Repair Design Furniture

Homemade stove for a bath from Zhiguli disks. Advantages and disadvantages of a homemade stove in a garage from disks. How to make a potbelly stove from rims

When looking for alternative solutions for space heating, many people pay attention to the stove made from car rims. The correct arrangement of such a structure allows you to heat about 15-16 square meters of area, so it can be called a good solution for a home bath or a good cooker.

The main advantage of the product is availability of base material which is used to create. It is a thick, resistant steel with increased strength. It is no secret that the boiler steel of sheet and profile type is distinguished by its high cost, and the usual structural steel in the furnace structure quickly deforms and burns out.

It is quite simple to create a stove from car disks with your own hands. To do this, use two pieces of metal with the same size and weight: one is plain steel and the other is made of rim and then heat these elements to the appropriate temperature. You can do this in the kitchen using gas. The first part will immediately begin to emit the smell of hot iron, and the second can be heated to an orange color (this happens at a temperature of about 900 degrees).

At the same time, there will be no unpleasant burning smell in the air. Car rim stoves are popular because of the feature that they practically do not dry the air and do not emit dangerous toxins into the environment. This is due to the fact that the rims are made of special steels that have a corrosion-resistant surface. The heat resistance of such products, of course, is not standardized, however, the permissible margin of resistance quite enough for arranging a wood-burning coal stove.

Important disc features

To successfully build a stove from car disks at home, it is not enough just learn the benefits of such products... It is also important to pay attention to the shortcomings of the feedstock, as well as a number of design features of the furnaces. The lack of special steel is the lack of rationing for welding properties. There are several different wheel rim production technologies, but in most cases, welding activities are limited, followed by thermal tempering (annealing), as well as weld flaw detection. Therefore, none of the manufacturers of discs even suspects that in the future its products will be weldable.

Based on this feature, one should not neglect the safety rules and make a long-burning furnace on castings from discs. The same applies to pyrolysis ovens, which can crack at one moment and cause a dangerous, boiling substance to enter the room. But after all localizing the fire site will not be easy, because it must burn out completely. On the basis of such wheel disks, only solid fuel stoves can be created.

An important feature: welds for special operating conditions that have not passed the appropriate quality certification, considered an unreliable solution.

Creation rules

In any case, subject to some important rules, the creation of a solid fuel stove from car disks will be possible and successful. You can operate such a structure in small non-residential premises, such as a country house, workshop, etc. It is important to carefully study the following features:

  1. It is important that the weld seam remains of high quality from a visual point of view. Avoid the appearance of visible defects in the form of cracks, splashes, pits, bubbles and other irregularities.
  2. Two mating workpieces are welded at a time. It is strictly forbidden to cook the entire structure.
  3. After the successful completion of the wiring of each seam, the welded parts are left for some time to absorb residual internal stresses. For every kilogram of mass, it takes from three minutes.
  4. The finished stove, after a daily exposure to dissipate the same voltages, is additionally driven (if we are talking about a stationary stove, then such an action takes about three hours. Portable street ones need an hour run).

During this period, annealing of the furnace also takes place. If minor welding defects appear during processing, no more than two seams, they can be eliminated after a day, after which the run is repeated.

What you need to know about ovens

If you intend to make a stove from wheel disks for a cauldron or heating non-residential premises, be prepared to pay attention to one more feature. Based on the rules for the structure of solid fuel fired stoves, from the floor of the furnace or grate, that is, the place where the fuel product is located, to the first vertical obstacle to the flow of flue gases should be about 40-50 centimeters. This option is necessary when using conditional fuel... If it is damp or junk, the distance is increased to 60-80 centimeters. In this case, the heating time of the oven increases rapidly. Therefore, it is impractical to use such fuel for disk furnaces.

It is no secret that hot pyrolysis gases can be released from solid fuel products, which significantly affect the heat release. If they come into contact with a less heated surface, they will most likely fail to burn out, causing soot to fall out. Further use of such a furnace leads to its coking, a dense carbon deposit appears on the roof of the furnace and in the chimney. It significantly reduces thermal efficiency, but has a fire hazard.

A stove made of discs is often filled with waste fuel, including:

  1. rotten dry forest;
  2. damp scraps;
  3. and other products.

