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Calatea is a prayer flower. Flower Calateing Care at home Calatei variety conditions with photos and names What kind of soil is needed for Calatei

Calatea is a decorative flower of a marrital family, having the original coloring of the leaves. The plant was brought from the lands of South and Central America. Calatea is notable for the evening, and also during the rain, her leaves are raised and resemble palms folded in prayer.

The most favorable air temperature for Calatei is 18 - 26 ° C. The temperature of the soil should not be below 18 ° C. This plant loves half-day, so it is better not to post it near the window, but in the middle of the room. In the hot summer months, the air is moisturized daily, in winter - twice a week. Watering Calatei is carried out by a sufficient amount of water, once a week in the winter cold and twice in summer. Water for a flower must be a pair of degrees warmer room temperature. Water from the water supply in the untreated form cannot be used. The optimal option is water of natural origin (rain or snow).

Most varieties of events have large, expressive, oblong shape leaves. All the varieties of the flower on the back of the leaf are painted in a rich eggplant color.

Calatea Medallonic

Calatea medallion has wide sheets, outwardly resembling a medallion. The bright green surface of the leaf of the plant is drawn by pink lines.

The birthplace of this species is North-West Brazil. The flower reaches the forty centimeters of height. The "medallion" grows at the minimum air temperature in 16 ° C, and the soil temperature should be at least 20 ° C - otherwise the flower begins to rot. In the conditions of our climate, grow the "medallion" settlement is recommended in a closed sun room with optimal humidity, as a regular room plant.

Calatea wonderful

Calatea wonderful has narrow elongated leaves, wavy around the edges. On the visible side of the leaf, on both sides of the axial vein, alternate large and small spots of dark green. The flower is relatively unpretentious and can be grown in the home microclimate.

Zebrid Calate (Striped)

Zebrid Calatea brought from Brazil. Its wide and very long sheets in appearance resemble ellipses. Flowers are represented by light co-shaped inflorescences. A striped settlement is very sensitive to the environment and needs to care with special care.

Calatea Saffron (Crokat)

Calatea saffron famous famous with its bright orange flowers. Can bloom all year round. If the rest of the varieties of Calatei are valued for the beauty of the leaves, the "Crokes" will go to the fore. Fire-red flowers come out. Its leaves are simpler and imperceptible than the rest of the representatives of Calatei.

Most often increase the number of individuals of the Calate division of the bush. This flower forms tubers and modified shoots, branching and easy efforts separated when replanting. Large individuals gently divides two to three new copies, trying not to spoil the roots.

For the rapid rooting of new independent plants, they are transplanted into the pots of small sizes, covered with a film and leave in the warm winding room. When young rapid standards are starting the roots and begin to grow, the film is removed and ensure the flower of familiar care.

Reproduction of Calatei Sheet

The leaf is neatly separated from the flower, leaving both on the maternal flower, and on a height point sheet. After that, the sheet is planted in a prepared pot and is covered with film. Remove the film when the new plant leaves the roots.

Reproduction of Calatei Chenikov

Calatea can multiply and with the help of stem cuttings. The cutting should have at least 15 cm of length and at least three or four leaves, as well as necessarily left height points.

The settlement is transplanted by transshipment method into a wide and low pot, trying not to destroy the earthen com. Adult Calatia transplant once every 2-4 years, the young specimens - annually in the spring. The pot choose a little more diameter than the former.

The soil for Calatei is recommended to purchase in flower shops, as it must meet the special requirements, the most important of which are the absence of lime and good drainage. However, the soil mixture can be compiled independently by mixing one part of the earth with leaves, humus, peat, and ½ of the sand.

Calatei transplant after purchase

The transplant is just purchased by Calatei after the seven-day adaptation period, during which the flower is studied for the presence of diseases and malicious insects.

A drainage material is placed in a new pot, wide and low, thick layer. Then - a number of fresh soil, on which carefully, trying not to harm the roots and not to disrupt the integrity of the land of the land, pass by Calate. After that, the soil is shuffled from the sides until the pot is filled with entirely.

