Repairs Design Furniture

Repair on small kitchens 6 squares. Repair of small cuisine with your own hands. Other finishing works

  • Need to produce turnkey apartment repair in Moscow or Moscow region?
  • Is the responsible, experienced performer at an affordable cost?

Rem Project repairs apartments professionally, promptly providing long-term guarantees of high quality results.

We are the specialists of the construction sphere, with a huge experience of various finishing and repair activities. We carry out any types of repairs, ranging from complex major repairs, VIP repairs and ending with simple cosmetics of apartments.

What does "Rem Project" proposes to its customers?

Our rich and successful experience, the high level of employee qualifications makes it possible to cope with the most difficult tasks. What kind of housing repair you would none have, you can always count on our professional help.

  • We repair and assemble engineering communications.
  • Performs all types of repair.
  • We work with any decorative finishing materials.

We at a bargain price can be repairs, both in the apartment and in separate rooms.

If you need an apartment repair in Moscow, and you are looking for specialists to conduct it, pay attention to our offer. We have a large selection of masters who are highly qualified and fulfill a wide range of construction and installation and finishing works. With our help your house will become stylish and comfortable.

We offer customers a high level of service and provide turnkey repair services in a new building using the latest technologies and modern materials. We have the necessary tolerances and permissions, and the technical base and professionalism of the staff allow the most complex architectural and design ideas to embody the most complex architectural and design ideas. We transform housing in accordance with a previously developed project, which may provide for both minimal changes with low costs and elite repairs.

Features of the repair of the turnkey apartment in Moscow

To order our apartment repairs, you will need to contact us and leave a request by selecting a convenient way - on the site in a special form or by phone.

The following actions are followed:

  • Consistent time of the arrival of the measurer. Our employee will visit the apartment at a convenient time for you and fulfill all the necessary operations for free. Departure of the measurer is carried out in all areas and districts of Moscow and does not require financial investments from customers.
  • Inspection of residential premises. During this stage, our specialist will appreciate the state of the apartment and will determine with its owner a list of alleged changes. It also holds the necessary measurements using tools and equipment.
  • Registration of the contract. It indicates the timing of the repair of an apartment in a new building at each stage and a list of housing transformation.
  • Project preparation. The technical task is compiled and project documentation is being developed, based on the repairs of an apartment in Moscow in a new building. This uses information collected by the measurer.
  • Implementation of construction and finishing works provided for by the project and the contract. It is carried out in compliance with technology and under the control of our specialists who have tolerances and necessary qualifications.

At the final repair stage, construction trash is made and cleaning. You can enjoy comfortable housing with an interesting interior design, without spending time and strength to remove the pollution left after repair.

Photo of renovation of apartments

Advantages for customers

By contacting us and trusting the execution of work to our specialists, you can count on impeccable results and additional bonuses.

Why will cooperate be profitable for you?

First, we create stylish and comfortable accommodation, embodying all the wishes of customers and taking into account modern tendencies in the sphere of apartment design. Among other advantages, which is accompanied by cooperation with us, you can allocate:

  • Documentary registration of services provided and providing guarantees for all types of technological operations.
  • The high quality of the construction and installation and finishing works on the repair of the turnkey apartment. It is provided by using the latest technologies, professionalism of masters and the use of certified materials that are purchased from proven suppliers.
  • Flexible pricing policy. An individual approach to the formation of the final amount required to pay for the repair of an apartment in Moscow allows our clients to save significantly.
  • Transparent pricing. The cost of the upcoming work on changing the interior of your housing is determined when drawing up the estimate, consistent with the client and does not change in the process of providing services.

We perform all types of work, observing sanitary and hygienic standards, safety and requirements, regulated by GOST and other documents.

