Repair Design Furniture

Gable roof fastening belt loops. Do-it-yourself gable roof of the house. Hanging truss systems

Thanks to simple device, ease of maintenance and durability, ensuring long-term operation, a gable roof is the most common solution in home improvement.

Types and features of a gable roof

The shape of a gable roof is determined at the design stage. It largely depends on the further operation of the attic. There are three main types of gable roof:

  • Symmetrical. The most common option provides a reliable device and even distribution of loads. The risk of bending the rafters is practically absent. A significant drawback is the impossibility of arranging the attic. Sharp corners form sections of the attic that are unsuitable for use.
  • Simple asymmetrical. The formation of one angle exceeding 45 about, provides an increase in usable area. This allows you to organize under the gable roof additional living rooms. The uneven distribution of the load on the foundation and load-bearing walls causes difficulties at the stage of calculations for the installation of rafters.
  • broken line . The fracture of a gable roof can be internal or external. Thanks to the non-standard design, it becomes possible to use the attic space for arranging full second floors. Calculations for the installation of rafters are much more complicated.

Calculating the correct angle of inclination is a key task prior to installing rafters for a gable roof. The climatic features of the region are taken into account. The presence of frequent and heavy rainfall necessitates the arrangement of a steep slope of a gable roof. The installation of gentle slopes is preferable with significant wind loads. With a possible range from 5 to 90 o, the most common version of the roof has a slope of 35 to 45 o, characterized by savings in material consumption and uniform load distribution.

Rafter system options

Mauerlat and the truss system are the supporting elements of a gable structure. The rafters themselves consist of several parts:

  • rafter legs and puffs that connect them and stiffen them;
  • vertical racks;
  • crossbars;
  • ridge and side runs;
  • longitudinal struts, in regions with significant snow and wind loads, additional installation of diagonal braces is carried out;
  • spacers;
  • bed and crate.

Advice ! The rafter scheme necessarily includes the installation of a chimney and a ventilation shaft.

For the selected gable design, there are three options for installing rafters. Consider the features of each method.

  • If the roof is less than 6 pm in width, the option of installing hanging rafters is considered. The process consists in fixing the leg between the ridge run and the supporting wall. This provides a reduction in the impact of the bursting force on the rafter legs. The connection of the elements of the rafters is carried out using a puff made of wood or metal. Their installation at the bottom allows you to perform the function bearing beams. An indispensable condition is reliable fixation of the puff, as it is subjected to bursting influences.
  • Sloped rafters are not limited to the size of gable structures, they include a bed and racks. A significant advantage of this type of rafters is ease of installation. The presence of a rack overshadows the practicality of the design.
  • Complex configurations of gable roofs provide for the installation of combined rafters.

Having defined suitable look rafter system, proceed to the calculation of the amount of material. In addition, each element of the roof needs a separate drawing and fixing the results of the calculations.

Calculation of the truss system

In fact, the truss system is triangular elements connected together, characterized by maximum rigidity. If the gable roof has a broken structure, irregular rectangles need to be broken down into separate components, followed by the calculation of the loads for each part. On final stage the data is summarized.

Determination of permanent and live loads

An essential condition for the installation of rafters is the determination of loads on a gable roof. They are divided into permanent, variable and special. The components of the constant loads are the weight of the crate, finishing materials attic, insulation and other elements that generally form the weight of the roof. On average, this indicator of the load on the rafters is 40-45 kg m 2.

Advice ! The calculation of the strength of a gable structure provides for a 10% margin.

Focusing on the indicators of the table indicating the weight of individual materials for roofing, you should adhere to the maximum load of 50 kg per 1 m 2 of the roof area.

The very name of variable loads speaks of their intermittent action. This includes the force of the wind, the action of snow cover and other types of intense influence of weather conditions. A gable roof is like a sail, an incorrectly calculated angle of inclination can provoke its destruction under the influence strong wind. To calculate this parameter, they refer to the indicators specified in the SNiP “Loads and Impacts”, taking into account the accompanying factors (the location of the house in an open space or among high-rise buildings). Determining the effect of snow cover on a gable roof is the product of the weight of snow and a correction factor that takes into account aerodynamic effects. According to SNiP, the weight of snow ranges from 80-560 kg / m 2. The dependence of the coefficients on the angle of the roof is shown in the following figure:

If the angle exceeds 60 °, this parameter is not taken into account due to the impossibility of delaying the snow cover on a gable structure. Special loads are provided in regions with increased seismic activity, with possible storm winds or tornadoes, which is not typical for most territories.

Calculation of technical parameters of rafters

The installation of rafters is repelled from the shape of a gable roof, the more complex it is, the more rafter elements the system includes. When using a soft roof, the angle of inclination of the roof does not exceed 20 °, steeper structures require the installation of ondulin, metal tiles or standard slate.

The choice of rafter pitch depends on the material used for the roof and the weight of the gable structure, it varies between 0.6-1.0 m. The number of legs is determined by dividing the length of the roof by the gap between the rafter pairs, followed by adding 1. The result shows the number of legs per one side of the roof, to determine the total indicator, the figure is doubled.

Installation of rafters will not do without determining their length, for which the Pythagorean theorem is used (c 2 \u003d a 2 + b 2), where:

  • The height of the roof (a) is selected based on the possibility of further operation of the attic space.
  • Let's denote half the width of the house as b.
  • The hypotenuse (c) represents the desired value - the length of the rafters.

Remark ! The result obtained should be increased by 0.6-0.7 m for sawing and moving the rafter element out of the wall.

If the maximum length of the timber of 6 pm is not enough to install the rafter leg, it is used to splice it by joining or building.

When determining the cross section of the rafters, the following factors are taken into account:

  • constant and variable loads:
  • what kind of roofing material will be installed;
  • type of wood used;
  • the length of the rafter legs and the step between them.

The table below will help determine the parameter you are looking for:

Rafter installation step (m)

Rafter leg length, m

Analyzing the data, a pattern is revealed: an increase in the installation step of the rafters proportionally increases the load on each leg, therefore, its cross section should increase.

Approximate sections of individual elements of the gable roof truss system are given below:

Installation of a gable roof

After a thorough recheck of the calculations, they proceed to install the Mauerlat.


Mauerlat installation includes the following steps:

  • Fixing the beam on the wall, designed to support the rafters. If the house is made of a log house, the upper crown performs the function of the Mauerlat. Buildings made of porous material require the installation of a Mauerlat along the entire length of the load-bearing wall.
  • The problem of exceeding the standard dimensions of lumber when installing a Mauerlat is solved by splicing them.
  • To connect the Mauerlat of a gable roof, the beam is cut exclusively at a right angle, the function of the link is performed by bolts. The use of wire, nails and wooden dowels is not acceptable.

The Mauerlat can be installed in the center of the supporting wall or offset. When fixing the structure, at least 5 cm should remain to the outer boundary of the wall. The use of waterproofing protection will protect wooden frame gable roof from moisture damage. Reliable fastening is an essential condition for installing rafters and Mauerlat on a gable roof. There are several ways to fulfill this requirement:

  • anchor bolts are ideal for a monolithic structure;
  • it is preferable to equip log cabins with wooden dowels;
  • porous materials are well combined with reinforcement or studs;
  • annealed wire is used as an additional fastener when installing rafters;
  • hinged fastening involves the displacement of the rafter legs in the process of shrinking the house.