Calatea is a fairly capricious flower and it is not easy to get along with our climate. The plant needs careful care, pre-warning the development of diseases and the appearance of all sorts of pests.

TRIPS on Calatei

The occurrence of trips on the plant contributes to reduced moisture together with elevated temperatures. On the visible side of the sheet there are whiten points, and on the back - insects. As a result, the color of the surface of the leaves deteriorates, becomes dark. He is treated with a sick flower with spraying insecticides.

Shields at Calatei

The shields can be recognized by the appearance of brown plaques on the stems and sheets, of which the pests suck the cell juice. Due to the permit of the shield, the leaves of the Calatei dry out, pale and fall out. The affected parts of the plant wash with water with the household soap, and after spray with a special medicine.

Red spider ticks

Red spider ticks are trimmed when the air is cut in the room. As a result of their malicious activity, the sheets are pale, they appear flame spots, and then they fall. Sick settlement spray a number of drugs.

Calatei dries and twisted leaves

This is a sure sign of the start of the plant's disease. The most common cause of this phenomenon is the overwhelmed air, and the spraying may be unsuccessful. In this case, the situation will save the installation of an air humidifier.

Another common reason why the plants dries and leaving the leaves - drafts or cold. Calatea - the plant is thermaluminous, and the temperature is below 16 ° C are unfavorable for its cultivation.

Why yellowing the Calatea?

It happens due to the lack or, on the contrary, excess fertilizer. Special feeding for decorative and flowering indoor plants for this flower are used in the amount of ½ portion. The optimal number of fertilizer contributions from the beginning of the spring to September - once every two weeks, and from the beginning of the fall until March - once every six weeks.

The absence of flowering in the Calatei within the required period is explained by the incorrect conditions of its content. This flower is very capricious, it requires optimal climatic conditions. One of the advice on the return of flowering Calateye is to install a pot into water filled with water so that the bottom does not come into contact with water. Also, to improve the comfort, a special air-orproof weakness is necessary.

Video Care Clothing Care

Young plants - annually, adults - every 3 years 20-25 Soil should always be wet Views with smooth sheet plates can be sprayed every day, with velvety - it is impossible at all Weaven light or light half


In nature, the Calatia grows under the crowns of large trees that protect it from the sun. The direct sunlight is harmful to the plant and leaves burns on the leaves.

Optimal lighting for category - scattered light or lightweight.

The most difficult thing is to find a place for Calatei with a suitable for her. The lack of light causes the leaf pale, they lose color. Too intense light, even scattered, causes the yellowing of leafy plates.

The most suitable place for Calatei - windows overlooking the west, East or South-East. If the plant stands there, where the straight rays of the sun fall, you will definitely need to shape at the midday clock (from 11.00 to 15.00).

The duration of the day for this flower should be 14-16 hours. It is possible to achieve this using artificial lighting. Calatea grows well under luminescent or phytolampa. Especially relevant to use them in the autumn-winter period, when the light day is very short.


Calatea is very thermalid. It needs a stable temperature throughout the year without sharp drops. You also need to take care of the flower from cold drafts, do not put near air conditioners and heating batteries.

You can not lower the temperature below 15 degrees, the Calatea will die!

Optimal temperature for the cultivation of Calatei - 20-25ºС. In winter, you can slightly reduce it, if without it can not do.

But even a short-term decrease in temperature to 15 ° C and below the plant does not withstand. Its leaves are darker, withering and puments.

Since the plant is afraid of temperature drops and drafts, it is not recommended to be taken out on fresh air even in the summer. Also next to it, it is better not to open the window for venting in the winter.

If during the cold season, the pot with settlements stands on the windowsill, it is recommended to put a dense tissue under it, for example, flannel. It will save the standings from supercooling.


The plant is watered all year round so that the soil in the pot always remained wet. Even short-term drying of the Earth Koma will lead to the death of the plant.

You should not pour the flower so that the excess water does not remain in the ground. Water, glass in the pallet, is necessarily drained, otherwise there is no way to drop the roots.