How do we achieve a flawless result

Deciding to take advantage of our services and conclude an agreement to repair apartments in Moscow, you will receive 100% embodiment of your ideal interior ideas. Your apartment will become a functional, comfortable and stylish. To achieve this result, we carry out the following:

  • We select the necessary materials with special care. For housing transformations, high-quality products are used, which is environmentally safe and certified according to the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • We use tools and high-tech equipment. Thanks to our technical equipment and professionalism of the masters, construction and repair work of any complexity is possible.
  • Exactly follow the developed technologies. As part of the repair of an apartment in Moscow, all technical operations are carried out in accordance with the recommendations of materials manufacturers. In addition, our employees apply the latest developments in the sphere of sound insulation and waterproofing of residential premises, and when laying internal engineering communications.
  • We provide the customer with the ability to control repair at each stage. You will be able to observe the implementation of construction and finishing works, checking their quality and compliance with the list reflected in the estimate.

When providing services for the repair of an apartment in a new building, we strictly comply with the schedule specified in the contract and do not violate the timing. Due to the use of modern equipment and optimal labor organization, conditions are created to save time without prejudice to quality.

How to place an order for repairing an apartment in a new building from scratch or secondary P44t?

To do this, you will need to call the specified phone or leave an application on the site. Our employees will respond to your appeal within the shortest possible time, and the specialists of the technical department will provide all the information you are interested in and consult free of charge about the repair of an apartment in a new building or secondary. Based on the application will be carried out further actions that can be adjusted by the Customer.

How to get decent quality without huge costs?

When choosing artists for repairing an apartment in a new building explanibly the client's desire to reduce their costs? Is it possible to reduce the amount needed to transform the housing and get a flawless result? Yes, if you use the services of our specialists. We will be able to choose the optimal designer solution for each client and embody your wishes for transformation and decorative design of premises with minimal costs.

Repair of apartments in Moscow from scratch without problems and trouble

In the process of carrying out construction and finishing work on the conversion of housing, various difficulties may occur. To avoid problems with neighbors and regulatory authorities, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • Repair work in Moscow is regulated by law and provides for performing particularly noisy operations from Monday to Saturday inclusive from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 15.00 to 19.00. On Sunday and on holidays, work that is accompanied by an increased noise level is prohibited.
  • All changes in the apartment involving redevelopment should be carried out after approval in controlling bodies. In the absence of permits and design relevant documents, housing will be difficult to sell or exchange.
  • Since repairs occupy a certain period of time, it should be informed about its holding of neighbors, thanks to which misunderstandings and conflicts can be avoided.

Also, our specialists are developing competent technical design documents, including original, stylish design projects. A professional design project, taking into account all the requirements and wishes of the Customer, will greatly facilitate the repair of the repair of the apartment turnkey and will help give the necessary the result to the client, take into account absolutely all the nuances and little things of the interior design of the apartment. Therefore, order the creation of a design project in our company. We:

  • we choose the right interior stylist you will choose;
  • we think in the details of the room design (color solutions, light, decor, etc.);
  • we will select beautiful and reliable decorative building materials.

Create a 3D-model design model and clearly show how your apartment will look after repair, and you, if necessary, make the necessary additions and changes to the project plan.

Repair (mount) Engineering systems

  • We install in the toilet and bathroom, in the kitchen modern pipes of water supply and sewage. If your apartment has an old pipeline and rusted, we dismantle the existing water supply and removal system, we mount new pipes, for example, metal-plastic, plastic, steel or copper. Such communications are not corrosion, perfectly muffled the noise of water, have a long operating time. Each material has certain advantages that our plumbing will tell you about. The pipeline is installed in special shoes, does not occupy an excess place and does not affect the appearance of the sanitary node and kitchen.
  • Mount the new electrical wiring of copper. Aluminum electric pipes should also be replaced. Old electrical wiring does not cope with modern powerful electrical appliances. Moreover, over time, aluminum becomes brittle, and it is unsafe. Our electricians will select the wires of the desired power, bring off the wiring around the apartment, organize high-quality lighting in all rooms.
  • We establish effective heating systems. During the repair of the turnkey apartment, we can replace heating radiators, the risers of the Soviet sample with a modern heating system.
  • We organize high-quality ventilation. We will make sure that you have good ventilation in your dwelling, which is especially important for the bathroom and kitchen.

