Repairs Design Furniture

How to create an original interior of a small apartment - tips from experienced designers. Beautiful interiors of a small apartment functional design room

The design of a small room is not such a difficult task as it may seem at first glance. A variety of beautiful ideas and original, design solutions can be easily implemented if you adhere to certain rules.



To create a cozy and comfortable interior on a limited area, some rules must be observed.

Visually to expand the room, make it more spacious, air, avoid climbing and use the existing area with maximum benefit - it is this task that stands before the designer at the design of a small room.

Planning options

In small apartments, such as "Khrushchev", the location and area of \u200b\u200bfunctional zones (kitchens, bathroom, toilet) usually leaves much to be desired. During the construction of these houses, the convenience of the inhabitants was not at first. The main task was to provide all housing. If two-bedroom apartments compensate for these disadvantages of at least the presence of additional housing, then one-room does not leave another exit as redevelopment.

From one-room "Khrushchev" you can make an apartment-studio, removing partitions separating the room from the kitchen. Due to this, the living area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment will increase.

Two-bedroom apartments usually have a bigger room (passing, running the role of the living room) and smaller, which serves as a bedroom. The area of \u200b\u200bthese rooms, especially the bedroom, is small - an average of 9-10 square meters. m. In rooms of this size, it is important to create an interior that would not just answer the aesthetic demands of the owners, but also was functional and comfortable. Therefore, when making a small room, you need to thoroughly think about:

  • zoning of the room;
  • interior style;
  • decor;
  • design ceiling, floor and walls;
  • lighting.


Whatever the purpose of the room is a bedroom, a children's or office - in any case, it is necessary to highlight several functional zones. It will make it possible to understand what furniture needs and how to put it right. "Subway" zone - where all the necessary things, recreation area, working, for receiving guests - all this can be easily placed in a small room. Three factors play an important role:

  • room form (rectangular or square);
  • presence or absence of a window;
  • the location of the window and the door relative to each other.

Square room is less demanding. It is easier to place major items (bed, wardrobe, desktop), they can be delivered anywhere.

Another thing is a rectangular room. Here the location of the window and doors relative to each other play an important role. The following options are possible:

  1. The window and the door are located opposite each other on the long walls, approximately in the middle. Optimum option. Allows you to easily zonate space.
  2. The window is located on a short wall, the door is on the long, closer to the far from the corner window. Zoning here is about the same way as in the previous version.
  3. The window and the door are located on opposite short walls. This is the least convenient option. In this case, the working (or sleeping) zone can be positioned by the window, and the storage area is at the door.

When zoning, you can use such techniques as:

  • installation of partitions or sliding doors;
  • installation of the podium;
  • the use of different finishing materials.

You can use racks installed perpendicular to the wall, curtains, decorative scrolls, and multi-level lighting. These are more economical and easy-to-use options. For example, by plating around the perimeter of the bed curtains, you can get a cozy place of rest and separate the sleeping area. Select the recovery area will help the installation of the podium - it visually shares the room. Having placed the drawers in the podium, you can also get an extra room for storing things.

Speakingly separate one functional zone from another can be using a different color or texture of finishing materials. But in this case need to choose the right color,in order not to reduce all efforts to visual expansion of space.

It is not worth all the zone to allocate some kind of color. It will be enough to highlight the wall of the wall and the ceiling, say, above the bed. Or make a podium from another material, not like the floor covering the remaining part of the room.

Proper furnishing is another option of the discharge of zones in a small room. Mounted perpendicular to the wall Open rack will highlight the working area or the reception area. With this task, shirma will fine. If you use a closed rack, then it is better to install it with a solid, rear wall to the part of the room, where the zone will be located, which requires privacy, for example, sleeping.


Not every style will be appropriate in a small room:

  • Ampire, Loft, Classic, Baroque, Rococo Do not suit the design of small-sized square. These styles of large spaces, the small room they will not only do not decorate, but also create a grace, an unpleasant impression of a closed space.

For a small room, modern styles are most appropriate, such as minimalism, high-tech, modern. You can use Japanese or Scandinavian style items.

  • For Minimalistic interiordescribed by restrained colors (more often two main, in which the room is drawn up), geometric forms, the presence of reflective surfaces, the use of blinds instead of curtains, almost complete decorative decoration. In general, in a small room, bulky curtains to the floor will be inappropriate, it is better to use the so-called Roman curtains or blinds. Several bright accents will revive the interior and emphasize his conciseness.

