Repair Design Furniture

Vases for flowers on the street. How to make outdoor flowerpots. Photo of street flowerpots on the site

Most garden plots still have the flavor of Soviet gardens for planting vegetables. But over time, this tradition gives way to cultural country estates for a break from everyday life and the big city. Creating a beautiful landscape design in the country, you can not do without street flowerpots or hanging planters with flowering plants. With their help, a special atmosphere of sophisticated style is created in harmony with nature. In the article, we will consider which flowers to choose and plant in street flowerpots.

Benefits of planting flowers in outdoor flowerpots

  • Flowers in a pot retain their popularity due to mobility. During the season, they can be rearranged around the site, decorating either the entrance group or the recreation area.
  • As a rule, plants for outdoor flowerpots are selected profusely flowering throughout the season. Therefore, they are great for decorating concrete or asphalt driveways.
  • Ampelous flowers for hanging flowerpots will give a unique sophistication open veranda or decorate the handrails of the steps of the main entrance to the house.

  • There is also a practical side to this method of growing flowers in the country. Planted in closed high flowerpots, plants are less susceptible to attack by pests and diseases. It also eliminates the need for weeding.
  • By properly preparing the soil for plants, even complex and whimsical flowers that could not survive in open ground can be grown in flowerpots.
  • With the onset of autumn cold weather, the beauty of flowers can be extended by bringing them into the house.

Features of planting flowers in outdoor flowerpots

  • The soil for flowerpots should be selected in accordance with the requirements of the plants that will be planted in them. Most often, fertile purchased soil is used for this.
  • Due to the small volume of the pot, the soil in it dries out very quickly, so it is recommended to add hydrogel to the soil.
  • The flowerpot must have drainage holes to drain excess moisture to prevent rotting of the flower roots. The only exceptions are openwork metal planters with inserts of coconut substrate or straw.
  • Be sure to need a drainage layer of at least 3-4 cm. It is made of expanded clay, fine gravel or any other material.
  • After planting flowers in a flowerpot, to protect the soil surface from drying out, it is mulched. Used as mulch coniferous bark, peat or small pebbles.

Undersized flowers for a flowerpot in the country


  • Zinnia is a heat-loving plant, which should be planted exclusively in sunny areas.
  • In outdoor flowerpots, it can only be in the warmest summer months, as even slight frosts can destroy it.
  • For lush flowering, in a flowerpot limited in volume, you need to properly prepare the ground. Zinnia prefers rich in organic fertilizers fertile soil. Acidic or alkaline soils are not suitable for it.
  • Zinnia is quite picky about watering. She cannot tolerate drought, but too much watering is detrimental to her. That is why it is necessary to organize a drainage layer in the planter and water the plant regularly.
  • For longer flowering, wilted inflorescences are immediately removed.
  • When rich nutrients soil top dressing is optional.

Phlox subulate

This is a low-growing phlox, the peak of flowering of which occurs in the spring.

  • In outdoor flowerpots, he creates a dense flowering carpet. A flowerpot with it does not need to be brought into a warm room for the winter, it will winter well on the street.
  • After the winter, it must be cut, but not completely, but only dried shoots.
  • The styloid phlox should be planted in a sunny place, it does not require fertile soil.
  • With poor flowering, you should not immediately give top dressing, they can further worsen the condition of the styloid phlox. The reason may be either poor illumination of the site, or too dense soil.


  • It is a groundcover with deep purple flowers. It is highly frost-resistant and is not afraid of the first frost.
  • For growing shaving in a flowerpot, a sunny place is chosen.
  • She feels great on neutral and light soils, but on acidic clay soils she will only “survive”.
  • For its planting, it is especially important to equip a good drainage layer, otherwise the roots will quickly rot.
  • Too frequent top dressing will affect the active growth of green mass, but flowering will become more scarce.
  • During the summer, it is desirable to mulch the soil three times with sand, the layer of which is 4-5 cm. But mineral top dressing should be applied only in spring and autumn.
  • After spring flowering, the plant is recommended to be cut (leaving small stumps). This will allow the shaving to bloom again in the fall. Therefore, it is desirable to place it in group plantings.


Although this flower is rather whimsical in care, it does not lose its popularity due to its delicious vanilla aroma. It requires a lot of sun and heat, which is why it is quite difficult to grow it in northern latitudes.

  • For central Russia, the heliotrope is great for growing in small flowerpots, which are taken out into the street only in the warmest months.
  • It must be planted in a sunny place. The soil must be fertile.
  • You can not let the earth dry out, but it is also undesirable to overmoisten. But heliotrope responds well to morning and evening spraying.
  • Also, for abundant flowering, it is recommended to apply mineral or organic fertilizers.


This is a low and unpretentious plant with a fragrant smell. Annual varieties are suitable for growing in outdoor flowerpots.

  • Lavender requires regular watering. During the dry season, it is necessary to water twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.
  • The plant needs pruning after each flowering.
  • The color of lavender flowers is very diverse and depends on the variety. Also different are the dates when lavender blooms. For example, the narrow-leaved lavender peaks in early and mid-summer, while the Spanish variety begins to bloom in spring.
  • It is possible to plant a plant in outdoor planters only when the threat of returning frosts has passed. The height of the flowerpot should not exceed 40 cm.
  • Before planting, it is necessary to prepare the seedling itself (if it has an open root system). At the beginning, it is soaked in water for an hour, after which all excess roots are removed, and the plant itself is pruned.
  • In a flowerpot, seedlings should be located at a distance of 30 cm from each other (for low-growing varieties).
  • For lavender, the soil is selected alkaline sandy loam with a good drainage layer. fertile soils not recommended to use.

Pansies (viola)

An undemanding plant beautiful flowers. It is thanks to this that the viola has gained wide popularity. This culture is both annual and biennial. When growing pansies in the northern regions of Russia in flowerpots, it is preferable to opt for annual varieties.

  • But in any case, in order to achieve abundant flowering in the very first spring, they must be planted exclusively with seedlings, planting seeds at the end of February.
  • When growing a viola in a flowerpot, you will need to water it regularly, as it does not tolerate drought well.
  • Abundant flowering pansies respond to top dressing with complex mineral fertilizers.
  • Dead leaves and flowers should be removed in a timely manner. This is important not only for decoration, but also will extend the flowering period.
  • In flowerpots, it is important to make drainage, otherwise the viola will begin to rot.