After performing such major repairs, it is possible to proceed to rough and finally repairs of the apartment.

We carry out draft and finishing events

Chernovaya and finishing repairs are an important stage of any repairs of an apartment in a new building or secondary. Masters "Rem Project":

  • Eliminate all flaws (irregularities, cracks, chips, etc.) surfaces (walls, floors, ceilings). For this, the screed is performed, plastering and putty work is carried out.
  • If necessary, additionally warmed, the rooms sound insulated, waterproof the floors.
  • If necessary, at the stage of rough repair, we can replace old window designs.

After this preparation for the final repair, you can make interior of the apartment with finishing decorative building materials. We work with all types of modern repairs. You can choose any materials based on your tastes and financial opportunities.

Contact us, order repair of apartments in Moscow turnkey and very soon you will get an excellent result at an affordable price. We work quickly and at the same time very high quality. We carry out capital repairs, cosmetics, renovations, VIP repairs. We develop any projects, create spectacular interiors. We always go to meet the customer. We can work as part of small budgets. We make adequate estimates, providing warranties. All our specialists are very responsible, qualified, professional. We can always trust even the most difficult reconstruction.

Standard kitchen size in Khrushchev - 2.5 × 2.3 meters, which gives an area of \u200b\u200b5.75 square meters. meter. Such a kitchen is connected to the hallway by the aisle with the mezzles and, together with this passage it takes the same 6 square meters. Meters that have become a parable in the towns already for several generations.

Similar "microscopic" kitchens can be found in the houses of later buildings. Many they lead to a stupor or even frighten, but in fact, in such a kitchen, you can cook comfortably and dinner. The main thing is to know how to organize space properly.

Kitchen design 6 square meters. Meters Highlights

Effective use of space

The main secret of the right arrangement of a small kitchen lies on the surface - it is necessary to use the most efficiently every square centimeter of its area.

To achieve this, you must first remove all the measurements, and then pick up the kitchen furniture so that it is compact fit in this small room like the shapes in the famous "Tetris" should be laid.

Effective use of height

Also owners of small apartments should fill each meter of room height at the maximum. Choosing one, two or three walls in order to force them with furniture, place it so that it takes the entire wall - from the floor almost to the ceiling itself.

Selection of flowers

Small premises are categorically contraindicated dark colors, and the kitchen here is no exception. The abundance of dark brown or, especially, the black color will make the already small space even closer, and be in such a kitchenette, most likely will be uncomfortable.

Bright colors, on the contrary, visually expand the room, so they will be the best choice. Also create an additional illusion of space help blurred patterns on the walls - for example, you can use with images with fuzzy contours.

But this reception is more appropriate in rooms with a size of 3 × 5 meters and more, and for a small kitchen, it will be enough to limit the choice of the correct color scheme.

It should also be borne in mind that when finishing small rooms it is better to refrain from using bright contrasts - a harmonious color scheme will work with sharp transitions.


There are several basic options for layouts for small kitchens:

  • linear;
  • M-shaped;
  • P-shaped;
  • Mr.-shaped with an island table;
  • double row kitchen.

Which one to stop - depends on the ratio of the length of the walls of the room, the location of the door and personal preferences.

Linear layout Suitable for narrow elongated rooms. The stove, sink and all necessary kitchen furniture in this case should be located near the long wall, lined up in one row.

M-shaped layout It assumes that the furniture is located near two neighboring walls. At the same time, it can either occupy the entire length of both walls. In another embodiment, one of them will be filled only in part, so you can use the wall with the door.

P-shaped layout It assumes that all the necessary elements of the internal decoration are filled with three walls, and the fourth remains completely free.

For G-figurative With a separate table, the furniture is located near two neighboring walls, and the table itself is in the opposite corner, forming the very "island".