  • Style high tech, as well as minimalism, implies minimum decor, geometric shapes, clearly verified proportions. The characteristic features of this direction is the abundance of metal surfaces - decor, furniture, inserts on the walls, lamps. This style focuses on modernity, it has a lot of equipment that plays the role of decor. The main color in this direction is white. In combination with light-reflected light, it allows you to visually expand the room, so it will be appropriate in a narrow room.

  • Modern It is a kind of opposite of high-tech. It is characterized by smooth lines, vegetable or animals ornaments, wood, glass, soft, calm colors. Furnishing furniture, which is one of the distinguishing features of the style, is characterized by functionality. The minimum amount of textiles is another characteristic feature of modern.

The color range of a small room, regardless of the style of the style, should be light, pastel.You can add a couple of bright accents to "revive" the interior, non-screaming, and restrained, calm shades - peach, olive, emerald, terracotta.

The abundance of bright colors in a limited space will put pressure on a person, in such a room it will be uncomfortable. Therefore, the main palette of the room should be neutral.

When clearing the room it is better to use One color gamut.For example, pale blue or green. These shades create a feeling of remoteness, and therefore visually make the room spacious. The use of gray-blue tones in combination with light furniture allows you to make the interior light, air.


The decor is also better to use bright shades. The use of bright, juicy colors will make the room visually smaller, and pastel, light, on the contrary, will add light room.

When making a small room, the main thing is to fill it with light, spacious, air. Well coped with this task of the mirror. Reflecting light, they seem to give it, making room lighter.

Creature Falche window from the mirror- Fashionable reception now. It allows you to visually increase the room and bring the originality notch. If the room is generally devoid of windows - such a reception will save from the feeling of gulling walls, closets, will add comfort and comfort. For the same purpose, glass elements are used.

The furniture should be bright, natural shades or made of modern transparent materials - it will seem weightless, easy and will not be weighting space. To get involved in dark furniture is not worth it, visually it will seem massive, heavy.

It is also worth avoided by the abundance of all sorts of statuettes, pads, souvenirs, paintings, various decorative items. They will create a feeling of litterness, placement of the room. It is better to hang one picture on the wall corresponding to the stylistics of the room, or a couple of black and white photos.

Color range of paintings should cross the common palette of the room - no contrast, bright colors. The image of light landscapes, some futuristic motifs successfully fit into the interior.


A good idea is to use photo wallpaper, usual or with a 3D effect. They will create the effect of space, freedom, unlimited space. The pictures of nature or the sea are best fit.

Urban landscapes are better to choose those on which the image goes away into the perspective. This technique seems to push the boundaries of the room. Place the photo wallpaper is better on the opposite door of the wall, or (if the window is on a short wall, and the door is long) in front of the window.

When choosing simple wallpaper, you need to remember that small prints are not suitable for making a small room.. It is better to stop your choice on models with wide, large vertical elements. The reason is that against the background of a small wallpaper pattern, all surrounding items visually increase. A large drawing, on the contrary, makes them less.

An image of an extended elements is visually raising the ceiling, makes it higher. Horizontal image location, on the contrary, makes the room below and wider.


When repairing do not forget about the design of the ceiling. The feeling of height will give the diode backlight around the perimeter. Alternatively, you can use a glossy coating: it reflects the light well and makes the room above.

Multi-level plasterboard ceilings are not the best option for a small room. They will reduce the height of the room.


When finishing the floor, you can use parquet, laminate, boards, cork coating, or make the bulk floor. Each material has its advantages:

  • Parquet and laminate laminated diagonally expand the room.
  • The plug perfectly retains the form, is not deformed with physical effects, moistureproof and provides sound insulation.
  • Self-leveling floor is one of the most durable coatings. It can be absolutely anyone, even with a 3D effect. But it is not necessary to get involved in a variety of drawings - the small area is much "loyal" to simple, traditional coatings and nonsense tones.

The color of the floor must correspond to the common color palette of the room. If the naked floor is unacceptable, you can put in the center of the room a small carpet of oval or round form.


Organization of lighting in a small room also has its own nuances. It will not be appropriate for a pompous, massive chandelier in the center of the room, it is better to use a compact geometric shape globe. In the conditions of limited space, it is not necessary to install bulky lands or sconces. The optimal option is the built-in lamps. Installed around the ceiling perimeter, in the window and doorway, in the headboard or sofa, they will give enough light.

