higher compared to conventional masonry, as they require care, accuracy and creativity. But if they are made with high quality, then the owner of the house for decades will not have to worry about repairing or reconstructing the facade.

For reference. It should be noted that silicate building brick, unlike ceramic, has a smooth and flat surface, so houses completely built from it do not need additional decorative finishing.
If the outer walls are two- or three-layer structures with heat-insulating layers of foam or mineral wool, then there is no need for additional insulation facades.

Comparative analysis of silicate and ceramic facing bricks

Basic requirements for outdoor finishing materials- it's high performance characteristics and attractive design. Let's see which brick has these parameters better.

Performance characteristics

Let's compare the parameters on which the durability of a brick facade and its thermal insulation properties depend.

  • Water absorption. In silicate stone, it is higher than in ceramic and reaches 13-15%. Fired clay products are more resistant to moisture, and some types, for example, have very low water absorption (only 2-3%).

  • Frost resistance. For the climate of most of our country, this is one of the main indicators. It directly depends on water absorption, as it shows how many cycles of freezing and thawing a material saturated with moisture can withstand without loss of strength. And the more moisture it contains, the greater the load it experiences. In silicate brick, frost resistance is 25-35 cycles, and in ceramic, at least 50.

For reference. The most cold hardy is clinker brick, which has this indicator equal to 100 cycles.

  • Thermal insulation properties also directly depend on the water absorption of the material. The presence of moisture in it dramatically reduces the ability of a brick to retain heat, and in our climate, where rain and sleet are common, this should not be neglected.
    It is because of the high water absorption silicate brick v real conditions operation loses its thermal insulation properties very sharply. What can not be said about ceramics: it is characterized by fairly stable thermal conductivity.

Note. dries much faster than silicate, which has a positive effect not only on its strength and thermal insulation characteristics, but also does not allow mold and fungi to develop on the surface.

  • Wear resistance and strength. And again, clay artificial stone comes out on top, which is distinguished by better resistance to aggressive external influences and mechanical damage. Try to split this and that material with your own hands, and you will see for yourself. Of course, provided that the brick is of high quality.
  • Weight. Facing creates a significant load on the foundation. You can reduce it by reducing the density of the facing brick. This is achieved by increasing its voidness. For silicate bricks, this figure is 15-30%, and for ceramic - 40-55%. Accordingly, the cost of building a foundation for facing the facades of the latter will be lower.

  • Soundproofing. It must be admitted that due to the greater density of silicate stone, it copes better with insulation. airborne noise penetrating into the room from the street. However, the sound absorption of ceramics is not much lower.
  • fire resistance. Perhaps this is not the most basic parameter by which it is worth evaluating the merits of the facing material, and, nevertheless, in case of fire, the silicate brick will begin to collapse after 2 hours, and the ceramic one will resist fire for 4-6 hours.

  • Environmental friendliness. If the instructions and requirements for the composition of raw materials are followed in production, then neither red nor white brick contains substances harmful to health. Both of them are made from natural materials: the first from clay, and the second from sand and lime.
  • Vapor permeability. This figure is often referred to as breathability, and clay products have better breathability. Insufficient vapor permeability of silicate brick requires an air gap between bearing wall and facing, and for this it is necessary to make a wider foundation.

There is no need to clarify that all of the above points speak in favor of traditional ceramic bricks. Although the significantly lower cost of silicate may be decisive for many.

Design possibilities

We all want to live not only in a warm and good, but also in beautiful house. Everyone has their own idea of ​​beauty. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the external data of the facing material.

When choosing which brick is better to veneer the house, you need to correlate exterior finish with his architectural style with the surrounding landscape. Although you can do the opposite: to change the appearance of your home beyond recognition. The range of brick products will easily make it possible.

In this regard, it is difficult to compare ceramic and silicate bricks. Both of them can have a variety of shades, a smooth or textured surface, imitate natural stone, and so on. And yet ceramic products look more natural and natural.

The dimensions of those and other materials make it easy to combine them in masonry, creating quite original and interesting solutions.


A huge range of facing bricks on the modern market makes you rack your brains over which one to choose. But, if you clearly define the requirements that you place on appearance and quality characteristics facades, the task is simplified.

In the presented video in this article you will find Additional information on this topic. She will help you make the right choice.