  • Best suited for outdoor pots undersized varieties marigolds.
  • The greatest decorative effect is achieved when grown in a sunny place, since in partial shade the abundance of flowering is significantly reduced.
  • You can plant them outside only after the threat of frost has passed.
  • Frequent watering is unfavorable, as it leads to decay of the inflorescences. But the plant is drought-resistant and undemanding to care.
  • Marigolds respond well to fertilizing with mineral or organic fertilizers.
  • Flowering is long - from June to October. To increase the flowering period, wilted flowers should be cut off regularly.
  • In autumn, marigolds can be brought into the house, where they will delight in flowering for some time.
  • They are highly resistant to various diseases and pests, so spraying is not required.
  • A characteristic feature of marigolds is their pronounced smell, which has bactericidal properties. In addition, it repels pests from the site, so it is often recommended for the preventive control of aphids.

Geranium (pelargonium)

Geranium has been a favorite house flower for many years, but in the open field it will show all its splendor.

  • This light-loving plant can feel great in partial shade. To grow it in a flowerpot, regular, but not abundant watering with fertilization will be required.
  • It is also important to make good drainage in the pot and remove any withered buds.
  • To increase the splendor of flowering, you can make the following top dressing:
    • Dissolve 1 drop of iodine in 1 liter of water and mix well. received weak solution it is not the plant itself that is watered, but the walls of the pot, so that the roots gradually absorb the top dressing. It is important to water moderately so as not to cause a burn or death of the geranium. Therefore, a medium-sized pot will require only 60 ml.
  • When planting homemade geraniums in an outdoor flowerpot, one should not be afraid of changing the color of the foliage. It becomes more pink - this is the norm.
  • In autumn, at a temperature of +3 degrees, pelargonium should be pruned, transplanted into small pots, and left to winter at a temperature of 10 degrees.

Improper care and consequences

  • At insufficient watering the edges of the leaves begin to dry.
  • At excessive watering leaves begin to rot and become lethargic.
  • In insufficient light, the geranium stem becomes bare, shedding leaves.


This undersized flower with blue fluffy flowers has a pleasant aroma. Therefore, it is especially successful to arrange flowerpots with it near places of rest.

  • Aregatum has long flowering, which is why it is also called ageless or long-flowered. Although there are a huge number different varieties, in Russia the Houston variety is the most popular.
  • This is herbaceous plant up to 20 cm high is a perennial, but grown in flowerpots as an annual. It can also be trimmed regularly.
  • The flowering period is very long - from late spring to frost.
  • It needs a sunny location and regular watering. With a lack of moisture, Houston's aregatum will slow down its growth.
  • Used as supplements mineral fertilizers. Fresh manure is not suitable for these purposes. And with other organics you can not overdo it. Since this will lead to the development of a powerful bush, but will negatively affect flowering.
  • In a flowerpot, it will look great in a composition with undersized marigolds.


For growing in outdoor flowerpots, annual varieties of balsams are best suited. They will delight in flowering from early summer until late autumn.

  • They thrive in full sun and can tolerate short periods of drought. But even in partial shade under the crowns of trees they will feel good.
  • It is best to plant indoor balsams in outdoor flowerpots in July, which will allow acclimatization to be less painful. But with the threat of the first frosts, they again need to be removed to a room with a temperature of at least 15-16 degrees.
  • To plant them in street planters, you need to make a layer of drainage, and add compost to the soil. Mulch the planted plant.
  • To increase the bushiness of the plant, the tops of the shoots are pinched off. Balsam does not need to remove wilted inflorescences.
  • It belongs to moisture-loving plants, and on hot days requires regular, but moderate watering. At air temperatures above 22 degrees, it is advisable to spray daily.
  • Top dressing of balsam with complex fertilizers should be carried out at least once a month. It is recommended to apply them in liquid form, watering the plants in a circle, but without filling the root neck.
  • During flowering, you can not feed with nitrogen fertilizers.

Flowers are ampelous

Begonia ampelnaya

Ampelous begonia with long hanging stems will look great in street flowerpots on a high leg or in hanging planters. This is a plant with powerful shoots, densely strewn with foliage and small flowers.

  • She is satisfied with demanding lighting. So, in the shade, her shoots are exposed and she stops blooming, and in direct sun she can get burned. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a place for it in partial shade.
  • Frosts are detrimental to ampelous begonias, so it can only be planted in an outdoor flowerpot when the threat of repeated frosts has passed. In central Russia, this is not earlier than June 7-8.
  • The flowerpot should have good drainage, as waterlogging leads to root rot.
  • The soil for begonias must be fertile with organic matter (humus). It is also required to add nitrophoska and superphosphate to it.
  • For the winter, pruning is done (a couple of the strongest shoots are left) and the plant is brought into a room with a low positive temperature.


Some varieties of lobelia feel great in outdoor flowerpots and in pots on the veranda. The most popular ground cover lobelia erinus. Depending on the conditions and care, it can have a spherical shape or fall like an ampelous plant.

  • Lobelia blooms from June to autumn. At the same time, it is a rather unpretentious plant that feels great both in lighted areas and in the shade.
  • Flowers in flowerpots are planted in small bunches at a distance of 10 cm from each other.
  • All care consists in regular watering (especially during dry periods). And in the introduction of mineral supplements.

Equifoliate bellflower

This is a profusely flowering ampelous plant. You can prolong flowering throughout the warm season by removing wilted inflorescences in a timely manner.

  • When growing an equal-leaved bell in a small outdoor flowerpot, it is necessary to annually remove the spring growth, which is about 35-40 cm. This will keep the plant compact.

Tip: for an equal-leaved bell, the diameter of the flowerpot or pot should not exceed 30 cm.

  • Despite the fact that this is a light-loving plant, during the hottest midday hours it will be better for it to be in partial shade or shade.
  • In autumn, the equal-leaved bell should be brought into the house already at a temperature of + 10 ° C.
  • Water frequently, but don't over-moisten. Fertilizers are applied in liquid form every two weeks.


This popular flower is found in almost every garden. It is great for growing in an outdoor flowerpot.

  • It is quite unpretentious in care and has a long flowering period. The first inflorescences appear already a couple of months after planting the seeds, and the latter fade only with the first autumn frosts.
  • For nasturtium, fertile and well-drained soil is suitable. It should be placed in the sun, but it will also feel good in partial shade.
  • Twice a season it is desirable to fertilize with nitrophoska.