Double-row layout - A good option for the room in which the entrance door is in the middle of one of the walls. In this case, the stove, tables, cabinets of other elements of the setting are built up opposite to each other. There is enough space between these ranks, and in such a room there is where to turn around.

Kitchen set of small kitchen

Furniture plays a major role in the inner decoration, it is from its right choice that will be convenient in your kitchen. Follow the rules above - thoroughly free all the size of the room Before you go to the store, seek the maximum to use the principle of "Tetris", pick up light colors and avoid sharp contrasts.

Note! Finding suitable sets in the store will not be easy - most of them are designed for large and medium room size. Ideally, it is necessary to make furniture to order - in this case, you can be sure that the elements of the interior are located inside your kitchenette in the best possible way.

Where better to place a refrigerator

Some have refrigerators outside the kitchen - in the corridor near her or in general in the hallway. This option has the right to life, however, it will still be much better to place this unit directly in the kitchen.

You can find many narrow and high models of refrigerators, each of which will fit perfectly in a close interior. As it was already noted, it is better if the elements of the inner decoration of small cuisine occupy all its heights - from the floor almost to the ceiling itself.

This advice can also be guided by choosing a suitable refrigerator. It is better to have it near the cutting table. This rule applies to all the above planning options.

Gas column in kitchen design

Another typical problem of a small kitchen "Khrushchevki" is a gas column that sticks out, as it seems, in the most prominent place and the corp. A simple, but effective solution - disguise it under the suspension cabinet, thus elegantly turning on the interior.

The main thing at the same time is not to forget about fire safety (ideally it is worth consulting with a specialist). Check the cabinet with a large number of ventilation holes, as well as with holes for the pipe and corrugations.

An even simpler solution to the problem is to arrange the column in the corner where it will be less rushing into the eyes.

What furniture to put on the kitchen is 6 square meters. M.

In a small kitchen, you need to place the minimum of the necessary furniture, in this case it will always be conveniently located in it.

In addition to washing, plates and refrigerators can be in it:

  • Cabinets: It is necessary to use outdoor and suspended cabinets to fill the entire vertical space, and the corner lockers are well suitable for small cuisine.
  • Shelves: They can replace part of the suspended cabinets.
  • Cutting and dining tables: On a small kitchen, you can put a dining table with drawers to use space more efficiently, it should also be borne in mind that the role of the table can perform a wide window sill.

Tip! A good solution for small space will be foldable furniture - it can be folding chairs, a table that rises to the wall or is removed into it when it is not needed, and other similar solutions.

Another important question to which it is necessary to find the correct answer is whether the plate is needed in the kitchen or a cooking surface. If the oven you will stop in the second version, because the cooking surface will take a minimum of space.

Also, do not forget that to save space, you can purchase a plate or a cooking surface into two, and not four burners.

As you know, there are no problems that could not be overcome. And the arrangement of the internal decoration of a small kitchen is no exception. At first glance, such a task may seem very difficult, but in fact everything is quite simple, the main thing is to approach it creatively and with the mind.

If you follow the above recommendations, your small kitchen will become cozy and comfortable. You will always be comfortable in it, and you can even invite guests to her - of course, if there are no too much.

Kitchen design 6 sq. Meters, photo

. In a house or apartment - each mistress holds a considerable part of his time. Alas, a lot of problems are connected with this room.

The shortage of free space is one of the main, because in standard crushes, the kitchen area does not exceed 6 square meters. Make a small room cozy and accommodate all the household appliances will help modern repairs!

Where to begin?

Before you start repairing your own hands, you need to determine where it will be:

Name Photo
Work zone


By compiling a small-sized kitchen or a room of 6 square meters. m, pay attention to the space that was not used earlier - for example, on the windowsill and place under it.

In order to maximize the valuable meters, in the design project of small-sized kitchens, you can place a washbasin or work surface.


