Repair Design Furniture

Do-it-yourself small kitchen renovation. Do-it-yourself small-sized kitchen repair Kitchen decoration 6 sq m wall decoration

Start but hard to finish. This is true, because there are always all sorts of little things, pulling a string of imperfections that cannot be ignored.

A small kitchen seems spacious, as it is light

Repair . m. requires attention, because the main criterion for the renovated premises is the preservation of free space, complemented by functional ergonomic furniture.


Preparation for repair work begins with a preliminary plan, which takes into account the following nuances:

  • sketch or drawing of the future kitchen;
  • professional calculation of the necessary material;
  • detailed thinking, calculation of pipes (sewer, water);
  • count required amount electrical accessories.

After that, the dismantling of old furniture, building coatings, and communications begins.

Based on financial capabilities, the owners are determined by what kind of repairs they want to make: major or cosmetic.

Capital involves an in-depth replacement of windows, doors, furniture, pipes, electrical wiring, and in the case of cosmetic, they often stop at wall decoration, replacing wallpaper, decorative fittings, linoleum.

Choose the design according to your taste, which is most liked by your family and you

Replacement of communication circuits

Communication circuits and wiring are not recommended to be replaced with new ones if they serve less than 3 years. In extreme cases, unreliable functioning parts are changed. It should be noted that the process requires specialized skills and dexterity, and therefore it is better to entrust it to experienced craftsmen.

  1. When calculating and installing heating equipment the main thing is not to overdo it, because a small kitchen easily heats up when cooking, so it will become stuffy.
  2. Before changing the plumbing and sewerage, you should clearly determine the place for the new sink.
  3. Before changing the wiring, it is recommended to calculate the amount of power of the planned electrical household appliances, decide on the cross-section of wires, place.

When, which must be grounded and not pose any threat to users: the electrical circuit in the kitchen must be equipped with an emergency switch, which guarantees safety during the daily operation of the kitchen.

It is better to entrust the replacement of communication systems to a specialist if you yourself cannot

Plastering and cladding work

This stage is divided into preparatory and final. At the draft level, the following types of work are performed:

  • wall plastering;
  • putty;
  • coupler;
  • primer.

The final ones include decorative cladding. To make it clearer, it is advised to briefly analyze each item.

So, in order to level the walls, it was decided to use not drywall, but plaster. It's over cheap option, but involving some specific skills, otherwise every uneven tubercle will be visible on the dried wall, spoiling the view.

The walls are plastered if the old layer collapses or has become unusable, and also in order to hide the curvature of the surfaces. V modern repairs use an improved ready-mix for grouting drywall and plastering works. In order to save the budget, a sand-cement mortar is used (with a proportion of components 1 to 3).

Tip: the smoother the walls are plastered, the less you have to mess with the next stages of repair.

Ideally, the plaster is applied in 2 stages. First close up rough bumps, differences, allow to dry, then apply the final layer. Drying time for plastered walls - from 2 days. If the walls are painted, textured plaster is applied.

If you use drywall to level the walls, you can make niches, arches or recesses in the walls.

Plastering is actually a very serious procedure.

Applying putty

The surface of the wall is puttied in order to:

  • correctly seal the joints formed after leveling the walls with drywall;
  • wall putty is needed to eliminate various kinds of wall surface defects;
  • carefully repair potholes, depressions and cracks in plastered walls;
  • to soften the rough coating of cement-sand plaster of the classic type.

Plaster and putty walls are considered one milestones finishing works, on which the evenness of the walls depends.


Screed work is carried out on the floor. For this, specially designed mixtures are taken that have increased strength characteristics. At its core, the screed is a plaster, only floor.

Nuances: the process is performed at a time, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve even floors. After completing draft work on the screed and pouring the floor with a solution, it is left to dry for 3-7 days. If this point is not followed, mold or harmful microorganisms will spread in the floor.

After drying, the floor is covered with laminate or linoleum.

The screed will help level the floor

Wall cladding with ceramic tiles

The design of the kitchen provides for areas that are tiled ceramic tiles. In addition to aesthetic appeal and noble touches, the product has the following advantages:

  1. Wear resistance.
  2. Durability.
  3. Immunity to temperature changes.
  4. shockproof characteristics.
  5. Immunity to contact with chemical elements, water.

When choosing a material, pay attention that the range of tiles is represented by products for the floor or for walls. Ceiling tiles are also gaining popularity.

Skinales are considered an alternative to tiles - glass aprons for working area on the surface of which images are applied. Skinale is made of thick tempered glass, which is not afraid of temperature changes, shocks.

Since the times of the USSR, wallpapers have been considered the most popular decorative and finishing element of an apartment. If you decide to decorate the walls with wallpaper, it is advisable to do this with an assistant: one person presses the canvas against the wall, and the second holds it.

The advantages of wallpaper include a huge assortment and a wide range of products: they choose different textures, textures and materials. Wallpapers are easy to glue and remove, affordable for everyone at a cost, and besides, they help to create a homely and cozy atmosphere.

Wallpapering walls requires certain skills, do everything carefully and conscientiously

Ceiling arrangement

The ceiling for the kitchen is made stretch or suspended. If stretch ceilings in the kitchen

with installation can not afford, choose plastic panels, which are mounted on metal profiles. Then holes are cut through which the Spotlights.