Fuchsia ampelous

  • To grow ampelous fuchsia, you will need fertile and loose soil with a drainage layer. Best Option are open planters with coco substrate.
  • Fuchsia is fed at the end of March with any complex fertilizer for flowering flowers.
  • It is best to place it under the roof of the veranda, as it does not tolerate direct sunlight.
  • In autumn, fuchsia should be cut off strongly and the flowerpot should be brought into a room where the air temperature will be about 10 ° C. Additionally, it is recommended to fill the boxes with sawdust.

Petunia ampelnaya

Ampelous petunias grow more quickly than representatives of other types of varieties. They come in a wide variety of colors and abundant flowering. It is because of this that they are bright accent garden, terrace or entrance group.

  • Ampelous petunias grown in outdoor flowerpots easily endure minor frosts.
  • But for beautiful flowering, petunia should be planted exclusively in sunny areas. In the shade or partial shade, the green mass is actively growing to the detriment of the inflorescences.
  • Ampelous petunia in outdoor flowerpots responds well to regular potassium top dressing. Also likes moisture, but not excessive watering. It is best to apply fertilizer in liquid form.
  • Unfortunately, petunia is prone to fungal diseases, therefore, as a preventive measure, all wilted inflorescences must be removed immediately.

Decorative flowerpots will complete the design of the garden plot. They can be purchased at garden centers or made with my own hands. Consider ways to make a flowerpot with your own hands from various materials.

flowerpots for flowers with their own hands. Photo master class

Do-it-yourself flowerpot from a stump

To make a street flowerpot from a stump with your own hands, you first need to choose a suitable tree. It can be a thick base of the trunk or a small snag. The decorativeness of the flowerpot depends on the shape of the tree and the texture of its surface.

They start making a flowerpot with their own hands with a definition sizes. The optimal height is forty centimeters. The excess is cut off with a chainsaw. In this case, an even cut is obtained and the bark, which adorns the surface of the future flowerpot, is not damaged.

A circle is marked on the surface of the hemp. Internal content drilled out using a cone-shaped drill. First, holes are made ten centimeters deep around the entire perimeter, then the wood is knocked out with a mechanical chisel and the walls are finished with an ordinary chisel.

flowerpots for the garden with their own hands. A photo

The inner surface of such a garden flowerpot is processed wood stain. To do this, the composition is poured into a small glass and paint brush applied to all surfaces of the product, trying not to leave unpainted areas. Additionally, you can use various decorative elements.

The resulting chumps we nail to the dried and processed bottom. For it, you can use a cut that is suitable in diameter. Between themselves, parts of one circle are connected with a construction stapler from the inside. The next row is placed so that the seams are constantly shifting. Between themselves, the rows are also connected with a stapler.

do-it-yourself street flowerpots from a stump. A photo

Inside the resulting flowerpot we put a clay or plastic container of a suitable size. We fill it with soil and plant flowers

Concrete garden pot. Master Class

From cement with the addition of other components, you can make both large flowerpots for flowers with your own hands, and relatively small ones.

To make a large flowerpot you will need plastic mold with parameters 53 cm in diameter and 23 cm in height.

Solution we make from two parts of white cement, one part of perlite (agroperlite) and two parts of high-moor peat. As a measuring container, you can take a one and a half liter bucket. A mixture of three components is diluted with water until a mass of thick consistency is obtained.

do-it-yourself flowerpots for giving from cement. A photo

Since such a flowerpot will be quite heavy, it is better to make it immediately in a permanent place.

To make a flowerpot out of cement with your own hands, we take plastic pot, which is a form, and line it with a thin film. Cellophane must be straightened so that incomprehensible folds are not printed on the surface.

First, put the solution on the bottom. The thickness of the layer should be approximately four or five centimeters. To control the thickness, matches or toothpicks are great.

To increase the strength of such a large product, you can install metal wire frame or other reinforcing structure. You can add about a handful of crushed fiberglass to it to strengthen the composition. Since the flowerpot is large enough, and it is difficult to knead large volumes of the cement composition with your hands, you will have to do it fractionally. It will take about four or five batches.

Do not forget when making garden flowerpots with your own hands and about drainage hole . It is made by laying a cork wrapped in a film on the bottom.

Can this pot be made colorful. To do this, the cement mixture is divided into parts. They add different dyes. A multi-colored mixture is placed alternately on the inner surface, which makes the finished container motley.

After the entire surface is lined with a mixture, the product is closed cellophane film and leave for about ten days. During this time, the cement mixture will harden and gain strength. If the product dries out too quickly, then it will need to be moistened.

Readiness is checked after eight days. To do this, tap on the surface of the cement. If the sound is not deaf, then the flowerpot is removed from the mold along with the film.

After brushing, the flowerpot is washed with water and slightly dried. Next, his words are wrapped in a film so that the mixture continues to harden.

After about a week or two, the material will become more light shade. This is a sign that it is time to remove the film, and put the flowerpot in its final place.

small cement vases

From such cement mixture You can also make small flowerpots with your own hands. They take any form. These can be old fruit vases, flower pots and buckets, basins and dishes. The manufacturing technology is the same as for a large flowerpot.

Flowerpot on a leg with a figured surface

To make such a flowerpot with your own hands, use a mixture of the following components. Take one part of gray cement, one part of vermiculite and two parts of high-moor peat.

Wire is taken as the basis fan frame and a five-liter plastic bottle, which is cut at the desired height.

The frame from the fan is lined with a film. It will take three layers so that the mixture does not squeeze between the rods too much. After the mixture hardens, you get the original carved surface. It only needs to be lightly treated with a metal brush and a flowerpot made of cement with your own hands is almost ready.

Flowerpots from car tires. Instruction step by step

For decoration personal plot can be used practically waste materials, for example, old car tires. To make flowerpots from tires with your own hands, you should choose the source material the right sizes. Winter non-studded tires, which are softer and thinner, are best suited for creating carved products.

flowerpots from tires with their own hands. A photo

Consider how to make a pot of tires with your own hands, similar to a flower. To do this, first draw a contour on the side of the tire with chalk.

When the petals are cut into the tire, small longitudinal cuts are made. They are at a distance of five or ten centimeters from each other and facilitate the process of eversion of the tire.