True, there may simply not be enough unusable discs for a furnace with a decent height, or the optimal scheme construction will prevent the possibility of creating a high firebox... In this case, to prepare the furnace, you will have to use a non-standard grate made of durable steel sheet in diameter from 6 millimeters and reinforcing bars from 10 millimeters. There is no need to worry that the permissible air is not enough for combustion: through a hole with a diameter of 10 centimeters, with a chimney of 1.5 meters in height, there will be enough air for 18 kW of power on wood and 30 kW on coal.

Which type to choose for yourself

Taking into account the above-mentioned features, it is necessary to correctly approach the selection of a suitable type of oven from the discs. The need to independently equip a stove from car disks occurs in the following cases:

  1. If you need to heat small non-residential premises, for example, a country house or a workshop. The use of high-quality wheel disks will allow achieving the maximum quality of the furnace, and will also significantly simplify the manufacture.
  2. If you need to equip the main "hot" part of the furnace structure without using expensive heat-resistant steel.
  3. If you are going to use the stove to cook food. In this case, you will have to make a stove for a cauldron from car disks.

Most often, car disks are used when creating mobile (portable) outdoor and garden cooking stoves, as well as for arranging a firelight for a fire. The simplest version of a hearth furnace made of discs implies the use of a large mass and height of the side, which significantly improves heat transfer performance and provides reliable protection from the effects of the wind.

Stove for cauldron

It's no secret that the best way to use car wheels is for ovens under a cauldron. In this case, it is customary to place the structure on a special stand. Due to the round shape, the container heats up evenly, which cannot be achieved in conventional brick ovens. In addition, in the latter case, there is a risk of soot settling. Disc structures evenly distribute heat and prevent unnecessary consumption of firewood, which is very important when using a waste type of fuel.

The chips collected on the site are not able to provide the required amount of heat for cooking pilaf or beshbarmak, and damp and rotten solutions in a massive firebox simply cannot cope with the task of heating the cooking utensils to a certain temperature mark. Stove under a cauldron made of car disks excludes such a phenomenon only if it is performed exactly with the established rules.

Flue gases travel along the path of least resistance. If it is required to weld two separate discs and cut a combustion hole in the side part, then hot gases will also go through the technological holes in the disc hub, since their total area is much larger than that of the fastening and axial ones.

If the maximum heating temperature is reached, then, perhaps, a tongue of flame will form in the axial hole, but a cauldron placed on the burner will cause the heat to go sideways.

A similar version of a stove made of discs is in special demand for cooking different types of food. by languishing over coals however, very few people use this method these days.

For the correct manufacture of the stove under the cauldron, it is necessary to equip it with a tightly closing door on the loading opening. Also, the cauldron should fit snugly to the burner cutout, periodically closing the technological holes.

To successfully achieve such results, it is enough to cut out the middle of the hub with a screwdriver. The remaining elements will not be thrown away, since they can be used as a good grate.

Barbecue stove

If you intend to make a barbecue stove from discs, then the core does not need to be cut out. In this case, a grate is placed on the burner - a flame divider, which will act as a culinary radiator grate. The main advantage of the design is that different temperature zones appear on the grill, which open up wide opportunities for the simultaneous preparation of different dishes.

This is very convenient when going on a picnic, where everyone can get food to their liking. It is customary to make a stove of this type from discs with a small amount technological holes... Bicycle spokes are used as parts for the working grille. It is not necessary to boil them, since they are perfectly fixed to each other and with the help of heat-resistant metal glue (cold welding method).

If you need to create a stove stove, then you can use the entire discs. Due to the thick metal, the heat capacity and heat transfer time are significantly improved, but they are much worse than in the case of using cast iron furnaces. Among the design flaws - the high labor intensity of arranging an improved furnace with increased productivity due to a complex structural configuration.

If you have a large amount of waste fuel, then when creating a stove-stove for non-residential premises, you can refuse to use partitions-dividers. A similar option is easy to make from truck disks. This will allow achieving higher efficiency and more efficient heat transfer.

As a result, given the large size of horizontal bourgeois, most often people prefer vertical solutions. If the task is to make a stove from discs, then the first step is to find a suitable grate and ash pan. It is important to prevent coals and hot ash from falling onto the fire area.

If we talk about thermal properties, then they are significantly improved with the help of both tricks:

  1. The first is to surround the upper heating part with a special annular casing made of thin steel, but not galvanized, since zinc is capable of melting under the influence of a temperature of 440 degrees. The solution is indispensable in cases where fast room heating is required.
  2. The second option involves lining the furnace with any available material, which is characterized by high heat capacity and thermal conductivity.

Having set themselves the goal of making a stove on their own, people often use the material at hand.