When designing a room at the cottage, natural materials can be used, such as a tree. In the summer interior it will be very by the way, especially light breeds.

Small rooms - the inheritance of Soviet construction - now exist in almost every apartment. They require careful planning when designing and repairing. This is the case when it is better to measure seven times and only then cut. Stylistics, color gamut, furnishings, textiles, decor - everything needs to be thought out to the smallest detail.

Best will be Create room plan in 3D version And play with the color scheme, placement of furniture, accommodation of decor and light. Such a technique will help at the initial stage clearly understand which materials will be required, which palette is best suited, what style will be most appropriate.

Visualization is necessary, especially when it comes to the design of small-sized premises.

The small area of \u200b\u200bthe caparity and fixes will not only be difficult, but also costly. It is necessary to thoroughly consider the stylistics of the room, the color range, the materials used, the situation based on the purpose of the room and its shape. It is necessary to measure everything, calculate before going to the store.

Compact premises in our apartments, unfortunately, not so rarity. However, if desired, they can be made aesthetic, comfortable and functional. With proper zoning and competent combination of colors and textures, you can make a modern design of a small room and visual expansion of space.

Where to begin?

In the preparation of the design project, all architectural features of the room and its pros and cons will be taken into account. After measuring the width of the walls, the size of windows and doors, the height of the ceiling, the distances between furniture, taking into account the width of the passages, a schematic plan is drawn. The system of exposure system should be denoted on it.

There are several techniques with which you can competently dispose of square meters in a small room:

If the door is not an urgent need, it is better to get rid of it - it will help free the pair of free meters; You can go further and expand the doorway or turn it into the arch, a good option for a small room is light sliding doors;

Sliding doors in the bedroom

When choosing furniture, preference should be given to light sliding structures or built-in wardrobes;

You can make the room visually spacious with mirror or glossy surfaces;

A narrow and long small room can be broken into zones; However, massive elements are not used as partitions - it is better to install partially filled structures or glass partitions;

Allocate a separate working area, you can even in a small place

Zoning space with the help of furniture elements and contrasting wall

If there is no natural light in the room, it is desirable to provide a false window with an artificial illumination in it - a room in this case will look much more cozy;

Saving a living space can also be saved by increasing the width of the windowsill;

Window side table top

So that the room does not look too dull, do not neglect the ceiling finish; Of course, in a small room, difficult will be inappropriate (you can afford only small ceiling elements); An ideal option can be glossy stretch canvas with color inserts or without them.

Council. If the central part of the decor is the ceiling, the remaining surfaces must have a minimum of finishes.

Glossy stretch ceilings in children's

Be sure to think about the lighting type - a well-lit room seems spacious; In a small room, it is better to provide a combination of point ceiling lights, a central chandelier, brake and lamps;

Stucco and massive chandeliers in small rooms are not used.

Choosing a color palette

Be sure to make a color sketch of the room - in this case, you will be able to verify the correctness of the choice of shades and alignment of accents:

For a small room, it is preferable to use light tones - they visually expand the space; Bright juicy or dark colors are better to use only as finishes;

Dark tones are used only as finishes.

Light colors help visually expand the room, plus tender pastel shades will contribute to relaxation

The ceiling is not necessarily painted in white, but in order not to lose space, it must be at least a couple of tones the lighter wall; Choose calm pastel beige, shades of flax color, ivory or muffled yellow shades - so you can compensate for the lack of lighting in a room leaving on the shadow side;

The ceiling must be a little lighter wall

Too large prints can "eat" the space, an excess of small repetitive patterns can be input; If you certainly want to stick in the room with colored patterns, separate them only one of the walls;

Color wallpaper can only be separated from one of the walls.

Monophonic walls can be revived by bright color inserts, paintings or photos;

Be extremely careful with the selection of color shades - because the color dissonance can be reduced even a brilliant idea;

Experiment with horizontal and vertical ornaments - in the first case it will be possible to visually make the room above, and in the second one to visually expand the room;

Surrounding curtains with drapery in a small room are inappropriate - it is better to choose a lighter one-photon fabric or a cloth with a small pattern

If the room comes out on the sunny side, you can afford to experiment and arrange it in cold colors: gray, ash-turquoise, muffled blue or foul purple; Diluting a similar color palette with bright colors, you can get a very nontrivial interior.