Kitchen lighting is basic, medium and additional. In this case, the light is distributed over the zones.

If an economical version of the ceiling is provided, the surface is also plastered and puttied, and then they decide to paste over the ceiling or cover it with a resistant paint of the selected shade.

At the final stage of the kitchen renovation, electrical fittings and furniture are installed, household appliances are connected and safety is checked.

    1. Household appliances should be compact and not bulky.
    2. It is important to correctly organize the arrangement of the kitchen, mark out areas for storing food and utensils. Do not clutter up the furniture with little things that are better hidden behind the facades.
    3. For ergonomic use of space, it is recommended to move the sink to the windowsill. Here, if desired, arrange a dining surface.
    4. If places for dining table is not enough, they choose a product with a lifting mechanism or replace it with a compact bar counter.


Do not be afraid to experiment, and let your kitchen become cozy.

After moving to new apartment“We decided to make repairs in the kitchen first of all, waited for the New Year holidays and away we go. My hands have been itching to work for a long time.

The usual one is 6 squares, I have not experienced repairs myself before, except for painting the walls and gluing tiles to the ceiling. The external refrigerator is quite good decision for storing potatoes, vegetables and blanks - leave it.

One wall is tiled almost to the floor. I suppose there is no such person, born in the USSR, who would not see this tile.

The wallpaper turned out to be oilcloth, exactly the one that is laid on the table.

We searched the Internet for information and found the option that was chosen as the reference:

  • one wall - washable wallpaper;
  • the rest - for plastering, putty and painting;
  • floors - laminate;
  • ceiling - mdf panels with built-in lamps;

And a fascinating process began, as they say in this case - to break not to build.

About 13 potato bags of garbage came out, dead cockroaches were swept out of all the cracks - I really believed the phrase cockroaches "left the city." They will not be in the photo, otherwise suddenly someone is looking at the report and eating at the computer.

Then there was the day of the ax - he hit the walls with an ax, beat off the paint, the paint soldered into the wall and did not succumb to other means of cleaning. I freed the walls from paint in order to even out the crooked, skewed walls with a layer of plaster. The occupation is very gemorno, now I would not bother so much, but applied the plaster directly to the paint, or at least to the notches (as in the previous photo).

We foam everything and everything in order to exclude cold and passages for cockroaches, in general, we paid considerable attention to sealing the kitchen from cockroaches.

I started to weave a web of future wiring, I really liked the expensive snap-on terminal blocks for 3,5,7 connections.

Uprooted doorjamb, it took a long time to tinker with the fact that the frame was nailed to wooden bars and getting close to the nails to cut was unrealistic. Pulling out the bars is also unrealistic, because. the thickness of the wall between the kitchen and the room is not brick, not even half a brick, but the end of the brick, which is fraught with damage to the wall - the wall facing the room was slightly damaged.

I laid the cable, checked it, close the strobe.

I level the wall as far as I can, apply a level, look where it is not back to back. In some places, the discrepancy at the 1.5 meter level reached 2 cm.

The hardest part of the renovation was installing the door.

Firstly, due to the lack of experience and the door frame, which must be cut along the width of the door leaf at an angle of 45 degrees, and also missed the size of the door - the doorway had to be expanded. The door was bought "at random", I measured the old canvas was 66cm, the new 70cm. - it seemed that there was 4 cm - it would fit. The plus, of course, is that any furniture will normally fit into 70 cm. V general assembly and installing the door can take a lot of time, but in the future I will look for a set of door frame and leaf so that I don’t have to cut the frame myself or order installation from specialists.

Plastering, not difficult, but a lot. Constantly kneading and smearing, smearing, smearing, leveling and again. A little steamy in hard-to-reach places. Here the principle is, the smoother it is now, the easier it is at the next stages - putty, tiles, wallpaper. In general, it is better to plaster in two stages: the main one is drops, holes and rough irregularities, and then the finishing one - the purpose of which is to level it into a plane, but I tried to do it in one layer, because. the time for drying the plaster can take two days or more.

It was plastered and almost dried up, at this time while we are doing the ceiling and ceiling wiring, we removed the sovdep chandelier. Profile by level, fasten to the mustache, or whatever these fasteners are called.

View from floor to ceiling: MDF panel with lamps, a fairly simple stage of work. They didn’t take PVC, it looks like it’s cheap, and I don’t like plastic, but this is just my subjective opinion. In the second picture, this is what is left behind the scenes, i.e. between panel and ceiling.

In the photo you can see the clamping terminal, very handy thing but not cheap either. ends stranded wires crimped into limit switches, previously did not know about the existence of such)) No soldering, tinning of wires.

And outside the window, the kids are playing hockey, and the kids are just poking around on the ice.

Next, the stage of putty, took me exactly a day. I will characterize puttying as the most creative process, since it requires experience, endurance and smooth walls, if you don’t have to try hard to glue the wallpaper, and if it’s the finishing one, then you’ll have to sweat. On the zone - a sink, a stove, applied, then a ceiling plinth.

I want to note that I devoted a lot of time to the ceiling plinth - it would seem ..

