Repairs Design Furniture

Small houses with a double roof. Roofs of single-storey houses - soul and face of the house. Advantages of a bartal design

Often, when the roof is erected, people have to do a rather difficult choice - which option is preferred.

The fact is that modern technologies provide the possibility of such a choice, allowing in fairly short time to mount the roof of any kind. In Russia, double roofs were always more popular.

Flowing over what kind of design is more suitable, the homeowner is repelled from many factors: its functionality, reliability and durability, the ability to prevent sediment from entering the building.

Perhaps this contributed to the peculiarities of the climatic conditions of our Fatherland.

According to the project, the duplex roof can be performed in two ways: with hanging rafters, or with inclined. This or that method is selected based on the size of the structure itself or.

It is extremely important that the calculation of the double roof (device of the rafter system) was performed correctly. It is best to handle a professional worker who is worth hired.

The fact is that in the case of a possible error in the calculations of the required rafter section, the connection of individual nodes is quite likely, or even the destruction of the rafted system itself. One way or another, the further exploitation of the structure will be questionable.

Fastening the support bar (he is Mauerlat)

It can be conducted by various methods:

  • The most reliable of them (he is the most common) is as follows. When the walls are mounted on which then it is planned to fix the support bar, a concrete belt (continuous) is created along the perimeter of the structure. It can be replaced by beam.

Between runs and racks, rafters are rapidly enhancing. The necessary parameters for subposses and rafting feet are calculated by software. The familiar width of simple rafter boards is about five centimeters, the height of them is up to 20.

For the formation of a sweep, which will be a reliable protection of the outer wall from precipitation, tightening or rafters output at least half a meter for the plane of this wall. Under Maurylalat, it is necessary to lay a good layer, otherwise the service life will be strongly reduced. You can use the good old or other similar material.

There are several layers between the rafters, be sure to displaced the seams. As a heater, materials with low thermal conductivity are used, for example, ordinary. In addition to thermal insulation, it is necessary to equip and. To do this, a well-strained polyethylene film is fixed from the insulation of the insulation. It serves to transmit and redistribute the roof weight on rafters, which, in turn, direct it to the carrying structure. The magnitude of the shade of the crate can be different, and it depends on the type of chosen roofing material.

Some of them are generally required to arrange a solid coating-flooring. Such are, for example, flat or. And under a soft tile from bitumen, another extra lining carpet is required, mounting over the flooring. It not only lines its surface, but also protects against unnecessary moisture when laying the roofing materials.

To do this, you can use a specially treated glass cholester having impregnation.

Dyed row - A wonderful choice for responsible homeowners who are not afraid of blurring hands and ready-to-work. Simple design, representing an equallyced triangle in the context, is not at all difficult to build yourself. The height of the descent and the angle of inclination of the roof can be varied, but certainly in the boundaries of correctly made calculations.

On a variety of buildings, you can see the roof with two slopes. It is not easy to choose it - this is a relatively simple and comfortable way to build the roof, reliable and beautiful in appearance. But there are many subtleties that builders and customers should be taken into account when creating it.

Advantages and disadvantages

The stability of the walls and the strength of the foundation, the elegance of the design of the arrangements can deliver joy only in one case - when the top "does not drip." Technologists and engineers attached a lot of efforts, invented many roof options. But according to the ratio of pros and cons at one of the first places, a classic pair of skates is still it turns out. These are two surfaces placed at an angle and having a support point on the carrier walls. The use of a bartal roof is equally good for a shopping pavilion, and for a country cottage, and for an ordinary canopy over a car or entrance to the house.

With such a roof, the rain precipitations are almost instantly dried down.Snow is not delayed on it. And even the wind will not be able to expose the underlying parts of the roofing pie of cabins, sheds, hozblocks.

Below can be a comfortable attic or even a full-fledged residential attic with significant rooms. Consumers can choose various executions, modify the length of the skates and the steepness of each of them.

Catering buildings are equipped with duplex roofs Most often, not only because of their resistance to weather conditions and comfort. The anti-vandal properties of such structures also distinguish them against the background of others. Disadvantages are detected only when mansard construction. Be sure to equip auditory windows and strengthen rafters. But even taking into account these problems, it is all the same that this format can be considered a universal type of roof.


It is important to understand that the bartal roof is not something single and monolithic, in fact, under this title, a number of subspecies are hidden.

  • Traditional symmetrical execution (The basis is an equilibrium triangle, the slope is exactly 45 degrees). Perfectly tolerates the pressure of snow and rainflows, but cannot be used for attic.

  • Loan type Increases the efficiency of the use of the attic space. From above, the slots relative to the gentle, and below they are sharply tilted. The inevitable consequence of such a choice is the complication of the rafter system.

  • Roof without symmetry (Such a "double-tie" makes it possible to make only limited on the area of \u200b\u200bthe attic). The main motive when choosing is an extremely unusual appearance.

  • Asymmetric multi-level(with different rods) of the roof - in it, the bumps will move away from the center. The roof can serve as a veranda or even located near the terrace house.

Most of the practically used designs have an inclination angles of at least 11 and not more than 45 degrees, because they are the most practical. In a dry and warm climate, you can make the most flat roof.

If the frequency of precipitation and their intensity is very high, then you have to build a cooler roof. But again there is a weak point in her - increased susceptibility to the pressure of the wind.

Equipment of different skates not only increases the attic area or attic, but also allows them to make their walls as direct as possible.

Asymmetry, if it is thought out as follows and is embodied technically, it is capable of becoming an attractive investigative decision. It has long been noticed that the difference in the parameters of the skates increases the snow and wind stability of the house. On the walls, rafters and the foundation is somewhat less than usual, pressure. And on asymmetric roofs, solar panels are still more efficient. Minus only one - design and work will have to be entrusted to professionals.

Many bartal roofs are equipped with auditory windows that increase the design attraction. The image of the house as a whole becomes cheerful, the building acquires unique features. In a bartal roof, windows are often set in the form of a quadrangle, although the number of forms simply cannot be recorded. Hearing windows are designed to replace the doors to access the roof at repair, finishing and emergency work, with PE.