It is not easy to unscrew the product. This requires physical effort, but after even a small section is turned out, the process accelerates.

After that, it remains only to decorate ready product. There are other options for making flowerpots from tires with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself flowerpot for a garden from a plastic barrel

From a large barrel of one hundred and fifty liters, two containers can be obtained at once. To do this, in the middle of the barrel, mark the place of the cut, along which they are sawn into two parts. jigsaw.

The edges processed with a special tool so that there are no burrs.

Outside, two are attached to the bottom bar to make the pot easier to move.

The resulting workpiece is sheathed wooden planks. They can be placed end to end or overlapped.

Nails are hammered with a special gun. From the inside they are bent with a hammer.

Top rim made from boards connected at an angle. Attach it with nails and glue.

Wooden trim can be varnished or painted in a suitable color. The flowerpot is ready, you can plant flowers in it.

Flowerpots made of silicate blocks with several tiers

This design option looks impressive and makes even the most familiar plants unusual.

The cavities inside the blocks are great for planting and growing plants. Some manufacturers even began to produce special hollow elements for landscape design.

To make outdoor flowerpots from silicate blocks with your own hands, you should think over the design so that it is stable and has enough space for plants. Next, the necessary material is acquired.

The blocks should have drainage, to get rid of excess water. The base is chosen strong enough.

The base is glued to the bottom of the silicate blocks. Then, a structure is assembled from the resulting elements. Blocks are interconnected with glue.

Gradually building tiers, it is necessary to fill the lower ones with earth.

Small vases from sticks

Required to work thin sticks, for example, from ice cream. They are glued to wood. bars.

By repeating the processes, three more sides are made.

Then the sticks are glued on top on both sides.

The surface of the resulting container is ground and painted.

It turns out a small flowerpot in which a container with flowers is placed.

Do-it-yourself polystyrene flowerpot

Styrofoam is a common material and people are often interested in how to make a flowerpot with their own hands from it.

First, cut out rectangular blanks for walls that are connected with glue with self-tapping screws. The container is then covered plaster mixture in several layers with plastic mesh reinforcement. When the mixture dries, the surface is cleaned of irregularities. The next step is painting. After that, it is applied finishing layer decorative plaster. The product looks like it is cast from concrete.

A vase from a pallet. Master Class

You can make a garden flowerpot with your own hands from wooden pallet. To do this, it is carefully disassembled into boards.

All boards with a length of 80 cm are cut in half. The boards are 120 cm long, we mark them into three parts of 38 cm each and cut them, making a beveled cut at an angle of thirty degrees.

We connect boards with oblique cuts using self-tapping screws. It turns out a hexagon. We attach a leg to each of its boards.

Similarly, we assemble the second hexagon.

We collect the bottom of the flowerpot. To do this, we attach a transverse board between the legs. We lay the bottom boards on it and fasten them to the edges of the hexagon with self-tapping screws.

It turns out a solid structure, which should be treated with an antiseptic. You can decorate it in any way.

Outdoor flowerpots are miniature flower beds that can have a variety of shapes. Quite unexpected things are used to make them. An old wheelbarrow, a leaky barrel, and “bald” car tires can be used as a flower stand. Some craftsmen make flowerpots out of metal or concrete using their skills and imagination.

Outdoor flowerpots are miniature flower beds that can have a variety of shapes.

Decorative containers are designed to perform a single function: to decorate the area where they are installed. Most often, flowerpots are placed where it is not possible to make ordinary flower beds. Entry group, where the floor is paved with paving slabs, a recreation area with a boardwalk, a dining area or a gazebo - these are the suggested places where decorative coasters for flowers will find their application. But they can also be installed in an irregular garden with tall grass and ornamental shrub, near the benches or garden swing where it is difficult to make a large flower garden. Flowerpots and hanging planters for flowers in miniature gardens will find excellent use: it is difficult to break flower beds there, but it is quite affordable to install a small container with several tiers.

Another possibility of decorative flowerpots (street and indoor) is the creation suitable conditions for flower crops. Sometimes it happens that the climate of the area or the soil in the garden does not allow the cultivation of demanding plants. But you should not refuse to acquire the cultures you like. You can plant them in flowerpots by placing them in containers desired soil and installing containers in the house for the winter.

Currently, gardening stores offer a huge selection beautiful products from plastic. Among them there are very small flower pots (volume 5-10 l), but if you wish, you can choose and order large coasters (up to 70 l). Such flowerpots are quite mobile, and their capacity allows you to plant fairly large plants on the street (hydrangeas, hibiscus, palm trees or orange trees). The use of decorative containers in garden design expands the possibilities of flower growers in choosing beautiful plants for site clearance.

But purchased flowerpots do not suit everyone. Some people want originality, some believe that plastic containers will not look as solid as stone vases, and many are also guided by considerations of economy. Therefore, every designer sometimes has a logical question about how to make a flowerpot with your own hands.

Gallery: do-it-yourself outdoor flowerpots (25 photos)

How to make flowerpots for flowers with your own hands (video)

What can you make a mini-flower bed from?

For an irregular garden or playground in a fabulous style, for a rustic landscape and naive retro or country, even tree stumps and saw cuts, old logs and driftwood are suitable. How to make and design such products, their shape suggests.

Decorative containers are designed to perform a single function: to decorate the area where

Uprooted in own garden a stump from an old tree can be turned into a wonderful decoration for a recreation area by transferring it to the site. Of course, you will have to work on it a little, you need:

  1. Clean the dirt from the driftwood. The bark can be removed or left, depending on its preservation and the desire of the designer.
  2. Based on the shape of the wood remains, choose a location with enough volume to make a container. To work, prepare a chisel and a hammer.
  3. The shape of the recess in which flowers will be planted for an impromptu flower bed can be any: it is not at all necessary to try to hollow out an even circle or other figure. It is best to look at the outlines of the stump or driftwood itself. By hitting the handle of the chisel with a hammer, you need to remove the wood layer by layer from the inside of the future flowerpot made of wood. This is a tedious and long process, but the result is worth the effort. If the stump has a rotten core, the work will go easier, but you should try to remove all the rot, leaving only dense fabrics.
  4. To ensure soil drainage in a planter from a stump, you need to make through holes in its bottom. For this, a drill with a thick drill or an existing chisel is suitable.
  5. process wood antiseptic impregnation. A variety of tools can be purchased at a hardware store. This measure will help the flowerpot last for quite a long time, protecting the tree from rotting in contact with wet soil inside. If you want to save the role of impregnation, used car oil will play well.

