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Stained glass glazing with their own hands. How to make stained glass windows at home from glass. Types of stained glass technology

Hello, dear readers!

I will not lie - I often love the "abyss" from urban life and spend a couple of weeks in the country area.

I didn't care about the arrangement of this place, but I recently wanted to change something in appearance.

I decided to start with windows. And you know, I really liked the result. Now my house is vividly distinguished against the background of others.

Now I will tell you how to make stained glass glass with your own hands. Also we will tell you what materials can be needed for this.

Stained glass glass with her hands

Stained glass window on glass is a great way to decorate the interior, give the windows and inserts of the interior doors of nobility and sophistication. And if earlier it was a very laborious and expensive process, affordable only to single craftsmen, today it is actually done with your own hands.

Such an effect is easy to achieve, thanks to the use of stickers or technology painting on glass with special paints.

Using stained glass in the interior

Many centuries have passed since the glass for stained glass has been invented, and humanity still admires narrow and long windows of the temples and cathedrals, palaces and houses rich for the late Middle Ages. In those days, any glasses were expensive luxury, especially - stained glass. They were made on the basis of a cellular metallic pattern, in which exactly the corresponding patterns of the segment of the smalt and colored Murano glass were inserted.

The word "stained-glass window" of Latin origin, where Vitrum - translated "glass", but now it is used to designate color drawings on the glass. Until now, numerous pilgrims and excursors of historical monuments are impressive images of saints on a glass that transmits light through colored cells.

To smash the stained glass with biblical plots in the Orthodox church or the Catholic Cathedral was considered to be blasphemes, especially since they were created decades.

Stained-country painting has long been beyond the robust structures. Today, the stained glass window on the glass is again in fashion, while the plots use a wide variety. Artists specializing in stained-glass painting offer all new and new techniques that need to keep the process of creating glass inserts shining with paints.

This particular highly artistic decor is able to give the interior of the apartment more expensive and respectable appearance.

And today the stained glass windows are widely used everywhere, where only are appropriate:

  • window glass;
  • large ceiling luminaire plaffers;
  • false windows with backlight;
  • interior doors;
  • glass partitions for zoning large areas;
  • elegant table tops of small tables in the living room;
  • frameless glazing of interior premises;
  • light shirms between 2 adjacent rooms;
  • multi-level and suspended ceilings;
  • sliding door cabinets;
  • fireplace screens;
  • desktop, outdoor and wall lamps;
  • * Light inserts in the ceilings;
  • inserts on wall niches;
  • art objects and souvenirs.


You can choose transparent or impermeable stained glass glasses, depending on the overall task.

If it is important that the light is partially penetrated into the room, but it was not visible in detail what is happening after the partition, the opaque glass for stained glass:

  • stained-in screen in the bathroom (in shower);
  • glass partition between kitchen and bathroom;
  • impermeable interior doors with insert in the bedroom;
  • partition between toilet and bathroom.

ATTENTION: It is worth considering that color impermeable stained glass only only partially misses the light, so it is inappropriate in the apartment where it is without that insufficient lighting.

But on the south side, the stained glass came on his hands will become a relevant light filter, for example, stained glass windows on the glass, photo:

Advantages and disadvantages of stained inserts

Mastering the art of stained painting die for everyone that wishes to make stained glass on glass with their own hands. Glass painting technology is useful to master for the design of personal space, and then you can use as an additional earnings.

And although the beautiful stainedwood is real art, it is not necessary to be an artist, many masters use ready-made sketches for intricate drawings with clear boundaries on glass.

Independent production of stained glass - a fascinating process, reminds children of "crooks", where within the finished contours every cell pattern is filled with a certain color. And it also resembles a children's kaleidoscope with colored glasss between the mirrors, where the delightful patterns are so fascinating.

An important advantage - each stained glass window is unique, even if a ready-made sketch was used. Any image is obtained as a result of selecting one or another technique, the method of applying and selecting dyes and the boundaries of the cells.

Getting the selected image of stained glass on glass is an interesting occupation that even a schoolboy can master. It is interesting to make all families, observing caution in working with glass, the edge of which can be temporarily saked by painting scotch.

If you work acrylic paints, then you do not need any special devices. The traditional technique of manufacturing stained glass windows and metal requires a separate workshop. And some methods of etching glass suggest the use of chemicals.

Helpful advice!

Drawing on the glass, with a competent organization of work and in the presence of a ready-made sketch, can be completed quite quickly. And if there are artistic skills and a delicate taste, the manufacture of stencils and stained glass windows on the glass with their own hands is an excellent hobby or a way of creative self-realization.

In this case, you can try which stained glass windows will be most interesting:

  • drawn;
  • risen;
  • glued;
  • solden.

The most simple methods of application drawing have their drawbacks - the drawing may be unstable. The simplest continuous image has to do between the 2nd windows in the frame, while maintaining as a souvenir, so as not to be washed.

But it relates more to children's creativity. And if it is decided to decorate the apartment with the real works of art using special paints on glass, the stained glass window should be elegant and attractive.

It is unlikely that it will come from the first time "something" special, you will have to practice several times to work out for the development of technology.

ATTENTION: Remember that any glass can crash, including stained glass. Therefore, it is desirable to first think if there is a chance that the insertion will be broken. In some cases, it is better to use the finished violated film that will not give the depletion of fragments, for example, if you do not carefully clap the glass door.

Varieties Technician for Stained Painting

The stained glass window on the glass was previously carried out by the most time-consuming method, when they made a metal pattern consisting of cells. Then in each free gap plugged a piece of glass of a certain color, cut exactly on the form of each cell.

It was more difficult to make symmetric images - a metal patterned grid could not coincide on the outlines, and each fragment was cut separately. The glasses needed to fasten, and even so that there were no cracks that transmit air and water.

The classic soldering method is used today, but in domestic conditions are applicable less expensive, time-consuming and inexpensive techniques of stained glass painting.

The most popular technicians today apply:

  • matted stained glass window;
  • "Tiffany";
  • in the technique of "Kasttng";
  • in the technique "Fusing";
  • in the technique of Plastic LEAD;
  • matted stained glass windows;
  • film stained glass sgo;
  • faceing equipment;
  • technique "etching";
  • molding technique;
  • laser engraving;
  • involved in acrylic paints;
  • combined stained glass windows.