Wheels are great for the construction of a heating structure - iron part of car wheel... Thanks to quality and thickness of metal they are ideal for this purpose.

Advantages of a stove made of car rims

The advantages of such a furnace are obvious:

  • no need to spend money on materials;
  • resistance of metal to high temperatures and fire makes it possible to use any type of fuel;
  • a variety of disc options will allow you to build a furnace of optimal dimensions;
  • the material has high heat transfer;
  • the thickness of the metal increases the durability of the unit;
  • quick and easy construction of the device.

Of rims several types of heating structures can be made:

  • for a bath;
  • for a cauldron;
  • brazier;
  • potbelly stove.

Making a stove for a bath with your own hands

The construction of the furnace includes the preparation and the actual manufacturing process itself.

Application of rims from a truck

If suddenly you only got rims from trucks, do not worry - they also fit. The oven from them will last even longer due to the thickness of the metal.

Important! Wheels are taken only steel, light-alloy wheels are not suitable for these purposes.

Required inventory

For the construction of a heating unit you will need:

  • 4 identical rims the right size;
  • Bulgarian;
  • welding machine;
  • thick sheet of metal or oven insert;
  • legs (optional).

Diagram of a sauna stove made of KAMAZ rims, drawing

If you take discs from trucks, for example, Kamaz, then with The rock operation of the device will increase two to three times. The essence of this construction is that 4 discs are installed on top of each other and sealed with a welding seam.

Photo 1. Drawing of a stove for a bath from car disks. Includes a firebox, a heater, a water heating tank.

First disc serves as a firebox: a window is cut out in it for storing fuel and a door is attached. Second disc serves as a heater. Third used as another heat exchanger, fourth is a tank for heating water.

If necessary, to give the structure stability, metal legs are welded.


Take wheels of the correct size, clean from dirt, rust or peeling paint residues. For this ignite them at the stake and brush over the metal. Decide which of the discs will be at the bottom of the structure. Make chalk markings for the furnace hole.

Furnace construction process

  1. The lower two discs will serve as a combustion chamber and a heater. For the firebox, a window is cut out approximately 20 by 12 cm... It is important here not to cut close to the edges - step back from them along 2 cm, and the structure will not lose its strength. Next, the second disc is welded, and a grate is installed between them, on which the stones will be located.
  2. The water tank must be sealed, therefore, it must be welded to the disc bottom made of sheet metal. A water tap is installed on the side.

  1. Further, all the individual parts of the structure are welded together.
  2. Place a stove insert or a plate cut from an iron sheet at the bottom of the combustion chamber.

That's all - the oven is ready. If desired, you can weld the legs to it.

First, make cuts along the marked contour, and then cut to the end. Be sure to sand the edges of the cuts, so as not to get hurt.

Reference. Difficulties often arise when cutting the furnace hole. The metal is thick and the disc is constantly falling or turning. The advice is simple - use the vice... Clamp a disk in them and cut a hole.

After completing the design work, it would be a good idea to paint a new oven. heat resistant paint. But you can paint only cooled metal, so wait until the structure cools down. The black unit looks best.

You will also be interested in:

Disc oven advantages

  1. The main advantage of a disc oven is its mobility. It is not heavy, easy to carry and can be placed anywhere.
  2. Another feature is the welded construction will not deform or crack.
  3. The device is very heating up fast and gives off heat well.

Photos of finished projects

Photo 2. A variant of a finished sauna stove made of car disks. The heater is located at the top of the appliance, no water tank is provided.

Photo 3. Stove-potbelly stove from old car disks. In total, it consists of three disks, which are arranged horizontally.

Photo 4. A stove made of car disks, including a place for installing a cauldron. Also, the device can be used as a barbecue.

  1. It is important to lay at the welding point quality seam- there should be no visible defects on it.
  2. When working with a welding machine, you cannot immediately try to weld everything - work is done in stages... Having welded the parts together, you need to wait for the seam to cool down to the touching temperature.
  3. When assembling the structure, do not forget that for the correct operation of the furnace it is important to provide the size of the combustion chamber for the type of fuel you plan to use.
  4. After completing the work, be sure to test the design and eliminate the identified deficiencies.

Attention! All welding work must be carried out in compliance with safety regulations, in protective clothing and a mask... Do not touch the parts until they have cooled down.

Many craftsmen make wood stoves and even boilers from thick-walled pipes. But often such a pipe becomes too expensive a pleasure, while there may be a couple of old wheels from the car at hand. In this case, you can get a wonderful stove from wheel disks, and we will tell you about how to make it in this article.