Rafter installation

Installation of rafter pairs is carried out in two ways: directly on the roof, which is very impractical, or on the ground. With the second method, difficulties may arise when moving the assembled elements to the roof. The installation of the assembled pairs on the Mauerlat is preceded by the preparation of cuts, they are made exclusively on the rafter leg, so as not to weaken the base of the wooden structure. Mounting options are shown below:

To install paired rafters, temporary struts and struts are used. The ridge knot is formed by joining the rafter legs at the top. The process involves several options for completing the task:

  • the small design of the gable roof allows the absence of a support beam;
  • large dimensions require the use of a rafter beam, which later serves as a support for the rack.
  • cutting method.

Arrangement options are shown in the photo:

The installation of the crate facilitates the fastening of the roofing material, its step directly depends on the coating used:

  • a maximum step of 44 cm is possible when arranging the roof with slate or corrugated board;
  • a distance of 350 mm will be sufficient when covered with metal tiles;
  • soft roof provides a continuous crate.

The installation of rafters contains a lot of nuances that are difficult to foresee in advance. Templates made of thin boards are capable of facilitating the preparation of cuts and cuts. The video will also answer some of your questions.

A gable roof or gable roof is a roof with two slopes, i.e. having 2 inclined surfaces (slopes) of a rectangular shape.

The gable roof frame, due to its design features, ideally combines ease of installation and maintenance with reliability and durability. These and many other parameters make the construction of a gable roof a practical and rational solution for private and commercial housing construction.

In this article, we will consider how to make a gable roof truss system with your own hands. For effective perception of the material, it is presented in the form of a step-by-step instruction from A to Z, from selection and calculations, to installation of a Mauerlat and a crate under the roof. Each stage is accompanied by tables, diagrams, drawings, drawings and photos.

The popularity of the roof with a house is due to a number of advantages:

  • design variability;
  • simplicity in calculations;
  • natural flow of water;
  • the integrity of the design reduces the likelihood of leaks;
  • profitability;
  • preservation of the useful area of ​​​​the attic or the possibility of arranging an attic;
  • high maintainability;
  • strength and wear resistance.

Types of gable roof

The installation of a gable roof truss system depends primarily on its design.

There are several options for gable roofs (types, types):

The most common version of the roof device due to its simplicity and reliability. Due to the symmetry, a uniform distribution of loads on the load-bearing walls and the Mauerlat is achieved. The type and thickness of the insulation do not affect the choice of material.

The cross section of the beam makes it possible to provide a margin of bearing capacity. There is no possibility of bending the rafters. Supports and spacers can be placed almost anywhere.

A clear drawback is the impossibility of arranging a full-fledged attic floor. Due to sharp corners, “blind” zones appear that are unsuitable for use.

The device of one angle more than 45° leads to a decrease in the amount of unused area. There is an opportunity to make living rooms under the roof. At the same time, the requirements for the calculation are increasing, because. the load on the walls and foundation will be distributed unevenly.

This roof design allows you to equip a full-fledged second floor under the roof.

Naturally, a simple gable truss roof differs from a broken one, not only visually. The main difficulty lies in the complexity of the calculations.

The design of the gable roof truss system

Building a roof of any complexity with your own hands involves knowledge of the purpose of the main structural elements.

The locations of the elements are shown in the photo.

  • Mauerlat. Designed to distribute the load from the truss system to the load-bearing walls of the building. For the arrangement of the Mauerlat, a beam of durable wood is selected. Preferably larch, pine, oak. The cross section of the beam depends on its type - solid or glued, as well as on the estimated age of the structure. The most popular sizes are 100x100, 150x150 mm.

    Advice. For a metal truss system, the Mauerlat must also be metal. For example, a channel or an I-profile.

  • rafter leg. The main element of the system. For the manufacture of rafter legs, a durable beam or log is used. The legs connected from above form a farm.

The silhouette of the roof truss determines the appearance of the structure. Examples of farms in the photo.

Rafter parameters are important. They will be discussed below.

  • puff- connects the rafter legs and gives them rigidity.
  • Run:
    • Skate run, mounted at the junction of one rafter to another. In the future, a roof ridge will be installed on it.
    • Side runs, they provide the truss with additional rigidity. Their number and size depend on the load on the system.
  • Rafter rack- vertically located beam. It also takes on part of the load from the weight of the roof. In a simple gable roof, it is usually located in the center. With a significant span width - in the center and on the sides. In an asymmetrical gable roof - the installation location depends on the length of the rafters. With a sloping roof and the arrangement of one room in the attic attic, the racks are located on the sides, leaving free space for movement. If there are supposed to be two rooms, the racks are located in the center and on the sides.

The location of the rack depending on the length of the roof is shown in the figure.

  • Strut. Serves as a support for the rack.

Advice. Installing the brace at an angle of 45° significantly reduces the risk of deformation from wind and snow loads.

In regions with a significant wind and snow load, not only longitudinal struts (located in the same plane with the rafter pair) are installed, but also diagonal ones.

  • Sill. Its purpose is to serve as a support for the rack and a place for attaching the strut.
  • crate. Designed for movement during construction works and fixing roofing material. It is installed perpendicular to the rafter legs.

Advice. An important purpose of the crate is to redistribute the load from the roofing material to the truss system.

The presence of a drawing and a diagram indicating the location of all the listed structural elements will help in the work.

Advice. Be sure to add data on the passage of the ventilation shaft and chimney to the scheme of the gable roof truss system.

The technology of their device is determined by the type of roof.

The choice of material for rafters

When calculating the material for a gable roof, you need to choose high-quality wood without damage and wormholes. The presence of knots for beams, Mauerlat and rafters is not allowed.

For boards, there should be a minimum of knots, and they should not fall out. Wood must be durable and treated with the necessary preparations that will enhance its properties.

Advice. The length of the knot should not exceed 1/3 of the thickness of the timber.

Calculation of the truss system of a gable roof

The calculation of material parameters is an important stage, so we present the calculation algorithm step by step.

It is important to know: the entire truss system consists of many triangles, as the most rigid element. In turn, if the slopes have a different shape, i.e. are an irregular rectangle, then you need to divide it into separate components and calculate the load and the amount of materials for each. After calculations, summarize the data.

1. Calculation of the load on the truss system

The load on the rafters can be of three types:

  • Permanent loads. Their action will always be felt by the truss system. Such loads include the weight of the roof, lathing, insulation, films, additional elements of the roof, finishing materials for. The weight of the roof is the sum of the weight of all its constituent elements, it is easier to take into account such a load. Average value constant load on the rafters is 40-45 kg / sq.m.

Advice. To make the margin of safety for the rafter system, it is better to add 10% to the calculation.

For reference: The weight of some roofing materials per 1 sq.m. presented in the table

Advice. It is desirable that the weight of the roofing material per 1 sq.m. roof area, did not exceed 50 kg.

  • Variable loads. Valid in different periods and with different strengths. Such loads include: wind load and its strength, snow load, precipitation intensity.

In fact, the roof slope is like a sail and, given the wind load, the entire roof structure can be destroyed.

The calculation is carried out according to the formula: wind load is equal to the indicator for the region, multiplied by the correction factor. These indicators are contained in the SNiP "Loads and Impacts" and are determined not only by the region, but also by the location of the house. For example, to a private house surrounded by high-rise buildings, there are fewer loads. A detached country house or cottage is experiencing increased wind loads.

2. Calculation of the snow load on the roof

The calculation of the roof for snow load is carried out according to the formula:

Complete snow load equals the weight of the snow multiplied by the correction factor. The coefficient takes into account wind pressure and aerodynamic influence.