If the room is well lit, you can easily afford to use shades of gray

Council. Chrome surfaces are very poorly combined with natural wood. It is better to use it in combination with glass or stone.

Selection of furniture

When placeing furniture in a small room, the main task is to use the most efficient useful area:
Maximum must be used mobile, folding and multifunctional furniture;

You can free free space using not too deep, but high, to the ceiling of cabinets;

Council. In design, there is an immutable rule - the color of the floor covering must be opposed to the color of the furniture.

In a small room, try to use sofas for the maximum or - it will be baked linen and sleeping facilities;

Sofa with integrated wardrobe

Built-in wardrobes are located at the bottom of the bed.

Save the area can also be at the expense of small lockers located above the headboard bed;

Cabinets over headboard beds

Open shelves "eat" less space; Make them too much small objects should not - they will bring the feeling of chaos;

With the help of mirror or stained glass windows, you can bring more volume and light to the room and expand it.

Use of mirror surfaces to expand space

The implementation of designer ideas may bring new paints to create a corner of comfort and warmth, which fully meets the interests and hobbies of its owner. Performing certain rules for registration will turn even a small room into a more spacious and functional one. The design of a small room is not only the right choice of a color solution that allows you to visually increase the space, but also the successful selection of parts of the interior, which allows you to competently use each centimeter area.

The color solution plays one of the important roles, it is capable of visually expanding the borders of the room.

For the design of the room of small sizes, it is worth competently selecting furniture

Even the smallest room can be turned into a comfortable and functional room.

In modern apartments, rooms with limited area can be performed by living room, bedroom, cabinet and nursery. But, most often, even such a small space is multifunctional. At the same time, in redevelopment of the house or apartment there is no need to have a need, using your imagination, even in such conditions, you can create a really original interior decoration. In order for the interior of a small room as convenient as possible, you need to follow several uncomplicated rules.

  1. Make sure that every corner is well lit. Darkness, of course, friend of youth, but the enemy of tiny premises. Insufficient illumination literally compresses the space.
  2. Use pastel tones when finishing all surfaces: walls, ceiling and floor. One wall can be highlighted with a brighter shade. The perfect option is the photo wallpaper with the image of a landscape or an optical illusion, even more increasing the impression of the space.
  3. It is not necessary to glue the wallpaper with small ornament, the classic print is more suitable: vertical stripes, large patterns. This decision will make the room more noble.
  4. Choose elegant modular furniture, do not overload the inner decoration with extra details, especially massive.
  5. Small decor elements are more suitable for the interior, as they create a false impression of space: miniature photos or paintings, a small carpet leaving the open part of the floor.

Following these simple principles will make it possible to create a comfortable interior even on a very cramped area.

For small rooms everything must be calculated to the smallest detail

If you follow the rules, the room design will be bright and cozy

How to decorate the window?

The window is a key element of the interior of small rooms, a successful design can create an atmosphere of coziness and harmony. For his decoration best suited:

  • lightweight fabric curtains;
  • transparent, flowing tulle;
  • curtains with drapery.

Textile selection for window design to a greater extent depends on the purpose of the small room. For a small bedroom, the drapery curtains are more suitable for children - curtains with an unusual print, for a cabinet combined with a library, or a living room - tulle, easily transmitting natural light.

If there is no desire to make an accent detail window, hang a rectangular white or cream curtain on it, so attention will be focused on the remaining area. For this purpose you can hang rollers or exquisite blinds.

Roman curtains are perfectly suitable for the window in the bedroom

Can decorate windows with curtains

The window is the main element in small rooms.

Choosing a stylistic direction

Square and architectural features dictate hard conditions when choosing an internal decoration style. In a 12-meter room, Baroque or Rococo styles, overloaded with details, will look ridiculous and unnatural. But the excellent solution will be:

  • high tech;
  • minimalism;
  • scandinavian;
  • japanese;
  • modern style.

These styles relate a small amount of decorative elements, smooth surfaces and straight lines. It is from the definition of a general concept that all work should be started: the selection of furniture and finishing materials will be much easier.

The use of light colors visually expand the borders of the room

There should be a lot of light in small rooms

Usually for small rooms apply modern styles

Interior of a small room depending on its purpose

Designer planning always begins with the establishment of the functional features of the room.