Calatei should be warm, contain minimum salts and lime. Rain or melt water is perfect. If you have to water tap water, it must be defended 3 days. After that, at night, lowered in a container with water wrapped in gauze handful of peat for acidification.

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You can only spray species having smooth leaf plates. They are sprayed daily, and 1 time per week wipes with a damp cloth. For spraying, the same water is suitable as for watering.

Varieties of Calatei with velvety leaves spray and wash it impossible.

From water on them there are ugly divorces. Sometimes water causes plant leaves. Velvety species moisturize in other ways. They are placed in deep pallets with wet pebbles or in flurarals.

The soil

The soil for Calatei should be loose, nutritious and slightly sour. This plant does not withstand alkaline soils and quickly dies. The best mixture for landing will be purchased soil for marrantovwhich can be purchased in a flower shop.

If you wish, you can mix the primer for the Calatea with your own hands. The Earth for Calatei should include:

  • Humus;
  • Peat;
  • Sheet land;
  • Coarse sand.

All components are taken in equal proportions.


Feed the settlement from the beginning of April to the end of August. In autumn and winter time, feeding is not carried out. Used liquid complex fertilizers for decorative-deciduous plants.

The feeder is carried out every 2-3 weeks. It is important not to overgrown the plant., Therefore, when diluted, the mixture needs to add water 1.5-2 times more than indicated on the package.

For blooming species, for example, Calateiivashevich and Calatei saffronic needed additional feeding fertilizers for flowering indoor plants. It is carried out only during the growing season. Dosage - according to the instructions.

It is important not to overdo the fertilizer. Especially negatively on the plant affects excess calcium and nitrogen.

Optimally fertilize the plant 15-20 minutes after wateringWhen the soil is impregnated with moisture. If you make feeding to dry ground, you can easily burn the roots of the Calatei.

In winter, feeding either in general, or spend them 1 time in 40-50 days, subject to good lighting.


All types of settlements are adapted to a wet tropical and subequatorial climate. Such moisture in the apartment is impossible to maintain. It is enough to moisturize the air near the plant.

Moisturizing is carried out by spraying or installing a pot with a flower in a pallet with a wet substrate.

An excellent version of Calatei's cultivation is to install it in a flurarium.

In a large glass container, it is easy to maintain the necessary humidity. In such conditions, the Calatea is growing very well.


Consider how to care for settlements at home, when the flower is sick.

Despite its demands, the settlement is little susceptible to various infectious and fungal diseases. Most often, the flower suffers from, which will be happy to settle on it and multiply in large quantities.

The plant is affixed by a red cobweb tick, shield and trips. These insects can quickly spoil his appearance, and sometimes cause death.

If the leaves are yellow and dry, and insects are found on them, it is necessary to treat a bush insecticide as soon as possible to complete the destruction of pests.

If the pests are detected on the plant, you can try to get rid of them by popular methods. For example, thoroughly wipe all parts of the plant with a cottage dipped in ethyl alcohol (70%).

Also pests to be afraid of economic soap. Therefore, flower processing with soap solution can help get rid of them. Such processing is repeated every 2-3 days before the complete destruction of insects.

If the pests are very much, it is necessary to use insecticides, for example, actlick, phytodeterma, inta-virus.


With the cultivation of Calatei, even experienced flowerflowers often face a variety of problems. Usually incorrect care of this plant leads to yellowing, twisting and drying of the leaves.


Consider how the settlement is multiplied. Room settlement is the easiest of the division of the bush. Reproduction seeds is the most difficult way. It is inffective and practically not applied due to the difficulty of acquiring high-quality seeds and time spent for the cultivation of seedlings.

Large bushes of Calatei divide during spring transplantation. General rhizome gives rise to several young plants with 2-3 points of growth and root system.

Young plants planted in separate pots, which are installed in a wet and warm place for 1-2 months.

Another way to reproduction of Calatei is shilling. This process is a bit more time-consuming, rather than dividing the bush, but also effective.