About how to make stained glass glass with your own hands the most accessible methods, it is worth understanding more.

1. We fold pieces of carved colored glasses that form a mosaic cloth. Each fragment of the composition is inserted into a metal frame-stencil made of fuster or sheet copper.

Metal parts will have to be soldered, but it has to do without glass so it is important to think about how to fix the glass in these cells. Ready drawing will resemble the present expensive stained glass glass.

2. The segments of the color translucent film are laid out on the glass, as an applique, thought out in advance - along contours drawn by a special disappearing marker.

Next, on the borders of the tube, special paint is applied in the form of a dark border, or any resinous solution that is quickly seized. The finished image is closed by another glass, exactly the same format and gently glued along the edges.

Double glass with an internal pattern is quite practical, it is inserted into a frame or a wooden window frame.

A similar method - inserts from fine stained glass (transparent, matte or sandblasting) are also inserted between two glasses. Such double or triple colored glass for stained glass windows are harder, so it is not recommended for doors of furniture.

3. On sale you can find the finished color smalt, which in the form of sliced \u200b\u200band stinking along the edges of the fragments is simply glued on the glass. Plastic crystals or artificial "pebbles" are also suitable for embroidery with a flat back side, as well as small gems or flat beads.

They can be put on the glass "liquid nails", for example, in the form of a vine. In this way, it is easy to separate vases, glass dishes and souvenirs.

The method is suitable for those inserts that do not need a part of cleaning - pebbles and smalt can be accidentally scraped. However, such sparkling Hand-Made stained glass windows on the glass looks luxurious, especially with backlight.

4. Drawing on smooth or sandblasting glass is applied by special colors that suggest thermal processing. After firing in the furnace, a resistant stained glass drawing is obtained, which is not afraid of cleaning.

Such method - imitation of stained painting, where acrylic paints are used without processing in the furnace. The drawing will be resistant, but it is not worth washing such glasses. Similar stained glass windows are successfully used in windows with double frames in the inside, where the glasses do not wash as often as outside.

Where to get stencils for stained glass windows?

The beauty of the initial sketch determines the final result. And if you try independently "something there" to draw, hardly such stitches will be highly artistic. Even if you take advantage of the plots - roses, peacocks or fish, it is important to comply with the pattern proportions, a color balance and a general composition.

The selection of the plot must be justified by the functionality of the room. Fantasy flowers, angels, beautiful semi-nodes, Amazons, leopards are suitable for the bedroom. Elegant abstraction is suitable in the living room, symmetric ornaments that are harmonized with a common area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

If you look for suitable stained glass on glass, stencils are selected with aquarium fish, something on marine topics.


Any abstract image or neutral subject is suitable for the partition of the passage of the corridor, for example, the heat-bird.

An image for a certain interior stylist is selected in accordance with the characteristic theme for such a design:

  • sakura branch - for Japanese style;
  • curls of "Rocalia" - for Rococo;
  • zhalsta stroke - typical for modern;
  • an intricate abstraction - art deco, etc.

It is best to use ready-made stencils that can be purchased:

  • in stores for artistic creativity;
  • in artists who own this technique;
  • print popular "pictures" from the Internet (will suffer the uniqueness of your stained glass windows).

For those who know how to draw, it is best to take the best illustrations for those, choose the appropriate plot and develop your sketch.

Attention: It is important to take into account the scaling of images, because when transferring a small sketch to a large glass, a distortion of proportions and a lot of empty space will be distorted. Therefore, a small sketch is pre-drawn on the squares - for a better increase in the picture.

Sometimes at the end stage, it is necessary to draw elements to fill emptiness. Ready stencils for stained glass in full size do not require refinement. Traditionally, stained glass pictures are beautifully looking, where a thin graphics frame and a floral ornament are combined.

Tip: Do not rush the screen drawing to fill in paints. If you have a choice - experiment with color on drafts. Sometimes the replacement of the background or the central elements not only changes the overall impression of the drawing, but also forms aura indoors with stained glass windows. For example, cold blue or purple flowers should be changed on shades of warm gamma for the living room or on the cold - for the bathroom.

What are the use of stained glass paints?

1. NITRO-2141 NITROLAKI (or similar, other labeling). Make artistic oil paints and solvent. In a separate container, nitrolac is bred with the addition of solvent (less than half).

In the finished emulsion, the magnitude of the pea of \u200b\u200bartistic paint or a pigment drop for construction works is added. The intensity of the paint is rotated on the glass, if not enough - add more.

The glass must be preventing it, wiping the solvent such as acetone. High-quality lacquer varnish should be a transparent, well-spreading, non-turning on glass with propellas.

2. The BF-2 glue-based solution. Emulsion is bred based on a solvent and any dye soluble on alcohol. For example, use a paste from the ballpoint rods - blue, purple, green and red.

Glue and solvent is stirred in a glass jar, where the dye is introduced to the required saturation. We try the tassel on the control glass.

3. On the gelatin basis and dyes for tissues. Gelatin (5-6 gr.) In the form of a chainer brewed with hot water, where diluted liquid paint is introduced gradually.

You can first apply an image, then outline the boundaries, but it is better to first make the grid "Decoration". Such a drawing requires consolidation - after drying the magnus, glass is covered with colorless nitrolac.

Helpful advice!

Stained-in painting with silicate paints is used by artists for heat treatment. Special chemical components create a mirror or matte surface on stained glass. Some technicians are not available at home painting, for example, engraved stained glass windows, which is created on special equipment.

The simplest method is to use ready-made stained glass or mirror self-tier.

Stained glass windows. Create your stained glass window at home

This page is devoted to those who decided to try to make stained-glass windows with their own hands. Here you will find a description of manufacturing technologies used materials and tools.

Below is the illustrated step-by-step instruction, which will allow you to make stained glass in the selected technology with your own hands.

Tiffany stained glass windows are made of stained glass fragments.

Bay stained glass window. You create your masterpiece using paints on glass and contour.