The weight of snow, which falls on 1 sq.m. roof area (according to SNiP 2.01.07-85) is in the range of 80-320 kg / sq.m.

The coefficients showing the dependence on the slope angle are shown in the photo.

Nuance. With a slope angle of more than 60 ° snow load does not affect the calculation. Since the snow will quickly slide down and will not affect the strength of the timber.

  • Special loads. Accounting for such loads is carried out in places with high seismic activity, tornadoes, storm winds. For our latitudes, it is enough to make a safety margin.

Nuance. The simultaneous action of many factors causes a synergy effect. This is worth considering (see photo).

Assessment of the condition and bearing capacity of walls and foundations

It should be borne in mind that the roof has a significant weight that can harm the rest of the building.

Determination of the roof configuration:

  • simple symmetrical;
  • simple asymmetric;
  • broken line.

The more complex the shape of the roof, the greater the number of roof trusses and sub-rafter elements is needed to create the necessary margin of safety.

The angle of inclination of a gable roof is determined primarily by the roofing material. After all, each of them puts forward their own requirements.

  • soft roof - 5-20°;
  • metal tile, slate, corrugated board, ondulin - 20-45 °.

It should be noted that increasing the angle increases the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe space under the roof, but also the amount of material. What affects the overall cost of work.

Nuance. The minimum slope angle of a gable roof must be at least 5°.

5. Calculation of the pitch of the rafters

The pitch of the rafters of a gable roof for residential buildings can be from 60 to 100 cm. The choice depends on the roofing material and the weight of the roof structure. Then the number of rafter legs is calculated by dividing the length of the slope by the distance between the rafter pairs plus 1. The resulting number determines the number of legs per slope. For the second number, you need to multiply by 2.

Rafter length for attic roof calculated using the Pythagorean theorem.

Parameter "a"(roof height) is set independently. Its value determines the possibility of arranging a dwelling under the roof, the convenience of being in the attic, the consumption of material for the construction of the roof.

Parameter "b" equal to half the width of the building.

Parameter "c" is the hypotenuse of the triangle.

Advice. To the value obtained, you need to add 60-70 cm for sawing and taking the rafter leg out of the wall.

It is worth noting that maximum length timber - 6 m.p. Therefore, if necessary, the timber for the rafters can be spliced ​​(building, joining, joining).

The method of splicing the rafters along the length is shown in the photo.

The width of the rafters for the roof depends on the distance between opposite load-bearing walls.

7. Calculation of the section of the rafters

The cross section of the gable roof rafters depends on several factors:

  • load, we already wrote about it;
  • type of material used. For example, a log can withstand one load, a beam - another, a glued beam - a third;
  • rafter leg length;
  • type of wood used in construction;
  • distance between rafters (rafter pitch).

You can determine the cross section of the beam for the rafters, knowing the distance between the rafters and the length of the rafters, using the data below.

Rafter cross section - table

Advice. The larger the installation step of the rafters, the greater the load on one rafter pair. So, the cross section of the rafters needs to be increased.

Dimensions of lumber (beams and boards) for a gable truss system:

  • thickness (section) of the Mauerlat - 10x10 or 15x15 cm;
  • the thickness of the rafter leg and puffs is 10x15 or 10x20 cm. Sometimes a beam of 5x15 or 5x20 cm is used;
  • run and strut - 5x15 or 5x20. Depending on the width of the leg;
  • rack - 10x10 or 10x15;
  • bed - 5x10 or 5x15 (depending on the width of the rack);
  • thickness (section) of the roof lathing - 2x10, 2.5x15 (depending on the roofing material).

Types of gable roof truss system

For the considered roof structure, there are 2 options: layered and hanging rafters.

Consider each type in detail in order to make an informed choice.

hanging rafters

They are used with a roof width of not more than 6 r.m. The installation of hanging rafters is carried out by attaching the legs to the load-bearing wall and the ridge run. The design of hanging rafters is special in that the rafter legs are under the influence of a bursting force. Hanging rafters with a puff installed between the legs can reduce its influence. The puff in the truss system can be wooden or metal. Often puffs are placed at the bottom, then they play the role of load-bearing beams. It is important to ensure secure fastening puffs on the rafter leg. Because a bursting force is also transmitted to it.

The higher the puff is located, the greater the strength it should have.
If the puff is not installed, the load-bearing walls can simply “disperse” from the pressure created by the truss system.


They are used in the arrangement of roofs of any size. The design of the layered rafters provides for the presence of a bed and a rack. Lying lying parallel to the Mauerlat takes on part of the load. Thus, the rafter legs seem to be inclined towards each other and are supported by the rack. The rafter legs of the layered system work only for bending. And the ease of installation also tips the scales in their favor. The only downside is the stand.


Due to the fact that modern roofs differ in a large variety of forms and complexity of configurations, a combined type of truss system is used.

After choosing the type of truss system, you can accurately calculate the amount of materials. Record the calculation results. At the same time, professionals recommend drawing up drawings for each element of the roof.

Installation of a gable roof truss system

After the gable roof rafters are calculated, installation can begin. We break the process into stages and give a description of each of them. You will get a kind of step-by-step instruction containing additional information on each stage.

1. Attaching the Mauerlat to the wall

The beam is installed along the length of the wall on which the rafters will rest.

In log cabins, the role of the Mauerlat is played by the upper crown. In buildings built from porous material (aerated concrete, foam concrete) or brick, the Mauerlat is installed along the entire length of the load-bearing wall. In other cases, it can be installed between the rafter legs.

The material was prepared for the site

Since the length of the Mauerlat exceeds standard sizes lumber, it has to be spliced.

The connection of the Mauerlat with each other is done as shown in the figure.

How to connect the Mauerlat?

Washed down the bars is made only at an angle of 90 °. Connections are made using bolts. nails, wire, wooden dowels are not used.

How to fix the Mauerlat?

The Mauerlat is installed on top of the wall. Mounting technology provides for several ways to mount the Mauerlat:

  • strictly in the center of the bearing wall;
  • offset to one side.

Mauerlat cannot be placed closer than 5 cm to the outer edge of the wall.

To protect the timber for the Mauerlat from damage, it is laid on a layer of waterproofing material, which most often acts as an ordinary roofing material.

Mauerlat fastening reliability important aspect construction. This is due to the fact that the roof slope is like a sail. That is, it experiences a strong wind load. Therefore, the Mauerlat must be firmly fixed to the wall.

Methods for attaching the Mauerlat to the wall and rafters

Anchor bolts. Ideal for monolithic construction.

Wooden dowels. Are used for fellings from a log and a bar. But, they are always used with additional fasteners.


Stud or armature. It is used if the cottage is built of porous materials (aerated concrete, foam concrete).

Sliding fastening (hinged). The bundle in this way allows you to ensure the displacement of the rafter legs when the house shrinks.

Annealed wire (knitting, steel). It is used as an additional fastening in most cases.

2. Production of roof trusses or pairs

Installation is carried out in two ways:

  • installation of bars directly on the roof. It is not used often, since it is problematic to perform all the work, measurements, trimming at a height. But it allows you to completely do the installation yourself;
  • assembly on the ground. Those., individual elements(triangles or pairs) for the truss system can be assembled at the bottom, and then raised to the roof. The advantage of such a system is faster execution high-rise works. The downside is that the weight assembled structure roof truss can be significant. To lift it, you need special equipment.