It is also not very important in repair - electricity wiring on a small kitchen 6 m 2. Sockets on small-sized must be:

  • On the working area;
  • Under exhaust;
  • Near the dining table;
  • Behind the kitchen head (for refrigerator, microwave, etc.).

The optimal distance from the outlet to the technique on a small kitchen is 1 meter, the number of outlets for the room of any sizes is 4-5.

Placing sockets and switches for embedded household appliances (under the oven, washing machine, dishwasher, microwave oven, refrigerator, extractor).


Separately, it is worth talking about lighting on a small kitchen of 6 square meters. m.

It is better to abandon major chandeliers and ceiling, preferring point lighting. It is very convenient when a separate illumination is placed above the kitchen table and sink.

Lamps placement scheme for proper lighting. Lamp over table 48-68 cm.

Water pipes

By doing the overhaul of your own hands, you need to carefully approach the issue of hot and cold water.

Kitchen eyeliner from the risers should be separate from eyeliner to the bathroom. Such a system is very convenient in the event of an accident: to eliminate the problem, you do not need to turn off the water in the entire apartment.

The main stages of repair

Almost in all apartments built in the Soviet Union, the doors open inside the small kitchen, and not in the corridor. Imagine how much space can be saved if there will be an arch of the opening of the door from the outside in the new layout of the small kitchen or in their place.


Specialists advise start to repair from the ceiling. When repairing it is desirable to choose a washing coating, because the ceiling on a small, six meter, the kitchen is very quickly contaminated, and it is difficult to bring fat stains.

The simplest option for repair - plastic lining. It is easy to mount, and it does not require much care. But the installation of mounted structures is extremely undesirable: they occupy an excess volume and look hard.


The most practical and beautiful design of the walls with their own hands is a combination of bright tile and washing wallpaper or painting.

Places subject to pollution (above the slab and washing) cover the tile, but do not overdo it! After all, a small kitchen, fully covered with a fabric, is difficult to call cozy.


Special requirements are put forward for kitchen floor. Even on the square in several meters, it should be:

  1. Non-slip;
  2. Moistureproof;
  3. Stable damage;
  4. Heat-resistant.

Floor tiles or quality linoleum - Here is the optimal solution for the kitchen floor.

As for the color of the coating, you can choose a bright or contrast to the walls.

Kitchen design: Implement ideas to life

Doing repairing small cuisine with your own hands, each owner wants a little visually expanding space.

There are several principles that will help create an ideal design:

  • Use as you can more bright shades: options for white, salad, blue and yellow will create a feeling of space;
  • Discard small elements of decor and heavy curtains in a small kitchen;
  • Large mirrors installed opposite the windows will add lights on a small kitchen;
  • Give preference to strict but multifunctional furniture, for example, a simple bar counter;
  • Choose closed cabinets, not shelves and boxes (they only take away);
  • Narrow, but high refrigerator It will be much more practical a few meters away.
  1. Before installing a standard slab on four burners, think, maybe you will be enough and two burner;
  2. The microwave is better to place the open panel, but in a hinged cabinet or on special fasteners.

Secrets from professionals

  1. Furniture in small kitchen should be placed along two walls of the letter "g". So, you can use an extra room in the corner, and the other remaining walls will be free;
  2. Into the kitchen, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is six meters, select the embedded kitchen appliance at the maximum;
  3. Doors of mounted structures must open up;
  4. Visually lift the ceilings and create a "air" room will help the vertical figure on the walls;
  5. On a free wall can be placed folded dining table.

Let's sum up

Repair of the kitchen is 6 square meters - the process is simple, and it can be done with your own hands. The main thing is to remember the primary goal - visually expanding the space.

For the room of small sizes, it is especially important to pay attention to small parts during the repair, because it is precisely the total atmosphere in a small kitchen.