A duplex roof with short and long slots requires the most carefully measure all the parameters and calculate the necessary properties of the system. The required accuracy is able to provide a hydraulic level.

The roof with three fronts is equipped mainly on houses made in the form of a square or rectangle. With the equipment of the attic on it there is a separate roof, and you can choose any kind of kind, including broken. To note: the presence of three frontones allows you to ensure enhanced illumination of the attic floor.

Many roofs are made with a protrusion - this element helps to organize visors, canopies and eaves. The roof is equipped with endowing in those cases when it is necessary to ensure that the rods forming the negative angle must be attached to each other.

Such roofs can be made:

  • in the form of a cross;

  • in the form of the letter T;

  • in the form of the letter G.

The preparation of the roof plan implies an assessment of its top viewAt the same time, all attic and hearing windows are taken into account, surface connection points. Reflect in terms of roof over terraces and verandas, for each surface and items need to be painted. The master plan is divided into elementary figures, it is sure to indicate where the main premises and extensions will be placed. Only subject to this condition you can guarantee that all nodes, endanders, protrusions perfectly fulfill their tasks. If the size of the runs is changed, the angle is adjusted, which bends endowed.

Where such details are located, the connectable rocks are covered with an inseparable crate. When laying waterproofing, it is recommended to place it in two layers, and then to attach endanda to the screw. When the details are in a horizontal plane, the raid is at least 10 cm, and ideally 30 cm. If the slope has only a slight angle of inclination, it is advisable to use an additional waterproofing reservolation. Under the metal tile, they put Undovu with a self-disruptive seal.

The bartal roof with the erker may well be inexpensive and fairly beautiful. This element is placed on the reinforcing belt; To make it, usually do not put one of the rows of bricks or blocks during construction. The belt will not only sign the subcording beams, but also will strengthen the wall, reduce the pressure on the windows jumpers. The formwork can be made of an old board, and for the reinforcement itself, a welded network with cells 5x5 cm is used.

The shape with a displaced center is often chosen due to increased energy efficiency. This valuable property is harmoniously combined with external attractiveness. Architects go to a variety of tricks, especially popular original versions were in the middle of the last century. The most radical experiments, of course, did not justify themselves, but decisions in which one skate is directed to the south, and differing from it an angle of location or length - to the north. It is important not to forget in this kind of searches that a careful calculation of wind and snow loads, no one has canceled the determination of the composition of the premises.

The overall level of the Dwelling efficiency, if everything is done correctly, is much higher than that of an ordinary house, covered with a typical duplex roof. The exact counts of architects have shown that it is worth introducing one corner with a cooler 45 degrees, as an unused area in the house will sharply decrease.

The original step is to imitate the roof of the ancient Russian terme. Moreover, modern builders are much easier than their predecessors several centuries ago. Mathematics and effective computing programs come to the rescue, allowing you to calculate the parameters as accurately as possible.

Under the parallel roof, it is much more pleasant to put the attic than the usual. Sightmail for almost the very horse in the very skate, there is little joy, especially since sharply sloping rods and the sharp corners located inside and outside also do not contribute to the visual cozu. Instead of going to the designers, creatively beating a simple type of a bunk roof, will correctly solve the problem dramatically. The roofing material with cut corners helps to close the places where it fails to put full-fledged sheets or rolls.

A popular variety of duplex roofs is a forceal form; Rather it would be said that this assembly of several roofs, each of which covers single parts of the house and is associated with other mechanically. The advantage of this solution is that it allows you to create both auditory windows and balconies. "T-shirts" in the terminology of the roofers are referred to, of course, not a metal tool with sharp grabs, and the frontones. The radical complication of the rafter system is justified by external aesthetic attractiveness. To imagine how it all looks, you need to look at any image of an old castle.

The bartal roof can be not only steep, but also canopy. The increased coolness of the slope strengthens the design and makes it less relevant to its sophisticated strengthening. The need for lumber is reduced, and therefore total expenses grow. But if in a particular area the likelihood of storms and hurricanes is large, just strong winds, it is better to choose a more closed option. At the same time, a completely flat roof (angle of inclination of 10 degrees and less) is also impractical - care for it, the cleaning of snow often becomes painful.

It is important to consider that when choosing heavy finishing materials(professional flooring and metal tile) do the corner of steeper 45 degrees are not recommended. Then the usual fastening will be unable to prevent them from rapidly slipping in diagonal skates. And it will be necessary to strengthen fasteners, put additional items. As a result, unnecessary costs will appear - and this is not one, and not even two thousand rubles (if you also take into account the work, complicated design).

Save on the construction of a fully colored roof will also not be released - under it will have to create a particularly strong system of rafters.


When the required level of roof steepness is estimated, it is necessary to deal with its main elements. And paramount attention should be paid to such a detail like Maurylalat. With this word, builders call a stable design, laid out around the perimeter of walls and serving to secure rafters. Maurylalat provides uniform to the limit of the layout of loads generated by the sink of the roof. It also prevents various mechanical effects to tear the roofing system from the walls.

The protective characteristics of Mauerlat are especially important when it comes to countering wind gusts. Part of the masters and even architects considers the construction of roofs without this element, with direct connection of rafted to overlapping beams. But the simplicity of such a design turns into the fact that 100% of the load is assembled monolithically on the support of the rafted. If you do everything correctly, these impulses dispersed in much larger area.

Maurylalat can be made of:

  • iclineaur;

  • schawler;

  • bruus coniferous rocks.

The standard section of the bar is 80x180, 100x100, 100x150, 150x100 or 200x200 mm in such cases. It is very simple to apply it, it is only required to put the timber under the legs of the rafter.

When assessing the quality of wooden raw materials, you can not ignore the knots that make up 2/3 of the thickness of the tree and more. Such defects are threatened not to the separation of resin, and the weakening of resistance to stretching.

A row roof over a lightweight frame house, which should not be overwhelmed excessive heavy loads, can be put on Mauerlat from the connected boards. The part of the developers adds steel pipes attached to the ends of the reference part. The designs used should have a maximum of a cross section that allows them to carry them out through the rafting holes. Equally important increased strength, it is better to even lay it with a margin. And do not yet take the pipes, if there is no confidence that they are made of high-quality steel.

