Repair Design Furniture

How to make a brazier from a gas cylinder? The order of work and photos of finished projects. Do-it-yourself stove from a gas cylinder: photo and instructions Drawing of a barbecue from a propane cylinder

With the onset of cold weather, many are thinking about how to better insulate their house and make it more comfortable for wintering. Besides the main thermal insulation works with walls, a roof and a floor, you can create an additional source of heat - a stove from a gas cylinder. The practice of designing such devices goes back decades, and during this time many schemes and methods have been invented for creating functional furnaces from simple gas cylinders. In this article, we will tell you about the most popular ones.

Homemade stoves from gas cylinders are significantly superior in terms of economy and efficiency to similar designs from other scrap materials. This is due to the very shape of the balloon - it is ideal for pyrolysis processes. The quality of the furnace depends on its firebox. Practice has shown that the ideal shape for the combustion chamber is a sphere. Plus, there should be two holes in it: for oxygen inlet and removal of gases and smoke into the chimney. The elongated cylinder of the gas cylinder allows you to realize all necessary requirements to a perfect firebox without significant deformations.

Furnace types

An old cylinder, aimlessly gathering dust for years somewhere in a barn, can serve as the basis for creating a stove for a home. And the most remarkable thing is that the matter is not limited to any one type - you can choose a design to your taste. Each type of furnace from a gas cylinder differs in the degree of assembly complexity, efficiency and principle of operation. So, the most popular option is the familiar potbelly stove. We will talk about its advantages, disadvantages and installation method a little later.

The working oven is also popular, since the cost of used oil is very low and allows you to save on fuel. You can build a rocket furnace from a gas cylinder, but for beginners it is better to start with something simpler, since such a design is very complex and requires a lot of time and labor. The photo below shows a diagram of such a rocket stove and how it looks in the interior.

The basic rule when assembling a stove from a gas cylinder with your own hands is to mix financial investments to a minimum. It is also important to ensure the convenience and safety of using the structure, especially if it will be located in a residential building.

Choosing a cylinder

Not every gas cylinder is suitable for making a stove. First of all, it must be all-metal, since explosion-proof composite products do not differ in heat resistance. The capacity of the cylinder also plays a role - an efficient stove is unlikely to turn out from a small 5-liter flask. Such a cylinder can only be used to create a fuel tank for a liquid fuel furnace. From cylinders with a volume of 12 liters and 27 liters, furnaces with a capacity of 2-3 kW and 5-7 kW, respectively, will be obtained.

But, the most the best option for the construction of a high-quality stove capable of heating a small private house, is a 50 liter cylinder 30 cm in diameter and 85 cm in height. Its volume is quite enough for practically waste-free combustion of any kind of fuel. In addition, such cylinders are still in demand and a serviceable product can be bought at very low cost. The furnace assembly technologies described below involve the use of just such cylinders.

Helpful advice: If you come across a cylinder with a valve, then it is better to choose it for the stove, and not a product with a valve. With the help of the valve, it is convenient to regulate the combustion power of the furnace, supplying more or less oxygen to the combustion compartment.

It is also worth mentioning the 40 liter industrial gas cylinders. It is best not to use them to create ovens, as they are too narrow, heavy and cumbersome. Some make from small 2-10 liter balloons camping stoves, but they are only suitable if you go on hikes by car - the products weigh too much.

Potbelly stove from a cylinder

As we have already said, the most popular stove that can be assembled from a cylinder is a potbelly stove. For its manufacture, a small cylinder of 12 liters or 27 liters is suitable, but you can take a 50 liter container if heating is supposed country house... The potbelly stove is suitable for heating small room, for example, a country house, garage or workshop. If you have built a new country house, but did not have time to carry out heating communications before the cold weather, the stove will be your salvation for the winter.

The device of a potbelly stove from a cylinder is quite simple: a firebox with a grate, a blower and a chimney. You can put it in any room from which it is convenient to bring the chimney outside. The design is compact and safe. It warms up very quickly and immediately gives off heat to the room. Some are attached to the top of the stove hob to cook food or heat water.

However, the bourgeoisie has one serious drawback - no matter how thick the metal of the furnace walls is, it burns out over time. And the more often you use the stove, the faster it will happen. For this reason, it is better to make such a stove as a temporary or spare heat source, for example, in emergency situations or for additional heating.

In the video - a stove from a gas cylinder for heating a garage:

In the video material above, a stove from two gas cylinders is demonstrated, but one is enough to create an effective design. In addition to the cylinder, you will need steel corners (stove legs), a metal grate for the grate, sheet steel 3-4 mm thick, a door and a chimney of the required length. From the tools you will need a grinder, a welding machine, metal scissors, a hammer, a screwdriver and a hammer drill with a set of metal drills.

How to make a stove from a gas cylinder:

  1. Unscrew the bezel with a tap located at the top of the cylinder. If you can't unscrew it, you can gently knock it out with a hammer.
  2. Fill a canister with cold water or submerge it halfway into a hole in the ground.
  3. In the upper part, make a hole the size of the door of the future oven.
  4. Using a welder, make a frame for the door from steel corners and attach it to the cylinder.
  5. Place the door against the frame in the position it will be secured to and make holes in the corners for the bolts. Screw the door onto the frame.
  6. Where the bottom of the stove will be, cut a hole for the grate and weld the grate.
  7. Attach sheet steel sides to the cut-out hole on 3 sides. As a result, you should end up with a box without the top. Weld it to the bottom of the cylinder with the open side facing the door - through this passage you will remove the ash. It is important that the box is completely sealed.
  8. Install a metal shutter to regulate the oxygen entering the furnace.
  9. Weld the legs from the steel corners to the bottom of the cylinder.
  10. On the wall opposite the door, cut a hole to match the diameter of the chimney. Equip an elbow chimney, then the heat will not leave the stove so quickly.