Advice. Before assembling the rafter legs, you need to mark up. It is very convenient to use templates for this purpose. The truss pairs assembled according to the template will be exactly the same. To make a template, you need to take two boards, the length of each of which is equal to the length of one rafter, and are interconnected.

3. Installation of rafter legs

The collected pairs rise up and are installed on the Mauerlat. To do this, at the bottom of the rafter legs, you need to make a drink.

Advice. Since the slots on the Mauerlat will weaken it, you can only cut down on the rafter leg. To wash down was the same and fit snugly to the base, you need to use a template. It is cut out of plywood.

Methods for attaching the rafter leg are shown in the figure.

You need to start installing rafter pairs from opposite ends of the roof.

Advice. To properly install the rafter legs, it is better to use temporary struts and struts.

A twine is stretched between the fixed pairs. It will simplify the installation of subsequent rafter pairs. And also, will indicate the level of the skate.

If the rafter system is mounted directly on the roof of the house, then after installing the two extreme rafter legs, the ridge support is installed. Further, half of the rafter pairs are attached to it.

It is worth noting that the opinions of professionals differ on this issue. Some advise using a staggered mounting order, which will evenly distribute the increasing load on the walls and foundation more evenly. This order involves the installation of one rafter in a checkerboard pattern. After part of the rafter legs is installed, the missing parts of the pair are mounted. Others insist that you need to do a consistent installation of each pair. Depending on the size of the structure and the configuration of the truss, the reinforcement of the rafter legs is carried out with props and racks.

Nuance. Connect additional elements structures with cutting. It is preferable to fix them with building brackets.

If necessary, you can lengthen the rafter leg.

Methods for splicing rafter legs are shown in the photo.

Advice. The method by which the Mauerlat is lengthened (washed down at 90 °) cannot be used in this case. This will weaken the rafter.

4. Installing the gable roof ridge

The ridge knot of the roof is made by connecting the rafter legs at the top.

Roof ridge device:

  • Method without using a support bar (see fig.).

  • A method using a rafter bar. The bar is needed for big roofs. In the future, it can become a support for the rack.
  • The method of laying on the beam.

  • A more modern version of the manufacture of the ridge knot can be considered the method shown in the photo.

  • Cutting method.

After the truss system is installed, we make a major fixing of all structural elements.

5. Mounting the roof sheathing

The crate is mounted in any case, and is designed for more convenient movement along the roof during work, as well as for fixing roofing material.

The step of the lathing depends on the type of roofing material, for example:

  • under the metal tile - 350 mm (the distance between the two lower boards of the crate should be 300 mm).
  • under a professional flooring and slate - 440 mm.
  • under soft roof we lay a continuous crate.

Rafter system of a gable roof with an attic - video:


As you can see, despite the seeming simplicity, the installation of a gable roof truss system contains many pitfalls. But, based on the above recommendations, you can easily build robust design with your own hands.

Rafters perform a number of significant roofing functions. They set the configuration of the future roof, perceive atmospheric loads, and hold the material. Among the rafter duties are the formation of even planes for laying the coating and providing space for the components of the roofing pie.

In order for such a valuable part of the roof to flawlessly cope with the listed tasks, information about the rules and principles of its construction is needed. The information is useful both for those who are building a gable roof truss system with their own hands, and for those who decide to resort to the services of a hired team of builders.

In device roof frame for pitched roofs use wooden and metal beams. The starting material for the first option is a board, log, timber.

The second is constructed from rolled metal: a channel, a profile pipe, an I-beam, a corner. There are combined structures with steel most loaded parts and wood elements in less critical areas.

In addition to the "iron" strength, the metal has a lot of disadvantages. These include heat engineering qualities that do not satisfy the owners of residential buildings. Disappointing need for the use of welded joints. Most often, industrial buildings are equipped with steel rafters, less often private change houses assembled from metal modules.

In business independent construction roof structures for private houses, wood is a priority. It is easy to work with it, it is lighter, “warmer”, more attractive in terms of environmental criteria. In addition, nodal connections do not require a welding machine and welder skills.

Rafters - a fundamental element

The main "player" of the frame for the construction of the roof is the rafter, among the roofers called the rafter leg. Beds, braces, headstocks, girders, puffs, even Mauerlat may or may not be used depending on the architectural complexity and dimensions of the roof.

The rafters used in the construction of the gable roof frame are divided into:

  • Layered rafter legs, both heels of which have reliable structural supports under them. The lower edge of the layered rafter rests on the Mauerlat or on the ceiling crown of the log house. support for top edge it can serve as a mirror analogue of an adjacent rafter or a run, which is a beam horizontally laid under the ridge. In the first case, the truss system is called spacer, in the second, non-spacer.
  • hanging rafters, the top of which rests against each other, and the bottom is based on an additional beam - puff. The latter connects the two lower heels of adjacent rafter legs, resulting in a triangular module called a truss truss. The tightening dampens the tensile processes, so that only a vertically directed load acts on the walls. Design with hanging rafters although it is spacer, the spacer itself does not transfer to the walls.

In accordance with the technological specifics of the rafter legs, the structures constructed from them are divided into layered and hanging. For structural stability, they are equipped with struts and additional racks.

For the arrangement of supports for the top of the layered rafters, beds and girders are mounted. In reality, the truss structure is much more complicated than the elementary patterns described.

Note that the formation of a gable roof frame can generally be carried out without roof structure. In such situations, the alleged planes of the slopes are formed by slegs - beams laid directly on the bearing gables.

However, we are now specifically interested in the device of the gable roof truss system, and it can involve either hanging or layered rafters, or a combination of both types.

Subtleties of fastening rafter legs

The rafter system is fastened to brick, foam concrete, aerated concrete walls through the mauerlat, which in turn is fixed with anchors.

Between the Mauerlat, which is wooden frame, and with walls made of these materials, a waterproofing layer of roofing material, waterproofing, etc. is mandatory laid.

The top of the brick walls is sometimes specially laid out so that something like a low parapet is obtained along the outer perimeter. So it is necessary that the Mauerlat placed inside the parapet and the walls do not burst the rafter legs.

Roof frame rafters wooden houses rest on the upper crown or on the ceiling beams. The connection in all cases is made by cutting and duplicated with nails, bolts, metal or wooden plates.

How to do without furious calculations?

It is highly desirable that the cross section and linear dimensions of the wooden beams be determined by the project. The designer will give clear calculation justifications geometric parameters boards or timber, taking into account the entire range of loads and weather conditions. If available home master there is no design development, his path lies on the construction site of a house with a similar roof structure.

You can ignore the number of storeys of the building under construction. It is easier and more correct to find out the required dimensions from the foreman than to find them out from the owners of a shaky unauthorized construction. After all, the foreman is in the hands of documentation with a clear calculation of the loads per 1 m² of roof in a particular region.

The installation step of the rafters determines the type and weight of the roofing. The heavier it is, the smaller the distance between the rafter legs should be. For laying clay tiles, for example, optimal distance there will be 0.6-0.7 m between the rafters, and 1.5-2.0 m is acceptable for the profiled sheet.

However, even if the step required for the correct installation of the roof is exceeded, there is a way out. This is a reinforcing counter-lattice device. True, it will increase both the weight of the roof and the construction budget. Therefore, it is better to deal with the step of the rafters before the construction of the rafter system.

Craftsmen calculate the pitch of the rafters according to design features buildings, tritely dividing the length of the slope into equal distances. For insulated roofs, the step between the rafters is selected based on the width of the thermal insulation boards.