What kind of stoves can be made from car rims?

At the moment, home craftsmen have invented several varieties of iron stoves assembled from wheel disks. They can be divided into areas of application:

  • heating;
  • baths;
  • for cooking, including barbecue.

These car parts are attractive primarily for the thickness of the metal. The body of a wood-burning stove made of a steel disk will not burn out very soon, especially if you take a wheel from a truck. The latter, as a rule, are used for the manufacture of sauna stoves, since they are distinguished by their large dimensions and metal thickness. For a sauna stove, often operating in extreme conditions, this is an important factor.

From disks from cars and commercial vehicles, you can get both a good wood heater for a garage, and a small stove for barbecue. Let's take them all in order.

Wood-fired heat generator welded from discs

The author of the stove shown below in the photo was inspired by the design of the well-known Buleryan heaters. Only the original costs decent money, but such a hand-made product costs ten times cheaper, provided that the farm has 3 wheels from a UAZ or GAZelle. In addition, you will need a little sheet metal and pipes with a diameter of 100-150 mm, and even a short pipe Ø76 mm.

The most difficult thing is to cut the inner part out of the rims. The grinder is not very convenient, and the metal is thick. A gas cutter is preferable, but if it is not there, then a grinder will do. Then, using a welding machine, the discs are hermetically joined to form a body. The back part is closed with a metal sheet with a Ø100-150 mm chimney pipe welded to it. If there is a desire, then a traction control damper is installed on this branch pipe, as shown in the photo:

It is not necessary to make a draft control damper if you make a stove from rims with adjustable air supply. To do this, a branch pipe with an air damper with a spring-loaded axle is built into the front door. In addition, an additional plate is installed inside the firebox, dividing the space into 2 parts, as in Buleryan. Above, a secondary chamber is obtained, where the chimney pipe is welded.

The furnace can take any diameter, length and orientation in space. It all depends on the number and size of disks, and also on your imagination.

Sauna stove

For the manufacture of a sauna stove, wheels from cars are not suitable - they are too small. The author of the idea, whose diagram is shown below, used 4 old rims from the ZIL-130 truck. Located one above the other, each of them performs its own function:

  • the first disc serves as a cover for the combustion chamber. According to the idea, the sauna stove has a small brick firebox with doors opening into the dressing room;
  • the second rim is the heater;
  • the third is an additional heat exchanger that takes the energy of the flue gases and transfers it to the inside of the steam room;
  • the fourth disc is a water heating tank.

Note. You can do without a brick firebox by organizing one inside the first rim. But then you will have to heat the bath from the steam room, and the tight-fitting doors in the disc body are more difficult to make.

All additional metal parts required to assemble the furnace are shown in the following diagram. A hand-made sauna stove works according to the following principle: firewood burning in a firebox gives off heat through its walls and rim No. 1 with a cut out bottom. It is welded with a second disc where the bottom is left in place so that it can be filled with stones. Inside, a pipe with the outgoing combustion products passes through them and heats the stove.

Further, the pipe goes inside the third rim, where a sheet metal gas divider is installed instead of the bottom. Combustion products wash over the divider, and the disc stove for the sauna gives off more heat, since this section plays the role of an economizer. Well, the last stage of cooling the flue gases takes place inside the 4th rim, which is turned into a tank with a lid and a water tap. As a result, the furnace works no worse than the factory copies, and in terms of durability it surpasses any of them.

Kebab oven

This wonderful device is made of two disks from the wheels of passenger cars. Although, if someone wants a bigger stove, then there are no restrictions: you can use wheels from UAZ or GAZ-53. In one of them, the bottom is carefully cut and then the rims are welded together.

In order for the unit to be securely installed on any surface, legs are attached to the lower section by welding, as shown in the photo.By the way, the hole for the hub must also be plugged, but the side holes can be left, through them air will enter the firebox. For ease of carrying, handles are welded to the outside of the body, and an opening for the door is cut in the side part.

The latter is made from the same piece, planted on hinges. That's it, the oven from car drives for barbecue and cooking is ready. As practice shows, 5 skewers with meat fit on it.

Advice. The cut-off bottom of the upper disc does not need to be thrown away; it can serve as a support for a small saucepan, kettle or frying pan.