Features of the design project depending on the type of room

Bedroom design

When decorated, we carefully consider the color solution and lighting. It is not necessary to give preference to dark shades, it is better to choose tender tones: beige, cream, white or light blue will make room a real center for relaxation and rest after a busy day. It is these shades that are optimal for relaxation and psychological unloading. In addition, light tones visually increase the room that in the case of a small area is no less important than creating a relaxation atmosphere.

Sources of soft, scattered light are the best solution in a small bedroom. Eyes will not be tired of too vivid lighting. Hang over the Bed Bed with the caps or put lamps on the bedside tables with lamps with lamps, install high landscapes. Thus, you can illuminate every corner, not overwhelming vision.

In the bedroom it is better to use soft scattered light

When designing a small bedroom design, it is worth thinking all to the smallest detail

Design of cuisine

Create a room design plan, consider the layout and zoning of space. In the working area, pay attention to the triangle "Washing Plate-Refrigerator", access to them should be free.

Choose a headset with glossy coatings, glass doors and metal elements - so the kitchen will seem more spacious. If you can make a refrigerator to another place. An apron, walls and countertops are better to choose blond, so you can avoid the effect of weighting internal decoration.

Design of small kitchens need to be thought out carefully

Design of small-sized living room

The main rule: Do not overload the inner decoration with bulky objects. Even if you have a big family, or you often receive guests, do not install a massive sofa and large chairs, it is better to stop your choice on an elegant sofa with light upholstery and small chairs with carved wooden armrests, deputies. As additional sites for the seating, it is appropriate to use large pillows (especially if youth is going to be a company), which in normal time can be removed into the wall.

The best location of the TV or plasma panel is the opposite from the sofa of the wall.

Competent room interior in Khrushchev

Such houses have long been outdated, but still constitute a significant part of the housing stock in the post-Soviet space. Once such a separate apartment was the limit of the dream of a simple Soviet man, now uncomfortable planning, poor sound insulation and a small size cause a restrained smile or irritation.

But the times, when such apartments are firmly associated with carpets on the walls, have long passed. Even the "Khrushchev" can be done really relevant and comfortable for the residence of people who are accustomed to modern conditions.

For the design of "Khrushchev" most suitable modern style, minimalism or provence. When choosing furniture, finishing materials and decor, you need to follow the general principles of small-sized room design.

Make a small room in Khrushchev will not be difficult

It is best to use bright shades

Even in Khrushchev, you can make a cozy and functional design.

Successful color solutions

One of the main tasks that is facing people who independently create a design project of their own dwelling is not to be mistaken with the choice of color combinations. Limited housing sizes put forward a number of additional conditions. To visually expand the space as the main tone, use:

  • white and all his shades;
  • soft blue;
  • beige;
  • light green;
  • pale pink.

Strictly follow the rules of three: one color is used as the main one, it can be quite a lot, usually used when finishing walls, gender and ceiling; No more than two other shades should be present as additional. These tones can be really bright and saturated even in cramped rooms.

In the bedroom it is better to use warm shades

Lighter tones are suitable for the living room

Little room zoning

Especially acutely, the problem of separation into zones is in a one-room apartment, when the only living room should perform all the functions that only exist. When several people live in the apartment, it can be divided into its partition. But in no case do not use monolithic, heavy materials. Better put a translucent partition that will dispel and reflect the light. In this case, one part can be issued as a living room with a work desk, and the second is like a small nursery or bedroom.

If this option is not suitable, as you want more privacy, the sliding partitions will be an excellent choice if you choose such "doors" with a mirror coating, they will also visually increase the tiny room.

If the ceilings are high enough, a place to sleep can be equipped with an improvised second floor. In this case, under it, you can arrange spacious cabinets, install the desktop. So you unload the rest of the area.

If the height of the ceilings is low, install the podium on which the guest or the working area is equipped, and the premium bed is inside.

Very beautiful will look like a tree partition

Zoning can be done using partitions

Decorative illumination partitions will be an excellent option for zoning

Choice of furniture

Small rooms must be furnished with very compact and functional furniture. Harmoniously looks for furnishing furnishings of simple forms and clear lines. To make the interior decoration more "alive", select the objects in such a way that the horizontal surfaces are at different levels.

Experiment with the so-called "transformers" - objects of furniture that can fully change their shape and even the purpose.

Do not overload the interior, put only the most needed: bed or sofa, table, locations for storing various things. Do not litter space.

Wallpaper for small rooms

When choosing finishing walls and decoration windows, you need to take into account some of the most common design techniques that will help make interior decoration more cozy and interesting. Wallpapers must be:

  • light tones;
  • with simple texture;
  • without a pattern or with a very small ornament.