Part of the escape or a healthy leaf neatly separated from the bush with a sharp knife. Optimally, the cuttings have 3-4 sheets, and its length was at least 12-15 cm.

The cutlets are processed by a stimulant of the root formation and is placed in a wet substrate for rooting. The container is covered with a polyethylene film, which can be removed after rooting the cutting (after 2-4 weeks).


Consider how to transplant the settlement at home.

Transplanted by the Early Spring Calate. Young specimens needed annually, adults every 3 years. It is important to know which pot is needed for Calatei.

The transplant will require a small size so that the root flower system is free to fit. In shape it should be wide enough and shallow.

At the bottom, the pot lay drainage from small clamzit. Drainage layer thickness should be at least 3 cm.Top puffed a little fresh soil.

Calateye transplant transshipmentnot to damage the gentle roots. Empty spaces on the sides fill the earth.

During the transplant, the roots of the plant should be examined. Dry, fed and damaged roots are cut into a sharp knife and poured with poured charcoal.

After transplanting, Calatech should be abundantly pouring and put in a cool, privided place. This will help her adapt after transplantation. Another watering should be carried out no earlier than 8-10 days after the transplantation.

Now you know everything about caring for settlements at home, as well as about the transplant and reproduction of the plant.


In the gallery you will see Calate in the process of care at home and in the natural environment.

Plant calatea (lat. Calathea) Presents the most numerous family of marranth family, numbering up to 130 species, which in nature grow in Central and South America. The name of the genus comes from the ancient Greek word Kalathos, which means "basket": from the leaves of Kalatei really spilled baskets. But today, Calatei flowers have at all utilitarian value, but rather an aesthetic, since the motley and incredible attractive beauty of these plants fascinates not only lovers, but also visited professionals. However, the caring for the flower of the settlement is only experienced flower, because it is incredibly capricious and requires a big attention to himself.

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Landing and care for settlements

  • Bloom: Most of the species are grown as decorative and deciduous plants, Calatei, Vashevich and Safranny bloom in January-February.
  • Lighting: Easy half.
  • Temperature: Normal for residential premises, but not lower than 16 ˚C.
  • Watering: In the season of vegetation abundant, winter is moderate.
  • Air humidity: 90%: It is recommended to regularly spray the leaves from the fine sprayer or hold the stand on the pallet with a wet pebble.
  • Feeding: From April to August twice a month with complex fertilizers for decorative-deciduous plants.
  • People's period: Not pronounced, approximately from September to January.
  • Transfer: Young plants transplant annually, adults - once every 2-3 years.
  • Reproduction: dividing bush, cuttings and seeds.
  • Diseases: Rhizoconiosis, loss of decorative leaves due to improper care.

Read more about the cultivation of Calatei below

Calatea Flower - Growing Features

The main feature of the Kalatei are their unusual leaves, but there are other properties and distinctive features that you need to know if you are going to care for homemade settlements. In most types of plants, underground shoots form a surface root system, from which the sockets of large oval leaves are growing to 30-40 cm long, on long stiffs. In the height of the Calatei flower can reach 70-90 cm. The color of the Calatea is unattractive, the exception is only the Calatea saffron and Calatea of \u200b\u200bthe Wereshevich, which have inexpressive flowers are hidden behind the bright bustal leaves of cream, white, orange and pink shades.

Home Flower Calatea is very demanding in care, but there are species more adapted to growing conditions in indoor conditions and less fit. The first belongs to the Kazhema Calate, as well as decorated, makoy, striped, Waich (Vicha) and some others.

There are one common events for all Marantic features: in the evenings, the leaves of the plant are folded and climb up, as palms during prayer, and in the morning the leaves are lowered and disclosed. For this, Calate, like a margrament, is called a "prayer flower."

Care of settlements at home

How to care for settlements

Room Flower Calatea, like all the tropical plants, heat and light, but, as they say, you need a measure in everything: if the leaves of the leaves are pale and lose decorative, then from excess light leaves become brown, which also does not add attractiveness to them . Careful Calatea involves the establishment of the balance of all the needs of Calatei and the constant observance of this fragile equilibrium, so the best place for Calatei is a light half, where bright sunny rays do not fall. Temperature mode is needed smooth, without sharp drops, lower limit 16 ºC, and no drafts!