And it includes:

Trimming corners under 45gr. so that it fits nicely in the corners;

Sticking to the wall, ceiling

Puttying holes (especially important for me because of uninvited guests)

After that, painting the skirting boards and covering the holes with paint, so that the skirting boards have a finished look and match the color with the wall.

Cleaning the ceiling of paint, but it is better not to smear, otherwise the texture on the panel is erased along with it. Ceiling skirting boards it is better to take it wider, it is easier to get around the uneven walls with them.

I paint the walls with water dispersion paint.

We lay the laminate, here it is relatively quick and simple work, it is important not to make a mistake in size here and it is even more important not to confuse which side to saw off, otherwise you can cut it so that the locks will not fit later. I took the substrate not in rolls, but in sheets of 6 mm, it solves a flat floor so that later the laminate does not shake, it shook, we had to disassemble half the floor, pour the screed - not a very good moment at the finishing stage. The wallpaper on the plastered wall lay down for a sweet soul.

It takes ~2 minutes to read

Tiny kitchens in apartments are not uncommon. The room is small, and the number of necessary interior items is the same as that of a large one. Repair here must be approached creatively, follow current trends and use the space at 100%. Let's try to analyze in more detail all the stages of transforming a space with an area of ​​​​only 6 square meters.

In order to start repairing a 6-meter kitchen with your own hands, you need to clearly represent the desired result. It would be best to draw the room of your dreams on paper, and only then do the transformation of the kitchen - photos of the most various options presented below throughout the article.



The interior of a small kitchen should be aimed at visual expansion of space. Construction professionals have come up with many tricks for this. Compensate for a small area will help:

  • mirror panels;
  • light colors;
  • one or two main accents;
  • proper lighting;
  • functional built-in furniture;
  • glossy surfaces.

Popular design 2018-2019 in modern or high-tech styles is impossible better fit for a small space. Straight lines, light colors, glass and chrome surfaces are used in both directions. Modern design should be done according to all the rules of minimalism, avoiding overloading the kitchen with many small details.



Repair stages

Any apartment renovation is a clear sequence of actions. Reconstruction of the kitchen 6 sq. meters can pass according to the following plan:

Drafting a project

So, it's time to bring your ideas to life. Some people think they can do a great job of keeping all the details in their heads, but memory is a fickle thing. Drawing up a clear work plan will save not only time, but also the budget.

Most affordable way design - a drawing on a regular sheet of paper. Be sure to sign all sizes and observe the selected scale.

With all the desire, no plan will help to make of small room huge. Therefore, you need to set specific and realistic goals right away. For example, creating a comfortable, albeit small, work surface and a place for a comfortable meal, designed for two.

Communication planning is important. In conditions where every extra centimeter of space counts, mounting gaps should be avoided. To do this, you need to think about how to mount protruding pipes into the walls.

At the planning stage, the location of gas meters, electrical networks, places of increased fire hazard or possible water leakage.

Layout types

There are the following options for planning a kitchen of 6 meters:


The preparatory stage of the kitchen renovation at six square meters may include:

  • purchase of necessary materials;
  • removal of furniture, removal of lamps;
  • dismantling of the previous coating;
  • surface leveling;
  • installation or replacement of doors;
  • creation of an arch;
  • window replacement;
  • installation of communications;
  • preparation of surfaces for the selected type of finish.

All work must be carried out from the bottom up: starting from the ceiling, walls (see), and then the floor.

Dismantling shouldn't be a problem. But leveling surfaces can be the first serious test. The easiest way is to use drywall. However, a frame of this design will steal precious space. small kitchen. The "wet" method fits better into the renovation in the kitchen of 6 square meters. m. The photo can be seen below.


As for communications, you should be aware that laying channels is strictly prohibited in a panel house. Pipes and wires will have to be hidden with plaster, cladding or other available means.


Finishing work

The kitchen is a functional space. Expressive photos of 2018-2019 show that successful examples renovations combine the practicality of the materials used with the beauty of the design.

Regardless of the chosen style, do-it-yourself kitchen renovation of 6 m2 is aimed at visually expanding the space. A simple rule will help to achieve this: the top of the room should be lighter than the bottom.

If a haute kitchen is being refurbished, any type of ceiling will do. For heights less than 2.7 meters, it is best to use tensile structure. In such a room, pre-treatment of the surface with antifungal putty is mandatory. A square ceiling will emphasize the use of several levels of the ceiling.


Usually the kitchen, especially its apron, is tiled with ceramic tiles (). Cutting seams is carried out with a composition for baths or external use with 10% water-polymer emulsion. The use of a special trowel will help to avoid microcracks during this process.

As a material for flooring use:

  • Parquet;
  • Laminate;
  • Tile;
  • Linoleum;
  • Marmoleum;
  • Plinth.

An eco-friendly and cheap solution would be a designer concrete floor. Kitchen renovation 6 sq. m in this case will be much easier.


The main mistake in lighting a small kitchen is installing only one light source. small size The rooms are absolutely irrelevant. Usually a chandelier (see tips for choosing in the article) is hung in the center of the ceiling, and the work surfaces are located around the perimeter of the room. That is, despite the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen, the hostess is always with her back to the light source, which is completely inconvenient.


Modern renovation of such a functional space involves the use, in addition to the main lamp, additional devices. most popular and convenient solution today - spotlights.