Working furnace

It is a little more difficult to make a stove for working out from a gas cylinder than a potbelly stove, but this work is quite feasible even for novice self-taught stove-makers. If you do everything according to the instructions, you get a very effective device that can quickly heat the garage, small country house or a change house.

The principle of operation of the furnace during testing is as follows: you pour oil into the fuel compartment and ignite it, air is dosed through the air throttle, which affects the intensity of combustion. The heat of combustion of oxygen here is mainly spent on evaporation - the vapors rush upward and enter the reactor with perforated walls. Penetrates through the holes Fresh air, which only intensifies the combustion of oil vapors, as a result of which the temperature rises, and the pyrolysis process begins. Not only oil burns, but also vapors, so there is practically no waste of such a furnace. In the upper part of the pyrolysis compartment, the gases practically burn out and go out into the afterburner, which consists of two compartments: in the first, pyrolysis vapors burn out, which maintain the temperature, in the second, due to the high temperature and lack of oxygen, nitric oxides of gases decompose into oxygen and nitrogen. Oxygen supports the afterburning of gases, and the furnace temperature is kept stable at approximately the same level.

The outlet into the chimney from the afterburner should be located as far as possible from the partition - about 20 cm. The efficiency of such a furnace is about 80%, which is one of the highest rates among homemade heating devices.

As a rule, cylinders with a volume of 50 liters are used for the manufacture of waste oil furnaces. They are sawn in a ratio of 2: 1 - the smaller part goes to the creation of the reservoir, and the larger part goes to the afterburner. The result is a furnace with a capacity of up to 30 kW. However, due to the specific fuel, all possible safety measures should be taken - a burning mining can do a lot of troubles. Do not install this oven in a residential area and keep children and pets away from it.

Long burning oven

To make a long-burning furnace from a gas cylinder, you will need a large capacity of 50 liters. Any wood product can be used as a fuel, from sawdust to old furniture and branches garden trees... Since the fuel in such stoves burns in a thin layer at the very surface, they are also called long surface combustion stoves. The pyrolysis process can be carried out in two ways: in a separate small chamber with subsequent burnout of gases in the afterburner (separate combustion furnace), or the gases will pass into a spacious heated buffer compartment, where they will burn out (combined furnaces). To ensure the highest possible efficiency in both the first and second cases, it is recommended to heat up the air that enters the pyrolysis zone.

Bubafonya stove

The long-burning stove with the funny name Bubafonya is very popular among summer residents and stove-makers. In this design, the pyrolysis process is concentrated under a special pressure. The image below shows a diagram of such a furnace, from which you can understand the principle of its design and operation.

Coefficient useful action Bubafoni can be 85% or more, while the duration of heat transfer from a single fuel load is 18-24 hours. If you need to constantly monitor an ordinary potbelly stove, otherwise you risk freezing, then Bubafoni can be visited only once a day, which is very convenient. The moisture content of the fuel for the stove should be no more than 12%. During the combustion process, you can throw more wood or chips, but it is highly discouraged to stop the stove until the fuel has completely burned out.

Important: For the manufacture of the Bubafoni oven, it is necessary to use a 50 liter cylinder with a diameter of 30 cm, since it provides the minimum allowable volume.

Such a stove turns out to be very economical, despite the fact that you can make it at home:

Helpful advice: It is best to make the chimney prefabricated, and start assembling it not from the stove, but from back side- from the roof (then it will be more convenient to disassemble it for maintenance and repair). Many people prefer to install a glass with a revision so as not to disassemble the chimney to remove soot.

Gas cylinder stove: photo

Finally, we suggest that you take a look at the drawings of stoves from gas cylinders and see what structures you can build with your own hands.

This is how Bubafonya looks inside:

Summer is a picnic season that cannot be imagined without kebabs and grilled vegetables. There are many ways to prepare food in nature, for which you need a barbecue. You can buy a ready-made structure in a store or place an order in a workshop. But it is better to make a brazier from a gas cylinder with your own hands. So you can get an exclusive product that meets the stated requirements and personal preferences.

Braziers are made from propane or oxygen cylinders having high quality metal. They are characterized by solid standard dimensions, regular geometric shape, good capacity, and the ability to arrange a large number of skewers. The height of the structure can be adjusted for the growth of the owner, which cannot be obtained from factory models. This will enable the person not to bend when cooking meat, but to stand upright.

Experienced craftsmen can, using their own imagination, using welding, fittings and metal, create unusual products who will become original decoration the exterior of a country house or summer cottage, which is clearly demonstrated by photos of barbecues from a cylinder.

The design of such a product is easy to manufacture. It is enough to carefully study the drawing of the barbecue with your own hands from a cylinder and, if you have minimal skills, create a structure. This option is the most budgetary. After all, the product is made from an old unusable cylinder, so the design basis will be free. Estimate how much a brazier made with my own hands, can be based on the cost of additional constituent elements of the structure.

Since the gas cylinder has thick walls, finished structure will be able to withstand high pressure and high temperature without the risk of deformation of the product. Therefore, the service life of the barbecue increases. In addition, the bottom does not burn out during prolonged contact with an open fire, which means that after cooking there is no need to fill the product with water. If you make a brazier with a hinged lid, you can leave it outside without fear negative impact atmospheric precipitation. In addition, a brazier with a lid can be used as a home.

The structure can be completed with additional elements, which will increase its functionality. The brazier from the cylinder can be easily transported and installed to another place.

Among the disadvantages are the following:

  • due to its large dimensions, the structure may not fit into the interior of a small courtyard;
  • the brazier has a significant weight, so two people will be needed to move it;
  • the structure has a limited space for logs, so it is better to use coal as a raw material.

This will make it possible not to wait too long for the wood to burn out and there will be enough space for placing the skewers.

Brazier from a gas cylinder: construction options

Several options for barbecues can be made from an old gas cylinder:

  • traditional design without and with a lid;
  • B-B-Q;
  • smoker;
  • smokehouse.