As for moisturizing the soil, the most important quality of water is the most important thing. Water for watering should be warm (for 2-3 degrees warmer indoor air) and soft, rain or thala, but if so is not, drop from the evening in a bucket with conventional tap water wrapped in gauze two or three peat, and in the morning of this Water Moisten the soil plant. Watering in the spring-summer period should be abundant, but unnecessary water, leaving in the pallet, it is necessary to merge so that the roots do not struck the rot. In winter, watering slightly reduce. The main principle of watering is that the soil at the Calatei has always been slightly wet, but not wet.

Calatea at home, like her wild relatives, needs a very high humidity, which ideally should be 90%, but since in the usual house it is difficult to achieve this, you will often often spray from a fine sprayer or wipe the leaves of the Calatei. But only if you grow a variety with smooth rigid leaves. A varieties with velvety leaves could not be moisturized, so they will have to keep such copies on the podlon with wet pebbles in such a way that the bottom of the vase does not concern water. But the best room room feels in glass containers (aquariums, flurarums), where high air humidity is constantly supported.

Fertilizer of Calatei

In this matter, the room plant of Calatei also requires the balance of the balance: fertilizers should be sufficient, but in no case is no more than a plant. As a feeder once every two weeks from April to August, complex fertilizers for decorative-deciduous plants, and Calatei saffron and Bashevice fertilize feeders for decorative-blooming.

Calatei Transplantation

Young catelatles require an annual transplant, adults - every two or three years. There is a transplant in the spring. The pot is needed small and rather wide than deep. The soil for Calatei should be a weakly acidic reaction, breathable and loose, as for other marrine or rhododendrons, and better buy it in a specialized store. But if you want to make a soil mixture for the standards yourself, then you need to mix for this part of the humor, peat, leaf land and the half of the calcined river sand.

How to transplant Calate? First, in a pot, you need to put the drainage material in the pot, then a layer of fresh soil, to which you need carefully, trying not to destroy the earthen kom and do not damage the roots, roll out the Calate, and then shove so many new soil on the sides so that it fill in the whole pot pot.

Reproduction of Calatei

Reproduction of Calatei division bush

During the spring transplantation, the plants can be divided into its rhizome in such a way that each decene has several leaves and formed roots. Dellets are seated in pots with a diameter of 7-9 cm into the ground for marrantov, and contain in a half-heartment, in a warm and wet place - it is best on the pallet with a wet clay next to the heating radiator. Calatea is rooted for a long time, but it all depends on how you will care for it.

Shining Calatei

Overhead cuttings are very careful separated from the uterine plant, planting in a wet soil and covered with a film or a transparent bottle, which is not removed until the cutting tree is rooted. It should be noted that it is not possible to reproduce the settlement of stalling.

Reproduction of Calatei Seeds

This is the most difficult way, since even high-quality seeds of Calatei may not germinate. Sow seeds into a row with a mixture of leaf land (two parts) and sand (one part) and grow at a temperature of 21-25 ºC. With the appearance of a pair of leaves, the seedlings are pricted in boxes with the same soil, and later, when they get fixed, planted into individual pots.

Pests and diseases of Calatei

Calatei pest insects

If you have not created the required level of air humidity for the Calatea, it can be a victim of sputum ticks, trips or shields. And in that, in the other, and in the third case, the Calatei turn yellow and fall leaves. How to save the settlement from pest raids? If you have seen a thin web, sticky blooming or light points on the leaves, take measures: shields and trips are destroyed by treating leaves with soap solution. But if this measure does not help, you will have to use insecticide processing, as in the case of a spider tick.

Calatei dries leaves

If the Calatei dries only the tips of the leaves, the cause is insufficient air humidity. It is necessary to participate the leaf spraying and rearrange the plant on the wet pebbles. If dry spots appear on the leaves, then it can be traces of sunburn caused by spraying of leaves too large splashes, which, remaining on the leaves, turn under the sunny rays into magnifying glass. Why still dry by the Calatea? Due to insufficient watering, drafts and trips.