Of course, you can experiment a little, but completely dark shades are not exactly suitable. Ideal cold colors, but only with very good lighting, otherwise choose warmer tones.

Wallpaper with patterns will look very good

Wallpapers must be bright shades

Nuances design for youth and girls

Of course, the rooms of girls and young men differ significantly from each other. There are several nuances that will help to navigate in the sitmon of design ideas and independently create a truly impressive interior.

So, for the maiden room it is better to choose:

  • tender shades;
  • elegant furniture;
  • a large number of decorative elements.

For space in which a young guy lives, suitable:

  • strict tones;
  • minimum decor;
  • functional situation.

Do not be afraid to show fantasy. It is worth attaching a little effort, and even tiny rooms are 5 or 6 square meters can be made original, functional and, most importantly, comfortable for their owners.

Video: Design of a small room

50 Photo of the ideas of design of a small room:

The bedroom in the house is considered one of the most important premises, because it is here that a person spends a significant part of his life, relaxing after a difficult day and gaining strength for new achievements. That is why there are so stringent requirements for the bedroom.

It should be comfortable, functional and properly equipped with a psycho-physiological point of view.

So that the new bedroom design fully approached the owners of the dwelling, you need to think over every trifle in advance, because the needs of each family are different. FROMthere are 2 division systems:

  • P about accessories;
  • P about the type of housing (in his own house, in a panel house with improved layout, in Khrushchev).

Use the style of the situation and the style of the room should consider who will belong to the bedroom. There may be several options here.

  1. Sophistication (or parental).

This room should be as comfortable as possible and aesthetic. In addition, it will definitely need to make at least a note of romance, because the spouses in the bedroom are not only resting, but also want to retire.

The central place here will occupy the bed, quite spacious and comfortable.

  1. Bachelor.

The situation in this room is as close as possible to the marriage.

Quite often, this room serves not only the bedrooms, but also a home office.

  1. Children's

Usually the baby's bed is located in a children's room, which serves simultaneously with the game and training zone.

There are special requirements here.

  1. In one-room apartment.

These cases also need a special approach, as the bedroom is combined with the living room.

This room needs zoning.

Influence of the type of housing on the bedroom atmosphere

As already mentioned, the type of housing has a great influence on the design of the bedroom.

  1. Own house.

The interior design feature in a private house is that tenants can choose a bedroom room, based on their own preferences - they have such an opportunity.

The main selection criteria will be the direction of light, the location of the windows, the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and its location relative to other rooms.

If there is a second floor in the house, designers recommend to equip the bedroom there. Completely inimitable options are available for a bedroom device in the attic.

Photos of finished projects, for sure, will attract your attention.

  1. Panel home improved layout.

In this case, the choice of owners is somewhat less than in the previous case, however there is a lot of opportunities to equip a spacious bright bedroom, without experiencing closeness.

Limit in the design can only the claimed budget and its own preferences.

  1. Khrushchev.

This type of housing is one of the most common in our country, and it is here that difficulties with the interior design arise. The main reason lies in the small area of \u200b\u200bthe room and low ceilings. There is no right to speak here.

The interior designers have in their arsenal with a dozen technician and tricks, thanks to which even the placement of furniture in the bedroom of 12 square meters. m will be advantageous and attractive.

Sofa in the bedroom - saving places

Many residents of small apartments are installed in the bedrooms exclusively beds, sacrificing precious square meters and refusing other important items of the interior. Should I use the same option, solve only residents.

However, the masters have long been offered to use an effective solution to this problem - the design of a small room of 12 sq m with a sofa.

The correctly chosen sofa will successfully replace even the most comfortable bed and that's why.

  1. Saving space.

This is probably the first thing that comes to mind, and this statement is really true. Unlike a double bed, the sofa assembled is 2 times less than the place, and therefore the day in the room there will still be enough space.

Moreover, in this case, the placement of furniture in the room 12 sq. M will not require the abandon from other desired furniture.

  1. Functionality.

Manufacturers offer the use of a huge number of folding sofas, which differ in size and type of mechanism.

Due to this, the sofa is declined for some few seconds, turning into a spacious bed.

  1. Convenience.

Now you can choose absolutely any sofa taking into account the size, the level of softness and the type of upholstery.

Gray sofa in a room of 12 meters.