The first step to the manufacture of stained glass windows

To make stained glass windows with their own hands, you need to decide on technology. Then explore the materials and tools that you need. And finally proceed to the manufacture.

Choice of technology


Real stained glass windows are made of stones of colored glass. They are both the most beautiful and most complicated in the manufacture. Currently, the most popular technology of manufacturing from stained glass is Tiffany technology.

Stained glass, made with their own hands, on Tiffany technology will exceed all the most bold expectations. Detailed description.

Film stained glass

Film stained glass window is a kind of applique. Only instead of colored paper uses a film. Leaders in quality selling from us are the films of English manufacturers Decra LED and REGA LED.

To simulate a seam between fragments, self-adhesive tin tape passes. Works performed by the hands of professionals are very beautiful, despite the fact that the film is inferior in appearance glass.

Flashing stained glass

The filling stained glass window is glass on which the thick paint is applied the contour of the pattern and a width and height of 1-2 mm. The outline forms areas in which further liquid paint is poured.

Tiffany stained glass production with her own hands

Required tools and equipment:

  • Glass cutter roller. The head is rotating, roller with automatic wetting.
  • Locks, at least two types, for lambing small and long details.
  • Machine for handling glass edge. We chose to Kristall 2000.
  • Light table. Height 80 cm. Countertop - glass, lamps under the table top across the area. For small products optional.
  • Soldering iron
  • Black felt-tipper with a thin rod
  • Protective glasses
  • Skillful hands

Materials necessary for work:

  • Glass, selected in accordance with the sketch. Usually 1 m2 of stained glass windows, with details that have a curvilinear form takes at least 2 m2 glass.
  • Special copper or brass foil.
  • Tin pos-61.
  • Soldering acid.
  • Patina. Depending on the desired color of the seams - black or copper. To obtain a copper seam, you can use aqueous solution of copper sulphate.

Development of sketch and drawing

When developing a sketch, it should be remembered that the glass is a rather fragile material, which should be rather capricious to processing. For example, it is impossible to cut the part with an inner angle with the glass cutter. For such details, a special logby is needed, but due to its high cost, it is not considered here.

After the sketch is ready to make a drawing, which some call "Cardboard". It is a sheet of paper or film with a stained-glass in a natural size contour.

If you work in a light table, paper should be quite transparent, so that the contour of the picture was well visible through the art glass, when the lamps are turned on under the tabletop. If the contours of the parts are transferred to the glass in another way, the transparency of paper does not matter.

With self-assembly, be sure to follow all safety rules. Work only in protective glasses.

Cutting fragments made of art glass

When cutting out the part, if it has curvilinear forms, the source pieces of glass are chosen in such a way, if you are not a professional, so that they stand for the contour of the part of at least 4 mm on each side.

Having spent on the glass roller of glass cutter, you make a scratch on which the glass is expected. Press with cutting should not be too strong. If the line on which it is assumed to cut the glass has one or more bends should be slightly knocked under the scratch left by glass cutter.

If possible, the part that must be obtained should be hard to fix on the surface of the table, while the likelihood that it will remain the whole will be more. Internal radius in detail is cut into several stages. To keep the size and not get a product, as a result, not placed in the place prepared for it, it should be started from the perimeter of the product.

Internal details of the future stained glass should be divided into fragments. Each fragment should also start from the perimeter. Details located inside the fragments are cut on the place, after the spike external.

Processing details

The edge processing is part of how the part is cut out it must be processed on the Kristall typewriter. The edge of the part is the edge of the detail, so that sharp corners did not damage the copper tape. With this procedure, you can correct the form of the part.

Before the spike end of each part, throughout the perimeter, you should clean the copper or brass ribbon.

The finished, sharpening and wrapped parts are laid out in accordance with the pattern and to begin with, they grab in several places with tin. Before the spike seams are wiping with soldering acid.


After the last detail is prepared for a spike and laid in its place in the overall composition you can proceed to the stained glass promotion. Try to evenly distribute tin on the seam, seeking a smooth convex seam. Disappeared from two sides.

Tiffany stained glass window made by your hands ready.

Flashing stained glass windows with their own hands

I want to recall - the classic stained glass window is an artistic work of a visual character, made of pieces of stained glass. Fallen stained glass windows - imitation, but with the right approach, looking very worthy.

The main advantages of the fuel stained glass windows are the relative simplicity of manufacture and almost any form of details.

For the manufacture of the fuel stained glass, you will have:

Developed independently on opaque paper.

2. Contour.

The contour is used to simulate the seam between the stained glass items. A special contour paint is used as a contour, which has a thick consistency, or a special contour tape. Contour paints are produced different colors. Such as: black, copper, gold, etc.

3. The basis.

Filing stained glass can be performed on any solid surface. But the main surface is naturally the glass. The basis can serve as a simple piece of glass, and a glass or a vase.

4. Stained glass paints and varnishes.

When choosing paint it is important to take into account how you will apply stained in paint. On the horizontally located surface can be pouring both thick stained inks and varnishes for glass. From the surface, located at an angle to the horizon, liquid paints and varnishes can crush.


Glass varnishes are used in the case when the product should remain more transparent. Paints such as Gallery Glade produced by Plaid are much thicker than varnishes, and make it possible to work even with vertical surfaces. Thick paints can be achieved by the effect of glass relief and make multi-colored divorces.

5. Paint distributor.

Since any liquid has its own surface tension, paint often have to be forcibly distributed over the surface of the fitting part. The distributor has a pencil look, with a tip is sufficiently sharp to be able to drive the paint into the most acute angle of the poured fragment.

How to make stained glass windows, draw on the glass

Previously, stained-glass windows were decorated with cathedrals, theaters, mansions of rich people, but the times change and today this type of art is available to everyone.

Stained glass windows can be decorated with doors, loggias and balconies and various interior items. As stained glass material uses stained glass and various paints.

There are several ways to manufacture stained glass windows:

First method

Use pieces cut from a solid colored sheet glass. Each piece is part of your composition. Cut pieces of glass are fixed in a pre-manufactured metal stencil, after attaching the stencils sold out due to what the stained glass image is formed.