Rays of light in a small room should always fall from the ceiling to the walls, and not vice versa.

Video: self-repair of the kitchen

Valentina Voronina, 43 years old

Good afternoon. We turned to the Repair Studio when we decided to make repairs in the kitchen. We were counting on either a major overhaul or a European-style renovation of the kitchen, so at our request, the foreman made 2 estimates. As a result, we had enough for renovation, we immediately discussed the details of the repair, what materials it is better to purchase, how it is more convenient to arrange the furniture. A big plus for us was that we did not have to leave the apartment for the duration of the repair, we avoided unnecessary expenses. At first, we often watched what and how the workers were doing, I want to say that the guys are young, but great fellows. At least I don’t understand anything about repairs, but my husband said that they are doing the work well. I really liked the final result, the tiles, wallpaper and furniture combined beautifully, thanks to the foreman, he also participated in their selection, even suggested something about the color. I was also worried that the gas water heater would stand out too much and spoil everything, but the guys successfully hid it in the kitchen set, and there was still room for shelves. As a result, I am satisfied with the kitchen, thanks to the Repair Studio!

Andrey Mironov, 33 years old

After I bought an apartment in a new building, the first thing I decided to do was equip my kitchen. I learned about the Repair Studio from a work colleague, said that the company is very good, especially since he had something to compare with. In order not to waste too much time looking for a company, I decided to find the Studio's website and check prices. By Moscow standards, the prices suited me perfectly, so I arranged for the estimator to come. I am often very busy with work and it was convenient for me to choose finishing materials online. As a result, I saved my time and effort, completely trusted the choice of the foreman. The kitchen renovation was done in 17 days, as promised, I thought for such short term quality repairs will be unrealistic, but everything was fine. As I already said, I have little free time, and I could not control the workers, but fortunately it was not necessary. In general, I liked the Repair Studio for its attitude towards customers and the good quality of repairs.

Marina Stepanova, 36 years old

I ordered from the Repair Studio redecorating kitchens for parents In general, the impression was very pleasant, democratic prices and good quality. The only thing is that for some reason they first changed the team for us, they explained this with a heavy workload, the guys were sent to another facility. But that those other workers turned out to be normal, the main thing is that they did not mess around and did their work correctly. The kitchen turned out to be very nice and tidy, the parents are happy.

Nikita Ovsyannikov, 45 years old

Good day to all! I want to say a few words about my kitchen renovation at the Repair Studio. We did a major overhaul, and also combined the kitchen with a balcony. This decision was suggested to us by the foreman Evgeny, he said that this way there would be more free space in the kitchen. So it is, the wife is delighted, they bought a kitchen set a little more than they planned, now there is enough space for cooking, and a large dining table also fits. During the repair, there was confusion with the pipes, it's good that the foreman noticed in time and did not have to spend a lot of time fixing it. Overall quality repair work good, thanks to Renovation Studio for transforming the kitchen.

Maria Zueva, 34 years old

When my husband and I decided to renovate the kitchen, we considered many options on how to do it with the help of private traders or an official company. As a result, they heard enough from friends how the teams made jambs, then they were redone 20 times, and the wallpaper still fell off after six months. After all the doubts, we decided not to save money, but to turn to a normal company, where there will be a contract and, most importantly, guarantees. Among large selection different companies have chosen Repair Studio, we really liked their work on the site. The repair was completed a little later than the agreed time due to the fact that during the repair, we also decided to insulate the balcony. In general, these are trifles, we had nowhere to rush, the main thing is that the quality is normal)) By the way, the estimate was calculated almost perfectly, there were very few leftover materials. As for the quality, our history is much better than that of our friends)) The kitchen looks beautiful, there is nothing to complain about!

The kitchen is one of the main rooms in any apartment, in which all family members not only eat, but also receive guests. Unfortunately, in most cases, all secondary market apartments have a 6-meter kitchen. Such dimensions require urgent repair work to create comfort zone for all family members.

Repair of a small-sized kitchen of 6 sq.m is a common problem in the modern market. Many residents do not even imagine how it is possible to create not only a beautiful, but also a practical interior in such a small area. The best designers confidently promise that with the right approach, creating a comfortable and cozy place for cooking and eating, just like in the photo, will not be difficult.

Where to start repairing a kitchen of 6 sq.m with your own hands: repair stages, expert advice

If you plan to repair a kitchen of 6 sq.m with your own hands, you should start by watching the training video of the repair school. You can get information about the stylistic options for a small kitchen in Khrushchev with various sources. It can be expert advice, photo catalogs, special printing publications and an extensive Internet network.

Of course, with the right approach to the repair of any room, it is necessary to initially develop a design project for the repair on your own or with the help of specialists, in our case, a 6-meter kitchen in Khrushchev. Further, following the approved project, you can do all the repair work yourself, as well as design decoration small kitchen.

After the design of the kitchen renovation project with your own hands has been drawn up and approved, the appropriate building materials have been purchased, you can safely proceed with the repair work. If during the course of the repair any difficulties arise, you can use the training video of the “School of Repair” project and get the necessary information for yourself, the sequence of performing all the stages of transforming your small-sized kitchen.