After the new flowerpot has been processed and dried (the instruction is always attached to each specific preparation), it can be put in the chosen place and filled with soil. Flowers for flowerpots from snags are best chosen bright, but not exotic. Nasturtiums, alyssum, petunias, which form a cascade of greenery and flowers, will look beautiful.

For vertical and sloping lines, you can choose fragrant varieties of fragrant tobacco or mignonette that will not interfere ampelous plants. If there are small natural or artificial recesses on the snag where flowers do not fit, you can easily decorate it with ordinary moss or miniature rosettes of stonecrops, titanopsis, faucaria, lithops and other indoor succulents.

Concrete products

Inconspicuous in itself, but surprisingly easy-to-use material is concrete. It has the strength of a stone, so the casting can last a very long time. The availability and relative cheapness of the mortar components makes concrete especially desirable for those who want to create flowerpots with their own hands.

street concrete structures can be installed in a garden of almost any style: they can be arranged in the form of stone bowls for classic gardens of a regular type, imitate stone and driftwood for rustic landscapes, make strict, geometrically correct flower beds even for a garden in a minimalist style. Concrete is especially attractive for those who like to create an atmosphere of a fairy-tale forest on the site: it is not difficult to fashion any figures.

To make a concrete stand, you will need the following:

  • cement M-400 or M-500;
  • fine sand (you can buy ready-made, seeded and clean);
  • a large form for the outer surface and a smaller one for the recess;
  • plastic tube (a piece of water pipe, half an inch in diameter);
  • Master OK;
  • oil (vegetable or automotive mining).

For decoration, pebbles and fragments of ceramics, paint for external work, glass bottles etc. You can add color to the concrete solution to paint the entire mass of stone in the color of terracotta or another, not very light shade.

Concrete work begins with the preparation of molds and mixing the mortar. At the bottom of a large mold, you need to vertically install a short plastic tube, gluing it to the bottom with plasticine. To make the casting easy to remove, the entire inner surface of the larger mold must be liberally greased. If the master has a car, then there will certainly be used oil. This material, harmful to the environment, can be used properly, using it to lubricate formwork and molds for casting various products.

The solution is prepared from 2 parts of cement and 3 parts of seeded river sand. Water must be added so much that a viscous mass is obtained that can take the shape of the container into which it is poured. It will be correct to immediately pour in an amount of water equal to ½ part, and then add a little as needed. Kohler is poured into the solution at the mixing stage.

Fill the form to the level of the upper cut of the tube. Prepare a smaller mold: oil its outer surface, which will be in contact with the solution. Pick up a load (stone or brick) so that the form does not squeeze up. During this time, the concrete in the mold will set a little and become denser. Set a small mold on it, press it down with a load and fill the space between the walls of the larger and smaller containers with the solution, lightly tamping it with your hand. If you want to decorate the edge of the product, you can immediately put fragments, shells or other decor on it.

Leave the casting for 24 hours to solidify. After that, take out the inner mold and hold the product for another 7-10 days until it is completely cured. To prevent cracks in concrete, it can be periodically moistened with water or covered with a damp cloth and polyethylene.

Remove the finished casting from the mold. It can be used in a natural way to design minimalist landscapes. To give the products unusual shapes, do-it-yourself flowerpots are supplemented with stucco molding. They can be glued to decorative fragments of glass or ceramics, bottle caps, creating a mosaic ornament. The glue is the same concrete mortar, mixed again. Decorative flower vases you can just paint it. After that, soil is poured inside and plants are planted.

DIY flower pots (video)

How to make a metal flowerpot?

If the master has welding skills, then it will not be a problem for him to cut the parts of the desired shape, and then combine them into a product. Some craftsmen create things of extraordinary beauty by bending, cutting, welding a professional pipe and sheet metal. But even a housewife can make simple flowerpots made of metal, using ready-made containers that have served their original quality.

Improvising and using maximum imagination when combining an old bucket and a holey basin, using a tin watering can or a can, you can independently make very picturesque vases for the garden in retro and country style, create a fabulous design in a green corner on own dacha. Any tin product is a ready-made container of an interesting shape.

Flowers in flowerpots in the country always look interesting if these planters are made from old coffee pots or teapots, polished to a shine. An old basin can be painted and painted, imitating a mosaic. If you arm yourself with metal scissors, then an ordinary galvanized bucket can turn into an original hanging composition from bright colors. It is enough to cut holes in its walls, fill it with soil and plant medium-sized, but beautifully flowering plants in the holes. Such compositions with the use of petunias work well: bright flowers and the ampelous shape of the stems quickly hide the tin base.

Ideas for creating metal flowerpots

Do it yourself metal container not particularly difficult. In the case of using small containers, one has to deal with tin, which is not particularly thick, and is easily affected by the force of an average person.

Flat galvanized basins and buckets can be crushed by hitting with a hammer. Then fill the containers with soil and make a pyramid out of them, placing the tiers on top of each other. The use of creeping and ampelous flowers (purslane, nasturtium, loaches) in combination with erect stems of carnations, annual ornamental cereals, bulbous and others beautiful cultures will help create a real alpine slide, even if there is not a lot of decorative stone nearby. Grey colour and the uneven texture of old tin can successfully replace it, showing itself from under the mass of flowers and leaves. To give more decorativeness, metal products can also be tinted in the desired color, imitating stone chips.

Picking up metal scissors, a drill, a center punch or even a thick nail, you can make compositions from ordinary old basins and buckets that are not inferior in beauty to the creations of blacksmiths. Thin tin and galvanization are easily cut and punched. Having made flat patterns in the form of leaves, feathers, and other fantasy details, it is easy to bend them with pliers or a hammer, giving volume and the desired shape. Parts of a different shape can be made from thick wire: stems, braids, etc. It will be possible to attach such a decor to the main container with a bolt and nut, having previously punched a hole. Even a woman can do this job. A ready-made unusual flowerpot, made with your own hands, can be filled with soil and selected flowers.

The choice of material depends on the needs of the designer.