Standard kitchen size in Khrushchev - 2.5 × 2.3 meters, which gives an area of \u200b\u200b5.75 square meters. meters. Such a kitchen is connected to the hallway by the aisle with the mezzles and, together with this passage it takes the same 6 square meters. Meters that have become a parable in the towns already for several generations.

Similar "microscopic" kitchens can be found in the houses of later buildings. Many they lead to a stupor or even frighten, but in fact, in such a kitchen, you can cook comfortably and dinner. The main thing is to know how to organize space properly.

The main secret of the right arrangement of a small kitchen is on the surface - it is necessary to use the most efficiently every square centimeter of its area. To achieve this, you must first remove all the measurements, and then pick up the kitchen furniture so that it is compact fit in this small room like the shapes in the famous "Tetris" should be laid.

Effective use of height

Also owners of small apartments should fill each meter of room height at the maximum. Choosing one, two or three walls in order to make their furniture, place it so that it takes the entire wall - from the floor to almost the ceiling.

Selection of flowers

Small premises are categorically contraindicated dark colors, and the kitchen here is no exception. The abundance of dark brown or, especially, the black color will make the already small space even closer, and be in such a kitchenette, most likely will be uncomfortable.

It should also be borne in mind that when finishing small rooms it is better to refrain from using bright contrasts - a harmonious color scheme will work with sharp transitions.


There are several basic options for layouts for small kitchens:

/ "target \u003d" _blank "\u003e"); Clear: Left; Color: RGB (51, 51, 51); Line-Height: 21.6px; "\u003e
  • linear;
  • M-shaped;
  • P-shaped;
  • Mr.-shaped with an island table;
  • double row kitchen.
  • Which one to stop - depends on the ratio of the length of the walls of the room, the location of the door and personal preferences.
    Linear layout is suitable for narrow elongated premises. The stove, sink and all necessary kitchen furniture in this case should be located near the long wall, lined up in one row.

    Mr.-sample layout assumes that the furniture is located near two adjacent walls. At the same time, it can either occupy the entire length of both walls. In another embodiment, one of them will be filled only in part, so you can use the wall with the door.

    The P-shaped layout assumes that all the necessary elements of the inner decoration are filled with three walls, and the fourth remains completely free.

    With a G-figurative layout with a separate table, the furniture is located near two neighboring walls, and the table itself is in the opposite corner, forming the very "island".

    Double-row layout is a good option for the room in which the entrance door is in the middle of one of the walls. In this case, the stove, tables, cabinets of other elements of the setting are built up opposite to each other. There is enough space between these ranks, and in such a room there is where to turn around.

    Kitchen set of small kitchen

    Furniture plays a major role in the inner decoration, it is from its right choice that will be convenient in your kitchen. Follow the rules above - thoroughly simplify all the size of the room before you go to the store, strive to the maximum use the "Tetris principle", pick up light colors and avoid sharp contrasts.

    Note! Finding the appropriate set in the store will not be easy - most of them are designed for large and medium rooms. Ideally, it is necessary to make furniture to order - in this case, you can be sure that the elements of the interior are located inside your kitchenette in the best possible way.

    Where better to place a refrigerator

    Some have refrigerators outside the kitchen - in the corridor near her or in general in the hallway. This option has the right to life, however, it will still be much better to place this unit directly in the kitchen. You can find many narrow and high models of refrigerators, each of which will fit perfectly in a close interior. As it was already noted, it is better if the elements of the inner decoration of small cuisine occupy all its heights - from the floor almost to the ceiling itself.

    This advice can also be guided by choosing a suitable refrigerator. It is better to have it near the cutting table. This rule applies to all the above planning options.

    Gas column in kitchen design

    Another typical problem of a small kitchen "Khrushchevki" is a gas column that sticks out, as it seems, in the most prominent place and the corp. A simple, but effective solution - disguise it under the suspension cabinet, thus elegantly turning on the interior. The main thing at the same time is not to forget about fire safety (ideally it is worth consulting with a specialist). Check the cabinet with a large number of ventilation holes, as well as with holes for the pipe and corrugations.