On our website you can find, which may also help you a lot during construction.

Rafter structures of layered type

Rafter structures of the layered type are much simpler in execution than their hanging counterparts. A justified plus of the layered scheme is to provide full ventilation, which is directly related to the longevity of the service.

Distinctive design features:

  • Mandatory presence of support under the ridge heel of the rafter leg. The role of a support can be played by a run - wooden beam leaning on racks or on inner wall buildings, or the upper end of an adjacent rafter.
  • The use of Mauerlat for the construction of a truss structure on walls made of brick or artificial stone.
  • The use of additional runs and racks where the rafter legs, due to the large size of the roof, require additional support points.

The minus of the scheme is the presence of structural elements that affect the layout of the internal space of the operated attic.

If the attic is cold and the organization of useful premises is not supposed to be in it, then the layered construction of the truss system for the installation of a gable roof should be preferred.

A typical sequence of work on the construction of a layered truss structure:

  • First of all, we measure the height of the building, the diagonals and the horizontalness of the upper cut of the skeleton. When detecting vertical deviations of brick and concrete walls, we eliminate them with a cement-sand screed. Exceeding the heights of the log house we squeeze. By placing chips under the Mauerlat, vertical flaws can be dealt with if their magnitude is insignificant.
  • The floor surface for laying the bed must also be leveled. He, the Mauerlat and the run must be clearly horizontal, but the location of the listed elements in the same plane is not necessary.
  • We process all wooden parts of the structure before installation with fire retardants and antiseptic preparations.
  • We lay waterproofing on concrete and brick walls for the installation of a Mauerlat.
  • We lay the Mauerlat beam on the walls, measure its diagonals. If necessary, we slightly move the bars and turn the corners, trying to achieve the perfect geometry. Align the frame horizontally if necessary.
  • We mount the Mauerlat frame. The splicing of the beams into a single frame is carried out by means of oblique cuts, the joints are duplicated with bolts.
  • We fix the position of the Mauerlat. Fasteners are made either with staples to wooden plugs laid in the wall ahead of time, or anchor bolts.
  • We mark the position of the bed. Its axis should recede from the Mauerlat bars at equal distances on each side. If the run will be based only on racks without lying down, the marking procedure is carried out only for these columns.
  • We install the bed on a two-layer waterproofing. We fasten it to the base with anchor bolts, connect it to the inner wall with wire twists or staples.
  • We mark the installation points of the rafter legs.
  • We cut out racks according to uniform sizes, because our bed is set to the horizon. The height of the racks must take into account the dimensions of the section of the run and the bed.
  • Installing racks. If provided by the project, we fix them with spacers.
  • We lay the run on the racks. We check the geometry again, then install the brackets, metal plates, wooden mounting plates.
  • We install a trial rafter board, mark the places of trimming on it. If the Mauerlat is set strictly to the horizon, there is no need to adjust the roof rafters in fact. The first board can be used as a template for making the rest.
  • We mark the installation points of the rafters. Folk craftsmen for marking usually prepare a pair of slats, the length of which is equal to the gap between the rafters.
  • According to the markup, we install the rafter legs and fasten them first at the bottom to the Mauerlat, then at the top to the run to each other. Every second rafter is screwed to the Mauerlat with a wire bundle. In wooden houses, the rafters are screwed to the second crown from the top row.

If the rafter system is done flawlessly, the layered boards are mounted in random order.

If there is no confidence in the ideal structure, then the extreme pairs of rafters are installed first. A control twine or fishing line is stretched between them, according to which the position of the newly installed rafters is adjusted.

The installation of the truss structure is completed by installing the filly, if the length of the rafter legs does not allow the formation of an overhang of the required length. By the way, for wooden buildings, the overhang should “go beyond” the contour of the building by 50 cm. If the organization of the visor is planned, separate mini-rafters are installed under it.

Another useful video about the construction of a gable truss base with your own hands:

Hanging truss systems

The hanging type of truss systems is a triangle. The two upper sides of the triangle are folded by a pair of rafters, and the puff connecting the lower heels serves as the base.

The use of tightening allows you to neutralize the effect of the thrust, therefore, only the weight of the crate, the roof, plus, depending on the season, the weight of precipitation, acts on walls with hanging truss structures.

The specifics of hanging truss systems

Characteristic features of hanging type truss structures:

  • Mandatory presence of a puff, made most often of wood, less often of metal.
  • The ability to refuse the use of Mauerlat. A frame made of timber will be successfully replaced by a board laid on a two-layer waterproofing.
  • Installation on the walls of ready-made closed triangles - roof trusses.

The advantages of the hanging scheme include the space under the roof free from racks, which allows you to organize an attic without pillars and partitions. There are disadvantages.

The first of these is the limitation on the steepness of the slopes: their slope angle can be at least 1/6 of the span of a triangular truss, steeper roofs are strongly recommended. The second disadvantage is the need for thorough calculations for the competent device of cornice nodes.

Among other things, the angle of the truss truss will have to be set with jewelry accuracy, because. the axes of the connected components of the hanging truss system must intersect at a point, the projection of which must fall on the central axis of the Mauerlat or the lining board replacing it.

Subtleties of long-span hanging systems

Puff - the longest element of the hanging rafter structure. Over time, it, as is typical of all lumber, deforms and sags under the influence of its own weight.

Owners of houses with spans of 3-5m are not too concerned about this circumstance, but owners of buildings with spans of 6 meters or more should think about installing additional parts that exclude geometric changes in tightening.

To prevent sagging in the installation scheme of the truss system for a large-span gable roof, there is a very significant component. This is a pendant called a grandmother.

Most often, it is a bar attached with wooden surfs to the top of the truss truss. You should not confuse the headstock with the racks, because. its lower part should not come into contact with the puff at all. And the installation of racks as supports in hanging systems is not used.

The bottom line is that the headstock, as it were, hangs on a ridge knot, and a tightening is already attached to it with the help of bolts or nailed wooden plates. Threaded or collet type clamps are used to correct slack.

Adjustment of the tightening position can be arranged in the zone of the ridge knot, and the headstock can be rigidly connected to it with a notch. Instead of a bar on non-residential attics reinforcement can be used to make the described tightening element. It is also recommended to arrange a headstock or suspension where the puff is assembled from two bars to support the connection area.

In an improved hanging system of this type, the headstock is complemented by strut beams. The stress forces in the resulting rhombus are extinguished spontaneously due to competent placement vector loads acting on the system.

As a result, the truss system pleases with stability with a slight and not too expensive upgrade.

Hanging type for attics

In order to increase the usable space, the tightening of the rafter triangles for the attic is moved closer to the ridge. A perfectly reasonable move has additional advantages: it allows you to use puffs as the basis for filing the ceiling.

It is attached to the rafters by cutting with a semi-frying pan with a duplication of a bolt. It is protected from sagging by installing a short headstock.

A noticeable drawback of the attic hanging structure is the need for accurate calculations. It is too difficult to calculate it on your own, it is better to use a ready-made project.

Which design is more cost effective?

Cost is an important argument for an independent builder. Naturally, the price of construction for both types of truss systems cannot be the same, because:

  • In the construction of a layered structure for the manufacture of rafter legs, a board or beam of small section is used. Because layered rafters have two reliable supports under them, the requirements for their power are lower than in the hanging version.
  • In the construction of a hanging structure, the rafters are made of thick timber. For the manufacture of puffs, a material similar in cross section is required. Even taking into account the rejection of the Mauerlat, the consumption will be significantly higher.