The joining of Maurolalat to the wall is made in strict accordance with the technology-spent decades. It is extremely rare to abandon the reinforced belt. And even if the construction itself is durable, stable, it is still needed. When the walls are made at the bottom of the aerated concrete, it is worth spending time on laying a brick or a fill of a simple concrete. These materials are less fragile and will allow to avoid damage to the main part of the wall.

The magnitude of the sealing belt is selected individually, taking into account the level of loads, including variables. But the width is always equal to at least the carrier walls.

The eaves (cornized sv) must be present on any roof, and the two-tie is no exception. The purpose of such an element is to block the water, which, when sediment, seeks to penetrate into the space under the roof. What is important, the cornice is among the elements ending the finish, and when it is late, the internal components of the rafter turn out to be closed.

The frame (box) for the construction of the eaves is made from a smooth board that does not even contain single traces of the bark and bitch. An alternative eternity is to use the extension rafters of the koblok. You need to think about closing the frontones at least 50 cm.

To note: the inner device of the cornice on the skate and on the front has little common. If there is no desire to delve into such subtleties, it is better to seek help to professionals.

Understanding sows found the main use in the process of working on the holmic roof;the fusion type is most often used precisely in combination with a holm roof having two rocks. A shortened format is compatible with an absolutely any kind of roofing structures.

The way out of the main circuit has a visor. A similar solution reliably covers the wall and the base from the drop-down precipitation. There it is easy to hide and to people: if even the rain pours a stormy wall, under the part of the roof extended forward and comfortable.

The calculations of architects and engineers show that already removal of 150 cm allows the wall to remain dry regardless of the intensity and duration of the shower. But this is not the limit: the technical capabilities of modern builders allow you to build visors twice as much. Similar structures are used mainly as the organizers of the terraces. In the most sultry and hot day of Svet throws the shadow that protects plants from the heat. Do not try to make such long visors on your own, the responsibility is too great here.

The structure of the duct roof in the context cannot be considered thoroughlyIf you do not mention the inclined elements of the rafter system. The tilt has a scroll, firmly attached to the vertically supplied racks. The plaques for rafted cross-section less than 5 cm is not recommended, and the width of the material is determined by its length. When calculating each detail draw attention to how large the risk of its deflection under the action of the standard load. The insulated duplex roof involves such an alignment of the rafter legs, which requires a minimal number of cuts on the heat insulation material.


Despite the presence of a wide range of roofing materials, a considerable part of the developers unconditionally trusts designs from the professionalist. Nothing amazing: It is he who combines those two qualities that painfully tried to docile many centuries - high strength and aesthetic perfection. Russians are especially appreciated by corrugated and for its resistance to snow and ice, for the minimum accumulation of solid precipitation on the surface. Additionally increase the design characteristics of the roof from the professional leaf will help the choice of blocks of two heterogeneous colors.

It should be noted that even quickly roll down raindling drops still produce a fair noise. So that living in the house did not feel at such moments in the inhabitants of the giant drum, they will have to lay out some amount for the purchase of noise insulation. When the clouds go and looks out of the sun, another problem appears - strong heating. To sunbathe, you need to take a soft tissue lining and go to shoes everywhere. And if the professionalist is damaged, corrosion will spread inside with a stunning speed.

Typical sheet mount implies its screwing to a substrate for 7 to 8 self-tapping screws. These fasteners arrange in a chess style, so the design of the roof is stronger. Nails for joining the professional flooring is prohibited, otherwise, at the first time, he will go to the flight. The skates are pressed by self-drawing to the vertices of the corrugations every 3.5 - 4 cm. The ends must be covered with windscrews, turning the same screws in 50 cm increments.

Important: It is necessary to work with a double roof very carefully, it is an extremely dangerous type of repair. Even if the steepness of the rods is small, and in the weather forecast, the total calm is specified, you can not climb up without a silent belt taking place to the steady parts of the buildings. All manipulations with a straightener are performed exclusively in gloves, you can not press it to yourself or others.

Do not:

  • throw off the damaged sheets from above, even warning about it (impact unpredictable);
  • leave a tool unattended;

  • touch the proflist and produce any work with it without workwear and protective points;
  • bend sheets

The bartal roof of polycarbonate is equipped almost exclusively over greenhouses and other secondary buildings. But even this circumstance and high transparency of polycarbonate does not give the right to treat its installation frivolous! The advantages of such a coating are the ease of mechanical processing and the excellent fortress, a variety of formed elements. The absolute exclusion of corrosion and bacterial infection will also delight. For installation, you will have to take the self-sample screws, which are able to compensate for the intensive thermal expansion of polycarbonate.

The monolithic type of coating at a thickness of 1.2 cm is recognized as anti-vandal: a large hammer blow does not leave visible damage. Resistance to snow and the wind will also be a tangible plus.

A cellular variety cannot boast such mechanical parameters, but it is much easier. The rafting frame under both types of polycarbonate is created mainly from wood.

Cellular sheets are used for arched and dome structures, and if you need to make the arch of a significant radius, you will have to additionally install:

  • supports;
  • pitch;
  • profile ribs stiffness.

Direct polycarbonate roofs are constructed over open terraces, arbors and small garden houses. The rafters are made from the boards with a thickness of 4 cm. Committed wood processing by antiseptic composition and antipirens. But staining in one way or another is left to the discretion of the homeowners themselves.

Much more often than from polycarbonate, roofs are built from a wooden bar.The most follow-up sizes of its blocks are 5, 8, 7-meter options. It is logical to use similar designs at home, which in general are made of timber - this will provide the perfect combination. It must be remembered that the high mechanical stability of such a material does not mean that it is permissible to load the excessive mass. Therefore, the first step in the calculation of the design is found, what can be the level of overload. Side baits are tightened on the top row - due to this, the pressure from the rafter lags is reduced.

The screed will have to make the details of the value of 15x10 cm. Siding is also used in the decoration of the bantal roofs (more precisely, their frontoths). Metal photographs are actively used as the main finishing material. Choosing it, you need to check the ratio of the width of the lower shelves and the ridge (if the ridge is smaller, the flow of water will be more active). It should also be assessed how correctly the lateral gutters are set, whether they are broken. Another important point is marked: the profile for walls and fences is unsuitable for riding work.