Second way

Stained glass makes glass color smalts and two sheets of transparent glass. From the smalt on the transparent sheet of glass lay out the drawing, and from above are covered with the second transparent glass. Stained glass fasten in a tree or metal frame.

Third way

Stained glass is laid out of the details of the ornament (cast glasses), then the fragments are fastening with a resin among themselves.

Fourth way

Transparent glass paint paints. After applying the picture, the glass is burned in the furnace at a temperature of 540 - 5600C.

Fifth way

The transparent sheet is placed in multicolored smalt, attaching them to the surface of the glass using synthetic glue.

Sixth way

Imitation of stained glass - painting on glass with paints, which do not require temperature processing.

But, unfortunately, most of these methods are not quite suitable for home conditions, and mainly used in specialized stained glass workshops.

To create stained glass at home the sixth way using paints for painting on glass is suitable.

So how do you make the stained glass shop at your own hands?

To do this, we will need paints that can be draw on glass. Fortunately, the diversity of goods for decorative design is so large that it is not difficult to find such paints.

Below we led only to several addresses of shops, where you can buy paints for painting on glass. Not so long ago, paints for painting on glass appeared, with which high-temperature processing is not required.

It is enough to apply them to the surface and wait until they dry.

We need:

  • picture;
  • glass sheet;
  • glassographer;
  • contour paste in the tube (it mimics the lead ribbon used in
  • stained glass, and allows you to determine clear contours for drawing);
  • paints for painting on glass;
  • brushes (soft high quality, it is desirable to rinse them before, so that the pile does not get out in the process)

Glass painting process

We clean the painted surface, with warm water with soap, or alcohol-containing cleaner.

With the help of a glass pencil (glass frame), a drawing is applied to a pre-dried surface, if it is difficult for you to apply the picture immediately on the glass surface, you can perform the drawing like you on white paper, which is then put on the glass.

Helpful advice!

Contour paste imitating lead (for convenience it is usually produced in tubes), we divide the patterns of drawings that are different in color

We wait until our contour is dry

Neat, light brush movements are applied to the paint, if you need a more intense color, then we apply the paint in several layers. Previously waiting until the previous one dries.

Stained-glass windows are a special decor enriching and reconstructing the interior, making it original and sublime. However, expensive interior makes not only high-witness of stained steel, but also their considerable cost. And this is quite justified, because stained-glass windows - painstaking creative work, art, and skill in such a matter is valued high. In this case, there are reasonable questions, whether it is possible to master this craft on their own and how to make a stained glass window.

Stained glass windows on glass do it yourself - where to start?

The stained glass windows on the glass do it yourself, naturally begin with a lot of desire, and if closer to the case, the development of the sketch. If we talk about the classic techniques and their imitation, then the sketches should be:

  • in full size stained glass on paper and cardboard;

  • with clearly painted contours of parts, breaking the drawing on separate figures;

  • on cardboard indicating the color and material of each fragment;

  • for typestit stained glass - it is possible indicating the direction of glass fibers and the numbering of parts.

In theory, this may seem complicated, but in practice everything is easier: the appearance of the complete stained glass scheme is similar to the coloring for children, on some parts of which numbers, arrows or other necessary designations are drawn, which facilitates the stained glass assembly. Depending on the complexity of the drawing and equipment of the stained glass, they will need more or less.

Council.In order to save time and effort to develop a sketch and stencil, you can download and print a finished stencil for stained glass window. To transfer the picture on the glass, the disappearing marker will be required.

Stained glass manufacturing technology

The manufacturing technology is selected, including, based on what will be a stained glass: whether the stained glass window is planned on the window or on the door, on the mirror or on a vase, and maybe it will be stained glass lamps or glass patterns. In each case, there will be its own characteristics and installation features that make a certain priority technology.

For the production of stained glass windows at home, three following techniques are most suitable:

  • typical stained glass trip Tiffany;

  • filmfalche-stained glass;

  • cutting fuel stained glass window.

They do not require specific expensive equipment, as, for example, furnaces for fusing, or the availability of a workshop in connection with work with chemicals, abrasives and harmful evaporations, such as, for example, to matting glass or performing stained glass in classical lead machinery.

Tiffany's theme is essentially combining all three ways, since film and filling stained glass windows are methods of imitation of classical techniques.

How to make a stained glass window tiffany

In brief: on the finished sketch, the templates of parts of the cardboard are cut on the glass, they are cut on the glass, the parts are cut with glass cutters, polished, each element around the perimeter is winding up with copper foliage, all parts are laid out into a single pattern, the position of the edge elements is fixed by cloves, the foil on the joints is processed by flux, It is sold to the tin solder from one, and then on the other side of the product, the stained glass in the frame from the metal profile and rolls it to it.

At each stage of the creation of the stained glass should take into account the mass of the nuances:

  • in the figure, it is not desirable details with several sharp angles (smalts in the form N) or wisdom S-shaped curves: the best soft curves of lines curves are best;

  • cheaper will cost no sheet glass for stained glass windows, but a glass battle; The cutting of glasses should be carried out with a diamond glass cutter, having previously trapled on the usual glass; For curvilinear figures, you must perform auxiliary aids on the tangent;

  • production of parts and laying them into the picture is performed simultaneously: each part starting from the top angle is cut, polished, applied to the figure, wakes up with a foil, is again applied to the figure and after reconciliation is fixed at an appropriate place; The assembly of the stained glass is more convenient to carry out on the surface highlighted below;

  • for soldering, you need a 100-watt soldering iron with a nickel-plated stainlessness and a slight-melting tin solder without rosin; So that the glass is not cracked, you should not solder at once too large areas, you need to give the stainedure to cool, etc.

Stained glass windows, master class:

How to make film stained glass

Making a film stained glass - lesson, rather than assembling Tiffany stained glass.

  1. Glass cleared; According to the sketch, the lines of the contour are laid down by the lead ribbon. The tips of each line should be overlapped by the next tape segment. When all contours are saved, the ribbon is rolled with roller;
  2. The glass turns over, is rubbed; by contours formed by lead ribbon, elements from the film are cut, glued on this opposite direction and also rolled with a separate film for the film;
  3. The joints of the films are covered with lead ribbon, repeating the contours of the tape on the first side, and rolled the roller; Ready stained glass windows is cleaned with detergent.