Stage 1 - dismantling

Repairing a kitchen of 6 sq.m in Khrushchev should start with freeing up space from furniture and appliances. Most of the small kitchens in such houses contain pantries in their layout. Such a gift of additional sq. meters to our small area plays into our hands. By dismantling it, you can significantly increase the size of a small-sized kitchen. There are many photos with options for repairing a 6 sq.m kitchen with practical use of space after dismantling the pantry.

And so, having dealt with the pantry, you can proceed to further dismantling work, ensuring the preparation of the kitchen for subsequent repair work. These include:

  • If it is planned to replace the door and window unit, the old ones are dismantled. During redevelopment, walls and partitions are dismantled and new openings are formed in them.
  • If redevelopment is not provided, then the walls and floor should be cleaned of old coatings, thereby preparing the surfaces for finishing work.
  • The building is cleared of construction debris.

Stage 2 - laying wiring and pipes in the wall

Further, the repair of a kitchen of 6 sq.m must begin with determining the state of all communications, and, if necessary, with their complete replacement. When laying communication systems, it is worth considering the future location of household appliances. A wide abundance of repair options using the necessary equipment obliges you to carry out new and powerful wires with the appropriate cross section. To prevent damage, corrugations or metal pipes are used during wiring.

Wiring and pipes are laid in full compliance with the agreed and approved scheme. If a secret location of communications is provided, the necessary recesses are cut in the walls.

If the installation of communication systems for water supply and electrical wiring can be done independently with your own hands, then you should not joke with gas, we recommend calling a special service to carry out all necessary work, according to the developed and approved repair plan. Saving on these services is not worth it, since the duration of the operational life of the equipment and the creation of comfort after the renovation of the kitchen of 6 sq.m depend on the quality of the work performed.

Stage 3 - leveling and priming the walls

If the repair of a kitchen of 6 sq.m in Khrushchev is done independently, it must be remembered that the life of the kitchen after repair depends on the quality of the materials used. By priming the walls, a reliable layer is created for subsequent finishing work, so you should choose a quality material, not paying attention to the price.

Treating the walls with a primer helps to bond the top layer of plaster, preventing cracks. It also creates a protective layer on the surface against mold, which is an important factor for the situation in a small kitchen.

Also, when plastering walls on your own, do not forget that in a small kitchen it is necessary to save space in everything, so the layer of plaster should not exceed 5 centimeters.

If the walls are covered with plasterboard, it is necessary at the attachment points kitchen set, to strengthen the structure and fixing pieces of furniture, install horizontal profiles.

Stage 4 - leveling the floor in the kitchen

For quality styling floor covering, in our case, ceramic tiles are ideal, you need a flat base. Due to the cement screed, it is created perfectly Smooth surface floor, providing reliable fixation of the floor covering. When doing the flooring yourself, you should give preference to a screed with functional floating technology.

When performing these works, it is necessary initially on a pre-prepared and cleaned floor, namely on concrete slab, lay the sand, leveling it around the entire perimeter. Extruded polystyrene foam is laid on top, which, in order to create a sealing effect, is covered with a film. The final step in creating a screed is the installation of a welded mesh, which is poured with a special cement mortar, hardening within a few hours, so this process does not take much time.

Stage 5 - do-it-yourself wall decoration

When a kitchen is being repaired with your own hands, and in terms of its implementation there is thermal insulation of the walls, it is recommended that only after a thorough study of the best photo instructions, start work. Of course, they will significantly raise the price of repairs, but you should not save on the comfort and coziness of housing. An abundance of information on installation will allow you to visually study all technological processes this hard work.

Stage 6 - flooring

For flooring, you need to choose the best material High Quality. You can do this work yourself or use the services of specialists. In most cases, when repairing a small-sized kitchen of 6 sq.m, ceramic tiles are used to decorate the floor, with a special anti-slip coating.

Despite the small size of the 6-meter kitchen, when decorating its interior, it is worth emphasizing all the traditions dining area by laying these sq. meters in various colors, in harmony with the general colors a small kitchen, or by decorating with a mosaic. The final moment after laying the flooring is the installation of the baseboard and threshold.

Stage 7 - ceiling

After finishing the ceiling, we proceed to its design. The most practical way to repair a small kitchen of 6 sq.m is to use stretch ceiling, the installation of which should begin with fixing the fastening of the frame. But do not hope that you will be able to make such a ceiling in a small kitchen yourself. We recommend using the services of professionals who are the best in their field.

feature lighting design The 6-meter kitchen has separate lighting for each zone. Therefore, the design of a 6 sq.m kitchen should include spotlights on the ceiling, and the absence of a large central chandelier.

The final stage of repair

The final moment in the repair of a small kitchen of 6 sq.m is the fixing of sockets, a cornice, if blinds are also provided. At this stage, a kitchen design of 6 sq.m is drawn up according to the project: furniture, household appliances are arranged, curtains or blinds are hung, as well as additional designer accessories.

Create a cozy, practical and functional design you can create a kitchen of 6 sq.m yourself without problems, or use the services of professional designers. But if the budget does not allow you to pay for the designer's project, do not despair. After watching the video and photos of finished interiors, you can easily decide on the future stylistic design. Computer programs for the development of design projects can also help. A properly designed kitchen design project of 6 sq.m will make it possible to rationally use every centimeter of space.