When working with a bartal roof, it is necessary to use good items.

When metal tile is used, they solve three main tasks at once:

  • the formation of a single whole instead of scattered blocks;
  • prevention of moisture penetration and foreign substances in the intervals of profile sheets;
  • improving the decorative qualities of the coating.

The most important detail of the tiled roofing of a modern sample is the skate barwhich provides docking of the rods, asked at an angle to each other. If there is no such bar, they are in different planes and the gap occurs through which precipitation and wind can penetrate. The metal tile most often put skates in the form of a semicircle with a radius of 7-12.5 cm. A more versatile solution is to use a trapezoidal or figured design. In the last two cases, it is possible to carry a wing by 15-30 cm, focusing on the shape of the roof and slope of the skates; The horse itself has with any configuration a length of 200 cm.

In addition to the skate, you will also need other details to help complete the construction of the upper roof assembly. Plank plugs (flat, cone or in the form of a tent) are used exclusively for semicircular skates. With their help, the visits to the underpants with birds is blocked, it is possible to avoid clogging.

The sealing substrate under metal tile helps guarantee particularly dense profile pressed to the roof base. Thanks to this, both rattling sounds and the penetration of water into the undercase space are excluded.

On the broken duplex roof, the strips of rtands are used, placed in negative angles.They will take precipitation flowing from closely placed rods and guide them into the drain. The internal bar is set under metal tile or other profile sheet. Outdoor placed on the already formed roof, and this item must be elegant externally - otherwise it will not perform its function. The end or wind strap is usually similar to the profile leaf bent into length, it joins the ends of the frontal knots.

The drip and the cornice bar are closely interrelated and protrude with additional parts of the drain system. The planks of the adjoining assembly provide a bundle between the roof coating and the elements protruding. Even if there are no chimneys, there will be antennas, intersections with walls and so on. In the Russian conditions it will not work out and without snow feet. Savings on any components of the roof turns into serious losses.

The metal roof with lightning protection is the only permissible option.Protection against lightning damage is achieved by the use of special discharge receivers made in pin or cable technology. It is advisable to consult with experts to ensure the reliability of the electrical contact of the roof throughout its entire. The rapid system as a whole and any wooden fragment separately is always treated with refractory reagents. The costs of such treatment are relatively small, while it reduces the probability of roofing fire to a minimum.

Often create duplex roofs from the profile pipe.

For the most part, such elements are canopies over:

  • car parking venue;
  • street and barbecue area;
  • pool;
  • terrace.

The pipe allows you to create a flawlessly strong frame, and a professional chief is mounted on it or polycarbonate. As a working platform, it is recommended to choose a smooth section of the soil. Coating this place with concrete or tile will improve decorative qualities, and accommodation on the elevated area will help get rid of problems with drainage.

The cross section of the profile pipe is determined by how significant the design is formed. If you take a profile of 6x6 cm, it is already bad to keep the canopies wider than 4 m and longer than 6 m. It is not necessary to choose round pipes for the columns - if the parts are connected at right angles, the square blocks will be even more practical. In addition to bolts and welding, clamps and threads can be used for mechanical binding of parts. Independent staining is not worse than branded, but by 30-40% cheaper.

Some homemade masters and even professionals believe that the roof of the attic of the mansard will be the right one will be lifted. The advantages of this material are its environmental safety, a comfortable price and an excellent appearance.

Cedar wood is characterized by a magnificent visual texture, in addition it is also as much as possible for health.

Pine array of strong and reliable, somewhat cheaper than billets from cedar.

It is also worth thinking about a pine, oak, ate or larch - each of these options have their advantages.


The calculation of the height of the roof is very important, and if they are mistaken with the definition of the sink dimensions, you can face problems when used.

Will the roof be low or large, depends on the set of subtleties and nuances:

  • climatic area parameters;
  • organizations attic under the roof or its absence;
  • type of filament material.

The heavier the coating created, the more steep it should be installed.With a decrease in the size of the unit element, the horse rises above. But we must not forget that raising the skate inevitably entails costs, and the amount of cost increases rapidly. Residential attic or an actively operated attic on sanitary standards cannot be less than 150 cm in height and 120 cm long. Exception is made only for very complex structures.

The two-tight roof occupies the average position between single and multi-sighted levels of complexity and convenience of operation. Reliable protection of the house from the rain, wind and snow, a wide variety of forms and simple installation - these factors made a row roof most popular in our country. Its assembly can be carried out both by professional craftsmen and beginner builders. The design is used in the erection of capital structures and for small architectural forms - arbors, baths and tourist houses in camping.

Device and basic elements of a double roof

The two-tie is the roof consisting of two planes of the rectangular shape located above the walls of the building and connected at an angle from above.

The popularity of the two-sheet roof is due to the simplicity of its manufacture

The sropling system is the supporting structure of the roof, the purpose of which is to:

  • hold the outer and inner roof covering;
  • uniform distribution of load on bearing walls;
  • forming a roof frame required to align the plane of the skate.

To understand and successfully apply in practice the principles of a two-sheet roof device, consider in more detail the basic elements of its design. In any case, the knowledge of the accepted professional terminology will help when choosing and calculating materials.

  1. Maurylalat. The reference beam installed on the wall. It is made of timber and brica coniferous wood. The purpose of Mauerlat consists in a uniform distribution of the roof weight on the carrier wall. The dimensions of the cross section of the bar are determined in accordance with the general dimensions of the roof, as a rule, it is from 10 to 25 cm in cross section. The mount is carried out by anchor bolts, metal threaded rods, brackets or wire. Between the Mauerlat and the surface of the wall, waterproofing material is stacked to prevent the contact of the hygroscopic stone and wood. Make Maurylalat can be made of solid array, crosslocked boards or glue timber.

    For mounting Maurolalat to the wall, you can use anchors, threaded studs, brackets or wire

  2. Stropil farms. The assembly of the rafter can be carried out both on Earth and directly on the roof. The farm is a triangle with specified sizes. Collect it from a boards or a bar with a thickness of 50 mm and a width of 150 mm. It is important to comply with technological tolerances when installing farms, since it is precisely the end configuration of the plane of the rods. The error of 1 cm at a distance of 0.6 m is considered unacceptable: the roof will be wavy, and the fit of the roofing material is uneven. The installation step rafters varies from 0.6 to 1.2 m.