To decorate false stained glass, you can use real glass details that are squeezed on special glue.

How to perform filling stained glass

For the filling stained glass, a polymer circuit is needed and a stained-glass acrylic varnish or special paint.

  • A sketch is drawn or prints, which is placed under transparent glass or is transferred to the disappearing marker on a matte or mirror basis;
  • The surface of the glass is cleaned and degreases;
  • The drawing is applied a polymer circuit that form closed areas;
  • After drying, the contour each element is neatly poured with liquid paint.

Apply a drop of paint needs around the contour, without touching it. The paint can not be smeared, it should grow naturally so that the result is a beautiful stained glass playing.

Stained glass windows, video:


To achieve originality in the interior, you can use such an idea as the use of stained glass windows. For this, it is not necessary to hire a wizard or acquire expensive finished products. Create stained glass windows at home is quite possible by attaching some effort and having studied the proposed material.

Methods of manufacture of stained glass windows

First of all, you need to decide which images will get your . To do this, you need to come up with a sketch or find ready. This will require:

  • Paper or cardboard, the same size as stained glass window.
  • Figure having clear contours, elements.
  • Denote by numbers Fragments pattern for coloring with appropriate color.
  • If the set elements are enabled, you can specify the direction of the fibers.

Externally, the billet resembles a numbered children's coloring.

The ability to draw is optional: it is enough to print a suitable primary stencil. The disappearing marker will be required to transfer the image on the glass.

Use of sketches

Requires a sketch including minor elements. Minor drawings just simply printed, large images will require drawing manually, transfer to glass. You can make a photocopy pattern for templates. The main stencil is done with the help of the original by carrying it on the glass. It will be necessary to purchase template scissors: from ordinary they are distinguished by the presence of the third blade. This will cut the strip of 1.76 mm wide.

A copy of the sketch must be glued to a dense cardboard at least 0.5 mm; Suitable box. This is necessary to circuit in circulation. They must be tough. You need to stick the paper evenly on the plane, without allowing its opening. Number parts of the sketch stands in advance.

Phased work

Thinking how to make it yourself at home , it is necessary to develop a work plan. You need to start with simple actions, gradually moving to more complex.

Do with your own hands at home to perform the easiest way, from it and should begin. For this purpose, you must transfer the image to the glass foundation. Borders are imitated. You can use self-adhesive film. The gluing surface should be well degreased. If bubbles appeared on the film, they can be pierced with a sewing needle.

This method is simple and cheap, but with attentive consideration it will be noticeable that the stained glass window is not real. From the street, it does not have a species. Film stained glass windows most often made for ceilings, as they do not have the opposite side and are far enough from the eyes. For the ceiling, this type of stained glass is good and the fact that it has low weight and is completely safe when collapsed. For the ceiling, you can use the acrylic basis, glass should be avoided.

Contour filled stained glass windows and painting on glass

Imitation of lead binding

Original stained glass windows have a metallic binding. The imitation must repeat it so that it is more realistic. There are several ways to simulate this element:

  1. Clamping boundaries with special scotch. You can buy this in the cabin for artists. Scotch helps form contours. The tape has a 1/8 inches width, it is arranged as ordinary tape, only has the appropriate color. Working with this material is very simple.
  2. This method illustrates how to make stained-glass windows with imitation of binding with wire. It will take an aluminum or copper wire and glue for porcelain, you need to find glue for dishes. Supercles are not suitable, as it leaves a lot of traces. You can use any wire thick from 0.02 to 2, 5 mm depending on the size of your work: it is neatly glued to the seams, then cover the patina.
  3. The plate can be made independently. This will require:
  • PVA glue for porcelain 50 ml.
  • Mascara 30 ml.
  • Aluminum powder 40 gr.

All of these components need to be mixed to a state of homogeneous mass. If you want to achieve the color of brass, instead of aluminum you need to apply the bronze powder. Before painting the product, check what color it turned out. Please note that the paste is unsuitable for storage, it is necessary to prepare it if necessary and constantly mix. Apply the mass is necessary by means of a brush or a small syringe. It requires skill.

Imitation of lead binding

Varieties of stained glass windows

Production of stained glass windows in household conditions h.allows you to show fantasy and use different technologies, not limited to one recipe.

Fusing - a fairly complex stained glass production technology . For it, the use of solid glass is required, on which elements of different shades are applied. Fragments have pronounced borders, there is no separation metal strip between them. For the finished canvas requires calcining in the furnace. The outlines of the drawing can be diverse depending on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe author. This technique is available for production, and at home it is hardly possible to repeat.

- These are also stained glass windows, but consisting of separate parts, which, with the help of soldering, fasten with metal stripes. This style is distinguished by intricate forms. It has complicated performance and bright, varied colors. Most often, with this technology, various items are manufactured, such as lamps, lamps, toy houses.

Such a technology of production of stained-glass windows can have a number of problems:

Film stained glass

It is quite difficult to make on the glass with your own hands, because the highly available technology is sticking on a glass of a special film. To do this, you will need:

  • Self-adhesive film of a variety of tones.
  • Scotch on a lead basis.
  • Rush roller.
  • Glass.
  • Paper knife.

This technique is safe, a teenager can master it, so you can suggest it to make such a stained glass with your own hands.

To create a drawing, you will need to transfer the contour of the picture to the cooked glass with the film. First creates a template. It can be drawn or printed, then it is applied to the glass with the help of a marker, the contours of the lead scotch are glued, cut off the color film and glue on the glass. After that, the lead film is applied again. To secure items on them are rubber roller.

Production of film stained glass

Stained glass paints

The paints will help solve the problem, how to make stained glass windows with their own hands without using complex technology, while achieving realism. The contour of the drawing is applied to ordinary glass with special paints; You can engage in this work with children.

It should be borne in mind that the paint dries quite a long time. About a day will be required for complete drying.

Stained in paints and contours

Sketch development

Production of stained glass do it yourself should not start immediately from the windows or doors. It is worth trying on an old piece of glass, a decorative vase, a glass. Paints offered for this work are distinguished by: there are burned and unfinished species. The first require the heating of the product in the furnace, which is not too convenient if you, for example, paint the plastic window.