  1. Functionality.

Want to save some more space - choose models with boxes at the bottom.

Checklings and other things can be placed here.

  1. Universality.

The sofa will be perfectly "fitted", both in a married bedroom and in all other types of premises.

Pastel colors and textiles will add softness and comfort.

Selection of furniture for a small bedroom

So, even if the purchase of the sofa has already been determined, the question of how to lay the furniture in the bedroom of 12 sq m without damning the free space and the most important thing: how to choose it?

The process of creating small housing requires great effort.

It should be noted that there is a completely standard list of furniture items, which must certainly be in each bedroom:

  • TO or sofa;
  • Sh kaf for clothes (if there is no dressing room in the house);
  • T. umuba bedside (their success can be placed near the sofa);
  • N. even dresser (very convenient for storing small things and underwear).

The correct organization of space is a painstaking job requiring designers a lot of attention.

If you wish in the bedroom, it is also possible to use such objects such as TV (monitor) and a dressing table. Depending on your preferences, the list can shrink or expand.

For a small room of this set will be more than enough.

  1. Wardrobe.

The design of a small room 12 sq m with a sofa will simply won't do without a storage system. At the same time choose the suitable model of the cabinet is quite difficult, because in close room, any wardrobe will look much more than it really is. To at least fix the position of the designers recommend choosing built-in wardrobes over the entire floor from the floor to the ceiling.Another detail facilitating life in a small apartment is the coupe (ideally mirrored or with matte glass).

Such furniture will give good savings of space, allows you to freely put all the clothes, bedding and many more different items.

  1. Shelves.

On the bedside table, you can store a cell phone, the remote control from the TV, alarm clock and other little things. In the bedroom of Khrushchev, such (seemingly) a small subject of the interior can become an incomplete luxury, because he "will eat" quite a lot of space. Is there a way out? Of course, it is hinged shelves.

Well-selected style and color schemes, shelves will greatly replace bedside tables, and chest of drawers.

  1. Sofa.

As for the selection of the sofa, here you can fully rely on your preferences, as the options on the products market a great set of options. All of them differ in the type of mechanism and style. Spaciously spacious in the disassembled state will be "American folding", "Dolphin", "Verona".

You need to install the sofa.

How to put furniture in a small bedroom 12 sq. M

Choose suitable furniture for small rooms is very important, but it is equally important to put it correctly. Taking into account the recommendations of the interior designers, it will be much easier to cope with this, and the result will exceed all expectations.

There are only a few options for the arrangement, each of which has pluses and cons, and some are notachable in close spaces at all.

  1. Symmetric arrangement method.

Its essence is that pair items are installed on both sides of the specified axis. A bright example is the bedside tables at the wall on both sides of the bed or sofa. The same can be done with a built-in wardrobe - divide it into 2 parts and install on sofa sides. In this case, the TV can be hung on the opposite wall. It looks like the situation is pretty concise and traditionally. However, it has a disadvantage - it is possible to apply it only in a square (or approximate to it) form.

One wall in the bedroom turns out to be overly loaded.

  1. Asymmetric.

In this case, the focal point becomes a sofa, and all other items are located around it around the perimeter of the walls. Looking at the photo of such an interior, it may seem that all objects are placed in the room absolutely chaotically, but this is not so. However, in order to support harmony in space, the principle of swing is in force. In other words, the main focus is on the fact that high items alternate with low.

You can apply such a technique in a room with any configuration - this is a plus.

Style sets the mood

If your apartment does not boast spacious bright bedroom, this is not at all reason to be upset. For small rooms there are no less spectacular solutions.

Moreover, in a small space, it is possible to achieve the design of the design.

If you desperately do not want to put up with such small size of the room and an uncomfortable planning, it can be slightly expanded at the expense of other rooms or balconies. The bedroom combined with the balcony gives stunning opportunities for implementation.

This space can be perfectly equipped under the work area or under a cozy place to relax, equipping the balcony space with shelves, chair or pouf.

For a bedroom 12 sq. M with a bed with a TV and wardrobe, a design can be chosen very different.

  • Classic. You should not write off from the bills already seemingly out of fashion classics - it is always relevant, especially in small rooms. Willow Colors Ivory, Peach or Beige are able to visually expand the space.

    Furniture here will fit almost any, it only needs to carefully pick up.

  • Sea style. The design of the bedroom in white, blue and greenish colors perfectly refreshes and sets a cheerful mood from the morning.