    The assembly of rafting farms can be done both on Earth and directly on the roof

  3. Sill. This item is applied in the weed structures. As well as Mauerlat, it is installed on the support (inner) wall and serves to distribute the load from the racks under the skate run. The dimensions of the Lenz do not differ from the dimensions of Maurolalat, but there are exceptions (depending on the thickness of the wall).

    In the design of the two-tie roof, the litter is located on the middle support of the house

  4. Racks. Element serving to compensate for vertical loads. Racks connect skate and horizontal runs with ice and carriage beams. The thickness of the bar is selected depending on the overall roof design. Fasten it with nails, screws and metal brackets.

    Racks prevent the deflection of the rafted under load

  5. Rigel (tightening). Strengthen the rigidity of the triangular construction of the rafter and bind the rapid logs between themselves into a single frame.

    Rigel connects rafter lags and enhances the strength of the farm design

  6. The horse (or the ski run) is the top horizontal part of the roof, located at the intersection of two planes of the skates. The run is a solid massive beam connecting the rods along the entire length.

    All the upper points of the rafter farms are connected by a skate timber.

  7. Overhang. A part of the roof that protrudes for Maurylalat is 40-50 cm. Designed to protect walls from wetting. Under the skes, the drainage gutter is installed.

    Svet performs protective functions, closing the walls from dampness

  8. Grub. The outer part of the design that is laid on top of the rafter. It is performed from wooden rails or (in the case of soft roof) plywood, chipboard or OSB plates. The function of the doomle lies not only in fixing the roofing material, but also in strengthening the rigidity of the frame as a whole. Edged or unedged bored boards impregnated with antibacterial compositions are used. The thickness of the root varies from 22 to 30 mm.

    Before installing roofing on the rafter, a lamb is installed

  9. Fakes. An additional element that is used in cases where the rafting lags have an insufficient length for organizing a full-fledged sweep. For extension, rafters use boards or a bar of the same or slightly smaller size. Fix them with nails and screws.

    Fakes can be attached to rafters with bolts or nail bolts

  10. Substropical legs (sores). The struts performing the role of the binder between the beams and rapid legs. Move from places from boards and timber. In the country construction, the rhe is used with a small diameter (up to 14 mm) with stool flat ends.

    The main function of subcording legs (pylon) is to increase the rigidity of the rafter system

Video: Stages of construction of a rafter design

Options for the device of the rafter system

Depending on the location of the bearing walls of the building, one of the possible types of the rafter system is chosen:

  • coherent;
  • hanging.


The rolling system of fastening assumes the presence of an additional supporting wall of the house to which the weight of the roof is transferred. To do this, skidding runs and litter, connected by vertical racks. This type of construction enhancement is simple and effective, but it interferes with the arrangement of the attic space under the residential zone. Useful area decreases and additional trim costs arise. A good solution to the problem in this case becomes a samantic (which is a continuation of the wall and erected before the start of the formation of the roofing system), the frontone, which takes on the weight of the roof design. In addition, the inconvenience of the ultimate technology includes the need for long elements. Transport and install runs, the length of which is more than 6 m, without lifting technology is extremely problematic. There are four types of weed structures.

  1. Furgent rafters. There are three types of assembling such a design:
    • with a hard fastening to Mauerlat (the skate run connects to the riding rafted with a sliding fastening with an additional fixation of metal straps);

      Strong fixation rafters to Mauerlat provide metal brackets

    • with a slider mount to Mauerlat (the floating connection is duplicated by a flexible plate, the tops of the rafter are attached to the run or together in pairs);

      The slider mount is provided by a flexible plate installed in the top of the rafter farms.

    • with a rigid fastening of the rafter feet and the ridge of the roof in a single whole (with the help of additional boards).

      In this embodiment, all elements of a rafter farm are binding to a hard triangle

  2. Speed \u200b\u200brafters. Fastening the rafter feet to Mauerlat is rigid, but a horizontal run is added between the rapid legs. This design is an intermediate between the roller design and hanging. It is used in cases where the bearing wall is quite powerful and is able to withstand the expanding pressure from the roof. Sometimes a reinforced concrete belt is installed throughout the perimeter of the roof.

    Speaker rafters transmit driving loads from the roof to Maurylalat, so they apply only in cases where sufficient wall strength can be ensured

  3. Rafters with pins. The sink performs the function of an additional support, it is often referred to as the third rafter foot or a substropyle foot. It is installed at an angle of 45-50 o and does not allow to sign the main rafters. Using the pylon, it is possible to overlap spills with long distances (up to 15 m). The main thing in assembly is the accuracy in cutting the corners of the subposter in accordance with the sling of the rafter foot. Other calculations are not required. The tack is nailed to the bearing elements on both sides.

    Rafters with pins allow you to overlap the flights of long length

  4. Rafters on subcreen beams. Along the length of the roof, an extra beam is stacked, on which racks supporting rafters are based on. The same function is performed by liter and other walls of the house. If there are no runs, a separate rack is installed under each rafter foot. The tightening is installed below the run, thus eliminates the spacer. With the help of kits installed at the bottom, compensate for the weight of the weight of the rapid part of the rafter. Additional boards, connected, fix the position of the bout.

    To strengthen the design of the rafter in the circuit with a substropile beam, additional elements are used: tightening, riglels, bout and strip

Hanging rafal

Hanging diagram is applied in the absence of medium support. The rigidity of the roof is enhanced by installing bundles and riggers between adjacent rapid farms. Often this is the only way to arrange the roof, especially in cases with small overlap.

One of the essential advantages of this type of construction is the high strength and rigidity of the frame.When the suspension of the rafter system disappears the need to fix Maurylalat.

Hanging systems, as well as the urban, are divided into 5 species, each of which is three-shirt.

  1. Triangular three-stroke arch. The least costly option of the roof device. It is a triangle with a limited degree of load. There are two options for fastening rafters to the tight - orthogonal windshield and a bundle with the help of lamellar mounting elements.