After burning, the paint will become matte and loses the brightness.

Head paints do not lose brightness, do not require temperature processing, but demanding of washing. They are afraid of aggressive detergents. The window decorated with their help will need to wash very carefully. If you are just trying to create stained glass windows with your own hands , do not save on paint. Purchase products of high-quality imported manufacturers. Such materials have optimal density, often equipped with dispensers. They do not flow, do not smear.

The contours for stained glass can also be purchased separately. They are sold in tubes, so that they are comfortable to apply. It is not necessary to immediately acquire a black outline: it is folded in work. For the newbie, silver or white will fit well. To achieve the desired width without experience will not work - it will be necessary to practice. Surplus material must be wiped with a wet sponge immediately, otherwise they will dismissed.

You can use any glass or mirror for learning. First you need to clean his surface from dirt, degrease it: do it can be done with alcohol or special solvent. Read more how to make stained glass , think over the sketch. If you have created a drawing, it is better to make several photocopy, a ready-made option can be printed on the printer. If you started training from creating a lamp, roll the sheet, insert it inside the glass and attach the scotch. After that, the drawing can be broken by the marker on the glass. The marker is better to take erasing. After that, you can use the stained-in contour. Gently apply it to the surface and give the paint to dry.

Before work, gently shake the tube with paint. It is not required to shabby. Otherwise, bubbles will appear in the paint. Kraska is applied with a thick layer, it is required to paint each element of the pattern. After that, give paint to completely dry. In order to protect the color layer, you can use acrylic varnish or rolling the glass in the furnace. The second option is used exclusively for heat-resistant glasses.

Do you think to install stained glass windows? Read in our material, and how much it will cost.

Find out what the advantages and disadvantages of classic stained glass windows, read consumer reviews and find out the prices in our article.

Do not use glass. It is quite possible to do without a safe film. Take the file, put a sheet with the desired image in it. Show the child how to do stained glass window. To do this, it is necessary to circle a drawing with a marker, paint it with earlier paints. After the paint is driving, the film needs to be cut and pasted on the glass. Let the child come up with a drawing alone. Many children gladly show creative activity, draw and master stained glass windows.

Conclusion: Create an original interior decoration can be independently, while you will get a lot of positive emotions, you can deal with the creative process together with the family.

Three "Whale", allowing to make a good stained glass: Eyemer, accuracy, confidence. If one error or error notices not everyone will notice, then two or three will already give the product a slopeful look, and then they will spoil all the work at all. It is for this reason that it is worth practicing on small compositions and only then to take for the implementation of large-scale projects.

Sketch + scissors

The manufacture of any stained glass begins not even with the selection of ideal materials for the work, but from creating a single sketch in two copies. To speed up and simplify work, the sketch can be created on the computer and then print. But, alas, the large panel will require creating a sketch in manual mode. To get two identical copies, you need to use a fifth machine. No, this is not a challenging device that will have to lease, but a fairly easy device. It can be built in two ways. Attach the first copy of the sketch to the glass in the bright time of the day, attach the second sheet, lock it and move the image to clean paper using the pencil. If the window area does not allow, then a glass sheet is placed on ordinary kitchen stools, a table lamp is put on the floor, and its light is directed up, that is, on the glass. A sketch is put on the glass, a blank sheet top and the picture is translated.

  1. It is important to remember that the stained glass assembly should always be done on the first sketch, and its second instance is used as a pattern for the manufacture of elements. This is done to minimize the risk of inconsistencies and fit fragments.
  2. If you are firmly intend to make a stained glass masterpiece, then you will prevent the template scissors with three blades in advance (the first two sketch cut, and the third cuts off the strip of a width of slightly less than two centimeters).
  3. Before you begin cutting the sketch, it is better to stick to a thin dense cardboard so that in the future it was easier to circuit the contour on the soft paper.
  4. When you start glue, do not forget that the paper spacing will be a little stretching.
  5. Do not forget to check the template on the main (first) sketch.
  6. To make it easier to make it easier, especially if the stained glass includes a large number of small parts, all fragments of the canvas are better to numbered on both sketches before the cutting stage.

Glass stained glass

Glass stained glass window - recognized and proven classics. It consists of dozens of multi-colored glasses, which can be transparent, dairy and matte. Milk glasses are opaque, and simply painted into any color. Matte artificially "rough" on the one hand. Each part of the stained glass - smalt is framed by a lead, brass, tin or copper profile in the form of the letter P. In the manufacture of glass stained glass, each smalt is neatly laid out on the primary sketch, and then replete seams. The canvas look like binding fragments. To increase the strength, it is made up with brass corners, creating a frame, and soldered along the contour. It turns out a full-fledged picture, which is inserted into the opening and set the backlight from behind. The second is no less common option - the installation of such a stained glass window in the window frame. The disadvantages of classical stained glass windows are the complexity of manufacturing and fragility.

Film stained glass

Film stained glass window is an imitation of classic stained glass. The basis of the transparent, matte or milk glass is applied, between whose fragments are made by borders. Instead of smalt use self-adhesive film. Make such a stained glass window even a newcomer, you only need a little accuracy and perfection. The secret of success is the pretreatment of glass with alcohol for degreasing the surface. It is possible instead of alcohol to use 1 teaspoon for washing dishes, divorced in a glass of water. After such processing, the glass should be rinsed with distilled water.

If, in the manufacture of film stained glass, it was not possible to completely get rid of air bubbles, then they can be pierced with a needle and carefully try. After a day, two you ourselves will not find where there were bubbles before.

Modern self-adhesive films are beautiful, durable. From afar, the stained glass window looks spectacular, but it is immediately seen that it is just imitation. In addition, such a stained glass is beautiful only on the one hand. It is because of this, film stained-glass windows most often draw up ceiling windows. More recently, the stained glass windows on the ceilings risked to do a few. The broken glass can harm the life and health of people who accidentally found themselves in the room. However, the acrylic base is actively used for ceiling stained glass. Acrylic plastic has a thickness of only 1 mm, it is light and extremely durable, since the years almost does not prevent, and if suddenly falls out of the frame, quietly falls on the floor in the room, without damaging anything. The film is perfectly connected with acrylic, firmly holds. The lack of material is its cost. It is an order of magnitude more expensive glass.