On the other side of the door, a chimney pipe should be welded, a diameter of 50-70 mm is sufficient. The tile can be slightly modernized, since ash spills out through the lower holes when working, this is not very pleasant. The holes must be plugged, and the air flow must be regulated by the firebox door. Details about the stove are shown in the video:


After studying the essence of the issue, the conclusion suggests itself that making a stove from wheel disks is a very simple matter. This is partly the case, especially for people who are well acquainted with welding and metal locksmithing. Although in the case of a sauna stove, you will have to tinker with the brickwork, and the installation in the steam room must be done correctly. Well, for those who are not yet friends with the welding machine, there is a great opportunity to practice on the stoves.

The purchase of a portable stove for a summer residence or a sauna stove is an event that requires a serious amount. The task of a garden stove is not big enough to spend money on a factory-made product. It is much easier and cheaper to make a stove from discs. Owners often throw out discarded car rims, they can be bought inexpensively at metal receptions. To build a furnace from wheel disks with your own hands, you will need skills in working with a grinder and a welding machine.

A stove made of rims is advantageous in that the material for its manufacture is easy to find. Car discs are made of special thick steels that are not susceptible to corrosion. The thickness of the metal plays an important role in the operation of any furnace. The increased thickness of the material does not allow the structure to deform under the influence of high temperatures. An automobile disc stove runs on any solid fuel, even coal, which has a very high combustion temperature. Thick metal accumulates heat better, although it is inferior in inertness to cast iron, it cools down a little faster.

The discs have a special design - the end part with holes. This structural element is suitable for organizing the comfort, reduces the rate of heat transfer, and is used for the manufacture of a homemade grate. The outer rim of the disc is made with a non-linear surface - this contributes to an increase in the heat transfer area, optimizes the movement of flue gases when used for the construction of a smoke channel. Unlike cast iron stoves, a steel stove made of discs has the highest impact resistance, is not afraid of water getting on hot surfaces.

The main criteria talking about the advantages of a do-it-yourself disc oven:

  1. Availability of material of manufacture;
  2. High strength, reliability;
  3. Advantageous configuration of a single element - car rim;
  4. Long service life;
  5. Ease of manufacture;
  6. Fuel versatility.

List of materials and equipment for installation

To make a stove from discs, you will need, first of all, the automobile discs themselves. It is best to use discs from cars and light trucks. Furnaces made from disks of large heavy-duty trucks will turn out to be unnecessarily bulky and heavy, it is difficult to achieve tightness of their joints. For self-assembly and assembly, you will need the following materials:

  • Metal corner;
  • Lattice material;
  • Metal sheet for door mounting;
  • Small pieces of metal for stops;
  • Pipe with a wall thickness of at least 5 mm and a diameter of 100 mm;
  • Steel pipe with a wall thickness of 2.5 mm and a diameter of 80 - 100 mm.

Steel fittings are used to make the legs of a garden oven; the legs are also mounted from a steel corner. The metal corner is used as a base for laying skewers; it is often removable. To place the skewers, you can place the corners on the upper flare of the disc, perpendicular to the skewers. The steel grate is used for barbecuing, grilling, serves as the basis for installing a boiler or cauldron. The lattice is made of steel reinforcement.

Furnaces made of discs are more often performed with a door. This will require a sheet of metal, door hinges or an impromptu hinge made of nuts and bolts of different diameters. The presence of the door increases the safety of the stove, improves the combustion process.

Stops made around the perimeter serve as the basis for installing the cauldron, firmly fixing the removable grill. A thick-walled pipe with a diameter of more than 100 mm is useful for making a stove for a bath from discs. A pipe with a diameter of 80 mm and a wall thickness is required for installing a chimney for a garden stove.

To make the unit with your own hands, you will need the following tools:

  1. Welding machine;
  2. Welding mask, electrodes;
  3. If available - cylinders with a gas cutter;
  4. Angle grinder (grinder) with cutting and cleaning discs;
  5. Sledgehammer;
  6. Hammer;
  7. Measuring and marking tools - chalk, pencil, marker and tape measure.

It is more convenient to use a gas cutter for cutting metal - the discs have convex rounded surfaces, their processing with a grinder will take place with some difficulties. A window cut by a gas burner is easier to process from carbon deposits with a grinder with a cleaning wheel. The sledgehammer is useful for straightening heavily bent car rims.

Fire safety rules for arranging homemade stoves

Compliance with fire safety rules is the most important aspect in the operation and manufacture of homemade stoves. This applies equally to prefabricated ovens.