    Rafters and tightening are fastened by the method of wrinkle or with the help of hard plates of wood or metal

  2. Three-walled arch with raised tightening. It is used in the device of attic rooms that are planned under the attic. The transverse tightening is installed in the top of the rafter farm. Mount to Mauerlat - slider. For good operation of the system, a long release of rafted over the walls of the walls is recommended. To compensate for the possible tightening, suspensions are used (one or more - by circumstances). If the tightening length is large, it is possible to splicing two brusons with a clamp.

    Floating mounting to Mauerlat removes tension from rafters, and the place of installation of the tightening determines the height of the attic room

  3. Triangular arch with grandmother and pan. In the case when the rafters have a very large length, additional pumps are applied to strengthen them. They reduce the likelihood of a deflection under the action of external loads and transfer the weight of the roof to the lower tightening. In addition, to the skate run, they suspend a grandmother, which supports the horse, and therefore contributes to an increase in the rigidity of the whole structure.

    The triangular arch with the grandmother and the pink applies with a very long length of the rafted, when you need to unload the ski knot and increase the rigidity of the entire system

  4. Treated Arch, enhanced by suspension or grandmother. This type of rafter design is used for roofs with large (more than 6 m) spans. Its essence is that the weight of the tightening is transferred to the ski run. They are connected by pendants, whose ends are clamped into the clamps. The pendant from the wooden bar is called a grandmother, and iron-heavy. With the help of bolts of the clamp, you can adjust the degree of tension, which is especially relevant in the case of a tightening.

    Pendants and grandmothers prevent tightening deflection, and the degree of tension of the fastener can be adjusted

  5. Triangular arch with Rigel. With high spacer loads at the top of the triangle, a rigle is added. He, in contrast to the tightening, compensates compression voltage. Rigel fastening does not allow a hinge compound with rafters. The tight is installed at the base of the structure.

    Horizontal rigle is installed to compensate for the spacer loads at the top of the rafter farm

Video: Mounting rafters for garage and bath

From what depends the height of the ridge of a bone roof

As noted above, the horse is the upper horizontal part of the roof formed by the crossing of the skates. Determining the height of the skate is one of the key tasks when designing the roof. The incorrect solution will attract a number of problems related to further operation.

  1. Climatic conditions of the region. These include the average annual level of precipitation, wind load and the height of the snow cover. Each factor introduces its own adjustments when choosing a roof height. So, protracted snow drifts and abundant rains suggest the rods of the skates more than 45 o, while the precipitates go with the roof rather quickly, not having time to cause damage. In the steppe zones, where stable winds dominate, it is customary to build the roofs of the roof, with a slope slope of not more than 10-12 o. Here, the roof with a low-scope design will last longer and will more effectively save heat in the house.
  2. The presence or absence of an attic room in the house design. Since the bartal roofs are of two types - with an attic or without it, when choosing an angle of inclination, you need to take into account the further stages of operation. One of the most common embodiments of the attic room is attic. To do this, use a special design of a two-tie roof, which is called broken and expands the useful area of \u200b\u200battic. The variant without a attic is more often used in the construction of garages, warehouse hangars and such structures.

    The roof without an attic overlap increases the size of the room, but has large heat loss

  3. View of the roofing material. Knowledge of the properties of the outer coating affects the optimal choice of slope and the height of the skate. Here are some basic rules:

It is necessary to take into account the fact that raising the skate is accompanied by additional financial expenses. For example, a construct with a bias of 40-45 degrees will cost 1.5-2 times more expensive than the roof with rods of 10-12 degrees. With a further increase in the angle of inclination, the cost increases in geometric progression.

The importance of correctly determining the height of the roof ridge in each particular situation is difficult to overestimate. She did not remain without the attention of regulatory building documents.

Collection of Rules and Tables Snip 01/23/0199 and SP 20.13330.2011 Details reflect the requirements for the construction of roofs in various climatic zones.

There are also regulated the minimum sizes of instepical attic (residential attic). Not only the convenience of the room for human life, but also fireproof norms is taken into account. The sizes of the attic should not be less than the required minimum for the prevention and maintenance of the roof - 1.5 m in height and 1.2 m in length. It is allowed to narrow the passes in complex compound structures by 35-40 cm.

There are two ways to determine the height of the skate:

  1. Graphic in which the accurate drawing is used on a specified scale.
  2. Mathematical - with the help of geometric formulas, expressing the dependence of the height of the skate on the length of the roof and angle of inclination.

The third one can be called an automatic method of calculating using online calculators, which are replenishing the Internet today. But with all respects for modern computer technologies, it is necessary to make a report in the fact that in case of an error or inaccuracy of the calculations, no one will suffer responsibility for in vain spent money.

Therefore, it is better to still perform calculations yourself. Geometric calculations are made according to the formula H \u003d L ∙ Tg A, where H is the height of the skate, L is half the length of the span, and the TG A is the tilt of the slope angle, whose value can be taken from reference tables.

To determine the height of the skate you need to know the size of the base and the tangent of the angle of inclination

Table: Tangent values \u200b\u200bof different angles for calculating a two-sheet roof

Types of two-sheet roofs

Above, we looked at the variants of the double roofs from the point of view of the internal structure of the structure. Now we will analyze their external structure.

Roof with different angles of slope

The roofs with different slopes are called asymmetric. More often they are used in small architectural forms, but there are cases and capital buildings with such roofing. The bottom line is that the building covers the roofs with different skate lengths. The number of skates does not change - they are also two, but the perception of the building as a whole is significantly changing. The construction becomes unusual, in its own stylish, acquires uniqueness and attracts people's eyes.

The elongated roof slide can be used to organize an additional functional annex, such as a garage

Despite additional difficulties in the construction of such a roof, the popularity of the design does not decrease. On the contrary, developers seek to give homes unusual, original forms. To do this, they use various architectural techniques, including roofs with different skit lengths.