Bay stained glass

From the front side, the fuel stained glass window is difficult to distinguish from the classic, but the starve immediately reveals all the cards. Such compositions look very effectively, but their manufacture will require greater experience and patience. To truly beautifully, it is necessary to provide a smooth or textured reflective surface under glass-base, then the light rays will pass through the canvas twice. It is for this reason that the filler stained glass windows are often performed on the mirror. Properly flooded paint forms meniscus, and the rays of light pass directly and reflected from the mirror film. Miscellaneous of their curvature due to such refraction gives a variety of length of light rays, and therefore stained glass window literally plays with all the colors of the rainbow. Borders in the filler stained glass usually make dark color, but with metallic effect. The most expensive are similar stained glass windows, where the basis is acrylic mirrors with an additional talnianobic substrate.

Tiffany-stitched shop

This is already a full-fledged stained glass window collected from dozens of glass smalt. It differs from the classic glass stained glass it is only the fact that the binding is formed by the foliage - metal foil foil, and not cast or forged grooves. In the peak of the heyday of stained glass, that is, in the Middle Ages, the foliar did not know how to do. Tiffany-stained-glass windows are quite strong, if necessary, they decorate even swing or French windows, as well as doors. Another advantage of such compositions is the ability to fill in curvilinear and volumetric designs.

Fucking stained glass

Such stained glass windows are now especially popular with people who do not hide their prosperity. Fazet is a polished chamfer on a 6-millimeter glass plate. The chamfer is usually wide enough, and the fake angle depends on the optical properties of the glass. The exact mathematical calculation of the wizard will create a so-called diamond facet, ensuring the maximum refraction of light. Facey stained glass windows can be:

  • painted;
  • colorless;
  • transparent;
  • hustled (from light glass with a small refractive index);
  • lead (made of heavy glass with a high refractive index).

The most expensive are crochelted faces - a combination of hidden and lead.

Faceful smalts are collected separately, as they have a lot of weight. For this, individual aluminum profiles are used. Unfortunately, the manufacture of the phantage stained glass is possible only in industrial conditions.

Fusing stained glass

Such stitches are made of smalt, which pre-warmer to 300-1200 degrees (the softening temperature depends on the type of glass) and lay out according to the sketch to the heat-resistant surface, then rolled. Fusing stained glass window is a smooth transition of colors that are unattainable in other techniques. Fusion-stained glass windows are very expensive.

2 ways to create stained glass do it yourself

Most stained glass windows that you can make houses are imitation, but they are original, unique, and their creation is an exciting lesson. To create good both film and colorful stained glass windows, you need to know about the intricacies of imitation of border binding.

Borders can be made in three ways:

  • lead Scotch;
  • soft wire;
  • contour paste.

The lead scotch is a 1/8 inches tape made of lead foil, adhesive layer and protective film. The roll is neatly unwound, lay out according to the boundaries of fragments on the sketch, cut. Then you need to remove the protective film, impose on the canvas and press. When creating a film stained glass, work with a lead scotch is one of the final stages, when creating the fuses - one of the initial.

Soft wire strifted along the contour and stuck with a dish (there must be an appropriate label on the label). Such borders in the filler stages are made to work with paint, in the film - upon completion of the drawing of the pattern. Wire can be used specialized copper, but it can come to work and a regular enamal pipe, which is easy to find in radio components stores. To create a special effect, the wire can be slightly treated with emery paper.

The contour paste is a special mixture of PVA (50 ml), black carcass (25 ml) and silver (35 ml). First you need to mix the glue and mascara, and then gradually add silver (aluminum powder) until it turns out the mixture, by consistency, similar to sour cream. If necessary, silver can be replaced with a bronze powder. The contour paste is applied immediately after cooking with a thin tassel, seeking it to lay a uniform border in all circuits. Newcomers are better to use a small confectionery syringe.

1 way to create simple stained glass

Imitation of the filler stained glass assumes a sequential execution of a number of operations.

  1. Organization of the workplace. Smooth shield cover with a white soft cloth (hawk, flannel, bike, felt), put a primary snortal stencil on it.
  2. Declaring the glass on which the stained glass window is planned, put it on the sketch.
  3. Make the contour by any way convenient for you. It is more convenient to work from the upper left edge of the canvas. Leave the contour to dry up for about a day.
  4. Start paint pouring. With cells located nearby and requiring fill with one color, work alternately, waiting for the neighboring. If the paint flowed to the adjacent fragment, carefully remove it with the blade.
  5. After completing the fill, leave the glass dried on a day-two.

The paint is most convenient to pour a syringe without touching the border. It will scratch the glass itself. If the paint is too liquid, then you can repeat the fill when the first layer is completely dry. Klookers for stained glass can be made independently (recipes at least four proven compositions are easy to find on the Internet). Now for sale in the stores of materials for needlework or in retail outlets for artists, wonderful stained glass colors are sold.

2 way to create simple stained glass

The second way of imitation of stained glass is the use of film. The film is called stained glass, it is easy enough to find on sale. The second sketch is cut into fragments that are alternately become templates. From the film, it is necessary to cut separate parts and sequentially lay them out onto a skimmed glass. Then, from each fragment, it is necessary to remove the protective film and glue it to the desired location. The final stage of the work will be the design of the contour convenient to you.

The art of creating stained glass can be applied in their home. The room in which fragments of the stained glass decor will be present, will play with new paints, such registration will not remain unnoticed.

Useful information about stained glass

This type of design, as stained glass, refers to artistic painting. This decorative art does not know borders in no time or in the diversity of its use.

Some facts history

This type of art has an ancient history. Archaeological excavations confirm that stained-in creativity existed in ancient Babylon, Rome, Greece, Egypt. Some finds from multicolored glass, according to archaeologists, about five thousand years.