The last three varieties differ from classic look barbecue. The barbecue is represented by a simple design, consisting of a part of a container, inside which there is a grid for placing products and an area for charcoal. The cut off part of the balloon will act as a lid and will be hinged.

There is a firebox in the smokehouse. In order for the structure to cope with the task at hand, it must be airtight. For this, half of the bottom of the product is removed. The firebox is made of metal sheets and welded to the main structure. A chimney is attached to it by means of welding, which helps to remove smoke from the smokehouse. After finishing the construction of the structure, it should be heated several times with wood and only then start smoking.

Helpful advice! For the manufacture of the firebox, you can use another cylinder.

The most complex and multifunctional structure is the smoker, which is also called a steam locomotive. To manufacture the structure, you will need several cylinders, each of which will perform its own function. This device combines the capabilities of a barbecue, barbecue, smokehouse and grill.

Necessary tools and materials for making a do-it-yourself barbecue from a cylinder

The basis of the design is a gas cylinder measuring 96 cm in length, 30 cm in width, with a volume of 50 liters. You can also create a brazier from a similar product of 80 liters, with an increased diameter, which contributes to increased comfort during firing up. This product is characterized by good capacity, allowing the use of the full length of standard skewers. This greatly facilitates the process of preparing barbecue for a large company.

There should be no external damage on the structure that could lead to the formation of small foci of corrosion, which, under the influence open fire and high temperatures will turn into holes. After a while, such a fate will befall the entire structure. Even if the grill is covered with heat-resistant paint, all defects will be found. Holes can be welded, but this will ruin the appearance of the product.

Helpful advice! To create a small mobile barbecue, you can use a traditional 27 liter cylinder.

Before making a brazier with your own hands, you should prepare the following materials and tools:

  • electric drill with metal drills;
  • welding machine;
  • clamps for fixing metal components;
  • pipe wrench;
  • grinder;
  • hammer;
  • chisel;
  • screwdrivers;
  • electrodes with a diameter of 4 mm;
  • stripping and cutting;
  • scribe;
  • drill brush attachment;
  • spray or brush for further coloring the product;
  • metal pipe with a diameter of 100 mm for the chimney;

  • a knee with a radius of 900;
  • door hinges;
  • metal corner;
  • metal handles that will be attached to the lid;
  • barbecue grill;
  • fasteners in the form of nuts, rivets, bolts;
  • priming;
  • paint;
  • solvents;
  • various decorative elements.

Preparatory stage before disassembling the cylinder

Before making the right brazier, you should prepare the balloon. It is necessary to remove the remaining gas from it by unscrewing the valve with an adjustable water wrench and a steel pipe used as a lever. It is quite problematic to remove the fitting on the cylinder, since it is securely soldered to the body. To prevent the container from turning, a stop angle should be attached to its bottom.

At the junction of the valve with the body, you can apply a "Vedashka" and wait a few hours until the thread peels off. The procedure is required only for outdoors, away from potential sources of ignition and other locations where ignition may occur.

Helpful advice! To make sure that the bottle is empty, soak the valve with soapy water. If it is bubbling, then the gas is still coming out.

After the cylinder is completely empty, it is recommended to turn it upside down so that all accumulated condensate will drain out. Next, the container is filled with water, which helps to displace all vapors and residues. For this water supply hose connects to the installation site of the crane. Water should be supplied under low pressure. This simple operation helps to prevent hazardous situations associated with disassembling the product. The tap is put in place, and the structure remains in this state for 2-3 days to remove all odors.

The optimal size of the barbecue: the implementation of the markup

While the water is in the cylinder, marking is performed according to a previously developed drawing of a barbecue from a gas cylinder with the indicated dimensions. Usually, for the barbecue, a product with a volume of 50 liters with an outer diameter of 96 cm is used. The dimensions of the barbecue from a gas cylinder: length - 98 cm, width - 30 cm, height excluding legs - 30 cm. This design is enough to prepare six servings of barbecue.

It is convenient to mark out from the longitudinal seam. The diameter of the gas cylinder is divided into four equal parts - 24 cm each. From the seam, this value is deposited in both directions. To the right and left of the circular seams, 3 cm recede, and marks are placed every 8 cm.Thus, 6 marks are obtained for future placement of skewers. Holes with a diameter of 1 cm are drilled in them.

Helpful advice! Despite the fact that the grill from the cylinder is simple product, at the initial stage, you should make a small drawing of a barbecue from a gas cylinder with dimensions and an indication of the points of attachment of individual elements.

From the line on which the marking was carried out, 10 cm is laid up, i.e. from the middle of the seam it turns out 34 cm. At this point, the barbecue cover will end, which is marked in the next step. It takes the distance between the first drawn line and the one just marked. A straight line is drawn between them, stepping back 3 cm from the circular welds. Also, from the initial marked strip, they are moved 10 cm down for the future fastening of the legs, which should be placed parallel to each other.

Helpful advice! If inside the product there are metal rings, the cut should be made in such a way as not to damage them. In the future, they can become the support for the lid.

How to make a brazier with your own hands from a balloon: a sequence of actions

Based on the markings made, the product is cut. You can study the process in detail on the video "Brazier from a gas cylinder with your own hands." To do this, it is recommended to use a grinder or gas cutter. The cut should start from the middle and work towards one of the edges. The grinder disk must be held perpendicular to the cylinder. Since the product has a large wall thickness and the cutting process takes place at a high intensity, in order to avoid premature disc burning, it is recommended to cut in some places not completely. These areas can then be eaten away with a chisel.

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Features and types of designs, interesting options design and photo, popular projects with drawings and step by step description manufacturing technology.

When cutting the balloon, it is necessary not to reach the circular seams by 3 cm. Having made a cut along one line, the loops should be welded. If you cut off the lid completely, the action will be more difficult, since the lid will have to be fixed at the same distance, which will be inconvenient to do alone.