    Bright accents in small quantities - what needs to create an original interior.

  • Provence. Do you like light care? Then Provence is accurate for you. In a small room, he will make the comfort of a rustic house.

    Pastel tones will give the atmosphere ease.

  • Minimalism. Where without strict and laconic style? The main advantage in the small room is the lack of details that only clutter the space.

    The successful location of furniture in the bedroom of 12 sq m in the style of minimalism is a truly stylish modern solution.

  • Art Deco. Take a look at the photo of the works of eminent designers: here the use and bright accents, and unexpected forms, and lightweight luxury.

    In the bedroom with such a style there is absolutely everything to conquer at first sight.

Color decoration palette

Everyone, for sure, knows that for visual increase in space in the design of the bedroom, you need to add light tones on the walls, ceiling and furniture. However, monophonic rooms can only aggravate the position. Do not be afraid to use:

Play of light

Even the smallest and dark room can be instantly transformed with carefully thought-out illumination (main and optional).The main light is the central chandelier.

For the design of the bedroom 12 meters it is better not to buy large hanging models. They will look cumbersome.

Extra light can be represented by scab with soft scattering light, high flying, point lamps. The amazing result of the design can be created using the zonal lighting of the ceiling.

Proof will serve numerous photos of illumination options.

Textile clearance - Stylish room design completion

One of the main additions of each interior of the room is curtains. For small close spaces, interior designers are recommended to stay on bright translucent tulle, as it makes the interior more air and light. However, the bedroom is the place where the personal space is extremely important, so the use of a dense curtain is completely allowed.

In color, it can echo with the palette of the interior or, on the contrary, to be contrasting and bright.

As a modern fashionable solution, you can call vertical blinds.

They are extremely similar to traditional curtains, but much more original and easy to leave.

Video: Bedroom designs 12 sq.m.

If you do not have a spacious apartment, then you probably think about how to equip a small room so that everything is compact, it is functionally and stood in your place. Today we will show photos of interesting ideas for small rooms. Of course, they are not used in the same interior, but you can borrow some of them when drawing up design for future repair.

Use wardrobes in full growth with mirror doors: they are spacious and occupy relatively little space. The wardrobe will allow you to fold all the necessary and unnecessary things. The main thing is to competently approach it: all shelves and hangers must be well thought out so that you compactly placed things. Recommendations for filling the cabinet coupe (see other):

Shelf location scheme in a wardrobe

More mirrors - another way to visually increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. But do not overdo it with glossy surfaces, they need to be very careful to use in a small space.

Use your free space under the bed, sofa, above the door and walls. There may fit a lot of things that just lying around the room. You can use wall shelves without visible fastening to arrange part of things with outdoor bedside tables. Do not overload space, this is the main rule: as many unnecessary things as possible.

Furniture for small bedrooms

Often the big bed takes everything free space in the room. Such a problem solve french hanging beds under the ceiling and beds in the closet, which in the day are completely removed and freeing the space. Examples of such bedrooms in the photo below:

Many generally refuse beds and use sofas for a small room as a bed.

If you have a small room - how to equip it for a few people? You can use bunk beds and attic beds, they allow you to competently distribute free space.


Perhaps one of the most important elements of any interior - harmoniously selected lighting. Forget about old plates and chandeliers - create multi-level lighting for different zones. It will allow you to regulate the light in the room at will: When you need - bright, and when you decide to watch the movie in the evening, there will be enough and soft luminescence at the wall.

Based to the embedding of directional lamps, single and tension ceilings are used. Also, think about the option, it passes without problems in any place and allows you to "soar in the air" with your designs.

The photo includes examples of successfully selected lighting in small rooms:


Zoning can be done using lighting, wall decoration, floor or ceiling. In the role of "borders" can be a wardrobe or transparent curtain, separating the workplace from the recreation area.

Usually, the bedroom is placed in the same room, the living room, and sometimes the kitchen.


A great solution for saving space and zoning room is a multifunctional podium. Upstairs can be spaced place, recreation area or workspace, and at the bottom roomy shelves or retractable bed.
Look at the photo of finished frame podiums - in one corner all the necessary things are assembled, isn't it functional?

In this article, we touched upon many techniques to increase the space and the functionality of the room. When you hold repair in a small room, remember our recommendations. Adapt ready-made solutions for your needs, modify ideas to get an unusual and practical small room design.