A modern understanding of stained-glass windows is inextricably linked with the Christian traditions of temples. The windows decorated with stained-glass windows were created by Byzantine masters of their case in the Church of St. Sophia Konstantinople (VI century). Stained glass windows were boards with gloss engines. Those countries in which the glass have not yet been suspected, stones (in the form of plates) - Selenite, Alabaster.

So looks like images in the temple performed in the technique of stained glass

The first book describing all the subtleties of stained glass, saw the light in the XI century. In this work, written by the German monk, Feofil, contains all the classic bases of applying glass for decorating.

We will lower the centuries-old history of the development of the stained glass decor and come back today. For this long period and materials, and the tools have changed dramatically.

The combination of classics and innovation is characteristic of the works of modern masters of this type of creativity. Technology creation of stained glass has been much simplified, and this makes it possible to use such techniques to create a beautiful decor with your own hands.

Places of application

Modern application of stained glass windows is very diverse:

  • window;
  • doors and doorways;
  • glass partitions;
  • niche;
  • furniture items;
  • mirrors;
  • panel;
  • ceilings.

Stained glass - elements of decor that are appropriate both in public places (cafes, restaurants, museums, offices) and at home. Furniture in the nursery and in the kitchen, slides in the bedroom, ceilings in the living room, the facades of furniture heads are a completely small tolik that you can decorate stained glass in the home interior.

Advantages of using stained glass windows:

  1. Safety. Such elements cannot cause an injury or adults or children, especially if stained-glass windows are made with the help of film technology.
  2. A variety of color and style solutions. You yourself have the right to decide what tone and style to choose that the stained glass decoration was consonant with the entire setting.
  3. Uncomplicated care. Stained-glass windows do not need any special care products, the usual wiper and soft fabric will perfectly cope with the task.
  4. Efficiency. Create stained glass windows at home with their own hands much cheaper than ordering such pleasure from companies engaged in their production.

Types of Technician

Stained-glass windows can be created using various techniques and techniques accustomed by masters of their business. Here is a brief description of such techniques.


Stages of creation



  1. Creating an outline sketch.
  2. Laying the contour of the pattern using a metal profile.
  3. Box of glass fragments in metal products.
  4. Spike jacks.
  5. Painting of glass plots.

Suitable for creating structures with large sizes.

All spheres listed above.

  1. Drawing sketch.
  2. Sketch breakdown on fragments.
  3. Cutting glass elements.
  4. Giving fragments from glass of the desired size and forms.
  5. Glass parts are wrapped with adhesive copper tape.
  6. Connection of parts with a spike (tin + lead).

Such technology is akin to the process of creating artistic paints from paints, there may be so small parts of the stained glass.

Application is diverse, but it is interesting to design in this technique of lamps.

  1. Sketch.
  2. Cutting glass exactly according to the sketch.
  3. Collection of blanks into a single whole.
  4. Sintering in a special oven.

The relief and multi-layered product of the products obtained allows them to be used as paintings, mirrors and other interior decorations.


  1. Select the pattern and the manufacture of the stencil.
  2. Surface treatment (glass, plexiglass, mirror).
  3. Fastening the stencil to the decorated surface.
  4. Impact on the surface with the help of abrasive and compressed air.
  5. Application of hydrophobic varnish (for protection).

The decor is matte, so it is used most often in the interiors for the muffition of light, as well as for decorating doors, etc.

  1. Creating a drawing in the size of the alleged stained glass.
  2. Transferring the picture on the glass.
  3. Drawing contours (Speccraski).
  4. Filling fragments with the desired color (performed by special colors for stained glass windows).

A variety of applications - depending on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe decorator or designer. Screens covering batteries are interesting to look under such "protection".

There are still many other ways to apply patterns on glass surfaces, but most likely it will not be a stained glass window, and its imitation: film technique, filling, fancing stained glass windows, photo printing, glass, collages, 3D design, etc. An excellent application of such Stained glass windows - door wardrobes, mirrors, furniture elements, etc.

Create stained glass windows

To begin with, think about, and then imagine on paper what you want to get in the end. Based on this idea, stock materials.

Choosing materials and tools

For stained glass murals (one of the most accessible techniques for a simple manual) will be needed:

  • acrylic paints, selected in the color of your sketch;
  • solvent suitable for materials;
  • tassels of different sizes;
  • contours for stained works;
  • cotton swabs;
  • barbecue wands or toothpicks;
  • ferrule.

Acrylic paints have long gained great popularity among the needlewomen of different directions. And it is no coincidence, as they are easily flushed (when applied by unnecessary strokes), it is highly lying and mixed with each other, there is no chemical smell when working with them.

When choosing paint, do not forget to see the row on the purpose of these materials. They must be suitable for working with glass, ceramics.

It is very easy to embody the stained glass window on a glass surface with the help of a film technique. To do this, find a special film, which is different from conventional self-tech and is a high-tech imitation of stained glass. Between two transparent layers there is a painted substance that is resistant to the effects of sunlight, temperature scattering (from -45 to +135 Celsius). Color gamas represented by manufacturers of such material help to implement any idea.

A stained glass film cuts by ordinary scissors, you will not need any special devices. Fragments are glued with a special lead ribbon. There is another option - the easiest - use the film already with the drawing drawn, ready. But in this case, with your idea will have to say goodbye.

The choice of equipment and the appropriate materials are yours.

Making stencil

If you still closer to the incarnation of stained glass in the painted version, you will need a stencil for work. This is especially necessary for people who have no sufficient experience and certain artist skills.

Selection of stencil

Sketch, pre-drawn by you or downloaded from Internet sources, you need to translate with a thin paper sheet to a more dense "carrier" - cardboard, watman, etc.

If the drawing of the stained glass is supposed to be used several times, that is, a logical reason to make a stencil from plastic, then he can serve not once.

There are patterns that can be reproduced on a stencil, with special designations of each fragment of the future stained glass. These can be digital or alphabetic abbreviations that indicate the color of this area.

Land at attaching a pattern-template to a glass surface, you can not worry that you will not reproduce exactly your idea. You will only have to draw, following the designations of the template.

Implement ideas to life

  1. We print (draw yourself) a suitable stencil and translate it to a dense material.
  2. Then it is necessary to degrease the surface that we will decorate.