If other materials are used for finishing, then any tin container can be finished with mosaics or shells, pebbles, saw cuts of wood, etc. This requires a reinforcing mesh and glue for tiles. A bucket or other metal container must be tightly wrapped with a mesh, fasten it and apply a layer of tile adhesive, lubricating the reinforcement well. Attach decorative elements on top of the solution, dry the flowerpot and wipe the gaps with the same glue. Wipe the surface with a damp cloth to clean the decor.

The choice of material depends on the needs of the designer. Creatively gifted people use the simplest objects and improvised means to create beautiful things. Very often, decorative flower stands are created literally from garbage.

Attention, only TODAY!

Ennobling the site country house or cottages, you can use different techniques of landscape design. Some people like rockeries, others just need to decorate the space with small details. Take at least a flowerpot: filled with flowering plants, it looks unique. At the same time, this product can be made by hand: we understand the intricacies of the process.


The concrete pot is decorative vase small architectural form, which can be made of different materials. This is a beautiful pot for plants and flowers. It helps gardeners in the cultivation of particularly sensitive plants, allows you to choose the optimal composition of the soil for each of them. Carries a flowerpot and a decorative load: through it you can place bright accents in the landscape space, emphasizing the uniqueness of the garden.

Existing varieties are divided into several categories. Vases are:

  • street (garden);
  • room;
  • decorative.

Each type has its own characteristics, although in general the properties of the varieties are identical: the difference lies in the size, the material used in each case. For example, flower girls for summer cottages are often medium in size.

If a landscape space large, you can use street varieties for flowers: they are larger, often taller, so the plants in them often hang down, creating an indescribable atmosphere of antiquity.

Decorative models are smaller, they are exhibited at the entrance, they are a kind of component to give the interior of the landscape the right atmosphere. Small size options are often moved, so they are mobile. Large models often resemble flower beds, with little depth.


The main material in the creation of a flowerpot is concrete. This composition consists of:

  • crushed stone;
  • sand;
  • cement;
  • water;
  • special additives.

The binder component is Portland cement, which includes the clinker of the same name, gypsum, slag, ash, pozzolans and other mineral inclusions. Other varieties of Portland cement are expanded clay concrete (crushed stone is replaced with expanded clay), or sand concrete (different fraction sand performs the function of aggregates). Water for mixing the composition can be different: drinking, ground, technical, sea (not suitable for reinforced concrete flowerpots).

In addition to the main raw materials, auxiliary and decorative ones are used in the work. The first category includes improvised means with which you can make a flowerpot. These are a variety of items that can be used as a flowerpot shape, as well as a load that allows you to achieve desired thickness products. Some of the most interesting and unexpected solutions include:

  • large and small empty food boxes;
  • used plastic bottles and buckets left after repair;
  • old basins, buckets, tubs;

  • rubber gloves for cleaning (high density);
  • wooden planks, cardboard, dishes;
  • metal rods, wire;
  • old towels, rags or other fabric of a rectangular, square, round, oval shape;
  • old shoes, children's toys of the right size;
  • boxes of furniture that has fallen into disrepair.

Mainly used as cargo small stones: due to their size, they perfectly fill the internal part necessary for shaping the flowerpot, and are also oppressive with low weight. This raw material can be found in any garden or plot of a country house. If there are problems with finding it, you can use sand, which is also heavy with a small volume.

If there is no sand on the site, a part of the dry cement composition can be used for work, hermetically packing it in several plastic bags before the work process.

Decorative elements of a concrete vase depend on the stylistic idea. In the classic version, the flowerpot may not have decor at all: the bet can be placed on the unusual shape, because the abundance of decor does not always look harmoniously with flowers or other plants that will be in the flowerpot. The most interesting raw materials for finishing are glass, coins, small multi-colored pebbles, rhinestones, mirror fragments, stained glass and paints.

Connoisseurs of creativity use in their work natural materials, conveying the unique texture (for example, green leaves) of the concrete surface.

Sizes and shapes

The shape of the flowerpot today is not subject to any standards. It is not limited in size, a concrete flower vase can be:

  • small, resembling an ordinary flower pot;
  • medium size, being one of the identical products for flower arrangement;
  • large - a bright accent of the garden plot.

Dimensions at the same time vary from 20 cm and more. Some varieties can reach a length of more than 1 meter, a width of 60–120 cm.

The form of products is divided into the usual classic and non-standard. The first category includes concrete flowerpots geometric shapes(round, square, rectangular, hexagonal, octagonal, oval varieties).

The second group cannot be confused with anything - flowerpots can be represented as:

  • silhouette of a fairy tale character;
  • parts of the sculpture (for example, it can be hands holding flowers);
  • pairs of hearts of different sizes;
  • openwork stone bowl;
  • corrugated vase;

  • stars with a different number of ends and a round base;
  • men's shoe, boot or elegant women's shoes;
  • a charming kitten, lamb or other animal;
  • wicker baskets with a long handle;
  • iris flower, lotus;
  • stylized as a magic totem.

At the same time, the complexity of creation may not lie in experience, but in lack of patience. Any product can be made independently on professional level.The process means:

  • the availability of the necessary raw materials, finishes, sketches (for complex models);
  • preparation of a solution of the desired consistency;
  • compliance with process technology;
  • maintaining the prescribed time for drying the concrete base;
  • shape correction (for washed concrete options);
  • decorating or painting a flowerpot.

Necessary tools and mixtures

For the workflow that is carried out in the summer, not so many materials will be needed if you decide in advance on the appearance, think over the raw materials, decor and frame. Depending on the specific case, cement, sand or a ready-made mixture is used. Water and composition should always be at hand: sometimes the composition is dense, so it needs to be brought to the desired consistency

In other cases, the mass should not spread, this is necessary for models that perform like sculpting.

If the sand is not homogeneous, a special sieve may be needed to work. Cement is preferable to choose at least M-400. Such a composition will fit well, will not cause difficulties in the process. In addition to it, you may need:

  • polyethylene film;
  • frame raw materials (what will serve as the basis or form);
  • ready-made stencils, anti-stencils;
  • gloves, spatula;
  • metal pipe (for drainage);
  • capacity for mixing concrete;
  • non-stick spray (VD-40 grease or motor oil);
  • paints and brushes, as well as a knife for cutting and adjusting the pattern.

Some home craftsmen even use the tile adhesive left after laying the wall or floor tiles. Due to perfectly balanced proportions and uniformity, such material mixes perfectly with other components without forming lumps.