    An even simpler solution to the problem is to arrange the column in the corner where it will be less rushing into the eyes.

    What furniture to put on the kitchen is 6 square meters. M.

    In a small kitchen, you need to place the minimum of the necessary furniture, in this case it will always be conveniently located in it. In addition to washing, plates and refrigerators can be in it:

    / "target \u003d" _blank "\u003e"); Clear: Left; Color: RGB (51, 51, 51); Line-Height: 21.6px; "\u003e
  • cabinets: It is necessary to use outdoor and suspended cabinets to fill all the space vertically, and the corner lockers are well suitable for small cuisine;
  • shelves: they can replace part of the suspended cabinets;
  • cutting and dining tables on a small kitchen You can put a dining table with drawers to use space more efficiently, it should also be borne in mind that the role of the table can perform a wide windowsill;
  • Note! A good solution for small space will be foldable furniture - it can be folding chairs, a table that rises to the wall or is removed into it when it is not needed, and other similar solutions.

    Another important question to which it is necessary to find the correct answer is whether the plate is needed in the kitchen or a cooking surface. If the oven you will stop in the second version, because the cooking surface will take a minimum of space. Also, do not forget that to save space, you can purchase a plate or a cooking surface into two, and not four burners.

    As you know, there are no problems that could not be overcome. And the arrangement of the internal decoration of small cuisine is no exception. At first glance, such a task may seem very difficult, but in fact everything is quite simple, the main thing is to approach it creatively and with the mind.

    If you follow the above recommendations, your small kitchen will become cozy and comfortable. You will always be comfortable in it, and you can even invite guests to her - of course, if there are no too much. (c) (c)

    here - Design kitchen 6 kv.. m. In Khrushchev - 35 real repairs

    Start, but hard to finish. It is true, because all sorts of little things that make up a string of unfinished, which cannot be left unattended.

    Small kitchen seems spacious because light

    Repair. m. requires attention, because the main criterion of the renewed premises is considered to preserve the free space, supplemented with functional ergonomic furniture.


    Preparation for repair work begins with a preliminary plan, which takes into account the following nuances:

    • sketch or drawing of the future kitchen;
    • professional calculation of the required material;
    • detailed thinking, calculation of pipes (sewer, plumbing);
    • counting the required number of electropurtures.

    After that, the dismantling of old furniture, construction coatings, communications begins.

    Based on the financial capabilities, the owners are determined with what repair they want to do: capital or cosmetic.

    Capital assumes an in-depth replacement of windows, doors, furniture, pipes, wiring, and in the case of cosmetic, it is often stopped on the walls of the walls, replacing wallpaper, decorative accessories, linoleum.

    Design pick up your taste that most like your family and you

    Replacing communication schemes

    Communication schemes and wiring are not recommended to change new, if they serve less than 3 years. In the extreme case, they change unreliable functioning details. It should be noted that the process requires profile skills and skills, and therefore it is better to trust experienced masters.

    1. When calculating and installing heating equipment, the main thing is not to overdo it, because the small kitchen is easily heated when cooking, so it will become stuffy.
    2. Before changing the water supply and sewage, you should clearly decide on the place for the new shell.
    3. Before changing the wiring, it is recommended to calculate the amount of power of the planned electrical household appliances, decide on the cross section of the wires, place.

    When it must necessarily be grounded and not to represent any threats to users: the electrical circuit in the kitchen is necessarily equipped with an emergency switch, which guarantees safety during the daily operation of the kitchen.

    The replacement of communication systems is better to trust a specialist if you yourself can not

    Stucco and Facing

    This stage is divided into preparatory and final. The following types of work are performed on the draft level:

    • stucco wall;
    • putty;
    • tie;
    • primer.

    The final includes decorative cladding. To make it clear, they advise you to briefly disassemble every item.