To attach the hinges, clean and grind seats... The elements are riveted and welded. Next, proceed to the installation of fasteners. After that, the cutting of the cylinder along the lines is completed. In this case, the cover will rotate but not fall. At this stage, the water from the bottle can be drained. It is recommended to do this away from residential areas, since methane has a pungent odor that lasts for several days.

When making a removable cover, you should take care that it does not fall inside. For this, metal strips are welded to the transverse edges of the product.

So that the lid in the open position does not break the hinges, leaning back, it is required to weld a piece of the corner between the hinges along the cut line. Its width can be 3-4 cm. Such stops are made on both sides of the cover - left and right. By unbending the corners, the distance required to open the lid is adjusted. It is chosen in such a way that when closing this element it is not necessary to bend forward to reach the handle.

How to make a brazier from a gas cylinder: handles and openings for oxygen access

The next step is to weld on the handle. It can be of any kind and be made of various available materials that are resistant to heat. The most primitive option is to weld a piece of concave reinforcement appropriately. In this case, it is advisable to attach a piece of wood to it so that you can grab the handle. Such a part can be attached to the product using bolts.

To prevent the lid from falling through, it is necessary to weld from the inside to the cutout around the entire perimeter of the product a metal strip 2-3 mm thick and 3-3.5 cm wide. products (opposite each of the holes), cuts are made to the welded plate, which are necessary for installing skewers.

The next step is to make slots for air intake to the bottom of the product. This must be done because the structure of the building is closed. This means that coal and wood will burn badly in it without oxygen. To do this, the grill should be turned upside down. From the seam, 10 cm is deposited in both directions. A distance of 10-12 cm is measured from the resulting lines. Thus, longitudinal stripes of a given width are obtained. Slices are made across the strip every 5-7 cm for air intake. The strips can be replaced with holes, but a large number of them will be required, which will take a lot of time.

It is not recommended to make holes in the bottom of the cylinder. First, the factory seam should not be touched - this can lead to a decrease in the rigidity of the structure. Secondly, at the bottom, any holes are clogged with grease mixed with ash and ash. In the future, such a mixture can clog the holes and impair the flow of air.

The final step is to cut the tap and weld the resulting hole. Also, in this place, you can provide a metal pipe for removing smoke and ventilating the barbecue in a closed state. The brazier is ready, it remains to attach legs to it. You can see all the stages in detail on the photo selection "How to cook a brazier".

Making legs for a barbecue from a gas cylinder with your own hands

Do-it-yourself legs for a barbecue from a gas cylinder - the photo clearly confirms this - can be made from any material: fittings, a profile or round pipe, a strip of thick metal. The corners or pipes are sawn into four parts about 50-70 cm long. The elements are welded to the body in previously marked places at the same distance from each other so that they form a rectangle of the correct shape.

At the ends of the support legs, it is necessary to weld square metal plates, thanks to which the brazier will be more stable on the surface. You can also use two metal profiles connected parallel to the other two legs at the bottom of the product.

When making legs from sheet metal, two strips 40 cm long and 20 cm wide should be cut. The ribbons are bent in the form of an arc along the diameter of the product. Legs are welded to their ends. Further, to create the necessary rigidity and strength, each pair of legs is attached below cross bar... A corner with a length corresponding to the value of the product is welded between the two posts.

A popular and simple option for legs is a sewing machine design. The brazier can be installed on wheels, which will make it easy to move it around the yard.
If you use a profile pipe for the legs, they will look like an inverted "T", and they can also be welded to the middle of the product. You can make a support in the form of a frame with a shelf at the bottom for placing firewood, coal, bowls, etc.

A good option is to make legs from rebar and round pipe. In this case, a portable structure can be obtained. Pieces of pipes of the required diameter are welded to the body of the barbecue, into which reinforcement rods of the required length are inserted. You can, on the contrary, weld pieces of reinforcement and put pieces of pipes on them. suitable diameter... However, it should be borne in mind that when the barbecue moves, the legs may fall out. Therefore, it is recommended to cut the threads for them. The manufacture of various support options can be studied in the video "Brazier from a gas cylinder: manufacturing of support structures".

Barbecue coloring from a propane cylinder

To paint a barbecue, smokehouse, barbecue from a gas cylinder with your own hands, you should use heat-resistant paint, since the possible temperature in the barbecue can reach 800 0C. The painting should protect the metal from corrosion and temperature extremes when it comes into contact with a red-hot body. cold water... When heated, the coating should not emit elements harmful to human health and enter into a chemical reaction with other substances.

Before painting, the surface of the gas cylinder is cleaned of old paint... The procedure can be carried out using sandpaper or a special metal drill bit. Further, the entire surface is degreased with a solvent, acetone or alcohol and covered with a primer. The heat-resistant enamel should be mixed well before application until a homogeneous state is obtained. All clots and sediment must be removed from it. If the consistency is too thick, the paint is not diluted big amount solvent.

The paint is applied with a spray gun or a brush in several layers until a smooth and beautiful surface is obtained. Each coat must dry completely before applying the next one. The ambient temperature must be above 20 ° C.

The most popular heat-resistant paints are acrylic mixtures in spray cans. With a unique composition, they are safe, effective, quick-drying and long-lasting. Also, the paint is characterized by anti-corrosion properties. It is sprayed at a distance of 20 cm and applied in several layers, each of which dries within 2 hours. The palette of shades is quite wide, but the most popular are silver and black.

Brazier from a gas cylinder: photo of product varieties

Using the instructions for making a brazier with your own hands from a gas cylinder, which you can buy at finished form at experienced craftsmen, it's easy to make a barbecue. For this, a corner is welded along the long side of the product body. The result is a shelf on which a lattice welded from reinforcement rods will be located. A convenient option would be to divide the areas in the barbecue grill with a net and space for skewers. You can also create a stationary brazier. For this, small tables from the corners are welded on the sides and in front of the structure.