Everyone chooses the finish on their own: one is enough to decorate the surface with pebbles different shapes, leaving the dominant place of decor to fresh flowers. Others start work to demonstrate design skills, decorating the surface with carved ornaments, for example, in an Indian theme. At the same time, plants in this tandem look no less stylish.

How to do: step by step master class

Whatever model you conceive, the technology for its manufacture will follow approximately the same processes. The difference may lie in the number of steps: the more complex the product, the more steps. This is especially true for products that require molding. To analyze the essence of the work, consider common technology, and then several options for making a stylish concrete flowerpot. This will allow you to understand why the steps in the master classes are different.

The solution is kneaded in a consistency, as for laying tiles: the mass does not spread, while it is not thick. If the composition is planned to be impregnated, it must be more liquid, otherwise it will not be able to completely impregnate the desired form. More often, two containers are used to give the desired shape. One of them is filled with mortar, the other is inserted into the mortar and filled with oppression (heavy objects, sand) so that the concrete rises along the edges of the original form.

So that the cement can be separated from the main form, a large container chosen as the basis is treated inside with a lubricant. For this purpose, you can use plastic wrap, however, it is not always possible to straighten it perfectly, so production flaws can be visible on the finished product. The second form is treated with lubricant from the outside (in the place where it comes into contact with the solution). General instruction is:

  • concrete material is poured to the bottom of more capacity, while the average layer thickness should be 3–4 cm;
  • if necessary, the bottom layer is leveled with a spatula - then this will not work;
  • for drainage, insert chopped into small pieces metal pipe, treated on the outside with grease;
  • a smaller form is installed on metal segments, filled with sand or other cargo (gravel, crushed stone), prepared in advance;

  • after fixing the second container, the concrete solution is poured between the forms, not forgetting to pierce it with a thin metal rod (so that there are no air bubbles left in it);
  • trim upper edge future flowerpot with a spatula or an ordinary spoon;
  • the workpiece is covered with polyethylene and left for at least a day (until it dries completely);
  • after drying, remove all unnecessary elements (if necessary, they are broken if the structure has metal carcass, auxiliary parts are carefully removed);
  • flower girls are immersed in water for 1 week ( large items abundantly sprayed with water 4 times a day and covered with a film, repeating this for 10-14 days);
  • after the lapse of the necessary time, the flowerpots will remain to be decorated and painted.

If inserts into the surface are planned (for example, mirror fragments or stones), they are pressed into the material when the concrete is still pliable. The same applies to stencils: you need to press down the form at the moment the concrete hardens.

Let's go briefly through different types manufacturing.


To make a charming flowerpot-cat, you will need 6 wooden supports (you can use the legs from old stools) and a plastic container for the body. The supports are fixed to the container by means of aluminum wire, constructing paws from 4, and the tail and head from the remaining two. Then the inner space of the flowerpot is finished with concrete, the outer space is sculpted. For the head, you can use any object of a round shape.

They work with the material gradually, otherwise the mass risks falling off the base. When the solution hardens, you need to sand the surface. Then it is necessary to paint the form in the color you like, giving the cat the original color. You can varnish the product on top.

From plastic containers

This method is the simplest. Used 5 liter bottles cut to desired height, then concrete is poured to the bottom. A round shape is often inserted inside, following the basic technology, filling it with sand in a bag or gravel. Some flowerpots, when solidified, have a finished relief pattern in the form of transverse stripes, left by a larger container. Others look original, differing in the curly shape of the edge.

From fabric

No less simple to manufacture is a flowerpot made of textiles or an old towel. To create it, you will need a container for kneading, a cloth, a bucket and a support. Everything is extremely simple here: the fabric is dipped into a concrete solution until completely impregnated, then hung on a bucket, put on a support. If necessary, you can immediately correct the edges of the future flowerpot by cutting them, or bending them to the sides, like flower petals, when the solution begins to solidify.

There can be a lot of options for fabrics, as well as the structure of the material: the flowerpot can turn out to be airy, openwork.

If you use towels, the drawing will have an original relief. Can be impregnated concrete mortar Different things. For example, it can be a regular woven bag with strings, a scarf, or old jeans.

Some people like paper (for example, the shape of a box): this material, after the solution hardens, takes on the original texture. Its production does not differ from the main technology. Moreover, the shape itself can be varied: the box can have concave, convex side faces, or asymmetry. The main rule of all materials is free access to the removal of used devices, otherwise it will be problematic to separate the workpiece from the base.


Finishing a concrete flowerpot is a creative and exciting process. It is not enough to complete the form: it needs to be given an attractive appearance. To do this, concrete is often washed out, giving the surface a unique texture. Another finishing technique is interspersed different materials. The design can be very diverse: painting the product in bronze or gilding will give the product a vintage touch. The white type of surface will successfully fit into the garden interior, which has statues, or will be an independent accent of the site.

Decorative flowerpots will complete the design of the garden plot. You can buy them at garden centers or make your own. Consider ways to make a flowerpot with your own hands from various materials.

flowerpots for flowers with their own hands. Photo master class

Do-it-yourself flowerpot from a stump

To make a street flowerpot from a stump with your own hands, you first need to choose a suitable tree. It can be a thick base of the trunk or a small snag. The decorativeness of the flowerpot depends on the shape of the tree and the texture of its surface.

They start making a flowerpot with their own hands with a definition sizes. The optimal height is forty centimeters. The excess is cut off with a chainsaw. In this case, an even cut is obtained and the bark, which adorns the surface of the future flowerpot, is not damaged.

A circle is marked on the surface of the hemp. Internal content drilled out using a cone-shaped drill. First, holes are made ten centimeters deep around the entire perimeter, then the wood is knocked out with a mechanical chisel and the walls are finished with an ordinary chisel.

flowerpots for the garden with their own hands. A photo

The inner surface of such a garden flowerpot is processed wood stain. To do this, the composition is poured into a small glass and applied with a paint brush to all surfaces of the product, trying not to leave unpainted areas. Additionally, you can use various decorative elements.

The resulting chumps we nail to the dried and processed bottom. For it, you can use a cut that is suitable in diameter. Between themselves, parts of one circle are connected with a construction stapler from the inside. The next row is placed so that the seams are constantly shifting. Between themselves, the rows are also connected with a stapler.

do-it-yourself street flowerpots from a stump. A photo

Inside the resulting flowerpot we put a clay or plastic container of a suitable size. We fill it with soil and plant flowers

Concrete garden pot. Master Class

From cement with the addition of other components, you can make both large flowerpots for flowers with your own hands, and relatively small ones.