    So, for the purpose of alignment of the walls, it was decided to use not plasterboard, but plaster. This is a cheaper option, but involving some specific skills, other an uneven tubercle, sprouting, will be visible on the dried wall.

    The walls are plastering if the old layer is destroyed or induced, as well as to hide the curvature of the squat. In modern repairs, an improved finished mixture is used for seaming of drywall and plastering works. In order to save budget, a sand-cement solution is used (with a proportion of components 1 to 3).

    Tip: The greater the walls are evenly plastered, the less will be born at the following steps of repair.

    Ideally, the plaster is applied in 2 stages. First close the coarse irregularities, the differences are allowed to dry, then the final layer is applied. Drying time of plastered walls - from 2 days. If the walls are painted, texture plaster is applied.

    If you can use drywall for alignment of the walls, you can make niches, arches or removing in the walls.

    Shuttering is actually a very serious procedure

    Applying spacure

    The surface of the wall is putty to:

    • it is correct to close the joints formed after the alignment of the walls with drywall;
    • wall putty is needed to eliminate the defects of the wall surface of various kinds;
    • carefully close the potholes, depressions and cracks in the plastered walls;
    • to soften the coarse coating of cement-sand plaster classic type.

    The plaster and putty of the walls are considered among the important stages of finishing works, on which the evenness of the walls depends.


    Work on the screed is performed on the floor. For this purpose, specially designed mixtures are taken with increased strength characteristics. In essence, the screed is plaster, only outdoor.

    Nuances: the process is performed at a time, otherwise the smooth sexes will not succeed. After performing draft work on the screed and bay of the floor with a solution, it is left to dry by 3-7 days. If this point is not fulfilled in the floor, mold or harmful microorganisms will spread.

    After drying, the floor is covered with laminate or linoleum.

    Screed will help align the floor

    Facing walls with ceramic tiles

    The kitchen design provides zones that are subject to ceramic tiles. In addition to the aesthetic attractiveness and noble strokes, the product has the following advantages:

    1. Wear resistance.
    2. Durability.
    3. Immunity to temperature differences.
    4. Shockproof characteristics.
    5. Immunity to contact with chemical elements, water.

    When choosing a material, it seeks that the tile assortment is represented by floor or wall products. Also gaining popularity ceiling tiles.

    An alternative tile is considered skinale - glass aprons for the working area, on the surface of which images are applied. Skinal is performed from thick tempered glass, which is not afraid of temperature drops, shocks.

    Wallpapers since the times of the USSR are considered the most popular decorative and finishing element of the apartment. If it is decided to decorate the walls with wallpaper, it is advisable to do it with an assistant: one person presses the cloth to the wall, and the second holds.

    The advantages of wallpapers include a huge range and a wide range of products: Select different textures, textures and materials. Wallpaper is easily glued and removed, accessible to everyone in price, and in addition, help create a home and cozy atmosphere.

    Wall pasting with wallpaper requires certain skills, do everything neatly and conscience

    Ceiling arrangement

    The ceiling for the kitchen is tension or suspended. If stretch ceilings in the kitchen

    with installation, not by pocket, choose plastic panels that are attached to metal profiles. Then cut holes through which point lights are removed.

    Cuisine lighting is the main, middle and optional. In this case, the light is distributed over zones.

    If the ceiling is provided, the surface is also plastered and put off, and then decide to wake the ceiling or coat the stack of the selected shade.

    At the final stage of repair of the kitchen, electropurtures and furniture are installed, the household appliances are connected and checked security.

      1. Household appliances should be compact and not cumbersome.
      2. It is important to competently organize the arrangement of the kitchen, place the products for storing products and dishes. You should not clutch furniture with trifles that best hide behind facades.
      3. For ergonomic use of space, it is recommended to transfer the sink to the windowsill. Here, if you wish, you arrange a dining surface.
      4. If the dining table is lacking, choose a product with a collection-lifting mechanism or replace on a compact bar.

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    Do not be afraid of experiments, and let your cuisine become cozy.