An alternative to staining - stylization of the "antique" barbecue

Another design option from a balloon is to create a brazier-smokehouse with your own hands. This device has an additional element in the form of a firebox. To create it, strips are cut from the bottom of the cylinder, then half of the bottom is cut out. Thus, a place is obtained for organizing the furnace, which is made of dense metal sheets with a thickness of 2-3 mm and is welded to the bottom. The result is a one-piece sealed structure, which is clearly shown in the photo of the smokehouse.

It is also necessary to organize here chimney... It can be purchased at a hardware store or made from a smaller diameter gas cylinder. It is recommended to improve the design and install a motor that will rotate the spit with meat, which can be seen on the video "Brazier-smokehouse with your own hands from a gas cylinder". Drawings, photos of which there are a large number on the Internet, will also help to complete the structure and get a multifunctional structure.

Another unique building is a brazier-steam locomotive. The design is made from several cylinders different diameters, barrels and main pipes. This product combines a brazier, smokehouse, barbecue and do it yourself. The structure is complemented by forged elements that give the structure an original and aesthetic appearance.

Using imagination and a creative creative approach, you can make a brazier in the form of a pig, a dog, a house and even a submarine, which is clearly demonstrated by photos of braziers from a gas cylinder with your own hands.

How to make a brazier from car disks

The brazier from car disks combines a barbecue, a smokehouse, a hob and a grill from a gas cylinder. Metal structure can be done from old wheel rims from the car. You should take those that are made of solid steel, and not of an aluminum alloy.

Brazier from car drives performed different ways... For the simplest design, one element is sufficient. The inner part is cut out of it, forming a container similar to a kettle. If there are too large holes in the bottom, it is necessary to provide metal plate... However, the openings should not be completely covered as the coals must be blown through to maintain the heat. On the sides of the bottom, you need to weld the legs from the pipe.

On such a grill, you can fry not only a kebab strung on a skewer, but also prepare a barbecue. For this, the structure should be covered with a metal grill. It would be more expedient to make it removable. For the convenience of moving the barbecue symmetrically on the sides of the structure, handles are welded. To maintain the heat, a window can be made on the side of the disc.

To cook a brazier more complex design, you need two disks of the same size. On one of them, a partition is cut out using a gas cutter. The elements are placed on top of each other and welded around the perimeter. The baffle of the second disc is the bottom for the first. It will be convenient to place a bowler hat here. In the side of the lower disc there is a window for throwing firewood.

Another noteworthy option is to weld two elements to each other, which have a pre-cut in the middle. In the side of the structure, a window is made through which firewood is fed into the firebox. The upper part of the structure is equipped with a grill that turns the grill into a barbecue.

How to make a barbecue from a barrel and pipe

To create a barbecue from a barrel, you will need a container with a volume of 50-60 liters with a diameter of 40-50 cm. The product must have a wall with a thickness of 2-3 mm. You can create two grills from a barrel. To do this, cut the product in half.

The manufacturing process of the structure is similar to the creation of a grill-smokehouse from a gas cylinder. Only the dimensions of the product will differ, on the basis of which the markings are made for future cutting. However on preparatory stage no need to fill the container with water. In the side part, cut a round hole on top for the chimney, and at the bottom for ventilation.

A good solution is also to use another barrel mounted on the side lid as a pedestal, where a full-fledged smokehouse is organized. To create a structure, you can use the drawings found on the Internet.

Helpful advice! A 27L gas can can be attached next to the barrel, which can be used as a storage location for coal.

The construction is quite often performed from metal pipe... This is a more time consuming option and needs to be used. additional material... To create the walls of the structure, use a metal sheet... If a smoke exhaust pipe is provided, its diameter should be 70-100 mm.

Important! For the barbecue, you should not use a barrel of fuels and lubricants. The specific smell cannot be eliminated by anything.

Today you can buy a ready-made grill from a gas cylinder, the price of which is on average 5,000 rubles. However, a homemade design is even cheaper and can last for many years with proper use and proper care. Equipping with additional elements a grill from a gas cylinder, which can be bought in specialized stores, you will receive a multifunctional facility for smoking, grilling and barbecue. A creative approach to product design will allow you to create original design, able to decorate the site.

Making a barbecue, grill, barbecue, smokehouse with your own hands from a gas cylinder: video instruction

It is difficult to imagine a vacation in the country without a barbecue or grill. The modern market offers many barbecues different designs... However, it is not necessary to buy a brazier - it is not difficult to make such a device yourself. One of the options homemade ovens for cooking meat - grill from a gas cylinder.

It is practical, comfortable, it can have a different appearance - for example, the shape of a steam locomotive - and will be an excellent addition to suburban area... How to make such a brazier, we will consider in this material.

We make a brazier from a metal cylinder

First, you need to decide whether the creation of a barbecue from such a container the best option... Still, it is possible from almost any scrap materials: potbelly stoves, barrels, sheets of unnecessary metal, bricks - there are a lot of options.

Gallery of ready-made options


The first and main advantage that distinguishes home-made barbecues is cost-effectiveness compared to purchased ready-made barbecues. Even if an old gas cylinder was not found on the farm, such a container can be purchased at a low price. It remains only to properly prepare it for turning into a brazier.

Other advantages of a cylinder brazier include:

It is worth noting the dimensions of the structure: on the grill from the cylinder, you can cook twice as much meat as on a cheap purchased barbecue made of metal.

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The disadvantages of using such a product include:

  1. Unsightly appearance of a standard cylinder, especially if it is old. Peeling red paint, dents, and weld marks will ruin the aesthetics of a barbecue if you don't tidy it up. It is better to use a heat-resistant coating - this will additionally protect against scalding during cooking.
  2. A large mass of the structure - such a barbecue will be portable only conditionally. You will definitely not be able to take the product with you to nature, so this option is only suitable for use in the local area.
  3. If the skills of working with welding machine not enough, the reliability of the structure will suffer.
  4. Making mistakes in the manufacture of the brazier, non-compliance with the technology will lead to low efficiency, or even inoperability of the brazier.