Calatea yelloweet

If the lower leaves of the Calatea turn yellow, then this is a natural course of things: old leaves die out, new ones appear. But sometimes the Calatea shines not only at the bottom, and the reasons can be at least two: first, irregular watering, secondly, overdose by fertilizers. The insufficient watering is as well as excessive or too frequent, can provoke the yellowness of the leaves. An earthen com between irrigation should die for two centimeters deep into the way, otherwise, because of the poor supply of the roots with oxygen, young roots will be rotten, and the leaves are shrouded.

As for feeding, the standards even in the period of active growth are enough half a dose recommended by fertilizer manufacturers. Calatei leaves can turn yellow when it frows.

Calatei leaves twist

Calatei will dry and leaving leaves from too dry or cool air indoors or from drafts. As you can see, any ailfish of Calatei is caused by violation of the rules of content, and so as not to ask later, why the leaves of the Calatea are twisted or why they are yellow and dry, it is enough to observe the agrotechnical conditions for this plant. Calatea Capripant, but there is nothing impossible in its requirements.

Names and types of events

In culture, such varieties of events are grown:

Kalatea Bachemiana (Calathea Bachemiana)

One of the most unpretentious events from Brazil. She has no stalks, and lane acetic leather leaves, silver-green with a dark green pattern along the middle veil, reach a length of 40 cm.

Macoa Calathea (Calathea Makoyana)

It is also a brazilian to 50 cm high. The leaves are widespread, in length up to 20 cm, in a width of up to 10 cm, white, the almost transparent top side of the sheet is drawn by dark green stripes, reddish stains and bright green veins.

Calatea painted (Calathea Picturata)

The leaves are oblong to 20 cm in length, the central vein and the strip on the edge of the light shade, the middle of the dark green.

Leopard Calathea (Calathea LEOPARDINA)

The plant is basic 40-50 cm in height, oval lanceal leaves 10-12 cm long, 3-4 cm wide, light green with dark green elliptic stains connected by central vein.

Calatea Decorated (Calathea Ornata)

Right of wet forests of Colombia. This is a short plant just up to 15 cm in height. Oval leaves up to 20 cm long and 6 cm in a width of a yellowish-green color with silver and pink lines, the bottom side of the leaf purple. He has two varieties: Calathea Ornata Roseolineata and Calathea Sanderiana.

Calathea CroCata (Calathea Crocata)

It is distinguished by the leaves of dark green color from the upper side and almost brown below. If you have ever seen how this category blooms, you want to see it again: beautiful bright yellow, almost orange inflorescences appear in January or February, but only if you are able to organize a decade-hour day.

This exotic flower is capable of cleaning air from formaldehyde in air.. In addition, the plant has a soothing effect, it is especially useful to people suffering from insomnia.

According to Chinese scientists, this flower is capable of protecting a person from a cold, because it has a special energy and warms the body. Calatea contributes to the absorption of blood clots.

It is believed that this plant helps in trade and personal life. Robust people acquire confidence and inner power.

How to care for settlements at home?

Consider in more detail how to properly care for the room flower of the settlement at home.

The main rule of cultivation of Calatei - Creating warm and wet conditions for it, only in this case the plant will feel good and retain their decorativeness.


For Calatei, you need to choose a place in which there is enough light, but there is no straight sun. Hitting direct ray plant is contraindicated.

The most suitable for growing are southeast or southwestern windows.

Eastern, west sides are also suitable, but on the north side, the plant will suffer from lack of light.

On the south window, the leaves will lose decorativeness, pale.

If the Light Calatee is missing, it will stop the growth, and the leaves will begin to dry and fall.

It is necessary to grow flower in some distance from the window. If you keep it on the windowsill, the leaves will be inclined towards the sun and the plant will lose the form.


Calatea feels well at a temperature of 20-25 degrees. It can even be transferred to a strong heat in 30-35, but provided sufficient humidity.