To make a large flowerpot you will need plastic mold with parameters 53 cm in diameter and 23 cm in height.

Solution we make from two parts of white cement, one part of perlite (agroperlite) and two parts of high-moor peat. As a measuring container, you can take a one and a half liter bucket. A mixture of three components is diluted with water until a mass of thick consistency is obtained.

do-it-yourself flowerpots for giving from cement. A photo

Since such a flowerpot will be quite heavy, it is better to make it immediately in a permanent place.

To make a cement flowerpot with your own hands, we take a plastic pot, which is a form, and line it with a thin film. Cellophane must be straightened so that incomprehensible folds are not printed on the surface.

First, put the solution on the bottom. The thickness of the layer should be approximately four or five centimeters. To control the thickness, matches or toothpicks are great.

To increase the strength of such a large product, you can install metal wire frame or other reinforcing structure. You can add about a handful of crushed fiberglass to it to strengthen the composition. Since the flowerpot is large enough, and it is difficult to knead large volumes of the cement composition with your hands, you will have to do it fractionally. It will take about four or five batches.

Do not forget when making garden flowerpots with your own hands and about drainage hole. It is made by laying a cork wrapped in a film on the bottom.

Can this pot be made colorful. To do this, the cement mixture is divided into parts. They add different dyes. A multi-colored mixture is placed alternately on the inner surface, which makes the finished container motley.

After the entire surface is lined with a mixture, the product is closed cellophane film and leave for about ten days. During this time, the cement mixture will harden and gain strength. If the product dries out too quickly, then it will need to be moistened.

Readiness is checked after eight days. To do this, tap on the surface of the cement. If the sound is not deaf, then the flowerpot is removed from the mold along with the film.

After brushing, the flowerpot is washed with water and slightly dried. Next, his words are wrapped in a film so that the mixture continues to harden.

After about a week or two, the material will take on a lighter shade. This is a sign that it is time to remove the film, and put the flowerpot in its final place.

small cement vases

From such a cement mixture, you can also make small flowerpots with your own hands. They take any form. These can be old fruit vases, flower pots and buckets, basins and dishes. The manufacturing technology is the same as for a large flowerpot.

Flowerpot on a leg with a figured surface

To make such a flowerpot with your own hands, use a mixture of the following components. Take one part of gray cement, one part of vermiculite and two parts of high-moor peat.

Wire is taken as the basis fan frame and a five-liter plastic bottle, which is cut at the desired height.

The frame from the fan is lined with a film. It will take three layers so that the mixture does not squeeze between the rods too much. After the mixture hardens, you get the original carved surface. It only needs to be lightly treated with a metal brush and a flowerpot made of cement with your own hands is almost ready.

Flowerpots from car tires. Instruction step by step

To decorate a personal plot, you can also use almost waste materials, for example, old car tires. To make flowerpots from tires with your own hands, you should choose the source material of the right size. Winter non-studded tires, which are softer and thinner, are best suited for creating carved products.

flowerpots from tires with their own hands. A photo

Consider how to make a pot of tires with your own hands, similar to a flower. To do this, first draw a contour on the side of the tire with chalk.

When the petals are cut into the tire, small longitudinal cuts are made. They are at a distance of five or ten centimeters from each other and facilitate the process of eversion of the tire.

It is not easy to unscrew the product. This requires physical effort, but after even a small section is turned out, the process accelerates.

After that, it remains only to decorate the finished product. There are other options for making flowerpots from tires with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself flowerpot for a garden from a plastic barrel

From a large barrel of one hundred and fifty liters, two containers can be obtained at once. To do this, in the middle of the barrel, mark the place of the cut, along which they are sawn into two parts. jigsaw.

The edges processed with a special tool so that there are no burrs.

Outside, two are attached to the bottom bar to make the pot easier to move.

The resulting workpiece is sheathed wooden planks. They can be placed end to end or overlapped.

Nails are hammered with a special gun. From the inside they are bent with a hammer.

Top rim made from boards connected at an angle. Attach it with nails and glue.

Wooden trim can be varnished or painted in a suitable color. The flowerpot is ready, you can plant flowers in it.

Flowerpots made of silicate blocks with several tiers

This design option looks impressive and makes even the most familiar plants unusual.

The cavities inside the blocks are great for planting and growing plants. Some manufacturers even began to produce special hollow elements for landscape design.

To make outdoor flowerpots from silicate blocks with your own hands, you should think over the design so that it is stable and has enough space for plants. Next, the necessary material is acquired.

The blocks should have drainage, to get rid of excess water. The base is chosen strong enough.

The base is glued to the bottom of the silicate blocks. Then, a structure is assembled from the resulting elements. Blocks are interconnected with glue.

Gradually building tiers, it is necessary to fill the lower ones with earth.

Small vases from sticks

Required to work thin sticks, for example, from ice cream. They are glued to wood. bars.

By repeating the processes, three more sides are made.

Then the sticks are glued on top on both sides.

The surface of the resulting container is ground and painted.

It turns out a small flowerpot in which a container with flowers is placed.

Do-it-yourself polystyrene flowerpot

Styrofoam is a common material and people are often interested in how to make a flowerpot with their own hands from it.

First, cut out rectangular blanks for walls that are connected with glue with self-tapping screws. The container is then covered plaster mixture in several layers with plastic mesh reinforcement. When the mixture dries, the surface is cleaned of irregularities. The next step is painting. After that, a finishing layer of decorative plaster is applied. The product looks like it is cast from concrete.

A vase from a pallet. Master Class

You can make a garden flowerpot with your own hands from wooden pallet. To do this, it is carefully disassembled into boards.

All boards with a length of 80 cm are cut in half. The boards are 120 cm long, we mark them into three parts of 38 cm each and cut them, making a beveled cut at an angle of thirty degrees.

We connect boards with oblique cuts using self-tapping screws. It turns out a hexagon. We attach a leg to each of its boards.

Similarly, we assemble the second hexagon.

We collect the bottom of the flowerpot. To do this, we attach a transverse board between the legs. We lay the bottom boards on it and fasten them to the edges of the hexagon with self-tapping screws.

It turns out a solid structure, which should be treated with an antiseptic. You can decorate it in any way.