Do not forget about the main danger - the possibility of explosion of the cylinder during cutting. To prevent this from happening, you need to properly carry out the preliminary work.

Photo: when cutting a cylinder, remember the safety precautions

Preparation of materials and tools

First, we choose a balloon. The recommended volume is 50 liters for a large roasting pan. Before you start making homemade barbecue, the container is cleaned of fuel residues. This is done carefully, even if it seems that the container is completely empty.

Gas cylinder cleaning

Despite the fact that the bulk of propane in the tank has long been gone, dangerous condensate accumulates on the walls and bottom. To get rid of it, you need:

  • release gas in a natural way - through the valve;
  • flush the bottle.

For complete emptying, the container is turned upside down. To understand if gas is coming out, the valve is moistened with soapy water - it will bubble. Another way is smell. Due to the presence of odorizers in propane, the fuel smells strongly, especially if there is a lot of it in the cylinder. Therefore, the container should be cleaned in the open air, preferably away from people so that no one panics. And, of course, away from sources of fire.

Photo: sawed off the valve at the propane

The flushing of the cylinder is carried out as follows:

  1. The valve is sawn off. They do it together - the assistant constantly pours water over the saw cut so that the cylinder does not explode due to heat and sparks.
  2. Pressurized water is fed into the container through the hole. In the process, the balloon is shaken to rinse the walls well.
  3. The water is left for several days, after which it is drained. Since it is filled with mercaptans, the smell will be pungent. We do not recommend pouring such liquid onto the beds.

To prevent the water from smelling, potassium permanganate is added, which causes the oxidation of odorizing compounds.

Getting rid of the pungent gas smell is not easy. To finally remove it, the cleaned and sawn cylinder is fired from the inside.

Tools and additional materials

For further work you will need:

  • Bulgarian;
  • drill;
  • welding machine;
  • metal hinges and handle for the lid;
  • steel tubes to create legs.

If the work is being done alone, rivets will also come in handy for temporarily securing the cover.

Barbecue manufacturing technology

While the container is being washed, a drawing is created. It is not difficult to design a brazier from a propane cylinder - in the simplest version, the product consists of three elements: a body, a cover and legs. The diagram of a brazier-steam locomotive with a chimney for smoking looks more complicated. On the drawing, they mark the dimensions, determine the location of the lid, cuts for skewers, fasteners for the grill grate, etc.

Blueprint: Mangala

The main work consists of three stages:

  1. sawing a cylinder,
  2. welding the legs,
  3. cover assembly.

An additional stage is decorating the finished barbecue.

Marking and cutting

To divide the container into a brazier and a lid, cut out the semicircular part of the container wall. The circumference of a standard 50-liter propane tank is 96 cm. Marking is easy: there are marks on the tank that you can push off from.

A weld seam runs along the entire length - 24 cm retreat from it in both directions and the boundaries of the hole are applied. Immediately, notches are made for fastening the skewers. The extreme marks are located 3 cm from the welding rings; intermediate - placed with any step, for greater convenience, a distance of 8 cm is recommended - then 6 skewers will fit. If you want to leave room for the grill grate, reduce the spacing between the notches.

Next, the cylinder is sawn with a grinder. The wall thickness is 3 mm, so it is not difficult to cut the container. They start with longitudinal lines, and then move on to transverse markings - otherwise you can get injured when the wall moves away from the cut with force. It is important to use funds individual protection- mask, gloves.

Cross cuts are made, having shifted 10-15 mm from the welded seams. At these points, the metal is double, and the shift will save a little time and part of the grinder's circle. In addition, the lid of a barbecue grill will conveniently lie on the bottom layer.

After cutting the wall with a grinder, cuts are made for skewers. Just below the drill, holes are drilled for the passage of air. The same gaps are made in the lower part of the barbecue. Only the bottom and the lid of the cylinder are not touched so that the wind does not blow out the coals.


At the second stage, a homemade barbecue is equipped with a lid and a handle. This part is welded with metal hinges - the fasteners can fail under the influence of high temperatures. To make it convenient to work alone, the cover is temporarily fixed with rivets. The hinges are spaced equidistant from each other.

Metal is used for the handle, since wood and plastic during operation can deform, burn or melt.


Depending on whether the brazier is stationary or portable, the shape of the legs for it is selected. For the mobile version, these parts are made from pipes or metal corners, wide platforms are welded to the ends so that the brazier does not go underground under the influence of its weight. The height of the products is selected individually; empirically it was found that it is more convenient to put the brazier on legs 20-30 cm long.

Photo: finished legs from a metal pipe

A stationary barbecue grill is usually mounted on a concrete or brick foundation. In addition, the design can be styled - for example, forged wheels can be welded to give the brazier the look of a steam locomotive.

This balloon barbecue is ready. Only the finishing touches remain - welding on the grill mounts, coating the body with heat-resistant paint and other finishes. To add, a chimney is welded to one side wall, and a firebox is welded to the other. When the lid is closed, a smoking chamber is obtained.

Thus, it is not so difficult to turn a standard gas cylinder into a universal brazier, the main thing is to observe safety precautions when working. The propane tank will allow you to implement different design ideas barbecue, which will be an excellent addition to your holiday weekend.


The clean air and the beautiful surroundings help you relax and replenish your energy reserves, especially if you enjoy your own meals, such as kebabs or vegetables baked on the fire, at the same time. Successful culinary delights will help you gain confidence in your own abilities and inspire you to new feats, for example, tell you how to make a brazier from a gas cylinder with your own hands. And if you turn on your imagination while assembling the barbecue, you can get a unique piece of decor. Using the drawings, you can build such a structure using available materials: a pipe and a gas cylinder.

Brazier is a favorite option for cooking on charcoal.