The main stages of developing a design project for a small kitchen:

Functional and technical part. Development of a planning solution for the kitchen. Determining the location of all communications, plumbing equipment and household appliances, the use of which is provided for in the kitchen after repair. Schematic representation of the plan design of the ceiling with the placement of lamps or their groups, forming the main or local lighting of a small kitchen of 6 sq. meters in Khrushchev.

Formation of a visual image of the interior. The choice of the stylistic direction in which the kitchen will be decorated, the design of furniture and accessories, the color palette, the finishing materials. It can be a drawn diagram, a design project drawn up using computer programs, or a photo collage of the interior elements you like.

The successful completion of the refining of one of the most beloved areas in the apartment will depend on how correctly the design project and the plan for repairing a small kitchen of 6 sq.m. will be drawn up.

If you are doing a kitchen renovation with your own hands, the recommendations of specialists will be an excellent help in interior design.

  1. When planning a kitchen, it is worth remembering that it should consist of at least three zones: food storage, a work surface and a dining area.
  2. It is necessary to follow the rule of the working triangle, where the distance from the stove to the sink is at least 60 cm, and to the refrigerator from 35 cm. This will help to significantly save time and effort when cooking, and make the interior of a small kitchen practical and functional.
  3. Fixing the hood, the power of which is not worth saving, is carried out at a distance from the hob from 60 to 80 cm.
  4. When designing a small kitchen, it is worth taking light colors. finishing materials, furniture and textiles. Thus, it turns out to visually increase the space.
  5. When decorating a kitchen interior of 6 sq.m, it is recommended to use no more than 2-3 shades, so there will be no color overload of the design. The color palette of the photo of which exists on the Internet can help in choosing colors.
  6. If the interior design is done by hand, experts recommend using the main color for the walls, and additional shades that combine with each other or create contrast in the form of room decor elements.
  7. Light sources should be small, but located in all areas: work, dining and along the perimeter of the ceiling. The best solution for decorating the work area will be built-in lights.
  8. If the walls are decorated in light colors, it is not recommended to use a large lamp with many lamps.
  9. When choosing furniture, it is worth giving preference to glossy coatings, which, due to the creation of a reflection effect, will successfully emphasize the space.
  10. To design a dining area in a kitchen of 6 sq.m, it is recommended to use a table with a round tempered glass top.
  11. By using a window sill, you can increase or create an additional work surface by covering it with a special material.
  12. To visually increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen, it is recommended to demolish front door or use the sliding roller door system.
  13. When choosing decorative accessories, do not give preference to photos and frame paintings. large sizes, the arrangement of which should be asymmetrical.

Designers' advice on repairing a small kitchen of 6 sq.m and designing it at the lowest financial cost is quite simple and concise: a minimum of contrasts, both in size and in colors. Rational use of every centimeter and your kitchen will become one of the most beloved places of all family members. Finished projects kitchen designs of 6 sq.m can be viewed on the photo catalogs of the best design studios involved in the repair of residential premises and kitchens in particular.

Repair of a small kitchen of 6 sq.m: photos, repair ideas, design options

In most cases, when renovating a kitchen in Khrushchev or in any house with a small amount of square meters, the following design options are used, depending on the location of the furniture:

  • Angular.
  • Straight.
  • U-shaped.
  • Parallel.
  • Redevelopment.

A photo of a kitchen renovation of 6 sq.m will help you visually familiarize yourself with all the pros and cons of each type of design.

There are many options for repairing small kitchens, but the best design is the angular arrangement of furniture, in which kitchen appliances and the furniture is placed along two perpendicular walls. There are two options for arranging the room:

  1. The space under the window is not used and remains free.
  2. The window sill is made out under the work surface and is used for its intended purpose.

In most cases, it is difficult to imagine what it looks like, but a photo with such a design demonstrates all the delights of using a window sill. For organizing one horizontal line it is recommended to combine the window sill with the worktop. Also, one of the options for using a window sill is to install a sink or a small table where two people can work or eat.

In general, due to such a design move, you can significantly save square meters of a small kitchen and create a full-fledged dining area.

The direct design option can be planned by yourself without much difficulty. In such a kitchen, furniture, appliances and a sink are located along one wall. Above the work surface are fixed cabinets for storing dishes and products. On the opposite side, a small dining area is formed, using, for example, a folding table or a transforming table. Such an interior is ideal for small kitchens located in Khrushchevs, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich does not exceed 6 sq.m. Photos of such kitchens will help you choose the most best option interior design for your kitchen.

U-shaped kitchen, used to furnish square kitchens. With this design option, the area under the window merges into a common horizontal plane. Rational with this design would be the use of corner sinks or hobs, with which you can increase the functionality of a small kitchen, using every centimeter of space. The best options for complying with the parameters are: the back wall is at least 2.5 meters, and the distance between the walls is within 1.5-2.9 meters.

Parallel kitchen layout is ideal only for small kitchens elongated shape, and which have two doorways located one opposite the other, or opposite the window. Such a layout is not very rare, but it has the right to exist. A photo of such a kitchen design will not leave indifferent even the biggest skeptic regarding the parallel arrangement of furniture in the kitchen.

In this case, the furniture is placed along the walls opposite each other. Following the rules of the functional triangle in a small kitchen, the sink and stove are on one side, and the refrigerator and cabinets on the other. In general, this layout allows you to build a large number of household appliances necessary for the functionality of the kitchen 6 sq.m.