Roof with a hearing window

Hearing windows bring a unique flavor to the exterior of the building and are very useful in a practical sense. With their help, the problem of illumination of the attic is solved, as well as natural ventilation without attracting additional technical means. Installing auditory windows is a difficult, requiring knowledge and skills. Initially, the hearing window was considered a glazed opening in the front of the roof, but today the range has expanded, the windows mounted into the rocks are also attributed to this category. In appearance, the auditory windows are divided into:

  • mansard;
  • single one;
  • two-screw;
  • arched;
  • walm;
  • french flat;
  • with side walls in the house plane;
  • without side walls in the house plane;
  • with side walls not in the plane of the house.

Each type of auditory window is installed in its technology.

Of all the listed categories, only mansard windows can be installed both at the time of the roof and after construction. The rest are constructed simultaneously with the assembly of the rafter design. This is due to the need to organically embed a window in the support system, which should withstand climatic loads and not cause leakage or roof breaks.

The auditory window should fit into the overall support system of rafters and withstand all the loads acting on the roof

Installation of auditory windows is performed in accordance with the regulatory documents SNIP 11-26 and SNiP 21-01.

They negate the conditions under which you can install a hearing window:

  • the valid slope slope is at least 35 o;
  • the maximum permissible size of the window with drop-down sash is 1.2x0.8 m;
  • the hearing window on the roof with a holm construction and a rectangular facade cannot be in the same plane with the walls of the structure;
  • for outdoor windows, a tile can be used, copper, leaf steel.

You can install an auditory window yourself or contacting professionals. But in any case, it is necessary to comply with the general construction rules developed by the profile organizations.

Roofs with "cuckoo"

"Cuckoo" is a built-in design in the form of a protruding window or balcony. The appearance of such a structure is beneficial from the surrounding houses, and the indoor planns of the attic is transformed and becomes more interesting. In addition to the aesthetic advantages, "Cuckoo" increases the useful volume and area of \u200b\u200bthe residential floor, increases the level of natural lighting. The window located on the south side of the roof contributes to the penetration of the attic of direct sunlight. Improve the ventilation of the room.

The design of "Cuckoo" creates an original appearance and increases the area of \u200b\u200billumination of the attic, but requires a thorough calculation to preserve the roof bearing

But there is a "cuckoo" and shortcomings, mostly financially:

  • increases the complexity of installation work;
  • increases the overall estimate of the construction of the roof;
  • there is a need to use the services of qualified designers and builders.

The illiterate installation of the remote window (or balcony) on a two-tie roof may cause damage to the roof and the formation of leaks.

Rough with big swells

The roof, far-leaving the house, is called the roof chalet. The technology is borrowed from Europe - from the mountain alpine regions of France and Switzerland.

One of the features of the roof of the "chalet" type is the increased size of the roofing sinks

Distinctive features are considered the first floor, isolated from stone, and the second floor, fully made of wood with a volumetric canopy bone roof and large deposits. The originality of the exterior is combined with the practicality, due to the formation of a large area around the house, protected from snow and rain. Such a solution reliably protects the walls of the house from wetting, increases sound insulation indoors. The facade side is often equipped with windows and balconies of full length. Despite the impressive dimensions, the roof is practically not driving the building. If the removal of the roof exceeds 3 m, its edge additionally rests on columns or walls. There are numerous projects in which the rafters smoothly descend to the earth itself. Next to the structure, an additional insulated area is formed, which is used for utility purposes, as a car parking, etc.

Traditionally, the roofs are covered with a shingle, but for our latitudes it is a very expensive material (oak, split on tiled plates). Therefore, today for such roofs use modern natural and synthetic materials, including:

  • straw or reed;
  • flexible or ceramic tile;
  • composite stylized roof;
  • dranco or gear from larch.

Shifted roofs

The avant-garde direction in architecture includes roofs designed according to the principle of asymmetry. The horse is shifted from the central axis of the building, due to which the roof sometimes acquires the most fantastic outlines.

Despite the bizarre form, the roofs with a displaced center regularly perform their functions.

Formally such a drawing can be considered one of the varieties of roofs with different angles of slopes. In practice, this technique is used in cases where the internal support walls are not in the middle of the building. The displacement is due to the desire of the designer to open the rafter design as a reliable way and reduce the costs of gaining a hanging span.

Choosing roofing materials

Of all possible options for roofing coat, the most common materials are artificial materials. The table below presents the comparative characteristics of the main coatings presented in the construction market.

Table: properties of roofing materials

Name of materialThe angle of slopeFireproof levelNoise insulating propertiesSpecific weight, kg / m 2Service lifePriceThe level of complexity of the assemblyThe complexity of repair and replacementDisadvantages of material
Professor12-90 O.Tall5,7–9,4 30–35 LowNoise, corrosion exposure, large waste on the roof of complex shape
Asbicated slate12-60 O.TallAverage (but higher than the metal types of roofing)10–15 25–30 LowMiddleLight, replacement of a damaged plotThe presence of asbestos harmful to humans. Fragility covered with moss.
Ondulin15-90 O.LowHigh6–6,5 35–50 LowEasy installation that does not require high qualificationsLight, replacement of a damaged plotColor is guaranteed for 5 years, low decorative properties.
Ceramic tile15-60 O.TallGood40–100 up to 100.Very highLight, replacement of a damaged plotThe only drawback is the fragility of the material on the break
Cement-sand tile15-60 O.TallGood18–30 up to 100.HighComplex, requires qualificationsLight, replacement of a damaged plotNot
Metal tile.from 14 O.TallLow (especially with illiterate assembly)3,5–5 40–50 LowEasy installation that does not require high qualificationsLight, replacement of a damaged plotLarge overrun of material when installing a complex roof. Sounded corrosion.
Soft (bituminous) tilefrom 15 O.TallGood3–4 30–40 AverageEasy installation that does not require high qualificationsLight, replacement of a damaged plotThe composition contains bitumen, carcinogenic substance.

In addition, under the construction of roofs, such non-standard types of coatings, as straw, reed or jammed, are sometimes used. But this phenomenon is rather possible to call the exception from the rules and tribute to ancient traditions, these materials do not have a mass application.

Laying the roof from the root requires large and painstaking labor and is more likely to exotic options.