      All braziers can be divided into three types:
    1. Transportable.
      Brazier, which is comfortable to take with you on trips. It does not take up much space in the car, and does not require a large number time for assembly and disassembly.
    2. Portable.
      At times more than the previous one, it is allowed to move it over short distances. Suitable for suburban areas.

  • Constant.
    Barbecue built into the foundation.

Raw materials for the construction of barbecues are very different. Constants are often built from stones. Transportable or portable smelted from aluminum or steel.

      When buying a barbecue, take a close look at these aspects:
    • Heat resistant material;
    • The material is required to keep warm;
    • Size according to your needs.

Experimenters have discovered a huge variety of options, the creation of which involves a wide variety of raw materials. Among them, not the last place is occupied by a grill from a gas cylinder.

Production technology


          Before you start assembling the barbecue, you need to collect all the necessary tools:
        • Angle Grinder;
        • Drill;
        • Gas bottle volume of 50 liters.
        • Hinges;
        • Steel pipe;
        • Welding;
        • Aluminum studs.

To implement the barbecue design idea, you need to select the production material. The foundation will be a gas cylinder equal to 610 millimeters long, 27 liters in volume, 292 millimeters in diameter and more than 3 millimeters thick of walls. In order to save money, used cylinders are used, in this regard, it is necessary to carefully inspect the cylinder for damage.

For the production of legs, it is better to use steel round tube... In addition to the barbecue, you can make a grill net by cutting the workpiece according to the internal parameters of the barbecue.

Preparatory process

Care must be taken when cutting the gas cylinder and the instructions must be followed carefully. Gas vapors may have been retained during use. In order to finally eliminate them, you need to put the cylinder upside down and unscrew the valve. To make sure that the gas is escaping, lubricate the valve opening with soap, which will foam at the outlet, and you will be able to make sure that the process has started.

Fill the bottle with water to destroy the remaining gas.

When filling with liquid, use a hose for added comfort. Shake the can as it fills with water until it is full. It is recommended to remove the water from the cylinder as far from the house as possible, only after that you can start disassembling the cylinder.

It is important that this procedure is performed by two people. The first person should cut down the tap, and the second person pour water on it so that frictional force does not cause ignition.

Work should be carried out in an open space. Saw off the valve with a grinder. Remove the paint with a grinder and inspect the base for damage. Minor rejects are processed until they disappear completely without significant changes in thickness. After that, we put the cylinder on the ground and draw a line along which we will cut the container in the future.

Detailed instructions

We cut the container.

Using an angle grinder, we cut the cylinder in half - we use one part as the base of the barbecue, and install the other as a cover. You need to cut along the joint line or as far as possible nearby. The thickness of the walls of the cylinder in almost all cases is no more than three millimeters, in this regard, the division procedure will not be too difficult, this can be done with a grinder. The main thing is to cut it very carefully so as not to spoil the flank rings that are intended for the cap - as a result, we will have the perfect support for our barbecue.

The side edges should not be removed so that the draft does not extinguish the fire in the fire you are creating. Then, using a drill, we make several holes on the base and sides, in order to make light ventilation.

We kindly ask you to observe safety precautions during all these procedures! It is necessary to put on some protection on the hands and face. To prevent deformation during sawing, the cut line is poured with water.

Installing the legs.
The next step is to install the legs for our future barbecue. It is necessary to firmly substantiate the structure on the ground, so that after that it can be easily put on the cover. Select the length of the legs based on its possible movement, as well as based on personal needs. Based on this, we can conclude that an acceptable height is 20-30 centimeters. If possible, you can attach the legs from sewing machine or steel pipes. To connect the pipe, you need to make four small holes in the base of the barbecue, in which to place the bolts with the threads on the outside. They can be melted or screwed on with nuts.

Cover assembly.

The barbecue hood is installed on hinges, which are fixed with pins, and then welded to the base. You have the option of making the hood portable when installing one-way awnings. Welding the hinges is a mandatory procedure, since under the influence high temperatures rivets fall off. Conversely, the lid holder can be bolted. The handle must be made of heat-resistant material. With the help of a corner, it is possible to make a stopper for the cap. A chimney can be installed in a separately made hole.

Final details.
It is necessary to make recesses for skewers on the end side. Their number depends on the height of the container. A convenient distance is 25 centimeters.

The brazier can change shape over time under the influence of high temperature; to avoid this, you can weld a corner to the edges. It enhances the perimeter resistance. Holes are made at the base of the barbecue so that the ashes are not removed by hand.
The final step is painting. This point is carried out depending on personal interests.

Smokehouse - barbecue

The main distinctive feature smokehouse - airtightness. The assembly technique is exactly the same as described earlier, with only one point that, in addition to the main structure, we attach a combustion chamber or, in another way, a firebox. In this case, cut off half of the lower part - this is the section for the oven. The combustion chamber itself is made from iron sheets or from a smaller cylinder. The final oven is attached to the barbecue. The necessary part of the smokehouse is one that you can buy in a warehouse or do it yourself. Before starting to smoke food, it is necessary to fire it with wood until the traces of gas are neutralized.

The structure, called the "steam locomotive", contains several devices at the same time: a brazier, a smokehouse, a barbecue and a grill. It is made from a small number of containers, each of which fulfills a specific mission.
Visually this design really resembles a steam locomotive, in particular if you think over its design. The auxiliary structure is equipped with various functional little things that can also play the role of decorations. On one brazier-steam locomotive, it is possible to perform actions with several parts at once: fry meat on the grill, cook vegetables and smoke food.
It is recommended to paint this barbecue with heat-resistant paint, since the heat in a steam locomotive can exceed 700 degrees.

With an insignificant investment of time and effort, it is possible to realize the most ingenious, and sometimes even strange ideas. From the simplest balloon, create a bright component of your patio. We wish you success!