The dimensions of the room for a parallel kitchen should be more than 2.5 meters wide, and the distance between the rows should be at least 2 meters, this will rationally equip the kitchen with everything you need and create a comfortable and practical environment in this area of ​​​​the apartment.

To create a dining area, in the absence of a separate dining room, it is recommended to use a folding or transforming table in the window area.

When creating a kitchen design, it may be necessary to carry out redevelopment. distinguish the following types of data works:

  • Partial redevelopment is the transfer of communication systems directly inside the kitchen.
  • Complete redevelopment - is the most difficult option used for arranging small kitchens in Khrushchev and not only. Carrying out these works consists in expanding the square meters of the kitchen by adding a balcony, room or corridor. It is impossible to carry out such repairs yourself. In this case, you will initially need to obtain a legal agreement from the relevant authorities.

There are many options for decorating the interior of small kitchens. Having correctly compiled a design project for a future kitchen renovation of 6 sq.m with your own hands, you will take the first step to create a comfortable and functional area in your apartment.

Having studied a selection of photos of a kitchen renovation of 6 sq.m. various designs you can easily choose your interior, suitable for the stylistic design of your entire apartment.

Repair of a kitchen of 6 sq.m in Khrushchev: the best repair options, photo

Most owners of apartments in Khrushchev with small area are wondering how you can organize the space in the kitchen functionally and stylishly with your own hands. The basic rules for repairing a kitchen in Khrushchev are identical to the rules for repair work for any kitchen with a small area.

A feature of the repair in Khrushchev is the need for a mandatory overhaul with a demonstration of the old floor, window blocks, and in some cases even partitions. Sometimes, due to the old age of houses, it will be necessary to completely clean the load-bearing walls from the plaster that moves away from the walls. Also very important point, is the presence of a gas column, any work with which should be coordinated with the specialists of the city gas and the fire inspectorate. So the whole repair consists of similar stages of repairing any kitchen, only a small nuance is the selection the best interior for a small kitchen.

Designers say that with a casual approach and adherence to the main directions of the chosen style, creating the kitchen of your dreams is as easy as shelling pears. After watching the training video of the "School of Repair" project, you can study the main stylistic directions that are used when repairing a kitchen in a Khrushchev apartment of 6 square meters. meters.

Japanese style is the best option for interior design of a small kitchen in Khrushchev. The main law of this style is functionality and simplicity, which, without regret, will save our space from unnecessary things and even a hint of disorder. Also, in such a kitchen there should be only modern multifunctional household appliances, which help to significantly save space, while not lowering the level of practicality and functionality of the kitchen.

The color scheme of natural shades is the best option for decorating such an interior. You can safely use white, milky, green, beige, sand colors with bright accents of red or rich brown.

The high-tech style is perfect for ultra-modern hosts who love all things steel and trendy. When doing a do-it-yourself kitchen renovation in this style, it is worth using a lot of metal, glass and modern composite materials that will emphasize all the subtleties of this style.

In this case, it is worth decorating the kitchen with steel furniture; dishes, all kitchen utensils will need to be bought from of stainless steel. For some, such a kitchen will look sterile and faceless, but true connoisseurs of style will not be able to remain indifferent at the sight of such an interior, which, in addition, perfectly visually enlarges small space kitchens in Khrushchev. Photos of finished high-tech interiors perfectly demonstrate all the subtleties of this style.

Provence style creates an atmosphere of coziness and home comfort in the kitchen. This is due to the use natural materials and shades for finishing work: natural stone, natural wood, warm terracotta. This style can be skillfully emphasized by using an authentic, expressive texture: brick, colored glaze, decorative painting, multi-colored mosaic.

The color palette is based on the use of pastel muted shades of beige, light brown, lilac, gray and white flowers. Such kitchens are decorated with antique furniture, ideal option there will be a dining table and chairs with wrought iron legs, the tabletop is made under the stone.

It is very careful to use vintage porcelain plates as designer accessories, which are an integral part of Provence cuisine. This is due to the fact that small-sized kitchens in Khrushchev cannot be overloaded with additional decorative accessories. A lot of photos of kitchens in the Provence style will help you understand the intricacies of the style and not confuse it with similar French country or Scandinavian.

Whatever style is chosen for the renovation of the kitchen in Khrushchev, you should take into account the small size of the room and try to create a functional and ergonomic space for daily cooking and eating, and even just for tea drinking. Best photos renovation of a kitchen of 6 sq.m in various stylistic directions, I clearly demonstrate all the design features of the interiors indicated on them for small-sized kitchens in Khrushchev.

Repair has always been an expensive pleasure, the price of which fluctuates depending on various factors, whether you do it yourself or with the help of specialists. In any case, it is worth organizing everything correctly and getting the maximum result with minimal effort and cost. Therefore, when choosing a kitchen design, it is worth considering not only comfort and stylistic design, but also the practicality of the room, which is created through the use of durable, reliable, moisture-resistant and fire-resistant materials.

Expert advice and video tutorials from the repair school will help you save on repairs without sacrificing quality:

Initially, kitchen renovation should begin with the development of a design project. A well-designed project will provide an accurate calculation of building materials and will not allow alteration of any stages of repair.