Saving on the grade of material will not work. For the bearing elements of both systems: rafters, purlins, beds, Mauerlat, attendants, racks, lumber of the 2nd grade is needed.

For crossbars and puffs working in tension, you will need the 1st grade. In the manufacture of less responsible wooden slips, the 3rd grade can be used. Without counting, we can say that in the construction of hanging systems, expensive material is used to a greater extent.

Hanging trusses are assembled in an open area next to the object, then transported assembled upstairs. To lift weighty triangular arches from a bar, you will need equipment, for which you will have to pay rent. And the project for complex nodes of the hanging version is also worth something.

Video instruction on the installation of a truss structure of a hanging category:

There are actually many more methods for constructing truss systems for roofs with two slopes.

We have described only the basic varieties that are actually applicable for small country houses and buildings without architectural designs. However, the information provided is sufficient to cope with the construction of a simple truss structure.

The roof of a building is an important and responsible structural element that performs several functions at the same time. The main task is to protect walls and ceilings from the ingress of rain or melt water, which destroys the materials of the walls and the entire structure as a whole. Additional functions are the conservation of thermal energy, ensuring the operation of various life support systems at home, protection from wind, dust and other atmospheric and climatic manifestations. The roof structure is complex, the roof covering, which takes on all the main tasks of sealing and cutting off from low temperatures, needs a reliable and durable carrier system.

Gable roof and its features

The roof is one or more planes covered with a roof and designed to cut off external weather or atmospheric manifestations. Each plane is called a pitch, so a gable roof, by definition, has two protective planes. They can be symmetrical or asymmetrical, have the same or different angles. The configuration is determined by the architect's intention, the climate in the region, the presence of strong winds, etc. The most common symmetrical gable structures, as they create a uniform load on the walls and foundation.

Slope angle

Roof planes must necessarily have a slope that ensures the flow of snow or water. The angle value is a design indicator, it cannot be chosen arbitrarily. Factors affecting the choice of slope:

  1. The amount of snow falling in winter, typical for a given region.
  2. The number of rains, their strength and duration.
  3. Prevailing winds, their strength and duration, the possibility of squally gusts or hurricane values.

The meaning of calculating the angle of inclination of the slopes is to determine the optimal position of the planes, which ensures the timely melting of snow, the runoff of rainwater and, at the same time, does not create excessive resistance to wind currents. Loads from snow in winter amount to tons, and gusts of wind create a significant impact on the supporting structures of the house and the foundation. We have to look for " golden mean”, which allows you to get a sufficient slope with low wind resistance. In some regions with certain prevailing winds and high rainfall, an asymmetric roof shape, sloping on the windward side and steep on the leeward slope, becomes the best choice. To achieve such a shape, it is necessary to create two planes of different areas with a fracture line located outside the axis of symmetry of the building. When creating a house project, it is imperative to take into account the prevailing wind direction so that the load falls on the slopes of the roof and creates a minimum stress on the supporting structures.

What is a truss system

Gable roofs usually have vertical continuations of the walls from the end part - gables. Small buildings may not have a truss system at all, when the roof is laid on longitudinal strips laid on the slopes of opposite gables. For larger buildings, it is necessary to have a strong support. This is how the assembly of the gable roof truss system looks like with your own hands:

Roofing is able to ensure the tightness of the outer protective layer, not letting in moisture or wind. At the same time, the roof has no bearing capacity, it needs a well-organized support system. As such, rafters perform several tasks:

  • create a reference plane for the roof, form a frame;
  • form the configuration of the roof, create the required number of planes - slopes;
  • provide the necessary rigidity and strength;
  • connect the roof to the supporting structures of the building.

The functions performed put forward a lot of requirements for the system, the main of which are strength and the ability to maintain shape despite long term services and load transfers. Here is an example of the easy way calculation of the strength of each individual rafter:

Externally, the gable roof rafters look like two rows of sloping slats, connecting at the top. To ensure the strength and rigidity of the structure, there are various elements that need to be considered in more detail.

Elements of the truss system

Rafter construction is one of the most complex of all building systems. It consists of:

  1. Mauerlat. A strapping belt made of timber 100 × 150 or 150 × 150 mm, laid along the perimeter of the walls in the upper end part. It serves as the basis for the rafters, connects the roof to the walls.
  2. Sill. It is laid along the longitudinal axis of the building, provides support for vertical support elements. It is used only on buildings with an internal middle load-bearing wall.
  3. Sprengel. Reinforces Mauerlat corner joints. It is a kind of strut laid horizontally and providing a diagonal ligament.
  4. Puff. Connects the opposite bars of the Mauerlat, compensating for the bursting load from the inclined elements.
  5. Rack (grandmother). A vertical piece that supports a skate.
  6. Skate (run). horizontal bar(or board), forming the upper edge of the roof, connecting inclined planes - slopes.
  7. Rafters (rafter legs). Inclined planks forming the planes of the slopes. With their lower ends they rest on the Mauerlat beam, with their upper ends on the run.
  8. Struts. Inclined elements that serve as additional supports for the rafters at the points of greatest load. Installed perpendicular (or at a slight angle) to the rafters.

Important! This list is not exhaustive, there are many more various elements truss systems, but they are usually not used on gable roofs.

What are rafters made of

The material for the manufacture of rafters is traditionally wood - timber and edged boards. Advantages wooden parts truss system:

  1. Relatively light weight, eliminating high loads on the supporting structures of the house.
  2. Availability, prevalence of material.
  3. Wood is easily processed, cut, combined.
  4. High maintainability of the material. Any element can be replaced or put in order during operation.
  5. Durability, reliability of a design.

There are also disadvantages:

  1. Wood is susceptible to decay, mold or fungus.
  2. High susceptibility to water, the ability to absorb and release moisture.
  3. Swelling, wood changes linear dimensions.
  4. Wood is flammable.
  5. Installation of rafters requires the use of material with high requirements for moisture and quality.

Recently, an alternative type of rafters has appeared - metal. They are devoid of most of the shortcomings of wooden parts, are not afraid of water, are strong and durable. The disadvantages include only the possibility of corrosion (although the metal has a protective coating), relatively high weight and increased complexity of the connection compared to wood. Besides, metal rafters much more expensive, which limits their use in private housing construction. The main consumers of such parts are the builders of large facilities that need a strong roof of large dimensions. The loads experienced by the truss system in such conditions are very high and require the use of reinforced parts.

The process of installing a metal truss system is nothing more difficult than the process of assembling a wooden structure. You can verify this for yourself:

There are combined truss systems that use both metal and wooden elements. This option allows you to slightly reduce the weight of the structure, it is more economical and easier to install. The only crucial point is the need to waterproof the joints of metal and wooden parts, since the condensate that forms on the metal can get on the wood, cause rotting and failure.

Types of truss systems

There are two options for the design of truss systems:

  • with hanging rafters;
  • layered truss system.

The fundamental difference between these options is the fulcrum of the rafter legs. The first option involves attaching the base of the rafters to the Mauerlat and connecting them at the top point when the run (ridge) rests on them. The second option provides a more durable run with load-bearing functions, and the rafters are fully fixed to the Mauerlat and to the ridge beam.