The oven surfaces are very hot and can ignite flammable materials. As for the stoves made of discs, they do not have an ash pan; ash with particles of hot coals can spill through the grate. To collect them, it is necessary to install a container of the appropriate diameter, excluding the entrainment of hot particles.

An important factor is the presence of a firebox door. A closed door slows down the combustion rate of the fuel load, prevents hot particles and sparks from flying out.

When constructing a sauna stove from discs or a sauna stove, combustible building structures must be located at a safe distance from hot surfaces, shielded with a layer of non-combustible material. Non-combustible material must have a low coefficient of thermal conductivity. The location of the stove in the garden, in the country is not recommended near combustible structures and materials.

It is better to choose a free space without a strong wind load as the installation site. This will prevent the spread of sparks in the event of firewood falling out or stove falling.

It is impossible to construct stoves from discs to operate on waste oil or in a long-term burning mode. The properties of special steel are such that complete sealing with a welded joint can only be verified by special methods and equipment for non-destructive testing. The presence of a leak will lead to the leakage of highly toxic components of the burning oil or the release of smoke, carbon monoxide, hazardous to human health.

How to make a stove from discs for a bath with your own hands

Metal discs on sauna stoves serve as a built-on complex on a stone stove. They perform the following tasks:

  1. Serve as a surface of heat transfer to the bath room;
  2. They are the basis for the construction of a heater;
  3. Serve as a chimney barrel;
  4. On their basis, a water heating circuit is often constructed - a tank is installed.

Installation of the furnace itself from metal discs is impractical. The occurrence of smoke leaks in the leakage of welds is possible, the metal has a low inertness and cools quickly.

The superstructure installation process consists of the following steps:

  1. The first disc is installed on the finished stone oven. The disc is loaded with the free side down. The joints with the furnace surface are sealed.
  2. On the front side of the first disc, the second disc is installed with the front side, they are welded together.
  3. A hole is cut out in the center of the front sides folded together, corresponding to the diameter of the matched chimney pipe. A pipe is installed on the cut hole, welded tightly.
  4. A stone collection is placed in the inner space of the second disc around the pipe - it will serve as a heater. The stones have a very high inertness and retain heat for a long time. They absorb heat from heated metal discs, heat up and produce steam when doused with water.
  5. Along the perimeter of the second disc, 4 posts of the same length are welded.
  6. A third car disk is installed on the racks face down, a chimney is passed through it.
  7. The third disc is welded to the chimney pipe.
  8. Homemade tanks are often installed on top of the disc with a hole in the central part for the passage of the chimney. Water is heated in the tanks.
  9. The place where the hot part of the chimney passes through building structures is sealed with non-combustible materials.
  10. In the upper part of the chimney, a damper or gate is constructed to regulate the thrust force.

Sometimes sauna stoves using car disks are built according to a simplified scheme. A stove is installed on the surface of the furnace, an open tank is placed on it for heating water. Further, behind the slab, channels are placed on the smoke channel instead of the upper wall. The joints of the channels are sealed with clay. The heater is laid on top of the channels.

After the stove, a vertical complex is built of discs welded together. The complex serves as a chimney channel, works as a heating device, giving off heat to the room. Such a design is much more reliable and airtight; it does not require the construction of a water tank of an intricate shape with a passage space.

Garden mini oven from car wheels

Owners of land plots of private houses and summer residents often build various barbecues, braziers, and so on for cooking outdoors. An excellent solution to this problem will be the manufacture of a garden oven from car disks.

The product can be made in a universal configuration. On the stove, you can fry a barbecue, cook pilaf in a cauldron, cook various products on the grill.

Installation of a garden stove is quite simple. It will take two car drives. In one disc, the central part of the front side is cut out. The disc is installed with the hole down. Legs made of steel reinforcement of large diameter or angle are welded along the perimeter of the disk. A homemade grate is installed on the cut hole.

In the second disc, the front side is cut almost completely, it is welded to the first disc. In the second disc (in the upper part), supports are welded to install the grill. A cauldron (without a lattice) can be installed on the supports. The grille is made from fittings or small diameter pipes.

A window for the door is cut out in the side surface. The metal door is fastened using factory or homemade hinges, you can do it easier - hang it on steel hooks.

Garden stoves are manufactured in two versions - with or without a flue pipe. The chimney from a piece of a meter-long pipe leads most of the flue gases into the duct, facilitating the cooking process - a small part of the flue gases passes through the grate. When using raw firewood, wood chips, a large amount of smoke is generated during the combustion process. In this case, the construction of a chimney is mandatory. Otherwise, the dishes will become excessively smoky, the food will acquire a pungent smell of smoke.