In winter, the temperature should not fall below 16-17 degrees. In such conditions, the root system will begin to be installed.

Very harmful to settlements of drafts and temperature differences. During the air ventilation, make sure that the wind blows from the window do not fall on the plants.

Humidity and rules of irrigation

Sufficient air humidity - one of the main requirements of the flower content. The required humidity is rationally maintained using the humidifier. You can put a capacity with settlements in the pallet with pebbles, moss or clay, in which water is nanite.

IMPORTANT! Water in the pallet should be so much that the bottom of the pot does not concern it.

It is also permissible to apply the air spraying method around the plant. At the same time, the plant itself is not recommended to spray. You can only sometimes wipe the leaves with a wet cloth.

A very effective way to maintain moisture balance and temperature for Calatei is its cultivation in the aquarium.

A layer of sand is poured into it, which is periodically moistened.

It is in such conditions that the settlement will be at a stable temperature, the walls of the aquarium will protect it from the draft and prevent air cutting.

The irrigation frequency directly depends on the air temperature. In the heat of watering spend every three days, soaking with the soil as it should. It is impossible to allow water stagnation in the pallet after watering; it needs to be immediately drained. If this is not done, the roots will definitely begin to rot.

IMPORTANT! Do not water the plant until the upper layer is dry by 3-4 centimeters. Watering the settlement you need an exceptionally soft, weathered water. In addition, water should be warmer room temperature for several degrees.


From early April until the end of August, the plant fade twice a month. Universal fertilizers are suitable for decorative indoor room colors. In winter, the feeders are sharply reduced to once a month and a half.

ATTENTION! Do not feed the campaign with nitrogen mixtures, they transfers badly.

Soil and transplant rules

How to transplant Calate?

The transplant is carried out in spring strictly once every two years.. The soil for Calatei is prepared as follows: a mixture of leaf land, humid, peat and sand (1x1x1x0.5). From the finished mixtures, the land for Azalei is fits.

IMPORTANT! In the soil should not contain lime, its settlement does not tolerate.

A transplanting pot must be taken on 4-5 centimeters more in the diameter of the previous one. Capacity pick up wide but shallow. A large layer of drainage is stacked on the bottom.

The transplant is carried out by transshipment with a partial substitute for the soil.

IMPORTANT! The roots of the plant are quite fragile, so it is necessary to transplant it carefully to not damage them.

Crane formation

Calatea independently copes with the formation of a beautiful bush, so she does not need trimming. From the plants only it is recommended to remove damaged and dried leaves.

How does decorative settlement flowers?

Calatea blooms only if ideal conditions have been created for it.

The main condition is the humidity of the air and soil.

If the roots or lack of moisture in the air are allowed, even for a short time, the plant will not be able to form floral buds.

Another reason for the lack of colors is the inappropriate soil.

This flower needs a special, with an increased air permeability, a composition having a weakly acidic response. Only under all the conditions can be achieved by flowering this capricious flower.

However, some types of plants please their owners blossom every year. Flowers with orange, lush inflorescences, and has cream or white-pink flowers.

Methods of breeding

To multiply the plant can be seeds, the division of the bush and stalling.

  • The best way is the division of the bush. The root system of this flower is tubers - modified shoots. They have sufficient branching and easily separated from each other.

    After dividing, the bushes are searched into individual pots and for better rooting are covered with a film to full rooting;

  • somewhat harder to reproduce the settlement by a sheet or cutlets. In the first case, a sheet with a growth point is separated from an adult copy, they are sled into a separate pot, moisturized and covered with a transparent cap.

    The drawing is carried out with a bit of 15 cm long having three or four sheets. At the workpiece must be present to the growth points. Cuttings, like sheet, root in a wet substrate;

  • seed reproduction of Calatei - Classes for experienced and patient flower. Seeds have a very bad germination and suitable only a very short period of time. Therefore, purchasing them in the store, be careful.

Calatei sowing is produced in a mixture of sheet soil and sand.