Both options are actively used. In practice, they differ little from each other, since the features of the implementation of one type or another directly depend on the size of the building and the structure. bearing walls. The construction of medium-sized houses forces the use of structures that are more similar to the layered type, which provides greater strength and rigidity of the system. Let's consider both options in more detail:

Hanging rafter system

The traditional option for using hanging rafters is small houses, with a maximum distance between supports of up to 6 m. This is due to the appearance of an additional load - in addition to the weight of the roof and exposure to atmospheric factors, the rafters receive self-supporting properties. With an increase in the size of the house, the load becomes excessive and requires reinforcement of the structure.

A feature of hanging truss systems is the bursting force applied to the Mauerlat. To compensate for this pressure and protect the walls from deformation and subsequent destruction, puffs located at the bottom of the rafter legs are necessarily used. During construction, they often resort to the manufacture of so-called. truss trusses having the shape of an isosceles triangle. They are made on the ground or assembled directly on the top of the house and installed on the roof Mauerlat as a finished structure. This method somewhat speeds up the process of creating a roof, since elements of the same type are used, which allows you to repeat the same operations several times and get the right number of elements.

Layered truss system

Construction of medium and large sizes requires the creation of a strong and rigid truss system. The weight of the roof, snow and wind loads force the use of a layered type of system. It differs, first of all, in the installation technique. First, supporting elements are installed - Mauerlat, bed, racks and run. They have a high bearing capacity and are designed to take significant loads, so they are made of timber. Rafter legs are installed based on the Mauerlat from below and on the run in the upper part, with a large length they are reinforced with struts.

Experts note the great reliability of the layered truss system. When assembling, there are no ready-made parts of the structure, so all work is carried out directly on top of the building. No need to lift heavy finished items, only material is fed up. Each bar is installed separately, which ensures the accuracy and tightness of the connection, avoiding poor-quality installation or errors. In comparison with structures with hanging rafters, layered truss systems significantly benefit in strength and allow you to get a better and more durable supporting structure. In regions with high rainfall, snowy winters, strong gusty winds, a layered truss system for a gable roof is much preferable and more reliable.

How to choose the optimal design of gable roof rafters

The main selection criterion is the size and purpose of the building. Small houses that do not have a large area of ​​​​roofing can do with lighter support structures. Medium-sized buildings, large buildings must have a strong and powerful truss system that can withstand the pressure of snow, wind, and withstand the weight of the roof. In order to decide how to make a roof correctly, it is necessary to find out the climatic features in the region, the amount of precipitation, the possibility and frequency of strong winds, heavy snowfalls, etc. These data are included in the calculation, they are available in the tables of SNiP or in reference literature.

At the same time, one should not be too zealous and build an overly powerful truss system for a small house. It must be remembered that power is additional material, and consequently - an increase in the weight of the structure. The optimal choice will allow you to get a fairly strong and lightweight system that does not overload the foundation and walls, but fully provides protection from external atmospheric manifestations.

Installation of a gable roof truss system

Consider how to properly install the rafters with your own hands on a gable roof. The task is difficult, but quite solvable. The main condition will be the possession of the necessary knowledge and accuracy, thoroughness in performing all the necessary operations. A simpler option is a system with hanging rafters, but it is more correct to consider complex structures, since the rafters on a gable roof are more reliable, and the technique for performing work is almost the same.

Preparatory operations

First of all, you need to make a careful calculation of the system. For an unprepared person, such a task will certainly be overwhelming, but the solution may be to use an online calculator, of which there are many on the Internet. It is easy to use them - you need to substitute your own data (roof dimensions, other values) into the windows of the program and get ready-made parameters for the truss system. For more accurate values, you can repeat the calculation on another calculator.

The second step will be the acquisition of material. Consider a more complex case - making a wooden truss system with your own hands. For it, you will need a wooden beam measuring 100 × 150 or 150 × 150 mm, as well as an edged board 50 mm thick. The quality of the material should be paid the most close attention. Wood should not have defects:

  • rotten areas;
  • traces of insect activity;
  • cracks;
  • the number of knots should be limited, you should not choose material with dead (dropped out) knots;
  • wood moisture should be in the range of 18-22%.

The selected and purchased material must be folded in the area under a canopy. It is impossible to tightly lay boards or timber on top of each other, it is necessary to use gaskets for free air movement. An example of proper storage of lumber:

Important! Of great importance is the presence of resin in wood. If a tapping (resin collection) was performed on the site, then the material becomes lighter and dries faster. At the same time, the risk of damage by a fungus, rotting or absorption of atmospheric moisture increases.

In any case, the purchased material must be kept for some time (at least a couple of weeks) on the site in order to gain atmospheric humidity characteristic of this region. If you start construction immediately, there is a risk of distortion of the structure, the occurrence of unnecessary stresses.

The next and final step of the preparatory operations must necessarily be the bactericidal treatment of purchased wooden materials:

Important! If you want the roof to serve you for at least 50 years without a single repair, you need to treat the wood with an antiseptic. This simple operation will avoid damage to the lumber by bark beetles, and will also prevent the material from rotting.

Do-it-yourself installation of gable roof rafters

Consider how a do-it-yourself gable roof truss system is made. The work is carried out in stages, in strict order. Since the installation of a structure with hanging rafters is somewhat simpler, consider a more labor-intensive option - installing a layered timber truss system for a gable roof.

The first step in installing rafters for a gable roof with your own hands is to prepare the walls of the building without a Mauerlat. An example is shown in the photo:

The mounting surface of the walls is leveled with a small layer of mortar. After the solution is completely dry, bituminous waterproofing is applied on top of it, or one layer (strip) of roofing material is laid. Next, a board is laid on top of the "sandwich".

The second step is the installation of the Mauerlat. How to do this is shown in detail in the photo below:

The beam piping is installed on a waterproofed base formed by the inner part of the end of the walls. A brick or block ledge is usually installed along the outer edge, providing protection against water ingress from outside. Sometimes Mauerlat is made from edged board, which is justified when small sizes buildings and roofs. For insulation, a double layer of roofing material is used, with an intermediate application of heated bitumen. The connection of the beam both in the longitudinal and in the transverse direction is made in half a tree. Studs are used to strengthen the strapping. Before finally putting the beam in place, holes are made at the end of the walls for deepening the ends of the studs or dowels, installing anchor bolts.

Then the bed is installed. Installation is carried out in a similar way, on a waterproofed base. The connection with the Mauerlat is made in half a tree, reinforced with metal staples or nails.

Racks are installed. They are mounted on a bed, additionally reinforced with struts or struts. A run is attached to the top of the racks.

Installation of rafter legs begins. They are attached to the Mauerlat and run with nails. To illustrate, here are a few examples:

There are also metal fasteners for gable roof rafters, which provide high-quality connection of parts. It must be remembered that between wood and metal there must be a gasket made of roofing material or glassine. The installation step of the rafter legs is determined by calculations made in advance. The durability and reliability of the roof depends on the accuracy of observing the dimensions. Here is an example of assembling truss trusses on nail plates:

At the end of the installation of the gable roof truss system, the crate is installed.

There are two types - the crate itself and the counter-crate. The first type is used in the absence of insulation, and if it is planned to be installed, then both layers are mounted. In such cases, the counter-lattice provides the necessary ventilation gap between the roof and the insulation and at the same time serves as a support for the roofing material. The crate performs the function of supporting the insulation and provides the necessary clearance between the rafters and the counter-crate.

In parallel with the crate, a roof overhang is made. It provides protection of the ends of the walls from water. It is impossible to form an overhang immediately during the installation of the rafter legs, therefore, work is carried out at the final stage. To form an overhang, an edged inch board is used, from which a continuation of the rafter line is made, taking into account the thickness of the crate, extending beyond the perimeter of the walls by the required amount.