To mount the chimney, a hole of the corresponding diameter is cut in the side surface of the second (upper) disc. A branch pipe with a length of 200 - 300 mm is welded to it. A steel branch is welded to the branch pipe, to which a vertical chimney pipe is mounted. Docking of a branch pipe and a vertical pipe is sometimes carried out without a branch, through an oblique joint.

Having set themselves the goal of making a stove on their own, people often use the material at hand.

Wheels are great for the construction of a heating structure - iron part of car wheel... Thanks to quality and thickness of metal they are ideal for this purpose.

Advantages of a stove made of car rims

The advantages of such a furnace are obvious:

  • no need to spend money on materials;
  • resistance of metal to high temperatures and fire makes it possible to use any type of fuel;
  • a variety of disc options will allow you to build a furnace of optimal dimensions;
  • the material has high heat transfer;
  • the thickness of the metal increases the durability of the unit;
  • quick and easy construction of the device.

Of rims several types of heating structures can be made:

Making a stove for a bath with your own hands

The construction of the furnace includes the preparation and the actual manufacturing process itself.

Application of rims from a truck

If suddenly you only got rims from trucks, do not worry - they also fit. The oven from them will last even longer due to the thickness of the metal.

Important! Wheels are taken only steel, light-alloy wheels are not suitable for these purposes.

Required inventory

For the construction of a heating unit you will need:

  • 4 identical rims the right size;
  • Bulgarian;
  • welding machine;
  • thick sheet of metal or oven insert;
  • legs (optional).

Diagram of a sauna stove made of KAMAZ rims, drawing

If you take discs from trucks, for example, Kamaz, then with The rock operation of the device will increase two to three times. The essence of this construction is that 4 discs are installed on top of each other and sealed with a welding seam.

Photo 1. Drawing of a stove for a bath from car disks. Includes a firebox, a heater, a water heating tank.

First disc serves as a firebox: a window is cut out in it for storing fuel and a door is attached. Second disc serves as a heater. Third used as another heat exchanger, fourth is a tank for heating water.

If necessary, to give the structure stability, metal legs are welded.


Take wheels of the correct size, clean from dirt, rust or peeling paint residues. For this ignite them at the stake and brush over the metal. Decide which of the discs will be at the bottom of the structure. Make chalk markings for the furnace hole.

Furnace construction process

  1. The lower two discs will serve as a combustion chamber and a heater. For the firebox, a window is cut out approximately 20 by 12 cm... It is important here not to cut close to the edges - step back from them along 2 cm, and the structure will not lose its strength. Next, the second disc is welded, and a grate is installed between them, on which the stones will be located.
  2. The water tank must be sealed, therefore, it must be welded to the disc bottom made of sheet metal. A water tap is installed on the side.
  1. Further, all the individual parts of the structure are welded together.
  2. Place a stove insert or a plate cut from an iron sheet at the bottom of the combustion chamber.

That's all - the oven is ready. If desired, you can weld the legs to it.

First, make cuts along the marked contour, and then cut to the end. Be sure to sand the edges of the cuts, so as not to get hurt.

Reference. Difficulties often arise when cutting the furnace hole. The metal is thick and the disc is constantly falling or turning. The advice is simple - use the vice... Clamp a disk in them and cut a hole.

After completing the design work, it would be nice to paint the new oven. heat resistant paint. But you can paint only cooled metal, so wait until the structure cools down. The black unit looks best.

How to make a stove from rims

Many craftsmen make wood stoves and even boilers from thick-walled pipes. But often such a pipe becomes too expensive a pleasure, while there may be a couple of old wheels from the car at hand. In this case, you can get a wonderful stove from wheel disks, and we will tell you about how to make it in this article.

What kind of stoves can be made from car rims?

At the moment, home craftsmen have invented several varieties of iron stoves assembled from wheel disks. They can be divided into areas of application:

  • heating;
  • baths;
  • for cooking, including barbecue.

These car parts are attractive primarily for the thickness of the metal. The body of a wood-burning stove made of a steel disk will not burn out very soon, especially if you take a wheel from a truck. The latter, as a rule, are used for the manufacture of sauna stoves, since they are distinguished by their large dimensions and metal thickness. For a sauna stove, often operating in extreme conditions, this is an important factor.

From disks from cars and commercial vehicles, you can get both a good wood heater for a garage, and a small stove for barbecue. Let's take them all in order.