Camping has always been associated with barbecue, grill and barbecue. Of course, you need to have a barbecue to prepare them. If they are not there, then you can make the device yourself. A gas cylinder is well suited for the manufacture of a barbecue. This is because the walls are very rough (almost 4 mm) and they are made of high quality metal. For comparison, a steel sheet of the same thickness is softer and easier to deform.

What can be done? A gas cylinder is only a container that is skillful hands can turn into excellent brazier, smokehouse or potbelly stove. At the same time, you can make a brazier from a gas cylinder in different options... So, it can be:

  • construction in the form of one half of a propane cylinder sawn along the length;
  • a structure that has a cover;
  • an option that is a barbecue and at the same time;
  • a construction that is both a barbecue and a smokehouse;
  • brazier in the form of a steam locomotive (they always like to depict him in the photo).

It is interesting that everyone can make any such brazier from a gas cylinder with their own hands. Of course, this article will give it all necessary recommendations and step by step instructions creating the above options. It will not be superfluous to watch various videos, as well as drawings.

General algorithm of actions

The creation of barbecues from a balloon involves performing very similar actions. Step-by-step instruction, which is often shown in the video, includes the following stages:

  1. Balloon preparation.
  2. Cutting.
  3. Creates a cover, a blower, and auxiliary holes.
  4. Installation of legs.
  5. Strengthening the barbecue structure.
  6. Carrying out additional actions and decoration.

Tools and materials

Before you start creating a homemade barbecue from a cylinder, you need to stock up on the necessary tools, namely:

  1. Drill.
  2. Angular grinder(grinder).
  3. Welding machine.
  4. Metal brush.

As for materials, the main thing is gas or freon cylinder. It is best to take a container with a volume equal to 50 l. A short balloon will make it difficult to turn over the coals. Do not take a container with a lot of rust, because it is impossible to make a good brazier out of it. You will also need to have:

  1. Metal pipe (diameter 80 mm and more). It will make a chimney.
  2. Aluminum rivets.
  3. Bolts with nuts.
  4. Hinges.
  5. Cover handle.
  6. Profile pipe 50x50 mm. It is possible with a smaller section.
  7. Fire resistant paint.
  8. Elements resembling parts of a steam locomotive.

Read also: Types of metal braziers and their optimal sizes

Balloon preparation

The gas cylinder may contain gas residues, which when a small spark appears (and it always forms during cutting) explodes. Therefore, it is impossible to start cutting the cylinder without proper preparation.

Correct opening a gas cylinder under the barbecue provides priority gas release... To do this, open the valve or, if possible, unscrew it and turn the balloon over. Then they wait until the gas comes out. To check for gas, you need to use soapy foam. The absence of soap bubbles means that the gas has escaped. This is often noted in various videos.

Next step - cutting off a part, into which the valve was screwed in or in which there is a tightly fixed valve. Many sparks will be generated during this process. You can eliminate their appearance, watering the cut with water. It is better if the assistant will do this work. Also, the water will keep the metal from heating up.

There may be some gas residues in such a cylinder. To completely eliminate them, into the hole made in place of the valve pour water. She needs to fill the entire balloon. To facilitate the work, it is worth using a pressure hose. Shake the container while pouring water. After that, you can drain the liquid. However, it should be remembered that she absorbed not only the remnants of the gas, but also its smell. And it is stable, and it will be felt at the place of pouring out for several days. Therefore, if you do not want to feel it on the territory of the house or summer cottage, it is better to pour out the water elsewhere.


The features of this process depend on what kind of grill from a gas cylinder the owner decided to make. Some people simply cut the container in half. The cut is carried out along the cylinder. At the same time, they do so that longitudinal weld the metal container was a few centimeters lower.

When the cut on one side is complete, you should immediately proceed to fixing loops. It is worth doing this because the cylinder is still a one-piece construction and the cap does not move anywhere. This makes it very convenient to weld curtains. Moreover, the likelihood of error is significantly reduced. This trick is often talked about on video. It also includes the best step-by-step instructions.

To fasten the hinges, you must first do rivet holes... Next, attach the hinges and insert the rivets. If they are aluminum, then it is advisable weld the hinges. The hinges should be placed in one direction. Then the cover can be removed. After fixing the loops, continue cutting.

Read also: Instructions for making metal braziers

According to different drawings and videos, it is better to cut the cover. Longitudinal cuts make in the middle of the balloon. Transverse should be carried out in places located in 2-3 cm from the transverse seams... You need to work so that the cutting lines are straight. A hole for the blower is cut out at the opposite end from the valve. A 5x5 cm hole is enough.

Cover and blower

The hinged lid remains weld the handle, fixing elements and a metal strip. It is best to place the handle at one end of the cap, so that it is above the other side of the bottle. Of course, it must withstand high temperatures, because the lid will get very hot and give warmth to the handle. A handle located in one of the corners of the lid will prevent a person's hand from burning when opening the barbecue.

Need to limit opening value of the lid. This is done by attaching to its free edges and the base of the chains. Also, according to some drawings, it is possible from the hinge side weld on a metal pin. The lid will rest against it. It should be vertical. Its slope depends on how much the owner of the cottage wants to open the lid.

There will always be a gap between the cover and the base. To eliminate it, a metal strip is welded to the lid around the entire perimeter. The result of this process is often shown in the photo.

To make a blower, you need to a hole made in the lower part of the end with size 5x5 cm. weld square tube... Its length should not exceed 10 cm.In the middle of its two opposite sides, two holes are made into which they are inserted coarse wire or bolt. To the last, a metal square sheet is welded. It should cover the pipe opening. By twisting the bolt, it will be possible to change the position of the sheet and manage traction.

Legs and chimney

To make a fire and grill or barbecue convenient, the cylinder must be raised to a certain height. This is done thanks to installation of legs. It is best to make them from shaped pipe... First, two pipes are welded to the lower half of the barbecue. They should be located along the cut cylinder. Next, four legs are welded to them. For convenient movement around the territory of the cottage or at home, to the edges of the legs, you can attach the casters. This feature can be seen in various photos.