Do-it-yourself installation of gable roof rafters allows you to significantly save money, complete all the work at a convenient time for yourself and gain valuable experience in performing such work. The main condition for obtaining a high-quality result will be accuracy, thoroughness in the implementation of all actions, preliminary familiarization with the rules and features of the installation of a particular element.

Video instructions

If you are building your house and have already reached the stage of building a roof, then from our article you can learn how to do it yourself. The roof is the most important element of any residential structure, so it should be given special attention. Not only comfort in the house in terms of temperature, but also the overall safety of the building depends on the quality of the roof. So, let's take a look at the step-by-step instructions for building this node at home.

Preparation and calculations

It is important to understand that the roof of a house is a complex and important structural element. For its construction, it is necessary to clearly calculate the amount of material, as well as take into account future loads. We invite you to familiarize yourself (in the table) with the average options for building materials for the construction of a gable roof.

Be sure to calculate the exact amount of material based on the size of the roof of your house. You can purchase material with a small margin, taking into account possible errors and marriage. It is recommended to draw up a drawing of the future design. For this, by the way, you can use modern computer programs which will help to calculate the amount of material needed. After the calculations, we proceed to the direct execution of work.

Mauerlat is actually a load-bearing beam, which is installed on top of the erected walls and plays the role of a support for the entire roof structure. For Mauerlat, we choose a beam with a section of 100 × 100 mm or 150 × 150 mm, depending on the size of the frame and its future weight.

Mounting the Mauerlat can be done in several ways. The most common of these is to attach the timber directly to the top of the wall. To do this, metal studs are attached to the wall, and holes are made in the beam for fastening. A layer of insulating material is laid under the Mauerlat, after which the timber is “put on” on the studs and fixed with bolts. If the wall is wide, the beam can be overlaid with bricks, which will give the base for the roof more strength.

You can also fix the Mauerlat with concrete putty, but the best option would still be to fix the beam on special studs. However, for greater strength, several installation options can be used at once.

Do-it-yourself gable roof of the house is done strictly step by step. After installing the Mauerlat, we proceed to the collection and installation of the truss system. In our version of the roof, this structure is an A-shaped element that works on the principle of expansion. Loads must be foreseen, therefore, opposite walls must be strengthened before installing the system. For this, a beam is used (the section can be chosen similar to the Mauerlat), which is attached at the level ceiling beams.

By the way, the ceiling beams are laid before installing the rafters. Beams are fastened using corners. The installation step of the ceiling beams depends on the technical features of your home, but should not be less than 30 cm. Fix the beams securely and constantly check the strength of the structure.

If it is possible to lift a rather heavy load to roof level, the assembly of the system can be carried out on the ground. Otherwise, the system is assembled on ceilings. We take the beams necessary for the rafter legs and form a triangular structure, connecting the parts with nails. The triangle is installed with rafters on the Mauerlat. Be careful and be sure to take into account the desired roof height right away so that you do not have to redo the triangles in the future. Do not forget to check the installation vertical with a level and securely fix the structures to avoid distortions. Temporarily, you can use additional fasteners in the form of nailed boards, which can be easily dismantled at the end of the work.

Important: First of all, we install side structures on each side of the house.

Rigidly fasten the rafter leg to the Mauerlat. To do this, we use metal plates. You should get a securely fixed triangular structure, which will act as a kind of "template" for continuing work. Taking into account the dimensions of the beam and the angle of inclination of the rafters, we assemble new triangles and install them one by one on the Mauerlat. The number and pitch of the rafters depends on the size of the roof.

We strengthen the sides of the triangle with transverse boards (we nail them in the center of each side) and install the racks on the beds. They will play the role of additional support and will prevent the deformation of the roof. We attach a ridge run to the upper part of the entire system.

This element is the front "wall" of the roof, continuing the existing wall of the house. In order for the do-it-yourself gable roof of the house to look beautiful and be durable, it is necessary to strictly maintain the vertical levels of the gables and, accordingly, the truss system. It is also important to ensure reliable fixation, since the roof will be exposed to precipitation and wind, which can lead to distortions. You should also take into account the weight of the future roofing, so you should not neglect the reliability of fastening in any case.

The pediment looks like a triangular structure, which can be assembled both on the ground and directly at the work site. You can provide for the presence of a window at the gable. From below, the pediment is attached to the Mauerlat, and from above to the ridge run. You can sew up the pediment both at this stage and at any subsequent ones. As a rule, boards 50 × 100 mm or 50 × 150 mm are used for this. You can mount boards both vertically and horizontally - your choice.

The inner side of the pediment must be insulated and covered with an insulating layer. You can use the materials and technology that we will describe in the next section. Concerning outside gable, you can leave it as it is, or you can sheathe it with siding, which will give your roof a beautiful look.

Sheathing and insulation

In order for a do-it-yourself gable roof to be reliable, be sure to insulate it. As a heater, you can use various materials, for example, a very popular mineral wool or other options based on it. Be sure to provide for the presence of a vapor and waterproofing layer.

We lay the waterproofing layer directly on the rafters and fix it. Next, we lay mats from thermal insulation material, placing them between the rafters with a secure fit. Next, we lay a layer of vapor barrier, which we place on the inside of the roof. We fix the connections of the layers with a special adhesive tape. On top of the insulating material, you can immediately mount the finishing layer, or you can postpone this stage for later.

Now let's move on to the crate. Along existing rafters we lay the timber - the counter-lattice. The task of this element is to create a gap between the roofing material and the insulation. This helps to wick moisture away from the convection of warm air from the ceiling and attic.

Next, we mount the direct crate. Here it all depends on what kind of roofing material you are going to choose. For example, for tiles, the pitch of the crate should be about 50 mm, and for slate or wide tiles - from 100-150 mm. In other words, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions and weight of the future roofing material. In some cases, it is possible to make a continuous crate altogether. By the way, this option is considered universal, that is, suitable for any type of coating. But this greatly increases the cost. building material and the weight of the entire roof.

Installation technology differs depending on the type of coating. For example, when installing shingles must first be laid on the crate lining carpet with an overlap of layers of about 150 mm and fix it securely. The carpet can be laid both along and across the existing crate, the main thing is to fix it securely.

Next, we install the cornices, if they are provided for by the project. The cornice strip is attached directly to the lining and fixed with nails or self-tapping screws. Do not forget to mount in the cornice special brackets to install a drainage system. After that, attach the end strips to the ends of the roof and proceed to laying the tiles.

We start laying from the center of the eaves, in both directions to the edges, moving layer by layer to the top of the roof. There is an adhesive layer on the tile, protected by a film - tear it off and glue each tile to the lining. We fix with nails in four places. Then repeat the procedure with each next tile. At the ends, the protruding edges of the tiles must be carefully cut and sanded. Do not forget to make roof penetrations - special holes for, for example, an antenna or a chimney. To do this, the tile is drilled in the required place, and the hole is reinforced with rubber along the edges.

A special ridge tile of a suitable shape is mounted on the roof ridge. Here it is necessary to overlap by about 5 mm to avoid rain water getting under the material. Installation of a roof using other materials is carried out in approximately the same way, taking into account certain nuances for each of the coating options.

Your do-it-yourself gable roof is ready. Now you can go to interior decoration attic and work on wood coating with varnish, paint or other suitable materials. As you go, there is nothing complicated in this process: you will need the necessary materials, a few helpers, tools and 2-3 days to work.