Wood-fired heat generator welded from discs

The author of the stove shown below in the photo was inspired by the design of the well-known Buleryan heaters. Only the original costs decent money, but such a hand-made product costs ten times cheaper, provided that the farm has 3 wheels from a UAZ or GAZelle. In addition, you will need a little sheet metal and pipes with a diameter of 100-150 mm, and even a short pipe Ø76 mm.

The most difficult thing is to cut the inner part out of the rims. The grinder is not very convenient, and the metal is thick. A gas cutter is preferable, but if it is not there, then a grinder will do. Then, using a welding machine, the discs are hermetically joined to form a body. The back part is closed with a metal sheet with a Ø100-150 mm chimney pipe welded to it. If there is a desire, then a traction control damper is installed on this branch pipe, as shown in the photo:

It is not necessary to make a draft control damper if you make a stove from rims with adjustable air supply. To do this, a branch pipe with an air damper with a spring-loaded axle is built into the front door. In addition, an additional plate is installed inside the firebox, dividing the space into 2 parts, as in Buleryan. Above, a secondary chamber is obtained, where the chimney pipe is welded.

The furnace can take any diameter, length and orientation in space. It all depends on the number and size of disks, and also on your imagination.

Sauna stove

For the manufacture of a sauna stove, wheels from cars are not suitable - they are too small. The author of the idea, whose diagram is shown below, used 4 old rims from the ZIL-130 truck. Located one above the other, each of them performs its own function:

  • the first disc serves as a cover for the combustion chamber. According to the idea, the sauna stove has a small brick firebox with doors opening into the dressing room;
  • the second rim is the heater;
  • the third is an additional heat exchanger that takes the energy of the flue gases and transfers it to the inside of the steam room;
  • the fourth disc is a water heating tank.

Note. You can do without a brick firebox by organizing one inside the first rim. But then you will have to heat the bath from the steam room, and the tight-fitting doors in the disc body are more difficult to make.

All additional metal parts required to assemble the furnace are shown in the following diagram. A hand-made sauna stove works according to the following principle: firewood burning in a firebox gives off heat through its walls and rim No. 1 with a cut out bottom. It is welded with a second disc where the bottom is left in place so that it can be filled with stones. Inside, a pipe with the outgoing combustion products passes through them and heats the stove.

Further, the pipe goes inside the third rim, where a sheet metal gas divider is installed instead of the bottom. Combustion products wash over the divider, and the disc stove for the sauna gives off more heat, since this section plays the role of an economizer. Well, the last stage of cooling the flue gases takes place inside the 4th rim, which is turned into a tank with a lid and a water tap. As a result, the furnace works no worse than the factory copies, and in terms of durability it surpasses any of them.

Kebab oven

This wonderful device is made of two disks from the wheels of passenger cars. Although, if someone wants a bigger stove, then there are no restrictions: you can use wheels from UAZ or GAZ-53. In one of them, the bottom is carefully cut and then the rims are welded together.

In order for the unit to be securely installed on any surface, legs are attached to the lower section by welding, as shown in the photo.By the way, the hole for the hub must also be plugged, but the side holes can be left, through them air will enter the firebox. For ease of carrying, handles are welded to the outside of the body, and an opening for the door is cut in the side part.

The latter is made from the same piece, planted on hinges. That's it, the oven from car drives for barbecue and cooking is ready. As practice shows, 5 skewers with meat fit on it.

Advice. The cut-off bottom of the upper disc does not need to be thrown away; it can serve as a support for a small saucepan, kettle or frying pan.


After studying the essence of the issue, the conclusion suggests itself that making a stove from wheel disks is a very simple matter. This is partly the case, especially for people who are well acquainted with welding and metal locksmithing. Although in the case of a sauna stove, you will have to tinker with the brickwork, and the installation in the steam room must be done correctly. Well, for those who are not yet friends with the welding machine, there is a great opportunity to practice on the stoves.

Wheel stove

Hello everyone! So I decided to make a potbelly stove from scrap materials for heating the garage.

I found R14 car wheels and some metal in the garage, figured it out and made just such a structure.

The combustion chamber was welded from three disks.

I cut a hole in the lower part, put grate bars, made a box for collecting ash. The sides and door are made of sheet metal silt.

Stove feet are made from a cut disc from a motorcycle.

He brought out the chimney pipe in the back wall.

Here is such a stove made of rims, a minimum of manufacturing costs, so to speak, a budget version of a potbelly stove for a garage.