You can also leave old furniture and household appliances, if it appearance and serviceability in good condition. The absence of the need to purchase household appliances will allow you to save on the total cost of repairing a kitchen of 6 sq.m. In this case, it is worth considering the interior of the future kitchen very carefully.

A prerequisite is to draw up an estimate indicating the prices of all building materials. It is recommended to buy everything in one company, there is a possibility of receiving a discount or free delivery to the apartment.

You should not buy imported building materials, the price of which differs significantly from the products of domestic manufacturers. Look for materials good quality, but less well-known manufacturers.

To decorate the ceiling, you should not plan the construction complex structures. The rough surface is put in order, leveled and simply painted in several layers.

For wall decoration, the most economical option would be to use wallpaper, but of course washing. Only the apron area should be covered with ceramic tiles.

If do-it-yourself repairs are beyond your power, plan to carry them out during the "off season". This will help you significantly reduce the price by hiring builders up to 50% of the summer season.

If necessary, it is worth considering the payment for the services of specialists, whose work cannot be done without their help. It is not recommended to save on paying for the following types of work: laying electrical wiring, replacing sewers, installing various meters, all work related to gas communications.

Also in the cost of repairing the kitchen 6 sq. m should include prices for additional expenses: delivery of building materials, removal of construction waste.

In order for the price of repairs in the kitchen to be minimal, it costs the maximum part of the work that you are able to do exclusively with your own hands. Help to understand all the subtleties, especially preparatory phase will help sort school repairs from a to z.

How much does it cost to repair a kitchen of 6 sq.m?

When planning a renovation in the kitchen, it is necessary to initially calculate its cost. The price depends not only on the materials used, but also on the payment for the services of construction companies that are hired both for the entire repair and for individual work.

If the owners decide to use the services of construction companies, their employees will independently make all the calculations and tell you how much it costs to repair a 6 sq. M. turnkey kitchen in the final cost. When choosing the best companies, you should understand that the price for their services will be significantly higher than their competitors.

The cost of finishing a kitchen of 6 sq.m:

For such a price the best companies guarantees the use quality materials and carrying out repairs only by certified professionals. If necessary, all stages of the repair can be recorded for reporting on the photo and video equipment and sent to the customer.

If the repair is carried out with an economical budget, then the cost of mandatory work will be:

Type of work Price, rub
Dismantling and installation of sewer systems 1500-3000
Replacement of water pipes 3000-4500
Replacement of water supply and sewerage risers 5000-7000.
Installation gas cock and gas line replacement 3000-4000
Reconstruction of the gas riser from 6000
Re-planning of apartment gas pipelines 8000-15000
Wire laying (for m / n) 30-80
Installation of a socket, switch (per unit) 150-200
Installation lighting fixtures(per item) 220-750
Installation and connection of household appliances (depending on the type per unit) 200-4000

Start calculating the cost of repairs without taking into account the cost of purchasing the necessary building materials is not rational. The price for them depends solely on the brand of the manufacturer. Some global brands consider quality to be a priority, and at the same time, without paying attention to the price of their products.

In the modern construction market, there are many alternative manufacturers that produce building materials at more affordable prices. Accordingly, it is not possible to calculate the average cost of this item in the estimate for a kitchen renovation of 6 sq.m, due to the individual needs of each apartment owner.

It should be borne in mind that the price of repairing a kitchen in Khrushchev can be much higher due to the need for additional dismantling work.

If the repair is done with your own hands, you should carefully study a lot of videos and photos of information in order to avoid any mistakes during the repair work. Expert advice on the most common mistakes will be an excellent help in this direction.

When finishing floors, it is recommended to give preference only to waterproof types of coating. The most suitable option is ceramic tiles or natural stone. Many say that such a floor is very cold and slippery. For elimination these deficiencies you can make a heated floor, and choose a tile with an anti-slip coating. Despite the fact that many manufacturers began to produce waterproof linoleum and laminate, their practical use is much less than ceramic tiles. This is due to the fact that their structure is not intended for frequent wet cleaning.

Moisture protection is also very important for walls, and the possibility of cleaning using water and detergents. Best Options for wall decoration, these are washable wallpapers, ceramic tiles, epoxy or polyurethane paints. A prerequisite is the finishing of the working area only with tiles or a protective and decorative film of a tempered glass panel. It is also worth saving on wall covering with ceramic tiles downstairs behind the bedside table with a sink. In the case of a strip of water supply, the integrity of the wall will remain intact.

Fixing wall cabinets should be done exclusively on the installed special support. Partitions made of drywall. they just can’t stand the weight of the furniture in combination with the contents. Therefore, when renovating a kitchen of 6 sq.m, it is worth considering this moment

The installation of ovens, double boilers, multicookers, microwave ovens should be at the middle level, in the belt area. In small kitchens, horizontal refrigerators are allowed, which are located at the bottom of the headset. Also, to save space, it is recommended to use hobs and multifunctional household appliances.

When making repairs in a small kitchen, it is necessary to give preference to light colors. It is strictly forbidden to design a kitchen of 6 sq.m in dark saturated colors.

Having done everything correctly and competently, you can enjoy the interior of the kitchen, made by yourself with your own hands, for many years. I wish you success!