Projects of houses with a double roof

Most developers, choosing a ready-made project of a house or cottage, pay attention to the functional features of the structure and the shape of the roof. And it is no coincidence. The cost of the roof can be up to 30% of the total estimates. But the budget can be noticeably reduced, if you change the shape and choose inexpensive roofing materials. In this regard, the two-sheet roof has an explicit advantage over the rest. And so today it is the most sought-after. Here is not a complete list of advantages of a two-sheet coating at home:

  • any construction, including complex multi-level buildings, can be covered with a roof with two slopes (without prejudice to the appearance and internal comfort);
  • the installation of the roof will cost much cheaper due to the ease of installation and availability of materials (without prejudice strength and reliability);
  • when coating with metal tile, the amount of waste will be minimal (for example, in the hollow roof, waste can be up to 30%).

Architectural and construction organizations have a huge number of finished projects, and for small money we are finalized by customers.

Photo Gallery: Ready-made options for houses of houses with a double roof

One-storey house of economy class, covered with a two-tie roof, refers to the most inexpensive and most popular option for country housing
Mansard windows partially replace artificial lighting on the attic floor
In a two-story house you can make a low horse and a small attic room
High bartal roof allows you to organize full-fledged residential areas on the attic floor

Individual design (including independent) is mainly carried out to build houses with double roofs and improved layout, such as:

  • single-storey residential buildings with increased dimensional sizes;
  • dersighted houses with lug-earth and without;
  • two-storey houses with attic and mansard rooms.

Deciding with the necessary accommodation parameters and financial capabilities, you can independently or with the help of specialists to create your own project of your dream home.

Double roof for gazebo

The wonderful invention of our ancestors is a gazebo. Relaxation outside the city, family celebrations, meeting guests in the country area and picnics are just a brief listing of those functions that are associated with a gazebo. It is possible that that is why such a structure is present in almost every country site. One of the main components of the arbor is the roof.

The two-sheet roof reliably protects the gazebo from the rain, dust and fallen leaves and gives it a kind of fairy tale

Arbors are built with various types of roofs, but the most popular are precisely twin.

Photo Gallery: Arbors with Double Roofs

The bartal roof of the summer gazebos reliably tightens the visitors to camping from rain or direct sunlight
Skating offset is used to install additional supports for rafters that will not interfere with the input and output.
Built in the gazebo oven turns it into a small summer cafe
Arbors can be applied in parks and recreation areas to cover visitors from snow, rain or heat

The principles of the construction of the roof above the gazebo are largely identical to the fact that they are used in the construction of residential buildings. The difference lies only in the support device: the roof is not on the walls, but on columns or vertically installed bars.

Types of duplex roofs for arbors are identical in design with roofs of ordinary houses

Construction of the arbor can serve as a good experience before the construction of a large double roof with its own.

Assembling a single-table roof, of course, faster and easier. But giving preference to the classic duplex roof, the building owner simultaneously acquires a more durable coating and an attic room, which over time can be turned into a residential attic. The initial costs with interest will pay off, and the house will acquire a distinctive and at the same time an attractive appearance.

Many people often have to deal with the problem of choosing the most suitable form. The reason is very simple - modern technologies allow you to equip the roof not only with any complexity of the design, but also as soon as possible. Choosing this or that design, it should be repeated immediately from a number of certain factors: its durability and reliability, as well as the ability to prevent the penetration of precipitation into the inner houses of the dwelling. To some extent, these indicators affect the shape of the roof itself.

Draft single-storey private house with a bone roof

It is worth noting that roofing structures that differ in particular complexity of the form will not necessarily have high strength indicators. Even the use of high-quality materials cannot be a guarantee that the roof joints will not begin to gradually flow. Among other things, the roof with a lot of Ryubers and joiners will cost much more expensive than the roof of a simpler form.

Based on the foregoing, the optimal option for the construction of the house will be the construction of a double roof, which due to its easy and familiar design, does not cause various difficulties during the installation.

Bartal roof house

The bartal roof represents two inclined surfaces by its design, which are oriented along the long sides of the house, thereby forming a horse at the top. The design from both sides is limited using triangular walls called tongs or frontones.

Drawing of a conventional duplex roof at home

This kind of roof is perfectly combined with any home of the rectangular shape. Among its main advantages should be allocated as follows:

  • high-quality ventilation attic;
  • simple and light design of the rafter system;
  • high level of strength that allows you to cover the roof with almost any roofing material;
  • a large angle of inclination of the slopes, which prevents the accumulation of precipitation on the roof surface.

Installation of roofing design

Due to the fact that summer houses possess, mostly, very simple architecture, the double type becomes the best option for arranging the roof. A remarkable feature is that the construction of such a roof you can fulfill on your own.

One of the most important issues in the construction of a country cottage is always the choice of the type of roof. The change in the design of the charter system significantly affects the total cost of construction work and materials. The optimal option in most cases are typical projects of houses with a two-tie roof. They provide for the presence of an attic floor that expands residential space for 2-3 rooms.

Advantages of a two-sheet design

In addition to affordable prices, the option of the roofing system with two slopes has the following advantages:

  • large selection of sheet and piece materials for isolation and external finish;
  • simplicity of design - the term of the roofing work is reduced;
  • rational use of materials - a minimum of waste during the installation of the roof;
  • ensuring the desired level of ventilation and illumination of the attic due to the installation of an additional window on the roof scap.

Private houses from the bartal roof are thought out to the smallest detail, their projects are usually cheaper, so more in demand in the market. Such housing is built in 1 or 2 floors, with the possibility of location on the basement of the garage or bath.

With the correct calculation of the angle of inclination of the rods on the roof in winter, snow will not accumulate, this will avoid moisture from entering the roofing material during thaw. Therefore, to trust such work follows only by professionals. The magnitude of the optimal angle of inclination is affected by the magnitude of wind loads and the average precipitation in the region.

Selection of projects of houses with a double roof

If a simple roof design seems to be too laconic, then it can be denied one of the slopes. It will be a canopy above the terrace and will protect it from sunlight or precipitation. Multi-line roofs are popular today, having a complex design with protruding elements.

You can choose the finished project of a two-sheet home in our catalog. We collaborate with many construction firms that after the application will be erected for you by the cottage in Square and layout. Just order a preliminary miscalculation of estimates with different roofing options, which will allow in the future to save the budget allocated for real estate construction. Possible adaptation of the project plan for the customer's needs.