Shallowly sealed seeds are covered with a film and placed in the room with an air temperature of at least 22-25 degrees.

Sprouts with a favorable outcome will appear only in 25-30 days.

At the age of 20-30 days, the sprouts are placed in separate pots.

When transplanting must be as cautious as possible, since any damage to the roots will not allow shooting to take care and start growth.

Difficulties of growing

It very much reacts to unsuitable conditions of content. If she doesn't like something,. Especially acute it reacts to the cold, emanating from window glass and open vents, so do not hold this plant on the windowsill.

This capricious flower requires special attention. But if you comply with all rules for Calatei's care, then it will rejoice you for a long time with your unusual beauty.

Useful video

See the useful video about the settlement below:

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Correctly and in time a configuration of the health of any plant. But first things first.

To perform a conceived transplant, you need to know several uncomplicated rules. The procedure itself does not take you a lot of time, however, the preparation and subsequent care may require you some amount of energy and patience.


In the spring of Calate, you need to transplant: the young plant is every year, and the adult is enough once every two or three years. An adult flower, as a rule, consider the plant, which, after the seating, sprout at least one year in a new place and gothes. You can get rid of transplant, if one every two years in the seating flower. In the opposite case, it is advised to make a dive once a year.

Before performing work

Capacity and soil

For the correct transplantation of Calatei, they choose a small pot with a wide neck (in size in diameter 7-9 cm). As an earth, they take a special soil for marrantovy or make up it themselves in such proportions: they take one part of the leaf land, peat and humus, as well as the floor of the sized river sand and stirred. The soil must be crumbly.


At first, the soil is falling asleep: the drainage layer and part of the soil. Then transfer the settlement to a new pot and the remaining space around the flower falls asleep so that it stands vertically. During the transplant, it should be especially attentive and neat, so as not to damage the roots of the Calatei.
When transferring the flower can be seeded: separate the part that has several roots and leaves and put it in a separate pot.


After transplanting, Calatei must be kept in a half-way, where its conditions will be observed, namely the temperature and humidity of the air. Some recommend even cover it with a plastic bag or put in aquarium. It can take quite a lot of time to take care of a new place. When the flower becomes accompanied by a new state, you can transplant it in a little more (with a diameter of more than 2 cm) and care for it already as an adult plant.


There are two most popular methods for obtaining new plants, consider them more detail:


You can still grow up a settlement from the clothespin - for this, they take a sheet or other part of the adult plant and plant in wet land. After that, it is necessary to wait until it becomes - what is possible only when the conditions for the life of the Calatei are observed. That is, it should be remembered that even in this form of Calatea still loves humidity and warmth and does not like darkness, just like direct sunlight.


The most difficult method of reproduction of the flower at home is considered reproduction using seeds. And rightly: to grow from a small seed from the flower can take years. In addition, even the best and high-quality seeds may not exist. Add to this pre-training seeds - and this method is really becoming the most difficult even for experienced kalate lovers.
Seeds are stored in a dry dark place, slightly cool. Usually the operations needed to prepare seeds to landing are described on the package with them (for this reason it is better to buy them in the store). If you have not saved instructions or got seeds as a gift from someone, you should go according to the standard scheme. Usually experienced flowers advise at the beginning of the seeds to disinfect. To do this, it is advised to use a solution of 1% manganese in such proportions: 100 grams of water take 1 gram of a solution of manganese.
As a soil, a mixture of leaf land (two parts) and sand (one part) is used. Seeds are planted in a bowl almost not blunting. The temperature should be quite high, preferably in the range of 21-25ºC. When the first leaves appear, you can transfer plants into boxes. Use the same mixture as the soil. After that, they are waiting until the seedlings are growing, and then you can land them in your own pot.

Care for seedlings

Little plants are even more sensitive to temperature drops, a lack of humidity and drafts - which are easily able to destroy the Calate. Therefore, it is necessary to have newly planted flowers away from the places where drafts are possible and carefully take care of them: keep the temperature, air humidity in the room and keep away from direct sunlight and shadows, in a half.